16/06/2016 Match of the Day


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# Je revois la ville en fete et en delire


# Suffoquant sous le soleil et sous la joie


# Et j'entends dans la musique les cris, les rires


# Qui eclatent et rebondissent autour de moi


# Emportes par la foule qui nous traine


# Nous entraine # L'un contre l'autre


# Emportes par la foule qui nous traine


# Nous entraine # L'un contre l'autre


# Et perdue parmi ces gens qui me bousculent


# Emportes par la foule qui nous traine


# Nous entraine # L'un contre l'autre


# Emportes par la foule qui nous traine


# Nous entraine # L'un contre l'autre #


Good evening. We have three more games to bring you this evening,


three home nations in action and world champions. An English man, an


Irishman and a Welshman in the studio. We start with the game that


got tongues wagging at the draw six months ago. England and Wales met in


Lens, and they needed a three-man commentary team, Robbie Savage,


Martin Keown and Guy Mowbray. The first meeting of England and


Wales on anything other than English or Welsh soil, and their first at a


major international tournament. The teams, then, England are unchanged,


the same line at the start against Russia, expected to play in the same


formation. Joe Hart's 61st cap at him level with Ray Clemence for the


fourth most appearances in England's goal. Only Wayne Rooney has played


more games in this team. The third most experienced team Gary Cahill is


the only one sitting on a yellow card. Last time England faced Wales,


a 1-0 Wembley when almost five years ago. The Welsh changes, three of


them from the win over Slovakia. Wayne Hennessey has had a pain


relieving injection after a back spasm kept him out of that one, so


Danny Ward stands down. Joe Ledley comes in the Dave Edwards, his first


start since breaking a bone in his leg on me the seventh, a gamble may


be? And Howell Robson-Kanu will play up front with Jonny Williams making


way. Three Lions, one Dragon, this is the stuff of legend.


Kane finds Lallana, Sterling is entered into the box for him. Great


bit of work from Adam Lallana, he put it in the right place for


Sterling. Couldn't find his perfect spot. Great counterattacking from


England, he needed to bury that one. A golden opportunity for England. I


wonder if that will play on the minder Raheem Sterling. He got some


stick for his second-half performance against Russia at the


weekend. That is a great bit of work from Howell Robson-Kanu. Bale.


Walker couldn't dare risk challenging him, and it is a


challenge again. Bale charges into the box. Chris, were saying this


week he was looking forward to a bit of a dustup, and I think we are


going to get one. It was a failing at the weekend, making it too long.


And Rose has been tripped, Joe Ledley furiously wadding his finger,


he didn't think it was a foul. It is a free kick for England. I have to


say I disagree, he didn't touch him. Rooney is setting his sights, it is


lifting towards Cahill. Well watched, Hennesey. He just about


stays onside, just can't guide it in. Here is Walker. Lallana is


looking for Sterling. Sterling didn't seem to see Alli. And Kane


goes for it, but was it blocked by a hand? England are adamant that it


was. Not a penalty for me. I don't know what Ben Davies can do there,


he isn't even looking at the ball, as he can see. It has hit him on the


arm, but you can't give him a penalty for that, he wasn't even


looking. But it did hit his hand, you have to say.


Alli blast against Davis for the corner. Dropping deep, always


looking for Walker. In it comes from Rooney, Smalling


puts it just past the post, not far passed it. That was another great


ball into the box, this time Smalling getting that yard of space.


The way Robson-Kanu set off after Rooney there, and Rooney has


reciprocated a little too keenly. It will be a free kick. You can see his


frustration levels rise there, it is all thanks to the hard work of the


Wales number nine. You want Wayne Rooney to be angry, but you need him


to keep his head. That is almost like a rugby union kick, the way he


has gone back. And strike! A moment of absolute magic the Gareth Bale!


Not many players in the world can do that. The Welsh legend might be


writing another one. England 0- one Wales. It is that man again. What a


free kick. Look at the technique from Gareth Bale. Joe Hart slow to


move across his goal. It went over the wall, Joe Hart got two two hands


to it, he should be pushing that wide of the goal. Joe really should


be saving that. Robson is going -- Hodgson is going


for broke, and he has two, or English hearts will be broken. That


was a why not moment. A great strike. Alli. Nicely bounced back to


him by Sturridge. Ramsay lunges in, Rooney is trying to put it into the


corner but Hennesey had seen it and got down to it smartly. Wayne Rooney


here opens his body up and just feeds it into the corner. Hennesey


just gets a hand on it, good effort. Now, Vardy, wasn't quite full.


Before Taylor arrived, and now it is Sturridge. Vardy is there! England


are level. The Jamie Vardy story goes on to another chapter. Wales


are asking the question about offside. The questions over Jamie


Vardy are on their way to being answered. Jamie Vardy really does


have the golden touch. , the hour,, the man. Vardy just waiting for the


opportunity, the ball bouncing around. He is onside, it has come


off Ashley Williams' head. The rise and rise goes on and on. Four years


ago in the last European Championships, he was just leaving


Fleetwood to join Leicester. Flinging himself at it, Davies. The


referee says corner, England players say, that will do. It caught him on


the arm, I don't think there was any intention in that, but I have seen


them given, though. Walker against Taylor, we have seen that a lot


today. Rooney sends the dummy to Ramsay. Great covering, Williams in


with Chester. This is Wayne Rooney, but look at these Welsh defenders


come out to block this shot. Passion from the Welsh.


I feel his pain. Come on, Wales, he is saying. That is what it means to


football fans. The England and Wales fans here have been absolutely


fantastic. And look at this guy, and that is coming up both teams, Wales


have been so deep in the second half, nothing going forward. They


hang on? This is Rooney. Sturridge should be fresher than most.


Alli comes towards, Vardy is in the area, and Sturridge scores! Injury


time is England's this time. Talk about passion, talk about pride.


This England team have it in bucketloads. From 1-0 down to


winning the game. Roy rung the changes, hadn't haven't they paid


off? Daniel Sturridge here, a little probing pass he makes, knocks it in


and then goes, he gets it back and gets lucky, hit it off his right


foot, no chance for the keeper. How he has got through that sea of


players, we will never know, but who cares. England are in front. Just


enough on it to beat Wayne Hennessey and to have Roy Hodgson celebrating


like a man 40 years his junior. Both substitutions both scoring. Yes,


England have left it late, but boy did they celebrate that goal. It


might only need one more chance for Wales. Williams is up there, Bale


has attacked it. There was one more chance for Wales. You couldn't put


it past Bale there, the script was set. England are singing their


anthem, don't take me home. WHISTLE


It means everything. It is a Wim Fissette George and


defeat for the Dragon. -- a win for St George and a defeat for the


Dragon. England 2-1 Wales. Daniel, described


to us what it is like to score the winner in a match like that. Great


feeling. Unbelievable. I am grateful for the opportunity from the gaffer,


grateful to God for allowing me to score and it is a beautiful feeling


to represent your country in a rivalry against another great


country. Have you calmed down? That was some celebration. It is amazing,


isn't it? To play so well against Russia and then lose in the 93rd


minute, and today it takes until the 92nd minute for us to get out, so


things do even out, I suppose, but it is rare to see them even out in


the space of two games. We are devastated and disappointed our fans


who were right behind us. The first goal, he is obviously a mile


offside. And in the last, the toe poke looks like it is deflected off


Chris Gunter, but we have to show our metal now. We need to bounce


back. Very early, you made the substitutions, coming on straight


after the break, and they paid dividends. We thought a lot about


what the starting XI should be, and of course we were aware that the


game against Russia took something out of people. But I didn't really


want to start breaking eggs with a big stick. I thought I would rather


keep one or two up my sleeve. Congratulations with your Man of the


Match performance. How pleased are you with your own personal


performance? It has been good to express myself out there on such a


big stage, but in general the team shows a lot of togetherness. Inside


we still feel strong, we still peel happy, we are enjoying the


experience. The tournament isn't over, we are in the thick of it, and


we will go to the next game with even more strength. It is a great


feeling to win the game the way we did, we have the qualifiers now, one


game to go and we will have to finish the job off on Monday. This


is the way things look in the group after that one, with one game to go


for everybody, England lead the way. Wales will definitely bear their if


they beat Russia, and appoint could well be enough.


Did it live up to the billing, Jermaine? It was disappointing they


couldn't put in a better display for Wales, I think England dominated


from start to finish. I thought there were some top performances,


Rooney was influential in that midfield area, Kyle Walker has been


brilliant, Dele Alli, Lallana were good as well. So it was a deserved


win for Roy and his men, but it was the changes in the end, Roy being


brave for once and he got it right and got what he deserved. We will


talk about the changes and look particularly at the work of Kyle


Walker, but let's do things chronologically. Joe Hart afterward


said, don't talk to me, I am the villain, these guys are the heroes.


He was growing much the villain, even though Gareth Bale has scored


two free kicks in two games? He is a goalkeeper, and they all make the


stakes. He will admit that this is a mistake, he cannot get beaten from


that range. On the training ground you could do that a hundred times,


and unless the ball goes in off the but bar, you don't miss those. He


gets to the ball, but he pushes it into the net, that is what I don't


understand. He has time to adjust his feet, but he hasn't got strong


enough hands to it. He is a big enough and bold enough character, he


would say to us all, that was poor from me. We can all sit here and


analyse it, he got both hands to it and he needs to stop it, but it was


a mistake. He was very thankful to his team-mates for bringing him out,


it is the first time that England have gone in a major tournament from


behind of half-time to win a game. With the changes brave obvious?


Obvious, but born out of necessity. England were not affecting the goal


at all, and they have the Player of the Year sitting on the bench, he


has to come on. It was brave to bring them both on the same time. It


goes against what Roy usually does, he is very pragmatic in his


approach, that is why he started with the players that lacked that


cutting edge against Russia, saving him to not only bring Vardy and


Sturridge on, but to go one more than that and bring on Rashford, I


thought you have to give him credit for that causes it out of his


comfort zone. It is easy if you have Vardy, Sturridge and one of the best


young players in the league on the bench sat behind you to make them


changes. Vardy, that is not luck. He has been doing that all season. He


sniffs the goal out, he has that instinct you can't teach strikers.


Sturridge has the same thing, that is why they get goals. The more


goal-scorers you put on the pitch, the more chances you get of scoring


goals. I think he just has to strike it a bit, just put him off there.


And that is why it wasn't offside, because it came off the defender. He


hasn't got the same instinct as Vardy and Sturridge, that is the


difference. And the winner this time around. Here's a class act,


Sturridge, it surprised me how deep you played when he came on, but he


is so influential in making things happen. He is just waiting for the


smallest gap to appear, and then he burst to life. It is how quickly get


that shot off. A lot of people might question Hennesey here, but it is


how quick, sometimes with no backlift you can catch keepers out.


When he picked the ball up there, I thought, oh, no. Sturridge creates


goals out of nothing, and if you run into the middle of the goal,


sometimes the ball does come your way, and maybe Hennesey, you think


you probably should have saved it, but I think it might have got a


deflection. There is no backlift, he has hit it early and his reaction


wasn't quick enough to keep it, it has hit him on the leg and gone in,


because I think he should get down and says that because he is there.


You are being tough tonight! I'm trying to be a perfectionist. I


don't want to give England too much credit, although they thoroughly


deserved the win. You know that saying, make it happen, he made that


goal happen by being positive. Let's talk about Kyle Walker. He was the


outstanding player on the pitch. Not only today, in the last game against


Russia, him and Danny Rose have been hugely influential for England.


Wales, usually their wingbacks are their gap, and he just didn't allow


Neil Taylor to get anywhere near any type of attacking position on the


pitch today. He had him on toast, we say in the game, because any time he


faced him up, he said, I am going to go past you. He could have delivered


a better ball there, but there is no negative thought in his mind when he


picks up the ball. All he thinks is, I am getting this and I am going by


him. The cameras yardage he has given him now, but he just thinks he


is that quick, and that was a brilliant delivery. He is deep in


his own half here late on in the game, and look at the energy, the


legs, the pace. Thankfully for Wales, Joe Allen came across in


covers, because that is what it came to in the end. This just shows the


influence he had in the second half, sorry in that game, in the


opposition's half. 58 touches from right back, that is phenomenal. He


is there to man, and it was a pleasure to see. And it is telling


the Aaron Ramsey and the opposition half had almost half the touches


that Kyle Walker had. I know he said he was Wales's most effective


player, but he wasn't allowed at times. We didn't play well enough,


we didn't keep the ball well enough, if you don't pass the ball, the


system won't work. They couldn't keep it high enough up the pitch to


have an outlet. He is a really good player, that we change the system


slightly, I thought we missed Jonny Williams little bit. Robson-Kanu


gave us a little bit of strength. He is making tackles. We didn't link


the players as well as we should. England have played well, we got


beaten by a better team, but we haven't played like we can play, and


are there is getting more and more frustrated. Look where Chris Gunter


is, against Slovakia he was 30 yards in front of him. We can't get out of


our half, and that is partly due to England's pressing and partly due to


us not passing the ball like we can do. This is where the backline was


against Slovakia, and this is what England have done to us today. We


have gone back 20 yards further, and that is why it Chris Gunter couldn't


have the effect, and Neil Taylor, that was partly down to walk as


well. Gareth Bale said Wales can be really positive going into their


final game, and England's conundrum is who do they play. Marcus Rashford


was good when he came on, but does he play for Sterling? I think he


will make quite a few changes. It wouldn't surprise me to see the


full-backs change. He has a good squad, Neil alluded to it earlier.


Bring on Player of the Year, and he has got Sturridge, top players. Does


you go with Rashford, Vardy or Sturridge? Is there a problem


through the middle? I think Sturridge is fantastic. There is no


argument not to go with Kane again, he needs a goal. He will causing him


problems, so it might be more problematic, maybe to start with


them. That was Lens. In Lyon, Northern Ireland took on Ukraine.


You might have heard this man here say that he fancied Northern Ireland


for the win. Gerry Armstrong is in the commentary box.


COMMENTATOR: Defeat here in Lyon could mean a Northern Ireland are


eliminated today depending on the outcome of the Germany- Poland


match, and the same goes to Ukraine. It is that important for both. One


change to the side which lost to Germany, Celestion off -- Seleznyov.


And look out for Viktor Kovalenko, the bright young thing. Michael


O'Neill has brought the change of formation and five changes in


personnel. In come are accused, Corry Evans and Conor Washington,


I'd go Conor McLaughlin, Paddy McNair, Shane Ferguson and Kyle


Lafferty. 36-year-old Aaron Hughes wins a 101st cap, his first start


for his country since a match against Qatar in May 20 15.


Steven Davies making himself available, it goes back to Jonny


Evans from Dallas. The shot was a good one. A good effort, well worth


the effort, it zips just in front of the goalkeeper, and give credit to


peer toff. He gets his body well behind it. -- Pyatov. Ward has the


Cross in, Washington! That is what you want, a good change of pace,


wonderful ball from Jamie Ward, and is there a little push in the back?


There is contact but it is minimum. Excellent play.


The applause breaks out amongst the Northern Ireland supporters for one


of their own who sadly passed away in an accident this week here,


Darren Ward is, a 25 Rod Fanni Northern Ireland. -- Darren Rogers,


a 25-year-old fan of Northern Ireland. Is this a corner? It is. It


was pinging about, it just wouldn't quite fall. You can see they are


desperate to block the challenge, and then Steve Davis takes control


and wins the corner kick. Moving towards the penalty spot, and it is


Cathcart! Oh, my goodness. Good movement, not far off target.


Particularly good at set blaze, I thought that was excellent.


Excellent set play. That look like handball, you heard


the shout, and the referee has given it. He almost caught it with his


right arm, but frustration is starting to creep in with the


Ukrainian players. Frustration that things are not going their own way.


That is a good free kick, Davis can pull this back, and Pyatov Osei hand


to it. Identifying anyone expected that. A clever, clever free kick, I


think that has been rehearsed. Steve Davis, and from a deep position.


Pyatov just had to get a hand to it. The foul by Cathcart. An Kovalenko.


Ukraine have a free kick and an opportunity to try to create


something. Fedetskiy is lurking on the edge of


the penalty area. Kasia -- Khacheridi on the back post.


Excellent defending from Gareth McAuley coming indie to the far


post. This is Ukraine's first corner of the game. Driven to the near post


and just headed wide by Seleznyov. It needed a real glance. It was a


good cross, drilled in the near post, and he just needs to get the


slightest of touch on it, and he gets too good a contact, I think,


and misses the near post. That was an excellent delivery. Khacheridi


and then Stepanenko are away. Northern Ireland have the free kick.


Conor Washington did very well that a hold-up play. Free kick, an


opportunity for Oliver North to put a good ball into the area. Cathcart


is forward, too, and that is it from Gareth McAuley for Northern Ireland!


He has had an unbelievable couple of seasons, Gareth McAuley. And he


heads Northern Ireland in front. 1-0, what a header. He towers above


everybody, and he Hammers it into the far corner, it is his eighth


goal. And that could be the goal that takes Northern Ireland through


to the latter stages. That shot, Gareth McAuley running


away into -- in torrential rain and absolute ecstasy. One of the shots


of the tournament so far. McGovern has just dropped it right


on the line. They almost hit back immediately. Seleznyov gets a


contact, but the goalkeeper is just in the right place at the right


time. Great wee flexes from Michael McGovern, stop it and then hold onto


it. The shot is good, pushed out by


McGovern. Yarmolenko coming alive. Really good save.


A super piece of skill. It's a long way out, but it moves. That's why


he's that top goal-scorer with 24 goals, looking for his 25th. Michael


said, close them down, don't let them do that.


Even better here, Steven Davis, McGuinness in the middle. McGuinness


has done well. Good save... Tap in! 2-0. Victory for Northern Ireland.


The build-up was fantastic. They kept their compared. The shot was


big. Pyatov tried a great fave, but great play from McGuinness. He can't


sit back and that the shot from Davidson. Look at this, first to the


rebound, what a goal. We went at it against Poland in the


standards we wanted to play against. Tonight was a lots better.


To score a first golf in Northern Ireland at a major wonderment, what


a moment. It's special, it will thinking over the next few days. The


team performance was pleasing tonight. We've got a tough going to


look forward to and we've got someone to play for. A hugely proud


day for me and the country as well. It's our 12th win in the European


Championship finals so it must be our first win. -- it's our first


time. I'm most proud of how the players reacted to the defeat in the


first game and the disappointment of the first game. I thought today,


everything was magnificent. To win a game myself, you're play against the


best games in Europe. I thought we let ourselves down against Poland


but we knew we had to come out and attack and create shots. To come


here and keep a clean sheet and get three points is just unbelievable.


We started the game in the right manner. Good intensity throughout


the game, putting our stamp of authority throughout the game. We


got our rewards in the end of Lee deserved the victory. The green and


white army thoroughly deserved that, and rightly so. Five changes from


the first game. That's brave. It brought about a really memorable


win. It was a tactical masterclass. This is the Northern Ireland week


scene of the -- this is the Northern Ireland we've seen. Today, the said


play delivery was a lot better. They are a threat in certain players.


Washington won the free kick. Norwood can deliver a great ball in.


McAuley, he is about landing -- he is an outstanding head of the ball.


A magnificent header. The second oldest scorer ever in the Euros and


36. He has been a real store what for Northern Ireland. In that


defence, this is his second goal, I think it's brilliant. A great cut


back. To keep down, that's the difficult part. He's let the ball go


right under his body and kept his eye on the ball and kept it down.


The first to react to four defenders. Michael O'Neill was


telling the winner to take it. Good job they scored. There were scenes


but I haven't seen for 30 years. When Nile McGinn gets the second


goal, it was very emotional for anyone. Gerry Armstrong was


struggling in the commentary at some points. McGinn's win was the latest


ever goal in regulation time at the Euros, 96th when it. After the game


against Poland, it was like they said to themselves, let's have a go.


As Neil mentioned, it was a completely changed formation. Look


at the intent. Everyone. I think it's Washington who sets the tone.


That's what you want to see from your players, that's when you know


your team is well up for this game today. Bodies in the box. Plenty of


intent. People having shots. When you play so high up the pitch, you


create set pieces in better areas of the pitch. That is Northern


Ireland's strings stop we watched the game against Poland. I don't


know what you thought, but I thought it was night and day. I think it was


spot on. Initially they set the tone. It is a strength in that


place. We're not the best football team in the world. Michael's very


common sense. He understands that we maximise our strength and we


certainly did that today. Neil said McAuley was a great header in both


boxes and we saw him effective at both ends of the pitch today. He did


that classic defending that we know him well for. He is everything


that's good about Northern Ireland and everybody needs a Gareth McAuley


in the team. His marking, he doesn't let people drift often in the box.


That's why they get clear sheets and why I fancy him get results. His


defence is that good. He's helping his team-mates, he goes out but he's


helping his team-mates. He always gets his body shape right. Right


now, you can see everything that's coming. He gets involved in the


right position, he's brave, goes out and take another block. That's what


stops the ball going in the net. All of those little things. He gets


damaged left hand side, he's very game. He's only 40 yard out of his


box, and he's celebrating with his team-mates but he had the ball in


both boxes. He scored at one end, the team martialled Michael Hooper


defenders. They all played well today, but he is the main reason.


Once a piece of news to bring you, after the game a Northern Irish


supporter collapsed and died. The man in his 60s was treated by


paramedics but unfortunately they were unable to save him. The Irish


football Association released a statement.


Of course, we would echo that, too. Northern Ireland's final group game


will be against Germany in the Parc des Princes.


While champions Germany have started the last half-dozen major


tournaments with a win and a clean sheet now. They're also boosted


tonight by the return of Mats Hummels from injury. He replaces


Mustapha who scored against Ukraine. Poland managed a first ever win the


other day. Fabianski replaces the injured goalie. Helicon Germany. --


here come Germany. Floating that one in. Pazdan gets that one in, nudges


it towards Milik. A dangerous looking ball, and over


the top by Marianne Draxler. -- by Draxler. 19 previous meetings


between the two nations. Poland victorious on just the one occasion.


Just outmanoeuvred by Thomas Muller. Sliding it in. Kroos send the ball


sliding past the post. Muller lost his footing. Kroos able to guide the


ball inside the near post. No changes made by either team at the


break as the second half gets underway. Poland all in the red. Not


a single shot on target from either side during the first half. Kroos


looking to get things moving quickly for Poland here. A decent chance,


what a chance it was. Milik couldn't nod it home.


A lovely ball in, but a good swerve. The first ball on target of the


match, straight on Fabianski. A free kick for Poland. Taken by


Krychowiak. After a tussle with Thomas Muller. Fabianski and


Lewandowski, the two players in red. -- Milik and Lewandowski.


Lewandowski leaves it for Milik. Wide of the post. Trying to sneak


one into the side of the wall. Lewandowski, Krychowiak is ahead of


him and now in possession. There was a chance therefore Milik.


Certainly needs it in the second half. He has lost both of them. --


he have fluffed both of them. Germany responding. First touch of


the ball for the substitute. A good save by Fabianski. Poland's


goalkeeper caught it with a flying fingertip save. Still time for a


chance or two, still time for a winning goal.


Muller, lovely touch. Showed a little too much of the ball. Able to


make the challenge. The possession is all Germany's here now in the


dying embers of the game, but they still can't really do too much with


it. Just kicks it in, maybe time for one last chance. They'll certainly


get a free kick for that. This is it, I think. If Germany are going to


score a goal tonight, it may have two B from this opportunity.


Kroos plans to sweep this one into the penalty area, batted away by


Fabianski. And it's enough for Poland. Fabianski preserves the


clean sheet and Poland have an excellent draw against the world


champions. Germany failed to score at the European Championship in a


match for the first time in eight years. Both teams start this


tournament now with a win and a draw. This evening at Saint Denis,


Germany 0-0 Poland. STUDIO: you can see why we left that


once all the end. Let's confirm what it means in Group C. They will top


the group if they beat Germany and Poland failed to beat Ukraine.


Ukraine are the first country eliminated, it is now impossible for


them to overtake Martin O'Neill's men because of the head to head


limit. Michael O'Neill, sorry. Incredible stats from this game.


Germany failed to direct a single shot on target for the first time


since 1988 against Italy. The only concern I have with Germany


is they have gone into the tournament on a recognised streak.


The rest are calling the modern game. The nines. Some say it may


catch up with you. I don't think they've reached top speed yet and


the Germans know how to work it. They'll be criticism from some


corners of German media. I think quietly lobby satisfied with four


points so far. -- thou be satisfied. They have been working on this for a


while, but they say there is no point crying over spilt Milik. He's


a highly influential player, he scored the game against Northern


Ireland tonight. But today he just couldn't seem to get it when it


mattered. He was involved in that link up. Look at that. We yard out.


Just put your head on it, put it in the back of the net. -- three yards


out. A lovely dummy when it comes to it, lovely awareness, but this


famous fault we are hearing about, put that into the back of the net.


-- famous foot. But he is a good player and I think more goals will


come. He is a Number 10 and playing off a great street. Lewandowski will


create the space for him. He is the one player. He's getting on the end


of things, it just wasn't his nights tonight. A few things I want to show


you before we go. The first is Gary Neville celebrating England's win.


He is jumping on the pile. He's involved, he's excited, and then he


thinks, hang on, I'm in charge. Style it out, nothing to do with me!


Look at the run, that's impressive. He's got his pace back. This is the


other thing. A Welsh man, sadness, through the emotion. Don't panic,


his friend says. But, you're wrong the big screen! Yes! I'm on the


telly. Come on. Never stopped believing. Never, ever stop


believing. I'm not sure what he did when it's the rich God the winner


but it was probably a bit messy. -- when Sturridge scored the winner.


Before we go, are you ready 2016 offering. You can listen to slap and


parts to against the impressive Italians. -- Zlatan against the


Italians. That is it from us for day seven. We


saw all three of the home nations in action and look at the smiles on


these three. With one group game to go, England, Wales and Northern


Ireland might all be playing knockout football next week. Good




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