Episode 14 Sunday Morning Live

Episode 14

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Nine in ten people believe the Government should control what some


welfare claimants spend their benefits on. That's the finding of


a poll this week, but would such action unfairly punish the poor and


vulnerable or in hard economic times, is it time to get tough with


Good morning, I'm Samira Ahmed and welcome to Sunday morning live. New


research shows that most of us believe that how claimants spend


their benefits needs to be more tightly controlled, preventing them


from squandering their money on so- called vices like cigarettes,


alcohol and drugs. This week, the Archbishop of


Canterbury said there were circumstances when abortion is the


lesser evil, but with two Government ministers declaring


their unease with the current laws, when is it right to terminate?


And, the Iron Lady was famously not for turning with Party Conferences,


a US presidential election and a new Head of The Church of England


all in the offing now, what kind of leader do we need now?


Why do we celebrate so-called tough leaders who never change their mind


or change course? We need leaders who're strong enough to know when


they're wrong and when it's right to do a U-turn.


A warm welcome to all my guests. Charlie Wolf is broadcaster with


Five Live and used to be Communications Director for


Republicans abroad UK and an 80s off shore pirate radio. Stefan


Stern is a Professor of Management, has written for the Financial Times


and started out directing comedians in student review including Stuart


Lee and Richard Herring. Derek Hatton came to prominence as the


fire brand hard left Deputy Leader of Liverpool Council in the 80s,


since then he's presented radio b developed property in Cyprus and is


a Director of The Bike to work scheme.


Call in to challenge our guests now. You can give your views on Twitter


A survey this week by the think- tank DEMOS found that nine in ten


believe we should control how at least some welfare claim Anns spend


benefits. In parts of the US and Australia, they've already


introdueed controls and support here has been growing dramatically


even before the economic crisis could it make welfare work better


in Britain today? As most of us feel the squeeze of


austerity, there's growing support for issuing benefit claimants with


food vouchers unstead of cash, effectively banning them from


spending their money on alcohol, cigarettes, gambling and even junk


foods. Anti-poverty campaigners are furious and believe the public are


being fed a false image of people living the life of Riley on welfare.


They argue that the introduction of stamps would rob the poor of


control over their own lives and further stigmatise being on


benefits in the first place. Labour politicians fear the welfare state


is being fatally undermined and that benefits are social security


and work best when claimants have control over their own money. But


there's plenty of interest in the idea of encouraging healthy


behaviour. The argument is that in families, it's the children who'd


benefit. America has been issuing food stamps since the early 1960s.


Britain has twice tried to introduce a similar system for


asylum seek, once in 1999 and then again in 2006. However, both times,


the scheme was aban downed as being both unfair and unworkable with


many technical errors and critics ask if private IT companies should


be making a profit out of welfare this way.


Does the state not only have a right but a duty to ensure that


public money is spent on healthy food, rather than gambling,


cigarettes and cider, or once the money is handed over, should the


individual be free to spend it how they please?


Derek, surely limiting you in some way have people spend welfare is


common-sense? I think it's totally unworkable. Secondly, I think it's


very unfair and thirdly, it's yet again, when a Government is


becoming unpopular, it's looking for scapegoats and in real terms


it's not a major issue, it is for the claim Anns but not for the


country. They are under pressure and they'll go for it. That is the


question today. Should we limit what claimants spend their benefits


We'll show how you voted at the end of the programme. Charlie, they've


been using food stamps suns the '60s in the States and at the


beginning in particular, they were regarded as a huge benefit for the


poor -- since the '60s? I remember them coming in, my father was a


green grocer. One of the problems though is even then they were


getting frauded, people were selling them on the black market,


getting 80 or 90 cent force food stamps. I think it's workable.


Instead of the vouchers, I think the credit cards or debit cards,


electronic cards, they can be topped up automatically by the


government, you don't have to go to the Post Office or wait for a


cheque that gets stole enfrom the post, as has happened in the States


and it has a level of control. If I have to tighten my belts during the


time of austerity, why shouldn't claim ants? Also if the vast


majority of people are paying tax and helping those in need, I don't


want to see my hard-earned money wasted on booze and cigarettes and


pornography, especially pornography. The technology is developing, it


could be less shaming perhaps than the old ideas o stamps and


vouchers? Key personalisation, that's been a goal in benefits. If


we are going to tell people what to spend people on, you have to be


careful how you to it. Ideally a shared process where people have


explained what they are going to do, not a voucher saying "eat your


greens", you know that,'s not a nudge, it's a shove. People knead


to feel like them a say. You are famous for going on the record


saying people are obese because they are eating the wrong stuff and


they should exercise. Wouldn't this reform be doing exactly what you


are saying people are too weak to do for themselves? I'm not saying


the principle of people using the money better than it may be at the


moment is wrong, but if we are talking about public money, does


that mean the people who're gambling, pornography or what


that's got to do with it I don't know, but anyway, pornography or


using it the wrong way, does that mean people who're MPs, people in


the BBC, anybody in the same position, should we give them food


stamps as well. They are still publicly accountable. But it's the


idea that if people are in receipt of welfare... These are people


coming for help and if they want it I'm glad to give it but use it for


what it was intended for. If I'm paying an MP and giving him


expenses, he has to right to deem it fit for whatever purpose. If you


are receiving social security, I think that should come in on a card


and that should be your money to spend because that was something


you have pad into the system to use. It's different when you are older


like for a pension? That's something you have paid in for for


years. You have a right to that. When you are asking for help, it's


the nanny state, but you are helping for nanny to help you in


the way that it wants. People have illness or because they can't get


jobs, generations are not working and all of a sudden we are saying,


you must do this. Where is the indication, by the way, that the


majority spend it on drink, alcohol and pornography, I don't know where


you got t that one from. It's in the report. I've never found


anybody who brings that out, they talk about the economy and lots of


things but I've never said anyone saying people on welfare with


spending their money on pornography. We need to be careful about the odd


extreme cases that can get bigged up. There would be concern if you


read a scaremongering story in the paper, but we are talking about


people on tight budgets, it's a miserable existence. They are not


people who're enjoying the circumstances they are living in


and we need to be careful about that. Absolutely right. If they are


spending it on food, why would it matter if they are getting a card


that they spend on food if they are acting responsibly. If they are not


spending it on cigarettes and alcohol, leave pornography out if


it upsets you, Derek. It's not upset me at all. If you see people


on the street, are you going to give them a �20 note to spend on


booze or pornography... You are being told not to give money to


beggars, give to it a charity. could buy a meal. The issue is why


they're there, the issue is how much money they are getting, the


issue is not what they spend it on. As was said here, people live on a


terrible existence because they have generations of people that


haven't worked. That's the reality and it would be better for the


Government to talk about how they can get them into work and get


money on their pocket rather than minimise what they've got. If you


live under the States under Mr Obama, it's gone from 32 to 47


million, risen 50%. What concerns me, on the taxi ride here today, it


came up by chance, this guy was talking about all the people in his


neighbourhood on benefits who have the biggest TVs and the nicest


holidays, so obviously I don't think they are doing as badly as


you are making out to be. I'm not saying there are no people that are,


but people are gaming the system. Where are these people? I would


love to know where they are. I want to bring in a couple of


contributors who might help answer that. Neil Cooper, the director of


church action on poverty. There are people out there watching who feel


there is a problem with scroungers, there are Government campaigns


about speeblging up if you know someone claiming when they


shouldn't - tsh speaking. I want to challenge the stereotypes that are


behind this. The language is so emotive, scroungers and feckless


which has already been used on the programme. The vast majority of


people on benefits are disabled, sick, they've been made redundant.


It's not a problem of their own making. They are under incredible


pressure, their lives if they're on work related benefits are not their


own already. They have to go and find work, they have to show


evidence that they are finding work. If they do voluntary work, they are


penalised for that because they are not available for work. We have a


streak within society which is incredibly dangerous, I think,


which is blaming people for the problems which are not of their own


making. I don't see that this is any sort of issue, it's making


matters worse. Seany O'Kane who mentors young fathers, we are


hearing a lot of people say the idea of food stamp-type controls on


welfare is humiliating but I gather you think that there could be


positives in it? Well, no. The whole idea of it being positive, no,


it's very circumstantial. I would say that it's true there are people


who are second, third, fourth generation in this country who've


never worked, who have adopted obviously their parents ways and


there's been no expectation of them to work. I wouldn't say overall


it's positive, no. I would say what we need to look at is the fact that


people are already marginalised as it is in society by stigmatising


something for them that they've obviously got no control over is


making it more difficult and it will lead, I believe, to people


trying to find ways of a means in another way if they can.


Also, you have got people who are out of work who've been working for


years and years to then suddenly rely on the welfare state and then


to stigmatise those people, to tell them where they can spend their


money and how they can spend their money, it's just not possible. It's


not realistic. Thank you very much. Charlie? I don't buy the stigma


thing. Maybe it's an American thing. This is a peculiar thing I find


about the British is we are all worried about offending people that


come to us for help. We should help people but there's a lot of people


that get stuck on the benefits system and there are a lot of


people that don't know how to use them. People are generations into


this. Help them, don't give them money to spend on booze then they


are stuck back where they started. It's interesting, didn't the


government claim to have identify a hard core of individual who is had


endemic issues and that perhaps this is part of a potential


solution to break that cycle? were extrapolating from a small


number and got a much bigger number. When pushed on the bigger number,


we didn't get any evidence on who the 140,000 families were. We are


in dangerous territory, but people on small budgets may need help.


That is the clear point. What would you stugt, because food stamps is


too tough, you say, but some families won't do it for themselves.


There's evidence where there's abuse, alcoholism and drug


I want to bring in another contributor. Philip Blond is a


journalist. He is head of a right of centre think-tank. What is wrong


with the idea of having universal credit? In principle they is


nothing wrong. I think the idea of targeting benefits should only be


for a minority of people. There are people in the benefit system who


are very vulnerable and in trouble, drug addicts and alcoholics. One


could imagine that those families would benefit from saying, this


money is directly for food. The trouble of -- the trouble with the


universal credit is that it will go to the head of the household. Some


of those families will be in trouble if the head of the family


spends it on alcohol and cigarettes. In that sense, targeted benefits


would really work. Perhaps it could work on a voluntary basis. But the


real key is that if we do these card payments correctly, they can


actually function as bank accounts for vulnerable people, a brand new


form of financial instrument that will enable the people who do not


have bank accounts, 1.5 million people, to have access to a form of


credit. It will allow people to be financially included within the


system. I know people who are not on benefit where the money going


into the house told us not going to looking after the children. The


children do not have enough to read. The mother does not get enough


money to make sure they are fed. We are scapegoating those on benefits.


There are lots of families in this country where the money is not


going where it should. This is entirely wrong. This does not help


the problem. Instead of money coming in that is made out to the


mother, our money that goes into the father's bank account that the


mother never sees, here is a way of the person who needs the money


getting it. It will go towards the necessities that the family need.


If that is the case, it should be for everyone who gets any sort of


money from the public purse. You cannot have money and only have


food stamps. This is 2012. With the technology, we have the ability to


structure it. If it is jobseeker's allowance, yes. In certain areas of


social welfare, it should be restricted. Is there not an ethical


dilemma of private IT companies making lots of money by


administering these schemes? Yes, absolutely. We know that


outsourcing can lead to a whole host of problems. Government


procurement of private sector services is not a very happy story.


We have to go carefully. I want to bring in some comments from viewers.


Martin says, during hard times, why do we always ask questions about


the spending habits of the poor? Carroll says, I spend my benefits


on food and bills and after that, I have nothing left. Thank you for


your contributions. CalMac opinion poll question today is, should we


limit what benefit claimants can spend their money on? The details


You can vote online by going to our website. There are 20 minutes


before the opinion poll closes. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan


Williams, said that there were no easy answers to solving ethical


issues such as abortion. He said the uncertainty around when life


begins leads to difficult questions about whether abortion can be the


lesser evil. A row has broken out in the Conservative Party over


Jeremy Hunt's comments that he would oppose abortion after 12


weeks. Since the Abortion Act of 1967, the termination of a foetus


has remained one of the most divisive social issues in Britain.


Now the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told a newspaper that he


personally backs a 12 week abortion limit. The new women's minister


says that she would like to see the limit Lord from 24 to 20 weeks. She


said she was speaking as a feminist. Pro-life organisations see abortion


as evil and the murder of an innocent life. Some disability


rights campaigners have challenged the idea that it is a lesser evil


to abort foetuses with severe disabilities. With nearly 200,000


abortions carried out in England and Wales last year, many social


commentators are worried that abortion is viewed by some as a


form of contraception. But the Royal College of obstetricians and


gynaecologists says there are no medical grounds to reduce the limit.


The British Pregnancy Advisory Service says that only 8% of all


abortions are carried out after 12 weeks anyway. Is abortion a lesser


evil? Is it a form of Tanis or is it time to redraw our boundary off


when the termination of an unborn human is acceptable? You can join


the conversation at home on Twitter. The details are on the screen.


Joining us for this discussion are Dame Ann Leslie, one of the most


influential journalists of the last 40 years. She has covered all the


presidential elections since Jimmy Carter. We're also joined by


Bernadette Smyth, a dedicated feminists.


You can remember when abortion was illegal, when the Abortion Act came


in in 1967. Have attitudes to abortion got to Cashel? Yes. Let me


start by saying that when I was young, I committed a sin against


the religion I was born into, Roman Catholicism, and a crime against


the state. Not because I had an abortion, but I are ranged


abortions for a lot of my friends. I always think of feeling as the


abortion capital of the world because it was full of illegal


abortion is. I thought I did not need an abortion because I was


careful, but it turned out for various reasons that I was


infertile. As you get old, you get less dogmatic about things because


you have so much experience of life and the oddities of human nature.


In terms of where the debate is now, why do you think it is that


people's attitudes are too loose to abortion? I was in favour of the


abortion Reform Act under Lord Steel. It had lots of caveat about


it. It was not intended to be an alternative to contraception. I


feel very uneasy about that but I do not wanted to be abolished. It


should not go down to 12 weeks. 20 weeks. Byrne are dead Smith, why do


you think there is brand new interest in this and people are


speaking about reducing the limits, are the attitudes changing? This is


a time for change. We can now see the unborn child through ultrasound.


There are brand new three- dimensional scans. As women, we can


see our babies, we can see them moving and their features. I think


women are more aware that the unborn child is in fact, I growing,


living human being that should be protected. Derek Hatton, I was


looking at the statistics are round abortions. One third of all


abortions now are repeat abortions. Can you see the concerns that the


way abortion is being used is causing social concern? I can


understand. I do not agree with Bernadette. I can understand her


religious perspective. I do not agree with it, but I can understand


it. I cannot understand the argument about the limit in the


number of weeks. The reasons why women have abortions are many and


the only person in the world that should have that choice is the


woman. It is her right to choose. She is the one that has got to look


after the child and what happens to the child in the future is a result


of that. I have to struggle with this. It is part of the culture


wars in America. I went to America and I went to see a abortionists


and anti-abortionists. Also, the right-wing religious pastas who


Council, for example, a man who has shot an abortionist. Before he was


executed, this pastor wind. He was clear, we believe in the death


penalty, we are killing killers. Slightly like Bernadette, I sot in


the abortion industry, I saw it was very lucrative. They would show me


an aborted child, and you cannot then say, a woman has to have


control over her own body. A foetus is not her own body. It may not


have the same gender or blood group as her. It is something else.


Obviously you have to balance the needs of the baby and the needs of


the mother. I just want to get a medical view. We are joined by Dr


Sarah Chan, a research fellow in bioethics at Manchester University.


I understand that there is no medical reason to change the law.


Do you think there is? I am not a medical doctor, but I would


certainly say there are no good moral reasons to support a


reduction in the time limit. If there were to be any change in the


law, I think the moral arguments would favour the opposite. In my


view, abortion is morally acceptable under most if not all


circumstances. I would want to move the time limit downwards. I think


this represents a move to restrict women's access to Rajiv -- to


reproductive health services. It would deny them control over their


own fertility and their own lives. Repeat abortions are not allowing


women control. There are other ways, you can get contraception. Having


repeat abortions is carelessness. Yes, there are concerns about that,


but we need to look at the reasons why women are presenting for these


abortions. We need to look at the personal circumstances that lead


them to be in that position. I do not think the answer is to deny


them access. Dr Trevor Stammers is a lecturer in medical ethics in


London. I understand you have always been anti- abortion as a


doctor. Why do you think more people are now sharing your view?


We have heard some of the reasons and they relate to the ability to


visualise the unborn baby and so on. It almost produces bonding with the


mother. Attitudes towards disability are fast-changing as


well. Although I actually agree with Derek Hatton on this, that the


maturity of the foetus is neither here nor there with regard to the


moral argument, neither is the 24 week limit as it is currently in


place for abortions. It is not relevant when it comes to testing


for Down's syndrome. We have heard lots of rubbish in the news about


how it would be fact that. The legal situation in this country at


the moment is that you can a border Down's syndrome baby one day before


it is born. The culture wars over People feel the abortion laws are


stigma miezed -- stigmatised. keep saying people are getting more


concerned about abortion. I don't know where this comes from, I don't


see this or sense that at all. A couple of journalists and MPs


decide to make it an issue and all of a sudden it's an issue. In the


main, people are not. In the main people accept the fact that of


course repeat abortions aren't good but it's no good talking to


somebody who's having an abortion saying this is what contraception


is, it's too late. I've been campaigning on the streets of


Northern Ireland and the World Health Organisation said Ireland is


the safest place in the world for women. What we are looking at here,


not women who've had problem pregnancies, we are looking at


women who may have crisis pregnancies and we need to


eliminate that, not destroy the life of an unborn child. We are


living in a culture of death where if a young people becomes pregnant,


down to the abortion clinic, quick fix. We can see the effects it's


having on the women. You do describe yourself as a feminist, I


know many women who do say how is it feminist to say we should force


teenage girls, rape victims to carry babys to full term or babies


of a disability? It's destroying a life. It's the women as well, it's


her life and she has to look after that life in the future and that


life may be a total problem. We are literally destroying live force the


sake of social reasons. 99.9prts of abortions are for social reasons --


99.9%. Don't you think there is a touch of religious arrogance with


that line. At the end of the day, it's nothing to do with you,


nothing to do with you if that young teenage woman who happens to


not want a kid, if she wants an abortion, it's up to her and not


you. This is very relevant now. I want to bring in Varria Russell


White who had an abortion ten years ago. There is a system set up to


give you advice, did you feel you made a fully informed choice, was


it the lesser evil in your case? my situation, it wasn't a choice


for me, it was something that happened because I didn't feel


supported in my decision to keep my child. So it wasn't a positive


choice for me. Hearing guys from the panel, the guy who is saying


that women want to have it as a choice, it's not about choice, we


have to realise that there is a life there. I've got three


beautiful children and when carrying them, I saw scans of them


and I connected and bonded with them right from the stage they were


in my womb, so it's not just a blob of tissue, women have a real


connection to their babies. Some times the lady is right about


social issues which need to be addressed and that's why women go


for repeated abortions. We need education around issues. It's


interesting we are getting the same view on both sides. Ann? Why I


don't want it to be abolished and... I want to establish that as a fact


that most abortions are being carried out within 12 weeks. 91%,


yes. I want it to come down to 20. When working in America, one


familiar of the women's clinic, there were babies of a certain


gestational age, they were struggling to keep them alive, they


were wanting to keep them alive because the mother wanted them. The


next floor, baubs of the same age were being killed off -- babies. I


felt that in a way, we've almost overemphasised the mother's choice.


It's too different forms of technology isn't it. We'll have to


end it there. Sorry about that. can't say the baby is not a baby if


you can actually operate on it in the womb. OK. A last line?


reality is there is no difference in a baby at 20 weeks and 12 weeks,


the only difference is size and development. I happen to agree with


that, I understand that. I think it's a terrible religious argument


but I understand that. I don't understand the middle ground, it's


the woman's right to choose and that's always got to be remembered.


We have to leave it there. Thank you all so much. I appreciate


everyone's contributions on that one. Coming up. Vote for me - after


Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband and now it's David Cameron's turn in the


conference political spotlight. From tough on crime to hug a hoodie,


the slogans may change, but what kind of leader do we want and what


kind of leader to we really need? You can join by webcam or make your


views known by phone, e-mail or online.


Keep voting also in our poll about welfare benefits and what they


should be spent on. You have about five minutes before


the poll closes or you can vote online by visiting the website.


Time for our moral moments of the week. Ann Leslie, you picked the


story about the fri vat school head who says private schools need to


target more white working class boys after the skin heads you said


-- private school head? In fact, there's been a conference of


headmasters and head mistresses of independent schools, I think about


250, being held in Belfast. Of course, independent schools have


charitable status and they've been told they can't keep that


charitable status which has tax implications of course, unless they


widen their social intake. The key thing is which groups isn't it are


applying? Yes, so they've been trying to widen the intake. The


Afro-Caribbeans want to go there - fine, they want the bursaries.


Asians particularly, Eastern Europeans. It's the white working


class boys. I think that's tragic and very serious for our country


that they come from families who don't value education or aspiration.


We keep going on about the problem of Asian youths, Jihadists and


black youths becoming gangsters. What about the white working class


boys who're completely dropping out. Let Derek answer that. You were


talking about four generations of family where is perhaps people were


still on welfare. Why are there so many aspirational problems? I think


over the years there have been all sorts of different reasons for this.


I didn't know Ann was going to bring this up, but you are always


going to find, you are almost splitting like Asian, blacks...


It's about valuing education isn't it? Of course, I haven't got a


problem with that. Why is it a perceived problem with white


working class boys wanting to achieve in school do you think?


think generally or the years there's been a problem about the


way in which education's been run, there's always a problem about


working class kids achieving whether white, Asian or black.


Instead of looking at the education system, they look at the class.


It's about the system. I want to bring in Bernie, you chose the


story that Facebook are now going to take down anyone putting up


tribute pages to criminals and murderers? It's ridiculous how it's


invading people's privacy. We are seeing people putting up pages,


young girls being abused on Facebook. Last week, a young girl


committed suicide because she was being abused and bullied on


Facebook. That would concern me greatly. I think the Facebook has


lost the plot in a sense. It's not policed enough. Do you think it's a


good thing? Yes, I do. I think it's not about freedom of spaech any


more, it's abuse of people's rights and basically making fun out of


issues like a young person, a baby with cancer, it's funny, you know,


it's terrible. Isn't it strange at the same time the Government are


talking about agreing with who's controlling Facebook but they are


not agreeing to control the media after Leveson. That's being


disputed now and Hugh Grant and people leek that are very much


looking for control. Exactly. University of Essex looked at 5,000


teenagers and found that what make them happy is simple things? Yes, I


brought up four kids so I understand a lot of things about


parenthood. It's a very difficult time to raise this because of


what's happening in Wales but I think unfortunately, too many


parents time and time again wrap their kids in cotton wool and don't


let them play. Let them express themselves. I mean, you know, all


of a sudden, we see something happening in the world and it is


horrible in Wales, and straightaway people go, keep our kids in. 2,000


people get killed in cars every year, we don't say stop them


driving cars. The reality is,, I mean there's more chance winning


the lottery twice than a kid getting abducted. Look at that case


the other day, the young girl was let out as a treat and she was


about ducked. But there's more chance of winning the lottery twice.


The Observer today asks teenagers what makes them happy and it's the


simple stuff so read it. You have been voting in the poll this


morning we hope and the question was: Should we limit what claimants


spend benefits on. The poll is closing now so don't text as your


vote will not count but you may still be charged. The online vote


is closing as well and we'll bring you the results at the end of the


programme. In the US, Obama and Romney are


battling it out for the US presidency. Here, David Cameron is


trying to convince his party and the nation that he's in charge


despite all those policy U-turns while the Church of England is


starting to choose its next Archbishop of Canterbury. So what


sort of leader do we want? Stefan Stern thinks we need to rethink our


take on leadership. This is his Sunday Stand.


Why do we sale brait so-called tough leaders who never change


their mind or change course -- celebrate. We need leaders who are


strong enough to say when thur wrong and know when it's right


right to do a U-turn -- when they are wrong. 30 years ago, Margaret


Thatcher gave a Party Conference still remembered today. You turn if


you want to... The lady's not for turning. Mrs T was formidable and


brave. But that speech has had a disastrous lasting side effect on


would-be leaders. Few people in business or politics ever dare


admit Thai changed their mind. can only go one way. I've not got a


reverse gear. They plough on, head strong and sometimes head long into


disaster. Of course leaders need to be decisive and clear sighted but


that doesn't just mean laying down the law and being dogmatic. Never,


never, never... Leaders need to listen and sometimes weigh up


counterarguments. President George W Bush said that he didn't do


nuance. Look how well that worked out. You are only really a leader


if you've got followers and it's OK if they admire you rather than fear


you. If you are a leader, your work isn't about you, it's about them,


so get off your high horse. If anyone tells me they are a leader I


always ask them this question - what are you in it for? Are you


pushing yourself forward or are you worrying about the future of the


whole organisation? We are living in difficult times.


We need better leadership. The best leaders know their limitations,


admit their weaknesses, listen and yes sometimes change their mind.


You turn if you want to, yes boss I think perhaps you should.


You can join in my BBC cam or make your point by text, e-mail or phone.


We are joined again by Stefan Stern after making that lovely film. Ann,


you said at the beginning you saw all the leaders come and go, are


you convinced that the uncompromising ones are the best?


No, Hitler wasn't compromising and he was certainly a leader who was


much-loved by his people until the very last minute. You go for an


extreme one. Wa about the closer ones? They sold themselves as great


leaders who were going to lead their people to the promised land


and unfortunately their people tended to believe them until they


learned their lesson. I think that a leader, it depends, if you are


talking about CEOs of comaens, they don't have to be voted for --


companies. If you are cleaners in some large company and they had a


vote, they might not necessarily vote for what the board wanted.


Someone like Mrs Thatcher often held up as a strong leader but some


people dislike her? He wasn't at the beginning, I have to say, she


got the leadership almost by default. The Tory grandees thought,


how did we manage to have her?! I went with her to China on her first


visit as Leader of the Opposition in early 1977 and I mean, I thought,


my God, this, you know, silly little suburban squawker with


pussycat bows, I saw her sort out the Chinese. I thought, he's going


You were regarded as an uncompromising politician. Thank


you. 30,000 people lost their jobs because of the budget deficit?


did not think you would go for cheap jibes like that. I thought


you would have researched it better. At No 1 lost a single job. We can


all be ruthless in what we believe in. That is not a problem, a tease


the way that you perform leadership. I remember the day after we took


control when 1983. One of the personnel officers whispered,


remember, you are now chairman of a board that employs 30,000 people.


Then the reality of how you manage hits you. You have got to delegate.


Journalists laughed praising leaders. Well done, you took a


strong decision. Very often these decisions are taken as a result of


them being bad managers in the first place. If they were better


managers they would not have had to make that strong decision. We had a


little video of Winston Churchill at the start of that. What happened


at the end of the First World -- at the end of the Second World War, he


was kicked out by claimant Attlee. People did not want his leadership.


-- by at least. If you are a politician, you have to go for


boards. -- thought. You have to go with gut instinct. I am not against


gut instinct. I always remember a wonderful, literary, intelligent


man. Lots of us wanted him to become president. He tried


unsuccessfully. Someone in his audience said, you have every


thinking American behind you. He said, that is not enough, I need a


majority. Most people are like the political leaders on gut instinct.


People who over intellectualise, I think that is President Obama's


problem, they lose the feeling from the people. We do not do religion.


At least Americans are honest about that. Moses was a great religious


leader in the Bible. Is that why we have difficulties working out why


week -- what sort of leader we want in Britain? I think we want our


leaders to speak plain English. It has got to resonate with normal


people. I also think the reaction from the media in general, they


love this. Over the last 20 years, I always remember when Roy Keane


was kicked out of the Irish squad by Mick McCarthy. It reminds me of


Kevin Pietersen now. The press say, Well done, that was a strong


decision from the cricket board. We have forgotten that somewhere along


the line, the management has been wrong before that. If you have


gold-dust like that in your team, you would deal with them


differently. I want to bring in a professor at University College


London. You were saying that people look to the world of sport or a


business management for leadership? Is emotional intelligence


important? I think it is very important. It is a brand new term


for an old concept. We used to collect social skills. It relates


to the ability to perceive other people's emotions. You can see how


brilliant President Obama is in his speeches, his ability to move


people emotionally. The question is whether he can do that One 2 One,


or in groups, whether he can persuade other people in the same


way. We know that there are a number of characteristics


associated with successful leaders. They have to be resilient and cope


with stress. We know they have to be conscientious. But the one that


is most interesting, literature says that this agreeableness is


associated with successful leaders. --disagreeableness. Leaders have to


take hard decisions and confront individuals. Thank you. We were


speaking about leaders from the past. The younger people today want


tough leaders? Steve Jobs was a big icon too many when he led Apple. He


was not particularly emotional intelligence, he was pretty tough.


Good morning. I think Steve Jobs come -- created an amazing


following for his products throughout the world, but I am not


sure that he had that following in his organisation. Leadership is


changing throughout the world. People are more connected to the


internet, they have more choice and information. Leaders are being


watched and scrutinised and challenge that every turned. I


think that expectations of leadership have increased. People


do not want to be ordered about and told what to do, they want to be


inspired. Did people not just want to know where they stand? They want


to get on with things? People speak about Margaret Thatcher. I know


people dislike her, but some people speak about her with warm memories.


Purposes very important, clarity, setting out your stall and sticking


to it. But not sticking to it in the face if anything, that is the


point. Was Mrs Thatcher brought down? There have been very few


women leaders. There is an argument that Margaret Thatcher was brought


down by macho elements within her party. Yes, gentle men who could


not stand her. She flirted with the many great deal. She was very good


at it. She flirted with my husband. People speak about leaders needing


vision. I have interviewed George Bush and the second George Bush.


The first George Bush, who was only a one-term president, he said, the


trouble is, I do not have the vision, he was much more managerial.


Whether you like or approve of George W Bush, as he did not really


have the vision thing. He had massive charm, and he was actually


much cleverer than we over here as soon. I just get very worried about


politicians now. When I was young, if a politician said, this is my


vision, I would say, go away. These are ridiculous, or old-fashioned


concepts which on the whole mean nothing. The public are much more


cynical, so it is very hard for leaders. There is a great line in


the Observer, it says, authenticity is everything. Once you can fake


that, you're sorted. We see what goes on in other countries. It is


very difficult. In the past, people would only see one way of operating


and they would accept it. But now it makes them think. We need a


different form of leadership, leadership that does not only


delegate but takes people along with it. Lara Morgan is a


businesswoman and a leader of her own company. Being a female boss is


still regarded as a curiosity. What are you lessons on leadership?


would hate to be thought off as a curiosity. We have not brought you


on that way, but sometimes people speak about business women that way.


People speak about aggressiveness, but leadership is actually about


assertiveness. You cannot be fixed, you have to listen to the customer


and admit when you have made a mistake. Business is about learning


from mistakes, that is how people make their money. The ability to


admit assault following feedback makes for added process. Thank you.


Is there anything you would have done differently in your approach


when you were a big political figure? I do not think there is


anything I would have done differently. Thank you very much.


One viewer says, dogmatic also tends to be bullying. Another


viewer says, I find that having the ability to admit weakness and


failure makes you stronger in the long run. How can you be right if


you refuse to admit you were wrong? Are you passionate about a topic


and keen to share your views? Just like our weekly Sunday Stand film


where one of our panellists records there are few, we would like to


invite you to submit your own film. It should not be longer than one


minute. We have placed instructions for how you can submit your own


film on our website. We look forward to being your work and


hearing your views. You're online poll vote Sarin. We


ask, should we limit what claimants spend their benefits on? He is what


you said. 62 % said that yes, we should. 38 % said no. The figures


are broadly representative of others to it -- broadly


representative of other similar research. What is a rear view? --


or what is your view? For I hope that this could be done on an


agreed basis, not just imposed by the state. I think he is right.


Because of the economic climate, people are going to react like that.


But if they had not been asked the question, they would not have


thought of it. It is not an issue. People are more concerned about


their jobs, what sort of money they are getting. They are not worried


about whether someone else spends their money on pornography or food.


The strongest opponents of unbridled welfare tend to be poor,


working-class people who are living in a place where they are working


very hard, they are paying higher taxes, and they have a neighbour


who is living the high life. They are not working or looking after


their own children. They are not paying the mortgage are paying


their council tax because it is all paid for by the state. The very


briefly. People like me, we are not terribly bothered. We have to leave


it there. Thank you so much. Thank you to everyone who has taken part,


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