19/03/2014 HARDtalk


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Welcome to HARDtalk. Here at the Bulgarian Embassy in London. My


guest today is Bulgaria's President, Rosen Plevneliev. His is one of the


EU member states that is most dependent on Russia for energy


needs. What did he make of EU moves to toughen sanctions against Moscow


over the Crimea crisis? Can the EU afford to get tough with Russia?


President Rosen Plevneliev, welcome to HARDtalk. Thank you. Can the


European Union really afford to get tough with Russia over Crimea? We


have seen a major breach of international law that leads to


losing trust. When you lose trust with someone, you need to act. Act


in what way? Tougher sanctions? Is that something you would like to see


the EU do? Widen the circle of travel bans, asset freezes? I do not


think we should be fighting a war, I do not think we should be going back


to the Cold War. In the 21st century, such things are impossible.


You cannot send your troops, you cannot occupy the territory of an


independent state and you cannot organise illegal referendums in


order to annex territory in front of the global community, that is


impossible. We need to stand to our values and act with a strong voice


and clear actions. That is the difficulty though, isn't it? To act


with one clear, strong voice. The EU is not getting tough with Russia, is


it? The sanctions against Moscow have been described as "pathetic" by


the former British Foreign Secretary, Malcolm Rifkind. We are


at the beginning of a long process. The game has changed. It has changed


for a long time. We have seen an aggressive and nationalistic Russia.


The answer is asymmetric but it is steady and clear. We need to have a


new policy towards Russia. The head of the Socialist party in Bulgaria


says, do not expect Bulgaria to be among the Hawks in the EU, our


country has no interest in sanctions against Russia which would be


harmful to several Eastern European countries including Bulgaria. Is he


right? What we have heard, that is the shape of the European Socialist


and the Bulgarian Socialist party. What we have heard is, basically, we


do not want to fight the European Union or Russia. I know it is not


your party, you are not from the Socialist Party. But just on that


point made by the head of the Bulgarian Socialist party, is he


right that Bulgaria cannot afford to have tough sanctions against Russia?


Your gas supply is 85% from Russia. Economics is one, the other is who


you are, what do you represent and what are your values? I represent a


nation which is the most pro`European nation in the world. A


nation with a vibrant society that wants democracy. This is telling me


that we should work and support and we should be fighting for a strong


European Union that stands against anyone who is blocking the


international rule of law. You want tougher sanctions then? Wider trade


economic sanctions, bring in Putin's inner circle on individuals who have


been identified for travel bans, you want to see more robust sanctions?


Yes or no? I want to see a strong Bulgaria committed to its values of


democratic and European development and I want to see a strong European


Union that is standing to support the society of Ukraine. To support


the peaceful democratic development and I have to tell you very clearly,


Crimea is, and will be, Ukrainian. Ukraine will be European. Bulgaria


during the Soviet area was one of the countries that was closest to


the Soviet Union. You say you want to be good EU citizens, how to you


do that as well as managing your relationship with Russia, which of


course is very important to you. That is clear but you have moments


of history and sometimes you don't. We do face today a moment of history


today for us, for our choice and our society, for Europe and the world.


What would you think if tomorrow we do have Russian minorities in other


countries? We do have them in Estonia. It could be possible that


they can call Moscow and Moscow will send troops into other countries? Is


that possible? We need to act and it is not just about numbers... You


have this condemnation by the fact of the matter it is difficult to act


against Russia. Isn't it? Particularly for the EU. Just look


at the difference between the EU and the United States in the economic,


trade and financial ties. Russian, American trade is about $30 billion


a year and the United States only exported about $9 billion worth of


goods to Russia. Russia and the European Union, not just energy, the


deep ties account for about $400 billion a year. So, the United


States can afford to get tough with Russia on sanctions but not be EU.


look at the numbers between the EU look at the numbers between the EU


and Russia, they are huge. But what we see, what we need is a new


policy. What we need to do is to work devotedly to diversify and to


make sure that they are dependencies will be used. That will not happen


overnight, will it? You get your gas through a pipe from Russia. You have


suffered in the past over disputes between Ukraine and Russia. Let me


put this to you, the acting Prime Minister in Ukraine, Arseniy


Yatsenyuk, has said Crimea is moving from a political government to a


military one. Do you see it that way as well? I do not want to see it


that way. I hope there will be no war there. The European Union,


because of that also, is sentenced to have a strong voice and clear


policy that is consistent and that is going to affect and that is going


to work. If there is no trust, then investors cannot trust anyone. They


will pull their money out. If there is no trust, if the markets are not


trusting any more, that might be a problem. If there is no trust, then


banks, it is difficult to be refinanced because we do not know


and we do not trust. The EU is adapting. Let me give you an example


for Bulgaria, what are we going to do. In my country, that will be a


process that will move across the whole region. We depend on the gas


supply at we want to change that. We will be building gas connectors very


quickly. That will take the few years, won't it? Just staying with


this military issue that Arseniy Yatsenyuk has raised, Bulgaria is a


member of NATO and has taken part in military exercises on the Black Sea.


Do you envisage any possibility of NATO asserting itself in these


waters to try and warn Russia from future escalation in this conflict?


What we need today in south`east Europe, definitely is more NATO. We


will be very active by working with our allies to secure our part. That


will upset the Russians. They are saying, Ukraine have fallen out with


the Soviet Union and become a member of the EU. And also become a member


of NATO. President Putin has said in a speech this week, he does not feel


that the west in particular understands Russia's mentality.


Their national interest. He likened the situation in Crimea to German


reunification. Does he have a point that perhaps, the Russians are


misunderstood by the Americans, by the EU? Let me give you and other


point which is very complimentary to what you just asked. You remember in


1993 when Ukraine was a nuclear armed force? And then the treaty


powers secured and took their signatures in a special agreement in


the press.(CROSSTALK). I am asking you a question. What do you think


about India? What you think about Pakistan? How do you feel about


other nuclear armed countries? Are they going to work in the future for


reducing the nuclear treaty on this planet if we have the example of


Ukraine where actually, an agreement was signed and then completely


breached? OK. You have made that clear. I want to look at Bulgaria.


You are the President of Bulgaria. You do have some limited powers.


Frankly, you have been a politician, and a Cabinet minister under the


government until 2011. Politicians are very unpopular in Bulgaria,


aren't they? Your ratings are very low. Absolutely! Why such a bad


reputation? The numbers for me are better than...(CROSSTALK). You are


absolutely right. Society today, it demands much more from politicians.


Civil society does not trust their political leaders and that is


unfortunate, but that is the truth. There were protests in my own


country which I have seen as a statement of positivity. Bulgarian


civil society sent a very clear message. We would like to see


effective institutions that turn to people, we would like to see our


state moving into more transparency and predictability. And actually,


politicians delayed some of the major reforms. That leads to


reducing the trust of people. You can restore that in a very simple


way. Do not promise everything. But what you promised, please deliver.


Part of the protests that you mentioned that were taking place,


Bulgaria is the poorest country in the EU. According to the World Bank,


the GDP is 55% below the average EU GDP. Politicians in Bulgaria have


failed the people. Successive politicians. We need to work hard. I


am sure that Bulgaria is on the right track. We have seen some


results. You cannot change today or tomorrow but we are on the right


track. The problem is every new government that comes in and says, I


am shifting priorities and changing everything because I am smart and I


want to do many things. You also have corruption which is a big


issue. 82% of Bulgarians believe there is corruption in public


institutions. And that corruption cases are not pursued vigorously


enough. Mark Gray in Brussels said in


January: What we have seen in Bulgaria in the last eight years are


steps in place, but we see the lack of people being brought to justice.


Failing to put people behind bars. That is what the EU is saying now.


Corruption is a live issue you have failed to tackle properly. We are


addressing it clearly. If you look at the numbers, what the EU Court


issued, with its statistics in 2013, you will see Bulgeria is more


effective. We see them coming to the country. We see that the mechanism


in the European communion is an effective tool to improve and


reform. It won't happen today or tomorrow, but we do have an


improvement. If you look at the worst statistics, published two


weeks ago, you will see corruption is a major problem all over the


world. You score at the bottom of the rankings in the EU. Why are you


so corrupt? Is that linked to the poverty in Bulgeria? High


unemployment, people who leave Bulgeria because they want to find


better opportunities elsewhere ` what is it about your country that


has put it in this plight? The way you fight corruption is simple. I am


pushing it from day one of becoming President. That is, open government


policies. Nothing to hide in regards to public money. We should stick to


this plan and in 2015 you will see a difference. You have countries in


the EU, France, the Netherlands, Germany, saying we don't want


Bulgeria to become part of the Schengen visa`free travel agreement.


They say they are not sure you can manage your borders and they are


worried about corruption. That is a big problem. We will see Bulgeria, I


hope soon. In a two`phase plan. We are working, based on restrictions


and rules in the area, and all requirements have been met. I'm sure


about that. Are you sure? The Foreign Minister of France said


Bulgeria is not able to secure its borders with non` EU members, for


instance with Turkey, and should be barred from entering the zone. They


are not favourable to this and there is a lot of work to be done. He's


not as optimistic. The numbers show a different situation. They show we


are keeping the borders with non` EU members, e.g. Turkey, in a much


better shape than other European countries. We would like this to be


acknowledged. You say that, but let me give you an example. You have a


border with Turkey and they have a border with Syria and the influx of


refugees from Syria entering Bulgeria via Turkey has gone up by


1000 and you now have something like 9000. We do have 10,000 in Bulgeria.


The numbers have gone up dramatically. We have hundreds of


thousands through other EU state borders. If you look at the numbers


again, we are performing much better than many other European states. The


issue of Syrian refugees in Bulgeria is related to the issue with the way


they have been treated in Bulgeria and you know the EU High Commission


for refugees had said you are not treating them very well. It is


saying that they are kept in deplorable conditions. Asylum


seekers, not just Syrians, lack access to basic services such as


food, healthcare, lengthy delays in registration, are deprived of basic


rights and are at risk of arbitrary detention. One I read that report


carefully. After the first days and weeks of this wave of Syrian


refugees entering, those were the facts and that was the truth. But,


it has improved. We were surprised in the beginning, by having 20`30


refugees per month, and then we had 1,000`2,000 per month. That was a


wave we weren't prepared for. If you look at the latest report, issued a


week ago, the same institution with their signature, is writing about


improvement. Your message is that we are improving. And, we should enter


the visa`free travel agreement. But, the way foreigners are treated in


Bulgeria raises an issue for you, particularly when the Bulgarian


government criticises the way Bulgarian citizens are treated in


the EU, where, in popular media, reports of them are that they are


coming to enjoy welfare benefits. You complain about that. And yet,


you do see the rather ugly side to anti`foreigner actions in your own


country. We saw a mosque being attacked, which you have condemned.


Attacks on Asians and Africans in this past winter. That should really


worry you. What is worrying me is that those things happened before


elections. There will be political views in order to make someone


important. Someone who is playing with people's fears. Someone who is


showing a nationalistic approach. That, to me, is not patriotic. I am


coming to the point, the President of France said something very


important, for Europe and for Russia, he said, patriots are those


who love their country, nationalists are those who hate the different.


That is what is happening. A member of the Equal Opportunities


Initiative in the capital of Bulgeria, Sofia, says that


nationalism is on the rise in Bulgeria. Absolutely I agree with


this. I am truly surprised how quickly that happens, because, a


year or two ago, we did not face such a situation. Bulgarians are


very tolerant people. We are so proud that we represent a tolerant


nation, which was the only one that saved, in 1943, its entire Jewish


population. Now we have, in the latest month and year, a negative


development by having nationalism on the rise. It is not just Bulgeria,


many other European countries. We see them on the march in the EU. How


do you fight them? It is through patriotism, not nationalism. That


means the devotion of all of us to stick with our views, work day and


night, remain tolerant and not play with people's fears. We see the same


scenario all over Europe. But, until you sort this problem out, it will


undermine your comments and those of the government when they say, we


think that Bulgarian citizens in the EU union are being unfairly


targeted. What we see in Europe is a campaign that was based on the same


way we see nationalism in Bulgeria working. They target Syrian refugees


in the same way as we have seen organised campaigns against


Bulgarians, Romanians, Slovakians, in different countries. The numbers


tell for themselves. In Germany, they have a problem with Bulgarians


Romas. Bulgarian citizens in Germany are unemployed at 7.4%. The Germans


are unemployed 7.7%. That tells me that Bulgarians in Germany run


better and perform better than the Germans in Germany, based on


education and employment. The OECD has said there is a rapid decline in


Bulgeria's population and a third of that is because of international


emigration, from looking at the figures of the last two years. When


are you going to see a future for your own people to stay in their own


country and enjoy peace and prosperity? In the next years, I'm


sure the wave of Bulgarians moving back to my country will be coming. I


talk to them wherever they are going in the world. As president, the


first thing I do is speak to them. I was in Qatar a week ago. Do you


think people from Britain will go back to have a better life that? We


saw already, I was in Germany, and we had 400 engineers moving back. An


objective process that has happened in all the other EU countries, and


we are now right in the middle of this process, we are moving in the


right direction, improving on the ground in terms of democracy,


infrastructure, rule of law, and they will come back. Rosen


Plevneliev, thank you for coming on HARDtalk. Thank you.


It is turning much colder. Still fairly mild and wet. The mild air is


being pushed away. The blue colour is taking hold of the map and the


cold air will be in place through the weekend. Temperatures start the


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