13/02/2017 The Papers


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Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the the papers will be


With me are Claire Cohen, Women's Editor of the Daily


Telegraph and broadcaster David Davies.


Good to have you both. Watford fan, United fan.


The i leads with an exclusive story about sweeping changes


to the NHS that could lead to some hospitals closing.


The Metro focuses on the death of city banker Oliver Dearlove


who was killed with a single punch on a night out.


The Telegraph says doctors are failing to prescribe women


a pill that can cut the risk of breast cancer by a third


because many doctors are unaware that it can be used


People using public transport face much higher pollution levels than


people using a car. They express claims EU bosses have a rosy


economic future despite the Brexit boat.


The new judge to replace Mary Berry on the great British bake-off will


be trollied. Most exciting news of the night. Good choice.


We will move on to the NHS. 19 NHS hospitals face closure splashed


across the front page of the i. 19 hospitals facing closure is a


shocking statistic in a range of data that the i have got here. It is


the sustainability and transformation plans for the NHS,


which we are told six out of ten people have never heard of. It is


the biggest shake-up in a generation of the NHS by March 2021 but due to


be finalised in April. Nobody has heard of it and campaigners are


questioning its legality. So patient groups haven't been consulted and


the public haven't been consulted? We don't even necessarily know what


is going on and it is hard to unpick. But the topline seems to be


19 NHS hospital closures and steering care back into the


community away from the emergency wards. And talk about virtual


doctors. In one case, potentially using libraries to see patients


within communities. Are there even any libraries left, you have to


lass? It might be a brilliant idea. The i says it is covering this on


seven pages. No one has heard of this. On the one hand, credit where


it is due, you as a newspaper person will tell me, this is an


old-fashioned scoop. No doubt about that. That is one side of it. 19


hospitals, including five major acute hospitals are marked for


closure to plug this ?22 billion black hole in funding. It may come


as a shock to people in places like St Helier, Epsom, Croydon and


Kingston, Ealing and that is just in the South before you get to the


Black Country and Bournemouth and Poole. That their hospitals are


under threat tonight. That is what we are talking about. Remodelling


the NHS in England after analysis of 44 regional plans. The heart of the


NHS is to move, if these plans were to be developed, from the hospital


closer to the patients, to the community with some notable


exceptions. More big centres, for example, something close to some


others, stroke units are going to be centralised more than they are. And


that, it is presumed, will be good news for stroke sufferers. Likewise,


we are told for other services, major trauma services. More


specialist units dealing with that one or two crucial issues. You have


all the specialisms in one place, on the face of it, it makes sense but


there has been no consultation according to the i and that is the


bizarre thing. Also the mention there will be a loss of more than


3000 jobs to create a smaller, more agile workforce. You don't have to


be a genius to suggest this will cause a row to end all rows,


politically. We wonder if the NHS can take any more. But this could be


round the corner. The Telegraph. A cancer pill being denied to half a


million women and this is because GPs don't know this pill actually


works for cancer? It is a next-door Rene -- extraordinary story. It


should be prescribed to women who have a medium to high risk of breast


cancer, those who have a family risk, half a million people but


doctors don't seem to be prescribing it. 24% of doctors, University


College London has found in its research, were aware of the guidance


but not doing it. It is a drug that could reduce the chances of breast


cancer. You take it every day for five years protection can last for


two decades. Imagine the benefits to the NHS, as well as plenty of lives.


Why aren't they prescribing it? The medical profession, the defence of


this would surely be, the medical profession, the right tablets and


the right treatment is moving on at such a pace, hang on a minute, I


might be a GP who has been working for 30 years, no wonder they are all


retiring early, or we told lots of them are. The worrying thing, in the


very first paragraph of this story it says, GPs are unaware they be


providing this drug. That is extraordinary. It is bizarre because


the story goes on to say that The Tablet is only licensed for treating


breast cancer. If they are unaware they should be prescribing it for


breast cancer patients, very confused. It is a very odd story.


Staying with the Telegraph, David, the Bank of England behind the


Co-op's sale. Apparently they don't have a deep enough war chest for bad


times and their capital fund is not deep enough. So they will flog the


place? That is the role of the Bank of England to tell us when the


banks, individual banks are in some difficulty, or might be in some


difficulty, in terms of the new capital rules that were introduced


after all the problems of 2008. But the problem with the Co-op bank,


some of us have a lot of time for it and its customers, as far as we can


see, this talk about the excellent service, the customer service they


get, is the brand, the Co-op bank brands, the perception of the Co-op


bank, suffered enormously in 2008 and various other personal events


closer to the former chairman since. And for a bank to recover its image,


it's perception is immensely hard, ask RBS. Sure, but those who are


with the Co-op, they see it as vital to why they bank with it. I


interviewed a guy this evening he was saying, look, there will be


takers out there who have the same ethical responsibilities and the


same ethos as the Co-op. If not, then sell it to the customers


themselves, which has happened before in France. I should think the


Co-op's bank 4 million customers are in fear of it being bought up by


another bank and being consumed. They are very loyal to the brand,


but they must be worried. We got the stage the first half of last year it


had ?177 million of losses. They don't have the full figures but they


are expecting significantly more and hedge fund managers and the owners


are refusing to put more money into it because they don't think it is


liable. Whoever buys it will have two strong club tens of millions


just to deepen those rainy day pockets that are needed by banks


these days. Who is going to buy it? Good question. The Guardian,


President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau, behind-the-scenes, two


very, very different characters. Pretty much chalk and cheese, it has


to be said. But in front of the cameras, trying to find common


ground on a range of issues. An interesting meeting? Like you say,


different men and trying to be diplomatic, especially in this


picture, which you are probably aware has gone viral online and


there is lots of things appearing. I do want to take your hand, he is


about to shake his hand. He did it with a woman Prime Minister didn't


he, a few weeks ago. He did indeed. I think the New York Times said


Justin Trudeau was mentally going through the pros and cons in his


head. It was a diplomatic meeting, both treading carefully. Justin


Trudeau saying he is not going to lecture Trott, that is not his job


and that is not what the Canadian people would want him to do. --


Trump. But they have shaken hands. Perhaps they did achieve something.


One of the other papers as Ivanka Trump meeting with Justin Trudeau.


We are told the neighbouring countries, the two countries have


launched a new task force called the United States Canada Council for the


advancement of women business leaders female entrepreneurs. I got


that out! Very catchy. I should have put all those letters together.


Ivanka Trump, she is right in the heart of what is going on in that


Administration. Justin Trudeau is sat next to her on the front of the


Telegraph. The continuing problem with the Trump family, she has a


massive business. If she is part of trade initiatives, considering she


has a huge business, is there a conflict of interest? Potentially,


we are told it was her who secured the female executive members of this


new group and is at the centre of it. Potentially she could be


criticised. Huffington Post, I think we can ring this up on our monitors.


Pension rise to be despite people who are retired being better off


than working household, confirms Theresa May, David? I heard about


this story today. As a person, as I seem to rather to regularly on this


slot, on BBC News, of a certain age, successive governments, let's be


fair to the baby boomers generation... Why? Because we should


be. Because you are one of them. Successive governments have, at


last, in the past ten years reverse generations of not looking after the


elderly. Some of us would argue. I am surprised by this story the


Number Ten spokesman is confirming that Theresa May is going to keep


this triple lock. It is a manifesto commitment and it will be kept.


People must be aware, the other thing I always associate, when I


first saw this story, was about savings. You associate older people


with savings. Unless I am mistaken, savings rates for the past few years


have been horrendous. Absolutely dreadful. That is an important


point. The other point is, it is not necessarily pension is getting


richer, it is the rest of us are getting... Your age always comes up.


We are getting poorer. It is stagnant wages and the triple lock


that have affected this. Also, someone else as a certain age, just


a millennial, it is an important story. We are the first generation


who will not be wealthy. Are you angry about this? I am angry. I am


angry for you and my daughters and grandchildren. We thank the baby


boomers for their concern. Nobody is happy about this outcome. Should the


triple lock stay there? I think it will go. Whether it should, I


suspect our successes in ten or 15 years will be having the opposite


conversation. I don't think it is sustainable. On election day, you


get up and go and vote. Claire is watching Watford on telly. I hope


your generation will get out there and vote. That will have to be part


of it. It has been good having you with us looking at the stories. But


it now, don't forget you can see front pages on the BBC News website.


If you have missed the programme, you can watch it later on at your


leisure with a glass of wine on the iPlayer. Thank you to my guests and


to you for watching. Goodbye.


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