Episode 20 The Big Questions

Episode 20

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Thank you so much. Good afternoon. It's great to see you. Welcome to a


special edition of The Big big big Questions. This week the nation


appeared to lose lose its patience with the Church of England. There


was an outcry of something must be done because of the vote against


women Bishops. The Church of England has been discussing it for


46 years and it's 37 years since parliament legally obliged every


employer to treat men and women equally stfplt any wonder the Prime


Minister suggested the Church needs a sharp prod? This morning, we are


asking one Big Question: Should parliament force the Church of


England to appoint women Bishops? We have assembled distinguished


priests of both sexes, campaigners for women Bishops, campaigners


against, politicians and commentators and they will be


cheered on and challenged by our lively Peckham audience. APPLAUSE


As always, and we would love you to, you can join in via our message


board. The strength and the weakness of


the Church of England is that it's a very broad Church. From Bishops


who don't believe in little details like the virgin birth, to members


of the evangelical wing who say the Bible is literally the unalterable


word of God. That's why this debate has gone on for 46 years, because


it was decided that special provision must be made for those


who cannot accept a woman as Bishop because script ture and theology


say it's plain wrong. Never mind 46 years, we have 42 minutes to sort


it out. As to whether we will or not... I have my doubts. This was a


bad week for you. How do you think the Church looks to broader


society? The society that it seeks to serve? I think it looks


appalling. I was in a state of shock myself. I think showed what


happened in the vote is that the House of Laity, the House I belong


to, sadly, basically betrayed the wider Church of England with the


vote and when I tell you that overall in synod that it gained a


74% majority, 94% of all the Bishops said yes. 77% of all the


clergy and 64% of the laity and it still fell by six votes in the


House of Laity and we have been debating this out in the dioceses


so basically we have a House of Laity that is unrepresentative of


the wider Church. There's now a call for a vote of no confidence in


the current Chair of the House p Laity who used his position to tell


people to vote against it. Has the Church been hijacked by a zealous


caucus who subverted the whole process? Some people think that.


think that's probably true, I think that the Church's actually being


held to ransom now by the very conservative evangelicals who are


using sort of finding the perfect arrangements as sort of a


smokescreen because I think basically what they want is never


to allow the Church of England to have women as Bishops. APPLAUSE We


need to understand the argument and we need to understand - you are one


of those aforementioned conservatives evangelicals. We need


to understand these are deeply held convictions. You do not believe a


man - you believe a man's role is leader of the home and leader of


the Church and you said just before as we were having coffee, you


prayed for guidance, the synod prayed and you believe God answered


those prayers? I think as Christians we believe God does


answer prayer and if we say that we pray that God's will will be done,


I don't think we can argue when we get an answer about that. I am very


concerned... You believe God's will was done here? This is what God


wanted? That's what I prayed for, that's the answer I have got. I am


trying to consider whether that is in fact God's voice, but if I


prayed that God's will may be done, who my to argue the outcome?


have somebody else who does not want to deal with women Bishops or


be subjected to women in that role, Zoe, why not? Thanks, Nicky. I


believe that men and women are completely equal in value. But I


believe, similarly, that God teaches men and women have


different roles in the Church. I think just to come back on whether


the House of Lay slay representative, -- Laity is


representative, it's important to realise people who voted on Tuesday,


some will be opposed to women Bishops, but some of those will be


for women Bishops, but want clearer provision for brothers and sisters


in the Church who couldn't submit female Bishops. Part of the vote on


Tuesday was about keeping our promises. I think God is a God who


keeps his promises and as a Church we ought to keep our's and in 1992


we promised that when we made women priests we would make provision for


those who didn't agree with that decision. Certain provisions were


put in place and the legislation we had before us was tearing up those


provisions and we felt it was wrong to do that. It was absolutely


generous provision and, Gerry, you and I disagree on this, we are


friends and old colleagues on synod, but those arrangements would have


worked and the mantra it wasn't enough, it's actually - it may come


to show what we will go back and do now with what happened on Tuesday,


is that the Church has voted to have women as Bishops, to remove


any barriers to women as Bishops and the legislation that I


originally wanted and many people like me would have delivered that,


but no, we walked the extra mile, compromised, put in that statutory


code of practice and the thing is that nothing, nothing will satisfy


some people. I am not saying you, Gerry, but some... Should they


leave? Not leave, face the fact that there are some people - we are


trying to, you know, square a circle. We need to get women as


Bishops and make the provisions in the dioceses as needed and forget


this statutory code of practice. It's not that there's nothing that


will satisfy us, I believe that in the past six years there have been


two other measures and legislation on which those who opposed women


Bishops were willing to vote yes. No, they voted on and rejected in


General Synod. I was there, Zoe. You represent the - how do you


think, just away from that for a second this looks to the wider


world? It looks bizarre and and -- and arcane and backwards? It


Depends whether you see the Church as a purely human institution. But


it's what sort of equality do you want? Do you want an equality that


says we have to have interchangability of function? Do


you want an Orwellian set-up, some are more equal than others? Do we


accept that we are equally in God's sight but have gender roles. Why


did God make males and females? George Pitcher, is that answerable?


I think it's quite interesting here that - God apparently appears to


answer prayers by political party lines and that's extraordinary.


APPLAUSE. The problem we have here here as we


often do, is with, well, with conservatives. But with


particularly toxic sorts of conservatives. The Conservative


Party in parliament has historically been defined by what


it despises, you know, poor people and - but, and in the Church you


have this intractable conservative wing which is in danger, if the


Conservative Party has been nicknamed in the past the Nasty


Party, we are in danger of having the Nasty Church. Actually what


it's doing is defining it self, not in gospel terms but what it loves,


and what it includes and what it embraces, but defining itself by


what it despises. It's increasingly obviously despises homosexuals and


women and people that aren't it. You need to answer that, Zoe and


then I will speak to Martin. clearly don't despise myself. I


love women and I am passionate about women being involved in


ministry in the Church. You are not going to submit to a women Bishop?


Well, I guess it wouldn't be a problem for myself because I am a


woman. But for those males within the Church who couldn't in good


conscience submit to a female Bishop. I want them to be presented


-- protected and provided for. Protected? The ministry of a woman


called to the service and position... I mean protected from


being pushed out. Offensive language. It's language of


safeguarding and protecting. Protecting from someone like...


This is the type of rhetoric. Hitchens. To hear the furious


dogmatic rage, particularly from this quarter here, we are not going


to put up with anybody who disagrees with us. It is exactly


the position. It's exactly why there aren't women Bishops at the


moment, because the faction which wants women Bishops wants them at


all costs, it wants total unconditional surrender. It's true.


Cow have had women -- you could have had women Bishops last summer


and the reason for this farce was because a compromise was rejected.


I couldn't care less whether women - whether Bishops or men or women,


all I care about is whether they believe in God. The purpose of the


Church is to be the Embassy of the kingdom of Heaven on earth and in


this country and I see it Riven by petty dogmatic idea logical


politics, purists who won't take compromise. The other point of the


Church of England, it's been based on the idea we do not lay windows


into other people's souls, we do not force people to believe what we


believe. This is a difference. Your side could accept but by your


furious intolerant dogma you forced us into this division. Not at all.


And you... - you, George, describing political opponents as


toxic. They're reasonable people but they have to accept that the


other side has reason, too. Peter, thank you. If it had happened last


summer, of course, it would have been a lesser form of Bishops,


wouldn't it. It would absolutely have been and it would have created


a Church within a Church and one of the things the General Synod haos


agreed -- has agreed on time and time again is we don't want to have


women as Bishops, changing the whole nature of what it means to be


a Bishop, having two churches. all or nothing. We are not being


the purists. We have gone so far. We have gone the extra mile and


it's the people for whom we are trying to make the arrangements who


are being the pure tans saying nothing will do and I would like to


ask, what would do? The thing is we don't want to split the Church into


a Church and also have all Bishops who are women women be second-class.


That's simply not possible. We are going to bring Martin in Dale in. I


promised Martin. Doesn't really matter! For you, it's all about the


assurance, isn't it? Partly that. Let me explain that to people. I


think people will be interested. So, for you it's not just a male Bishop,


but a male Bishop who has not ordained women as priests, nor


participated in the consecration of a woman Bishop nor been ordained by


a woman nor nor been consecrated by a woman. Now, some people might


think is God really that obsessed? I think we have to look back at


what we have been doing for 2000 years and look at the views and how


we have traditionally brought things through. I have to say what


this vote was actually about was rather like David Cameron when he


came back from Brussels the other day, and said it wasn't good enough.


I think that's actually what was being said in synod, that this was


not good enough, either. I would think for what we need to do is


move on and work out a way in which, I believe we can, because we did it


20 years ago, I can't see why if we had provision then we can't have


provision now. The code of practice, if we had voted in favour of this,


we would have spent a long time afterwards trying to work out a


code of practice to make it work. I don't think things would have been


any different but just a different way around. But that whole business


about the tradition and the purity of the male line, do people - to


many people watching, obviously not If you go to the Catholic Church or


the Orthodox churches, that is the way that life has been. We are part


of a big church. The whole Christian religion looks bonkers


one awful lot of people are increasingly intolerant and


contemptuous, because it is based upon very funny month will -- very


fundamental and passionately held beliefs. I do not agree but what


you say, but I accept that it matters to you. That is the point,


accepting that it matters do and do you, compromising for the sake of


the religion, instead of having a political battle for your own


joyful star reverend Rose, good morning! What a welcome! Listen, I


am sure you have caught the gist of our discussion, and I am sure you


have heard that this matters deeply to Martin, Jerry, Zoe. Why should


they have to change? They need alternative arrangements. I have no


doubt that it metres -- it matters deeply to them. There is never


going to be anything good enough for them, that is a fact, and we


may as well be honest and open and say that. Really, what they are


saying, tied up behind theological arguments etcetera, is not in my


lifetime. And so, we had a complicated motion before as at the


Synod, and it was so complicated because all of those who were


working behind the scenes have been trying for years! It was not just


yesterday, they have been trying for years to hold everybody


together, to try to get the best thing on the table as possible. Now,


I actually believe that we have gone too far, I really do believe


that. We have wasted a lot of time. Other Anglican provinces have no


problem with this. Exactly! They embrace the fact that we have women.


Swaziland included. They have just done that. What I really hope is


that our Church will have the courage of its conviction, and when


it comes before the Synod again, that it will come with a single


clause that says, we are going to have women bishops, serving as


bishops within the Church. And if you do not like it, leave? We are


all adults, we must behave like mature adults, in the same way that


we have behaved like mature adults. I have seen women who are now


grandmothers who have waited patiently, and the Church has kept


saying no and no and no, and they have stayed with the Church. What


is so special that you think you cannot stay with the Church?


think one of the things that is worth exploring is what they are


trying to do in Wales, which is to have two measures, one for


provision, and the other for at this double ordination of women,


running in parallel. Two bishops. Two arrangements within a thing. If


we can manage to sort it out 20 years ago, I cannot see how we


cannot sort it out now. We did not sorted out 20 years ago. This silly


fudge that we created has let women in a position of being second-class,


and that is a fact, and so I hope we do not do that again. The sad


thing is that there were many women who were willing to make that


sacrifice just so that we could hold everyone together. But you


know what? They say it is in the Bible, this. If somebody gouges


your eye out, that is in the Bible as well. Are we going to do that?


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? Jesus said, you have heard


it said, but I say to... It was said in the Tour! If Jesus was able


to look at the Torah, which was something that was held over


hundreds of years, if he was able to say, actually, in this


particular context, this does not make sense star what did Jesus say


about women in... -- what did Jesus say about the possibility of women


in the ecclesiastical authority? Laughably little, actually.


witness to the risen Christ was a woman and was sent on an Apostolic


mission to tell her brothers and sisters by the risen Christ. Now,


if that is not the Christ giving women the most important Apostolic


mission that can possibly be conceived in the whole of history,


then how dare you suggest that the Church, a bunch of men in the first


and second centuries, can trump that?! No-one is saying that!


could not start from that rhetoric that we are discussing whether


women should be bishops or not. This is absolutely not what is at


issue. The question of whether women should be bishops is closed,


it is a question of under what conditions there will be women


bishops. Your rhetoric is designed to obscure that simple fact.


Supporters of an absolutely intolerant, demanding to have women


bishops... If I may, Peter... may! The General Synod, the


discussion was not only about provision for those who in


conscience could not accept women in ordained ministry, never mind


bishops, but it regurgitated and it rehashed a lot of the frankly


misogynistic arguments of the Church of the last 2000 years to


resist women being bishops at all. I agree with you... That is not


true. The matter is agreed, but these matters keep coming up.


want to bring in Ben Bradshaw, an elected representative. I am just


wondering, if they cannot sort this out, Ben Bradshaw, do they need


more than a nudge from politicians? I think the first point to make is


that the Church of England has a very unique relationship with the


state through Parliament. It is answerable to Parliament, it is


unique in that regard. What struck me this week was the unanimity


within not just the House of Commons but also the House of Lords,


in dismay and incomprehension that although 42 out of 44 diocese voted


overwhelmingly in favour of women bishops, it could not get through


Synod. There is clearly something wrong with that. I do not think


Parliament wants to act, but because of the special relationship


we have with the Church, with the message went out from Parliament


that if this is not resolved quickly, it cannot be allowed to


rumble on for another five or 10 years, it has to be resolved within


the next three months. If not, I think Parliament will do something,


yes. The point I have been trying to make for the last half-hour,


thankfully they are a number of eloquent men to make it for me! As


a woman priest, the arguments we were raising on Tuesday, too many


were about women as priests, trying to reassert their validity, which


we discussed in 1994. We agreed that I can be a priest, and I was


made a priest, I know that happened, and I know that it is difficult for


you and it is difficult for many or some within the Church... Visits


difficult for you, Zoe? Yes, I myself would not want to go to a


church where a female was the church leader, but I understand...


Why not? For people just tuning in, remind us why not, for a lot of


people this is unique. I believe that the Bible does teach that men


and women are to play different roles in the church, and that does


not make women less valued. What about the Queen being the head of


the Church? I think Elizabeth I changed it from head of the Church


to supreme governor to acknowledge that Jesus was head of the church.


I am so sorry. While I respect your views, we have decided... Do you


respect their views? Really? I do not agree with them. Not behind


closed doors, you don't! We have agreed that we will have women


priests and a place for those who disagree with women priests, and


that is where we should have been discussing the issue the discussion


should have been on the cause and whether or not it had adequate


provision, and I have yet to hear a reasoned argument why they did not


have provision for those women in the Church of England who disagreed


with it. I have been on air and number of times with Conservative


evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics, and I have asked what they would


like, and no-one has given a sustained answer in terms of what


they would like which would allow a woman who became a bishop to


function on an equal level to the men. I think I expressed its


earlier, actually forced of there is biblical illiteracy in our


church. That is deeply worrying, that there are clergy coming out of


theological colleges with his illiterate view of the Bible. They


are teaching it to our lay people. When lay people and women say to me


that there ought not to be in a role that is giving authority over


a man, what on earth are you doing on the General Synod?! If you


follow through your argument, you should not be there, because you


are making decisions over men! It is ridiculous, it does not make


sense. It does not make sense. There is absolutely no tolerance at


all. You dismiss your opponents. I am neutral in this argument, I


watch you, and I see you dismiss with contempt your opponents.


does not make sense. Your contempt for them is the problem. I respect


you enormously, but I disagree. As the Anglican Church, we have agreed


that we will uphold a range of different perspectives. I do not


have a problem with that! understand that these views are


done with as much intellectual integrity as I tried to do with


mine, but I have come to a different conclusion. I do not want


to eradicate those who disagree with me. You think it is a


massively erroneous reading of scripture, that is the point. Let


me get back to you, Ben Bradshaw, and Ruth, let me ask you this,


because clearly it has all been trotted out again here, and


fascinating as it is, one doubts it will come for a tidy conclusion any


time soon. Do you agree that ultimately they may have to be some


political influence exerted? He has spoken the MoTs sense of anyone


here, really. You have a fan, Ben! Peter is talking about people


treating views with contempt, talk about the pot calling the kettle


black. But I think the evangelicals should have been careful what they


played for. I'm not sure they have got a garden big enough to contain


the elephants they have acquired within it, because the fact is you


have got what he wanted, and there will be action in Parliament.


Parliament will not sit back and let the Church get away with this.


It is all very well to think of the Church, as it has been for many


years, separate and divorced from public opinion, from the sector the


world. Nobody had heard of what the House of Laity was before this, but


now everybody knows, and I think their opinions of it are not very


good. I'm afraid, like it or not, Parliament will intervene if the


Church does not get its act together, and you will probably be


landed with a single clause measure, probably within two years. And it


will not be the church forcing the opponents out, but it will be the


opponent's been put on the line. If you mean what you have been saying


for the last 10 years, stay or go. Will there be a provision? I don't


think there will be. They do not intend to have a provision. I am on


the General Synod... Parliament gave the Church of England, the


General Synod, and it watches tans are the Church's internal affairs


after the 1928... Newt interrupting! Because you keep on


talking nonsense! I will carry on, Parliament now is saying, we have


in the Church of England it is complicated constitution, which it


has followed, perfectly lawfully, but we do not agree with the


outcome, so we are going to intervene. That seems to me to be


fundamentally a lawless and unconstitutional. It is called a


democracy, we live in a democracy. The Church of England's biggest


mistake in history was to go with the flow of public opinion in 1914


and be in favour of that war. That did more damage to the Church of


England than anything that you or I can do. Let's not go there right


now! Everybody thought it was right, just in the same way that everybody


thinks this is wrong. Whenever we think something is right... And on


a minute, maybe it isn't. Let me put it to you, it is the law of the


land, the sexual discrimination Act, the Equality's Act, and one in four


primary schools in England that are Church of England schools, one in


seven secondary schools, your bishops have a unique place in the


Western world in legislating as lawmakers, 26 big Beefy males there


in the House of Lords. So ultimately it is entirely


Parliament's business because he was so interwoven with society.


Well, we are interwoven with society, you talk about church


schools, and the heads of a lot of those schools are women. If you are


talking about jobs, we talk about equality of opportunity to apply


for jobs. The question is, whether you believe that being a bishop is


a job that you apply for, or whether it is a calling from God.


The point is... It is neither! People are appointed. The Church of


England or parliament has devolved to the Church of England, initially


to the Church Assembly and then to the General Synod, power to control


its internal affairs. It has devolved to the Scottish Assembly


power to sort out Scottish affairs. Now, if Parliament subsequently


does not like what these devolved assemblies do, it has already


devolved the powers and has to live Let's see what the audience think


about this why you you gather your thoughts, everyone. Good morning.


Good afternoon, sorry! As we have seen in the law before, not only in


this country but other countries, changing the law doesn't always


change attitude. Even if parliament were to pass a law forcing them,


the Church of kpwhrd, -- of England to have female Bishops in equal


standing to male Bishops, it wouldn't change the sexism of the


Church in this decision. Yes, Sir, afternoon. If parliament is going


to address the issue, then it strikes me from the point of view


of equality, it can't actually discriminate against the Church of


England so it would have to make sure that all religions and faiths


and sects apply the opportunities. We are not going to see trans-


gendered imams soon? The only way I think morally that parliament could


discriminate is to disestablish the Church of England. That's another


issue. Peter, you picked up a point. Legally there is a difficulty, I


think Tony Baldry was saying this morning I think, that if you


legislate on this you probably would have to legislate for other


religious bodies in the same way T would be interesting asking mosques


to appoint female imams, wouldn't it? See how far you get with that!


If our debate there has not been real honesty and the real honesty


is that we are never ever going to agree on this matter. I am never


ever going to change your mind, you are never going to change my my


mind. So bye? We need to learn to live together. Even our Lord was


able to say let the wheat and tears grow together until the day of


harvest. What is this great urgency to pull it apart and go separate


ways. It doesn't make sense. Would you be tempted to join a Catholic


Church if this happened. Which one, there's so many versions. The Roman


Catholic Church. The position in terms of the other thing about the


establishment is that we are not a state Church. Like we have in other


countries. We do not receive any money from Government other than


through what is grant aided which makes a different relationship. I


gather that the Foreign Office has a faith toolkit which it sends out


to countries that it wants to adjust their views on faith and


things. I gather that might be quite a useful look for parliament


before they even go down this road. It I say something about what the


synod did in their - and people like Gerry and Martin who didn't


like the package of the legislation, is speaker after speaker, I am not


saying they did, but speaker after speaker of those opposed said we


don't trust the Bishops, we don't trust the Church. We don't trust


our legal office. What Rowan Williams said is, what when you


have said to your neighbour, I don't trust you, what do you say


next to them? Basically, I think now those who are opposed to this


and have completely refused to accept all the arrangements that we


tried pain-stakingly over years to provide is that if you don't trust


us, what are you doing in a Church where you do not trust the


authorities, do you not trust the people put in position of you?


Basically, is that one of the things about it is that not only do


we need to carry on living with each other, we need to re-build


relations of trust and what we saw is that... You are fundamentally


different readings of the script. It's different interpretations of


the roles of women in the Church. It's irreconcilable. The Archbishop


of Canterbury, everyone has recognised this really for the last


20 years, and in a way what's happened in a perverse way might be


for the best, because I think practically just for a minute to


get into technical details, there is an Act that would require a 50%


majority, not a two thirds, there's two motions to do that. That's for


parishes that don't want to be administered by a women. The Act


might now be resinneded which would leave the Catholics without the


protection they currently get. It's a different situation for the


conservative evangelicals and then you probably get a single clause


measure through the synod. There are - the evangelical churches are


incredibly successful and a lot of money goes - some are and a lot of


money goes to the churches. I wonder if that muddies the waters?


Does that? I think often we are too conscious of who is pulling the


purse strings but can I also make the point if parliament intervened


in the workings of the Church of England, that would be a disaster.


If parliament felt it could get a foothold into controlling the


business of the Church of England, then a lot of parliamentarians, a


lot of MPs would be delighted to have a role in controlling what the


Church of England does. Wait a minute. No, you wait for me, for


once! You have been talking for a great deal of time. You have Monday


opalised this debate, along with him. Excuse me! Love thy neighbour!


I wanted to say the Church is at its best when it's a thorn in the


side of the state and to have an Archbishop that's able to criticise


freely welfare cuts or whatever is going on in parliament is a huge


and respectable and honourable freedom. If the parliament starts


interfering, we are in trouble. What about the broader issues, here


we have coming down the rails towards us we have the debate about


gay marriage, for example, is the Church's position now undermined as


a player in that debate because of this? I am not sure it's undermined,


it's more a case of the Church is very busy, lots of people talking


about this, they don't have time or space to consider anything else. In


the next five years, we are going to need them as George said, to be


a thorn in the side of our legislature on many issues but


whilst every time the Church of England is in the news it's about


this, they can't do that. I think the incoming Archbishop of


Canterbury made that point. He said that this vote has damaged the


moral authority of the Church. It will make it less able for the


Church to comment with any authority and for people to take


the Church seriously and I say this as an Anglican and who supports the


established status, I care deeply about having a servant Church


that's there for everybody, that's the most wonderful thing about the


Church of England and I will defend that. But the Church of England is


damaging that itself by this attitude towards women Bishops.


last point and then I will shut up, which is this, it discovered after


the horrors of the 17th century and the 16th century as well, it


discovered that a very important discovery for England in general,


was that when dogma conflicted with kindness, then kindness should


actually win. And what I see on the side of those who are facing me


here saying we must have women Bishops, not just women Bishops,


they could have them, on our terms, is dogma without kindness. And that


is why they're causing all this trouble. Dogma without kindness, I


see intolerance and I see rudeness flowing across at the other side


from this side. Over and over again. This is madness! Let me say this. I


don't need to speak for parliamentarians, they can speak


for themselves, but what I see from parliamentarians on this particular


matter is an overwhelming sense of disbelief that the people whom they


represent in their constituents, the majority of whom would like to


see women in leadership within the Church. How can you maintain your


position as the established Church of this country if you flout the


values of broader society which you seek to represent? Absolutely and


that's something the Church is going to have to wrestle with.


we saw is that at the House of Laity is now holding the wider


Church of England to ransom. It doesn't represent the wider


membership of the Church of England and we must do something to change


that. Gerry? I think we have heard a lot of silly things said today.


That legislation that we debated... What silly things? I am about to


explain, may I, please? The The legislation was doomed to fail for


a number of reasons. One is it recinded provisions made in 1992


which we were promised wouldn't be. We then said that a par their


disagreed with what was going on could issue a letter of request.


Now if you were an Anglo-Catholic parish you were being asked to


petition a Bishop whose orders you doubted, to ask her to delegate


power that you didn't think she had, to somebody who agreed with you,


and if he agreed he wouldn't be able to accept it. So far as


conservative evangelicals were concerned we could petition a women


Bishop, no problem with that, but she will be asked to appoint a a


conservative evangelical Bishop who agreed but there aren't any who


agree with us. Every so-called evangelical Bishop on Tuesday voted


in favour of the motion. Was it acceptable to come to those


parishes? Why not? You get more provision through the things you


have just - in a way, we promised we would find you a Bishop who


agreed with your particular theology. There aren't any.


would have to, to meet that we would have to appoint some. How do


you do that? I believe if we waited another five years in 1994 we


wouldn't have found such a compromise and I think you are


being a worse position if we wait five years because I think there's


been such outrage at this particular vote. A lady here and


you had your hand up earlier. Hello. Hello. I would just like to say, I


am a bit miffed here, I used to be on the Bishops Council for about 16


years so I know a few of the Bishops at the moment. What is this


really all about? Are we - we have had a vote and the vote, of course,


has been positive for the evangelicals, negative for those


who are for women Bishops. However, is it really about A or is it about


Z? What is Z? Is there something hid - a hidden agenda going on


here? There is this fight, we have to have women Bishops. Fine. I am


not against women Bishops and neither am I for women Bishops. I


feel as though I am sitting here and abstaining. What is this really


about? Is there a hidden agenda? What's going to happen? Is there a


hidden agenda? George, answer that. What we are witnessing, you are


right that there is something of a proxy going on. This argument is at


the surface concealing under the surface what's going on, and that


is a fight for the Church of England's soul, between, if you


like, what many would describe as a liberal establishment within the


Church of England, and the conservatives who are formed this


odd, I wouldn't say unholy, alliance with Anglo Catholics and


conservative evangelicals to resist that change. It's odder than the


Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in parliament. If we had women


Bishops what will happen? mission of the Church, a young man,


Muslim background, who has come to faith, sent me an e-mail yesterday


saying how devastated he was at the vote. He said, I have I have grown


up seeing women in ministry and they're saying no to women, I find


devastating. Half of those training for the ministry at the moment are


women. Why not tap - a third of priests, why not tap into that


wealth of talent and then you can flourish? Half the people training


for ministry are conservative evangelicals. Are they against it


do you think? I think they'll be staying in the Church because of


Tuesday's vote. OK. As we said at the beginning. You believe God's


will was done? Will God's will continue to be done on this? I am


not saying God's will wasn't done. When people pray that God's will


may be done, we make the assumption that God answers their prayers.


Final word. Can I just ask, - the people over there. Our brothers and


sisters. Why didn't you follow the lead of your 42 Bishops who voted


in favour? We have to leave it there. The debate will continue on


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