Morning Session Liberal Democrats Conference

Morning Session

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Good morning, conference. Wdlcome to the emergency motion for today,


which is the one on nuclear power at Hinkley Point. If you haven't seen


the text, you can get it from the stewards. There is no amendlent to


this, we don't take amendments on emergency motions. Tomorrow morning


at nine o'clock, we will be doing the emergency motion on loc`l


communities welcoming refugdes. You will find the motion, as I said on


page five, and also Conference Extra on page 22. So I am going to call


Martin Hall, who is moving the motion. And Woody Gideon Amos please


stand by? Good morning, conference. Good morning, conference. Good


morning. Feeling nostalgic for the coalition yet? Go on, you are! Never


mind equal marriage and tax cuts, on energy and the environment, we


achieved the biggest carbon reduction ever and launched the


first Green Investment Bank unlocked investment in low carbon endrgy


through the energy act, cre`ted 200,000 green jobs and planted


million trees and more than doubled renewable energy in the UK.


They sent powerful signals to investors that took us to the top


ten places in the world to hnvest in renewables. We promised, we


delivered and we should be proud of our green record. On nuclear, both


Liberal Democrat and coalithon policy was garted. The -- gtarded.


The deal was nuclear could be part of low carbon mix, but only


alongside investment, energx efficiency and storage and


crucially, without public stbsidy. What has happened since the Tories


took power on their own has been heart breaking for Liberal


Democrats, bad for the environment and potentially disastrous for


Energy Bill pairs. They've ditched the Green Deal without repl`cing it,


cut solar subsidies early and encouraged local opposition to


windfarms while stamping on local opposition to fracking. Just the


kind of policy inconsistencx, contradictory approach, mixdd


messages a recent Select Colmittee report said had damaged invdstor


confidence and taken us out of the top ten places in the world to


invest in renewables. In thd last ten days, the same Select Committee


says we're now on course to miss our renewable energy target. Th`t's half


the deal on nuclear broken that we backed renewables too. What about


the other half the deal? No public subsidy for nuclear? There's


mounting evidence things ard going wrong. National Audit Officd report


earlier this year spelled ott the bill for British bill pairs just for


Hinckley C, ?6 million in 2013, nearly 30 billion projected now The


problem is the contract for difference, a guaranteed endrgy


price designed to help the new, innovative and competitive renewable


ind Troy viability and lower prices and renewable costs have fallen


faster than anyone imagined and there's more innovation comhng in


wind, solar, geothermal, wave, Bayeux gas, ocean, thermal


conversion, tidal flow turbhnes and more. Because their contracts for


difference are shorter, bill payers will benefit from the falling costs


in time. The contract for Hhnckley by contrast, was awarded to


electricity de France on a staggering 35-year time scale. We're


going to be paying this state-owned French energy company and its state


owned Chinese partner for a generation. The final bill could


reach ?40 billion. It will burden our children and grandchildren with


higher Energy Bills for dec`des quite possibly tipping some into


fuel poverty. You see the ntclear industry is not new, innovative or


competitive. In 60 years thdre has never been a single Nuclear Power


Station built anywhere in the world on time, on budget and without


public subsidy. And the Hinckley C model of an EPR reactor hasn't been


built at all. France and Finland in progress, are billions over budget


and years behind schedule. The contract for difference wasn't


enough for EDF. Astonishingly the Tories have obliged them. In a foot


note to a statement last October, they officially dropped the


coalition's pledge to no public subsidy. Just the previous day,


energy ministers Andrea Ledsom, remember her? She said it w`sifiedal


energy companies stood on their own two feet. She was justifying cutting


renewable subsidies. For Hinckley, the cheque book was open. Gdorge


Osborne announced a Governmdnt loan guarantee estimated at ?2 bhllion


now but likely to rise. The Hinckley deal already included a funded


decommissioning deal that promised future taxpayers would foot the bill


if the cost of closing it down and cleaning it up overran as wdll.


George Osborne will be history by then. The recent report says energy


efficiency and storage and interconnection with other countries


would save the UK ?1 billion a year while keeping the light on `nd


meeting climate targets. Fotr new large windfarms would bring us much


electricity into the grid as Hinckley. Conference, as thd motion


says, Hinckley C is a bad ddal. We need a UK energy policy basdd on


energy efficiency, renewabld energy, storage and interconnection. Please


live up to that proud, green record in Government and support this


motion. Thank you very much. APPLAUSE


Thank you. Martin is hoping and we all hope he will regain that seat


for us. Could counsellor Jaxne Lock stand by. I call Gideon Amos.


Conference, this time last xear I stood before you as a former member


of the now shamefully abandoned UK's zero carbon homes taskforce. I'm


here this year because I want to talk to you about carbon reduction


and how one of our most important carbon reduction proinjects in this


country, Hinckley, cannot bd completely opposed and attelpted to


be stopped by Liberal Democrats My suggestion to you is today hn this


short, half hour, emergency motion debate is not the way to ch`nge our


long standing policy that this party has debated at great length. For


many of us, for many environmentalists like James


Lovelock, for our party, we have come to recognise the importance of


nuclear in our energy mix, `s a way first and foremost of achieving the


low carbon road that we havd to go down, achieving the 80% redtction in


emissions by 2050. That is ` target that is apparently being ab`ndoned


by the Conservatives. It is not a target that this party should be


willing to abandon. It's essential not just for our carbon emissions


targets and vierltal targets, this is essential for the communhties


around the world who will stffer most from carbon emissions `nd


climate change and they are, of course, the poorest countrids, the


countries like Bangladesh and other countries which will suffer most if


we fail to achieve global c`rbon emissions reductions targets. I


welcome the opportunity to debate this and am grateful to the local


party for bringing this mothon forward and much of what it has to


say is valuable. But to simply oppose the Hinckley project as is


stated in lines 24 to 26, I would suggest a separate vote shotld be


taken on those if possible, is not a realistic policy to be made on the


basis of the evidence. It is not correct to say that the project is


entirely dependent on public subsidy. It has a huge amount of


private investment. It is not the case to say, it's not true to say


it's unconstructible. There are two in China nearing completion at the


moment. I could go on. But the most important point for me is that we


need a transformation in our energy provision in this country. We need


to see a transformation which was indeed led by Ed Davey, our


brilliant Secretary of Statd, who tripled renewable energy in this


country, who brought about the beginning of the kans formation we


need to see, more renewables, more low carbon energy and backed up by


base load that nuclear, cle`n, safe nuclear power can provide. The one


irony of this motion, if it was passed, we would end up as ` party


more antagonistic to the pe`ceful use of nuclear power than wd would


be to the use of nuclear we`pons. Let us get our priorities rhght


conference, and let us back the low-carbon agenda, by all mdans we


must criticise the policies coming out of the Government and the way


they've been handled. But complete opposition to this policy, project,


instead of an agenda about transforming our energy mix and


basing that on a zero, low carbon energy supply is the route we have


to go down. Thank you. APPLAUSE


Thank you. Our PPC for Taunton Dean. I should just point out we can't


take a request for a separate vote at this stage, I'm afraid they have


to be submitted in writing the day before, sorry about that. Could I


ask John Shoe smith to stand by I now call counsellor Jayne Lock, the


leader of Somerset County Council. Good morning conference. Slhght


correction to that, you're pre-empting it by a few months. I


will be leader of Somerset County Council next May.


APPLAUSE I was first elected as a Liberal


Democrat counsellor in 1987 and in that election we were fighthng the


development of Hinckley C. @s the Liberal Democrats we were stccessful


then. I'm now leader of the Liberal Democrat group in opposition on


Somerset County Council and here we are 30 years later, building a


Nuclear Power Station, using the same technology as then. Th`t is why


I am supporting the motion to conference to oppose the


construction of Hinckley C. The construction of similar powdr


stations in France and Finl`nd are years behind schedule and


substantially over budget and clearly, are not working. On the


very reasonable assumption that these issues will apply to the


proposed Hinckley Point powdr station, it seems un-Lukely it -


unlikely it will be operational until at least 2030 and cost far


more than the current budget, the estimated final cost is 25 billion,


the cost of the Severn Barr`ge less tan 20 billion. Hence Hinckley C


will not contribute to solvhng the need for base load electrichty


generation in the 2020s and any electricity it generates will be far


more expensive than solar and wind generation when it becomes


operational. By 2030, smart management of electricity stpply and


demand will enable a far higher contribution of intermittent


renewables to be relied upon than at present. The power plant will be out


of date before it is ever ttrned on. Another consideration is th`t of the


safety of this plant, one of the last tsunamis to hit the UK was in


Bridgwater bay, the very site of Hinckley. A daily newspaper reported


only yesterday that another tsunami of this scale could hit in the next


few years. I think it depends on part of one of the Canary Islands


dropping off, but hey. When Somerset County Council was asked about their


preparations for a tsunami, the council informed me there wdre a


number of places where effective barriers have been constructed. One


of the examples given to me was the nuclear power plant at Fukushima in


Japan. Clearly, no local authority nor central government can know how


big the next tsunami will bd. My experience working in close quarters


with the Tories is that thex are completely unprepared for the impact


of this project as always, they know the cost of everything and the value


of nothing. Finally, we must question how many of the 25,000 jobs


will be filled by the local workforce. Somerset does not have


the people now and with our impending exit from the European


Union, where will these skilled workers come from? Too many


unanswered and unconsidered questions about this project, we


cannot allow it to be the ndxt white elephant in the UK. But let me make


it clear - when we do retakd control in Somerset in May '17, we will work


with the decision taken by Government and in the best hnterests


of the people for Somerset, because we have to. Thank you.


APPLAUSE Thank you, Jayne. As corrected our


Group Leader of Somerset Cotnty Council. Could I ask Becky Forest to


please stand by. I call John Shoesmith from mid-Derbyshire. Good


morning. I'd like to explain in the next three minutes why Hinckley


Point is essential to your future and essential moreover to your


children's future, more importantly I should say to your childrdn's


future. It is. I'd like to start off by looking at energy. Our ctrrent


energy use is perhaps there. Over the next 30 years we face a


desperate struggle to bring down that level of energy use by


insulating all our buildings, by electrifying those things that are


currently operated by fossil fuel. That is a huge task, not chdap. Over


here I'd like it talk about energy supply. The current level of


renewable energy supply is way below that. Over the next 30 years, we


need to put in a desperate dffort to bring up that level of renewable


energy supply to try to match the level of demand. There have been


lots of studies done of that over the past few years and mostly, they


end up with a bit of a gap to fill and the crucial political issue for


us to address is how that g`p is filled. There are two ways to do it.


The first, is to bring down the level of demand by asking pdople to


make lifestyle changes, to cycle, to walk, to turn down their hole


heating, to eat less meat. Those are fine, a few people do them. I do


them myself. But asking the whole country to do them is virtu`lly


impossible in a democracy. The other way to fill that gap is by the use


of nuclear power. Even if wd put renewables everywhere we sensibly


can, there's still a gap for nuclear power to be filled and nucldar power


is the only sensible way to do it. So when you look at Hincklex,


consider this: If you kill that project, then your children have


little option, have a very difficult task to do to bring our energy into


balance and to reduce ourselves to a zero carbon state. If we fahl to do


that, by 2050, they'll know they've missed it and they will facd runaway


climate change. That is an `wful prospect. I urge you, in considering


how to vote on this, to rejdct it, because Hinckley Point, oncd it s


gone, will be very difficult to bring back. We'll' face virtually


certainly a no nuclear future and that is very, very difficult thing


to live with. I urge you ag`in, please reject this motion. Thanks.


Thank you, John shoesmith from adoption. Could I ask David to stand


by? I call Becky Forrest from Bolton. Good morning, conference and


thank you for the opportunity to speak. I only joined the party on


June 25 so this is my first time speaking at conference. . I speak to


you today having expected to oppose this motion. I am in favour of an


interim use of nuclear power until such time as we can develop


affordable and economically viable renewable energy that everybody can


access. Until Theresa May ptt it on hold, I had not paid much attention


to Hinkley Point C so the fhrst isolation of the new Prime Linister,


read a couple of articles around it to -- the first decision. As I


understood it, there would be no government or taxpayer subshdies, it


was funded by foreign private investment and my first instinct was


to wonder why she was jeopardising a project that provided vital


infrastructure at potentially no public cost. Based on this, I was


ready to oppose the motion. However, as a teacher and a science teacher,


I like evidence and experts. So I looked into the matter further. I


was astonished that in real terms in the contract, consumers and


taxpayers would effectively end up funding this project. The fhxed


wholesale energy costs negotiated and guaranteed by the Tory


government is much more than today's market price. This means th`t if


Hinkley Point C does not get that price from its consumers, the tax


payer will up the differencd. Worse still, that price is fixed for 5


years of energy provision. Hn retrospect, I believe Theresa May


was right to review Hinkley C but in failing to take a brave dechsion to


now withdraw from that contract she is once again playing an active part


in a Tory government which hs once again letting the public down. In my


naivete, I believed Hinkley C was subsidy free in such a fundhng


arrangement would allow us to benefit from the supply of


electricity without the rel`ted expense of the infrastructure.


However, this is clearly not true. We will gain the expense without any


of the control and as such, I ask you to support this motion that


Hinkley C be opposed in its current form. Thank you. APPLAUSE.


Thank you, Becky. Could I ask Fiona Hall to stand by? The last three


speakers have all been first-time speakers at conference. I c`n assure


you the next not. So I call Ed Davey. I spent nearly


three years of my life lookhng at this deal. But I promise yot if you


vote for this motion, and whll not take it personally. I want to


convince you to vote against this motion. The motion and many speakers


and commentators said the price of Hinkley Point C is very expdnsive


and will involve public subsidy Having looked at many more lodels of


future prices linked to this decision, more than I think the


National Audit Office did, H am always astonished people can assert


with such certainty that thdy know it is very expensive or good value


for money. Why? Because to know that, you have to know the price of


electricity between 2025 and 20 0. If you know that, you reallx clever.


Because guessing the price of electricity next year is a lock s


game. You also have the Nobdl Prize of carbon between 2025 and 2060


Carbon markets are not workhng very well unfortunately -- you h`ve to


know the price. This is the problem, uncertainty, we do not know the


future prices, technology, but we have to make decisions about things


that have to be tackled. Clhmate change. I am sure climate change is


happening and we have to take measures to do that and Hinkley


Point C does that.


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