13/06/2016 HARDtalk


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Now on BBC News its time for Hardtalk.


Britain's referendum campaign on whether


to stay in or leave the


European Union isn't quite going as Prime


Minister David Cameron would


The PM wants a convincing win for the Remain camp


on the 23rd of June, but the polls suggest


He probably hoped the divisions in his


own Conservative Party could be kept in check.


My guest is former Deputy Prime Minister and passionate Remain


advocate Michael Heseltine, Lord Heseltine.


Are the Remainers beginning to worry?


It seems Prime Minister David Cameron's strategy is to frighten


the British people into voting to remain inside the EU.


Does it strike you that is a strategy that is going


Brexit campaign have used in order to counter


all the facts and all the opinions they don't like.


So, they say that if the Governor of the Bank


of England or the IMF or any of the big financial organisations


say it will be very dangerous for Britain


marketplace you're going to destroy, they say it's fear.


They don't tell you that the large employers


have countless small and medium-sized companies that depend


If the Governor of the Bank of England or


someone like that comes out, they say it's fear, because they


They have no facts, they have no plans, and so


all they can do is to attack David Cameron's warnings.


The fact that his warnings have come from, I think


it is fair to say, every friend this country has got in the world -


all the Commonwealth leaders, the Americans, the companies that


our universities, our academics, our scientists.


One after the other, these groups have come out and said,


for God's sake, don't throw away one of the most successful, democratic,


peaceful organisations the world has ever created.


But politics is about perceptions, isn't it?


The people will decide, and the public


have decided that the Remain campaign, within which you are a


powerful voice, is the more negative campaign.


42%-28% see it as more negative than the Leave campaign.


To be honest, I don't think these polls are worth


the space they get in the newspapers.


The pollsters themselves don't believe it, because on the one


poll that they could try and do, the exit poll on the day,


Because they are frightened of getting it as


wrong as they did in the general election.


Whilst they have got to do


these polls, because they are big commercial organisations and they


can't say they don't know, they themselves don't believe it.


Can I just remind you about Scotland?


10 days out in Scotland, people were


Ten days later, actually it was 60-40 to


Frankly, the only thing of interest now are the arguments about whether


I asked you about the Cameron strategy.


You defended him and said it is not based upon fear.


Does that mean that you, like him, think that it is a


fair and accurate thing to tell the British


people that if they vote to leave the European Union,


that their traditional protections for their pensions are


going to disappear - that pensions would be cut?


People have been frightened by what Cameron has said.


Haven't you seen the stock exchange today and over the last week?


It goes up and down, month after month


It is down about 10% over the last year.


To the simplistic, it's the bloody financial


people, the bigwigs and


all this sort of stuff, the remote elite.


It's your insurance companies, it's your pensions.


That's what the London stock exchange represents.


It's the pension pots of millions of British people.


David Cameron is the British Prime Minister, and he promised


during the last election campaign that he would maintain the triple


He also said that the Tory party would always defend


Now, he is calling into question both of those


fundamental priorities listed as part of his election campaign.


I thought George Osborne put another ?6 billion


into the health service the other day.


Have you not heard what Cameron and Osbourne are saying?


-- Have you not heard what Cameron and Osborne are saying?


They argue that if Brexit is the decision


taken by the British people, pensions will be threatened,


the NHS will be threatened, as though they don't have


This is, in some way, automatic, they say, if we vote to


I don't think you've followed the logic.


What they are saying is that if Britain's economy


that will flow through into the health service finances.


They still have political choices to make.


They have a political choice to make, which is to stay within


Europe and not shatter the prospects for our economy.


If you do something to prejudice that, the


consequence will hit the growth of the British economy.


Wait a minute, you cannot ask questions and then


leave out the important bit of the answer.


If you do something to prejudice the British


economy, the ability of the taxpayer to pay for


the health service and social services


is prejudiced, so how much will


Brexit admit that their uncertainty is going to damage the


We have endless forecasts, starting with the Governor of the


Bank of England, the IFS, the OECD, one after


the other, pointing to the


If David Cameron truly believed that the


consequences of Brexit would be, as you describe, on pensions, on the


health service, on the British economy as a whole, how could he 14


weeks ago, just 14 weeks ago, say that he would not rule out


recommending a Brexit, still depending on how his negotiation


How could he possibly have meant that if now he tells us the Brexit


actually puts, in his words, a bomb under the British economy?


I think I can tell you why he could recommend


that - he didn't conceive it possible that the British people


would take a leap in the dark, a jump off


the high diving board into


water that is too shallow, a risk that every significant economic


and which Brexit has no answer to at all.


Do you think the David Cameron should not have taken the risk?


No, because he thought he would get a deal.


He didn't get a deal that addresses any of this.


If you listen to these Brexit guys, their


great case is that you are frozen into Europe and there is nothing you


There are many aspects of that, but let's take the facts.


We haven't got the Schengen free movement of people.


Margaret Thatcher got a significant rebate.


John Major got a social policy opt-out at Maastricht.


David Cameron has got a protection for our


services industry, has got rid of the ever


closer union, and a year or two ago, when the European


going to increase the budgets, increase the taxes on the rest of


the European Union, what did David Cameron do?


Did he lie back and say, buckle up, all those


bureaucrats have told me we are going to to have to pay more tax?


He didn't, he went round the 27 capitals of Europe,


and said to our fellow leaders, we won't put up with this.


And they won, and Brussels had to climb down.


There were not increases in the budget, because the ministers who


I asked you at the beginning about the mindset of


the Remain campaign, saying it was negative.


It seems to me there is a fundamental


lack of confidence in the Remain campaign


about the ability of the


British economy to be an independent, open and successful


economy, trading with the world, not locked


into the European Union, but


We are the European financial centre of the world.


Michael Gove's suggestion that the Germans, for example,


won't want to trade with Britain is fanciful.


The fanciful element is that he links our 47% going to


Europe with the 7% that is coming back from Germany.


Why not, if we're really going talk about history, there are


27 individual sovereign nations engaged in this.


Let's take the opposite end of Germany - Malta.


If we cut off our supply of money to Europe, Malta has got


It also, by cutting off our supply, would not


get the money it now gets from Europe.


Let me quote to you, a If 35-year-old, the CEO of


She says she wants to be able to trade with


She doesn't actually do that much trade with the EU.


She had a delegation recently over from Brazil.


They wanted to buy hovercraft, but because of the EU-


Brazil trade deal, with high tariffs, they could not buy


Leaving the EU represents an incredible opportunity


The Confederation of British Industry,


the British Chambers of Commerce, the Engineering Employers'


representative group of British companies believes we should


That's hundreds and hundreds, if not millions of people.


With respect, it's actually a few, many would say,


establishment business representation organisations.


I don't know how much campaigning you've done.


When you go to a city like Middlesbrough,


Britain has prospered inside the EU, they say,


it is all right for the metropolitan elite


in London and the south-east, where there is


prosperity, talking about the advantages


of the EU, but talk about immigration,


and the fact that in my town there are now hundreds of


people from the rest of the EU who are taking low-paid jobs and our


Our children are finding that the schools are full.


Many of the schools are full of immigrants.


Against that, I went to do Any Questions


The overwhelming audience response was to remain.


I went to the Oxford union - you will say that this is


I think it is a great exemplar of everything


I did Sutton Coldfield on Saturday, a


But there is no point in trying to select individual


One has to deal with the arguments and the facts.


Let's get back to immigration, because it's


I am the first to recognise that with the difficulties


of the world economy since 2008, there has been a growing resentment


amongst a significant number of people which has turned into a


It's got nothing to do with the European Union, it is all about


Farage in this country is exactly the same.


Basically, underlying it all, as Trump has said, we will not have


any Muslims in America and we will put up the frontier...


You said, let's talk the specifics of immigration.


We had figures last week that announced over 300,000 net


188,000 of those, the majority, had nothing


The point about freedom of movement in the EU is


that the British Government has absolutely no control over how many


people move to the UK from inside the EU.


Tell me this - why do you think


we should be so successful in changing the flow in Europe by


leaving it when we can't control the flow


if the British government chose to, they are talking about an Australian


points system. They could impose controls on movement from the rest


of the European Union into this country if they were allowed to do


so. It is not allowed under the EU. You are switching your case. It is


actually about half in half and this government has a choice on both of


those. So why not asked why they didn't


impose controls on those coming from outside the EU? It is a fundamental


issue being discussed no on this programme by me because the argument


is categorical. The reason they didn't control the majority from


outside is because we need them. We need them for two reasons. And we


make need them from inside as well but the issue is one of control


which you seem to be ignoring. There is no control under the Freedom of


movement system inside the European Union. You would surely accept that?


There is no control outside and the reasons are the same. We need the


people for two reasons. Two big reasons. The first is skills. Have a


very successful growing economy and are desperate for skills. Secondly,


there is the whole problem of supporting our social services. If


you go to any aspect of our social services, particularly the health


service and all the welfare provision in general, you will find


a very large number of able have come from overseas. You did mention


an interesting point about the points system. Let us think about


the points system for a minute. What attack choices we will keep the


numbers down because then we can select the numbers. What does that


mean? It means you go to the poorest countries in the world with a


doctors and nurses at taxpayers' expenses in the poorest countries


and then we see come here. What Mirallas he is that and what do


think it does to the public opinion in those countries being deprived of


the most talented people? -- what morality do you think that is. The


only solution to migration is to close the gap between the rich and


poor and if you start working on the assumption that the registry regard


to cream the most talented, you will create resentment and secondly you


will find it harder to build those economies and persuade people to


stay there. I hear your passion and you have


been a passionate advocate for the European Union alter your career.


Why do you think older Britons of your generation do not agree with


you? And why do many people living away from the prosperous south-east


of the UK economy are wondering what is going on here?


You're making assumptions about what is going on in the rest of the


country. One has to have some sort of sense


in what is going on across the country. I think there is no doubt


that young people are going to be inclined to remain in but older


people, according to most of the polls, I don't know if you're going


to dispute this, older people tend to be in a majority to leave.


I don't agree with that and neither do you really because there are


plenty of older people in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and the


do not agree with that, they want to remain. Generalising is dangerous


but when I do agree with you is that it seems to me that the younger


people want it. I was immensely impressed and am now going to commit


the crime that she pages you of doing which is to home in on one


person as the exemplar. The train young people to deny them the


opportunities -- betraying our young people and might -- and denying them


the opportunities of peace and security. We talked about peace and


security. Do you notice a condition of Europe that you have to be a


democracy? You know that since he created the European Union we got


rid of the fascists in Spain and Portugal.


There are plenty of democracy is not in the European Union.


It is a condition and we have spread the Marquis is part of the European


Union. -- spread democracy. I know you have a historical


perspective on this but I want to talk about the future of the party


that you love and have worked for. They are in a terrible mess. Let me


quote words from John Major about Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and the


leadership of the Leave campaign. The cold than dishonest, deceitful,


squalid. He described Boris Johnson as a court jester. Do you share his


sentiments? Sure. Boris is a huge joke. I love


Boris. And squalid?


You mustn't take Boris on his own terms. Sometimes the go horribly


wrong. His joke about Hitler, well, it wasn't a joke, was it?


Would you accept Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of your party would


you see your falling apart? I'm not going to get into


speculation about losing because I don't think were going to lose. I


was John Major's deputy for two years and I so the damage that the


Eurosceptic case did to John Major's government. I do admire hugely that


David Cameron has secured a Conservative majority for the first


time for a considerable period of time and I do believe it would be


damaging to the Conservative Party at his leadership was ended.


David Cameron bid began soon after a victory for the Leave campaign.


But I don't leave in it. You don't want to believe in it but


the polls suggest it could go either way. Do you accept that David


Cameron has no future as Prime Minister if the Leave campaign


whence? You're back on the polls.


I am back on accepting the possibility.


I don't blame you but you've got to try and get headlines out of this


programme and the best way to do that is to get me to agree with an


assumption. You're not going to win because I know the dangers more than


you do. Your experience of politics goes far


beyond mine but with you agree that a Prime Minister who said leaving


the EU is putting a bomb under the future of the country could not


continue to lead if the Leeds side wins?


I support, I will go on doing so and I think he will win.


If the Leave campaign wins or even if it doesn't, which in OC it is a


terrible mistake for Britain to be having a referendum on leaving the


European Union? I had all these questions written


down before I came here. How will they get me to make a headline?


I am interested in your perspective on what is happening in Britain


today. Do you think is right that Britain


is having this referendum? What is the point in discussing


that? We are having it. We are facing the most momentous and


disastrous decision in my political history and I want to do all I know


how to put the arguments to stay in for Britain's sake, it's


self-interest. You cannot ignore this accumulation of power on our


doorstep and I do not want to be the boss sitting outside saying they do


not want to listen to us. I want to influence the decisions and the only


way to do that is to be sitting at the tables.


We have to end there. Thank you for being on Hardtalk.


Good evening. For some of us another day of leaden skies and slow-moving


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