15/06/2017 Newsnight


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Who were they? Almost two days later we don't know the basic thing. What


we do now is it will be more than the 17 officially counted. He tried


to call his family back home in Syria. He said, the fire has reached


me now. I am going to die. Tell my mum and my father, I love them.


How was this building made into a literal death trap?


How many more buildings like it are out there?


The explosion might have happened at one o'clock,


So in half an hour, 13 floors already on fire.


There's to be a public inquiry, so we may not have proper answers


How many different safety concerns have been bubbling under


Group upon group have been lining up to tell the government


that they need to make a review of building regulations and we've


seen building regulations ministers time and time again saying,


And the Prime Minister comes without cameras in tow but only


Is this, like Hurricane Katrina, becoming a defining


We'll ask the leader of Kensington and Chelsea council.


To those of us who have not experienced the trauma


that the residents and families of Grenfell Towers are suffering,


their loss in unimaginable but we sense their rising anger


that they were dealt a dreadful hand.


They lived in a building which was quite simply, not safe.


Repeated pleas by residents and warnings that something awful


The burning building now charred against the blue sky,


may come to symbolise the moment there was a shift in society,


There are so many who have lost loved ones and seen things


no-one should ever see, others who have survived


with life changing injuries, and many who still await news.


Let's get a sense of the mood on the ground.


Joining us from West London is, Derek Wilson, pastor


at the Christian Centre Trust Tabernacle, who has helped


Good evening, Derek Wilson. Tonight, so many people are still missing


their loved ones. Who is helping them tonight? I think what is


happening, reality is beginning to set in. Really, there are no more


survivors. At this time, there is a lot of frustration, a lot of anger


of what has happens, that could have been prevented. And as you are


saying, the realisation for many people that they will have lost


members of their family and eagerness to find some information.


Information we seem to be getting very, very slowly? Absolutely. It is


shocking. What is more shocking is that this industry report that was


released two years ago and was the council's notifier. It could have


been prevented. It just fell on deaf ears and that is why you are getting


the frustration and be anger at this time in the community. Do you think


enough is being done by the council. I know there are so many emergency


centres that have set up, your own church is one, is enough being done


by the council? Well, this is what needs to be answered. There is some


tough questions and some tough answers from this enquiry that needs


to come out. What I mean tonight, pastor, is there enough council


workers on the ground helping, or is it all volunteers? Is the council in


control of the situation? Now there is, because where we have our


church, the food and clothing are beginning to shift at this time. By


tomorrow, I believe everything should be moved out of the buildings


to a central place where those who need it, can get access to it. Are


all the residents who have been saved from the tower, are they being


housed locally, are they being looked after locally? They are still


in temporary accommodation. They are in the Westway, the indoor tennis


court, they need to be housed as soon as possible. Thank you very


much indeed, pastor. Well throughout the day our reporter


Katie Razzall has been in the shadow of Grenfell Towers,


speaking to people who lost loved ones, and others whose


friends and family members are still unaccounted for and also


getting a feel for the solidarity Yesterday, in the afternoon, we were


accommodated. This is where I live, 571. Until the early hours of


Wednesday morning, this man lived in Grenfell Tower. Now his home is a


hotel. He is haunted by what he saw that night and the neighbours but


could not have survived. Being in the building for this many hours, of


course you are not alive. He showed me his videos of the fire. This is


when I phoned my mum. I think I phoned my mum at 1:30am. By then it


is really on fire. He was leaving the cinema with his sister when his


mother called from home to save their block was ablaze. He found her


after an agonising wait. I tried to go inside the building to save my


mum. I saw a firefighter going in at the same time and he stopped me and


said, only people can come out, nobody is allowed in. I said, my mum


is in there. I ran and the first person I saw was my mum. I was so


happy. Happiness and laughter lasted -- lasted for ten to 20 seconds.


People were on the phone talking to their kids, they're why. One man was


telling his wife what to do. We told him to put a wet towel over her


mouth and her daughter's mouth and get on the floor. To help with the


gas, to help with the explosion. Did they get out, do you think? No.


Newsnight understands from a firefighter, they knew after 11am


yesterday morning they would be unlikely to find any more survivors.


It was the worst they had seen in all their years of firefighting.


Block of around 600 hundred inhabitants from diverse


backgrounds, still smoking today. Most of them were Muslims from


Turkey, Somalia, there were English people, black people, black Muslims.


What do we know of who lived in Grenfell Tower. This rainy and bone


man lived in flat ten on the third floor, a floor below where the fire


started. Other survivors include on the ninth sorry, this Moroccan


family who fled when one of them smelt smoke and woke up to see


flames outside. From the 11th floor, this lady who escaped with her


husband and three children when a friend called to tell her of the


fire. It is the poor souls who are missing or dead who keep this man


awake at night. I cannot close my eyes when I know people died in


front of me. You saw it, they do? Yes, I saw people jumping out from


the building. Not one or two, many. Couldn't avoid looking at them.


Yesterday we heard other family on the 21st floor. A 20-year-old with


his parents, brother and sister. There were rumours on social media


the family is dead. Officially, they are still missing. This from a


friend today. It breaks my heart because social media is going out


and things are confirmed. Those messages are going to his family and


friends and it is distorting everything. No one in the tower has


been confirmed. On the 14th floor lived Syrian brothers. University


student Mohammed Alhajali was overwhelmed by smoke while his


friends escaped. It was confirmed he perished after a phone call home to


Syria. He was terrified, he was scared. He had hoped the emergency


services would get to him. Two hours later, he phoned to say the fire has


reached me now. I am going to die. Goodbye to my mum and my father, I


love them. That was the last message from him. The names and faces of the


missing residence of the tower gives a snapshot into a diverse and


tight-knit community. This 79-year-old from the Philippines.


And this month, was about to win an award for his work as a security


guard. The Italians who moved into the 23rd floor three months ago and


this five-year-old who was lost in in the chaos of the evacuation. This


is a community anxiously waiting for news of loved ones and friends. They


were warned today, the police fear they may never identify all of those


who have been killed. Well, this has gone beyond a local


tragedy and become a event that has touched people


across the whole country. And along with that spotlight has


come intense scrutiny of whether politicians at a national


level have done enough in the past But it was also the tone


of the response that drew attention. Theresa May was pictured


meeting the leaders of the London Fire Service,


while Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was filmed


mingling with local people. Our political editor


Nick Watt is here. Nick, how's the political


response going down? How has that political response been


judge? There is those who say it could provide a defining image of


her Premiership. One Tory MP said the Prime Minister is behaving how


she behaved in the election. Her limitations are there for everybody


to see. When Theresa May visits the scene of a tragedy, she always goes


out of her way to ensure she is not a burden on the emergency services.


This was a private visit, there were no cameras and there were limited


discussions with the emergency service leaders and volunteer


leaders, but there was no meeting with the residents. As I understand


it, the Prime Minister wanted to hear directly, on the ground what


had happened, before deciding what to do. She had been told the fire


had spread in a strange, unpredictable and volatile way and


when she heard that, she said there are huge questions to be answered


and so later on, she announced there will be a judge led public enquiry


and she says that will report properly. Thank you very much.


Nick Paget-Brown is the Conservative leader of Kensington


Good evening. When will you last in Grenfell Tower? I went to the


opening of the dale boxing club last summer, just after the end of the


refurbishment of the tower. We were delighted, not only had we found


more homes in the tower through a judicious conversion of certain


rooms, but we got the boxing club, so I went to a happy opening. So not


up the tower? In the tower, up a level, then when the refurbishment


was completed, we went into a flat further up to look at the new


kitchen and heating system and the new windows. At that stage you were


aware of concerns about the refurbishment? Some residents were


very concerned about the whole concept of the refurbishment. Some


residents were pleased it addressed the problems they had with heating,


either being hot or cold. We had invested ?10 million to deal with


their problems. We will know more about what will go wrong in the


public enquiry, there are certain things we can talk about now because


this is your area and things will have to move quicker than the public


enquiry, one assumes. How many towers in Kensington and Chelsea


have similar cladding? As far as we know, there are no other towers


without cladding. No other old towers have modern cladding? As far


as I am aware no other towers in Kensington and Chelsea have that


particular form of cladding. You won't be putting cladding on like


that with the same components in the future? No. How many towers do you


have without sprinklers? That will vary, according to what the fire


inspection requires they have. New towers do have sprinklers, some old


towers don't, how many old towers don't? Some of the old towers before


the 1970s won't have integral sprinklers. I cannot give you a


number. You have not checked up since the fire? We have looked at


the London Fire Brigade to check on all the towers and make sure all the


safety in all the towers, if they can give is the assurance we need


that all of those towers are saved and comply with fire standards and


regulations. We will talk about wrinkles in a


moment but in the refurbishment, did you consider retrofitting


sprinklers? I did not consider that, but what you try to do when you are


refurbishing is contain a fire within a particular flat so that the


Fire Service can evacuate that flat, deal with the fire. Do you wish now


that you had splinters? Because from the black canal house case, in 2013,


the coroner wrote to the governor saying that retrofitting of speakers


may now be possible at lower costs than had previously been thought.


And a report said they reckon that Grenfell Tower could have been


retrofitted with sprinklers which would have helped with this fire for


?200,000. And we know the residents were talking about the issues of


sprinklers. Why was retrofitting sprinklers not considered? Because


there was not a collective view that all the flats should be fitted with


sprinklers because that would have delayed and made the refurbishment


more destructive. Delay would have been less important than having a


fire? We're talking retrospectively after the most enormous tragedy.


Many residents felt that we needed to get on with the fitting of


boilers and heating systems and to retrofit more would delay the


building and that sprinklers were not the answer. Do you regret that?


I regret anything that we might have done differently that would have


avoided the tragedy. But right now, when talking about the response


right now, and we know this from residents, they have been put in a


local hotel last night, and they were not told until lunchtime


whether they would be able to stay there. They were not told whether


they would be allowed to have food, and they were told the council would


come and they did not come. The truth is that you cannot cope with


this. I am being honest and I think that we have coped with it as well


as we can after eight tragedy of this dimension. We have host people.


But you do not have the council workers to deal with traumatised


families. You promised the council would come to see them but you


cannot deal with that when people are grief stricken. We have three


emergency centres and we have councils... It is about people you


are housing and you said you would visit them and nobody has visited.


My understanding is that housing officials are and will visit them


but there are issues about people... You feel is to look after them once


and you are feeling to look after them twice. I hope that we are not,


I hope we are fitting them into safe temporary accommodation while we are


working out the long-term challenges they face. -- you were feeling to


look after them once and you are feeling to look after them once.


Theresa May did not meet residents today, because of security concerns.


Is that not a dreadful error of judgment? All I can talk to you


about is what the local authorities doing to improve the lives of


people. She is your conservative leader. Should she have met


residents, should she should she not? She did not meet residents


because she did not want to interfere with the work of the


emergency services. That would not have interfered. I have met people


within the emergency centres and I am delighted to welcome anybody,


including the Secretary of State, and they will meet residents and


here the problem. We have asked the government for help with more


housing accommodation. We need to house people permanently, not just


temporarily. David Lammy this morning alleged that this was


corporate manslaughter. Do you recognise that possibility? I think


that is a matter for the enquiry and I will not comment on any of these


allegations because I think that would be the wrong thing to do. I


understand it and I appreciate it but I think my job is to make sure


that the borough, and those people whose lives have been devastated, I


need to focus my energies on them and I do not want to be brought into


political slanging matches. Let's look at the national picture.


Chris Philp is the Conservative MP for Croydon South.


Andy Slaughter is Labour's shadow housing minister.


His Hammersmith constituency is adjacent to Grenfell Tower.


First of all, a lot of high-rises were built under various


government's watches. How many decades old buildings do not have


sprinkler systems? Many will not have sprinkler systems and the


recommendation on retrofitting which we have heard from 2013 has not been


implemented. In fact it was rejected. The lack house disaster


was on Labour's watch and they did not pursue the recommendation. --


the Lakanal House disaster. It is a political issue. It is. And to


correct you on that point, the coroners letters came out in 2013


and they are the ones that were not permitted. I think the issue here is


that this is on a completely different scale to any previous


fire. So we have a situation where you have in the space of 15 minutes,


the fire spreading from one corner of the block to the entire block.


But in lots of Labour councils throughout the land there are


buildings which have been required. There are also building that do not


have Spengler systems. -- buildings which have been reclad. Is there


going to be an assessment made to see what problems there might be?


The truth of the matter is that if buildings are reclad in materials


similar to this, that could be problems. That is the priority


question. Many councils like my own, I'm doing the assessment right now


and I expect to report tomorrow but this has to be a job for central


government. Cannot wait for a public enquiry to make these analyses of


whether there are other tower blocks at risk. That has to be our number


one priority. Even if their rent any, people will be worried that


there are. Thank you. Turning to you, Chris, John and Neil from the


Fire Service regulations have said that the relations were resisted


because no body was dying in these buildings. Did Grenfell Tower have


to happen before people would take action? A meeting was set to occur


when the election was called. But four years, four years? 2013 and


2017. The truth of the matter is that if something similar had been


found in an aircraft, because of cladding that was not suitable or


the fact that sprinklers were not fitted, it would be shut down, but


the problem is that people who do not have any power lives in these


high-rise buildings and nobody listens to them. Going back to the


coroners report, one of the recommendations was that the


Secretary of State right to social housing providers asking them to


consider fitting sprinkler systems and Eric Pickles did that


straightaway. Some councils responded immediately. But some


wanted the central government to allow them to carry more debt? The


building we are looking adhere had a ?10 million refurbishment very


recently and I have seen the figures. It would have only cost


?200,000 to put in sprinklers, and it was not a question of money, it


was a question of priorities. Something extraordinary clearly


happened in that building and we need to find out as a matter of


urgency exactly what it was. Was at the cladding, the lack of


sprinklers, was it something else? Whatever happened in the building,


we need to make sure that it never happens again. But as well as that,


somebody unusually will have to carry the can. I think is that


public enquiry, led by a judge appointed by the Lord Chief Justice,


so completely independent and able to call any witness, if they find an


individual or corporate body failed in their duty, then clearly


prosecutions should follow. But that is something that the public enquiry


will have to look at and report upon. What do you think the


government should do in the interim? In the interim, it has to do with


two things. They have to give reassurance to the hundreds of


thousands that lived in tower blocks that they are safe but it also has


to give assurances to the people who live around Grenfell Tower, who are


justifiably very angry that their concerns have not been listened to.


Setting up that enquiry, it has to be open and transparent and people


have to be persuaded, as they are not at the moment, that it is going


to find the truth and if people are responsible, they must be punished.


There will be an early interim report after a couple of months, and


if there is any critical failings, like if the cladding is highly


flammable, which was suggested, we need to know about that in a matter


of weeks. And move people out of the buildings. If other buildings have


that dangerous cladding, immediate action will need to be taken in a


matter of weeks and months. You are suggesting that if there is similar


cladding on other buildings, people should be moved out immediately. If


it is flammable, yes. Let's talk about Theresa May. We understand


that she did not want to interrupt the work of the emergency services


or volunteers, but she chose not to meet residents. It was cited as


being for security concerns. People could have met her in private, and


it would have been perfectly safe to meet people. Did you think that


showed somebody that was showing a compassionate side? I'm not sure if


it was just security concerns. I think she was keen not to intrude


and cause disruption at a time of anxiety and grief. The people


concerned were still searching for loved ones. Is it not important to


have the Prime Minister show she cares? She is trying to be practical


and talk to the emergency services, to find out what needs to be done


rather than grandstanding. I am sure she will meet families but the day


after they have lost their loved ones, the last thing you need is the


Prime Minister of the country elbowing her way in. To be honest, I


have spent a few days down there with Jeremy Corbyn. People did not


think he was intruding, they thought he was showing simple human sympathy


and kindness. Thank you both very much indeed.


The Public Inquiry will take evidence from all manner of experts,


contractors, councillors, emergency services,


community organisations, politicians and hopefully residents,


but it doesn't take a public inquiry to say that a review of building


regulations covering fire safety was promised by Theresa May's


chief of staff last year but has not been published.


The reason for that review was the fatal Lakanal House fire


in 2009 a multi-storey block in which six people died.


The coroner in the Lakanal House Inquest said that the government


should encourage providers of high rise housing to consider


retrofitting sprinkler systems - there was none in Grenfell -


and there are 4000 tower blocks in the UK that


We'll be talking to the lawyer for the Lakanal residents in a second.


But first, last night our policy editor Chris Cook reported


on details of the material with which Grenfell was cladded.


He's been looking more closely at this issue.


One of the most important questions to answer quickly is,


how many other buildings are at risk from fires


of the sort that devastated the Grenfell Tower.


Right now, that's a very hard question to answer.


To really understand the tragedy that


unfolded this week in Kensington, it may help to appreciate a success


Back in 2012, there was a major fire on the 17th


A pensioner's flat was completely destroyed.


It was contained by the walls and floors and the external


So the fire brigade were able to get here


and stop it from getting into any other flats.


A personal tragedy was prevented from becoming a much


One explanation for why the fire spread so quickly in


the Grenfell Tower was that the fire appears


to have spread over the outside of the building


That's insulation added to the exterior of the building


This broad design of cladding is in wide use.


You pin a layer of insulation material to the outside of the


Then add a waterproof layer to guard against the weather.


It was this outer layer that Newsnight


revealed yesterday, was of a design that


wasn't as fireproof as it might have been.


But experts have also called into question whether there's


Not with Grenfell Tower in particular,


but with materials being used in general in cladding.


The Fire Protection Association has been


conducting tests on widely used insulation material, for example.


Typically, we will fill a wheelie bin with cardboard, plastic bottles


and normal stuff you see in a normal recycling bin.


We put it up against the cladding and set fire to it.


You get some initial charring, but within a very short space


of time, the fire has got into the expanded


Theresa May today announced an enquiry.


Whether we take enough care to keep such


combustible material safely boxed in is one of the questions it


I am today ordering a full public enquiry into this disaster.


We need to have an explanation of this.


We owe that to the families, to the people


who have lost loved ones, friends and the homes


One of the first questions, though, is how widespread is the


sort of arrangement we saw at the Grenfell Tower


Where we've seen the widespread insulation of buildings,


retrospective insulation of buildings, is generally


The insulation materials of choice tend to be combustible or


It's very rare that I'm seeing installed in


residential accommodation noncombustible insulation material.


We may have problems because we are quite slow


I'm absolutely amazed that your regulations haven't been looked


at for over ten years, as I understand it.


With all of the developments happening with


materials, we see some of these fires that


are occurring around the world, we have lessons that we learn


from other countries, new materials that are being developed,


A 10-year plus review of regulations, I don't think


But there's been resistance in Whitehall to


regulation reform and in part, it's because


Conversations we've had with officials at DCLG, very recently


have pointed out that people aren't dying in these buildings.


And so, while no one was dying, it didn't matter?


Group upon group have been lining up to


tell the government they need to make a review


A full explanation of the tragedy will


The fire penetrated the building very deeply, so why didn't its


internal fire brakes hold the fire back?


Do we need sprinklers in more buildings?


Sophie Khan acted as lawyer for the residents group


of the Lakanal House fire in 2009 in which six people died.


Went you saw the fire, it must have brought back all the mammaries? Did,


and questions have to be asked that after how a very detailed inquest,


and a report to the government, why this could happen again? Is the


right way a public enquiry? No, the right way is inquests. The families


have a right to participate, they have a right to cross-examine upper


questions to the experts and able to get their own experts if the coroner


gets permission. The coroner is independent of the government. In a


public enquiry, it is very much government lead. And ice right in


saying no way, any resident family member take place in a public


enquiry? Not in a public enquiry, very limited rules in a public


enquiry, it is government-controlled, government


outcome. Was this unavoidable? 100%. The sprinklers, even though it


wouldn't have said the building, I think it would have said the


individuals inside the building. It would have given them time to get


out. The building, I I believe, would have perished. Is it your


experience that residents Association are not listened to?


Yes, but also the fire assessments, we have to look at the fire


assessments. Here, there is a fire issue, not just a council we need to


look at. What whether Fire Brigade doing? The refurbishments have been


done, what tests did they do on the building? But these are questions


the residents will not be able to ask in the public enquiry. In your


view, is this an intended consequence of the public enquiry or


do you think it is worked out a position that if the government goes


for a public enquiry and not an inquest, they will be not subject to


the same scrutiny? That is correct. In an inquests, they lose control of


what a jury verdict will do. And I jury will come out with narrative


verdicts which may be difficult for the government... One of the other,


you cannot have both? Only one or the other. Would you urge the


residents to kick up a fuss? Yes, they should be demanding an inquest


from the government to say, this isn't the right way, we don't want a


public enquiry, we want an inquest. I am concerned why the Prime


Minister came out to say so quickly, public enquiry. What does she know


that needs to be heading? Thank you very much.


The tragedy of Grenfell Tower has all but blotted out


the post election turmoil, delaying any deal negotiations


between the tories and the DUP to prop up Theresa May.


Nor does the shape of the impending Brexit negotiations,


and questions over an all party team punch through the still


In fact it's hard to focus on the fact that there was a general


election exactly a week ago, but now there are extraordinary


details emerging of the way that that election was played,


or rather mis-played by Theresa May and her now sacked


I'm joined by our political editor Nick Watt.


The negotiations between the government and the DUP are still


ongoing. Arlene Foster stepped back yesterday after the fire but they


are still talking. Downing Street can be confident the confident will


support the Queen's Speech and that is why they were able to announce


the Queen's Speech will take place next Wednesday. But they are not


there on the second part of the deal, support and supply. The


Treasury's job is to ask difficult questions. The reason why the reason


may is having to talk to a party with just ten MPs because her


election gamble failed. I have spent the last few days just trying to


work out what exactly happened in that election campaign.


She was Britain's new iron Lady who would deliver


Threats against Britain have been issued.


And tackle deep injustices overlooked by generations


And then against the better instincts of this


most cautious politician, she took the gamble of her life and failed.


Are you stepping down Mrs May? Clearly this was a catastrophe of a


campaign. She had given people a choice, told them to choose her and


then she had. She wasn't strong and stable. Theresa May has apologised


to Tory MPs who believed the Prime Minister and her tiny, and now


former circle of advisers to await the selection in the finest


tradition, a blame game is underway. Insiders who toiled away here at


Tory HQ have identified two fundamental flaws with the campaign.


There was no clear line of authority between the main figures. Nick


Timothy and Fiona Hill and the Australian polling guru, Sir Lynton


Crosby. And then, there was what has been described as complacency. The


Number Ten in a circle never feared they would lose this election so


they never took Jeremy Corbyn seriously. After a less than


friendly welcome, the defining moment of the campaign came in the


wake of the manifesto launch. Within days, Theresa May was forced to


embark on a hasty U-turn over the electoral pledge, the so-called


dementia tax. Newsnight understands the two Cabinet minister is with


responsibility for social care, Jeremy Hunt GIB Javad, were only


informed of the policy in the 24 hours before the launch of the


manifesto. Instead, the social care section drew on initial work from a


green paper led by a Cabinet minister who co-authored the


manifesto. I have been told other Cabinet ministers were consulted on


those parts of the manifesto related to their briefs. But ministers were


only given a copy of the whole manifesto, shortly before the launch


and about 20 minutes before the media. Even the head of the Prime


Minister's policy board wasn't consulted. I wouldn't expect in a


snap election, get signed off by Cabinet and goes through a series of


negotiations, presumably and discussions. I wouldn't expect to be


holding the pen on the last draft. But I didn't see any draft. I think


there was a culture in the campaign, we, the five or six of us are going


to do this. There was this huge policy on the controversial issue of


social care and how to fund it. And obviously fraught with political


risk that they don't seem to have checked in research, they don't seem


to have squared it with people in the party and it landed like an


unexpected bomb right in the Tory heartland. I think people were


looking for a middle way. There must be a middle way between the Jeremy


Corbyn approach. Here is the cookie jar, help yourself, the rich will


pay. And us, we will take your kid's school meals away, which we had to


explain, that is not the case. We will take your grandparent's house


away, which also wasn't the case. I closed the last page and felt this


sinking feeling, the manifesto is supposed to offer hope and a


brighter future to people. This does not love the above. It literally


tells people, your life is going to be really bad if you vote for this


manifesto. Within days of the manifesto launch, and irritated


Prime Minister said that a cap would be introduced. Nothing has changed,


nothing has changed. This featured in early work of the Green paper but


it wasn't in the manifesto because it hadn't been finalised. It turned


out voters were so confused they asked Labour to explain the


manifesto from the Tories. People were worried about how they would


heat and whether they would be able to keep their homes. Member of


Theresa May's inner circle feel deeply bruised over the fallout of


the manifesto. On social care, they said the Prime Minister was


motivated by fairness. Why should a young person living in the North


subsidise the care costs of a pensioner living in the South in a


house worth ?1 million. It is a choice between strong and stable


leadership under the Conservatives... One of the aspects


of the campaign was the disappearing act performed by one of the central


messages, Theresa May's strong and stable leadership. The strong and


stable thing worked for about two days, resonated for two days, then


people were sick of it because it was literally repeated. I don't know


when that was dropped. I know with our local campaign, we dropped


saying it very quickly because of the reaction we got. That was


probably the way it was dropped around the country bag other


candidates as well. Lynton Crosby was the author of this message and


he is also blamed for the highly personal attacks on Jeremy Corbyn.


This dismayed one of the architects of the Tory modernisation project.


There was an attempted character assassination, which I think was


quite likely to do what it did, repel far more people than it


attracted. Lynton Crosby has told friends about his frustration with


the campaign, puts one old friend thinks he will recover. You win some


and lose some. It shouldn't affect his reputation. For what he does, he


doesn't make the speeches. He doesn't choose the Shadow Cabinet or


the Cabinet, he isn't involved in that side of it. For what he does,


he does that pretty professionally. But it is no guarantee that you are


always going to win an election. Theresa May is now fighting to keep


the Tories in office and avoid another election. Amid widespread


agreement among her MPs that she needs to stand down before then, one


senior figure says the party should develop a more positive outlook with


an emphasis on schools and skills. I think this very narrow shrill,


divisive partisan insistence that Brexit was ever think, quite a hard


Brexit message. I think people started to think, if that is the


Conservative Party, if it thinks everything will be solved by Brexit,


it isn't in tune with us. I think the campaign let Theresa May down.


That speech on the streets of Number Ten last year achieved huge approval


across the country. Theresa May had thought by now, she would be


settling back into Downing Street with an emphatic electoral mandate.


Instead, the legacy of her troubled campaign is a new life as the


surprise leader of a minority government. And this negotiations


with a minor party and even factions within her own Cabinet to ensure the


survival of her government. We leave you with some


of the messages written on the wall outside Latymer Christian Centre


in the last two days. They reflect the grief that has


engulfed that part of London, and also the quite anger of people


still looking for answers. Good evening. A cold front moved


across the country introducing fresh air today and that is good news in


terms of the feel through the night. More comfortable for trying to


sleep. There will be


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