27/10/2013 Sunday Politics London


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Morning, folks. Welcome to the Sunday Politics. Hope you enjoyed


the extra hour in bed, and that you've realised it's not 12:45. It's


11:45! It's getting stormy outside. But they're already battening down


the hatches at Number Ten because coalition splits are back, with


bust-ups over free schools and power bills. We'll speak to the Lib Dems,


and ask Labour who's conning whom over energy.


EU leaders have been meeting in Brussels. But how's David Cameron


getting on with that plan to change our relationship with Europe? We


were there to ask him. Have we got any powers back yet? DS!


Foreign companies own everything from our energy companies to our


railways. Does it matter who owns our businesses? Union boss Bob Crow


and venture capitalist Julie Meyer go head to head.


In London this week, there are twice as many daily journeys made by bus


than by tube, so why is the planned investment in buses not keeping


pace? And with me, three journalists


who've bravely agreed to hunker down in the studio while Britain braces


itself for massive storm winds, tweeting their political forecasts


with all the accuracy of Michael Fish on hurricane watch. Helen


Lewis, Janan Ganesh and Nick Watt. Now, sometimes coalition splits are


over-egged, or dare we say even occasionally stage-managed. But this


week, we've seen what looks like the genuine article. It turns out Nick


Clegg has his doubts about the coalition's flagship free schools


policy. David Cameron doesn't much like the green levies on our energy


bills championed by the Lib Dems. Neither of them seems to have


bothered to tell the other that they had their doubts. Who better to


discuss these flare-ups than Lib Dem Deputy Leader Simon Hughes? He joins


me now. Welcome. Good morning. The Lib Dems spent three years of


sticking up for the coalition when times were grim. Explain to me the


logic of splitting from them when times look better. We will stick


with it for five years. It is working arrangement, but not


surprisingly, where there right areas on which we disagree over


where to go next, we will stand up. It is going to be hard enough for


the Lib Dems to get any credit for the recovery, what ever it is. It


will be even harder if you seem to be semidetached and picky. The


coalition has led on economic policy, some of which were entirely


from our stable. The one you have heard about most often, a Lib Dem


initiative, was to take people on blowing comes out of tax. The


recovery would not have happened, there would not have been confidence


in Britain, had there not been a coalition government with us in it,


making sure the same policies produced fair outcomes. We are not


going to leave the credit for any growth - and there has been very


good news this week. We have played a part in that, and without us, it


would not have happened. Does it not underline the trust problem you


have? You promised to abolish tuition fees. You oppose nuclear


power, now you are cheerleading the first multi-billion pounds


investment in nuclear generation. You are dying out on your enthusiasm


on green levies, and now they are up for renegotiation. Why should we


trust a word you say? In relation to green levies, as you well know, just


under 10% is to do with helping energy and helping people. Unless


there is continuing investment in renewables, we will not have the


British produced energy at cheaper cost to keep those bills down in the


future. At cheaper cost? Explain that to me. Off-shore energy is


twice the market rate. The costs of renewables will increasingly come


down. We have fantastic capacity to produce the energy and deliver lots


of jobs in the process. The parts of the energy bill that may be up for


renegotiation seems to be the part where we subsidise to help either


poor people pay less, or where we do other things. Too insulated the


homes? Are you up to putting that to general taxation? Wouldn't that be


progressive? I would. It would be progressive. I would like to do for


energy bills what the Chancellor has done for road traffic users,


drivers, which is too fuelled motor fuel -- to freeze new to fall. That


would mean there would be an immediate relief this year, not


waiting for the election. So there is a deal to be done there? Yes. We


is a deal to be done there? Yes We understand we have to take the


burden off the consumer, and also deal with the energy companies, who


look as if they are not paying all the tax they should be, and the


regulator, which doesn't regulate quickly enough to deal with the


issues coming down the track. We can toughen the regulator, and I hope


that the Chancellor, in the Autumn statement, was signalled that energy


companies will not be allowed to get away with not paying the taxes they


should. And this deal will allow energy prices to come down? Yes How


could David Laws, one of your ministers, proudly defend the record


of unqualified teachers working in free schools, and then stand


side-by-side with Mr Clegg, as he says he is against them? David Laws


was not proudly defending the fact that it is unqualified teachers. He


said that some of the new, unqualified teachers in free schools


are doing a superb job. But you want to get rid of them? We want to make


sure that everybody coming into a free school ends up being qualified.


Ends up? Goes through a process that means they have qualifications. Just


as we said very clearly at the last election that the manifesto


curriculum in free schools should be the same as other schools. It looks


like Mr Clegg is picking a fight just for the sake of it. Mr Clegg


was taught by people who didn't have teaching qualifications in one of


the greatest schools in the land, if not the world. It didn't seem to do


him any harm. What is the problem? If you pay to go to a school, you


know what you're getting. But that is what a free school is. No, you


don't pay fees. A free school is parents taking the decisions, not


you, the politicians. We believe they would expect to guarantee is,


firstly that the minimum curriculum taught across the country is taught


in the free schools, and secondly, that the teachers there are


qualified. Someone who send their kids to private schools took a


decision to take -- to send their children there, even if the teachers


were unqualified, because they are experts in their field. Someone who


send their kids to free schools is because -- is their decision, not


yours. Because some of the free schools are new, and have never been


there before, parents need a guarantee that there are some basics


in place, whatever sort of school. So they need you to hold their hand?


It is not about holding hands, it is about having a minimum guarantee.


Our party made clear at our conference that this is a priority


for us. Nick Clegg reflects the view of the party, and I believe it is an


entirely rational thing to do. Nick Clegg complained that the Prime


Minister gave him only 30 minutes notice on the Prime Minister Buzz 's


U-turn on green levies. That is almost as little time as Nick Clegg


gave the Prime Minister on his U-turn on free schools. Aren't you


supposed to be partners? Green levies were under discussion in the


ministerial group before Wednesday, because we identified this as an


issue. We do that in a practical way. Sometimes there is only half an


hour's notice. We had even less than half an hour this morning! Simon


Hughes, thank you. So the price of energy is the big


battle ground in politics at the moment. 72% of people say that high


bills will influence the way they vote at the next election. Ed


Miliband has promised a price freeze after the next election, but will


the coalition turned the tables on Labour, with its proposal to roll


back green levies. Caroline Flint joins us from Sheffield. It looks


like the coalition will be able to take ?50 of energy bills, by


removing green levies. It is quite clear that different parts of the


government are running round waking up to the fact that the public feel


that this government has not done enough to listen to their concerns.


Last week, there was a classic case of the Prime Minister making up


policy literally at the dispatch box. Let's see what they say in the


autumn statement. The truth is, whatever the debate around green


levies, and I have always said we should look at value for money at


those green levies. Our argument is about acknowledging there is


something wrong with the way the market works, and the way those


companies are regulated. Behind our freeze for 20 months is a package of


proposals to reform this market. I understand that, but you cannot tell


as the details about that. I can. You cannot give us the details about


reforming the market. We are going to do three things, and I think I


said this last time I was on the programme. First, we are going to


separate out the generation side from the supply side within the big


six. Secondly, we will have a energy pool, or power exchange, where all


energy will have to be traded in that pool. Thirdly, we will


establish a tougher regulator, because Ofgem is increasingly being


seen as not doing the job right I seen as not doing the job right. I


notice that you didn't mention any reform of the current green and


social taxes on the energy bill. Is social taxes on the energy bill Is


it Labour's policy to maintain the existing green levies? In 2011, the


government chose to get rid of warm front, which was the publicly funded


through tracks a scheme to support new installation. When they got rid


of that, it was the first time we had a government since the 70s that


didn't have such a policy. What is your policy? We voted against that


because we believe it is wrong. We believe that the eco-scheme, a


government intervention which is ?47 of the ?112 on our bills each year,


is expensive, bureaucratic and isn't going to the fuel poor. I am up for


a debate on these issues. I am up for a discussion on what the


government should do and what these energy companies should do. We


cannot let Cameron all the energy companies off the hook from the way


in which they organise their businesses, and expect us to pay


ever increasing rises in our bills. There is ?112 of green levies on our


bills at the moment. Did you vote against any of them? We didn't, but


what I would say ease these were government imposed levies. When they


got rid of the government funded programme, Warm Front, they


introduced the eco-scheme. The eco-project is one of the ones where


the energy companies are saying, it's too bureaucratic, and it is


proving more expensive than government estimates, apparently


doubled the amount the government thought. These things are all worth


looking at, but don't go to the heart of the issue. According to


official figures, on current plans, which you support, which you voted


for, households will be paying 1% more per unit of electricity by


2030. It puts your temporary freeze as just a blip. You support a 41%


as just a blip. You support a 4 % rise in our bills. I support making


sure we secure for the future access to energy that we can grow here in


the UK, whether it is through nuclear, wind or solar, or other


technologies yet to be developed. We should protect ourselves against


energy costs we cannot control. The truth is, it is every fair for you


to put that point across, and I accept that, but we need to hear the


other side about the cost for bill payers if we didn't invest in new,


indigenous sources of energy supply for the future, which, in the long


run, will be cheaper and more secure, and create the jobs we


need. I think it is important to have a debate about these issues,


but they have to be seen in the right context. If we stay stuck in


the past, we will pay more and we will not create jobs. How can you


criticise the coalition's plans for a new nuclear station, when jeering


13 years of a Labour government you 13 years of a Labour government, you


did not invest in a single nuclear plant? You sold off all our nuclear


technology to foreign companies. Energy provision was put out to


private hands and there has been no obstacle in British law against


ownership outside the UK. Part of this is looking ahead. Because your


previous track record is so bad? previous track record is so bad


What we did decide under the previous government, we came to the


view, and there were discussions in our party about this, that we did


need to support a nuclear future. At the time of that, David Cameron


was one of those saying that nuclear power should be a last


resort. And as you said, the Liberals did not support it. We


stood up for that. We set in train the green light of 10 sites,


including Hinkley Point, for nuclear development. I am glad to


see that is making progress and we should make more progress over the


years ahead. We took a tough decision when other governments had


not done. You did not build a new nuclear station. When you get back


into power, will you build HS2? That has not had a blank cheque


from the Labour Party. I am in favour of good infrastructure. Are


you in favour of?, answer the question? I have answered the


question. It does not have a blank cheque. If the prices are too high,


we will review the decision when we come back to vote on it. We will be


looking at it closely. We have to look for value for money and how it


benefits the country. Have you stocked up on jumpers this winter?


I am perfectly all right with my clothing. What is important, it is


ridiculous for the Government to suggest that the answer to the loss


of trust in the energy companies is to put on another jumper.


The coalition has taken a long time to come up with anything that can


trump Ed Miliband's simple freezing energy prices, vote for us. Are


they on the brink of doing so? I do not think so. They have had a


problem that has dominated the debate, talking about GDP, the


figures came out on Friday and said, well, and went back to talking


about energy. My problem with what David Cameron proposes is he agrees


with the analysis that the Big Six make too many profits. He wants to


move the green levies into general taxation, so that he looks like he


is protecting the profits of the energy companies. If the coalition


can say they will take money off the bills, does that change the


game? I do not think the Liberal Democrats are an obstacle to


unwinding the green levies. I think Nick Clegg is open to doing a deal,


but the real obstacle is the carbon reduction targets that we signed up


to during the boom years. They were ambitious I thought at the time.


From that we have the taxes and clocking up of the supply-side of


the economy. Unless he will revise that, and build from first


principles a new strategy, he cannot do more than put a dent into


green levies. He might say as I have got to ?50 now and if you


voters in in an overall majority, I will look up what we have done in


the better times and give you more. I am sure he will do that. It might


be ?50 of the Bill, but it will be ?50 on your general taxation bill,


which would be more progressive. which would be more progressive


They will find it. We will never see it in general taxation. The


problem for the Coalition on what Ed Miliband has done is that it is


five weeks since he made that speech and it is all we are talking


about. David Cameron spent those five weeks trying to work out


whether Ed Miliband is a Marxist or whether he is connected to Middle


Britain. That is why Ed Miliband set the agenda. The coalition are


squabbling among themselves, looking petulant, on energy, and on


schools. Nobody is taking notice of the fact the economy is under way,


the recovery is under way. Ed Miliband has made the weather on


this. It UK has a relaxed attitude about


selling off assets based -- to companies based abroad. But this


week we have seen the Swiss owner of one of Scotland's largest


industrial sites, Grangemouth, come within a whisker of closing part of


it down. So should we care whether British assets have foreign owners?


Britain might be a nation of homeowners, but we appear to have


lost our taste for owning some of our biggest businesses. These are


among the crown jewels sold off in the past three decades to companies


based abroad. Roughly half of Britain's essential services have


overseas owners. The airport owner, British Airports Authority, is


owned by a Spanish company. Britain's largest water company,


Thames, is owned by a consortium led by an Australian bank. Four out


of six of Britain's biggest energy companies are owned by overseas


giants, and one of these, EDF Energy, which is owned by the


French state, is building Britain's first nuclear power plant in a


generation, backed by Chinese investors. It's a similar story for


train operator Arriva, bought by a company owned by the German state.


So part of the railways privatised by the British government was


effectively re-nationalised by the German government. But does it


matter who owns these companies, as matter who owns these companies as


long as the lights stay on, the trains run on time, and we can


still eat Cadbury's Dairy Milk? We are joined by the general


secretary of the RMT, Bob Crow, and by venture capitalist Julie Meyer.


They go head to head. Have we seen the consequences of


relying for essential services to be foreign-owned? Four of the Big


Six energy companies, Grangemouth, owned by a tax exile in Switzerland.


It is not good. I do not think there is a cause and effect


relationship between foreign ownership and consumer prices. That


is not the right comparison. We need to be concerned about


businesses represented the future, businesses we are good at


innovating for example in financial services and the UK has a history


of building businesses, such as Monotypes. If we were not creating


businesses here -- Monotise. Like so many businesses creating


products and services and creating the shareholders. Should we allow


hour essential services to be in foreign ownership? It was


demonstrated this week at Grangemouth. If you do not own the


industry, you do not own it. The MPs of this country and the


politicians in Scotland have no say, they were consultants.


Multinationals decide whether to shut a company down. If that had


been Unite union, they are the ones who saved the jobs. They


capitulated. They will come back, like they have for the past 150


years, and capture again what they lost. If it had closed, they would


have lost their jobs for ever. If the union had called the members up


without a ballot for strike action, there would have been uproar. This


person in Switzerland can decide to shut the entire industry down. The


coalition, the Labour Party, as well, when Labour was in government,


they played a role of allowing industries to go abroad, and it


should be returned to public ownership. Nestor. It has


demonstrated that the Net comes from new businesses. We must not


be... When Daly motion was stopped by the French government to be sold,


it was an arrow to the heart of French entrepreneurs. We must not


create that culture in the UK. Every train running in France is


built in France. 90% of the trains running in Germany are built in


Germany. In Japan, it has to be built in that country, and now an


energy company in France is reducing its nuclear capability in


its own country and wants to make profits out of the British industry


to put back into it state industry. That happened with the railway


industry. They want to make money at the expense of their own state


companies. We sold off energy production. How did we end up in a


position where our nuclear capacity will be built by a company owned by


a socialist date, France, and funded by a communist one, China,


for vital infrastructure? I am not suggesting that is in the national


interest. I am saying we can pick any one example and say it is a


shame. The simple matter of the fact is the owners are having to


make decisions. Not just Grangemouth, businesses are making


decisions about what is the common good. Not just in the shareholders'


interest. For employees, customers. What is in the common good when


prices go up by 10% and the reason is that 20 years ago they shut


every coal pit down in this country, the Germans kept theirs open and


subsidised it and now we have the Germans doing away with nuclear


power and they have coal. Under the Labour government, in 2008, the


climate change Act was passed. Well before that, and you know yourself,


they shut down the coal mines to smash the National Union of


Mineworkers because they dared to stand up for people in their


community. Even if we wanted to reopen the coalmines, it would be


pointless. Under the 2008 Act, we are not meant to burn more coal.


are not meant to burn more coal The can, as if you spent some of


the profits, you could have carbon catch up. That does not exist on a


massive scale. You are arguing the case, Julie Meyer, for


entrepreneurs to come to this country. Even Bob Crow is not


against that. We are trying to argue, should essential services be


in foreign hands? Not those in Silicon round about doing start-ups.


Silicon round about doing start ups. I am trying to draw a broader


principle than just energy. Something like broadband services,


also important to the functioning of the economy. I believe in the


UK's ability to innovate. When we have businesses that play off


broadband companies to get the best prices for consumers. These new


businesses and business models are the best way. Not to control, but


to influence. It will be a disaster. Prices will go up and up as a


result. Nissan in Sunderland, a Japanese factory, some of the best


cars and productivity. You want that to be nationalised and bring


it down to the standard of British Leyland? It is not bring it down to


the standard. The car manufacturing base in this country has been


wrecked. We make more cars now for 20 years -- than in 20 years.


Ford's Dagenham produced some of the best cars in the world. Did you


buy one? I cannot drive. They moved their plants to other countries,


their plants to other countries where it was cheaper labour. Would


you nationalise Nissan? There should be one car industry that


produces cars for people. This week the EU summit was about Angela


Merkel's mobile phone being tapped, they call it a handy. We sent Adam


to Brussels and told him to ignore the business about phone-tapping


and investigate the Prime Minister's policy on Europe instead.


I have come to my first EU summit to see how David Cameron is getting on


with his strategy to claim power was back from Brussels. Got any powers


back yet? Yes! Which ones? Sadly, his fellow leaders were not as


forthcoming. Chancellor, are you going to give any powers back to


Britain? Has David Cameron asked you for any powers back? The president


of the commission just laughed, and listen to the Lithuanian President.


How is David Cameron's renegotiation strategy going? What's that? He


wants powers back for Britain. No one knows what powers David Cameron


actually wants. Even our usual allies, like Sweden, are bit


baffled. We actually don't know yet what is going through the UK


membership. We will await the finalisation of that first. You


should ask him, and then tell us! Here is someone who must know, the


Dutch Prime Minister, he is doing what we are doing, carrying out a


review of the EU powers, known as competencies in the jargon, before


negotiating to get some back. Have you had any negotiations with David


Cameron over what powers you can bring back from Brussels? That is


not on the agenda of this summit. Have you talked to him about it?


This is not on the schedule for this summit.


David Cameron's advises tummy it is because he is playing the long game.


-- David Cameron's advisers tell me. At this summit, there was a task


force discussing how to cut EU red tape. Just how long this game is was


explained to me outside the summit, by the leader of the Conservatives


in the European Parliament. I think the behind-the-scenes negotiations


will start happening when the new commissioner is appointed later next


year. I think the detailed negotiations will start to happen


bubbly after the UK general election. That is when we will start


getting all of the detail of the horse trading, and real, Lake night


negotiations. Angela Merkel seems keen to rewrite the EU's main


treaties to deal with changes in the Eurozone, and that is the mechanism


David Cameron would use to renegotiate our membership. Everyone


here says his relationship with the German Chancellor is strong. So


after days in this building, here is how it looks. David Cameron has a


mountain to climb. It is climbable, but he isn't even in the foothills


yet. Has he even started packing his bags for the trip?


Joining us now, a man who knows a thing or two about the difficulties


Prime Minister 's face in Europe. Former Deputy Prime Minister,


Michael Heseltine. We are nine months from David Cameron's defining


speech on EU renegotiation. Can you think of one area of progress? I


don't know. And you don't know. And that's a good thing. Why is it a


good thing? Because the real progress goes on behind closed


doors. And only the most naive, because the real progress goes on


behind closed doors. Because, in this weary world, you and I, Andrew,


know full well that the moment you say, I making progress, people say,


where? And the machine goes to work to show that the progress isn't


enough. So you are much better off making progress as best you can in


the privacy of private diplomacy. It is a long journey ahead. In this


long journey, do you have a clear sense of the destination? Do you


have a clear sense of what powers Mr Cameron wants to negotiate? I have a


clear sense of the destination, which is a victory for the campaign


that he will win to stay inside the European community. That is the


agenda, and I have total support for that. I understand that, but if he


is incapable of getting any tangible sign of renegotiation, if he is able


only to do what Wilson did in 1 75, only to do what Wilson did in 1975,


which was to get a couple of token changes to our membership status, he


goes into that referendum without much to argue for. He has everything


to argue for. He's got Britain's vital role as a major contributor to


the community. He's got Britain s the community. He's got Britain's


self interest as a major beneficiary, and Britain's vital


role in the City of London. He's got everything to argue for. He could


argue for that now. He could have a referendum now. He doesn't want one


now. I haven't any doubt that he will come back with something to


talk about. But it may be slightly different to what his critics, the


UK isolationist party people, want. He may, for example, have found that


allies within the community want change as well, and he may secure


changes in the way the community works, which would be a significant


argument within the referendum campaign. Let me give you an


example. I think it is a scandal that the European Commission don't


secure the auditing of some of the accounts. Perhaps that could be on


the agenda. He might find a lot of contributing countries, like


Germany, like Colin and, would be very keen. -- like Holland. David


vetoed the increase in the European budgets the other day, and he had a


lot of allies. So working within Europe on the things that people


paying the European bills want is fertile ground. Is John Major right


to call for a windfall tax on the energy companies? John is a very


cautious fellow. He doesn't say things without thinking them out. So


I was surprised that he went for a windfall tax. First of all, it is


retrospective, and secondly, it is difficult to predict what the


consequences will be. I am, myself, more interested in the other part of


his speech, which was talking about the need for the Conservative Party


to seek a wider horizon, to recognise what is happening to the


Conservative Party in the way in which its membership is shrinking


into a southeastern enclave. Are you in favour of a windfall tax? I am


not in favour of increasing any taxes. Do you share Iain Duncan


Smith's point of view on welfare reform? I think Iain Duncan Smith is


right. It is extremely difficult to do, but he is right to try. I think


public opinion is behind him, but it isn't easy, because on the fringe of


these issues there are genuine hard luck stories, and they are the ones


that become the focus of attention the moment you introduce change.


that become the focus of attention the moment you introduce change It


requires a lot of political skill to negotiate your way through that.


requires a lot of political skill to negotiate your way through that But


isn't Iain Duncan Smith right to invoke the beverage principle, that


you should be expected to make a contribution for the welfare you


depend on? Yes, he is. I will let you get your Sunday lunch. Thanks


for joining us. Coming up in just over 20 minutes, I


will be looking at The Week Ahead with our political panel. Until


then, The Sunday Politics across the UK.


Hello, and welcome from us, and welcome for the next 20 minutes or


so to my guests, Mark Field, Conservative MP for the Cities of


London and Westminster and Nick Raynsford, Labour MP for Greenwich


and Woolwich. Coming up later, there are twice as many journeys made by


bus than by tube, but our buses getting the investment they warrant?


Before that, I want to start with the issue of ?300,000 worth of


golden goodbyes being paid out by the Mayor to senior members of his


team who left after his 2012 election victory. Golden goodbyes


when he won. What do you think about that, Nick Raynsford? I am afraid it


is one further example of this very unpleasant culture of people in


senior positions rewarding their colleagues for no good reason, often


because they have failed. In this case, people voluntarily chose to


leave Boris's employee, picked up a large sum of money, and went


straight into another job. I think that is completely wrong. I against


the benefits paid to Ken Livingstone's advisers when their


position came to an end, but that was because he had lost. I think


there was a case, where someone has lost their job as a result of an


election, to have a modest sum to allow them to find something else to


go to. When someone leaves voluntarily and goes straight into


another job, it is deplorable to give them public money. Mark Field,


what did you think of this? Not least because we have heard so much


from his images stray shed about cutting costs. -- from his


Administration. After the MP is a scandal, it is wrong to go too much


into this. I suppose I wouldn't necessarily want the tentacles of


IPSA to extend to City Hall, but I could see there would be some sense


of looking at this with fresh eyes. The truth is, where individuals have


been told that they are no longer the deputy Mayor, or in the employ


of the deputy Mayor, I think perhaps at notice period of two or three


months would be appropriate. But where an individual, of their own


accord, decides to leave one of the offices there, I don't think there


should be any financial reward. These are sums of money, compared to


the end of the Livingstone regime, that don't see that -- seem that


large. They are only not large because the people have not been in


their jobs very long. ?53,000 for one man who went straight on to a


job at News International. He knew he was going before the election, of


his own volition. What do you think of that payment? I am sure it is all


within the rules, and we have all been down that road before with the


expenses scandal. But I think that in the future, we should ensure a


distinction is torn between people who are leaving of their own


volition, and those who are being asked to step down. The other point


to pick up on is, because there were these three or four other


individuals who are being removed, or who were told that their services


were no longer required, perhaps some sort of payment was justified,


but doesn't that say much about Boris Johnson's administration, and


the stability of it, or the clarity or the direction? You are losing


three or four of these figures after the election and replacing them with


others. Inevitably, there are different priorities that take


place. The truth is, in politics, as always, there are sometimes square


pegs for round holes and vice versa. For some individuals, things don't


work out. They have done a good job, but the guy at the top wants to have


a different team. I don't have a problem with the idea of paying two


or three months notice period. Let's move on. Could London's buses be


heading for a crisis? A report by the London Assembly, out tomorrow,


will warn that there was no plan in place to deal with rising demand,


and the result could be misery for passengers.


Londoners use the bus more than any type of transport, twice as much as


the Tube. But a report due out tomorrow warns that there might be


trouble further up the road. Over the past decade, the use of buses


has grown four times the rate of the population. They have only


planned 1% growth in the next decade, the same as population


growth. Campaigners are concerned. One of the features of what is


going on in London is that there is a huge focus on population growth


in London and the debate on other modes of transport such as the Tube


and Crossrail is how we cater for that. But the debate does not seem


to have translated to the buses, where in the past ten years use has


grown by more than the population. Transport for London must plan for


a large increase in bus use. There may be few more English sites than


commuters queuing to get on the bus at Waterloo every morning. The line


goes on and on. If demand keeps going up without proper investment,


could it become more common and the buses more overcrowded? The answer


is that it may be hard to tell. The report will criticise the fact that


Transport for London do not publish information on overcrowding,


assuming that drivers do not allow the buses to be over capacity. But


according to this time, passengers are not allowed further forward


than the notice. Being left at the bus-stop is a complaint. Sometimes


I wait 10, 9, 6, they do not let you in. At peak time there is no


way to get on. It is very hard. According to the report, transport


for London needs to understand the scale of the problem. A they have


no idea of overcrowding on buses and do not measure of those left


behind at the bus-stop. The assumption is that the boss is


loaded to the safe level. We know very often that the kind bus driver


will pack more in because they would rather do that than leave


people behind. The big challenge is money with TEFL may be struggling


to put more buses on the road as the grant from government is being


cut -- Transport for London. The aim is to get to the situation


where they cover all of the operating costs. There will be a


need to be efficient Suez, and probably the bus network will not


expand as fast as it might need to -- there will need to be efficiency.


Transport for London will have to deal with more passengers and a


tighter financial climate. It could be passengers pay more and get less.


I enjoyed by Richard Tracey, the Conservative leader on transport on


the London Assembly. You will also part of the inquiry team that


produced the report. What was your impression? There is cross-party


agreement on it. Other than possibly a bit about costing and


how we pay for it. Frankly, we were appalled at the level of planning.


Whereas the main line trains and underground and Docklands Light


Railway, these things are provided for with estimates of what the


demand will be in the future. It does not seem to happen with buses.


We believe, with the extra population, as well as commuters


coming into London, over the next ten years, there will be a real


problem, unless they plan more skilfully and plan routes more


skilfully. We asked Transport for London to come on but they could


not put anybody up, but they say they are committed to improving the


network and ensuring it expands to meet the needs of a growing


population. They say to achieve that they need the Government to


support investment while they work hard to get the most out of the


existing network and match capacity to demand. We will talk about the


money, because that will be a factor, but you are saying that


they are not matching capacity to demand now? Why not? It is


difficult to know why they are not. When they plan ahead for the


Underground and Crossrail. They are talking to various boroughs where


Crossrail will go through. In the case of the buses, they do not.


Frankly, over the past ten years, they do it matched the performance


of the buses. There are 7500 buses. As you heard, they are carrying


half as many passengers again as the Underground. In the past ten


years they matched it. As far as we can see, in the coming ten years,


when we know there will be a vast extra number of people in London,


they do not seem to have made the provision. Frankly, a lot of


overcrowding will happen. Many people complain now. In the course


of the committee, we did two case studies. One of those was in south-


east London. The 343 bus route. We did another in my constituency.


That is around Roehampton, the number 22. There is a new growing a


-- grin University, a hospital and more housing. -- growing university.


There has not been planning for growth in those areas. As a result,


people can be left standing at the bus-stop. Presumably, they cannot


make the extra provision because they know how limited finances are.


It is partly that. We expect Transport for London to manage


their finances. On the planning, their finances. On the planning


there is a belief held strong plea in the borough's that bus routes


are rowing be changed and extra buses put-on, or even extra routes,


coming when the tendering process happens. Is that you're feeling and


knowledge, are you generally happy with the service people get? Buses


are a success story in London. Compared to 15 years ago, there has


been expansion. The number of people carried and range of


services and quality of the bus fleet. But we now have a serious


problem. We will have more demand. There will not be more capacity In


my area in Greenwich, in North Greenwich, going to the underground,


there was nothing 15 years ago and we now have eight buses serving


that station. If people try to get on them at the last few stops, in


the weekday rush-hour, they will have difficulty. It is getting


worse. There is not at the moment any indication of proper provision


to allow for increased demand. You are in a growth area and can see


how it develops. Probably less of a case in Central London. I would not


want to gainsay the report but it is worth putting a general overview.


We have a pretty terrific transport offering in London that integrates


well. However, the buses are regarded as the Cinderella area


They were not under Ken Livingstone. Do you accept that? Is it because


Boris Johnson does not take them seriously? He takes them seriously.


You focused on transport for London. But presumably you want to reserve


concern for the Mayor of London himself. We do put it to him. We


want various plans to be produced by next year, of how they will cope


with growth. The fact is that 40% with growth. The fact is that 4 %


of people who travel on buses do so on concessionary fares. There is a


large block of people travelling on Freedom passes. Also students at


university and also schoolchildren travelling free. You want the Mayor


of London to take more of a hold? He has to provide direction for


Transport for London so that they will better plan for the increase


in population? The mayor and transport for London. He is the


chairman. The deputy mayor is the deputy chairman of transport. We


expect the team to put it together. It is a great success. London's


transport is a success, but it would be a shame it this area were


forgotten. Thanks for coming in. Next month, the mayor will consult


on I e -- on a new housing strategy. City Hall went through this process


in 2011. After the consultation then, no finished strategy emerged.


We are told that housing is one of the priorities of City Hall. Labour


claimed we are seeing consultation but no strategy.


Two years ago, the mayor published a draft for his house in strategy.


The problem was the final version did not come out. This week he said


he was not worried. I think the strategy provides their homes in


London this needs. Since it never came into force, housing policy is


being directed by a document from 2010. It set out policies intended


to help people get on the housing ladder and encourage institutional


investment in building and improving conditions for tenancies


in the private sector. Also to address overcrowding. Despite the


mayor's confidence in the strategy, a new one is being put together. We


are getting on with a new strategy designed to fit the circumstances


of London today. Why has it taken this long? The previous strategy


was launched in 2010 and then you consulted on a new strategy and you


did not publish a final. Now you tell us that you have ditch that


and you are launching a new one Labour say the booming population


and house prices and rents a new strategy is vital. That is his job,


to take the strategic lead on these issues. You can trace the failure


of so many of these problems that we have back to the fact that he


has no strategy. His City Hall wanted to change the strategy in


2011 and did not manage it -- if City Hall. Does that mean the


Policies are no longer up to scratch? We have had an election


and incorporation of new powers and new assets. It is absolutely right


and a responsibility to incorporate the changes into a new version and


to consult on that. London's housing problem does not look like


it is going away soon. A measure in the new strategy could be a Labour


policy, described by Conservatives as a Stalinist land grab, to


prevent developers sitting on land. Whatever ends up in the strategy,


those looking to City Hall for a solution will hope it is worth the


wait. Presumably, from the moment you


wanted to produce a strategy, things changed in that he was given


extra powers. He took in the powers of the homes and community agency.


It is fair enough to keep reviewing this if circumstances change? This


is a cover-up as to why there has been no publication. London has an


acute problem with a real shortage. It affects everybody, home


ownership, private rented housing, they are under pressure. He needs


to act. There needs to be a blueprint, how we increase output


of housing from 17,000 homes the year, it has to be nearer 40,000


year, it has to be nearer 40,00 and probably up to 50,000. Elected


last year and given money by the Government, what is going on? Or


the rented sector, changes in welfare will have an impact -- on


the rented sector. The strategy and another consultation? We need to


get on with it. The issue in London is affordability if you are buying.


The talk about the help to buy scheme. We are in a bubble in the


capital. The real issue is down to supply. That applies to the rental


market, as well. I hope he will get on with it. The what should he be


doing? There are pressures coming through from the welfare changes.


The Department of communities of pushing powers into his hands. The


time for talking must be over, we need action. We know on the back of


some of the help to buy legislation, we can make sure we can get supply


moving upwards. The danger of the legislation is in that it feels


house prices. We can fuel inflation. Interest rates are low, but we have


the legislation, make it work for London. He seems to support the


idea of those developers sitting on land, being taxed? I do not


entirely agree. There is the idea of quick solutions to short-term


problems. I expect a lot of the land not being developed will be.


If you have new regulations and taxes... We gave planning consent


ten years ago for 10,000 homes in Greenwich. So far 270 have been


built. That is not because of planning and bureaucracy, it is


because developers have gone slowly. Now it is time for the rest of the


political news. Lambeth Council is consulting on a


ban on selling alcohol after midnight, following anti-social


behaviour complaints by residents. Lambeth Council's plans affect


venues on part of Wandsworth Road in Clapham. In Merton, a Christian who


claimed she was forced to lose her job after refusing to work Sundays


because of her faith has taken the case to a tribunal.


Chinatown residents and businesses staged a protest over what they say


was a unfair target and by the Home Office on illegal workers.


I want to talk about free schools being a big talking point this


week. Teachers have to be qualified to teach in a classroom? They still


do a good job, don't they? No one would go to a doctor and say, I


prepared to have an unqualified doctor dealing with me. I think


there is an overwhelming case to say that you should have... We are


totally unqualified as MPs! A headteacher in Pimlico was


completely unqualified but did a terrific job. I think I do agree


that you want to have people who are going to be ideally qualified. And


if they are not, that they should be on the road to qualification. But if


we have people who are genuinely passionate about teaching, we should


accept them. I think most in that free school area for into that


Is Labour about to drop its support category. Thank you.


Is Labour about to drop its support for High Speed 2, a rail line the


party approved while in government? for High Speed 2, a rail line the


these green shoots? These are all questions for The Week Ahead.


So, HS2. Miss Flint wouldn't answer the question. She's in northern MP


too. Ed Balls is comparing it to the Millennium Dome.


too. Ed Balls is comparing it to the minute's silence for HS2? It will


not be quite as crude as that. They will not stand up and say, we


not be quite as crude as that. They senior Labour person said to me it


would be a bit senior Labour person said to me it


that Gordon Brown and Ed Balls set for the euro back in 97. They will


be chucking lots of questions into the air, and the questions will


create doubt, and will create the grounds for Labour to say, at some


point, we think there is a much much better way of spending the money. It


isn't ?42 billion, because that includes a contingency. Let's see


what Peter Mandelson had to say about HS2. He was in the government


when Labour supported it. Frankly, there was too much of the argument


that if everyone else has got a high-speed train, we should have won


too. Regardless of need, regardless of cost, and regardless of


alternatives. As a party, to be frank, we didn't feel like being


trumped by the zeal of the then opposition's support for the


high-speed train. We wanted, if anything, to upstage them. So they


didn't really need it, and we're only talking about ?50 billion. Why


would you take a decision involving ?50 billion in a serious way? For


David Cameron, if it becomes clear Labour is against it, he cannot


proceed. He indicated last week that he wouldn't proceed if the certainty


wasn't there. For Labour, HS2 is really a debate about the deficit by


proxy. They think that if you don't go ahead with HS2, that releases


tens of billions of pounds to spend on other things, such as public


services, without going into boring. I don't think that works because


there was a difference between cancelling something that already


exists to pay for something else, and cancelling something that does


not yet exist and will be paid for over decades to pay for something


here and now. Can Labour do this? I know that the line will be, we are


not going to build this railway because we are going to build


200,000 houses a year. Can they do this without political cost? I think


there will be political costs, but they will play this card of we have


changed our mind. I think Cameron's line has been very clever, saying we


cannot do it without labour. You can put it in two ways. Sorry, we cannot


go ahead with it, but Labour has ruined your chance of prosperity, or


they can tie themselves to it, and then Labour cannot attack it on


great grounds when costs do spire. You can write Labour's script right


now. They can say, if we were in charge, the financial management


would be much better. This raises some really important questions for


the government. They have utterly failed to make the case for HS2


There is a real case to make. Between London and Birmingham it is


about capacity not speed. North of Birmingham, it is about


connectivity. It is a simple case to make, but it is only in the last


month that they have been making that case. It shows really terrible


complacency in the coalition that they haven't done that. We'll HS2


happen or not? I think it will. For the reasons that Nick outlined,


there is not of a constituency for it amongst Northern areas. -- there


is enough of a constituency for it. There is private investment as well.


It isn't like Heathrow. I say no, because I think Labour will drop


their support for it. Caroline Flint said she was in favour of the


concept of trains generally, but will it go further than that? It is


difficult to see how it will go ahead if Labour will not support it


after setting five tests that it clearly will not meet. Some will


breathe a sigh of relief. Some will say, even in the 20th century, we


cannot build a proper rail network. The economy was another big story of


the week. We had those GDP figures. There is a video the Tories are


releasing. The world premiere is going to be here. Where's the red


carpet? It gives an indication of how the Tories will hand Mr Miliband


and labour in the run-up to the election. Let's have a look at it.


These graphics are even worse than the ones we use on our show! How on


earth would you expect that to go viral? It did have a strange feel


about it. It doesn't understand the Internet at all. Who is going to


read those little screens between it? Put a dog in it! However,


putting that aside, I have no idea that that is going to go viral. The


Tories are now operating - and I say Tories rather than the coalition -


on the assumption that the economy is improving and will continue to


improve, and that that will become more obvious as 2014 goes on. We


just saw their how they will fight the campaign. Yes, and at the


crucial moment, you will reach the point where wages. To rise at a


faster pace than inflation, and then people will start to, in the words


of Harold Macmillan, feel that they have never had it so good. That is


the key moment. If the economy is growing, there is a rule of thumb


that the government should get a benefit. But it doesn't always work


like that. The fundamental point here is that Ed Miliband has had a


great month. He has totally set the agenda. He has set the agenda with


something - freezing energy prices - that may not work. That video shows


that the Conservatives want to get the debate back to the


fundamentals. That this is a party that told us for three years that


this coalition was telling us to -- was taking us to hell on a handcart.


That doesn't seem to have happened. The energy price was a very clever


thing, at the party conference season, which now seems years ago.


They saw that the recovery was going to happen, so they changed the


debate to living standards. Some economists are now privately


expecting growth to be 3% next year, which was inconceivable for five


months ago. If growth is 3% next year, living standards will start to


rise again. Where does Labour go then? I would go further, and say


that even though Ed Miliband has made a small political victory on


living standards, it hasn't registered in the polls. Those polls


have been contracted since April -- have been contracting since April.


That macro economic story matters more than the issue of living


standards. The interesting thing about the recovery is it confounds


everybody. No one was predicting, not the Treasury, not the media not


the IMF, not the academics, and the only people I can think of... I fit


-- I thought they knew everything! The only people I know who did are


one adviser who is very close to George Osborne, and the clever hedge


fund is who were buying British equities back in January. Because


the Treasury's record is so appalling, no one believe them, but


they were saying around February, March this year, that by the end of


the summer, the recovery would be gathering momentum. For once, they


turned out to be right! They said that the economy would be going gang


bust is! Where did the new Tory voters come from? I agree, if the


economic recovery continues, the coalition will be stronger. But


where will they get new voters from? For people who sign up to help to


buy, they will be locked into nice mortgages at a low interest rate,


and just as you go into a general election, if you are getting 3%


growth and unemployment is down the Bank of England will have to review


their interest rates. People who are getting nice interest rates now may


find that it is not like that in a few months time. The point John


Major was making implicitly was that Mrs Thatcher could speak to people


on low incomes. John Major could not speak to them -- John Major could


speak to them. But this coalition cannot speak to them. This idea


about the reshuffle was that David Cameron wanted more Northern voices,


more women, to make it look like it was not a party of seven men. When


David Cameron became leader, John Major said, I do not speak very


often, but when I do, I will help you, because I think you are good


thing and I do not want to be like Margaret Thatcher. But that speech


was clearly a lament for the party he believed that David Cameron was


going to lead and create, but that isn't happening. And energy prices


continue into this coming week. We have the companies going before a


select committee. My information is they are sending along the secondary


division, not the boss. How can they get along -- get away with that? I


got the letter through from British Gas this week explaining why my


bills are going up, and at no point since this became a story have any


of the big companies handled it well. I will have to leave it there.


Make sure you pay your bill! That's it for today. The Daily Politics is


back on BBC Two tomorrow. I will be back here on BBC One next Sunday.


Remember, if it's Sunday, it is The Sunday Politics.


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