Petro Poroshenko - Ukrainian Businessman and Politician HARDtalk

Petro Poroshenko - Ukrainian Businessman and Politician

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More bulletins throughout the night. Now it is time for HARDtalk.


Welcome to HARDtalk. Ukraine had an historic opportunity this week to


move towards full integration with the European Union. European leaders


wanted to steal and Association agreement, which would draw one of


your's largest nations firmly into Brussels or a bit. But Ukraine's


president walked away from the deal in favour of closure ties with


Russia. Why? My guest is Petro Poroshenko, billionaire Ukrainian


businessman and former minister. East or west? Where do Ukraine's


real interests lie? Petro Poroshenko, welcome to


HARDtalk. Thank you. How surprised were you when the President decided


to pull the plug on the Association agreement with the European Union.


Good afternoon and good evening, I think that this is very important.


Until now, we do not have any opinion of the President. That is an


interesting fact. It was only the decision of the government. It is


quite content for the viewers to understand what is the difference


between the Prime Minister and the President. All of the power is


focused in the President. So you do not doubt it was the President


himself who decided to walk away from the deal? First of all, when it


happened, the government decision, it was a big shock to everybody. For


the Ukrainian people, for the Ukrainian politicians, for the


European leaders. It seems to me that the Russians do not know how to


command that. They did not have any way to welcome that. That what do.


So you were shocked. But now that you have heard the basic affirmation


from the Ukrainian government, who said that they felt it was in


Ukraine's national`security interest not to sign this deal and that they


would look towards the customs union deal with Russia and the former


Soviet states, because they said that would restore lost production,


output, trade and relations. Can you understand the decision? No. Neither


me nor the Ukrainian politicians or Ukrainian people, nobody can


understand that. We do not have any danger if we signed the Association


agreement with the European Union. The main motivation for me as the


Ukrainian politician as a Ukrainian citizen is stronger voting for the


necessity to reform my country. We are simply not competitive. They


have big problems from the point of view of democracy, freedom of


speech, freedom of press. The valuer talking about is the Russians? Some


people inside the Ukrainian government. I am not commenting on


any Russian steppes. Russia is acting in their own interests. They


have an idea about global Russia. From that point of view, the Russian


step is totally logical. But you are one of the Ukraine's biggest


businessmen. You know almost better than anybody in your country that


you cannot divorce the decision taken by the Ukrainian government


from the stands taken inside Russia. Russia is putting enormous pressure


on the Ukrainian government not to do this deal with the EU. For sure.


I know that. I was the foreign affairs Minister. I was the Minister


for the economy. I am one of the biggest Ukrainian symbols. You are


known as the King of chocolate. I will spare your blushes. But your


confectionery as this is huge. You also own shipyards, automakers, a TV


station, you are a billionaire businessman. You know the pressure


from the Russians. The Russians declared that your chocolates would


have longer safe to eat inside Russia. They banned export from the


countries. `` country. You know precisely why the Ukrainians decided


that they could not afford to do this. That is true. But when Russia


declared the band, the next day we made a top world laboratory for


making and international independent assessment. Russia received 40


reports from the top laboratories in the world. Not a single country in


the world can confirm the Russian decision. I am not suggesting that


your chocolate was poisonous. That is not the point I am trying to


make. What I am trying to get at is this. You know, because your


business suffered real losses, that Russia has enormous power. Russia is


the single biggest trading partner of Ukraine. When Russia imposed


these restrictions and controls on various Ukrainian exports, trade


went down 25%. Your economy is in a total mess, partly because people


fear the Russia factor. What choice did the President have? In the end,


the Russian economic pressure, intimidation if you want to put it


that way, was extreme. Russia wants to use the economic influence on the


political decision. If you're talking about 25% of the drop in


turnover, they had some positive figures. Russia supplied to the


Ukraine 30`40% less the natural gas. Ukraine becomes more energy


efficient. But Ukraine still owes a huge amount of money. Mr Putin


indicated in direct talks that if Ukraine was to leave Europe behind


and look towards the Russian customs union, there would be a reward. They


would be a carrot. A lot of the debts would be written off. I would


not use reward, but bright. `` bribe. Should we use this price for


building up democracy, we should pay this price. Without bringing in new


technology, without bringing in the CSS are investment, Ukraine will not


be competitive. `` necessary. I am talking about the short`term. We


have two choices. The first tourist is signed with the Association


agreement. Second step, providing enough money from the IMF will help


us for providing reform. It will help the energy economy giving up


the advantage. Cooperation with the International monetary fund, the


World Bank, the AFC and a lot of institutions. It would bring $1


billion. It would help us solve the economy. In the other way, the


association with Russia. We have the short`term positive by adoring the


gas prices. But it is not. `` nothing. Without reforms, it is just


a couple of years of softening the situation. In the middle term


strategy, it is more difficult problem. But it is incumbent on you


to explain how you would deal with the Russian relationship if the


Ukraine had gone ahead with the Association agreement. One man talks


about the politics and political pressure, talking about


full`scale's stance towards Kiev, how do you overcome the politics?


The relationship cannot last forever. We are such a closed


country. We have a common history. Russia depends on the Ukrainian


market in the same way that Ukraine depends upon Russia. With respect,


you are talking the language of give and take and reason. I was at a


conference recently that you were at well in Yalta. One of the Kremlin's


key advisers look you in the Eye and said, understand this, if you go in


the direction of Europe, you will suffer the consequences. He said


that in Russia we will see no reason to abide by our long`standing


treaties with the Ukraine. In other words, he was threatening that there


could be deep instability, maybe even some of the ethnic Russian


parts of your country might receive some support and assistance from


Moscow. He suggested that if you did not do what Moscow wanted, there


would essentially create conflict between Moscow and Kiev. Thank you


for reminding me of this. It was an interesting dialogue. It was not


really dialogue. It was a clear message from Russia that Ukraine


should know its place. First of all, I am a citizen of the Ukraine.


Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state. I am fighting for


the right of the Ukraine, the government, the presidency, the


people, the Parliament, to make a decision by themselves. We cannot


make any decision from Moscow or Brussels. We will listen to advice.


But we are fighting for our rights and make a decision for ourselves.


If anyone wanted to make the pressure on Ukraine, that is what


results. Would you accept some responsibility for the fact that the


Ukraine looks like the pretty dysfunctional country today with


deep levels of corruption, with a real split between East and West,


North and South, with the Russian speaking parts of the Ukraine in a


difficult place. Would you, as one of the oligarchs of the country,


would you accept some responsibility that for the last decade, the


Ukraine has not been serious about reform? Let us divide the question.


If you are talking about corruption and the awful situation in the


Ukrainian court system and the absolutely wild bureaucracy. That is


exactly the biggest problem. You are part of a status quo that are set to


itself, as long as we can make money and profit, we will live with


Ukraine we have got. If you know a little bit to about my history, I


was fighting against corruption most of the time I was in the opposition.


The only reason for me to be in politics was to help my country. I


tried to do my best. I had some results. Including the Association


agreement. The free trade agreement with the European Union. I am sure


that to solve the problem of corruption, to build up the


democratic society, we should just modernise the country under the


rules of European Union. It can be simple to do the reforms. But if


you're talking about the country divided by language between East and


West and the sympathy to the West and Russia. I am happy to inform you


that this is not true any more for the past five months. Why? Because


of Russia. If you remember, I said that the united the country. Is that


true? We see hundreds of people who wants to form a new protest camp.


Ask yourself, how many Ukrainians are really prepared to go back onto


the streets to fight for a European future? First of all, they do not go


to fight. I merely political sense. I do not mean that they will take up


arms. Is there a possibility that we could see scenes in Kiev reminiscent


of that orange revolution? Coming back from the previous topic, first


of all, for this for months, the nation is united. Four months ago,


only 40% of people supported European integration. Now, the


figure is completely different. We have 68% from the last poll. 68% of


Ukrainian people supporting the European integration. This is a


national idea to unite the country. I am happy about that. And to my


question. If two thirds of the people support the European


solution, what will they do about the fact that the government has


gone the other direction? Will they now be some sort of mass public


protest movement? This is exactly what we had a possibility to see


yesterday. I was an organiser of this meeting. I was addressing


200,000 people in the square. That was demonstrating that Ukrainian


people are not... They hate the 80 that somebody would steal their


dreams, European dreams. Steel that hopes. It was bad weather, but they


understand it now. If you see the pictures, it is self explaining.


When the police start to remove the people, people standstill, because


it is impossible to stop the people when the right to have a thousand


people protesting. `` when there are 200,000 people protesting. They sent


a direct message to the President. They said, the door of the European


Union is still open, they can still sign the agreement. It will not be


the responsible to the foreign affairs Minister. He should follow


the 68% of his people. You say the Doris still open, you obviously want


this whole question to be revisited over whether the Ukraine can find a


way into the European cloud. The recently as we have not talked


about, that is the situation surrounding the former president.


Some Europeans said it would not be a deal until you've yet to machine


to us released. Do you think the Europeans got that wrong? They


should not have made her such an issue for European citizenship?


Attractive explain the situation. The EU has tracked to put in place a


system. They have not said if it was guilty of not guilty. They have said


that during the court process, there was no right to defend themselves.


It is unacceptable for the European rules of law and European


politicians. Among the 11 criteria which were established in the


December summit, the Ukrainian position was number one. We


demonstrated a strong focus on other questions. She is still in jail. We


should find a way to compromise. The fate of the nation, the biggest


nation in Europe by Territorians cannot depend on the fate of one


person. You are suggesting that they can be away for Ukraine to do this


deal with Yulia Tymoshenko still in jail. We have a direct letter to the


President saying, please make a public declaration that you will


sign, on the 20th of November, the agreement. If you publicly declare


your intent. She did say that, and she wanted the agreement even if she


were still in prison. Almost certainly now they will not be in


agreement. It seemed extra narrowly unlikely that the President will


change his mind. Can there be a bit more romantic and think that 200,000


people, millions of Ukrainians, will try to use this last week until the


summit to arrange the conditional, should the President signed the


agreement? You think it is possible? I think it is. Otherwise I could not


go to 100,000 people and ask for their support. We will do our best


to sign it. Let us suppose it is not happen. Will you leave? You are one


of the richest and best known men in the Ukraine. Will you leave the


opposition movement, and would you put yourself behind Yulia


Tymoshenko, even though she is in prison, as the leader of an


opposition movement? You asking me the political question. I am trying


to deliver you the information that we European integration is not only


a political question. People are not supporting any political leader, it


does not matter, they came there without political slogans, just to


demonstrate that the main purpose for them was to unite the country


the association agreement without any preference to a politician. This


is not the last day. I would hate the idea to postpone it. They can


try to release you some further information. At the end of February,


most probably will take place, the next summit between the EU and the


UK. If we have no possibility to sign this agreement, that was the


last date when we had the European Parliament still in force. They will


lodge their election campaign. The old Commissioner from the European


Commissioner, and all the European politicians who demonstrate the


decision to save can happen at the end of February. We will work hard.


It is impossible but only the opposition or President could be


signing the agreement. We need unification, unification for the


countries and for the political agreement. I salute your optimism.


You are forgetting one thing, the power of Russia. Vladimir Putin in


particular. Here are some words from the open Europe foundation. The


lesson of all of this is that the EU's soft power diplomacy has its


limits. Playing carrot and stick does not work when you come up


against the real hard power of Russia. This is a highly significant


moment. That is the truth, is it not? Iama had a percent supportive


of this idea. The Ukraine could not stay like it is today. He cannot


change is geography. It will always be next door to Russia.


Unfortunately, I present you with a negative proposal. If the Ukraine to


sign in the near future, the association agreement with the


European Union, because of the difficult financial system and the


economic situation, because next year it is the preparatory year for


the election, because of a list of factors, the Ukraine will remain in


the orbit of Russia. That is not good for the Ukraine. That will be


the Ukraine's destiny. I have nothing against Russia. Russia do


what they understand of Russian interests. But this is not Ukrainian


interests. We go not from Russia, but from the Soviet Union. Russia


needs reform, just like the Ukraine. Thank you for being on harmful.


HARDtalk. Very little change with the weather


this week, it is all because we are still keeping hold of this area of


high pressure. It will keep things mainly dry across the UK. Wormholes


appear overnight in the cloud will see some patchy frost and fog. It


will turn coldly and by the end of the week. The central slice of the


UK will see most of the clear spells. A cold start here this


morning. On either side, a bit more cloud, not quite as cold. Towns and


cities around


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