02/03/2017 Question Time


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Our panel tonight, the first female Lord Chancellor


in its 1000 year history, and Justice Secretary, Liz Truss.


The Labour MP who resigned from the Shadow Cabinet,


refusing to vote for Article 50, Dawn Butler.


The former Liberal Democrat leader, once the holder of the British 100


metre record, now in the House of Lords, Menzies Campbell.


The Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens.


And the guitarist from Bombay Bicycle Club,


whose campaign for young people to get a Brexit to suit


them has over 250,000 supporters, Jamie MacColl.


As ever, you can join the debate on Facebook,


We've reached 8 million young people. 8 million! Your researchers


haven't done the job. We can't have gone from quarter of a million to 8


million. We will talk about it afterwards outside. Price Waterhouse


are needed. Just a reminder you can join the debate on Facebook and


Twitter or you can text with your questions. Our first question from


Nicholas Smith. Is it acceptable for people to view indecent images of


children without the threat of being prosecuted? The key being without


the threat of being prosecuted. The leader of the National police chief


counsel for child protection said only paedophiles who pose a really


significant threat should face jail sentences because the police cannot


cope with the increase in reports of child abuse, up 80% in three years.


So only those who pose a really significant threat. Dawn Butler. No


is the simple answer to that. We see now the consequences of the historic


child abuse cases, and we don't know how it all started. And to even


suggest that some paedophiles are not as dangerous as others is a


serious dangerous road to go down. And actually, it makes me feel so


angry and annoyed and physically sick. I'm so angry.


APPLAUSE I'm so angry about that suggestion.


So you don't think there is such a thing as a really significant


threat, as he said? Every threat is a threat. If someone is viewing


indecent images of a child, that means the child is at risk and has


been at risk because the images have been taken. To think that you can


even discuss that it is not a serious issue or they should be


treated leniently is absolutely wrong and it should not even enter


into the debate. Yes, I know there is a crisis in the police force but


this is not the way to deal with it. APPLAUSE


Well, there is most certainly a crisis in police forces.


Hearts we might come to talk about that later. But it seems to me at


the heart of this is the question of how USS risk, and the extent. If it


is a risk, that means your assessment could be wrong. It seems


against the background of a week in which the long-awaited enquiry into


paedophilia actually began taking public evidence, that a suggestion


of this kind is unacceptable. It is ill timed. It may reflect the fact


that the police are overworked, but there is a way of dealing with that,


and that is by giving them more resources.


APPLAUSE Liz Truss, we will talk about police


numbers in a moment but just stick with the point of the question.


Is it acceptable, and is it right for Simon Bailey to have said only


paedophiles who pose a really significant threat should get jail


sentences? Well, I don't agree with him. We need to prosecute these


people who commit these crimes. Dawn is absolutely right. There are real


children being abused at the other end of the video link, or have had


photographs taken of them. This is a very serious issue we face as a


country. Some of our Crown Court is, almost 50% of the cases. We are


prosecuting a record number of people for those crimes. We've seen


a 140% increase in the number of people jailed for those crimes. What


I would say is that the way we prevent these crimes taking place is


first of all working with the internet providers, which we are


doing, to prevent these images getting there in the first place.


And secondly, making sure our children are properly educated so


they understand the danger of putting about photographs of


themselves, understand the danger of internet pornography, and they can


actually be protected and understand the risks they face. So it is not a


matter of the police... We need to prevent it to not by saying the


people who commit crimes should go free. Instead, we need to make sure


children are better protected. But he says the police can't cope and


that is why they had to take a different attitude. He is the Chief


Constable of Norfolk. I am a Norfolk MP and I have met him and discuss


this with him. The police are doing a good job of bringing more people


to justice. That is why we are seeing so many cases in our courts.


But the long-term solution is to better protect children, to make


sure they understand the risks and are less in danger. That is the way


to reduce this he knows crime, not by saying that people should not be


prosecuted for it. Let's stick with the suggestion that only those who


pose a really significant threat should get jail sentences. My own


personal response has to be that I do not know because I do not know


enough about it. But I think we do need to be careful about rushing


into unanimity and saying just because everybody in this room and


on this panel regards the sexual abuse of children with a unique


horror, that we can't even consider something being put forward by an


expert in this matter, who is saying, we don't have the resources


to do this. It is all very well to sit here and say, yes, let's carry


on doing what we have been doing until now, and ignore him. But in


truth, you may find that those who have sat here and said this will, in


years to come, because the resources are not there, will fail to do that.


But it is child abuse. I know it is and that is the point I have just


made. It is something we all began with horror. There are lots of


things we regard with horror which are also not being adequately


prosecuted or pursued by the law enforcement systems of this country.


The point is, if you are going to say loudly, we mustn't do anything,


I think you should be careful that people in four or five years' time,


when they look at your performance in government, don't find that you


have, in fact, done precisely what this Chief Constable is


recommending. It is all very well being publicly fashionably militant


about a subject but it does not necessarily solve the problem of


whether you have enough resources to do it. In all honesty, I have to say


that because I am sick of hearing people piling in and saying what


they hope everyone will approve of them saying. Well, I'm going to


agree with Peter, which I didn't think I would do very often to


might. And I agree, it is a question of resources. According to the


National Crime Agency, one in 35 British men have a sexual interest


in children. Let's say even one tenth of that number look at


indecent images online, that is 75,000 people. There simply is not


enough space in prisons to lock that many people up. So I think you need


to look at alternative methods, whether counselling, or in voluntary


chemical castration, or medication. The woman in yellow. I agree with


what Jamie just said, and also that you need to look at the root of the


issue, of why this is happening. As Liz Truss said, it is 50% of the


cases which are sex cases, so why aren't these people getting the help


they need. Obviously, some people are just evil. But they obviously


need counselling, like Jamie said. Let's move swiftly to the second


question, which is the cause for the comments that were made. He said the


police can't cope with the increase in reports. We have a question from


Siobhan Holland. Can we have that? Are the cuts in police funding


putting public safety at risk? This is one area of public safety. Peter


Hitchens. Not in themselves, no. We should be careful not to allow


ourselves to be diverted into campaigns for extra funding. The


problem with the police and the courts and the entire criminal


justice system is that for 50 years they have been doing the wrong


thing. However hard you work at doing the wrong thing, however


vigorously you pursue it, however much money you pour into it, it


won't work. The police force was set up by Robert Peel with the simple


purpose, to prevent crime. Since it abandoned that function in the


1960s, by preventing patrolling, it has become a reactive fire brigade


force, which waits for things to happen and reacts to them. The


courts are the same. They wait for things to happen. They ceased to


determine that macro to stop them happening by a visible presence of


policing. Once you stop deterring them, they become much more common.


This is also one of the reasons why prisons are incredibly overfull.


They have ceased to deter them. People do not go until they have


already become habitual criminals and they are impossible to empty and


also impossible to build fast enough. You have a complete


breakdown... It would be strange to put them in prison before they


become criminals. Before the police reforms instituted by Roy Jenkins,


we had fewer police than we have now, by a long way, per head of the


country, or as a total. Those of us who remember those times, and I am


old enough to do so, can tell you this country was policed far more


effectively on a far smaller budget in that time than it is now. The


woman in White. Bedfordshire Police came out today as being one of the


most underperforming. The only force rated inadequate in the country. So


my question is, it is fine to say, yes, we need police on the streets,


and we would all agree. However, if the funding is not in place, how are


these police going to get onto the streets? Liz Truss.


APPLAUSE You pointed out that Bedfordshire


was rated inadequate. Two thirds of police forces were


rated good and outstanding. The reason the Inspectorate gave for the


good and outstanding police forces was that they focused more on


neighbourhood policing. It is a question of how police forces use


resources. Do you agree with Peter Hitchens that before Roy Jenkins it


was all right. I am going to agree with Peter because he is right that


we should be intervening earlier, preventing crime from taking place.


I talked about educating children about sex and relationships to make


sure they understand potential dangers of online pornography. We


also have the family drug and alcohol Court, which actually works


with people with drug addictions or alcohol addictions, helping them get


off those addictions so they don't end up in prison and don't end up


with their children being taken away. The criminal justice system is


moving in that direction, and that is the whole point of today's


report. They are saying, let's have more focus on neighbourhood


policing, patrolling, to prevent those crimes taking place. But this


community here in Bedford, their police force has been rated


inadequate. The number of police forces has dropped by 20,000 since


2010. You mean the number of constables. Yes, it has fallen. Can


you say that it doesn't matter because we just have to do a


different kind of policing? The reason we know that is the


performance of the Bedfordshire force versus the others, is because


Theresa May, when she was Home Secretary, created the rating


system, so the public have that transparency, so that people in


Bedfordshire can say, and they can vote for their PCC, who is


accountable for police in the area, and they can say, this isn't good


enough, and other police forces are doing better, so can we look at what


they are doing? We have 43 forces across the country, and places like


Bedfordshire need to look at what is going on elsewhere. You, in the


third row. Do we need 43 forces? Bedfordshire is a small county,


close to London. Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire are close by.


Wouldn't it be a better use of resources if they were amalgamated?


In response to that, Norfolk and Suffolk are working much more


closely together, for example. They integrated their back office, so


they can spend more on front line policing. That is an excellent idea.


Can we tie together the first question about police not being able


to cope with the second question, which is whether there are not


enough police, and cuts are putting public safety at risk?


I would like to pick up on Peter's point. Does anyone remember Roy


Jenkins? I certainly do. I'll never forget him. But you have to remember


that crime's changed. There is no trafficking of human beings, there


was no incredible use of drugs for raising money. There was no


organised crime. So the task twig police face is very very much


different in the days to when it was in the days of Dickson and Dock


Green. It's very significant that no-one's explored this. If you think


you have got a reasonable prospect of being arrested and ultimately


convicted, that acts as a deterrent, so the police are on the frontline


of that sequence, then the more resources you can give to the


police, the more effective the system will be. I think it's quite


wrong to to mention the courts, they can't instigate proceedings, cases


are brought to the courts and the courts have to determine sentences


against the background of the nature of the crime, the issue of


deterrents, the availability of alternatives. It's a very


complicated thing and it's infinitely more complicated than it


was suggested. I want to hear from some more people then go around the


panel. Yes? I would like to ask Liz Truss, I think part of the problem


is that it's not just about policing but it's about caring about the


victims. I mean we don't even care about historic child abuse - is it


safe - what's the name of the word - I think that should be abolished


because you are undermining the suffering that an awful lot of


adults now that have gone through childhood and abuse that it's only


recognised after 79 but not before 1979. You at the back? I want to


raise two points. I work for Bedfordshire Police and to say that


the cuts over the last six years have not influenced policing in


Bedfordshire is ridiculous because it has. Good people have walked out


that door because they've been made redundant. There's been mergers in


Hertfordshire and collaborations. It's a farce to say that it hasn't


affected policing in Bedfordshire because it certainly has. I want to


raise one more point in that, as far as the funding is concerned, it's


not easy to say because we are funded as a rural force, we have


Luton, which is the fifth largest policing area in the UK, outside of


the Met, and we are not funded to handle those kinds of pressures.




Dawn Butler? So the last lady just hit the nail on the head, if you


like. If you make cuts to a service, it will affect the service, it will


affect what happens in that service. The Labour Party bought in the safer


neighbourhood teams and in my constituency in Brent and


Stonebridge, we had the first set of neighbourhood teams and they would


be the same three officers who'll always patrol the area. They got to


know the area, it was back to community policing as it was and it


worked really well. Then the cuts came in and we saw that change in


terms of the community's relationship with the police and the


police ability to do the jobs. Peter talked about prisons being


overfilled. I agree, but then we have look at rehabilitation and the


courts, the Probation Service. All these pillars of our justice system


are being cut and it affects the system and it affects people. It


makes people less safe. I got burglared, I was told I had to wait


six hours for the police, I sat in the cold for six hours for the


police to come with the door and window smashed in. You can't say you


will cut services and it will remain the same. Ming says crime's changed,


it has, but you still need police officers. Oh, yes, I don't dispute


that. We are on the same page. We are on the same page.


APPLAUSE. Jamie MacColl? I had a run-in with


Bedfordshire Police on the way here. We shouldn't laugh because they did


a very good job from what I could see. You must give us the detail -


what do you mean they had a very good job? I was having a coffee in a


local hotel and there was a drunk man harassing a member of staff and


they came very quickly. You didn't have a run-in with them? No, no... I


thought this was going to be an exciting moment of a revelation. I


was about to offer you legal representation. I agree, it's a


question of resources I think. Bedfordshire's police only spends ?7


per head comment paired to ?25 a head for the rest of the country and


I just think it's another canary in the mind that the public sector cuts


are making us less safe and cared for.


APPLAUSE. There are a number of people with


their hands up. Liz Truss has heard from the woman at the back about the


effects of the cuts. There's been a lot of points raised but can you


answer that point? Of course it's about the money we spend on the


system and the police budget has been protected, but it's also about


the way we deploy resources and use them better and this is the point


about having more resources deployed in neighbourhood policing. That is a


decision for the local Chief Constable and we do have very


varying performance of police forces right across the country. I just


also wanted to agree with the lady in the front who raised the issue of


the victims of sexual crime. I think there's more we can do to help


victims of sexual crime. One of the things I'm dog with the court


service is making sure that child victims are able to be


cross-examined pretrial, not have to give evidence in open court -- I'm


doing. It can be very intimidating. I don't understand how a day before


October 1st you weren't abused even if you went through ten years of


your childhood in abuse but you are abused if you are so much accosted


by a postman. Abuse is abuse on any level, I'm saying please acknowledge


the suffering, that not just myself, but a lot of people in this country


- if that safe rule isn't abolished, it doesn't acknowledge us, it's not


about the money, it's acknowledging, we don't want another slap on the


face that what happened to us didn't matter.


APPLAUSE. As Justice Secretary, you heard what


the woman at the back said about Bedfordshire and the police and the


changes. What is the one thing you would do positively to improve


policing, you have a chance just to say in this country - is it more


money, more police? What would you actually want to do? Of course I'm


responsible for the courts and prisons and the Home Secretary is


responsible for the police forces, but we work very closely together.


One of the things that I think is important is a criminal justice


system works as a whole and we work as much as possible to make sure we


do things early. So one of the things we are working on is the


police having more powers to intervene to take steps before


somebody's committed a serious crime. Likewise with the court which


is what I was saying to Ming is actually, when a judge sees a less


serious offence coming them, I want to see more review prosecutions so


that somebody can come back again and again and actually see the same


judge and the judge's authority can help prevent further crimes being


committed. So I think having people at the frontline, whether those are


police officers or judges or magistrates, can help people before


they commit crimes that end up leaving prison. I think that is very


important. Quantity isn't everything as I can tell you from very painful


experience. If they give you the wrong antibiotic for a disease, it


doesn't matter how much they give to you, it still won't make it better


until they change the drug. We are doing the wrong thing. What people


want in this country is a presence of authority on the streets


preventing disorder and preventing crime. There isn't actually all that


much, as I think Dawn probably knows, that a police officer can do


for you after a crime has been committed. He can't put your home


back together after it's been burglared. What we want is for


police to prevent a burglary in the first place. I've got to chair that


and we have a lot of questions. Very quick point. Don't think


amalgamations always produce success. Local influence which


previously was very important has literally been put to one side.


There is an important relationship between the local community and


those who police it. Don't believe that a large scale amalgamation will


make a difference. APPLAUSE.


. Sorry, if we went on for two hours I would take all the points but we


only have an hour. We are going to be in Sunderland next week and


Bognor Regis the week after. If you would like to come, the address is


on the screen. We have had lots of questions on our next topic as well.


Heather Jones, you have the question? Should EU citizens it'


right to live here be a bargaining chip -- EU citizens' rights. Liz


Truss? We are absolutely clear that we want EU citizens to have the


right to live here. But that has to be part of our negotiations with the


European Union. It's going to be an early priority in the negotiations


once we have triggered Article 50, but the issue is, at the moment,


that we have UK citizens living in Europe. We want to protect their


interests as well. So they are a bargaining chip? Well, it is part of


the discussion that we are having with the European Union absolutely


and that's what other countries in Europe want to discuss with us. It


has to be a resick Rickle arrangement. Whether it's about


trade or criminal justice, we have to find an agreement -- reciprocal.


Let me clarify this. You are saying three million EU nationals who live


here in the UK are a bargaining chip with the E Snitch What I am saying


is, the status of EU nationals is of course part of the discussion, part


of the reciprocal arrangements for when we leave the EU, as are our


discussions about criminal justice, one of the things I'm involved in is


discussions about family justice. Fine... Custody arrangements. My


point is... Answer the question Heather Jones asked. We need to


ensure that citizens are also protected. We are confident we can


achieve a deal. Would you agree with Liam Fox that their status is one of


the main cards in the negotiations, are those words you would endorse?


What I would say in my own words... So you wouldn't endorse it?


Important parts of the discussion. Peter Hitchens? The European Union


regards British citizens on its territory as a bargaining chip so I


really don't see why we should be at all hesitant about returning the


favour so why not just say yes of course, everything's going to be a


bargaining chip from now on, it's not particularly distressing to have


to admit these things are going on. We face a long period of extremely


hard bargaining and if we bargain soft, we'll lose, as you always do.


I don't see why people are being so coy and I don't see why Liz Truss is


being so coy about simply saying yes. The thing which annoys me about


this is that the behaviour of the House of Lords.


APPLAUSE. I can't... It's a very simple point.


I mean, I'm not actually in favour of a referendum, they are horrible,


but there's been one. If the Government came to the House of


Lords and say, we would like to bring back, as they should, a


selective state grammar schools and legislate to make that legal again


which it isn't currently, the House of Lords would turn round and say,


you can't do that, you haven't got a mandate. The same people who last


night voted against the mandate of the referendum would refuse to


legislate in favour of gram mar schools because they would say there


was no mandate. They are unprincipled and their behaviour


last night was totally principled. APPLAUSE.


Sir Menzies Campbell, you are a member of the House of Lords and you


have spoken in this debate, you voted in this debate. Indeed. Go on


then? I'm entirely unprincipled about these matters. It seems to me,


you have got to look at the circumstances here. It's quite right


to mention what Liam Fox said and, if I may say so, this is a very


elegant way of trying to get around that. The fact of the matter is,


that's what he said, and there are people in Government, supported by


people in Government, who believe that's the right way to go. There


are about three million people living in the UK who're EU nationals


but not from the United Kingdom. Some are mothers and fathers of


British citizens because their children were born in Britain. Their


husbands -- they're husbands and wives of British citizens. Are we


seriously suggesting that we'd tell these mothers, fathers, husbands and


wives, that they must be expelled from the United Kingdom? Are we


really seriously joops No-one's saying that. If you don't have a...


You said that. Nobody's said that. Nobody's said that. Misses May said


she would make sure that British and EU citizens would be protected.


Months ago! Well, the way to protect them...


APPLAUSE. The way to protect them is by a


statutory protection. If it was you or me engaged in this... You want to


listen to what Mr Tebbit said yesterday. Yes. What did he say? He


called them foreigners. What is wrong with that? What's wrong with


it? ! AUDIENCE: Boo. He called them


foreigners. What's wrong with it? These are people who've made their


lives in the United Kingdom, they have children here.


Fair play. Make your point, if you would. The point is this. Mr Tebbit


said you are arguing about this and that. The people have made this


choice. We have voted to get out of the EU. Did you vote that people who


were EU citizens but not UK citizens should be made to leave the UK?


Nobody has. You are protecting people who are not British. Mrs May


has said that no deal is better than a poor deal. If there is no deal,


what is the position going to be of those citizens of EU countries who


are not citizens of the United Kingdom? Very briefly, Liz Truss.


The vote was all about triggering Article 50, not about the deal with


the EU. We have the great repeal bill going through later which will


be about the deal with the EU. The House of Lords are trying to


hijack... No, we are not. The vote on Article 50. It was simply a


question of, do you endure the British people's decision to leave


the EU? You will have the opportunity to fully express your


views on all of this at that point, which is the proper time, not for


the Article 50, which is a simple question of, do you support the will


of the British people as they voted in the referendum?


APPLAUSE Very quickly.


I am accused of hijacking. I accept that the House of Commons has


superiority over the House of Lords when it comes to legislation. The


House of Lords has passed an amendment which is going back to the


House of Commons. If the House of Commons rejects it, then the House


of Commons is sovereign. I accept that and am not trying to hijack


anything. But I am trying to reflect and represent the interests of the 3


million people who work in the National Health Service, in our


universities... APPLAUSE


The woman in Orange. I think it's appalling that people


could even consider making people who lived in this country, who have


made it their home, to send them back. As you say, we have parents.


What about the teachers? If we are going to have teachers to teach


French and Spanish to our kids, I would rather they were French and


Spanish than English people. But Liz Truss says they will be allowed to


stay. You don't know that. Who would we get to work, for anybody who


works in London, who would be serving our coffee, selling


sandwiches? You are not going to get English people to take those jobs.


Your point is there is no guarantee and Liz Truss is refusing to give


one. What we have said is that this is a very high priority in


negotiations. We are confident we will secure a deal with other EU


countries. We need to protect the interests of UK citizens living


elsewhere in Europe. They are also extremely important and we must not


forget about them. But that was not what this week's debate in the House


of Lords was about. It was about do we trigger Article 50, do we follow


through on the vote of the British people in the referendum. And I


think it is bad faith... Come on! Bad faith of the House of Lords not


to follow through on that. Dawn Butler. So, wherever we go from here


has to be for the 100%. Not the 51.8%, or the 48%, but for everyone.


What is the best deal for everyone? That is what we have to look at.


APPLAUSE There are 1.8 million people that


work in London. The job of the Lords is to look at a


bill, scrutinise it and then make the bill better. That is what they


do in the Lords. That is what they have always done and that is their


job, and that is what they have done here. They have looked up the bill.


No, the vote was about leaving the EU, so we are leaving the U. Now


what we talk about is how do we leave the EU and what terms and what


is the plan. Hold on. Let her have her say. If it is a priority to


protect the status of EU citizens, put it on the face of the bill. You


shouldn't be worried about that. You shouldn't be concerned about that.


APPLAUSE Menzies Campbell can make the moral


case better than I can. If we are told the country is open


for business, and we need to remain attractive to potential migrants. If


I was highly skilled and looking at the UK and considering working here,


if I did not think my future would be secure, why would I come in the


first place? APPLAUSE


Also, any sort of leveraged that we would get using EU citizens, which I


don't think we should do, would be less valuable than the goodwill that


a guarantee of their status would secure.


We are about to enter years of negotiations with the EU and need to


be able to show that we can give as well as take. Third row from the


back. I am sick and tired of hearing politicians and everybody say that


British people don't know what we voted for. We voted to get out of


the single market. We voted to get out of the EU and we voted to become


Great Britain again and not part of Europe. I'm sick of people saying we


can't use the word foreigner about people that have come here. My wife


is Russian. She is a foreigner, but she's my wife and I'm proud of her.


I think we ought to stop messing around and allow Brexit to get on.


Get out and stay out. Your wife is your wife, but she is not an EU


citizen, not one of the 3 million EU citizens. What do you say about


them? I live in a block of ten places. Eight of them are foreigners


but they are still my friends. So you would like a guarantee? No. I


want England to look after its own first. And you, sir. I speak on the


half of my wife who has been hit since 1972, worked here, has no


criminal record, has not been on benefits, has retired here, we


bought our house here and now she has a threat of being moved. She


knows this country more than her own country because she has spent most


of her life here. Do you think that is fair? Liz Truss. I want to be


able to guarantee your wife the ability to stay here, along with the


other a use of the sons who currently work in our country. But


we have to do these things in the right order. The first thing is that


we need to trigger Article 50 to get the negotiations started. That is


absolutely what the Prime Minister is focused on, what this debate is


about. Then we have a great repeal Bill, where we discuss the details


and terms of the deal. I am sorry, we are going back to a fascist state


here. You can't take people out after so many years living here in


contributing. Hang on, nobody has talked about chucking anybody out at


all. Nobody has advocated it, suggested it, it is not under


discussion. We need to be aware that when these negotiations get going


there are many very hard points, from fisheries to the right to live


in places, which are going to have to be dealt with by us with European


Union negotiators. If we give away a profoundly important negotiating


point before we even go into the chamber, we are simply cutting our


hands. What is the point of doing that? You just don't do it. I am no


friend of this Government, I think it is ridiculous, but I really think


it is absurd to suggest that Government should give up a key


negotiating position just before it goes into negotiations. Do you


equate fishing rights with his wife's and people like that? Those


whose livelihoods have been destroyed by the theft of fishing


grounds in the European Union might well take way to them. How can they


be negotiating point when the Government keeps repeating that we


will let them stay anyway. Briefing is not negotiable, as anyone who has


been briefed by a politician knows. The woman in the third row. I am a


migrant and a foreigner. I have been here over 20 years. The real issue


we are not talking about is what the Home Office is doing at the minute.


We have in Bedford many cases of people who have applied to have


residency. They have an 85 page document to fill-in. I have friends


who have been living in 40 years, married with children, and they have


been refused to have a British passport. So actually, it is already


happening now. We are saying the government is promising it, but


actually the Home Office is making it very, very difficult. If you want


to apply, you either have to be a lawyer, or somebody who is going to


spend a huge amount of time to read all those documents. So I think we


need to be careful, and I think Mr Campbell has done a great job. Thank


you very much. The woman in the second row from the back. I think


what Jamie said hit it on the head. It is about goodwill. And you are


saying about, we go into negotiations and we cut off our


hands if we say they can stay and we give them some immunity. No,


actually we are doing something of goodwill, something we believe in.


How can you expect the House of Lords to vote to enact article 50th


they fundamentally believe that we should safeguard those people's


writes to stay in the UK? APPLAUSE


Liz Truss, before we go on, can you answer the point the woman made


about the 85 page document that even now have to be filled in by those


trying to establish residency? Are you in favour of that? Yes,


because it is important that we have proper checks on people who are


seeking residency in this country. And we have had, ever since I have


been involved in politics, issues with things not being processed


properly. It is important that the Home Office has control of our


borders and has proper checks on people, so that we know that they


are legitimately here in this country. That is right for everybody


who is a legitimate individual, who achieves residency, or succeeds in


getting into this country. People do not like unfairness in the system.


In fact, it was one of the reasons why people voted to leave the


European Union, so we could gain full control of our borders. There


are still hands are up. We can't solve all these problems so I'm


going onto another question. Brenda Evans. Does the Copeland by-election


result proved Labour is slipping into obscurity under Corbyn's


leadership? The Tories took a by-election from Labour which has


not happened for 30 years. Jamie MacColl, what is your view of Corbyn


and Labour? I think the Labour Party is in crisis at the moment and it is


not all Corbyn's fault. He definitely inherited a tainted


brand, but he has made it far worse. You just need to hear reports of how


he goes down on the doorstep to realise that. Are you a member? I


am, but I have certainly considered getting rid of it for the last


couple of years. The Labour Party! Getting rid of my membership card.


He does not just play badly in Stoke and Copeland and in the North, but


where I am from in Hornsey and Wood Green, which you would expect to be


classic Corbyn territory, the Islington elite, basically. But his


strategy for Brexit is clearly alienating swathes of the party.


Which bit of his tactic on Brexit, voting for it? Yes. As John Curtice


has pointed out last week, although most Labour constituencies voted for


Brexit, the majority of Labour voters in those constituencies were


Remain supporters. So not backing a second referendum, like the Lib Dems


are doing, appealing to stay in the single market would be more in June


with the voters. What is your prediction of their future, if you


think they are slipping into obscurity? I have is hot -- I have


hope for the Labour Party but they need to start focusing on the one


thing that both the members, the voters and the MPs can agree on,


which is that the British economy has failed large parts of the


country for the last few decades. Inequalities between the regions,


zero-hours contracts, the dominance of the City, the future of work. I


want a Labour Party that will talk about the fact that 47% of jobs are


in danger of being automated in the next couple of decades. Labour needs


to be offering a new deal, not sticking to the same line, that they


are the only party that can protect us from public service cuts. It did


not work before and it is clearly not working now, if the Copeland


by-election is anything to go by. Dawn Butler, you nominated but did


not vote for Jeremy Corbyn, is that right? I did vote for Jeremy Corbyn.


Not first, but I did vote for him. What do you mean? You vote for


first, second, third. Your first choice? Andy Burnham. So you didn't


vote for Jeremy Corbyn until Andy Burnham had fallen out. I did vote


for him, though. It is unfair to say that I didn't if I did. For him and


Andy Burnham. Which do you prefer? Well... It is not about which I


prefer, actually, because we are all members of the Labour Party and they


both stood for the leadership. The thing is this, that at that time I


think Labour kind of lost its identity. Jamie is right, where was


Labour's identity? We were fighting whether we were going to support the


Conservative Party welfare for Bill. I could not believe I was having


this debate in my own party, because obviously it was a bad bill, bad for


the people we cared about. This was why it was important to have Jeremy


as part of that mix. So at that point, when Jeremy was the only


person who voted against it, along with me. I voted against the welfare


for Bill. I knew that was the direction the party should be going


in. Come to Copeland and last week's by-election, and the public opinion


surveys which show more Labour supporters are dissatisfied with


Jeremy Corbyn than are satisfied. We won one and I want to


congratulate Gareth Snell because he gets forgotten in all of this. It


was disappointing to have lost Copeland. I didn't go because I


suffer from car sickness and I heard the roads are really bad. That


doesn't sound like a warrior? I did a lot of telephone... Well, you need


the fix the train system as well in Copeland but that's another issue.


By Kells are S good. I got the train to Copeland. The most ingenius


explanation I've had. I did a lot of telephone canvassing both in


Copeland and Stoke. What went wrong in Copeland? There was lots of


dissatisfaction, a lot of stuff around nuclear and they didn't


believe it was wanted. Why was that? It's true because of what Jeremy's


position used to be. They made sure the Tory party put leaflets out


saying this is Jeremy's position even though it wasn't. It was


disappointing and we lost. The Labour Party has to do better,


absolutely. When your Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell says a


soft coup is under way, planned coordinated fully resourced


perpetrated by an alliance between the Murdoch media, do you believe


that? I'm not sure what a soft coup is, to be honest. A rough coup then.


John McDonnell explained that saying basically it was right grumpy and


then now, the Labour Party - we have to talk about where the Labour Party


is today - what is the language of the Labour Party today? I'm asking


whether there is a coup in progress to try to get rid of him? The


language of the Labour Party today is talking about unity, talking


about where we are with our policies and what we can talk to people about


and we need to make sure that - at the moment there's a 10-point policy


plan - that needs to be whittled down to at least five because I


can't remember all ten of them and we need to be all-singing... I know


it's bad but I can read them to you because I have them written down.


Spare us. We all need to sing from the same Hymnsheet. Sir Menzies


Campbell? I hesitate to intrude on private grief because the discussion


we have just had between the two Labour Party members... It's not


private grief. I actually agree... All right, public grief. I agree we


need to identify Labour's policies. I think you said that. We need to


sell it clearly. I know a bit about leadership. Slipping into obscurity?


Well... I'm on Question Time. That's not


obscurity! I think Jeremy Corbyn ought to look


in the mirror and ask himself if if he's the right person to be leader.


I did that. If your leadership is stopping the progress of the party,


you've no obligation or entitlement, other than to say, look, I'm going


to go, and let someone else take over. Now, I'm by no means convinced


that someone else would necessarily be able to knit together the


different elements of the Labour Party because you still have what's


rather loosely called the Blairite stream and that's still fairly


strong. On the other hand, you have a lot of MPs who are supportive of


Corbyn and of course you have a party in the country that supports


Corbyn. That's one great success he's achieved. Signed up party,


people who pay... That's been a huge success. The rest of us are envious,


to put it mildly. The fact of the matter is, that if you are steering


the ship and you can't steer it in a way that's going to help us,


metaphors are greating strained, you have a duty to say to yourself,


look, I should step down and let someone else do it.


OK. Liz Truss? I went canvassing in both Stoke and


Copeland. What I noticed for the first time, and I was brought up in


Leeds in the 80s and I can tell you the Conservatives were not very


popular there at that time, is a huge change in attitude. I had


people coming up to me saying, I've been a life-long supporter of the


Labour Party but I like Theresa May, I like what she's doing, she's a


serious woman, she's got a plan for this country. We are not talking


about her, we are talking about whether... Hang on, the point I'm


making... No, Liz... Let me finish my point. Your point, is Labour


slipping into obscurity? My point is that people who're life long Labour


voters, they are now saying, we back the Conservative Party, the


Conservative Party is the party that understands working people,


understands... It's the most... Enough, enough, enough! No, this is


enough! The most insulting group. You're saying you're the voice of


the working class people. Don't insult people, it's just outrageous.


Hang on, ladies, to be fair, you turned the question into praise for


the PM. Peter Hitchens? On the question of Jeremy Corbyn, people


repeatedly say it, I hear it about nine times a week, the Labour Party


can't win a general election with Jeremy Corbyn as leader. This is


perfectly true. It's not very important because the Labour Party


can't win a general election with anybody as leader.


APPLAUSE. It is a dead party. The man who


killed it was not Jeremy Corbyn and Jeremy Corbyn just sits on the


coffin and moans. The man who killed it was one Anthony Charles Linton


Blair. He killed it fundamentally with the Iraq war which destroyed it


and left it completely demoralised. He then killed it by persuading or


by allowing the huge amounts of money which he used to raise from


billionaire donors to shift to the Conservative Party. The reason they


shifted to the Conservative Party was because the billionaire donors


realised that the New Labour project was now safe in the hands of people


like Liz Truss who's actually Liberal Democrat as far as I know.


And so we have a bizarre situation in British politics where the


Conservative Party has become the Labour Party, the Labour Party has


died and been replaced by the Scottish Nationalists in Scotland


and almost - I admit it's nearly as bad as algebra - but what I'm saying


is... You, Sir? We only have a couple of minutes, come on? Speak


your mind? Clearly the biggest thing in politics at the moment is Brexit.


You know where you stand with the Conservatives, they're request going


to deliver on it and they've said that. The Liberal Democrats want to


block and overturn it, we know that. But you don't know where you stand


with Labour. You have mixed messages. That's the problem with


Labour. You in the fourth row? I want to go back to Ming's comment


that he made, that the huge swell of members that joined the Labour Party


after Jeremy Corbyn came in, I for one joined the Labour Party after


Jeremy Corbyn and having had the previous coup in the Labour Party,


he once again won for the leadership of the Labour Party and I think that


it's really easy to talk about the sort of fractions in the Labour


Party and use them against the Labour Party. I think there's quite


a lot of good things that are going on in the Labour Party. OK, the


woman on the gangway there? I don't particularly want to be a member or


support a party that has a singular direction that I have to adhere to.


I feel that I'm quite a complex being that I have a number of


different opinions on a number of different things and I want to


belong to a party that is going to represent all of these diversities,


all of these diversities that so many of our wonderful nation


comprises. So for me that doesn't seem like a weakness in the Labour


Party. Thank you. I'm told we have time for one quick question from


Nino Ssive lvestre. Has Sir Phillip Green done enough to redeem himself


or should we take away his Knighthood? Yes or no answers? I'm


not... Yes or no? It's a double headed question. I'm not interested


in his Knighthood. I'm interested in the fact that he's done the proper


thing by those who were beneficiaries of the pension scheme


who would have otherwise been... Sorry, we are really running out of


time. Jamie, yes or no? No, he may have done it but in the words of one


BHS employer, it was at the very least the least he could have done.


Better late than never. Should he keep the Knighthood which Parliament


voted he shouldn't? It's a matter for the independent committee. And


your opinion? It's a matter for the independent committee. I'm a


government minister, it would be completely wrong for me to comment.


Dawn Butler? I understand he's ?200 million short. Knighthood if he


gives another ?200 million? I'll reconsider it if he come makes up


the deficit. 88% is not enough. As for the Knighthood, who wants one


anyway, I don't think even Nigel Farage wants one. I think he does


actually! That was the other question we had, whether Nigel


Farage should get a Knighthood or not. Ask Douglas Carswell? He was


here last week and we were told he'd stopped him getting a Knighthood. I


don't know whether it's true or not. Our time is up. We must go. We are


in Sunderland next Thursday and we have the Shadow Chancellor John


McDonnell among our panelists there, and the week after that We are in


Bognor Regis. On the screen is the address you can go to if you want to


come to Bognor Regis or Sunderland. There is the website address and the


telephone number. The debate on Five Live goes on until 1am on Question


Time extra time. My thanks to the panel and all of you who came to


take part. Until next Thursday, from Question Time, good night.


Good morning, this is BBC Breakfast. Morning, Dan.


In the sports news, we have the latest on the Welsh rugby team,


Poppy's sports day, and news on Andy Murray.


The headlines coming up, but our next guest is really quite special.


Jack, the toast's burning. Welcome, Daniel Radcliffe.


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