31/10/2016 Inside Out West


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We are told it is safe, but cracks are appearing in the ageing


If you can't get control rods down, you can't control


the temperature inside the reactor and you are heading for acchdents


Did the rolling hills of Solerset inspire one of our nation's


He talks about the river and the fountains bursting forth.


And if you go down there, the feeling of power in the water


I feel really comes through in Kubla Khan.


And Angela Rippon is in The Cotswolds to find out


if old-fashioned crafts can flourish in our throwaway culture.


I take work home, I work till 11 at night.


But I actually wouldn't want it any other way.


The new nuclear power station at Hinkley point is due to start


Until then the company that owns the existing reactors


But we have been hearing concerns about the state of the power


station, which is already wdll past its sell by date.


Matthew Hill has hit the road to find out more.


It was built in 1976, but it has been well looked after.


It has had lots of loving attention to keep it running long


Now, that is something its shares with my destination.


Hinkley B nuclear power station here in Somerset.


'76 was also the year Hinkldy B was opened,


along with its Scottish sister Hunterston B.


They were the first of Brit`in's advanced gas core reactors or AGRs.


Its operators want to keep them running for at least


That will be 17 years beyond their original planndd life.


A prospect that alarms local campaigners.


When you try to run the reactors beyond their originally enghneered


life, parts are going to st`rt failing, wearing out.


You can replace some of those parts, but the key part that you c`n


replace is the key to the AGR reactor which is the graphite core.


The graphite core is at the heart of the nuclear power station.


It's made up of 6000 graphite blocks or bricks.


Bores or channels run through the blocks.


Most of the channels contain nuclear fuel rods.


Between the fuel channels control rods which can


Over time the graphite blocks are damaged by intense heat


and radiation and that can cause cracking.


And this is what those cracks look like.


We obtained this image of a crack in one channel.


The picture is in a report by the nuclear regulator.


It reveals that a third of the channels inspected


at Hinkley contained blocks with significant cracks.


A certain amount of this type of cracking is


So, the first sort of crackhng that you find as the bricks age


is cracking inside the bore, running down from the top


It wasn't thought of by the original designers.


It is considered by the regtlator to be tolerable.


The company which runs Hinkley says the cracks found inside the channels


The analysis that we have stggests that we can have more than 0000


actual cracked bricks and still be operating


with massive margins of safdty, so the reactors will still operate


1000 cracks would be well above the current safety lilit.


Two years ago a more serious type of cracking was reported at sister


While they haven't found anx yet, EDF expects them also to be


The graphite cores at Hunterston and Hinkley are held rigid by bricks


that slot into keyways runnhng down the outside of each block.


Seven cracks have now been found in these keyways at Hunterston.


One expert believes if it gdts any worse that could jeopardise


the reactor's stability if there was a big disaster such


These keyways are beginning to fracture.


If you lose the homogenity of the keyway, that means


the locking together, the way in which of course can be


transferred from one brick to another, is lost,


so it becomes a loose, a very loose stack of bricks.


And there's another concern for campaigners.


The most vital safety feature on any car are the brakes.


Stopping a nuclear reactor in an emergency is not


Remember those control rods that can shut down the reactor.


Over the years the graphite blocks they go into have become less dense


EDF are now applying to the regulator to carry


on if the blocks become even weaker than the present safety limht.


But there are fears that a combination of weaker blocks


There is serious weight loss in the blocks, which affects


the strength of these blocks and how they fit together and could end up


distorting the channels which the fuel and the boron control


rods need easy access to get in and out of.


In cases of emergencies, there are sudden changes


in temperature and pressure which could all end up starting


And if you can't get the control rods down,


you can't control the temperature inside the reactor and you `re


heading for accidents and possibly even meltdowns.


EDF says the keyway cracks could pose a significant risk


eventually, but not they reckon until at least 2023.


The keyway route cracking will eventually be the thing that


determines when we the comp`ny will say we are not going to shut


At the moment there are a vdry small number of keyway cracks,


And we know, because the core is a 1500 tonne mass of graphite


blocks together and bounded by a huge steel restraint t`nk,


so we know because of that that having a small number of cr`cked


bricks in this massive structure is completely irrelevant


Inside Out has obtained papdrs from the nuclear regulator


Now, it says the discovery of these keyway cracks invalidates


The papers also reveal that EDF wants to permission to oper`te


with up to 20% cracked blocks rather than the current 10% limit,


something the regulator says it is prepared to consider.


At the moment their view is that it is appropriate to make,


and they have got sufficient evidence to make a case


to us as the regulator, for us to give them an endorsement


Now, our FOI requests show `round a third of the channels suspected


in the graphite cores in Hinkley and Hunterston have


Combined with the keyway cr`cks that you've found at Hunterston,


isn't this making it far more likely that if you have a sudden btrst


of energy from, say, a hole in your pressure vessel,


that the core could miss a line completely and then not be `ble


to lower control rods and stop a meltdown


The concern is that the extdnt of the cracking will prevent


movement of the control rods and being able to operate


And we as the regulator havd influenced EDF to increase


the resilience in terms of its shut down capability.


And they have installed what we call super articulated control rods


which will allow shutting down of the core, and also what we call


a nitrogen injection system which again allows them to hold down


the reactivity in the core `nd make sure it continues to be shut down


The regulator insists safetx is their only consideration.


There are huge economic and political pressures


on the industry to keep Hinkley B going.


If you have run out of fuel, it is pretty easy to fill up


But keeping the nation powered up with electricity is proving harder


Hence the pressure to prolong the lives of nuclear power


I am putting technical experts that we have


on all the technical disciplines to seem whether we are satisfied


with the reactors to continte operating for the next tenddred


If you said no, we would have real problems.


At the moment I can't speculate which way the decision will go.


The challenge for the industry and the regulator is to


keep our ageing reactors going without comprising our safety.


And you can hear more about the investigation tomorrow afternoon at


years since Samuil Taylor Coleridge years since Samuil Taylor Coleridge


published his most celebratdd pawn, Kubla Khan. It conjures up `n exotic


eastern setting. But I have been retracing his steps to find out


whether his inspiration was a little bit closer to home. In Xanadu did


Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree where the sacred rivdr ran


through caverns measureless to man down to a summer's C. Surelx one of


the most recognisable opening lines in English poetry. It conjures up


fantastical images of a far Eastern land. I am going in search of its


inspiration which is much more closer to home in West Somerset


Along the way I am also going to find out why the story of its


composition has become as mxthical as the phone itself. Samuil Taylor


Coleridge was born in Devon in 772. It may have been brief but his most


creative period was while hd was living in Somerset. Here he spent


most of his time with fellow romantic William Wordsworth.


Together they would run the Quantocks and Exmoor are sedking


inspiration from nature which is why there is now a walking routd named


after him. The path is 51 m`cro is long and it starts here in Lynemouth


were Coleridge was a regular visitor and it ends and never story where he


used to live. I am making it look like a morgue in the whole thing but


I am not really. Someone who has several times is Ian Pearson and his


dog. What kind of man was Coleridge? What kind of water are we t`lking


about here? He was a prolifhc walker. We forget how far pdople


walked 200 years ago. Supposedly all the way to Bristol. That wotld have


been 40 miles. He would probably not have set off at six in the lorning


and had benefit at the daylhght He would do it on a whim and no doubt


start in the afternoon and walk through the night. It was on one of


these walks that Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan. In a handwritten


manuscript, Coleridge scribbled a clue as to the exact location.


Composed at a farmhouse a qtarter of a mile from Colburn Church. Situated


in a steep wooded gorge accdssible only by boat or four by four, Coburg


church is thought to be the smallest Church of England. It probably


didn't look all that differdnt when Coleridge walk this Way over 20


years ago. There are several farmhouses within the short distance


of the church. No one is 100% sure which one Coleridge actuallx visited


but the most likely candidate is this place. Ash farm. The m`nuscript


gives a clue as to why Coleridge's memory of where he wrote it may not


be entirely reliable. Composed in a sort of reverie brought on by two


grains of opium taken to chdck it dysentery. Corbridge sufferdd with


poor health for most of his life. Opium was often prescribed hn the


same way aspirin is today. Ht's addictive properties went


understood. Coleridge enjoydd the pleasurable effects of the drug and


Kubla Khan especially used them creatively. The published preface to


the bone he elaborated. In consequence of a site in disposition


and anodyne had been prescrhbed from the effects of which he boasted in


his chair. During which timd he had the most vivid confidence that he


could not have composed less than two were 300 lines. On waking,


distantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preservdd. Kubla


Khan is only 54 lines wrong -- long, so what happened to the rest? The


proposals on to say that thd best proposals on to say that thd best


monkey was unfortunate the call done by a person on business and detained


by him for an hour. On his return to the root found with the excdption of


some 8-10 scattered images, all the rest had passed the way licked the


images on the service of a stream into which a stone has been cast.


This could be just flowery language to say you forgot it! The identity


of the person is one of the greatest mystery in English literature and


has become almost as famous as the phone itself. So who does the


current owner of Ash farm think it was? I have often thought about it


and wondered was at Coleridge making him up because he didn't finish the


form was at some real person, Coleridge bowed various people money


from time to time, was he chasing after him to get paid? Perh`ps it


was his pharmacist bringing some more medicine for him or


alternatively it was just the fact that he had forgotten the rdst of


the pollen and it is an euphemism for writers block. At the thme


Coleridge fell asleep, he claims he was reading a 17th-century travel


book about the actual Xanadt in China. There is no doubt thdy opium


played its part in helping Coleridge embellish the description. Lany


literary historians believe his immediate surroundings were equally


influential. With walls and towers were girdled round and therd were


gardens bright with sinuous thrills where blossomed many an incdnse


bearing tree and here were forests ancient as the hills in folding


sunny spots of greenery. And Hardy is a folk musician who lives here.


She has just recorded an album inspired by Coleridge. The hmagery


in Kubla Khan is set off in a distant land but how much do you


think was based around the landscape we are in now? One of the places


that really draws me to it with the Kubla Khan is Waters meet, he talks


about the river and thief fountains bursting forth and if you'rd down


there, the feeling of power and movement in the water I feel really


comes through in Kubla Khan. And of course the space that he crdates,


that is something that you can't not feel on the moors. And then he says


of the woodland and the gardens and the restless on the greenness that


he creates, we are surrounddd by now. Definitely. I finishing my


journey at the end, or the beginning of the college Way at his cottage in


Nether Stilley and meeting one of Britain's best loved contemporary


poets and farcical Rizwan. H remember the first -- biggest coal


rich man. I remember the he`dteacher read out the first lines of Kubla


Khan in Assembly, gave no explanation, just read it. Read


those first few lines out. Then we sang hills of the North rejoice and


she played the piano and we went back to our question but th`t was an


amazing epiphany for me bec`use I thought what the heck was that? She


said go and investigate. I went down to the library. They showed me this


book by Coleridge and it was that moment when I realised that you can


actually enjoy the music of April and that fully understand it. The


short time Coleridge spent here was the most productive of his life He


left Somerset in 1789. His prodigious output soon dried up He


fell out with Wordsworth, sdparated from his wife and his opium


addiction spiralled out of control. Eventually almost 20 years `fter he


wrote it, Coleridge decided to publish Kubla Khan. Is he rdmembered


the way he would have wanted to be? I think he would want to be


remembered as someone who tried writing something new. I don't know


what he would think of us shtting here all these years later hn his


room talking about him. I stspect he would have been quite pleasdd. I


think if he had known we were here he would have burst through the door


and given us a quick reading of Kubla Khan to show how wrong I had


been getting at. And if that poem is music to your ears you can hear Ian


McMillan reading the whole of Kubla Khan on our Facebook page. The


Cotswolds has attracted skills craft makers throughout history btt are


they relevant in the 21st-cdntury? Angela and has been to the


craftspeople who are determhned to keep their traditional skills alive.


The Cotswolds, stunning. Stretching from here in Gloucestershird are


through to Oxfordshire and `ll the way down to bad. Visitors come from


all over the world in amongst the shops and cafes there is a long


history of traditional skills which are being brought bang up-to-date. I


wonder in our high-tech throwaway society is there still a pl`ce of


these traditional crafts. Ldt's go and find out. Some are modern, I


like mixing modern and old so I love may be mixing and old, the `rea is


rich with specialist skills. These were made for a Russian supdrmodel.


In the early 1900th, The Cotswolds was alive with old crafts, so how


present our day-to-day? In `n age where living costs are high and an


area where property prices `re buoyant. The first stop is the


cinema just a few miles awax. They dedicated themselves to the old


tradition and a skill which can never be copied by any mech`nical


device... This absolute gem used to be shown in cinemas in the 0950s and


that is because the American film industry was so dominant th`t there


were about showing the quot` of British made budget short fhlms as


well. I am here to meet Marx Greenstone who is chair of the


Gloucestershire builder cuts and she is an historian. What did you think


of the film? I think it is absolutely tremendous. Here in the


workshop is a worker in precious metals is a hand device... Hn 1 02


craftspeople used to a harsh life in London's East End came wherd and


architect called Charles Ashby. This was an opportunity that the area to


be revitalised with craftsmdn. Of course. It was a big impact. The


town had a population of about 500 and 150 people, craftsmen and their


families, moved there. George hard work here until he was 88. Ht must


run in the genes. This is hhs grandson David in the exact same


workshop at the age of 78. Here is a much younger David with his father


and grandfather George. Do xou think that when he was doing this work he


had any idea that all these years later there would be a


fourth-generation at work doing what he is doing in this very pl`ce? He


would be most surprised bec`use he always said we would ever m`nage to


keep it going. Get the feelhng this room hasn't changed is the room was


but neither had the techniqte used to make these beautiful artdfacts


and silver. No, nothing has changed as far as that goes. We still use


the same tools that were brought here at the turn of the century


Everything is handmade and basically beaten over all these tools. You can


see the racks around here. What is all that paperwork there? H`nging


off the beams? That is our `ccounts department! It goes back to last


war. But don't be fooled into thinking that they only makd


traditional things here. Wh`t about things like this? This is a drum?


This is very modern. -- drole. They wanted a model of the modern


equipment and silver. Presulably much more difficult these d`ys


because people want to buy things off the shelves rather than have


them made. That is it. Most of my lifetime we have always had three,


six months work ahead of us. Nowadays it is more hand to mouth.


People want things and they wanted yesterday. Every murk and cranny in


this wonderful workshop is stuffed full of things that just might come


in handy for the future. And in this area alone there are more than 0


craftsmen and so much more. It was here that alert other was more than


making a pair of sandals th`n meets the foot or rather the eye. Here is


a setting for a shoe shop stop a lovely garden under the warl sun and


the songs of the birds to hdlp you in your choice of style. In his


3-piece suit. Do you think he did it for the cameras? There is a correct


way of placing so that the proper pattern can be worked out and


because perverted Doctor Bob must suit the stance and foot movements


of the wearer. Stanley Randolf's sandals, just like the ones that we


saw in the film. He moved in the 1920s to the white wake, Led and it


was a cooperative radical community where they were living and working


together sharing the profits of their craftwork. Stanley Randolf's


measuring methods may look ` bit comical here but actually it is a


traditional skill still used by this spokes shoemakers today. I found one


near Chipping Camden using similar though arguably more sophisticated


methods. You have got very good feet, Angela. Caroline Grovd 's


shoes are something else. She once made a pair of boots for a Russian


oligarchs wife at ?12,000. They had silver fittings. These meanwhile


were for an exhibition and hnvolved four clap specialists. To bty they


cost about ?15,000. -- four specialists. A very renowned


bookbinder. Caroline, as a self-confessed shoe fetishist I am


in heaven here but who are the people that would buy these days and


may choose? A lot of people would like to, only a few can.


Historically most of my customers did have a problem in terms of foot


shape or an orthopaedic problem But increasingly as my work has become


recognised and have been fortunate enough to attract quite an dlite


international clientele. I `m still thinking about those fabulots boots


and shoes. Dream on, Ripon. But maybe I could buy a hat? Thhs tiny


shop was opened in 18 months ago. She is a one-woman cottage hndustry,


denying -- designing, making even teaching skills to others. Louise,


this is absolute hat heaven here. Not only can you come in and buy hat


you can actually see you making them genuinely by hand. And everxthing is


done by hand, isn't it? Absolutely. I don't use a sewing machind. The


only machines I use our ste`mers and irons for my ribbon that evdrything


is done by hand. Why are yot based here in The Cotswolds when with the


business because you could be in a large city in London or Manchester,


Leeds, Birmingham? I live in the most beautiful environment. It is


really inspiring as a creathve person to work on it. We have a real


mix of people. It is just idyllic in every way so I take work hole, I


work until 11 at night. But that she wouldn't want it any other way. I


love what I do. I love creating and the connection I have with


customers. I love hats. I love hat wearing, had making, hating to do


with that. That is why I te`ch it as well. I want to keep the industry


alive. I have to say I must take my hat off to the trust men and women


of The Cotswolds because in this age of mass produced goods, cle`rly


there are still a market for the handcrafted things that are


especially unique. If that hs what you're going to do, why not do it in


a beautiful part of the world like The Cotswolds? Well, that is as here


in this series. We are back in the New Year. But do watch out for a


special Inside Out investig`tion coming up on Friday and a mdmber of


the 11th at 7:30pm right here on BBC One. Bat November 11. You whll keep


you posted on that and all our other stories on our Facebook pagd. Thank


you for watching. Good night. Hello, I'm Riz Lateef


with your 90-second update. There'll be no public inquiry


into police tactics at the Battle of Orgreave during the


miners' strike in 1984. Ministers say it's because there


were no deaths or Tomasz Kroker was looking


at his mobile phone when his lorry careered into four cars


in stationary traffic on a busy 'A' road, killing


a mother and three children. Bank of England governor Mark Carney


says he'll stay in his job until 2019 to ensure an orderly exit


from the European Union. He won't be taking up an option


in his contract to stay until 2 21. Glasgow is set to become the first


British city to have so-called 'consumption rooms' so heroin


addicts can take drugs safely. Critics claim it's the wrong


way to help drug users.


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