03/12/2013 am.pm


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Good afternoon, welcome to the programme and our weekly coverage of


questions to the First Minister. I've had a look at the Order Paper


and Carwyn Jones can expect questions on policing, business


rates and energy bills. I also expect he'll face questions over


today's news that Wales has fallen behind the rest of the UK


significantly in reading, Maths and science for the third time in the


PISA international education results. That's what I think the


politicians will be talking about - what do you want to talk about? If


you want to comment on anything on the programme or any other political


news get in touch with us. You can reach us via Twitter - we're


@walespolitics - or send us an email to [email protected]. Well, business


in the chamber is already underway so let's take a look now at today's


questions to the First Minister. The National Assembly is now in


session. Questions to the first Minister, question one. What recent


discussions have the first Minister had to policing in Wales? I have not


had any recent discussions personally. We hold regular meetings


with the Chief Constable 's and Police and Crime Commissioner 's.


Thank you. With policing devolved in Scotland and Northern Ireland, items


such as border controls and terrorism, does he agree with me


that policing should be devolved to Wales? There is a very strong case


to devolving policing to Wales. They're the only emergency service


that have not been devolved, and it makes sense as the fire service and


the ambulance service, the evidence that the Welsh government has given.


Can you confirm whether you participated in any form into the


future of policing, and specifically whether you agree with the Labour


Party recommendation on one police force in Wales? There are three


recommendations. One recommendation is one police force for Wales, I


don't think we can go for that. Thank you, I was pleased to hear


your response just a few moments ago. I was discussing with a senior


police officer in North Wales, they told us they were eager to


collaborate a lot more with the fire service but there was a feeling that


the Welsh Government did not want to see that happen because only one of


those services, namely the fire service, had been devolved. Given


your support to the devolution of policing, does not make sense --


doesn't it make sense that this would assist in that sort of


collaboration at all levels? There is collaboration now, of course.


They do communicate, emergency services are part of the resilience


to emphasise that fact. The police work very closely with us as a


government, that is why in our opinion it would be a wise move to


move to a situation where what is now happens is done formally in the


future. Will the first Minister make a statement on the Welsh


Government's priorities for the environment? The Autumn statement


set out our priorities for the environment. Will you join me in


commending the Minister for Housing and regeneration for doing the right


thing by the people, rejecting plans that would have threatened the


viability of the school, jeopardised the World Heritage Site and blighted


an entire community? As we look to the future, will you now work with


the Minister to draw upon the very important lessons from this case,


ensuring that communities never again have to ensure years of


crippling uncertainty, particularly when we are meant to protect them. I


am aware of the number of occasions the issue has been raised. She has


made her views and reviews of her constituents very clear. Given the


fact we're still in the six-week period for legal challenge on this


decision, I cannot comment on the application itself. With regard to


the planning generally, we have a planning reform Bill that is being


taken forward now, with phone -- further consideration being given.


LDP provides for a large number of housing, a lot of that housing is on


greenfield sites. How does that fit with your environmental policies? It


is for the Minister to decide what action he may or may not wish to


take with regard to any LDP. A similar question to my colleague, so


far, we have a good rating for air quality, but with more homes to be


built there, what safeguards can be put in place? I don't see how there


is necessarily a correlation between housing and air pollution. We would


expect any local authority on developing its LDP to assess the


need for housing in any particular area, and to produce an LDP that


takes into account all the planning guidance the Welsh Government has


issued. I called up on party leaders to question the first Minister.


Thank you. First Minister, today we had the disappointing news that the


PISA results have been depressingly bad again. Today's educationist


tomorrow's economy. With the figures we have seen today at the Falls and


performance, does it not make for bleak reading and a bleak future for


our economy? First of all, I have to say that even though we have seen


some improvement, the figures are disappointing overall. That cannot


be got away from. Nevertheless, we should Member that the PISA results


are, asset of tests, they are not a reflection of the education system


as a whole. I can remind members of what has been put in place since


2009, with the last set of PISA results, the National literacy and


numerous reprogram, the changes that have been made to supporting


professional development, particularly performance management


of teachers. And the development of the induction process for newly


qualified teachers. 150 trainees have been placed in secondary


schools that have been targeted as having a high percentage of pupils


living in deprived communities. We have published new leadership


standards as well and developed leadership capacity. We have


strengthened school accountability through banding and stock takes. We


have Learning Wales, the national model for regional learning, and


they complain that I don't give answers, there is no sense


complaining about it. One of the improvements has been in attendance


and behaviour. It'll take time for these measures bear full fruit. The


previous Education Minister and this one said we wish to be in the top 20


by... I think that is the longest answer I have ever had in First


Minister's Questions, and to say there has been some improvements,


whichever way you cut it, first Minister, these figures today are


depressingly bad, but depressingly familiar from a Labour first


Minister whose party has been running education here in Wales for


14 years. The previous Education Minister, the letter he put out in


2010, clearly thought the same when he's not these results cannot be


argued away or excused. He went on to say that the results cannot be


excused on the basis of socio economic status or bilingual nature


of our nation or education system. The list you gave us no doubt could


have been read at any juncture when previous PISA results have been


reported. The problem is that educationalists, students and


parents are fed up of listening to Labour's excuses. How can we


genuinely have confidence that what you outlined their in your answer


will make a difference this time around? If you listened to the


answer, I said this is what has been put in place since 2009. The second


point I would make is we have constantly said it will take time


for these measures to have an effect. But what exactly does he


quibble with in terms of what I have just read out as an answer to him?


What would he have done differently, how does he explain that his party


wants to cut education spending, and how that would help to improve these


results in the future. If he had some credibility on this point in


terms of a developed alternative, if he had some credibility in terms of


wanting to increase school spending as we are doing, we are protecting


school spending in Wales, then he might have some credibility. Added


the interesting for the chamber to understand what he disagrees with in


terms of what the government is doing and why he thinks that


education spending should be cut. I think it is quite shameful that on a


day when we have had more damning evidence of educational failure


under Labour, you cannot show any humility to the people of Wales are


dependent on education as a root out from poverty, as a route to good


jobs and developing an economy fit for the 21st-century. Are you


telling me, first Minister, that the previous education ministers before


2009. It wholly wrong and will you apologise on their behalf as the


leader of Welsh Labour, and what, when the new results come out, can


we expect will you now take control and ultimately put your reputation


on the line, but we will see the improvement we require in 2015 to


make the economic prospects of this country better? If you want, you


should reflect on your position. Can I say in response to the Leader of


the Opposition, I went to a comprehensive school. I have a stake


in the state system, that is what I am proud of. It is a shameful


reflection, that of all the prime ministers and first Minister is


there have ever been, only one has come from comprehends of, and that


is me. His party has made it worse. He sits there with his aide Tony and


Prime Minister, lecturing us about state education. He did not listen


to what I said, there is no point in whining about it. These results are


not good enough. These results are not good enough. These results have


to be improved on, reading has improved, but we still have to make


sure that there is improvement in the future. I offered him the


opportunity to comment on what we as a government are doing, he could


give no view. I offered him the opportunity to justify the appalling


cuts that he wants to impose on schools in Wales, he failed to


justify those cuts. He makes a lot of noise, but he has no substance


and no policies. We accept their responsibilities, we accept that we


must work with teachers, and with parents, in order to continue to


improve the education system in Wales. And we have seen an


improvement in GCSE results this year. That is why we will continue


to deliver for the people of Wales, even as the party opposite shout and


don't want to do anything more than cut education spending. This is --


suggest the word class war. They want to cut spending for the poorest


in society, cut spending on state schools, and that's what the Tories


stand for. We accept responsibility for these results, we have put in


place a system that will help to improve education in Wales, whereas


on the Conservative benches, we get empty rhetoric. Order, this is not a


library, far less a monastery, but there is far too much shouting going


on and not enough listening. First Minister, you're the leader of this


country, and you are failing to show leadership on this. You said that


your term of office would be all about delivery, and you told us, I


expect to see improvement in our PISA results in December. It is now


December. Today you have delivered the worst set of PISA results in


western Europe. Are you now going to take full responsibility for those


results? As I said, we do accept, as a government, but there needs to be


improvement with regard to PISA, as indeed yours party did when you were


in government. There has been some improvement, it is far from enough.


There needs to be more improvement in terms of reading and mathematics.


We know that is true of the entirety of the UK. I don't use that as an


excuse, because I see the figures in front of me as far as Wales is


concerned. I have already outlined what we as a government have put


forward in order to deal with the situation and to improve these


results in 2015. Unless there is something in the government's


programme, which I all ears about, which needs to be improved, this is


how we intend to improve it. 43rd and Maths, 41st and reading, as a


parent, I do not accept that any of our children are any less capable


than the children in Scotland, in Ireland or in England. Now Scotland


also has large pockets of deprivation, it is substantially


outperforming Wales. Even though it has the same set of tools for


delivering those results. If the Scottish Government can deliver good


results, why can't you? It is a challenge for us, we have to ensure


that by 2015 we deliver those results. Two of the education


ministers have said that what we have put in place will take time to


work its way through. Who knows in England what they will need to do


there? As far as Wales is concerned, we have said that what


was put in place would take some time to have its fullest effect. We


have seen improvement in reading, but overall it is not good. We need


to make sure that things improve in 2015. Let's look at implementation.


There have been delays in implementation. These delays mean


that we will miss your government's 2015 improvement targets. Isn't it


the case First Minister that if your government was a local authority, it


would now be in special measures? Can you tell us this afternoon, why


should parents continue to trust your government with their


children's education? Because we deliver school spending that is not


there in other parts of the UK. The gap with England has been closed.


The education maintenance allowance has been kept in Wales. We have


ensured students in Wales can go in to university without an enormous


debt over their heads when they leave. We have to remember the PISA


one -- results show that it is the ability to take exams. We have the


figures we know that show that things are moving in the right


direction, but there is a need for government working with teachers,


because the government cannot deliver it on its own, to ensure


there are improvements in future. The reality is that we have a


programme in place, parties can say what is wrong with those programmes,


we have put in place a programme by government that contains education


programmes that moves towards improvement towards 2015 and we are


confident in that. I speak as someone who came from the system. We


have a very generous procedure in this chamber for the leaders of the


non-government parties to question. I do not want to hear heckling in


stereo while I am listening to the response of the First Minister. I


call on Kirsty Williams. First Minister has shone a spotlight


and on that international stage, under the glare of that spotlight,


the abject failure of Labour's education policies have been exposed


for everyone to see. As a labourer Assembly Members for 14 years, as a


cabinet member for 14 years, and now as First Minister of our nation I


you not ashamed? No. Complacent, complacent. You have


said it was the -- your ambition to be in the top 20. We are barely in


the top 40. Why have you consistently promised me, this


chamber and the Welsh public, when questioned, that we would see


improvements this year? We did see an improvement but not enough this


year. I say that very clearly. Let's go through it again, she did not


listen the first time round. The National literacy and numeracy


programme, the national support programme, supporting professional


developments, leadership development, strengthening


accountability, were all put in place since 2009. It will take more


time for these improvements to have been fooled force. But I say to the


Leader of the Lords rolled them is, if you do not like it, what would


you change? -- Liberal Democrats. Let's be clear of the results. Two


months ago in this very chamber you said to me, I expect to see an


improvement in our First Minister results in December. If you see what


we have done as a government, you will understand why I believe we


will make improvements. How can you as the First Minister be so out of


touch, ignorant and blissfully unaware as to the reality of the


situation that you could make that statement two months ago that is so


off the mark? I have never heard a more arrogant statement. I have


children in school like her. I do not go on and on about it. The


reality of the situation is that unlike her party who is detached


from reality in London, she talks to us about being detached from


reality, I meet with people on the weekend, I see what my children have


in school, that makes me more than aware of the education system. I


came through the state system as well and I am aware of what it can


deliver and what our aspirations for it in the future. I have offered the


opposition party, they have quite rightly help me to account on these


results. It is my responsibility to explain what we are doing in order


to improve results in the future. But it is also the responsibility


for the opposition parties to outline what they would do


differently. Not once have we heard a suggestion as to how things would


be done differently. We accept our responsibilities, they do not. In


that regard they have said no lead field. Question three. Can the First


Minister make a statement on business rates in South Wales? Yes.


The proposed redevelopment of Newport city centre is greatly


welcome and will benefit business in the long term. However, the current


demolition work has caused major disruption to pedestrian access and


bus stop locations, thereby reducing footfall. Will the First Minister


join me in supporting Newport's chamber in of trade in their efforts


to get business rates reduced for city centre traders are firstly


affected by the redevelopment of this work? These are matters to be


discussed with the city council in Newport. I am sure they consider


proposals, affordable proposals, that will help regenerate the city


centre. I am sure you will be aware that this weekend marks the first


small business Saturday in the UK. I hope you will agree that increased


financial powers for Wales gives us an opportunity to revitalise our


town centres and in the run-up to Christmas are you willing to give


some cheer to businesses by rate relief? What will change things will


be the fooled evolution of business rates to Wales. That will allow us


to have more tools at our disposal. -- complete demolition. What is the


Welsh government doing to promote the living wage amongst employers in


Wales? We encourage employers to adopt the living wage. The Welsh


government is currently consulting on the draft public services


workforce bill. What assurances can you give that guidance from the


Welsh government in paying staff in the public sector are living which


will be a key element in the eventual bill and can you make it


clear that your procurement policy that is employed in Wales will be


given priority for securing contracts? It is not to do with


living wages but the two tier code. We have agreed to bring the living


wage in the public sector under the rematch of the council itself when


it will be considered with broader issues. I can further tell the


member that the council meeting yesterday did consider looking at


the living wage and there are possibilities that the council may


consider in the future, support for the lowest paid employees, flexible


working, development of urgency is, sharing best practice and


management. -- development of abilities. We must ensure that we do


not have a detrimental cost to businesses. The fact is that the


amount of income tax paid by someone on the national minimum wage has


actually fallen by 70% since the UK coalition government came to power


in 2010. Do you support their efforts to change the tax system to


benefit the lower paid? I think those would have more effective war


was done to help them with living costs. Food costs have been


astronomical as have energy bill costs. Were people have seen even


modest pay increases they have been more than swallowed up by the cost


of living increases that they have had to pay out. The reality is that


people 's incomes continue to be squeezed as they have an -- done in


the last four years. Doing it through the tax system is not


enough, more must be done with the basic cost of living. That is why I


applaud what my party has done with energy costs. What plans does the


First Minister have two increased the lights at Cardiff airport?


Operational matters are the responsibility of the airport board.


We have seen an increase of the number of flights in the airport.


And we have new routes announced as well. Is the First Minister aware


that we had a wonderful hat-trick scored in Spain at the weekend.


There are no direct flights for football fans to go there. What can


the first Minister do to ensure that for all fans from Cardiff can fly


directly to Madrid? I hope that fans from Madrid will come to see Cardiff


city. It is right to say there is no current direct route. The airport


discusses many routes with many operators, it has to be a commercial


rate. In the meantime it is possible for fans to travel via Amsterdam


with KLM or fly through the Barcelona have. -- hub. Two years


ago you said it would be relatively easier -- easy to establish an error


link with air China. He said this would be a key priority for you.


What progress has been made by the government? There is an issue with


regard to the need to lengthen the runway. It is a remarkable question


from the Tories. We had the Leader of the Opposition parting saying


that if it closes, tough luck. Let British Airways maintenance go. What


have we seen since it has been bought. It could -- 8% increase in


passenger numbers. That is action compared to the idleness of the


Tories. First Minister, it was disappointing that long haul Air


Passenger Duty was not included in the tax raising powers recommended


for devolution, especially when we have seen how Belfast airport has


benefited from such powers. I wonder if you regret when colleagues put in


an amendment in the Finance Bill to transfer long haul airport tax. If


another such amendment on the devolution of Air Passenger Duty is


put forward again, will you make sure that you guarantee at least


some of your Labour Party colleagues will be there in Westminster to


support you next time around? The reality is that the government has


made it clear that we support the devolution of all Air Passenger


Duty. It raises over ?1 million in Wales. It could have a real effect


on the airport. Bristol's traffic profile is short-haul business


destinations, so it would not affect them. When the Conservatives argue


as they don't that it would be unfair on Bristol because Bristol


takes priority over Wales in the thinking of the Secretary of State,


particularly if we won to see the full devilish and of Air Passenger


Duty, in regard to long hall, something the present government


have failed to deliver. I was glad to see the new season flights


returning to Cardiff. But the sad fact remains that passenger numbers


at the airport at 50% what they were five years ago. What is your


benchmark in terms of success for routes? It has to make a profit. It


will have gone a million, an 8% rise as I have said. New routes that have


never been flown before from Cardiff have come into place, such as


Grenoble. That is encouraging. It is a very tough market, but the airport


board are extremely able and willing to look at new routes. It is not to


be sniffed at in a competitive market. Will the First Minister make


a statement about the number of people using prepaid meters? In


2012, there were 270,094 households on prepaid meters in Wales. Ofgem


figures are not provided for constituency or local authority


areas. Independent experts estimate that prepaid meters can cost


customers extra in fuel costs. Is this not an acceptable --


unacceptable? It is wholly unacceptable for those who are


finding it difficult to pay their fuel costs. The figures seem high,


but we meet regularly with Ofgem, and I have asked them to make sure


they take action people are not paying more than they need to. Will


the First Minister agree with me that the recent announcement made by


the UK government to reduce energy bills by an average of ?50 a year is


impractical -- is a practical step which would benefit tens of


thousands of households across Wales? Will he also agree with me


that the onus is now on the energy companies to do more to help


families this winter, particularly those with low incomes and those on


prepaid tariffs? The response of the UK government is a direct response


to my own party about freezing energy prices. Suddenly we had an


announcement there would be a 50% the crease. But it is hardly a


substantial amount to contribute to people 's pockets. Far better to


freeze prices as proposed by a very sensible Labour government in


waiting rather than a knee jerk reaction of a dying government in


Westminster. First Minister, are you aware that the UK government will be


redefining fuel poverty, resulting in about 800,000 people suddenly no


longer being classed as fuel customers, they will not be better


off. Can you give assurances that your government will not be


manipulating the figures by redefining the fuel poor? That is


not something we want to do. The Conservatives have form on this.


Where figures are awkward, get rid of the figures, that is the way the


Conservatives have always operated. How was the Welsh Government


safeguarding older people in their homes? We are taking action to


safeguard older people in their homes, including action on rogue


traders and doorstep crime, and support. How will the West


government -- Welsh Government actively intervene to tackle


inconsistent provision across Wales, to protect older people from scams


and swindles on the doorstep. Research shows that Cardiff has not


produced a new ones and 2010. -- a new one since 2010. We have plans to


extend no cold calling zones to deter rogue traders. Residents


should report it to their local trading standards department, which


should follow action. The figures vary across the whole of Wales, but


most local authorities have a substantial number of dwellings


included in no cold calling zones. 38,500 dwellings across the whole of


Wales. Thank you. One of the outcomes of these aggressive methods


of selling is that people, particularly older people, are less


willing to change energy providers because of the experience they have


of feeling under threat when an offer is made to them. And they pay


more for their energy than they should. Do you believe that the


current local authorities are sufficiently robust? If you do, why


do you believe the situation arises so regularly? The problem is when


people telephone people, when they ring up and offer people some kind


of agreement, that cannot be controlled on a local level or on a


Welsh level. We do have the TBS system, but not everybody is part of


that, so people do tend to get three or four calls each evening. I am one


of those people. I just put the phone down on them. The problem


should be considered on a British level, in order to ensure that we


have a situation where if people say they do not want people to phone


them up, but that doesn't happen. At present, it is a voluntary system,


and I do not believe that is adequate for the future. Thank you,


First Minister. The proposed definition in the new bill mentioned


at risk adults, where they do need to receive care or support. They


have stated that this is too narrow definition. Would you be willing to


reconsider this definition, bearing in mind that there could be an adult


under threat within his or her home, but does not receive support at


present. The new definition would not apply to those people at


present. Naturally, we are very eager and happy to discuss parts of


the bill itself with any party. As I believe that there are in excess of


500 amendments, we understand that some organisations have received the


support of various parties in order to ensure that the bill is passed.


We will be very willing to listen to any views. What discussions is the


first Minister had -- has the First Minister had with local authority


leaders with regard to the housing? He is leading on the housing account


revenue subsidy. He has met with local authority housing leaders,


keeping them informed of progress. Of course, First Minister, there are


two sides to this. First of all, local authorities must see where


they stand in terms of the changes to the HRA S, and there is important


negotiation happening the Treasury on this. Will the Minister lead


those negotiations in order to safeguard the interests of local


authorities in Wales, and enable local authorities to reinvest in


building homes to rent? Of course. Local authorities have a wonderful


opportunity with the changes on the horizon. Of course, we will support


and promote them in the construction of houses. They will be able to save


money ultimately because of these changes. Thank you, deputy presiding


officer. The Member has mentioned debt. What will the situation be in


terms of the debt currently held by local authorities in Wales? What


role will the Welsh Government play in that regard? Well, the changes of


course will ensure that the transfer of ?73 million of housing revenue


from the United Kingdom will come to an end. But it will ensure that


local authorities will be able to self fund in future. And we believe


that there will be a way of saving approximately ?30 million each and.


Will the first Minister outline the impact of Welsh Government health


policies on South Wales? The impact can be seen by the improvement in


life expectancy, treatment levels and high levels of patient


satisfaction. But he will know that Monmouth has the lowest ambulance


response time for emergency calls. A is a place where dignity is


compromised. Our health board how -- has the highest level of waiting


times. Urgent action is called for. When can we expect improvement in


the quality of service? We have seen ambulance response time targets hit.


We are in a position where answer waiting times have improved, the


same as England in effect. There is a limit to what can be achieved


considering the amount of space there and the age of the building.


The business case has been outlined for development. The health board is


providing -- preparing a robust business case. There we are, we'll


leave First Minister's Questions there but don't forget that you can


see more coverage of the National Assembly online from BBC Wales's


Democracy Live page at bbc.co.uk/walespolitics. That's it


for today. We'll be back at the same time next week with more coverage of


First Minister's Questions. If you want more Welsh politics before


then, there's y Sgwrs on S4C at 9:30pm tomorrow evening and the


Sunday Politics on BBC One Wales at 11 on Sunday. As for today, though,


from all of us on the programme, goodbye.


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