08/05/2013 Politics Scotland


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Welcome to Politics Scotland on the day that the Queen opens a new


Gracious Address of the UK government's programme for the year.


Here at Westminster will be gauging the reaction to the announcements


and finding out what it means for Scotland. At Holyrood, the focus is


on childcare, a key topic for politicians as parents struggle with


high fees. The Queen has highlighted the UK


government's determination to keep Scotland as part of the United


Kingdom. The comment was part of her speech this morning. She was setting


out the coalition 's programme for the next year. I'm joined by our


commentator for the afternoon, Severin Carrell, from the Guardian.


What are the UK government trying to do with this year's speech?


first thing they are trying to do is keep the coalition together, keep


the Tory backbenchers placated, and trying to not too scared to many


horses. They have the rise of UKIP, that is causing anxiety for the


Tories. There are new tensions in the coalition, how they keep the


team together. It is a very safe Queens speech, with the exception of


the immigration bill, where there will be some controversy and


conflict between partners. Their political opponents were saying it


was lightweight. When it comes to Scotland, how much applies to what


here? -- to us here? The comments by the Queen, let's put that to rest.


Brian Taylor was pointed out that this was scripted for her, she did


not write this, like 1977 where she was speaking for herself, as it


were. The application of these measures for Scotland is quite


significant. There are only two that don't have any in Scotland. Most of


them will apply, they are reserved powers, pensions, even the reforms


of the NHS are going to have some knock-on effect. Back with you in a


moment. We have set the scene, here are some


excerpts from the speech this morning.


My Lords, and members of the House of Commons, my gunmen's literalist


-- my government's programme will focus on building a stronger economy


so that the United Kingdom can succeed around the world. It will


also work to promote a fairer society that rewards people who work


hard. My government 's first priority is to strengthen Britain's


economic competitiveness. To this end, it will support the growth of


the private sector, and the creation of more jobs and opportunities. My


ministers will continue to prioritise measures that reduce the


deficit, ensuring interest rates are kept alone for homeowners and


businesses. Mike garment is committed to building an economy


where people who work hard are properly rewarded. It will therefore


continue to reform the benefits system, helping people move from


welfare to work. Measures will be brought forward to introduce a new


employment allowance, to support jobs, and help small businesses. A


Bill will be introduced to remove the burden of excessive regulation


on businesses. A further Bill will make it easier for businesses to


protect their intellectual property. A draft Bill will be established to


establish a simple set of consumer rights to protect competitive


markets and grow. My government will introduce a Bill which introduces


the audit commission. My government will continue to invest in


infrastructure to develop jobs and growth for the economy. Legislation


will be introduced to unable the building of the high two railway


line, providing further opportunities, economic growth for


many Britain's cities. My government will continue with legislation to


update energy infrastructure, and to improve the water industry. My


government is committed to a fairer society, where aspiration and


responsibility are rewarded. To make sure that every child has the best


start in life, regardless of background, further measures will be


taken to improve the quality of education for young people. Plans


will be developed to help working parents with childcare, increasing


availability, and helping with its cost. My government will also take


forward plans for a new national curriculum, a world-class exams


system, and greater flexibility in paying the teachers. My government


will also take steps to ensure that it becomes typical for those leaving


school to start a trainee position or an apprenticeship, or to go to


university. New arrangements will be put into place to help more people


own their own home, with government support provided for mortgages and


deposits. My government is committed to supporting people who have saved


for their retirement. Legislation will be introduced to reform the way


that long-term care is paid for, to ensure the elderly do not have to


sell their homes to meet their care bills. My government will bring


forward legislation to create a simpler state pension system, that


encourages saving, and provides more help to those who have spent years


caring for children. Legislation will be introduced to ensure


sufferers of asbestos related cancer receive payments where no reliable


employer can be traced. My government will work in cooperation


with the devolved administrations. A Bill will be introduced to give


effect for a number of institutional improvements in Northern Ireland.


Draft legislation will be published concerning the electoral


arrangements for the National Assembly for Wales. My government


will continue to make the case for Scotland to remain part of the


United Kingdom. Let's stay at Westminster and speak


to David Porter who is standing by an College Green. MPs have now had


three hours to digestive what was -- to digestive what was in that


speech. We are joined by three MPs on College Green to discuss what it


means for Scotland, and indeed what it may or may not do to re-energise


the economy. Joining me is Alistair Carmichael, the deputy chief whip,


Angus Robertson, and Margaret Curran, for Labour. What does it do


for Scotland? There are a number of very significant measures which


application for Scotland. Reduction in national insurance contributions


for employers, the green energy measures, they are directed and will


have an impact in Scotland, and which are very good news, and should


be welcomed by all parties. It is Westminster working with Scotland is


the interference? Whilst obviously there are Bills which will be


relevant to Scotland, there is also a massive tranche of business which


has no relevance to Scotland. There are things we had anticipated being


there, and which were not there. The pledge to live up to a 40 year


promised to support international development targets, that was not in


the Queens speech, and is not being enshrined in law. -- Queen's speech.


What people were looking out for was whether there was going to be a


really serious effort to try and boost economic growth. Whilst there


may be some measures, and there are always some good things, with things


that are less than perfect, I didn't see anything which is really going


to make a difference, and get us out of this. They have a fetish with


austerity. A lot of people will have been looking for that, and we have


not seen any major measures which are going to change that. We will


come to the economy, to you regard it as a missed opportunity? Elect


the people of Scotland down, it does not address the real circumstances


of families in Scotland, and also Briton, who are struggling, nothing


with the economy, nothing to help of the cost of living, nothing to get


the economy going. Escarpment has run out of ideas, there are some


good things, but nothing that addresses the scale of the


challenge. We need intervention and change from the government, they do


not get it, they do not understand what is happening in the country.


This is pretty desperate staff, if you could re-energise the economy, I


suspect that Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling would have done


that, and you would not have lost the election. -- desperate stuff. As


for overseas spending, that was in the budget, we don't need a Bill to


do that. We are doing the things that they always speak about, but


did not achieve. Think about the difference that is going to be there


for pensioners. A single tier pension, eradicating where the


biggest issues of pension and fairness. -- unfairness. The issue


of people who took time out of their career to look after children, I


thought they would have been pleased to see that. We need intervention


now. They're going to be getting help of their childcare as well.


this is worthy of discussion, I would note that the briefing from


the government, the main issue they are trying to get across is dog and


whistle about immigration. This is what is being spun to the London


based media, and shows a rather nasty turn from the government, and


I'm sorry the Liberal Democrats are supporting it. They are looking to


stave off the threat from the right, and what UKIP are saying.


That is a very unfortunate move from the government. Of course, you need


to deal with immigration, I would suggest that getting rid of European


arrest warrant is not the way of dealing with it, but what is being


briefed down here as being at the centre of the speech, relates to


immigration, not the economy. argument what -- which is worrying


people is the economy, of course we need debate on immigration, but we


need action now, and that is where the government is failing. We have


17,000 people out of work, we need to do things for them, we have


people being crippled by energy bills, there are food banks being


opened or over my decision when C. I will -- all over my constituency. I


will visit another one this week. need to offer an apology, what she


said earlier was desperate, I had not heard Angus 's last immigration


intervention. We have not published any Wallasey, we are just saying


that there is going to be an immigration bill coming in. If there


is dog and whistle politics being spun, it is from them over there.


The government policy has a lot of support? He is totally relaxed, I'm


reflecting on the briefing that is going on within the UK government, I


reflect it is happening within a week of the Tories bleeding support


to UKIP, and these things are connected. Perhaps everything in the


proposals is fantastic, that is not what is in the centre of the


briefing at the present time. As is always the case with a Queen's


speech, there are things that emerge which are not bad, there are things


which emerge that are truly awful, it always takes time to these things


to emerge. I think it is absolutely right to point out that in the real


world, people are worried about the economy, about jobs, about personal


finance, and I don't think the speech is going to deal with that.


Commentators are saying that this is a Queen's speech that has very


little to say about the big issues, a government only three years into


its business, with two parties, and they cannot come up with one decent


idea to get the economy moving. They are in deep trouble. One question I


want to put all three of you, some people have raised eyebrows at a


speech so specifically pointed at the constitutional debate in


Scotland. I think that is inevitable, we are


just under 500 days from the independence referendum and the


government here is taking the lead in terms of putting the real


realities of what independence will mean for our currency and our


dealings with the rest of the world under the sort of scrutiny that it


cannot pay. You're going to see a lot of that for the next 12 months.


Shock horror, Her Majesty's UK government run by the Tories is


opposed to independence, while Her Majesty Boz Micro Scottish


government is in favour. -- Her Majesty's Scottish government. I


happen to think it is a tremendous idea that Scotland becomes a normal


country, instead of... Parliament not in our country making decisions


about Scotland - that is not normal. The fact that the Tories, the


Liberals and their friends in labour are opposed to Scotland making all


big decisions is no surprise. I think when we move beyond these


platitudes and get into the details, the SNP are really


struggling and it is a sign of how important this is. I am really


looking forward to the next 500 days to get the details out, and as is


evident, the polls will stay where they are and there will be a big


rejection of Scottish independence because they cannot withstand


scrutiny. We will leave it there, thank you


very much. I don't think you will be very surprised, Andrew, when I say


that this lot will carry on talking until the end of the programme, we


will have more discussion in the days and weeks to come.


More of it in just a moment, but first at Holyrood this week, Labour


have chosen to focus on childcare. It came up during the Queen's Speech


and during the SNP Party conference and labour's conference. Alex


Salmond said a transformational shift towards childcare should be


one of the tasks in an independent Scotland. Meanwhile, to one Lamont


said she wanted to meet the First Minister to discuss childcare,


saying Scotland Boz Micro greatest -- Johann Lamont said she wanted to


meet the First Minister, saying Scotland's people are its greatest


risk -- resource. With those who have expertise in the


delivery of childcare and the knowledge and understanding of


working with children. We need to engage with those who have


responsibility for delivery and we should not be too big to admit


that, individually, we do not have all the answers or that there are


others who may know better. We need to engage with those who know what


they are talking about. Above all, we need to work out how much this


would cost and where the money would come from. That is why Johann Lamont


has offered to work with the First Minister, but I don't think that


offer should be restricted to just the SNP and Scottish Labour. There


are practical things we can do know if there is the will across the


political spectrum. We do not need to wait until 2014 or 2016. I accept


that, if we are to make a long-term difference, we need to start working


together now and not delay while Scottish families struggle. I don't


mean any disrespect to the quintal of economic advisers when I say that


I don't think they are best placed to come up with a practical model of


computing to Tokyo delivery. -- the Council of economic advisers. They


may be experts in the economy, but we need the expertise of those it --


who educate and work with children. There is one thing I agree with in


the Scottish government amendment, and that is that we need to look at


the best models of delivery and funding for Scotland. That is why I


appeal, even at this late stage, to the Scottish government to withdraw


its amendment. Let us work together, let us put aside our differences.


Let us agree to share the knowledge and expertise from the political


spectrum, but also from the professional spectrum. Let us agree,


for once, to put those Party political differences aside. Let us


work together to come up with affordable, flexible, quality


childcare that puts families -- that families in Scotland want and need.


Let's put Scotland first. Thank you. I know call on Eileen Campbell to


speak on the movement. Seven minutes, please.


Thank you, and I want to start by welcoming the Labour motion within


the plans on the children and young people build to increase the


childcare entitlement to a minimum of 600 hours per year. I also


welcome the desire to work on cross Party lines. I recognise that Johann


Lamont is to meet the First Minister in the near future to discuss


childcare. We all recognise that high quality childcare has a vital


role to play, both for children's social, emotional and cognitive


development, and for parents to seek -- seeking to balance childcare with


work, education and training. It has profound implications for


Scotland's economy. Our provisions within the children and young people


build to increase early childcare for three and four-year-olds as well


as the most vulnerable to your notes to a minimum of 600 hours per year


represents a significant step. -- most vulnerable to-year-olds. It


will meet the needs of all children, their parents and their families.


Our commitment to legislate for 600 hours represents significant


progress since 2007. This progress is an important component in our


efforts to maximise household budgets to benefit the economic and


social well-being of Scottish citizens. Our ever -- efforts will


benefit around 121,000 children and their families, savings equivalent


to around �700 in childcare bills, adding 188 hours of early learning


and childcare and increasing flexibility to ensure high-quality


early learning and child care is delivered in response to local needs


and choices for parents. This will improve consistency and lead to


better outcomes for children and better meet the needs for parents,


particularly mothers who want to go back into work, education or


training. We are also trying to improve provision and help for the


most vulnerable in society, exemplified by the extension of the


childcare extent -- entitlement to two -year-olds, and those under a


clear order who can make sure children remain looked after. Waited


we -- we believe it is essential to focus our efforts where we can make


a real and positive test -- difference. I no much has been said


about the benefits of extending the entitlement to a wider group of


disadvantage to-year-olds and the opposition has cited the statistics,


but my reply is we are committed to building a high-quality system of


early learning childcare to benefit the most vulnerable in our society.


We must do that in a manageable and sustainable way, getting it right


for every child and in an approach that is designed to secure better


outcomes for every child. Failure to move forward on a manageable and


sustainable asthmatic sustainable way would put children at risk. The


risk of adverse impacts on our youngest children is unacceptable to


this government. In England it is becoming clear that many experts


have serious doubts about the affordability, practicality and


effectiveness of the expanded funding entitlement so far and so


fast, and yesterday the BBC reported a potential shortage of 65,000


places for disadvantaged two -year-olds. A respected academic is


editing the Scotland tomorrow and I hope to meet with her. An academic


who carried out a review that informed the UK government's


childcare strategy has now criticised that strategy and was


recently quoted saying, trading staff to child ratios for hire


qualified staff is nonsense. Watering down ratios will threaten


quality. Childcare will be cheaper, but children will be fitting the


Bill. This government will not -- children will foot the Bill. The


First Minister has asked the Council of economic advisers to look at the


best model of economic delivery and funding for a system of childcare in


an independent Scotland informed by what other countries are doing. As I


am sure all in this chamber are away, there are a range of models


and provision -- one provision and funding, but our concern is what is


right for Scotland and its people. I am delighted to see that the early


learning and childcare strategic funding partnership and the care and


learning Alliance have allocated 155,000, adding to the 1.5 million


already allocated to LA learning and childcare third sector partners


through the third sector early intervention fund.


That was children's Minister Eileen Campbell speaking on the issue of


childcare. Let us pick that up with Severin Carrell from the Guardian. A


lot of politics about childcare. It was brought up at the SNP


conference, Labour conference and into the's Queen's Speech, as well.


A lot of people see this as important because childcare is all


of the normal motherhood and apple pie politics. The difficulty for the


Scottish government at the moment is that the UK government is producing


specific finance proposals, talking about numbers of individual


children, and Labour in Scotland are trying to push them very hard to


bring forward plans. Alex Salmond has spoken about something as being


an aspiration for after 2016 and Labour see that as political space


to capture. They want to focus on the idea that domestic politics on


Scotland is on hold because of the referendum. They are deliberately


trying to capture this territory, talking about the childcare


commission, trying to do it as an openhanded, cross-party, apolitical


proposition. Alex Salmond is a clever operator. He will meet Johann


Lamont to try and claw back some credibility, some control over this


agenda. In some way, the Scottish government is probably going to have


to move further than the wish at the moment.


It is interesting, the attempt to form some cross-party consensus on


this. Johann Lamont said she wanted to meet with the First Minister next


week, I don't think that happened, but Hugh Henry was saying they were


trying to achieve that and wanted to work together.


Yes, we will see some movement, there is no doubt about that. It is


an important topic. It allows Labour to start re-harassing this idea --


rehearsing this idea they are concerned about the lives of


ordinary dairy Scots. -- ordinarily Scots. Alex Salmond is smart enough


to know there are some debates you need to take control of and this is


very definitely one of those. It is also interesting because it


almost helps real in someone in voters, particularly for the SNP,


where there is a gap for the female support for independence and from


men's support. Polls consistently show support is


weaker amongst women for independence. Reporters are more


concerned about the economy and their own incomes and how much money


they had to spend. -- voters are more concerned. If you have


questions about making it easier to a folder and making it -- dealing


with issues that women are more concerned with, as a generality,


than male voters are it is a push point, I think.


Let's get some reaction now on the Queen's Speech from a panel of SMP


-- MSP is at Holyrood. We have Scottish Conservative Jackson


Carlaw, SNP's Stewart Motherwell -- Stewart Maxwell and James Kelly from


Labour. First you, Jackson Carlaw, your colleagues at Westminster


drafted the Queen's Speech. A lot of people are pointing out it is light


on the detail, I government running out of steam.


I think these things are said every year and sometimes we are all pulled


the earth will shake after the Queen's Speech. Fundamentally, the


government is continuing its approach to recovering the economy,


and many of these bills will aid that process. As well as that, there


are 15 bills, eight of them will apply to Scotland in total, five to


some extent. There are some important measures, one I would


point out is the pensions flat rate reform that will be a huge advantage


to many women who have been prejudiced by the existing system.


There are a lot of very important things in this Queen's Speech that


will be part and parcel of the sustained recovery of the economy.


Stewart Maxwell, that is the key point of the UK government, that


they want to try and boost the economy and that is what this


Queen's Speech is trying to do. I don't think it is, Jackson made a


good job of trying to defend something that is... Apart from the


main Bill, I don't think there is really any focus on the economy.


What is most interesting is the bills that are not in it, many which


were widely trailed and have been dropped. For example on minimum unit


pricing which was supposed to be greed then dropped, plain packaging


for cigarettes, and the legal commitment to 0.7% of GDP going in


overseas aid has been dropped. Progressive measures have been


dropped and panicked reaction to UKIP's success has resulted in a


latch to the right with the anti immigration Bill.


James Kelly, what do you make of it? I suppose the government is trying


to legislate to boost the economy, which is something that the Labour


government tried to do from 2010 onwards.


It is pretty big stuff, what you have here is a speech crafted by


David Cameron and his elite cabal of advisers, which does nothing for


people throughout Scotland. What we needed was action on jobs, 200,000


people in Scotland, 65,000 of them young people are unemployed. There


should have been tougher action on energy firms to deal with rising


energy bills. �300 per household since the last election. Not enough,


in my opinion, pretty weak stuff. Jackson Carlaw, you are hearing from


your opponent is what they are saying, let's pick up on this point


about focusing on in immigration, we have heard that it is dog and


whistle politics, a lurch to the right, is that what it is, or is it


fair to have this so-called crackdown? We are getting used to


Angus Robertson 's rant on everything. We're simply saying that


those people coming into this country who use the National Health


Service, or take up housing, are people who should be entitled to do


that. There should be a proper process whereby the costs can be


recovered. We want to see net immigration to this country for


people contributing to the economy. We don't want it to be used by


people who exploit human rights legislation. They are here abusing


our particular systems and services available. It is not a widely


encompassing Bill, it is one with sensible measures. I would be


surprised if people don't see the common-sense on them. I was


disappointed with Stewart Maxwell's reaction on minimum pricing, we have


made clear no decision has been made. It only got through in


Scotland because the Scottish Conservatives assisted, in the


courts last week, it was the UK government which supported the


action. Let's stick with immigration, Jackson laid out his


defence of the policy, does that sound fair and sensible? Lutz of the


talk sounds perfectly reasonable, and we want a sensible policy. We


don't want people abusing the system the want a clear mechanism for


removing them. It is quite clear that the highlight that this has


been given in this particular Queen's speech, and the action from


backbenchers on the issue of immigration is a reaction, a


frightened reaction, to the UKIP success last week. It is a lurch to


the right, an attempt to deal with the UKIP agenda. On this issue, the


Conservatives are coming out and saying they want us out of Europe,


it shows us the problems we face if people vote to stay in the UK next


year. We want to deal with this far right agenda. James Kelly, it will


be interesting to see how your colleagues react to the UKIP


phenomenon, particularly in the South Shields by-election. Labour


may have to react. Do you think your party will support these proposals


put forward by the UK government? think what you have here on you have


a government reacting to the loss of hundreds of Conservative council


seats on Thursday, I don't think that is the way that a Queen's


speech should be crafted, it should be looking on the issues on the


ground, getting the economy going, and helping working families. On the


specific issue of immigration, we need a balanced policy, and we


should be looking at firms who are using immigrants and not paying the


minimum wage, that should not be allowed. We should take strong


measures to act against that. Ultimately the balance of any


Queen's speech should reflect the feelings of the country at the


time, and the country needs action on jobs and the economy.


immigration, what about limiting access to the NHS? I don't think


that any measures which are drafted over the weekend should be done,


they should be looked at very closely. That is the feeling of


people in my constituency, we should be pushing against immigrants in


such a fashion. We want people to have proper access to services, and


they contribute properly in the tax system, and they should be looked


after if they are proper citizens in the country. It is about respect, we


need to remember that. Thank you very much joining me.


Experts who have been reviewing patients access to medicine are


calling for a new fund. They warned the health committee in singling out


cancer from other elements. They urge cross-party talks. I have very


much enjoyed looking carefully at the consortium, I highlighted in my


report what I regarded as the characteristics of an ideal


appraisal process. The timeliness which is very relevant to the speed


in which Scotland assesses drugs. The relevance and the in-depth


nature of the usability of information, the efficiency of the


process which I looked at carefully, and particularly the elements of the


process, which I was satisfied was very independent. My conclusion is


that the process that Scotland news is to appraise new drugs is a very


good one, and one which Scotland should be proud of. My


recommendations relate largely to trying to increase the transparency


of the process so that all those involved in the process who have an


interest in the outcome are able to see the qualities of the process


that Scotland uses. Many of my recommendations are about tightening


up and improving what is there already, and essentially asking for


more transparency, and public reporting, in some cases


involvement. I was also very struck by the original recommendations to


the committee which started this process. The particular plight of


those patients who suffer from very rare diseases. For whom, very few


medicines have been recommended. Even though they might be effective


in many instances. That is why I made an interim recommendation about


the establishment of a rare medicines and diseases fund. I very


much welcome what you have said about the orphan, and ultra-orphan


diseases, and the setting up of fund. Beyond that, many patients,


and many collisions who are involved -- many clinicians who are involved


want to see a fund established, and we have one established, that is


excellent. Do you think there is any case made for setting up a fund for


patients to get access to cancer medicines? Although they may not be


cost-effective. Obviously not part of the process, that I have real


concerns about identifying any particular condition of another in


relation to making access to medicines. I think rarity of disease


is another issue, and somebody -- and some of the indications are for


very small groups of individuals, which could shorten the life, it is


fair that all serious conditions be given the same opportunities as say


cancer, which is clearly one of those. I would like the political


parties to work together to find a pragmatic approach to facilitate a


shared understanding and support in the need to ensure the best possible


outcomes for patients and clinicians in this challenging environment,


whilst meeting our responsibilities to patients and the public, to issue


this -- to achieve this in the timescale recommended. Moving


forward, we will not take any decisions on this report until we


have seen and considered the recommendations from this


committee. We will then engage in a period of public consultation, with


the objectives of trying to get cross-party agreement and consensus


on the way forward in dealing with this difficult issue. If we can take


it out of party politics, I believe that will be to everybody 's


benefit. Let's have a final chat with Severin


Carrell. Interesting to hear that, cancer drugs other very emotive


issue. This must be one of the worst subject ever? Choosing who gets


medicine, and who gets less, it is very difficult. I would not want to


be the person making the choices. Which diseases are more important


and gets greater priority? The experts are probably right, the


fight against cancer is something that everyone would agree is


important, there are many other diseases out there which are buried


the ability to -- which are buried ability, and need looking at.


have spent a large portion of the programme talking about the Queen 's


speech, the next big set piece in Westminster is the spending review,


and we will see some drastic cuts? You may argue that today 's speech


is the calm before the storm, the next spending review is going to


produce some very deep cuts, in defence and other areas. We know the


UK government are seeking more cuts in their overall spending,


protecting health and education. Other departments I going to have to


take deep cuts. I go back to Angus Robertson, the austerities lettuce,


that is going to be part of the new dynamic. -- austerity fetish. The


pro-independence movement are going to latch onto economic thinking,


spending plans, and contrast what the coalition are seeking to do with


what they would hope they can do, where Scotland to become


independent. It will be a crucial period. One piece of news today, the


Aberdeen by-election, that has been announced, the 20th of June? One


wisecrack on Twitter, interesting that Alex Bergersen resigned today


so he could stand? I'm not sure he could even win that. A majority of


7000, it seems very safe. It is a hard land for the Scottish National


party, their counters will feel fairly secure. -- their candidates


will feel very secure. It will be interesting to see how Labour fight


this one. They will try and rode the majority, that to win the seat will


be eight tall order. Thank you for coming in.


That is all we have time for this week, join me again at the same time


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