Rachel Dolezal - Civil Rights Activist HARDtalk

Rachel Dolezal - Civil Rights Activist

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Welcome to HARDtalk, I'm Stephen Sackur. What gives us our sense of


who we are? Well, our upbringing, our communities both have a huge


impact, but the most basic pillars of identity we tend to regard as


immutable - our gender, our race. At least, most of us do. But not my


guest today. As part of the BBC's special identity season, she's


Rachel Dolezal, the ostensibly black American human rights activist,


whose life unravelled last year when it turned out she was the daughter


of white parents. Is our racial identity something we can define for


ourselves? Rachel Dolezal, welcome to HARDtalk.


Thank you. Let's begin with the here and now. You have been through the


most tumultuous, difficult year. You have, in certain sections of the


American media, being vilified, you've lost friends - just explain


to me what life is like for you today? Well, certainly, it is


different than it was a year ago, the same time. It's different in


that I'm not able to do the same work that I was doing, which was


very active in racial and social justice work with NAACP, with the


police ombudsman commission. And to remind people who don't know, you


were president of the Spokane Washington State chapter of the


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, it


was an important position. Right. Absolutely at the centre of local


civil rights issues? Right. And in an unpaid position, along with the


other unpaid position I was in over at the time was the chair of the


police ombudsman commission for the city, for police accountability and


transparency. Which is, again, another national civil rights issue


going on in America. And my other two jobs, the ones that were paid,


were being a professor of black studies at the Eastern Washington


University Africana programme, and also I was writing for The Inlander.


And you lost all those positions, one way or another you lost them


this all? Right. And how do you make money today? To be quite honest, I'm


running right up to the end of my unemployment, and have just secured


a book deal so I will be writing through the summer for that but it


has been very tight circumstances financially for the last year. For


an outsider like me, it seems, in a sense, straightforward. You lost all


those positions and you ran into a storm of controversy because you had


passed yourself off as something you were not - that is, a black American


woman activist, when, obviously, you were a woman activist but it seems


you weren't black in the way people thought you were. Well, I guess some


people treated June --ed the media expose about my identity, a big


frenzy, as like an outing - like, I was outed as a white woman.


Personally, how I experienced it was more that it wasn't a coming out, it


was being put back in the closet, only a closet that has glass walls.


I mean, really, it was being told - the world being told that I was


something that I'm not, that I don't identify as. So, uhm, I felt like it


was really not the entire world's business who my biological parents


were or how I was born or what my whole childhood story was. But I


guess the point was, and you outline them in the posts you have, an


academic study of race issues, you had those posts and were appointed


to them on the basis that you were a black American. But then, you know,


pictures came out of... Well, not necessarily. I mean, you know, for


example, there's no qualification for the NAACP that you have to be


black in order to be president of a NAACP chapter and there's not an


application - it is an elected office. I guess, no, obviously it's


true, there's no requirement that you have to be, but your back story


and the way you presented yourself on social media and everything else


suggested that you were sort of biologically black, you know. You


presented pictures of a man who you described as your father, who was a


black individual. You presented pictures of your son, you said he


was your son, and he was clearly a black young man. But he wasn't your


biological son as it turned out. I mean, these, to many people, seemed


like deceptions. Right, I understand that that's how it seemed to people.


But I - I don't believe that those actually were presented in a way -


you know, I regret that my story was handled in a way that created a


larger misunderstanding about who I really am as a person. And, yes, I


still do have a father figure who is not biologically my father, but I


call him "Dad", and my son, you know, still is my son, and I have


documentation of having full custody of him and legally how that came


about... Legally, I know you have full custody of him, but... Right.


.. He in fact was the adopted brother of yours, he was adopted by


your white parents. As an infant. That's right. He's my son. That


makes sense to you? He's my son. Yeah I mean, biological or not, he's


my son. People, including me, of course, researching this, people


have seen the pictures of you as a girl, you know, a blonde, Montana


girl. Your parents say, you know, "We're completely of European stock,


Czech and German stock". Explain to me, how as a girl and a young woman,


you became so sure that your self-perception, your identity, was


that of a black person? Well, it's... It's really something that's


always been with me. From as early as I can remember, I saw myself as


black. And I think that some people still are perpetuating black as


under kind of a colonnial definition of something that is only racialised


physical features, but with regard to the larger, broader definition of


"Black" being a state of mind or "White" being a state of mind, or


philosophy, culture, all of these things kind of interacting, this is


how I saw myself as a young girl, this is kind of always something


that has resonated with me and nurtured me and so ... But if - if


black is a state of mind in your view, I'm wondering why it was so


important for you, as you grew up into womanhood, that you appeared to


work very hard in terms of physical appearance to promote certain, you


know, aspects of your appearance that made it seem you were more


African American. I mean, I'm thinking of the braided hair, I'm


thinking of the colouring, I think, perhaps, it was spray tan, I don't


know what it was, but you physically changed from when you were much


younger and I'm wondering, if it's all about a state of mind, why you


needed to do that? Well, what anybody else needs to do is up to


them, but why I do my hair how I do my hair is because I've done black


hair for 20 years. I love textured hair. I love to braid. And so, you


know, over the last couple of decades, that's, uhm, how I feel


most beautiful. Did it worry you that you knew some people were being


misled by things you were saying and doing? You know, they clearly


believed you were African American in extraction and you were not, and


you didn't correct them. I mean, did you ever feel you ought to? Did you


ever feel awkward about what was going on, as your life developed and


more and more people assumed you were something you were not? Well,


again, assuming that I'm something that I'm not - I mean, I do identify


as black, so it didn't bother me that people saw me as black. I


really do think that, when it comes down to it at the end of the day, we


all should be free to be exactly who we are, and when it comes to


identity, that's a very personal experience. I'm just wondering, it's


such an interesting phrase, "I identified as black, I felt black".


I mean, if I'm just thinking of myself, obviously, I live in the UK,


not in the United States, it's somewhat different, but if I were to


say to myself, "I identify as white", I wouldn't really know what


I meant by that. It's such a broad and general thing to say, I don't


know what it would mean. What does it mean to you to say, "I identified


as black"? Right. Well, for me, blackness is not, again, reduced to


racialised physical features. It has to do with knowing your belonging -


my belonging within the pan-African diaspora and representing


psychological decolonnialisation of the mind as well as acknowledging


and embodying common African history and an SESry. So, in that sense you


are saying all of us - because humanity is believed to have


originated, what, in east Africa, you're saying, "I feel that


resonance, that connection to Africa", even though... Well,


eventually, we all go back to a black mother, if we believe science


to be true that we all came out of the African continent. Right, so you


do feel to be African diaspora. I mean, I've never thought that way, I


guess I self-identify as white, but you feel that Africanness, do you?


Absolutely. I mean, in the last several hundred years there has been


a great deal of oppression surrounding the behaviour of


classification with regard to race and even the definition of a race as


a world view and so I think that that particular mindset of some


groups being superior, inferior and classification for administrative


purposes and for social purposes has become very painful, you know,


there's a very - several hundred years of a very painful history with


regards to that. So - but at the end of the day, science has proven over


and over again that there is no biological premise or basis for


race. So, you know, what do we have then? We have kind of an imperative


to do difference differently. You know, if we're going to keep


grouping people, then, you know, what are we grouping them for? Are


we grouping individuals into categories where there's, like,


cultural bonding or language similarity or, you know, what are we


doing? Are we doing to actually leverage power and priflg all over


again? -- privilege all over again, like the colonnial era, like u --


eugenics. You've clearly thought about this a lot and very hard, but


does it bother you that so many black activists and even friends of


your in the civil rights community, academics, simply don't buy your


explanation for your behaviours and your feelings? I will just quote


one, Gary Young, he is a leading black writer and commentator in the


UK but has lived a lot of his life in the United States. He has thought


a lot about your situation and says, "Rachel is a white woman who


identifies closely with the black community, but that does not make


her black". And I guess a lot of people would feel the same? Well, I


think people are weighing in on this on both sides. So some people are


saying, you know, kind of in support and solidarity, we understand that


this is actually innate, this is who she is. And then there are other


people saying, that this is actually not who she is and kind of demanding


that I somehow re-classify myself or change my identity. I guess what


he's saying, in a way, is this. That, you know, given from a very


young age our affinity with the black community, your care for


issues of civil rights, your perception that many black Americans


were disadvantaged and your desire to work with those communities to


raise them up, all of that people can understand very clearly. But a


lot of other people identifying themselves as white people feel the


same way and commit themselves to working with the black community,


living in the black community, maybe some marrying black men, as, indeed,


you did - but they don't feel that they have to present themselves as


black. That's the step you took that others who feel the same way as you


don't take. And I think everybody has the right to be exactly who they


are and so I'm not - I don't think that one individual's story needs to


be copied and pasted on to everybody else. So I'm not saying that there


aren't white mothers that, you know, have successfully raised black kids,


or that there are no white activists that have done important work, in


fact the NAACP was founded by a majority of white -identifying


individuals in the United States. So, uhm - but this is who I am. This


is how I feel most beautiful, wearing my hair, this is who I


identify to be on a very deep, core level. And I think, in as much as it


wouldn't be my place to say what somebody else should do, I find it


odd that people that don't know me... But does it upset you that a


lot of people who have been most critical of you have been black


Americans? Actually, I don't know that that's true. Well... There have


been some critical black Americans, but there have also been some... Who


I hear from with the most hate is, you know, white supremacy groups. So


there are a lot of ... Uhm, white individuals who are very angry and


feel that I have somehow been a traitor from -- from the black


community, one thing that I do really hear that bothers me is that


somehow I am, you know, the face of white privilege and ... Well, what


they say - they say a couple of things that seem to me important.


One is - and we'll get to the privilege point in a second, but one


thing they say which revives the trope of the black face, white


people blacking up in some sense to entertain or to mock the black


experience - some black people say that there's something deeply


uncomfortable about what you do because, by using colouring and


presenting with the hair, which to most people looks like a style that


is usuallily adopted by black people, they see a connection to


that horrible past. I understand that there is an


incredibly painful history with But I do not dress in black face.


That was some of the first statement is ever made in the press, that this


was a mockery or whatever. But, black face is something that is used


to make fun of, to belittle, to drive that pain and historical


oppression deeper. That is not, it doesn't in any way connect with


the... It must hurt you when you read this. Absolutely. There is


plenty of pain to go around. There is a lot of pain from where those


statements are coming from. I want to acknowledge that paying because I


might have my own personal pain, but the larger history of cultural


appropriation and mockery and black face, I spent hundreds of hours


doing other black women's care. Brady and styling... -- hair --


braiding. There is a fundamental difference because you are white and


you can make the choice to be black. The editor of union Station magazine


wrote about your case and she said, to believe that one can transfer 1's


identity in this way is eight privilege, maybe even the highest


manifestation of white privilege. The ability to accept


marginalisation, to take on the identity of blackness, without truly


living the burdens of it and always knowing that you could escape it on


a whim, that is not a true transition to blackness. Well, once


again, I regret that people don't understand what I've lived. I have


taken the good with the bad. Meaning that I have taken half the salary of


a someone who had the exact same job description, the man before me


described me as a college girl and I took half the salary for the same


job. Cops have marked black on my traffic tickets. There are ways in


which I have experienced racism being seen. Identity is not just


what box a cheque or how I self identify, it is also based on power


and privilege dynamics, which people are acting out. There are ways in


which I have been treated by others who see me as black, and I haven't,


in those cases, I didn't interrupt the processes and say excuse me, I


want to rent an apartment so why will be whiter. I ... You don't say,


hold on, I am white. Exactly. I have raised my children to be committed


to fight for total freedom and justice and equality for black


people around the world. I think that within the All Black, for me to


then somehow be seen as the face of white privilege is very painful. It


is not representative of my life and when it comes to... I think your


question was twofold. There is my experience but there is also the


experience of people who are assuming... It was about the


privilege of choice. There is a long history of passing, which is


different in identifying hours. There is a long history of lack


people passing for white in America in order to... Get on. Yes, survive.


I think there is a range of light-skinned privilege. You could


say that as far as having the choice. I. You because we are almost


at a time. Some personal questions. Do you have any regrets about what


you've done? I am thinking particularly about the fact that you


are estranged from your biological white parents. Some of your adoptive


siblings who are black, they say they don't understand what you have


done. Do you have regrets on a personal basis? As far as, do I


regret... The pain that I imagine it has caused to your parents? I am not


going to talk about my parents. That's just not a subject that I


talk about. It is personal and I'm not going to talk about that. I will


say that I do regret any pain that it has caused anybody else, all


people feel like it has caused. I feel like a lot of that pain is


based on misunderstanding with regards to some of the family


dynamics -- or. Family dynamics have sometimes created those divisions,


those are deeply personal and something that maybe in time...


There is a lot of pain there. They will become more understood, but it


is nobody 's business what has splintered the family apart. But a


lot of pain? Yes, there is a lot of pain. Today, are you truly


comfortable in your own skin? I am comfortable being who I am, I am not


sure that the world is comfortable with that yet. Time will tell if we


can reconcile how I identify and how people see who I am. Rachel Dolezal,


thank you very much for being on HARDtalk.


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