20/09/2016 - Live Morning Session Liberal Democrats Conference

20/09/2016 - Live Morning Session

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Good morning, Conference. Thank you very much for coming in for this


first session this morning. A great pressure to see you. I am your


chair. Thank you to my aids in advance, just in case I forget at


the end in all the excitement. Can I ask Susan Fletcher to stand by,


Susan from Stockton North, and I also call Chris White to move this


emergency motion. Good morning, Conference. In August


I went into the Jungle in Calais with other councillors from the


Local Government Association. It is hard, really, to describe it. It is


more a shanty town than a cab. It more a shanty town than a cab. It


has places to eat, it almost has shanty restaurant quarters although,


of course, the food is running out. Help is needed, they need cash. The


charities are extremely emphatic, sending carloads of stuff is not


helpful, cash is. People are free to come and go, but might get beaten or


harassed by the French see RS riot police. One teenager was left


permanently brain-damaged by a CRS rubber bullet. It comprises mainly


men and boys, although there are some women and girls, mainly from


Eritrea. The majority from Afghanistan, although there are some


Syrians and others, of course. It is located by the main road to the


Channel Tunnel, protected by fences paid for by you and me, as British


taxpayers. We arrived, a charity had managed to make arrangements for


four boys to enter the UK legally, to be settled with relatives. Just


four. But well over 800 children and young people remain. The camp has


been growing daily of late. It doesn't officially exist, of course,


and the mayor of Calais wants to demolish it. It was partially


demolished in March, at which point 127 children just disappeared. Why


are they there? Are they refugees or migrants? If it is the BBC, or the


tabloids, not much difference between them these days, it is


always migrants. Of course, there are both. People who have despaired


or whose parents have despaired about what is happening in their own


country. Stuff like war, forced recruitment by the Taliban, general


violence. They cross to Europe, perhaps from Iran and then through


country after country if they can. The Syrians are doing the same to


Lesbos and other places in Greece or Italy or elsewhere. You know, it is


a long way to come just to claim benefits. Which is why the word


migrants is a slower, both to the people in the Jungle and for those


arriving through the Syrian vulnerable persons relocation scheme


-- which is why the word migrants is a slur. They don't trust people. The


children are as likely to have nightmares about the CRS as about


the Taliban back at home. That is why they still try to climb on a


lorry, even when their application to enter the UK has been agreed.


They don't think it will really happen. Why do we in the UK question


the motives of people who travel so perilously? Why do we question the


economic motives of children? Why to be dared question the motives of


people fleeing the consequences of this country's paled foreign and


defence policy? -- why do we dare to question? Why do we extra -- accept


the existence of purely bureaucratic barriers to children rejoining


relatives seeking asylum in the UK? Why is funding so far so slow to


arrive from the UK Government? Why are some cancelled so slow to help


other councils? What is the matter with us in the UK that we regard


this as a threat or it rather than something straightforward to solve?


I spoke to one young boy. He was aged eight. He got here to the


Jungle from Afghanistan. He did not travel alone, his cousin was looking


after him. His cousin was aged nine. That is what we are dealing with


here. Think about the children, think about humanity, and support


this emergency motion. Thank you, Conference.


APPLAUSE Thank you very much, Chris.


Can I ask Spencer had art from Cambridge to stand by, now I call


Suzanne Fletcher from Stockton North and South to speak for lines one and


two and 23 and 26. Thank you, and good morning,


Brighton. We are all here today because we chose to be here. Most of


us live in the UK, not because we chose to be, but because it is where


we were born. And most of us have done nothing to deserve living here


in a country where, although we have its faults, we have a democracy,


freedom of religion, freedom of speech. And safety from bombing


terror. We have it because we happen to be born here. There are those who


do not have that freedom can do not have that security, do not have that


safety, because they happen to have been born somewhere else, none of it


is their fault. Surely it is only right, as this motion says, that we


welcome a fair share of the refugees, including unaccompanied


children? Not, as Theresa May says, close our borders and build walls,


spending as much as ?80 million in the process to do that?


We only talking about taking a fair share, not expecting those countries


that happen to be near the to take everybody -- happen to be near the


Mediterranean to take everybody. Of all asylum claims made in the EU in


2016 so far, only 3% have come to the UK. We can hardly say we are


being overwhelmed. That money is better spent supporting local


authorities in a way that they can properly plan and support those


people, and also that they have enough money to do that for


continued funding for vulnerable people, especially the children.


When they have arrived here they have a lot of extra needs, it is


only right that our councils make sure they have enough money,


especially in times of cuts to lots of services, to be able to do that.


The motion moves to talk about suitable housing available. Of


course it has to be suitable housing. Let's not forget that we


have lots of destitute asylum seekers here with no housing, no


money and they are not allowed to work. It talks about improved


provision for English-language teaching for those who needed. Of


course we need that, and we also needed for the refugees arriving


here, where there is no promised funding and they need not only


English language teaching that the introduction and continued support


for life in the UK, with different cultures, different ways of travel,


shopping and everything else. So I just ask that we keep up the


support, keep up the pressure, for the Government to give its fair


share. For councils to be able to take on the responsibility for


taking in the people, and we are only talking a fuel for each


council, if everybody does it, and for all communities to play a part


in making these refugees truly welcome. Thank you.


APPLAUSE Many thanks, Susan.


Can I ask Henry van from Bedford Borough to stand by. And I call


Spencer had art from Cambridge. Fellow Liberal Democrats, tiny


Lebanon has accepted up to 1 million people uprooted in the world's worst


ever displacement crisis. Dixie 5 million people are uprooted from


their homes, over 21 million of them are now refugees from civil strife,


war and natural disasters -- 65 million. Britain, under the


unlamented former Prime Minister David Cameron, miserably offered


refuge to 25,000 people over four years. It is our mission as Lib Dems


to rouse the conscience of the nation to get that number multiplied


Andrey multiplied, to ensure that means are provided for communities


up and down the country to do the right thing that so many wish to, to


offer resettlement, rehabilitation and hope. The astonishing thing to


many people, Conference, is that being true to core values in this


way pays remarkable political dividends. From our stance against


the aliens act of 1905 in the face of Tory vilification, to our


campaign that achieved in about-face in the Ted Heath Government smack


willingness to accept the Asians expelled from Uganda in 1972. The


latter was followed by a stream of Parliamentary by-election gains for


proceeding party, the Liberals. A string of games over the following


14 months in 1972/ three. But, for me, this is not merely an issue of


principle and profoundly political, but also deeply personal. I doubt


that my own grandparents, fleeing the pogrom is in western Ukraine in


1906, would have dared to come to Scotland, would have been able to


come to Scotland, if the newly elected Liberal Government hadn't


forced the 1905 alien act of the Tories. It did not, they came -- had


enforced. Likewise, if the Liberals and Jeremy Thorpe, having fought


Labour's immigration act in the 1960 's had simply let Heath get away


with his callous intentions in 1972, then the friends I made in Uganda


where I was working before, jeering and briefly after the expulsions


began, would have been scattered to the four wins, not a cherished part


of my family life for the past 45 years. And the beneficiaries of the


Liberal administration in Watford, by the way. Conference, I would like


to conclude by daring to suggest that a country as fractured as I was


seems to be today will help itself to heel by acts of generosity to


people whose plight is truly appalling.


APPLAUSE The city of Leicester found this out


when it went on to build one of Britain's most harmonious society is


once it had woken to the appalling folly of its advertisement to


Ugandan Asians in the Uganda Aga is that I read, that refugees would not


be welcome in Leicester in 1972. They change their mind and, my


goodness me, how glad they are they did. This catastrophic rises of


underage demands the very best of us. As people, the British are


better by far than our current Government pretends we are. We have


proved it before and we can do so again. Conference, please support


this motion. APPLAUSE


Thank you very much, can I ask David Priti from Mole Valley to stand by,


and I now call Henry Vann, who wishes to speak for the motion as a


whole. I urge you to support this motion.


There is good news that the Liberal Democrats run Bedford Council has


already taken refugee families. APPLAUSE And even more good news,


yesterday I heard that on this very day we are welcoming another family


from Syria. We have taken a family on each chartered flight we have


been offered and the council has used money at made available to put


in place a structure, working with partners to multiply that support


and I would like to praise the work of Bedford refugee and asylum seeker


support, they employ an Arabic speaking support worker who worked


with the Council on the vulnerable persons relocation scheme providing


support for families who have arrived. It is this sort of activity


recognised in this motion that demonstrates why local authorities


must be leading the integration of refugees in communities and must be


properly funded to do so. These refugee families have been made


homeless. We have heard horrific stories already from Chris. They


have been made homeless and vulnerable by devastating conflict


and are in desperate need of a safe and stable home. The message has


gone out from the Liberal Democrats and I hope it will go out again that


we will do our part to help these families start a new happy and


stable life. The role of local authorities is key. We are going to


continue to provide support to families but local schools have


welcomed children and the families are integrating well into


communities. This motion covers much of the good work going on by local


authorities at much that needs to change in how the government is


supporting refugees. We must take our fair share as a country. Every


single council must take its fair share. We must challenge the benefit


cap which is causing problems for local authorities trying to support


these families, and we must challenge the underfunding of local


government by central government. The families that arrive from Syria


generally have to or three children and when they arrive they are truly


dependent and need the support package from local authorities so I


urge you to support this motion. Many thanks.


I now call David Preedy. Good morning. While supporting all


aspects of the motion I want to talk about how refugees are treated when


they reach the UK and how we can improve their welcome and accelerate


their integration as productive members of society. At spring


conference I got a text from my wife, hello, David, you know we have


talked about hosting refugees? We now have a family staying with us. A


family whose only alternative accommodation that weekend would


have been at a police station in north London because they were


destitute. Since then we have shared their ups and downs, despair of a


letter from the Home Office describing their situation as,


evidence your account is not credible. Their confusion when asked


to provide evidence they have no source of funds. And the immense


relief when they were finally granted asylum. I have been


following how local councils have implemented the resettlement


programme in our own area and in Swansea where my daughter helps


refugees to integrate. In both areas, but not I am pleased to hear


in Bedford, the authorities seem to want to keep refugees separate from


those who have reached Britain under their own steam. It is


counter-productive. I call for local authorities to follow Bedford and


reach out more and collaborate with voluntary groups. My experience has


confirmed the limits of what volunteer hosts can achieve. Our


house in a small village might be fine for asylum seekers not yet


allowed to work with is a handicap when the guests are looking for


work. I know the family could benefit from access to scheme set up


by the council to help with housing, language training and help to work.


I know refugees in council schemes could benefit from what volunteers


can enable, such as mutual help, social integration. Our family's


some speaks pretty good English and accompanies other refugees to the


job centre to translate. It is helpful and rebuilds his self-esteem


because he is helping others, contributing back to an organisation


that his family have reached. Living with a family helps guests untangle


the mysteries of English life. Why are we always talking about the


weather? How come England played Pakistan in cricket on so many days


throughout the summer? And all refugees in our area were delighted


to join in celebrations as the son of one host family got their A-level


results. Little steps that make these people feel welcome and no


council run scheme can achieve this. I call on all local authorities to


adopt a collaborative approach to reduce the time refugees need


expensive support and I ask everyone to support the motion and think


about how you can help these people rebuild their lives.


APPLAUSE. Thank you very much. I now call Juliet from Islington party to


speak in favour of the motion. Juliet. Are you here? No. In that


case... Graham, having asked you to stand by, it is your moment. Would


you mind moving up the order? And I need the next person to stand by,


please. Can I ask Jackie Delta stand-by. Good morning, this is my


first time speaking at a conference. APPLAUSE. I work as children's


social worker and I have direct experience of working with


unaccompanied asylum seekers and families with no recourse to funds.


I welcome the call for a national coordination to share intelligence


in a foster care capacity. When I first started working in child


protection, I was bemused to discover that when we look at


accommodating a child, in an age of advanced information technology,


foster care placements are largely found by a social worker telephoning


people until they can find someone to care for the child. Good foster


carers are a scarce resource and any coordination of information about


capacity can only be a good thing. Can I suggest what we need is more


people to volunteer to become foster carers? Something we experience all


the time is a shortage of placements which does not just impact on asylum


seeking children but all children in the UK. Often when we decide to


accommodate children in local authority care the decision to


accommodate a chart particular home has less to do with the match with


the carer, and more to do with whatever is available at that time.


Often the placements available could be 40 miles away from the child's


home and what is already a stressful experience is made more traumatic


because you move the child from their home, friends, school and


everything they know. For asylum seeking children it is not uncommon


they are placed with families who cannot speak their language, let


alone understand their culture. I have a favour to ask. When you are


out campaigning and talking to local communities, somebody talks about


the refugee crisis, something they are particularly worried about, you


can encourage people to register their interest to become a foster


carer. They do not have to take in a scary foreign child! In order to


improve outcomes for all children in general. Conference, I urge you to


support this motion. APPLAUSE. I am sorry your speech had


less notice and others. I now call Jackie Bough. Conference, the image


of a small boy drowned on beach brought the reality of the refugee


crisis home to many. Liberal Democrats for seekers of Sanctuary


have campaigned since 2012 to improve conditions for those seeking


sanctuary in Britain. Our work has been increasing with the devastating


refugee crisis. Britain may be caught up in Brexit but hundreds are


still drowning in the Mediterranean and Syria is still burning. Many


individuals and local authorities offered help that the government


response has been slow. East Lothian Council pledge to take up to seven


families a year. The county has a history of help having accommodated


hundreds of Bosnians in the 90s. Local projects were already helping


with one family, a mother and daughter, making eight trips to the


Jungle. The first two families did not arrive in East Lothian until


February. Three came in May. Two more are due in the next weeks. The


council provides furnished accommodation and extra comforts


have come to East Lothian Welcome to refugees and teddies are provided


for the youngest children. Groups have delivered welcome cards


provided by the community and given general friendship and support. As


well as the council response locals offered to give accommodation but


the council prefers to use its own tenancies. Consequently the numbers


taken are smaller than the initial offers of places to stay by the


community. But the offers of hosting remain. There are local concerns


about unaccompanied children who are at risk in Europe and in the camps.


Most of the Syrian families are in Midlothian where I was the Scottish


election candidate. They thought their teenage son had died that he


is actually in Calais. The process of reunification is ponderous with


many tests to prove he is their son and meanwhile he is at risk. There


are lots of people and local authorities on the ground willing to


help. Sadly the government is not so keen. Theresa May wants refugees to


ask for asylum in the first safe country they reach, which puts


pressure on poorer countries like Greece and Italy. It is shameful


that government once to stall on taking its fair share to support


those caught up in this humanitarian crisis. Theresa May, in addressing


the UN, is out of step with the feeling of many British people. Not


all believe that hate of the Daily Mail and Express. A picture of


another traumatised boy in Aleppo has brought horrific scenes in Syria


back to many. Conference, let us stand up for refugees and others


seeking sanctuary. Please support this important motion today. Jackie,


thank you very much. Can I ask Michael from Leeds West to stand-by.


Conference, we face the biggest humanitarian crisis since the Second


World War with millions of refugees fleeing war and persecution and


death. In many ways it is getting worse. History will judge us for our


actions and how has our government responded. We are doing the bare


minimum, actively making the situation worse for many. Take


Calais, instead of sending a single penny of aid or offering safe and


legal routes, we have spent millions on fences, barbed wire, police and


attack dogs, making the crossing was lethal. It leaves people with no


other option than to waste away in conditions in the camp or risk their


lives on a perilous journey. This week saw the news of the youngest


refugee yet losing his life to come to the UK to be with his family. He


had a legal right to be here and his death was needless and a failure of


our government will stop there are hundreds like him in Calais who have


a right to be in the UK and the government must act on their


obligations to save them. But we turned our backs. The government is


not providing the determination or adequate support to local


authorities to enable them to help Syrian families and unaccompanied


children. We are not even beating our woeful target of 20,000


refugees. It is left to small groups like ours in Camden to find housing,


foster carers, pressure local authorities and do the government's


job for them. There is a vital need for a national coordination and


strategy for resettling refugees. The government ought to take the


lead and take steps to remove blockages between local and central


government and provide support to welcome refugees. We have capacity


and resources to save lives, there is no excuse. If we have millions to


build a wall in Calais then we have the resources to save refugees.


Conference, we must not let Brexit derail our determination and resolve


to offer hope for refugees. We cannot let that happen. We must pass


the motion and stand up for those who need it most and pressure


Theresa May and the government to welcome refugees and provide support


necessary to do so. Then when we say refugees are welcome, we mean it and


can make our words a reality. Can I ask the delegate from Bath and


North East Somerset to stand-by? I now call Michael Madigan forward.


-- Michael Meadowcroft. Good morning, Liberal Insomniacs! I


wonder what is happening to this country and its treatments of


refugees. This country took and literally hundreds of thousands of


Jewish refugees from the Russian Empire, and they are invaluable to


the cultural and financial life of my city, because we took them in.


Looking further onto a Kindertransport in Germany, just one


example, the Liberal MP, previously from Leeds West, Ted Harvey, he and


wife took in two Jewish boys into their own home in 1939.


We move onto the Ugandan Asians, we took 17,000 in. I doubt one of them


is not a millionaire today. And Richard Wainwright, MP for Colne


Valley and his wife, took Ugandan Asian family into their home.


We have thousands of Vietnamese boat people. Have they been a huge


problem in Britain? I have not noticed. But in the UK we


now have the Government which is very against all such suggestions


are people coming here. And in the evidence in the opinion polls, we


have a national view that we don't want refugees and asylum seekers.


But the curious fact is that I have never known a case in a locality


where a refugee or asylum seeker that has been threatened with


deportation had not been supported by the local community. Every case.


That is particularly true of the faith communities. In West Leeds,


for instance, the local church fought unsuccessfully for a man and


his son to stay here. They were taken to a detention centre near to


Heathrow. In that detention centre the man hanged himself in front of


his 13-year-old said because he said he wanted his son to be able to stay


in this country. That is the reality of what we are doing to people, and


it shames me what this country has done. The job of the liberal


politician is to enhance altruism and to diminish selfishness. It is


not enough just to pass a motion like this. It is a question of


liberal politicians, all of us in the Conference, to bang on the doors


of the local authority, to be making representations at surgeries of


councillors and members of Parliament, saying we want this


area, this council, this town to accept refugees, because they are


welcome here and they will enhance our community. Thank you very much.


APPLAUSE Thank you, Malcolm. I now call the


representative from Bath and North East Somerset.


Conference, I hadn't actually plan to speak today. This is my first


time of actually speaking to a conference.


APPLAUSE I hadn't planned because it seems


absolutely, you know, we are preaching, I would hope, to the


converted. But I wanted just to share a small


thing of something that I took part in a week ago. A week ago I joined


Bath Welcomes at the summit of all the Welcome Refugee groups across


the UK. The summit was well attended by at least 500 other people,


including a wide range of faith representatives, Council and


government offices, ordinary people and, most importantly, refugees from


across the globe, from the crises of today and the past.


We heard stories from refugees from Syria, Poland, Nepal, and from Jews.


As you can imagine, this was extremely moving and, at times,


deeply upsetting. Families are being torn apart. Some permanently. The


refugees themselves always had something positive to say.


Invariably about the support and help they had received. For me, the


most moving the stories told by some of the 23 that came to Bath and


Bristol, at those who support them here. These people have suffered


appallingly, and there are many more who continue to do so. They are not


media stunts, it is suffering by real people, babies, young people,


students, mothers. It is clear that, as a nation, we are not doing


enough. Over 300 children have an acknowledged right to come to the UK


but are trapped on their own in the camps of Calais. Reaching Government


figures and targets on those we help is not good enough. There are many,


many more that need help. We must do as much as we should, not as little


as we can. If Government won't all continues to drag its heels, local


councils must try to make a real difference for real people. I will


be using every opportunity to keep the momentum going and will be


bringing a motion to the council in Bath and North Somerset in the


summer, which I hope all councillors will support. I will ask all at this


Conference to do everything they can to bring these children into safety


in our country and support proposals to bring more refugee families here,


again with support. I hope all here will support this notion.


Thank you. APPLAUSE


I now call a summation on the motion as a whole.


Conference, let me start by saying how proud I am that this emergency


motion came top in the ballots. By some margin. It shows that we


Liberal Democrats are far from dead, we still have a beating heart. Let


me start by thanking Chris for bringing this motion to us. And for


moving it so ably and knowledgeably. It was in the 18th century that


Edmund Burke said, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is


that good men do nothing. And this evil that we see in Europe today,


the biggest forced movements of people since World War II is not one


that any decent person can ignore. And that has a point made


passionately by Bradley, who I know has been a tireless worker on behalf


of refugees. And Jackie referred to the lack of


leadership, and she is right. Because instead of leadership with


humanitarian vision, our leaders have given is paralysis and, worse,


xenophobia. Fenced border is going up between Schengen countries and a


dodgy deal with Turkey. Until conditions in the Middle East and


north in sub-Saharan Africa improve, and safe areas in the region are


established, we must use our responsibility and international


law. This is not just about staying on the right side of the law, this


is a moral imperative on all of us. Compassion for fellow human beings.


This is what defines us as a civilised society. Many speakers


spoke of the benefits to us that refugees bring, not just


economically but also socially, culturally and, dare I say it,


gastronomically. Michael Meadowcroft and is Fed spoke passionately on


that subject. As a regular visitor to the Jungle camp in Calais, I know


people are desperate to leave. Winter is coming and a rumour that


the camp will be demolished before Christmas is creating huge tensions.


In the aftermath of the last demolitions, about 150 children


disappeared. So there is a race against the clock to at least get


some children out of harms way. But there is not anywhere for the vast


majority of them to go. One women and children's Centre, believe it or


not, will not take unaccompanied children, only children with their


mothers. The containers are for adult men only, and when children


are allowed in they often end up sharing spaces with adults unknown


to them, and usually different adult men every night. This is not safe


practice. So in their desperation, they take risks and try nightly to


come to Britain on the back of lorries, sometimes with fatal


consequences, as Bradley referred to. So movingly.


Our government has failed in the very basic duty to uphold national


law and safeguard children using safe and legal means. Our Government


should hang its head in shame for its part in this human tragedy. And


it often deflects blame onto cash strapped local authorities. And the


impact on local authorities was a point made by several speakers. The


impact not just of offering child centre refugees, but ongoing


support, something referred to by many speakers. Suzanne spoke of it,


as did Spencer. Spencer, thank you so much for sharing your story with


us. So, cash-strapped local authorities.


But, you know, if the Government was to work with them to harness the


outpouring of the generosity of the British people who have offered


their home to a refugee, that would take some of the burden of local


authorities. Yes, of course we have do have stringent vetting


procedures, but let's get on and do it. Henry illustrated graphically


what can be done when there is a will, as in Bedfordshire. Family


reunification, that is a safe and legal route. The children in those


circumstances already have a home in the UK, and a support network. So


the local authority would have reduced burden on its resources. But


the Government is inexcusably dragging its feet. When you talked


about the importance of social work with children and some of the


challenges their, you remind me of an organisation called Social Worker


first, operating now on the grounds in Calais. It is made up of


professional social workers, all registered in the UK. They do a


fantastic job because they do assessments of the Child in the UK


and they come to the UK and do an assessment of the receiving family.


Those two things together make a powerful case, and they need more


help. So let me just finish by saying that we have shown it is


possible to make this work without putting all the burden on local


authorities. Politics is the art of the possible, so let's get on with


it. I urge you to pass this motion with a resounding majority. Thank




Thank you. We will now be moving to a vote on


this emergency motion. Have you got your badges ready? Can I see those


in favour of this motion? Thank you very much. And those against? I see


no votes at all, so that is very clearly carried. Thank you very


much, Conference. APPLAUSE


And thank you to my aides, Joe and Mary. In a moment I will hand the


chair over. DDC DDC good morning, conference. We


are now moving to the constitutional amendment on committees which is set


out on pages 52 to 77. There are two amendments and they are detailed on


page four of conference daily. Can I ask Sarah Noble pleased to stand-by.


And I now call Baroness Brinton of Watford. She is president of the


party. And to move the motion. Good morning, conference and welcome to


the 600 line constitutional amendment session. Can I say,


because I cannot use the rostrum, I am juggling five bits of paper and


so if everything goes scattering, someone will have to come and help


me pick them up will stop I want to set the scene before we get into the


detail. It might be helpful if you have still got, nearby, the booklet


Towards a more effective party government. The third we have


published on the consultation process. I know that particularly


for new members who may not have seen it before, you need to


understand that the starting point, just over a year ago, of the review,


was a strong message from the party that nobody understood how the


federal committees worked, many of which were indivisible, the


subcommittees were invisible and unaccountable, also how it linked.


My first task was to get it into perhaps a more traditional


organogram rather than a spaghetti Junction. On page 16 you can see the


structure that is proposed. There are no new committees being created.


We are bringing committees out of the shadows and making them more


accountable to you. But it is much more than that. The rest of this


paper and if you have not read it, please look at it, is also about


ensuring we change the way we work. One of my constant criticisms of the


Conservatives is they think they can change the delivery of public


service your lead by rearranging the deck chairs. Moving to


grant-maintained schools as if the name of a school and structure alone


will change the way education should be improved. Quite a lot of the


document talks about how we will have to change the way we work and


there is a reason for that. When I became president, I think the


politest way of putting it is the committee structure was


dysfunctional. I am not just referring to federal committees.


When I became president, as promised, I went round most of the


federal and state committees and asked for their views and almost to


a committee they said, we are perfect, but they are not. And what


was worse, it was all their fault because they didn't listen. There


was a lot of talking and not a lot of listening going on. In a classic


situation, federal committees would blame the English party and the


English party would blame the federal party and the regions. The


regions would blame the English party and the local party would


blame everybody. We today are responsible for looking at the


federal structure but if we are changing at a federal level we need


to change things throughout the party. It is not the role of the


federal party to dictate the state party, regions and local parties how


they do it. We would love you to use the same principles, which Dawn


Barnes outlined when we discussed it on Saturday, that that is down to


you. When I said we were bringing committees out of the shadows, there


are three I want to highlight. If we go to the back page chart, we have


in addition to the continuing role of the federal policy committee and


federal conference committee, we have a Federal communications and


elections committee which was formally and is currently the Sea


CC, a subcommittee of FC that does not report to you as conference and


does not report publicly and yet it is responsible for all major


election campaigns. At the moment that committee has absolutely no


ability to have any oversight over candidates. In the Welsh and


Scottish parties they have a candidates and campaigns committee


but the English party only has a candidate 's committee. One problem


we faced in the past is that at a federal level, campaigns has gone


like that and candidates in England has gone like that, because there


has not been this talking together we ought to be having. I am


delighted to be able to tell you that last night we had the second


joint meeting of the campaigns and communications committee and the


joint State candidates committee. Even before you have a vote today,


that meeting said whatever happens, they want to continue meeting


because, guess what, we have discovered working together and


talking to each other helps. The consequence of your saying to the


federal party and in this case the English party, guys, we don't know


what you're doing and we are unhappy, we are already changing our


ways and thanks to the committees for taking that to heart. We have


also brought up to a federal level the international relations


committee and taken three different committees to bring them into one


new federal committee, which is the federal equal development committee.


We have had, but it has never met, a joint states members committee. Did


you know that? One or two geeks will know. Thanks, Nigel. It hasn't met


for a very long time. We have a training task force. It is important


with member development. We also have the diversity engagement group.


At the moment, they all sit in splendid isolation, not meeting.


There should be member oversight at a federal level and that is what


bringing this committee together will do. The work goes on but it


goes on behind your eyes. The other thing we have brought forward is the


federal audit and scrutiny committee, which for those in the


know, sometimes referred to as the trustees, or Lib Dems Ltd. It has


audit responsibility but it was too arm's length because in


organisations the audit and scrutiny committee will report back to the


members and so they will report to the federal board and the federal


board will report back to you on their work. I want to move briefly


to give you federal executives' view on a member one and two. The


principle behind Amendment one is clear and thanks to Sarah noble


forgetting it right. The proposal in the 600 line constitutional


amendment is we move at a federal level from a two-year term of office


to three years. Sarah says we should have to years and she will argue why


in it. The federal executive opposes this because part of the new ways of


working is the federal board will a strategy and deliver that strategy


over three years. If somebody does not want to stay on the committee


for three years as at the moment they don't for two, it is fine,


because the next person on the list will be elected in their place. All


right, Colin is saying no. There will be someone else to come through


will stop them and two, the joint state candidates subcommittee, Steve


says that the powers that are proposed for the federal committee


to actually take over the work of the state candidates committee that


is failing, the English party is saying it should only happen if they


are failing in their constitutional duty. There is a safeguard in the


proposals in front of you to say there must have been consultation


with that state party at federal level and with the joint state


candidates committee. The problem with the English party proposal is


you can fail, did not fail constitutionally, and that is the


problem. Please reject both amendments, please help us move to a


more effective way of working and please pass a massive 600 line


constitutional amendment, which is the fruit of your work over the past


two years. Thank you.


APPLAUSE. Can Steve Jarvis stand-by. I now


call Sarah Noble to move a member one. Good morning, conference. This


would not be a proper debate if it did not have someone from Calderdale


causing us a lot of trouble. It is interesting to read why the FE


thinks we should have three-year terms. I agreed the committees


appear like groups that are a never ending, where people serve for long


periods of time. Which is why it is strange we are proposing we have


members serve a long time without standing for re-election. I believe


committees have to be selective especially if party strategy has to


change. Moving to three-year terms does the opposite. The federal


policy committee, which will write the 2025 election manifesto, will be


elected under the new timetable in October 20 22. That is half a


Parliamentary term and a lot can change in that time. We went from


Charlie, to Ming Campbell to Nick in that time. In 12 months our


membership has doubled. Another point that is raised is that


administering party democracy would be more expensive. I think this was


a point raised in opposition in the first place. I do not think we


should abridge democracy just because it is too expensive. The


cycle goes federal, state, regional. The way this appears to me, the


Yorkshire Humber region would be pressed by financial concerns more


than anything to reduce elections from annually to try annually. So


much for reducing these cliques. What if the English party was


abolished? Which half of us probably want. What happens to the schedule


then? I believe accountability is best served when democracy is best


served. If I were elected to a committee, I would not feel


comfortable with only being accountable once every three years.


Party members deserve better and I urge you to support the amendment


because democracy in -- is precious. Thank you. Can Alan fox stand-by. I


call Steve Jarvis from North Hertfordshire and Stevenage to move


a member two. Good morning. I feel I should


apologise for spending your time on an amendment to a constitutional


amendment on what looks on the face of it to be a pretty minor change.


But in my view what we are talking about in this area, and I agree with


almost everything else Sal had to say. We are talking about protecting


the way the party chooses Parliamentary candidates in a


democratic and accountable way. For years we had a process designed to


ensure we have people with the skills and knowledge to do the job,


commitment to our cause, selected via a democratic process. Like any


process it does not always work perfectly. We have members who when


they are told they don't have the skills or knowledge do not react


favourably to that. We have occasions when candidates who don't


get selected allege it is because the process is wrong or did not


work. Although occasionally things don't work, we have had a system


that has been tested in this party's processes and on at least one


occasion in the High Court. Over the past 15 years I calculate it has


successfully selected candidates for more than 2500 seats and


constituencies. It has delivered a Liberal Democrat candidate we could


be proud of in every seat in every Parliamentary election the century.


I agree the organisation that does that should talk more with the


campaign 's organisation, but it seems rather strange that the only


place where the constitutional review proposes taking powers to


centralise a process is one operated for that time with that degree of


success. I am prepared to accept we have to have a backstop. If the


English or Welsh or Scottish candidates selection functions do


not do their job, we can't have a position where there are seats that


are not fought. We need a backstop will stop even though it is a


position that has never yet happened. What concerns me about the


backstop proposed is it fails to place limits on when that can be


used. Sal said there would be consultation. We have all been


consulted and all recognise the consultation means that someone asks


your view. It does not necessarily mean someone takes any notice.


My concerns about this are increased by the events that took place this


summer. Because having decided that there should be preparations for a


snap general election, there was then a proposal from the campaigns


and communications committee to just a of candidates to all the most


winnable seats. No chance for any other candidate to apply, no say for


any local parties involved. Under the present arrangements, it was


possible to avoid doing that, and it might be in future. But the


unamended proposals would make that much more difficult. The amendment


makes it clear that we have an organisation set up to manage the


selection of our parliamentary candidates, which we should use if


it works. I don't think we should be abandoning openness and democracy in


order to achieve expediency. And I hope, if you agree with me, that you


will support amendment two. APPLAUSE


Thank you very much. Could prove braid stand-by, I now


call Alan Fox from Leicester City, who wishes to speak against


amendment two. Conference, in opposing amendment


two I should make it clear that I am not doing it because I have


criticisms of the English candidates committee. In fact, it is the only


part of the English party that I have respect for. But the amendment


is badly worded. It means that it is only if the English or Welsh or


Scottish Candidates Committee are not carrying out their


constitutional, and I would underline the word constitutional,


responsibilities, that JC RC can move. There are plenty of other


responsibilities that it may or may not be carrying out. It may be doing


more than its constitutional responsibilities. Would any part of


our party carry out more than its constitutional responsibilities? I


was handed this as I came into the hall the other day, from the English


party who are proposing this amendment. It explains the work of


the English party. The only mention of the English Candidates' Committee


is to say that it is chair is Richard Brett. Two committees that


it says two important work have no basis in the constitution, in the


federal constitution or in the Constitution of the Liberal


Democrats in England. Therefore, I think it is important that we should


not allow organisations, no matter how good their work is at the


moment, to be able to act with impunity if they carry out more than


their responsibilities or if they carry out other responsibilities


badly, bringing the party into disrepute.


Thank you, Conference. Thank you very much, could Peter Dunphy please


stand by, and I now call Pru Bray from Wokingham, who wishes to speak


against some of the lines. It is a muted opposition, I am


speaking as chair of the Parliamentary candidates


Association. The lines that affect candidates are the ones I am


interested in. I am generally in favour of the provisions of the


committee structure, I think it is a step in the right direction. The


bits to do with candidates, not so much. The first thing has remained


the same and I think should have been made different, that is the


composition of the Joint States Candidates' Committee. Under the


Constitution, the membership is as outlined in the motion starting with


the line 147. But custom and practice has been that somebody from


the PCA sits on the Joint States Candidates' Committee, and I have


had that role in the last few years. I would like to think that I have


made a contribution and I am very sad to see that the composition of


that committee is the same as before, and there is no explicit


role for candidates or representatives of candidates must


committee. I hope that will be noted by those responsible for setting it


up on the overarching committee, the Campaigns And Elections Committee,


which would be the parent of that committee. I hope it will use power


over its subcommittees to take a different form and include a


candidate's representative. The other side is to do with


amendment two and lines 437 to 440, where the English party's amendment


should be supported, it is a step in should be supported, it is a step in


the right direction. What I am concerned, to be slightly nerdy,


paragraph 1188, match currently exists and is not propose to be


changed, currently gives the party the ability to vary selection


procedures if we are faced with emergency situations like a snap


general election, which we have just prepared for. That is the paragraph


that use. And it worked, as has outlined. My concern about inventing


a backstop which says that the federal party can do it if the state


parties are not doing it is that once you have introduced something


like that there will be a temptation to use it. States parties have the


devolved responsibility for candidate selection, and I do


believe that we should take a step towards the federal party doing it


if the state parties are doing it now. We are not a party that


believes in centralisation of power. So it is not enough to stop you


voting for the motion as a whole, although I would prefer it if it had


amendment two in it, but afterwards we need to sit down as a party and


write some protocols for the circumstances in which that would be


acceptable to be invoked, and what we would do. The last thing we want


is to be in an emergency situation and be arguing about territory.


Please support amendment two, support the motion as a whole, then


let's work out some of the practical details of how it would operate


without removing some of the better democratic elements in the party.


Thank you. Can Colin Rosenstiel please stand


by, and I now call Peter Dunphy from Westminster, who wishes to speak


against amendment one. Thank you very much. Amendment one


is basically seeking to change this three-year cycle to a two year cycle


for the election of committees. There are three basic reasons why I


want you to reject this and to go on and support the motion as a whole.


Firstly, there is an issue of continuity on committees. On all of


those committees, the policy committee, what will be the federal


board, the finance and resources committee, I think it is important


that members of those committees are able to really get to know how the


committee works, what its functions are, what is going on, what the


current issues. It takes a year, at least, to find out what the current


federal finance and administration committee is responsible for and


what it does, to get into the detail of how the party puts together its


budgets, how the structuring of finance, how all of these things


operate take a while. Having a two year cycle is simply not fit for


purpose. We would not do that for members of Parliament, we would not


do that for a local authority, we would not even do that for a parish


council, for obvious reasons. Those of you who are elected councillors,


how would you feel about having to go back and get re-elected every two


years? It simply does not make sense. The second reason is that one


votes, membership as a whole, they are being presented with large slate


of candidates in a series of elections every year. There is a


rather elegant way of putting together these elections so that


members are not faced with two sets of elections in the same year. If


you switch back to two years, that goes away, and in the same way as


fighting a whole series of different types of elections on the same day,


we will be forced to send two whole sets of ballot papers for numerous


types of committee at different levels of the party, may be regional


and federal in the same day. It does not make sense.


The third point, Sarah mentions that we should not stop doing something


because it is too expensive. People would be very familiar, if they know


me at all, that I am the man in the party that tries to stop things from


being too expensive. There is a good reason to not do things which are


too expensive, that is because we have limited resources, and I would


rather see that money spent on fighting hard a parliamentary


by-election, or extra money is it we can fight more target seats -- or


extra money being spent so can we fight more target seats, rather than


to administer internal party elections. Reject amendment one and


support the main motion. Thank you very much. Can Sheila


Thompson please stand by, I now call Colin Rosenstiel from Cambridge.


Thank you, your ladyship. I have been a member of this party for over


50 years this year. And I have also been a supporter of electoral reform


throughout that time. And I had to remind members who forget that we do


our elections in this party by the single transferable vote, and one of


the things that insurers is we don't get a complete turnover of committee


that an election. -- one of the things that insurers. So I want you


to reject the idea that you need to have less frequent elections to get


continuity on committees, because that is never what this party has


done, even when we had elections every year.


The other very important thing to bear in mind in this debate, and I


can say this because I have never been a member of a federal committee


of this party ad never even stood for election for federal committee,


but I have counted the votes for all the people. I think this party owes


an enormous debt is just -- gratitude to the volunteers who give


up their time to keep this party going by being on federal


committees. But I also want the new people who come into this party,


including an enormous number at present, to have a chance to join in


and give their best from that. I think having elections every three


years, that is over half a Parliament apart, is too infrequent


to refresh the blood that helps to keep this party going, and that is


why I support this amendment and as you to carry it overwhelmingly.


Thank you very much. Can Brian Nowell please stand by, I now call


Sheila Thompson, the convener of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.


Conference, can I first speak against amendment number one,


extending the term to three years won't mean less democracy, and it


won't mean that people will stay on committees for too long. For some


people it will mean they stay on for slightly less. Some of them think


they have just got into two years, in a working group of Scottish


federal level, they are coming towards a second year and they are


pushed to doing another two years, four years, which sometimes they


don't want to do. Three years can allow them to get through a piece of


work and come to an end, so it becomes operational, a good length


of time to be on a committee, Bernard, do something and see the


fruition of your work. -- be on a committee, learn it, do


something and see the fruition of your work.


There are different ways of looking at it. Three years can allow people


to be on committees less and open up new opportunities for more people.


Think about it, think about how long you would want to be committed to


it. Do you want to have to restart and in the middle of a piece of


work? What does that do to the work we are giving in the committees? How


do we finish it if halfway through a working group the person is no


longer on the committee? It is really from an operational point of


view in allowing that to happen, but I support the motion for the three


years. At present in Scotland we are two years. We are about to start our


governance review, we have waited for this one to go through, to


hopefully loan and maybe speed processor little bit. -- to


hopefully loan. We might be putting that to the next Conference in


spring. We can learn from each other and move forward by doing that.


Because we cant the votes by SJV it does not mean that people have


longer terms of office or move on to committees, it is only for the rest


of that term, if someone steps in, which gives them even less time to


learn it in a two year period. In three years, if somebody has had to


step down for personal reasons, change in employment or whatever,


somebody coming in behind them might have slightly longer to do it. If


they have only done it for a short period they will know the value of


standing for another three years and be able to put their case forward.


So I would really press you to vote against amendment one. As for


amendment two, when we first read it and I spoke with the leader of the


Scottish party, and what does that do to us and how does that affect


us, and we said, let it go. Let it go through. Why? Because we would


doubt well know in Scotland that a Scottish executive of our campaigns


and candidates committee were not doing their job. We would be sorting


it out long before the federal party knew about it. Trust me, if the


federal party picked up on something first and came and spoke to us, we


would want to work with them. We would want to work with them so they


didn't have to takeover, but can support us, and make sure it


happens. We want a successful committee in


Scotland as I am sure you do in the English regions. The backstop, if we


go for the amendment, could end up in a talking shop, which means


neither the federal committee nor the state or regional committee


actually get on with the work. It could end up nobody is doing it and


where is that going to get as in the run-up to the election? This is a


backstop, not about not trusting the committees and the regions and


state, it is a backstop. I took the point made about maybe have written


rules that can go around it, which is fine, but it is a backstop. Let's


trust the committees and have it purely as that, let's move this


motion. It is the best way forward, the governance review has listened


to the members and the work has gone forward. Please vote for the motion


as a whole. Thank you. Can James stand-by and I called Brian from


Kensington and Chelsea. Who does not appear to be in the


hall. I am sorry, James. I call James Girling. And could face


Ponsonby stand-by. There is a certain justice in I had that


experience when chairing the previous session. I am here to talk


about Article 12 and why I support the recommendations and the


amendments we suggest. This relates to the federal campaigns and


elections committee. You have to be thankful if you are an admirer of


the character Father Jack we did not make it the federal elections and


campaign committee the other way round. Small numbers will understand


that joke. This does not stem simply from the constitutional review, it


comes from the findings we had at the general election review in which


thousands of you responded in which I and the campaigns and


communications committee I chair went through. One thing, admittedly


not all of you alighted on this, was structure of command coming through


in the way we run campaigns. Back in the mists of time, the committee was


designed to ensure coordinating function happened between the person


that leader appointed as responsible for a general election campaign and


the campaigns delivered. Over time, back committee, part of the


Constitution of the federal executive, although not part of the


formal constitution, became superseded by direct appointments,


so that we have an appointed person running local campaigns, an


appointed person the general election, another appointed person


running European campaign. It did not help staff being able to


dedicate resources or be clear where our accountability is. This


amendment makes it clear in this federal campaigns and elections


committee where the responsibility lies madness the first benefit. The


other is in the responses made to Sal's review, two thirds said


candidate should come into this committee which is one of the major


achievements of this amendment. In terms of amendment one to this


amendment, there is an issue residing on whether or not the


backstop powers relate to operational necessity and a time of


the election run-up, or a discussion about the constitutional


requirements of the two parties. I am being brave because I will


disagree with Richard and Steve and that is dangerous to do sometimes,


because they are persuasive speakers. Do not be persuaded by


their arguments. Allow the backstop powers to be there and ensure they


will only be used in consultation with the state parties as the


amendment clearly sets out. This is setting out a possibility for


operational decisions if everything is going wrong, what you want is a


decision and not a discussion about constitutional requirements. Do vote


for this motion. Thanks. Can show Otten stand-by and I call Faith


Ponsonby. Good morning, conference. I am not a constitutional bird and I


am amazed there are so many in the hall today. -- nerd. I have to admit


a lot of the reviews have passed me by. A sickly I am a local


councillor, very busy, currently mayor of the borough and thanks to


the Conservatives. The only Lib Dem on the council. I have been involved


in nine regional level, not this year obviously, in the candidates


committee. I was vice-chair. One thing I had to do in 2015 in


January, when we had a number of local parties that did not have a


candidate, was to ring around the candidates in Hampshire and try to


twist their arms to stand for a seat. It was an experience, talking


to people, because we were at the end of the coalition and a number


had strong feelings about that. It was quite difficult, we only just


managed to get a candidate in every Parliamentary constituency in the


south, and that is I think appalling. I also volunteer and I


would urge anybody to do this, as one of the assessors nationally for


Parliamentary candidates. It is a rewarding job. I may have


interviewed some of you. I love it every time, I learn from them. We


had some excellent candidates, but we need to maintain standards and it


is important, because you never know when you select a Parliamentary


candidate if some huge issue is going to crop up in your


constituency, like Hinckley, and you might suddenly be on national


television and we have to ensure the candidates are able to do this. Then


we come to this motion. I think my concern is about all the


ramifications it introduces. I welcome a prohibition in line 11 of


being elected to many committees. You cannot be elected to more than


one, which I think is excellent because it will spread the


membership of committees really well. We already have a number of


people who come up year on year and I admire them for doing it. I could


not get up to London for meetings weekly or even monthly. I support


this motion will stop with hindsight, I support the section on


the candidates' part, which has been controversial, because I think we


have to have a backstop, in case there is a sudden election,


something happening. We have to have a co-ordinated campaign, coordinated


selection, but working with the regions on this. Thank you,


conference. APPLAUSE. Can Duncan STV stand-by.


Good morning, conference. I am speaking in favour of amendment one


to retain the two-year cycle of federal committee selections.


Although it is an amend into the motion, the motion has changed in


the current cycle and the amendment restores the two-year cycle. I was


not elected to the federal committee, I was a runner-up, and


gained a place when Sandra resigned in the summer. It has been a


revelation, a fascinating time serving for this one conference. It


gives me a better understanding of why the motions and amendments I had


written in the past has been rejected. LAUGHTER.


If you want to know what I know, I will be in the back of the hall and


can share wisdom after. It has given me understanding why so many


Speaker's cards have been rejected. I had not appreciated the value of


putting it in early. Before the chairs plan the debate. Put it in


early and you are more likely to get called. This is not a digression,


the serious point is that it is better to have some turnover, some


new blood. Really speakers have mentioned this. One said we will get


more new blood by having longer terms. I do not think that is right.


A shorter term, you get better turnover. There are very capable


people. I am not trying to disparage anyone on committee. Some people


stick around for years and years and sometimes a little bit of change,


new ideas, and more opportunity for more members to get involved and


understand how things work, and more members therefore to become more


effective, better volunteers, better politicians, to spread the skill


spread, understanding, spread the knowledge and insight into party


strategy. Policy, whatever it is. Please support amendment one.


Turnover, it is about striking a balance and I think we strike the


balance already on not quite enough turnover. Re-elect people who have


done one term, all one conference! Let's not shift the balance in the


wrong direction. Let's have some continuity, some new blood. Support


amendment one. Thanks. Can George Potter stand-by and I called Duncan


Brack. My main reason to be called is not to miss the chance to speak


on the 600 line cost tuition amendment, which does not happen


enough! I find myself in the odd position of agreeing with Joe, even


though I have been around years and years, one of the people he wants to


get rid of. I ask you to support amendment one. We had good input


into the governance review and our committee did not discuss this


issue. I want to apologise to Sal and to Chris because I have not


raised it with them. It had not occurred to me until I saw the


amendment this week and I have reflected on it. I think there is a


problem with three-year terms. I have been in office and we have a


problem with exhaustion. People are elected on a burst of enthusiasm and


it tails off, circumstances change. We have a punishing schedule,


particularly when we are producing manifestos. The committee has two


meetings of the last two weeks and we did not have more than half the


membership at each. There is a good argument for accountability and


regular chances for the electorate to have a say. You need a regular


injection of enthusiasm, even if it is people standing again. When they


stand they have to think about what they have to do, they get fired up


and you get the chance to have new people. Peter makes a fair point


about continuity. Until 12 or 13 years ago we used to have annual


elections to the committees. I was chair of the FCC when the amendment


was put to change that to two years. And they got the words biennial and


biannual mixed up and we had elections every six months! But we


fix that. You need a balance between continuity and injecting more


energy. One year is too short as three years too long. Two years is


about right and that is why I will support amendment one. Can Richard


Brett stand-by. I call George Porter for the summary of amendment one.


Who does not appear to be in the hall. Can Chris White stand-by and I


call Richard Brett to summate on amendment two.


Conference, I stand before you as a first-time Speaker and I promise it


will be the last time speaking at conference.


APPLAUSE. Do not applaud, it eats into by time! I am here not


defending the empire called the English candidates committee because


in three months, I will be standing down. I would like you to step act


and look at the words again in the lines that we are looking at. JC SCE


may instruct a state candidates committee to take appropriate action


or may take over its actions if the federal board so decides. The


amendment does not change that, but think where that would strike you as


appropriate. Is it more likely you would find those words in Jeremy


Corbyn's Labour Party or a police state? I recall when I was made a


member of the West Yorkshire Police authority talking to the Chief


Constable who I asked, how do you work with your command team? He said


with a slight smile on his face, if I ask them to jump, their only


response is to ask me how high. We are not in that sort of


organisation. It is sad that we are having this discussion in these


terms because I think what has happened this summer has improved


hugely the links between CCC and EEC. I was invited to the executive


18 months into my term as chair and I wish we had better links earlier.


I suspect what has happened this summer may hugely improve the links


that we have. I would very much like that the English candidates


committee when we review rules has a permanent representative from CCC


coming to our meetings. I want to stress that a lot of what


candidates do depends on volunteers. They do not take well to being


instructed from outside. That, I'm afraid, is a fact of life. Everyone


has their own little area, it is sad that candidates can sometimes be


insular. What happened this summer is instructive. Lots of people have


congratulated me, that is quite rare. Candidates do not get


congratulations and praise. Ten times more often we get people


saying, this is wrong, and we get modems, so it is very unusual for me


at the moment to have lots of people saying, thank you very much for what


you have done this summer. What has happened this summer is that the


federal executive use their powers, quite rightly, in my view, to say


that we must prepare for a general election. We have done that. We have


candidates in place in nearly all the seats in England. We have more


candidates coming forward. It is looking healthy. But it is not


without some damage. Having intervention from outside has a


cost. A number of candidates are very bruised. Officers have resigned


over the process in some local areas. Many could not take place in


the rapid selections this summer because of the rules that we had to


use, not having postal boats and it being a holiday period. Alan, I


really don't understand how you are saying we might do more than our


constitutional duty. It will not happen. We struggled to do


everything that we are asked to do. James, I hope I have not


disappointed you. I think some people might vote on this on whether


they believe you that it is not a land grab or that it is, but I


welcome your praise and saying I was an excellent speaker, I hope you


still think this is the case. I ask you all to do two things today.


Could you please thank one of the thousand people involved in the


rapid selections this summer, whether a member of the ECC, whether


a returning officer, and assessor or somebody involved simply in the


short listing committees. Could you draw your remarks to a close? Please


support amendment two. Conference, my apologies, it is not


Chris White, it is Neil Fawcett who will some eight on the motion as a


whole. I now call Neil Fawcett. I have been called a lot of things


in my time! LAUGHTER


Right, this is my one appearance in the Conference hall during this


Conference, because I am very help -- busy helping to prepare for a


particular political event taking place on October the 20th in a


beautiful part of West Oxfordshire, I hope to see you there.


More of you there than here, hopefully. This is the ultimate in


splitting hairs, isn't it? I speak on behalf of the federal executive,


of which I am a new member. It is the third time I have been on a


federal committee in my 20 80th' activity in the party. Each time I


have stood for 12-macro year slot. I am currently thinking about


whether to stand again for another two years, I would rather have stood


for 13-year term. In the two and have had we have had a general


election, its aftermath, a campaign review, the aftermath of the local


elections, a European referendum, preparation for a snap general


election. That does not leave a lot of time for the primary job of the


federal executive, agreeing a longer term strategy for the party. I


believe the federal committees need a little bit longer in each term.


There is still an allowance, as people have said, for turnover,


because people sometimes drop out and replaced because of the system


we use. But it is an important job and not want which I think you can


come to knew, learn the ropes and make a full contribution innate two


year term. I serve on two cancels, each a four year term, I would


challenge anyone who had spoken against a three-year term to start


campaigning that they should be re-elected every two years. Please


reject amendment one. Amendment two, some very serious points have been


made. If this was a proposal for the federal committees to walk in and


take over the candidate function I would strongly oppose. But there is


a key difference between the state candidates committee is just a cheap


and take over the candidate function I would strongly oppose. But there


is a key difference between the state candidates committee is just


achieving their constitutional requirement, and actually doing the


job the party needs them to do. They have achieved, as Steve jobs said,


having a candidate in every seat in every election. -- as Steve Jarvis


said. I personally thank every volunteer involved in that process,


and the hard-pressed staff. But that is the minimum. As a political party


we need candidates in place early, we need them on the ground building


seats up. That is more than the pure constitutional requirements. If you


can imagine a situation where significant numbers of local parties


are waiting around because the party has not been able to help them


select candidates, in my view you should support the motion as it


stands and reject the amendment. If we get to that point, if the federal


board in the future has made it clear that we need to be selecting


candidates for a general election, and for whatever genuine reasons


that is not happening, I believe federal boards should have the right


to step in, have discussions with the state candidate committee


responsible and sort the situation out. If you can see that


circumstance happening, please vote against amendment two and supported


the original motion. Please supported as a whole, support the


government review, it will make the party better, more fit for purpose


and more able to stage the fight back, which this country desperately


needs. Conference, we moved to the votes.


There will be three. We will vote on amendment one, then amendment two,


then the motion as amended or not amended. We need a simple majority


on both of the amendments, but the motion as a whole, because it is


constitutional, would require a two thirds majority. Can you show me


your badges, please, with the word voting facing me, can I see those in


favour of amendment one? Thank you. Those against amendment one?


I'd like to take that again, please, if I may?


May I see those in favour of amendment one?


Thank you. And those against? I think we are going to have to cans


that. We needed some excitement this morning, didn't we?


Please may I see those in favour of amendment one, can you keep your


hands up until the stewards have counted you, please?


Thank you. Put your hands down. And those against amendment one?


Thank you very much. Those are being counted, I would like to take the


votes on amendment two, please. Please don't have a counter vote on


amendment two. May I see, please, those in favour


of amendment two? Thank you very much. And those


against? That is very clearly lost. Thank you.


LAUGHTER It's why I've got a bird's eye view


appear, and you haven't. We now just had to wait for the


results of amendment one before we can votes on main motion, so just a


little patience, please. OK, the result is for the amendment


66, and against the amendment 90 seven. So that amendment is also


lost. We will now move to vote on the


motion as a whole, as did buy the two amendments. May I see those in


favour of the motion as a whole? Sorry, I beg your pardon. Unamended.


It is all this counting, it is really upsetting me. I have never


had a counter before. May I see those in favour of the motion,


unamended? Thank you. And those against? Oh,


that is very, very clearly carried. Thank you very much, Conference. Can


I thank my aides, Jeremy Hargreaves and Lindy Northover. And I now hand


over the chair to Liz. Good morning, let's move straight to


the standing order amendments, which can be found on page 77 of the


conference agenda. And the existing text is there. Standing orders


require a two thirds majority for the final vote and I call Chris


White from St Albans, member of the federal executive to propose the


motion. Thank you, conference, it really is me this time and thank you


for the ringing endorsement from Niall a few moments ago. I was


reflecting on this half an hour ago and thought I would text my wife to


say what I had been up to a conference and told her I was about


to make a barnstorming speech about amendments to standing orders. It


was only when I had sent it to her that I realised my iPhone had


betrayed me and turned it into a bar storming speech. It is a tidy up


exercise, clearly having changed the names of some of our bodies and


created new bodies we have to ensure the standing orders match. It is a


simple proposal to do it and I will ask you please to support it and


then because I have so much time also ask you to go to Whitney. Thank


you. Thank you. As we have no cards in for questions, as it is such a


simple motion, I ask the summary. We have had a very interesting


debate. LAUGHTER. Right. Chris completely through me.


Yes, please do go to Witney. I want to thank everyone involved over the


past four days in the decisions we have made about the governance of


the party in which this final but little important strand will


complete the first stage. For those of you unhappy about losing


amendment not just in this, the previous debate and earlier in the


week, we will be watching, as you will, to see whether it works and we


will come back to you if it doesn't. If there are problems and structural


changes elsewhere in the party, we will have to have constitutional


changes because everything is interlocking. I want to thank the


thousands who responded. It is really into you did so and you


really did change what came in that consultation through to what we saw


today. I want to thank every formal party body that debated and


responded from their own perspective. Duncan mentioned that.


The FPC had done its job and looks at the bits that affected them


rather than taking a few wider. I also want to thank a large number of


staff who you have not heard from, not seen, who have worked tirelessly


to make all the different bits of this fit, because this structure


also affects the way the party itself operates. Every single


department, James was talking about the work of the campaigns


department, who have been involved to ensure this is fit for purpose.


We have had Laura Davies as the director of people development


talking and looking through all proposals about how the staff can


ensure the new people development committee at federal level will be


able to operate effectively. I want to offer our staff, federal staff,


state staff who have contributed to this, and I particularly want to


thank Tim Gordon as chief executive, and Rachel Clarke and Chris Adams,


particularly Chris, who has been an absolutely wonderful governance


Officer, keeping all of this at his fingertips. Please join me in


applause for vat. -- for factor. --. That. Please pass the amendment by a


two thirds majority. And we move straight to the vote. If you can


have your cards ready. All in favour please show. All of those against.


That is carried with I think one against. Yes, thank you. I will hand


over to Mary the Parliamentary party reports. There will be a short break


when the chairs and tables come out but he will be as quick as he can,


thank you. Good morning, conference. And


welcome to the report from our Parliamentary parties. I have three


people with me on the sofa. Who you all know and love. They will each in


turn present their reports to you and then answer a few questions.


First, Tom Brake. Tom has been the MP for Carshalton and Waddington


since that famous day in May 1997, when a whole swathe of south-west


London suburbs turned Lib Dem gold. And in the coalition he became


deputy Leader of the House of Commons and like most of his


colleagues, he now finds himself with more than one job. Including


acting as our spokesperson for foreign affairs. He is here today in


his role as Lib Dem Chief Whip in the House of Commons. Tom, please


present your report and tell us what you have been up to. Do you want to


do it from the Lex turn -- lectern. Good morning, it is nice to see


people have woken up after what might have been a hard night last


night to hear the reports. It is safe to say the last couple of


months in politics has been rather difficult. Whilst we have seen some


very positive results around the country in the local elections and


we are starting to see a revival I think both from the south-west right


through up to Scotland, where we got good results in the constituency


elections in Scotland, we have the disappointment of the EU referendum.


And the impact of that in Westminster has been palpable. We


now have as a result of that a new Prime Minister, a restructured


Whitehall and a new look cabinet. You will recall in her first speech,


our Prime Minister Theresa May set out she was going to be a


compassionate, one nation Conservative, dedicated to social


justice. With my seven colleagues, we will hold her to account on that


and ensure that what she says was not simply a speech and that it is


followed up by real action. Although I think what she has tried to do is


cultivate the perception she is a safe pair of hands, one has to


question whether her appointment of Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary


confirms that is what she is. What we are seeing in terms of bills


within the House of Commons is and what we are facing when we return


after the conference recess is a government focused on preserving


party unity. The bills coming forward in October are of an


extremely minor nature and that is because I think the government are


working hard to keep themselves together at a time when I think


Brexit, far from stopping the Tories talking about Europe, is in fact


amplifying the volume of what's they are saying in relation to Europe. We


have got some concerns, there is one will, the Investigatory Powers Bill,


also known as the snoopers' Charter, which we fought hard to block in


coalition, which has made a return. You will recall that in coalition we


received a lot of flak for the position we adopted in relation to


those sorts of issues from Shami Chakrabarti, the head of Liberty.


She has now of course become a Labour peer and it will be


interesting to see if she is as aggressive towards Labour whose


stance on these issues is often much closer to the Conservatives that it


is to us and that is an area that I know Alistair Carmichael will want


to work on with great energy to ensure the concerns we have about


that Bill will hopefully be addressed. The Labour Party, there


is not much to say about them, other than we know that on the 23rd of


September it is highly likely Jeremy Corbyn will be re-elected. That will


lead to further confusion, division and I think national derision, about


what they are doing and going as a party. For the country as a whole,


this means the major opposition party will not have much time to


focus on what their real role as an opposition is, major opposition


party, official opposition, which is to focus on what the government are


doing, as opposed to focusing internally on their own party


dilemmas. We as a party, with my seven colleagues in the House of


Commons, and even more so with the much larger, hundred plus peers, the


Liberal Democrats have in the House of Lords, we will focus on doing


everything we can to make sure we provide the opposition to the


government. Who will particularly be doing that


in relation to Brexit and the European Union, where we will track


both what Boris Johnson, David Davies and Liam Fox have said in the


past, but also, more importantly, what they are actually delivering in


Government. I think we already taking bets on how long it will be


before Liam Fox is forced to resign, giving the number of gaffes that he


has already managed to make. You will have heard his remarks about


lazy and fat British businesses, you might not have heard his


recommendation of British businesses should invest abroad at a time when


everyone feels that the economy is at risk of taking a nosedive, and


therefore what we want UK businesses to do is invest in the UK to create


jobs here. We have the real risk of a huge economic challenge to the


country. And an area that we have focused on very heavily is the role


that EU citizens play in boosting our economy and trying to protect


than and ensure that they have the rights, or retain the rights, that


they have got in the United Kingdom. That is why we have put forward a


ten minute rule Bill called the EU citizens' right to stay Bill, which


received nearly all-party support, and we will continue to maintain


that pressure. That is clearly a benefit to the 3 million EU citizens


in the UK. It is also a benefit to, for instance, the users of my local


hospital, that patients who go there, because my most recent


recruitment drive that it was nurses from Spain, Italy and Portugal that


they were hiring to stay in that hospital. By putting pressure on the


Government to secure the rights of EU citizens we are also helping UK


citizens in the UK countries. Because just as UK citizens here are


worried about the impact on them of Brexit, UK citizens in other EU


countries are equally concerned about what it means for their


futures in whichever UK... EU country they are currently resident


in. There is no doubt that with eight MPs it is very difficult to


make our voices heard, but I would like to take this opportunity to


thank our colleagues are the fantastic work they do. We are


trying to cover as many bases as we can and we know we can always count


on the back-up of House of Lords colleagues, who are certainly


pulling their weight. If in the comments we have an opportunity to,


for instance, make a couple of interventions during the second


reading debate about a particular bill, we know that in the Lords they


have an opportunity to do much more in terms of other stages of the bill


and make sure that the Liberal Democrats position on things is


articulated in much, much greater detail. I would like to take this


opportunity to pay particular tribute to Jim Wallace for his


excellent leadership of the Lords group, I am absolutely certain he


will play a formidable role as a member of the team in the Lords on


the backbenches. And I welcome, also, many of you will be here


today, the very large number of new members who have joined the party


since the general election. We have seen a boost of 120% in party


membership since the general election in 2015. As someone who has


been active in the party for 30 years, and I think there are


probably colleagues here who have been active for as long as I have,


it is nice to see some younger people, some people who are fresh


and enthusiastic. Not that we are not enthusiastic, but I think we


might find it hard to argue that we are fresh after 30 years of


political activity, to see some young blood coming in, campaigning


on the values that we hold dear. So I therefore hope that you throw


yourself into the battle we have ahead of us, particularly in


relation to Brexit, where we need to make sure, ideally, that the UK has


second thoughts about the votes taken on the 23rd of June, but if


that is not the case, that we secure as much as possible for the UK,


whether UK citizens, it EU citizens, UK businesses, in whatever our


future relationship with the EU will be. I would like to finish with a


couple of words about the Parliamentary office of the Liberal


Democrats. Since my last report we have been very fortunate in having


first of all the advisory unit and the parliamentary support team is


making a huge contribution to the way that we can operate as members


of Parliament. Given the different breeds that we are all carrying, so


I am both foreign affairs, International development, defence,


Shadow Leader of the House, Shadow Cabinet office minister and Chief


Whip. As you can see, it is important that we have people


working behind us. So the important role that the Parliamentary advisers


make in making sure Lib Dems get out into the media, so the things that


we campaign upon are amplified through the media, they are doing a


fantastic job. A very small number both in the Parliamentary advisory


unit and the Parliamentary support teams are making sure we punch way


above our weight, I know that is true in the portfolio that I speak


on on foreign affairs where, I am very pleased to say, in conversation


with some journalists they are much, much way inclined to come to us than


to the Labour Party because, at the moment, if they go to the Labour


Party, no one is able to give them what the official Labour Party


position is on foreign affairs, because they are too divided to have


one. So it is thanks to the Parliamentary advisers at the


parliamentary support teams that we can position ourselves in that way.


I would like to conclude by thanking Jack Fletcher and Joe Edwards for


their fantastic work with the whips office and providing support to


members of Parliament, and occasionally providing us with some


very interesting gossip about things happening in parliament, which I


will keep to myself. And also to thank the Parliamentary advisory


unit, Giles Darrington, venous Ali, Claire Mathis, Rosie, Fiona Todd and


Rosie Cobb, the newest addition, who continue to offer us fantastic


advice and creativity in all of their portfolios. Last but not


least, the Parliamentary support team made up of Rosie Gray, Euan


Stone and Jenny Steiner 's. They have developed excellently and after


further expert advice. Hopefully that gives you a feel. We have not


been lazy and fats during the last 12 months, you will be pleased to


hear, I look forward to answering difficult questions shortly in the


Q Thank you. APPLAUSE


Thank you, Tom. Next, Dick Newby. Just a few months


after Tom was elected to the House of Commons, Dick was created a life


peer and has been working just as hard for others in the Lords as Tom


has in the Commons. He has served as a Lib Dem Chief Whip in the House of


Lords and you will see that he has referred to as that in the agenda,


that last week he won an election. The electorate was all our members


in the House of Lords, and they elected Dick as the leader of the


Liberal Democrats in the Lords. So let's all congratulate him.


APPLAUSE Conference, it is a great honour for


me as the newly elected leader of group in the Lords to present a


Parliamentary reporter conference. I ought to and must start, as Tom


mentioned, by paying tribute to my predecessor, Jim Wallace. He has an


extraordinary track record in public life over a number of decades. He


has been, more than any other person, the person who has breathed


life into the concept of multiparty government in Britain, the stubble


as an initial minister in the coalition when the Scottish


parliament was established, subsequently as a minister in our


coalition after 2010. Jim became the go to person for the


Tories in the Lords. When things got really difficult and they could not


find anybody who had the ability to deal with something, particularly if


it related to the law, Jim was asked to stand in and do this job for the


Government, which he did on every occasion with great ability. And he


has been an absolute epitome of what we expect from a senior public


servant. He has had wisdom and dedication over many years, and


having worked with him very closely for many of those years, I am


extremely grateful for all the work he has done. And as leader, I will


be knocking on his door, asking him to help us in a number of respects


in the future. APPLAUSE


Over the last session, as ever, are immensely diligent and talented team


in the Lords has had a big impact on public life.


We played a key part, as you will be aware, in killing off the issues in


tax credits, we played a key part with Labour in stopping the worst


parts of the very Draconian trade union legislation that came forward,


and we led the charge, which Alf Dubs subsequently took up, to allow


child refugees in Europe to be allowed to come to the UK.


Particularly on that latter point, we are working very hard, Roger


Roberts and others, to hold the Government's fee to the fire. So


having been forced to accept an amendment to do something, they show


every sign of trying to wriggle out of that, and we won't let them.


Sadly, we are not always successful. We managed to pass an amendment to


the referendum bill which would have given all 16-year-olds a vote. The


Government, in its wisdom, decided that was a bad idea. In the end, we


lost. They may now wish they had been a bit more generous in that


respect. I want to make it clear that, as in the last year, so in the


next, the group will continue to be extremely assertive in using the


influence we have to holding the Government to account. One of the


most ludicrous ironies about life in the Lords is that the Labour and


Tory dinosaurs who fought against reform of the Lords, and there in


mind that over 70% of both Tory and Labour peers are opposed to


democratic reform, they now fulminate against our group, using


our place to do our job. Well, they'd better get used to it. We


offer democratic reform, we continue to seek democratic reform in the


Lords. At the establishment parties have another think coming if they


think we will step back from defeating the Government in the


system they insisted on keeping. We wanted to change it, they said it


can't be improved upon, and now they say it is not fair, you have all


these 105 peers, what is all that about? I am afraid that, having


willed the system, they will suffer the consequences, which is a very


assertive Lib Dem group. APPLAUSE


One of the chief jobs, of course, over the coming year, will be


holding whatever Brexit package the Government begins to put together up


to the light. As you know, we are committed to a referendum on final


outcome, but in the meantime, the group will call the Government out


any time it seems to be abandoning the British national interest to


solve its own political problems. I am determined that this is not just


a fight and an effort that takes place in the cosseted environment of


the Lords itself. Over the next few months, my priority and that of the


group will be to engage with all sectors of society, to hear people's


concerns about Brexit and what they are looking for from the Brexit


negotiations. In the next few weeks I will appoint more of our team to


be spokespeople, to help with this task. I want them to engage with


stakeholders in whatever sector for which they have responsibility. It


may be Chambers of Commerce, citizens advice, universities,


hospitals and health care trusts, trade unions, colleges, farmers and


significant employers. We want to take the Brexit chaos as an


opportunity for the party to be seen and heard by all these groups. At


this great national consultation should not be confined to peers. As


you know, as a party we have just appointed PBC Yes in constituencies


across the country. And in many case, I think, newly selected PPCs


find themselves without resources are not an immediate election, so


they are looking to see how they can use that position to the advancement


of the party. So I want every PPC to use the credibility that we deserve


as a pro-European party to reach out to all the groups I have just you --


enumerator that we will deal with nationally, to do the same in their


constituency. As soon as I can I intend to write to every PPC and


provide them with a toolkit to help them undertake this consultation


exercise in their constituency, and I want them to feed the information


they receive from us on the Brexit issues back to the Lords group


before the Christmas recess, so that as we move towards the point at


which the Government triggers article 50 we will be clear what a


negotiating mandate might look like, which would minimise the cost of


Brexit. In the run-up to the election we did


over 1000 visits to constituencies. We greatly enjoyed it. But, we think


that we need to do even more of it. 50% of the party is new since


polling day on the general election and they are immensely talented,


able people, as you have seen at the conference. But many of them no lead


-- know relatively little about the party and about campaigning and


whatever strengths and weaknesses the group in the House of Lords has


it does know quite a bit about those. So we will go out in ever


greater numbers I hope to constituencies to explain what it


means to be a Liberal Democrat and how you set about winning as a


Liberal Democrat. And we are definitely all going to win. It is


appropriate for me to thank the staff who make this possible and in


particular Poly Martin, who organised those 1000 visits.


Although it has been exhausting, her enthusiasm is diminished for a party


and she is sadly leaving us to take another job. I would like to thank


her and all the other staff who make it possible to do what we do.


Humphrey Amos, Elizabeth Plummer, Sarah Pugh, Dave Shaw. It is a


fantastic team in the Whips' Office and they keep us on the straight and


narrow. 35 years ago, I left the civil service to work for the STP at


a point when there was a need for a new force on the centre-left of


British politics. Today, I believe the vacant space in the centre and


centre-left of British order takes is wide it even than it was in 1981.


Our job as a party is to march in and occupied that space and I and my


colleagues will use all our energies to do very much.


APPLAUSE. Thank you. Finally, Catherine, who was elected member of


the European party for south-east England in 2009 and uniquely she


still is. As sadly our only MEP currently, I suppose she is leader,


Chief Whip and spokesperson for everything. I expect you have a lot


to tell us this year, so do present us your report.


APPLAUSE. I want to start by thanking you, all


of you, and all the people who don't come to conference but I know worked


their socks off in the referendum. We asked you to do what you could


and you did and you really stepped up to the plate. OK, I can't do it


without this on. One last time. OK. APPLAUSE. So we lost the referendum,


but it was not because of the liberal Democrats. We went out


there, we were asked to do what we had to do to make sure the UK stayed


in the European Union. We lost that referendum, but it was not because


of the Lib Dems. You fought, you had street stalls, raised money, spoke


to people and connected with justices, with schools and


everybody. The sad thing is it was not quite enough and we started from


too far back. I think the campaigns on both sides were not up to the


task of a referendum, given the short period of time. The other


thing that we should all learn from is that the lies told in that


referendum were the most appalling things I have ever seen in


electioneering. They all say politicians lie, but this was on a


grand scale we have not seen before. Please, members of the House of


Commons and Lords, start working on changing electoral law so it has to


match what the advertising standards do so you can only tell the truth,


lying about money was the most appalling thing we have seen, so


please get on with that bit of legislation.


APPLAUSE Many of you do not quite know but jarring the referendum we


sent out boxes to local parties to run street stalls.


Audrey, a new member of staff in my office had a brilliant idea and


every time another five street stalls were booked, another ten, 50,


she had a bell and rank it so that everybody knew there were more


street stalls. It worked so well that even in the gloom after the


referendum result, suddenly something else was happening in HQ.


Members were joining, phoning up, sending in money, and so every time


we reached another 50, 100,000, the bell was ringing in HQ. -- the


hundreds and thousands. That Belle is going to go to Witney and so are


you. Every time you take leaflets out, that Belle will be ringing.


Make sure you get to Witney, to ring the bell. For me, in Europe, Tom


were saying you will have multiple roles, I have many, I have to have


the eyes and ears around and I have a brilliant staff team in Brussels,


but it has been much harder after the referendum vote. There is a real


mood that, OK, the British are going, will you hurry up and make up


your mind and go. That has not been easy for any of us Brits working


there. Nothing has changed, we are still full members of the European


Union, and in that scenario, we are still MEPs and do the job we are


elected to do, we still have casework, I can lobby the


commission, take part in putting amendment is and voting and working


on reports. You will see in your report that one of the biggest


pieces over the past year I have worked on is the report from the


Parliament on how we deal with the trafficking of human beings. That


went through and I am very proud of that. It is an issue I have


campaigned on for years. I am currently working on the


Parliamentary report on illegal wildlife trafficking. The commission


has come up with a plan and we are commenting on that, and I am pleased


I am getting cross-party support for the things I am calling on. Better


sentences for those who traffic and better training for front-line staff


and getting someone in charge, a named person in the commission,


responsible for collecting statistics. Illegal wildlife crime


is not only decimating fragile areas on the planet, and some heading that


way, but it is the fourth largest criminal activity on the planet and


it is destabilising communities, feeding into criminal gangs, into


terrorists and the rest. It is something we have to get our heads


around. It is not fluffy environmental policy, it is serious


big as nurse that is damaging the planet and it is something I am


pleased to be working on. The other thing is January, I am up for


election as a questor. It is the trade union representative in the


Parliament and gives me a seat on the bureau, the President's


committee in Parliament, and I am the only Brit there and it is vital


I am there to stand up, not just for the MEPs... It is not just the MEPs


who will lose their job when we leave the EU, there are thousands of


Brits working in European constitutions across Europe and they


are not allowed to work in those institutions if they are not


citizens of the EU. Their jobs are in jeopardy and I need to be


fighting, you fight for the right for Europeans to remain here, I


fight the rights of the employees of EU institutions their pensions and


approved rights. APPLAUSE. Finally I have a busy few


months ahead. I am travelling so much before Christmas, going to


Cites, where we are defending wildlife in the conference. I will


go to Hanoi for a wildlife conference. I am going to Ken --


Kenya, where I will meet the African Pacific nations. And another meeting


in Togo where the Liberals in the... Across Africa come to meet. You


would not believe how the liberal movement is moving through Africa.


They have tried despots, they have tried socialism, it does not work,


and now they are looking to liberalism to build and work with


citizens. It is a busy time, but I am still a jobbing MEP working on


your behalf and on behalf of my constituents and your behalf and the


UK's behalf and also the EU's behalf. Finally I want to thank my


staff. So many people get in touch to say thank you to my staff and so


I must thank them. I have lost some of them. Rinse the referendum, but


still have Henry and Audrey and Elliott. I lost Pablo, that was a


real loss. Anybody who has come across Pablo knows he is a star. We


have Henry, Audrey, Elliott, in London now. And in Brussels I have


Lewis and Agnes and Just. They make sure where I am supposed to be and I


could not do without them and I know we could not have done the


referendum without them and also without you and thanks for


everything you do to support me in my work and the Lib Dems in their


work. Thank you.


APPLAUSE. Thank you, thank you. We have not had any questions by the


deadline yesterday evening, but I have a few I would like to ask and I


would like to start with you, Catherine. You could possibly be the


last ever Lib Dem MEP. If that happens, what would you be proudest


of having achieved? Still being there, I think, is something to be


proud of. I also think what got me into politics was the environment


and my real concern about biodiversity loss, what we call the


Silent crisis in the European Parliament, which is not talked


about. You cannot hear trees dying, bees disappearing, when the birds


stop singing you do not notice until you go somewhere else and hear them.


The work I am managing to do, not just for this country but European


wide, it is international. I am off to Cites and the report I am working


on now will hopefully go through in November and if I do nothing else, I


will achieve what I have stood up to do. I wanted to stand for election


because I care about the environment.


APPLAUSE. Tom, how can you use Parliament to


promote a pro-European agenda? Thank you for that question. I want to


pick up on what Catherine said. I heard on Radio 4 that trees can talk


to each other so maybe we can hear what they say, as well. Certainly


Prince Charles thinks that we can. In terms of the EU agenda, how can


we push this? We have an important role in Parliament to play in


holding Brexit to account over the promises they made during the


campaign and I will use every opportunity, as I have done recently


Parliamentary questions, to remind them for instance of the ?350


million a week pledge for the NHS. I was fortunate to have a question at


Prime Minister's Questions a couple of weeks ago and I think I am the


first member of Parliament to have put in a bid for the first two weeks


of the ?350 million for my local hospital. I asked the Prime Minister


to secure that because St Helier hospital needs investment. I am


afraid she had nothing to offer but I have been the first to put in the


bid for that money. We will remind them of the pledges and there will


be many opportunities. I took advantage of a point of order last


week to ask the Speaker if he had any request from David Davis to come


to the House of Commons to make a statement about the progress that


the government had made on kicking off a major row with the trade


negotiations -- round. With all partners, which David Davis


predicted the Prime Minister would have done by the 9th of September


and nothing of the sort has happened, so we will be there to


remind those of the broken pledges they are making, or have age. We


will push the agenda for EU citizens so this white to stay for EU


citizens. It is important not just for EU citizens but also UK citizens


in other EU countries. If we can secure agreement from our government


that the acquired rights of EU citizens will be retained in the UK,


it makes, I think, the position of UK citizens in other countries


stronger, because there won't be the risk of using this as a bargaining


chip in the way Theresa May has she will be doing.


I have helped set up an all-party group on freedom of movement, which


is a cross-party initiative. At our first meeting we had diplomats from,


I think, at least half of the EU countries, who were there because


they want to hear what we believe will be the impact of Brexit on


freedom of movement. And they are able to feedback from us what they


fear from -- feedback to us what they are hearing from their


respective countries. Norman Lamb was part of the all-party group on


open Britain, which campaigns on the single market. So we're working on


cross-party initiatives. We will press for the vote on article 50,


although the Prime Minister has said she will not deliver it. But,


certainly, there are very significant people in Parliament


such as Dominic Grieve on the Tory benches, a past Attorney General,


who believes there is a requirement for Parliament to be able to vote on


article 50. And we will play back to the Brexiteers the message is that


they play to the country over sovereignty. If Parliament is


sovereign, it needs to be in terms of making a decision about whether


to proceed with article 50. There will be further opportunities


through, for instance, the mechanisms or the procedural tricks


such as ten Minute Rule Bills to raise these issues in Parliament.


And I have no doubt that at some point in the near future when


article 50 is invoked, we will be seeking, for instance, a ten Minute


Rule Bill on the subject of a referendum on the terms of the


Brexit deal before we exit the European Union to give people the


chance to have their say in a popular vote on whether they feel


that we are better off with whatever the Brexit deal will be or whether,


with hindsight, they think that the status quo and staying at the EU is


better for the United Kingdom, as we believe. Thank you, Tom. Dick, I'm


afraid we've run out of time. I do apologise. Can I say thank you to


all three of you, and a big Conference thank you for everything


you do to keep a liberal democracy alive and flourishing.


APPLAUSE And thank you to my aid, Paul


Tyldesley, and I hand over to Pauline, who is chairing the next


session. Good morning, Conference. The


observant among you will have noticed that I am not Pauline


Pierce, I am her aide, but I will be chairing this with great authority,


because all I have to do for you is introduce the party president,


Baroness Stowell Brington. Good morning. Here we are,


constitutional amendments concluded. How will we manage next week without


the excitement? Seriously, I want to thank you for your involvement and


responses to the challenge I put to you over a year ago to think about


how we could improve federal structures and work more effectively


as a party. The thousands of suggestions and comments that you


made to the federal executive have truly helped shape what came to


Conference, and your contributions to those debates over the last few


days has been genuinely helpful. The policy debates have also been


outstanding, I particularly want to thank the many people who spoke at


Conference for the first time. In debate after debate, first-time


speakers were called to the stage, and you gave your views. And what


effective contributions they were. APPLAUSE


As we wait to hear from Tim Farron later this morning, I've been very


aware how there has been a slight interesting nuance during this


Conference, that we've been reflecting on our history. And I


noticed some on Twitter even going back as far as the weeks. Tim


reminded us at the rally that nearly 100 years ago, the Liberals lost


touch with their base, the core voters, and forgot what they were


there to do. And we spent decades in the wilderness. And yet many of our


members worked tirelessly through that time, even though it was very


tough going. And one of the sad tasks that your president has to do


is to report on some of the members who have died during the last year.


We mark their contribution today to the history of our party. We have


lost three members of the House of Lords, and one former MP, as well as


some outstanding activists. I shared an office with the first of the


three peers, Lord Derek Ezra. And even at 96 he was still coming into


the Lords to ask pertinent and probing questions to ministers about


energy usage and climate change. Before he entered the Lords he was


famous as the chairman of the national coal board. A true,


open-hearted liberal, he worked with Joe Gormley, the president of the


National Union of Mineworkers, to stop the Conservative Government


closing 23 hits. And he even got a promise of investment in the minds


from Margaret Thatcher. But after he retired from the coal board in the


early 80s, Thatcher reneges on her word. That shows how strong and


powerful he was. Lords Eric Avebury, Eric Lubbock, won the orbiting


by-election in 1962 to the astonishment of the Tory


establishment. He served in Parliament for over 50 years, first


as an MP and then in the House of Lords. Eric was passionate about


supporting the most vulnerable, and became one of the first champions


for Gypsy and Traveller communities. He fought tirelessly the individuals


denied human rights, both here and worldwide. In 2009 he led a campaign


which succeeded in abolishing blasphemous libel. He was a long


supporter of the Ahmadi Muslim community and was awarded their


peace prize. Lord John Roper was a member of the House of Commons from


1970 to 83, an opposition spokesman on defence and Chief Whip of the


SDP. More recently he was the Liberal Democrat Chief Whip in the


House of Lords, and he served as the principal chair of committees in the


House of Lords and chairman of the European Union committee, both of


which were very important roles. Ralph Bancroft from Harrow and from


The Liberator Collective, four years was an absolute linchpin of the glee


club, and don't we still miss him by greatly?


APPLAUSE Judge John Baker, a stalwart of the


Liberal club who died aged 90, was a Parliamentary candidate for the


Liberal party on a number of occasions, holding the liberal face


during the quiet decades and also in some better times, too.


Jonathan Webber, former chair of the West Midlands and a passion is


European, was director of international trade at the Greater


Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, where he was described as a real


one-off, a maverick, not one for bureaucracy or rules, but he never


missed targets and got the best out of his team. That sounds like a real


liberal to me. Susan Ashton was a passionate


campaigner from her earliest days. Creating many lasting friends of a


young liberal and is continuing as an actor best year in, year out in


later years in support with Nigel Ashton. They made an invincible


campaigning power. Susan has passed on her Liberal Democrat genes to her


son, Chris Wiggins, who continues in her inimitable style. He had his


hair shaved at Glee Club last night for Macmillan Cancer research in her


memory. APPLAUSE


Last night, at the stewards' party, we raised a glass to Phil Thompson


from Kingston, who served as a party steward for many years.


He personified the selflessness of stewards, who give up their


Conference to serve us, the members, and other delegates as well. Brian


Niblett was a veteran campaigner who joined the Lib Dems, sorry, the


Liberals, while living in Taunton in the early 80s. He always said it


felt like the constituency had a membership prevention officer,


because he found it so hard to join. The experience always lived with him


and he became passionate about membership and out of this


development. He was specifically well-known for all he did in Newbury


and Berkshire over many years, including getting David Rendell


elected and re-elected. Sadly, within a few months of Brian's


death, we had the news of the loss of David Rendell. David won the


faintest Newbury by-election in 1993 with a stunning 28% swing. Members


from all over the country went to help David, and he, one of the most


open spirited and generous people I have ever met, returned the


campaigning time and time again to local parties up and down the


country over the subsequent years. David's Memorial meeting in Newbury,


one speaker after another talked about his commitment to liberalism


in every single part of his life, not just politics. He had a special


passion as an internationalist, his dedicated as a constituency MP for


many years was legendary in Newbury. He was never afraid to seize the


moment and his favourite song, The Rose, said at that meeting says, it


is the heart that is afraid of breaking that never learned to


dance. It is the dream afraid of waking but never takes the chance.


Well, David was never afraid to take the chance. He stood in Somerton and


free in the 2015 election, even though he was ill, because he wanted


to campaign and make a difference right to the end.


APPLAUSE All of these people and the Lib Dems


that we have lost this year believed, along with Martin Luther


King, that our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the


things that matter. So, to their families and friends, we send our


deepest sympathies and say thank you for the time you lent them to us,


the country and the wider world. APPLAUSE


We honour them for their work, their love and dedication to our Liberal


Democrat cause. Once again, the press and media are


bemused about why we are in such good heart. I have taken particular


delight in telling them it is because we are open, tolerant and


United, unlike Labour, the Conservatives and Ukip. Diane James'


honeymoon period as the leader of Ukip was short lived. Within an hour


of her taking up her post on Friday she had scrapped the speeches of the


four opponents and, perhaps most fun of all, turned Neil Hamilton's


speech on Saturday into a coffee break. Yes, a coffee break.


APPLAUSE Once more, Conference, he discovered


this from a reporter who had a copy of the reply -- revised schedule


before him. You could's purges aren't even done behind closed


doors. Then there is that photo of her red Nigel Farage that was all


over the press and media. I know that Nigel Farage backed her as his


successor, but that photo is so revealing. She just didn't want him


at close. So Ukip score no points for being neither open, tolerant nor


United. And Labour? Here in Brighton and Hove, Momentum have taken over


the local party and so public about their attempts to deselect the MP


that they have been suspended. And it isn't just here in Brighton.


Across the country, Jeremy Corbyn's activists are taking over local


parties and moving against anyone perceived as anti-corporate. Some


MPs are even threatening to sue those trying to deselect them. Pro


Corbynites hate dissent so much that anything that does not come out of


the Corbyn playbook is attacked in a violent vicious way.


I'm pleasant politics used against political opponents is distasteful,


but when used against people in your own party, it is unforgivable, but


that is what they are, unforgiving, certainly not open, tolerant or


united. APPLAUSE. And watching all of this


from her new home in number 10 Downing St is Theresa May. Last week


she again reaffirmed that Brexit means Brexit, even though it is now


absolutely clear that neither she nor her Brexit ministers have any


idea what it means. Does it mean remaining in the single market?


Theresa May, or she may not. But it mean keeping or curtailing free


movement of people? Theresa May, or she may not. Does it mean continuing


to invest in universities to keep them the best in the world? Theresa


May, or she may not. Does it mean working with European countries to


protect the environment and climate change? Theresa May, or she may not.


The Tories have been good at papering over the cracks of their


spirits but the resignation of David Cameron as MP seems to have


encouraged his wing of the party to speak out. Theresa May's


Conservative Party, their record on police stop and search for BME, not


tolerant and not united. And this Sunday, one headline was Lib Dems's


revival is a blow to sorry label. It said fair play to the Lib Dems,


under Tim Farron the party has risen from the ashes of electoral oblivion


to reposition itself as the only effective opposition.


APPLAUSE. I have not finished creating it yet. The Lib Dems have


not only capitalised on the fallout from the referendum but also the


disintegration of the Labour Party. They are speaking up for ordinary


voters on issues that matter, such as the NHS and education. Was this


the Observer on Polly Toynbee's day off? The Independent? No, my


friends, this was the Sunday express. I am delighted that Tim is


at last getting the recognition he deserves and I suspect that phrase,


the only effective opposition, might appear in leaflets and tabloids over


the next few months. Over to you with that. We are the only major


party that has not traded on fear, but challenges the racism,


nationalism and populism sweeping the country. We have not just


watched the appalling increase in hate crime, but we heard on Sunday


in our combating racism debate how our own friends and neighbours have


been attacked, and that is why I still wear my safety pin. I still


get comments from people who say how reassuring it is to know that there


are people who will call out any hate crime. Keep calling it out


every time you see it, you cannot know how powerful it is to


intervene, politely but firmly, to support a bit Tim of such behaviour.


I want to finish by returning to my theme of last year, the future of


our party. It is wonderful we have had over 18,000 new members since


the referendum and it is wonderful we are doing well in by-elections,


but I want to ask you to do three things over the next weeks,


regardless of whether you are a new member or old like myself. To propel


the Lib Dems further in our winning ways. First, should Jeremy Corbyn be


re-elected, I know the number of Labour supporters and members who


will be feeling very lost. Please befriend them. Let them know we are


still the party that is pro-EU, while Labour are facing inwards and


fighting. We will be the party that holds the May Tory government to


account, investing in the NHS and on fighting against the growth of


grammar schools. They may now want to supporters and some will want to


join us because they share our values. Don't be afraid to ask them.


Second, I want to see new members coming forward to stand for


elections of the party, whether local, regional or federal


elections. One of the strong messages you told us in the


governance review was that too few people stand for office in the


party. The usual suspects. Do not assume it is someone else's job stop


you want fresh faces in these roles, please stand and get others to


stand. This is watered and if you are from underrepresented group,


black, Asian, minority and ethnic. LGBT, your party needs you. Find out


what the role entails and put yourself up for election. It is that


simple and it is your destiny. APPLAUSE. And finally, thirdly, help


build on election successes. Go to help in Witney. We have one month to


make our mark. Tonight the local party selects their candidate but


the first leaflets have gone out. More help is needed and


Parliamentary by-elections are so much fun. I promise if you have not


been to one, you will enjoy it. And if you have a moment in the lunch


break, sign up to help at Witney and go and help in your nearest council


by-election. Every extra pair of hands makes a big difference. I


promise you will learn skills there that you can use in your patch. Last


but not least, try and stand a candidate in every election in your


area. The reception is so much more positive out there that even six


months ago. We won a seat in North East Derbyshire even though we did


not stand a candidate in the previous election. Even if we do not


do as well is that every time, standing a candidate reminds voters


we are fighting for them and using the brilliant toolkit, pick a board


and win it, you can build up your supporters network and move on to


victory. I am so proud to be your president. Proud that you have


refused to allow the media to write us off. Proud that you are the front


line of our revival. Proud that you stand alongside Tim Farron in


showing this country that there is one party and one party only who


will fight for the vulnerable and dispossessed, who will fight for our


place in Europe and the world and who believes Britain is, and should


be, open, tolerant and united. Thank you.


Thank you, Sal, for all you do on behalf of us and our party and thank


you conference and also to Cara, and I hand over to Zoe O'Connell for the


transport debate that comes next. Good morning, conference and welcome


to future transport, which you can find on page 79 of your agenda.


There are drafting amendments and one moved Amendment that you can


find on page five of Conference Daily. We will be taking short


interventions later in the debate. If you wish to give a one-minute


speech, please can you fill in a small yellow card that you can


collect from the Speaker's desk. Moving on, could I ask Richard


Gaston to stand by and I call now to move the motion.


Jenny. Conference, all of us travel, we are all affected by our latest


frustration on the journey to work, or visiting friends and family. For


some, with a long commute, it dominates their whole week. Try


asking a passenger on Southern rail services. We are all transport


experts. But we lack as a party a clear and comprehensive and recent


statement about transport policy. We have excellent policy on cycling,


diesel vehicles, well-documented opposition to airport expansion and


excellent policy on youth concessionary fares but much of the


rest lacks a comprehensive approach at a time of great change. Such as


driverless cars, zero emission technology, aviation biofuels and


with the government facing the decisions on airport capacity and


rail investment. For us, our policy cuts across our environmental


objectives. Health policy, equality issues, rural policy, and it


underpins our economic development ambitions. Transport policy must be


environmentally sustainable, it must improve health with major and urgent


reduction in emissions. It must put the passenger at its heart, having


them can deviance, reliability, value, and easy access to


compensation when things go wrong. It must spread disparity well beyond


the Golden Triangle of the south-east of England. No modern


economy can prosper without a good transport infrastructure with good


public transport at its core. It takes decades to put transport


problems right and both Labour and Tory governments failed to invest


for the long-term will stop our whole nation, our children's health


and economic prosperity are put at risk. In the coalition we started on


long-term investment with the biggest railway building programme


since Victorian times, and much more. But the Tories are


backpedalling like fury and we have to hold them to account. Two thirds


of journeys made on public transport are by bus, yet they have faced


severe cutbacks. Rural areas where buses are essential for community


survival are particularly badly hit. London is a success story, but


outside London, many areas face poor and declining services. Buses reduce


traffic congestion and they reduce the air pollution that threatens the


health of so many, especially in urban areas. The years since


deregulation in the 80s have cemented decline and we need a big


change in approach. In the Lords we are working to make the bus services


bill more effective. We support greater powers such as those


relating to franchises for local authorities. But councils must use


those contract to require reduced emissions, much better disability


access, smart ticketing, and if this is to produce a step change we need,


those improvements must be there, otherwise it is just another Tory


missed opportunity. As we are here in Brighton, I want to highlight


these yellow cards. They are part of the helping hand initiative run by


Brighton Hove Albion is to help bus users with special requirements


by letting them know and tell the driver easily and quickly what those


requirements are. It is a simple, cheap and highly effective scheme.


Overcrowding on the railways gets a lot of publicity, but that is a


result of the popularity of the railways, with nearly twice as many


passengers as when the franchise system was introduced. Someone needs


to tell Jeremy Corbyn that, possibly at the same time they explained to


him how to find a seat. Of course, there are problems with


the existing system, but Lib Dems would tackle them with investment in


rolling stock, new stations, reopens and new minds, electrification. What


we don't need is to reorganise or renationalise. You will not get back


to the future with this party. APPLAUSE


Rail passengers must get a better deal with Smart ticketing and much


more flexible compensation arrangements. We must make it clear


now, ladies and gentlemen, that the amendments on planning and on


badgers to draw attention to disabled people, we are very happy


with -- and badges to draw attention to. We oppose amendments one on HS2,


not because we are unsupportive of the high-speed line, we are very


supportive, but we need to scrutinise this expensive project


which could suck in all investment and starve the rest of the north of


England of investment in rail improvements. For us, public


transport has to come first. But people will still want to own cars


and will still need to. But those cars need to become low or zero


emission as as soon as possible. With more incentives for drivers to


buy electric cars, for instance, more research into new technologies.


Personally, I'm very excited by the development of autonomous vehicles.


I like the idea of a car that does it all for me. I like the idea that


we no longer need to own a car, we can just summon it up when we


needed. But this is not a starry eyed vision of the future. Tests are


already taking place in Britain and across the world, and we have to


remain at the forefront of this research, despite the impact of


Brexit. As a party, we oppose the airport expansion, but people will


still want to fly, so we must emphasise sustainability. We had to


deal with the result of Gatwick and Heathrow once it is made. It's our


duty to scrutinise every corner of the impact that it will have both


locally and nationally. Britain needs a coherent transport policy,


not the current pick and mix approach. I believe these


principles, Enviro mentalism, technology as a solution commie


quality of access, a system available to all with passengers at


its heart, these will enable the Liberal Democrats to lead the debate


on the future of transport. APPLAUSE


Thank you, could I ask Annemarie Barker from Woking to stand by, and


I now call Richard, a PPC opposing amendments one.


Thank you, China and Conference. This amendment is about both HS2 and


HS three, and I want to deal with the two separately. The reason we


need HS2 is because the main lines between London, the Midlands and the


North of England are full, the trains are not full but the lines


are full. Some of the trains are crowded, the one that Jeremy Corbyn


was on might not have been, but there are some where you can sit


down. The real problem is we can't run any more trains to relieve the


ones that are busy. It has taken ten years and three attempts to get more


than one train a day between Blackpool and London. At the end of


that we finally have six starting in 2018, six trains a day, it took ten


years to squeeze them into a line that is absolutely packed. The


most important place that we need more trains is not passengers, it is


freight. About ten years ago the freight rail Association estimated


demand for 2030. In spite of their being a recession, it is higher now


than they thought it would be them. They say that we have not built a


substitute to move passenger trains off the rails by 2030, there will be


nearly 500 extra lorry loads that will not fit on the railway, 500


lorries on the M1, the M6, the 40. 500 and hour. HS2 will start


construction next year. We don't think the design is perfect. Join


the club. Come and talk to me in the bar and be prepared to listen to an


hour-long ranter. But as anyone who has ever sat on a planning


committee, anyone who has ever worked on a major construction


project, nose, you can't redesign a year before starting construction.


If we started redesigning now it would be ten more years of those


lorries running up and down motorways. Our motorways,


environment, atmosphere, traffic system cannot wait for perfect. HS2


is pretty good, you know. The things that are wrong can be fixed later,


it is definitely good enough. I wanted to talk about HS3, but I can


see the yellow light. Let me say something simple. When we look at


transport we better time and again on London. We built the Delisle --


the DLR, the Jubilee line extension, the Thames Link, Crossrail, no doubt


we will build Crossrail two. Those have all benefited the growth of the


City of London and paid off, time and again. Just once, Liberal


Democrats, can we bet on the North of England with HS3?


APPLAUSE Thank you.


Could I ask Lee from Birmingham to stand by, I now call Anne-Marie


Barker, the PPC for Surrey Heath, who wishes to speak against the


motion. Conference, there is much that is


good in this motion, but it is just so broad brush. There are some lazy


assumptions and a number of omissions. I would like to pick up


on three specific points on buses, rail and cycling and walking, and


then revealed to you the elephant on the tracks but I think is one of the


major omissions in this motion. On buses, conference seven notes that


many rural areas have suffered a sharp cut in bus services. It is not


just rural areas, although I do not downplay the impact that bus cuts


have on these communities. Suburban areas of Surrey where I live and I


am a PPC are seeing a gradual eating away of bus services. Have so many


changes, that anyone who would consider using a bus has no idea


when one might run. Guess what? That means the buses are used less and


less and less and makes an excuse to make more cuts in bus services.


Meanwhile, the roads are filling up with more and more cars. On rail,


Conference three calls for a stronger body to act as a voice for


rail and bus. I'm not sure why the existing structure wants to be


thrown away. There is no information on this, no information what we


would do better, what the existing body is not been well enough, just


that it is not strong enough, effectively. Something strong always


has to be good, hasn't it? But it is lazy nonspecific policy that does


not us anywhere. Moving on to cycling and walking,


Conference asks for an increase in investment in cycling and walking as


part of the transport strategy. No argument at all. Like the rest of


this motion it is very laudable. But whilst being liberal and wanting to


allow for local determination of our local needs, we need to put a bit


more flesh on this. Too often investment in cycling has meant a


cycle lane that ends suddenly, dumping the cyclist into a busy


road. Does not work at all for anybody, does not make it more


acceptable for people to want to cycle. I am pleased that there are


some walking initiatives now, I would like to have seen more of that


in this motion. In London, for example, there is a Chuka map


showing you how long it would take to walk between Tube stations. If we


could push for more of these in other areas, lets people know how


easy it is to go by foot, it would help some of the shorter car


journeys as well. Finally, the elephant on the tracks.


The motion misses a key point on rail. Many of the issues leading to


delayed and cancelled rail journeys are dead to infrastructure. Points


failures and broken rails are not the responsibility of train


companies, but Network Rail. Drink companies are visible, they are a


convenient whipping boy, I have with South West trains, my local


provider, many times. But the element in the rumours Network Rail,


whose website tells us, we run, maintain and develop British rail


trucks... Bring your remarks to a close, please.


We need to get the answers and the information.


APPLAUSE Thank you, could I ask Colin


Rosenstiel from Cambridge to stand by, I now call Lee Dark from


Birmingham. Thank you. I am from Birmingham, I'm


a little bit biased towards HS2, we are above the M25 so I guess you can


cost as as the North of England as well. I had too much light is


prepared and Jeremy Corbyn and they have both been stolen, I am really


disappointed, so I will not go there -- I had two lines prepared on


Jeremy Corbyn. I am no fishy warning mental health into every policy


debate, I am sorry to say I can do it here. -- I am known for


shoehorning mental health. I am pleased with the development on the


Please Offer Me A Seat proposal, please do that when you go on public


transport. Policies are not perfect. Leaving


aside questions over the welfare bill, there is no policy I have seen


that is perfect. I disagree with the last speaker but just because the


whole policy is not perfect we throw it out. We can change policy in the


future. I support the motion, but I would specifically like to ask you


to support amendment one. There is something called the TCS, I am


involved in the rail industry, some control systems, which is everything


you do not see on the track, how you organise trains and get them to move


from point a to point B and even point see if they run. The E stands


the European commerce safe to say all Liberal Democrats can like this


process. The points of ETCS is it can increase capacity, as seen in


other countries, by up to 40%. It will start to be integrated into


HS2, but because it relies on a lot of remedial works on existing lines


it will be decades before we get it. it will be decades before we get it.


For those of you that know things like Formula 1, the technology there


improves the road cars, the technology in HS2 will help improve


the existing lines. So having HS2 does not mean we forget about the


existing lines, it is improving all the network system. We invented the


train network system, the most civilised form of transport in the


world, I agree with Peter Hitchens. But other companies are now


effectively on HS5 and we are squabbling about two. Those of you


in the rail industry will know it is not just about protecting badgers


and not standing on newts, the sustainability plans are humongous,


we do not ignore it. Please support Amendment one, as well as the whole


motion. On the scrutiny point, I am not saying that we're seeing it will


not be scrutinised. Politicians and especially Liberal Democrats,


policies in all areas will be scrutinised to the nth degree, so


that will not go. Please pass Amendment one, and the motion as a


whole. Thank you. Thank you, could I ask


Barbara Smith from Islington to stand-by? I now call Colin


Rosenstiel from Cambridge, wishing to speak against parts of the


motion. Thank you, this is a critical friend


sort of speech from somebody who has spent much of my political life


dealing with transport issues. Can I first ball commend lines nine to


which criticises the failure of Labour and Conservative governments


in the past. I am very concerned we should not fall subject to the same


criticism ourselves, I will come to the reasons as we go along. Let's be


mentioned cycling, because I come from Cambridge, where something like


30% of the population cycled to work. That is perfectly normal in


Holland, unfortunately it is about double the next best place in this


country. So an increased investment in cycling and walking as part of


the transport strategy is woefully inadequate to address the most


important contribution to sustainable and personal transport


available now all over this country for peanuts, compared to the cost of


improving roads and railways. APPLAUSE


The Government plans to spend ?1.5 billion on improving a bit of the


A40 near Cambridge. For that sort of money they could revolutionise the


provision of cycling across this country, as has started to happen in


London, I must say. Cambridge has such a high cycling rate not because


of good cycling infrastructure, but despite the lack of it.


It but teeter support and encourage it. On the transport strategy. --


but it continues. They manage to ignore something that happened under


the coalition Government, the railways were nationalised. Network


Rail became a nationalised company, no Government legislation, it just


happened. We are still feeling the consequences. The great advantage of


privatisation was that investment was set up in five-year planning


here is committed with Flex ability to borrow to make sure projects were


delivered. They are now back under the thumb of the Treasury as they


were under British rail to the people who would like to return to


British rail do not know what they are asking for. We have to address


this as a party and come up realistic solutions to get the


structure of the railways right, particularly so that the enterprise


railway managers have brought to double the number of people using


the railways since privatisation can go on happening and not be screwed


down by the idiots in the Treasury who know the value of nothing and


the importance of... They cannot think beyond money. The other points


I wanted to make, in clause six lines 53 and four we ask for greater


sanctions on franchises. We don't want to be like the Labour Party and


only wanting sanctions, we want incentives and encouragement, the


problem for much but also Network Rail who provide to them, we need to


help them not sanction. Thank you, could I ask Peter Jones of Chilton


to stand by and I now call Barbara Smith from Islington who wishes to


speak for the motion. Conference, one of the great advantages of


having grey hair and a slightly frail build is that on the tube


young men and women are now leap up to offer me a seat. Assuming always


they have raised their eyes from their smartphone to notice me. I


think that please offer me a seat for disabled passengers is out -- is


a brilliant idea. Often with disabilities who cannot tell person


is disabled or even if it is possible, people are very


embarrassed to ask for a seat so the bad would be marvellous. The great


advantage with the baby on board badge is you can actually be certain


woman is pregnant and she is not just been overdoing it on the cream


buns. I would actually like to see if possible that please offer me a


seat extended to those senior citizens who wanted. It is a badge,


you don't have to use it every time. At a conference two years ago I


described myself as a baby boomer still dancing to the Rolling Stones


and I am often quite happy to stand three or four stops on the tube but


there are times when I think, please, somebody give me a seat and


if on those occasions I had the badge that would be very helpful. My


final point is about the Lib Dem conference. Having been to two


fringe meetings were sitting on the floor or leaned against the walls


there were people who should obviously have been seated while


there were a lot of very strong looking people who cannot all have


been disabled in seats. I think we should put it in for fringe meetings


here as well. Thank you come after the next speech we will move to a


series of short interventions, can I asked the following people go to the


intervention mike on the left of the whole please. Nick courses, North


Cornwall, Catherine Bill, haven't, David Beckett, Newcastle-under-Lyme,


Jenny weight, Calderdale, Matthew Clark, North Glasgow, Kay Kirk,


Killian Shipley, Councillor Doctor James Walsh from Aaron and Nick


Sanford from Peterborough. And I now call Peter Jones from children.


Thank you, I will start by saying I'm originally from Leeds, most of


my family are still in Leeds, I was keen on the north as the rest of you


and I put it to you in that context that HS2 is a very London centric


policy. It is about the tight London, that is the way the money


will go as well -- vitae to London. If you don't me, why are they


starting from the London end. I hope our conference will go back to


Glasgow but I bet we never go there and HS2. It is funny how the people


who are supportive of HS2 never tell you how much it will cost. Probably


because nobody really knows the last guesstimate I heard was ?80 billion.


I can tell you what they said start with in their summary economic case


six and a half years ago: This would cost ?32 billion to build, ?44


billion to run in the first 60 years and in that time you would get ?27


billion back in revenue. 76-27 anybody? ?49 billion. ?1 million


49,000 times over. That is not a business case as those in business


understand the term, think what else you could do with that money? And I


have to say to all the other regions apart from North and London, if you


think this has nothing to do with you, forget it because you are


paying for it and getting no benefit. Apologists for HS2 will say


there are wider economic benefits, it is really good value, honest.


That is true of any Government spending. You could make a scale


model of the Taj Mahal and put it on Eastbourne Beach and the Stephen


Morris visitors centre and you would get the same wider economic


benefits, you would probably get more because a relative return on


HS2 is very poor. Yet what could you have instead? I agree entirely about


aged three and improving the East West communication route in the


North, I wouldn't bother with the HS2 it but the difficulty and time


of getting during the great cities Manchester and Leeds is ridiculous.


You could invest in manufacturing industry in the North ante-post


Brexitied might be easier. You could invest in decent homes for people to


live in coming you could invest in a wonderful culture of the great


Northern cities. I say to the leaders of those cities, he went to


the Government and said scrap HS2, spend the money on this Northern are


hosting instead I bet they would be pleased with that idea. You can have


all those things or a complete waste of money. I applaud what Jenny


Anderson said about scrutiny, I look at this motion and there is lots of


good things in it but amendment one makes it worse, please vote against.


Thank you. We moved to a series of formative interventions, can I ask


Andrew Hudson to stand by as the first speaker after the


interventions. Our first intervener is Nick are 47, North Cornwall.


Conference, I wish to speak against amendment one as well. Banners


Anderson was right in looking beyond the south-east but the amendment


ignores the south-west in particular and speaks about the North of


England, one you to think about North Cornwall, it is quite a


different part of the country. The people who want amendment one are


quite right that the lines to Birmingham Arfield but at least you


have a railway line. In zero Cornwall we don't have a single


railway station on the mainline. In North Cornwall. Bodmin Parkway is


actually not in North Cornwall although Bodmin is. Doctor Beeching,


of course, 50 years ago is to blame for all that. The motion unamended


gets the balance right, it does not single out a particular region,


please support the motion but reject amendment one. Thank you. Thank you.


Catherine Bill. I support this motion but I don't think it goes far


enough. I agree we need to get freight off roads and we need to


increase our capacity and rail. HS2 is not about getting to Manchester


quickly, it is about increasing our capacity. But I think we've missed a


trick. And that trick is moving freight by water. For the London


Olympics of the waterways were upgraded and 1.75 million tonnes of


building materials brought into the Olympic village by barge, which save


170,000 lorries from our roads. Green transport and inland


waterways, it is Green, the lowest carbon footprint of any freight


transport, there is less pollution, lower noise and it is a visually


unintrusive. I agree that we need a good transport infrastructure but it


should include integrated water can't spot as well as road and rail.


Thank you. -- water transport. We need investment in rail and the


additional capacity but we do not need the speed, environmental damage


and cost of HS2. I would have preferred for us to abandon support


of HS2 in its current format but I suggest rigorous support of the


costs could possibly achieve that aim. Please do not support amendment


one. Jerry rig from Calderdale. I was going to speak about open access


operators but I see we are all arguing about amendment one. I


cannot believe the previous speaker from the stage who said we could get


rid of HS2 and get a jittery faster. There is no way on earth we will get


a chest three without HS2 first. And we need HS2 full capacity reasons


that so many other people have. Thank you. Matthew Clarke from North


Glasgow. I am supporting this motion and the amendment because we have to


be ambitious on trust board. The poor relation in this that has been


spoken about earlier is buses. 5.16 billion passenger journeys by public


transport in the UK per year, two thirds by bus and about half of


those in London. So many people rely on buses outside of London and they


have a retrenching service that is based on antiquated 20th-century


model. This and the other areas of transport mentioned today we must be


more ambitious on, Smart ticketing, over papered -- normal paper tickets


that you have to pay for imprecise change, timetables updated live


electronically and not in tiny print on printed timetables that I'm sure


even fully sighted people find difficult to read. On-board


services, bust I've is difficult to speak to and maybe even talking


buses. It is accessible for the Blind and also if you are, thank


you. Kay Kirkham from Shipley. I am in favour of transport


infrastructure investment in the north of England and I support the


thrust of the motion but it is increasingly clear the cost of HS2


makes entry points it look like a good deal. -- Hinkley point. The


North of England doesn't need a way to get to the north of London ten


minutes faster growing need to a vocation, medium speed rail to


create capacity, reopening of Henri 's lines and a better balance of


funding between London and the North. -- of unused. The motion is


rightly cautious about HS2 so please vote against amendment one. Gotrel


James Ward from Aaron? Thank you, I wish to speak in support of lines 53


and 54 burial franchisees should be held more accountable and greater


sanctions on them. -- were real. The issue for passengers in Sussex is


whether they are fetched at all, the daily cuts to services and late


running on cancellations, lack of air conditioning, plus the safety


issues over the guards dispute call into question their management


abilities. The final insult was the self awarding bonuses to their


directors presiding over this shambles. I feel they have to be


held to account and I call as the Lib Dem leader on West Sussex County


Council for the ending of the Southern rail franchise and return


either to the Government owned company that runs GN ER or


re-tendering exercise Fergal Biafra Southern rail. And Nick Sanford from


Peterborough. Thank you, I support HS2 but in lines 28-30 of the motion


its book rights of the financial concerns and increasingly there are


environmental concerns, the conservation charity waddling trust


has identified 63 ancient pond are indirectly or directly threatened by


just a phase one of the HS2 project. Our party policy says ancient


woodland is important, because it has been there for hundreds of years


or thousands of years, it is important because it is providing a


home to thousands of animals and plants but it is important because


it is and irreplaceable habitat. There is still time, there is


legislation through Parliament that our pairs and MPs should try and


change to change the route to address these environmental concerns


but let's sport environment and transport could make it and by


mentally sustainable. Thank you, could I ask the


representative from Twickenham and Richmond to stand-by, now Andrew


from Barrow in Furness wishes to speak against lines 23 to 27.


Thank you, chair. The present situation is unsatisfactory. I was


recently on a Dutch sailing ship in the Western Isles, my Dutch


shipmates were amazed to find out that they were on ScotRail. We have


an absurd situation where a foreign owned companies can bid for


franchises but domestic bids are not allowed. The East Coast main line


took over from a failed private operator and is bringing in money


for the taxpayer. What did they do? Sell it off? Or franchising has done


is made the stakeholder and uninterested shareholder. One local


example is the Lewes bonfire festival, Cartmel races in Barrow in


Furness. They don't put on coaches but there may have the cheek to


blame the Government. Recently there were a future against


an slightly differently on the Furness line, done by direct rail.


On Good Friday I went on one, it was amazing. Comfortable, there was


room, no problems. It was state-owned. Customer services by


rail operators lead a lot to be desired. I once booked an advanced


fare for an event cancelled at short notice, not my fault, no refund. I


wrote to Great Western. The person answering me went on to tell me what


a wonderful value for money that affairs were, the difference was


about ?5. The problem with the spin doctors, you can't believe what they


come out with. It is an insult to my intelligence. Thankfully, I bought


the ticket using vouchers from a cock up over the Christmas period.


Network Rail were responsible. Railtrack or whoever. They were


paying the bill. Nowadays, I find -- they find any excuse not to pay up.


There was a cock up with reservations. A double booking on


the same seats, computers breaking down and trains. Go-ahead made


record profits but have done bog-standard servers, they are


putting safety in jeopardy by removing guards. I think there


should be somebody else on the train than the driver closed doors, it is


bound to make it safer. In the event of a crash, the driver might be


incapacitated. This is the view from the cab.


Taking the railways back into public ownership is proper. Let's not


saddle ourselves with not conserving it. I might make an exception for


rail freight. APPLAUSE


Thank you, could I ask Greg Stone from Newcastle city to stand-by, I


now call Avril from Twickenham and Richmond, a first-time speaker.


Conference, please excuse us. First-time speaker, first-time


Conference. You will understand the reason when our colleague here gets


a chance to speak. Are you OK? Do you want me to speak for you? OK. I


will hold your card. OK? I will hold that and give it to you in a moment.


Go. You can speak. What should I say?


What's on the card. I'll do it up there. Apply? -- up there? I've got


you. Good afternoon, Conference. My name


is Avril from Twickenham and it is my first time speaking at


Conference, so please bear with me. APPLAUSE


As a person with hidden disabilities, I'm taking part in


Transport for London's Please Offer Me A Seat blue badge trial over the


next three weeks. I understand the frustration that people like myself


with hidden disabilities face. Not only in my area but, no doubt,


across the country. And there should be at least 500,000 of us like


myself who get looks and are unable or confident to ask for a seat to


sit down when they needed. Because if they get looked back at by people


that don't believe that they genuinely need a seat. Having blue


badge would enable people with hidden disabilities to have the


confidence to ask for a priority seat. It would also prevent drivers


from asking disabled people to get up and give their seat up. So I


support the amendment to the transport motion. And if you get the


opportunity to vote for it, I urge you to support the motion as well,


and the amendment. I know that the Baby On Board badge has been a


success. There is a member here at Conference who used it when she was


pregnant and found it very helpful and effective. Because of regional


variations on public transport across the country, it is only right


that a trial takes place in every county around the country so that


issues can be discovered and dealt with. So please, Conference, support


this motion and the amendment. Thank you.


APPLAUSE Thank you, Avril.


Can I ask Alistair to stand-by, and I now call Greg Stone from Newcastle


city, who wishes to speak for the motion as a whole.


Thank you, Conference. This motion rightly emphasises our commitment


and aim to a zero carbon Britain and the need to safeguard our quality in


cities through ultralow emission zones. This should become the norm


in big cities in the coming decade. Support for development of low


emission vehicles is particularly important in my region, where Nissan


is a massive employer, providing, of course, we stay in the single


market. I want to speak about buses. As a


part of Newcastle's former Liberal Democrat council I helped to


introduce a hybrid bus fleet on the Newcastle and Gateshead quayside. It


was expensive and required good partnership with the bus companies.


While some criticism of bus companies is deserved, good


partnership working with them is crucial. We support the devolution


of bus powers to local authorities but I would advise proceeding


carefully along this particular bus route. We should not automatically


assume that councils no better than bus operators how to run a bus


network effectively. The Labour Council in Newcastle cannot collect


the beans on time, I have little confidence in them running the buses


on time and budgeting. If passenger numbers continue to fall, there will


be greater financial shortfalls and greater risks to council tax payers.


When front line services are being cut, it would be naive to think that


the services would not face cutbacks. Labour council leaders in


the North of England pursued a controversial scheme at a cost of


several million pounds. It was scrapped, wasting money at a time


where transport budgets are stretched already unsubsidised


services in the north-east looked to be cut back.


Transporting sounds fantastic, but to run a London style franchising


system ad frequency requires London style passenger numbers and funding,


that is simply not the case in every area. I support improved partnership


with bus operators to improve services, fares and standards of


vehicles, but do not assume that councils can do this better than bus


operators do. I would like to support the motion,


however, and the amendment. Thank you. Could I ask Caroline


Pidgeon to stand-by, I now call Alistair Calder McGregor from


Calderdale to sum up for amendment one.


Let me paint you a picture. I know it is a traditional rhetorical


device, right? This picture, the third largest economic area is a


network of cities connected by high-speed rail with each city


having a well maintained, well funded transport infrastructure


within two feed passengers into that system. Doesn't that sound great?


Well, it exists. So why am I not supporting this amendment? Well, you


see, that is the cities of Cologne, D sseldorf and Bonn. And some others


that I can't pronounce, I am afraid. HS2 and HS3 are absolutely essential


to the economic health of the North. As Richard Seddon proposing the


amendment, if you look at the transport infrastructure that has


gone into London, Crossrail, Crossrail two, the Tube


infrastructure, HS one, all the rest of it. What is for the North? Hugger


all, so far. HS2 is absolutely essential, because aside from the


environmental benefits of taking all the dam freight off the roads, it


will bring the economic heartland of the UK, that is the North, for those


of you who are not paying attention, back into regular contact on the


same timescales as the rest of the continent already enjoys. Somebody


asked earlier why start building it from the south? You don't just start


building a railway in the middle of nowhere. The only time that has been


done was when we were building Liverpool to Manchester, the very


first railway anywhere. Various speakers, Matthew particularly from


the intervention, picked up that HS3 and buses are actually an integrated


solution. This is all about getting the infrastructure in place on every


level that will work together to generate and really energise the


north of England back to its economic status. We are massively


overheated in the South as an economic entity, and the rest of the


country is left derelict. That, Conference, is a disgrace. It is a


disgrace that successive governments, and I must regret to


say that we did not manage to do anything about it in coalition,


because the Tories blocked every move, but it is a disgrace that,


going back 40 or 50 years, successive Tory and Labour


governments have abandoned the North. For anyone who votes Labour


in the North of England, if you think Labour are doing you a favour,


you have another think coming. APPLAUSE


So, I am asking you very seriously Conference, including all of you in


the South, vote for energising the North. This will pay you more than


dividends for its self. Votes for a country that is economically


vibrant, north to south. Votes for amendment one, and the motion as


amended. Thank you. APPLAUSE


Thank you, and can I finally called Caroline Pidgeon from Bermondsey and


Old Southwark, who is a London assembly member.


Thank you very much, this has been a great debate and what has come


through is how crucial transport is in every part of our daily lives and


a proper transport network that is affordable and accessible can


unleash opportunities for individuals and this motion


recognises the transport feeds into many other policies, particularly it


cannot decarbonise the economy and tackle the appalling air pollution


that many cities and towns face unless we have the right transport


policies. Addressing the wider contributions we've had today, there


is huge debate on the amendment. Richard and Alistair, high speed is


part of the package in here, we said we need to keep constant scrutiny,


we've also heard environmental issues mentioned today, high-speed


to have been secretive, they need to be more open. The idea that this


motion is about putting one part of the country against another is


against what we are saying, we want cross-border investment across every


region, not just trying to beat North against South. -- countrywide


investment. This is a set of principles, we do have detailed


policy in some areas and I think we need a detailed policy paper going


forward to spell out some of the detail. This is about principles,


not detailed policy in every area. Leesburg biotechnology needed for


existing lines, absolutely. -- Lee you spoke about technology. Collins


book were cycling policy, we passed two pages at least have detailed


policy couple of years ago when Julian Hubbard was the spokesperson,


we have good cycling policy, I can assure you. We had a number of


contributions, particularly Barbara mentioned the bully -- be offered me


a seat that and what of the Bastick first speech today from -- speech


today. She mentions the trial and I hope that gets brought up across all


transport networks to help those with disabilities, we seem the


success of the baby on board badge. It is fantastic and health and power


passengers so they can travel around. Other comments I have here,


high-speed to, some of the debate we've had and contribute is against


HS2, this is about building capacity, not about whether we


should have another railway line or not, we need another railway, it is


about whether it high-speed or not, we believe it is and have been at


the forefront of that and must make it is delivered in a reasonable


budget and without some of the damaging side-effects we've been


told about today. South West England came up, absolutely, this is a


policy for every region. Catherine mentioned about water and that is an


area we must look at and Greg spoke about zero emission vehicles, we


must support that as well. And boss franchising will not be the solution


everywhere. This motion is wide ranging and comprehensive and


recognises we need long-term thinking in terms of transport


planning and to insure investment is sustained across every part of the


country. It is about ensuring we keep moving and modernise ticketing


and make sure it is fit for modern working practices and it is about


delivering transport infrastructure and networks and making sure they


deliver for us, ensuring we can breathe clean a and move towards a


cleaner and more sustainable environment. Please support the


motion today an amended to show our commitment to HS2 and moving forward


to keep the entirety of the UK moving in the future. Thank you.


APPLAUSE Thank you and thank you to all of


our speakers, as you can imagine for a debate on transport which also


includes issue about disability and the regions, we had far more cards


than I could call so apologies to those of you I could not call. We


moved a series of two votes. The first vote will be on the amendment


which you can find on page five of your conference paper and we will


then move to vote on the motion as a whole are major differences are.


Could I see those in favour of amendment one showing your cards


with the word of voting towards me. Thank you and can I see those


against amendment one. I would like to see that again please, can I see


those for amendment one? And can I see those against amendment one.


That is too close, we will have to count, stewards, get ready for


account please. Can those in favour of amendment one


please hold your cards up and keep them in the air.


Thank you can hand down a mechanic now see those against amendment one


and as the air. -- and as before keep your hands in the air.


Thank you, you may put your hands down will have a brief pause while


we do some maths which is a little difficult the morning after the


club. The liver of folks in favour was 194


and against was 170. Amendment for his past -- amendment one is passed.


We now must vote on the motion as amended, can I see those in favour


of the motion? And can I see those against please? There is a couple of


interviews yesterday people against but that is overwhelmingly passed,


thank you very much conference. It is now launched we shall resume back


here at ten past two. Thank you. Have a lunch. -- have a good lunch.


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