16/09/2016 UKIP Conference


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My large ladies and gentlemdn, after a speech like that, I'd feel like


going back and sitting down. -- Lords. I would like to say welcome


to Bournemouth. Welcome to Lr Cameron's retirement party.




Let us consider some of the threats we faced. From George Osborne


warning us of spending cuts, tax rises, an emergency budget hf there


was a vote Leave. David Camdron it it is deeply concerning that the


Leave campaign is criticising the bank of England. We should listen to


experts. When they warned us of the dangers of leaving the European


union. The former Attorney General told Newsnight that the votd Leave


blueprint would lead to a chaotic departure. Britain is stronger in


Europe. Believe campaign do not want to listen to economic experts. The


all agree that leaving the DU would break our economy and hammer family


finances. On the 23rd of June, we can put our faith in economhc


experts across the globe, or take a leap in the dark with the Ldave


campaign. Now Wall Street b`nks eat their words on Brexit. JP Morgan and


Morgan Stanley warned of an economic slump on the leaderboard. These


U-turns came as sterling rose above $1 34 to be pound very time since


mid-July. The OECD said the vote to Leave would be a major negatives


shock to the UK economy. Now it says the outlook is far brighter than it


predicted. By the way, a former bank of England deputy governor says


economic forecasts should bd taken with a pinch of salt. The UK economy


is still growing. Where are the doom laden predictions of Cameron,


Osborne and most of the bankers s Cameron said the Leave vote would


put a bomb under the economx and on top of it, as I recall. Osborne


predicted a do-it-yourself recession. Morgan Stanley predicted


a slowdown rather than a Brdxit depression. Economists predhcted a


sharp slowdown. It was predhcted the FTSE index would crash more than a


fifth, it is up by more than 11 . The bankers are wrong about Brexit


and were wrong about ending boom and bust and were wrong about the 2 08


crisis. Even our Chancellor, or former Chancellor, seems to have


missed all of his budget forecasts over the years. Unlike home, most of


the bankers still have their jobs. The Remain claim that leaving would


make everyone for a thousand ?3 0 worse off. Where on earth dhd that


figure come from? Former Prhme Minister Gordon Brown said Labour


would get an extra ?35 millhon funding from the EU if we Rdmain.


Another method. The economy continues to grow. -- myth. Exports


are up and investment plans are up. Retail is up and 27 countrids have


approached us already for trade deals. How wrong can these dxperts




Even the numbers on the dold are up, sorry, down. I will read th`t again.


Even the numbers on the dold fell. We can meet for the 3 million job


losses the roosters forecast. What about the 5 million jobs thd EU will


lose. Two major overseas banks have both reiterated their intention to


open new headquarters officds and trading floors in London.


APPLAUSE Even the head of advertising giant


and a fervent Remain supporters says his global company is benefhting


from a post Brexit recovery and the lower pound makes our exports more


competitive. All these Remahn scarce remind me of the Remain man on


Westminster Bridge who saw `nother man on a parapet about jump into the


river. He grabbed the man by the ankles


and asked him what he was The man mumbled something


about recession, trade barrhers economic disaster and war


if the voters believe. The Remain man asked in to calm down


and tell him all A vote to Leave surely could not


be as bad as all that. Five minutes later


they both jumped off the Without Nigel's inspiration`l


leadership, none of Let us also not forget


those who founded And held Ukip together


for all those years in We owe gratitude to


Nigel and all of you May I add to the chairman


of Express Newspapers Daily Express for his


support for many years for the beliefs that we as


Ukip hold. Even though I am the deputy


chairman of Express, unpaid, I only received one grumpy call


from Nigel during the whole campaign, which I


thought was pretty good. Let us not forget that in electing


a new leader after a very strong leader, there m`y be


disgruntled members who seek to One only needs to look


at what happened in the Conservative Party after


Margaret Thatcher was forced out. It had a succession of leaddrs


who were unable to establish their atthority


and it disappeared into the Let us rally round our


new leader, whoever There might still be


an early election if the Prime Minister cannot gdt her


programme approved by parli`ment. However, we should not be


frightened by an election. I do not really understand


what we are talking about. We now have, thanks to Cameron


changing the law, a five-ye`r parliamentary term


and an early election can only be called if


the House of Commons resolves that this


house has no confidence in Her Majesty's Government,


or if the House of Commons with the support of two thirds


of the total membership resolves that there should be


an early parliamentary election Looking at the state


of the Labour Party, Difficult as an early electhon


is, we must be ready. With our increased support


in the country, we must takd the opportunity to review


and revise our rule book is needed. This must include revisiting


the role of the NEC, who have done much


valuable unpaid work. In my opinion, a small group of


say, six should be formed bx the new leader to make recommendations


to you, the members. Be magnanimous in victory


and gracious in defeat. Sadly, many of the Remainers seem


unable to accept the result. I feel like asking


them to a funeral to When you think that


one and a half million Remain, out of a record number


who voted, you have to ask, do they If at the last election


20,000, yes, 20,000 voters, in the most marginal


Conservative seats had instdad voted for the runner-up, the Consdrvatives


would have lost over 20 seats and Is that marginal enough


to call another general We are not Brussels, when a country


votes against the Lisbon Treaty they ask them to keep


on voting until they vote in favour. There were two organisations vying


for the official designation in the The winner getting a Governlent


grant and raise and spend I was on the board of


Go Movement with Nigel and the The Cabinet ministers


joined the vote Leave. A committee was formed


in Parliament by vote Leave, Like many large committees,


it did not seem to achieve a great deal except to be


not the least bit interested in my suggestion that we should all work


together with Ukip, which I thought Without Nigel and Ukip,


there would never have been a Sadly, even the Government


did not want my help As far as the campaign


was concerned, when we got onto the subject of immigration


we were in danger of losing. The vote Leave campaign


did not want to Even amongst a group


supposedly working together, one of us


was described by one MP on the Vote Leave side as


toxic. Well, toxic enough to get


17.5 million votes. It is not racist to talk


about the problems of mass 700,000 gross a year,


this is the figure to concentrate on, inaccurate as it may be,


when you consider more insurance numbers are granted


to non-UK citizens a year. The No campaign, deploying


Obama, forgot to consider The EU has not agreed


a single one of the 27 The transatlantic trade invdstment


partnership, plus that treaty threatened a Pandora's box


of corporate law suits. The US desire for health


countries should be able to sue those governments in order


to participate or get compensation. Therefore, under that agreelent


could have been by advised. Think how much easier


it will be for one country, the UK, to


negotiate trade deals. After all, Norway did it


in Deploying Tony Blair, Tony Blair,


Gordon Blair, and every Tom Dick and Harry,


was counter-productive. We know for example,


one of the major contributors to the CBI


in money terms is the EU. Government of the bank of England,


claiming the forecast beford and after the vote help to


steady the ship and meant the effects were not as bad


as they might have been. I am only a Cambridge


economist, I could not get From my experience, a quartdr


point cut in interest few bonds does not make


a difference to anything. How could such a minor gesttre


have an effect One might ask why are


we cutting interest rates in the first place just as


inflation is picking up? Brexit


will not cause a loss In mind all the doomsters forecasts,


all of the major indicators of


the vote is remarkable. The bank created the impression that


exiting would Why did they not say before


that this disaster could be avoided by a quarter point


cut in interest rates? What a terrible shame


that both did not remain independent


and above the fray. We were not greatly


concerned with project fear. Cameron and company


having won, thought they We made mistakes too, but wd had


you on the ground and the whole As they say, you cannot win


a war without boots on Remainers were so busy fiddling


around Westminster that May I just add, never


underestimate an opponent, especially a swivel-eyed blhnkered


loon and a fruit cake. There have been lots


of suggestions of where after Brexit, ranging


from here to Albania, Switzerland


but the doctor may the best option, to avoid all the endless prdssure


groups, as to either to declare the UK a free


trade area or join the World Trade Let us pause on Germany


for a moment. We hear allsorts of scare


stories about trade after The previous Speaker but it


extremely well. An excellent report


from Barclay bank, Germany trade surplus with the UK


is nearly 2% of their GDP. The UK is Germany's


third-largest export market with Germany's exports to the UK


increased by 50% from 2010 to 2 15. 8% of German goods


exports come to the UK. Cars and other vehicles


were Does anyone seriously believe


they want trade barriers ag`inst UK But to try and satisfy everx


pressure group is impossibld. The threat that many


companies will be Sooner or later, people


will realise that to relocate businesses to France,


Italy, Spain, Greece... Turkey or even


Germany presents a huge and rising risk when you look


at the state of the EU. You may even have seen


the statistic, the new head negotiator on EU Brexit,


a man who knows his business, said that we the UK are rats


leaving a sinking ship. If that is


what he thinks of his obsession of the Westminster bubble


to stay in the single market. trade with the rest of the DU,


but single market means unlhmited immigration, all the rules


and regulations... Would you mind, I'm


trying to make a speech. All the rules and


regulations, and the jurisdiction of the


European Court of Justice. We do not want a single market,


we want free trade. Our negotiating


strength is much If, when we exercise


Article 50, if there is no agreement, we just leave


after the two years. They will fall over


themselves to do a deal. And one day later we will open


and finalise fairly quickly trade deals


with the rest of the world. Our aim should be to turn the UK


into a low-tax economy. Thanks to Brown and Osborne's


fiddling, we have a tax codd which is complex and a drain


on the economy. The new Chancellor keeps saxing


the result of the vote is a Well, in fairness he does not


seem to be the only one. One would have hoped


Mr Cameron has learned from that experience,


but he does not seem to have had a plan


either once Gadhafi was overthrown. It has been discovered


that the Government and civhl service did little or no pl`nning


if the It must be fair and big bushnesses


must pay that amount, but mtst Let us have a low tax and free trade


economy and have it sooner. And let us get on with


Brexit, either by repealing the 72 European


Communities Act... Or exercising Section 50 of the


Lisbon Treaty. The longer we delay, the more


entrenched negotiation positions We are assuming that while we,


from a zero starting position, because of the disgraceful


failure of the civil servicd to make any preparations for the Le`ve vote,


we have all the time in the world. Immigration is flooding in,


and our opponents, the EU, And seeking to present


a united front in their Why are we giving them


so much time to prepare? The great British people have given


the Government that instructions, get on with it and stop


fiddling around. Welcome to Bournemouth. Yesterday I


would have been saying welcome to sunny Bournemouth. However, on


behalf of the south-west and all of our members, I would like to welcome


you to the wonderful seasidd town of Bournemouth. Unfortunately our


south-west German could not be with us today as he is on a well earned


holiday with his wife in Canada However, I am sure he is thhnking


about as this morning. Although with the time difference, I am not


sure. For those who joined ts last night at the reception went to the


other events, I hope there `re not too many fuzzy heads becausd we have


an action packed day ahead of us today. We have some exceptional


speakers, some entertaining speakers and, of course, Nigel. On the


official town website it saxs, Bournemouth is a seaside resort on a


sub coast of England. It is known for its seven miles of beaches,


Victorian architecture and buzzing nightlife. The result is also home


to Bournemouth Pier. -- resort. And activity Centre, climbing w`ll and a


zip line. Looking around, I can see a couple of excited faces they are


at the one of those activithes. Possibly that zip line. For those


not tempted, it can be a good chance to meet up with friends in lany of


the cafes at this centre. Fhnally, our new leader will be annotnced


when the results of the member's ballot is declared. We must, as a


party, get behind him or her. As we build on the belly solid fotndations


that have been laid by Nigel and his team. -- built on the very solid


conditions. 4 million votes in the last general election. We are a


party on the up. APPLAUSE


You will also get a chance to enjoy Nigel's final speech as leader. I


know you will give him a trdmendous and well deserved reception. He is


still an MEP and leader of the group in the European Parliament.


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