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We have all gone curling crazy
again. Welcome to BBC One, we will | 0:01:10 | 0:01:16 | |
be catching up with the overnight
action from the winter Olympics and | 0:01:16 | 0:01:20 | |
also we will have live curling, a
match that has taken an even more | 0:01:20 | 0:01:23 | |
significant is the Great Britain
women face China, everybody sliding, | 0:01:23 | 0:01:28 | |
gliding and sweeping. Here is what
is coming up today. | 0:01:28 | 0:01:35 | |
Reaching speeds of over 80 mph, it
is the fastest of all the alpine | 0:01:35 | 0:01:40 | |
disciplines, and no one is braver
than five times world champion the | 0:01:40 | 0:01:46 | |
attacking Viking, | 0:01:46 | 0:01:57 | |
Aksel Lund Svindal. Britain's Dom
Parsons has been setting some super | 0:01:58 | 0:02:02 | |
training times in the skeleton. Can
he translate that into the runs that | 0:02:02 | 0:02:05 | |
count? And we will be seeing the
stones that matter as we catch up | 0:02:05 | 0:02:08 | |
with curling before joining Eve
Muirhead's rink live. They are up | 0:02:08 | 0:02:13 | |
against China. So this is how it
looks through the course of the | 0:02:13 | 0:02:18 | |
morning. Next we will have the full
review including figure skating, the | 0:02:18 | 0:02:24 | |
skeleton and the men's downhill
finally to place today. Then we will | 0:02:24 | 0:02:29 | |
be joining, at 11am, the women's
curling, China against GB will be | 0:02:29 | 0:02:34 | |
live. On the red button, coverage of
the Bath. But right now, Chemmy is | 0:02:34 | 0:02:42 | |
with me and Christopher Dean. We
need a bit of a masterclass from you | 0:02:42 | 0:02:51 | |
in the downhill skiing. And I am
giving that Chris, he taught me to | 0:02:51 | 0:02:55 | |
ice skate, and he is a skier. Let's
do it. So show me your fast downhill | 0:02:55 | 0:03:02 | |
aerodynamic tuck. We need to adjust
this a little bit. You need to get | 0:03:02 | 0:03:08 | |
rid of this amazing posture, pull
your belly button to your back, that | 0:03:08 | 0:03:13 | |
is faster. Your legs are beautiful,
you want flat skis ahead of you. I | 0:03:13 | 0:03:19 | |
can feel the speed already. Do you
mean your knees have to be over your | 0:03:19 | 0:03:26 | |
toes? You both have your toes
pointing out slightly, which on skis | 0:03:26 | 0:03:31 | |
is disastrous. Feet parallel, and
your hands towards your chin. You | 0:03:31 | 0:03:35 | |
should just be able to look out of
the front of your eyes. Pull that | 0:03:35 | 0:03:39 | |
back, go into a jump! We are getting
dynamic here. How's that? Great. I | 0:03:39 | 0:03:47 | |
will leave that with you. And I am
also take you from this that | 0:03:47 | 0:03:51 | |
downhill skiers have to be a bit...
Crazy? Don't base that on me! How | 0:03:51 | 0:03:57 | |
many injuries have you had? I have a
metal right leg, I broke my leg when | 0:03:57 | 0:04:04 | |
I was 11. This is part of parcel of
it. And what is the common injury | 0:04:04 | 0:04:09 | |
for skiers? Definitely | 0:04:09 | 0:04:15 | |
for skiers? Definitely that ACL
tear. Do you have really strong | 0:04:18 | 0:04:22 | |
bindings? The GE Force that these
guys are carrying, it is so strong, | 0:04:22 | 0:04:27 | |
the skis, they are having to flex
through ripples that are going 90 | 0:04:27 | 0:04:31 | |
mph. And you don't want the ski
coming off to easily. But when you | 0:04:31 | 0:04:35 | |
crash, you do want it to come off,
so that is an area where we have | 0:04:35 | 0:04:40 | |
technicians, and that is their
realm. They spend a hundred hours on | 0:04:40 | 0:04:43 | |
the skis before they are ready to
race. So then it is up to the skier. | 0:04:43 | 0:04:48 | |
So you don't do your own wax? There
is a science in it? There is, and as | 0:04:48 | 0:04:54 | |
much as I love to know everything
about everything, that area is so | 0:04:54 | 0:04:58 | |
scientific. And we were talking
about temperature of the ice | 0:04:58 | 0:05:01 | |
yesterday. What is the best
temperature of us know when you are | 0:05:01 | 0:05:05 | |
skiing? Sometimes it gets really
icy, right? The best temperature and | 0:05:05 | 0:05:11 | |
the best snow grain of those ice
crystals is what you have on that | 0:05:11 | 0:05:15 | |
Olympic day. You don't choose,
because you don't want it in your | 0:05:15 | 0:05:18 | |
header that I am good on this or
that. Already we have seen cold, | 0:05:18 | 0:05:23 | |
grippy snow, today it warmed up so
now it is slick and bumpy, so that | 0:05:23 | 0:05:27 | |
is what you have to ski on. And the
positioning that you draw, which is | 0:05:27 | 0:05:33 | |
the best position, at the front end
of the runs all the backend? Again, | 0:05:33 | 0:05:37 | |
they look at the weather conditions
for the next day, if it is likely to | 0:05:37 | 0:05:41 | |
warm up, that will make it slower,
so that is very much on the day, but | 0:05:41 | 0:05:45 | |
they do tend to draw early now. Not
only is she an expert in all things | 0:05:45 | 0:05:49 | |
to do with winter sport, she is also
a very good weather forecaster, | 0:05:49 | 0:05:52 | |
because last night Chemmy said it
will be a bluebird day, and for the | 0:05:52 | 0:05:57 | |
first time out in South Korea, we
really did have the most gorgeous | 0:05:57 | 0:06:00 | |
day, perfect conditions. | 0:06:00 | 0:06:07 | |
The downhill run, one and a half
miles in length. The men's downhill | 0:06:07 | 0:06:11 | |
promise to be a race that could make
Olympic history. | 0:06:11 | 0:06:15 | |
The good, clean start. That is the
best thing on a downhill like this | 0:06:25 | 0:06:33 | |
where it is kind of a lottery. The
fastest man ever. | 0:06:33 | 0:06:41 | |
Phil Johnson, the all-American boy
from California. The only way to win | 0:06:41 | 0:06:45 | |
this is to take a huge amount of
risk. You are watching the greatest | 0:06:45 | 0:06:50 | |
ski racer in the world an Olympic
day, and he's doing it again. | 0:06:50 | 0:07:00 | |
Tracing the course, he has to
remember every bend, every turn. | 0:07:01 | 0:07:06 | |
Skiers now feel they are reaching
the upper limits of speed, but | 0:07:06 | 0:07:11 | |
whoever controls it best, the
Olympic medal will be his. And | 0:07:11 | 0:07:16 | |
Johnson has done it again on race
day. Into the lead, and he is going | 0:07:16 | 0:07:23 | |
to win the gold. | 0:07:23 | 0:07:28 | |
I knew I had to go all-out and to
try everything I knew to win, and I | 0:07:28 | 0:07:35 | |
couldn't keep anything under
control. I had to ski the fastest | 0:07:35 | 0:07:39 | |
this mountain could be skied. | 0:07:39 | 0:07:47 | |
And you get a sense of the history,
the tradition of the men's downhill. | 0:07:47 | 0:07:52 | |
This is the ultimate in alpine
skiing, and I think one of the best | 0:07:52 | 0:07:56 | |
and bravest bits of television that
happens all year is Graham Bell | 0:07:56 | 0:07:59 | |
going down the course with a camera.
Here he is with his guide to this | 0:07:59 | 0:08:04 | |
downhill in South Korea. | 0:08:04 | 0:08:08 | |
So let's go and have a look at this
men's Olympic downhill here at the | 0:08:08 | 0:08:14 | |
Alpine Centre. A beautiful view from
the top, but this is what the racers | 0:08:14 | 0:08:18 | |
have to focus on. It starts pretty
much straightaway, because you come | 0:08:18 | 0:08:23 | |
around this right footed turn, and
you dive down onto this bumpy part. | 0:08:23 | 0:08:32 | |
Really important to carry the speed
through the bumps here. You have to | 0:08:32 | 0:08:40 | |
really let it fly, and we are
approaching the first job. Now onto | 0:08:40 | 0:08:44 | |
the roller-coaster section. The
steepest part of the course here, | 0:08:44 | 0:08:51 | |
there are tunnels underneath the
track and you have to absorb the | 0:08:51 | 0:08:54 | |
rollers. Coming up to the second job
now, the Dragon claw, straight up | 0:08:54 | 0:09:04 | |
and heading down towards the forest
road. This turn here is crucial. It | 0:09:04 | 0:09:15 | |
brings you from the steep onto the
flat. It is the third jump. Heading | 0:09:15 | 0:09:23 | |
towards the blue Dragon Valley.
Really important to keep the speed | 0:09:23 | 0:09:32 | |
going as you go into this almost
like a halfpipe section of the | 0:09:32 | 0:09:38 | |
course, just rolling from edge to
edge, coming out of the Blue Dragon | 0:09:38 | 0:09:45 | |
Valley and over the role, heading
towards the magic tree. That is it | 0:09:45 | 0:09:52 | |
on the left of the course. Going to
the finish onto this fall away | 0:09:52 | 0:10:00 | |
section, carrying speed through the
last turn. Heading towards the last | 0:10:00 | 0:10:05 | |
jump. A big flight, and across the
line. | 0:10:05 | 0:10:16 | |
Well, the course conditions are
absolutely perfect. These freezing | 0:10:18 | 0:10:21 | |
temperatures have made it excellent
for making snow. It is fast and | 0:10:21 | 0:10:27 | |
grippy, and it is going to be a
great race. | 0:10:27 | 0:10:30 | |
I still can't get over how he does
that with cameras and microphones on | 0:10:32 | 0:10:37 | |
the lot. It will take the racers
about one minute and 40 seconds, a | 0:10:37 | 0:10:42 | |
relatively short course by Olympic
standards. Matt Chilton is in the | 0:10:42 | 0:10:46 | |
commentary box. | 0:10:46 | 0:10:52 | |
Conditions are now perfect for the
blue ribbon event at the winter | 0:10:52 | 0:10:55 | |
games, men's downhill. Tommy | 0:10:55 | 0:11:05 | |
games, men's downhill. Tommy dress
-- Dressen is a wafer Germany. He | 0:11:05 | 0:11:09 | |
made his mark in Kitzbuhel. Here he
goes on to the Dragon range. Gravity | 0:11:09 | 0:11:18 | |
sends you to the left, and you have
to fight against that. The others | 0:11:18 | 0:11:24 | |
following down the course, he finds
the job. Now, Dressen was first to | 0:11:24 | 0:11:32 | |
ski in the downhill stage of the
Olympic combined, won by Marcel | 0:11:32 | 0:11:37 | |
Hirscher in the week, the quickest
man on the mountain, no one was able | 0:11:37 | 0:11:45 | |
to ski quicker than Thomas Dressen.
He stands on that right foot, into | 0:11:45 | 0:11:54 | |
the paradise turn, just lost a
little bit of ground there. It goes | 0:11:54 | 0:11:57 | |
flat here. | 0:11:57 | 0:12:03 | |
flat here. After the Paradise turn,
he had the big drop, now heading | 0:12:04 | 0:12:10 | |
towards the Blue Dragon Valley. Down
towards the Magic Tree, he gets | 0:12:10 | 0:12:19 | |
airborne again and we will keep an
that job, | 0:12:19 | 0:12:27 | |
that job, because Mayer absolutely
flew an here, and so did Marcel | 0:12:27 | 0:12:31 | |
Hirscher. Dressen is almost home
now, the first man on the course. He | 0:12:31 | 0:12:38 | |
takes off and flies over the final
job, and the time is 1:41.03. | 0:12:38 | 0:12:48 | |
Dominik Paris, said that of the
start by the Italian team members, | 0:12:48 | 0:12:55 | |
and he is like a speed skater there.
Eight hundredths quicker than | 0:12:55 | 0:13:08 | |
Dressen on that first date there.
Adverse camber, trying to stay as | 0:13:08 | 0:13:14 | |
high as he can. Big, controlled
flight on that first drop. Now | 0:13:14 | 0:13:21 | |
heading to the Dragon claw part of
the course. | 0:13:21 | 0:13:31 | |
the course. Dominik Paris is the
third best downhill skier of the | 0:13:33 | 0:13:37 | |
season. He had a win on home snow
just before the New Year, on a | 0:13:37 | 0:13:42 | |
similar rough and bumpy course. That
was a difficult landing, Paradise | 0:13:42 | 0:13:48 | |
Turn could sort them out today.
Paris didn't make the best of it at | 0:13:48 | 0:13:54 | |
all. An towards the Blue Dragon
Valley, it was green all the way, | 0:13:54 | 0:13:59 | |
and it is still green, despite the
mistake. He might have taken a new | 0:13:59 | 0:14:04 | |
line which others may not be able
to. Now he is going to fly, keeps it | 0:14:04 | 0:14:11 | |
quite low, and we will see it that
brings him the reward now. 1.26, | 0:14:11 | 0:14:20 | |
quite low, and we will see it that
brings him the reward now. 1.26,, | 0:14:20 | 0:14:20 | |
the next split. It is this final
time that really matters. Paris | 0:14:20 | 0:14:32 | |
taxing for the line, and he leads
the Olympic downhill by a quarter of | 0:14:32 | 0:14:35 | |
a second. | 0:14:35 | 0:14:37 | |
One of the big favourites, Feuz from
Switzerland, the best downhill so | 0:14:39 | 0:14:52 | |
far with three victories. He won in
November and he claimed the final | 0:14:52 | 0:14:59 | |
downhill before the Olympics at
Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He skied | 0:14:59 | 0:15:06 | |
solidly in training didn't give much
away because he was standing up and | 0:15:06 | 0:15:10 | |
going gently on the bottom half of
his training runs, but make no | 0:15:10 | 0:15:16 | |
mistake, he is a serious threat
today, huge unit of a man. | 0:15:16 | 0:15:20 | |
Incredible control as he slammed the
inside edge of that right skied down | 0:15:20 | 0:15:24 | |
onto the snow to continue on his
way. Feuz is living dangerously. It | 0:15:24 | 0:15:30 | |
is the Olympic downhill, and he is
bringing all the risks into this | 0:15:30 | 0:15:33 | |
race. | 0:15:33 | 0:15:39 | |
Just about hanging in. Needed a huge
amount of strength. 120 kilometres | 0:15:41 | 0:15:49 | |
an hour. Flying down towards the
Blue Dragon Valley. Paris's time... | 0:15:49 | 0:15:59 | |
And he is faster. By point to one.
And he enters the Blue Dragon | 0:15:59 | 0:16:07 | |
Valley. Sets up for the final
quarter. What a | 0:16:07 | 0:16:16 | |
quarter. What a flight from Feuz.
Magnificent downhill skiing, he is | 0:16:16 | 0:16:21 | |
going to go close and he may well go
into gold medal position. Feuz has | 0:16:21 | 0:16:27 | |
put down a magnificent Olympic
downhill run, huge jump to finish. | 0:16:27 | 0:16:33 | |
Feuz is first. Fantastic skiing from
Feuz. Into gold medal position. Full | 0:16:33 | 0:16:44 | |
of risk, he took so many chances. He
got the reward. Look at that. Almost | 0:16:44 | 0:16:52 | |
horizontal on the snow. How did he
keep that ski carbon? Aksel Lund | 0:16:52 | 0:16:59 | |
Svindal is ready to race. On his
way. Silver medallist in Vancouver, | 0:16:59 | 0:17:09 | |
2010. In the Olympic downhill.
Decent start for the multitalented | 0:17:09 | 0:17:16 | |
Aksel Lund Svindal. Slightly low on
the adverse camber. Trailing Feuz by | 0:17:16 | 0:17:25 | |
a 10th. Flattening it. The
coursework are going up to make the | 0:17:25 | 0:17:30 | |
repairs. | 0:17:30 | 0:17:35 | |
repairs. Svindal is throwing
everything at his last Olympic | 0:17:35 | 0:17:38 | |
downhill competition but he might be
pushing too hard, winding down the | 0:17:38 | 0:17:42 | |
windows on that big jump. Svindal
will have to take the riskiest | 0:17:42 | 0:17:48 | |
possible line. Cut off the corners
as tightly as he Bears if he is to | 0:17:48 | 0:17:54 | |
get into contention. What a shot
that is of the great man in full | 0:17:54 | 0:18:00 | |
flight. Lands at 111 kilometres an
hour, a quarter of a second off the | 0:18:00 | 0:18:09 | |
pace but now he is in front. The
gamble may be paying off. Into the | 0:18:09 | 0:18:14 | |
Blue Dragon Valley. Off and away,
big flight, off-balance, did not | 0:18:14 | 0:18:21 | |
seem to lose any speed. Recovered
his poise, got his dynamic posture | 0:18:21 | 0:18:28 | |
back and he leads Feuz by a quarter
of a second. Svindal scheme for | 0:18:28 | 0:18:34 | |
gold-medal position for Norway. A
long flight. He tucks in and he has | 0:18:34 | 0:18:41 | |
gone into gold. Svindal steals the
lead from Feuz. Magnificent Aksel | 0:18:41 | 0:18:48 | |
Lund Svindal. This was textbook
downhill jumping. -- this was not | 0:18:48 | 0:18:58 | |
textbook downhill jumping. But he
knew the risk might bring reward. | 0:18:58 | 0:19:11 | |
And he is off! Maximum forward
report Shannon. And he has got the | 0:19:11 | 0:19:20 | |
early green light. Quicker than his
great rival. A little low on Dragon | 0:19:20 | 0:19:30 | |
Ridge. The speed is good. 111. Long
jump, stood immediately. Wonderful | 0:19:30 | 0:19:41 | |
anticipation and control. | 0:19:41 | 0:19:47 | |
anticipation and control. The
32-year-old Norwegian. He is flying. | 0:19:47 | 0:19:49 | |
Huge again. He knows he has got to
roll the dice. Take a chance with | 0:19:49 | 0:19:55 | |
this. Svindal leads. Feuz second.
Harris third. Watching keenly. | 0:19:55 | 0:20:08 | |
Coming into the Paradise Turn out
for pelts and absolutely pushing. | 0:20:08 | 0:20:12 | |
112 on the landing. Travelling 38
metres. Green again. He could deny | 0:20:12 | 0:20:22 | |
Svindal the one thing that is
missing. The gold medal. Goodness | 0:20:22 | 0:20:28 | |
me! Upper twisting like a freestyle.
Seemed to land cleanly, green all | 0:20:28 | 0:20:36 | |
the way. Only just. For hundreds of
a second between the two Norwegians. | 0:20:36 | 0:20:43 | |
Which way will this go? The jump to
come. He takes off, Lance, and he is | 0:20:43 | 0:20:52 | |
second! So close. The jump was
unorthodox. Lost control of his left | 0:20:52 | 0:21:03 | |
ski pole. The ninth best downhill of
the season. Not without a chance. | 0:21:03 | 0:21:11 | |
Pretty solid in training. Seven four
years ago in Sochi. | 0:21:11 | 0:21:24 | |
years ago in Sochi. Became the 1st
Battalion to win the World Cup | 0:21:24 | 0:21:28 | |
downhill. Two years in a row. | 0:21:28 | 0:21:36 | |
downhill. Two years in a row. His
team-mate currently in fourth. Off | 0:21:36 | 0:21:42 | |
to a flying start. | 0:21:42 | 0:21:51 | |
to a flying start. Fill on the
course with number 13. And he is in | 0:21:51 | 0:21:56 | |
front. At the next intermediate.
100th behind. 100s in front. Fill | 0:21:56 | 0:22:04 | |
pushing hard. Looking for straight
line speed. Taking allsorts of | 0:22:04 | 0:22:10 | |
gambles. And he almost flattened the
turned heading into the Paradise | 0:22:10 | 0:22:16 | |
Turn curve. | 0:22:16 | 0:22:22 | |
The bottom part of the track. The
key split. Fill a quarter of a | 0:22:22 | 0:22:29 | |
second removed from Svindal's time,
putting him outside bronze medal | 0:22:29 | 0:22:36 | |
position. He needs a direct line.
That was to the left. In the soft | 0:22:36 | 0:22:43 | |
snow, I don't think that is going to
hamper. -- help him. Off the pace, | 0:22:43 | 0:22:52 | |
that will pushing down to around
fourth or fifth position. The last | 0:22:52 | 0:22:56 | |
jump, Fill lands, crosses the line,
he is sixth, missing the medals. | 0:22:56 | 0:23:08 | |
35-year-old Aksel Lund Svindal is
the Olympic champion. Switzerland's | 0:23:10 | 0:23:17 | |
in amongst the medals. | 0:23:17 | 0:23:21 | |
the Olympic champion. Switzerland's
in amongst the medals. A really high | 0:23:21 | 0:23:28 | |
quality competition, sometimes you
get a surprise winner but not this | 0:23:28 | 0:23:30 | |
time. We know the Norwegians
dominate in speed. For so long. For | 0:23:30 | 0:23:35 | |
them to delivered today. Norway have
never won the men's Alpine downhill | 0:23:35 | 0:23:43 | |
and when you think, there were 13
Olympic medals, this was the one | 0:23:43 | 0:23:50 | |
they all wanted and Svindal goes,
well deserved, he took risks, it was | 0:23:50 | 0:23:54 | |
not easy or | 0:23:54 | 0:23:59 | |
not easy or comfortable, Janrud
pushed him all the way. -- Jansrud. | 0:24:00 | 0:24:07 | |
Let's look at this | 0:24:07 | 0:24:08 | |
pushed him all the way. -- Jansrud.
Let's look at this midway through. | 0:24:08 | 0:24:11 | |
He looks relatively untidy. It is
really messy but such a great touch. | 0:24:11 | 0:24:18 | |
He works with gravity really well,
standing on the ski at the top of | 0:24:18 | 0:24:23 | |
the turn. Big flight. Getting that
connection with the snow and works | 0:24:23 | 0:24:29 | |
the ski. That this work Jansrud
threw away the race. He was not able | 0:24:29 | 0:24:35 | |
to work the terrain, so many little
rollers made eye tunnels, it's not | 0:24:35 | 0:24:40 | |
natural, and put tunnels underneath
and although it was messy he worked | 0:24:40 | 0:24:45 | |
at the outside ski the top and he
just dominated. Outside the blue | 0:24:45 | 0:24:51 | |
line, it does not matter, not a
disqualification, those are their to | 0:24:51 | 0:24:56 | |
show the general line for a patient.
When they do jump do you want to get | 0:24:56 | 0:25:01 | |
down as quick as possible? Yes,
although airtime looks really good | 0:25:01 | 0:25:06 | |
it's actually slow. You have it the
cause of the terrain, you have to | 0:25:06 | 0:25:11 | |
jump but you want the connection
because you have to make speed. That | 0:25:11 | 0:25:17 | |
Paradise Turn looks critical, you
right into the bend straightaway. | 0:25:17 | 0:25:21 | |
You have the Magic Tree. We saw the
other day, Matthias Mayer, you want | 0:25:21 | 0:25:32 | |
to throw your body forward. So you
can charge the outside ski. | 0:25:32 | 0:25:40 | |
can charge the outside ski. Mayor
was the defending champion, where | 0:25:40 | 0:25:42 | |
did he finish? Ninth. Svindal, the
oldest ever Olympic gold medallist | 0:25:42 | 0:25:49 | |
in alpine skier, a man who came back
from so many injuries, you would | 0:25:49 | 0:25:53 | |
think it is a young man's game but
clearly it is not. You tend to be | 0:25:53 | 0:25:59 | |
technical when you are younger and
then you are allowed to start doing | 0:25:59 | 0:26:03 | |
speed and in super cheap or so much
about tactics and line, the more | 0:26:03 | 0:26:08 | |
experience you get the better you
are. Someone like Svindal, he's been | 0:26:08 | 0:26:13 | |
doing it for so long, he missed the
test event through injury. That is | 0:26:13 | 0:26:18 | |
where his compatriot Jansrud one, he
watched it on TV and maybe by doing | 0:26:18 | 0:26:24 | |
that he picked up some line
successes that got him the win. It | 0:26:24 | 0:26:29 | |
worked | 0:26:29 | 0:26:29 | |
successes that got him the win. It
worked for him. Fascinating. Let's | 0:26:29 | 0:26:32 | |
go to your area of expertise, Chris,
the first figure skating of the | 0:26:32 | 0:26:38 | |
games went to Canada, now it is time
for the medal deciding programme, | 0:26:38 | 0:26:42 | |
the long programme. The leaderboard
going into it was China, Olympic | 0:26:42 | 0:26:48 | |
Athletes from Russia, Germany in
fourth making a mistake in the short | 0:26:48 | 0:26:51 | |
programme that we thought pushed
them out of the medals. They were | 0:26:51 | 0:26:55 | |
close enough. You were helping them.
I choreographed her long programme. | 0:26:55 | 0:27:01 | |
Watch this correctly. Commentary
from Kat Downes and Robin Cousins. | 0:27:01 | 0:27:12 | |
Looking for the skate of their
lives. | 0:27:18 | 0:27:20 | |
A great performance. It could be a
third bronze medal for Aliona Vilani | 0:27:24 | 0:27:33 | |
a first for Bruno. | 0:27:33 | 0:27:40 | |
Opening with the triple twist and
watch the height. | 0:28:01 | 0:28:06 | |
She's got it on one foot, that's
clean! | 0:28:19 | 0:28:28 | |
The triple Sako, double toe loop,
double toe loop. Today, perfection. | 0:28:42 | 0:28:52 | |
Side-by-side triple toe loops. Well
done! This is looking good. | 0:29:04 | 0:29:11 | |
The triple salko. That is the
difficult elements done for them. | 0:29:33 | 0:29:37 | |
Brilliant strength and control.
Through the lifts. | 0:30:05 | 0:30:09 | |
CHEERING | 0:32:16 | 0:32:22 | |
Perfect! The race for bronzes on. I
think the race for gold is on. They | 0:32:22 | 0:32:29 | |
were out of the medal positions
before this free skate. They were | 0:32:29 | 0:32:32 | |
going to be fighting for a bronze
medal place, but that performance | 0:32:32 | 0:32:36 | |
has put them on a podium. What
colour that medal will be, we will | 0:32:36 | 0:32:41 | |
wait to find out, but I think that
is going to be a really tough one to | 0:32:41 | 0:32:45 | |
beat. Beautiful | 0:32:45 | 0:32:52 | |
beat. Beautiful transitions, you
might recognise the because they | 0:32:52 | 0:32:54 | |
were choreographed by Christopher
Dean. He spent time with them last | 0:32:54 | 0:33:00 | |
year in the autumn. Helping to clean
and fix these transitions between | 0:33:00 | 0:33:07 | |
them, and it was for me the detail
which is going to separate this from | 0:33:07 | 0:33:10 | |
some of the others. | 0:33:10 | 0:33:15 | |
It is going to be big, absolutely.
That is the best they have skated | 0:33:15 | 0:33:22 | |
that. 159.31, season's best. Is that
how they clinch the Olympic title? | 0:33:22 | 0:33:34 | |
They have broken their own world
record. | 0:33:34 | 0:33:41 | |
record. Well, it was sensational
skating, wasn't it? And this is the | 0:33:41 | 0:33:46 | |
couple with whom they were tussling
for the bronze medal position. Megan | 0:33:46 | 0:33:55 | |
to Hamilton and Eric Radford of
Canada, already team champions going | 0:33:55 | 0:33:59 | |
away from this games with a gold
medal. | 0:33:59 | 0:34:05 | |
medal. And the pressure is on these
two now to hang onto a spot on the | 0:34:06 | 0:34:12 | |
podium. | 0:34:12 | 0:34:19 | |
Triple twist. | 0:34:46 | 0:34:57 | |
They have the hardest side by side
job element, and that is a side by | 0:34:59 | 0:35:09 | |
side triple. Hands down for a Megan,
not sure it was fully rotated, | 0:35:09 | 0:35:14 | |
either. So that will be reviewed. | 0:35:14 | 0:35:25 | |
And now the quadruple Salchow. And
she has got it. | 0:35:26 | 0:35:41 | |
she has got it. Nine points from
that one element. | 0:35:41 | 0:35:48 | |
that one element. Side by side
triple Salchow, double toe loop. | 0:35:48 | 0:36:04 | |
And now the triple Lutz. | 0:36:58 | 0:37:04 | |
Fighting for a medal, fighting to
hold on to a podium spot, Eric | 0:38:54 | 0:39:01 | |
Radford and Megan Duhamel. They are
thrilled with that skate, she landed | 0:39:01 | 0:39:04 | |
that quad. But there was that
mistake. Slightly on the Lutz. There | 0:39:04 | 0:39:13 | |
triple twist is not the strongest or
the highest, they were given level | 0:39:13 | 0:39:17 | |
three, where Bruno and Aliona were
given the level for. It is so good | 0:39:17 | 0:39:31 | |
to be able to see them come out and
deliver that quad. | 0:39:31 | 0:39:35 | |
It is not enough to go ahead of the
Germans. They are in the silver | 0:39:38 | 0:39:44 | |
medal position. Megan Duhamel and
Eric Radford. And they needed a new | 0:39:44 | 0:39:52 | |
world record to chase down the
Germans, in fact everyone needs a | 0:39:52 | 0:39:55 | |
new world record to chase down the
Germans. | 0:39:55 | 0:40:03 | |
Germans. So, the world champions
from China, Sui Wenjing and | 0:40:03 | 0:40:14 | |
Hank Cong Han, and when they are at
their best, they are world beaters. | 0:40:20 | 0:40:31 | |
And they will open their free
programme with eight quadruple | 0:40:44 | 0:40:48 | |
twist, so four revolutions in the
air from take-off. | 0:40:48 | 0:40:59 | |
Side by side triple toe loops. The
triples were fine, but not the | 0:41:02 | 0:41:15 | |
combination they wanted afterwards,
just singles from Cong Han. | 0:41:15 | 0:41:27 | |
just singles from Cong Han. And off
the | 0:41:30 | 0:41:36 | |
the triple Salchow, that was a
problem in the warm up, as well, two | 0:41:37 | 0:41:42 | |
falls. | 0:41:42 | 0:41:48 | |
The beautiful lift. | 0:42:19 | 0:42:20 | |
The triple flip. Absolutely
glorious. | 0:43:01 | 0:43:07 | |
The same there with the triple
Salchow. | 0:43:31 | 0:43:40 | |
Rousing stuff but is it enough to
hold onto their lead? The Germans | 0:45:03 | 0:45:10 | |
were sublime. The second half was
superb but a couple of very costly | 0:45:10 | 0:45:18 | |
mistakes on the side-by-side triple
jumps. One, two, three, four... She | 0:45:18 | 0:45:27 | |
fell on the salko in the warm up.
They are is that hand, the back of | 0:45:27 | 0:45:36 | |
the heel, no one can touch them for
the throws. Is the work they did in | 0:45:36 | 0:45:41 | |
the short programme going to be
enough? It is not. | 0:45:41 | 0:45:49 | |
enough? It is not. It is not enough
for them to hang onto the gold | 0:45:49 | 0:45:51 | |
medal. | 0:45:51 | 0:45:57 | |
medal. Savchenko and Masoe out in
front. The final skaters in the free | 0:45:57 | 0:46:05 | |
skate competition. Able be looking
to jump up into the medals. Team | 0:46:05 | 0:46:12 | |
silver winners already. The Olympic
Athletes from Russia. They were in | 0:46:12 | 0:46:20 | |
the silver medal position after the
short programme. They are relying on | 0:46:20 | 0:46:24 | |
Christina Agarwal error for a medal! | 0:46:24 | 0:46:28 | |
Label open other bid for gold with a
quadruple twist. That was lovely. | 0:46:50 | 0:47:03 | |
Side-by-side triples. | 0:47:09 | 0:47:11 | |
He did, she didn't. | 0:47:18 | 0:47:21 | |
The triple salko now... That's gone
as well. | 0:47:34 | 0:47:40 | |
Need to get the composure back now,
the side-by-side triple toe loops. | 0:47:53 | 0:48:01 | |
With the two double toe loops to
follow. | 0:48:01 | 0:48:05 | |
The triple loop. Beautiful. | 0:50:05 | 0:50:13 | |
CHEERING | 0:51:08 | 0:51:13 | |
It's not going to be good enough for
gold or silver, will it be good | 0:51:13 | 0:51:17 | |
enough for a medal at all?
I think they might struggle to be on | 0:51:17 | 0:51:22 | |
the podium, to be honest. Certainly
did not have their normal pizzazz or | 0:51:22 | 0:51:28 | |
champion feel about it. Tentative.
The double salko... | 0:51:28 | 0:51:38 | |
Always strong with the throws.
Overcooked on that. Way too far | 0:51:38 | 0:51:44 | |
forward. For the landing. Is it a
medal for the Olympic Athletes from | 0:51:44 | 0:51:54 | |
Russia? No! It is not. | 0:51:54 | 0:52:01 | |
143.20 five. And that means
Savchenko and Massot are the Olympic | 0:52:06 | 0:52:17 | |
champions. What a fight, what metal!
To jump from fourth position to the | 0:52:17 | 0:52:27 | |
top of the podium. And they are
worthy winners. What a performance | 0:52:27 | 0:52:35 | |
out there, they born in a battle
with Meagan Duhamel and Eric | 0:52:35 | 0:52:41 | |
Radford, they laid it on the ice and
they were foot perfect, weren't | 0:52:41 | 0:52:45 | |
they, Robin? Warriors and she has
been fighting for this moment for | 0:52:45 | 0:52:49 | |
some years now. Even with Robin, did
not quite happen. Two Olympic bronze | 0:52:49 | 0:52:58 | |
medals in the past but she is now
the Olympic champion at the age of | 0:52:58 | 0:53:02 | |
34. | 0:53:02 | 0:53:04 | |
the Olympic champion at the age of
34. Savchenko and Massot crying but | 0:53:04 | 0:53:10 | |
you are willing up as well.
Extraordinary. It was. They were in | 0:53:10 | 0:53:16 | |
fourth, they know they have got to
go up there and go for broke, the | 0:53:16 | 0:53:20 | |
other couples in front, the top two
after the short programme were going | 0:53:20 | 0:53:26 | |
out maybe a little conservative,
holding the position and they made | 0:53:26 | 0:53:30 | |
those mistakes. What a turnaround!
They skated sublimely, that is the | 0:53:30 | 0:53:36 | |
best I have seen them skate. And it
must make you so proud, you played a | 0:53:36 | 0:53:41 | |
huge part in that, it's a new world
record score. Yes, no, we spent the | 0:53:41 | 0:53:46 | |
summer, they came over to Florida,
we went to work for a week, we put | 0:53:46 | 0:53:52 | |
the routine together, it has evolved
over the past seven months from | 0:53:52 | 0:53:56 | |
competition. The main elements were
there, they really, I got chills | 0:53:56 | 0:54:02 | |
watching it. We are going to get you
to talk through the whole routine, I | 0:54:02 | 0:54:07 | |
thought the look of it, the
adverts... A little bit bolero. One | 0:54:07 | 0:54:16 | |
piece of music from beginning to
end. This infinity | 0:54:16 | 0:54:21 | |
piece of music from beginning to
end. This infinity sign. It was all | 0:54:21 | 0:54:24 | |
about holding. But almost became a
run at the end. He had something to | 0:54:24 | 0:54:33 | |
prove, didn't he, Chris? Having made
the mistake in the short programme, | 0:54:33 | 0:54:39 | |
doubling the triple, look at the
height, he is so strong. Given the | 0:54:39 | 0:54:45 | |
height difference do you have to
take that into account when you plan | 0:54:45 | 0:54:48 | |
the routine so they look good? There
are definite things that suit them | 0:54:48 | 0:54:53 | |
and things that don't but one of the
things that they talked to me about | 0:54:53 | 0:54:58 | |
for their brief, they said they
wanted to make it more than ice | 0:54:58 | 0:55:02 | |
dance routine in a Paris programme
and that is why they got in touch | 0:55:02 | 0:55:06 | |
with me. I have known Ali on for
such a long time, she is such a | 0:55:06 | 0:55:12 | |
competitor. Her first Olympics, two
bronze medals, Bruno is her third | 0:55:12 | 0:55:17 | |
different partner. The interesting
thing, she was born in the Ukraine. | 0:55:17 | 0:55:23 | |
No is French. -- Bruno is French.
She skated for Germany. She had | 0:55:23 | 0:55:33 | |
German citizenship. They retired, he
is the Russian coach now. Bruno came | 0:55:33 | 0:55:40 | |
along and he just got his
citizenship and so they were able | 0:55:40 | 0:55:44 | |
to... Just before the games? Yes.
The leghold. This looks very you. | 0:55:44 | 0:55:54 | |
Deep turns. The pencil left. She is
a worker. Four hours on the ice. And | 0:55:54 | 0:56:04 | |
she will say no, we can stay and he
will be, we are done. But he does | 0:56:04 | 0:56:12 | |
all the lifting. Bringing that is
dance flavour, does it mean more | 0:56:12 | 0:56:19 | |
fluid, more emotion, more beautiful?
A combination, the choice of music, | 0:56:19 | 0:56:24 | |
the style of skating, the quality of
skating. You can see, she bends her | 0:56:24 | 0:56:32 | |
knees, that creates power and the
look of being effortless across the | 0:56:32 | 0:56:37 | |
ice. They worked on that lift, the
double rotation. Visually this was | 0:56:37 | 0:56:46 | |
very different from the three long
programmes we saw afterwards. As I | 0:56:46 | 0:56:51 | |
say, the music has this fluidity and
flow over the ice and we wanted to | 0:56:51 | 0:56:55 | |
make it as soon as from transition
to transition, that is the sort of | 0:56:55 | 0:57:02 | |
part of choreography that I work on
with them. Did you pick the music? | 0:57:02 | 0:57:08 | |
They came to me with the music and
as I listened to it it conjured up | 0:57:08 | 0:57:13 | |
ideas of moving forward. Going
somewhere. Who is the composer? That | 0:57:13 | 0:57:19 | |
is a good question you are going to
ask me and I should know that. This | 0:57:19 | 0:57:24 | |
is were I thought, that looked so
good, but height that they are. Over | 0:57:24 | 0:57:31 | |
the top of her, creates a beautiful
line, interesting exit, still | 0:57:31 | 0:57:37 | |
entwined in his legs as he rotates,
trying to keep that fluidity. Lots | 0:57:37 | 0:57:42 | |
of green squares top left. They have
got a positive mark, or being judged | 0:57:42 | 0:57:52 | |
as positive, the reverse lift. Any
yellow or red we don't want those. | 0:57:52 | 0:57:57 | |
Deductions. Deductions. The other
skaters made plenty of deductions, | 0:57:57 | 0:58:04 | |
threading the needle. And this is
the point, they are sucking on air | 0:58:04 | 0:58:12 | |
but at the same time, they have
still got to make it look beautiful | 0:58:12 | 0:58:16 | |
and effortless. Physically you are
tired by now. Very tired, and we did | 0:58:16 | 0:58:24 | |
not give them much of a break, it
was constant. It is building again. | 0:58:24 | 0:58:29 | |
Listen to the music. This big, final
lift that goes around the ice, | 0:58:29 | 0:58:37 | |
something like a 20 second left. You
said he is an ox! He is strong. So | 0:58:37 | 0:58:47 | |
strong and I am so pleased for both
of them. For her, five Olympics, 16 | 0:58:47 | 0:58:54 | |
years at this level, ringing home a
gold medal and as you can see, the | 0:58:54 | 0:58:58 | |
exhaustion. That is almost how Jayne
Torvill looked! After-the-fact. The | 0:58:58 | 0:59:06 | |
delight. You realise it has come
true. And you have done everything | 0:59:06 | 0:59:12 | |
you can, you scored the highest
score you can. The confirmation of | 0:59:12 | 0:59:20 | |
the scorer made them realise how
good that performance was. And they | 0:59:20 | 0:59:24 | |
would not have known that they could
have won gold, three pairs to go. | 0:59:24 | 0:59:28 | |
They only won by half a point. Look
at the height of that. Time for | 0:59:28 | 0:59:34 | |
another revolution if she wanted.
She could have had a cup of tea when | 0:59:34 | 0:59:38 | |
she was up there. So speaks the
coach. The people in front of her, | 0:59:38 | 0:59:44 | |
the other competitors, if they do a
clean routine who knows? On the | 0:59:44 | 0:59:50 | |
night, he pulled it together and the
others did not. That is what | 0:59:50 | 0:59:54 | |
competition is all about. The first
figure skating gold medal for | 0:59:54 | 0:59:58 | |
Germany since the fall of the Berlin
Wall and both of them had | 0:59:58 | 1:00:02 | |
represented other countries, for
Germany, and eighth gold medal of | 1:00:02 | 1:00:05 | |
these games and they are flying.
Savchenko is married to a Brit. She | 1:00:05 | 1:00:10 | |
is married to Liam, I got to know
them through the summer. His father | 1:00:10 | 1:00:15 | |
was in the Army and they train
scheme, for we used to train. That | 1:00:15 | 1:00:23 | |
is where she was an bad as ever they
met. How come she did not take Great | 1:00:23 | 1:00:28 | |
Britain as her country, you could
have organised that? I know, I | 1:00:28 | 1:00:33 | |
should have on that. Is there no
poaching in ice skating? Clearly | 1:00:33 | 1:00:40 | |
they have taken Ukrainian and French
people and put them together. Have | 1:00:40 | 1:00:43 | |
you been in touch with Nick Buckland
and Kenny Combs? They are in great | 1:00:43 | 1:00:49 | |
spirits and their defenders coming
up, skating really well. And doing | 1:00:49 | 1:00:54 | |
their third Olympics. -- penny
Combs. Thank you so much for being | 1:00:54 | 1:01:01 | |
with us. Congratulations. We will
let Chris disappear. He can wallow I | 1:01:01 | 1:01:09 | |
think in the reflect that gory.
Wonderful. We focus on curling. The | 1:01:09 | 1:01:16 | |
competition started yesterday and
the British men had a win over | 1:01:16 | 1:01:21 | |
Switzerland. Bath-macro Penny
Coomes. A win and a loss for them, | 1:01:21 | 1:01:26 | |
the great British women started with
an emphatic three over the Olympic | 1:01:26 | 1:01:32 | |
Athletes from Russia, today they had
two matters, intense and at midnight | 1:01:32 | 1:01:36 | |
our time, Eve Muirhead's rink were
out there on the ice in a very tight | 1:01:36 | 1:01:42 | |
game. We will show you the closing
stages against the USA with Logan | 1:01:42 | 1:01:48 | |
Gray and Jackie Lockhart in the
commentary box. | 1:01:48 | 1:01:57 | |
COMMENTATOR: So, chance for two in
this end. Just need to stay in the | 1:01:59 | 1:02:10 | |
house. Easy normal! Nothing. Her
line is looking fairly good. Lauren | 1:02:10 | 1:02:20 | |
Gray just trying to get it to that
stone, and it has got to stop, it | 1:02:20 | 1:02:26 | |
has got to stop. Unfortunately, she
ended up with, it did stop, but the | 1:02:26 | 1:02:33 | |
USA stone Harborne, so just the one.
-- the USA stone hung on. | 1:02:33 | 1:02:51 | |
Well played, great shot, so a double
takeout from Eve Muirhead, the | 1:02:52 | 1:02:57 | |
British skip, leaving Great Britain
lying three here. Great Britain | 1:02:57 | 1:03:06 | |
could have the hammer in the last
end. Admittedly they will be one | 1:03:06 | 1:03:10 | |
down and they will have to deliver
in that final end. | 1:03:10 | 1:03:19 | |
She has held her nerve here, played
a nice shot. So, USA pick up one in | 1:03:19 | 1:03:29 | |
the ninth end, they have the lead
but crucially Great Britain will | 1:03:29 | 1:03:34 | |
have the hammer in the tenth and
final end. They can win with two, | 1:03:34 | 1:03:40 | |
one will be enough to take it into a
final end. This perfect shot right | 1:03:40 | 1:03:45 | |
into the bottom, looks a bit
anxious, looks nervous. Watching | 1:03:45 | 1:03:52 | |
this one carefully. This needs to
curl a lot. They are not sweeping | 1:03:52 | 1:03:57 | |
it, and it needs to curl an awful
lot. It will have a chance, but it | 1:03:57 | 1:04:02 | |
might be too much. It has gone
through. USA win the match, Eve | 1:04:02 | 1:04:07 | |
Muirhead not able to pick up the one
in the final end. The USA have | 1:04:07 | 1:04:15 | |
played very well, shut Great Britain
at, and they pick up two, so the | 1:04:15 | 1:04:18 | |
final score will be USA 7-4 Great
Britain. | 1:04:18 | 1:04:25 | |
CLARE BALDING: The next game is on
Saturday against Denmark. Meanwhile | 1:04:25 | 1:04:31 | |
the men were up against Japan. Very
tense closing stages here as well. | 1:04:31 | 1:04:37 | |
And we are joining it with the score
at 5-5, Logan and Jackie describing | 1:04:37 | 1:04:43 | |
this one. | 1:04:43 | 1:04:51 | |
COMMENTATOR: So, the guard by
Morozumi perhaps a little further | 1:04:59 | 1:05:11 | |
down the ice than they would have
liked. | 1:05:11 | 1:05:17 | |
liked. So he is not at all bothered
about that, just wants to make sure | 1:05:18 | 1:05:23 | |
the yellow stone at the top of the
house goes, and the shooting stone | 1:05:23 | 1:05:29 | |
that Kyle is about to throw with, he
doesn't want that to stay in the | 1:05:29 | 1:05:32 | |
front of the house either. He says
he is not bothered about it, but I | 1:05:32 | 1:05:38 | |
bet he wants it. And he gets it. A
great shot by Kyle Smith. | 1:05:38 | 1:05:49 | |
So, the only real cover that
Morozumi has here is behind the two | 1:05:49 | 1:05:56 | |
red stones that Great Britain have,
the Corner red stones. | 1:05:56 | 1:06:08 | |
the Corner red stones. He has to
make that shot, and it will leave it | 1:06:11 | 1:06:13 | |
open for Kyle myth to draw too. But
first, Morozumi with the draw. Japan | 1:06:13 | 1:06:22 | |
have called a time-out here, but I
think it is not really needed. They | 1:06:22 | 1:06:28 | |
are just giving themselves a little
bit of extra time to focus on the | 1:06:28 | 1:06:32 | |
shot, perhaps putting a little bit
of ice on Kyle as well. | 1:06:32 | 1:06:41 | |
They only have 51 seconds on the
clock, so they were just giving | 1:06:41 | 1:06:46 | |
themselves a little bit of extra
insurance that they weren't going to | 1:06:46 | 1:06:49 | |
run out of time. This draw looking
pretty good, but still GB have been | 1:06:49 | 1:06:58 | |
in full control of this final end.
They made every single shot, and | 1:06:58 | 1:07:05 | |
that is really testament to Cammy
Smith who has made it so easy for | 1:07:05 | 1:07:10 | |
his team-mates. They have made the
first seven, but we need to make | 1:07:10 | 1:07:14 | |
that eighth one to get on the board.
This is the one that really counts, | 1:07:14 | 1:07:20 | |
and he does have the whole of the
eight foot to play with. | 1:07:20 | 1:07:28 | |
eight foot to play with. He has just
got to lay it and let the sweepers | 1:07:28 | 1:07:30 | |
take it into the house. This is a
shot that skips will play, and I'm | 1:07:30 | 1:07:38 | |
sure it will be playing on his mind
that he has to make this for the | 1:07:38 | 1:07:41 | |
win. He is taking his time and
concentrating. So, here it is. Hold | 1:07:41 | 1:07:51 | |
your breath. The final stone of the
tenth end, we have seen some great | 1:07:51 | 1:07:55 | |
draws from Kyle Smith today. It just
needs to be fully in the eight foot | 1:07:55 | 1:08:00 | |
Circle to put another win on the
board for GB. The boys are looking | 1:08:00 | 1:08:06 | |
quite confident at the minute, just
cleaning. Should be good enough for | 1:08:06 | 1:08:15 | |
the win, and it is. Gets the second
win of the week for GB, in what was | 1:08:15 | 1:08:27 | |
a very, very tight game throughout.
CLARE BALDING: They are settling | 1:08:27 | 1:08:30 | |
into their Olympic experience, and
standing pretty well on the | 1:08:30 | 1:08:34 | |
leaderboard, Great Britain having
played three, won two and lost one, | 1:08:34 | 1:08:38 | |
and some of those teams including
Sweden with only two games played so | 1:08:38 | 1:08:42 | |
far, but more to come. Jackie
Lockhart has been part of our | 1:08:42 | 1:08:45 | |
commentary team in Pyeongchang, and
she is there. How are you? I'm very | 1:08:45 | 1:08:52 | |
well, thank you very much. I am
missing your company out here. Bless | 1:08:52 | 1:08:59 | |
you. Let's talk about Eve Muirhead.
I see the performance director has | 1:08:59 | 1:09:04 | |
described their performance as
average. Yes, and that is a real | 1:09:04 | 1:09:08 | |
shame, they came out in their first
game and they were clinical, they | 1:09:08 | 1:09:11 | |
played really well, but today they
just didn't bring their A-game | 1:09:11 | 1:09:17 | |
against the USA, and to be fair,
they tried really hard. They tried | 1:09:17 | 1:09:21 | |
to push and push and ask questions
of the USA skip, but every time Eve | 1:09:21 | 1:09:31 | |
asked the question, they had an
answer. It just wasn't going to | 1:09:31 | 1:09:34 | |
happen today. They had the chance to
go to an extra end, and Eve had that | 1:09:34 | 1:09:40 | |
stone right at the end, had landed
in the middle of the house, things | 1:09:40 | 1:09:44 | |
would have been different. Very much
so. A really difficult shot she had | 1:09:44 | 1:09:49 | |
to play. She had to be inch perfect
right on the one foot, or she could | 1:09:49 | 1:09:53 | |
have played the slash across the top
and tried to move those stones out | 1:09:53 | 1:09:57 | |
of the house, but she tried the draw
and it didn't come off, so they are | 1:09:57 | 1:10:00 | |
going to have to put that game to
bed and, later on tonight against | 1:10:00 | 1:10:04 | |
China with a better game. And we
will be joining that game live. | 1:10:04 | 1:10:10 | |
Sometimes it is about resetting your
mind and how quickly you can recover | 1:10:10 | 1:10:15 | |
from a disappointment like that.
Very much so, they have a real team | 1:10:15 | 1:10:18 | |
of support people behind them,
sports psychologist, a great | 1:10:18 | 1:10:22 | |
tactician with Glenn Howard,
four-time world champion himself, so | 1:10:22 | 1:10:25 | |
these girls will just have regrouped
back at the village, looked at all | 1:10:25 | 1:10:29 | |
the shots, and they are very
experience, they are going to come | 1:10:29 | 1:10:34 | |
out strong later on tonight, I'm
convinced of it. You make them | 1:10:34 | 1:10:37 | |
strong favourites to win that game,
do you? Yes. China isn't going to be | 1:10:37 | 1:10:42 | |
an easy game. They had a chance to
win it in the last game and throw it | 1:10:42 | 1:10:52 | |
through the back, gave it away to
OAR, but if you look at the girls | 1:10:52 | 1:10:57 | |
performance on what they can do, if
they believe, they can win this | 1:10:57 | 1:11:01 | |
game. And the major shock, the one
thing we always think, curling is | 1:11:01 | 1:11:07 | |
Canadian, but today they got beaten
by the South Korean team. They did, | 1:11:07 | 1:11:14 | |
and I didn't get the chance to watch
the game because I was concentrating | 1:11:14 | 1:11:18 | |
on ours, but every time I had a
little close look across, there were | 1:11:18 | 1:11:22 | |
lots of stones in play, so that
really was a real shocker, and one | 1:11:22 | 1:11:27 | |
that nobody expected to see. But
let's not forget the Canadians are | 1:11:27 | 1:11:32 | |
very good at coming back, and they
will get stronger as this | 1:11:32 | 1:11:35 | |
competition goes on, so I don't
think we can read a lot into that at | 1:11:35 | 1:11:39 | |
the moment. And the Canadian men are
free from three, the British men are | 1:11:39 | 1:11:42 | |
two from three, they have both
started well. Yes, the Canadian men | 1:11:42 | 1:11:48 | |
actually to be fair were a little
bit shaky, I thought. I thought they | 1:11:48 | 1:11:51 | |
would come out with a stronger
performance, but just as I said | 1:11:51 | 1:12:02 | |
about the girls, Canada, you can
never rest on your laurels, because | 1:12:02 | 1:12:04 | |
they just grow as the competition
goes on. They were kind of | 1:12:04 | 1:12:07 | |
appropriate the beginning, maybe
this ice doesn't swing as much as | 1:12:07 | 1:12:09 | |
they are used to, but it is one to
watch, and let's not write them off. | 1:12:09 | 1:12:13 | |
And if there were marks for artistic
impression in curling, we know the | 1:12:13 | 1:12:17 | |
Norwegian men would get plenty of
them. What have they been wearing | 1:12:17 | 1:12:20 | |
today? We liked their Valentine's
Day outfit yesterday. Today they | 1:12:20 | 1:12:23 | |
were wearing a tropical palm tree
print in blue and white, and it had | 1:12:23 | 1:12:31 | |
a kind of red poppy in it. We can
see it. A little more reserved than | 1:12:31 | 1:12:39 | |
their pink fancy pants from
yesterday for Valentine's Day. But | 1:12:39 | 1:12:44 | |
what wonderful guys were showing of
the sport, and they do it with such | 1:12:44 | 1:12:49 | |
fun and energy, yet with such
professionalism. So wait till we see | 1:12:49 | 1:12:53 | |
what they bring out later. I like
those trousers because they go | 1:12:53 | 1:12:56 | |
better with the red tops, which we
weren't sure the pink did. In terms | 1:12:56 | 1:13:00 | |
of a progress report, for the
British men, are you happy with the | 1:13:00 | 1:13:07 | |
way they have started, and for all
of them it is their first experience | 1:13:07 | 1:13:10 | |
of an Olympic Games? Do you know
what? It is. They are young guys, | 1:13:10 | 1:13:17 | |
this is a huge stage to be
performing on, and if we looked on | 1:13:17 | 1:13:22 | |
paper, I knew they were going to
have a tough start, so to come out | 1:13:22 | 1:13:25 | |
of that with two wins, they beat
Switzerland, they just won their | 1:13:25 | 1:13:29 | |
game this morning, that is a great
start for them. Good stuff, and they | 1:13:29 | 1:13:33 | |
will be in action again at midnight
tonight. Jackie, thank you for now, | 1:13:33 | 1:13:38 | |
keep wrapping up warm, and enjoy it.
I will do, thanks. Let's have a look | 1:13:38 | 1:13:44 | |
at the timetable for what we have
coming up for the rest of this | 1:13:44 | 1:13:47 | |
morning and into the early
afternoon. We are going to be | 1:13:47 | 1:13:52 | |
looking at the first two runs of the
men's skeleton, that is next, in the | 1:13:52 | 1:13:56 | |
company of a woman who started the
whole skeleton revolution here in | 1:13:56 | 1:14:00 | |
Great Britain. Then we will be
reflecting on the women's giant | 1:14:00 | 1:14:04 | |
slalom, and Chemmy will be telling
us about the competitors in that. | 1:14:04 | 1:14:08 | |
Then we go live for that curling
game, China versus GB in the | 1:14:08 | 1:14:12 | |
women's, and then the men's
snowboard cross. We love that, that | 1:14:12 | 1:14:16 | |
is chaotic. So, let's go to the
skeleton. | 1:14:16 | 1:14:25 | |
Laura Deas, one of the fastest
starters in the field. | 1:14:25 | 1:14:36 | |
The name of Dominic Parsons, and boy
can he run. | 1:14:36 | 1:14:48 | |
Lizzy Yarnold is the Olympic
champion, oh, my goodness! | 1:14:48 | 1:14:58 | |
Yes, Lizzy Yarnold is the defending
champion, and Amy Williams won goal | 1:14:58 | 1:15:02 | |
before that, but this is Alex
Coomber who started it all off with | 1:15:02 | 1:15:05 | |
her gold medal from Salt Lake City,
which you have got with you. I have | 1:15:05 | 1:15:09 | |
indeed! | 1:15:09 | 1:15:12 | |
Gray and Jackie Lockhart in the
commentary box. | 1:15:12 | 1:15:18 | |
Most of us did not know what
skeleton was. We thought that was | 1:15:18 | 1:15:24 | |
sliding down a mountain on a
teacher. I must admit I didn't know | 1:15:24 | 1:15:29 | |
what it was. I have my novice week,
I did really well, got selected for | 1:15:29 | 1:15:34 | |
the team, competed in my first World
Cup, the last 20 years have in the | 1:15:34 | 1:15:39 | |
nominal. Did you know it was an
Olympic sport? It wasn't a bad time, | 1:15:39 | 1:15:44 | |
someone said to me the other day,
why didn't I compete in Nagano? And | 1:15:44 | 1:15:49 | |
I thought why didn't I? 2002 was the
first time for men's and women's | 1:15:49 | 1:15:56 | |
skeleton. The men's skeleton had
been on previous occasions, 2002, | 1:15:56 | 1:16:02 | |
the first time for women's skeleton
and bobsleigh. When did you last see | 1:16:02 | 1:16:09 | |
your run from Salt Lake City? I did
a presentation at school last week | 1:16:09 | 1:16:13 | |
for the Olympics, it took me about
six years before I could actually | 1:16:13 | 1:16:18 | |
watch it having done the race. The
cause? Because there'd been quite a | 1:16:18 | 1:16:23 | |
lot of pressure and it built up
quite strongly. Such a massive thing | 1:16:23 | 1:16:28 | |
to happen. I thought I need to step
away from this for a little bit. Is | 1:16:28 | 1:16:34 | |
that why it was your one and only
Olympics? As Chemmy knows, winter | 1:16:34 | 1:16:40 | |
sports or all or nothing, you can't
go down at the weekend and practice, | 1:16:40 | 1:16:44 | |
you can't pick it up when you want,
then stop, you have to be away, out | 1:16:44 | 1:16:51 | |
of the country, six months at a
time, away from your family, it's | 1:16:51 | 1:16:54 | |
hard emotionally, mentally,
physically, and to think of doing | 1:16:54 | 1:17:01 | |
another cycle, to be honest, I had
an Olympic medal, I had 30 World Cup | 1:17:01 | 1:17:07 | |
podium finishes, the British
Championships, World Championships | 1:17:07 | 1:17:10 | |
medal and it's hard to say to
yourself I am going to go out and do | 1:17:10 | 1:17:14 | |
this again. I was satisfied with
what I achieved. I think we are all | 1:17:14 | 1:17:20 | |
pretty satisfied with what you
achieved, we are going to look back | 1:17:20 | 1:17:24 | |
at it, Salt Lake City, 2002, winner
of the Bronze | 1:17:24 | 1:17:32 | |
COMMENTATOR:, Alex Coomber from
Great Britain. Great Britain on the | 1:17:35 | 1:17:41 | |
verge of a medal. As yet, we do not
know what colour it will be. Gold is | 1:17:41 | 1:17:47 | |
on the cards. She is a supreme
competitor as she proved | 1:17:47 | 1:17:53 | |
consistently over the last three
years. Here she goes for the last | 1:17:53 | 1:17:57 | |
time. Still the Americans to come.
Starting off well. Pretty good | 1:17:57 | 1:18:04 | |
start. | 1:18:04 | 1:18:05 | |
This snow absolutely throwing itself
down on this course, going to be a | 1:18:09 | 1:18:15 | |
clean run. She has dropped a second.
The German leads, can she ride the | 1:18:15 | 1:18:21 | |
course well? This could be a
situation which will be nerve | 1:18:21 | 1:18:26 | |
tingling as it always has been with
Alex, back in first, can she hang | 1:18:26 | 1:18:31 | |
on? She took a real big hit, almost
the same position as in the first | 1:18:31 | 1:18:37 | |
run, still in first place, getting
faster. Come on, keep it going | 1:18:37 | 1:18:43 | |
cleanly, dropped a little, into the
finish, the last chance, she is in | 1:18:43 | 1:18:48 | |
first place, Great Britain has a
medal! Such relief for the team. | 1:18:48 | 1:18:56 | |
Points 16 head, that does not
matter. An Olympic medal. Something | 1:18:56 | 1:19:02 | |
she has not managed to achieve in
major championships, she has cracked | 1:19:02 | 1:19:09 | |
that one. | 1:19:09 | 1:19:10 | |
STUDIO: difficult conditions. It was
snowing really hard. | 1:19:20 | 1:19:23 | |
STUDIO: difficult conditions. It was
snowing really hard. Day 13 was the | 1:19:23 | 1:19:29 | |
only day it snowed in Salt Lake
City, I am a small slider, I did not | 1:19:29 | 1:19:33 | |
have much weight, to get through the
snow, it changes the way you slide | 1:19:33 | 1:19:38 | |
the track. We had training in
beautiful sunshine, I had not raised | 1:19:38 | 1:19:42 | |
in the snow on that track ever, we
turned up in completely new | 1:19:42 | 1:19:47 | |
conditions, new track, speed,
steering. If we have a look at how | 1:19:47 | 1:19:54 | |
women have performed in skeleton,
you lead the way with your Bronze | 1:19:54 | 1:19:58 | |
medal. Since then, a silver medal
from Shelley Rudman, gold from Amy | 1:19:58 | 1:20:05 | |
Williams and Lizzy Yarnold, who is
trying to become the first British | 1:20:05 | 1:20:09 | |
athlete ever to successfully defend
a Winter Olympics title and that is | 1:20:09 | 1:20:13 | |
a very impressive list of results.
The other impressive thing, Laura | 1:20:13 | 1:20:19 | |
Deas are pushing Lizzy Yarnold, both
posting good training times, they | 1:20:19 | 1:20:23 | |
start tomorrow. Laura has done
really well in the World Cup. | 1:20:23 | 1:20:27 | |
Finishing above Lizzy Yarnold, in
the top ten in most of the races, | 1:20:27 | 1:20:33 | |
they work well together, both
strong, this track suits a British | 1:20:33 | 1:20:39 | |
slider, it's a new track, not many
people know the way of the curves | 1:20:39 | 1:20:43 | |
and everything, it's not like a
German in Germany or an Austrian in | 1:20:43 | 1:20:48 | |
Austria, far more of a level playing
field and as the Brits, we don't | 1:20:48 | 1:20:52 | |
have our own track, that suits us,
we are going dude at going out to | 1:20:52 | 1:20:59 | |
somewhere, learning and unfamiliar
track. All the team members have | 1:20:59 | 1:21:04 | |
said that. All the fuss about the
suits that have been passed. As we | 1:21:04 | 1:21:09 | |
knew they would be. Of course. It's
come down to race time. Cope with | 1:21:09 | 1:21:15 | |
the track, pressure, the world is
watching Team GB in skeleton because | 1:21:15 | 1:21:21 | |
we are a force to be reckoned with.
They love the fact there is four | 1:21:21 | 1:21:26 | |
runs in the Olympic sliding,
normally two in World Cups, Lizzy | 1:21:26 | 1:21:31 | |
Yarnold likes the fact there is more
pressure for every run. The | 1:21:31 | 1:21:36 | |
attention in the skeleton has always
been on the women but can the main | 1:21:36 | 1:21:42 | |
feature? Dom Parsons and Jerry Rice
featuring, Dominic featuring in | 1:21:42 | 1:21:47 | |
training, let's pick up the
commentary. Amy Williams joining | 1:21:47 | 1:21:51 | |
John Jackson and John Hunt. | 1:21:51 | 1:21:53 | |
COMMENTATOR:. The favourite for
gold. | 1:21:58 | 1:22:09 | |
gold. Yun Sungbin. Listen to the
raw. Had an unbelievable clash with | 1:22:11 | 1:22:23 | |
Dukurs. You will see the difference
in his sliding compared with the | 1:22:23 | 1:22:30 | |
others. A lot cleaner. You don't see
much going on on the sled. The last | 1:22:30 | 1:22:37 | |
two sliders that came down the
left-hand group on your TV screen, a | 1:22:37 | 1:22:43 | |
little bit of a wobble, the lines
are perfect, the helmet this guy | 1:22:43 | 1:22:49 | |
has, brilliant, look at the lead.
Going to smash them out. He will be | 1:22:49 | 1:22:55 | |
the one to set the standard, we
expected this, clean and fast and | 1:22:55 | 1:23:01 | |
he's offered a second quicker than
anyone else. Track record. | 1:23:01 | 1:23:10 | |
Next up, young, for Germany. --
Jungk. Starting with his hand in the | 1:23:12 | 1:23:27 | |
middle, that is a risky option. Can
that happen? Yes, these athletes | 1:23:27 | 1:23:33 | |
train so hard on their start and you
hope it's a good groove cut out. You | 1:23:33 | 1:23:40 | |
have to do what you feel
comfortable, whether you feel more | 1:23:40 | 1:23:44 | |
comfortable running on the right or
left and fought groove are you going | 1:23:44 | 1:23:47 | |
to choose. He has to be careful,
make sure his core is strong, and | 1:23:47 | 1:23:53 | |
not putting too much weight on the
handle, Germany getting some clean | 1:23:53 | 1:23:57 | |
rides so far. Using his feet. To toe
tap, change the angle of the sled. | 1:23:57 | 1:24:06 | |
Looking good but his time relative
to Jungk, way off, perhaps | 1:24:06 | 1:24:10 | |
illustrating how good Jungk was. A
high-class athlete. Made to look | 1:24:10 | 1:24:19 | |
ordinary by Yun Sungbin. Dukurs
beaten by a Canadian in Sochi. Now | 1:24:19 | 1:24:28 | |
he tries again. Fourth Olympic
Games. The narrative here, is he | 1:24:28 | 1:24:31 | |
going to be beaten by a Korean?
Absolutely fantastic to watch, | 1:24:31 | 1:24:38 | |
power, then relaxes, his feet dart
to the left very early. Jacko, | 1:24:38 | 1:24:46 | |
usually he is absolutely mustered. A
lot of people coming out of the | 1:24:46 | 1:24:51 | |
left-hand groove, seems to give them
a little bit of issues, they are | 1:24:51 | 1:24:56 | |
struggling to control the sled.
Between him and the Korean, it's for | 1:24:56 | 1:25:02 | |
gold and silver. Bronze is
potentially up for grabs with | 1:25:02 | 1:25:07 | |
anybody else. Just made a little
mistake, will bat be the difference? | 1:25:07 | 1:25:16 | |
Normally so good at finding speed on
this track, let's see how | 1:25:16 | 1:25:19 | |
unforgiving this track is. Probably
going to go second, Dukurs, he | 1:25:19 | 1:25:26 | |
dropped right off. Jungk stays ahead
of him. Yun Sungbin with that | 1:25:26 | 1:25:35 | |
devastating first-run already has a
massive advantage over his key | 1:25:35 | 1:25:38 | |
competitors. Can any of this next
wave of athletes do anything about | 1:25:38 | 1:25:45 | |
this amazing lead that Yun Sungbin
has already? The Olympic Athletes | 1:25:45 | 1:25:50 | |
from Russia, 23 years old, this man,
yesterday. Four time world champion, | 1:25:50 | 1:26:01 | |
coming into these Olympic Games
ranked number five in the world. | 1:26:01 | 1:26:05 | |
Quality athlete. Clearly up there in
the rankings with nothing to lose. | 1:26:05 | 1:26:11 | |
Let's just see how he does, so far,
looking like he has some really good | 1:26:11 | 1:26:16 | |
lines down this track, all about
getting the oscillation, the highs | 1:26:16 | 1:26:22 | |
and lows of the corner, what you are
trying to do with each corner is | 1:26:22 | 1:26:27 | |
cancelled them out, no real highs or
knows, keep the fastest line. Corner | 1:26:27 | 1:26:32 | |
looking good. Clean line into 13,
got to hold it together for the | 1:26:32 | 1:26:40 | |
uphill section coming through. As
long as he doesn't make any | 1:26:40 | 1:26:43 | |
mistakes, he will go second. Pretty
decent run, there he is, into | 1:26:43 | 1:26:48 | |
second. Behind Yun Sungbin, three
tenths the hind him. Dom Parsons | 1:26:48 | 1:26:57 | |
goes next, Great Britain, the 30
year rule from London, his second | 1:26:57 | 1:27:01 | |
Olympic Games, been flying in
training, Tyne Amy Williams to put | 1:27:01 | 1:27:05 | |
that into practice. Deep breath, the
nerves are here. -- Timon Amy | 1:27:05 | 1:27:12 | |
Williams. | 1:27:12 | 1:27:12 | |
Good runs out Winter Berg and Saint
Moritz. Get a good start. We could | 1:27:15 | 1:27:25 | |
be in for a really excellent 50
seconds. Not too bad, not brilliant, | 1:27:25 | 1:27:31 | |
could be extra tension in his legs,
got on really well with this track | 1:27:31 | 1:27:36 | |
in training, but it is race day. The
pressure of the runs. So far, not | 1:27:36 | 1:27:44 | |
looking too bad, his legs are a
little bit all over the place, | 1:27:44 | 1:27:48 | |
having to fight a bit, let's hope he
stays relaxed. Good line, slightly | 1:27:48 | 1:27:54 | |
different than those going into
corner 12, this is the part of the | 1:27:54 | 1:27:58 | |
track he needs to hold it together,
a little clip which probably will | 1:27:58 | 1:28:04 | |
cost him, the uphill section into
14. Still going to be top ten, may | 1:28:04 | 1:28:09 | |
be nearer five or six, he is better
than that. Into fourth. Gone ahead | 1:28:09 | 1:28:19 | |
of the magnificent Two, less than a
10th of a second off the bronze | 1:28:19 | 1:28:22 | |
medal position. This is what we have
seen, when he has got it right he is | 1:28:22 | 1:28:31 | |
faster than the chorion. He has to
mail the technical part. Exit nine, | 1:28:31 | 1:28:36 | |
down the street, move himself into
the bronze medal position. Next up | 1:28:36 | 1:28:43 | |
will be the second Briton, Jerry
Rice. Rated 19 in the world. His | 1:28:43 | 1:28:49 | |
first Olympic Games. Reading if you
of his biographies, he sounds like a | 1:28:49 | 1:28:56 | |
bit of a character, likes fun and
games but now his Olympic Games get | 1:28:56 | 1:28:59 | |
serious. He did a team-building fun
I was part of the GB setup and he is | 1:28:59 | 1:29:08 | |
a really nice guy. Sled a lot in San
Moritz. Great start. Has to stay | 1:29:08 | 1:29:19 | |
cool, calm and collected. But
looking really good. 19th in the | 1:29:19 | 1:29:25 | |
World Championships last year. Going
very well. Lovely first half. One of | 1:29:25 | 1:29:30 | |
these sliders. When he gets it
right, he can put himself in the | 1:29:30 | 1:29:35 | |
mix. A little bit late. He just
needed to put his head down a | 1:29:35 | 1:29:40 | |
little. Looking too much at the next
corner but this looks like a really, | 1:29:40 | 1:29:45 | |
really good run. Could easily be top
ten, round two 16, wonderful run, | 1:29:45 | 1:29:52 | |
goes 10th! Yun Sungbin a big leader.
Dom Parsons a share of fifth stop | 1:29:52 | 1:30:00 | |
11th, Jerry Rice. Some real victims
to be fired over the next ten | 1:30:00 | 1:30:07 | |
minutes. Dukurs, fourth in Sochi and
Vancouver. Make no mistake, his | 1:30:07 | 1:30:17 | |
brother is the headline of the
double act but this man wants to get | 1:30:17 | 1:30:20 | |
involved. | 1:30:20 | 1:30:25 | |
He is really wanting this, get down
fast, hold it together. It is really | 1:30:32 | 1:30:38 | |
steep to start with, then a flat
section between four and five, you | 1:30:38 | 1:30:41 | |
have to keep it together, get a
perfect exit line down this | 1:30:41 | 1:30:46 | |
straight, he is just letting it
drift but he knows how to control it | 1:30:46 | 1:30:49 | |
into the 12th corner. One thing the
Latvians do have, a beautiful style, | 1:30:49 | 1:30:55 | |
nice and relaxed, and they just let
the corners do the work for them. | 1:30:55 | 1:31:00 | |
His shoulders haven't once lifted
off the sled. Down in first place, | 1:31:00 | 1:31:08 | |
impressive time. So impressive,
three tenths of a second quicker | 1:31:08 | 1:31:11 | |
than his first run, and that will
shoot him well forward. He was | 1:31:11 | 1:31:15 | |
already beautifully sat in second
place, and that is now what Dom | 1:31:15 | 1:31:20 | |
Parsons has got to do. He is next
for Great Britain. Here he is, | 1:31:20 | 1:31:27 | |
second run. Tomass Dukurs has just
throwing down a big statement run. | 1:31:27 | 1:31:32 | |
The same start time as his other
one, a very consistent slider, just | 1:31:32 | 1:31:37 | |
have to keep it together. He went
50.85 in the first run, and 50 .7, | 1:31:37 | 1:31:46 | |
given what we have just seen from
Tomass Dukurs would be fantastic | 1:31:46 | 1:31:50 | |
here. He has also been fast when he
hasn't quite got it right, and his | 1:31:50 | 1:31:55 | |
first run wasn't quite right in
places, but this is where it counts. | 1:31:55 | 1:31:59 | |
That is one of the best lines we
have seen, so is he now going to | 1:31:59 | 1:32:04 | |
start pulling himself forward
towards the medals and forget about | 1:32:04 | 1:32:07 | |
the Latvians behind him? This is
what we need. He is catching Tomass | 1:32:07 | 1:32:13 | |
Dukurs Nehra. Looking smooth to the
finish, and Dom Parsons goes to the | 1:32:13 | 1:32:17 | |
front. What a finish that was! And
he has done exactly what Dukurs did, | 1:32:17 | 1:32:24 | |
and that puts pressure on those
above him. The medal chase for | 1:32:24 | 1:32:28 | |
Britain is on here. | 1:32:28 | 1:32:33 | |
Also in equal fifth place, Martins
Dukurs, the legendary Martins | 1:32:33 | 1:32:39 | |
Dukurs, twice won a silver medal at
the Olympic Games, and now he is | 1:32:39 | 1:32:44 | |
going to have to try to chase down
Parsons. He has had the fastest push | 1:32:44 | 1:32:49 | |
of the day, jointly with the Korean,
and these guys are now just going | 1:32:49 | 1:32:55 | |
for it. Medals are up for grabs,
they know they want to go into the | 1:32:55 | 1:33:00 | |
next day of races as fast as they
can. He looks like he is losing a | 1:33:00 | 1:33:05 | |
lot of time to Dom at the top of the
track, but is there enough track | 1:33:05 | 1:33:14 | |
left for Dom Parsons to rein in the
legendary Latvian speeder? | 1:33:14 | 1:33:23 | |
Around the 15 final curve, only
three hundredths in it. Can you | 1:33:23 | 1:33:30 | |
believe Dom Parsons is only three
hundredths of the magnificent | 1:33:30 | 1:33:34 | |
Martins Dukurs? He knows how close
ears. Make no mistake, he is in the | 1:33:34 | 1:33:38 | |
mix here. | 1:33:38 | 1:33:43 | |
Currently in second place, the
Olympic athlete of Russia, this is | 1:33:43 | 1:33:47 | |
Nick de | 1:33:47 | 1:33:53 | |
Nick de Jager Bob -- this is Nikita
Tregubov, it was his birthday | 1:33:53 | 1:34:02 | |
yesterday, and I hope his
celebrations were not too heavy | 1:34:02 | 1:34:04 | |
because he needs a good run here.
Solid start time in fifth place, so | 1:34:04 | 1:34:09 | |
the start of the pushchair is so
important. These athletes train that | 1:34:09 | 1:34:13 | |
whole lives, also, to really get as
fast and strong as they can, that | 1:34:13 | 1:34:18 | |
explosiveness off the blocks, and
then they have to learn how to slide | 1:34:18 | 1:34:22 | |
and drive and know how to feel
comfortable on the sled. Just using | 1:34:22 | 1:34:27 | |
his feet to steer through that
section of ten and 11, good clean | 1:34:27 | 1:34:31 | |
lines. He has not made any major
mistakes, I think we are going to | 1:34:31 | 1:34:37 | |
see him with a fast time here. No
mistake, Nikita Tregubov is a | 1:34:37 | 1:34:45 | |
contender for sure, and he is over a
tenth of a second ahead of Dukurs, | 1:34:45 | 1:34:56 | |
and ahead of Parsons. The Korean
Sungbin Yun will be the last ago. We | 1:34:56 | 1:35:03 | |
have been talking about hundredths
of a second, tenths of a second, | 1:35:03 | 1:35:07 | |
this guy after the first run was
three tenths of a second clear of | 1:35:07 | 1:35:11 | |
anybody else. If he can put that in
again, we could already half but the | 1:35:11 | 1:35:16 | |
gold around his neck. And there you
are, his start time, I could hear | 1:35:16 | 1:35:24 | |
the phenomenal start time, a
season's record. This is great. This | 1:35:24 | 1:35:31 | |
is what he has come to do, and new
start record and it wouldn't | 1:35:31 | 1:35:35 | |
surprise me to see a new track
record as well. He is going to open | 1:35:35 | 1:35:39 | |
the taps, but the afterburners on.
You can see him lifting his | 1:35:39 | 1:35:42 | |
shoulders, he doesn't look quite
subtle, but it is working. Seven | 1:35:42 | 1:35:50 | |
hundredths in the lead. Seven
tenths, the league! And growing all | 1:35:50 | 1:35:53 | |
the time as well. No mistakes, a
little bit of steering with his | 1:35:53 | 1:35:58 | |
right foot, magnificent. 74
hundredths, and a new track record, | 1:35:58 | 1:36:05 | |
you can hear the crowds outside,
absolutely spectacular run. He was | 1:36:05 | 1:36:11 | |
using his feet, so he wasn't
thinking he was on the perfect | 1:36:11 | 1:36:13 | |
lines, but that is how to slide this
track, 50.07. It is incredible, he | 1:36:13 | 1:36:22 | |
has come for business. Sungbin Yun
has taken the first two runs a here | 1:36:22 | 1:36:27 | |
in Pyeongchang, and is massive
favourite to now go on and win gold. | 1:36:27 | 1:36:33 | |
But the great news for Great Britain
is that there are five others going | 1:36:33 | 1:36:37 | |
to chase the other two medals, and
Britain's Dom Parsons in fourth | 1:36:37 | 1:36:41 | |
place is one of those. He has put
himself in a great position, as | 1:36:41 | 1:36:46 | |
Jerry Rice is 12th. Bobbie let's get
the views of Alex Coomber. | 1:36:46 | 1:36:52 | |
Most home tracks give a massive
advantage, because that athletes can | 1:37:00 | 1:37:05 | |
train way more times there that
other nations can. If you go for a | 1:37:05 | 1:37:09 | |
World Cup, you might get six
training runs maximum. If you are in | 1:37:09 | 1:37:12 | |
the country, you can train months of
time. So he will have made sure he | 1:37:12 | 1:37:18 | |
has a lot of advantage from that.
Dom Parsons, he is just on the edge, | 1:37:18 | 1:37:22 | |
he needs to improve a little bit
more. He could get a medal. Talk us | 1:37:22 | 1:37:27 | |
through his second run, and
particularly his start. | 1:37:27 | 1:37:31 | |
Unfortunately for Dom, I'm not quite
sure what is going on at the moment. | 1:37:31 | 1:37:34 | |
Here he is at the start, but he was
quite slow, 4.88, if which you | 1:37:34 | 1:37:43 | |
compare it to Sungbin Yun, 4.59, he
is losing three tenths of a second | 1:37:43 | 1:37:52 | |
start. He is not working the sled
too hard, relaxing, not going to | 1:37:52 | 1:37:58 | |
high into the corners, not going in
coming out too late, and what that | 1:37:58 | 1:38:02 | |
means is he is not having to steer
very much at all, and the less | 1:38:02 | 1:38:05 | |
steering you can do, the the run.
Quite often you see the men being | 1:38:05 | 1:38:11 | |
very physical, a lot of movement in
the legs and feet compared to the | 1:38:11 | 1:38:13 | |
women. This is that I have noticed
in the past as well, the men try to | 1:38:13 | 1:38:19 | |
fight their way down the track, they
try to beat the track, whereas the | 1:38:19 | 1:38:22 | |
women tend to trust the track a bit
more and relax and go with it. And | 1:38:22 | 1:38:26 | |
that does make a big difference,
because as I say you don't want to | 1:38:26 | 1:38:29 | |
be slowing yourself down by
steering. The good thing about this | 1:38:29 | 1:38:33 | |
run is he had a top speed out of
everyone, 80.9 miles per hour, the | 1:38:33 | 1:38:40 | |
only athlete to break the 130
kilometres per hour barrier, so if | 1:38:40 | 1:38:44 | |
he can improve on his start, he has
a good chance. And it is also | 1:38:44 | 1:38:49 | |
starting to believe as well. This
isn't a position that he has been in | 1:38:49 | 1:38:53 | |
before at an Olympic Games. Not even
in World Cups he has that close to | 1:38:53 | 1:38:58 | |
challenge. He has been on the podium
in a World Cup, but he was eighth at | 1:38:58 | 1:39:02 | |
the last Olympics, so he is
definitely time to progress his way | 1:39:02 | 1:39:05 | |
up the field. He has been doing that
occasionally, but in the big life of | 1:39:05 | 1:39:10 | |
the elegance, that is something
completely different. And to | 1:39:10 | 1:39:13 | |
transition those training ones where
he was really fast and an underdog | 1:39:13 | 1:39:21 | |
into that, that was impressive. He
got a lot of media attention | 1:39:21 | 1:39:23 | |
quickly, because he was fast, but
you don't know what the other | 1:39:23 | 1:39:27 | |
athletes were doing. And you are
saying about that track, it takes a | 1:39:27 | 1:39:31 | |
lot of understanding, and a fair bit
of manoeuvring. This track is a | 1:39:31 | 1:39:37 | |
drivers track, there are some in the
world where you could take Linford | 1:39:37 | 1:39:41 | |
Christie, he could blast of the top
and hold on a get down, probably do | 1:39:41 | 1:39:44 | |
quite well, but you can't do this on
this track. You have got to be over | 1:39:44 | 1:39:48 | |
to drive it. If you're not able to
drive, you will crash and have bad | 1:39:48 | 1:39:53 | |
experiences. But equally he needs
more speed up the top. He need a bit | 1:39:53 | 1:39:57 | |
of Linford | 1:39:57 | 1:39:58 | |
more speed up the top. He need a bit
of Linford! If he could find a | 1:39:58 | 1:40:02 | |
tense, maybe, I think he has a
massive opportunities. And that is | 1:40:02 | 1:40:05 | |
surely easy to win, start? If he is
excelling with a driving on all | 1:40:05 | 1:40:10 | |
these difficult corners, a little
bit of power other started | 1:40:10 | 1:40:13 | |
everything could change. That is
what makes this track so exciting. A | 1:40:13 | 1:40:16 | |
lot of tracks you could say even if
you had a too tense lead, it is | 1:40:16 | 1:40:20 | |
taken as read that that person will
win. -- a two tenths lead. His third | 1:40:20 | 1:40:28 | |
run is at 12:30pm, and medals
decided from 2:15am, and this time | 1:40:28 | 1:40:34 | |
tomorrow morning we could be sitting
here with a British medal in the | 1:40:34 | 1:40:37 | |
bag, and hopefully more to come
because the winner will be Goering | 1:40:37 | 1:40:39 | |
at this time tomorrow for their
first runs, -- gearing up for their | 1:40:39 | 1:40:47 | |
first runs. Lizzy Yarnold is the
defending champion, but what about | 1:40:47 | 1:40:52 | |
Laura Deas, our other contender?
Nick Hope went to see her and knows | 1:40:52 | 1:40:57 | |
that she is ready for liftoff. | 1:40:57 | 1:41:00 | |
You never quite know what is going
to happen. It is down to you in that | 1:41:08 | 1:41:13 | |
moment. Nobody else. | 1:41:13 | 1:41:20 | |
moment. Nobody else. Talk about not
feeling like a skeleton athlete, you | 1:41:20 | 1:41:22 | |
won't always a skeleton athlete? You
had quite a different background? It | 1:41:22 | 1:41:26 | |
was unusual in the fact that I came
from an equestrian background. How | 1:41:26 | 1:41:30 | |
big a switch was that? Your whole
mindset must have changed. I had | 1:41:30 | 1:41:35 | |
never been in a gym environment that
before, I had literally never | 1:41:35 | 1:41:39 | |
stepped inside a gym until I was put
through my paces the Skeleton | 1:41:39 | 1:41:42 | |
trials, so it was a shock for my
body. And the focus also was | 1:41:42 | 1:41:49 | |
because, when I was the rider, it
was about how is the horse feeling, | 1:41:49 | 1:41:53 | |
how are they moving, what is
happening underneath me? And all of | 1:41:53 | 1:41:56 | |
a sudden it's about how am I feeling
and what am I doing. There are a lot | 1:41:56 | 1:42:01 | |
of parallels, but that sensitivity
with what is happening underneath | 1:42:01 | 1:42:03 | |
you, having to plan the route, think
quickly, all of those things | 1:42:03 | 1:42:08 | |
transfer really well, so in some
ways it was quite a good crossover. | 1:42:08 | 1:42:14 | |
How much does your relationship with
Lizzy help? To work together must | 1:42:14 | 1:42:19 | |
help you both perform. It is good to
have summary to work with who | 1:42:19 | 1:42:24 | |
understand everything you are going
through, if you have a tough session | 1:42:24 | 1:42:27 | |
together or a tough day at the track
together, there is somebody you can | 1:42:27 | 1:42:30 | |
go and have a cup of tea together
and talk about it, which is really | 1:42:30 | 1:42:34 | |
nice. And I think we push each other
in a really positive way as well. As | 1:42:34 | 1:42:38 | |
soon as we step on the track, we are
super competitive and we both want | 1:42:38 | 1:42:42 | |
to win, and I think the fact that we
are both seeing ourselves and each | 1:42:42 | 1:42:46 | |
other and podium contenders means we
are constantly pushing each other | 1:42:46 | 1:42:49 | |
forward as well, but we are both
part of a wider team, and every body | 1:42:49 | 1:42:54 | |
tries to bring their A-game on race
day. There has been so much British | 1:42:54 | 1:43:00 | |
success in Skeleton a recent
Olympics. Have you watched on whilst | 1:43:00 | 1:43:04 | |
Amy Williams has won marigold, and
Lizzy Yarnold in 2014? I remember | 1:43:04 | 1:43:09 | |
very vividly sitting and watching
Amy do her first two runs in | 1:43:09 | 1:43:13 | |
Vancouver, and I remember feeling
this powerful feeling that I was in | 1:43:13 | 1:43:20 | |
this same programme as this athlete
currently leading the Olympics, and | 1:43:20 | 1:43:25 | |
if she could do it than I can as
well. On the fact that Lizzy went on | 1:43:25 | 1:43:31 | |
to do the same thing reinforce that,
so it is exciting. And for you, what | 1:43:31 | 1:43:35 | |
do you feel is possible? I
definitely feel that I can go and | 1:43:35 | 1:43:38 | |
win a medal. I have beaten every
single person in that field, so I | 1:43:38 | 1:43:44 | |
know that if things go right and I
bring my a game, then I could be on | 1:43:44 | 1:43:49 | |
the podium. She knows it even more
now, because her training times have | 1:43:49 | 1:43:53 | |
been very good. She is right there.
Lizzy has been improving, getting | 1:43:53 | 1:44:00 | |
faster and faster, but law is
capable of winning a medal. She | 1:44:00 | 1:44:03 | |
hasn't really had the limelight
before so I hope the pressure | 1:44:03 | 1:44:06 | |
doesn't get to her, she hasn't had
the position where every body is | 1:44:06 | 1:44:09 | |
looking at her and see if she can do
it and prove a point, so hopefully | 1:44:09 | 1:44:13 | |
she just needs to stay strong and
remember what she could do, which is | 1:44:13 | 1:44:17 | |
start really well, drive really well
and keep her head, and I think she | 1:44:17 | 1:44:20 | |
has a great chance to be one of
those, you would expect at her name | 1:44:20 | 1:44:25 | |
to be there and she might be there
at the end. How did you control it? | 1:44:25 | 1:44:28 | |
When you are standing at the top of
your first Olympic run, it has got | 1:44:28 | 1:44:31 | |
to feel different, the whole thing
looks different. It was quite | 1:44:31 | 1:44:36 | |
strange, even from the opening
ceremony I can remember standing | 1:44:36 | 1:44:38 | |
there, we were outside the stadium
and coming in, and I'm thinking, | 1:44:38 | 1:44:42 | |
this is really weird, this is just
like the Olympics. And to try to say | 1:44:42 | 1:44:46 | |
to yourself, it isn't like the
Olympics, it is actually the | 1:44:46 | 1:44:50 | |
Olympics. And that stayed with me
all the way through, because a week | 1:44:50 | 1:44:53 | |
before I had been to Bob track
racing skeleton with all these | 1:44:53 | 1:44:56 | |
people, and here I was again doing
it again with these people, but | 1:44:56 | 1:44:59 | |
there were lots of crowds. So I'm
not sure I really got the enormity | 1:44:59 | 1:45:04 | |
of it at the time. I think it takes
a little while afterwards future | 1:45:04 | 1:45:07 | |
relies that this is something really
significant special. And Laura made | 1:45:07 | 1:45:11 | |
reference to it, Chemmy, the joy of
having a team-mate with you, and | 1:45:11 | 1:45:16 | |
sadly you didn't have the luxury of
that most of the time you are | 1:45:16 | 1:45:19 | |
racing, somebody with you from your
country was understanding and | 1:45:19 | 1:45:22 | |
supportive and is your friend. It is
tough at the top, and they are going | 1:45:22 | 1:45:26 | |
through these emotions of
excitement, disappointment, success, | 1:45:26 | 1:45:29 | |
and they can share all that, and it
is the first time we have a two | 1:45:29 | 1:45:33 | |
females at the top of Skeleton
working so closely together, and | 1:45:33 | 1:45:35 | |
look at what it is doing to them. In
this high-pressure environment, they | 1:45:35 | 1:45:40 | |
have got each other to disclose
their fears, because there are | 1:45:40 | 1:45:43 | |
fears, especially when you have done
well in training runs. You want to | 1:45:43 | 1:45:47 | |
say to someone, I am scared I would
deliver on race day. And your friend | 1:45:47 | 1:45:51 | |
is saying the same back to you, so
it is nice to have that. And it is | 1:45:51 | 1:45:55 | |
now eight o'clock in the evening in
South Korea, so they are getting to | 1:45:55 | 1:45:58 | |
that couple of hours we are going to
going to go to bed and tomorrow | 1:45:58 | 1:46:01 | |
morning when we up, this is our
chance. And at 11:20am tomorrow, UK | 1:46:01 | 1:46:07 | |
time, that is when you need to be
watching this programme. That will | 1:46:07 | 1:46:13 | |
be there first and second runs, and
then come Saturday, we have got a | 1:46:13 | 1:46:17 | |
whole, one hopes, let's hope the
first two runs a red tie, we have | 1:46:17 | 1:46:22 | |
both Lizzy and Laura going again,
and Elise Christie as well, | 1:46:22 | 1:46:29 | |
hopefully a great Saturday morning. | 1:46:29 | 1:46:35 | |
double act but this man wants to get
involved. | 1:46:35 | 1:46:37 | |
The Jamaican OB slave women, the
coach has been sacked. -- the | 1:46:37 | 1:46:49 | |
Jamaican bobsleigh women... She was
a hugely destructive force, that is | 1:46:51 | 1:46:59 | |
from the Jamaican bobsleigh
President. Actually she has worked | 1:46:59 | 1:47:05 | |
really well with the athletes, the
latest is that she has actually left | 1:47:05 | 1:47:09 | |
the camp, she was saying she was
going to take the bobsleigh with | 1:47:09 | 1:47:12 | |
her. Sandra is her name, she is
German and won a medal in Turing, | 1:47:12 | 1:47:19 | |
she said it was her bob, she could
take it with, this is still to be | 1:47:19 | 1:47:25 | |
discussed. It's so sad for the
actual girls themselves. What are | 1:47:25 | 1:47:32 | |
they going to do. It has all come
down to now, I would have liked it | 1:47:32 | 1:47:37 | |
to be resolved in a different way.
Alex, you are on tonight. Yes. Hope | 1:47:37 | 1:47:47 | |
to see you then. The curling is just
about to start. We will be there | 1:47:47 | 1:47:56 | |
shortly, live, here is the British
team, the four of them, really | 1:47:56 | 1:48:01 | |
experienced, working well together,
the car relaxed Vicky Adams is. They | 1:48:01 | 1:48:06 | |
smile so much, Anna Sloan is the one
playing those keystones before she | 1:48:06 | 1:48:13 | |
hands the hammer to Eve Muirhead,
they need a win having lost against | 1:48:13 | 1:48:18 | |
the US a this morning. They have got
to win the game against China, we | 1:48:18 | 1:48:24 | |
will be there later, the Alpine
programme has kicked off armour we | 1:48:24 | 1:48:30 | |
are spoiled for riches. We are going
to talk about the women's giant | 1:48:30 | 1:48:34 | |
slalom. Top to us about Alex Tilley.
She is an the form of her life. -- | 1:48:34 | 1:48:43 | |
Tok to us. She pushed herself. The
only link | 1:48:43 | 1:48:50 | |
Tok to us. She pushed herself. The
only link turned, a little bit of | 1:48:50 | 1:48:53 | |
pressure underneath the gate but her
technique is spot-on. Using the | 1:48:53 | 1:48:57 | |
terrain really well, getting their
skis working like a pendulum. From | 1:48:57 | 1:49:02 | |
here down, the line went slightly,
she is doing too much underneath the | 1:49:02 | 1:49:09 | |
gate, she is still digging. The
blink of an eye, she comes through | 1:49:09 | 1:49:16 | |
the banana gate, knows she has to
carry the speed from steep to flat. | 1:49:16 | 1:49:23 | |
She had a little bit too much
pressure on the tail of the ski. It | 1:49:23 | 1:49:27 | |
flipped really fast. Steep and I
see. You cannot control that, you | 1:49:27 | 1:49:33 | |
have got to charge this key, bend
the ski after, too many forces, you | 1:49:33 | 1:49:41 | |
see it, it catches, there is no
coming back from that. What a shame. | 1:49:41 | 1:49:47 | |
You have got to finish first run to
have a chance of going in the | 1:49:47 | 1:49:51 | |
second. She would have been in the
top 30. You get the benefit of a | 1:49:51 | 1:49:57 | |
clean course skiing first on the
second run. She has got the slalom | 1:49:57 | 1:50:03 | |
to come. Angus crossed. Let's have a
look at the three who posted the | 1:50:03 | 1:50:09 | |
fastest times. -- fingers crossed.
Super clean track. One thing I | 1:50:09 | 1:50:23 | |
thought that Manuela did well, so
much rain. Steep flats, rollers in | 1:50:23 | 1:50:29 | |
the middle. So smooth. A mistake at
the end. In terms of a top to bottom | 1:50:29 | 1:50:38 | |
rung, solid and clean, setting the
market. She looks like she bends | 1:50:38 | 1:50:42 | |
with the movement. A really light
athlete. Here is Michaela Shifrin. | 1:50:42 | 1:50:50 | |
The slalom got postponed. Her first
chance to lay down a marker. She | 1:50:50 | 1:51:00 | |
looks really strong. She made some
line errors. So soft and supple, so | 1:51:00 | 1:51:08 | |
if fish and. But she said afterwards
she kept something back, she knew | 1:51:08 | 1:51:14 | |
she could go harder, this was the
Olympic Games, she was prepared to | 1:51:14 | 1:51:17 | |
put it all on the line. Italy did
well. | 1:51:17 | 1:51:33 | |
Bignoni showed her strength across
the disciplines. She stop before the | 1:51:39 | 1:51:42 | |
finish line. That is a real Ricky
mistake. That is what that noise | 1:51:42 | 1:51:49 | |
was. I think it was someone in the
crowd with a would-be cushion. | 1:51:49 | 1:51:53 | |
Exactly. Now they go in reverse
order. This top 30 reversed, the | 1:51:53 | 1:51:59 | |
girls who want the first run,
unfamiliar territory, going to stand | 1:51:59 | 1:52:06 | |
there and wait and watch the skiers
before her. Michaela Shifrin more | 1:52:06 | 1:52:12 | |
comfortable with that position. I am
not sure if the Italian can control | 1:52:12 | 1:52:18 | |
the nerves in the biggest race of
her life. Now let's go to the | 1:52:18 | 1:52:24 | |
commentary from Matt Chilton. | 1:52:24 | 1:52:30 | |
COMMENTATOR: Bignoni in third.
Michaela Shifrin has got the | 1:52:31 | 1:52:36 | |
earphones in. | 1:52:36 | 1:52:46 | |
Look at that. Aggressive, accurate.
Giant slalom skiing. Handling the | 1:52:48 | 1:52:58 | |
jump well. | 1:52:58 | 1:53:05 | |
jump well. Added three tenths to her
lead. Sensational | 1:53:05 | 1:53:17 | |
lead. Sensational start for Ragnhild
Mowinckel from Norway. On the podium | 1:53:17 | 1:53:22 | |
in Valdes. | 1:53:22 | 1:53:27 | |
in Valdes. Capable of winning here
in Pyeongchang. A little stumble as | 1:53:27 | 1:53:31 | |
she came over at the roller. How has
damaged her time? .38, the advantage | 1:53:31 | 1:53:37 | |
she had last time the clock stopped,
in the red zone, only just. She | 1:53:37 | 1:53:43 | |
knows she has made errors, she has
to take a risk if she is to | 1:53:43 | 1:53:53 | |
to take a risk if she is to remove
Viktoria Rebensburg. Gold medal | 1:53:56 | 1:54:00 | |
position for Ragnhild Mowinckel.
What a finish. And her outstanding | 1:54:00 | 1:54:07 | |
season continues. She leads the
Olympic giant slalom. | 1:54:07 | 1:54:16 | |
Ragnhild Mowinckel has gold at the
moment, Viktoria Rebensburg has | 1:54:16 | 1:54:21 | |
silver. But Fino has bronze. | 1:54:21 | 1:54:32 | |
silver. But Fino has bronze. Bignoni
is away. A superb technician. Also | 1:54:32 | 1:54:39 | |
learned to ski downhill in super-g
in recent seasons and that has | 1:54:39 | 1:54:44 | |
helped her straight line speed. .26
was her lead at the top. That has | 1:54:44 | 1:54:50 | |
been reduced. Ragnhild Mowinckel's
secret was nailing the top ten | 1:54:50 | 1:54:57 | |
turns, the current leader. That is
where she was better than anyone | 1:54:57 | 1:55:02 | |
else. | 1:55:02 | 1:55:06 | |
else. Brignoni, back in the green
area, back in front. Brignoni having | 1:55:10 | 1:55:15 | |
to work hard through some of these
turns, a little late again. Ragnhild | 1:55:15 | 1:55:20 | |
Mowinckel next split... It's only
two hundredths. So tight. The second | 1:55:20 | 1:55:29 | |
run of the Olympic giant slalom, one
could still ski into a medal | 1:55:29 | 1:55:34 | |
position but what colour will it be?
Almost tone for Italy, she tucks in, | 1:55:34 | 1:55:39 | |
goes into silver. With just two
skiers to come, Ragnhild Mowinckel | 1:55:39 | 1:55:50 | |
is guaranteed a medal. | 1:55:50 | 1:55:56 | |
is guaranteed a medal. Now it's the
turn of Michaela Shifrin. .35 per | 1:55:56 | 1:56:05 | |
advantage after the first leg. She
pushes out of the start, pushing | 1:56:05 | 1:56:11 | |
between gate one and gate two. She
is the finest exponent of giant | 1:56:11 | 1:56:22 | |
slalom and slalom skiing in the
world right now, a league of her own | 1:56:22 | 1:56:25 | |
when it comes to the technical
aspect of the sport. They smooth, | 1:56:25 | 1:56:32 | |
error free start, her advantage over
Ragnhild Mowinckel has been reduced | 1:56:32 | 1:56:36 | |
slightly but still green as she
comes into this first section. | 1:56:36 | 1:56:46 | |
comes into this first section. She
is getting after this giant slalom | 1:56:46 | 1:56:48 | |
second run. The slalom champion four
years ago at the age of 18, now at | 1:56:48 | 1:56:55 | |
22 looking for her second Olympic
title. She could win three possibly | 1:56:55 | 1:57:02 | |
four gold medals in Pyeongchang in
2018 and she is on her way to gold | 1:57:02 | 1:57:06 | |
in the position now if she stays on
her feet. Lightning quick from | 1:57:06 | 1:57:12 | |
Michaela Shifrin from top to bottom,
she is good enough, she has got the | 1:57:12 | 1:57:17 | |
gold medal. With one pump editor to
go. She risked everything on the | 1:57:17 | 1:57:23 | |
last six turns. -- with one
competitor to go. She leads the way. | 1:57:23 | 1:57:34 | |
Just one skier to come. | 1:57:34 | 1:57:36 | |
The veteran Italian. 34 years old.
Manuela Moelgg. We have got used | 1:57:49 | 1:58:01 | |
over the years to saying this second
run charges from Manuela Moelgg when | 1:58:01 | 1:58:06 | |
she puts her foot to the floor and
takes chances. Makes a mistake in | 1:58:06 | 1:58:10 | |
the early stages, trails Michaela
Shifrin, not the smoothest start for | 1:58:10 | 1:58:18 | |
Manuela Moelgg but plenty of time
left on this rainbow course. The | 1:58:18 | 1:58:23 | |
Italian, to put herself back in
contention. .63, potentially out of | 1:58:23 | 1:58:28 | |
the medals. The Italian made a
couple of errors, the course has | 1:58:28 | 1:58:35 | |
seen 29 others go before, it has
suffered erosion with all the Steel | 1:58:35 | 1:58:41 | |
ages slicing through and there is no
way back. Michaela Shifrin will be | 1:58:41 | 1:58:46 | |
the Olympic champion, Ragnhild
Mowinckel will take the silver, | 1:58:46 | 1:58:52 | |
Brignoni the bronze. And I think
Manuela Moelgg will leave the giant | 1:58:52 | 1:58:56 | |
slalom empty-handed, can she buy it
back? She is only eight, no luck for | 1:58:56 | 1:59:02 | |
Manuela Moelgg. Michaela Shifrin is
the Olympic champion for the second | 1:59:02 | 1:59:08 | |
time. She begins her quest for a
handful of Olympic medals with | 1:59:08 | 1:59:14 | |
victory in the giant slalom by .30
nine. Temp max one taking the | 1:59:14 | 1:59:22 | |
bronze. Gold to Michaela Shifrin.
Not the biggest surprise, slalom is | 1:59:22 | 1:59:31 | |
the thing for her, she is stepping
it up. She is amazing, winning two | 1:59:31 | 1:59:38 | |
World Cups this year, more
challenging, a bigger field. We | 1:59:38 | 1:59:44 | |
thought it was going to be a big
battle with the German, she does | 1:59:44 | 1:59:50 | |
create sections but she comes forth
which is the first position. E-mail | 1:59:50 | 1:59:57 | |
athletes celebrated the best.
Ragnhild Mowinckel, the first | 1:59:57 | 2:00:02 | |
Norwegian medal since 1936.
Extraordinary. She has fought so | 2:00:02 | 2:00:09 | |
hard, always technically great, to
see her finding her peak, but yes, | 2:00:09 | 2:00:14 | |
the Michaela Shifrin shall have
started. Too much pressure for a | 2:00:14 | 2:00:20 | |
Manuela Moelgg going last. Brignoni
winning a medal. That podium making | 2:00:20 | 2:00:26 | |
history, left right and centre,
really great, we waited a long time | 2:00:26 | 2:00:31 | |
for the Alpine female events to
start and they delivered an amazing | 2:00:31 | 2:00:33 | |
course. Testing so many skills which
is what the Olympics is about. | 2:00:33 | 2:00:44 | |
Let's talk about Mikaela Shiffrin.
She is going to be the star. Why is | 2:00:44 | 2:00:50 | |
she such a good skier, everybody
talks about her technique, what is | 2:00:50 | 2:00:54 | |
it she does? She just has the touch,
which is really hard to learn. It | 2:00:54 | 2:01:01 | |
has been there from her upbringing,
through grassroots sports to where | 2:01:01 | 2:01:06 | |
she is now. She makes it look so
easy. It takes a lot of time and | 2:01:06 | 2:01:11 | |
effort. She has an amazing touch on
the skis. She flows from side to | 2:01:11 | 2:01:17 | |
side and it is incredible. That is
why she is able to change those | 2:01:17 | 2:01:21 | |
skills through the disciplines.
Right now on the red button, the | 2:01:21 | 2:01:26 | |
Biathlon about to start, the men's
toughest and most traditional event, | 2:01:26 | 2:01:31 | |
the 20 kilometre individual. | 2:01:31 | 2:01:36 | |
the 20 kilometre individual. We
promised you live curling and that | 2:01:37 | 2:01:39 | |
is where we are heading now because
Great Britain had a disappointing | 2:01:39 | 2:01:43 | |
loss, the women earlier today. They
are now in action against China. We | 2:01:43 | 2:01:47 | |
are getting to the tricky crucial
end to end one. Let's join Steve | 2:01:47 | 2:01:55 | |
Cram. | 2:01:55 | 2:02:01 | |
COMMENTATOR: Thank you, Claire. Eve
Muirhead, she catches her own on the | 2:02:01 | 2:02:09 | |
way through. That's not going to sit
in the house. She needed to go past | 2:02:09 | 2:02:13 | |
the yellow. Slight mistake from Eve
Muirhead. And yes, after the defeat | 2:02:13 | 2:02:25 | |
against the USA earlier, this is a
crunch match against China. By their | 2:02:25 | 2:02:30 | |
own admission. They were missing too
many shots this morning. Although | 2:02:30 | 2:02:34 | |
they were always in the game, right
up until Eve Muirhead's last stone | 2:02:34 | 2:02:39 | |
where she could have tied it to go
into an extra end, it just slipped | 2:02:39 | 2:02:44 | |
by. Not by much, but that was
typical for the whole match. Jackie | 2:02:44 | 2:02:50 | |
Lockhart, this first end hasn't gone
their way either? No, a couple of | 2:02:50 | 2:02:56 | |
errors slipping in already. They had
to settle and think about the shop | 2:02:56 | 2:03:00 | |
they are playing in. If they are not
going to make the first shot, make | 2:03:00 | 2:03:04 | |
sure they have a second shot
available. | 2:03:04 | 2:03:14 | |
available. It is a very experienced
Chinese team, led by Wang Bingyu. | 2:03:14 | 2:03:25 | |
Former Olympic medallist in 2002 in
Vancouver when Eve Muirhead was just | 2:03:25 | 2:03:30 | |
19. Jackie was there as well. A lot
of experience at the top of this | 2:03:30 | 2:03:37 | |
team. The skip and the third, they
played together for so many years. | 2:03:37 | 2:03:50 | |
Zhou Yan. Olympic medals and
championship medals. Third Olympics | 2:03:51 | 2:03:55 | |
for those two. They have a couple of
young players in this team. They | 2:03:55 | 2:03:59 | |
should have had a couple of
victories because they were leading | 2:03:59 | 2:04:09 | |
against OAR. Eve Muirhead, she had a
similar shot. They both had chances | 2:04:09 | 2:04:20 | |
to draw and score in the last end to
win the game and neither of them did | 2:04:20 | 2:04:24 | |
it. Great Britain and China both
coming off a defeat and will be | 2:04:24 | 2:04:32 | |
desperate for the win. One, not what
Eve wanted. I was hoping it was a | 2:04:32 | 2:04:40 | |
chance for two, but you saw, just as
you joined us, catching her own | 2:04:40 | 2:04:47 | |
stone on the way in trying to remove
the Chinese stone. Not always the | 2:04:47 | 2:04:53 | |
best way to start a match, if you do
have a hammer, blank the end and | 2:04:53 | 2:04:58 | |
take it through to the next end,
hopefully get two. They were over on | 2:04:58 | 2:05:06 | |
another sheet this morning. They
struggled early on with the | 2:05:06 | 2:05:11 | |
conditions of the ice. Missed too
many shots. We have already seen one | 2:05:11 | 2:05:17 | |
or two slip by? Yes, they have the
unfortunate game here of where they | 2:05:17 | 2:05:22 | |
are playing on the outside sheets.
This sheet is closest to the | 2:05:22 | 2:05:27 | |
audience will run slightly
difference to this sheet that is on | 2:05:27 | 2:05:30 | |
the inside of the stones. But they
have to manage that, these are not | 2:05:30 | 2:05:37 | |
inexperienced players. They should
know it is a matter of understanding | 2:05:37 | 2:05:40 | |
what side needs a little bit more
weight and which sides days | 2:05:40 | 2:05:46 | |
straight. If it is the first time
you have watched the women's team, | 2:05:46 | 2:05:53 | |
Lauren Gray, the lead. Vicki Adams
plays seconds, Anna Sloan third. Eve | 2:05:53 | 2:06:00 | |
Muirhead, the skip plays the last
two stones. | 2:06:00 | 2:06:11 | |
two stones. Lauren Gray, one or two
wayward stones but has generally had | 2:06:11 | 2:06:14 | |
a good competition so far. Yes, even
this morning, Lauren had a good | 2:06:14 | 2:06:21 | |
game, she said the girls at well. It
wasn't just one person was having an | 2:06:21 | 2:06:27 | |
off game, it was kind of the top
three girls were just having a bit | 2:06:27 | 2:06:31 | |
of an average game. They certainly
were not playing badly, just the | 2:06:31 | 2:06:35 | |
shots they were making or not on the
side they should have been. This is | 2:06:35 | 2:06:41 | |
one of the youngsters, | 2:06:41 | 2:06:48 | |
one of the youngsters, just 22 Ma
Jingyi. Just putting a guard in | 2:06:52 | 2:06:54 | |
place. She has played very well
indeed. If your league isn't doing | 2:06:54 | 2:07:00 | |
their job, it makes everything much
more difficult. -- lead. | 2:07:00 | 2:07:10 | |
more difficult. -- lead. This
Chinese team, as you said, two young | 2:07:10 | 2:07:14 | |
players at the front-end playing
with them this year. It is a good | 2:07:14 | 2:07:17 | |
thing because if you have youngsters
who are inspired by what is skip has | 2:07:17 | 2:07:21 | |
done before, they will play really
well for you, look up to. Anything | 2:07:21 | 2:07:26 | |
you ask them to do, they will
perform the shot. But there's a | 2:07:26 | 2:07:31 | |
little bit high, she had to be a lot
closer to the rings and on the | 2:07:31 | 2:07:36 | |
centre line, not the start we are
looking for. Even though it is in | 2:07:36 | 2:07:44 | |
the second end, they are going to
have to step it up just a little bit | 2:07:44 | 2:07:48 | |
more. Almost carrying on where they
left off this morning. Not what they | 2:07:48 | 2:07:57 | |
once, but plenty of time. | 2:07:57 | 2:08:03 | |
once, but plenty of time. Just
hitting that out, right on the nose | 2:08:04 | 2:08:06 | |
so it doesn't come across. Even
asking for that shot to be played. | 2:08:06 | 2:08:13 | |
It is a long way out of the guard.
This team, Wang Bingyu took some | 2:08:13 | 2:08:20 | |
time-out, had a baby and had almost
three years out. Came back last year | 2:08:20 | 2:08:24 | |
and put this new team together. And
Zhou Yan, who used to lead for her | 2:08:24 | 2:08:31 | |
over the years, now playing third.
They have had a good last few | 2:08:31 | 2:08:36 | |
months. They had to come to the
Olympic qualifying competition in | 2:08:36 | 2:08:41 | |
December. And they warned. They
played really well and I think they | 2:08:41 | 2:08:47 | |
have had a couple of good
competitions since then, so coming | 2:08:47 | 2:08:51 | |
into this Olympic tournament with a
reasonable amount of confidence. She | 2:08:51 | 2:08:55 | |
said when she came back she was
struggling with her fitness and her | 2:08:55 | 2:08:59 | |
technique. But I think she has had
almost a year now. Any time-out of | 2:08:59 | 2:09:05 | |
this sport when you are competing
against the top athletes, who are | 2:09:05 | 2:09:09 | |
training every day, is really hard
to come back. You don't lose the | 2:09:09 | 2:09:15 | |
technique overnight, but what you
lose is the ability to recover | 2:09:15 | 2:09:19 | |
quickly. Especially when you are
playing three games a day, long | 2:09:19 | 2:09:24 | |
weeks. Slow and steady has to be the
call here. She certainly isn't | 2:09:24 | 2:09:32 | |
looking unset out there at the
moment. Just watching over Eve | 2:09:32 | 2:09:37 | |
Muirhead. They have played each
other over the years. B was in the | 2:09:37 | 2:09:41 | |
Olympic Games in 2010. -- Eve. | 2:09:41 | 2:09:49 | |
Olympic Games in 2010. -- Eve. So
Vicki Adams, similar shot being | 2:09:49 | 2:09:53 | |
asked to execute. | 2:09:53 | 2:10:00 | |
asked to execute. Almost, this might
be a bit better. | 2:10:00 | 2:10:07 | |
be a bit better. Glenn Howard, the
coach for the British women. He | 2:10:07 | 2:10:13 | |
looks happy enough, doesn't he? Eve
Muirhead decided last day, might | 2:10:13 | 2:10:19 | |
have been 18 months ago, to bring in
Glenn Howard from Canada to look up | 2:10:19 | 2:10:26 | |
the strategy of how they play. They
also have a team psychologist to | 2:10:26 | 2:10:31 | |
help them with the mental side of
the game. | 2:10:31 | 2:10:38 | |
the game. There is one thing for
sure, you cannot discredit them with | 2:10:38 | 2:10:43 | |
not putting everything they've got
in place to be the best they could | 2:10:43 | 2:10:46 | |
be here. Very determined to get a
medal, better than the last time | 2:10:46 | 2:10:55 | |
when they got the bronze medal in
Sochi. | 2:10:55 | 2:11:01 | |
Sochi. Nothing but the gold medal
will do for Eve Muirhead. Just | 2:11:02 | 2:11:07 | |
having to sleep hard to get that in.
It is behind the guard. Don't | 2:11:07 | 2:11:12 | |
forget, China with the hammer. We
are always bringing new fans to | 2:11:12 | 2:11:18 | |
this, when you don't have the
hammer, in general, what are you | 2:11:18 | 2:11:23 | |
trying to do? If you don't have the
hammer, you are trying to block up | 2:11:23 | 2:11:29 | |
the fourth. If you do have the
hammer you are trying to draw shots | 2:11:29 | 2:11:33 | |
out to the wing, get them protected
by the guards and hopefully you will | 2:11:33 | 2:11:37 | |
have a simple shot to play with your
last stone to score more than two | 2:11:37 | 2:11:40 | |
shots. Unfortunately, Eve Muirhead
and her team are being forced out to | 2:11:40 | 2:11:47 | |
the wing at the moment. He really is
a game of cat and mouse out here. | 2:11:47 | 2:11:54 | |
You are trying one thing and the
opposition is trying something else | 2:11:54 | 2:11:58 | |
to stop you from doing it. Again, it
is as many stones closest to the | 2:11:58 | 2:12:08 | |
centre, out counting your opponents.
There is a lot of strategy about | 2:12:08 | 2:12:14 | |
this. And that is actually too far.
There is a high, yellow guard, but | 2:12:14 | 2:12:24 | |
it's not regarding any of these
stones. It is a long way out. Yes. | 2:12:24 | 2:12:31 | |
Should be a straightforward take out
in the centre of these two yellows | 2:12:31 | 2:12:36 | |
in the house and remove both of
them. I hate to say it, but the | 2:12:36 | 2:12:41 | |
girls need to be a little bit
sharper. After all the work and | 2:12:41 | 2:12:47 | |
preparation they have put in place,
you would think they would be | 2:12:47 | 2:12:49 | |
sharper. Just little edges of, they
are feeling edgy, creeping in. | 2:12:49 | 2:12:59 | |
Communication is key. A missed
opportunity. You were on about the | 2:12:59 | 2:13:08 | |
sports psychologist and we have
talked a lot, through the mixed | 2:13:08 | 2:13:14 | |
doubles, we have married pairs,
engaged couples, brothers and | 2:13:14 | 2:13:19 | |
sisters. Watching body language and
how people were communicating with | 2:13:19 | 2:13:23 | |
each other. Yesterday, they were in
touch with each other. And OAR did | 2:13:23 | 2:13:32 | |
play well. They were relaxed,
everyone was smiling, I wonder if | 2:13:32 | 2:13:38 | |
you can be too relaxed, you need to
stay calm at the Olympic Games, but | 2:13:38 | 2:13:44 | |
then they didn't get going and they
still haven't got going much in this | 2:13:44 | 2:13:48 | |
either. I always think it is like a
football match, it takes one player | 2:13:48 | 2:13:54 | |
to make a couple of good tackles,
get the crowd going. That is a good | 2:13:54 | 2:14:01 | |
analogy. Couple of good shots under
their belt and it raises their tail | 2:14:01 | 2:14:06 | |
and you get their confidence back. I
hear it in their voices, they are | 2:14:06 | 2:14:12 | |
key Munich 18 well, which is great
but there is a tiny bit of panic in | 2:14:12 | 2:14:16 | |
their voices, I feel. | 2:14:16 | 2:14:21 | |
their voices, I feel. Zhou Yan,
playing has second stone. Might not | 2:14:24 | 2:14:28 | |
like it down that side too much.
China have the hammer here. Eve | 2:14:28 | 2:14:36 | |
Muirhead wants to work out what to
do. | 2:14:36 | 2:14:45 | |
Just going to try and roll in, I
think? Yes. If she can catch enough | 2:14:46 | 2:14:55 | |
of the red and maybe even a little
role to sit behind the high yellow | 2:14:55 | 2:15:02 | |
stone we see at the top of the
house, up in the free guard zone. | 2:15:02 | 2:15:07 | |
She was doing what you suggested,
the suggestion was, if I don't play | 2:15:07 | 2:15:11 | |
this right and it rolls of it
further, I would rather it rolled | 2:15:11 | 2:15:15 | |
over behind the two reds. Lee she
has two plans. What you don't want | 2:15:15 | 2:15:23 | |
to do is overthrow it. This sounds
like it has been overthrown. | 2:15:23 | 2:15:31 | |
That was enough, though, she didn't
catch her yellow in their - is she | 2:15:31 | 2:15:37 | |
lying two, though? We can see from
here, they have gone to have a look. | 2:15:37 | 2:15:49 | |
It might well be Great Britain
lie-in two, certainly from that | 2:15:49 | 2:15:53 | |
angle. You really need to be
standing over the stone. -- to be | 2:15:53 | 2:15:58 | |
lie-in two. If they forced a one
here, then good. | 2:15:58 | 2:16:09 | |
Wang Bingyu has decided that she is
going to draw in, she's not going to | 2:16:23 | 2:16:27 | |
go for the yellow stones. Great
opportunity to come down here and | 2:16:27 | 2:16:32 | |
corner freeze the yellow just at the
edge of the 4ft. | 2:16:32 | 2:16:39 | |
edge of the 4ft. One bit of her
game, the takeout seemed pretty good | 2:16:44 | 2:16:55 | |
but the more delicate shots, she's
not doing as well perhaps. | 2:16:55 | 2:17:08 | |
They're just keeping an eye on
this... And now they start to sweep. | 2:17:09 | 2:17:13 | |
Still shifting, isn't it? | 2:17:13 | 2:17:19 | |
Still shifting, isn't it? That's not
going to lie shot. | 2:17:19 | 2:17:27 | |
going to lie shot. Just bought
Shittu much run in there. I think | 2:17:27 | 2:17:30 | |
the girls probably shouldn't have
been sweeping it but I think they | 2:17:30 | 2:17:33 | |
thought it was going to go past but
of course it has gone too far. | 2:17:33 | 2:17:41 | |
of course it has gone too far. It
finishes it and forces the digits | 2:17:43 | 2:17:45 | |
definitely... She's going to play a
wide draw and it's pretty tight, do | 2:17:45 | 2:17:52 | |
you know what I mean? So, why don't
we go for that and if it is hanging | 2:17:52 | 2:17:57 | |
out a bit, we caught it early? Yeah.
I think we go right here. Even if we | 2:17:57 | 2:18:07 | |
were to set... I agree, that's first
call. So, first call here. So, we | 2:18:07 | 2:18:17 | |
just need to be touching...
JACKIE LOCKHART: So, the team | 2:18:17 | 2:18:24 | |
agreed, they just want to calm in
and corner freeze their own stone. | 2:18:24 | 2:18:30 | |
She has to be very careful, she
doesn't want to bounce off it and | 2:18:30 | 2:18:35 | |
give China the opportunity of
removing both of them and getting a | 2:18:35 | 2:18:38 | |
two. | 2:18:38 | 2:18:42 | |
two. | 2:18:42 | 2:18:45 | |
So, Eve playing a out-turn draw,
which is an anticlockwise rotation | 2:18:53 | 2:19:03 | |
of the stone. The stone should turn
to the left. | 2:19:03 | 2:19:12 | |
STEVE CRAM: Came off it, back on
again, going to have to work this... | 2:19:15 | 2:19:19 | |
Going to have to work it hard if
they want to come in the second | 2:19:19 | 2:19:23 | |
shot... It's tied, isn't it? From
this angle it doesn't look like it | 2:19:23 | 2:19:28 | |
is second shot. If you're hearing
cheers, of course, there are other | 2:19:28 | 2:19:33 | |
matches taking place headed home
nation after a shock win over | 2:19:33 | 2:19:36 | |
Canada, they're play in Japan. | 2:19:36 | 2:19:44 | |
Canada, they're play in Japan. So
there will be a lot of noise from | 2:19:44 | 2:19:46 | |
time to time, pretty much a full
house in the grand young Curling | 2:19:46 | 2:19:51 | |
Centre, but atmosphere tonight and
it made big news on all the local | 2:19:51 | 2:19:55 | |
TV, so is, Korea beating Canada!
What do you think? I think Great | 2:19:55 | 2:20:06 | |
Britain have certainly got shot.
Could she take both of those out? | 2:20:06 | 2:20:18 | |
No, I think she can't really see
enough of it so she is forced just | 2:20:18 | 2:20:24 | |
to play a draw. As I said I'm not
sure this is the favourite shot for | 2:20:24 | 2:20:29 | |
Wang at the moment. Yeah, because it
narrows down the gap that they have | 2:20:29 | 2:20:34 | |
to come through to get to the 4ft.
If she plays it a little bit wide | 2:20:34 | 2:20:40 | |
it's not going to come enough. Might
actually have been better coming in | 2:20:40 | 2:20:44 | |
the other side, more room to play
with. | 2:20:44 | 2:20:56 | |
with. So, Great Britain lie-in shot
here, at least, and China trying to | 2:20:56 | 2:21:02 | |
take one, which would tie it all up
here. A steal would be great for | 2:21:02 | 2:21:10 | |
Great Britain. It has got the line -
is it too quick? It looks good. Used | 2:21:10 | 2:21:17 | |
the back stone to stop if it -- to
stop it if need be and that was an | 2:21:17 | 2:21:24 | |
excellent shot to tie it up after
two and is. If all of this is new to | 2:21:24 | 2:21:33 | |
you, or the last time you were
watching was four years ago, then | 2:21:33 | 2:21:38 | |
here is a short guide to explain.
Curling originated in 16th century | 2:21:38 | 2:21:48 | |
Scotland and appeared in the very
first winter Olympic Games of 1924, | 2:21:48 | 2:21:53 | |
when Great Britain won gold. The aim
of curling is to get more stones | 2:21:53 | 2:21:57 | |
closer to the centre of the scoring
area, known as the house, than your | 2:21:57 | 2:22:01 | |
opponent. Sweeping is a key part and
it affects the distance and | 2:22:01 | 2:22:06 | |
direction that a stone travels in.
Tactics are crucial, particularly | 2:22:06 | 2:22:10 | |
retaining last stone advantage,
known as the hammer. In the men's | 2:22:10 | 2:22:13 | |
and women's events there are four
players in each team who curl two | 2:22:13 | 2:22:19 | |
stones each and. Only one team can
score each end and matches are over | 2:22:19 | 2:22:25 | |
ten ends. This year sees the
addition of mixed doubles, a | 2:22:25 | 2:22:29 | |
shorter, more dynamic event played
over eight ends instead of ten. | 2:22:29 | 2:22:41 | |
STEVE CRAM: That guide from Eleanor
Oldroyd mentioning the mixed doubles | 2:22:44 | 2:22:49 | |
at the end, and Canada came out as
the winners of that one, beating | 2:22:49 | 2:22:53 | |
Switzerland in the final, but it was
a good addition and a very different | 2:22:53 | 2:22:57 | |
type of curling, if you liked. As
was mentioned, it is a shorter | 2:22:57 | 2:23:01 | |
format with only eight ends and just
two players on each team, we saw | 2:23:01 | 2:23:06 | |
lots of scoring and lots of drawing
into the house and Jackie, very | 2:23:06 | 2:23:10 | |
quickly, this is the more
traditional format with a four | 2:23:10 | 2:23:14 | |
members of a team, and we've seen
lots of times not many stones in a | 2:23:14 | 2:23:19 | |
house, some thanked ends etc? Yeah,
the game has changed many times over | 2:23:19 | 2:23:25 | |
the years, this is the traditional
team game and many years ago there | 2:23:25 | 2:23:31 | |
was no free guard zone so people
would put a stone in and keep | 2:23:31 | 2:23:34 | |
hitting it out, and to make it much
more interesting they have created | 2:23:34 | 2:23:38 | |
these new rules. The free guard
zone, if it sits out of the house | 2:23:38 | 2:23:42 | |
you're not allowed to hit it. The
team can then use it as a protector | 2:23:42 | 2:23:47 | |
and bring another stone roundabout,
it's just adds now show more | 2:23:47 | 2:23:50 | |
complexity to the game. And actually
the mixed doubles, now, that is | 2:23:50 | 2:23:58 | |
really, really aggressive, the stone
is in play already and it forces you | 2:23:58 | 2:24:01 | |
to draw everything right into the
centre. So, we see lots and lots of | 2:24:01 | 2:24:08 | |
stones in play. It can be quite
edgy, it depends how confident the | 2:24:08 | 2:24:13 | |
girls are in playing the shot. Did
it when you round in the end, the | 2:24:13 | 2:24:20 | |
mixed doubles, I know that for the
traditionalists... But I enjoyed it, | 2:24:20 | 2:24:24 | |
I thought it was good. I think
initially for me it messed with my | 2:24:24 | 2:24:27 | |
normal game head but actually,
fantastic highlight it was for the | 2:24:27 | 2:24:34 | |
television, it 5-5 has enthralled
lots of people out there, and I | 2:24:34 | 2:24:37 | |
actually did enjoy it, I'm not sure
I could play it, you really have to | 2:24:37 | 2:24:42 | |
be very fit, one sweeper jumping up
and down to go and sweep your own | 2:24:42 | 2:24:46 | |
stones... It is a young man's sport
thank you but definitely something | 2:24:46 | 2:24:53 | |
that's going to take off for the
future, and great for the sport of | 2:24:53 | 2:24:57 | |
curling, having a new discipline in
there. So, it is very additional | 2:24:57 | 2:25:00 | |
medal. | 2:25:00 | 2:25:06 | |
medal. That's the second time I
think Lauren has done that. | 2:25:06 | 2:25:13 | |
think Lauren has done that. She's
got a result out of that, though, | 2:25:13 | 2:25:16 | |
because she has almost rolled in
behind our yellow guard. The girls | 2:25:16 | 2:25:22 | |
strung a very good end together in
the last end and they forced to | 2:25:22 | 2:25:27 | |
China to take their one, and that's
what you want to do if you don't | 2:25:27 | 2:25:30 | |
have the hammer, try to force the
opposition to take one. Are the same | 2:25:30 | 2:25:34 | |
token, if you've got the hammer
you're desperately trying to take a | 2:25:34 | 2:25:37 | |
two. And it wasn't that easy, and
you're just keeping the pressure on. | 2:25:37 | 2:25:44 | |
Always keep the pressure on the
opposing skip if you possibly can, | 2:25:44 | 2:25:48 | |
don't give them an easy afternoon,
or evening. Incidentally, I will | 2:25:48 | 2:25:53 | |
briefly update you, it is important
that we see what's going on | 2:25:53 | 2:25:56 | |
elsewhere. Canada are playing Sweden
and Rachel Holman, the Canadian | 2:25:56 | 2:26:02 | |
skipper, after losing to Korea, was
shell-shocked. Sweden are leading by | 2:26:02 | 2:26:08 | |
two after two ends over Canada. Same
score, Switzerland leading USA. USA, | 2:26:08 | 2:26:16 | |
of course, who beat Great Britain
and Korea are 2-1 up over Japan - | 2:26:16 | 2:26:23 | |
that's why we had those cheers
earlier run in the arena. -- earlier | 2:26:23 | 2:26:33 | |
on if this is looking | 2:26:33 | 2:26:38 | |
on if this is looking OK if they
just want to make sure they get it | 2:26:38 | 2:26:41 | |
passed that guard. | 2:26:41 | 2:26:47 | |
passed that guard. It's not out of
the house, but the Great Britain | 2:26:50 | 2:26:54 | |
yellows are lie-in two stones there.
They are however open to the Chinese | 2:26:54 | 2:27:01 | |
team, so there is a chance of a hit
and a role in behind these two high | 2:27:01 | 2:27:06 | |
reds. If you're trying to score two,
if you can keep making it more | 2:27:06 | 2:27:15 | |
difficult for the opposition when
you're sitting two, it is better. | 2:27:15 | 2:27:20 | |
But as Jackie was just saying,
you're also trying not to allow them | 2:27:20 | 2:27:24 | |
to take the initiative away from
you, just keep the initiative as the | 2:27:24 | 2:27:29 | |
end is building. She has caught that
straight on the nose again. So, Eve | 2:27:29 | 2:27:34 | |
just saying, you can either just hit
it on the nose or roll over, there | 2:27:34 | 2:27:39 | |
is a guard out there. Yes, just be
careful because to get the roll she | 2:27:39 | 2:27:45 | |
might jam it onto her own yellow.
You have to be very careful. If she | 2:27:45 | 2:27:51 | |
hits it too much on the left of
centre, as you were looking, that is | 2:27:51 | 2:27:55 | |
the danger. | 2:27:55 | 2:28:02 | |
the danger. A little bit more weight
on this one. That's OK. | 2:28:02 | 2:28:14 | |
So, it is getting higher and higher
up the house and Bingyu just having | 2:28:19 | 2:28:23 | |
a look to see whether she wants to
hit an role that high up the house. | 2:28:23 | 2:28:29 | |
She has actually got a good
opportunity here to get inside of | 2:28:29 | 2:28:33 | |
the yellow. -- hit and roll. It just
depends on the weight. She will be | 2:28:33 | 2:28:41 | |
keen to keep her shooter in the
house, the stone that she is having | 2:28:41 | 2:28:45 | |
her player deliver just now. Very
quickly, I playing third, if you | 2:28:45 | 2:28:54 | |
have played lead for 15 years and
then you move to third, what is the | 2:28:54 | 2:28:58 | |
difference? The technicality of the
shots get harder. Quite often the | 2:28:58 | 2:29:04 | |
lead will have high percentages
because really they're just a | 2:29:04 | 2:29:07 | |
drawing into the house and flowers
and not many stones distracting them | 2:29:07 | 2:29:11 | |
roundabout because they're throwing
early. But by the time you're | 2:29:11 | 2:29:15 | |
throwing third, you've got more
stones kicking about the house, and | 2:29:15 | 2:29:18 | |
they're catching your eye. So,
technically it is a lot harder. | 2:29:18 | 2:29:22 | |
You've also got to be able to do a
bit of everything. You've got to be | 2:29:22 | 2:29:26 | |
able to hit, to draw, you've got to
have the strategy head on and you | 2:29:26 | 2:29:31 | |
have to help your skip as well.
Well, the door has very much been | 2:29:31 | 2:29:39 | |
opened by Zhou there. It could not
have worked out better for Great | 2:29:39 | 2:29:44 | |
Britain. So, Anna Sloan trying to
draw around that guard first of all | 2:29:44 | 2:29:53 | |
and then tucked in behind those two
if she can. | 2:29:53 | 2:30:00 | |
if she can. We have got our Chinese
counterparts commentating next to us | 2:30:00 | 2:30:03 | |
and I looked across to see if there
was any local | 2:30:03 | 2:30:12 | |
was any local frustration, and the
female representative wasn't | 2:30:12 | 2:30:13 | |
bothered! | 2:30:13 | 2:30:19 | |
Great Britain lying really well at
the moment. It is building nicely. | 2:30:20 | 2:30:29 | |
China still have an opportunity to
come in and sit on top of the yellow | 2:30:29 | 2:30:34 | |
stone and | 2:30:34 | 2:30:39 | |
stone and that would count out the
two yellows in the wings. Sweeping | 2:30:39 | 2:30:43 | |
really hard. Not enough. It is
nearly a good shot. Another two | 2:30:43 | 2:30:52 | |
inches. It is enough to out count
the second and third yellow Great | 2:30:52 | 2:30:59 | |
Britain have in the house. | 2:30:59 | 2:31:06 | |
Britain have in the house. We are
lying two. We are, Eve Muirhead went | 2:31:06 | 2:31:11 | |
and had a look. | 2:31:11 | 2:31:16 | |
and had a look. We have both noticed
a little subtle difference between | 2:31:18 | 2:31:21 | |
this morning and this evening, is
Eve Muirhead taking a little bit | 2:31:21 | 2:31:25 | |
more control. They are all
experienced and Anna Sloan is great | 2:31:25 | 2:31:31 | |
to have as a person there to discuss
it with, but we felt there was a | 2:31:31 | 2:31:35 | |
little bit of indecision at times.
And now Eve Muirhead has so, I want | 2:31:35 | 2:31:41 | |
your input, but I will make the
final decisions. You need that as | 2:31:41 | 2:31:47 | |
the skip. It gains you your own
self-confidence when it comes to | 2:31:47 | 2:31:52 | |
shotmaking. It is great if you feel
you need to ask for help, your team | 2:31:52 | 2:31:56 | |
is there and they know what to do.
You have to be careful they are not | 2:31:56 | 2:32:01 | |
always questioning or checking other
options. It works both ways because | 2:32:01 | 2:32:06 | |
going back to the previous and, if
this one is continuing to build, Eve | 2:32:06 | 2:32:11 | |
Muirhead is more confident she is
making the right decisions and | 2:32:11 | 2:32:14 | |
indeed, the team are as well. Well
done, that is what she asked for. | 2:32:14 | 2:32:20 | |
She has just prevented the raise on
the red. China would have tried to | 2:32:20 | 2:32:27 | |
raise it up on the centre shot. Yes,
this is starting to look a little | 2:32:27 | 2:32:35 | |
bit difficult for China now. Wang
Bingyu. | 2:32:35 | 2:32:43 | |
Bingyu. The Chinese skip, as I said,
had some time away. Great experience | 2:32:46 | 2:32:51 | |
though. | 2:32:51 | 2:32:59 | |
though. Based in the northern
province of China. | 2:32:59 | 2:33:05 | |
province of China. I think it is
known as the ice city. | 2:33:05 | 2:33:12 | |
known as the ice city. Harbin. Just
discussing the shot she is going to | 2:33:17 | 2:33:23 | |
play here. I think she is going to
come down with an in-turn draw, | 2:33:23 | 2:33:30 | |
clockwise rotation of the stone.
Perhaps get into the centre. Can't | 2:33:30 | 2:33:35 | |
afford to be too heavy, she has to
play and nice, controlled weight | 2:33:35 | 2:33:39 | |
here. | 2:33:39 | 2:33:45 | |
Did try. Just wanted to roll across
a little bit, if she could. You can | 2:33:53 | 2:33:57 | |
see what Anna Sloan and Eve Muirhead
are looking at playing here. The | 2:33:57 | 2:34:04 | |
Chinese stone is second at the
moment, counting the second shot. | 2:34:04 | 2:34:08 | |
But Great Britain have the final
shot, they have the hammer in this | 2:34:08 | 2:34:14 | |
ends. | 2:34:14 | 2:34:22 | |
Just need to have the weight right.
Don't want to roll across too far. | 2:34:27 | 2:34:32 | |
If you just catch it a little bit
thin. | 2:34:32 | 2:34:44 | |
thin. She has the whole of the four
foot to roll into and she can stop | 2:34:44 | 2:34:48 | |
at the bottom. As long as she is
still counting second shot. | 2:34:48 | 2:35:01 | |
still counting second shot. I think
she probably should have played a | 2:35:01 | 2:35:04 | |
half weight at this. She was adamant
she wanted to play that controlled | 2:35:04 | 2:35:08 | |
weight. But really didn't move at
all. I thought she was going to play | 2:35:08 | 2:35:17 | |
it much lighter weight than that.
The girls did ask if she was going | 2:35:17 | 2:35:22 | |
to play half weight with that but
she said no, controlled. She | 2:35:22 | 2:35:26 | |
probably thought, she played it half
weight and got it on the nose. It is | 2:35:26 | 2:35:37 | |
such a pity because this end had
been building quite nicely. You and | 2:35:37 | 2:35:42 | |
I were talking about Eve is making
the decisions and that one, not | 2:35:42 | 2:35:47 | |
working in her favour. Great Britain
is sitting short in there, but we | 2:35:47 | 2:35:58 | |
will see Wang Bingyu close this end
out. I think she is going to have to | 2:35:58 | 2:36:02 | |
come right in because she is still
leaving the red shorts. She is going | 2:36:02 | 2:36:08 | |
to try and draw one right into the
four foot. Coming from the other | 2:36:08 | 2:36:13 | |
side of the house. The right-hand
side, as we see it on her left, as | 2:36:13 | 2:36:20 | |
she is delivering. It is the first
time she has come down this side, | 2:36:20 | 2:36:24 | |
going that way. | 2:36:24 | 2:36:32 | |
going that way. So Wang Bingyu, the
Chinese skip just watching. Not so | 2:36:32 | 2:36:36 | |
easy for her to see, the two
sleepers working hard to bring this | 2:36:36 | 2:36:40 | |
all the way round. This is going to
come up short. Little bit of a get | 2:36:40 | 2:36:47 | |
out of jail free card, because even
now has a second shot. The shot she | 2:36:47 | 2:36:56 | |
missed before. She either needs to
draw in because if he hits it on the | 2:36:56 | 2:37:04 | |
nose, I don't think she will be
lying second. Last time round, it | 2:37:04 | 2:37:12 | |
was hit and roll. Will she replayed
the draw here? I think she is, isn't | 2:37:12 | 2:37:21 | |
she? I think you are right. | 2:37:21 | 2:37:34 | |
she? I think you are right. She has
got, back of the four foot, two. | 2:37:34 | 2:37:39 | |
This will get into the four foot.
Nice draw weight for Eve Muirhead. | 2:37:39 | 2:37:53 | |
And then Britain will take two.
Forget the previous shot, get this | 2:37:53 | 2:37:59 | |
one right. | 2:37:59 | 2:38:02 | |
Anna Sloan likes the line. Keep
sweeping, keep sweeping. It is | 2:38:05 | 2:38:15 | |
pulling up. It is going to pull up
short. I am really surprised she | 2:38:15 | 2:38:22 | |
didn't just try, even the same shot
again. Just make the corrections. It | 2:38:22 | 2:38:30 | |
was overcorrected. Well, I think she
was heavy with her previous shot. I | 2:38:30 | 2:38:38 | |
think she should have played the
same shot but dropped the weight a | 2:38:38 | 2:38:42 | |
little so the girls could control it
more. Well, we are leading. We don't | 2:38:42 | 2:38:50 | |
want to be too negative about this
but letting opportunity slip and you | 2:38:50 | 2:38:55 | |
can pay for that later on.
Elsewhere, Canada have squared up | 2:38:55 | 2:39:01 | |
against Sweden. So it is 2-2 and it
is squared up between Japan and | 2:39:01 | 2:39:06 | |
Korea. Neither skip playing a very
good shot at the end of the third | 2:39:06 | 2:39:14 | |
end. If you weren't with us earlier,
Britain's men had a good win, two | 2:39:14 | 2:39:24 | |
very narrow wins and the defeat
against Canada. Important win | 2:39:24 | 2:39:29 | |
against Switzerland. Good team,
Switzerland. Japan, as well. | 2:39:29 | 2:39:39 | |
Great Britain's women, one defeat so
far, one win. This is their third | 2:39:46 | 2:39:50 | |
match. | 2:39:50 | 2:39:52 | |
It is so important, isn't it, we
have seen on occasions, the early | 2:40:01 | 2:40:06 | |
part of the match this morning, Eve
Muirhead was keeping them in it, | 2:40:06 | 2:40:13 | |
rescuing shots and picking up a shot
here and there. But here, the last | 2:40:13 | 2:40:18 | |
couple of ends, in that one anyway,
everybody has to be consistently | 2:40:18 | 2:40:24 | |
good. | 2:40:24 | 2:40:31 | |
good. There is always so much
pressure on the skip. Is that going | 2:40:31 | 2:40:36 | |
to stop? Just over the red line.
Trying to put a corner guard up. | 2:40:36 | 2:40:50 | |
Trying to put a corner guard up. The
22-year-old, Ma Jingyi. | 2:40:51 | 2:41:00 | |
22-year-old, Ma Jingyi. Lauren Gray,
just been asked to draw one down | 2:41:00 | 2:41:06 | |
onto the center line, just outside
of the house. This is what we see so | 2:41:06 | 2:41:13 | |
often. The team about the hammer,
they play first to the bottom. You | 2:41:13 | 2:41:19 | |
see a corner guard, the lead plays
the next one, hopefully putting a | 2:41:19 | 2:41:25 | |
guard on the centre line. In chess,
there are certain openings and they | 2:41:25 | 2:41:30 | |
have names... Why are you looking at
me like that? I don't play chess. I | 2:41:30 | 2:41:36 | |
know this is chess on ice. I was
just going to ask you, is there a | 2:41:36 | 2:41:43 | |
name for these first three shots
which seem pretty normal? Standard? | 2:41:43 | 2:41:48 | |
No, there isn't. Is it not called
the Lockhart opening? That is | 2:41:48 | 2:41:55 | |
something we should look into. | 2:41:55 | 2:42:04 | |
something we should look into. Steve
Cram's corner guard opening. Does | 2:42:04 | 2:42:08 | |
that sound like a plan? | 2:42:08 | 2:42:18 | |
that sound like a plan? Crammy
corner. Absolutely, let's go for it. | 2:42:18 | 2:42:23 | |
The fact I don't do curling, has
nothing to do with it. I think I | 2:42:23 | 2:42:31 | |
would like to go for a Lockhart Lock
On. Exactly, start giving them some | 2:42:31 | 2:42:43 | |
names so we know what you are
talking about. Vicky being asked to | 2:42:43 | 2:42:52 | |
play nice, controlled weight. | 2:42:52 | 2:43:01 | |
play nice, controlled weight. It is
just enough to tap the stone | 2:43:01 | 2:43:03 | |
through. This one hasn't got the
line. He still left some shots at | 2:43:03 | 2:43:12 | |
the front and they can use them as
protection. One later on. | 2:43:12 | 2:43:21 | |
protection. One later on. That is in
Britain's favour when you don't have | 2:43:22 | 2:43:25 | |
the hammer. The team with the hammer
will want eventually to try to | 2:43:25 | 2:43:30 | |
remove them. It makes it more
difficult for them to come in and | 2:43:30 | 2:43:34 | |
score. There is a hole between these
two shots between the red and the | 2:43:34 | 2:43:41 | |
yellow. Should she get through it,
she will get the target in the | 2:43:41 | 2:43:44 | |
house. | 2:43:44 | 2:43:49 | |
house. It is still staying straight.
Just rifting a little bit now. Just | 2:43:50 | 2:43:54 | |
did enough. Good shot. | 2:43:54 | 2:44:06 | |
Little hit and roll here, hopefully.
Two stone still pretty useful where | 2:44:08 | 2:44:12 | |
they are. | 2:44:12 | 2:44:17 | |
Despite the miss from Eve Muirhead,
they say hang on. | 2:44:21 | 2:44:39 | |
they say hang on. They are ever so
slightly struggling with the ice. I | 2:44:39 | 2:44:43 | |
am not sure whether you had to take
a step back, relax. I know that is | 2:44:43 | 2:44:53 | |
what they will be trying, nobody
goes out there to try and play a bad | 2:44:53 | 2:44:59 | |
shot. They are not bad shots, is
just the errors are always on the | 2:44:59 | 2:45:04 | |
wrong side at the moment. It is a
good point. Not quite get the shot, | 2:45:04 | 2:45:10 | |
but it is OK. Wearers, they are not
making it, that instance there. She | 2:45:10 | 2:45:20 | |
hadn't got the right role, but she
got a role to somewhere else. That | 2:45:20 | 2:45:27 | |
has got round, I thought it was
going to pull up short. They swept | 2:45:27 | 2:45:32 | |
it well. It is | 2:45:32 | 2:45:39 | |
it well. It is sitting top of the T.
Eve Muirhead is looking to see if | 2:45:39 | 2:45:41 | |
she can see any of it. | 2:45:41 | 2:45:48 | |
You would have to play a really nice
controlled weight, as she said. I | 2:45:50 | 2:45:58 | |
think if it was on the out-turn, you
could... Will just let Anna say it, | 2:45:58 | 2:46:11 | |
she's got good communication! So,
they've decided that is a really | 2:46:11 | 2:46:18 | |
difficult shot coming down there,
and if she makes a slight error on | 2:46:18 | 2:46:22 | |
it, it could make it worse for them,
so they're going to try the outside | 2:46:22 | 2:46:25 | |
yellow. And will want to get a
little roll in behind, of course, | 2:46:25 | 2:46:34 | |
Great Britain don't have the hammer
here so they need to get the yellow | 2:46:34 | 2:46:37 | |
stone in behind. | 2:46:37 | 2:46:44 | |
stone in behind. That's a pretty
good shot. | 2:46:44 | 2:46:53 | |
good shot. And that will make Vicki
feel a better, she has played a | 2:46:53 | 2:46:57 | |
couple of nice shots already this
evening. Yeah, they will still be | 2:46:57 | 2:47:03 | |
able to seize some of that shot.
China just have to decide what | 2:47:03 | 2:47:07 | |
weight they want to play at it.
They're not going to see much of it. | 2:47:07 | 2:47:10 | |
In that Creevy is end, Zhou
struggled a little as well. -- in | 2:47:10 | 2:47:19 | |
that previous end. | 2:47:19 | 2:47:28 | |
that previous end. She could play
like a back weight, come onto the | 2:47:28 | 2:47:33 | |
face of it and tap it back a little
touch. And she has options coming | 2:47:33 | 2:47:38 | |
both ways, but she has decided to
play the out-turn down here and come | 2:47:38 | 2:47:49 | |
through between the two stones,
which might be quite a difficult | 2:47:49 | 2:47:52 | |
shot to play. The margin for error
isn't very much, but it sounds like | 2:47:52 | 2:47:58 | |
it's close... That's twice now
they've come through that space. Oh, | 2:47:58 | 2:48:06 | |
not enough! Not enough! It seemed to
start to curl and then almost | 2:48:06 | 2:48:13 | |
straight and at the end of. I know
it can't do that but... When that | 2:48:13 | 2:48:17 | |
came through the gap... If thought
it would keep on going but it | 2:48:17 | 2:48:21 | |
didn't. | 2:48:21 | 2:48:27 | |
didn't. It is enough that she has
pushed it out for second shot. This | 2:48:27 | 2:48:31 | |
is the one that might move! Just to
let her know, I'm not sure... Don't | 2:48:31 | 2:48:39 | |
be confused, the crowd were cheering
as that stone was coming through, | 2:48:39 | 2:48:43 | |
but they were watching something
else, just to be clear! | 2:48:43 | 2:48:52 | |
else, just to be clear! Really
close, guys, line's good... So, the | 2:48:52 | 2:48:56 | |
girls trying to come right round
behind them all. That's why it | 2:48:56 | 2:49:01 | |
doesn't look like it has got the
line at all... | 2:49:01 | 2:49:09 | |
Closed that gap! Danny she played a
really nice stone on the previous | 2:49:09 | 2:49:17 | |
one - not that time, though. There's
not much in it. What do you think | 2:49:17 | 2:49:26 | |
and it's close... | 2:49:26 | 2:49:34 | |
and it's close... I thought the
Romeo of China was lying shot. | 2:49:34 | 2:49:41 | |
Bingyu just having another look at
the shot she wants to ask her team | 2:49:48 | 2:49:52 | |
to play. I want to tilt my head when
I'm looking! | 2:49:52 | 2:50:07 | |
So, an out-turn draw down here, a
similar shot that Anna played, and | 2:50:11 | 2:50:17 | |
she didn't quite catch the right
line... This one! Is a little higher | 2:50:17 | 2:50:24 | |
but it does all it's finishing at
the end... That's a nice shot. Yep, | 2:50:24 | 2:50:32 | |
nice weight. | 2:50:32 | 2:50:37 | |
nice weight. Eve won't be able to
see the inside edge of its socially | 2:50:40 | 2:50:43 | |
will be looking to get the yellow to
go onto it and hopefully stick it in | 2:50:43 | 2:50:50 | |
the house. The roof being raised
here, Korea are playing Japan over | 2:50:50 | 2:50:57 | |
on the | 2:50:57 | 2:51:02 | |
on the other side, on Sheet D. Yeah,
the girls have to keep their | 2:51:03 | 2:51:10 | |
concentration, it is going to be
noisy. | 2:51:10 | 2:51:17 | |
noisy. It is a bit like a football
match in here! That's good, great | 2:51:17 | 2:51:21 | |
atmosphere. We had big crowds in the
mixed doubles, when Korea were | 2:51:21 | 2:51:30 | |
playing. There's hardly any spare
seats in here this evening. Look at | 2:51:30 | 2:51:35 | |
that, game accuracy for Eve
Muirhead, just 46%. She needs a | 2:51:35 | 2:51:42 | |
cracking shot here, to try to use
her own yellow... That looks a bit | 2:51:42 | 2:51:46 | |
straight... Oh! Just nothing seems
to be happening at the moment. Just | 2:51:46 | 2:51:54 | |
bad luck. Just what we said there,
Eve... | 2:51:54 | 2:52:05 | |
Eve... It's just a bit straight and
then forcing it... I always say that | 2:52:07 | 2:52:13 | |
if you wanted to play that shot, you
would probably go, no, that's a | 2:52:13 | 2:52:18 | |
difficult shot to play. But then it
works out that way. Shifting her own | 2:52:18 | 2:52:25 | |
stone that was sitting and might
have been lying second, it was | 2:52:25 | 2:52:27 | |
close. Now, China have two. And they
have the hammer. I was just going to | 2:52:27 | 2:52:35 | |
say, and they have the hammer. Still
not over yet, because there's a lot | 2:52:35 | 2:52:40 | |
of cover-up the front, it takes just
one stone from Great Britain, Eve | 2:52:40 | 2:52:44 | |
could play a really good draw. Let's
see where Bingyu places this | 2:52:44 | 2:52:52 | |
stone... | 2:52:52 | 2:52:59 | |
stone... Trying to bring it right in
onto their own Romeo that's already | 2:52:59 | 2:53:03 | |
at the front of. Got a chance...
Really well swept. I'm just looking | 2:53:03 | 2:53:17 | |
to see if they can come down the
other side. Even if she stops on | 2:53:17 | 2:53:20 | |
that stone it might cut them down.
But cutting them down is not really | 2:53:20 | 2:53:26 | |
what we're looking for, we want to
try and get one in here. | 2:53:26 | 2:53:35 | |
So, she's going to come down the
other side. | 2:53:44 | 2:53:52 | |
other side. So, if ever you needed a
draw, this is where you need to play | 2:53:52 | 2:53:56 | |
it. | 2:53:56 | 2:54:01 | |
it. Well, Eve Muirhead just needs to
find a confidence building shot | 2:54:04 | 2:54:11 | |
here, it still will be up to China
what happens next, with the hammer, | 2:54:11 | 2:54:16 | |
the last stone. China at the moment
are sitting three. | 2:54:16 | 2:54:24 | |
are sitting three. So, very, very
important shot here for Eve | 2:54:24 | 2:54:25 | |
Muirhead. OK, let's get to the nose!
That's the back of the house of. | 2:54:25 | 2:54:39 | |
Just need to watch this round these
guards... Got to get into that 4ft | 2:54:39 | 2:54:48 | |
if they can, really got to sweep it
hard, sweep it hard... Oh, it's not | 2:54:48 | 2:54:54 | |
quite far enough, another, what,
seven inches, six inches? I'm not | 2:54:54 | 2:55:04 | |
quite sure that would have been
enough. At the moment Bingyu lies | 2:55:04 | 2:55:13 | |
two but still difficult for her to
get a three here. | 2:55:13 | 2:55:24 | |
You would think she would try and
tap that in, surely? I don't | 2:55:26 | 2:55:33 | |
actually know how much she can see.
If she caught the top guard, it | 2:55:33 | 2:55:37 | |
wouldn't be a huge disaster. | 2:55:37 | 2:55:43 | |
Again, we can't see how much of the
stone she can see from the other end | 2:55:48 | 2:55:52 | |
of the ice when she sits on the
hack. That can make a big influence | 2:55:52 | 2:55:59 | |
on what shot you will choose. They
definitely look like they want to | 2:55:59 | 2:56:03 | |
tap that Romeo up. | 2:56:03 | 2:56:07 | |
So, here you go, I'll ask you the
question, you're lying two, take the | 2:56:18 | 2:56:23 | |
two? Yeah, you can quite easily do
that, we talk about just throwing a | 2:56:23 | 2:56:28 | |
stone away, so she will just deliver
it to the corner and not actually | 2:56:28 | 2:56:32 | |
disturb anything in the house and
lose any more. Sometimes you can try | 2:56:32 | 2:56:35 | |
a big fancy shot and it goes against
you. But I think this is worth a | 2:56:35 | 2:56:41 | |
try. She just wants to get it firmly
on the face of the red just to tap | 2:56:41 | 2:56:50 | |
it straight up. | 2:56:50 | 2:56:55 | |
But not to tap it onto the two that
are lying there. Yes, if you got the | 2:57:03 | 2:57:09 | |
angles wrong, that could happen. But
she has got it on the other side. | 2:57:09 | 2:57:20 | |
Well, she has done it, brilliant
shot. That's going to be three. | 2:57:20 | 2:57:23 | |
Excellent shot. Wang, the Chinese
skip, picking up three, and that was | 2:57:23 | 2:57:33 | |
a delicate shot, it was a risky shot
in some respects civil she played it | 2:57:33 | 2:57:38 | |
with perfect weight. And now, China
have a 2-shot lead after four ends. | 2:57:38 | 2:57:46 | |
Well, snap up against | 2:57:46 | 2:57:53 | |
Well, snap up against it now, Great
Britain. This Chinese team, they | 2:57:53 | 2:57:59 | |
have the chance to win against OAR
which would have had them with two | 2:57:59 | 2:58:02 | |
wins. They've been playing well. --
they had the chance. And certainly | 2:58:02 | 2:58:07 | |
that end there, executed very well
indeed. Certainly, Wang has brought | 2:58:07 | 2:58:14 | |
her again this evening. By some
contrast to Eve Muirhead. | 2:58:14 | 2:58:22 | |
Now is the time! | 2:58:24 | 2:58:27 | |
I spoke to Eve after the match this
morning. It is very easy to speak in | 2:58:32 | 2:58:37 | |
cliches and things, we were talking
about, it's a long week, you've got | 2:58:37 | 2:58:41 | |
nine matches, and one defeat this
morning, but... You look at the week | 2:58:41 | 2:58:47 | |
and you think, who are we
comfortable losing against, how many | 2:58:47 | 2:58:52 | |
matches? And really we want to win
six to guarantee ourselves... No | 2:58:52 | 2:58:59 | |
guarantees but to have a good chance
of the top four. If you win five, | 2:58:59 | 2:59:03 | |
you've got a chance of maybe ending
up in a tie-break. And the other | 2:59:03 | 2:59:07 | |
option, of course, you talked about
Dole's, bronze last time around, you | 2:59:07 | 2:59:18 | |
want to be in the gold-medal match,
you might not want to be playing | 2:59:18 | 2:59:21 | |
somebody like Canada, if you finish
fourth, although Canada themselves | 2:59:21 | 2:59:24 | |
have not got off to the best of
starts. But more often than not you | 2:59:24 | 2:59:30 | |
end up with Canada at the top. Of
the round robin table. | 2:59:30 | 2:59:39 | |
the round robin table. Yeah, you
would like to have seen the girls | 2:59:39 | 2:59:42 | |
playing a lot more confident against
some of these teams at the start of | 2:59:42 | 2:59:45 | |
the week, because I think their
games are going to get tougher. | 2:59:45 | 2:59:50 | |
They've got Sweden, they've got
Switzerland, they've got Japan and | 2:59:50 | 2:59:52 | |
they've got Canada. And even though
Canada aren't playing so well at the | 2:59:52 | 2:59:59 | |
moment, I said that in the interview
when I spoke to Clare, these guys | 2:59:59 | 3:00:02 | |
are so experienced, they may be like
this at the beginning of the week | 3:00:02 | 3:00:07 | |
but they will grow in confidence
certainly, and we have to do exactly | 3:00:07 | 3:00:10 | |
the same. We can't let is half shots
a fact as. We have to turn around | 3:00:10 | 3:00:17 | |
the game and make it to our own
advantage. -- affect us. | 3:00:17 | 3:00:26 | |
The idea you build into a
tournament, you build into a | 3:00:31 | 3:00:36 | |
competition and your form improves
and you are playing your best at the | 3:00:36 | 3:00:39 | |
right time, but you cannot afford,
at this format, you cannot afford to | 3:00:39 | 3:00:45 | |
lose too many matches otherwise it
is all over before you have started | 3:00:45 | 3:00:49 | |
playing well. Lauren being asked to
play back for weights. She needs to | 3:00:49 | 3:00:57 | |
come up to these reds in the house.
Tap them back and use her stone to | 3:00:57 | 3:01:02 | |
sit in front of them. | 3:01:02 | 3:01:08 | |
sit in front of them. Got to take
this as far as they possibly can. It | 3:01:08 | 3:01:13 | |
is losing line. She wanted to hit
the bread on the right-hand side | 3:01:13 | 3:01:18 | |
first, rather than the left hand.
Not bad shots, even the OK shots | 3:01:18 | 3:01:29 | |
just aren't quite working out for
Great Britain. But you make your own | 3:01:29 | 3:01:35 | |
good luck in this. Eve Muirhead
mention she was unlucky with the | 3:01:35 | 3:01:39 | |
take out attempt, the running back.
Springing her own out a little, but | 3:01:39 | 3:01:49 | |
she still has two sitting nicely.
Great Britain with the hammer. | 3:01:49 | 3:01:57 | |
Just a nose bump. Bump onto the red.
She will be too bothered if they | 3:02:11 | 3:02:20 | |
don't go out but she wants to sit
her yellow stone in front of them. | 3:02:20 | 3:02:29 | |
Well done. Nice try. There is still
some space and it should be a | 3:02:40 | 3:02:45 | |
relatively easy shot for China to
hit this. Just slightly off centre, | 3:02:45 | 3:02:51 | |
push it through out of the house.
Keep her shooter in the house. | 3:02:51 | 3:03:00 | |
Keep her shooter in the house. Liu
Jinli, playing second. She is | 3:03:05 | 3:03:10 | |
playing well, but has struggled just
a little. Still hanging on the edge, | 3:03:10 | 3:03:15 | |
but it is behind the horizontal line
we see going through the house. It | 3:03:15 | 3:03:21 | |
shouldn't be a danger to Eve
Muirhead at the moment. She can | 3:03:21 | 3:03:28 | |
utilise them to come in and rest on
top. She decided to ignore the red | 3:03:28 | 3:03:39 | |
in the house at the moment and use
the corner they put up earlier. If | 3:03:39 | 3:03:44 | |
they can get a shot in behind their
and China tried to chase it, make a | 3:03:44 | 3:03:50 | |
mistake, then they can start playing
on the other reds on the other side | 3:03:50 | 3:03:54 | |
of the house. Bit of strategy here.
It might curl a little bit too much. | 3:03:54 | 3:04:01 | |
So, big decision now but Wang
Bingyu. Does she chase the yellow or | 3:04:01 | 3:04:09 | |
dish you try and protect her red in
the centre? | 3:04:09 | 3:04:16 | |
the centre? -- does she. She is
going to take the high corner. | 3:04:17 | 3:04:30 | |
She is experienced enough that she
will not get sucked into the corner, | 3:04:31 | 3:04:35 | |
coming round the corner game. Clear
the guard. | 3:04:35 | 3:04:46 | |
Just checking that Stone didn't
rebound back into those two. | 3:04:52 | 3:05:00 | |
rebound back into those two. They
are lying two. It is all clear in | 3:05:02 | 3:05:04 | |
front now. | 3:05:04 | 3:05:14 | |
She is just going to try and hit
this thread on the button and move | 3:05:24 | 3:05:29 | |
across to the other two. It is a
good call. | 3:05:29 | 3:05:40 | |
good call. They need one of these to
be just right, not sneer, not close. | 3:05:40 | 3:05:49 | |
-- not near. They need to make a
play to set up picking up a two | 3:05:49 | 3:05:57 | |
here. If she plays a nice shot
here... They don't want to bounce | 3:05:57 | 3:06:03 | |
off it. I think they have overslept
that. Such an easy target. | 3:06:03 | 3:06:15 | |
Again, close. But at this level, you
are going to get punished. China | 3:06:15 | 3:06:27 | |
will be | 3:06:27 | 3:06:33 | |
will be happy to go across the
house. They don't want to leave a | 3:06:33 | 3:06:37 | |
big nest that Great Britain can come
and rest on. | 3:06:37 | 3:06:44 | |
Eve Muirhead just having a look to
see if the stone, the yellow, is | 3:06:51 | 3:06:57 | |
third. Two Chinese stones, one on
the bottom, one is touching the red. | 3:06:57 | 3:07:11 | |
He was lying with the third one? She
wants to catch the inside of the | 3:07:11 | 3:07:16 | |
red, to move to the right and hit
the other red. It will jam on the | 3:07:16 | 3:07:22 | |
other reds, but hopefully it will
remain in the house, her yellow | 3:07:22 | 3:07:26 | |
shooter, which he is playing just
now. | 3:07:26 | 3:07:33 | |
now. Another one just... Thinking
that there's a good shot. | 3:07:33 | 3:07:45 | |
that there's a good shot. Needed to
catch that not as flush on the nose. | 3:07:47 | 3:07:51 | |
Move across and push those of the
red Chinese stones away. Certainly | 3:07:51 | 3:07:55 | |
the one nearest. | 3:07:55 | 3:08:05 | |
There is going to be a score in this
end. It is just how much. | 3:08:10 | 3:08:17 | |
She is trying to get across to the
other side. Not a great position for | 3:08:33 | 3:08:40 | |
Eve Muirhead. That is the shot she
asked Anna Sloan to play last time. | 3:08:40 | 3:08:54 | |
I wondered about the red on the
right hand side of the four foot. | 3:08:54 | 3:08:58 | |
Sitting in front, cornering the
middle red. | 3:08:58 | 3:09:10 | |
middle red. I think we move this
one. I think we do this. Yes. She | 3:09:10 | 3:09:16 | |
must think that other stone... This
is always going to jam. Is it a | 3:09:16 | 3:09:27 | |
silly call just to do this. Split
the rings to live two? | 3:09:27 | 3:09:37 | |
the rings to live two? Vicki Adams
is not confident about her | 3:09:38 | 3:09:40 | |
suggestion. She looked at Eve
Muirhead and then said, I don't | 3:09:40 | 3:09:45 | |
know. It is a great suggestion. Take
that one, sit on the other side. | 3:09:45 | 3:10:01 | |
Vicki Adams | 3:10:01 | 3:10:07 | |
referring to lumping Betty. Her
nickname on the circuit. | 3:10:13 | 3:10:20 | |
Eve Muirhead needs to get one
working for her here. Got a chance. | 3:10:20 | 3:10:33 | |
It might be short. It is sitting out
there, not doing what you said. Just | 3:10:33 | 3:10:43 | |
needed a little role. | 3:10:43 | 3:10:49 | |
Still plenty of opportunity for Eve
Muirhead to get one here. Barring a | 3:10:54 | 3:11:01 | |
mistake from Wang Bingyu. | 3:11:01 | 3:11:08 | |
mistake from Wang Bingyu. But one is
not what they wanted. | 3:11:08 | 3:11:14 | |
not what they wanted. Heading into
the end of the fifth end, trailing | 3:11:14 | 3:11:17 | |
by one, if that is the case. Wang
Bingyu has two hits and stick here. | 3:11:17 | 3:11:30 | |
They are just playing the controlled
weight very nicely here. | 3:11:39 | 3:11:46 | |
weight very nicely here. She can
just hit and sit in. She will still | 3:11:48 | 3:11:53 | |
be on the wrong side. No, it needs
to be on the nose or just a bit of a | 3:11:53 | 3:11:59 | |
roll into the four foot, but you
have to execute this shot. | 3:11:59 | 3:12:07 | |
have to execute this shot. Ensure
that you get your one. You | 3:12:08 | 3:12:15 | |
that you get your one. You only go
one down into the fifth. All the | 3:12:15 | 3:12:21 | |
others have reached that, 3-3, and
it is going to be a Chinese lead | 3:12:21 | 3:12:28 | |
here because Eve Muirhead, at best
can only get one. Has she manage | 3:12:28 | 3:12:35 | |
that? She is trying to hit the
Chinese red and sit by that their | 3:12:35 | 3:12:39 | |
role across towards the bottom. That
looks about right. That will give | 3:12:39 | 3:12:44 | |
her a little bit of confidence. It's
not as good as we would have liked. | 3:12:44 | 3:12:49 | |
Just the one at the end of the fifth
end. China lead at the halfway | 3:12:49 | 3:12:56 | |
point, 4-3.
CLARE BALDING: It is very tight and | 3:12:56 | 3:13:00 | |
tense, but 4-3, China have the edge.
We will be back for live coverage | 3:13:00 | 3:13:06 | |
and all is not lost. Jemmy, do you
know when Snowboarding came into the | 3:13:06 | 3:13:15 | |
Olympics. Snowboarding or
Snowboarding cross? Snowboarding, | 3:13:15 | 3:13:18 | |
generally. All a long time ago. 20
years ago. Snowboarding cross is | 3:13:18 | 3:13:27 | |
only the fourth time. It was the big
hits of 2006. The thing about | 3:13:27 | 3:13:37 | |
Snowboarding cross, they don't have
the bends, they have the bumps and | 3:13:37 | 3:13:41 | |
other borders to worry about, which
means it can be chaotic. | 3:13:41 | 3:13:50 | |
What a fantastic race. Jarryd Hughes
leads now. Think the Olympic | 3:13:56 | 3:14:08 | |
champion went down of his own
accord. | 3:14:08 | 3:14:17 | |
accord. Who is up, I think it is the
Olympic champion he plays his get | 3:14:17 | 3:14:23 | |
out of jail free card. Hernandez
goes absolutely massive. Three men | 3:14:23 | 3:14:33 | |
bow. It depends who is taking which
colour medal now as Hernandez dies | 3:14:33 | 3:14:39 | |
inside Jarryd Hughes. Vaultier is
out in front. | 3:14:39 | 3:14:47 | |
out in front. Dropping down, Jarryd
Hughes, no way he can reel in | 3:14:47 | 3:14:51 | |
Vaultier but can he defend the
silver medal position? This is going | 3:14:51 | 3:14:56 | |
to go to a photo finish. They will
have at the same time at the bottom. | 3:14:56 | 3:15:03 | |
It is like formation flying.
Vaultier makes it two gold medals in | 3:15:03 | 3:15:10 | |
a row. Sochi and Korea. He was
breathtaking, nobody can hold a | 3:15:10 | 3:15:16 | |
candle to the Frenchman. Vaultier
defending his title successfully, | 3:15:16 | 3:15:24 | |
despite falling. It is how you get
up, he is called Le Boss on social | 3:15:24 | 3:15:33 | |
media. We think how France are
dominating in winter sports. Also | 3:15:33 | 3:15:37 | |
the first non-American to when a
gold medal at these games in the | 3:15:37 | 3:15:42 | |
Snowboarding event. No Americans in
the final. Fantastic stuff and we do | 3:15:42 | 3:15:47 | |
love that. | 3:15:47 | 3:15:52 | |
I guess big relief physical is the
sport of ice hockey and there was | 3:15:54 | 3:15:58 | |
huge excitement around the united
women's Korean team, but look at | 3:15:58 | 3:16:03 | |
these shots from the men's team
dressing room. When they got out | 3:16:03 | 3:16:06 | |
onto the ice they had the
coordinated Korean cheerleaders to | 3:16:06 | 3:16:10 | |
support them, and they had something
to shout about! | 3:16:10 | 3:16:17 | |
Now, South Korea will move it
away... They've scored! | 3:16:20 | 3:16:28 | |
away... They've scored! Cho-min Ho!
Korea, in their first ever Olympic | 3:16:29 | 3:16:36 | |
Games, score goal and opened the
scoring in this game! Lovely work in | 3:16:36 | 3:16:41 | |
the offensive zone and a snapshot
from Cho-min Ho! He writes his name | 3:16:41 | 3:16:46 | |
in the history books! | 3:16:46 | 3:16:56 | |
I think that coordinated support...
Do you remember the Icelandic fans | 3:16:56 | 3:17:03 | |
in the European Championships, the
old thunderclap?! And at the curling | 3:17:03 | 3:17:08 | |
we have been hearing an awful lot of
noise from one of the other sheets, | 3:17:08 | 3:17:15 | |
because there is a South Korean team
in action, but obviously we have | 3:17:15 | 3:17:18 | |
been concentrating on the GB team,
skippered by Eve Muirhead. And we | 3:17:18 | 3:17:23 | |
are going to stay with live curling
up until one o'clock, and then it | 3:17:23 | 3:17:27 | |
will be moving onto BBC Two. In the
commentary box for us, Steve Cram | 3:17:27 | 3:17:33 | |
and jockey Lockhart, and the crucial
moment seemed to be the end of the | 3:17:33 | 3:17:40 | |
fourth end? Yeah, Eve Muirhead was
facing three Chinese shots and she | 3:17:40 | 3:17:47 | |
had to play a really difficult raw
and she just came up short. She left | 3:17:47 | 3:17:52 | |
China lie-in two, and there was a
fantastic raise played by Bingyu, so | 3:17:52 | 3:18:03 | |
that was a great disappointment for
the British team. Do you sense, | 3:18:03 | 3:18:07 | |
Jackie, that evil is just a little
unsure at the moment, not quite in | 3:18:07 | 3:18:10 | |
her stride? Yeah, I don't see the
confidence at the minute, and that | 3:18:10 | 3:18:18 | |
is a real shame is in the only
people who are putting Russia on | 3:18:18 | 3:18:21 | |
them are themselves, and I think
they just have to take a step back | 3:18:21 | 3:18:25 | |
and remember why they got here,
they're very good players, they've | 3:18:25 | 3:18:28 | |
got the | 3:18:28 | 3:18:35 | |
got the skills and they just have to
relax and play some good shots. To | 3:18:35 | 3:18:39 | |
be fair to China they are playing
exceptionally well. They took three | 3:18:39 | 3:18:45 | |
in this end, and that is good
curling! Yeah, it is very good | 3:18:45 | 3:18:54 | |
curling, everybody | 3:18:54 | 3:18:54 | |
curling! Yeah, it is very good
curling, everybody out there is to | 3:18:54 | 3:18:55 | |
your to win, there's nobody coming
here and not with the dream of | 3:18:55 | 3:18:59 | |
winning an Olympic medal and every
game is difficult. You can look at | 3:18:59 | 3:19:03 | |
it on paper and think, we should
beat these girls, but once you get | 3:19:03 | 3:19:07 | |
down on the ice, it's a whole new
ball game. Steve Cram, just to let | 3:19:07 | 3:19:12 | |
everybody know that the Czech
Republic have equalised against | 3:19:12 | 3:19:15 | |
South Korea in the ice hockey, but I
will let you take us through the | 3:19:15 | 3:19:19 | |
second half as it were of this
curling game. | 3:19:19 | 3:19:24 | |
STEVE CRAM: And to continue the
Korean team theme, they are 3-3 | 3:19:24 | 3:19:29 | |
against Japan. Actually, I was back
in the hotel this afternoon and I | 3:19:29 | 3:19:35 | |
was watching some of the coverage,
and Korea beating Canada, that's a | 3:19:35 | 3:19:41 | |
massive shot in the world of
curling. And it was all over their | 3:19:41 | 3:19:45 | |
programme. And I also saw a trip of
their commentators from the | 3:19:45 | 3:19:51 | |
skeleton, which was... If anyone
gets a chance to see that, you | 3:19:51 | 3:19:54 | |
should, because leading after two
runs in the skeleton, the Korean | 3:19:54 | 3:19:59 | |
slider any the commentary team were
wonderful. Anyway... You see that | 3:19:59 | 3:20:07 | |
stone there, just from a second I
thought it was not going to get over | 3:20:07 | 3:20:10 | |
the hog line. So, if you're just
joining us, or you just need a | 3:20:10 | 3:20:15 | |
reminder, as the guys were chatting,
Eve Muirhead just struggling a | 3:20:15 | 3:20:19 | |
little. The whole team obviously
look to her, but they've got to make | 3:20:19 | 3:20:26 | |
their shots as well. So, 4-3 to
China, they do have the hammer here. | 3:20:26 | 3:20:30 | |
And a couple of guards been put in
place by Great Britain. | 3:20:30 | 3:20:42 | |
place by Great Britain. Canada and
Sweden are level at 3-3. USA and | 3:20:42 | 3:20:50 | |
Switzerland, Switzerland have a... I
nearly said slender advantage, it is | 3:20:50 | 3:20:57 | |
5-1. USA beat Great Britain, of
course. They would have been | 3:20:57 | 3:21:03 | |
delighted with that victory against
Great Britain. OK, let's concentrate | 3:21:03 | 3:21:07 | |
on this, then. By the way, you may
have noticed in that camera shot | 3:21:07 | 3:21:16 | |
that Jackie Lockhart has got about
four lay eyes on! -- about four | 3:21:16 | 3:21:22 | |
layers on! I like to be in sympathy
with the rest of the girls up the | 3:21:22 | 3:21:32 | |
mountains, Eilidh and... You won't
feel the benefit! That's what my mum | 3:21:32 | 3:21:39 | |
used to say, take your jacket off,
or you won't feel the benefit when | 3:21:39 | 3:21:43 | |
you put it a hit and | 3:21:43 | 3:21:53 | |
-- when you put it on. This arena is
bringing tonight, and we've got | 3:21:55 | 3:21:59 | |
these blowers which blow cold air in
at the upper end, we are at the far | 3:21:59 | 3:22:06 | |
end from where the players are at
the moment, so it can get a bit | 3:22:06 | 3:22:10 | |
chilly up here. But it is quite nice
tonight. All of the viewing public, | 3:22:10 | 3:22:20 | |
a lot that eyes on that career match
and a lot of Canadian support and a | 3:22:20 | 3:22:26 | |
sprinkling of union Jacks around,
hoping that Eve Muirhead and her | 3:22:26 | 3:22:29 | |
team can improve. | 3:22:29 | 3:22:39 | |
hoping that Eve Muirhead and her
team can improve. | 3:22:39 | 3:22:39 | |
I think we go for that one and then
even if it is hanging high... When | 3:22:42 | 3:22:46 | |
you start -- when do you start
playing risky shots, not yet, | 3:22:46 | 3:22:52 | |
surely? I think they have to try and
play a simple end, make sure | 3:22:52 | 3:22:57 | |
everybody plays their shots, throws
them well, and then as you get into | 3:22:57 | 3:23:03 | |
eight, nine and ten, then UK and
looked at starting to play the risky | 3:23:03 | 3:23:07 | |
shots. | 3:23:07 | 3:23:09 | |
So, that's actually OK. They've got
two yellow stones there in the top | 3:23:24 | 3:23:30 | |
of the house. It's just how they're
going to get that red moved. | 3:23:30 | 3:23:47 | |
going to get that red moved. Bingyu
looking to hit that yellow just onto | 3:23:47 | 3:23:49 | |
the other yellow, and cross it out
across the house. Hopefully without | 3:23:49 | 3:23:55 | |
touching her red stone. Yeah, that's
going to require a very accurate | 3:23:55 | 3:24:00 | |
shot. She was just working out the
angles there. Working back from that | 3:24:00 | 3:24:06 | |
stone she wants to move, the one
sitting above the red after side and | 3:24:06 | 3:24:10 | |
then deciding at what point on that
stone... Oh, this is big weight! And | 3:24:10 | 3:24:17 | |
it's high and wide and... Is it
catching anything?! Oh, it has! At | 3:24:17 | 3:24:23 | |
least it has left that yellow in
there. And then the second one did | 3:24:23 | 3:24:27 | |
jam across to the other Chinese red.
I thought that was wide there. I | 3:24:27 | 3:24:32 | |
thought that was a little bit of a
rush of blood to the head there. Not | 3:24:32 | 3:24:40 | |
sure she'd needed to play quite that
weight. She got the shot she wanted | 3:24:40 | 3:24:44 | |
but she did jam, rather than taking
both of them out. So, Great Britain | 3:24:44 | 3:24:52 | |
lying in second and third place at
the moment, the Chinese stone right | 3:24:52 | 3:24:55 | |
in the centre. There are lots of
options when you start to build an | 3:24:55 | 3:25:03 | |
end like this. But the Eve and the
rest of the team, you don't want to | 3:25:03 | 3:25:08 | |
give two away here, and make it 6-3
deficit with just four ends left. | 3:25:08 | 3:25:17 | |
Great opportunity to hit yellow onto
yellow onto red... It's nearly | 3:25:17 | 3:25:23 | |
worked out, but just split them. And
there you can see the shot that's | 3:25:23 | 3:25:33 | |
available, can move both of those
with a good shot here. Yeah, it just | 3:25:33 | 3:25:36 | |
did not have the weight to do the
job required. So, another | 3:25:36 | 3:25:42 | |
opportunity for China to get a
double, catch the inside of that | 3:25:42 | 3:25:47 | |
yellow just where Bingyu Shealy --
just web Bingyu's brush is. So, her | 3:25:47 | 3:25:58 | |
long-time playing partner, Zhou...
Just like that. Oh, well done! One | 3:25:58 | 3:26:12 | |
has stayed in there, but what a good
shot. | 3:26:12 | 3:26:20 | |
shot. Well, there's two elements to
this. One is Britain play better, | 3:26:20 | 3:26:24 | |
but if China get even better, which
they seem to be, they're really | 3:26:24 | 3:26:28 | |
hitting their shots well now, and it
makes it even more difficult. There | 3:26:28 | 3:26:32 | |
will be mistakes and, but you have
to obviously be able to capitalise | 3:26:32 | 3:26:38 | |
on them. Great Britain were asking
the question of China, but each time | 3:26:38 | 3:26:43 | |
they have done so, they've delivered
the shot required. | 3:26:43 | 3:26:54 | |
Trying to hold the line here...
Really have to work hard to hold it | 3:26:58 | 3:27:02 | |
past there. Just bought it. And, you
know, it is a game of inches and | 3:27:02 | 3:27:11 | |
centimetres and millimetres at
times, and when it's not going your | 3:27:11 | 3:27:14 | |
way, it all seems to go against you.
Nothing working out for Great | 3:27:14 | 3:27:20 | |
Britain. These girls swept as hard
as they possibly could. The sweepers | 3:27:20 | 3:27:30 | |
in your team play a huge part in the
game. Quite often you lay the shot | 3:27:30 | 3:27:37 | |
with the knowledge that your
sweepers are going to help take your | 3:27:37 | 3:27:39 | |
stone down the other end. Either
helping hold it straight, or taking | 3:27:39 | 3:27:45 | |
it further. Can't beat having good
sweepers in your team, I was always | 3:27:45 | 3:27:53 | |
very lucky when I played, Steve, I
had any lead who was my lead she was | 3:27:53 | 3:28:00 | |
a really good sweeper and a great
judge of stone. | 3:28:00 | 3:28:07 | |
judge of stone. But unfortunately
our team there just couldn't hold | 3:28:09 | 3:28:12 | |
it. | 3:28:12 | 3:28:18 | |
it. -- I had Annie Laird as my lead.
It's also that first shot, it's not | 3:28:18 | 3:28:29 | |
just China playing a great shot for
the double takeout, it was the way | 3:28:29 | 3:28:35 | |
the stones broke from Anna Sloan's
shot as well, it wasn't a terrible | 3:28:35 | 3:28:40 | |
shot, it was just the way the stones
ended up. Something has got to | 3:28:40 | 3:28:44 | |
change, something's got to work for
Great Britain, by luck or by their | 3:28:44 | 3:28:48 | |
own skill. | 3:28:48 | 3:28:52 | |
It probably feels like an uphill
struggle at the moment for team | 3:28:55 | 3:28:59 | |
Great Britain, but actually they
have to take a look at the | 3:28:59 | 3:29:04 | |
scoreboard, it is only 4-3, they're
only one shot damn. -- one shot | 3:29:04 | 3:29:11 | |
down. Is it just Heitinga? It's just
the fact that it is covering the two | 3:29:11 | 3:29:16 | |
stones in the house. -- is it just
writing? Looking to raise that one | 3:29:16 | 3:29:23 | |
or not? | 3:29:23 | 3:29:33 | |
When we were looking at the
overhead, you couldn't see the shot. | 3:29:38 | 3:29:48 | |
Eve Muirhead has got to use her own
stone, which is the yellow on the | 3:29:48 | 3:29:52 | |
right-hand side where we see Anna
Sloan's brush. She is looking at the | 3:29:52 | 3:29:58 | |
angle she needs to hit it at. She
can drive the yellow on to the top | 3:29:58 | 3:30:03 | |
bread to try and catch the red on
the button and split them out. | 3:30:03 | 3:30:08 | |
Hopefully her yellow stone will stay
in the house. It is one of those | 3:30:08 | 3:30:14 | |
things where all of those things you
have just said need to happen. | 3:30:14 | 3:30:21 | |
Partial success, probably will not
be good enough. Eve Muirhead needs | 3:30:21 | 3:30:27 | |
to use her own yellow. Great shot
and it sits in there, finally Eve | 3:30:27 | 3:30:32 | |
Muirhead gets one working for her.
Great Britain have suddenly improve | 3:30:32 | 3:30:38 | |
the situation dramatically. Good
shot from Eve Muirhead. It is a | 3:30:38 | 3:30:44 | |
tremendous shot and has completely
turned the end around. Just enough | 3:30:44 | 3:30:49 | |
weight as well. Keeps going, keeps
going. Great Britain lying two. | 3:30:49 | 3:31:01 | |
going. Great Britain lying two. I
was getting worried, Jackie? That is | 3:31:02 | 3:31:06 | |
the shot she was needing. | 3:31:06 | 3:31:15 | |
the shot she was needing. You know
when you play a good shot, it also | 3:31:15 | 3:31:19 | |
does the other thing, takes a bit of
the wind out of the sails of the | 3:31:19 | 3:31:24 | |
opposition. Things have been going
very well. China have been playing | 3:31:24 | 3:31:28 | |
some wonderful shots. Wang Bingyu is
going to try and draw in. Fairly | 3:31:28 | 3:31:36 | |
open down that side. It is all about
the wait. We have seen two or three | 3:31:36 | 3:31:43 | |
come up short, haven't we? We have,
although the girls seem to be happy | 3:31:43 | 3:31:48 | |
with the stone. They just need to be
careful with the line. Lovely shot | 3:31:48 | 3:31:52 | |
played by Wang Bingyu. Nice draw.
She will not be pressurised by the | 3:31:52 | 3:32:00 | |
two British stone sitting in the
house and she has drawn one onto the | 3:32:00 | 3:32:04 | |
bottom. | 3:32:04 | 3:32:11 | |
This is the last stone for Great
Britain here. | 3:32:14 | 3:32:21 | |
Britain here. If you did give up one
here, still as he said, watched the | 3:32:23 | 3:32:29 | |
scoreboard, only two behind and four
ends left. | 3:32:29 | 3:32:37 | |
ends left. The previous shot has
helped Eve Muirhead. She has to be | 3:32:37 | 3:32:40 | |
as close as possible to the red and
make it as hard as possible for | 3:32:40 | 3:32:47 | |
China to score their two here.
Remember that last straw she had | 3:32:47 | 3:32:55 | |
this morning when she had the chance
to tie the match. She knew as soon | 3:32:55 | 3:33:00 | |
as she let the stone go, she wasn't
happy with it. This looks heavy. | 3:33:00 | 3:33:07 | |
This might be similar. It is coming
in, but it is just going to slide | 3:33:07 | 3:33:12 | |
by. She knew instantly when she let
it go. | 3:33:12 | 3:33:19 | |
it go. After one good shot, sliding
by with her second. Opportunity | 3:33:20 | 3:33:27 | |
slides by as well and it opens the
door once more for China. Pick up a | 3:33:27 | 3:33:33 | |
two and they would have a three shot
lead. It becomes very, very | 3:33:33 | 3:33:43 | |
difficult, not just because you are
to be behind but China are playing | 3:33:43 | 3:33:46 | |
well. They have got to stick in. If
Wang Bingyu makes this shot and they | 3:33:46 | 3:33:58 | |
are three down, they have to think
about, OK, we have got the hammer, | 3:33:58 | 3:34:02 | |
we will get the two straight back
here and we will keep ourselves in | 3:34:02 | 3:34:06 | |
the game. | 3:34:06 | 3:34:15 | |
the game. She is trying to help, or
is she just offering encouragement? | 3:34:15 | 3:34:21 | |
Sweeping that matter I think it is
going to come up short. That has got | 3:34:21 | 3:34:27 | |
to be short. What a let off for
Great Britain. That was an massive | 3:34:27 | 3:34:35 | |
opportunity, not such a difficult
shot. Eve Muirhead made a mistake | 3:34:35 | 3:34:39 | |
prior to that and one following with
an indifferent shot herself. Pulling | 3:34:39 | 3:34:45 | |
up short, despite the efforts of the
sleepers. So Great Britain are | 3:34:45 | 3:34:50 | |
trailing by two, but it could have
been worse. | 3:34:50 | 3:34:59 | |
been worse. The hammer now reverts
to Great Britain. | 3:34:59 | 3:35:07 | |
to Great Britain. Again, Jackie, it
is one good one, then an indifferent | 3:35:07 | 3:35:13 | |
shot. They have got to find some
consistency. We have seen, if they | 3:35:13 | 3:35:18 | |
put a little bit of pressure, even
though they are playing very well, | 3:35:18 | 3:35:23 | |
everybody has a mistake in them.
Yes, we got away with that one. Eve | 3:35:23 | 3:35:30 | |
Muirhead was disappointed with her
shot, but at the end of the day it | 3:35:30 | 3:35:34 | |
was just one. Like I said, before
the end of that end, team Great | 3:35:34 | 3:35:41 | |
Britain just have to pick up a two
and they are straight back in this | 3:35:41 | 3:35:46 | |
game. Very quickly elsewhere, Korea
have picked up one and lead 4-3. USA | 3:35:46 | 3:35:54 | |
have closed the gap with
Switzerland. Sweden, 5-3 up over | 3:35:54 | 3:35:59 | |
Canada. | 3:35:59 | 3:36:09 | |
Canada. So much expectation and
Canada and a lot of expectation on | 3:36:09 | 3:36:12 | |
Britain as well. Great Britain with
the hammer and the first stone from | 3:36:12 | 3:36:19 | |
China just sliding through. | 3:36:19 | 3:36:25 | |
China just sliding through. Just a
little long. Right, so let's have an | 3:36:25 | 3:36:36 | |
end where everybody plays well,
everybody plays well. Yes, nice | 3:36:36 | 3:36:41 | |
corner guard on here. | 3:36:41 | 3:36:52 | |
This looks like it's going to come
into the house. It is just stopping. | 3:36:55 | 3:37:00 | |
Put the brakes on. | 3:37:00 | 3:37:06 | |
Ma Jingyi, this young lead. First
Olympic Games. | 3:37:21 | 3:37:28 | |
Olympic Games. Yes, age 22. Great
experience for her. First stone just | 3:37:28 | 3:37:34 | |
went too far and this one is going
to do exactly the same. | 3:37:34 | 3:37:47 | |
There is a good atmosphere in here
tonight. Full house, pretty much. As | 3:37:55 | 3:38:01 | |
I said earlier on, Korea doing well.
If they win their second match as | 3:38:01 | 3:38:05 | |
well, that would be a little bit of
a turn-up for the books, given they | 3:38:05 | 3:38:11 | |
are playing and Japan. | 3:38:11 | 3:38:19 | |
are playing and Japan. -- Canada.
Just watching this. | 3:38:19 | 3:38:25 | |
Just watching this. She won't want
to roll off this. That is exactly | 3:38:28 | 3:38:32 | |
what she has done. So Wang Bingyu
asking to remove that yellow stone | 3:38:32 | 3:38:40 | |
of Great Britain. I don't think she
will be too upset if she run | 3:38:40 | 3:38:45 | |
herself. If she hits it on the nose,
she is laying a pocket and that is | 3:38:45 | 3:38:51 | |
something we could utilise. Could
sit on top of the red stones and use | 3:38:51 | 3:38:57 | |
them to protect them removing our
stone. Rolled out to the wings so | 3:38:57 | 3:39:04 | |
that isn't too bad. Eve Muirhead
just calling for a back ring wait to | 3:39:04 | 3:39:10 | |
come onto the red and tap it
slightly back. She won't mind if it | 3:39:10 | 3:39:14 | |
taps and sits, they sit level. It
won't be jamming up against their | 3:39:14 | 3:39:23 | |
own back stone. | 3:39:23 | 3:39:28 | |
own back stone. They are never short
of communication, the British | 3:39:30 | 3:39:33 | |
quartet. Keeping the energy levels
up, the body language is good. | 3:39:33 | 3:39:40 | |
Making shots. | 3:39:40 | 3:39:45 | |
Making shots. We are just not
finishing on the right side. We've | 3:39:48 | 3:39:51 | |
got the wait, we haven't got the
line. If we've got the line, we're | 3:39:51 | 3:39:56 | |
not getting the wait. I keep saying
about the idea of applying pressure | 3:39:56 | 3:40:01 | |
to the opposition. It just makes
some of their shots a little easier. | 3:40:01 | 3:40:07 | |
They are capable of mistakes, of
course they are. Great Britain and | 3:40:07 | 3:40:13 | |
allowing slightly easier shots to
make. Nearly caught that very | 3:40:13 | 3:40:20 | |
skinny, but just about got away with
it. | 3:40:20 | 3:40:29 | |
it. All the Chinese stones on the
back of the rings. | 3:40:29 | 3:40:36 | |
Looking for an easy double here. | 3:40:43 | 3:40:49 | |
Nothing has been easy. You see the
shots and you think, just make the | 3:40:49 | 3:40:54 | |
shot. | 3:40:54 | 3:41:02 | |
shot. Late call to sweep. Nice
shots. The reason why we like that, | 3:41:02 | 3:41:11 | |
not so easy to move. All about
trying to build an opportunity to at | 3:41:11 | 3:41:21 | |
least take the two. Wang Bingyu
won't be bothered if she removes her | 3:41:21 | 3:41:28 | |
own back stone. It is a danger to
her at the moment. | 3:41:28 | 3:41:36 | |
They said it was harder to move. An
opportunity here for Eve Muirhead to | 3:41:50 | 3:41:57 | |
come round beehive her yellow stone,
which is outside the house that | 3:41:57 | 3:42:03 | |
Lauren Gray played earlier on. Use
it as a protector. This could be an | 3:42:03 | 3:42:09 | |
ideal opportunity for them to pick
up a two here. Just need to make | 3:42:09 | 3:42:13 | |
sure they get this stone behind and
get some cover. | 3:42:13 | 3:42:21 | |
Maybe this time, just about got it
right. Comes in nicely behind the | 3:42:26 | 3:42:30 | |
guard. Nice shot. Well played. Just
feel as if they are starting to get | 3:42:30 | 3:42:37 | |
a little bit more accurate. Anna
Sloan, missing one or two. Three | 3:42:37 | 3:42:44 | |
more stones in this end. | 3:42:44 | 3:42:51 | |
more stones in this end. Zhou Yan,
very experienced. Has played with | 3:42:54 | 3:42:55 | |
Wang Bingyu, very much since their
early days. Looking to take both of | 3:42:55 | 3:43:01 | |
these here. | 3:43:01 | 3:43:09 | |
these here. She misses the other
British stone, but rolls across. | 3:43:09 | 3:43:20 | |
So, crucial we can try and get two
here. Anna Sloan, going to come down | 3:43:23 | 3:43:29 | |
with her last stone and it will be
less than two Eve Muirhead. Still | 3:43:29 | 3:43:37 | |
sitting with the advantage to China
leading 5-3 as we come towards the | 3:43:37 | 3:43:44 | |
end of the seventh end.
CLARE BALDING: As Anna Sloan tries | 3:43:44 | 3:43:50 | |
to deliver that stone perfectly into
the house, we are heading into the | 3:43:50 | 3:43:55 | |
one o'clock News. | 3:43:55 | 3:43:56 |