Episode 1 Sunday Morning Live

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The Government wants to make forced marriage a crime but will


vulnerable girls report their own parents to police? His fear of


being labelled racist stopped us Good morning and welcome to a new


series of Sunday Morning Live. Up to 8000 women from the UK are


forced into marriage every year. The Government wants to make it a


criminal offence but will that make the problem worse? Ukrainian fans


are accused of racist chanting. And accuse the government of human


rights abuses. Is that a good enough reason to boycott Euro 2012


or is it punishing players and fans? The rich are getting richer


and the poor are getting poorer and the government is dominated by men


in her school boys. Are they being demonised because they're posh?


Made in Chelsea * France's Ole does not think so. What is important in


my opinion is how someone uses the power., guests are known for


standing their ground. Owen Jones is the author of How we demonise


the working classes. He describes himself as a former trade union


flunkey. As a personality and behaviour psychologist, Donna


Dawson gives advice that people don't always want to hear. And be


one of Britain's leading experts unforced marriage and his going to


be shortlisted as a torch-bearer. What do you think? Challenge our


guests on Skype, Twitter or over Texts will be charged at the


standard rate. It is the most intimate betrayal. Girls as young


as five forced to marry against their will, kidnapped, beaten and


raped if they protest and by their own families. Mostly from Pakistan


and South Asia. Why has it taken so long to criminalise forced


marriage? Last year there were almost 5000 reports of forced


marriages involving UK citizens, around one-third were under 18 but


many cases go unreported so the true figure is likely to be far


higher. I was 14 when I came home from school and when mother


presented me with a photograph of the man I was promised to win I was


eight years old. I said no, my family took it out of school when I


was 15 and a half an hour was literally held a prisoner in my own


home. At the moment, forced marriage itself isn't a crime.


Victims can only seek a civil injunction to protect themselves


but parents can be jailed for associated crimes like kidnap and


violence. David Cameron now says it's time to change the law.


should be a crime and for too long in this country we have thought,


well, it is a cultural practice and we have to run with it. We do not.


It is a crime. Campaigners hope the new law will help police, schools


and social services confront families about forced marriage


without the fear of being called racist and they say the victim


could use a lot as a bargaining chip with their family. Critics say


that poor families will take their children abroad to be married in


secret, for fear of being prosecuted for what they see as a


cultural tradition. Some people view this as a cultural problem.


They don't want to marrying outside of their family. I don't want to


get married! Some say the new law will make things worse. Could


victims' be less likely to seek help if they think their own


parents can be imprisoned? The Government says it is about time


that we set our ground. I strongly opposed specific stand-alone


legislation with forced marriage because forced marriage can be


prosecuted under existing legislation and this is supported


by leading barristers, including Lord Lester. And the end violence


against women coalition. Should we make forced marriage a crime?


We would show the results at the end of the programme. The thing


that the Government says is we have had all these years to deal with


the existing law and we need to just make it a crime? It is


recognised as a crime, particularly in terms of the human rights


violation. I do not a pose that but argument and the argument of other


organisations, over 114 of them, is that it can be prosecuted under


existing legislation, the Civil Protection Act in 2008 is effective


and recognised. Is it not that you think it will make things worse?


All of these laws but it is going on, 8000 women each year. I dispute


those figures, that is another debate. For that make this worse?


It would deter victims from coming forward. Donna, will it make people


afraid to come forward? At the moment they have to take it to a


civil court. What young Asian girl can do that? The thing is, it is a


crime against human-rights and with miners it is abuse, child abuse. We


have to send a strong message that this will not be tolerated and the


point is that, I am sorry, but groups themselves, the Iranian and


Kurdish women's rights organisation and there was a study in Cambridge


that's it they want tougher legislation, they want to be able


to use this against their parents if they have to to say, this is a


bargaining chip and you cannot do this. But we have to give a message


to the community. The goal of this is to be as a deterrent? What has


not been recognised is the need for indications of prosecution because


the standard of proof in relation to criminal proceedings... Is it


not supposed to put people off carrying out forced marriages? Then


you don't have to worry? There is legislation already in place.


is piecemeal. It isn't. They have to prove there was kidnapping. What


it does not recognise is the course of behaviour. If a girl, 17 years


old, under pressure, you need to do this, we will be ostracised, she


pretends to fall ill and the girl eventually gives them and after


weeks of emotional and psychological pressure. That forced


marriage isn't considered illegal at the moment. There are existing


laws. Rip, GBH, false imprisonment, people should be prosecuted. The


danger is, I initially thought this was a straightforward case of a


separate criminal offence but having spoken to grassroots


activists, including a fantastic organisation that works of victims,


there is a real fear that this will deter young women and particularly


children from coming forward. There is a massive problem. Up to 8000


forced marriages taking place each year. About 1500 each year are


referred to the forced marriage unit. At one that work that works


with people, looking after people who have escaped from forced


marriages, they ask those women it they would come forward if it was a


separate criminal offence and overwhelmingly they said they would


not. At the moment we have forced marriage protection orders that


have been working quite well with only five violations. We should


criminalise the violations of those orders. They should also include


course of behaviour. The Lord isn't recognised psychological caution.


Talk to the victims themselves. the moment, this is the other point,


only �500 million has been -- five- under �1,000 has been allotted.


That isn't sufficient. It cost over �100,000 to put this legislation


and players and it has not been given due regard. The issue around


protection has been neglected and the Government has not listened to


the 136 organisations... experienced a forced marriage


yourself when you are very young. What is your view on the idea of


this Government criminalising forced marriages? First and


foremost, Alan Knott name-drop organisations, I will speak as a


survivor and on behalf of the many hundreds of victims who are helped


every single one. Many fully support this, including the general


public. We went on the streets across England, asked people for


their views and 2500 people cannot be wrong. 98% believe it should be


criminalised and the reason is the Prime Minister is right to send out


a signal that such appalling acts of exportation are unacceptable in


the 21st century Britain. If this country believes that forced


marriage is an illegal practice, they will be prepared to deal with


it. Would we have helped you when you're 15? With respect to the


legal framework, what is very evident is that very few of the


legal mechanisms available are being used to take cases to court.


This isn't about the number of prosecutions, I believe in the


symbolic value. For those girls who for the summer holidays, there will


be hundreds taken at a school and put into forced marriage and they


need to know this is a crime and overnight we're giving them the


message that this is against the law in this country and I have


spoken at schools across the country. Young people do not view


this as a crime. I want to bring in another person who survived forced


marriage. This happened to you. What is your view? Well, the law


would not have helped me when I escaped. Can I just say, it was a


lot that got it right in the first place. The wire with this lot not


protect you? I was taken at a school at the age of 13. The school


did not ask any questions. I was taken abroad and forced into a


marriage. I was brought back to this country pregnant. The GP, a


hospital, social services did not ask any questions when I was giving


birth to my baby at the age of 14. When I escaped and came to


Manchester, the lough got it right. So, I do not know why the


Government has put new legislation in place to tackle the issue of


forced marriage. Existing legislation is already working.


What needs to happen is that... People need to take this on board,


like schools, doctors and hospitals, and then need to start tackling


this as a preventative measure. Not when it happens. This is exactly


what the law will do, put money into educating? This is a quick fix,


�500,000. At the other end of the argument is that people and


violence against women in the UK. At one end we will do with this and


at the other end, bulldozing those services that are lifelines for


victims and survivors. In the case of victims who are coursed into


marriage against their will, will they go? When those criminal


proceedings kick in? Into housing and things like that? Where is the


money? Women's refuges across the country are facing serious cutbacks.


Legal aid faces massive cutbacks so women will not be able to take


civic address on these people. We need a national campaign to educate.


Proper resources to educate. Teachers and all those people who


work in the community to identify early signs. As I understand it,


even when the law is passed, victims of forced marriage will


still have a choice whether to go the civil writ or the criminal


route and if they take criminal proceedings, they can change their


mind so the options are just being widened. The thing is, the


communities themselves which these women feel they are being


ostracised from, they need to be changed from the inside out. What


David Cameron said is, why is it taking so long? Are we being afraid


of being called racist? Yes! Multiculturalism, letting cultures


function independently within society. You don't importer own


laws. You are a UK citizen! This isn't a problem endemic in entire


communities, most of nothing to do with forced marriage whatsoever.


And if you end up stigmatising people, it can be counter-


One session was set up with Irish traveller families, it was


cancelled precisely because of that awful programme on Channel 4,


because they thought it would help if you're the stigmatisation of the


communities. I think they should be it is illegal, human rights abuse,


they should be stigmatised! Forced marriages happen in all communities,


it just doesn't happen in the South Asian community. Light with


Rochdale, nobody wanted to talk about it. That is just saying the


fact. One of the things the government is considering doing is


if parents try take the girls abroad, they have to register their


intent with the local registrar, so if there is a marriage, we know


about it before it happens. But the government has also said they are


going to put more money into protecting victims long term.


do you say on this issue about whether there was too much


political correctness? We had a poster saying forced marriage is


abuse cannot cultural. The reason being that these professionals,


teachers, police officers up and down the country, we speak to


thousands of people every year, tell us there is a real fear that


when they look at this, they feel they have to tiptoe around it and


deal with it as something cultural. There is a real fear about being


called racist. We have to acknowledge that we have a


statutory guidance, for the statutory sector. But they're not


in permitting it because they don't feel it is part of their business,


criminalising forced marriage will place a duty on them. I don't


understand why we are waiting -- wasting time, it seems nonsensical


to me to be arguing and debating about measures that will be


strengthened to protect the weak in society.


I don't disagree with regard to putting the victim as part of the


justice system, I think our work, violence against women coalition, I


think it is about as in the victim at the heart of this. My concern is


that there is not enough emphasis on non criminal justice routes in


terms of the perception, and provision. We have a woman's right


organiser, you had issues with not feeling you could talk about the


race issue enforced marriage? Deflected. It has been going on in


increasing numbers, and for a long time we felt, as white women who


ran refuges and places a century's, that we had to keep quiet, that we


would be accused of being racist, we were being culturally


insensitive. We felt we had to tiptoe around the issue. But having


listened time and again to the appalling stories of young Asian


women, we thought, we're not going to be silenced any more. I am over


the moon that forced marriage has been made a crime, I think the


other feminist women's organisations are utterly wrong in


denying women their right. Take on the issues, people were just two of


Fred, they were not standing up for victims, as in Rochdale, the


victims of abuse were being ignored. There is a clear way round this. We


need more voices from within the communities, that is why it some of


these organisations are embedded in the communities. They haven't


changed things? They have, they are arguing... Let me finish. They are


doing for decriminalisation of all breaches of the forced marriage


protection orders. But if we are ending up with situations where it


is just why people talking on behalf of those communities, it


will be counter-productive. You say you don't care about demonisation.


Any cultural group doing something wrong, let's get the racist group


out of here! Don't be afraid to say, this is wrong, it is illegal!


no one is disagreeing with that point. The problem with what you're


saying is that if you end up demonising people... I am not


demonising anyone. If you end up with groups feeling stigmatised,


they will not co-operate and work with people, and that has been the


experience of women's groups so far. If they feel their grip has been


demonised in any way, that breaks down a sense of trust. If there is


already a law in place that begins to change attitudes, then those


people beginning to feel demonised can actually say, this is the law.


It is not my personal feeling involved any more, this is the law


of the country. It is already the law of the country. Domestic


violence doesn't have a stand-alone piece of legislation, it is


prosecuted under existing legislation, so let's not lose that


wider debate in terms of training it within that issue of violence


against women. Is this law about changing the demonisation around?


Should we make a forced marriage a England take to the pitch against


France tomorrow, but this year, politics seems to be a budding


football of the centre stage. First there was the row over racist


chants and attacks, and now British ministers are boycotting games over


human rights abuses in Ukraine. It is the sporting field the best


place to make a political point? England start their Euro 2012


campaign tomorrow, but our ministers and the world Princes


will not be there to cheer them on. I hope for our team, it is a great


sporting event, but we don't want people to understand that as giving


political support to some things that have been happening in Ukraine


that we don't agree with. The one of those things is the treatment of


the Ukraine's opposition leader, Timoshenko, serving seven years


after what her supporters say was a show trial, and she claims she has


been beaten in jail by guards. And some England fans were also staying


away, because if fears about racist thugs in Ukraine. So is it right to


boycott sporting events to punish the country for its human rights


record, why should sport, by its nature, be above politics? Nobly


refused to go to the Beijing Olympics, and there are lots of


reasons not to go to China. I'm sure there are bad things going on


in Ukraine, but trying to pick which means you should boycott or


not, there are other ways to achieve that rather than sport.


Others say international sporting events are the best place to


highlight injustice simply because so many people are watching them.


Most famously, our refusal to play sport with apartheid South Africa,


which probably played a part in ending the racist regime. But what


makes an effective boycott? The borrowing from three was called off


after violence Against democracy protesters. -- Bahrain grant Prix.


So should sport be separate from politics no matter who the host


country? Or as a show of solidarity for countries in turmoil, should


our sportsmen and women lead the way towards blowing the final


whistle on unjust regimes? We are joined by Hugo MacNeill, who


risked his career by refusing to join his team on a tour in


apartheid South Africa. Why did you decide to do it? I think it was the


end of my first year playing for Ireland, there was a lot of


controversy at the time with the apartheid regime, apartheid was


very active in sport, the fans were segregated, black players couldn't


play on the same basis, and rugby was very much part of the regime


there. A lot of the black leaders were saying, please don't come, I


remember of us at Trinity College at Dublin, and one of the


professors said, "please don't come and play rugby". It just fell to me


that it wasn't the right thing to do. -- thought to me. The injured


to -- interesting thing was I play it would be with a lot of South


Africans after that, and I thought their reaction would be critical,


and it was very interesting, because these were very impressive


people, very liberal, a number of whom have gone and done great work


in South Africa, and they said to me, it was absolutely right not to


come. Because a lot of people in the regime didn't really care about


the financial markets, but they did care about not being able to see


the Springboks. What did you make of this? I think you made the right


decision. I think whether his overt racism involved, whether it is


about people who can come to watch it all players on the field now,


being attacked for their skin colour, it is something that you


have to do something about. But do you pick and choose which subjects?


His team was going, only a few players have made that decision.


feeling is about basic human rights. The thing is to make your eye in a


team that is going to a country with a bad human rights record,


does the team stand back and say, I can't do this? I don't like sports


players being used as political pawns by government, and the


governments themselves should be taking action to stop did you feel


you were being used in any way? I think it was a personal decision.


I think I can take the view of people who say, may be the softly


employment is better, maybe we should encourage and develop


dialogue, and that is often better, we saw in our own country, Ireland,


Northern Ireland, it has been useful, but I think there are times


you have just got to take hard decisions. We have a government


making decisions, the ministers are not going out, is that different?


The point is, the argument against it is that sport should be kept out


of politics, but the point is that sport can become political. It


should have been the whole team in your situation. What it means in


the apartheid era is basically a PR exercise for PR -- apartheid South


Africa. Compare it to today, what situation are we in in the UK,? --


Ukraine? It is a complex one, because Bahrainis should definitely


have been boycotted, and whilst it was taking place, that event helped


the regime. Ukraine is more complicated, because I think there


has been a lot of sensationalist reporting about the issue of racism


in the Ukraine. It is a problem as in many other countries, including


our own, but England played in 2009 in the Ukraine without a single


racist incident. I want to bring in a former Premier League footballer,


who is now campaigning on race. What is your view about whether we


should be at Euro 2012? My view is first of all, good morning, but my


view is that footballers should be used as political tools, the


situation is that Poland and Ukraine have been granted these


championships, and really, we have got to go there, showed solidarity


in that we want to fight any forms of discrimination by actually going


there and showing how players from mixed backgrounds promote... Mixed


race and black, white, can all come together to win a match or to play


together to try and win a football match, that is the positive message.


Hugo, that is the opposite of what you did? I think the situation in


South Africa was different, because there was an apartheid regime, and


sport turned into a positive. It shouldn't just be in -- individual


players. So that the car was excluded from World Cups until the


situation changed. -- South Africa was excluded. Then they came back


into the World Cup in 1995, and won it, and President Mandela came into


Beck Springboks dressing room, and wore a Jessica Moore which was the


symbol of the regime, and sport had a been transformed into a positive


Fuss X wore a Springboks jersey. a country that has bad human rights,


if a team goes in and shows car operation, could well, Sport polite


behaviour, fairness, that can set an example that can permeate


through society. It is a subtle and a long-term thing, but it is an


Eastern European has are being portrayed as knuckle dragging


racists, which isn't true. France will host this in 2016 and one in


five French voters voted for a far- right party but no-one is kicking


off about that. In the Ukraine there have been allegations of


things like monkey chanting and that has to be taken very seriously


by your wife have. And taken to the fullest possible prosecution.


Players like Road hole at say they should just walk off. Individually,


even if they might be disciplined. And would not say that anybody


being abused, you should do what you feel like, and one of the


dangers is that if you have a crowd of 18,000 people and one in eight


starts shouting that somebody or if your team is losing and they try to


us at the other players to walk off, that is difficult. It is a personal


decision but the other point is that sport can also be a very


positive means of influencing and changing society. Great strides


have been made in Britain on the racist Front. Garth Crooks a couple


of years ago was talking about this. This states to be taken on. We have


a fanned from the Association in Great Britain. Should baby in the


Ukraine at all? Absolutely. They were like to give the Games to


Poland and Ukraine, countries that have a very proud and tragic


history. Both are very rich in culture and tradition and these


parts of the world were not accessible to the West not so long


ago. We have all seen the terrible pictures that were shown on the


Panorama programme but they are in no way a representation of the


whole of the population of both Ukraine and Poland. They do not


reflect the culture and hospitality of those people. What about human


rights abuses? There is a serious problem with human rights. And the


main problem in Ukraine at the moment is the issue of the rule of


law and the judiciary system. isn't not a reason for a boycott?


It is a reason for the Government to not send ministers to be seen


relaxing with the authorities in Ukraine at the moment. Thank you. I


want to bring in the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK, who joins us


on the line. Our government isn't sending ministers because of your


Government's alleged human rights abuses. Is that fair? Thank you for


the question. As was mentioned before, politics and sport do not


mix. It is a sorry decision by any government cannot send people to


these events. This isn't inter- governmental. I would like to say


that there are plenty of places where human rights issues can be


discussed and they are being discussed, the Human Rights Council,


the United Nations, the Council of Europe. Thank you. I want to get


some response from the panel. are serious allegations in his


country and it is that that the right that government ministers do


not go up and when you says boards are not political, that isn't true


because sporting events facilitate Government's showing solidarity


with other governments under those allegations but the problem we have


is the hold of Ukraine is being tarred by the actions of a small


minority. That happen with England fans a few years ago, some


hooligans were used to betray all England fans as a problem. I agree


that government and sport should not mix but it is a reaction to the


human rights issue. I think that you were for me to get tougher, all


they had to do is admit there is a real problem rather than heads in


the sand. Or if the referee does not do anything, they cannot walk


off. They need to get tough and the men doing the chanting have to be


chucked out immediately. Maybe the whole section so that people around


them will stop them. Where do you draw the line? Personal protests


but then Bahrain, we went to China for the Olympics, how do you view


that decision-making process? personal and there is a big


difference between apartheid South Africa and Poland and Ukraine.


even with those abuses? I do not minimise in any way those, they


should be dealt with. And the organisations must take leadership.


We have seen how sport can actually go on, South Africa, sport could


bind people. And when the IRA blew up Canary Wharf, myself and another


team-mate, Irish people, were walking on the streets and we said,


this isn't in our name. We organised Peace International, and


many of the best players in the world came as a stick and against


IRA violence and one of the big South Africans who sent it is


amazing images came to us. Francois Pienaar. It can be a force for good.


Would you draw the line? The government boycott? Personal?


few are going to be abused in the stands, you should not be on the


field. When sport becomes a prop for dictatorships engaged and


struggles with the people fighting for democracy. If people face


racism on the pitch, they should walk out on their team-mates should


also in solidarity. Picture, the author of Downton a big described


as the last acceptable prejudice, bashing posh people just for being


posh. Is he right or are we just jealous? In modern Britain, too


posh people have to much power? We will hear from Francis Boulle from


Made in Chelsea. You can contact us. And key boating on the text poll.


Should we make a forced marriage a You have five minutes before this


closes. Time for the more moment of the week when guests pick the


stories that got themselves worked up. We will start with a one?


Miliband and his Englishness speech. This has been a debate, what is


English identity? It means different things to different


people. Tea, queuing, football. I think it is something that


politicians should not be getting their noses into, it is like


religious belief, it is private. I am not sure we should be defining


people primarily by their national identity. A supermarket worker in


Manchester has far more in common with another supermarket worker in


Glasgow or Paris or Athens, particularly at these times of


austerity, and my fear was that this was pandering to a certain


form of English nationalism which is very exclusive and divisive and


should be left to people themselves to work out. Donna, you have a


story about a young woman thrown off a bus because she lacked 20p?


This was in December in Nottingham. She stood for eight minutes


remonstrating, she said she would go to the cashpoint or call her


mother and he threw her off the bus. People around her did not come


forward with 20p. She was subsequently raped and beaten and


left for dead. This is incredible, it happened around Christmas time.


What is it about people at the moment they see any ruckus, they


shut themselves away. What is wrong with the bus driver? He could not


use common sense? Or maybe he was a sadist and using his little bit of


power. These men are behind glass, no conductors, they don't even


relate to people, they cannot be bothered to deal with this. I hope


to God he does not get a good night's sleep from now on, I am so


angry and the bus company is protecting him. They say that lies


were told in court. The people on that bus have to think again. This


is just common sense. What is your view? That is a horrendous


situation. Both from the driver's point to you and how could


everybody else? At the moment, but I was younger we were told it that


was it at night and you were young, and you did not have the bus fare,


you should give you details and say you have someone waiting, that is


what she did. But there is no system in place and this was in the


freezing cold, 3 o'clock that morning. She did nearly die. The


bus fare was �5. Bus fares are out of control as it is. It puts young


woman's lives at risk and we need a system that allows people to be


able to get on. Hugo, you are interested in the fact that Disney


will band junk food advertisements from their channels? I thought this


was another nanny state thing but as someone who loves America, three


weeks ago I was there and we went outside New York and be walking


around a shopping mall and I was just staggered at the size of


people and children, in particular. I live in the Republic of Ireland


and a recent survey says the 20% of 3 euros are overweight. 12% or


obese. It is very clever what Michelle Obama has done because the


President tried to bring in something against soft drinks and


it was defeated but by her time this up with Disney, that is very


clever because the American marketing has made either watching


sport or watching cinema, it isn't complete without a huge amount of


advertising. And that is true, I have lived here for most of my life


but when I go back on, I cannot believe how many more children are


obese, the food industry in America has a stranglehold on the media and


they are all was projecting advertisements to very young


children. Define junk-food, there are such things as good hamburgers


and healthy pizza but this is about manufacturers thinking about what


they put into these. Disney is making a moral stand? They are


tapping into this growing sense, not least because childhood obesity


is a problem in America and also here, and a lot of people will


welcome the stand. I would like to see it emulated, I would like to


see advertising aimed at children... Think of the Olympics and all of


those brands? I do think that it will be beneficial. We need to


start thinking about things along these lines, particularly around


children's programmes, not having advertisements for McDonald's.


There are some rules? And they should expand that. Chatted obesity


is something that is growing across the western world. Thank you all.


If you have a webcam, you can make her point on such a media and Skype


water when the conversation on Twitter and buy text. You have been


voting, should be made forced marriage a crime and the poll is


closing so please do not text any more. -- should we make. Took part


boys who don't do the price of milk, that is how it the Tory MP in


Aideen Tory described the PM and the Chancellor and said they do not


want to understand the lives of others. Is she right? Our leaders


out of touch or are we just touchy about class? One person who thinks


so is Francis Boulle from Made in Chelsea, he is where he stands...


don't believe that all posh people have power, it has hired someone


used as a power. No-one has control over the background, there are


advantages and disadvantages to being rich and poor. It's up to us


whether we let that limit as. When I hear someone commenting on


someone's class and defining them, I think the Speaker is in some way


deflecting attention from themselves, some inherent prejudice.


I am proud of who I am and what I have achieved and I will certainly


not apologise for that. So many posh people are in high places but


they have earned this places and they deserve them. That allows him


to tackle society's worst problems. There are limitless possibilities


in each of us, despite the positions into which we were born.


It is only there for the taking. The only thing limiting us his


imagination. No-one is aiming to land struggles, everyone


understands pain, loss and despair. These experiences do not exist


along class lines, no-one is his attempt. Surely, this unites us? --


no-one is exempt. You can join in with webcam or over the phone or on


mine. Are you just chippy about the fact you're not posh? I am not posh


or a working-class hero. It is interesting, when you stand up for


the bottom 70% recorded a class warrior but when you stand up for


the top 1% to and you are labelled immoderate. When taxes are slashed


for the rich and VAT is increased for the majority, that his fiscal


credibility, but calling for rich people to pay their fair share,


you're a frothing at the mouth class warrior and you should never


hold anybody's background against them. No-one has any control over


their upbringing, it isn't about snobbery, it is about the fact that


society is so dominated by privileged people and it is run in


their interests. Before the last election I interviewed his obvious,


and I said, 5 million people in this country are stuck on social


housing waiting list. Why don't Labour do something? She said,


because no-one in government was that interested in housing. If you


have people in Parliament who have been in that situation, stuck on a


waiting list, it would force it to the top of the agenda but it is


dominated by people from the most privileged backgrounds. How do you


answer? I think you make some good points. I disagree with the tax


side because you are inferring that by raising tax, you would generate


more tax revenue, which isn't true. But what about not having the


understanding or caring? That is ridiculous, like you said, you


should not be penalised for what you are born into, you don't have


Do you think people don't take seriously enough the concerns over


things like social housing? they are important issues, but I


think what you what inferring is people who was born into privilege


don't understand that. It is just less likely, in it is not a live


experience. So should they go live in a council estate? Absolutely not,


what we need is a political system which is representative of the


committees that exist. They were voted into power, they were


sanctioned by the people. problem in terms of getting


candidates collected while working class, there are lots of barriers


in the way, it is the same in the media. The top 100 journalists,


over half were privately educated. It wasn't because other people were


not talented, but because to get into the media can we have to get


an unpaid internship, living in London... I agree that creates a


situation where people who are living in London, or who have the


finance from their parents, they have an advantage, sure. But what


I'm saying... So you agree? saying that we should always strive


towards social mobility, obviously, but I don't think that if you are


speaking about posh people in high places, in government, there are


lots of other people who want posh. I don't really know what your


definition is. For me, it is the fact, in Parliament today, over


two-thirds of MPs come from a professional middle-class


background, less than one in 20 are from an unskilled background. There


are lots of people on the left, people like Tony Benn, George


Orwell, they would from privileged backgrounds, they understood the


issues affecting ordinary people, but it becomes less and less likely.


I just want to bring in Nadine Dorries can she is the MP who


accused the Chancellor and the Prime Minister of being out of


touch. Would you make of France's's defence? I was slightly


disappointed, because as a wing has highlighted, with the look at the


BBC, banking, in the highly paid profession, the majority of people


from what you describe as privileged background to stop


privately educated. The problem is, this can be addressed in the future,


the problem is that the private education sector are today has


become so adept at providing absolutely excellent, world-class


education about the state system is so far behind, that if you're an


employer in banking or in the BBC, you're going to take on the best,


and the best people are coming from the private sector today. You are


saying more than that, Nadine, you are saying that your party leader


and too many people in power what are arrogant and out of touch.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are the children of the


privileged, they become the people in those high-earning and


influential positions, and what we do need to see are more people from


absolutely ordinary, normal working-class, northern, as well,


background. Both the media and politics and the high-paid Industry


to admitted by people from the south. We need more of that from


the north. They're not going to do that until the education sector


provides be same level of education as the private sector. Tell us, as


a person has come from an American perspective, what you make of our


obsession with class? It is part of your history, it is certainly not


part of mind. I think the class system has done a lot to damage


individual enterprise. Do you think Nadine is right when she says the


government is arrogant and out of touch? Yes, because they have this


public-school boy network where they only help each other out. So


it becomes an enclosed club that perpetuates itself. When you are


born into privilege, it is difficult Tim Firth -- defies the


something you have never experienced, no matter how hard you


try. He is right to say that it is about how you use power and


privilege, but they Rotimi people born into it now to accept it as a


God-given right, who do think they are better than other people and


have not really gone on to do anything about helping other people


with that power. Do you accept that there are the problem with people


from your back run to don't care and are happy...? It is a problem


with anyone who doesn't necessarily understand something that they


haven't lived, trying to comment on it. But obviously you have to


strive to understand and take all aspect. Just to go back to an


earlier political era, the post-war Labour government it down to the


NHS, Nye Bevan, who was a Welsh miner, he saw the health problems


that existed in a working-class community in Wales. But there were


rich, not to do with education, it was to do with a strong trade union


movement, who gave working-class people an avenue into politics, as


well as a strong local government. Both of those were battered by


Thatcherism, and they closed down a lot of the routes, particularly the


Labour Party, which has become more dominated by professional people.


That is what we have less working- class people at the top. Nadine?


doesn't mention people like Harold Macmillan, who was educated at Eton


and Oxbridge, one of the first things he did was introduce an act


to benefit the poorer and the working classes. Margaret Thatcher


had a lot of working-class people voting for her, because she was a


grocer's daughter, and although she went to Oxford, she and people like


Robert Miller and could identify with the lives of the people they


would governing. It is not just about Labour politicians, it is


about politicians or across the board. It is, and it is a problem


in the Labour Party, and even more in your party, as you keep


repeatedly highlighted. It looks a little bit like a Cabot from the


19th century. It is not just Labour. Julian bellows, who is appear, he


said that it is a demonisation of the wealthy and the posh going on.


Katie, you are right and you are a politically posh. What is your


defence, are you being demonised? don't think we're being demonised,


but I do think that being posh is a state of the being, rather than


class. I do agree with Nadine, the state education system has a lot to


answer for, we're at 60 or 70 years a bit, it should be better than it


is. Explain the discrimination, do you really feel intimidated by the


public debate around being posh? don't feel intimidated, what I have


said is that plushness at its best incorporate courtesy, good manners,


a sense of public duty, and to decry people because they are posh,


without saying why it is that somehow, these people are worse


than anybody else... I am glad... No one is suggesting a possible are


being demonised, I think the suggestion is a offensive or. Since


this government has been elected, the people who have been demonised


are people on benefits, the disabled, public sector workers.


They are been pilloried by the press. If it is also about


traditional values, Francis, can you become posh? It is not just


about wealth? I guess not everyone started off Posh, people, like


Katie said, people can aspire to being posh, and it is an idea...


is not just about inheritance? is about 100 times more difficult.


Obviously, yes. We had some good examples of people who have made it.


My personal Heron, Victoria Beckham, who has certainly been labelled


Bosch. -- heroine of. I'm a little bit bemused as to what Posh means


cover does it mean you were born into a certain class, is it your


accent does it mean you went to a certain school, or is it about


politics or personality? Is is just people who took advantage...?


everybody aspires to money and everybody aspires to property.


example, you're a dapper young lad, I am quite scruffy, I think if


people want to, they should be proud of their background, they


shouldn't feel shame to buy it. The point we are making his and


personal. It is about the fact that our society is so delighted by


people from privileged backgrounds. How would you solve that problem?


Should we kill them all? I don't think anybody is calling genocide


of rich people. We should always straight -- strive towards a more


level cited as the other would paying more tax help? The key issue,


it is not about killing people, it is about representation and a voice,


about making sure that politics is rooted in communities, not prepared


-- professional politicians who have never had a job outside the


Westminster bubble. Over a third of our MPs are privately educated.


don't we just talk about the great national character, how I perceive


Brits, as opposed to looking at sub-groups? You have a reputation


of being a tolerant country, being patient, resilient, this is what


the average British oppression understand what they say, I am


British. With the your upper class, working-class, middle-class, if you


have the British trade, stubbornness may be as well. That


is what we should all be aspiring to. Do you think our government is


apologising to much? When David Cameron doesn't wear a morning suit


to a wedding? I do, I think that is a results of a long-term inverted


snobbery inverted -- pregnant in our society, that creates a


situation where he has to apologise or try and hide his background. I


did think anyone should be ashamed of their background to stop people


should accept other people for their differences to stop and I


agree. That is what makes this country great. I am sure there are


some things we need to look at the dressing and try and improve social


mobility. I don't think people should be penalised for taking


advantage of the advantages they are presented with when they are


born. We will have to leave it Were you surprised? No, not at all.


The government are absolutely right to make it very clear statement


that this is absolutely wrong, I would support that criminalisation


of breaches of the forced marriage protected and orders. -- protection


orders. Francis, there has been a history of forced marriages going


back hundreds of years in aristocratic families, is it an


issue you think about? Arranged, perhaps. Do you have a view on


forced marriage? I think it is totally wrong. I think they might


have been arranged and encourage marriage as it brought out in the


aristocracy, if they are complicit in it, then fine, but I think


anything that leads to other crimes come of violent crimes like rape


and assault and things we have discussed, which are illegal,


arranged marriage isn't. If there isn't and that leads to those


things, should be in writing. not get bogged down in arguments


about legality and make a litter, it is a crime against human rights,


it needs to be stamped out and people need to be told, this is


wrong, don't do it. You don't think it is about culture, race, you


think it is about law? It is about any groups that want to entertain


the idea of forced marriage. Thank you to all of you who have taken


part today. We have been discussing sporting boycotts and a range of


other things. Thanks to all of my guests. Dope text or call the phone


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