10/04/2017 Super League Show


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Another magnificent try! What a tackle! Oh, my word, what a try!


The drama continues at the start of a landmark week in the Super League


season. Coming up, the first words on Easter and the final words on


Round 8, all in the company of Paul Aiton and James Jones-Buchanan. We


start with the news of the first coaching departure of 2017. Keiron


Cunningham is no longer in charge of St Helens. He enjoyed a glittering


playing career at St Helens, making nearly 500 appearances for his home


town team. He's lost the ball! It looks like Keiron Cunningham! He


helped them win five Super League titles, and was chosen by club


supporters to be honoured with a bronze statue inside their stadium.


He was appointed head coach of the tenants after their Grand Final


success in 2014. They put the ball down! Two seasons without a trophy


and three wins in the opening eight games of 2017 have led to his


departure in the club. How surprised were you when you heard the news


this morning? I was shocked. I called Luke Walshe, who was at the


back of the bus, actually. Just to get some confirmation, see if he had


heard the news. How surprised was he? Extremely shocked and he felt


for him. He was as shocked as we all were. Can't really say too much. Do


you think perhaps they've been a team struggling for their identity,


they are not the St Helens we've known and loved over the last couple


of years? The brand they play it with was at the forefront. From the


mid-90s to 2009. They were the most consistently dangerous team I've


ever played against. They get out at 110 miles an hour, they had this


mentality that it didn't matter if they were points down, they could


come back and win it. They've never quite recaptured that game


philosophy, that ethos. I think that is what the fans and club expected.


That group, they never quite got it back. It's Easter, the busiest time


and they've got Wigan coming up on Good Friday, how surprised I you add


the timing, apart from anything else? Definitely, especially over


Easter. I've lost a coach midway through the season and I found that


pretty difficult. I think the players will have to stick together,


band together for the game against Wigan. You've talked about Keiron as


a legendary player. Do you think that's half the problem for Kim,


because he had such a status at the club? What is it like to coach Leeds


Rhinos, I think? How many people I've got a statue outside the


ground? That is usually left four people reserved to history and he's


got it there right now. It is a big mark to live up to and it is


obviously a shame. I'm talking about it because it is a shame. The


reference he's got throughout the game, the admiration from the top to


the bottom, the players love him, he was a great player. Unfortunately,


hasn't got it as a coach but I hope he doesn't give it up, I hope he


continues because we see how many coaches have had to go through that


adversity to get anything at the top.


The match that was to be St Helens' final game under Keiron Cunningham


was at home to Huddersfield on Friday, and Sharon


Saint Helen 's chairman said in his programme notes before the match


that is room for further slip ups was limited and the next few games


would be an indication of how it would go. Percival took the break


before Fages went in before the break. Percival added the goal. It


was the start of 14 points in a 12 minute period for Saints as Fages


got on the scoresheet again. He went in from 30 metres out here. An


outrageous step taking him around McIntosh. The conversion was missed


but Saints were 2-0 up and only got better for them before the break


with the third try. Swift scored his 100th for Saints. The conversion


wasn't successful again but they were leading 14-0 by the break.


Huddersfield hadn't managed a win in their last several games. McIntosh


got the first of three tries in 16 minutes. Brough was back after


suspension and it was his kick that led to this. McIntosh won the race


for the ball and touched down. Brough converted with three minutes


to go. It's led to an air of tension around the ground with Saints fans


fearing the worst whilst Huddersfield was sensing their way


back in. A great break from McIntosh. Murphy held the ball


alive. As the clock continued to tick down, Huddersfield held their


heads. Brough was involved with another kick Crossfield. It wasn't


taken by Percival under pressure and now Huddersfield were level. This


touch-line effort fell short and it ended all square. St Helens players


left the field with the fans booing ringing in their ears.


In a funny way, was that game in microcosm of Saint Helen season?


Good patches but then Keiron calling them weak mentally. It meant a lot


to him, the time he was at St Helens, what it means to him with


the history and the trophies they've won over the years. He will


understand what mental toughness went into that and the emotional


energy, the training. I'm not part of their club and I don't know


what's going on there now but when you lose leagues and capitulate,


it's tough to take as a player, and as a coach you can see his


frustration. You have Huddersfield, they didn't win the game but presume


Ubley you'll face a team buoyed by coming back. That's right. We've


done our homework on the Giants. Ultimately, for us, it's more about


us and how we bounce back because we will be under pressure as well.


Their fans are passionate. When they've had something like that, do


you see that they are a different proposition? Definitely because you


get the comrade Ray, and when times get tough, people show up. I find it


that you bounce back and get harder, stronger together.


So, interesting times ahead at St Helens.


Next up for us it's the Super League leaders Castleford, and their match


We have been looking forward to this one for such a long time. Two


heavyweights of the Super League, Wigan and Castleford coming


together. Joel Monaghan takes an unexpected


place in the line-up through player injury at warm up. Taken down the


middle. Wigan's defenders get on top of him.


Roberts! Webster! The delay was enough to put the pass in for


Webster to push over. First strike, Cassell foot. So, at the restart,


Wigan looked to settle themselves after the concession of that drive.


Castleford fuelled with energy. They've had to do a lot of defending


in the opening minutes of this game but they've ridden that so far.


He takes some stopping. Sene-Lefao with the off-load, and they found a


gap! He has support from Gale who will scamper underneath the sticks.


That is two Castleford tries in the space of a couple of minutes.


They've romped into life again. Wigan's defenders on their line. He


has drawn defenders to him who were not square so this will be a penalty


for Castleford. One either side. Gale settling himself. He is a


points machine this season. Scores tries and kicks penalties as well.


Escare. Very vigorous effort, and still going. They hold on and the


referee says tackle complete. There is a tangle here. Williams. Over the


head of his intended target. The pressure is being applied. Williams


again. Across the defence. Escare! The footwork to beat his man on the


inside! Wonderful try from the Frenchman and Wigan have their first


score of the night, back end of the half.


Springer, he's one of those big athletes that Castleford have in


their ranks that can make problems for any side. Here's another one of


them. He was tackled and makes another 20 yards.


Sene-Lefao! Wow, rips a hole in those Wigan defenders! And gets


through. The muscularity of it, incredible! Castleford fans are


loving this. The Wigan man ran into hit the


tackle and the defender's head snapping back. Wigan needing


something quickly. They have a chance. Inside ball for Escare who


will score his second try of the night. But there are only seven


minutes to go. It could be too little too late.


They are allowed to carry on. Escare! On a hat-trick but he runs


into a pocket of defenders and runs out again and making things happen


for Wigan. If they score here now, Wigan, they


still have time for another and a miraculous escape. Wigan continued


to press. The interception! Eden, he's got to go the distance it,


hasn't he? The two wingers chasing back but there's no stopping Eden


who will score they tried to confirm a big, big win Castleford tonight.


They are clear at the top of Super League, and what a statement they've


made tonight. Wigan fans clearly not happy, leaving early. It's going to


be another game without a win for Wigan, this blip continuing.


Castleford haven't finished yet. They will rub salt into the wound,


Gale with a drop kick, 27-10, quite a night for the Tigers. A smiling


Daryl Powell five. They felt it was the biggest test they've faced so


far, is how big a statement is for them to come through it? Wigan's


defence is known as tough and technical. I think it shows a big


statement because, for me, they were playing using the footy. What can


you say? Castleford, and Saint Helen 's ten years ago, Castleford have


captured that, they are reacting to the defence. Wigan have some of the


best events. They are the best structured team as well for me. They


get to a position on the field and executed with precision. My wife


watches Thursday night rugby, it's all ice cream, and we watch it, and


it's this battle playing what you see versus the structure and


Castleford prevailed. It is the hardest brand of rugby to attain,


what they've been doing and it prevailed over the structure and


could change the landscape of Rugby League. Was it also Castleford's


defence of capabilities, it's what they were particularly pleased with


and is that a key aspect if they're going to win stuff? Definitely. As


JJB mentioned, when you're playing that sort of footy, everyone needs


to be in the right spot, and it is hard to defend as well. They have


some big humans playing for Wigan, so for them to defend them and to


attack the way they did, it was great. Two players you know from


your youth, Moors and Sene-Lefao, if they're coming off the bench, that


must be something to see, talk about their aspect. I was lucky enough to


play with Junior, we came through the junior ranks together in


Penrith. Jesse was younger than me. Still 26, but he was younger than me


at the time. It's great to see them playing over here and thereof as the


enjoying it. How hard to stop? He bulldozed there. It's fast. They've


got great off-load. What is maximising their ability is how


efficient Castleford are. Whenever they're getting the ball, they're


getting it fresh. They look like superheroes at the minute. Wigan,


we're not used to seeing them lose three on the bounce. I have a long


injury list but what do you think the feeling will be in that camp?


Jeez... It isn't the best feeling I've been there before. I guess


you've got to stop focusing on your opposition and focus on yourselves


and what you can do better yourself for the next week. If you focus on


everything else, you're focusing on the wrong things.


So, Castleford head into Easter at the top of the table,


and the only team to have beaten them so far are Salford.


The Red Devils are in great form, and were looking for a fourth


Your commentator for this one is Matt Newsum.


Hangs one app to that right-hand side. Get it away to my goals. Hull


FC take the lead in just five minutes. Hull chucking it at through


the middle. Then got the penalty. To extend the lead, Marc Sneyd from the


tee. Does so with ease. Robert Lui steps towards the line and prizes


his way through and Salford have a response. Really good effort from


Salford to move the ball to this right-hand side. Well furnished by


Greg Johnson. He has been a standout player first


Salford this season. So many options for Salford. They have turned the


game on its head. That went up so devastating. Slipper Lee run. Get


the Toetu Johnson. Salford have to shift the ball wide. Junior S'au


will race through. Muscles his way in. Salford in total control. Morgan


Tompkins. O'Brien picks one out to the right-hand side for Thomson who


scores his second and are completely coasting. Even when the pass does


not fall directly to a player Salford, the lack is running their


way. Great pass to Dobson. Onto Junior S'au. Justin Carney, great


finish. Corner picks out Jamie Shaul. He crawls to the line and


just about. Well taken in the end. That is a beautiful try by Steve


Michaels. Booming pass to that right-hand side. Salford keeping the


ball alive. Salford extended the lead again.


Can't contain him. Struggling to lay a finger on him. Hull mount enough


of a defence to stop him. It is a penalty. Jamie Shaul will go to that


bin for ten. It is not Hull's night. There is another big kick for him.


Look at the Hull players, they do not know what to do. George Griffin,


Salford, he is winning the battle tonight. Is there another try in


this Salford side? Johnson has been elusive he is still going. He will


go through for the try. That's just about sums up the game.


Salford absolutely dominant. If it was a statement from Castleford, how


much of a statement from Salford? It was brilliant. Just watching some of


the young players drop off a view tackles, like they were lacking


confidence, by contrast Salford have got that synergy between the


players. Dobson, Robert Lui, Justin Carney, there is competition for


players. They are confident. They are secure in their trust for each


other. Have you spoken since he went to Salford M yes, he is enjoying his


time there. I am happy to see him enjoying his football. Easter Monday


at your place, watching that, you will have to rest up. I have been


keeping an eye on Salford. They are a team that I enjoy watching play.


They always show up for each other. Ian Watson has talked about the team


ethic. Can you see that? Definitely. There is a few teams that I like


watching, they are definitely one of them. A couple of weeks ago, in


defence they were amazing, one-month loan. Half of them injured. Still


showing up. You have got Hull on Friday. What do you think he means


by going into the insecure box? I think Babel jumped right out of it.


The fans will get right behind them. -- think they will jump right out.


They will be physical this week. This weekend will be no different.


So, Castleford and Salford flying high, but down at the bottom


the Warrington Wolves were still looking


They met the Leeds Rhinos on Friday, and Dave Woods was watching.


Leeds looking to make as much of an advantage as they can. Might have


been hotly. The referee said play on but the touchline judge on the


nearside. That was a little weight and


certainly high. The arm was up. The connection was with the chin. He is


in the sin-bin, then westward, first minute of the game, Warrington going


to 12 men. Leeds threatening.


Briscoe is still going. Has he got it down? Warrington defenders are


claiming he hasn't. He thinks, try on the field. We will have a look at


this. Is there enough evidence to override the referee? That looks as


though it has been grounded, what a start for Leeds, calamitous for


Warrington, the try confirmed, and after two minutes Leeds have to


lead. Drops by Cuthbertson. Getting a little tasty here as well. Ashton


Sims and Adam Cuthbertson. Ashton Sims made contact. It is on report.


Warrington pressing and probing here.


Knocks it back. Ryan Atkins scores. Warrington back level. 14 minutes


played. Did they need that? Here is Clark again. Ratchford is joining in


from full-back. Leeds players slowing it down. It measures click


on that right foot. Atkins goes up and takes it, and false tone to


score. Two kicks, two tries, Ryan Atkins the finisher for the second


time. Leeds are defending desperately here as Warrington are


oppressing and probing. They would love to get another score on the


board early in the second half to settle their nurse further. Here


they come. They have the numbers. They will pick out lying on the


left-hand side, and what a start to the second half for Warrington.


Little dummy Sean. -- shown. The referee is going to ask for a


cheque year, but Mark Parcell might have caught that Warrington defence


napping. It is all about the grounding. He has got the grounding.


Leeds have found a way back in. Maguire, back it goes. Here is the


flick. Now it is McGuire, left-hand side. Gets ready to deliver the


pass. This way and that. Leeds really are in its no. Moving back to


within touching distance, 20 minutes still to play.


Westerman, across the line, DAX and pushers. Clark again. That might


just sealed it here tonight. It might be enough to give Warrington


their first win of the season. Stand and deliver. A matter of seconds to


play. Warrington on the verge of that important first win of the


season. A draw last week, it went tonight, and Declan pattern made


absolutely sure. They finally have a victory to celebrate. Warrington's


season is up and running. Any complaints about that? No,


Warrington were the better side on the night. The got themselves nine


repeat, ten more tackles, in management, that was phenomenal.


Credits to Warrington. We will ask about the Ben Westwood 's challenge,


was he lucky to only get sin-bin, could it have been red card? Yes, it


could have been a red card, when a player cannot protect himself, and


you are coming in at the head, I know his hand was not clenched, but


all he had to do was wrapped to arms around and it would have been fine.


I thought it deserved a red card. Discipline that it could be an


interesting one for him this week. Patton dropped out of the team for a


few weeks. He worked pretty well. He kicked that drop goal right at the


end. Every one of his kicks was on the money. When you are kicking four


tries, he got two of them, looking for drop outs and repeat sets. It


makes the game almost impossible. The one that energy battle. We need


to improve this week, our line speed needs to be better, to give


ourselves a chance. But credit to him, he has worked really well. How


much of a relief will baby for Warrington to finally get a win?


Yes, definitely. They cannot believe where they are. They will be very


relieved. They have that winning feeling back in the team. It has


helped them. He's the most competitive human being I've ever


come across. When you're playing darts, snooker, Monopoly, he's


really competitive and wants to win. He's racked up some tries, he's a


local lad, he has been great to play with. You've played with him and he


seems a gentleman as well. He's a lovely man. I think the first six


months where I didn't have a car, he picked me up every day and we got to


know each other pretty well. We still swap texts every now and then


and all the best for him. So, the busiest period of the season is


under way and here's how you can follow it on the BBC. Huddersfield


played Catalan on Wednesday and you can hear that on Five Live sports


extra from 7:30pm. There's a special edition of the Super League Show


1:30pm on Sunday with highlights of the first round of the Easter


matches. We're back the following day with highlights from bank


holiday Monday. Now a quick detour from the action,


and a big test for the Widnes forward Hep Cahill,


who takes his turn at set of six. Peanut butter, jam, honey, beans,


chocolate spread, steak and eggs. Pinetree, further tree. Manuka tree.


What other trees? That's it. Oh, no. I should know this, I've got two


daughters. Spice Girls. That is it! Castleford Tigers. Warrington


Wolves. Leeds Rhinos. Catalan Dragons. Wakefield Trinity Wildcats?


And... That's all I've got. Aeroplane, cloud, bird. The sun. The


moon. Stars. Six famous New Zealanders? Valerie


Adams, shot put. Jake Lomas, he's an actor. Sorry, it's gone.


The first time you've seen set of six, will you be ducking it when we


come round your place? Definitely come easy questions but it is hard


to be put on the spot. You'll be here until you've cleared the patch!


On a more serious note the Super League owners met last


week and agreed to lift the salary cap above ?2 million and have


introduced an additional marquee player rule.


Talent retention seems to be the driving force behind it all.


Jamie, what do the players make of it all?


I think it is great news for the players. Rising wages and it has


been a long time coming. It's been the same for 20 years, it has ever


gone up with inflation. It is great the game is progressing. The whole


place pit-mac point of it was to keep teams level. It's great that it


might bring more investors in to put cash in. We will bring top talent in


but you've got to ask whether it is good news for some of the smaller


teams because we don't want to see them suffer. Is it enough of a rise


to hang on to the stars of Super League and keep them awake from the


Rugby Union and the NRL? Not really but we do have a pretty good brand


over here. I think the way it's going at the moment, it's a


juggernaut, NRL, their TV deals but it is a step in the right direction.


But I'd be worried about the lower clubs, for myself. And the marquee


player rule, we need to see big stars, we need to see them brought


into the game and keep the ones we've got. I think so, we need to


retain the players from NRL but we've got to live within our means


as well because in the past clubs have been able to pay what they


want, subsequently they've gone downhill because of it which isn't


great for the game or the fans. You've got to be smart and it is a


welcome step in the right direction but let's build things and take time


and have patience with it. Wakefield and Widnes met on Friday,


both teams made the top eight last season, and Wakefield's form


suggests they might get there again, they started well


against Widnes Jamie. Certainly did. They've got some


great blunders. They are playing with confidence. They've got one of


the best motivators in the game. And it is showing for them in the pitch.


Widnes Vikings RNA rut but I'm sure they'll come out of it soon. What


have you been impressed with? I've been impressed that they play with


any chance they get, they are opportunistic. Dropped balls, hard


balls. Any chance, they'll play football. They will chase it around


and that is what I like about them. Did you see reflections of the time


when you were there when people had written them off and they really


came together? Definitely. There's something about that club. Anyone


who has ever played or ever played for them as a youth, they've enjoyed


every minute there. When I was there, we didn't have the biggest


gym, the nice money for the field but everyone enjoys their time there


so it must be some sort of culture there and it is present there


because I've spoken with a few of the players, I'm mates with them and


they're enjoying their time there. For Widnes, one of the worst


performances he has seen. Would you have expected them to be better


after the gutsy win last week? You'd think so. The physicality of it


isn't going to make it easier but we can't worry too much about the


position, just get things right within your group and develop the


trust and body. It will come for them but it needs to come sooner


rather than later. For Wakefield, five out of six wins, they have


costal foot but they'll go on with so much confidence now, won't they?


Definitely. It's local rivalry, a massive game. Very opportunistic,


they are, and Castleford like to throw the ball so anything could


happen. Good one to look forward to. Now, back in 2005,


the Leigh Centurions were playing their only previous


season in Super League, whilst the Catalan Dragons were just


a twinkle in the eye So, it was their first ever


Super League meeting on Friday. Good pressure here. It's going to be


a penalty. First blood, then. Reynolds through the uprights.


What can the Centurions do here? That is a slack pass! Not sure Brown


is going to catch Thornley. The Catalans first try of the evening,


Thornley with it. A chance maybe here... Wiliame! He's


scored, in for a second. A chance maybe for Inu, nice


footwork from the big number three. Myler making space and breaking


through. Anderson will score, one-way traffic for the Dragons at


the moment. Fast hands and opportunity, Myler


will be in! Wiliame sets him away. Reynolds gets clobbered. The ball is


popped out and it's gone out to Naughton! Hull FC Loney in the


corner, a lifeline! A chance maybe here, a chance to strike early!


Weston is over! That was cheeky! Gigot will be in.


The Catalans reaffirmed their advantage.


Naughton, ushered backwards by Anderson and others. Has he strayed


off the mark playing the ball? I think he has. Walsh. No mistake.


Good kick from Walsh. Centurions pressure, fast hands,


good breakthrough. Good support play, this. McNally will be in.


He pops it over, dots the eyes and crosses the Tees with that. Century


and is looking for a consolations. Hopkins turned on, Catalans turned


off. Leighton Centurions have the last laugh. How good feeling to get


back to winning ways for you guys? Definitely, we were feeling the


pressure there. The French, in the South of France, they love their


footy and their club. We were not producing all the time, so it was


good. You started the season so well and it looked a different Catalan


Dragons at the start of the season and then it dropped. Do you guys


know what was going on? No, not really! Obviously, you question


yourself, you question as a team whether you're doing the right


thing. In the end, it comes down to the players. And I think we needed


to work on those little things that we needed to. We've got to work on


ourselves and not worry about the opposition. So much made of Burton,


did you feel their loss a bit too much? Have you got used to him not


being fair? He's definitely a big loss for us because he's a big part


of the team, he's a leader in our team and we definitely missed.


Saying that, we had other players come in and we won during the


weekend without him, so I think we can continue that and he can come in


and be the icing on the cake. How do you see the relationship with Walsh


and Myler developing? Very well. Walsh has been great for us. He's a


cool cucumber. He's got a wealth of experience and a very skilful player


and a great addition to the team. Three defeats in a row for century


and is, do you see some 30? You're back in Super League, they started


so well. They pride themselves on winning and it is a big win for


Catalans. My mum 's got a house in the South of France, so they are


like my second team and it's a national institution, the Rugby


League down there so when you go to Catalan, you've got to be prepared


for it to be tough. Historically, they've got wins away. To pull off


this victory is a good result. You guys are staying over which is why


you've managed to be in the studio today. How nice is it to stay put


for a while? It's great, last season we came back and forth. It takes it


out of you, the flight, even though we land, we get a jet, and we go on


and off. They can Raja rears good, and off. They can Raja rears good,


the bonding you get. It's a cliche but it is. You do get the bonding


and its been great. We're lucky to have you.


So, as we head towards the Easter weekend, let's get a check


Warrington's first win of the season move them off the bottom where they


are replaced by Widnes. That's it for now, don't forget


to join us on Easter Sunday at 1:30pm in the afternoon


for highlights from the first round of Easter matches,


we'll see you then. HORN BEEPS


THAT car. John! John, you've got blood


all over your pants! Come here. Urgh, I've all spit on them now,


haven't I? Leave it,


I'll get it off in the bogs! This programme is what the


BBC calls a special. That means I've splashed out on


a new bra. Celebrate one of Britain's


greatest comedy heroes. Hello. If it's your first


holiday of the year, I suppose the weather for the rest of the weekend


into Easter is very important.


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