04/11/2012 The Andrew Marr Show


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Good morning, and welcome, so, the American presidential race enters


its final phase, going right down to the wire, and a sensational poll


reporting this morning shows Barack Obama is piling up ten-times as


many votes as Mitt Romney, 70% against just 7% for the Mormon


republican. Sadly for President Obama this is a poll of British


voters, none of whom can actually vote. Lots of US coverage in


today's British Sundays, and to ransack them, two shrewd and


experienced pairs of hands, the former Conservative minister turned


broadcaster, Michael Portillo and Labour lawyer and peer, Helena


Kennedy. We will talk more about Obama against Romney later on, with


a leading pollster, Sir Bob Worcester, and a prominent


Republican, Colleen Graffy, living here in the UK. For others what our


Government is doing matters more, one of the most controversial


changes coming up is over welfare, a cap on how much any household can


get, and a suggestion that child benefits should be reduced to two


children, and questions over whether better off people should be


getting things like winter fuel and transport. Iain Duncan Smith is on


a personal crusade to get more people working and to cut the


Welfare Bill. He joins me this morning. We will be talking about


law and order, immigration, and those police commissioner elections.


Will you vote? Did you even know about them? With the shadow Home


Secretary, Yvette Cooper, on a day where a survey shows what is a


national crisis of morale among police officers. So, lots of nit, a


bit of grit ahead, let's kick off as we do with the news.


Good morning. The US presidential candidates have been addressing


large crowds ahead of Tuesday's election, with polls showing Barack


Obama and Mitt Romney virtually neck and neck. The two men are


focusing on their efforts on voters in key swing states.


The President of the United States, Mitt Romney! With three days to go


t the candidates have launched a frantic dash to win undecided


voters. Change is the mantra, President Obama saying he needs


another four years to achieve it. And governor Romney claiming's the


only one with the track record for delivering it. Giving more power to


the biggest banks, that is not change. Another $5 trillion tax cut


to the wealthiest Americans, that is not change. Refusing to answer


details about your policies until after the election, that is


definitely not change. We have got to change course, because unless we


do, we may be looking at another recession. The question of this


election comes down to this, do you want more of the same, or do you


want real change? The latest polls show how most of the country is


likely to vote. Leaving the candidates to focus on these


critical swing states that could still go either way. President


Obama started Saturday in Ohio, moved to Wisconsin, and Iowa, and


ended the night in Virginia. Governor Romney went from New


Hampshire to Iowa, and had two stops in Colorado, where most


people are expected to vote early. The economy is still the most


important issue of the election, so the sudden appearance of the


puppets from Sesame Street was surprising. They were protesting


against Gor nor Romney's pledge to cut funding to public funding to


broadcasters. Whether the Muppets will influence voters, like


anything else in this race, remain unclear.


New York's mayor has said it could take several days before power


supplies return to normal in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Although


electricity has been returned to most of Manhattan, other parts of


the city are still in the dark. The mayor has criticised Long Island's


power and utilities companies saying it hasn't done enough to


restore power. There are allegations that a senior


Tory was involved in paedophile- ring three decades ago. During the


1970s hundreds of children were abused in former care homes in


South Wales. It was thought a group of people were protected by each


other to allow the abuse to continue. Rebel forces are thought


to be in control in Damascus, and the Government has eye tacked them.


It comes ahead of a crucial meeting about how to form a united front


against President Assad sad. The extent of the attack against


the Taftanaz abase near Aleppo is unclear. Some feel it is the start


of a determined approach to take control of the base. Other reports


suggest the rebels withdrew after six hours, claiming they had


destroyed two helicopters. Whatever the truth, Washington believes the


fight against President Assad is being hampered by a fragmented,


unrepresentative opposition. US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,


says the Syrian National Council can no longer be regarded as the


true voice of the opposition. That's a claim strongly denied by


its President, speak anything Turkey. TRANSLATION: -- speaking in


Turkey. TRANSLATION: Only the people of Syria can decide who


represents them and who doesn't, we are Syrian and in this together.


The US says the opposition needs to represent more of those who are


fighting and dying on the ground. There are plenty of those.


This unverified video is said to show the result of a Government air


attack on the town of Binish, with Government forces able to bomb at


will from the air, it shows why the rebels are so keen to attack


Assad's airfields. David Cameron is facing fresh


embarrassment over text messages sent to the former News


International boss, Rebekah Brooks. In one message, obtained by The


Mail on Sunday, the Prime Minister thanked Mrs Brooks for letting him


ride one of her force, joking it was fast, unpredictable, and hard


to control and fun. Rebekah Brooks and her husband are among those


facing trial in the phone hacking scandal. That is all for me, I will


be back with the headlines before 10.00am. Back to Andrew.


We will talk about a lot of those stories, I suspect, in the paper


review. The front page, we have the Sunday Telemachus talking about


this forth -- Sunday Telegraph talking about this forth


coming EU leaders meeting over cash. The Observer has an interesting


story here, saying both Milliband brothers, Ed and David are uniting


to urge that there should be a living wage, that is considerably


higher than the minimum wage. There is questions about how they would


implement it in power. The Independent on Sunday here, like a


lot of papsers, is focusing on -- papers is focusing on the American


elections, the longest, gaudiest and sillyist on record it says. The


Mail has Cameron's horseplay texts with Rebekah Brooks, they are not


as salacious as some are saying. The Sunday Mirror has a story about


the Downing Streeten to star, Maggie being rush -- Downton star


Maggie Smith being rushed to hospital.


What have you found in the papers? The Independent has a whole story


about the elections, a nation on the edge. There is a very


interesting piece in the Independent by Rupert Conwell, a


very good journalist, analysing this election, and analysing how


long and silly it is, but how it is one of the most important elections


there could be. It does go to the heart of the values of Americans.


Are they really just going to vote for self-interest, in terms of


Romney? Who at one stage I thought wasn't a contender, or Obama.


Although it is looking as though it could be Obama, it is very, very


tight. It really is an important election, because this will be a


veering to the right in a serious way, yet again. Michael? Well, the


Sunday Times still on the American election, and a nation ready to


rise again, it says. This is on a report that the United States will


grow by 3% next yoo, by comparison with other western economies, and


Europe, this is -- year, by comparison with other western


economies and Europe this is great for whoever is elected on Tuesday


night. I was interested in this piece here, talking about the


aftermath of the flood, it is saying the lights are on but the


mood is dark. It is 48 hours before the Americans will cast their


involvement and it looks like the rescue is not goings withle as


first thought. A lot feel abandoned, the Red Cross isn't in, power


supplies are still out, and they are fighting for gasoline, as they


call it. I wonder in the last hours there will be some revulsion, that


the President is back on the campaign trail, he did his thing


with the governor giving him a hug, and he's back on the campaign trail,


and a lot of Americans are saying they are being abandoned. Very


shrewd analysis by the Sunday Telegraph of this story? It looked


as if it had been a good storm for Obama, and he was up. But it is


right that it could actually, in the long-term, not work to his


benefit. Long-term being 48 hours! As he gets to the edge. Anyone who


says they know what is going to happen is a fool at this point?


holding my breath. No-one knows, but somebody said to me, 2008 was


the election to lose, because of the financial crisis this is an


election to win? This is obviously an election to win. The economy


looks a if it will go gang Buster, the Sunday Times reveals things I


hadn't taken in, that the Stock Exchange has doubled its values


under Obama, and corporate profits are now at a record high. And the


people who have got most of the fiscal boost are the people right


at the top? That is right, the average American has seen no


increase in his or her living standards.S That the interesting


thing, those things around the economy, that is why it has been


such a silly election, the stories have not been well told. Obama


hasn't told his story well, but also there has been a really


mendacious campaign by Romney, the lies have been repeated. I have to


say something on behalf of Romney here, even just for BBC balance!


Romney is the man who believes in smaller Government. America


believes in smaller Government. I think that Obama is still at risk,


because basically, he is a big Government quasi-socialist, in a


country that is almost defined by its belief in small Government.


I can say, it is very interesting that the Mayor of New York, an old


fashioned Republican, has come out for Obama. Right, well, we will


hold hour breath on that, and see what happens. Let's turn to a more


local story, one that we mentioned in -- hold our breath on that, and


let's see what happens. Let's turn to more local news, the texts?


don't really amount to much, there is nothing terribly new in them as


far as I can see, that doesn't just show the close proximity of the


Rebekah Brooks and the friendship of the Brooks couple with the Prime


Minister. But what it tells you, what is interesting for me, and she


talks about how great it will be, "we will love working together", it


is as if she's in Downing Street. She said she cried twice during


Cameron's speech, which is impressive, I suppose! Looking back


to the time, it must have seen to David Cameron as a gift from heaven,


that he had been at school with this lady's husband, and she was in


this key position in the Murdoch empire, and the Tories, after so


many years in the wildness, had this inside track on the Murdoch


empire. Now it is the kiss of death! What is interesting to me is


it is a return to the front page of the stuff that led to Leveson. That


has disappeared over the last few weeks. It has been the BBC that has


been in the firing lines. And the print media has loved it. Because


it has taken the heat afrom them over Leveson. But Leveson is back


in the papers again. Quite a lot of papers are campaigning shoulder-to-


shoulder ahead of the Leveson thing against regulation? That is what is


worrying, there is a backlash, and now a campaign, basically, taking


place, to prevent any kind of regular laying. It is about back to


business as usual for the press, and -- regulation, and it is about


back to business as usual for the press. What else in the Sunday


Telegraph? Maria Miller, she's the one promoted to be the Culture


Secretary. Many might not have known much about her until she took


on this position. This article reviews how much is on her plate.


The BBC, with the Jimmy Savile inquiries, Leveson is in her domain,


apparently, because she's also the minister for Women's Equality, it


falls to her to look at the issue of gay marriage. And some what


further down the pecking order, she has also got to deal with the


Olympic stadium, and what may be its future, whether with West Ham


United or some other tenant. So for a lady who is not very well known,


and not hugely experienced in frontline politics, this is really


a very large series of issues that have been served up to her. Of


course, one has to say they are so important, that on most of them, it


is inconceivable she could step without the Prime Minister being


absolutely axe questions sent. -- aquiesent. I thought she was


incautious in the statement about Jimmy Savile, she was repuked by Mr


Patten. And I think no politician would be prejudging it. They were


hoping she would say she's a against statutory regulation, and


she isn't saying that. The ministry, that was all seen an unimportant


ministry, dealing with culture, is up there with some of the key


issues of the day. It has become incredibly important. We talked


about Savile a moment ago, the Express has a story not discussing


any names? A double-page spread I picked here, on the right hand it


is alleged that Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce, which unfortunately


appear to have been the scene of some of his abuse. But these Rolls-


Royces were given to him by the BBC in lieu of pay. We are talking


about a period when the tax rate of 98%, 83% on earned income, 98% on


unearned income. It is alleged he was paid in Rolls-Royces in order


to avoid the tax. Astonishing, isn't it. A rather nice conflation


of two of the BBC issues, one child abuse u and then how it pays some


of the senior people. It goes back a long way, I thought the business


of playing around with how people are paid was a new invention, but


clearly not of the Obviously -- Clearly not. Obviously, this story


came out on Newsnight, Measham measure, who was a boy in one of


these institutions in North Wales, and who claims, not only that he


was abused, but that during the inquiry, which was called the


Waterhouse inquiry, he was disallowed on giving evidence on


abuse that occurred to him outside the home where he was


institutionalised. And he says he was taken to a hotel and repeatedly


raped there, and one of the people involved was a senior Tory


associated with the Thatcher Government. I mention it


particularly because Maria Miller has called upon the BBC to be


transparent and get to the root of everything that has happened in the


BBC. Naturally David Cameron will have to put himself in a similar


decision. He will have to say he wants to get to the root of


whatever may have happened. Not institutionally with the


Conservative Party, but whatever it was that may have happened with the


senior Conservative. Part of this is, it is so interesting to me that


the Waterhouse Inquiry, you know, the remit was drawn up in a way,


that constrained looking beyond what happened inside children's


homes. Terrible. But it is one of those slights of hand that take


place with public inquiries, you draw up the rules of the game in


such a way that a real inquiry never takes place. Let get on to


the Europe story? The papers dig around about what happens in the


rebellion last week where the Government was defeateded on the


approach to the European budget. A couple of stories, one is that


there was collusion between Conservative rebels and people


working for Ed Balls. There is a surprise! Another, that a cabinet


minister was tempted to resign during the course of all of this. I


personally, as someone who was once in politics, find all this analysis


at the weekend rather fascinating about what was actually going on,


and the shenanigans going on. all talk about Westminster about


that in the days since the vote, as you know. You have been plunging


deep into the European issue, or at least into Europe itself, Michael,


one of your great railway journeys? I have a series beginning this week


of great continental railway journeys, for the first time to the


continent, using a 1913 guide, so I'm looking at Europe on the eve of


World War I, that Europe of empires is about to be swept away. Here is


a taster. I can actually see into everybody's window and house!


Sample local cuisine, when on the Ryan, it is just as Ryan landers do.


-- Rhine, it is just as Rhinelanders do! He has a new


collection of jackets. It is great jacket. It is It is a unique


telling opposition. We make them in the summer for the winter to cheer


people up. We do need cheering up. Although it is lovely weather


yesterday, I made a train journey up to newle, I'm worried about the


-- Newcastle, I'm worrying it might be rather wet for barbecuing would-


be rather wet for barbecuing would- be arsonists. Now the weather.


A real he can electic mix of weather across the -- electic mix


of weather across the country. You have the sunshine, wet and windy


weather, intense rainfall has been falling along the south coast, on


the back edge of that we have seen snowfalling and settling at lower


levels. It will continue to drift steadily east. Elsewhere showers


dying back to the north and west- facing coast. Sunny spells coming


through. That rain will left-wing air cross East Anglia through the


afternoon. But it is an improving picture, despite cloudy skies


through the Midlands and Wales throughout the day. Temperatures


disappointing. We might scrape a double figure into the far south-


west. If your firework display is this evening it won't be too bad,


clear skies, and largely dry, showery rain towards South Wales


and Bristol. For Monday that cloud and showers starts to Eastmond away.


A quiet start to the working week. In terms of feel of things, it will


We are ten days away from voting for the new comiem commissioners in


England and Wales. To give them a greater say over the police. Labour


were against the policy from the start, but how would the party's


approach to crime differ. I'm joined by the shadow secretary,


Yvette Cooper. A lot of people will be barely aware they are happening.


One poll suggests only 15% of people will vote? This is a real


problem. The Government has chosen to hold these elections in November,


we have just had the weather forecast, you have seen the


terrible weather today. That is making it harder for people to go


out and vote. I also think that they have made a thamable of this,


for -- shambles of this, for a flagship policy, most people don't


know what the elections are for. I'm worried about what turnout will


be as a result of this. And yet the principle of saying to every local


community, direct democracy, you get a say in how you are going to


be policed. What is wrong with that? That seems a very straight


forward, sensible idea of the kind that the Labour Party would have


once backed? We opposed this going through parliament. For example, we


thought that the �100 million that the Government is spending on the


elections could have been spent on about 3,000 police officers instead.


We thought that was a better use of the money. We also thought that


there should be more checks and balances in the system, because to


invest one person with a huge amount of policing power, we


thought, was not the right way to approach policing and the


traditions of policing we have. Obviously the Government has


decided to go ahead with this, so we are doing our best to make it


work. But I do think that the Government needs to be doing much


more. You set up what is called an independent inquiry, you set it up


with Lord Stephens, former copper, heading it into police pay and


morale and all the issues around policing. Not sur pryingly he has


come back with a report saying that the police are absolutely


infuriated, low morale and all the rest of it. But probably, if you


set a policeman to look at policemen's morale, he will come


back and say the Government isn't doing what it should The survey


produced is troubling. We know there are 15,000 police officers


being cut as a result of the Government's decision, we know that


over 7,000 have come off the frontline. The most visible police


of all, things like the neighbourhood police, the 999


response teams and so on. Again, already going. So you are asking


police to do even more, and of course, we need them to go into the


most difficult situations, and what Lord Stevens is saying he has never


seen survey results like this, when 95% of police officers are saying


they don't think they have the support of the coalition Government.


I think only 0.1% said they thought they had a great deal of support.


That is not a good situation for the morale of the police to be in.


In Government, if you were in Government you would be cutting the


police budgets too, 12% rather than 20%, that is pretty substantial,


nonetheless. When it comes to things like freezing police pay and


pensions, cutting down on the number of police, what would you


actually be doing? We set out, we did some work before the 2010


election, Alan Johnson did work in the Home Office, this was also, I


think, supported by some of the work that the independent


inspectorate said as well, to look at how you could deliver, they said


around 12%, which works about �1 billion of savings over the course


of parliament. What the Government has gone for instead is going for


�2 billion. That is the difference you are talking about. Of course it


does mean constraints on pay, and long-term reforms to public sector


pensions, not just for policing but across the board. And it also means


looking at different ways of getting savings out of the


contracts and the procurement that the police do. An awful lot of


people may say, listen, the police are the last big unreformed public


institution. Tony Blair, when he was Prime Minister, after he had


become Prime Minister, said he regreted not dealing with this


before. Actually, in opposition you are taking some easy, soft options,


you are supporting the police when it is popular, and here we have a


Government, whatever you think of it, they are trying to put in major


reform, they are trying to change things. Are you really going to be


a reforming party in opposition, or in Government? Look at some of the


reforms we did while in Government. They were extremely important on


police. First of all, requiring the police to work in partnership with


local council, with other organisations, health organisations


and so on. To prevent crime, not simply to work in isolation. That


made a huge difference. That was a big part of bringing crime down by


40%. We also introduced neighbourhood police, it wasn't


popular with the police at the time, a really important way of getting


the police back on the sthreets. You are right that we need re--


streets. You are right that we need reforms for the future, that is why


we set up the Stevens Commission, he's working with criminologyists


across the country and international experts as well.


Let's turn to other issues, immigration, a huge issue, Labour


got it completely wrong when it came to the numbers of people


coming here from European Eastern Europe when there was the accession


is. There are two more countries, Bulgaria and Romania, who don't


have free movement. The Government have said it would be good to look


at the possibility of extending that ban on free movement for those


countries for another few years. Do you agree with that? That is what


we have supported previously as well. You agree with that. When it


comes to the general issue of Europe, a lot of people, very


surprised in a sense, to see Labour standing shoulder-to-shoulder with


the euro-sceptic Tory rebels, has the Labour Party become a euro-


sceptic party? No, I think if you believe in Europe and the value to


Britain of being able to export so many goods to Europe, be part of


that European market, you also have to make Europe credible. I don't


think it is credible. This was parliamentary gains was it? I don't


think it is credible to people in Britain or across the rest of


Europe, to have an increasing EU budget at a time when everything


else is being squeezed. Even though ...I Don't think it is an argument


to say the EU budget ought to be cut at a time like this to use the


funding, I do this it is an argument, to support local jobs and


Government in their own company. Even thanks to Labour it increased


enormously, by nearly 50%? discussions that took place in 2005


were in a very different economic climate. The discussions have to


reflect the economic climate we are in. The EU can't ignore the


economic climate we are in. In order for it to show it is relevant,


it has to be responsive. If David Cameron, after that difficult vote


in the House of Commons, goes and has equally difficult noigss in


Europe, and comes back -- negotiation in Europe, and comes


back with a real-terms freeze, Labour will support him and say


well done in the Commons? We have said there should be a real-terms


cut, that is what we want David Cameron to go into the negotiations


and argue for. He should have done the argument beforehand, it is the


leadership. You call for leadership, if trying to get that cut involves


threatening a veto, you would back the Prime Minister on that?


problem with the approach David Cameron has taken is he goes around


waving vetos without doing the spade work and talking to countries


and building the all liepss. If you look at the problems -- alliances,


if you like at the problems facing Europe at the moment, it


desperately needs leadership. We have had no leadership from David


Cameron, if you are talking about the European arrest warrant he


wants to opt out, and the European budget negotiations which he has


turned his back on. You have to have that engagment in the


interests of Europe. Since we are talking about Labour and Europe,


can you understand why Denis MacShane doing what he did on his


expenses is not a criminal offence? It is very clear this was a serious


report, a very serious done dem nation by the committee. I think --


condemnation which by the commit -- is by the committee, and I think


the police should look at this again. It is not for me to pre-empt


the investigation. It is right the police look again with the


possibility of a prosecution? have said they are doing that, they


have to make their decisions independently. The CPS have to make


their decisions independently, you wouldn't expect me to pre-empt that.


Thank you very much for joining us this morning. Now then, there is a


lot of information about the police commissioner elections and a full


list of all the candidates standing in 41 police force areas on the BBC


News website. Type in "police elections" into the


search box and be, up to a point, enlightened! Now to the US election,


in a moment I will be discussing the state of play with two people


following events closely from this side of the pond, the polling


export, Sir Bob Worcester, former vice chairman of Democrats abroad,


and Colleen Graffy, a prominent Republican who served in the Bush


administration. First we have our thoughts on the final phase of the


extraordinary campaign. People are coming out of the


polling station having voted, what you thought the election was on


Tuesday, of course it is, but early voting is becoming increasingly


important here. Both parties really encourage it, it means they can get


their supporters in the bag before the big day. But the candidates are


still out and about criss-crossing this vast country, aiming at eight


particular swing states, marginals as we would call them. This is what


Mitt Romney doing today, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Virginia. President


Obama is going to had you Hampshire, Florida and finishing up in Ohio.


Always Ohio, nobody has won the White House for decades without


winning this state. It looks as though President Obama is ahead in


the swing states. Where as Mitt Romney has an edge in some of the


national poll. Of course this election has been about what


elections are often about, in modern democracies, about taxation,


and cuts, and spending and welfare. But here, where as in Britain it is


portrayed as a bit of a balance, what's the mix. Here it is being


portrayed as two vision, two stark choices for America. And that is


the way it will go to the end. It will go up until the wire, more and


more spectacular with more music, and that sort of thing. We really


can't say how it will turn out. Mark Mardell who has a fascinating


48 hours ahead of him. I'm joined by my guests, Sir Bob Worcester,


and Colleen Graffy. I said starkly at the beginning of the programme


that anyone who wanted to call this election is completely crackers,


fair or not? Very fair, because on the 14th of January our polls had


48-45 to Romney, 46 plus or minus one, today, what do we have, 47


plus or minus one, even pegging. In the key states, as well, they are


within two points of each other. look at the point that David


Axelrod Obama's chief lobbyist, not that he would shave off his


moustache if Obama lost, but if he lost Minnesota, Michigan and


Pennsylvania, he's not prepared to put his moustache where his mouth


are. But the punters are, the money is overwhelmingly on Obama to win


by 4-1, as of yesterday. The money is being bet in the United States.


They are gamblers. Absolutely. What do they know that we don't know.


was over there recently looking at why Obama is struggling so much,


and a lot of that is the economics. How much of it is simply that the


vast majority of middle-class Americans feel poorer? Yeah, it is


jobs, it is economy, and deficit. Those are the three key big issues.


Until we drill down into some of these 107 counties that are neck


and neck, and that is what it will come down to, it makes it a very


exciting election. In terms of all the election you have been


following, Bob, for many, many years, how does this rate for


vitriol, and the neck and neckness of it, if I can put it like that?


It is unique, there hasn't been anything like it in the United


States, although 1970 came close. We always say the Americans are


more polarised than before, a lot of Americans call themselves


independents these days? It is down to 13% who say they are


independents, I have seen it above 20 in the past. The country is


split in all sorts of ways. The Congress and the President are


split. The whites and backs are politic split. The whites would


overwhelmingly elect Romney, the blacks, potentially 12%, but


turnout is key, of those blacks who are not, and do not have a high


tendency of voting. And if they don't get the black vote out, and


the Hispanic vote out, where it is 2-1, it is 864%-0 virtually -- 84%-


0 for that. Everyone is doing the maths in a different way,


independents are coming out double digits for Romney, if they come out


to vote. Everything comes down to on the day. One of the


extraordinary possible outcomes we are told about, is Romney could win


the presidency, and Biden for the Democrats, because of the dead-heat,


could be Vice President. It could be 269-269, if the Electoral


College vote is tied it goes to the House to elect the President, and


the Senate to elect the Vice President, so we could have a


Romney-Biden. Very unlikely. The other scenario is Romney would win


the popular vote and Obama the Electoral College, that would be,


first of all, it would be highly, it would be ironic, because, of


course the Democrats have complained when Bush did the same


in 200, even worse, is there has never been an incumbent President


not win the popular vote and return to office. We could be back in the


territory of hanging chads and American democracy, that great


democracy being sniggered at around the world as a late-night crisis


continues? They do take their time, and they did take their time in


2000, when it went to the hanging chads, it was really not decided


for about four months. It will be a long nigh. Thank you


for joining us. As well as tackling welfare reform,


it is a key priority. It is something of a personal mission for


the cabinet minister in charge, Iain Duncan Smith. After leading


the Conservatives in opposition, he spent years researching poverty and


welfare dependency. He's now implementing radical plans, which


he says, will make work pay. From next year a great bundle of state


benefits will be replaced by a single Universal Credit the. For


the first time there will be a cap on what any household with claim.


Now Mr Duncan Smith wants to cap the amount of children whose


parents get benefit. Practical ideas, but will they work. Iain


Duncan Smith is with us now. Good morning. One of the criticisms that


has been made of the new plans is that a lot of people are expected,


in fact everybody is expected to do this by computer. To log on. Now


there are something like eight million British people who are not


on-line at the moment. Many more who are incompetent on-line. Are


you not putting far too much faith in computers? Actually, no. The


thing is here, first of all, what we want to do, is setting a system


here that is much easier to enter. At the moment you can end up with


40, 50 pages for every single application, for different benefits.


There will be one application, one set of instructions, on the


computer it will take you through every single requirement. First of


all, the simplicity is critical, people will understand what they


are getting, and they will get a summary of what they are due


immediately. If you haven't got a computer or ever been on-line


before, what do you do? Two or three things. We are puttinging a


huge amount of access -- putting a huge amount of access devices into


the job centres. We will work with groups like CAB and the councils to


make sure in all of their set-ups there is access to an on-line


device to get you into the system. Third, we are now already working


to get, first awful, about 78% of all those people receiving benefits,


they are already on-line. 48% actually do something on-line


regularly we find most people are capable of going on-line. Now we


have to deal with the subset of people who aren't on-line. Here is


the good thing about it, we will work with them over the next four


or five years to get them up to about 80% in total who use the


system on-line. Because, we now know between 70%-990% of all of the


jobs out there require -- 07%-90% of the jobs out there require on-


line skill. So you are locked out of the labour market. To do this is


a good impetuous for us to get people who are in difficulty to


learn how to use computers. To freeze them, if you talk to matter


that Lane-fox she says there are billions missing in the economy


because people aren't on-line. We have to do this. Standing back a


little bit, I said it was a personal crusade for you, at the


start, a lot of people look at the number of immigrants who have come


in from Eastern Europe, and working incredibly hard up and down the


country, in the fields and farms, in shops, in restaurants, doing an


awful lot of jobs which, once upon a time, more long-settled British


families would be doing. Do you think that the welfare system has


simply rotted the morale of millions of British people? Is that


really what you are about? I think there has been a corrosive effect


in the bottom kol of deciles, it is in pocket, most people work hard


and try hard, particularly in places like London. In pockets


there are two or three generations. Right now a fifth of households


have no work, and two million children grow up in workless


households Which means they will not have work either? They will


have children and it goes on. I think of immigration as a supply


and demand. The supply is out there, and in the UK, the demand is


desperate, they can't get some of the British people to do the work,


so they reach foreothers who can. Do you think the welfare system,


generally, has been too soft for too long? I think the problem with


the welfare system is it was set up to support different issues and


problems, what has happened is, people have understood how to work


that process, and if you grow up in a community where no-one works, it


is very difficult for you to understand that work is a vital


component for families' lives. Not just for money, but for sense of


self-worth, children grow up in households with work, are more


likely to do better, to be healthier. This is really, really


important. This isn't just about getting people to pay taxes, which


is often the point that is made, which is true. It is actually about


changing the condition of people's lives in Britain, in pocket, in


difficult areas. To get them to have a little bit of the aspiration


and hope you or I would have for our children. We have talked about


children a lot. One of the ideas being floated is that child-related


benefits should be limited to just two children. If families have more


than two children, they don't get extra money for that. Would this be


something that sort of starts now, or would it be retrospective, if


families have six children on benefits, you are not proposing to


take money away from them? These kind of things would have to be


done with the flow. As you start to apply, so if you have a large


family, the next child would be considered as a third child, if you


had two, the third child. About 15% of all the families have more than


two children. The average is 1.8, they cluster in the bottom two


decile, and at the top of the income distribution. Across the


swathe of the middle. The very rich and very poor have lots of children.


Most predominantly in the bottom areas. A large proportion of the


majority are out of work. It is not just child benefits, if you have a


larger family, you have to have a bigger house, if you have a bigger


house you have to have housing benefit. In some parts of London we


are paying �100,000 a year on rent for large families. It is about


fair, it is fair to say those who work hard get up in the morning,


cut their cloth. In other words we can only afford to have one or two


children because we don't earn enough, they pay their tax, and


they want to know that the same kind of decision making is taking


place for those at that stage on benefits. This is quite a tough


message, if you are saying to people, listen, you don't have a


job, we therefore don't believe you should have more than two children.


You may want a large family, you can't have one, because the state


is not going to pay for it, stop, it is quite a stuff tough message


to send to people? The message is this, everybody in Britain makes


decisions on what they can afford and how their family life works. We


should have that for everybody. We are saying you can have as many


children as you like, once you have children you need to recognise you


need to provide for those children. It is not just about the money.


Come back to the Earl yes point. We are also saying -- earlier point,


we are also saying look those children need some kind of lead, to


show that work is part of their lives, contributing and being part


of mainstream society is citlka. We are saying to people, look, --


critical. We are sake to people, look, think about these things, --


saying to people, look choices come with consequences. Most people


think about that. In the lower C1s and C2s, the blue collar area,


people would get up in the morning, work hare, come back late, saying I


only want to have one or two children to provide, looking down


the road with the curtains closed, and nobody going out and lots of


children around. It is dividing society. The way to bring society


back together again to get the idea of taking responsibility and


fairness for those who pay the bills. If we go into that house,


with the blinds that are closed, One Nation of the things that will


happen with the new -- one of the things that will happen with the


new Universal Credit is the money will go once a month to one named


householder. A lot of the charities are worried about this. They say


the money intended for the children and this and, that may be bundled


together, and may be pass today a feckless father or a feckless to a


male in the house who goes and blows it. That will make things


harder to a lot of women who are used to getting money to them every


for the? It is not a default to the father figure or whatever in the


house hole. All we are saying to households, just like in work, you


choose who receives the money. Only about 2% of all married couples do


not have joint accounts, and 7% of cohabiting coms don't have joint


accounts. We are in the vast, vast majority deciding to place one


account which they put most, if not all of their money. But you can


choose, if you want it to go to the woman, then it goes there. In the


cases, and we have talked to the charities, if there is a dispute in


minority houses where they can't agree, we will looking at ways


where the money could follow the child, and maybe the rent-payer.


Which often, nine times out of ten, turns out to be the woman. So you


are going to look at it? Complete flexibility, we are not looking for


anything, but a simpler method where most families can settle


money for household bills. There was an open dispute between


yourself and the Chancellor a little while back? Surely not!


fear there was! He said, we are going to need another �10 billion


out of your budget. And you said effectively, over your dead body,


but you will accept there will be further cuts in the budget, and you


accept because of the economy it must happen. How big?


Chancellor always said in terms of illustrative figures. You were


nose-to-nose on this? We discussed it, my point is there has to be


further savings. And we are looking to see where the savings can be


made. The point I made, and the Chancellor is in absolute agreement,


the Universal Credit and some of the changes we are making, we need


to invest to save money, we need to make sure we are changing lives not


just the money. Things like housing benefit, et cetera, whatever we do


to do with the money people receive, it is very important that this


changes lives. Every pound we spend, he agrees with me completely on


this is transformative, not just a cut. There aren't really dispute,


there will always be diss with the Treasury about money, my point is


how you do it. He agrees on that. We have talked about people who


have very little money at the bottom of the heap. What about all


those wealthier pensioners who are getting lots of benefits of one


kind or another from the state, whether it is free bus passes,


Winter Fuel Allowances. You have said, if you are well off and don't


need your Winter Fuel Allowance, please hand it back. If you have a


benefit where you are asking some people to hand it back, there may


be something wrong with the way the benefit is distributed in the first


place? There are lots of anomolies in the benefits system, we could go


anywhere on the universal nature of some of these benefit. The reality


is this, the Prime Minister absolutely pledged, categorically


at the last election, that he would not be interfering with those


benefits, that reassured a lot of pensioners. If the Prime Minister


gives his word on, that I'm happy, as with the Chancellor, who is


doing a great job of resolving the deficit handed over by Labour.


Looking ahead, do you think the age of universal benefits of this kind,


given the relative wealth of many pensioner households, compared to


people in their 20s, do you think that's fair?, long-term? First of


all, we have a very good story to tell about pensioners. With Steve


Webb a good friend and colleague in the department, we have worked hard


to get autumn enrolment, getting people saving it. Triple-lock has


made pensioners better off, 15% better off over their lifetime, now


the single teir. The point before the next question, is as we get the


pension reforms in place, like the single teir, we will make the next


generation of pensioners, put them on a more stable footing, a better


income and a fairer income, that is my point. My question is going in


the other direction, it is saying there are lots of pensioner


households right now, who are, compared to people struggling, in


the early stages of life and work, pretty well off. Is it sustainable,


is it fair, is it right, to carry on giving universal benefits to


well-off pensioners? How we give the benefits to pensioners is


always matter of debate. I'm asking your view of it? Pensioners don't


have the one option that people of working age have. They really can't


necessarily increase their income, because they are no longer able to


work. What we're saying is, and my change is, work is transformative


and gives awe greater chance of greater income, you can affect your


life while you are of working age. You have a opportunity. Pensioners


do not. We do need to have a little bit more protection and sensibility


around pensioners. They are remarkable, they gave so much. We


need to do our best for them. turn to Europe, if we may. If the


Prime Minister comes back after next week's negotiations with a


freeze, a real terms freeze on the eve of British contributions to the


EU budget. Is that something you would be comfortable selling to


Tory backbenchers? I will, whatever else, whatever else their ambitions


are about Europe in the future, the European Union, what kind of


relationship we have with them, we are here, right now, trying to


restrict the amount of money that goes to the European budget.


your view he doesn't have to come back with a real-terms cut? I think


he would love to come back, I would love him to be able to do it T I


honestly feel we don't give enough credit to him. The first man to


veto a European treaty. He has told us he will veto something he can't


bring back to the British parliament. These are strong wortdz,


compared to the last Government, -- words, compared to last, and


Governments before, we saw budgets rise and losing half the rebate.


The Prime Minister has been tough and strong on this. I say to my


colleagues, no-one can go against me in terms of the amount of


scepticisim I have, and my opinions in the past, I simply say,


sometimes the things you rebel on, not just about having a go at the


Prime Minister, but actually about Europe. This one is really about


saying the Prime Minister is on our side, he wants to get the best deal,


and if he can get that freeze, I think that would be a pretty


significant start. So I would be satisfied. Your party, and your


friends in your party, are yearning for a proper referendum on Britain


in Europe. Which means an in or out referendum, are they going to get


one, do you think? The Prime Minister has already said he's not


against a referendum, it is a matter of when and on what. We are


looking at that at the moment. He is due to make a big speech about


where he thinks the future Conservative Party and Government


should be on Europe. There is no question that the public opinion


and within the party has shifted dramatically on the European issue.


To be fair, the European Union and the single currency has created


that debate, William Hague has spoken about it. The terms of the


debate are not the same now. If they go deeper into the federalism,


we have to have a different relationship with them. The Prime


Minister is talking about that. Where do you, in your bones, where


do you think we are going to end up? I have given up making any


prophesis and policies in politics, they only lead to disaster! The


only thing is where you stand now. The Prime Minister's instinct of


the Government and the party is much more in tune with the British


public, who don't want to go down some deeper federal route with more


powers, they want powers back. What we have to figure out is how to


achieve that. Then we need to know what kind of question we ask,


whether we ask it before or after, these are the kind of debates we


will have or discuss. We have time and we need to get this one right.


There are two kinds of choice the British public could get.


Conservative Government goes, or the coalition Government goes to


Brussels, there is a negotiation of some kind. It is brought back, and


people are asked whether they like it or not. Which is an "in"


referendum, or a referendum that says, listen, this is where we are,


this is what Europe looks like today, do we still want to be


inside it? Yes, these are the absolute referendums, you could ask


questions like, that you could also ask questions, do you give the


Prime Minister a full mandate to negotiate on a whole range of


issues and the public can have their views on it. There is no sim


Policeic answer. If you had a choice now would you want to stay


in? It depends what you mean by staying in. I believe fundamentally


in trading and co-operation with European partners, that is the


basis of it. You tell me how that defines in the future, I don't know.


It depends an awful lot on what happens with the single currency.


In some senses some of these decisions are not going to be made


by us. They are being made by a central core in Europe. Who have to


figure how they sort the mess of the single currency out, and get


some of those Mediterranean countries back on to an even keel.


If they come back with a more integrated union than we have at


the moment, banking union, union on tax and fiscal matters as well, in


your view, we could not be part of that, could we? We are not part of


it, and the Prime Minister has always made it clear, as has George


Osborne and William, that we are not going to be part of that kind


of process. We vetoed the treaty last time, when they were proposing


that kind of stuff. First of all, people should take some reassurance


from our Prime Minister, who is absolutely standing pretty much


full square in the middle of public opinion. Which is we don't want to


see any more powers ceded over there, but we want powers back. Our


relationship in the future ising it for the future, we are trying to


define that now. Like most western countries, we are heavily burdened


with debt, we have a productivity problem, the question of how we are


going to make sure way in the world is a really serious one. In your


view, could we do that, outside the European Union? If we took control


of our own destiny, control of our own economy back, are we big enough


to survive? I'm an optimist about the UK, I have always been involved


with trade with European partner, we will always be doing that,


whatever the relationship is. The Prime Minister will talk about that


in the future. We are a member of the European Union, that gives


benefits, we have to figure that out. In the world we are a global


trader, more than any other country in Europe. I hate this parliament


that says little Britain outside, or Britain as part of a wider


Europe. We can be within our trading relationships and all the


rest of it in Europe, we can also be a fantastic flobl trader. We do


more trade, we invest more in -- global trader. We do more trade we


invest more in the United States and more global trade than any of


these countries. And our programmes show what a fantastic history


Britain has as a remarkable country for good and trade around the world.


I think that is who we are today as much as 100 years ago. To clear


away any cobweb of obfuscation, that means we could do perfectly


well outside the EU? That is not my view, inside or out, I think we can


do it all! Now the news headlines.


The work and suspensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has defended his


plans to ING cha the benefits system. He said that those on --


changes to the benefit systems. He said those on benefits should make


the same considerations on whether they can afford children or not. He


acknowledged the changes might cost more in the short-term, but he said


it was vital that they were transformative. The US presidential


candidates have been addressing large crowds ahead of the election.


Mitt Romney is trying to deny Barack Obama a second term in the


Oval Office. With the polls virtually neck and neck, the two


men are focusing their efforts on voters in key swing states like


Ohio and Florida. That's all from me, the next news


is at midday. First a look at what's coming up after this


programme. On Sunday Morning Live, with the


gay rights group stone wall giving the Bigot Of the Year to a Catholic.


Are we in danger of becoming a nation of dependants, and should


all religion, even the Jedi Knights, be treated the same.


No bigots and Jedi Knights in this studio. Iain Duncan Smith is still


with me, joined again by kenddend kend. I put my -- Helena Kennedy.


put my sabre away! We were talking about benefits, a lot of people are


on benefits who are working, but their wages are low. We have these


ideas for a living wage to try to encourage companies to pay more?


thought it was interesting that you see in the press today that the


Milliband brothers, together, are working on this idea of a living


wage. And indeed the Mayor of London, has signed up to it, and


that really people deserve to have a decent wage, and not to be living


on the barest minimum. And something has to be done about that.


The idea that Labour is making that a policy is a real challenge to you,


isn't it? I think it is important, there is no question now that we


have an issue about in-work poverty. That is the bit I'm trying to


tackle. The university credit, the new benefit actually shifts 80% of


the money down to the bottom 40%, with who are in work, essentially,


and that will hugely boost their income, so eradicate a lot of that.


It will leave it possible, for businesses, to think about then


topping up to a living wage. Perhaps politicians from all sides


have to be putting more moral pressure on business to pay a bit


more? I was worried, listening to you, in your interview, that we


seem to be returning to a deserving and undeserving poor. It is very


distasteful to many people. The battered women can't have their


husbands determining whether the Universal Credit. They won't, it is


completely out. That is why charities are worried. They are


worried because they keep going back to one point. We have said


straight along all the money going straight to the refuges, absolute,


any case of violence straight to the woman. Child benefit always


went to the women, it helped in those situations. Child benefit


isn't part of Universal Credit so won't be part of the system. That


is the big difference. The big difference is Universal Credit will


actually, I think, free a lot of women, gives them a lot of


opportunity. Lone parents will benefit fatastically from Universal


Credit, it put real money into a household where there is only one


worker, at last a chance to take control of their lives. All very


interesting stuff. We have unfortunately run out of time.


Thank you very much. Next week it is Remembrance Sunday, we will have


a specially-extended programme, we always do. We will hear from a


soldier severely wounded in Afghanistan, now achieving great


things as a Paralympic athletes. I will be talking to the Home


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