11/08/2016 Newsnight


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The Inquiry into child sexual abuse gets its fourth head in two years.


Alexis Jay will spend up to ten years on the investigation.


Is she, finally, the right person for this huge job?


Can the enquiry satisfy those campaigning for justice?


One of the three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green who fled to join


She had expressed a desire to come back. The problem with that was, the


risk factors around leaving were quite terminal also.


She takes me to the cutting field, where there are notches on the tree


She was a fearless reporter, and our colleague, who travelled


to the most dangerous parts of the world to report on the plight


of women shunned, abused, tortured and killed for their gender.


She left behind a book in which she pays tributes


Her daughter is hear to tell her story.


That is the verdict of the shadow minister for preventing abuse,


on the new, fourth, head of the Independent Inquiry


into Child Sexual Abuse, Alexis Jay.


Professor Jay, a child protection expert who led the Inquiry


into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham, promised


she would handle her work with "pace, confidence and clarity."


The Home Secretary Amber Rudd said that the government's commitment


So is she the right person for the job and, if so, what will be


Three times a high-profile lawyer has been appointed to lead


Three times they have ended up resigning,


Today the replacement was unveiled - not a lawyer.


Professor Alexis Jay was already a member of the inquiry panel,


With a background in social work, she is best known as the author


of an inquiry into Rotherham's failure to deal with local abuse.


There were examples of children being doused


with petrol and threatened with being set alight.


They were threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent


rapes and threatened they would be the next if they told anyone.


That damning report led to major changes for the town.


Resignations and change followed, but there are still some concerns


The first two chairs of the inquiry had to stand down


because, being members of the establishment,


they happened to know some central government decision-makers


whose work it was likely they would end up scrutinising.


Alexis Jay's appointment has been broadly welcomed, but there


are similar concerns about her background in social work


She's a social worker, when one of the key aspects of this


enquiry is looking at the abject failure of the social work


profession, and the amount of paedophiles who were social


workers - every week there is one arrested, or it's a teacher.


These are not the people you would go to to lead the enquiry.


The first is that Professor Jay isn't even a lawyer,


and this sort of inquiry would usually be chaired by a judge.


The second is that perhaps no one could manage this inquiry.


There are 13 separate investigations that have formed part of it.


Perhaps, some people suggest, we should aim for a smaller,


Take Lambeth, the subject of one of the 13 enquiry strands.


They've received 5000 documents from an old inquiry,


a further 100,000 items will need to be sifted,


and there are another 26,000 archive boxes to deal with.


I think Alexis Jay could be a very good chair.


She would need support on the legal side and if she gets that I think


In terms of the remit of the inquiry, and is this


If you interpret the terms of reference literally,


then yes it is, but I think the inquiry will adopt a much


narrower and focused approach and look at institutions,


they will look at the most serious examples of failure,


and they will draw from that the evidence they need


While Professor Jay has wide support, the survivor representative


Some core participants in the inquiry are angry


that they were not consulted about her appointment.


This is vitally critical to our lives and healing process,


but we were treated as we were children,


And that affects our faith and our confidence in an inquiry.


Professor Jay has a much harder task than she did in Rotherham.


She needs to keep survivors contributing to this inquiry,


but it's two years old, it's on its fourth chair,


and it's still years from drawing any conclusions.


Well, here in the studio are Gabrielle Shaw from


the National Association for People Abused in


Childhood and the barrister Anthony Heaton-Armstrong,


who is an expert on evidence in sexual cases and has personal


But first let's talk to Esther Baker, who has made


allegations of being abused as a child and has previously been


Good evening to all of you. First of all, Esther Baker, what do you make


of the appointment? I think this is a good appointment. I think it's the


first time the enquiry has managed to get a good chair. What is it


about her that gives you faith? I've got faith that Alexis Jay has proven


herself in the past with the Rotherham enquiry. I think she's got


a good concept of listening to survivors, which none of the former


chairs have had experience in. What do you make of the fact she doesn't


have a legal background? She isn't a lawyer. She's not a lawyer, but I


think in this case it's a good thing. She has a good legal team


around her. I think not being a lawyer will make her more


approachable for survivors. You heard in the film that there are


also concerns about social workers being involved. Social workers do


not have the cleanest of hands always. No, I think he's right in


one respect that social workers haven't got the best reputation at


the moment within the enquiry, however I think that we will never


find somebody who is completely not associated with abuse or any of the


strands in any way. It's physically not possible. Before we finish, can


we talk about the time frame. In the terms of reference of the enquiry,


there is an interim report promised by 2018, two and a half years, but


it looks as if Alexis Jay will have to work for ten years. What do you


think about the timescale for the enquiry? The timescale worries a lot


of people, but I think if we are to do the right job and get justice and


correct recommendations for survivors in the future, then it


will take time. It's not something that can be rushed. A rushed job


will not please anybody. Thank you for joining us. Anthony, a barrister


with decades of experience and your own experience, do you think this is


a good appointment? I don't know the new chairman very well. I've read a


little bit about her, but I doubt she is the right person for this


massive job. Why? I don't believe she has the experience that is


needed for somebody to manage such a huge operation. And I agree with


those who consider that a lawyer with the right sort of experience


would be the correct appointment. Except they're rather very few


people who have dealt with an enquiry on this scale in the United


Kingdom and abroad as we know. Maybe that's not the key criteria. No, I


don't suggest that the person that ought to have been appointed needs


similar experience, in other words, managing such a massive operation,


but they need to have experience of operating a public enquiry. What do


you think, Gabrielle? Do you have the same concerns? No, not


particularly. I would like to pick up on something we heard from Ms


Baker, a survivor herself. It's about confidence. Adult survivors of


sexual abuse as children, for them to come forward and give evidence,


which the enquiry wants them to do with the truth projects and hearings


etc, they want to have confidence in the chair and somebody who


understands what's happening. Alexis Jay has proven herself through


Rotherham. You talk about the truth project which is just one of 13


strands. It's there in front of us, the terms of reference, there will


be an interim report in less than three years at the end of 2018. If


this is about being thorough and, as Crick Chris Cook says, the documents


from Lambeth itself, how good you have an interim report of any merit


in less than three years? A great point, and public confidence in the


enquiry has been knocked by the resignations of the three previous


chairs. Communication needs to improve. There needs to be more


regular output. That's what a lot of people and survivors would urge,


regular output and regular reports. We do talk about progress reports to


be fair. We can't wait two and a half years or five years for a


magical report that will suddenly solve everything. We need to rebuild


that confidence. Anthony, what do you think about the terms of the


enquiry, is it too broad and should it be honed down? I think it's much


too broad. I think the ambitions set for it are totally unrealistic. What


has to be thought about is what the enquiry can achieve for the future,


and for the future protection of potential victims of sexual abuse.


Not what has happened in the past. The enquiry needs to look at


procedures that have already been set in place by a number of the


institutions whose activities or in activities are under the spotlight.


Given it could be another ten years before we get a final report, going


historically back through every institutions' track record would not


even be productive, it would end up being frustrating for people. I


think the focus should be on the progress that has been made by the


institutions whose activities or in activities are under the spotlight.


Is that the more realistic thing or does it mean things will be brushed


under the carpet? I slightly disagree with that. Surely the best


way, if you fail to learn the lessons of the past you are doomed


to repeat them. This scale is massive, but so is the scale of the


problem. Children are being abused and failed by the state on an


industrial scale in the past. It's not pleasant, nobody wants to think


that they live in a society where this happens to children and they


failed time and time again. But they have been, and on a huge scale. So


the enquiry must be commenced at to encompass that. Of scale, it makes


more sense to have one enquiry, massive as it is, to oversee these


13 different strands of work. The lessons, the failings that have


happened, are likely to be similar and there are likely to be themes


that come through that. If you break it down to 13 different enquiries,


is not good or wise. Have it under one roof, one enquiry. That would


suggest you could actually report on the 13th one by one, it doesn't have


to come out in a Big Bang. What Gabrielle seems to be saying is that


there is a massive problem historically. If everyone is agreed


that there is, the focus should be on the cure, and making sure that


procedures are put in place, if they haven't already been, that will


prevent the same thing happening again. What is the point in


investigating things that everybody seems to accept have happened in the


past? Before I finish, we are on the fourth head in two years. When Judge


Goddard was brought over from New Zealand, that was going to be it,


this was the best person to conduct and complete this enquiry, and look


what's happened. Are we sure that Alexis Jay will actually work on


this for another decade? I think so. She has the past, the history to


prove that she can take on an enquiry of this nature. I think she


has the will as well. We heard some reporting a past saying it's a


poisoned chalice. I don't think it is. I think it's a great opportunity


for right to come to survivors in the past. If this one doesn't work


though, they presumably can't keep doing it. This has to be it? This


has to be it, as in it it has to be the last attempt? I think the


enquiry, within the scope set for it is totally unmanageable, and I think


it will hit the rocks again, frankly. I can't see anything coming


out of it with its present scope being anything particularly useful


for the protection of future potential victims. You are


optimistic? I have to be. One of the three schoolgirls


from Bethnal Green Academy who ran away to join IS in Raqqa in February


last year has been killed, Five months after they fled, two


of the teenagers told their families by phone and social media


that they were now married. Amira Abase and Shamina Begum


were 15 and Kadiza Sultana


was one year older. Secunder Kermani is here with more


details on the death. A lot of people remember this case


because it provoked a lot of national soul-searching about the


reasons why young British Muslim in were travelling off to Syria to join


Isis. Kadiza was 16 when she left her family home in east London in


February last year to go off to Syria. You can see her in this


image, she is the girl in the middle with the glasses. It was a case that


sparked a lot of soul-searching. Their families released very


emotional pleas for them to return home when they first disappeared.


Images of CCTV were released of the three girls at Gatwick Airport as


they were flying out to Turkey. More images were released of them in


Turkey as they took a bus to the Syrian border. Tonight I TV news


have been reporting that Kadiza Sultana has been killed in an air


strike in Raqqa. The family lawyer says the family were informed of


this a few weeks ago although they have not been able to independently


confirm it for themselves. My understanding is that the family


received a call from someone in Syria explaining that Kadiza had


been killed in an air strike, and it was thought to be


a Russian air strike. There's nothing worse than finding


out your sibling or your family By all accounts she was a young girl


with a very promising future, and it's a great loss


to us all, really. Every effort was made from the very


beginning to try to avoid this fateful news,


and despite all efforts, it's unfortunate we find ourselves


with the loss of a young life, There are reports that Kadiza was


trying to escape from IS? That's right, I understand that after the


man she married was killed she became disillusioned with life with


Isis and she began to develop with her family in Britain very secretive


and potentially dangerous plans to be able to return to the UK. In the


end it seems she was never able to do that.


She had expressed a desire to come back.


The problem with that was that the risk factors around leaving


are quite terminal also, in that if Isis were to detect


and capture you then their punishment was quite brutal


And the week where she was thinking about these issues, a young Austrian


girl had been caught trying to leave Isis territory and was,


by all reports, beaten to death publicly.


So given that that was circulated in the region as well as outside,


I think Kadiza took that as a bad omen and decided not to take


Well, I think she found out pretty quickly that the propaganda doesn't


She had made some enquiries and some plans of her own volition,


When these three schoolgirls left for Syria last February that was


almost, if you like, part of the peak of this problem of young people


travelling out to Syria. The scale of the numbers now travelling out to


Syria has diminished somewhat, although that will not be much


consolation for the family of Kadiza Sultana. And what we don't know much


about is the fate of the other two girls who travelled out to Syria


with her. The desperate plight


of the girls from Bethnal Green, was exactly the kind of story that


campaigning investigative journalist, our colleague,


Sue Lloyd Roberts who died last She travelled the world,


often undercover, reporting on the worst atrocities


inflicted on women. When she died after a journalistic


career spanning thirty years, she left behind an almost-finished


book which told vivid stories of Yazidi Women,


women in Saudi Arabia, forced marriage; female genital


mutilation in Gambia and Glasgow. But she very determinedly


wanted the book not to be about her, but about the tremendous


spirit, resilience - and sometimes death-courting


defiance of the women After Sue's death her daughter


Sarah Morris put the book The War I'll be speaking to her in a moment


but first here is a flavour of Sue Lloyd Roberts at work,


and some quotes from her book. She takes me to the cutting field


where there are notches on the tree for every girl cut. " We cut them


one after another. The cut girl is taken away and they bring another


until we finish them all. Why is it, I ask myself, that women who make up


51% of the world's population, are still campaigning for fair and


humane treatment in the 21st-century, as if we were just


another of the world's persecuted minorities.


The discovery in June that some 800 babies had died at a former mother


and baby home run by nuns in Ireland and that their bodies had been put


in an unmarked and horribly inappropriate graves shocked the


world. It's a sewage tank. Why are their children buried in a sewage


area? When I look back on 30 years of human rights reporting, the


majority of my attempts to draw attention to injustice and suffering


from Texas to two G to stamp via Ireland and Pakistan have involved


women. And your sister had with her a


ten-year-old friend? Are women doomed to be just another


hopeless cause? And if so, why? Well with me now is Sue's


daughter Sarah Morris, who finished the book


that her mother started. Good evening. I mean, you were very


close to sue. I wonder if you learn something about her finishing,


policy polishing this book? I did, I think what I really learned was how


angry she was. She was really quite a joyful person in many ways. But in


the book it comes to that she was quite a cross person. And I think


her reports on the BBC were obviously constructed by editorial


balance and being impartial, but in the book she is really able to let


loose. The thing she was really angry about is how all over the


world, whether it was FGM or honour killings, she was told that these


things happen in the name of tradition, and in her eyes it was so


clear that it was abuse. And she just wanted to scream when she would


interview the father of an honour killing victim who would say, this


is just what we do, here. And in her head she wanted to scream. Because


why is such a convenient excuse? But do you think, in the end, she was


quite an optimistic person? I thought she was quite an optimistic


person. I read this book and I realise there is still so much to


do. Still so much to do. I think she was a really good example of a


pessimist of the intellect and an optimist of the will. Intellectually


she could see that so much was wrong but she had so much faith in


humanity that she was optimistic for the future. In this but you can see


her faith in women for their resilience. Some of the stories


about FGM and the Yazidi women stand out for me, and actually she was


fiercely proud of other women. She was. And although it is called The


War On Women, and many of the stories are horrifying and


devastating, it is also the Brave ones who fight back. This is the


voices of these women who are doing incredible things to fight back,


like you say, the woman in Gambia who was destined to be a cutter for


her village and decided to flee because she thought it was wrong.


And now she's here in London. She was absolutely the pre-eminent


journalist who actually explored women's stories. I wonder if you


think progressively she sought out women's stories. I think she did.


And as a female journalist herself, when she first started, there was


nobody doing what she was doing. She was really a pioneer. She had no one


to look up to. She started at ITN doing things like the Chelsea flower


show and following the royals around, which, as a strong


Republican, bought her to tears. I think her legacy is showing other


women that they can do what she did. But I wonder, because you were


young, she was awake doing incredibly madcap things, some of


her disguises were downright dangerous and so forth, did you


worry about her as much as she must have worried about you guys at home?


I think we were just used to it. And actually I must say that she often


would lie to me about stories. Later on when I was a bit older and in my


20s she would say, oh, I'm going to Africa to do a story about


elephants. She wouldn't tell me until she got back what she'd


actually been doing. I remember being much more worried about her as


an adult than I was as a child. As a child it seemed normal. At we had a


rule where she would phone every night, whenever she could get a


signal. The rule was we didn't ever discussed the story in case someone


was listening in. And all of that was quite exciting as a child. If


there was one story that stands out to you as mattering deeply, what


would it be? I think it was female genital mutilation. I think she had


a bit of a renaissance later in her career and discovered this going on.


And I think before she started doing it, people would pitch the idea of


FGM to newspapers and they would say, that's disgusting, that's not


something we are going to do. She just had a way of doing it that


meant it would get noticed and because of her we've had legislation


changing Parliament. People didn't really know what it was until she


started talking about it. Thank you very much indeed.


Rio 2016 now, and no one could fault the dedication


of our correspondent Stephen Smith, who has been submitting himself


to a gruelling regime of stretching for his snacks as he follows


But no Olympic project is worth a candle these


And who better than former Blue Peter legend Peter Purves


to encourage our man to upcycle his empties?


All the members of the British squad have now been chosen.


It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.


And when Rio 2016 flags for an instant what I like to do


is look back at how old games were covered.


I think Sharon and Joy have done fantastically well.


I've kind of settled in for the duration.


I'll tell you what, I could make something out of that.


How hard will he go, is the question?


You know much more about this than me.


Wasn't he Prime Minister for a while?


I used to ride but one day I was sitting up


there and I thought, I don't like this,


I don't know if that's been diagnosed officially but you'll


probably get a grant and some counselling.


Do you think golf, tennis, sports like that, should


really be at the Olympics, Peter?


I was listening to something on the radio about people applying


Somebody was saying they wanted petanque in there.


For goodness sake, it's marbles with big balls, it's pointless.


Actually my wife's very good at this.


So if you hear something in the night, you send


Well, that is the iciest water I have ever swum in.


Yes, got all my life-saving badges and everything.


You were the kind of David Hasselhoff of your day?


If you were at a party and people offered you a funny cigarette...


Because that was happening in London in those days,


If there was no press there I wouldn't have said that.


I had friends who partook, if that's the correct phrase.


No, I wouldn't have been averse to that, at all.


I can't watch this any more, this is distracting me too much.


I'm going to make something out of it.


Don't be silly, that's a diving board.


I don't want to jinx things but I smell BAFTA.


Before we go, this week one of the most eagerly-anticipated


video games of the decade - No Man's Sky - was released.


In the game, you get to explore as many of


the eighteen quintillion - yes quintillion -


The game's visual palette pays homage to the golden age of sci-fi,


so we decided to go one further, with a soundtrack that


These are the voyages of the starship enterprise. Its five-year


mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new


civilisations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.


Hello. Somewhat and windy weather across the North in the evening and


through to Friday morning. Ahead of the rain it will be lively across


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