Episode 5 The Big Questions

Episode 5

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Good morning and welcome to The Big Questions. We are live from


Samworth Enterprise Academy in Leicester and I am Nicky Campbell.


This week, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, announced plans to


recruit senior police officers from outside the service and from abroad.


But Manchester's Chief Constable, Peter Fahey, says police forces are


ignoring the greater potential of home grown talent from the black


and Asian communities. He wants to be able to positively discriminate


in their favour. Our first Big Question: David McFarlane from the


Black Police Association says Britain needs to copy the Northern


Ireland Police Service, which had to appoint equal numbers of


officers from both the Protestant and Catholic communities.


Superintendent Logan says it would be bad for the officer and bad for


the service to promote people because of their colour rather than


on merit. Rupert Murdoch apologised to the Israeli Prime Minister


Binyamin Netanyahu for what he described as a grotesque and


offensive cartoon published in last week's Sunday Times. It showed the


election-winning Netanyahu wielding a long trowel as he cemented


agonised Palestinians into a wall with a mortar of blood. The caption


read, will cementing the peace continue? Our next Big Question:


This rabbi says to excuse the cartoon as an attack on Netanyahu


and not the Jewish people is like using the n word about Obama


without meaning to offend black people. The Jewish founder of the


Palestinian Solidarity Campaign says it was a legitimate criticism


of Netanyahu's policies, not an attack on Israel as a whole. This


Tuesday the House of Commons will debate the Gay Marriage Bill. It is


a brave stand by David Cameron, given predictions that up to 200 of


his backbenchers are planning to vote against it. Our last Big


Question: The leader of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement says if


you believe that God is love, then all love must come from God and


marriage expresses that. The Coalition for Marriage says gay


marriage will undermine traditional family values. One man and one


woman are together the best way to raise children. Welcome everybody


Sir Robert Peel founded the modern police force on the basis of


consent. The police are the public and the public are the police was


his key principle. So, it has always been important in Britain


for the police to be recruited from the local community. Here in


Leicester the 2011 census found that only 45% of its population is


White British. Today 49% come from the black and minority ethnic


communities. But only 6.7% of Leicestershire's police force came


from those communities and they're mostly at constable level. Is it


time for the police to favour black candidates? You are really


exercised about this. The think it has been far too long and it needs


to happen now. How do we get this change? By legislation. They did it


in Northern Ireland. One on one recruitment. The Labour Party


introduced the sex discrimination Act to bring more women to


Parliament. One writer says, we are the same ship but not the same deck.


What has happened is we have got an entrenched, historical, and


institutionalised racist government under the police force which


actually prevents the promotion of black people. Equal-opportunity


means... The Macpherson report, the Met recruited three times the


amount of black candidates until now. What do they do? They park


their NAV. Equal-opportunity should mean a system whereby they are


promoted. The difficulty for going through his horrendous. Therefore,


what the Government needs to do is to legislate so that they can


change the law. Not only that, the people at fault but the Home


Secretary's and also chief constables. They are responsible


for the lack of promotion. What is the argument - you are changing the


law so you can promote black people over white people? Had it not been


this endemic institutionalised racism, there would not be a need


for that. What other problems? have spent millions of pounds on


diversity training. It is not just the police service. It is in the


NHS, local authorities and the fire service. He is right. It is about


institutional racism. It is about retention. We need to keep people


by constant reducer. They are not enough barriers. We have not really


worked out what positive action is all about. We have not removed it.


We must really promote and look how we instep from start to finish. It


is about looking at under- represented groups and working with


people to encourage them to join, put themselves forward. Rather than


legislation? That is one part of it. We have had the legislation in


place. It is about an institutional discriminatory practice that goes


on. Do you want to come then? needs to change. In a place like


Leicester, the police needs to adequately represent the population


of Leicester, Bristol, Birmingham, London. We want to see the police


force and all public services as being representative. That must be


on merit. What I find concerning his there is a conversation that


says, one of the reasons we need black police officers in these


positions is to be able to speak to the black community. We might shift


into a mentality about ghettos where people can only be spoken to


by people of their own race. Based on merit, and my hearing right? It


is like running the 100 metres for the 200 metres with Usain Bolt and


expecting to win and ran a race. 47 years ago, the first police officer


was appointed. There is no merit. We will wait for ever. We need


legislation now. I think it is a multi- pronged attack. There are


issues around actions we can do now. We are talking about talent


spotting and talent management. They can compete with colleagues.


As a result, they can be judged on merits. In America, positive action


has been tried. We have seen people pushing back on that, saying, you


only got there because you were black. People think, I am only a


Superintendent because I am black. We need to judge on merit. Like


everything, even the direct entry scheme that has been consulted


about, we need to look at how we can get this action. We in the


Metropolitan Police Black Police Association say it is important to


do this. Also in the medium and long-term, we are bringing in


legislative changes. The answer to your question is, yes. The use of


the word favour it is unfortunate. It gives a bit of a slant. We are


talking about encouragement and enabling black people to become


senior police officers. positively discriminate means


favour? It is the practice that actually counts. In Northern


Ireland, it was favouring. It had to happen. They are talking about


dumbing down the police service. I think if we go back to what Sir


Robert Peel was saying, we have a police service that is policing by


consent and we are not the police state. The police service has to be


representative of the whole community. If we had a wholly male


police force, people would be jumping up and down and saying,


where are the women? We have heard about Northern Ireland. In Northern


Ireland, this is not about quotas and discriminations on the grand of


sex - it is about religion and religion alone. In this country,


the law is so specific about not discriminating on the grounds of


race, sex or gender. If we're going to change the law about the police,


I think we have to change the law for society as a whole. If we're


going to have positive discrimination - quotas - that has


to be there the whole of society. All professions broadcasting - the


Church, education. It has to be completely across the board. I do


not think this country is quite ready for that. In your time in the


police, you said you never saw any racism. No. You need to beat on the


receiving end! I am saying about my experience. Unfortunately, they


have an open-door policy but no one is going to come into your office


and say, by the way, chief, I am being attacked racially. You have


to be very proactive will start until the process is changed under


this government, you might recall that I started as a constable.


started as a constable in Bristol and I worked in The Saint Paul's


area. My experience is not just about my recent experience. Looking


at the career progression of these two gentlemen, is there a story to


be told? When the first black officer joined the Met but support


Condon became commissioner. So Paul Roberts became Detective Sergeant.


He is a few rungs higher but things are improving not as fast as they


should. He is white! Let me explain what is happening in the police


service and I expect it is happening elsewhere. Tim gets all


the training and support in order to make it up and Lee Roy does not


get the encouragement. When they go for an interview for promotion, Tim


will be better because he has had all the preparation for it. Could I


finish? That is a total and utter travesty of my life. I had 30 years


experience in the police service. Many colics right across the United


Kingdom... I am from a working- class background in Bristol. I was


the first member of my family to get to A-levels, University Guide


get a degree and go through the very intense selection system.


was not being personal. I was giving an example. It is not a very


good example! The police are kind of a special case because they have


to blend into the community and work with communities. How do we


get to that stage? We had the figures with Leicester early on.


Something like 95% in the police are white. There are other great


cities of ours in exactly the same situation where communities do not


feel properly served and properly represented. How do we get there


now? We have to acknowledge the police has made a great deal of


progress. How do we get there soon? It cannot be done soon. It is a


very practical reason. I am afraid to bring in spending cuts. At the


moment, we're talking about losing thousands of police posts across


the country. The ranks above getting things out most quickly up


the ranks that the right represents. It will be a very difficult job. --


Leroy. It will be very difficult to get any body through the ranks.


cannot be at the expense of police legitimacy. You need a diverse


workforce to reflect the diverse community. The better you treat a


diverse personnel, the more equipped to love to serve the needs


of a diverse community. -- equipped you are. It is important the


organisation needs to put that as a priority. How far does this go?


Should baby -- should they be predominantly Asian recruits in


Leicester? Should White People be going into white neighbourhoods?


The police force should represent the diverse community will --.


Black people, in order to get Equality, we will have to wait 100


years, 350 years. We want equality in our lifetimes and our children's


lifetimes. Too many speeches by chief constables constantly. The


Home Office - Home Secretary is come and a block. They put the


brakes on. They block the promotion of the Black Police Force. They


need to wake up and smell the I'm shocked Tim hasn't witnessed


racial abuse. I agree with officer Leroy. We don't need more black and


Asian officers. We need less racist officers. We had a house on a


consill estate and we witnessed, especially after 2001, a lot of


racial abuse, things throne at our house, abuse when we left our house.


We were hiding in our house for a good two years. When we asked the


police for help, we got nothing. A baby, I was a baby. That's a


terrible story, really, people will feel for you. The police gave you


nothing? What do your parents say about that? We asked for help and


they said, there's not much we could do. We had to get enough


money to move house. What if we couldn't afford it? Since I was


eight years old I was afraid of all white men.


That's a fascinating points. Because we have these statistics,


right now, there are seven times more black and Asians stopped and


searched per thousand of population. There are ten times greater chance


for a black and minority ethnic people to die in police custody. If


there were more, let me ask you, if there were more black and minority


ethnic police, would those statistics be the same? Would that


improve? Not necessarily. You also have to remember, it's not about


numbers. It's also around the organisation recognising the


importance of having diversity, supporting and nurturing all


personnel, police officers and police staff, so that if there is


inefficiency internally or in service delivery, it will be


addressed. Just like we see at the moment, certain racist cases are


increasing. The reason being, I think, it's around the Stephen


Lawrence group that used to hold chief scone stabls to account with


performance indicators about service delivery. The Home


Secretaries got rid of it and as a result, Chief Constables were not


held to account. If it's not measured it's not done. The other


argument is, the argument against it is if you got fired you don't --


if you have a fire, you don't care about the colour of the firefighter.


I want to make two points. First is the case of what does society want?


Me personally, it would be the case of I want to feel safer or be safer.


I'm not too bothered about who is doing. It second poipbtd is the


case of the officer needs to have the right skills. It will come


through diversity at the same time. I would question in terms of the


funnel effect, so how many people from the ethnic minority group are


coming forward to go into the police force? I would assume that


white people are coming forward more than the ethnic diversities.


There can be as well hostility from some black communities towards some


black police officers? They use abusive terms like black on the


outside white on the inside. When I joined in the early 80s I had


experience of that. It was understandable considering the


relationship between the police and people like myself and Leroy were


in the middle of it. We were working very hard. I want to make


one thing clear, nobody, I'm certainly not saying it, hopefully


Maxi is not saying it, that we want people who are unqualified being in


the Police Service. There's a different between affirmative


action and positive discrimination. The other point I would like to


make, it's not just about the business imperative about it, but


the operational needs too. Because nothing worse than you get an


officer goat a scene, meeting members of the -- get to a scene,


meeting the public and they can't speak the language. We need. That


How far do we go, Jewish police in North London, Muslim police in East


London mosque, how far do we go? think positive or negative


discrimination one way or the other is always wrong. Equal opportunity


is the cornerstone of society. What is critical to consider over here


is that there is a certain blatant distrust between authority in


various different ethnic minorities. In fact that was probably part of


the trigger of the London riots as they happened because there was a


black man who was shot by white police and that triggered


everything off. What has to happen is there needs to be more


recruitment drive in the black comuepbtd, within the Jewish


community and all those who are recruited should be given equal


opportunity to make their way through the ranks.


APPLAUSE As a British Indian, let's put this


in perspective, the British police do a fantastic job even compared to


the French and Germans, we have lower ratios of policemen to


population as well. That doesn't mean we rest on our laurels. I went


to Stratford-upon-Avon when I was a youngster and I was told to go back


to where I come from, by police officers. They didn't do a great


job there for that lady. If you are black, you're 27 times more likely


to be stopped by the police and arrest and humiliated. If you are


black, you're more likely not to receive a caution. If you are black,


you're more likely to be referred to the court. If you are black,


you're more likely to be given custodial sentence. Tell me, that


amount to systematic institutional racism. Is that what it amounts to?


I'm sure there are difficulties within the police force. A more


general picture, what is being said is that the police force are doing


a great job, though I accept there's some difficult


circumstances, difficult situations that have not been doplt with well.


We need to encourage more people to join the police force. That should


be done by giving them more money. We're not going to help people to


come forward to the police force by cutting salaries, regulation A19,


where we're throwing away experienced officers. Thank you all


very much for taking part. Thank you for your thoughts.


Now if you'd like to add to that debate log on to bbc.co.uk/


thebigquestions. Follow the link to where you can join in online.


Follow us on Twitter as well. We're debating live from Leicester this


morning, is criticism of Israel anti-Semitic and should gay


coupleser allowed to marry? Tell us what you think. Send us your ideas


for future debate ond general comments about the programme.


When Mrs Thatcher was Prime Minister she was the butt of some


vicious political satire. Though she was donned in a man's suit on


Spitting Image people did not see those attacks on her as sexist.


They were anti-her Government and its policies. Is it the same with


Israel? Journalists, broadcasters and commentators all know they can


risk being labelled anti-Semitic if they criticise Israeli policies


towards Palestine as the cartoonist Gerald Scarfe found last Sunday and


David Ward a few days before that. No-one should forget the horror of


the Holocaust. The previous century has its share of persecution. But


is criticism of Israel anti-Semitic. You did a very strong tweet on this


after the event, which although it was in the heat of the Twitter


moment, no doubt, tells us how angry you are. Any Jew who


continues to buy the Sunday Times after today's blood libel cartoon


is a traiter to their people. Why was it so offensive? It has to be


said, it goes without saying, that criticism of Israel it's absurd to


suggest it's anti-Semitic. It would be absurd to suggest that anti-


semites don't use Israel as the whip to lash out against Israel. As


such the lines become very blurred. You end up with a situation where a


two-bit MP David Ward uses the Holocaust, which goes to the very


core sensitivity as a means of being able to attack Israel. Do you


mind if I read that quote out.? visited Auschwitz twice. I'm


saddened that the Jews who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution


during the Holocaust could within a few years of liberation from the


death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the


new state of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis. In your


mind pure anti-Semitism. Purely. The Holocaust goes to the core of


Jewish sensitivity. It was about annihilating all Jews to. Use that


as an example to attack a particular government policy is


anti-Semitism. APPLAUSE


I made it clear from the outset, it's absurd to suggest that


criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic. When you start using the Holocaust


as one example, when the CNN veteran journalist Helen Thomas was


asked about Israel and said, let all Jews go back to Poland and


Germany, that's anti-Semitic. good thinking people would object


very strongly to that. I think there is a legitimate case for


criticising Israeli policy towards Palestinian people and what is


happening to them. Do you think that David Ward quote is anti-


Semitic? I think it's unfortunate that he made that link. It's not


something I would ever made. I just think it's a very unfortunate link.


Yes or no? It's a disrespectful link. It's a comment like yours


that is differentiating the comment to say it's unfortunate but not


anti-Semitic. It is precisely that which is blurring the liends.


don't think it is anti-Semitic. What about what the Chief Rabbi


said about the cartoon Tony Greenstein, founding of Palestine's


Solidarity Campaign. Jonathan sacks said that Jews, victims of the


holkausts are now perpetrators of Palestinians. This was a wholey


artificial controversy. There was nothing anti-Semitic in that


cartoon. It showed Netanyahu with a crown dripping with blood. Four


times in the last two weeks Palestinian civilians, who are


unarmed, have been fired on and killed. A young girl, 16 years of


age, a teenager, 19 years of age, shot outside their college. That,


to me, is legitimate criticism and for rabbi to say you can't use the


Holocaust, I'm sorry, Israeli politicians and Zionists have


continually used the Holocaust to continually support what they're


doing. You can't have your cake - no, I didn't interrupt you. You


can't have your cake and eat it. You're trading on the past


oppression of Jewish people in order to justify the present


oppression of Palestinians. Racism is wrong whether it's committed by


Jewish people or non-Jewish people. If You Can Get It were living in


Israel and you were a Palestinian - - if you were living in Israel and


you were a Palestinian you might understand racism. I challenge you


to give me any example - I thought you don't interrupt me. You're


inconsistency in interrupting me is no different to the lies you're


pedalling here. Give me one example of a politician that used the


Holocaust by which they're basing whatever it is that they're doing


there. I challenge you to demonstrate any example and cite


source of any politician who has used the Holocaust as that excuse.


For you to use the Holocaust by a means to attack Israeli policy is


for you to dance on the graves of the many who died in that atrosiate.


Netanyahu has skpaird -- compared Ahmidinejad... I think it's clear


that the European Union agency published a document stating when


criticism is based on legitimate criticism, rational anal siz of --


analysis of the government, and when it's rooted by deep anti-


Semitic beliefs, one must differentiate by the criticism at


the stable -- state of Israel, but is uncovered by the umbrella of the


state of Israel. The can -- cartoon not only publishing on the


Holocaust Memorial Day, this crosses a clear line between


criticism... Because Gerald Scarfe is an equal opportunities offender.


He's vicious about everybody across the board. You wanted to come?


think anti-Semitism in all its forms is wrong, as is all kinds of


President, fascism. It is important, this is a very sensitive point and


I hope you'll give me time to make it as clearly as I can, as a young


boy, I learned in history how the constant demonisation of Jews,


especially through depictions in cartoons and all that dehumanised


them. It made it possible for countless to be taken to the


concentration camps and lose their lives nay horrible way. But, at the


same time, we also learned how British colonisers utilised


cartoons against the colonised people. The liberators used


cartoons - these are powerful Toons in propaganda war. I had the


privilege of visiting Auschwitz with the chief raby Lord Sacks and


the archbishop Dr Rowan Williams. It was horrible to see what had


been done to these people. I pray that it never happened -- happens


to anyone on this planet, ever. After that, one of the members of


the organisers was interviewing people and I was asked this


question: How do you feel, having seen what you saw? It was heart


wrenching. It was beyond expression. You cannot express how you feel,


the horrible way in which people lost their lives. But, and I hope


you will allow me, I'm trying to use very careful language. I think


the use of language is important. Maybe our MP who tried to express


his feelings about it might not have been able to find the right


language. When I was asked this question, I felt, in my mind, that


the people living in Israel today, the Jewish people, are all carrying


the history of that. It must have been heart wrenching for the


parents to tell the children the stories of what they have survived


or what their ancestors had to go through. I felt that if that is the


history of suffering and pain that you have endured, you would be in a


position to be able to understand what it's like because your


ancestors have been there. It's not saying that anti-Semitism is


justified or I'm saying that I'm equating the Holocaust to any other


atrocity. You don't think they adequately understand the pain of


the Palestinians? The pain of every human being we have to try and


$:/STARTFEED. Is that legitimate? We are concerned with what is


happening with the Palestinians. David Ward said Jews have not


learned the lesson of the Holocaust. I would argue that people like


David Ward have not learned the lessons. We will not remain silent


when comments like this have been made. The problem is, this is a


visual image. Like all visual images, they can be misunderstood


and misinterpreted. We do not know if Gerald Scarfe - and he said he


did not - intended to make a connection. This happened 10 years


ago. A similar cartoon by Dave Brown with aerial sure aren't


eating a Palestinian baby. It appeared by a perverse coincidence


on Holocaust Memorial Day. Many Jews do not know about this. Far


more non-Jews who do not know about it. I do not think they brand new.


Unless we knew what was going on in the head of Gerald Scarfe, we


cannot say he meant a connection. The blood libel is? The idea years


ago of the suggestion that Jews were taking the blood of Christian


babies and what not and using it for all kind of religious ritual.


It was used as a means of being able to launch attacks against the


Jews. It won an award as cartoon of the year, didn't it? It did. It was


taken out of context. I would not suggest that was as anti-Semitic as


the blood libel depiction in the paper last week. It is a complete


lie. Rabbi Schochet is speaking and then I will come over to you. I


will come to you free of perspective in a minute. I would


suggest to you, the idea of using the blood libel depiction would


evoke the sensitivity. If he did it in all perfect innocence, so be it.


He apologised and the editor of the paper apologised. How often does


Rupert Murdoch do that? He apologised as well. At best, they


were grossly naive about the depiction. Coming back to the


general references of a Holocaust is to suggest that Jews are


committed to the Final Solution of Palestinians and a blatant


annihilation of all Palestinian people. There were sensitivities


and dynamics of everything going on in Israel. The language of


Holocaust strays into the area. does the Israeli government pursue


policies that have been declared illegal in international courts and


in contravention Nations revolution to United Nations resolutions? --


to United Nations resolutions? Settlements are being pursued and


they have been caught in the Gulf. When something is universal and a


particular group of people are singled out. The President of


Harvard University at the time said Jews were not allowed in here


because they cheat. When it was pointed out that non-Jews cheap as


well, he said, you are changing the subject. I do not need a lecture


about racism and xenophobia. Israeli policies stand to be


criticised in international courts. The going back to the cartoon, it


is not the stereotypical image of an anti-Semitic Jew. The typical


anti-Semitic image from the British, Australian press before the war,


were showing a fat and bloated Jewish banker with a massive hook


nose. This could not be further from the trees. It shows a Jewish


Guide doing manual labour. Can you get further away? -- guy. Most


people do not think this cartoon is anti-Semitic. The picture of blood


does not mean blood libel. When a former Chief Rabbi in Israel has


said, we have to annihilate all Arabs, that reminds me of the


Holocaust. If the only purpose of Holocaust Memorial Day is to


learned the lessons of the past to apply them to the present for


whoever commits it and he never ate is the victim. It depends on


sensibilities. If you are a survivor of the Holocaust or a


child of the Holocaust survivor, you are going to be incredibly thin


skinned and sensitive about such imagery. We should all be thin-


skinned and sensitive about such an atrocity. All of the human family


should feel about that. We would be talking about the cartoons of


Gerald Scarfe every Sunday! Is it possible to be anti- Zionism, anti-


settlement, and T Binyamin Netanyahu but in support of Israel


as well? Of course cities. Have a cartoon criticising Israeli policy.


-- course it is. Murdering Palestinian children is not a


policy. Anti-Semitism has always been the dehumanisation based on a


lie. I can totally relate to what Jews have gone through in the


Holocaust. It does not take away from the fact that what the Israeli


government is doing is wrong. It does not make it right or OK.


are not going to get bogged down in a debate about Israeli policy and


what have you. There are two points to consider. The first is the


deliberate depiction of the Holocaust to be used as a battering


ram against Israel. It is fundamentally wrong. Also, at the


singling out of Israel and the constant deal of utilisation by


Israel in anti- government buildings and so one. You do not


know if the cartoonist intended that? Thank you for your


contributions. If you have something to say, log on to the


website. Follow the link to beat online discussions. Send us your


views about our last big question. Should gay couples be allowed to


marry? It you would like to be in a future audience, you can e-mail in.


We are in Cardiff on 10th February, Northolt in west London on 17th and


a week after that we are in Southampton. God is love. Those who


live in love living God and God lives in them. Those words are also


used by lesbian and gay Christians. At the moment, this is against the


law. That could change on Tuesday if the House of Commons votes aye


to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill. Should gay couples be allowed


to marry? You want to get married. This is the argument we hit against


it. Why isn't a civil partnership good enough with a blessing


afterwards? It is not about being good enough. It is a different sort


of institution. Any two people have the same gender, as long as they


are not related, can do this. It denies the fact it is a sexual


relationship. You do not have to make any fouls. It does not


necessarily mean it is for life. There is no need for Fidelity. You


cannot dissolve the civil partnership on grounds of adultery


because you do not have to be faithful to your civil Palmer. It


is not part of it. In marriage, all those things are there. It is about


making a commitment for life. It is a covenant and not a contract.


Especially a marriage in church. If you have your marriage solemnised,


you are saying that God is central to this relationship. You will love


it and emulate it with God. For me, as far as I'm concerned, God


brought my palm and myself together and has been part of our


relationship from the start. -- my partner. We want to make a


commitment for life and say that we will be faithful to one another.


Marriage is a sacrament. That is important. That is an outward sign


of an inward grace. Love is the grace. We have been graced with


love for one another and we wish to express that by going through the


sacrament of them carriage. -- marriage. We're making this


commitment and forsaking all others. That can only be done in marriage


and not in a civil partnership. Love came from God? I do not doubt


that. Marriage is not just about love and commitment. It is a


biological union with the capability of giving rise to


children who are raised by their birth parents. Is it not better


that children are raised within marriage? Many children are being


raised by foster parents, gay couples, single parents, divorced


parents. They are bringing them up magnificently. That does not make


it a marriage. The gold standard fault upbringing of children is to


be raised by birth parents. Because of the benefits of that and we are


talking about reform to civil marriage. It is a reform to civil


marriage. Does it serve society to redefine marriage in such a way


that same-sex couples can marry? If it means downgrading marriage to a


mere domestic partnership between two people. If you committee


downgrade the important -- the importance of marriage. Fewer


people will get married. Secretary of State for education is


a big supporter of theirs. 200 backbenchers do not. He says this


will reinforce marriage. I will come back to you. I was just going


to say, not often do I agree with Michael Gove, but on this he is


right. Marriage Equality will strengthen the institution of


marriage. I am not religious. I am not bothered about it from the


average -- ate religious the point. Those of us who are gay just happen


to want equality. I also believe that people who are heterosexual


should be able to have civil partnerships. I defy anyone to say


that we should not be allowed to be equal. Is this about equality?


Another dog collar. Just to answer the question. We have had three


questions today. The first, yes, the second, no, and this one is


know as well. You asked a question about the civil partnership and a


blessing. In the Western Church, this edition is the sacrament of


marriage is affected by the couple themselves. They marry each other


and the church is a blessing of that marriage. It is called the


solemnisation of matrimony. There is confusion as to what is going on.


The other point about children raises all sorts of interesting


issues. What about people in the 60s and 70s? We assume if they get


married and made cannot have children, is it not a marriage?


There is a whole range of different scenarios and we confuse them all


There is a series of prohibitions. The age of consent, pree Dom to


amarry. Marriage discriminates by the fact that - let me finish, in


the same wi that pensions discriminate against young people.


To uphold a certain good,... pensions discriminate against young


people, next week's big question. It doesn't discrimination, if you


have to redefine marriage to allow same-sex couples... Wait a minute.


Sharon's from the Coalition For Marriage, not to be confused with


other coalitions. Sharon, what is the detriment? Can I just say, it's


not actually discrimination to treat different things differently.


Men are different to women. A same- sex union, while you can respect it,


is not the same as a heterosexual union. That's prejudice. It is not


saying that two things are different are prejudice. When you


read all 55 pages, it treats same- sex unions different to


heterosexual unions. I won't bore you with the details. Marriage goes


back to the beginning of times. Lawyers didn't create it. The


church didn't create it. It goes back 4.5 billion years. A long time.


This Government has no right to tamper with something so


fundamental. Not marriage as we know it today. I respect their


views about religious freedom and tolerance, but what the Coalition


For Marriage is hearing from is we're hearing from people up and


down the country who say I'm in a senior position, I daren't say I


believe in man-woman marriage because I'm scared of loseing my


job. I believe in man-woman marriage. An old intolerance which


was wrong is being replaced by a new intolerance... Tim's back.


difference does it make to you or anyone else if two gay people want


to get married? I tell you exactly what difference. It makes a


difference to the civic liberties of those millions of people up and


down the country who believe in man-woman marriage. Not at all.


2011 a housing officer lost his job... We argued for that to be


given back because that was religious. He put on Facebook that


he believed in man-woman marriage. He has sever received compensation


or his job back and that's where the bill goes into law. What will


this mean for gay Muslims? If I was approached by two gay Muslim men


asking to be married, I would refuse to marry them because they


do not meet the terms and conditions of marriage. Marriage


within Muslim law is a contract between a male and a female. So


that's a non-starter to start with. If they wish to be recognised as


partners together in the eyes of the law, they have access to the


civil partnership if they wish to do so. They are free to do that.


Civil partnership should be enough? If that's what they're seeking. If


they're seeking legal recognition, that is fine. For Muslims, the


definition of marriage is one between a man and woman. I would


continue to teach that to my children, my pupils, my stuents. I


do not want to fall on the other side of the law where because I


believe that this is what marriage is all about that it becomes an


arrestable offence for example. It's absolutely right you should


continue... Do you respect that? absolutely do. Why? Because if this


Government was going to bring in a law that said everybody had to do


something that was against their conscience I would be absolutely


opposed to it. If anyone else expressed it who weren't religious


you would say they were homophobic. No, if they believe marriage is


between a man and woman and don't wish to conduct a same-sex marriage,


that's fine. That's their belief. I don't want them to. I want the


ability to enter into a marriage myself and as somebody who is


ordained to be able to perform and conduct those some emisations for


the people I know wish to be married as a same-sex couple.


That's what I like about the law proposed is it gives us all that


freedom. The Government has regularly changed the laws around


marriage over the years. This is nothing new. It's nothing different.


What we are doing is seeing a move towards greater equality. It is


taking nothing away from opposite- sex couples and their marriage. If


you're married today, you will be married in exactly the same way,


your relationship will be exactly the same the day after this comes


into legal being than you were the day before. That is simply not true.


It is true. As soon as one gay couple gets married, you are then,


by definition, saying gender is irrelevant to marriage law. You


change the law for everybody. irrelevant. It is not. Marriage is


a gendered institution. It is the only union... Only because we have


legislated that in the past. It's the building block of society that


is not just... But if it's about children, there are many children


who are many different types of relationships. Is it not better if


a gay couple have children, would you not prefer that couple had that


sign that they were married. That's a completely different question.


We're talking about redefining marriage. You brought in children.


I tell you a poll this weekend says that a quarter of the gay and


lesbian community say yeah, one redefinition, the next one's fine


as well. If you redefine... What will the next redefinition be?


say they would be happy with polyamorous unions being recognised.


Who said that? A quarter of the poll this weekend. You talked about


the process of children, 98.9% of children in the UK who are


physically, sexually and emotionally abused happens in


heterosexual set ups. Two women a week die at hands of their former


or current partner in heterosexual partners. Are you saying there's


some specificity about heterosexuals? Absolutely not. This


isn't about other than equality in the eyes of the law. We have to be


fit for the 21st century. You are in a partnership, do you want to


get married? Yes, we have been together 19 years. We have been in


a civil partnership for three. I would love to marry, when the time


is right for us. Why is marriage so important? It brings added value.


It doesn't detract from the sapbgtity of marriage. It adds to


it. -- sanctity. How does the term "marriage" add value. It gives me


full equality. You don't feel you're in a legitimate relationship


now? We tolerate the trains being late, do you not realise how


patronising being "tolerated" is. All my life I've had that. What is


patronising, I don't have a problem with civil partnerships and with


people choosing a particular life styles that they want, but...


don't choose. Living the way they are living, but my real points is


that as far as I'm concerned I think it is wrong when one group


type comes along and looks to undermine or redefine something


that's already been around for so long in order to build something


new. We don't want to go back to the Holocaust in the gay marriage


debate. Gay people were persecuted by the very people who suffered the


most horrendous thing in history. In those camps gay people were


punished in a way that we never described. You airbrush that out.


It's a superb play by Martin Cherman... Women and Ronany


travellers are the same thing. asking you not to redefine the


whole principle of marriage, as it always has been. Ladies and


gentleman, we're going to hear from this member of the audience. I say


good morning to you. Good morning. We've got a littlement will of --


little element of calm. If you allow gay marriage there's a danger


of that opening the flood gates for marriage to be redefined in


different ways. Instead of just being two people, then could it be


between a man and two women or women and three men. Nobody is


suggesting that. Last year in Brazil, a man got married to two


different women in the same ceremony. No-one's suggesting that


here. People say that all right if you can redefine marriage...


should I not be equal? If David Cameron thinks he's got a backbench


revolt now, think about that. should marriage be redefined...


your reason... Your reason for me not being able to marry is because


of what ifs? No. It's actually happened. People will say, why is


it that homosexuals are given special rights that we've got to


redefine. I look at it from a Christian point of view.


looking at it from a Christian point of view as well. It's not


about special rights. If she's Christian she would know that God


says that homosexuality... Jesus never mentioned homosexuality.


Jesus said... Not once. They say that the gos pels that came before


him are true. Where does their love come from? It's not from God. It


must be from satan. That's outrageous. God is love. Does your


not say the same? My Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. No it


doesn't. Wait a minute. Sharon, do you have a scriptural problem in


your arguments with the old testament where it's quite or is it


explicit? No, it isn't. This debate isn't actually, we're not here to


debate whether homosexuality is a sin. There's a lot of theological


debate in how we understand the text from a cultural perspective


and putting them back into their correct context. I don't want to


actually get into that. What I do want to say is that Jesus did say


that divorce was wrong. He says that explicitly. He never, ever


says anything against same-sex relationships. But he says that


divorce is wrong. Yet, we have managed to redefine all our


marriage laws to accommodate divorce. We have redefined marriage


laws many times over the centuries. Centuries. We have changed the age


of consent, we've changed the law to what women are entitled to and


stopping women being chattel. We have redefined marriage in many


ways. It is nothing new to redefine marriage. It is not undermining


marriage. It is actually saying marriage is so good that we all


want. It The lady back there. Good morning.


In society marriage between a man and woman and to compleetly


redefine that is, I agree with the man over there, it would open the


flood gates for different sorts of unions like polygamy and stuff like


that. In history the Christian church has reformed all the way


through. When Henry VIII got bored of his wife, he got divorced. Why


can't people like Sharon get married. Tony? I've been married


for over 20 years. I do not understand how my marriage to a


woman is undermined in any way by two people the same-sex marrying. I


do not understand. On Wednesday morning, when the legislation has


been passed, we will wake up and the world will still be there.


Heterosexuals who are married will continue to have a happy marriage.


Do you salute David Cameron, this is going to be hard for you? It is


very hard. I just think... Bite your lip, go on. I think the Steve


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