Episode 4 Sunday Morning Live

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A moral quagmire of almost biblical proportions, that is how the


business secretary Vince Cable described the Barclays' rate fixing


scandal. That -- but despite all that cheating that came met this


week, do we need there greed? Is Good morning, I am Samira Ahmed,


welcome to Sunday Morning Live. Barclays was accused of lying for


profit this week by manipulating interbank interest rates. Up to 20


other banks are being investigated for the same thing. Is this yet


another sign that our bankers are driven by pure greed. The author


Richard D North says so and so is greed is good. It is the greedy few


who provide the goods, the services, the jobs, for the rest of us who


are less red blooded. We need to stop seeing greed as the enemy.


German court has called for a ban on non-medical male circumcision


calling it illegal bodily harm. We will hear evidence from a doctor


that some children are suffering life-threatening beading and


infections. Is it time to ban it? Figures out this week show a


growing gap between old and young. Are the older generation at ruining


the chances of the younger generation? Or are the younger


generation just slackers? My guests are all passionate about their dues.


Diane Abbott was the first black woman ever to be elected to the


Houses of Parliament. She has been called a maverick and a rebel.


Rosie Millard is an author and broadcaster and she has survived


�40,000 worth of debt and wants cover the Oscars in what Michael


Buerk called the Best Supporting dress. Richard D North has written


a book called which is beautiful and wants to ban the BBC. We want


to know what you think. Call in now to challenge our guests on Skype.


It is like a scene that from the film Wall Street. Barclays traders


promised each other bottles of champagne to light about interest


rates. Some say we should punish the arrogance of the banking system


-- system which has left our country on the brink of collapse.


This is Richard D North's Sunday stand. Look at all these headlines.


Anyone would think that capitalism and banking were in deep crisis and


it was because people became too greedy. That is nonsense.


Capitalism has lifted millions of people out of grinding poverty and


it does this good work not because there are masses of people who co-


operate together, but because there are a few people in every society


who are massively greedy and want to get ahead and get rich. We do


not have to like these people, though they may be kind to their


mothers and good fun around a dinner table, but we need plenty of


them. These are the risk takers and they tend to be the Arthur male of


the species. It is the greedy few who provide the jobs and services


and goods that we less red blooded types need. Some greedy bankers


will get very rich showing how safe their banks are for timid investors.


But we will not make Britain a better place by disapproving of the


very few people getting very rich. That is the key question, we need


these people. No, greed is not good. There is a reason why it was termed


a deadly cent and why mothers and fathers tell their children to


share their toys. As a society with an tempered Crete it is morally and


socially bankrupt. That is the question for our vote. His bankers'


We will show how you voted at the end of the programme. I want to go


to your first Bamiyan. This kind of happened under your Government's


watch and your policy was greed is good and greed is working. Peter


Mandelson and Tony Blair thought greed was good and adored bankers.


People have accused me of a lot of things, but not of being part of


the New Labour project. Greed is part of the human condition. Put a


child at a birthday party and they will eat all the ice cream they can


and tell they are sick. But to argue that greed is what has made


other countries is silly. What makes countries work are creative


people, manufacturers, designers and that is not to do with greed as


such. Greed is part of the human condition, but particularly in


banking and financial services natural greed has to be tempered


either by an ethical framework. It is no coincidence that Lloyds and


Barclays were set up by Quakers and the Jewish community in banking


always had an ethical framework. You either had a strong ethical


framework or state regulation. they have broken the rules and they


have admitted it. Sure, but there is no equivalence between those who


are extraordinarily greedy and people who have broken the law. It


is an appetite and a temptation and everything needs a framework. In my


view with luck it will turn out that these people broke the law and


they can be punished and scared. The British public has had to spend


billions to bail out these bankers and the British public should not


have to rely on luck for things to go right. You need a framework and


if you do not live in a society where ethics provide that framework,


there has to be regulation. Otherwise the system implodes.


will not make the system better by making people less greedy or


somehow disapproving of their greed. You do it by making the law better,


at the market better and by inducing in bankers, which they


seriously lacked, a sense of their own professional dignity. None of


that has got to do with being greedy. But they broke the law. So


they get off Scot free or give back some of their bonuses? You are not


listening. You have to drop a line? You do not draw a line on their


greed, you surround it by the legal framework. If they broke the law,


they should be punished. In the specific area of financial services


greed is a problem and the reason it is a problem be caused of the


bonus system. In the heyday before the crash what happened is the


greedy bankers were chasing you on your bonuses and they got them on


the basis of how much money... they got fined for spoiling the


reputation of their firm, then they should get a bonus for the good


they bring the firm. Chasing greedily short-term bonuses nearly


destroyed the international banking system. We have got a financial


view, it is from Reuters. Does Crete have a role? Does that not


motivate bankers to do their best? Greed is defined as an a measured,


excessive desire for good. Greed cannot really be a good thing. It


is a contradiction in terms. Did it disrupt the BACS system? There is


no question, it disrupted it, it made it worse. There were risks


that were inappropriate. That is what Crete is supposed to do, it is


supposed to make you do things that are foolish. The idea that it is a


source of good things does not make sense, it is a contradiction in


terms. Greed is the downside of the search for prosperity. The word co-


operative is coming up at the moment. The Co-operative Bank in


the UK is taking over some branches of Lloyds. Should we go back to the


Quaker model, the corporate of mutual? Yes, I am a big fan of


mutual banking. Co-operative Bank, those that are not run for profit


is a very successful system. There is a very modest role for more


risk-taking banks. I want to bring in another contributor on the


webcam. Bankers make a lot of money and we have already had to bail


them out. The bonus culture is part of the problem. They are not


contributing to society. There is understandably a sense of injustice


about what has gone on in the banking sector. But the top 1% of


income earners in this country pay more than a quarter of all income


tax. When you think about the number of hospitals and schools


that contributes to, when you look at the banking sector you consider


the number of jobs it creates and the role it plays in terms of


investment. What has gone wrong is that taxpayers ended up bailing out


banks. We need to move forward. What we need to make sure is that


we have a situation where taxpayers do not bail out banks again and we


build a society where we buy you all those people who create wealth,


including bankers. They pay their income tax. We have paid about as


much to them bailing them out. This whole thing about how we need the


bankers, where are their charitable works? There was a very good


programme on the other day about a street in London where houses were


all worth �6 million all bought by bankers. They do not take part in


the Big Society. Where is that with the bankers? Absolutely nowhere.


They have caused a double-dip recession. They have helped the


global financial crisis and austerity measures for us. The idea


that some sort of moral police is going to get greedy out to people...


Hang on. I have not said anything about a moral point. I do not want


to be misrepresented. All I have said is greed is part of the human


condition, but it has to be in a framework. The state has to step in


with regulation. Otherwise it is like the Wild West. There is more


to that. In a sensible market system if your bank has got a


reputation for screwing its customers, losing money and getting


on the wrong side of law, that should turn up in the share price


and investors should find a safer bank. The problem with that things


which we all agree are appallingly wrong was people broke the law. It


does not matter whether they were greedy people or Bircher as, Cuddy


people breaking the law, they broke the law. It is not a question of


making them less greedy, but it is a question of making the law more


effective. I am not saying you can make people less greedy. You could


provide a regulatory structure so that they agreed does not harm us.


One of the problems with the current banking crisis is you do


not have a division between ordinary retail bankers who provide


the jobs and the people who gamble on international markets. What you


need to do is to separate those off. Then at the international gamblers


if they implode, it has got nothing to do with us. Casinos in this


country are incredibly regulated. am not arguing against regulation,


but it has to be as light as possible and as intelligent and as


effective as possible. The doctrine of light touch regulation brought


us the Lehmann Brothers crash and Bob diming saying I did not know


anything. A new design a nice, heavy, clod-hopping regulation. It


is not about that. It is making sure that banks that adequate


resources so that when things go wrong, we do not have to bail them


out. Also manipulating the bonus culture. Why is it the people who


run Rolls-Royce he genuinely produce jobs at not get those


bonuses? It is a disease and we We are having a discussion about if


we should be talking about greed as a moral problem or if we should


just regulate when they break the law? Under a market system, as Mr


North says, you expect people to have a concern for reputation. They


ought to behave in their commercial interests. A company that loses


their reputation can lose a lot of business. Why have banks forgotten


this? Why are banks no longer concerned about good reputation?


The answer is that the normal market mechanism for punishing them


has been removed by government guarantees. You might have expected


a run on a bank that had terrible behaviour, like Barclays, if banks


seemed untrustworthy. You don't get that now, because the Government


guarantees deposits. When you lend money to weigh bank, you're not


concerned about bank behaviour. You don't care because of you get a


government guarantee. The banks themselves no longer work at being


prudent and cultivating a culture of prudence, advertising their


prudence. The economic value of prudence and trustworthiness has


been removed by the Government guaranteed. Isn't there a question


about the greed of us? Shareholders are encouraged to go for maximum


profits, we invest in banks. It's some of the spotlight on


shareholder greed? Shareholder greed, we have all of the good


effects that Mr North says. If it was disciplined, and we are talking


about reining in greed, the market system without these perversions of


guarantees does rain in greed. If you are greedy in a market system,


you have to provide people with goods and services that they value.


It makes you work for them. Vince Cable is talking about


shareholders' revolting against bonuses and pay culture. But we are


part of that system? People feel this empowered. How can we revolt


against banks? Stop using them? People feel deeply powerless. They


look to the Government to take the lead. The Government is their


constituency, they are in cahoots with the banks and the Tory party


is naturally an ally of the banks. Therefore, I suspect they are not


going to be heavy-handed in punishment. People feel powerless.


In fact, though, shareholders have recently got together... Unless the


law changes, they don't have any power? It's interesting that they


are starting to question these huge pay packages and the bonuses, which


I think are cancerous. If you change the law and gave


shareholders more power, I think that would be a good thing. I think


there has been a huge change of character right across the top of


modern capitalism. But that is a matter of their personal


responsibility, the sense of their professional dignity, not a


question of whether they want to get shared loads of money.


viewer says that figures show that cree does not eliminate poverty.


Belinda says that greed is not good for Britain, you can't be greedy


for the benefit of a nation, just for personal gain. That is our poll


You have about 20 minutes before This week, a German court called


for a ban on religious circumcision of children, which is a fundamental


part of the Jewish and Muslim faith. There is evidence from a GP here


suggesting that the operation is leading to serious injury in a


small number of cases affecting very young children. Is a band an


attack on the rights of parents practising their religion or should


the rights of a child come first? A German court has ruled that


circumcision of boys for religious reasons is a crime, sparking fury


among religious groups to carry out the procedure. The court found that


a child's right to decide what happens to their body is more


important than the parents's right of freedom of religion. It centred


on a four-year-old Muslim boy who suffered severe bleeding shortly


after undergoing a religious circumcision. The doctor was


charged with grievous bodily harm, but has since been acquitted.


Following the judgment, the law is now clear. Circumcisions for


religious reasons are not allowed, but it may still be carried out for


medical reasons. Because it came from a regional court, the ruling


only applies to the Cologne area. Lawyers say it could set a


precedent, outlawing religious a consistent across the whole of


Germany. -- circumcision. Some have described it as an attack on


religious freedom. Jews say that circumcision is a commandment of


their faith and have described the new law as anti-Semitic.


If you have a webcam, you can make your point on Skype, or you can


join in through Twitter, phone, text or e-mail. We are joined by Dr


Antony Lempert, from the Secular Medical Forum, and a Jonathan


Arkush, from the Board of Deputies of British Jews. It is just an


attack on Jews and Muslims, it is so fundamental to their faith?


important thing to look at us from the perspective of the child. It's


very easy to focus on adult religious views. From my


perspective as a GP, child safety is very important. The German


ruling is interesting. It doesn't say that circumcision is illegal,


that it could be legal if there is therapeutic reasons and also that


it could be legal for a Jewish or Muslim adult male to make that


choice themselves. This is saying that it is harmful and


inappropriate to make this decision for a child before they are at a


stage when they can make their decision. It is recognising that


the operation is not without considerable harm. Jonathan, it is


a matter of consent, why can't children do it when they are old


enough to decide? In the Jewish community in the United Kingdom,


circumcision, it is a simple, straightforward and very safe


procedure. It is carried out on baby boys in a community, more than


1000 per year. Any sort of complication is virtually unknown


in this country. I am with Anthoney that it should be carried out


competently. If it is regulated, as it is in the Jewish community in


this country, there are no incidents of problems. But consent


itself, you don't accept that babies and infants are too young to


consent? They are too young to consent. They are too young to


consent to lots of things in the way they are brought up. But


parents have the legal right to make the decision for their


children, which is in the best interests of the children. My


argument, which I might go back to later, is that it is in the best


interests of children that are brought up in the Tennant's lager


ancient faith to have a circumcision. It would be very


cruel to deny them a circumcision. By the time they are 18, they had a


pretty rough time because they look different from their fellow Jewish


children. When they are 18, the operation is painful. It is not


when you are a baby. wholeheartedly disagree. There are


many children nowadays, many adults, who do not follow their parents


traditional religious beliefs. These children must be given the


same standards that we give all children in terms of safeguarding.


There are good standards already in terms of doing medical procedures


on anybody. As a doctor, I have to think very carefully about the


balance of risks and benefits when I treat a child or adult without


capacity. You must always take the least restrictive option. You must


think about whether the person will later have the capacity to make the


decision and also what is in the best interests. I take Jonathan's


point about them looking different, the same arguments were used in


terms of the law on female genital mutilation, which were very clear.


Section 15 says that it is very clear that the argument that it is


in it the best interests of the child to be part of their community


is thrown out because it does not hold water. These children must be


allowed to make their own decisions. The comparison with female genital


mutilation is deeply unfair. It is a harmful, invasive procedure, a


horrible thing to do with any child. There has never been a medical


reason for that? Circumcision does not come into that category. What I


was interested is that he is out of step with his own regulatory body,


the General Medical Council, and his own trade union, the British


Medical Association. They have both written guidance on the practice of


circumcision for faith reasons and they have both said the


formulations that I made earlier, that it is a doctor to respect what


is in the best interests of the child and take into account


parental wishes. It is certainly true that the doctor has' the


regulatory authorities sits on the fence at the moment. In terms of


the Medical Association, they have even said that circumcision may be


illegal under existing legal standards. I need to come back on


the point about the misperception that circumcision does not cause


harm. The evidence is growing quite dramatically, even over recent


weeks, about the harm. We know already that many adult men suffer


enormous harm. But they do not speak about it, a lot of them. A


lot of them get ridiculed when they do. We know from evidence that the


part that is removed is one of the most sensitive parts of the penis,


alters their sexual function for life. We know it affects their


partners, from a study published last year in Denmark. We had


evidence from the FE mayor -- Freedom of Information Research,


that show that in one hospital alone, in one year, 2011, the


serious, life-threatening complications, including


haemorrhage, infection, children admitted to paediatric intensive


care units was 11. 11 people in intensive care with serious


complications. If you were Jewish, do you think this is something you


would do? It is fundamental to so many families? It is. It has been


going on for thousands of years. For Muslims, Jews, children in hot


countries, it is clearly enshrined in Jewish faith. I think the fact


that it is a German court that has stuck their head up above the


parapet and said, no, no, no, I think it is deeply culturally


insensitive. Let's not forget that two-thirds of Europe's jury was


wiped out by the Germans. They sent 1 million children to their deaths.


And circumcision was one of the ways they used to look for them as


well? Leave Jewish practices alone. Let them get on with their faith.


Circumcision is a key part of Jewish faith. The German embassy in


London gave a statement a couple of days ago. They said the decision in


Germany deviates from the usual legal rules in Germany. The embassy


would not have said that without the Government support. A baby they


said it because it was Germany? They have stuck their head above


the parapet. It is a relatively lower court decision. I'm sure it


will be appealed and I am confident it will be overturned. I fully


support freedom of religion. These babies and children have not yet


formed their view about what their religion is going to be. These


babies and children must be allowed the opportunity to to do that.


you would say that children cannot be christened. If you are not in


some while imposing your own standards on them, you bring your


children that, I have seen, with a secular agenda. That is your right.


I bring up my children with a faith agenda, surely that is my right?


May I respond? I think that is very important. We recognise in society


that of course parents have the right to share their views. But to


make a permanent, irreversible Bordley changed to somebody,


affecting their most private, intimate part, this goes against


every single principle of medicine, certainly the medicine that I know.


I want to bring on a contributor through webcam. There is evidence,


11 cases in Birmingham, they were Muslim children. People are


carrying it out, they are not thinking enough about the safety of


their children. Don't you have to accept, it may be your religion,


but you need to let them choose for themselves when they are old


enough? It is very interesting, the debate. Of course, it is not


straightforward. I have listened to all of the arguments. The faith of


a child does not depend on whether they have a piece of foreskin or


not. Once they are adults, clearly, even if they are circumcised, they


can choose to leave Islam if they want to, or Judaism. That does not


prevent them from making a choice of religion. But answer the


question about whether, when we know there are big relations going


on, operations going wrong, that it is right that religious people like


you are advocating it on infants? What we must do without any had a


patient -- hesitation is to make sure that these operations are


carried out by competent individuals, under clinical


conditions, where the child's safety is of utmost importance. If


we can continue to provide this provision for our diverse


communities, then we are well on the road of integrating our


communities. Let me put that to Anthoney. If it is done in hospital,


it used to be available on the NHS, many children have it done in


America for hygiene reasons, what We come back to the basic, medical


principles in that it should not be performed on the child without


their consent. Two Primary Care Trusts in Birmingham already


provide it on the NHS. But it would be saved. It would not be safe.


They are already losing the most sensitive part of their penis. The


level of complication is still there. The world horse -- World


Health Organisation figures say one third of males in the world are


circumcised. If it is the case that a whole lot of these people have


terrible, psychological traumas, I think we would know about it by now.


But is it not about protecting the most vulnerable when things go


wrong. I want to bring in another contributor. I understand you were


circumcised as a child, but not for religious reasons. It had a


terrible effect on me. I was not told anything about what had


happened to me. I only discovered it when I was in my teenage years.


I noticed I was different from all my friends. I thought I had been


born deformed. When I learnt somebody had actually done this to


me I was totally devastated. When you hear somebody like Jonathan


saying for Jewish children in their faith it is part of their


belongings. Do you accept your experience may not be typical?


it does not really matter whether you have a religion or not. I


receive calls and inquiries from men who are in a religious faith.


They still have the same psychological damage. Do not get


too disheartened because you are in good company because the royal


family have traditionally agreed circumcision and many members of


the royal family are circumcised. You are dismissing his experience


about he -- how he and other men feel. I would say in the Jewish


faith it is the opposite. If a Jewish child was not circumcised he


too would be a different because he did not look like the same as his


peers. I also felt devastated. The psychological damage is bad enough,


but it is when I discovered that physical damage and when I reached


puberty and things that should have been happening were not, I was


struggling with this. I realised it was a double whammy. I do not care


what anybody thinks, the effect it had on me is real and the effect it


has on many men is real. Thank you for speaking to us about it.


would like to say how enormously brave Jonathan is to speak about


this. One of the reasons we do not hear about it is it is so hard for


men to stand up and say, I have been harmed. I have met many of


them. There are large organisations of Jewish and Muslim groups where


people belong and they say, it did not have a serious side effect on


me. There are also individuals who have left the faith who realise


they have been harmed and they can do nothing about it. I want to


bring in a contributor from Jerusalem. You are Jewish. You have


heard the discussion. If the procedure was done properly in a


hospital, would that be the way out? It is about protecting


people's faith, you know how strongly Jews and Muslims be about


this. It would be a step in the right direction and should be


welcomed and encouraged for it to be done in a sterile, medical


environment. But it does not get around the fundamental issue which


is that this is an elected a surgical procedure that has been


performed without the person concerned knowing and it is the


most intimate body part. It needs all manner of -- it leads to all


manner of post traumatic stress disorder at. That is something that


is true as well for Jews. I do not agree it is just those who are not


part of the Jewish community. you think it is morally wrong if


you are a Jewish parent and you do not have your child circumcise?


I do. The child would know at a very early stage that the


Commandments going back 4000 years of which Jewish people have


faithfully observed and are intrinsic to your sense of identity


and who you are and what you look like as a Jewish male, he would not


have had that. When he is old enough to have it electively done,


it is a much more intrusive and unpleasant procedure. Having it


back at eight days, the biblical command, is the best time for a


child. Obviously it should be done properly and in a hospital. It is


not for us, another grey, to dictate what this group does with


its children and it is for that group to basically decide. With


trial safeguarding we must not neglect their children just because


they happen to have been born in one or other different religious


group. Traditions change. There is a tradition which is a peaceful


welcoming of the child into the Jewish community. If more Jewish


and Muslim parents knew about the harm they were causing their


children, they would move away from Des. One comment, in years to come


people will look back on things like circumcision and think we were


brutal, bling fed and archaic. Discuss. Later on Sunday morning


live, some pensioners may be living in poverty, but for others this is


a golden age. They have benefited from a free university education, a


growth in house prices and generous pensions. But the younger


generation cannot afford houses, they are paying for university and


many of them are unemployed. Is it time the older gave up their


privileges? Or is it time that the younger stopped moaning and worked


harder? Keep voting in our poll. His bankers' greed good for


Britain? You have got about five minutes before the polls close. Or


you can vote online. It is time for our moral moments of the week. A


British man on death row in Abu Dhabi caught selling a very small


amount of marijuana. The he was given the death penalty for selling


one ounce of marijuana. That seems pretty disproportionate to me. Drug


dealing is a terrible offence, it should be punishable by a stiff


sentence. If you live in these countries, you should understand


there are steps sentences, but having said that death for selling


one ounce of marijuana seems to be way out of line. I could not agree


more. I think taking someone's the life away for any crime is


reprehensible, but certainly for minor crimes. People have to


respect the general laws within the countries they find themselves, but


I cannot support killing an individual. We know this is the law.


They go out to work their tax free and this is the flipside of this.


It is a barbaric and let us hope there is a global horror and this


will not happen. It is good it has got such big publicity because it


is outrageous. Will they commute it? We have such a strong


relationship and they always do. am sure they will. This is about


proposals to change the name. it has been changed. The tower in


which Big Ben is housed is now going to be called the Elizabeth


Power after the Jubilee to match a similar power in the House of Lords


called the Victoria Tower. I think this is disgraceful. This is the


seat of our Parliament, the mother of parliaments where the nation has


a safe. It is nothing to do with the royal family. We have too many


monuments with Royal attached to them. Let's have more national


monuments. If that is not a national monument, I do not know


what is. We are giving buildings affectionate names like the gherkin.


Big Ben is the name of that building. I am going to agree


wholeheartedly with Rosie. As far as Queen Elizabeth goes, set her


free. Pension her off. I think the Queen's name should be commemorated


in this Diamond Jubilee year, wherever it is suitable, but I


would not like to see Big Ben changed. It is one of our biggest


tourist attractions. It is called the clock tower, Big Ben is the


name of the clock. That is appropriate, it is not part of the


Royal set up. The Queen is not allowed in the House of Commons.


have deep affection for the name Big Ben and it is an icon. Anthony,


you have got a story about a problem in a school in Portsmouth.


The head teacher banned the peoples from talking. They had to whisper


to each other in break time. headmaster said the noise level was


breaking health and safety rules. Absolutely and it sounded as if the


teachers were getting too much noise in the classroom, so they


were worried if they had it louder they would get migraine. Brunel


might have approved of the solution, give it back to the children and


help them explain what the problem is. They be it is an engineering


issue with the building. The sound of children laughing and talking is


one of the most joyous sounds in the world. It is a mark of


civilisation to be able to talk and eat and they should be allowed to


do it. As a society we seem to be so risk averse. When we disapprove


of something, we ban it. There has to be a balance struck between the


likelihood of harm caused and the far-reaching effects of what


happens when you ban something. Dani to release all that energy.


White our children are always being told to keep quiet. You love them


dearly, but they are out of control. To stop children from being heard


in a school is patently ludicrous. If they do not allow the children


to release the energy, they were just really sit back in the


classroom again. Is this a problem you can understand? Jewish schools


are supposed to be terribly noisy it. The kids are exuberant, but


give them a break at break time. You have been voting in our poll.


The poll is closing now. Please do not text as your vote may not count.


We will bring you the result at the end of the show. David Cameron said


this week he would let rich pensioners keep their free bus


passes, winter fuel allowances and TV licences while telling young


people many do not deserve housing benefit. He is he right to give to


the old and take from the young? Or is the growing power and wealth of


the older generation damaging the chances of young people? Research


out this week suggests the economic gap between young and old is


getting bigger. There is no doubt the young are facing significant


challenges. It is harder to find a job, pay for education and it is


more difficult to get on the housing ladder. Some say it is


because the old are getting it to good and they should downsize,


giving up bigger homes or younger families. They should be lower down


on the NHS lists and stay out of the workforce. But have pensioners


earned the right to live as best they can? They have paid their dues


and endured hardships. Many have no option but to find a job or stay in


work as long as possible. This week as the BBC launches its special


season looking at life for pensioners, the future it seems is


even bleaker. The Government has not told us how high the pension


age is likely to rise, but we are meeting someone who has worked it


out. The Government published a study which suggested a third of


people born today might live to 100. That is quite scary because it is


rare for people to live to 100. question is, who is going to pay


for them? Faced with an ever ageing population is it our elders' job to


step aside? Or in a broken economy should all generations be working


together towards a better future? You can join in on this one by a


webcam or online. We are joined by Jonathan Arkush. Is it right that


the over-sixties have it all and 80% of the wealth is owned by over-


sixties. But they are not means tested for bus passes, eye care,


fuel allowances. Yet mothers with small children are means tested.


The universal benefit for parents has been removed. Children are


going to have to pay to go to university. Students do not get


free bus passes. Wouldn't you rather have free bus passes used by


young people to go and get jobs, or apply for jobs, and old people to


use them to go to museums and galleries? Simon, you have been a


teacher for three decades. Young people do have it tougher now,


surely? You mean children? young people. At well, I wouldn't


have thought so. Things like learning support, there is a whole


industry that now exists. Careers advice. We do everything we


possibly can, graduate schemes, it internships. They need jobs and


can't find them. When I was at school in the 1970s, it was sink or


swim. The only bit of advice... I wasn't given any advice, I was


asked what I had to do when I grow up. You got a free university


place! They are not paying at source. They only pay the money


when they get their jobs. If they don't get the job that pays


whatever it happens to be, �20,000 plus, they don't have to pay back.


All I'm saying is, as far as old people are concerned, they are


living longer, healthier lifestyles. I think we should celebrate that


fact. But they are not going for the same sort of jobs that young


people are getting. Older people, 50 plus, they are not hankering


after some young apprentices scheme, some graduate scheme at Marks &


Spencer or wherever, or any other high street retailer. The sort of


jobs they are going for it is different anyway. 80,000 pensioners


who live abroad claimed their winter fuel allowance. That costs


our country �10 million. That is a nonsense, if you are living in


Spain on your pension and claiming winter fuel allowance, madness!


may be an anomaly if you can claim your allowance if you are abroad,


but I think she is falling for something that the Government is


using as a tactic, turning old against young, indigenous people


against immigrants, there are challenges facing young people but


they are not because old people have a pension they can live on. It


is because we are now having to spend billions as a society to bail


out the banks. Because we have a generation of politicians who


believe in a smaller state, and as part of their pretext for cutting


state benefits they say, look at all of these old people. No. There


may be anomalies, I'm not saying that. But the previous generation


have had it better. The what do you mean, we have had it better?!


baby-boomers got the benefit of all of the free stuff and final salary


pension schemes... Lower house prices, their parents died earlier


and they got hold of the assets. of course, there are a generation


of people who benefited from a welfare state, free health care and


education. But I'm afraid I believe in universal benefits. Its old


fashioned, but I believe that a range of universal benefits. But


you have a taxation system at the high end. Setting old against Young


is dangerous. Old people don't feel they should be getting winter fuel


allowances for staff those people can send their money back. We paid


the tableau that young people had it so hard. When I asked my


adoptive mother when I was 20 a 21, could I have a car? She said, of


course, as long as you can afford to pay for it and pay for the tax


and insurance. Now we see more and more people, they had everything


they want. That's complete nonsense! This picture that they


are hard done by his nonsense. have an actual young person joining


as through webcam. Charlotte Buchanan, you are a student.


Absolute nonsense about you lot of moaning about having a tough? You


just need to get on with it like the older generation did? Yeah, we


do have it tough. It is impossible to get a job at the moment with the


economic climate. They awry internships, but they are often


unpaid. That means you cannot do it unless you have a supportive family


that can pay at least for the transport. There are so few


opportunities. The older generation, they had these opportunities to


work harder, which we just don't have any more. Tell me about your


view on the winter fuel allowance, what could you do with that �200?


So much money! I think it is shocking, it is not even means


tested like someone was saying earlier. How fair is it that


someone who has worked hard and probably lead to a comfortable


lifestyle now... Can I just say, this winter fuel allowance stop and


go let her finish. Young people, �200 would be an awful lot of money.


To somebody with a comfortable lifestyle, it is an insignificant


amount. A left the comfort you with words to say that most people who


are reasonably comfortable, my friends who could claim, they don't


claim. Don't be too worried about its. Doesn't it can automatically


into your account? If you can opt out. Most people don't. We are


joined on a webcam by somebody from the National pensioners' Convention.


In a time of austerity, when benefits are being cut, how can we


justify the universal ones that people like you get on bus passes


on fuel allowances? Thank you for asking me to speak on this. First


of all, the division is not between the old and the young, it is


between the rich and poor. The National pensioners' Convention is


joining with young people in a campaign called generations united.


We think the fact that we bailed out the banks and we had successive


governments undermining the welfare state is a reason for us to join


with young people, to bring back what was fought for after the


Second World War. When you talk about drawing the line, where do


you draw the line on paying people, getting people a bus pass? For


instance, at the moment, means tested pension credit is used as a


line, people below that get concessions that those on a higher


income do not receive. But does that mean that you are rich? It has


been proved that the troubled past helps old people with mobility. It


helps them to take part in social activity and it overcomes stress


and loneliness. It actually saves the NHS a lot of money. Thank you.


A hang on! If the likes of Alan Sugar and other rich people want to


refuse these things on Paul Grounds, that is fine. But they can drive


around in big cars anyway. Also joining us is Ian from the Social


Market Foundation. A lot of people say this should not be framed as


old against Young, is that right? think it is not helpful to frame it


as old against young. But it is true? The Government needs to find


�15 billion per year in cuts from 2015 onwards. It's almost


inevitable that if we are going to keep universal benefits like the


winter fuel payment for older people, we need to find a way to


pay for that. It's either by taxing young people more, means testing


their benefits more, as we heard with housing benefit plans for


those under 25, or about means testing older people's benefits.


All of your pen of -- panellists need to decide which they will do.


If it's part of a social contract. You pay your taxes when you're


young, when you are older you get all of this stuff. Young people


know they will not get these free bus passes. There was the social


contract. The reason it has broken down is not because of the greed of


the elderly. We have a government that manifestly wants to cut public


spending. I would say one small thing. One of the reasons why David


Cameron is reluctant to cut benefits for the elderly, is


nothing to do with social contract, he knows that old people vote.


Exactly, it's classic. I really don't like his old against a young


antics. One of the reasons young people feel they have it so tough


is that their expectations are so much higher than previous


generations. Young people want to do a job that they enjoy. My


parents never expected that. that's not entitlement. A people


did not expect to enjoy their job, they did their job because they


needed to. Is that the trouble? Kids expect too much? Absolutely.


Children were told to go to university, it will improve your


chances. They did what they were told. That was preposterous, that


everybody should go to university. Ridiculous, Tony Blair said he


wanted 50% of young school-leavers to go to university. Why? What was


the point of that? All I would say to young people, and I passionately


believe this, if you work hard and you get qualified and you search


for work and aim high, you will be successful. Never mind about older


people was that really? In the current circumstances? There are


jobs around, providing we take control of immigration, that we


don't allow too many immigrants in, too quickly, to take jobs away, I


do believe that, providing people are responsible about the number of


children they produce, provided we get those factors right. If you


can't afford children, you shouldn't have them. Can I just


say... I have four and I hope they all do look forward to enjoying


their jobs. I don't want any of them to work in things they don't


want to do. I don't want them to live under the ground, there are


young people, students, living underground in a flat because they


cannot afford... Of a basement flat? It is not a basement flat. It


was on television last week. They are under the pavement. You don't


understand. There are elderly people running around in a family


houses, they should be in courage to -- encouraged to sell.


compulsory downsizing? So if you buy a house, you are told after a


certain number of years, thank you, your children have left, you have


to move? A house is more than just bricks and mortar. There is the


sentimental side. Emma, she edits SAGA Magazine. Prosperous


pensioners probably by your magazine. Shouldn't they be paying


back the equivalent of their tuition fees, at least as a gesture,


that we are all in it together? Amongst our readers, we are finding


that they are not living the life of Riley, very few of them. A lot


of pensioners are under a great deal of financial stress at the


moment. Their annuities have suffered enormously from


quantitative easing, which affects how much money they get every year


when they have to buy an annuity. Plus the rate of inflation for all


the people are higher for them than the general population. There are


very few pensioners living the high Not all pensioners are living high


on the whole, but quite a few of their are rattling around in family


homes that young people could move into. It is their property, make


them move out? Do thank you all very much indeed. We have your


online poll votes. We asked if Anyone surprised? I'm not surprised


a tall. Public opinion is moving decisively against bankers and in


favour of some sort of regulation, having something done about the


bonus culture. I'm not surprised. We are fed up of the Leveson


Inquiry and we would rather the time, money and energy be spent on


this disgrace, this banker's disgrace, forget the Leveson


Inquiry. We are not interested, we are interested in the bank has


scandal. The Barclays scandal has changed things? Have a Leveson


Inquiry for the bankers. I still think people will feel powerless


and that they will get away with it. There is a resignation and that 84%.


I have to say, it is an indictment of the new Labour era that Tony


Blair was so in love with bankers. If you were honest, did you buy it


at the time? No, why would I buy it? This guy had nothing to do with


me. In the 90s I was on the Treasury select committee and we


did a major investigation into two scandals, the Barings Bank scandal


and the BCCI scandal. I understood about the nature of banking. Some


of my colleagues, old and better, did not understand until it was too


late. A couple of comments from you. I am a pensioner and I have worked


all my working life. I would happily give up my bus pass that my


granddaughter could have it to get to college every day. I find it


ironic that we are having to justify corporate greed and then


ask for sacrifice is to be made by pensioners. What is the world


coming to? Thanks to all of you who have taken part. Diane Abbott,


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