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Hello. It's state of the games in
Pyeongchang but nine is the magic | 0:00:37 | 0:00:42 | |
number on this special day, February
17, because there are nine gold | 0:00:42 | 0:00:46 | |
medals on offer and one has gone to
Great Britain and Lizzy Yarnold, who | 0:00:46 | 0:00:50 | |
has retained the bob skeleton titles
she claimed in Sochi. Laura Deas | 0:00:50 | 0:01:00 | |
also taking the bronze, the third
skeleton muddle by Britain in this | 0:01:00 | 0:01:04 | |
game is after Dom Parsons's bronze
in the men's -- skeleton muddle. We | 0:01:04 | 0:01:10 | |
will hear from Lizzy Yarnold Laura
soon. Already another Olympic super | 0:01:10 | 0:01:13 | |
Saturday for the British team. Not
for a century have Britain's Winter | 0:01:13 | 0:01:21 | |
Olympics claimed multiple medals on
the same day. | 0:01:21 | 0:01:28 | |
the same day. So, could Elise
Christie join them? Short track's | 0:01:28 | 0:01:32 | |
triple world champion still waiting
for her Olympic breakthrough, will | 0:01:32 | 0:01:36 | |
it finally come in the 1500 metres?
Lizzy has won that second gold. We | 0:01:36 | 0:01:42 | |
reflect on another slice of history
for her as she becomes the first | 0:01:42 | 0:01:46 | |
skeleton racer ever to retain title.
-- a title. Gold and bronze for | 0:01:46 | 0:01:55 | |
Britain at the Sliding Centre.
Whatever happens today, | 0:01:55 | 0:02:03 | |
Whatever happens today, Japan will
take medal for figure skating. | 0:02:08 | 0:02:23 | |
take medal for figure skating. Our
first glimpse of American megastar | 0:02:23 | 0:02:25 | |
Lindsey von as the ski women threw
themselves down the mountain in the | 0:02:25 | 0:02:30 | |
super-g in a race of stunning
surprises. In 26 years of frenetic | 0:02:30 | 0:02:35 | |
racing at the Winter Games in short
track speed skating there has been | 0:02:35 | 0:02:40 | |
one British medal, Nicky Gooch,
bronze in Lillehammer 1994. He is | 0:02:40 | 0:02:45 | |
now the coach of Elise Christie,
very much in her corner. As you know | 0:02:45 | 0:02:50 | |
Elise Christie is a brilliant
athlete, a multiple European | 0:02:50 | 0:02:55 | |
athlete, a multiple world champion,
but success is never come away at | 0:02:55 | 0:02:59 | |
the Olympics. It wasn't just Nicky
in her corner today but everyone in | 0:02:59 | 0:03:03 | |
Great Britain, would it finally come
right for her in the 1500 metres? | 0:03:03 | 0:03:08 | |
She was one of three British skaters
in this event today. In the second | 0:03:08 | 0:03:13 | |
She was one of three British skaters
in this event today. In the second | 0:03:13 | 0:03:14 | |
heat Kathryn Thomson eating in her
first games was the first Briton to | 0:03:14 | 0:03:20 | |
go and to go out. Thompson needed to
be in the top three to advance to | 0:03:20 | 0:03:25 | |
the semis but she finished fourth.
Elise Christie and Charlotte | 0:03:25 | 0:03:31 | |
Gilmartin progressed and in the
first of three semifinals, Kim of | 0:03:31 | 0:03:35 | |
South | 0:03:35 | 0:03:42 | |
South Korea is to way through to
fight the medals. And so as they | 0:03:42 | 0:03:47 | |
crossed the line, it was Charlotte
Gilmartin to try her luck, watched | 0:03:47 | 0:03:56 | |
by Wilf O'Reilly and Simon
Brotherton. COMMENTATOR: Let's go on | 0:03:56 | 0:04:03 | |
with the second of these three
semifinals. There is Charlotte | 0:04:03 | 0:04:08 | |
Gilmartin. Work to do here with
seven laps to go. Down she goes | 0:04:08 | 0:04:14 | |
again, Gilmartin has crashed out
just as she did in the heats of the | 0:04:14 | 0:04:22 | |
500 metres, but she is back on her
skates and back up and running on | 0:04:22 | 0:04:26 | |
the ice but a lap behind everybody
else. In the front | 0:04:26 | 0:04:37 | |
else. In the front it is Ter Mors
ahead of Fontana. Bringing up the | 0:04:37 | 0:04:40 | |
rear from the leading | 0:04:40 | 0:04:46 | |
rear from the leading group is
Kikuchi of Japan. Ter Mors moving | 0:04:46 | 0:04:48 | |
into first place with three laps to
go so we will have to wait and see | 0:04:48 | 0:04:52 | |
what happens. Fontana wasn't about
to give away. Ter Mors leads the way | 0:04:52 | 0:05:01 | |
in front, Fontana in second place,
she goes out wide, | 0:05:01 | 0:05:09 | |
she goes out wide, Kikuchi
travelling in third. First two over | 0:05:10 | 0:05:14 | |
the line Ter Mors and Fontana, and
is Lockett of Australia crashed, and | 0:05:14 | 0:05:26 | |
unable to challenge for the final.
We have a and B finals in these | 0:05:26 | 0:05:32 | |
events, the B final leg merely to
determine the final placing. This is | 0:05:32 | 0:05:38 | |
the second semifinal and here is
Charlotte Gilmartin. Couldn't see | 0:05:38 | 0:05:44 | |
what happened there but she is
trying to come up the inside. The | 0:05:44 | 0:05:50 | |
Italian completely blocking her out.
Confirmation of the results, Ter | 0:05:50 | 0:05:58 | |
Mors of the Netherlands and Fontana
going through. | 0:05:58 | 0:06:07 | |
Here we go. Elise Christie needs to
finish in the first two to get into | 0:06:07 | 0:06:12 | |
the Olympic final. | 0:06:12 | 0:06:20 | |
the Olympic final. Minjeong on the
inside, | 0:06:20 | 0:06:25 | |
inside, Christie, Yang of China and
multi of Canada. Will Christie adapt | 0:06:27 | 0:06:33 | |
the same tactics student in the
first round, and leave it for a | 0:06:33 | 0:06:38 | |
final burst of speed at the end? I'm
convinced looking at the field there | 0:06:38 | 0:06:43 | |
is no real specialist 1500 metres
skaters in this race so that is | 0:06:43 | 0:06:47 | |
probably the tactics, the race plan
she will adapt to. Choi sat | 0:06:47 | 0:06:53 | |
comfortably behind | 0:06:53 | 0:06:59 | |
comfortably behind Christie. In the
first race of the day Christie was | 0:07:00 | 0:07:04 | |
confident enough in her speeds to
bide her time early on, and this is | 0:07:04 | 0:07:10 | |
what she has done initially, just
moving up a little, in front of Yang | 0:07:10 | 0:07:17 | |
Maltais into second place. Remember
Christie has to finish in the first | 0:07:17 | 0:07:25 | |
two here. Moves into second place
behind Li. Tight up the front, not | 0:07:25 | 0:07:34 | |
too much room there, the two Chinese
athletes dominate up to now with | 0:07:34 | 0:07:38 | |
seven to go. Christie skating nice
lines going into the turn. Not going | 0:07:38 | 0:07:44 | |
into tight or being forced to be
squeezed onto that first block. She | 0:07:44 | 0:07:51 | |
is still looking very comfortable
indeed as Maltais tries to attack | 0:07:51 | 0:07:57 | |
around the outside. Maltais makes a
move round the outside, suddenly | 0:07:57 | 0:08:00 | |
Christie looking boxed in our
Maltais makes her move so it is | 0:08:00 | 0:08:09 | |
Maltais, Zhou, Li and Christie with
four laps to go. Maltais has a | 0:08:09 | 0:08:14 | |
little bit of a gap here, Maltais,
going for a longer one, Zhou is | 0:08:14 | 0:08:19 | |
there an Christie has work to do now
because Ming Jeong comes round the | 0:08:19 | 0:08:26 | |
outside -- Choi comes round the
outside. Two laps to go, Christie | 0:08:26 | 0:08:31 | |
just a little bit patient, doesn't
want to crash into Zhou now the race | 0:08:31 | 0:08:36 | |
is on. Christie in third place, Choi
leads the way and it is between Zhou | 0:08:36 | 0:08:42 | |
and Christie as they come round the
final bend, and they both crash. | 0:08:42 | 0:08:47 | |
Christie has crashed again in the
semifinal, right on the final bend, | 0:08:47 | 0:08:52 | |
yet again, she ends up in a
distraught heap on the floor. She | 0:08:52 | 0:08:55 | |
was almost there, she was almost
about to qualify, she could see the | 0:08:55 | 0:09:02 | |
line in front of her, and what is
more, -- once more, Elise Christie | 0:09:02 | 0:09:06 | |
this time tangling with the Chinese
athlete, ends up on the deck against | 0:09:06 | 0:09:11 | |
the padding up the side of the
track. Choi qualifies first. My | 0:09:11 | 0:09:16 | |
heart goes out to this young lady.
She skated a fantastic race. You can | 0:09:16 | 0:09:25 | |
see there. I hope there has been no
cut. It appeared as if Li might have | 0:09:25 | 0:09:33 | |
cut her blade into Christie's cut
resistant racing suit. In the side | 0:09:33 | 0:09:39 | |
of the right skate. An awful
disaster. You can see that there | 0:09:39 | 0:09:42 | |
again. She will be taken off by
stretcher. So, a disaster here for | 0:09:42 | 0:09:54 | |
Elise Christie. What terrible
pictures for the second time in a | 0:09:54 | 0:10:00 | |
few days. She's coming around the
outside, and of course, we only see | 0:10:00 | 0:10:05 | |
the angle here, we can see whether
she has passed Li of China, she | 0:10:05 | 0:10:11 | |
clearly hasn't passed her, and maybe
the knock of the left shoulder on Li | 0:10:11 | 0:10:16 | |
causes Li to go down, then Li... We
can get the rotation picture, we | 0:10:16 | 0:10:22 | |
need to go back a little bit, she
clearly takes Christie out. The big | 0:10:22 | 0:10:30 | |
question is, it is Elise in front of
Li at this point? The other big | 0:10:30 | 0:10:35 | |
question at this moment of time of
course, is hopefully she is not | 0:10:35 | 0:10:40 | |
badly injured. Elise Christie is now
being placed on a stretcher, and | 0:10:40 | 0:10:45 | |
while the judges reach their
conclusions on that semifinal, Elise | 0:10:45 | 0:10:54 | |
Christie and Valerie Maltais have
received a | 0:10:54 | 0:11:02 | |
received a penalty,. Unfortunately
the sad scene we are seeing is of | 0:11:02 | 0:11:09 | |
the stretcher being wheeled from the
arena with Elise Christie lying on | 0:11:09 | 0:11:12 | |
top of it. They are the qualifiers
for the A final, and unfortunately | 0:11:12 | 0:11:19 | |
the world champion is not among
those who will race for gold earlier | 0:11:19 | 0:11:24 | |
today -- later today. Here is the
line-up for the final and the home | 0:11:24 | 0:11:28 | |
crowd beside themselves with
excitement at the possibility of | 0:11:28 | 0:11:34 | |
Choi claiming the middle. | 0:11:34 | 0:11:45 | |
Ter Mors looking for the first Dutch
goal. Choi makes her move. She has | 0:11:52 | 0:11:59 | |
the speed. Daylight now. The crowd
are getting really excited here. | 0:11:59 | 0:12:04 | |
Choi is one lap from the gold medal
in the Olympic Games. She is | 0:12:04 | 0:12:09 | |
streaking away from everybody else
here and the battle now is for | 0:12:09 | 0:12:13 | |
second place, gold for Choi, second
place for Li of China, Boutin of | 0:12:13 | 0:12:22 | |
Canada takes third, bronze for her,
but the home crowd have what they | 0:12:22 | 0:12:26 | |
wanted to see, a gold for Choi, the
big favourite going into this race. | 0:12:26 | 0:12:32 | |
She was favourite going into the 500
metres, she got the penalty, and now | 0:12:32 | 0:12:36 | |
she has gold. Ter -- Choi didn't
finish the last race, she didn't | 0:12:36 | 0:12:46 | |
finish the final, but she finished
this one in style. The coach is | 0:12:46 | 0:12:52 | |
there really enjoying this, the
12,000 spectators in the arena | 0:12:52 | 0:12:56 | |
loving every minute of this, and you
can see the emotion on her face, she | 0:12:56 | 0:12:59 | |
can't believe it. When she made her
move, what a blistering turn of | 0:12:59 | 0:13:04 | |
pace. Nobody could live with it.
This is superb skating, going around | 0:13:04 | 0:13:09 | |
the outside, clearly firing on all
cylinders, making it look so easy, | 0:13:09 | 0:13:18 | |
her power to weight ratio is so
phenomenal. An extraordinary burst | 0:13:18 | 0:13:25 | |
of pace that left everybody else
racing for the other medals for | 0:13:25 | 0:13:28 | |
silver. A great race -- great race
from the 17-year-old Ter -- Li from | 0:13:28 | 0:13:37 | |
China who timed her effort well. A
dominant victory for Choi. We | 0:13:37 | 0:13:43 | |
shouldn't forget she was the overall
world champion at 16. She has seven | 0:13:43 | 0:13:49 | |
world titles of various descriptions
and is still only 19, including | 0:13:49 | 0:13:55 | |
twice the overall world champion.
This topped with Lott, winning the | 0:13:55 | 0:13:58 | |
gold in front of a home crowd.
STUDIO: | 0:13:58 | 0:14:01 | |
gold in front of a home crowd.
STUDIO:, a hometown for Korea. Elise | 0:14:01 | 0:14:06 | |
Christie not so much smiling. After
the collision police Christie was | 0:14:06 | 0:14:10 | |
taken to | 0:14:10 | 0:14:16 | |
the collision police Christie was
taken to hospital. Her boyfriend | 0:14:17 | 0:14:20 | |
told the BBC she is looking to
compete in the final event, the 1000 | 0:14:20 | 0:14:25 | |
metres, on Tuesday, and you have to
admire her bouncing back if she can | 0:14:25 | 0:14:29 | |
do that, everything crossed for her
for Tuesday. Yesterday Dom Parsons | 0:14:29 | 0:14:35 | |
kept alive Britain's proud record in
skeleton bob at the Olympic Games | 0:14:35 | 0:14:39 | |
because in all seven editions the
sport has featured in the games | 0:14:39 | 0:14:46 | |
since 1928, a British slider has
always ended up on the podium. We | 0:14:46 | 0:14:49 | |
are a world power in this one, great
to see! The problem is, we have | 0:14:49 | 0:14:55 | |
never had two sliders on the same
podium. Would that change today? | 0:14:55 | 0:15:00 | |
Defending champion Lizzy Yarnold was
attempting to make history by | 0:15:00 | 0:15:03 | |
becoming the first bob skeleton site
ever -- slider to defend the title | 0:15:03 | 0:15:11 | |
is and Wrexham's Laura Deas was in
with a shout as well. Let's show you | 0:15:11 | 0:15:15 | |
the standings. Jacqueline Loelling
ahead of them all, and Janine | 0:15:15 | 0:15:22 | |
the standings. Jacqueline Loelling
ahead of them all, and Janine flop | 0:15:22 | 0:15:23 | |
very much in the mix, but just two
sense of a second between first and | 0:15:23 | 0:15:28 | |
fourth places. It is the blink of an
eye, so here we go, in the | 0:15:28 | 0:15:34 | |
commentary box 2010 Vancouver
champion Amy Williams alongside John | 0:15:34 | 0:15:38 | |
Jackson and John Hunt. COMMENTATOR:
Round three goes from the leaders | 0:15:38 | 0:15:44 | |
down, 1-20, and ready to go,
Jacqueline Loelling. This is the | 0:15:44 | 0:15:48 | |
young German who has dominated this
event for the last two years. She | 0:15:48 | 0:15:54 | |
leads just a fraction, 200th of | 0:15:54 | 0:16:02 | |
leads just a fraction, 200th of a
second ahead. Four-time winner in | 0:16:02 | 0:16:04 | |
the World Cup. She is one of the
slowest starters, her best start has | 0:16:04 | 0:16:10 | |
been 5.34 in the early rounds,
Loelling under way, and slow again, | 0:16:10 | 0:16:17 | |
5.42, but she has a happy habit of
making up good speed through the | 0:16:17 | 0:16:22 | |
run. She is one of the most
consistent sliders we have here. Is | 0:16:22 | 0:16:29 | |
that start going to be her Achilles'
heel? Will the girls are out start | 0:16:29 | 0:16:36 | |
her drive faster? She did not make
one mistake yesterday. Is that the | 0:16:36 | 0:16:42 | |
mistake that will cost her or will
she allow the other girls to move up | 0:16:42 | 0:16:46 | |
as they start coming in, especially
the British girls. She has been the | 0:16:46 | 0:16:53 | |
best slider so far. | 0:16:53 | 0:17:03 | |
52.04 which is OK but only average
when you bear in mind what so many | 0:17:04 | 0:17:08 | |
of the girls did in-run number one.
Second placed Austria's Janine | 0:17:08 | 0:17:13 | |
Flock. Austria have never won a
medal in this. Flock seems to be at | 0:17:13 | 0:17:20 | |
her best. She was former world
number one back in 2015. She's got a | 0:17:20 | 0:17:25 | |
much quicker start habitually. She's
pretty close to 5.17 once again. | 0:17:25 | 0:17:33 | |
Probably nerves in the legs which is
increasing the tension. She's a | 0:17:33 | 0:17:37 | |
solid rider and when she gets it
right, she flies. Let's see here, on | 0:17:37 | 0:17:43 | |
her first run yesterday she hit the
wall coming out of that nine. She | 0:17:43 | 0:17:47 | |
had a really great run in the
second. Is all about getting the | 0:17:47 | 0:17:52 | |
steers in the right place.
Minimising those oscillations, the | 0:17:52 | 0:17:55 | |
highs and the lows. That was really
good from Janine She really wants an | 0:17:55 | 0:18:04 | |
Olympic medal. Down they come to 14,
two bends to go the Flock. 15 can be | 0:18:04 | 0:18:11 | |
tricky. The final bend, oscillations
to finish with an she's finished | 0:18:11 | 0:18:17 | |
ahead of Loelling. She's the tenth
of a second ahead of Loelling. | 0:18:17 | 0:18:22 | |
Janine Flock giving it everything.
The coach is going to be thrilled | 0:18:22 | 0:18:28 | |
with that. Lots of British fans here
and key five minutes coming up for | 0:18:28 | 0:18:36 | |
the Britons. Lizzy Yarnold, Olympic
champion from Sochi. She goes third, | 0:18:36 | 0:18:44 | |
starting this run a tenth of a
second off the lead, as was | 0:18:44 | 0:18:49 | |
Loelling. We are looking for a start
time of sub 5.20, that would be | 0:18:49 | 0:18:57 | |
lovely to send Yarnold on her way.
Decent start. Lizzie made mistakes | 0:18:57 | 0:19:02 | |
yesterday which is why she is now
behind. If she puts a big run in | 0:19:02 | 0:19:07 | |
here like she did on the first run
yesterday, she will be in the lead | 0:19:07 | 0:19:10 | |
at the bottom. Her first run
yesterday was phenomenal. Now she's | 0:19:10 | 0:19:14 | |
coming to the part of the track,
she's already made mistakes in the | 0:19:14 | 0:19:20 | |
second run. This is the important
one, she needs to nail this | 0:19:20 | 0:19:24 | |
straight. That's not so bad, she's
coming to back corner OK. She's | 0:19:24 | 0:19:31 | |
keeping herself in the mix with the
Austrian slider. Not going to be | 0:19:31 | 0:19:36 | |
much between it as Yarnold heads to
the finish. 15 looked fine. Did that | 0:19:36 | 0:19:42 | |
tap on ten cost her son 's speed? It
did but only a tiny bit. Yarnold | 0:19:42 | 0:19:49 | |
only to hundredths off the lead.
When she took that hit it was | 0:19:49 | 0:19:55 | |
parallel, has led wasn't skidding
into it and then continued straight | 0:19:55 | 0:19:59 | |
into corner 12. From Lizzy Yarnold
to Laura Deas. Starting this third | 0:19:59 | 0:20:10 | |
run in fourth place, she has
probably been the most consistent in | 0:20:10 | 0:20:17 | |
terms of time of all of these
athletes over the first two runs. | 0:20:17 | 0:20:24 | |
Again, a fast starter. We are
looking | 0:20:24 | 0:20:31 | |
looking for 5.10 as a start. She's
away nicely. She is so strong, so | 0:20:31 | 0:20:36 | |
powerful. Her background is
equestrianism. She trains so hard in | 0:20:36 | 0:20:43 | |
the Jim every single day. It really
pays off having the best start here. | 0:20:43 | 0:20:51 | |
Can she work with this track, can
she find the speed from every one of | 0:20:51 | 0:20:56 | |
these corners? She absolutely nailed
it. That's the best we've seen. Run | 0:20:56 | 0:21:03 | |
one yesterday she didn't get quite
right, she got it back on to run | 0:21:03 | 0:21:07 | |
two. Speed dropping off slightly
relative to Flock. Not separated by | 0:21:07 | 0:21:15 | |
much at the line. Speed dropped off
quite dramatically, Laura Deas. | 0:21:15 | 0:21:20 | |
Laura stays in place, and she's 19
hundredths off the leader Janine | 0:21:20 | 0:21:28 | |
Flock. A significant five minutes,
highly significant. Deas has done | 0:21:28 | 0:21:37 | |
fine and now Flock leads from Lizzy
Yarnold, Loelling, Flock is in | 0:21:37 | 0:21:43 | |
fourth place. | 0:21:43 | 0:21:48 | |
fourth place. Anna Fernstaedt is so
young, she's just 21. Anna | 0:21:48 | 0:21:53 | |
Fernstaedt is not a good starter.
She's put herself under immense | 0:21:53 | 0:21:59 | |
pressure if she is to try and close
on these fronts for. The difference | 0:21:59 | 0:22:05 | |
is between having a fast start and a
slow start. With a fast start, you | 0:22:05 | 0:22:10 | |
can make little errors and get away
with them. When you have a slow | 0:22:10 | 0:22:14 | |
start like the Germans, you have to
be perfect everywhere. What the | 0:22:14 | 0:22:19 | |
Germans are very good at doing that
because they build speed. As she | 0:22:19 | 0:22:24 | |
comes round 12, you can't hear her
as much as you could Laura. Maybe | 0:22:24 | 0:22:30 | |
that's why Laura lost a bit of
speed. She's not really gaining so | 0:22:30 | 0:22:35 | |
their equipment isn't working.
Interesting to see how much that | 0:22:35 | 0:22:43 | |
closes. She's breathing down Laura
Deas's neck for fourth place. She | 0:22:43 | 0:22:48 | |
found some impetus there are. She
did. It is about the lined at the | 0:22:48 | 0:22:54 | |
bottom of the track where she is
finding speed and building and | 0:22:54 | 0:22:59 | |
building and building. Fernstaedt
has improved her position. Next, | 0:22:59 | 0:23:03 | |
going six, another German, Tina
Hermann. She's had identical starts | 0:23:03 | 0:23:10 | |
so far, both 5.24. She's a tiny bit
slower. A struggle to get the | 0:23:10 | 0:23:20 | |
perfect line she wanted into corner
one. She's an incredible driver and | 0:23:20 | 0:23:24 | |
are expected to see her a bit
further up the field. Let's see what | 0:23:24 | 0:23:29 | |
she can do today. If she's thought
about it with her coaches overnight. | 0:23:29 | 0:23:36 | |
Normally throughout the training
runs you have videos on entrances | 0:23:36 | 0:23:40 | |
and exits of each corner, you go
home and study them and see what the | 0:23:40 | 0:23:45 | |
perfect line is and what other
sliders. On race day you've got to | 0:23:45 | 0:23:49 | |
go out there and do it. Can Hermann
close | 0:23:49 | 0:23:59 | |
close like Fernstaedt did? Hermann
crosses the line and she's trimmed | 0:23:59 | 0:24:02 | |
off a bit of the deficit, to go a
tenth behind Fernstaedt. Those two | 0:24:02 | 0:24:10 | |
Germans Fernstaedt and Hermann have
kept a bit of pressure on Deas. We | 0:24:10 | 0:24:15 | |
were wondering whether this might be
a four athlete racer the medals, | 0:24:15 | 0:24:21 | |
possibly. Fernstaedt and Hermann
have kept themselves alive. As | 0:24:21 | 0:24:24 | |
things stand, Janine Flock leads by
just a whisker from Lizzy Yarnold | 0:24:24 | 0:24:31 | |
the defending champion. Laura Deas
still right in the mix in fourth. | 0:24:31 | 0:24:39 | |
And now we come to the potential
medallists. | 0:24:39 | 0:24:47 | |
medallists. Hermann is two tenths of
a second of Jacqueline Loelling. The | 0:24:47 | 0:24:53 | |
thing with Hermann is, she's been
improving and improving all the way. | 0:24:53 | 0:24:56 | |
If you're looking for times, 51.8 or
better would put some pressure on | 0:24:56 | 0:25:03 | |
Deas or Jacqueline Loelling. She had
a 51.83. She's found the groove | 0:25:03 | 0:25:14 | |
today and the settings she needed to
tweak. This is going to put pressure | 0:25:14 | 0:25:17 | |
on the next two or three sliders.
Whether it's good enough to get her | 0:25:17 | 0:25:21 | |
into the medals I'm not too sure, it
will totally put pressure on | 0:25:21 | 0:25:30 | |
Fernstaedt and Laura Deas. The
tricky 15th to negotiate. Lovely | 0:25:30 | 0:25:37 | |
from Hermann. She's had a good
Olympic Games, and she goes 51.8 | 0:25:37 | 0:25:43 | |
which we thought she would need to
crank the pressure up on the other | 0:25:43 | 0:25:47 | |
five who are looking for medals.
That was an incredible run. She's | 0:25:47 | 0:25:52 | |
got the fastest pushed out of all
the Germans. She is tiny. That was a | 0:25:52 | 0:25:57 | |
beautiful run. Carbon copy, Anna
Fernstaedt. Improvements seem right | 0:25:57 | 0:26:07 | |
the way through the competition.
She's 14 hundredths of Hermann. | 0:26:07 | 0:26:11 | |
Laura Deas is next of course. Anna
Fernstaedt needs to do what Hermann | 0:26:11 | 0:26:16 | |
has just done. Has start a bit
slower but that was the best art of | 0:26:16 | 0:26:22 | |
her competition so far. She's giving
it 110%. She wants to beat her | 0:26:22 | 0:26:27 | |
German rival, probably best friend.
When you get here on race day you | 0:26:27 | 0:26:33 | |
are each for your own. You and your
thread need to get down to the | 0:26:33 | 0:26:37 | |
bottom as fast as you can. So far
this is looking good. She's having | 0:26:37 | 0:26:45 | |
to control it there, just slightly
controlled the skid. So far pretty | 0:26:45 | 0:26:50 | |
clean, but the time is bleeding away
a bit more. Like most of the | 0:26:50 | 0:26:55 | |
Germans, can she make it back in the
spot and three corners? They are | 0:26:55 | 0:26:59 | |
really good at holding speed.
Hermann keeps her nose in front. | 0:26:59 | 0:27:05 | |
Hermann moves up to fifth place.
Hold it together! How are we at | 0:27:05 | 0:27:13 | |
home? Laura Deas goes next to Great
Britain in fourth place. Let's not | 0:27:13 | 0:27:24 | |
forget the Laura it is her first
Olympic Games, aged 29. Stunningly | 0:27:24 | 0:27:30 | |
consistent, good starter. We want
that 51.8 or better. First we need | 0:27:30 | 0:27:38 | |
the usual good start. Can she get
under 5.1 to give her a cracking | 0:27:38 | 0:27:43 | |
shot? She's got it. Laura Deas has a
super start. Can she hold it | 0:27:43 | 0:27:51 | |
together now? She's got to stay
calm. She'll have seen everyone | 0:27:51 | 0:27:55 | |
slowly leaving the changing rooms.
Just using her feet. She's got quite | 0:27:55 | 0:27:59 | |
a big lead. Perfect lines, perfect
sliding. Four tenths up on Hermann. | 0:27:59 | 0:28:08 | |
She's got her eyes on the medal if
she can. Now she can't clip into | 0:28:08 | 0:28:16 | |
that corner... Perfect. She's
improved on that. We've got to hope | 0:28:16 | 0:28:21 | |
the exit of nine was enough to keep
her moving up the leaderboard. Bend | 0:28:21 | 0:28:26 | |
15. Lovely, right up the middle.
Slightly high on the entrance to 16. | 0:28:26 | 0:28:32 | |
She's confirmed as fourth at the
very worst. Laura Deas has done all | 0:28:32 | 0:28:38 | |
she can, will it be enough? 51.9,
I'm not sure... She wasn't quite as | 0:28:38 | 0:28:48 | |
relaxed as she was on her previous
run. She knows she wants to move up. | 0:28:48 | 0:28:53 | |
Just there, that's what probably did
it. She didn't have the perfect line | 0:28:53 | 0:28:58 | |
she had on the run before. She did
perfect her steer and didn't clip. | 0:28:58 | 0:29:03 | |
Let's see what's going to happen.
She is there, still in the | 0:29:03 | 0:29:10 | |
leaderboard. Jacqueline Loelling,
two years of complete excellence. | 0:29:10 | 0:29:18 | |
She admitted to nerves that the
start of the competition. Loelling | 0:29:18 | 0:29:26 | |
has got 252 second runs to her name.
If she does that here, Loelling is | 0:29:26 | 0:29:33 | |
in trouble. She's had a magnificent
two years, really the worlds best | 0:29:33 | 0:29:39 | |
Loelling is ranked number one in the
world and has a phenomenal track | 0:29:39 | 0:29:43 | |
record. She's been up there winning
medals week in week out. She's had | 0:29:43 | 0:29:49 | |
for podium finishes. She truly
believes to be up here on the | 0:29:49 | 0:29:52 | |
podium. How is it looking to you,
John? The deficit is from the start | 0:29:52 | 0:29:58 | |
but she's making little mistakes
here. Is this going to be the run | 0:29:58 | 0:30:02 | |
that sees Laura Deas move up into a
medal? That's a big skid. That could | 0:30:02 | 0:30:07 | |
be the mistake that is going to give
Laura Deas what she needs. She's | 0:30:07 | 0:30:13 | |
still building speed... Second blast
curve, she was wide. Nothing between | 0:30:13 | 0:30:22 | |
Fernstaedt and Laura Deas...
Loelling just touches Laura Deas | 0:30:22 | 0:30:25 | |
out. She does what she does all of
the time and that is a fine speed, | 0:30:25 | 0:30:30 | |
very, very late. She's got amazing
credentials. Fernstaedt guaranteed a | 0:30:30 | 0:30:35 | |
medal. Lizzy Yarnold next --
Loelling guaranteed a medal. Can | 0:30:35 | 0:30:43 | |
Lizzy Yarnold make history and
Winick -- win it again? | 0:30:43 | 0:30:53 | |
She has started well and needs to
focus on the track. Don't worry | 0:30:53 | 0:30:57 | |
about the German or the Austrian,
she needs to put in a perfect run, | 0:30:57 | 0:31:01 | |
she cannot make a mistake at all on
this run, everything looking good so | 0:31:01 | 0:31:05 | |
far, the lines are good, good
control, building speeds at this | 0:31:05 | 0:31:11 | |
corner drops away into nine. This is
crucial. Look at the Gap, she has | 0:31:11 | 0:31:18 | |
half a second. Will this run give
her her second gold medal and | 0:31:18 | 0:31:26 | |
defence her Olympic title? Spend 15
to negotiate. She had a big lead | 0:31:26 | 0:31:31 | |
over Loelling, this could be at
least silver for Lizzy Yarnold, she | 0:31:31 | 0:31:35 | |
goes to the front and how! Look at
the time, 51.46 to pile the pressure | 0:31:35 | 0:31:42 | |
on Janine Flock. That is a gold
medal winning run, I am sure of it. | 0:31:42 | 0:31:47 | |
We are looking at the two-time
Olympic champion. That was a track | 0:31:47 | 0:31:53 | |
record, unbelievable, yes she made a
mistake but she had so much time in | 0:31:53 | 0:31:56 | |
her bag to be able to play with. I
really believe that Lizzy Yarnold | 0:31:56 | 0:32:02 | |
has just popped down potentially a
gold medal run, but, Janine, hold it | 0:32:02 | 0:32:07 | |
together, girl, you have a good push
and she can do this. Mentally she | 0:32:07 | 0:32:10 | |
needs to focus. For Austria, who
have never won a medal, Janine | 0:32:10 | 0:32:17 | |
Flock, former world number one,
needs the run of her 28 years to tip | 0:32:17 | 0:32:22 | |
out Lizzy Yarnold. It looks a big
ask. She has a decent enough start, | 0:32:22 | 0:32:28 | |
5.2 to. That will not be enough, she
made a little mistake there, this | 0:32:28 | 0:32:33 | |
will drop away, she has lost time.
This is how good Lizzy's run was, | 0:32:33 | 0:32:39 | |
one mistake and already she is tenth
behind. Can she get control and | 0:32:39 | 0:32:44 | |
build up down the run? This is not
about her staying in front of Lizzy. | 0:32:44 | 0:32:50 | |
Is she going to drop behind the
silver or even the bronze? It is a | 0:32:50 | 0:32:55 | |
big gap back to Laura Deas, the run
is good, looking like she will hold | 0:32:55 | 0:33:00 | |
onto a bronze position but time is
dropping away. All the time. Looks | 0:33:00 | 0:33:05 | |
like Lizzy Yarnold will win gold
again. Where will Flock finish, has | 0:33:05 | 0:33:10 | |
Deas got a medal in her? Flock is
fourth, Yarnold wins gold again! | 0:33:10 | 0:33:16 | |
CHEERING Laura Deas has won bronze
as well. | 0:33:16 | 0:33:20 | |
Lizzy Yarnold, what a performance,
the first British athlete to | 0:33:20 | 0:33:25 | |
successfully defend her Olympic
title, and for Laura Deas, who | 0:33:25 | 0:33:30 | |
dreams of medals at Badminton and
Birley, she now has one at the | 0:33:30 | 0:33:35 | |
Olympic Games. Geneva Flock
crestfallen, you have to feel for | 0:33:35 | 0:33:41 | |
her. We now have a gold medal and a
bronze medal by Laura Deas. There is | 0:33:41 | 0:33:49 | |
her fiance. There will be a big
party tonight in team Great Britain. | 0:33:49 | 0:33:55 | |
Lizzy Yarnold won gold by nearly
half a second, Jacqueline Loelling | 0:33:55 | 0:34:00 | |
in silver, and the wonderful bronze
medal for Laura Deas. Celebrations | 0:34:00 | 0:34:05 | |
all-round. | 0:34:05 | 0:34:09 | |
CHEERING | 0:34:09 | 0:34:13 | |
OK, are we ready?
How are you feeling to rack up a | 0:34:13 | 0:34:21 | |
gold medal in Sochi with another
here? I am exhausted! Yesterday | 0:34:21 | 0:34:27 | |
after the first run I almost pulled
out of the competition because my | 0:34:27 | 0:34:31 | |
chest infection was so uncomfortable
and I couldn't breathe, so my physio | 0:34:31 | 0:34:35 | |
gave me talking to and said, you can
do it, and if it wasn't for every | 0:34:35 | 0:34:41 | |
single one of the team and my coach
I wouldn't be here right now so I am | 0:34:41 | 0:34:46 | |
hugely grateful to them. You haven't
found the pressure easy, an enormous | 0:34:46 | 0:34:50 | |
amount of pressure on your shoulders
in this game. I love pressure, I | 0:34:50 | 0:34:55 | |
enjoy pressure, it is a privilege
and if it wasn't for the support of | 0:34:55 | 0:35:02 | |
everyone at home, my family, my
husband... Wanted to say to you? At | 0:35:02 | 0:35:07 | |
the end? I have no idea? How your
runs from a technical point of view? | 0:35:07 | 0:35:14 | |
The second run yesterday I was just
trying to get down so it didn't | 0:35:14 | 0:35:19 | |
matter what happened, so I could
fight another day today. Today I | 0:35:19 | 0:35:23 | |
made a couple of mistakes on the
straight but it is all about | 0:35:23 | 0:35:27 | |
believing in whatever happens,
taking the hits when they come at | 0:35:27 | 0:35:30 | |
getting back on line. Wardy, my
first coach, taught me to do the | 0:35:30 | 0:35:35 | |
basics well and have form and
confidence. I am relieved to have | 0:35:35 | 0:35:39 | |
done the race had been consistent
and Laura and I are on the podium | 0:35:39 | 0:35:43 | |
together. More relief than enjoyment
or a vicious mix? Exhaustion mainly! | 0:35:43 | 0:35:47 | |
LAUGHTER | 0:35:47 | 0:35:50 | |
or a vicious mix? Exhaustion mainly!
LAUGHTER. I'm going to cough, sorry! | 0:35:50 | 0:35:54 | |
What was it like before you went,
did you relish being a fraction | 0:35:54 | 0:36:00 | |
behind? I relished it, if she had
won, rightly so, because the best | 0:36:00 | 0:36:06 | |
athlete wins so I was looking
forward to being able to chase her. | 0:36:06 | 0:36:12 | |
Women in sport pushy server and
pushed the platform of success and | 0:36:12 | 0:36:15 | |
that is a good thing for everyone --
push each other. What you have left | 0:36:15 | 0:36:20 | |
to do in this sport? LAUGHTER I
don't know! I just want to take a | 0:36:20 | 0:36:25 | |
nap! Well-deserved. Thank you! Laura
Deas... | 0:36:25 | 0:36:42 | |
Deas... Deep breath, in a is
doubtless, it amazing that you. I | 0:36:42 | 0:36:47 | |
can't believe it's happening. I knew
I could do it, and I thought it | 0:36:47 | 0:36:50 | |
would be snatched away. When Janine
came down behind me I just couldn't | 0:36:50 | 0:36:56 | |
believe it was happening, I am so
pleased Lizzy as well, a dream come | 0:36:56 | 0:37:01 | |
true. You were so consistent in all
your runs, you must have been happy | 0:37:01 | 0:37:06 | |
overnight, won't you? It was a good
position to be chasing the pack into | 0:37:06 | 0:37:11 | |
today and I always knew the
consistency would win the day, and I | 0:37:11 | 0:37:16 | |
am just really pleased to put down
that last run. I can barely feel my | 0:37:16 | 0:37:21 | |
legs, I was so nervous, but I just
did it, and I can't believe this is | 0:37:21 | 0:37:26 | |
real! And even then there was an
agonising couple of minutes | 0:37:26 | 0:37:31 | |
afterwards. Yes, I didn't think I
had done enough, I didn't think it | 0:37:31 | 0:37:36 | |
would happen, and I watched Janine
make mistakes earlier on the track | 0:37:36 | 0:37:39 | |
and I thought, maybe, then the
further she came down the track I | 0:37:39 | 0:37:44 | |
thought, maybe, but you don't know
on this track until the last split | 0:37:44 | 0:37:49 | |
comes in. Magical! You have come to
your first Olympics and probably | 0:37:49 | 0:37:57 | |
slip better than ever before,
haven't you? I think I have done | 0:37:57 | 0:38:02 | |
myself proud! You've certainly done
that. I always knew four consistent | 0:38:02 | 0:38:06 | |
runs would put me in a strong
position so that was my goal from | 0:38:06 | 0:38:09 | |
the start. Life will change, you
know? Yeah, I can't believe it! Well | 0:38:09 | 0:38:17 | |
done. Thank you. Congratulations to
Laura, and of course to Lizzy, | 0:38:17 | 0:38:25 | |
because with Amy Williams's Goldin
Vancouver then back to back for | 0:38:25 | 0:38:30 | |
Lizzy Yarnold, three golds in a row
in bob skeleton for Britain's women, | 0:38:30 | 0:38:34 | |
and the last time Britain achieved
back-to-back golds was figure | 0:38:34 | 0:38:40 | |
skating. Christopher Dean was part
of that with Jayne Torvill, John | 0:38:40 | 0:38:48 | |
Curry, Robin Cousins and you guys.
Your reaction first of all to being | 0:38:48 | 0:38:52 | |
able to take that pressure and come
back and win consecutive gold | 0:38:52 | 0:38:56 | |
medals, how much do you admire that
in Lizzy Yarnold? Amazing ability | 0:38:56 | 0:39:01 | |
just to sustain over that period and
keep the training up, be physically | 0:39:01 | 0:39:06 | |
on your game all the time then come
back and achieve that, it's an | 0:39:06 | 0:39:11 | |
amazing feeling. And with a chest
infection, and she smashed their own | 0:39:11 | 0:39:15 | |
track record in the last run, two
tense of the second, that is the | 0:39:15 | 0:39:20 | |
mentality of an Olympic champion, a
double Olympic champion. Mind of | 0:39:20 | 0:39:25 | |
steel, and the chest infection will
not get in the way. We would train | 0:39:25 | 0:39:29 | |
when we were ill, when we had
injuries, because that would happen | 0:39:29 | 0:39:34 | |
when you are at the Olympics, and
clearly Lizzy also. Extraordinary | 0:39:34 | 0:39:41 | |
scenes and history in the making. We
would surely get more reaction to | 0:39:41 | 0:39:45 | |
that of the afternoon goes on but
when we reflect back on figure | 0:39:45 | 0:39:49 | |
skating's finest hour for Great
Britain, you had ten years apart | 0:39:49 | 0:39:55 | |
before coming back and trying to win
another gold medal, from 84-94. Can | 0:39:55 | 0:40:01 | |
you tell us about why you decided to
put yourself through the Olympic | 0:40:01 | 0:40:06 | |
ring and the circumstances that led
to that? I think we were mad, to be | 0:40:06 | 0:40:13 | |
honest! It was all about the
challenge. What happens is we turned | 0:40:13 | 0:40:18 | |
professional, so we start to skate
and earn money, and the Olympics at | 0:40:18 | 0:40:23 | |
that time, you could be professional
and go back, but the rules had | 0:40:23 | 0:40:28 | |
changed a lot that was the first
year they did that. So got | 0:40:28 | 0:40:33 | |
eligibility back and for us it was a
challenge, something we didn't do we | 0:40:33 | 0:40:37 | |
would have regretted it. We have
been allowing ourselves when Chris | 0:40:37 | 0:40:41 | |
is in the studio to give ourselves
what we call eight for and Dean | 0:40:41 | 0:40:45 | |
time-out and we will do it again,
because you mentioned is 1994. We | 0:40:45 | 0:40:52 | |
will see the men's programme
shortly. Let's remind ourselves of | 0:40:52 | 0:40:56 | |
the night when you are Jayne skated
on the wold wide audience and 20 | 0:40:56 | 0:41:01 | |
million people in Britain when they
face the music and danced. | 0:41:01 | 0:41:10 | |
COMMENTATOR: Four minutes will
decide whether medals go in this | 0:41:10 | 0:41:16 | |
Olympic Games. -- where the medals
go. | 0:41:16 | 0:41:23 | |
APPLAUSE | 0:45:12 | 0:45:19 | |
That is absolutely marvellous. What
a tremendous reception. STUDIO: | 0:45:22 | 0:45:33 | |
Bronze medal, you were robbed! | 0:45:33 | 0:45:34 | |
a tremendous reception. STUDIO:
Bronze medal, you were robbed! The | 0:45:34 | 0:45:37 | |
judges didn't like it so much, was
it the pesky somersault that did it | 0:45:37 | 0:45:44 | |
for you? That's what they laid claim
to but we thought it looked good. | 0:45:44 | 0:45:48 | |
You still maintain strong
connections in choreography terms | 0:45:48 | 0:45:54 | |
with the Olympic Games. You
choreograph the gold medal winning | 0:45:54 | 0:45:56 | |
routine of the Germans in the pairs.
We have been having a feature called | 0:45:56 | 0:46:05 | |
#AskChris. A good one came in the
other day that said, did you ever | 0:46:05 | 0:46:08 | |
consider doing the men's individual
skating before you teamed up with | 0:46:08 | 0:46:13 | |
different partners in dance? I tried
it for two weeks and then people | 0:46:13 | 0:46:18 | |
said for my safety maybe I shouldn't
do with Pennywell. I was going to | 0:46:18 | 0:46:22 | |
hurt myself -- maybe I shouldn't do
it any more. This is going to be the | 0:46:22 | 0:46:31 | |
first men's without the | 0:46:31 | 0:46:41 | |
first men's without the charismatic
Pluchenko. When you look back on his | 0:46:41 | 0:46:44 | |
influence it was significant over
the years. Heap brought charisma to | 0:46:44 | 0:46:52 | |
the sport. Very masculine,
identified with the audience. A | 0:46:52 | 0:47:00 | |
character on ice. It's become very
technical, very difficult, | 0:47:00 | 0:47:06 | |
character on ice. It's become very
technical, very difficult, very | 0:47:06 | 0:47:06 | |
athletic. He was able to pull back
together but at the same time his | 0:47:06 | 0:47:10 | |
personality was strong and people
identified with him. I think maybe | 0:47:10 | 0:47:13 | |
that's what's happening with Hanyu
from Japan. The then 19-year-old | 0:47:13 | 0:47:22 | |
Yuzuru Hanyu who came through to
become the first male skater to win | 0:47:22 | 0:47:26 | |
gold from Japan and he became an
instant megastar. | 0:47:26 | 0:47:34 | |
instant megastar. Figure skating in
Japan was already established, they | 0:47:35 | 0:47:38 | |
had gold already. His athletic
ability and | 0:47:38 | 0:47:42 | |
had gold already. His athletic
ability and also the style, his | 0:47:42 | 0:47:44 | |
grace, his ease on the ice and
technical ability was second to | 0:47:44 | 0:47:48 | |
none. Indeed. Today he was trying to
do something which hadn't been done | 0:47:48 | 0:47:54 | |
since 1952, to win back-to-back gold
medals. It was last done in Oslo by | 0:47:54 | 0:47:59 | |
Dick Button the American.
Extraordinarily when you look back | 0:47:59 | 0:48:04 | |
at his influence, he was the first
to complete a triple jump in any | 0:48:04 | 0:48:09 | |
competition, how things have
changed. We were talking about that. | 0:48:09 | 0:48:12 | |
It's taken 60 years to get to the
quads. Maybe in another 60 years | 0:48:12 | 0:48:18 | |
will get to the quint? You never
know. Quadruple rotation is what | 0:48:18 | 0:48:23 | |
it's about. If you don't have it,
you're not in the club. Let's check | 0:48:23 | 0:48:29 | |
the standings before we go into the
free programmes. | 0:48:29 | 0:48:39 | |
Watching what is really one of the
special occasions of any games, the | 0:48:44 | 0:48:51 | |
1980s men's Olympic champion, Robin
cousins and Katherine Downes. | 0:48:51 | 0:48:57 | |
COMMENTATOR: Now Young Nathan Chen,
which Nathan are we going to see on | 0:48:57 | 0:49:02 | |
the ice today? He's just 18, he's
received a real lashing in the | 0:49:02 | 0:49:08 | |
American press over the last few
days because of huge mistakes in | 0:49:08 | 0:49:12 | |
short programmes in both the team
event and here individually. This | 0:49:12 | 0:49:17 | |
could be great, the pressure is off. | 0:49:17 | 0:49:27 | |
Quat lutz, glorious there to open. | 0:49:33 | 0:49:43 | |
Second quad... Quadruple flip,
double toe loop. | 0:50:00 | 0:50:09 | |
Another quart flip, hands down but
rotation none. | 0:50:27 | 0:50:33 | |
rotation none. -- quad flip. | 0:50:35 | 0:50:42 | |
Quadruple toe loop, triple toe loop. | 0:51:47 | 0:51:56 | |
And another. | 0:51:59 | 0:52:07 | |
And another. Quadruple Salchow that
time. | 0:52:23 | 0:52:36 | |
This is the performance he needed to
give. | 0:52:51 | 0:53:03 | |
CHEERING | 0:53:42 | 0:53:47 | |
I'll show you says Nathan Chen!
Write me off as a flash in the pan | 0:53:49 | 0:53:53 | |
at your peril. He answers his
critics with some whopping quads. | 0:53:53 | 0:53:58 | |
History has been made. One, two,
three, four, five, six quadruple | 0:53:58 | 0:54:05 | |
jumps. That's the one with the hand
down but again, the rotation, | 0:54:05 | 0:54:09 | |
there's no question about him
getting around there, and a whopping | 0:54:09 | 0:54:20 | |
83.90 points from those quadruple
jumps alone. Nathan Chen was the | 0:54:20 | 0:54:25 | |
first man to land five quadruple
jumps during a free skate, he is now | 0:54:25 | 0:54:29 | |
the first man and six quadruple
jumps, and at the Olympics as well. | 0:54:29 | 0:54:35 | |
Bowl. | 0:54:35 | 0:54:40 | |
Bowl. 215.08. -- wow. That is a new
world record. And a 40 point lead | 0:54:41 | 0:54:49 | |
the Nathan Chen. | 0:54:49 | 0:54:56 | |
the Nathan Chen. Vincent Zhou,
Nathan Chen's mini me. He's 17. The | 0:54:56 | 0:55:04 | |
world junior champion, he looked
really good in the warm up. Can he | 0:55:04 | 0:55:09 | |
match his countryman? | 0:55:09 | 0:55:15 | |
match his countryman? Five quadruple
jumps planned for Vincent. The | 0:55:15 | 0:55:21 | |
opening one is the most difficult,
quadruple lutz. Which in the warm up | 0:55:21 | 0:55:26 | |
he made easily. With a triple toe
loop on the end, that was absolutely | 0:55:26 | 0:55:35 | |
superb. | 0:55:35 | 0:55:39 | |
Made the rotation on the quadruple
flip, just fell off the landing. | 0:55:53 | 0:55:58 | |
Credit will be given, though. | 0:55:58 | 0:56:03 | |
Is be there for the quadruple
Salchow. -- | 0:56:13 | 0:56:21 | |
Salchow. -- easily there. | 0:56:21 | 0:56:25 | |
A big element coming up, going for a
second quadruple lutz and he's got | 0:57:30 | 0:57:34 | |
it. | 0:57:34 | 0:57:38 | |
And there's the toe loop. Five quads
on paper, five done. | 0:57:44 | 0:57:55 | |
Triple Axel, double toe loop. | 0:58:06 | 0:58:12 | |
And the last triple Axel, that's the
big element is done. Not the | 0:58:22 | 0:58:26 | |
greatest landing, but it was there. | 0:58:26 | 0:58:32 | |
Wow. Triple lutz, loop, triple flip.
Huge points there on the entry. -- | 0:59:22 | 0:59:31 | |
on the end. | 0:59:31 | 0:59:37 | |
CHEERING | 0:59:37 | 0:59:45 | |
17-year-old Vincent Zhou follows up
a stunning short programme with a | 0:59:45 | 0:59:49 | |
brilliant, brilliant performance in
the free skate. Five quads. If we | 0:59:49 | 0:59:54 | |
hadn't seen six from Nathan Chen we
would be up out of our seats. The | 0:59:54 | 1:00:00 | |
brilliance is making us complacent.
It is. He did slip out of the | 1:00:00 | 1:00:05 | |
landing on the quad flip so it
wasn't pristine, but it was | 1:00:05 | 1:00:10 | |
credited. Again, 20 points from that
first quad lutz triple toe loop | 1:00:10 | 1:00:16 | |
combination. Huge scores. | 1:00:16 | 1:00:22 | |
192.16, an enormous season 's best
from Vincent Djourou. Bo Yang Jing | 1:00:23 | 1:00:32 | |
-- Bo Yang Jing, a great short
programme has kept him in. Here he | 1:00:32 | 1:00:45 | |
is with his programme, Shooting For
The Stars. | 1:00:45 | 1:00:53 | |
Four quadruple jumps planned in this
programme. | 1:00:55 | 1:01:01 | |
The first one will be the lutz. It
almost hit the edge. And it was | 1:01:05 | 1:01:17 | |
glorious, but how close was that the
wall? | 1:01:17 | 1:01:27 | |
wall? The second one planned now is
the quadruple Sal | 1:01:27 | 1:01:37 | |
the quadruple Sal -- Salchow. He's
got that as well. | 1:01:37 | 1:01:43 | |
Triple Axel loop, triple Salchow. | 1:01:50 | 1:01:56 | |
Quadruple toe loop. Oh, and down.
Completely off kilter on the | 1:03:12 | 1:03:20 | |
take-off of that. | 1:03:20 | 1:03:27 | |
Has another one planned, so can he
do it in the combination? | 1:03:31 | 1:03:40 | |
Yes, he can, but just with the
double toe loop. | 1:03:40 | 1:03:49 | |
Triple axel. | 1:03:52 | 1:04:01 | |
Triple lutz, triple toe loop. | 1:04:09 | 1:04:19 | |
Triple flip. | 1:04:19 | 1:04:29 | |
Going Galactic, Jin Boyang is
rocketing into the medals for now. | 1:05:22 | 1:05:28 | |
It doesn't inspire as an overall
performance. Under rotated their on | 1:05:28 | 1:05:32 | |
the quad. It hasn't come up is under
rotated, but they haven't got a | 1:05:32 | 1:05:38 | |
chance of seeing that slow motion we
are seeing, and I would definitely | 1:05:38 | 1:05:43 | |
call that under. | 1:05:43 | 1:05:48 | |
call that under. 194.45, just enough
to knock Nathan Jones of the gold | 1:05:50 | 1:05:53 | |
medal position for now. How
comfortably will the weight of | 1:05:53 | 1:05:57 | |
history sit on the shoulders of this
man? Reigning Olympic and world | 1:05:57 | 1:06:02 | |
champion usurers and you looking to
be the first man to win consecutive | 1:06:02 | 1:06:07 | |
gold medals at the Olympics in 66
years since the American Dick Button | 1:06:07 | 1:06:15 | |
in 1948 and 1952. | 1:06:15 | 1:06:23 | |
Opening jump is the quadruple
Salchow. | 1:06:23 | 1:06:27 | |
CHEERING He's got it.
It may not have appeared three times | 1:06:28 | 1:06:36 | |
in the warm up but it appeared, he
did everything to make it happen | 1:06:36 | 1:06:40 | |
right here in the opening of this
free programme. Second quad planned. | 1:06:40 | 1:06:50 | |
And there it is. Exquisite quadruple
toe loop. | 1:06:50 | 1:06:57 | |
Triple flip. | 1:07:05 | 1:07:09 | |
CHEERING Quadruple Salchow, triple
toe loop combination. | 1:08:40 | 1:08:45 | |
Absolutely on the money. | 1:08:45 | 1:08:51 | |
CHEERING | 1:08:59 | 1:09:01 | |
CHEERING. | 1:09:01 | 1:09:07 | |
Triple axel loop, triple Salchow. | 1:09:22 | 1:09:28 | |
Oh, saved on that triple lutz. | 1:09:44 | 1:09:50 | |
CHEERING | 1:10:10 | 1:10:10 | |
CHEERING. | 1:10:10 | 1:10:13 | |
CHEERING | 1:10:46 | 1:10:48 | |
User Rouhani you -- user Rouhani | 1:10:48 | 1:10:56 | |
you, surely enough for him to retain
his Olympic title. | 1:10:56 | 1:11:07 | |
his Olympic title. -- Yuzuru Hanyu.
Not the mind blowing programme we | 1:11:07 | 1:11:11 | |
saw before. Did well not to put his
hand down so get credit for the | 1:11:11 | 1:11:16 | |
quad. Here the lutz, leaning,
leaning, leaning. Don't put the hand | 1:11:16 | 1:11:21 | |
down! LAUGHTER | 1:11:21 | 1:11:23 | |
leaning, leaning. Don't put the hand
down! LAUGHTER. So a new season's | 1:11:23 | 1:11:31 | |
best, 20 point clear at the top of
the leaderboard, and that surely, | 1:11:31 | 1:11:36 | |
ladies and gentlemen, is the 2018
Olympic champion. Fernandes, the | 1:11:36 | 1:11:46 | |
two-time world champion, his sixth
consecutive European title just last | 1:11:46 | 1:11:51 | |
month, and he is only three points
behind user Rouhani you after the | 1:11:51 | 1:11:57 | |
short programme, and this is his
last Olympics, he will retire after | 1:11:57 | 1:12:02 | |
this and would dearly love to finish
with a medal. I would say if he goes | 1:12:02 | 1:12:08 | |
clean with all the quality could do
it. -- with all the quads, he could | 1:12:08 | 1:12:16 | |
do it. Quadruple toe loop to open. | 1:12:16 | 1:12:21 | |
Second quad, then, in combination.
Quadruple Salchow, double toe loop. | 1:12:34 | 1:12:42 | |
Would have liked quad- triple. | 1:12:42 | 1:12:53 | |
Triple axel, triple toe loop. Those
are the points that he didn't get | 1:13:03 | 1:13:10 | |
after the quad. | 1:13:10 | 1:13:18 | |
Needs this second quadruple Salchow,
just a double. | 1:14:05 | 1:14:20 | |
Triple axel. Lovely. | 1:14:44 | 1:14:53 | |
Guts and glory far Javier Fernandez. | 1:16:30 | 1:16:34 | |
He's won the World Championship
twice, never an Olympic medal. | 1:16:34 | 1:16:40 | |
Surely he'll be coming away from
Pyeongchang with one. What colour | 1:16:40 | 1:16:44 | |
will it be? I think he needed that
Quad if he was going to be pushing | 1:16:44 | 1:16:51 | |
for that gold. But the performance
is glorious and he is so at home out | 1:16:51 | 1:16:56 | |
there and he loves it. And he
delivers. He's so proud of the | 1:16:56 | 1:17:02 | |
legacy he'll leave in Spain.
Absolutely. It's a season's best. | 1:17:02 | 1:17:12 | |
But it's not enough for the gold
medal. Its silver far Javier | 1:17:12 | 1:17:16 | |
Fernandez for now. | 1:17:16 | 1:17:21 | |
Fernandez for now. Shoma Uno knows
that he must go perfectly. He was | 1:17:22 | 1:17:28 | |
less than a point in front after the
short programme. Such a slender | 1:17:28 | 1:17:35 | |
grasp on the bronze medal. | 1:17:35 | 1:17:41 | |
grasp on the bronze medal. I
absolutely love this programme. Uno | 1:17:43 | 1:17:48 | |
didn't have a great warm up. Down on
the first of his squads, the quad | 1:17:48 | 1:17:56 | |
loop. Could that be a middle gone?
Three more quads planned. The | 1:17:56 | 1:18:06 | |
programme collectively is so strong.
He won't want to make another | 1:18:06 | 1:18:11 | |
mistake. Second quad is the flip.
He's got it. | 1:18:11 | 1:18:26 | |
Spread eagle into the triple Axel. | 1:20:11 | 1:20:19 | |
Quadruple toe loop, double toe loop.
Not the best landing on the double. | 1:20:37 | 1:20:41 | |
Two feet down. | 1:20:41 | 1:20:51 | |
That was the fourth quad toe loop.
And the best one. | 1:21:04 | 1:21:14 | |
And this will be crucial. Triple
Axel loop, triple flip, and that may | 1:21:20 | 1:21:30 | |
well be the bronze medal right
there. | 1:21:30 | 1:21:38 | |
Triple Salchow, double toe loop. | 1:21:38 | 1:21:43 | |
There was less than a point between | 1:22:10 | 1:22:15 | |
Shoma Uno and no medal at all. Has
he done enough to hang onto the | 1:22:15 | 1:22:22 | |
bronze medal position? A deduction
for the fall. The last quad was the | 1:22:22 | 1:22:31 | |
best of all of them. But he delivers
such a strong performance, I would | 1:22:31 | 1:22:38 | |
like to think the component scores
will work in his favour. He's not | 1:22:38 | 1:22:47 | |
only bumped Jin Boyang, he's bumped
Javier Fernandez as well. A Japanese | 1:22:47 | 1:22:52 | |
Javier Fernandez will have to settle | 1:22:52 | 1:22:55 | |
for the bronze! That's phenomenal
Uno. Yuzuru Hanyu, back-to-back | 1:22:55 | 1:23:05 | |
Olympic titles and there are the
tears of a champion. Let's have a | 1:23:05 | 1:23:13 | |
look at the final confirmation.
Javier Fernandez, not the fairy tale | 1:23:13 | 1:23:16 | |
gold with which he would have wanted
to end his career. Pipped into | 1:23:16 | 1:23:21 | |
bronze medal position by Shoma Uno
with a fantastic final skate. Yuzuru | 1:23:21 | 1:23:26 | |
Hanyu, back-to-back Olympic titles
and he will surely go down as one of | 1:23:26 | 1:23:30 | |
the greatest ever skaters. It wasn't
a gold, it wasn't a silver, but it | 1:23:30 | 1:23:37 | |
was an Olympic medal. Something I
always wanted. We put a lot of work | 1:23:37 | 1:23:41 | |
into this and I'm super happy that I
got it today. I know you are very | 1:23:41 | 1:23:48 | |
good friends with Yuzuru Hanyu, what
did it mean to share the podium? It | 1:23:48 | 1:23:52 | |
meant a lot. We work every day
almost together and we seek how hard | 1:23:52 | 1:24:01 | |
figure skating is. We put in a lot
of effort. To see both of us on the | 1:24:01 | 1:24:05 | |
podium, it makes us super happy. | 1:24:05 | 1:24:09 | |
of effort. To see both of us on the
podium, it makes us super happy. | 1:24:09 | 1:24:09 | |
STUDIO: You've just witnessed the
greatest quad fest in history. The | 1:24:09 | 1:24:15 | |
New York Times was keeping close
watch on it, 45 attempts at quads, | 1:24:15 | 1:24:25 | |
34 landed. Extraordinary. That was
just in the long programme. It's | 1:24:25 | 1:24:28 | |
gone down in history as the most
quads ever attempted in a | 1:24:28 | 1:24:31 | |
competition. The most revolutionary?
Yes, OK. But, Yuzuru Hanyu becomes | 1:24:31 | 1:24:40 | |
the first back-to-back winner of the
gold. Amazing and such a talented | 1:24:40 | 1:24:46 | |
skater and well-deserved. His style,
his ability. Just the | 1:24:46 | 1:24:50 | |
skater and well-deserved. His style,
his ability. Just the flow out of | 1:24:50 | 1:24:52 | |
those quad jumps is astounding. The
style and I liked the programme and | 1:24:52 | 1:24:57 | |
the choreography. He put everything
together. He stepped out of a couple | 1:24:57 | 1:25:02 | |
of jumps where he lost some points
but overall he is the standard. He's | 1:25:02 | 1:25:08 | |
the one everyone will be gunning for
in the future. Let's see he | 1:25:08 | 1:25:13 | |
continues after this. There were big
screens in Tokyo setup. In the end | 1:25:13 | 1:25:21 | |
it was a significant collision of 11
points to win the gold, but he | 1:25:21 | 1:25:25 | |
didn't | 1:25:25 | 1:25:26 | |
points to win the gold, but he
didn't win the free skate. You've | 1:25:26 | 1:25:27 | |
got the short programme and the long
programme. The long programme was | 1:25:27 | 1:25:31 | |
won by Nathan Chen. | 1:25:31 | 1:25:33 | |
programme. The long programme was
won by Nathan Chen. By a huge margin | 1:25:33 | 1:25:35 | |
as well, some nine points. He went
out and completed five quads, six | 1:25:35 | 1:25:44 | |
rotated, one he put his hand down
on. That's the most ever landed by a | 1:25:44 | 1:25:50 | |
man. He took a lot of abuse. He was
one of America's shining stars but | 1:25:50 | 1:25:56 | |
in many respects would you say he's
redeemed himself? Going forward to | 1:25:56 | 1:26:03 | |
Beijing, Scott Hamilton who was a
former Olympic champion said in his | 1:26:03 | 1:26:06 | |
first Olympics he finished fifth.
Nathan Chen finished fifth. We shall | 1:26:06 | 1:26:14 | |
see in four years' time. Shame you
know, getting the silver. It's the | 1:26:14 | 1:26:19 | |
first time Japan have had two
athletes on the same podium since | 1:26:19 | 1:26:23 | |
1972. What was superior in his
routine to Fernandez in the end? He | 1:26:23 | 1:26:30 | |
just had the technical ability but
on his component marks, his style, | 1:26:30 | 1:26:35 | |
he went down there clearly but his
choreography was passionate. His | 1:26:35 | 1:26:42 | |
style of skating. He is so deep into
the ice when he skates over the ice. | 1:26:42 | 1:26:47 | |
Look at the landing, the depth of
edge, the fluidity. Technically he | 1:26:47 | 1:26:51 | |
had more technical difficulty ban
Fernandez. But a great day for | 1:26:51 | 1:26:59 | |
Japan. I'm sure they will be both
superstars when they go back there. | 1:26:59 | 1:27:03 | |
Also in Spain, because this was
spraying's wonderful Javier | 1:27:03 | 1:27:08 | |
Fernandez getting their first medal
on ice ever. I love his | 1:27:08 | 1:27:14 | |
storytelling. Whenever he's out
there there's always a theme. He | 1:27:14 | 1:27:17 | |
really connects with the audience.
Some of the other skaters, their | 1:27:17 | 1:27:22 | |
heads and eye lines tend to be down.
He's always focusing on the | 1:27:22 | 1:27:26 | |
audience. He engages them and the
audience get behind him. That can | 1:27:26 | 1:27:33 | |
give you a huge lift. He's a former
two-time world champion but he's | 1:27:33 | 1:27:36 | |
never got an Olympic medal. How much
is the skating fraternity feeling | 1:27:36 | 1:27:43 | |
his delight at achieving it finally?
Absolutely. He's a skater's skater | 1:27:43 | 1:27:48 | |
as well, and he's a character.
People love to go and see him skate. | 1:27:48 | 1:27:54 | |
How would you rate that as an
Olympic occasion in the men's | 1:27:54 | 1:27:59 | |
programme? I think it's one of the
best we've seen on all aspects. The | 1:27:59 | 1:28:04 | |
sport has lifted itself so high now.
How much further can | 1:28:04 | 1:28:08 | |
sport has lifted itself so high now.
How much further can we go in terms | 1:28:08 | 1:28:09 | |
of rotation? Dick Button did his
triple in 52. 60 years later we are | 1:28:09 | 1:28:18 | |
up to quad. Maybe in 60 years will
get the quint! It augurs well for | 1:28:18 | 1:28:26 | |
the next Olympics in Beijing. We are
looking forward to the ice dance | 1:28:26 | 1:28:30 | |
next. That's my event, and I think
Jayne will be up here as well. | 1:28:30 | 1:28:39 | |
Always a pleasure. Thank you. From
ice to snow we go, because we are | 1:28:39 | 1:28:47 | |
now freestyle skiing in the
slopestyle. Great Britain had medal | 1:28:47 | 1:28:50 | |
hopes going into this event and many
of the other freestyle skiing events | 1:28:50 | 1:28:55 | |
as well. Before this event started
today for the women, there had been | 1:28:55 | 1:29:01 | |
no British medals ever won an snow.
For many of us who remember slalom | 1:29:01 | 1:29:07 | |
bronze in Salt Lake City in 2002,
that will always live long in our | 1:29:07 | 1:29:12 | |
hearts and minds. As you know it was
a common cold remedy which | 1:29:12 | 1:29:18 | |
eventually led to head testing
positive. Today Katie Summerhayes | 1:29:18 | 1:29:20 | |
and Izzy Atkin, who since the age of
15 has been competing for Great | 1:29:20 | 1:29:29 | |
Britain, were aiming to throw down a
history making run. | 1:29:29 | 1:29:38 | |
COMMENTATOR: Katie Summerhayes,
Sheffield steel. She's been told by | 1:29:38 | 1:29:42 | |
the physio it may not be in her best
interest to write, her ankle is | 1:29:42 | 1:29:47 | |
giving her a lot of pain. She has
bottled some courage and is on the | 1:29:47 | 1:29:53 | |
course. Very strong rail rider. This
course suits her style. She had a | 1:29:53 | 1:30:04 | |
450 out of that in qualifying and it
was very, very strong. The cleanest | 1:30:04 | 1:30:10 | |
we've seen her actually slide across
that pyramid. Switch one out of the | 1:30:10 | 1:30:17 | |
tractor seat. | 1:30:17 | 1:30:23 | |
tractor seat. 540, switch now into
the second jump. Really nice from | 1:30:23 | 1:30:28 | |
Katie. Just needs to get this score
down. 900 to the knuckle. That won't | 1:30:28 | 1:30:38 | |
have done her ankle any good at all. | 1:30:38 | 1:30:49 | |
Worked really hard with Darren
Roberts to get herself match fit, | 1:30:55 | 1:31:00 | |
and at the moment 61.4, in first for
now. Next in, Yuki Tsubota. Thank | 1:31:00 | 1:31:14 | |
you right. Different line of that
rail then opted to flow across the | 1:31:14 | 1:31:21 | |
course. Getting busy which is what
you want to see. Not reverting | 1:31:21 | 1:31:26 | |
between forwards and backwards,
keeping the skis in one direction or | 1:31:26 | 1:31:29 | |
the other between the jumps. That
cheeky little flip off the saddle. | 1:31:29 | 1:31:35 | |
Won't score superhigh with the
judges, more of the setup feature. | 1:31:35 | 1:31:41 | |
540, you hear a collective gasp from
the shapers on the knuckle. Big 900, | 1:31:41 | 1:31:50 | |
two and a half rotations, into the
bottom jump, solid. 720, very clean. | 1:31:50 | 1:32:00 | |
This to me is a qualifying run,
almost like putting a score on the | 1:32:00 | 1:32:05 | |
board rather than going for your
best run. Tsubota gets the classic | 1:32:05 | 1:32:11 | |
75, just shy, from the judges. | 1:32:11 | 1:32:17 | |
75, just shy, from the judges. Sarah
Hoefflin, Swiss father, New Zealand | 1:32:19 | 1:32:21 | |
mother, grew up in England and very
interested in joining the GB Park | 1:32:21 | 1:32:27 | |
and pipe programme but couldn't get
a British passport. Lovely to 70 | 1:32:27 | 1:32:33 | |
out. Really nice, she charges, this
girl. Good flow, what the judges | 1:32:33 | 1:32:38 | |
like to see. She had the unenviable
task of opening qualifying with the | 1:32:38 | 1:32:45 | |
first run, and was impeccably clean
with that first run, which saw her | 1:32:45 | 1:32:49 | |
qualify very comfortably. She has
big old tricks when she wants them, | 1:32:49 | 1:32:55 | |
she can dredge that trip back. Yes,
beautiful Switch ten, right, so | 1:32:55 | 1:33:04 | |
consistent. Spinning the opposite
way to impress the judges, which she | 1:33:04 | 1:33:07 | |
does, and that is why she claimed X
Games gold big air just a few weeks | 1:33:07 | 1:33:12 | |
ago. Clock wise Switch seven or
backward 720 into anticlockwise | 1:33:12 | 1:33:20 | |
Switch 720. Very impressive being
able to spin immaculately both ways. | 1:33:20 | 1:33:27 | |
Halfway through the finals, Sarah
True to into first place. -- Sarah | 1:33:27 | 1:33:35 | |
Hoefflin. | 1:33:35 | 1:33:40 | |
Hoefflin. Gremaud of Switzerland.
Really nice. Not as tidy as | 1:33:40 | 1:33:48 | |
qualifying but still very technical.
A lot of things going on during | 1:33:48 | 1:33:52 | |
that. Lining up the gap on the
double kinks switch as well, a lot | 1:33:52 | 1:33:57 | |
harder than it looks. Cheeky 360
tail off the saddle. First jump, | 1:33:57 | 1:34:06 | |
spinning... Bit short! Come on, now,
Tuck. Some speed. You really have | 1:34:06 | 1:34:15 | |
too flowed... Silky 900. Very, very
smooth. First of the double corks. | 1:34:15 | 1:34:23 | |
There it is! Huge double cork 900.
Brilliant. It will be no surprise to | 1:34:23 | 1:34:31 | |
see Gremaud move into the top spot
here. Happy with that, isn't she? | 1:34:31 | 1:34:39 | |
Very happy and rightly so. I think
this one will clip the 90s. 88. | 1:34:39 | 1:34:46 | |
Still very good. Now we come to
Britain's Isabel Atkin, the | 1:34:46 | 1:34:56 | |
19-year-old, silver in Aspen at X
Games two weeks ago. She has the | 1:34:56 | 1:35:02 | |
pedigree, and undoubtedly the
ability. 450 out, lovely and | 1:35:02 | 1:35:06 | |
technical. New here, looking into
that rail really nicely. | 1:35:06 | 1:35:20 | |
that rail really nicely. Huge gap on
the down bar, little hand grab, 360 | 1:35:20 | 1:35:24 | |
off the saddle. Come on, Izzy Atkin.
Back on the 720. A tiny sit down but | 1:35:24 | 1:35:35 | |
she winds up into the nine. Very
nice. Needs the Switch nine here. | 1:35:35 | 1:35:44 | |
With a revert. Puts it down, just
past 900, reverts round to 1080, not | 1:35:44 | 1:35:50 | |
the cleanest of landings but looking
at that you cannot guess whether she | 1:35:50 | 1:35:54 | |
was going for a Switch ten or Switch
nine. I think it was a nine. It is | 1:35:54 | 1:36:04 | |
the best of three rounds, though, so
not all doom and gloom for Izzy | 1:36:04 | 1:36:08 | |
Atkin just yet. 68.4 puts on fourth
just behind Yuki Tsubota. | 1:36:08 | 1:36:21 | |
just behind Yuki Tsubota. Killi of
Norway. Odds-on favourite for the | 1:36:24 | 1:36:26 | |
gold medal here. Took silver in big
air in the X Games. This is going to | 1:36:26 | 1:36:36 | |
hurt her. Oh! I was about to say,
going so slow is what will hurt her | 1:36:36 | 1:36:42 | |
not only points wise, she just
didn't have enough speed to slide | 1:36:42 | 1:36:46 | |
through the rails. Cam, Dahlstom set
the bar just as high here? -- can | 1:36:46 | 1:36:59 | |
Emma Dahlstrom? Opting not to use
poles. Same trick as Izzy Atkin with | 1:36:59 | 1:37:06 | |
the left spin out, right spin out,
sorry. 270 of the double King, | 1:37:06 | 1:37:12 | |
sliding all the way through it, then
making her way to the left side of | 1:37:12 | 1:37:16 | |
the course with this big down bar,
again using the grab. Really hooks | 1:37:16 | 1:37:22 | |
into the back leg. Clean through the
top section, Dahlstrom. Oh! Couldn't | 1:37:22 | 1:37:31 | |
get it round. So Emma Dahlstrom is
human after all. So let's take a | 1:37:31 | 1:37:39 | |
look at the standings after run one. | 1:37:39 | 1:37:46 | |
OK, so Maggie Voisin, who broke her
leg before Sochi and was unable to | 1:37:51 | 1:37:58 | |
complete, so is soaking up the
experience in Pyeongchang -- unable | 1:37:58 | 1:38:02 | |
to compete. Tidy first rail.
Charging through the top section. We | 1:38:02 | 1:38:07 | |
have said it time and again with her
runs, she is super relaxed. Not | 1:38:07 | 1:38:12 | |
trying to get rid of any speed,
getting everything perfect. | 1:38:12 | 1:38:16 | |
Everything at the right speed. Into
the jumps, three jumps, then. The | 1:38:16 | 1:38:23 | |
first really nice, 900. Taking off,
Switch. | 1:38:23 | 1:38:34 | |
Switch. Switch 900. Back-to-back
minds. Izzard attend? Oh! And again, | 1:38:34 | 1:38:42 | |
the final jump proves undoing.
Voisin will have to put it all on | 1:38:42 | 1:38:49 | |
the line in-run three. | 1:38:49 | 1:38:55 | |
the line in-run three. Next in,
Burmansson, wisdom beyond her years, | 1:38:57 | 1:39:01 | |
just 15 years old and skied very
mature late in the qualification. -- | 1:39:01 | 1:39:08 | |
very matured leave. She stayed -- if
she stays on her feet you have to | 1:39:08 | 1:39:14 | |
say she is a favourite for gold,
even with one of her stock runs, she | 1:39:14 | 1:39:18 | |
might not have too accelerate too
hard if she can just find the | 1:39:18 | 1:39:22 | |
consistency. Went to that rail there
are a little early. The judges will | 1:39:22 | 1:39:29 | |
be looking for any way to penalised
these skiers. But off the top. Now | 1:39:29 | 1:39:35 | |
into the jumps. A very, very relaxed
style. | 1:39:35 | 1:39:48 | |
style. Oh! Puts it into the front
now. Final jump. She's gone very, | 1:39:48 | 1:39:55 | |
very light. Yes... Oh, she's gone!
Wow! To be brutally honest falling | 1:39:55 | 1:40:05 | |
over in the finish area, I don't
know where the cut-off point is for | 1:40:05 | 1:40:09 | |
the judges. 65. I think they let it
slip. | 1:40:09 | 1:40:21 | |
slip. Pat Sharples gently talking to
Katie Summerhayes. They have been | 1:40:21 | 1:40:24 | |
working together I think for nearly
a decade now. The relationship key | 1:40:24 | 1:40:30 | |
to Katie's success. She came so
close in Sochi. Can she make it | 1:40:30 | 1:40:35 | |
count here in 2018? She is nursing a
ankle injury and has been advised by | 1:40:35 | 1:40:45 | |
her physio not to ski in this final.
She is doing it through gritted | 1:40:45 | 1:40:49 | |
teeth. There is the 450 out, nice,
really solid rails from Summerhayes. | 1:40:49 | 1:40:56 | |
She has that slide really nicely, as
locked those two together. Now, the | 1:40:56 | 1:41:03 | |
rails were definitely up, so jump
wise, she is hitting that slightly | 1:41:03 | 1:41:07 | |
smaller middle jump, which will cost
a few points, that's for sure. | 1:41:07 | 1:41:13 | |
Switch five. | 1:41:13 | 1:41:17 | |
And a big 900. She punches the air.
Come on, Katie Summerhayes! That is | 1:41:22 | 1:41:29 | |
a fantastic platform to roll into
the third and final run. So Katie, I | 1:41:29 | 1:41:34 | |
think certainly she felt the first
school was a bit low. Let's see the | 1:41:34 | 1:41:40 | |
second score. 71.4. Yes, nod of the
head there, not her biggest tricks | 1:41:40 | 1:41:46 | |
all the way through and maybe the
smaller kicker hurt her a little. | 1:41:46 | 1:41:52 | |
Next to drop, Isabel Atkin. She is
one of the world's best, she proved | 1:41:52 | 1:41:59 | |
a discount two weeks ago at X Games
when she took silver. | 1:41:59 | 1:42:06 | |
when she took silver. Lovely 450
off. Really nice. | 1:42:07 | 1:42:13 | |
off. Really nice. Error at the hip
than cutting across to the down | 1:42:13 | 1:42:16 | |
rail. Huge gap. Love that. So many
of the women not going for that gap, | 1:42:16 | 1:42:26 | |
kind of riding up and along and then
locking into that rail. Landed much | 1:42:26 | 1:42:32 | |
cleaner than last time. Yes. So
judges looking for spins in | 1:42:32 | 1:42:38 | |
different directions. The nine is
clean. So right side- left side | 1:42:38 | 1:42:43 | |
spins there. Now, Switch, 900 on the
bottom jump. And it is very, very | 1:42:43 | 1:42:49 | |
tidy. What a coup it would be to
move into the third and final runs | 1:42:49 | 1:42:56 | |
in a medal position. Putting the
pressure on everyone else. She is | 1:42:56 | 1:43:01 | |
currently sat in fifth with a 68.4
to move into the bronze medal | 1:43:01 | 1:43:07 | |
position, she would need a 74.4.
79.4, she does it with five points | 1:43:07 | 1:43:15 | |
to spare, Izzy Atkin moves into the
bronze medal position. | 1:43:15 | 1:43:24 | |
bronze medal position. Killi
qualified in third place, dropped | 1:43:25 | 1:43:27 | |
her first run, what has she got
here? This girl, the janitor, swept | 1:43:27 | 1:43:34 | |
the board in 2017, winning pretty
much everything there was to win. | 1:43:34 | 1:43:42 | |
Oh! Cleans up, that was the double
King and she messed up on her first | 1:43:42 | 1:43:47 | |
run. Yes. Very clean through the
rails, then, she finishes those off | 1:43:47 | 1:43:55 | |
with the Switch 180. | 1:43:55 | 1:44:04 | |
with the Switch 180. 720 of the
skewed take-off, rotating with the | 1:44:04 | 1:44:08 | |
direction of travel. A left and
right spin, she comes into the final | 1:44:08 | 1:44:13 | |
kicker, Switch, right spin, looks
very clean, very tidy there. Really | 1:44:13 | 1:44:19 | |
nice from the Norwegian. And the
Vikings are already celebrating. I | 1:44:19 | 1:44:24 | |
think we are going to see the her go
directly against Izzy Atkin's score | 1:44:24 | 1:44:30 | |
in terms of difficulty, technicality
and cleanliness. If you add up the | 1:44:30 | 1:44:34 | |
numbers, spins on that one, seven
20-900- 720. 76.8, so fourth | 1:44:34 | 1:44:46 | |
position for the Norwegian. Only one
run left to drop. The medals at the | 1:44:46 | 1:44:54 | |
moment look like this. | 1:44:54 | 1:45:04 | |
Katie Summerhayes with an extremely
painful ankle in sixth. Shadow | 1:45:10 | 1:45:15 | |
boxing from the 15-year-old
Burmansson. And she has come, not | 1:45:15 | 1:45:19 | |
out of nowhere, she had been I think
Junior world champion, no, silver, | 1:45:19 | 1:45:26 | |
but then she turned up in the World
Cup this year and just dominated. | 1:45:26 | 1:45:31 | |
Yes, then the bronze medal. No
transition period. Seamless, just | 1:45:31 | 1:45:37 | |
came straight through, and that
bronze medal at X Games a few weeks | 1:45:37 | 1:45:40 | |
ago ditto the world of good, but
then look at this girl, she won gold | 1:45:40 | 1:45:44 | |
in that same contest, think that
would have done her the world of | 1:45:44 | 1:45:48 | |
good. The X Games is the closest we
have in terms of pressure, TV | 1:45:48 | 1:45:53 | |
audiences, live crowds, to the
Olympic environment so it is a | 1:45:53 | 1:45:57 | |
decent barometer. | 1:45:57 | 1:46:02 | |
Voisin struggling to replicate that
form. She's looked good on the rails | 1:46:04 | 1:46:08 | |
but it's this last jump that has
eluded her. She's gone through the | 1:46:08 | 1:46:12 | |
rails. Now the focus and the
pressure boils down to the kickers. | 1:46:12 | 1:46:20 | |
Lovely nine on the first tipped.
Really nice. | 1:46:20 | 1:46:27 | |
Really nice. She's got that one. Can
she hold it together now, when it | 1:46:28 | 1:46:31 | |
matters? She's gone big. Yes she
can. A very clean run, and suddenly | 1:46:31 | 1:46:42 | |
is she snaps out of the composed ski
mode and let the poles fly as she | 1:46:42 | 1:46:47 | |
arrived in the finish area. Great
style, great composure and | 1:46:47 | 1:46:51 | |
incredibly technical. That's the
Maggie Voisin we know. She didn't | 1:46:51 | 1:46:59 | |
look fast by those two falls. | 1:46:59 | 1:47:07 | |
look fast by those two falls. So
third place, she bumps Izzy Atkin | 1:47:07 | 1:47:09 | |
down into fourth. Now it's the turn
of Katie Summerhayes. She came so | 1:47:09 | 1:47:20 | |
close four years ago in Sochi. Big
smile on her face now. Really down | 1:47:20 | 1:47:25 | |
to earth, one of the most well liked
women on the freestyle skiing World | 1:47:25 | 1:47:31 | |
Cup tour. Makes her way onto this
calls for the third and final time. | 1:47:31 | 1:47:40 | |
270 out of that down Bath. | 1:47:40 | 1:47:46 | |
270 out of that down Bath. Just 270
out, that was the 450 that wanted. | 1:47:46 | 1:47:52 | |
But unable to replicate that from
earlier on. She's lost one of the | 1:47:52 | 1:48:01 | |
big scoring points out of her run
there. The 540, very much a setup | 1:48:01 | 1:48:07 | |
for this jump. She's letting this
run go. You cannot blame her. We | 1:48:07 | 1:48:15 | |
haven't gone hard on this up until
now... Katie! She's skiing with a | 1:48:15 | 1:48:22 | |
very badly damaged ankle. There's
her sister Molly. She can barely | 1:48:22 | 1:48:31 | |
walk out of the ski boots. | 1:48:31 | 1:48:36 | |
walk out of the ski boots. She
really tagged that knuckle. | 1:48:36 | 1:48:42 | |
really tagged that knuckle. She's
one of the most liked. | 1:48:45 | 1:48:53 | |
one of the most liked. Hoefflin has
the run, consistency, style and | 1:48:55 | 1:48:57 | |
technicality to take the top spot.
She's a gold medallist at the X | 1:48:57 | 1:49:04 | |
Games just a few weeks ago in the
big air. Can she throw those jump | 1:49:04 | 1:49:09 | |
tricks into this run alongside these
rails? Very tidy. Maybe not her | 1:49:09 | 1:49:16 | |
cleanest rail jumps but there were
no mistakes there. | 1:49:16 | 1:49:23 | |
no mistakes there. Lovely style. Big
grab. Really snatching at the 1080. | 1:49:25 | 1:49:34 | |
Went huge on that. 900, excuse me.
Get fit round! She crashed on that | 1:49:34 | 1:49:43 | |
on her second run! And the Swiss are
making a very good case at a | 1:49:43 | 1:49:50 | |
lock-out of gold and silver. Sarah
Hoefflin with a very strong run. | 1:49:50 | 1:49:58 | |
Currently on an 83.8. I wouldn't be
surprised if we see this from | 1:49:58 | 1:50:04 | |
Mathilde Gremaud who's in gold medal
position on an 88. | 1:50:04 | 1:50:13 | |
position on an 88. That puts her
into gold medal position. Ten points | 1:50:14 | 1:50:19 | |
ahead of bronze, Maggie Voisin. | 1:50:19 | 1:50:25 | |
ahead of bronze, Maggie Voisin. Next
is Mathilde Gremaud. Unseated from | 1:50:26 | 1:50:28 | |
the top spot by her fellow
countrywomen Sarah Hoefflin. Can she | 1:50:28 | 1:50:34 | |
regain the gold spot? | 1:50:34 | 1:50:41 | |
regain the gold spot? Switch up with
the pretzel to 70. Really nice. | 1:50:41 | 1:50:50 | |
Switch gap into the last part of
that kick rail. Flows through the | 1:50:51 | 1:50:56 | |
rails, really nice. Great execution,
super clean in that top section. A | 1:50:56 | 1:51:04 | |
little short on the 720. Now tuck.
Remember, speed is your friend. 900. | 1:51:04 | 1:51:13 | |
Slightly off axis. Are we going to
see the double ten? No! She didn't | 1:51:13 | 1:51:22 | |
give it enough, she lost her grab.
So we now have our three current | 1:51:22 | 1:51:30 | |
medal positions. Bronze, silver and
gold in the finish area. Next drop | 1:51:30 | 1:51:36 | |
will be Great Britain's Izzy Atkin,
currently in fourth position. Medal | 1:51:36 | 1:51:44 | |
tantalisingly close, she can touch
it. What has she got in her run? Pat | 1:51:44 | 1:51:51 | |
Sharples just said you're an
absolute boss, your skiing amazing. | 1:51:51 | 1:51:56 | |
Clean run up, biggest run of her
life. | 1:51:56 | 1:52:04 | |
life. Mechanical with the 450. Laid
it down beautifully. Locks that in | 1:52:04 | 1:52:13 | |
so beautifully. She comes up from
the side until the skis onto it. And | 1:52:13 | 1:52:18 | |
the gap over... This run is flowing
for her now. The best rails we've | 1:52:18 | 1:52:26 | |
seen from her. 720 is there. Now,
come on Izzy Atkin. 900s there. | 1:52:26 | 1:52:38 | |
Final jump. CHEERING
Super-clean. We saw her read revert | 1:52:38 | 1:52:48 | |
that. To get into the medals she
needs to up it by just under two | 1:52:48 | 1:52:56 | |
points. 1.8 points. It's so much
cleaner its third-place! 84.6. Izzy | 1:52:56 | 1:53:06 | |
Atkin with a very, very strong run,
just under four points off the | 1:53:06 | 1:53:12 | |
silver medal position. The Swede, 25
years old, she breezed through her | 1:53:12 | 1:53:20 | |
first run with a 91.4. She's tried
to channel the same fun spirit but | 1:53:20 | 1:53:27 | |
the pressure is telling now on the
third and final run. She's yet to | 1:53:27 | 1:53:32 | |
land a run at Phoenix Park. Can she
do it now when it counts? I feel | 1:53:32 | 1:53:40 | |
like I've been in this place before.
Four years ago, women's snowboard | 1:53:40 | 1:53:46 | |
slopestyle. Will it be the same
outcome. | 1:53:46 | 1:53:53 | |
outcome. Emma Dahlstrom going smooth
and tidy, into the backflip. | 1:53:54 | 1:54:02 | |
and tidy, into the backflip. No!
She's down! And that, ladies and | 1:54:03 | 1:54:10 | |
gentlemen, confirms the medals.
Great Britain's Izzy Atkin takes | 1:54:10 | 1:54:15 | |
bronze. Mathilde Gremaud and Sarah
Hoefflin make it a 1-2 in silver and | 1:54:15 | 1:54:23 | |
gold has little and. It is a second
bronze medal for Great Britain. That | 1:54:23 | 1:54:30 | |
is a very welcome sight. | 1:54:30 | 1:54:41 | |
What a final that was. The seeds
were everywhere in there, it was a | 1:54:41 | 1:54:46 | |
really weird qualifier but then all
the best 12 in there for the final. | 1:54:46 | 1:54:49 | |
It could have been anyone. There
were tonnes of big names in the | 1:54:49 | 1:54:54 | |
field, it could have been anyone. I
was standing at the bottom after my | 1:54:54 | 1:54:58 | |
third and final run. I was just
waiting for those last three or four | 1:54:58 | 1:55:03 | |
girls to drop, my heart was racing.
I can't believe it. First Olympic | 1:55:03 | 1:55:12 | |
medal on skis and is known in a
long, long time. If you must be | 1:55:12 | 1:55:17 | |
pretty overwhelmed. I am still
speechless. I'm really excited and | 1:55:17 | 1:55:23 | |
happy. I'm stoked with how I skied
and also stoked to win the bronze. | 1:55:23 | 1:55:29 | |
An incredible result of Izzy Atkin.
She came into that third run and she | 1:55:29 | 1:55:32 | |
knew she was out of the third medal
spot. She had improving some way. We | 1:55:32 | 1:55:39 | |
were unsure if she was going to go
for a more technical trick or clean | 1:55:39 | 1:55:43 | |
up her run. Her switch 900 was
beautiful. That was a tense wait. I | 1:55:43 | 1:55:50 | |
know how it feels now to be
watching. It's the first-ever medal | 1:55:50 | 1:55:56 | |
for these freestyle skiers and I
think everyone in the team was | 1:55:56 | 1:55:58 | |
watching with nerves at the bottom.
No doubt that will put so much | 1:55:58 | 1:56:05 | |
confidence in four James Woods going
in tomorrow. The Izzy herself, to | 1:56:05 | 1:56:12 | |
know she's been able to do it. She's
worked so hard to get to where she's | 1:56:12 | 1:56:17 | |
got two and made it happen. I think
now we have a ski and a snowboard | 1:56:17 | 1:56:22 | |
and we are going from strength to
strength with the freestyle which is | 1:56:22 | 1:56:26 | |
absolutely awesome. STUDIO: Jenny
with her own bronze from Sochi. This | 1:56:26 | 1:56:34 | |
is Izzy Atkin at 19. She grew up in
Utah and opted to ski for Great | 1:56:34 | 1:56:41 | |
Britain when she was only 15. She
really had to press on that last | 1:56:41 | 1:56:45 | |
run. Not too much in order to move
up into the medals. Between Laura, | 1:56:45 | 1:56:53 | |
Lizzie and is the we have three
winners of precious pieces of metal | 1:56:53 | 1:56:58 | |
today. It is officially the greatest
day in the history of Britain's | 1:56:58 | 1:57:04 | |
Winter Olympics. Never before has
this country won three medals on the | 1:57:04 | 1:57:07 | |
same day on a Winter Olympics. The
best ever 1984 | 1:57:07 | 1:57:13 | |
same day on a Winter Olympics. The
best ever 1984 with two. It shows | 1:57:13 | 1:57:15 | |
the whole team is united. When
someone gets that breakthrough | 1:57:15 | 1:57:19 | |
moment it really flows through to
everyone. The energy is something we | 1:57:19 | 1:57:28 | |
hoped the ball would start rolling
earlier but now it's come, who knows | 1:57:28 | 1:57:31 | |
where we can play with this. That
means the British team has | 1:57:31 | 1:57:35 | |
officially met its target. As you
say, maybe the floodgates have | 1:57:35 | 1:57:40 | |
opened. We'll talk about that in a
moment but let's talk about Izzy. | 1:57:40 | 1:57:47 | |
She has maturity | 1:57:47 | 1:57:48 | |
moment but let's talk about Izzy.
She has maturity beyond her years. | 1:57:48 | 1:57:49 | |
Not to go for glory on this final
run. She battled everything today. | 1:57:49 | 1:57:56 | |
In her second run in qualifying she
had to deliver and get through to | 1:57:56 | 1:57:59 | |
the final. The first two runs were
good but it was this last run. She | 1:57:59 | 1:58:04 | |
knew she could do it. You heard Pat
Sharples say go for this, clean it | 1:58:04 | 1:58:09 | |
up. She cleaned it up with the
switch 900 on the bottom which was | 1:58:09 | 1:58:14 | |
an incredible achievement. It's
really impressive to be that young | 1:58:14 | 1:58:18 | |
and hold it together. She had with
some positive form, X Games silver | 1:58:18 | 1:58:25 | |
in January. She had performed going
in. Because she was so young we | 1:58:25 | 1:58:32 | |
didn't want to put her in the medal
predictions. Everyone in the team | 1:58:32 | 1:58:36 | |
knew she had the talent, but we
didn't want to put all that pressure | 1:58:36 | 1:58:39 | |
on her. It was letting her do her
own thing. We are so lucky that five | 1:58:39 | 1:58:45 | |
years ago she chose to compete for
Britain. I saw a great article where | 1:58:45 | 1:58:49 | |
her father said she could have gone
either way. The American freestyle | 1:58:49 | 1:58:53 | |
system is so big, and she's quite a
quiet character. In order for her to | 1:58:53 | 1:59:00 | |
shine shooter Che 's Team GB. Katie
Summerhayes finishing in seven | 1:59:00 | 1:59:04 | |
despite a bad ankle. There was a lot
of self-doubt. She worked so hard in | 1:59:04 | 1:59:11 | |
the gym to get there. She put it out
there to get to the final. She was | 1:59:11 | 1:59:16 | |
disappointed with seventh because on
her day she can be a podium | 1:59:16 | 1:59:20 | |
contender. She's still young enough
and hungry enough to get a gold. | 1:59:20 | 1:59:26 | |
Lets get your reaction to events
earlier in the skeleton, | 1:59:26 | 1:59:30 | |
particularly Lizzy. Beating her own
track record by two tenths of a | 1:59:30 | 1:59:35 | |
second. That is the mental mark of a
champion. To be coming into that | 1:59:35 | 1:59:40 | |
last run knowing you had to do that,
and she looked so calm and | 1:59:40 | 1:59:45 | |
collected. She had a plan, she
executed it. We thought it was a big | 1:59:45 | 1:59:50 | |
call to retain the title from four
years ago. I don't think she doubted | 1:59:50 | 1:59:54 | |
it for a second. She had the self
belief that on paper shouldn't be | 1:59:54 | 1:59:59 | |
there and that is why she is a
champion. She deserves that and she | 1:59:59 | 2:00:03 | |
deserves to be the most decorated
Winter Olympian we've had with the | 2:00:03 | 2:00:06 | |
double. We've had some wonderful
champions in the past. | 2:00:06 | 2:00:15 | |
And it didn't come easily. She had
sinus problems, we saw her affected | 2:00:16 | 2:00:21 | |
in the first two runs yesterday. She
fought for that and after how | 2:00:21 | 2:00:26 | |
technical that track was, you have
to be a great driver with a good | 2:00:26 | 2:00:30 | |
start, and she had the whole
package. Nobody has retained it in | 2:00:30 | 2:00:34 | |
Great Britain's history. But you
also have to say in terms of | 2:00:34 | 2:00:40 | |
succession planning, Laura Deas,
could Beijing be her moment, next | 2:00:40 | 2:00:45 | |
time? The fact that they have worked
together and friends competing on | 2:00:45 | 2:00:49 | |
the track, Lizzy has helped mentor
Laura, and you saw their enjoyment | 2:00:49 | 2:00:54 | |
for being on the podium together,
that is Olympic and friendship | 2:00:54 | 2:00:59 | |
goals, it surpasses sport when you
see someone you care about do their | 2:00:59 | 2:01:02 | |
best, and she is the future. She
held it together so well. All three | 2:01:02 | 2:01:07 | |
of our bronze medallists, Dom, Izzy
and Laura, all were in fourth place | 2:01:07 | 2:01:13 | |
going into the last run, whether
they were dropping or going into the | 2:01:13 | 2:01:19 | |
side they believe they had to
perform well. What does that tell | 2:01:19 | 2:01:22 | |
us? It tells us that Brits have
something in here, we are edgy, | 2:01:22 | 2:01:29 | |
mentally strong, and I think we
haven't had | 2:01:29 | 2:01:32 | |
mentally strong, and I think we
haven't had that before, | 2:01:32 | 2:01:33 | |
psychologically we have always been
in Winter Olympics a bit weak in | 2:01:33 | 2:01:37 | |
that area, that we are not now, and
it is incredible to achieve what | 2:01:37 | 2:01:40 | |
they have done. It is extraordinary,
three of the six skeleton medals | 2:01:40 | 2:01:45 | |
going to British sliders, worth the
investment, definitely. Definitely, | 2:01:45 | 2:01:51 | |
and get the next generation into
its. Talking about freestyle skiing, | 2:01:51 | 2:01:55 | |
and we will do more of that in
aerials, probably the thing you | 2:01:55 | 2:02:00 | |
haven't tried, or you probably have,
this is quite a story, Lloyd | 2:02:00 | 2:02:06 | |
Wallace, appearing | 2:02:06 | 2:02:07 | |
this is quite a story, Lloyd
Wallace, appearing in his very first | 2:02:07 | 2:02:09 | |
Olympics, turning 23, this is six
months after he was put in an | 2:02:09 | 2:02:14 | |
induced coma for 24 hours after a
severe head injury while training in | 2:02:14 | 2:02:18 | |
Switzerland. He is in his first
Games. He knew nothing of the | 2:02:18 | 2:02:23 | |
accident but we salute his Olympic
debut today. Got over the 100 points | 2:02:23 | 2:02:28 | |
barrier, just not enough to qualify
for tomorrow's final, but keeps an | 2:02:28 | 2:02:32 | |
amazing family tradition, his dad,
Robin, competed in this discipline | 2:02:32 | 2:02:37 | |
is a demo sport in Calgary and his
man finished only just out of the | 2:02:37 | 2:02:42 | |
medal in Albertville in 92 and
Lillehammer in 94. I believe his | 2:02:42 | 2:02:47 | |
younger sister Ella Deke is also
involved in the British setup. You | 2:02:47 | 2:02:50 | |
have to say, that family has second
to none spatial awareness. He didn't | 2:02:50 | 2:02:57 | |
land this one. He kind of did then
pre-released on landing. I know | 2:02:57 | 2:03:02 | |
those bindings don't want to be out
because you can get injured but for | 2:03:02 | 2:03:05 | |
me it was a heavy | 2:03:05 | 2:03:07 | |
because you can get injured but for
me it was a heavy landing, and so | 2:03:07 | 2:03:08 | |
close. The fact that he went that
big on his Olympic debut, he knew he | 2:03:08 | 2:03:13 | |
could do it, and raising. Next time.
It is official, Norway is the | 2:03:13 | 2:03:18 | |
greatest Winter Olympic nation there
has ever been, and they now have the | 2:03:18 | 2:03:25 | |
two greatest decorated Winter
Olympians of all time because the | 2:03:25 | 2:03:28 | |
iron Lady has been doing it for them
once again today. She came into | 2:03:28 | 2:03:33 | |
these games with ten medals, six
gold, and she has only made history | 2:03:33 | 2:03:38 | |
again today in the women's relay. | 2:03:38 | 2:03:49 | |
She is closing in on another superb
piece of Winter Olympic | 2:03:53 | 2:03:56 | |
She is closing in on another superb
piece of Winter Olympic history, | 2:03:56 | 2:03:59 | |
Mario. Gold from the very first, and
she is finishing in style. Gold | 2:03:59 | 2:04:08 | |
again for the iron Lady of Norway. | 2:04:08 | 2:04:14 | |
In Pyeongchang, the iron ladies kept
collecting medals, silver in | 2:04:14 | 2:04:20 | |
skiathlon, now the most decorated
female Winter Olympian, bronze in | 2:04:20 | 2:04:24 | |
the ten K free her 12th Olympic
medal. Now with the four times five | 2:04:24 | 2:04:29 | |
K relay, a chance to go level at the
top. Her team-mates Haga skied | 2:04:29 | 2:04:37 | |
remarkably to put Norway in
contention but they were third when | 2:04:37 | 2:04:40 | |
began. Bjoergen the iron Lady
delivers goal for Norway and becomes | 2:04:40 | 2:04:46 | |
the greatest cross-country skier the
sport has ever seen. She has become | 2:04:46 | 2:04:50 | |
a legend. The magic is in somehow
repeating the | 2:04:50 | 2:05:00 | |
a legend. The magic is in somehow
repeating the trick. 13 Olympic | 2:05:00 | 2:05:04 | |
medals, seven gold, and the
Norwegians have suspended betting on | 2:05:04 | 2:05:07 | |
Norwegian sports personality of the
year. She is something else, 37 | 2:05:07 | 2:05:12 | |
years young. Incredible, to sustain
that level of performance that so | 2:05:12 | 2:05:17 | |
many years, I don't know how she
does it. Another 30-something in the | 2:05:17 | 2:05:23 | |
women's super-g was Lindsay Vaughan,
who has had a tech it Olympic Korea | 2:05:23 | 2:05:29 | |
-- | 2:05:29 | 2:05:37 | |
-- Lindsay Vonn, who didn't go to
Sochi because of injury, she said | 2:05:37 | 2:05:42 | |
Chi felt like a caged ball going
into the start today with huge | 2:05:42 | 2:05:45 | |
expectation from the American media.
She is performing so well in World | 2:05:45 | 2:05:53 | |
Cups, three victories back-to-back
coming into this, she looked ready, | 2:05:53 | 2:05:56 | |
frothing allover social media, she
just wanted to go. She wasn't the | 2:05:56 | 2:06:01 | |
only one ready to charge as we will
see in the women's super-g with Matt | 2:06:01 | 2:06:05 | |
Chilton. | 2:06:05 | 2:06:07 | |
COMMENTATOR: First to race, one of
the favourites, the incredible | 2:06:07 | 2:06:12 | |
Lindsey Vonn. | 2:06:12 | 2:06:22 | |
43 high-speed alternating red and
blue control gates. Good start for | 2:06:26 | 2:06:31 | |
Lindsey Vonn, nothing wrong with
this, start just above 1100 metres | 2:06:31 | 2:06:35 | |
over a course length of just over
two kilometres. Good jump in there | 2:06:35 | 2:06:40 | |
from Lindsey Vonn and she nailed the
next turn, now slightly out of the | 2:06:40 | 2:06:44 | |
ideal racing line, but the speed is
immense from the American, and that | 2:06:44 | 2:06:49 | |
was absolutely perfect. She flew,
she landed, she turned untucked, and | 2:06:49 | 2:06:53 | |
she is eating up the ground here.
Next intermediate 41 .41, we will | 2:06:53 | 2:07:00 | |
compare that to the others as they
come down this course, speed trap, | 2:07:00 | 2:07:05 | |
88, then accelerates to around 94
kilometres per hour. It has not been | 2:07:05 | 2:07:11 | |
perfect by any means. But this could
take some beating. Lindsey Vonn | 2:07:11 | 2:07:16 | |
starting number one, if she
finishes, this could be very hard to | 2:07:16 | 2:07:19 | |
beat today. Course shining in the
early afternoon sunshine. She is | 2:07:19 | 2:07:26 | |
late there. That could ruin her
chance of a medal. She put the | 2:07:26 | 2:07:30 | |
brakes on and lost all her speed,
and as a result, she may not win a | 2:07:30 | 2:07:34 | |
medal. One minute, 21.49, at huge
mistake inside the finishing line. | 2:07:34 | 2:07:42 | |
-- within sight of the finishing
line. It was going so well and then | 2:07:42 | 2:07:46 | |
she went on to the staff smoke at
the track. It's with the terrain, if | 2:07:46 | 2:07:52 | |
you come into it with speed is hard,
if you don't it's not hard. Next to | 2:07:52 | 2:08:00 | |
ski, Hannah Schnarf of Italy, 33
years of age, not the oldest in the | 2:08:00 | 2:08:08 | |
race but certainly one of the more
experienced athletes today. Just | 2:08:08 | 2:08:12 | |
missed a medal in the super-g four
years ago in Sochi when she was | 2:08:12 | 2:08:17 | |
fourth. Recent form has given her
place on the Italian team. She was | 2:08:17 | 2:08:24 | |
six in Lake Louise, finished second,
her first Merck to lick visit the | 2:08:24 | 2:08:29 | |
podium in Cortina dump out so in
super-g. Wonderful landing. Tearing | 2:08:29 | 2:08:36 | |
it up here. Hannah Scharf barely
moving from the top position in what | 2:08:36 | 2:08:46 | |
was the paradise turn in the men's
downhill in super-g. She has the | 2:08:46 | 2:08:51 | |
reward for the brave line. .48 in
front, Schnarf makes a slight | 2:08:51 | 2:08:55 | |
mistake there. Now, coming to the
exit of the blue Dragon Valley, has | 2:08:55 | 2:09:00 | |
to finish cleanly. Can't afford any
mistakes but if she gets it right, | 2:09:00 | 2:09:07 | |
gold medal position awaits. .18 in
front of Lindsey Vonn, and Lindsey | 2:09:07 | 2:09:14 | |
Vonn's mistake was at this point and
if Schnarf is clean she can take the | 2:09:14 | 2:09:18 | |
lead. Slightly late in the line
there but manages to keep the skis | 2:09:18 | 2:09:22 | |
within the blue racing laying, and
she tucks in, has she done enough? | 2:09:22 | 2:09:29 | |
Yes, she has, Schnarf into gold for
Italy. | 2:09:29 | 2:09:35 | |
Italy. Hello! The Swiss pocket
rocket ready to race, Lara Gut, the | 2:09:36 | 2:09:42 | |
best super-g skier of the season so
far, second in the opener in Lake | 2:09:42 | 2:09:47 | |
Louise then finally got the World
Cup winning 14 year -- win in | 2:09:47 | 2:09:54 | |
Cortina. She missed most of last
season with an injury she picked up | 2:09:54 | 2:09:59 | |
at the World Championships, but not
before she had taken a medal. Lara | 2:09:59 | 2:10:05 | |
Gut on her way in the Olympic
super-g. | 2:10:05 | 2:10:11 | |
Lara Gut is one of the biggest
sporting stars in Switzerland, | 2:10:16 | 2:10:24 | |
possibly the best-known female
sporting star. 40.934 Schnarf but | 2:10:24 | 2:10:27 | |
Gut is hot on her heels, 100th of a
second off the pace. What can she do | 2:10:27 | 2:10:37 | |
on the bottom part of this course?
She was bronze medallist at the | 2:10:37 | 2:10:42 | |
World Championships in Saint Moritz
on home snow last debris, bronze | 2:10:42 | 2:10:46 | |
medallist in the Olympic downhill
four years ago in Sochi, and is | 2:10:46 | 2:10:51 | |
definitely a big event athlete, but
she has to finish with a flourish | 2:10:51 | 2:10:55 | |
here to trouble the top of the
leaderboard. Slightly late in the | 2:10:55 | 2:10:59 | |
line, drifts out beyond the blue
racing line and over the tales of | 2:10:59 | 2:11:04 | |
her skis. She is lucky to still be
standing, but she skis into gold. | 2:11:04 | 2:11:09 | |
Gut leads the way by four hundreds
of a second, a risky finish, but it | 2:11:09 | 2:11:17 | |
has brought her the lead in the
Olympic super-g. What a spectacular | 2:11:17 | 2:11:23 | |
jump, landed on the inside ski then
jammed the inside leg -- edge of | 2:11:23 | 2:11:27 | |
that right skied into the snow to
continue carving. That was her final | 2:11:27 | 2:11:32 | |
jump. Lara Gut has never won an
Olympic gold. | 2:11:32 | 2:11:41 | |
Olympic gold. Weirather, great
friends and former trading partner | 2:11:41 | 2:11:47 | |
of Lara Gut. Weirather has now
employed the services of leading | 2:11:47 | 2:11:53 | |
Austrian coaches. Her father was a
multiple World Cup winner for the | 2:11:53 | 2:11:56 | |
Austrian team. Her mother was a
multiple Olympic champion from | 2:11:56 | 2:12:03 | |
Lichtenstein, and it is in the
colours of Lichtenstein that | 2:12:03 | 2:12:07 | |
Weirather braces, off and running
here. She has had a good season, won | 2:12:07 | 2:12:12 | |
the super-g on the World Cup
campaign on the 3rd of December in | 2:12:12 | 2:12:16 | |
Lake Louise. Not much luck in giant
slalom two days ago but this is | 2:12:16 | 2:12:21 | |
where she really finds her feet, and
she is 11 hundredths in front of Gut | 2:12:21 | 2:12:26 | |
about split. Slightly lower in the
line, might have just lost that | 2:12:26 | 2:12:32 | |
lead, there Ben, and getting bumped
around, sent to the sides of the | 2:12:32 | 2:12:37 | |
track when she least needs it. 11
hundredths behind -- in front at the | 2:12:37 | 2:12:44 | |
last intermediate, then maybe Eric,
and this time she only has 500s to | 2:12:44 | 2:12:49 | |
play with. This will be tight. Gut
leads the way for Switzerland. | 2:12:49 | 2:12:54 | |
Charging down the mountain comes
Tina want a map from Lichtenstein, | 2:12:54 | 2:12:58 | |
but she was too wide on that final
turn. Has she done enough to lead? | 2:12:58 | 2:13:06 | |
Oh! 100th of a second! Weirather
into gold. What a fantastic race | 2:13:06 | 2:13:15 | |
here at Chung slammed today. Doesn't
get any tighter, Weirather now into | 2:13:15 | 2:13:21 | |
gold. The Rica Brignone from Italy,
bronze in the giant slalom, was a | 2:13:21 | 2:13:31 | |
World Cup winner in super-g this
season. She won in Austria on the | 2:13:31 | 2:13:40 | |
14th of January. Her mother was a
talented alpine skier, winning four | 2:13:40 | 2:13:44 | |
World Cup slalom competitions in the
late 70s and early 80s. Brignone is | 2:13:44 | 2:13:52 | |
getting after this. Nice turn. Did
she time it correctly? Brignone, the | 2:13:52 | 2:14:00 | |
27-year-old, represents the valley
just the other side of the Mont | 2:14:00 | 2:14:07 | |
blanc tunnel from Chamonix. Drifting
away from her slightly now, .46 of | 2:14:07 | 2:14:13 | |
the pace. Has to be 100% clean and
accurate, on the final third of this | 2:14:13 | 2:14:20 | |
track, to push for a medal.
Weirather leads, one minute 21.22 is | 2:14:20 | 2:14:28 | |
the target time. Brignone has had a
pretty solid run, as she managed to | 2:14:28 | 2:14:33 | |
make up time? She has. It is clean,
it is accurate, and all of a sudden | 2:14:33 | 2:14:39 | |
they are all paying attention at the
base of the Olympic super-g track | 2:14:39 | 2:14:43 | |
because the Italian is along. Great
run from Brignone. Brignone skis | 2:14:43 | 2:14:51 | |
into fourth. Relief 14 Weirather,
she jumps for joy. Brignone let's | 2:14:51 | 2:14:57 | |
out a scream of disappointment. | 2:14:57 | 2:15:08 | |
Is on her way, the winner of the
Testament here last year. -- Goggia | 2:15:09 | 2:15:15 | |
is on her way. Promising start, nice
Highline for severe Goggia who will | 2:15:15 | 2:15:22 | |
take all the possible risks to reach
her goal of winning the Olympic | 2:15:22 | 2:15:25 | |
title. Hasn't won a World Cup
Super-G this season but she's been | 2:15:25 | 2:15:34 | |
successful twice in the downhill
discipline. That was a beautiful | 2:15:34 | 2:15:40 | |
flight and turned. She is accurate
in the air. She lands at 99 | 2:15:40 | 2:15:45 | |
kilometres an hour and Sofia Goggia
is going to go close. | 2:15:45 | 2:15:53 | |
is going to go close. Goggia is
quicker than Weirather. Can she hold | 2:15:53 | 2:15:55 | |
it together? She sometimes she can
make a mistake and there is one. | 2:15:55 | 2:16:00 | |
Goggia might have just blown it!
Goodness me, she was lopsided. | 2:16:00 | 2:16:05 | |
Somehow she stayed on her skis.
She's paid the price, | 2:16:05 | 2:16:16 | |
She's paid the price, she's 0.32
behind. Last section. Goggia has | 2:16:16 | 2:16:18 | |
lived dangerously on the bottom half
of this Super-G track. Can she do 19 | 2:16:18 | 2:16:27 | |
Weirather the Olympic title? No, she
can't. After that massive mistake | 2:16:27 | 2:16:33 | |
there's no real surprise that Goggia
isn't in amongst the medals. The | 2:16:33 | 2:16:39 | |
defending champion is ready to go.
Anna Veith from Austria won the gold | 2:16:39 | 2:16:45 | |
four years ago. | 2:16:45 | 2:16:52 | |
four years ago. 100th the second up
at the first intermediate. Anna | 2:16:52 | 2:16:57 | |
Veith, the 28-year-old Austrian on
the course set by her coach. | 2:16:57 | 2:17:00 | |
Cruising through the first ten or 11
terms. It all looks good so far the | 2:17:00 | 2:17:07 | |
Anna Veith. Back from injury. The
line there was OK. Look at her low | 2:17:07 | 2:17:14 | |
aerodynamic shape. She's been longer
in the tuck than anyone else in this | 2:17:14 | 2:17:19 | |
race so far. She's so soft on her
skis. Next intermediate sees Anna | 2:17:19 | 2:17:27 | |
Veith trail by half a second. She
won the Val d'Isere Super-G. We've | 2:17:27 | 2:17:35 | |
seen some skiers find time and speed
in the middle part of this track. | 2:17:35 | 2:17:45 | |
Can Anna Veith get close to
Weirather? She's inside by 21 | 2:17:45 | 2:17:51 | |
hundredths the second. Is pushing to
give Austria the Super-G golden | 2:17:51 | 2:17:56 | |
double. | 2:17:56 | 2:18:01 | |
double. Anna Veith may well defend
the Gold she won four years ago in | 2:18:01 | 2:18:05 | |
Sochi. Anna Veith leads the Olympic
Super-G, by a tenth of a second. | 2:18:05 | 2:18:14 | |
Magnificent skiing from the
Austrian. The Austrians have | 2:18:14 | 2:18:17 | |
dominated this event. | 2:18:17 | 2:18:28 | |
The newly married Anna Veith leads
the way in 2018. Connie Huetter is | 2:18:30 | 2:18:36 | |
next to race for Austria. | 2:18:36 | 2:18:42 | |
Huetter has the fastest split, at
around the six second mark. She's in | 2:18:47 | 2:18:52 | |
front by 100th of a second. Missed
most of last season with injury. But | 2:18:52 | 2:18:59 | |
has had a pretty good 2018 so far.
Skidded sideways there. Brakes on | 2:18:59 | 2:19:08 | |
foot Huetter. To be sure of making
the next turn. Remarkably Lindsey | 2:19:08 | 2:19:14 | |
Vonn is still an equal fifth
position, despite grinding to a halt | 2:19:14 | 2:19:17 | |
at the base of the mountain just
above the finishing line. The | 2:19:17 | 2:19:22 | |
American is still in the top five.
That's incredible. Lindsey Vonn will | 2:19:22 | 2:19:27 | |
bounce back, I'm sure. The women's
downhill is next week. Downhill | 2:19:27 | 2:19:35 | |
training to come. Three days of
that. No training for the Super-G. | 2:19:35 | 2:19:40 | |
It's all down to course inspection.
0.45 behind, Huetter. The damage | 2:19:40 | 2:19:47 | |
isn't as bad as you might have
imagined... 11 hundredths of a | 2:19:47 | 2:19:56 | |
second separate the top three.
Huetter isn't far-off. She's in | 2:19:56 | 2:20:01 | |
seven. A good result for Huetter.
Could have been so much better had | 2:20:01 | 2:20:07 | |
it not been for that one glaring
error. This was it. Skis sideways. | 2:20:07 | 2:20:13 | |
Now the multitalented Ester Ledecka
is next. She's armed with both skis | 2:20:13 | 2:20:20 | |
and snowboards because she's
competing in the parallel giant | 2:20:20 | 2:20:24 | |
slalom event held next week.
Finished 23rd in the Alpine giant | 2:20:24 | 2:20:31 | |
slalom, it will be a first-ever
Ester Ledecka. She will be the | 2:20:31 | 2:20:36 | |
first-ever athlete to compete in
skiing and snowboarding at an | 2:20:36 | 2:20:40 | |
Olympic Winter Games. She has two
separate training teams, one for | 2:20:40 | 2:20:47 | |
snowboarding, one has skiing. She
picks and chooses her races | 2:20:47 | 2:20:50 | |
throughout the regular World Cup
season. Screaming through some of | 2:20:50 | 2:20:56 | |
these terms as she tries to keep
herself on track. The speed looks | 2:20:56 | 2:21:01 | |
pretty good Ester Ledecka. That was
a better landing. Nicely done. Soft | 2:21:01 | 2:21:07 | |
on landing. Continued on her way.
Three hundredths off the pace. Now | 2:21:07 | 2:21:14 | |
18 hundredths in front. Can Ester
Ledecka mix things up here? Possibly | 2:21:14 | 2:21:19 | |
not... The speed seemed to remain
intact. She's absolutely throwing it | 2:21:19 | 2:21:24 | |
down this Olympic Super-G course.
Everyone is paying attention. | 2:21:24 | 2:21:35 | |
Ledecka still in front by four
hundredths of a second. The | 2:21:35 | 2:21:41 | |
snowboarding skier, the skiing
snowboarder, may get amongst the | 2:21:41 | 2:21:45 | |
medals! That would be an incredible
story! What a chump, she's landed, | 2:21:45 | 2:21:50 | |
can she do it? She's done it!
Ledecka leads the Olympic Super-G. | 2:21:50 | 2:21:57 | |
Surely that's the gold medal? She
cannot believe it! It's happened. | 2:21:57 | 2:22:07 | |
Remarkable. Ester Ledecka is the
Olympic Super-G champion. | 2:22:07 | 2:22:22 | |
Olympic Super-G champion. What a
fantastic story! No! Yes indeed! | 2:22:22 | 2:22:26 | |
She's done it. | 2:22:26 | 2:22:32 | |
She's done it. That is one of the
most astonishing Olympic stories of | 2:22:32 | 2:22:35 | |
all time. | 2:22:35 | 2:22:44 | |
all time. There is our champion, the
disbelieving Esther Ledecka. Shall | 2:22:44 | 2:22:50 | |
become the first-ever gold medal
winning athlete from the Czech | 2:22:50 | 2:22:55 | |
Republic in Alpine skiing. What a
story! STUDIO: You are right, by | 2:22:55 | 2:23:01 | |
100th of a second, the smallest
margin in Alpine skiing. What will | 2:23:01 | 2:23:07 | |
be Alpine world be experiencing now?
You wanted to pick up her jaw | 2:23:07 | 2:23:12 | |
Farhat! I did think a cameraman has
ever been in the most influential | 2:23:12 | 2:23:16 | |
position to say you've just won
gold. She is rewriting the rules. | 2:23:16 | 2:23:23 | |
Technically we are supposed to hate
each other, the snowboarders and | 2:23:23 | 2:23:26 | |
skiers. We don't. But the skills
required to be that good at both | 2:23:26 | 2:23:33 | |
disciplines is amazing. She was
ecstatic with her 23rd in GS. It's | 2:23:33 | 2:23:39 | |
incredible. It's extraordinary. She
had a pair of Michaela Shifrin's | 2:23:39 | 2:23:46 | |
skis. Obviously she pulled out so
they thought let's give a pair to | 2:23:46 | 2:23:53 | |
Ester | 2:23:53 | 2:23:55 | |
they thought let's give a pair to
Ester. It wasn't just the skis, she | 2:23:55 | 2:23:58 | |
skied them to victory and it was all
her doing. She trains three weeks of | 2:23:58 | 2:24:05 | |
Alpine, then three weeks of
snowboarding and so on. It's unheard | 2:24:05 | 2:24:09 | |
of. This was a bolt from the blue
especially with the likes of Lindsey | 2:24:09 | 2:24:13 | |
Vonn. If you put money on her you
would be a very rich person indeed. | 2:24:13 | 2:24:19 | |
Lindsey Vonn came out of the
starting gate like a caged animal, | 2:24:19 | 2:24:23 | |
just one mistake was her and doing.
I feel for her. In Super-G you've | 2:24:23 | 2:24:28 | |
got to go on that limit. You don't
want to overturn. You heard her say | 2:24:28 | 2:24:33 | |
she didn't think she would have
speed going in. I really want to | 2:24:33 | 2:24:38 | |
hold my hands up to her because she
summed it up about Ester winning. | 2:24:38 | 2:24:45 | |
She said I wish I had as much of
letters is as she does to go from | 2:24:45 | 2:24:51 | |
sport and sport. Lindsey Vonn said
unfortunately I'm any good at ski | 2:24:51 | 2:24:55 | |
racing, and she beat me. So humble
in the loss. | 2:24:55 | 2:25:02 | |
in the loss. It was absolutely mad.
There's very few times you see the | 2:25:02 | 2:25:06 | |
top racers choose early starts. It's
very, very unlikely these days that | 2:25:06 | 2:25:12 | |
someone steals everybody's blunder
and this is exactly what happened. | 2:25:12 | 2:25:16 | |
It was Heron scarer at the end of
Ledecka's run. She's lose, she's | 2:25:16 | 2:25:21 | |
fast. She dropped her hit back at
the last jump. The skiing is maybe | 2:25:21 | 2:25:30 | |
not as | 2:25:30 | 2:25:35 | |
not as perfect as Weirather but she
was letting the ski go everywhere. | 2:25:36 | 2:25:40 | |
It's all about time. We thought it
was all over. She manages just a | 2:25:40 | 2:25:45 | |
blip or wood, and then the best
reaction ever. We see so many people | 2:25:45 | 2:25:50 | |
going wild in the finish. She had
minutes of disbelief. Anna Veith was | 2:25:50 | 2:25:56 | |
out doing celebratory interviews.
Sobering Farhat. I'm sure that will | 2:25:56 | 2:26:04 | |
be one of the most memorable moments
of the Pyeongchang games. Thank you | 2:26:04 | 2:26:07 | |
very much. It's hard to believe but
we are halfway through these games. | 2:26:07 | 2:26:13 | |
It feels like we have had enough
Olympic action in one day to last us | 2:26:13 | 2:26:19 | |
an entire Games. Some of it
frustrating, some of it absolutely | 2:26:19 | 2:26:24 | |
fantastic. As you know, Lizzy
Yarnold has become the first Briton | 2:26:24 | 2:26:31 | |
to successfully defend their Winter
Olympic title after clinching gold | 2:26:31 | 2:26:34 | |
in the women's skeleton. In the same
event Laura Deas took the bronze. | 2:26:34 | 2:26:42 | |
There was another bronze the Team GB
in the women's skis slopestyle, | 2:26:42 | 2:26:47 | |
19-year-old Izzy Atkin became the
first Briton to officially win an | 2:26:47 | 2:26:51 | |
Olympic medal on skis. However not
all good news, with Elise Christie | 2:26:51 | 2:26:56 | |
crashing in the semifinals of the
1500 short track. They say she will | 2:26:56 | 2:27:02 | |
compete in Tuesday's 1000 metres
despite being carried from the ice. | 2:27:02 | 2:27:08 | |
Norway won the women's's
cross-country skiing relay. She is | 2:27:08 | 2:27:14 | |
the first women to win seven golds
at the games. And Stoch becomes only | 2:27:14 | 2:27:24 | |
the third man to win at least three
ski jumping goals. | 2:27:24 | 2:27:31 | |
ski jumping goals. So we have in the
medal table... Germany with a | 2:27:33 | 2:27:40 | |
record-breaking Games soap after
them. A great day from Norway and | 2:27:40 | 2:27:45 | |
Great Britain. Up in 16th place and
they've the target of four medals in | 2:27:45 | 2:27:50 | |
one Games. More Winter wonder coming
your way. | 2:27:50 | 2:28:03 | |
It's appropriate in Korea that we've
had the yen and the young of sport. | 2:28:18 | 2:28:21 | |
Elise Christie will be back to fight
another day on Tuesday but a | 2:28:21 | 2:28:26 | |
record-breaking day, three medals,
one day. Officially the best ever in | 2:28:26 | 2:28:30 | |
Britain's history. It's been great.
Bye-bye. | 2:28:30 | 2:28:38 | |
COMMENTATOR: Izzy Atkin takes
bronze. Laura Deas goes next to | 2:28:38 | 2:28:43 | |
Great Britain. Laura Deas has done
all she can, will it be enough? | 2:28:43 | 2:28:52 | |
Lizzy Yarnold next. The Olympic
champion, can she make history? | 2:28:52 | 2:28:57 | |
Lizzy Yarnold wins gold again! Laura
Deas has won bronze as well! | 2:28:57 | 2:29:03 |