27/01/2012 World Business Report


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BBC World News. Let's bring you right up today with all the news


Welcome to World Business Report. Shaking off the gloom from Europe.


US growth may have hit its fastest I am in Davos. Where the head of


the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, and also the US Treasury


Secretary Tim Geithner, are due to speak and they will try to persuade


delegates that recovery is just around the corner. And in Asia,


Samsung Electronics have reported Welcome to the programme. Despite


the gloom hanging over Europe where much of the region is in recession,


the world's biggest economy is powering ahead. Figures out later


are expected to confirm US GDP growing at its fastest pace in a


year and a half. Growth in the final quarter of 2011 is likely to


come in at 3%, up sharply on the previous quarter, that has been


driven by a fall in unemployment and stronger consumer spending over


the holidays. But will it last? Sparks are flying at this


manufacturing firm in New Jersey. Here, they make hardware for US


naval ships. They are part of a wave of manufacturers who are


supporting otherwise lacklustre economic activity. In the 4th


quarter of 2011 we were very busy. We worked extensive overtime in


order to make deliveries for our year end. We think the


manufacturing climate in New Jersey and the West is pretty strong.


Manufacturing makes up only a fifth of the US economy but it has been


resilient -- the US. American manufacturing companies have been


at the heart of the economic recovery here since the end of the


great recession. But many wonder whether a strong manufacturing


sector is enough especially given the troubles in Europe, the lack of


confidence of US businesses, and even the continuing problems in the


US housing market. Not to mention struggling US consumers, whose


purchases made up to 70% of US growth. And the burst of activity


at the end of 2011 may well be short lived. We do expect growth to


continue to slow over the cost of the year. We are expecting by the


4th quarter of this year, it will be near 1% -- the course of.


for welder Jason, a manufacturing job is skilled worker with


prospects in an economy with high unemployment and insecurity. It is


not easy work but it is a steady job and steady work. While


manufacturers may be doing well the rest of the economy is still


The US Treasury Secretary is one of the big names speaking at the World


Economic Forum in Davos later today. He will be debating the impact of


the eurozone crisis on the US economy. We will also hear from key


European policy makers including Mario Draghi, the head of the ECB.


Hello, it is all yours... Hello. Thanks very much. It is going to be


a day focussing certainly on the eurozone crisis and the impact it


is having around the world. There are going to be discussions about


the Chinese economy with a very strong message saying that the


eurozone crisis is really having a very detrimental effect on their


businesses and on economies right around the world. They feel now


that Europe is daring to muddle through this rather than make any


dramatic steps to change it -- Europe is going to. We are hearing


from Tim Geithner today and joining me now is and economists, very


eminent economists, and I ask you, how does the US deal about the


eurozone crisis? The US businesses, the politicians, are very


frustrated that this crisis has not been dealt with in a big way in a


final sort of way that it continues to drag on. But as you were saying


things have calmed down quite a bit so in that sense there may be


breathing space here which is good news. From a US perspective on its


economy, at the moment not many people are talking about debt but


that will have to be dealt with after the election. 20 twirl is


going to be a pretty good year for the US -- 2012. But in 2013 they


will have a huge fiscal problem they will have to deal with.


Everybody knows nothing will happen before the elections in November


but after that big decisions will have to be made. The political


climate in the US is still a pretty bad one so I am worried for after


2013. The economy is strong enough, though? We think the Fed might be a


bit too conservative, we are looking towards 2.5% growth, not


great but better than Europe. you think the economy will stall


again next year? I don't think so. A lot will depend on the fiscal


decisions. Will they let the social security tax code back up again?


What about the Busch tax cuts? There is a lot of talk about China


and where they stand economically, what do you think about that?


has had a cook track record of engineering soft landings. Their


housing bubble in -- their housing bubble is beginning to deflate --


good track record. Thank you very much indeed. I had a rather amusing


moment last night when I was talking to some Chinese businessman


and I talk to them about the Euros in crisis, they said they did not


feel it was going to get worse but then it would not get better either


-- eurozone crisis. That pretty much sums things up over here.


Thank you for joining us. Samsung has reported a 17% jump in 4th


quarter profits to $3.5 billion. Let's go to Singapore. If we look


at these figures, pretty good figures on the face of it with


record profits, but they are given to invest $22 billion in new chips,


flat-screen TV is, on a time -- in a time when others are cutting


costs? Indeed, they are investing, they are defined the general trend.


In Davos, it has been said most companies are cutting back over


concerns over the eurozone crisis and the global slowdown. Record


earnings for October to December, the South Korean manufacturer


making a net profit of more than $3.5 billion, almost half of that


coming from its telecommunications business. A 17% jump for the same


period a year earlier. Net profit however was lower for the entire


2011, it was down by around 15%. I must say the outlook is not quite


as good this year due to the lingering uncertainties over the


global economy, which is why they are making to invest so heavily.


They will remain fairly robust mainly on sales of smart phones.


Although this is where it will continue to come up against Apple,


who they have being accused of stealing their patents. Earlier I


was told despite Samson's results they are still behind Apple. If you


count the profits Apple are way ahead and they are doing it on one


business, their computing and mobiles business. They are doing it


without having to invest huge stakes in fixed assets. The winning


business model looks like Apple's at the moment but Samsung is a very


strong and diversified player, and what is interesting is how they


continue co-operating even when they are having to compete and


sometimes going to court together to draw the lines more clearly


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