25/09/2012 Today at Conference


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Good evening and welcome back to Brighton for a round-up of the


goings-on at the Liberal Democrat Conference today. It stopped


raining on the Lib Dems today and started blowing a gale. But there


was no comfort in the conference hall, where Danny Alexander told


them an extra �16 billion had to be found in election year 2015 and the


Welfare Bill wasn't immune from cuts.


Nick Clegg indicated his party could target the benefits of the


richest pensioners in its election manifesto. Elsewhere, is Alex


Salmond a stooge of Beijing? The leader of the Scottish Lib Dems


seems to think so. And we test the mood in the ranks


to see if the thought of a future partnership with Labour cheers up


the poor rained upon, blown about, down in the polls, Lib Dems.


Here in the bar of the Grand Hotel, I expect these rather battle-weary


Lib Dems could use a bit of warming up. They know tackling the deficit


will take a lot of doing. One Minister told me today that he


would like the coalition to consider cutting the benefits of


the best-off pensioners now. But the coalition has already promised


to leave universal benefits alone. Nick Clegg has probably apologised


enough to be getting on with! What about after the election? What


about the best-off pensioners? Nick Robinson spoke to the Deputy Prime


Minister. You will have to cut the welfare


budget in part to meet those savings? Yes, I don't think it will


be possible to set the welfare budget entirely aside. It


constitutes a third of total of public spending. We won't do what


has been suggested by some which is scoop out almost all of that amount,


�10 billion worth, from welfare alone. We need to ask people who


have far more considerable means, are much wealthier than normal


people, to make an additional contribution. Will you stop the


better-off pensioners getting top- ups to their incomes that they


don't need? On winter fuel allowance, free bus passes, free TV


licences, there is a debate to be had in the next Parliament - we


have ruled it out in this coalition agreement - there is a question


mark about whether it is right that Peter Stringfellow or Alan Sugar


have available to them free bus passes subsidised by normal workers


paying taxes. What about people who are not hugely wealthy, but are


better off - doctors, senior teachers, police officers? I start


at the top. It seems to me, as a matter of principle, not right that


when we are taking housing benefit away from some people, we are not


asking Alan Sugar and Peter Stringfellow - I don't know whether


they receive those benefits - we are not saying that other taxpayers


are not going to subsidise those free benefits to you. Don Foster is


not a millionaire and he says this coalition, now, not maybe some time


in the future, should take money away from people like him? He is


wrong. It is not going to happen during this Parliament. What I'm


talking about is people who are very, very wealthy indeed, who


receive through the generosity of millions of ordinary taxpayers in


this country free bus passes, free TV licences, winter fuel support,


winter payment support, even though they frankly don't need it. If, as


seems unlikely, the Conservatives agree to your mansion tax, how many


more billions of savings, cuts or tax rises, would you still have to


find? Considerably more billions. A mansion tax... �14 billion in one


year? A mansion tax is not going to fill the blackhole. This is the


whole point. No single measure will when you are dealing with the


enormity of this difficult task of filling the blackhole left to us by


Gordon Brown and Ed Balls. I think what you are saying to party and


country at this conference is, "We have grown up, we are being more


candid with you." Isn't the honest thing to say, "It won't come from


mansions and it won't come from oligarchs and it won't come from


millionaires. Ladies and gentlemen, it is tough, but it will come from


you"? You are missing a point. In polls, as in life, your values are


reflected in where you start. When you have a difficult decision,


where do you start? Who do you first ask to make a sacrifice? You


are right, there is a difference between myself and my Conservative


colleagues in Government, for reasons that you will need to ask


them, they don't want to ask people who live in mansions worth �5


million to pay a 1% levy on the value of mansions over �2 million.


Personally, I think there are millions of people in this country


who can barely imagine what it means to live in a mansion worth �2


million. It is worth that the Liberal Democrats are saying that


as we move to this debate, we are saying we will start by asking them


to make the first sacrifice. Nick Clegg talking to Nick Robinson. Mr


Clegg's close colleague, David Laws, is saying there is no point in


cutting the benefit of rich pensioners because it would not


raise much cash. Ever fancied running a country? Be careful what


you wish for! Yesterday, Vince Cable managed to convince the party


that they were right to tackle the deficit. Today, Danny Alexander


brought home just how tough that was going to be. Thanks to the


Liberal Democrats taxes are getting fairer. Our tough budget


negotiations mean that next year 24 million people will benefit from


the largest-ever increase in the tax-free amount. The income tax cut


was by far the most important measure in the Budget and the


working people of this country will have over �3 billion more of their


own money to spend next year as a result. A cleaner working full-time


on the minimum wage will see their tax bill halved thanks to the


Liberal Democrats. APPLAUSE Very soon, very soon no-one will pay


income tax at all until they are earning more than �10,000, thanks


to the Liberal Democrats. APPLAUSE We promised it in our manifesto. We


campaigned for it and we had the courage to go into coalition to


deliver it. At the next election, we will promise to raise that


figure yet further to �12,500 so that you don't pay any income tax


until you are earning more than a full-time salary on the minimum


wage. APPLAUSE Despite all the difficulties, and challenges in the


years that lie ahead, in the last two years we have resecured for


this country a very precious commodity - credibility. No-one now


doubts that Britain is a nation that can pay its way. We have


rebuilt the confidence in this nation's ability to pay its way in


the world. We can now put that credibility to work for the British


people. There could not be a worse time to argue that we should


abandon our plan. APPLAUSE As we overwhelmingly agreed in this hall


yesterday, we won't do it. It is the foundation for everything else.


It is the foundation for jobs and prosperity in the future. APPLAUSE


Last autumn, we were faced with a worsening forecast from the


independent office of budget responsibility. Rather than add


more cuts now, we decided to take another two years to do the job.


That was right. The pragmatic response to things getting worse.


But fellow Liberal Democrats, that decision has consequences, too. It


means we are now committed to further deficit reduction into the


next Parliament. Let me be clear. I will not sacrifice this party's


independence by binding us to detailed spending plans deep into


the next Parliament. APPLAUSE there is one thing we must do. We


have to set a detailed budget for Government for the years 2015/16.


We will be in Government for the first five weeks of it at least.


APPLAUSE That means setting out specific plans for the �16 billion


of savings that are needed in that year. It also means setting out how


we, as Liberal Democrats, would make the further tough choices


needed beyond that. Nick and I will negotiate hard to get this right,


to make choices that are shaped by our liberal values and driven by


our Liberal Democrat priorities. We will simply not allow the books to


be balanced in a way that hits the poorest hardest. APPLAUSE But at


�220 billion, welfare is one-third of all public spending. Despite our


painful reforms, it is still rising. We will have to look at it. But


that cannot, must not, and will not be the only place we look. We


insist that the difficult choices must be fairly shared, that those


who can afford more must contribute more. APPLAUSE At our conference


two years ago I announced an extra �900 million and told you by the


end of the Parliament it would deliver �7 billion a year in


revenues. Last year, I reported back that we were on track for an


additional �2 billion and this year, I can announce that we are on track


to raise an additional �4 billion. Fairer taxes, in tough times, it


means everyone playing by the same rule book and everyone paying their


fair share. The vast majority of taxpayers in this wealth bracket do


pay their fair share. We have this message to the small minority of


wealthy people who don't play by the rules. We are coming to get you


and you will pay your fair share. APPLAUSE In the summer I shut down


the scandalous situation where thousands of public sector workers


were being paid in a way that potentially allowed them to pay too


little tax. Rules are now in place to stop that happening. Based on


the simple principle that if you are being paid public money, you


should pay your taxes. But it cannot be right that similar rules


don't apply to companies doing business with the Government, too.


If you want to work for us, you should play by our rules.


Taxpayers' money should not be funding tax dodgers. So I have... I


have tasked HMRC and the Cabinet Office to come up with a workable


solution to this problem and we will set out more details later


this year. And we need to get wealthy individuals to pay a fairer


share, too. In this country, we tax work, effort, income too highly.


And unearned wealthy far too little. You can move your money offshore,


but you can't move your mansion. That is why we want a mansion tax.


It is simple. It is fair. It is unavoidable. An extra levy on high-


value property would get more money from those who can afford it. It


would ensure that the burden of the next round of deficit reduction is


shared more fairly. We will continue to argue for it within


Government. APPLAUSE Danny Alexander speaking earlier today.


We are all in it together! Not that you would know, the green and proud


of it Liberal Democrats were in the same Government as a lot of


Conservatives when it comes to climate change. Andrew Neil spoke


to Ed Davey. At the weekend, you talked about


"the Tory Tea Party tendency which didn't want to spend money on green


power". Who were you thinking of? Well, there is a number of people


on the Conservative backbenches who never believed that climate change


is an issue, have always opposed the green agenda and I believe we


need to stand up to that. The Prime Minister made it very clear by


making sure that when he was opposition leader that the


Conservative Party voted for the Climate Change Act and indeed,


George Osborne campaigned when he was running the election campaign


on a slogan of "vote plue, go green" and this will -- "vote blue,


go green" and this will be the greenest Government ever. It is not


just Conservative backbenchers, is it, your own Energy Minister is


part of the Tea Party tendency when it comes to green issues, isn't he?


He told BBC News in 2009 that renewable energy needs to pass the


twin test of environmental and economic sustainability and wind


power fails on both accounts. He is Not at all. I worked with John


before, and got on with him incredibly well. I am delighted


that he is in my department. We are already working on a range of


issues. When he and others who studied renewables, they will see


that they can be cost-effective and important for preventing a reliance


on carbon in our economy. But what you stand for and what you believe


cannot be the same as Mr Hayes saying wind power fails on both


accounts. You don't agree with that. He said it. The he said it in 2009.


I am sure he will look at the evidence now. Meaning he didn't


look before? I don't know whether he looked before. When you are a


minister, you look at an awful lot, and the evidence is clear. How is


your secret plot to get the Lib Dem leadership coming on? It is so


secret that I have not heard about it. So I am delighted to have yet


another opportunity to deny that story. So you have not also gone on


a special new diet because you ate too many pies in the pie factory?


was in the pie factory many years ago. I take that sort of story with


a pinch of salt and a large glass of Rioja. Bat will not work for the


diet! Maybe we should both -- we should both go on a diet, Andrew.


maybe you should also be standing the leadership. Would you consider


being Lib Dem leader? We have the best Liberal Democrat leader we


have ever had. I am immensely proud of him. Better than Lloyd George?


Well, he was a Liberal leader. We have a Liberal Democrat leader.


Nick Clegg would measure up well to Lord George -- Lloyd George. He has


been our most successful leader for decades, and he is doing an


incredibly brilliant -- difficult job brilliantly. This leadership


talk that you and others in the media love to focus on, it is just


not kicking off here in the conference. There is not a single


MP any of you lot have found who is against Nick Clegg's the leadership.


We are a united party. You should be asking the other parties about


how much they are united. We will, don't worry. If Mr Clegg is doing


such a brilliant job, why do the polls show him as the least popular


party leader since Michael Foot? well, both Nick and the Liberal


Democrats are not doing well in the polls. That is self-evident. But


some polls show us doing better, and you tend not to report those.


An ICM poll put us on 80% this week. People are selective in the


evidence they use. The es Liberal Democrats may be


lagging behind in the polls, but for some parties, life is much


tougher, like the Scottish Liberal Democrats. Michael Moore, the


Secretary of State for Scotland and Willie Rennie were both on the


platform today. Willie Rennie was out to pick a fight. Last year in


Scotland, people were writing us off. Perhaps even some of our


supporters right here wondered how a group of five MSPs cut by two-


thirds in the elections could make an impact on the Scottish political


scene. Although our opponents will always to write us, I can tell you


that they are privately fizzing in that the Liberal Democrats will


just not disappear. Well, I am not actually sorry to disappoint them.


As history shows, we have a bit more staying power than that. We


will make the Liberal case. Unlike Alex Salmond, who does not. He


likes to court the rich and powerful. The cosy relationship


that he has fostered with those with vested interests runs counter


to the values that Scotland holds dear. He was asked to write a


column in the first edition of the new Sun on Sunday. In it, he said


that News International was not the only company involved in phone


hacking. It is a familiar argument that many mothers used when


defending their errant son. He was not the only one that did it. There


were others as well. Alex Salmond's defence of Rupert Murdoch's empire


revealed a politician who was prepared to do anything to get the


support of the media, even if it meant betraying the phone hacking


victims. We saw the same in the summer. The Dalai Lama came to


Scotland, and we learnt that the Chinese government was going around,


telling everybody not to meet him. People in Scotland didn't listen to


them for bow to the pressure. Except for one man, the First


Minister. He submitted to pressure from the Chinese in a way that I am


so proud that our deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, did not. It


actually seems that if you have got �1 billion or a billion people, the


First Minister will do whatever you want. We have shaped a fairer


country, a fairness dividend delivered by Liberal Democrats for


all of Scotland and all of the UK. And in making these changes, we


will also strengthen Scotland within the UK. There are those in


the Scottish National Party who see devolution as a stepping stone to


independence. But they are wrong. Devolution is about strengthening


Scotland within the UK. Independence is about taking


Scotland out of it. So I, we, stand up for devolution and against


independence. And when referendum day comes, Liberal Democrats will


be at the forefront of the campaign to keep our UK family together. Of


course, the issue of independence cannot be resolved until a


referendum agreement is reached between Scotland's two governments.


I have said from the outset that any referendum must be legal, fair


and decisive. It should be made in Scotland for the people of Scotland.


But a referendum run from the Scottish parliament, fulfilling the


SNP's election pledge, could only happen if we could reach an


agreement on devolving power. As Liberal Democrats, it is not in our


nature to be nationalists. We believe in a fair society where


what unites us is stronger than what divides us, whether nations of


our country come together and invest in good times and bad in our


common goals and interests. Let's sort out the process and move on to


the argument. Let's get the referendum started, and let's show


the people of this country that Liberal Democrats in government's


stand for a fairer Scotland and a stronger United Kingdom. Michael


Moore there. Vince Cable told his party yesterday that we were


heading for yet another hung parliament. So, with the Lib Dems


prefer to cuddle up with Labour after 2015? Adam Fleming took his


mood box out to try to find out. Today, we are asking Liberal


Democrat delegates who they would like to share power with at the


next -- if the next election results in a hung parliament. Do


they want to be in a coalition with the Tories or Labour? For got to be


Labour. We have already been in collision with the Tories, and it


is sensible that we are in coalition with Labour next.


have come for the Tories. Yes, because Labour screwed up the


country so much last time. Certainly not the Tories. Earth I


guess I will put it in Labour being the least worst of the other two.


Very optimistic. I don't trust either of them as far as I can


throw them. Then act it out eloquently with the ball. What


would be your ideal coalition arrangement? Greens. A green-Lib


Dem minority government. Wouldn't that be about 57 MPs? Why not?


would you rather be in coalition with at the next election if it is


a hung parliament? What message are you trying to send with that?


not about coalitions after 2015, it is about being in power after 2015.


It is going pretty slowly this time. Vince, do you want to do the balls


this year? You did it last year. I will lend some money to your


business bank. I will give you a tenner if you take one of my balls.


Is it a tricky one? Well, have a look. Who is your preferred


coalition partner? Can I have two balls? I would hurl the ball at


both of them. Put one in each. scrupulously impartial. Who is your


preferred coalition partner next time? Go away. As a minister, you


have to juggle many balls. might say that, I couldn't possibly


comment. Yes, Minister. We don't have a preferred coalition partner,


as you know, so I will put it back. That was exhausting, getting this


many balls. But the majority have gone in that direction, towards


Labour. I just like getting MPs to Sables, basically. I know. Balls,


balls, balls. Adam Fleming. A back in the conference hall,


George Osborne's plans for regional public sector pay were held up,


chewed over and comprehensively spat out by the Liberal Democrats


when the time came to vote. To me, fairness means spreading our wealth


more widely. It is unfair and a liberal to suck money out of those


poorest communities. Regional pay would do that. So instinctively, as


Liberal Democrats, we must know that regional pay is wrong. But


apparently, George Osborne does not. He wants to allow government


departments to depress public sector salaries in regions across


the UK, to open the possibility of postcode pay. The motion we are


discussing today a poses the expansion of regional pay.


private and that sector workers in our most deprived regions are


paying tax so that the taxpayer employed workers in other regions


can enjoy a lifestyle they can't. That is not simply unfair, that is


absolutely unjust. But we are not only tea party of fairness, we are


the party of localism. And to deny local public sector commission has


the right to negotiate local rates of pay flies in the face of our


policy on local democracy, accountability and the


decentralisation of power to the regions. I understand the emotion,


the idea that we will cut wages. If I believe regional pay would do


that, I would be as angry and emotional as the proposals are.


However, the time has come for us to recognise that as a party that


supports localism, if we intend to promote regional diversity, we must


also allow our local government units to adapt to the local


conditions. We already struggled to attract into areas like mine people


to come and fill posts in hospitals, teachers and other public-sector


workers. If they thought the cost of coming to North Devon was that


they would see their wage cuts, they simply would not come.


contrast, our workers will go elsewhere, where they will get


higher pay and face lower cost. We have been asking ourselves this


week, what can we do to make a difference in government? We have


been told me about fairness. We can start right here, right now, by


taking a stand against this and making it clear to our colleagues


in the coalition that up with this we will not put. That is it for


tonight. Tomorrow on the conference floor, we will hear from the


business minister and the main event, the deputy prime minister,


Nick Clegg. It is a big moment. No one imagines he can turn around his


or his party's fortunes with a single speech, but this party is


still behind him, but the most part. But they want and need a good


performance from their leader. And he will not be making any more


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