16/03/2014 Scottish Conservative Party Conference


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This is no ordinary conference here. This is the year of the independence


referendum and lately, the UK government has been having it say.


First came the chancellor, George Osborne. The SNP says that if


Scotland becomes independent, there will be a currency union and


Scotland will share the pound. People need to know that that is not


going to happen. If Scotland walks away from the UK, it walks away from


the pound. Then the UK Cabinet came to Scotland for the first time. They


met in Aberdeen, the oil capital of Europe. A good chance for the prime


minister to get into his overalls. I think it makes a strong argument


about the United Kingdom and how the broad shoulders of one of the top


ten economies in the world has really got behind this industry. And


we are continuing to stabilise this industry to get the maximum


benefit. Soon after, big business weighed in with their thoughts. The


message was the same - independence is risky. After successive


government ministers coming north to say no, the campaign to save the


union and a nickname - project fear. say no, the campaign to save the


In fact, one newspaper reporter even described it as the Dambusters


approach. But prime minister David Cameron came to conference to tell


delegates here and to tell Scotland that this was not about highlighting


risks, this was about busting the myths.


Where the SNP are spreading outright myths about this referendum, we have


got to take them on and take them apart. And, let's be frank, there


are a few myths doing the rounds. There is the myth that any talk


about the consequences of separation is all bluff, or bluster, or even


bullying. Warnings on the currency, warnings on the European Union. The


Nationalists say this is just a big political conspiracy from south of


the border. Just dig for it. But that is wrong, and it is frankly


irresponsible. Just think about it. You have 4 million people on the


brink of a decision that will affect their lives in a profound way, the


money in their pocket, the job they have, the chances that children will


have. This is a major life changing decision, and you don't make one of


those without getting all the information you can. You would not


buy a house without getting a survey done. You would not choose a car


without an MOT, and you should not make a decision about changing your


nation forever without knowing in full what the consequences would be.


And just look who is laying out those consequences. The governor of


the Bank of England, the president of the European Commission. Business


chiefs from companies like of the European Commission. Business


Shell, Alliance trust and Lloyds, Barclays. The list goes on. They are


not political puppets, they are serious, nonpartisan figures. So the


idea that these are empty warnings and political scaremongering, that


is a myth, and we owe it to the people of Scotland to take that Ms


apart. -- to take that myth apart. Let me be absolutely clear. A vote


for no is not a vote for no change. We are committed to making


devolution work better still, not because we want to give Alex Salmond


a consolation prize if Scotland votes no, but because it is the


right thing to do. Giving the Scottish Parliament greater


responsibility for raising more of the money it spends, that is what


Ruth believes, and it is what I believe, to. So here is the recap.


Vote yes - that is total separation. Vote no - that can mean further


devolution, more power to the Scottish people and their


Parliament, but with the crucial insurance policy that comes with


being part of our United Kingdom. So, my friends, where there are


blatant myths being spread around, then yes of course, we must


challenge them. But my big message to you today is this. Let's leave


the negativity and the narrow arguments to the Nationalists, and


let us make the big, generous, positive argument for our United


Kingdom. What about risks, not about rivalry, but about how we, in these


islands, are great, agenda making, expectations mashing, punch above


our weight success boring. Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, a


family of nations that should stick together. But we know that the


bigger part of the argument is not about our past, but about our


future. Relentless competition is a fact of our modern world. The rise


of China, India, Brazil, Russia. These are the earthquakes in the old


order. Of course, it is not doom and gloom. It is not that they win and


we lose, but we have got to be ready, more dynamic than ever to


seize these new opportunities. Employment is up by 100,000 people


since the election. 2.2 million Scottish taxpayers have more money


in their pocket, thanks to our tax cuts. From next month, the typical


taxpayer in Scotland will be ?705 better off. That is a huge


difference for families across this country. So together, we have come


through the great recession as the fastest-growing economy in Europe.


And together, there are huge prizes to be taken in the future. Too many


people in this country have been made to feel that you can't be a


proud Scot and a proud Brit, that somehow, you have got to choose


between the sole tyre and the union flag. It is the lie that these


islands are somehow written with division and difference. But just


look at how we live together. Today, 800,000 Scots lived elsewhere


in the UK. More than 400,000 people were born in the rest of the UK now


live in Scotland. But guess what? The vast majority of us actually


like each other. This is a family of nations, argumentative at times,


yes. Competitive at times, but a family nonetheless, a family forged


through shared endeavour. A family forged through the fires of war, the


tests of economic hardship. This family of nations has ducked


together, and I say, let us stick together still. Four nations, one


family, one United Kingdom. Let us fight for it, and together, we will


win. So the prime minister has put an


offer of more powers for the Scottish Parliament on the table,


but how firm is that offer, and how far will they go? Well, the Tories


have commissioned Lord Strathclyde to write a report into the matter.


Those findings will not be published until May. Meanwhile, here is what


Stephenson had to tell us. I would predict that not only will we win


the referendum, I think the majority of people, and I hope a sizeable


majority, want Scotland to remain part of the UK. And I think that


will hurl the SNP believes the water line. But I think then, we have to


live up to the pledge that we will give more powers. I would like to


see the Strathclyde commission coming out with robust reforms.


Personally, I am not privy to what Tom Strathclyde is thinking on this,


but I would like to see full fiscal autonomy. I think we should be


standing on our own feet this gully, responsible for raising and spending


all our own money. That means income tax, corporation tax? Everyone that


earns money in Scotland would be taxed in Scotland, and we would pay


a preset oil revenue tax to London to cover the non-devolved areas.


Whether that comes out in the wash, I don't know, but in the long term,


that is the only way to stop the drift to independence. Some of your


critics within the party would say that that is independence by another


name. Well, having had the begging bowl system for the past 15 years


since the Scottish parliament was set up, we have almost found


ourselves set up, we have almost found


independence. So clearly, that has not worked. You have got to make


Scotland stand up on its own feet and be fiscally responsible.


Meanwhile, on the conference floor, a debate on the Strathclyde


commission told a different story. How does the commission ensure that


in adhering to the clamour for more powers, we don't in fact give away


independence under a cloud of devo max, that in fact, we suggest that


the Scottish Parliament has more powers and that maybe, ten years


down the line, people think, what is the difference between what the


Scottish Parliament now has an full independence? Devo max is a


nationalist delusion and we are not interested in that. -- a nationalist


solution. We want a interested in that. -- a nationalist


works simultaneously and mutually in the best interests of Scotland and


the rest of the UK and the UK as a whole. Devo max does not do that. It


is a scheme of power that is a perversion of devolution. In the


sense that it is designed not to deepen and strengthen the union, but


to break it. So there is no question, for example, that


immigration powers could conceivably be devolved within a single state,


and yet that is one of the things that I understand the national


conversation was talking about. If we truly believe in localism, should


we not be targeting a situation where every unit of government as


far as is practicable, races the money it spends? Devolution is not


alien to Tory thinking. It money it spends? Devolution is not


of our being. But we are not interested in the devolution of


power from one government to another, but from the devolution of


power away from government to people. That is what the localism


agenda is about. Look at the contrast between the way in which


local government is being reformed in England and Wales under David


Cameron's government, and contrast that with the way in which power is


being centralised here in Edinburgh. The SNP don't believe in


devolution, they believe in hoarding power for themselves. Compare and


contrast the fact that we now have one single police force for the


whole of Scotland and the chief constable is directly accountable to


Alex Salmond, whereas what's Theresa May has done in the Home Office in


England is to have police and crime commissioners who are directly


elected by the people of their communities full of that is


devolution in action. My view is that that is what we should be


embracing. I hope I am successful in convincing the Strathclyde


commission. I am joined now by political editor Brian Taylor. If we


start by looking at the Strathclyde commission, we have had three


differing views of what the Conservatives may like to offer.


What is your opinion on what you have heard? I think the consensus in


the Conservative Party will fall around what the leaders are


recommending, which is enhanced tax powers for the Scottish Parliament,


but those tax powers continue to be shared with Westminster.


Someone fiscal autonomy and others are wondering why they are


recommending enhanced tax powers for a Parliament edit not like much in


the first place, but that group has diminished in size and certainly in


volume when you consider that even a few years ago, the idea that the


Conservatives would have been backing substantial tax powers for


the Scottish Parliament would not be believed. The reason they are doing


it is firstly as a response to nationalism and secondly because it


is where they are from the leader down and thirdly tom it allows them


the scope to offer tax cuts if the Scottish Parliament has substantial


tax powers. So how will the Tories' proposal be seen elsewhere? They fit


within the context of proposals coming from other prounion parties.


We had the Labour document published this weekend. We know of the Liberal


Democrat proposals. Will they come together with a pan unionist


opposing? I don't think so. They don't fully agree, for one thing. At


the same time, we have the perspective from the SNP and the


Scottish government and those who advocate independence, who say that


each of these puzzles are disparate and fall short of what Scotland


actually requires, which they would say is full independence. So, after


all the talk of prospective new powers for the Scottish Parliament,


it was a return to form for UK Government ministers. Once again,


highlighting the risks of independence. This time to defence


and national security. The overall drum beat of


shipbuilding work for the Royal Navy from the type 45 destroyers to the


carriers to the type 26 frigates is just enough to sustain one complex


warship building yard for the whole UK.


So when the separatists talk about maintaining warship building in


Scotland to meet the needs of a separate Scotland's navy, they are


either deluded or they are seeking to delude.


And the question for the SNP is this, with a budget of around just


?2 billion spread across defence, security, cyber and intelligence,


having to pay for the creation of Armed Forces from scratch with all


the start-up costs and a continuing huge diseconomies of small scale,


how much of that defence presence could they afford to retain? For


sure, not everything that they are promising. And, how could a Scottish


navy headquarters at FAs land hope to employ even a fraction of the


8,000 skilled jobs the Royal Navy will sustain -- Faslane -- on the


West Coast of Scotland by 2018? If Scotland voted to Goyt alone, press


scowled would be an important enforcer but it would lose its


automatic access to MI5, MI6 and GCHQ and the UK's wider intelligence


capabilities. The information, technology, processes, people and


partnerships would do so much to protect us from harm. The continuing


UK could not allow Scotland to become a convenient landing point


for migration into the United Kingdom. So that would mean border


controls between a separate Scotland and the United Kingdom. Passport


checks to visit friends and relatives. A literal and figurative


barrier between our nations. So there is a great deal at stake on


the 18th September. A United Kingdom which has brought so many benefits


and means so much to people in each of its nations, prabltical


cooperation in the fight against crime, an immigration system which


works in our national interest, the freedom to move around these


beautiful islands without let or hindrance. The Citizenship of


generations who are yet un unborn. It's a momentous decision and there


will be no going back. So let's make sure the people of Scotland make the


right choice and let's all affirm that we are better together.


If you thought this conference was going to be all about the


independence referendum, you'd be wrong. Even at a debate on the


referendum, we found other things to talk about.


How do we put to rights the basic things close to the ballot box and


close to the hearts of many Scottish people? What Iain Duncan Smith is


trying to do is aimed, not welfare, but aimed at dependency on welfare.


When he visited Easter House, he discovered that the worst form of


deprivation is dependency. What he's trying to the is, not cut the


budget. In fact, welfare budgets are rising, they are rising as quick as


anything. But he's trying to retarget the way that money is


spent. What he wants that money to do is get people out of the houses,


back to work, into productive employment for two reasons. Firstly,


it's good for the soul, I'm a good old-fashioned Tory, I believe that


work is good for the soul. But as well as that, it does that second


thing, it provides labour within the economy. I know you all think I'm a


young thing, but I've got a son of 31, a daughter of 27 and they are


both married and both have a family of their own. They both managed to


maintain themselves on a household income which is about that level


that after tax it takes them down to that ?26,000 a year which is the


benefit cap, yet they manage to make their way in the world. And the


people who complain to me about those who would rather not work and


the people who are paying the highest proportion of their limited


income in tax, they are entitled to their share, the people who work for


a meagre return are entitled to choose how they spend their money.


At the moment, there is a genuine concern that too much of that tax


money is being used to support people who should really be in a


job. In 1997, scotch people voted for a Scottish Executive within a


Scottish Parliament within the United Kingdom. They didn't vote for


a Scottish Government. We've allowed the SNP to call themselves a


Government because they happen to win three-and-a-half years ago. That


was Newsnight the Scottish Act. They are still an executive. No, they're


not -- that was in the Scottish act. I didn't think Lord Strathclyde


thought that was the case. Anyway, we have allowed them to shift the


ground in another way. Remember the big argument about whether or not it


was Scotland's oil. It seems to have fallen into a situation now where we


are discussing it's 5.9 billion or 3.5 billion. Originally, most of us


would have thought, well, it's UK oil, discovered off the coast of the


UK, what if it had been discovered off the coast of England? You I


travel up and down between Stonehaven and Elle Edinburgh on the


trains quite a lot, as many people do. I'm prepared to travel on the


East Coast Main Line trains. You are very brave. However, when I'm


travelling on these trains, I meet a lot of men coming back from work in


the North Sea with their kit bags. They usually like a drink because


they have not seen one for three weeks maybe. But these men are from


Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Sunderland. They're men who learned


their trade in the shipbuilding industry and now work in the North


Sea and I take the view that these men are entitled to be working there


in the North Sea, but what I can never understand is that how the oil


can be Glasgow's oil but it can't be Newcastle's oil or Sunderland's oil


or Middlesbrough's oil. David McNevery was the


Conservative's first party leader in the Scottish Parliament. He died


Conservative's first party leader in seven months ago after a battle with


cancer. His successor paid this tribute.


David's conservatism deprived from basic principles, the freedom of the


individual, the obligation to maximise opportunity for all, the


provision of choice to individuals, the empowerment of individuals and


minimum interference from or direction by the state. All


underpinned by a genuine and practical concern for those in need


of support. David gave his party his best. We


are hugely in his debt. There can be no better recognition


of his contribution, no better repayment of that debt and no better


tribute by us to him than to go out and secure a resounding victorious


no on September 18th. David would and secure a resounding victorious


expect nothing less of the Scottish Conservatives and that is the very


least we can do for him. And so to closing speech to Ruth


Davidson. As I travel around Scotland, I meet folk from every


corner of our country who share our belief and aspiration in and


responsibility and hard work, who want the Government to give help


where it's need and to get out of the way when it's not, people who


want to know that if they do the right thing, work hard, provide for


their family, play by the rules, then the country will do right by


them. Sometimes it's hard to come out as a Conservative and I should


know. But do you know what, if you believe in self-finances, then you


are a Conservative. If you believe in personal freedom, personal choice


and personal responsibility, then you are a Conservative. If you


believe in aspiration, in opportunity, that ambition and


success are not duhhy words but something worth striving for, then


you are a Conservative. I want you to help us fight to keep our country


together. I want you to give something back to the hard-pressed


taxpayers of Scotland and I want you to help us turn our schools once


again into the envy of the world. The competition that our young


people face for the jobs of the future isn't just from kids from


Birmingham or Swansea, they'll be competing against a highly skilled


and highly motivated workforce from the Far East and other emerging


world economies. We want to end the monopoly of mediocrity that traps


too many of our Scottish children into lives of low expectation. Not


all children learn the same and they shouldn't be taught the same. I


all children learn the same and they more choice for our people, more


power for our parents, more power to select the right type of school for


their children and to end the postcode lottery which locks


thousands into failing schools. The truth about our unreformed education


system is that it too often fails the ablist without giving real help


to those who need it most. It's time that changed.


Under the SNP, the number of nurses and midwives in Scotland's gone up


and down like a fiddler's elbow. 2,000 posts gone in two years, right


now hundreds of places down, creating an intolerable pressure on


those who're left. That's why today, I'm able to announce the Scottish


Conservatives will pledge an extra 1,000 nurses and midwives for


Scotland. Once introduced, we will not let numbers drop below that


mark. We'll pay for it by restoring the prescription charge, not for the


young, pensioner, preing Nanteses or poor. They'll stay exempt as they


always were, but for people who're earning and overwhelmingly happy to


make their contribution, they will know that their small sum will make


a world of difference in wards across the country. Alex Salmond


says on his six fig salary he should get free aspirin. I say, we should


have enough nurses to do the job, enough nurses so that patients get


the care that they deserve, enough nurses to make sure health care work


whoers have the support they need. That's my priority, that 's the the


Conservative priority. APPLAUSE


A no-vote allows devolution to develop. Independence kills it stone


dead. The clath collide Commission, a responsible Scottish Parliament,


dead. The clath collide Commission, independence defeat and a stronger


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde Commission.


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde Our United


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde us,


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde together, we have


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde together. This


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde we


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde too.


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde the


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde through


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde are


United Kingdom -- the Strathclyde you.




I you.


delivered. you.


before you.


that you.


unionist you.


the you.


Scottish you.


they were seen you.


other than you.


she's you.


the public you.


Scottish you.


something that you.


the you.


behind you.


electoral you.


that, you.


where it's


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