03/07/2013 Newsnight


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first democratically elected Government in the biggest state in


the Arab world has been shouldered aside by the army, yet the western


Governments which so enthusiastically support democracy


and so regularly condemn military coups remain almost mute.


TRANSLATION: The constitution will be temporarily dissolved and the


head of the constitutional court will manage state affairs while a


new President is elected. declaration prompted great


celebrations among those who wanted to bring down the President. But


someer realise who see -- somber realisation from those who see him


as the legitimate President. What sort of Middle East is going to


emerge at the end of all of this. Is it wise for the west to promote


democracy there. Also tonight, they are quite legal and quite fatal.


says one two methiopropamine. you know what that is?


Is the law to be outwitted by the called legal highs.


That didn't last long, the Egyptian army have given the country's first


democratically chosen President 48 hours to appease his enemies and


when he didn't manage it, so for the second time the Arab Spring,


which was supposed to usher in popular rule has left the army in


charge of the biggest nation in the Arab world. No word on where the


President himself is, in the meantime there will be a temporary


Government, until more elections. First off, let's go to the centre


of the process in Tahrir Square, Jeremy Bowen is there. Last night


you talked about the danger of something perhaps akin to civil war,


is that danger now passing. I'm not hearing you too well. Let me tell


you about the atmosphere here. The decible level is quite


extraordinary. That is because there are so many people here


delighted about what they have achieved. It took them 18 days to


come to this place and to oust Hosni Mubarak. It has taken three


for President Morsi. And I think after Mubarak went there was a


sense of ex shaux, not here and now -- exshaugs, not here and Where Are


We Now. They are full of energy. Even though there are vast crowds


on the street, Cairo has 20 million people, it is certain that the


large amounts of people in the city tonight who are dismayed,


supporters of Muslim Brotherhood, who feel their man was elected


fairly and has been cheated. know the region very well, how is


it likely to play in other countries around about? To start


with, Egypt sees itself and is seen as one of the great, the great


centre. Cairo is the great centre of the Arab world. The most populus


Arab country by a very, by a about a quarter of Arabs are Egyptians.


People take a lead from here. That is what happened in 2011 in the


revolutions here. A of those revolutions started after what


happened -- a lot of those revolutions started after what


happened here in Cairo. The Muslim Brotherhood has been seen here and


elsewhere as one of the big winners, maybe the biggest winner of the


Arab uprisings, not least because it was very well organised. However


it is not looking like that tonight here in Egypt.


If their power long-term is broken that will have reprecussions around


the region, it will change the political balance, the political


equation in many other countries, right across North Africa and


elsewhere. There is a question here too isn't there for the Egyptian


military. Because American military aid is strictly dependant on arm


years they give assistance to, not staging coups. The Egyptian


military is in a very delicate position. The Egyptian army I have


heard is with the people and will not attack the people. That is


something they won't end up doing. They have said if there is any


violence they will deal with it. The thing is, the city is very


tense. The country is very sentence. There are clashes not just here but


elsewhere in the country as well. The army will be stuck within that,


they want to remain above the battle, literally and


metaphorically, they are players. They have always been strong


arbiters of power here, what they are also is as well as arbiters of


power, they are open political players. There are reprecussions


with their relationship with the Americans. The Americans bank roll


the Egyptian army, $2 billion a year. Under American law if the


Americans decide what has happened here is a coup d'etat, by most


definitions I would say that is what it is, by law they are


obligated to suspend those aid aiplts. We have to remember there


were 13 million or so people who voted for Mohamed Morsi. They may


not have been as noisy as the protestors these last few days. But


they are not keen to give up power. At the beginning of the day, when


the future of the Arab world's most populus country hung in the balance.


Supporters of President Mohamed Morsi proclaimed their patriotism


and declared they wouldn't leave the streets.


Their hero is not very charismatic, he admits he has made mistakes, big


ones in his first year in office. But he's democratically elected.


For Morsi's movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, who organised that


rally, that is what counts. After the revolution we vote for our


President, he is the only authority, the only elected authority in the


history, in Egyptian history. Only elected, one election free. He is


the only elected authority in Egypt. He is the President.


As they waited for the announcement and whether the army would


intervene to remove him, following a rejection of the ultimatum to bow


to millions of anti-Government protestors, their rallying cry was


legitimacy. That wasn't all. "We sacrifice ourselves with our


blood and our soul for Islam" they are shouting now. Most of the time


Muslim Brotherhood spokesmen prefer to talk about democracy and


legitimacy, but the cry here now is very different, it is for Sharia,


for an Islamic state. These people, mainly religious,


mainly lower middle-class represent a huge strand of Egyptian society


that feels it was excluded from power for decades under the


dictatorship, and now, after just one year, it is being threatened


with exclusion from power again. The Muslim people are part of this


country OK, but the liberal people want to take over the country. The


country, this country is an Islamic country, it is an Egyptian country,


not for one people, not for one part of people, all of us are


Egyptians, but unfortunately the liberal people want to take over


the country. Now, as far as these people are


concerned, Egypt's liberals, and Egypt's army are formed an


unnatural alliance against them and they are scared. What haunts


Islamists is the memory of though they were prepressed, many tortured


and im-- repressed and many tortured and imprisoned in the long


dictatorship. That is why since the Muslim Brotherhood it has been in


power it has tried to reach an accommodation with the army and the


police, clearly that hasn't worked. Now many are afraid that if the


army intervenes again, dark days of oppression will turn. This physics


teacher, a Muslim Brotherhood member remembers that.


TRANSLATION: Because of my ideology as a Muslim brother, I was arrested,


imprisoned and tortured under Hosni Mubarak. They used to take me from


my school to the state security prison, there was oppression all


the time, sometimes I had to tell them I wasn't a in the Muslim


Brotherhood to save myself. military coup now he predicted


would just lead to civil war. (gunfire) A frightening glimpse of


what could happen came earlier, when clashes between supporters of


the Government were reported to have killed at least 16 people.


Meanwhile, across town on Tahrir Square, the mass protest movement


that has erupted in recent days was also waiting for the army's


announcement. Some even demanding that the President be arrested. As


the army's deadline passed, security forces moved around Cairo,


but the military's intentions remained unknown as top generals


held crisis talks with opposition and religious leaders. Reports that


the army had already put Mr Morsi under house arrest were denied by a


presidential spokesman. Then, at last, hours after everyone expected


came the announcement everyone was waiting for. TRANSLATION: The Armed


Forces sensed its vision that the Egyptian people which are calling


it to support it, not to take power or to regin, but it is calling the


forces to serve the public interest and to protect the demanding of the


revolutions. As the crowd of protestors erupted in delight, the


Defence Minister went on to announce that a technocratic


Government will take over power until new presidential elections


can be held. He said the constitution pushed through last


year by the Muslim Brotherhood was cancelled, a new one would be


written to pave the way for a new parliament. All over Cairo those


who opposed the Muslim Brotherhood took to the streets to celebrate.


think it is the proper action against a dictator. I think it is a


proper justice to all Egyptians. I think all aspects were addressed


properly. I think there will be somebody to just take charge and


until we are ready to set up a parliament and until we are ready


to just move ahead. The protestors have got almost all they wanted.


But this isn't the end of the crisis. The announcement, a coup,


in all but name, keeps the army out of day-to-day politics. But it


reinforces a fundamental fault line in Egyptian society. And it raises


profound questions about what the Arab Spring was really for?


This certainly hasn't been a triumph for democracy. The crowds


are now cheering the very forces, the army and the Police whom they


were denouncing only a year ago, and who stand abused of many human


rights abuses. As the party goes on in Tahrir Square, the army is now


blocking roads to try to contain further protests by the other side,


supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. Talk of compromise


seems to have been forgotten, and the stageset for further conflict.


With us now is a spokesperson for the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK.


Do you help that you have lost? What has happened today is a coup.


It is unconstitutional and it is not legitimate to completely


dismiss what people, as you mentioned, over 13 million people


wanted. They wanted a President. I think it is very interesting also


to portray the constitution as a Muslim Brotherhood constitution,


this constitution went to the referendum to the people and over


62% of the people voted in favour of it. So it gained its legitimacy


through the ballot box as well. I think what has happened is


completely, I don't know, I can't seen describe how horrendous an act


it is against democracy against all values, the western countries are


standing for. Do you understand where President Morsi is tonight?,


do you know where he is? I have been in contact with people who


closely associated with the President at the moment, some of


the few people are present with him at the moment President Morsi has


had a statement maybe half an hour ago. And he reemphasised the


legitimacy, the illegitimate institutional democracy that we


want to get into constitutional democracy. He emphasised we don't


want to go down the route of violence. He emphasised the


importance of having peaceful transitions generally. He also


emphasised that this is a coup and the world has to stop this coup


from happening. Millions of people are on the streets and even at home,


they have voted for President Morsi, they have not taken to the streets


as you have mention the but that will make them angry. They won't


believe in democracy. We have had a referendum for the constitution and


now the constitution is cancelled. We have had presidential elections


and now there is a coup against him, a military coup to a point that


presidential candidates are people who wanted to be Presidents are


being appointed. And a third thing as well, the parliament has been


dissolved, so you have already had parliamentary elections and then


they want us to go steps back, ever time we go towards democratic


legitimacy we are sent back it status quo. Do you know how


President Morsi, was he arrested tonight? I don't have a clear view


of that. My brother is the assistant of the President for


foreign relations, he is a senior assistant for the President. He has


been close with him over the past days, he hasn't been home. I was


trying to get hold of him over the last two hours, it was impossible.


The militarys has spread the tanks throughout east Cairo, around the


demonstrators who are supporting President Morsi, it is possible


also to get in touch by -- it is impossible to get in touch by phone


in east Cairo, they shut all the TV channel, all the Islamic TV


channels were shut. I think this is a reputation of the era in 1954


when he did the military coup. I think this is the statement that


says in Aric beneath his picture, "this is what we are going to do


for the Muslim Brotherhood". Certainly announcing a military


coup that would last from 1954 until 2011 and then for 50-


something years and we need another revolution like the one we had in


2011. It is very early days obviously, what is the thinking


within the Muslim Brotherhood about how things go forward from here


Muslim Brotherhood think that we need to stay together and try to


enforce the democracy. And the democracy of the ballot box, try to


move it forwards and get people to actually express their opinion in a


democratic way. It is impossible to dismiss the blunt bias. It is very


important Muslim Brotherhood is encouraging everyone to take part


in support of the legitimacy and to stand against the military coup


that is taking place at the moment. We will not take another era, we


will not take another military coup. The army has said it will react


forcibly if there is resistance to what it has done? That is what Nasr


said. The difference between 2011 and 2013 is people in 2013 were so


scared to go out against Mubarak because of his state police. When


my brother who is now somewherek went out in 2011, jeopardising our


familiarly, when I went out, when we have been protesting ever since


I was a child for democracy and human rights, we were so scared.


But we didn't care now millions are on the street because they know


there is nothing to stop them expressing their opinions.


President Morsi wouldn't express them from -- stop them from


expressing their opinions. He has allowed freedom of expression. The


military coup will stop the Muslim Brotherhood supporters or even the


legitimacy supporter from expressing their opinions. Thank


you very much. We are expecting to be speaking to


an Egyptian army general shortly but in the meantime let as talk to


Mark Urban, it is quite something when you compare the Arab Spring


optimisim with this summer's anxiety about whether the state can


survive. Popular protests then brought down Governments, not just


in Egypt but in Tunisia, Libya and in Yemen, encouraged by the west.


Today all the United States is doing is wittering. Meantime, of


course, there is a nasty Civil war raging in Syria, threatening to


destablise neighbouring Lebanon, taken together they do make you


bonder about the west's encouragement of democracy in the


region. What ought we to understand about this part of the world? Our


diplomatic editor is with us. Whys has the Arab Spring gone so badly


wrong, do you think? This is a big moment, isn't it tonight, a good


moment to take stock. We have seen these revolutions across the region.


The countries affected, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and of course


Syria. The old system has been overturned, or at least seriouslyle


challenged in Syria, and in a sense people are struggling to find a new


system that make sense. The key thing that people are struggling,


we have heard the world so many times tonight, "legitimacy".


Elections only seem to play an understand depbltdepbl role in that


quest. Where do we want, religion, Islam in its different forms, the


army. All these constitutions argued about in Egypt for the past


two years, all of these things are being seized upon by people trying


to find legitimacy. You might say they are making progress in some


places, but in other places its a truingling without end. Contrast


that with the monarchys in the region, there hab problems in


Bahrain and Jordan, it is facing difficult challenges, but Qatar


managed a leadership change the other week and nobody in theed. An


ordinary success through the dynastic principle. Even though


they may be challenged and dissent in those countries, in those


countries the greater sense of legitimacy has resulted so far in a


more ordinary situation at least. What are the options for the west?


Well, look at the journey that the US /UK and other countries have


been on, particularly since the Iraq War. They went into Iraq,


having done so for all sort of reasons, this argument, many people


called it a neo-conargument about trying to plant a model democracy


in the Middle East. It brought to power religious-based parties and a


lot of amateurs and those who played the sectarian game, a costly


process for Iraq. The US encouraged the Palestinian Authority to hold


elections. That indirectly brought about the split between Hamas in


Gaza and Fatah on the West Bank. Which has disastrous consequences


for the Middle East peace process. In Lebanon too, American pressure


to hold elections that eventually led to this Hezbollah dominatedle


coalition. Not a result that in many ways -- dominated coalition,


not a result that America would be happy with. They don't feel able to


suggest anything other than democracy, but it is rebounding to


the detriment of western interests. It could be that these countries


are not suitable for democracy? That is an old fashioned view. If


you travel across the region you do meet many people, particularly in


countries like Egypt, there are sizeable cohorts of people who get


it. Young people, networked into the world. They know what


democratic freedoms look like. Think understand it, it is a hell


of a struggle, you can look at some of these places and say the glass


is half full. Tunisia and Libya have held successful election, they


face challenges of Islamisation. In Tunisia lawlessness and Libya. But


they are getting there. But this struggle could stilling very long


in some of these places. Thank you very much. We are going


to talk now about the broader question about what to expect what


will happen in the rest of the region? We have a number of guests


over here. Including the recent British ambassador in Cairo. Other


guest from earlier is also here as is the, what are you? The Coptic


bishop? I'm general bishop of the Coptic church in the UK. We are


joined from tort ront toe by a writer of Sex -- Toronto, writer of


Sex in the Citadel. Let's go to Toronto, can you tell us what you


think went wrong? With former President Morsi's Government, there


is so much happening, which bit went wrong. Nobody in the west


would seek to encourage a military coup in the normal course of events.


Why was it necessary in the view of the Egyptian military. The Muslim


Brotherhood had literally a once- in-a-lifetime opportunity, for 80


years it has been waiting to come to power. When it came to power it


made a spectacular mess of things, in terms of economic, all the


problems that Egypt has, in term of the inability to -- in terms of the


inability to provide on the streets for Egyptians. They failed. What is


most frustrating is former President Morsi appears to have


taken a leaf out of the PlayBook of former President Mubarak. Borrowing


many of the same tactic, yes I know he talks about being democratically


elected, when he declared himself Pharaoh until further notice at the


end of last year, when he tried ride roughshod over the parliament,


and threw journalists into prisons and tried to limit the laws that


limited civil society. These are undemocratic actions, no wonder he


has been playing the card of legitimate elections because he


threw all the other cards of democracy away. Former President


Morsi has forgotten that you cannot deal with the Egyptian people any


longer. You can't use the tactics of President Mubarak, because the


one thing that former President Mubarak had of fear on his side. He


had an apparatus to instill that fear. All that is gone. President


Morsi did not learn from that and he and his colleagues are paying


the price. The first democratically elected


President, this was an exciting event why did it go wrong?


Performance and distrust. Performance in that he didn't


deliver, they didn't deliver what the Egyptian people were looking


for, improvement to their lives. And distrust has just been pointed


out, at the end of last year. Putting himself above the law. In


one sentence he destroyed what the whole point of the revolution in


2011 was about. So I think those are two Cardinal ipept policy tegss


that were made. -- inept policy decisions that were made.


Ineptitude wasn't the Monday loply of the Government. Everybody in --


monopoly of the Government. Everyone was playing an inept game.


But they were unable to put together a coherent vision, and the


military issued an ultimatum and called time. Did you feel this was


an illegitimate Government? didn't think it was illegitimate.


There was a democratic election. won a majority? There was a small


presence there. Basically the President, the former President


came in with a 12% mandate. Only 50% of Egyptians eligible to vote,


only 50% went out to vote, only 50% barely voted of that was said to be


democratic. The problems that happened during that is there was


actually no attempt to bring the people together after allegations


about Muslim Brotherhood and even Christians, that after the last few


decades there was a culture of divide and conquer. Rather than


using it to bring people together to create a cohesive state and


national identity, there was a greater breakdown. So we find


towards the end now it was no longer even Christian-Muslim. It


was one agenda against everyone else. You have a look of mourning


on your face. I understand why. But do you accept that any of these


criticisms have any validity in them? First I don't accept he's a


former President, according to the Egyptian constitution he is the


President. An important point to make actually. Let's leave that to


one side? Some of the concerns are legitimate. The President since his


first day, he opened up for dialogue, he called for dialogue


over and over again. In January he called for a dialogue, over and


over again, for open dialogue. He offered the National Salvation


Front leaders positions, he offered them to lead the Government. He


offered primes position and President position to one of the


National Salvation Front leaders as well. He has been opening up. The


old position did not want that, and didn't want to put hand in hand


with the Muslim Brotherhood at the moment. I see the opposition at the


moment as fractured opposition, not even prep ynt I have of what's


happening on the streets. I do not see a future for Egypt after this


point to be honest. What is the wider implication for what happened


to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt for other similar organisations


throughout the region? I think it is not just a question I would


address to the Muslim Brotherhood. I think it is the political


leadership in all the countries. Particularly those who have gone


through the revolutions. We have seen and in Eastern Europe, in the


1990s and in other revolutions the political transition is going to be


bumpy, complex and not easy for those on the ground. And not easy


for outside Governments who have to deal with those countries. The


message is deliver improvement in people as lives, that is what they


wanted. Treat them with dignity, that is what the revolutions were


about. Include people into the future. Some countries are very


lucky and they have at that period in their transitions people with


the vision and charisma. Sadly those sorts of leaders are few and


probably, I can't think of them, in the Arab revolution countries.


So you have to, they have to count on something rather different,


which is delivering results, and making people feel that they are


part of the policy process. Let me put it very crudely to you, the


suggestion is being made already by some people that most of these


countries are in a word too unsophisticate, too primitive for


democracy? What do you think? Speaks as an Egyptian and


vehemently reject that. We are seeing the evolution on the ground.


There aren't that many people that went from decades of Cologneian


occupation, and then the military to a single democracy in a bound.


When your other guest says the opposition loader is fragmented and


disorganised. Over the past few years we have seen the coming


together of groups. They were chaotic after the 2011 uprising,


you look today at the ability to mobilise tens of millions on to the


strot. You look at the sophistication of the country, this


is a learning curve for everyone, this is the training ground of


demoingcy. We have taken Australian -- democracy, we have taken an un -


- un seen road with the Muslim Brotherhood but we are back out


inhead. Do you think your society will prakure with the demands of


democracy? I think that the Egyptian society was not ready for


a quick implementation of democracy, two factors were never resolved,


illiteracy and poverty. You have a society that is there, that wants


to move ahead. What we have seen in Tahrir Square over the past two


days, and the past month, it is not a society unable to live democracy.


It is a society that was never prepared for it. Even in the past


year nothing has been done for that as well. Ifer we are going to talk


about receipt -- we are going to talk about rhetoric, there has been


a lot of rhetoric over the past year and delivery. I must tell you


something for our brothers on the street for the Muslim Brotherhood.


I say that sincerely, I know what it means as a Christian in Egypt to


be marginalise, alienated, not to to be brought into a process, there


is that fear but that was never, ever addressed. What we want at the


moment is reconciliation on every front. When there is a call to


bring people together. We heard in the military statement today that


there was a small for all parties to come together months ago,


including the presidency. To try to avoid a day like today. Everyone


turned up but the presidency. There was an arrogance about the process,


that is what led us to today. Egypt fragmented and will not continue to


exist in this way. I have a strong fear that Egyptians, by their


nature are a wonderful loving people who want to work together.


They just need pragmatic and intentional leadership in that


direction. That wasn't there but hopefully it will be. What the


broader implications for the region as a whole, there was all the


exuburance for the car rab spring. It is not turning out as everybody


-- for the Arab spring. It was always going to be a difficult


transition, you don't come out of 40, 50 years of no political


expression into a fully-formed democratic structure. It was


utterly predictable in that sense. It is going to be bumpy. I contest


the that the region is not able for representative politics, democracy


whatever you want to call it. One thing you have seen in Cairo and we


saw it in 2011, and I have seen it in Libya is a passionate interest


amongst the people to be represented and to have their


voices heard. That to me is democracy pure and simple. Can I


add something to that, what we have seen on the street is so man people


from different walks of life with - - so many people with different


walks of life and agendas, if you give them a common goal and cause


they will stand together, that is the pragmatic leadership needed


right now. Nice to end on a positive note.


Certainly anyone who uses them knows which recreational drugs are


illegal in Britain. If you choose to use them you buy from a dealer


and you know you take a risk to enhance your sen sayings. Yet there


is an abundance of substances which you can go into a shop and buy


legal low and consumed for pleasure. It is assumed just because they are


not illegal they are not dang are you. They can be as plenty of


deaths testify. The plain fact is chemists can cook up new ways of


getting off your head, faster than the Government can regulate them.


Legal highs, designer drugs, new psychoactive substances. Call them


what you will, but these are drugs created for the sole purposes of


mimicking illegal substances. They are often brand-new, untested


chemicals that around UK law by simply claiming not to be for human


consumption. When it leave the shop it is up to


them. They are a free human being to do whatever they want with the


product. It is a huge experiment, essential low people are treating


themselves as guinea pig. You will try one and like it the first time,


90% of people. It is the aftermath, how many times it does ruin. How is


it that these strong untested new psychoactive substances, linked to


at least 40 deaths last year are so freely available. Is the Government


losing the fight against this booming industry. Jessica was


taking a lot of legal highs a couple of years ago of the she was


16 and buying them from a shop on her local high street. When you


first take them you think it is good because you never felt that


feeling before. You sort of experiment with your own body.


After a bit you sort of realise that you can't function right, you


can't do simple tasks like make a cup of juice. Your body just feels


drained and you want to go to sleep yet you are so awake. When I used


to take legal highs...Jessica Stopped taking legal highs after


getting fits of paranoia. A friend died after taking the band Meth


drone. I noticed on Facebook statuss he was very depressed and


down and I tried to speak to him. I lost confidence when I came out


through that scene. I had had found out he hung himself on come thank


he couldn't hack it on New Year's Day. This is one of 14 branches of


UK Skunk Works, a called head shops selling various smoking


paraphernalia. They sell potpourri and research chemicals. They are


labelled not for consumer consumption, it means they can be


sold openly but it means suppliers can't say to take them. It would be


nice it provide information if someone accidentally ingested the


product. It is an insane situation of having things on show and saying


they are research chemicals and everybody knows that. It is a 21


test century issue. The products are here, we are transparent, that


is what we do. We brought it to the high street to be the first to


regulate this industry. The top is transparent and we are transparent


with you. We can't be transparent with certain products because of


legislation. That is why. Which allows him to sell these products


as long as he isn't tell them as drugs.


These are the research bell lets, they are nicely packaged, it may be


harmful if inhaled and et. It has the chemical combound underneath.


Do you know what that is? The Internet means anyone with


access to a credit card can easily buy these drugs. I ordered some


line and they arrived in the promised discreet packaging the


next day. More time has been getting suppliers to speak openly


about the industry. Most didn't reply to my e-mail, one got in


touch and said they looked after 40% of the legal high market. It


creates many thousands to create a new legal high and manufactured on


an industrial scale in India and China and redistributed in the UK.


The owner of this station claims one million viewers, including --


there are adverts to buy untested legal highs, and people can report


dodgy vendors and look at doses. That is why Midas says his site is


doing more to reduce harm than Government hands? We bend on


substance. There you go, you can't sell that or recruit it. A new


substance comes, this substance has even less information available. It


might even be the sun stance is more harmful to people's lives that


it is a law that it is not working. The Government says its system is


constantly reviewed, but it can't second guess what might be harmful.


Where we have discovered there is a legal high harmful to human health


and there are recorded cases of people being admitted to hospital


or in really extreme cases, dying as a result of taking that product.


I think we have to intervene and legislate at that point. Whether


that means that somebody invented another product. We don't know.


Maybe they will, maybe they won't. I don't think that is a reason to


turn a blind eye to the harm being done by the product that is being


put in front of us. We took some of the substances we


bought to beest ited by leading toxicologists. Given the head shop


we went to didn't know what was in Pink Pant they ares, we wondered if


the doctor had any idea., This is sold as a cocaine or speed copycat


drug. What do we know what is in there? It has meth probe mean. That


is similar to amphetamine. It is a very potent substance, it is known


as crystal meth. It is not controlled by the Misuse of Drugs


Act. But probably has a similar effect. So the people taking this


stuff, do we know anything about what effect it could be having on


their body? Nothing at all. They have not been tested as vugs. The


people who know most about it are the kids of those who bought it.


The assistance on the side of the packaging was accurate, there no


instructions about it is due. Dr Ramsey explained how the drugs are


developed to evade the law. They come about in two ways, people


looking at the information for research tools or evaluated as


pharmaceuticals or never been marketed. They look at a


fundamental chemical structure like methamphetamine to see if they can


bring it outside control. It this is how it might work, this is the


chemical structure of a synthetic cannabis structure called AM-20 81.


This is the active cannabis part that gets you high. If you keep


this part of the chemical structure deep and look out for other places,


you get PB22. It retains the active cannabis-like elements but


different from AFPB000. -- some Lord Chancellor local authorities


have tried to -- some local authorities have tried to sell the


psychoactive substances. Health officials have told us an


increasing number of people have ending up in hospital after taking


legal highs. The local council took this shop into court after a


teenager ended up in hospital after taking a sub gans called GoGaine.


What we want -- a substance called GoGaine. We need action. We have


had talks with people in the Home Office, we took a prosecution but


unfortunately the laws in this area are very complex and clearly there


is a gap in the legislation that enabled us to take a prosecution of


this kind. We failed because he put harmful on the product box, saying


this is "harmful" for human health.Le A mile away from the main


Glastonbury site is a giant cow shed by has been transformed into a


mobile Police Station. And Government testing laboratory.


Scientists here are trying to identify brand new psychoactive


substances, it is their job to warn their Government particularly toxic


new drugs. Whilst we are there, they came across something they


have never seen before. We have identified it as a slight


chemical MoT p modification on an already illegal drug. BZP, it was


the type of drug to mimic the effects of ecstacy. We have to run


more tests to determine the exact structure and to determine if it is


itself I I will lool. -- is illegal. The Government says


it is leading the international response to this bourguignoning


market by outlawing whole familiar -- burpblging market by outlawing


whole familiar swathes of things. It seems the Government remains


several steps behind. While we have been on air the


Foreign Office has issued a statement on Egypt saying the


situation is dangerous, and has called on all sides to show


restraint and avoid violence. Kirsty will be here tomorrow. Good


night. The rain returns to the west in the night. Heavy bursts to start


with across Scotland and northern England, patchy rain and drizzle


for Wales and the south west. A lot of mist and sea fog. Showers


pushing south and eastward, after the overnight rain showers in


Northern Ireland with brightness. The rain lighter across western


Scotland. Showery in nature. Some will stay dry, dry brighter


conditions returning with 18 or 19. Brightening up for northern England.


In the showers in the morning brighter morning expected. Sunny


spells in East Anglia, there is the chance of one or two showers around


during the second half of the day. Some close to Wimbledon, a very


small risk, most will stay dry. A dry afternoon across Wales and the


south west too. Considering you start the day, grey and misty with


fog around here. It does look much, much brighter. Now Thursday into


Friday, high pressure starts to build. You will notice on the city


forecast across the north. Cloud forecast across the north. Cloud


around but a lift in temperatures. The further south the bluer the


skies will be. Patchy cloud can't be ruled out here and there, but


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