07/04/2017 World Business Report


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Now for the latest financial news with Aaron Heslehurst,


Face-to-face and just the start of what President Trump calls


Yep - the leaders of the world's two biggest economies finally meet,


as the world holds its breath to see if these can avoid a trade war.


And a lawsuit that probably runs for more than 140 characters -


Twitter is suing the US government after the Trump administration


demanded to know the identity of an anti-Trump account.


Good morning, Britain - I forgot to say this. A shortened report on what


we are seeing in Syria. But we started talking about this


yesterday, it is to do a big talk. --2 day.


The Chinese President has arrived in the US for a meeting


with his counterpart President Donald Trump.


Mr Trump is hosting the Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.


Their two-day meeting is the first time they are talking in person.


Mr Trump has earlier said the summit "will be


Last year, he accused China of "raping the US".


And during his election campaign, he said massive trade deficits


and job losses could no longer be tolerated.


So, can these two deal-makers avert a potential trade war?


That is the big question. I have the person with the answer.


With me is Linda Yueh, Professor of Economics


Great to see you as always. Look, boy, how time flies, one minute he


accuses China of raping America and the next he says they finally meet


and it is the start of a great relationship. I think in many ways


we should be relieved! Absolutely! Because I think there is a very real


prospect that the United States will order to deter essentially Chinese


imports but also they could accept more pressure on American companies


to produce more at home, both of these things could be short of a


trade war but actually quite damaging the US - China


relationships because remember President Trump has just announced


an executive order that in 90 days he will review all of the countries


that have trade deficits with the United States in goods. Guess who is


top of that? It's China. By far. I don't mean to be stupid but for the


uninitiated, when we talk about trade deficit means the Americans


buy more from China than China buys from America, right? Yes. Indeed. We


know the generally speaking that is what the trump administration is


trying to change. But how do you change that? Do you force China to


buy? Are you put a gun to their head and tell them to buy their goods?


You cannot, all you can do is use taxes and also we know, tariffs, but


we know that President Trump exert a lot of pressure on American


companies in terms of pulling back their supply chains, is one thing


that is trade adviser has suggested and by the way it is damaging for


American companies and also I think that's probably the extent to which


they'll go. The Chinese currency has no longer ceased to become a big


issue, it's no longer significantly undervalued, according to the IMF,


so it won't make a big impact but what will use what companies choose


to do in terms of where they buy because places like Walmart buy from


China and sell in the United States. And couple who manufacture in Taiwan


as an example. -- and couple. As China have begun, a bit of


ammunition, in its back pocket, in the sense that and correct me if I'm


wrong, China halt all that US debt. It holds a lot of US currency,


basically, and they could influence what China does, it could influence


the value of the US dollar? They could but I think they would use it


very cautiously. What China probably has more open it to close all is to


say we have a vast market and the best way to equalise trade between


the two countries is that we are willing to liberalise more of our


market if you can play fair and I think that is going to be the key


language to watch. They will both say they want a level playing field


but they define fairness differently and I think in this meeting we


shouldn't expect any big pronouncement on its their first


face-to-face meeting, they will get a sense of what each other means.


The Chinese want to make is trump a businessman or the campaign on the


trial and Trump wants to get a feeling for Xi Jinping, whether he


can play fair in an American sense of levelling out the deficit and I


suspect the Chinese will give them some carrots but probably also hold


a few sticks. Keep a few sticks aside is always good. Short and


sweet but we appreciate this. Thank you, Linda.


Twitter is suing the US government after the Trump administration


demanded the Twitter reveal the identity


The user profile - the government was complaining


about was an anonymous profile account criticising


President Trump's immigration policy.


Dave Lee sent us this from San Francisco.


In January, when Donald Trump became President Trump, several so-called


alternative accounts for US government services began appearing


online. Most claim to be authored by current or former employees of those


agencies and they offered us criticisms of their new boss. Now


it's been revealed that US Customs and border protection filed


documents demanding Twitter reveal the identity of at least one of the


Twitter is speaking ill of President Trump. The SQL or the government is


using is meant to be for finding out more information about the source of


imported goods coming into the USA. And not for a masking online


identities. Therefore, Twitter has asked a judge to refuse the request,


calling it an issue of free speech. Their move has been strongly backed


by groups who support strong online privacy. Twitter is protecting its


users here, I think it, as a platform, really wants to be a place


where people can speak freely. Yes, I think this is important for them


to be doing and I think they are doing it a place of actually wanting


to protect their uses and protects speech. President Trump famously


loved using Twitter because he says the guess in the freedom to say what


he wants without having to go by the mainstream media. With this lawsuit,


Twitter is saying that freedom should apply to everybody on the


network, even if they are anonymous, and even if they are criticising the


commander-in-chief. Good on you, Dave. I will be back with James in a


little bit to talk more about Syria.


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