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Good morning and a very happy Monday
morning from here in Pyeongchang. If | 0:00:46 | 0:00:49 | |
you are feeling a little jaded after
the weekend and not quite ready to | 0:00:49 | 0:00:52 | |
grasp the week ahead, we have had to
the motivation you need. | 0:00:52 | 0:00:59 | |
the motivation you need. This is day
ten of the Winter Olympics, and here | 0:01:03 | 0:01:05 | |
is what is coming up over the next
few hours. Kyle Smith and his team | 0:01:05 | 0:01:12 | |
have won three and lost three so
far. That makes today's match | 0:01:12 | 0:01:17 | |
against Denmark a must-win if they
are to keep their destiny in their | 0:01:17 | 0:01:20 | |
own hands. There will be wanting to
progress from the round robin to | 0:01:20 | 0:01:25 | |
Thursday she lays semifinals. Big
Air makes its Olympic debut today. | 0:01:25 | 0:01:30 | |
It is just two chances to qualify
for the final. Nick Buckland and | 0:01:30 | 0:01:37 | |
Penny Coomes staged their own
miracle on ice today in the ice | 0:01:37 | 0:01:40 | |
dance, less than two years after
Penny shattered her kneecap into | 0:01:40 | 0:01:44 | |
eight pieces. And the women's ice
hockey competition has reached the | 0:01:44 | 0:01:49 | |
semifinal stage. We'll show you how
Finland got on against the USA. | 0:01:49 | 0:01:55 | |
We're going to start with some live
sport, and if you were watching on | 0:01:55 | 0:01:58 | |
BBC ones you will know that the
men's curlers are back in action. It | 0:01:58 | 0:02:03 | |
is not to a mastering stage now in
the wrong Ruben, the seventh game | 0:02:03 | 0:02:07 | |
out of nine. -- in the round robin.
Britain went into this one with | 0:02:07 | 0:02:15 | |
three wins and three defeats,
including a heavy defeat to South | 0:02:15 | 0:02:20 | |
Korea, which was a bit of a
surprise, to be honest. It leaves | 0:02:20 | 0:02:23 | |
Great Britain sitting fourth in the
table. They're in a pretty decent | 0:02:23 | 0:02:28 | |
position but it is in their hands -
they have Norway and the USA yet to | 0:02:28 | 0:02:33 | |
come. Today it is Denmark. And if
you missed what has happened so far, | 0:02:33 | 0:02:38 | |
I have just reached the end of the
third end, Denmark with the final | 0:02:38 | 0:02:43 | |
stone of that end and it would be
enough to give them appoint and a | 0:02:43 | 0:02:48 | |
slender lead as we approach the
fourth end of this match. They are | 0:02:48 | 0:02:55 | |
now in that fourth end, so let's
head back to the | 0:02:55 | 0:02:59 | |
now in that fourth end, so let's
head back to the Curling Centre with | 0:02:59 | 0:03:00 | |
Logan Gray Steve Cram.
STEVE CRAM: And this is now | 0:03:00 | 0:03:06 | |
developing reasonably well for Great
Britain. Thomas Muirhead about to | 0:03:06 | 0:03:12 | |
play the first of his two stones.
That's Kyle Smith, the skip, | 0:03:12 | 0:03:20 | |
determining what shot he wants
Thomas Muirhead to make. We were | 0:03:20 | 0:03:23 | |
remarking earlier on about how
Thomas Muirhead is really coming | 0:03:23 | 0:03:27 | |
into | 0:03:27 | 0:03:28 | |
Thomas Muirhead is really coming
into his own, the WORD, playing some | 0:03:28 | 0:03:29 | |
really nice shots already this
morning. And it is a fairly tight | 0:03:29 | 0:03:34 | |
affair here, 2-1, all three ends
resulting in just one shot being | 0:03:34 | 0:03:39 | |
taken by the team with the hammer,
Great Britain trying to change that | 0:03:39 | 0:03:43 | |
here. Denmark have missed the chance
of moving that British stone earlier | 0:03:43 | 0:03:51 | |
on, so they're lying two at the
moment. | 0:03:51 | 0:03:54 | |
LOGAN GRAY: Thomas Muirhead there
making a good, clear call early on | 0:03:54 | 0:04:02 | |
in the path of the stone to decide
to change the shot. He wanted to | 0:04:02 | 0:04:06 | |
draw around the corner guard but he
threw it to heavy but they still | 0:04:06 | 0:04:09 | |
made the most of that stone. A
chance to take both of these here. | 0:04:09 | 0:04:20 | |
Johnny Frederiksen, very experienced
player, his accuracy not so good at | 0:04:24 | 0:04:27 | |
the moment. | 0:04:27 | 0:04:32 | |
the moment. This looks pretty close
to double takeout. Oh, he just | 0:04:34 | 0:04:37 | |
clipped the high side of it. He
does. And now this is a lovely | 0:04:37 | 0:04:43 | |
opportunity for Team GB. Nothing in
the centre of play, so GB can afford | 0:04:43 | 0:04:48 | |
to take some risk here. Yeah, that
Romeo there just moving, and it | 0:04:48 | 0:04:56 | |
stays in. It has a yellow not
exactly behind it but it gives Great | 0:04:56 | 0:05:05 | |
Britain the chance, as you said, to
try to build an opportunity for Kyle | 0:05:05 | 0:05:09 | |
Smith to get a two with the hammer,
he would be the first to do it in | 0:05:09 | 0:05:13 | |
this match. | 0:05:13 | 0:05:18 | |
this match. A win here, they really
need to win, they've got three | 0:05:19 | 0:05:23 | |
winnable matches, winning all of
them would definitely put them in | 0:05:23 | 0:05:27 | |
the top four to qualify for the
semifinals. Two wins may well be | 0:05:27 | 0:05:30 | |
good enough. Began, just a bit pacey
there. -- again, just a bit pacey | 0:05:30 | 0:05:40 | |
there. I think they were actually
trying to tap it, just did not quite | 0:05:40 | 0:05:48 | |
get the line right in the end. | 0:05:48 | 0:05:57 | |
It's early stages still in this
match, I haven't done anything | 0:05:58 | 0:06:02 | |
horrendously wrong get, but also
they haven't made the really big | 0:06:02 | 0:06:05 | |
shot. Oddly enough, they've played
better in the two ends where Denmark | 0:06:05 | 0:06:10 | |
have had the hammer. But this one is
not yet over. Yeah, sometimes not | 0:06:10 | 0:06:19 | |
having the last stone gives you a
bit of an opportunity to control the | 0:06:19 | 0:06:23 | |
play I playing first, essentially.
Rasmus Stjerne... Did you know that | 0:06:23 | 0:06:36 | |
his surname means star in Danish? I
might not have known that but it is | 0:06:36 | 0:06:43 | |
a similar word to... I will come
back to that! They're going for the | 0:06:43 | 0:06:50 | |
double here... Oh, he's got it.
Great shot, and he also gets a | 0:06:50 | 0:06:55 | |
rebound back into the 4ft. That's a
cracking shot. You said he likes his | 0:06:55 | 0:07:00 | |
shotmaking, that's his first one of
the afternoon. Brings a big smile to | 0:07:00 | 0:07:04 | |
his face. Could not really have got
back to Khamenei Better Care Fund | 0:07:04 | 0:07:14 | |
fist pump, first one we've seen in
this match. We've seen some great | 0:07:14 | 0:07:19 | |
reactions. | 0:07:19 | 0:07:29 | |
Delighted | 0:07:33 | 0:07:38 | |
with that again, Kyle has been a
little bit up and down. This is a | 0:07:45 | 0:07:53 | |
very difficult shot, with no cards
in play, trying to make the perfect | 0:07:53 | 0:07:58 | |
freeze. It's got a good chance...
That's a pretty good effort there | 0:07:58 | 0:08:09 | |
from the British skipper. | 0:08:09 | 0:08:16 | |
from the British skipper. Yeah, it
was a great attempt just it did just | 0:08:16 | 0:08:18 | |
bounce a fraction, which might make
this a bit easier for Rasmus. | 0:08:18 | 0:08:31 | |
Rasmus's partner shipped the Danish
team at the last Olympic Games. -- | 0:08:36 | 0:08:46 | |
skipped. | 0:08:46 | 0:08:51 | |
skipped. So, he's wanting to catch
this really thin. Well, he's got it | 0:08:51 | 0:08:55 | |
out anyway. That's a nice shot. | 0:08:55 | 0:09:04 | |
out anyway. That's a nice shot. This
is kind of becoming a little bit of | 0:09:04 | 0:09:10 | |
of a series of repetition here,
taking one at each end. A force | 0:09:10 | 0:09:14 | |
fest! Is that what you call it? I
just made it up! We do talk a lot | 0:09:14 | 0:09:25 | |
about force efficiency in curling,
it is a step which you are looking | 0:09:25 | 0:09:29 | |
to be higher, because you're forcing
the opposition to score one off the | 0:09:29 | 0:09:35 | |
last stone. That's all well and good
but if you can't pick up two with | 0:09:35 | 0:09:40 | |
your own, then we result in the
situation we have here, where it's | 0:09:40 | 0:09:43 | |
level pegging. So, just coming in
for his one. | 0:09:43 | 0:09:54 | |
for his one. That was a nice draw,
pretty much onto the button. You see | 0:09:54 | 0:09:58 | |
when it is clear like that, you can
make a nice shot. It is when you | 0:09:58 | 0:10:04 | |
HAVE to do it with all of the stones
all around that it becomes a bit | 0:10:04 | 0:10:08 | |
more difficult to. But that was
nicely played. So, as you were, to | 0:10:08 | 0:10:17 | |
two -- 2-2 after four ends.
Elsewhere, Italy have picked up two | 0:10:17 | 0:10:25 | |
against Korea. Switzerland have
still got a little bit of a | 0:10:25 | 0:10:38 | |
stranglehold in their match. Union
Jacks flying. A couple of big ones | 0:10:38 | 0:10:47 | |
out there in the arena today. | 0:10:47 | 0:10:53 | |
out there in the arena today. That's
Rasmus Stjerne's dad in the middle, | 0:10:57 | 0:11:03 | |
Tommy, who we were talking about
earlier. USA lead Canada 3-2, but | 0:11:03 | 0:11:10 | |
Canada have the hammer in the
fourth. So, the hammer now reverts | 0:11:10 | 0:11:15 | |
back to Denmark. | 0:11:15 | 0:11:21 | |
back to Denmark. Fifth end, and this
is already becoming a bit of a tight | 0:11:23 | 0:11:27 | |
affair, which... Fair enough, but
Great Britain will want to try and | 0:11:27 | 0:11:31 | |
just left there came a little bit,
given they have the hammer, just | 0:11:31 | 0:11:37 | |
to... You can't really say they've
done much wrong here, they've been | 0:11:37 | 0:11:40 | |
playing reasonably well, file missed
a couple of opportunities perhaps in | 0:11:40 | 0:11:45 | |
the second, but... Keep making your
shots. Keep trying to put a bit of | 0:11:45 | 0:11:55 | |
Russia on the opposition. Rasmus
Stjerne played a great shot there. | 0:11:55 | 0:12:01 | |
Nothing you can do about that. But
to be fair it was made a little | 0:12:01 | 0:12:07 | |
easier for him. That one just
running on a | 0:12:07 | 0:12:19 | |
running on a bit. The curling
schedule is that the men's final is | 0:12:19 | 0:12:24 | |
actually on the Saturday evening
here in the Gangneung Curling | 0:12:24 | 0:12:32 | |
Centre, which is... Help me!
Lunchtime! In ever in 11 o'clock | 0:12:32 | 0:12:44 | |
next Saturday. | 0:12:44 | 0:12:50 | |
next Saturday. Let's hope we've got
one of the British teams in one of | 0:12:51 | 0:12:54 | |
those finals, if not of course at
least we want to get into one of the | 0:12:54 | 0:12:57 | |
medal matches. To do that they've
got to get into the semifinals | 0:12:57 | 0:13:01 | |
first. And to do that, they really
need to win here! I think they're | 0:13:01 | 0:13:07 | |
planning on taking the game to
Denmark. They've thrown two centre | 0:13:07 | 0:13:12 | |
guards, which is and extremely
offensive option when you don't have | 0:13:12 | 0:13:15 | |
the last stone. But I like to see
that, actually, from this team, | 0:13:15 | 0:13:19 | |
because I feel as if our best chance
of beating Denmark is to draw them | 0:13:19 | 0:13:24 | |
into a kind of more drawing game,
tapping things around, I think that | 0:13:24 | 0:13:28 | |
will play into Kyle's hands. It
seems like a sensible approach to | 0:13:28 | 0:13:32 | |
me. And as you said, when use all
the kind of shot which Rasmus | 0:13:32 | 0:13:36 | |
Stjerne made in the last end, then,
don't give him too many of those if | 0:13:36 | 0:13:42 | |
that's what he likes doing. Or at
least make them a little more | 0:13:42 | 0:13:46 | |
difficult. | 0:13:46 | 0:13:51 | |
difficult. Don't make it as
straightforward. Especially if they | 0:13:54 | 0:14:00 | |
can start to put some pressure on
the second player from Denmark, | 0:14:00 | 0:14:04 | |
Mikkel Poulsen, he's probably the
guy they're most likely to get | 0:14:04 | 0:14:07 | |
mistakes out of. | 0:14:07 | 0:14:13 | |
mistakes out of. Yeah, Kyle Waddell
here, he's had a couple of near | 0:14:13 | 0:14:16 | |
misses, shots not quite coming off.
Just needs to nail a couple. This | 0:14:16 | 0:14:22 | |
one has got a chance. Tucks in
there. Well, we've got lots of | 0:14:22 | 0:14:32 | |
cover. Three stones now. | 0:14:32 | 0:14:41 | |
I think all that Romeo granite out
in front is making Rasmus Stjerne a | 0:14:42 | 0:14:45 | |
little bit nervous here. | 0:14:45 | 0:14:54 | |
A really good tussle going on in the
match next to this one here. Great | 0:15:08 | 0:15:14 | |
Britain have got to play USA, and
it's funny, you look at matches and | 0:15:14 | 0:15:19 | |
you think, which way would we like
that want to go home and it is 3-3 | 0:15:19 | 0:15:23 | |
at the moment. Canada would-be
expect it to win that and if they | 0:15:23 | 0:15:28 | |
didn't, they would pretty much be on
target to go through. -- if they did | 0:15:28 | 0:15:33 | |
win it. If they were to lose it,
that would make USA pretty much out | 0:15:33 | 0:15:41 | |
of things, but if USA won it it
would mean that our match with the | 0:15:41 | 0:15:45 | |
USA would become a crunch match. But
it would also mean Canada would have | 0:15:45 | 0:15:50 | |
three losses. So it brings them back
into the pack as well. | 0:15:50 | 0:15:59 | |
into the pack as well. And it maybe
gives GB a chance to finish second | 0:15:59 | 0:16:01 | |
or third rather than fourth, which
would help their chances in the | 0:16:01 | 0:16:04 | |
semifinals. | 0:16:04 | 0:16:11 | |
Ifs, buts, maybes. | 0:16:13 | 0:16:19 | |
I don't think they will be too
worried who they will be playing | 0:16:19 | 0:16:23 | |
against in the semifinal. There
isn't a lot between Canada and | 0:16:23 | 0:16:26 | |
Sweden. | 0:16:26 | 0:16:32 | |
That was nicely done. With a double
take-out, Poulsen. | 0:16:33 | 0:16:41 | |
I was reading an article about
Thomas Muirhead and how he came to | 0:16:41 | 0:16:48 | |
be having the delivery technique he
has, something we commonly called | 0:16:48 | 0:16:54 | |
the Manitoba Tuck, which originated
in Kapunda. And actually it was | 0:16:54 | 0:17:01 | |
based on watching his father play
the semifinal against one of the | 0:17:01 | 0:17:10 | |
legends of the game, and Canada went
on to win the gold medal. They | 0:17:10 | 0:17:15 | |
thought, if that guy can use that
technique, that is the way to go for | 0:17:15 | 0:17:21 | |
us. They are the only two players in
Scotland who delivered that | 0:17:21 | 0:17:26 | |
technique. When we are learning how
to play, that you can't slide on | 0:17:26 | 0:17:33 | |
your toe, you will hurt your knee.
We were told even you won't deliver, | 0:17:33 | 0:17:40 | |
achieve anything, but they have done
very well. | 0:17:40 | 0:17:44 | |
Very well, yes. His brother Glen
delivering with the same technique, | 0:17:44 | 0:17:51 | |
they alternate for Team GB.
Eve doesn't? No, she slides flat | 0:17:51 | 0:17:57 | |
foot. | 0:17:57 | 0:18:00 | |
Much more common to see players in
Canada, I can't think of any other | 0:18:05 | 0:18:10 | |
players in Europe who play with that
delivery. | 0:18:10 | 0:18:16 | |
Knees of steel. | 0:18:16 | 0:18:22 | |
Johnny Frederiksen after that's
pretty good shot, I thought might | 0:18:29 | 0:18:35 | |
have attempted to move them. Trying
to give himself, it just sits there, | 0:18:35 | 0:18:43 | |
trying to manufacture their two.
Great Britain lying shot still, | 0:18:43 | 0:18:46 | |
just. | 0:18:46 | 0:18:56 | |
Another chance for Thomas Muirhead
to shift these Danish stones, at | 0:19:00 | 0:19:04 | |
least one, maybe both. | 0:19:04 | 0:19:10 | |
least one, maybe both. He would like
to stay in the house. | 0:19:11 | 0:19:18 | |
He has done well, doesn't quite get
rid of it. Just clinging on. Sits | 0:19:21 | 0:19:28 | |
there for third. He has pushed that
yellow back. | 0:19:28 | 0:19:35 | |
yellow back. Denmark have played
another good end. They didn't get | 0:19:36 | 0:19:39 | |
sucked into the game GB wanted them
to play around the centre guards. | 0:19:39 | 0:19:45 | |
They will maybe have a chance to
school two here. | 0:19:45 | 0:19:53 | |
Gone are the days of their being
easy games at the Olympics. Every | 0:19:53 | 0:19:57 | |
team out here is very capable of
winning. | 0:19:57 | 0:20:06 | |
winning. That has just gone out. | 0:20:06 | 0:20:08 | |
Johnny Frederiksen gets
congratulations from his team-mates. | 0:20:14 | 0:20:24 | |
He raises his sticks. Frederiksen
didn't play | 0:20:27 | 0:20:37 | |
didn't play with Rasmus early in the
season. | 0:20:41 | 0:20:49 | |
season. He is definitely the calming
influence in this team. He doesn't | 0:20:50 | 0:20:54 | |
set the world alight with his
shotmaking but he's very steady. | 0:20:54 | 0:21:07 | |
Looking like a straightforward score
of two for Denmark. Kyle, not | 0:21:09 | 0:21:16 | |
anywhere near where he wanted to hit
that stone with his first one. He | 0:21:16 | 0:21:20 | |
doesn't want to give Kyle an option
to take two stones out. They are | 0:21:20 | 0:21:28 | |
lying shot with that one. As long as
he doesn't give them an option to | 0:21:28 | 0:21:33 | |
take them both. He will have a good
chance for his Omidyar. | 0:21:33 | 0:21:46 | |
chance for his Omidyar. -- two. | 0:21:46 | 0:21:49 | |
If Great Britain bought Denmark were
going to be a pushover, it is | 0:22:02 | 0:22:04 | |
certainly not the case. A bit of
thinking going on, half the British | 0:22:04 | 0:22:11 | |
team up there. All Defour when they
reach the halfway point will know | 0:22:11 | 0:22:17 | |
they are in a tough match -- four. | 0:22:17 | 0:22:26 | |
Just another stone required here for
Denmark. They seem to have it under | 0:22:35 | 0:22:42 | |
control. | 0:22:42 | 0:22:47 | |
control. That stone looks like it is
mostly open, for Kyle Smith if he | 0:22:51 | 0:22:57 | |
wanted to play a cake out on that
one, he could roll over in front of | 0:22:57 | 0:23:01 | |
the back one. Hutcheon take-out.
-- Take-out. They have to give it a | 0:23:01 | 0:23:10 | |
go. They have a chance to force it
if they can make that hit and roll, | 0:23:10 | 0:23:18 | |
or go onto the back one. | 0:23:18 | 0:23:25 | |
or go onto the back one. Actually,
they are going for the double take | 0:23:25 | 0:23:28 | |
It is on, isn't it? They have an | 0:23:28 | 0:23:31 | |
option for that, let's see how he
gets on with it. Looking to hit may | 0:23:31 | 0:23:40 | |
be two inches of that yellow stone.
First, they need to make contact | 0:23:40 | 0:23:44 | |
with that first one. The danger is
they could give up three. Has he got | 0:23:44 | 0:23:53 | |
this one? He might have missed it.
Too thin, can you believe it? I was | 0:23:53 | 0:24:05 | |
worried he was going to do this it
altogether, he did for a while. | 0:24:05 | 0:24:10 | |
That was close. Their immediate
reaction made it sound like they | 0:24:10 | 0:24:13 | |
were going to miss.
Nearly got it. | 0:24:13 | 0:24:23 | |
It is funny, it went from it is
going to miss, then when it hit, it | 0:24:24 | 0:24:31 | |
will take them both. It was very
close, a good attempt. Denmark have | 0:24:31 | 0:24:36 | |
a straightforward draw to pick up
two. Rasmus Stjerne. | 0:24:36 | 0:24:45 | |
A little long with his last one,
gave a glimmer of hope for Kyle | 0:24:45 | 0:24:51 | |
Smith for that double take-out. A
centimetre off it. | 0:24:51 | 0:24:59 | |
This is already developing into a
match where Great Britain will have | 0:25:00 | 0:25:04 | |
to find their best shots because
Denmark are playing very well | 0:25:04 | 0:25:07 | |
indeed, as we reach the halfway
point, they pick up two in the fifth | 0:25:07 | 0:25:12 | |
and, leading Great Britain 4-2. | 0:25:12 | 0:25:19 | |
We will be back with curling
shortly. Let us have a look at the | 0:25:26 | 0:25:30 | |
headlines so far. | 0:25:30 | 0:25:38 | |
Australia's reigning world champion
Anna Gasser bounced back from | 0:25:39 | 0:25:42 | |
disappointment to top the pile in
big air qualifying with a massive | 0:25:42 | 0:25:47 | |
score of 98 points. Aimee Fuller
failed to qualify for the final. | 0:25:47 | 0:25:52 | |
Four years after his Olympic dream
became a nightmare, Cheshire reached | 0:25:52 | 0:26:00 | |
the half pipe final. Cassie Sharp
recorded the best two runs in | 0:26:00 | 0:26:07 | |
qualification and start as
favourite. | 0:26:07 | 0:26:12 | |
Two years after shattering her
kneecap, British ice dancers Penny | 0:26:12 | 0:26:17 | |
Coomes and Nick Buckland finished an
impressive tenth in the short dance | 0:26:17 | 0:26:21 | |
which also featured a world record
from the Canadian duo. | 0:26:21 | 0:26:29 | |
It has been reported a member of the
Olympic Athletes from Russia team | 0:26:29 | 0:26:34 | |
has failed a drugs test. The IOC
have yet to confirm the identity but | 0:26:34 | 0:26:38 | |
reports have named the athlete as
part of the bronze at all mixed | 0:26:38 | 0:26:46 | |
curling team.
Lindsey Vonn looks a good bet to | 0:26:46 | 0:26:53 | |
reclaim her title after downhill
training. Despite easing off at the | 0:26:53 | 0:26:56 | |
end of her run, she recorded the
third fastest time. | 0:26:56 | 0:27:06 | |
Let us head back to the Gangneung
Curling | 0:27:17 | 0:27:23 | |
And the second half of this match,
Denmark have a slight lead over | 0:27:23 | 0:27:27 | |
Great Britain. Great Britain are
going for a must win match if they | 0:27:27 | 0:27:33 | |
are to give themselves a chance of
progressing to the semifinals. | 0:27:33 | 0:27:39 | |
Back to Logan Gray and Steve Cram.
COMMENTATOR: I'd like to get a | 0:27:39 | 0:27:52 | |
kettle in the commentary box but we
have had to do without our March | 0:27:52 | 0:28:00 | |
Smacks being passed around by the | 0:28:00 | 0:28:03 | |
Danish team. All upbeat. Chatting
about how things have gone on. We | 0:28:03 | 0:28:11 | |
were listening to the British team
talk. | 0:28:11 | 0:28:19 | |
talk. Getting a supportive talk from
Viktor Kjell. | 0:28:19 | 0:28:27 | |
Viktor Kjell. Making sure, his point
was, the simple shots have to be | 0:28:31 | 0:28:37 | |
100%. Having a quick look at a
couple of the highlights from the | 0:28:37 | 0:28:47 | |
first half. A match which Great
Britain really need to win. They can | 0:28:47 | 0:28:54 | |
win. Denmark, one of the teams who
wouldn't be fancied to be in the | 0:28:54 | 0:29:00 | |
semifinals. If Britain are to get
into the top four, they have three | 0:29:00 | 0:29:05 | |
matches, one against Denmark here.
They need the win. They have no wait | 0:29:05 | 0:29:10 | |
to play after this. | 0:29:10 | 0:29:16 | |
to play after this. They need to
convert. They have only managed to | 0:29:19 | 0:29:23 | |
pick up one when they have had the
hammer. | 0:29:23 | 0:29:28 | |
I am sure they will be enjoying the
support from the crowd but they need | 0:29:28 | 0:29:34 | |
to find something themselves.
If you think, we are getting beat, | 0:29:34 | 0:29:41 | |
4-2, not what you need. The idea is
picked up two in the next end. Not a | 0:29:41 | 0:29:49 | |
lot to choose between the teams. In
terms of statistics. Or who has | 0:29:49 | 0:29:57 | |
played the better shot. The two
skips slightly with the edge. | 0:29:57 | 0:30:06 | |
There have been if you good ones
from Rasmus, a very good player. As | 0:30:06 | 0:30:12 | |
we have been saying, very
comfortable with making those big | 0:30:12 | 0:30:15 | |
shots when he needs to. At the
moment, the bigger concern is around | 0:30:15 | 0:30:22 | |
second positions, a big opportunity
for Kyle Waddell to perform, his | 0:30:22 | 0:30:30 | |
performance levels aren't quite
there. | 0:30:30 | 0:30:32 | |
The three other matches being played
this afternoon. Korea are leading | 0:30:40 | 0:30:43 | |
Italy fivethree. Top of the table
tussle between Sweden and | 0:30:43 | 0:30:51 | |
Switzerland, Sweden are undefeated
so far, but it is Switzerland | 0:30:51 | 0:30:54 | |
leading that 15-2 at the halfway
point. And | 0:30:54 | 0:31:04 | |
point. And USA-Canada on the sheet
next to this one, it is very, very | 0:31:04 | 0:31:08 | |
between Canada, the gold-medal
favourites, and the USA. I say that, | 0:31:08 | 0:31:11 | |
I think most people would say Sweden
are very much coal favourites with | 0:31:11 | 0:31:18 | |
them. | 0:31:18 | 0:31:23 | |
-- co-favourites with them. Cammy
Smith putting out a fairly | 0:31:29 | 0:31:33 | |
straightforward opening to this end.
And | 0:31:33 | 0:31:44 | |
And Denmark, I think you're probably
right, the Leeds have not quite been | 0:31:45 | 0:31:52 | |
getting their stones in the right
places, particularly when they've | 0:31:52 | 0:31:55 | |
had the hammer, which is why Britain
have managed to keep them down to | 0:31:55 | 0:32:00 | |
one, prior to that fifth end. So,
it's important that they reciprocate | 0:32:00 | 0:32:04 | |
and tick up their two here. | 0:32:04 | 0:32:09 | |
That's actually a good shot in the
end! Sometimes it is actually better | 0:32:25 | 0:32:29 | |
to make it roll out to the wing
beyond the guard. So, even if | 0:32:29 | 0:32:37 | |
Denmark did decide to remove it,
then the draw is wide open for the | 0:32:37 | 0:32:40 | |
next one. So broken appeal the guard
instead. -- so, they're going to | 0:32:40 | 0:32:52 | |
peel the guard instead. If you want
to get into a medal opportunity, | 0:32:52 | 0:32:58 | |
there will be itself look go your
way and some which don't. You just | 0:32:58 | 0:33:02 | |
have to accept it will balance out
generally through the week, not to | 0:33:02 | 0:33:05 | |
get too fed up when it seems the
other team have made a so-called | 0:33:05 | 0:33:10 | |
lucky shot, because you will have
the odd one yourself as well. I | 0:33:10 | 0:33:15 | |
think the GB women's team are
definitely due some look to even | 0:33:15 | 0:33:19 | |
things up! They have had a couple of
bad breaks in the last couple of | 0:33:19 | 0:33:23 | |
games, culminating in that final
stone of the game against Sweden | 0:33:23 | 0:33:25 | |
yesterday. | 0:33:25 | 0:33:30 | |
yesterday. -- due some luck.
STEVE CRAM: Yeah, that has almost | 0:33:34 | 0:33:41 | |
been forgotten already, the thing
about curling is that there are so | 0:33:41 | 0:33:44 | |
many matches, if something happens
in one match and it seems like big | 0:33:44 | 0:33:47 | |
news and you talk about it, then
before you know where you are, a lot | 0:33:47 | 0:33:51 | |
of other matches have taken place
and you've moved on. | 0:33:51 | 0:33:59 | |
LOGAN GRAY: And to be fair, there
have been a few stories this week | 0:33:59 | 0:34:03 | |
but they have all been swept aside
for the time being with this alleged | 0:34:03 | 0:34:06 | |
doping scandal. Yeah, that's
obviously going to take precedent. | 0:34:06 | 0:34:13 | |
All sorts of issues for the Winter
Olympics, but it is the sport of | 0:34:13 | 0:34:21 | |
curling at the moment which is going
to have lots of press and media | 0:34:21 | 0:34:24 | |
around today. Just about get it, not
quite. | 0:34:24 | 0:34:33 | |
quite. Mikkel Poulsen has left that
yellow exactly where the guard was. | 0:34:36 | 0:34:42 | |
Britain lying second. That's what we
heard Kyle Smith say. We need to | 0:34:42 | 0:34:50 | |
roll somewhere if he knows he's got
the double! I don't mind this! So, | 0:34:50 | 0:35:00 | |
the preference for Kyle Waddell is
the hit and roll. Well, one of the | 0:35:00 | 0:35:09 | |
things that Viktor Kjell said at
half-time was not to overcome to get | 0:35:09 | 0:35:12 | |
things. So, it seems like they're
sticking to that game plan. But he | 0:35:12 | 0:35:20 | |
did say, when you play the
straightforward shots, they've got | 0:35:20 | 0:35:22 | |
to be 100%. | 0:35:22 | 0:35:31 | |
You might have heard as talking
during the week, that sign, it | 0:35:44 | 0:35:49 | |
wasn't him saying, keep your chin
up, it was in terms of the weight he | 0:35:49 | 0:35:55 | |
wants this to be played at. So, from
the football the way to the head in | 0:35:55 | 0:36:04 | |
ascending order in terms of weight.
-- from the football the way to the | 0:36:04 | 0:36:12 | |
head. It is interesting, that's the
first time I've heard Viktor Kjell | 0:36:12 | 0:36:16 | |
really talk to the guys. He's a
fairly astute man, an awful lot of | 0:36:16 | 0:36:20 | |
experience, of course. And his
former | 0:36:20 | 0:36:28 | |
former team-mate out there today,
and you just sends a bit of concern | 0:36:29 | 0:36:33 | |
from him, they know that if this
gets away from them, they're going | 0:36:33 | 0:36:37 | |
to be relying on results elsewhere,
and to win their last two matches. | 0:36:37 | 0:36:41 | |
He really wants to win this one. | 0:36:41 | 0:36:45 | |
So, this is called splitting the
house. This is the tactic GB are | 0:37:00 | 0:37:05 | |
employing, to try to put the two
Romeo stones on opposite sides of | 0:37:05 | 0:37:10 | |
the house, so a double takeout can't
be played. Yeah, they might have two | 0:37:10 | 0:37:18 | |
shots there, but given where they
are... | 0:37:18 | 0:37:25 | |
are... I think Hearts were in mouths
there a little bit that it might | 0:37:25 | 0:37:28 | |
drift all the way through. | 0:37:28 | 0:37:33 | |
Johnny Frederiksen, 42-year-old,
huge experience. They're playing | 0:37:42 | 0:37:48 | |
well together here. He didn't start
this match particularly well, but | 0:37:48 | 0:37:52 | |
he's made some nice shots since the
first couple of ends. | 0:37:52 | 0:37:57 | |
A slightly adventurous call here
from Denmark, they're going to try | 0:38:16 | 0:38:20 | |
and play a freeze here. Johnny
Frederiksen lists among his | 0:38:20 | 0:38:26 | |
interests poker playing, so perhaps
he's happy to take a chance or two. | 0:38:26 | 0:38:31 | |
Needs to go a little more... | 0:38:31 | 0:38:37 | |
Needs to go a little more... It sort
of came off and went back on again, | 0:38:37 | 0:38:42 | |
so they didn't manage to get that to
freeze. Yeah, it was a good shot, | 0:38:42 | 0:38:50 | |
actually. Just makes GB work a
little bit harder to score their | 0:38:50 | 0:38:59 | |
two. Still a good chance here for
Team GB. | 0:38:59 | 0:39:08 | |
All the way! So, Thomas Muirhead
asking for both of them to sweep it, | 0:39:08 | 0:39:17 | |
but only Cammy Smith sweeping,
giving it all he's got here... Well, | 0:39:17 | 0:39:24 | |
they still sit two. Just taps his
own out. Yeah, good enough, but he | 0:39:24 | 0:39:33 | |
would have liked to stay on the face
of the Yellowstone, and that could | 0:39:33 | 0:39:38 | |
have turned two into three
potentially. | 0:39:38 | 0:39:46 | |
I think this time Denmark have maybe
accepted Barry Bennell ooze score of | 0:39:57 | 0:40:02 | |
two. But they are going to limit it
to just the two. -- they have | 0:40:02 | 0:40:10 | |
accepted that they are going to lose
the two. But they are going to | 0:40:10 | 0:40:14 | |
limits it to that. Yeah, it is funny
how, when the stones move and sit | 0:40:14 | 0:40:20 | |
and you think it will not be
affecting things much on the edge of | 0:40:20 | 0:40:24 | |
the house, the fact that that
British stone on the left as you | 0:40:24 | 0:40:28 | |
look is just an inch or two closer
than the other two has meant that | 0:40:28 | 0:40:33 | |
Great Britain have got a good
opportunity here to get their two. | 0:40:33 | 0:40:36 | |
Just two stones left for Britain.
So, we should see a trading of | 0:40:36 | 0:40:53 | |
stones here, and then Great Britain
will have a chance to come in with | 0:40:53 | 0:40:59 | |
their last stone and take the two.
And then we will be all tied up and | 0:40:59 | 0:41:09 | |
we'll be starting to think, right,
now, four ends, play your best | 0:41:09 | 0:41:15 | |
stuff, let's get this one done with. | 0:41:15 | 0:41:19 | |
Is he just wondering whether he can
sit and roll over against those | 0:41:29 | 0:41:32 | |
yellows and maybe lie shot? Is that
risky? I would not say it is risky, | 0:41:32 | 0:41:40 | |
is the. He knows that if he hits it
on the nose, it's a sitting duck. | 0:41:40 | 0:41:47 | |
They could roll right over into that
pocket and maybe force GB just to | 0:41:47 | 0:41:53 | |
score one. It looks very makeable,
too. Yep. Well, all of a sudden, | 0:41:53 | 0:42:02 | |
when we thought... I just wonder...
Perhaps there wasn't much else Kyle | 0:42:02 | 0:42:06 | |
Smith could do with that, really.
That option was not really on for | 0:42:06 | 0:42:16 | |
him, because obviously, that stone
was further down the house, where | 0:42:16 | 0:42:21 | |
this one has come to rest, further
up, gives them a chance to | 0:42:21 | 0:42:26 | |
roller-coaster those yellow and use
them as a stop. -- to roll across to | 0:42:26 | 0:42:36 | |
those yellows. This one is going to
come down with some heat, he's | 0:42:36 | 0:42:48 | |
throwing it extremely hard. Could do
with hitting this on the nose... Oh, | 0:42:48 | 0:42:52 | |
he's got it. Yeah, just a little bit
too much on the inside. Yeah, he has | 0:42:52 | 0:43:00 | |
just given us enough room to shift
that. If that had sat on those | 0:43:00 | 0:43:05 | |
yellows, then it would have been
very, very difficult to shift. Just | 0:43:05 | 0:43:09 | |
had a little bit too much on it. And
it means... Yeah, you can see, he | 0:43:09 | 0:43:15 | |
knows how close that was! Very close
indeed! So, opportunities still | 0:43:15 | 0:43:21 | |
there for the two.
LOGAN GRAY: I am a little bit | 0:43:21 | 0:43:31 | |
hesitant to say this, but this shot
is almost on missable. You can hit | 0:43:31 | 0:43:35 | |
this on the nose or anywhere on the
left-hand side, and it will be two | 0:43:35 | 0:43:39 | |
for Team GB. So, Kyle Smith, then,
needs to make sure of this. It will | 0:43:39 | 0:43:45 | |
mean that he will get his two, Great
Britain will tie this up... He just | 0:43:45 | 0:43:51 | |
needs to tap this yellow out and sit
there. It looks good. Well done, | 0:43:51 | 0:43:54 | |
very good indeed. Didn't even need
the added backstop, if you like, of | 0:43:54 | 0:44:03 | |
the other two. So, Great Britain and
Denmark, after six ends, the score | 0:44:03 | 0:44:11 | |
is tied up, everything still to play
for. That's better. Ebb and flow | 0:44:11 | 0:44:18 | |
within an end, part and parcel of
the game. But for those watching, | 0:44:18 | 0:44:23 | |
and if you're just joining us on a
Monday morning, a bit of curling | 0:44:23 | 0:44:27 | |
before you go to work, maybe before
you go to school. It's school | 0:44:27 | 0:44:33 | |
holidays, isn't it? Lost track! It's
not far away from school holidays, I | 0:44:33 | 0:44:38 | |
don't know. I lose track of it. It
is the school holidays, we've been | 0:44:38 | 0:44:42 | |
told. Well, if it is the school
holidays, what on earth are you | 0:44:42 | 0:44:46 | |
doing up at this time of the
morning! Have a lie-in! Great | 0:44:46 | 0:44:54 | |
Britain getting closer and closer to
the opportunity to win the metals, | 0:44:54 | 0:44:58 | |
but they need to win this one. That
would put them with four wins and | 0:44:58 | 0:45:02 | |
three losses and they would be
sitting in a much stronger position. | 0:45:02 | 0:45:08 | |
Two matches after this. Each team
plays nine. Five wins would give | 0:45:08 | 0:45:13 | |
them a chance of qualifying
certainly. Or maybe into a tie-break | 0:45:13 | 0:45:18 | |
scenario to get into the top four.
Very quickly, as we see the first | 0:45:18 | 0:45:24 | |
couple of stones of this seventh
end, the scores elsewhere are... | 0:45:24 | 0:45:31 | |
Korea and Italy is a bit closer now,
it is 5-4 in favour of Korea. | 0:45:31 | 0:45:36 | |
Switzerland still controlling the
game against Sweden, leading five | 0:45:36 | 0:45:42 | |
two. Sweden undefeated so far. And a
bit of a tussle between USA and | 0:45:42 | 0:45:48 | |
Canada, 4-3 USA leading. Canada have
the hammer in the sixth. | 0:45:48 | 0:45:58 | |
I am pleased to say the coffee has
arrived! Always interesting, I know | 0:46:02 | 0:46:10 | |
we talk about it, in a curling
arena, Logan knows all about this, | 0:46:10 | 0:46:17 | |
the balance between the ice, and
this ice is so crucial, the playing | 0:46:17 | 0:46:26 | |
surface, it really dictate how the
game is played. And yet we have got | 0:46:26 | 0:46:31 | |
3000 people in here watching, coffee
and tea going on. The regulating of | 0:46:31 | 0:46:39 | |
the temperature, it is an expert's
job. | 0:46:39 | 0:46:45 | |
I had a chat with the deputy ice
technician Mark yesterday talking | 0:46:45 | 0:46:51 | |
about these end sheets. There has
been a struggle on the outside, the | 0:46:51 | 0:46:57 | |
left-hand side in that I think they
are struggling for the amount of | 0:46:57 | 0:47:03 | |
heat coming from the crowd. They are
quite happy with how the ice is | 0:47:03 | 0:47:08 | |
cutting and it is reasonably flat
but once these people pour in, how | 0:47:08 | 0:47:13 | |
do they control the temperature of
the Earth closest to the stand? It | 0:47:13 | 0:47:18 | |
can affect how the stones run.
One way is to blow hot air onto the | 0:47:18 | 0:47:25 | |
back of our necks, sorry, cold air,
did I say hot air, I can't remember | 0:47:25 | 0:47:32 | |
what that is!
A good stone here from Denmark | 0:47:32 | 0:47:36 | |
coming in from behind the corner
guard. | 0:47:36 | 0:47:42 | |
guard. They have the hammer here, of
course. Johnny Frederiksen a little | 0:47:42 | 0:47:46 | |
bit bread in the face. 42, still
sweeping hard. -- read. Who said it | 0:47:46 | 0:47:56 | |
is not a physical sport? | 0:47:56 | 0:48:02 | |
Kyle Waddell. | 0:48:12 | 0:48:17 | |
The plan is obviously you get to
this stage with four end left, you | 0:48:26 | 0:48:33 | |
try to limit the opposition to one
end, maybe even a steal. The team | 0:48:33 | 0:48:44 | |
that has the even end with the
hammer, honestly means they won't | 0:48:44 | 0:48:48 | |
have the hammer at the final end, at
the moment that would sit with | 0:48:48 | 0:48:52 | |
represent but that is not
necessarily great if you need to | 0:48:52 | 0:48:56 | |
score two because you go to an extra
end and the hammer blows to the | 0:48:56 | 0:49:00 | |
other end. You want to limit Denmark
to one. | 0:49:00 | 0:49:05 | |
A score of one either way it is
good, GB don't want this end to be | 0:49:05 | 0:49:10 | |
blanked. They don't want to give up
a score of two, either. All of a | 0:49:10 | 0:49:19 | |
sudden, the probability of where
that stone stretches back, but with | 0:49:19 | 0:49:28 | |
a good shot, GB could put themselves
in a strong position in this seven | 0:49:28 | 0:49:33 | |
He wants to come right in onto that | 0:49:33 | 0:49:37 | |
stone. | 0:49:37 | 0:49:40 | |
Letting it do its own work. Thinking
it will bounce. Yes. | 0:49:43 | 0:49:49 | |
A little bit of a missed
opportunity. | 0:49:52 | 0:49:55 | |
Just a little too much. | 0:49:59 | 0:50:05 | |
While Thomas looks like he is grown
in confidence, it feels like | 0:50:07 | 0:50:14 | |
Waddell, it is going in the other
direction. We talked about being a | 0:50:14 | 0:50:18 | |
rock in the first couple of games.
Since then, he has not pushed on | 0:50:18 | 0:50:23 | |
like some of the other players.
You know Carl Waddell better than | 0:50:23 | 0:50:31 | |
me. I don't think he gets to
affected by the frustration, I think | 0:50:31 | 0:50:38 | |
he will always be in there like a
little terrier, thinking, the next | 0:50:38 | 0:50:43 | |
one, I will get it. I am hoping it
won't affect him if he isn't quite | 0:50:43 | 0:50:48 | |
making his shots. | 0:50:48 | 0:50:50 | |
After that lovely shot by Mikel
Poulsen, GB are in a spot of bother. | 0:50:56 | 0:51:10 | |
Trying to drive this down into the
one on the button. No, just picks it | 0:51:12 | 0:51:17 | |
off. | 0:51:17 | 0:51:22 | |
off. Just caught enough of that one.
Cameron Smith doing a great job on | 0:51:22 | 0:51:28 | |
his own, sweeping. | 0:51:28 | 0:51:33 | |
Just watching elsewhere, we will
keep doing this, I know you can't | 0:51:47 | 0:51:51 | |
see the matches but it is relevant
to Great Britain. USA are leading | 0:51:51 | 0:51:56 | |
Canada 5-3, they have just stolen
one in the sixth end. I don't quite | 0:51:56 | 0:52:01 | |
know how that happened. Canadian
stones everywhere. How on earth they | 0:52:01 | 0:52:07 | |
managed to do that they have done.
Sweden and Switzerland, Switzerland | 0:52:07 | 0:52:14 | |
controlling that one. The USA -
Canada one will be important for | 0:52:14 | 0:52:20 | |
Great Britain. It would bring Canada
back to the middle group which | 0:52:20 | 0:52:26 | |
contained Great Britain. It will be
a surprise if Canada... I don't | 0:52:26 | 0:52:31 | |
think they will expect to lose three
matches, certainly not in the Vonn. | 0:52:31 | 0:52:39 | |
-- four.
With a couple of games yet to go. So | 0:52:39 | 0:52:44 | |
that would be a surprise.
Both the men and women's teams were | 0:52:44 | 0:52:53 | |
undefeated in both World
Championships last year. To see them | 0:52:53 | 0:52:55 | |
both losing games in the Olympics
just shows the gravity of the | 0:52:55 | 0:52:59 | |
occasion and how much it means to
these teams. | 0:52:59 | 0:53:03 | |
Heavy again here from Thomas
Muirhead, they are saying. Don't | 0:53:03 | 0:53:09 | |
touch it, he is saying. It pulled
up. They thought it would keep | 0:53:09 | 0:53:16 | |
Feeling a bit more confident, with | 0:53:16 | 0:53:25 | |
the sweepers putting it in a spot
they want it. They don't want | 0:53:25 | 0:53:30 | |
everyone to pray it stops.
At least it is lying shot, looking a | 0:53:30 | 0:53:35 | |
little bit vulnerable. He is
thinking of shifting the guard. | 0:53:35 | 0:53:43 | |
Before Britain get the chance to
plug some holes. | 0:53:43 | 0:53:52 | |
This one goes here, that one goes
there. That is the best Danish I can | 0:54:01 | 0:54:05 | |
do! | 0:54:05 | 0:54:13 | |
A bit of discussion here, important,
every single end down the home | 0:54:14 | 0:54:18 | |
stretch in these last end. You have
to make the right decision, not only | 0:54:18 | 0:54:27 | |
choosing the shot, and the delivery.
You heard the whistling from Rasmus | 0:54:27 | 0:54:36 | |
Stjerne to get his team's attention,
he tends to do that when his stones | 0:54:36 | 0:54:41 | |
are in play.
This is a curling event and not a | 0:54:41 | 0:54:46 | |
dog show!
Johnny Frederiksen. The veteran on | 0:54:46 | 0:54:55 | |
this team. Huge experience. He is
playing well now. It took awhile to | 0:54:55 | 0:55:04 | |
get going here. He has delivered
some really nice stones his team. | 0:55:04 | 0:55:10 | |
Trying to come right in on top of
this. The British breadline, shocked | 0:55:10 | 0:55:15 | |
at the moment. Tapping it back. --
read line. | 0:55:15 | 0:55:31 | |
read line. -- British red line, shot
at the moment. | 0:55:31 | 0:55:35 | |
GB need to tread carefully. He is
saying whether to freeze it or guard | 0:55:35 | 0:55:41 | |
it. | 0:55:41 | 0:55:51 | |
Time out. This is a tricky
situation. They have plenty of | 0:56:07 | 0:56:11 | |
yellows, just that one British red.
Two shots left. | 0:56:11 | 0:56:21 | |
Two shots left. Viktor scale already
on his way -- Viktor Kjell. | 0:56:21 | 0:56:32 | |
on his way -- Viktor Kjell. If he is
a bit more forceful... Viktor tends | 0:56:32 | 0:56:35 | |
to ask them what they are thinking,
reinforces their own thoughts. I | 0:56:35 | 0:56:40 | |
wonder whether he is trying to be
more assertive, let us see if we can | 0:56:40 | 0:56:46 | |
hear what he says.
I would quite like to plant one in | 0:56:46 | 0:56:57 | |
there, your first instinct was
right. | 0:56:57 | 0:57:03 | |
At the same time, if you guard it,
then we are guarding for our lives | 0:57:03 | 0:57:08 | |
it feels like because we have got a
lot of yellow bananas in there right | 0:57:08 | 0:57:12 | |
now. | 0:57:12 | 0:57:17 | |
now. Even if it is that as he is
blasting it, we have the back. It is | 0:57:21 | 0:57:26 | |
Yellow bananas in there! As opposed | 0:57:26 | 0:57:33 | |
to green bananas!
He looks happy enough, Viktor Kjell. | 0:57:33 | 0:57:39 | |
Sauntering back down to his coaching
position. I think I actually enjoyed | 0:57:39 | 0:57:45 | |
that exchange. It was a bit
different, a bit more, this is what | 0:57:45 | 0:57:51 | |
I think, trust your instinct, you
are right, put it in there. He said, | 0:57:51 | 0:57:57 | |
why put a guard, you will be
guarding for your lives, you will | 0:57:57 | 0:58:02 | |
use three, even more if you get that
wrong? Road you will lose. -- you | 0:58:02 | 0:58:10 | |
will lose three.
A big shop here for Kyle Smith. I | 0:58:10 | 0:58:19 | |
think Viktor was almost of the
opinion, you only really have one | 0:58:19 | 0:58:24 | |
shot to play here. The freeze is the
obvious one. | 0:58:24 | 0:58:29 | |
He had to get this right, though. | 0:58:33 | 0:58:39 | |
Well... It has ended up moving one
of the yellows, the skip getting | 0:58:41 | 0:58:50 | |
ahead of it. Great Britain is not
coming up with the goods, Kyle Smith | 0:58:50 | 0:58:54 | |
just catching that yellow on the way
and he needed to come past that one | 0:58:54 | 0:58:58 | |
and sit on top of the other. It is
sitting right on the button. There | 0:58:58 | 0:59:08 | |
are four yellows, two British reds.
Let us see what he is thinking. Get | 0:59:08 | 0:59:14 | |
rid of that one. Then we will have
five yellows. | 0:59:14 | 0:59:27 | |
Britain have been up against it in
the last three ends. Denmark seizing | 0:59:27 | 0:59:32 | |
the initiative in the fifth, they
managed to get their two to tie it | 0:59:32 | 0:59:38 | |
up in the safe but very much up
against it in the seventh. What has | 0:59:38 | 0:59:44 | |
Sterne got here? Just pushing his
own over. They are lined up nicely, | 0:59:44 | 0:59:53 | |
look at that. All of the sudden,
that is a change in Britain's | 0:59:53 | 0:59:58 | |
favour. They have to take advantage
of it. He will be annoyed at that. I | 0:59:58 | 1:00:05 | |
thought he was going to slide past
that one. Just pushing it back. It | 1:00:05 | 1:00:13 | |
has really opened the door for GB. | 1:00:13 | 1:00:15 | |
This is a bit of a mast make for
Team GB. If they don't make it to, | 1:00:25 | 1:00:30 | |
then it could be an easy shot for a
big score. And he has got to clear | 1:00:30 | 1:00:35 | |
on in through this as well, they're
never straightforward shots. Look at | 1:00:35 | 1:00:41 | |
his drawers, only 50% accuracy the
Kyle Smith. Well, this one needs to | 1:00:41 | 1:00:44 | |
be 100%. | 1:00:44 | 1:00:49 | |
be 100%. Well, is now happy with the
line. If the weight is right... Does | 1:00:50 | 1:00:53 | |
not want to curl too much. They've
got to try and hold it, and that's | 1:00:53 | 1:01:00 | |
what they're doing... Got to keep it
out there... Get past that first | 1:01:00 | 1:01:03 | |
one... Once more, doesn't manage to
get past. It is in there but it just | 1:01:03 | 1:01:11 | |
needed to come right in. It just
starts to pull. | 1:01:11 | 1:01:19 | |
starts to pull. When you said it was
heavy I'm thinking, don't touch | 1:01:19 | 1:01:21 | |
it... Just a bit of a mess of
communication, misjudgements all | 1:01:21 | 1:01:26 | |
over the place. Slightly misjudging
the line and the weight, and it all | 1:01:26 | 1:01:32 | |
adds up to a missed shot. The good
news is that they have covered the | 1:01:32 | 1:01:36 | |
inside edge of that stone, so the
double takeout is no gimme. No, and | 1:01:36 | 1:01:45 | |
Great Britain, they're lying second
and third shot there. He's just | 1:01:45 | 1:01:49 | |
looking to see if he can spring them
out with that... As you were saying | 1:01:49 | 1:01:55 | |
he likes to come in off the sides.
Well, he can see a big opportunity. | 1:01:55 | 1:02:02 | |
I suppose he has got to be careful
that he doesn't start seeing, you | 1:02:02 | 1:02:07 | |
know, flashing lights, and... | 1:02:07 | 1:02:14 | |
know, flashing lights, and... In the
sense of celebration of a big shot | 1:02:14 | 1:02:16 | |
here. They are lying shot, but who
would love to turn that into two or | 1:02:16 | 1:02:27 | |
maybe even more. Just onto that back
British red, and they might be able | 1:02:27 | 1:02:36 | |
to get three...? | 1:02:36 | 1:02:45 | |
LOGAN GRAY: I'm kind of looking at
this red on the right-hand side in | 1:02:49 | 1:02:55 | |
front of Mikkel Poulsen, the one
closest to the centre, and I feel | 1:02:55 | 1:02:59 | |
like he could run that other one
onto it. I think there might be an | 1:02:59 | 1:03:04 | |
opportunity to run it across onto
the two reds, that might be the most | 1:03:04 | 1:03:09 | |
makeable shot, with the lowest risk.
STEVE CRAM: I think he's looking at | 1:03:09 | 1:03:16 | |
that other yellow, the one on the
edge of the 8ft, try and bring that | 1:03:16 | 1:03:21 | |
in. He's thinking, either it will
take the top red or it will take the | 1:03:21 | 1:03:27 | |
back red. Because it can't hit his
yellows. At least it doesn't look as | 1:03:27 | 1:03:35 | |
though it can. Johnny keeps pointing
out that red that I like that I | 1:03:35 | 1:03:42 | |
think Rasmus sees the negatives of
it, and they could actually lose one | 1:03:42 | 1:03:45 | |
by doing so. But you know what, a
score of one for GB would not be a | 1:03:45 | 1:03:52 | |
terrible result for Denmark. And
they've got a chance to end the game | 1:03:52 | 1:03:57 | |
pretty much here if they made that.
Well, if he makes the big shot, and | 1:03:57 | 1:04:04 | |
he clears both of them out,
Howard...? UCI thought he was | 1:04:04 | 1:04:11 | |
initially thinking, if you come of
this second one in from the | 1:04:11 | 1:04:13 | |
left-hand side, that it's at the
option of taking either British | 1:04:13 | 1:04:21 | |
stone out. Just don't know if this
shot's possible. They would need to | 1:04:21 | 1:04:30 | |
hit the back side of the red Stoner
just played by Kyle very thin | 1:04:30 | 1:04:37 | |
indeed. Well, he has headed down the
other end, he's got to play. Denmark | 1:04:37 | 1:04:45 | |
down to nine minutes already left in
thinking time, it should be OK for | 1:04:45 | 1:04:49 | |
them. So, here we go. Rasmus Stjerne
looking for the big shot here to get | 1:04:49 | 1:04:53 | |
some big scores for Denmark. No.
Well! Interesting there, they DO get | 1:04:53 | 1:05:06 | |
their one! That was nowhere near!
Great force! Well, we have got out | 1:05:06 | 1:05:11 | |
of jail a little bit there. Because
neither of Kyle's shots were where | 1:05:11 | 1:05:17 | |
he wanted them to be. But somehow,
it contrived that Denmark only got | 1:05:17 | 1:05:24 | |
their one, where that could have
been so much worse. | 1:05:24 | 1:05:31 | |
been so much worse. So, come on,
Great Britain, Kyle Smith and his | 1:05:32 | 1:05:35 | |
team need to capitalise on that.
Seven ends, Bow Trail by one but it | 1:05:35 | 1:05:41 | |
could have been so much worse. | 1:05:41 | 1:05:47 | |
could have been so much worse. And
on those two shots at the end of the | 1:05:47 | 1:05:51 | |
end, I think Team GB are
co-favourites all of a sudden. | 1:05:51 | 1:06:00 | |
co-favourites all of a sudden. That
has got to give the GB men a big | 1:06:00 | 1:06:03 | |
boost going into these last three
ends. Exactly. I think they've got | 1:06:03 | 1:06:08 | |
to think, OK, we're three ends to
go, we've got the hammer in the | 1:06:08 | 1:06:12 | |
eighth and the tenth if it goes with
scoring, pick up our two, get ahead, | 1:06:12 | 1:06:17 | |
limit them to one... It is so easy
said, though, isn't it? Very | 1:06:17 | 1:06:23 | |
quickly, the other matches. Korea,
7-4 up against Italy now. Sweden | 1:06:23 | 1:06:29 | |
trying to get back against
Switzerland but the Swiss lead | 1:06:29 | 1:06:35 | |
fivethree. But the intriguing match
next to this one - USA against | 1:06:35 | 1:06:41 | |
Canada in the USA have just limited
Canada to one in the previous end, | 1:06:41 | 1:06:47 | |
so they still lead 5-4 and they have
the hammer in the eighth. But with a | 1:06:47 | 1:06:54 | |
one shot lead. So, USA have got the
upper hand in that matchup the | 1:06:54 | 1:06:58 | |
moment. | 1:06:58 | 1:07:03 | |
moment. But the Canadian skip is
well capable of closing that out as | 1:07:03 | 1:07:07 | |
well, he has done that on more than
one occasion already in these Games. | 1:07:07 | 1:07:17 | |
So, Oliver Dupont... If you're just
joining us, he's part of the curling | 1:07:23 | 1:07:33 | |
dynasty, the Dupont family. | 1:07:33 | 1:07:39 | |
dynasty, the Dupont family. If
Canada did lose to the United | 1:07:42 | 1:07:44 | |
States, they would have lost three
games in a row and I wonder when the | 1:07:44 | 1:07:47 | |
last time that happened would be! | 1:07:47 | 1:07:53 | |
Switzerland have been playing very
well, Great Britain maybe meeting | 1:08:01 | 1:08:05 | |
them at the right time early in the
competition. It was such a difficult | 1:08:05 | 1:08:08 | |
start for Great Britain, with
Switzerland and Canada and Sweden up | 1:08:08 | 1:08:11 | |
early. | 1:08:11 | 1:08:13 | |
Well, this has been quite a
consistent strategy by Kyle Smith. | 1:08:27 | 1:08:34 | |
In the eighth end situation, to
throw one corner guard. You might | 1:08:34 | 1:08:41 | |
see some teams use two. Sometimes
they have tapped the opposition | 1:08:41 | 1:08:47 | |
stones rather than just going for
the straight draw. That's pretty | 1:08:47 | 1:08:51 | |
much perfect. | 1:08:51 | 1:09:00 | |
Cammy has really warmed to the week,
doing well. He has got a lot of hard | 1:09:02 | 1:09:07 | |
sweeping to do also. But he seems
pretty relaxed out there. | 1:09:07 | 1:09:15 | |
It's Kyle Waddell who could do with
really finding his form, get the | 1:09:31 | 1:09:38 | |
stones exactly where he wants them -
not ) not near. Well capable of it. | 1:09:38 | 1:09:44 | |
He has just been perhaps a little
off this afternoon. But he's | 1:09:44 | 1:09:49 | |
certainly not playing badly. | 1:09:49 | 1:09:55 | |
certainly not playing badly. That's
not too bad at all. Just putting the | 1:09:58 | 1:10:02 | |
guard back in place. | 1:10:02 | 1:10:06 | |
And is taken out again by Mikkel
Poulsen. Trying to get it all the | 1:10:12 | 1:10:17 | |
way out on the other side, the
shooter. Just... He's left it there. | 1:10:17 | 1:10:24 | |
Looks far enough over not to be a
worry. | 1:10:24 | 1:10:33 | |
There's some big cheers going on, a
lot of Swiss fans in, they're | 1:10:33 | 1:10:38 | |
jumping up and down. | 1:10:38 | 1:10:44 | |
jumping up and down. Logan can tell
me what happened there, and that | 1:10:44 | 1:10:48 | |
match is over. They have shaken
hands with Switzerland leading | 1:10:48 | 1:10:52 | |
tenthree. Well, Nicolas is just
taking a look back down the ice, he | 1:10:52 | 1:10:58 | |
must be thinking, what happened
there?! Five?! The thing about this | 1:10:58 | 1:11:04 | |
format, only wins and losses matter,
it does not matter how many you lose | 1:11:04 | 1:11:08 | |
by. And Sweden were always up
against it. | 1:11:08 | 1:11:16 | |
against it. When you take lots of
risk, then you give the opposition | 1:11:21 | 1:11:23 | |
the chance to get lots of points on
the board. Great Britain up until | 1:11:23 | 1:11:28 | |
this point have been happy to ignore
these two stones in the house but | 1:11:28 | 1:11:33 | |
now stare getting a bit of
attention. So, Thomas Muirhead | 1:11:33 | 1:11:36 | |
playing third. Still got that guard
out there. It is biting, still in | 1:11:36 | 1:11:48 | |
the hospital as it were. It has been
the draws, really, which have been | 1:11:48 | 1:11:56 | |
the issue of the Thomas, just a few
heavy once. This one needs to stick | 1:11:56 | 1:12:01 | |
around. | 1:12:01 | 1:12:06 | |
around. -- just a few heavy ones. We
just set it back a little bit and | 1:12:10 | 1:12:19 | |
threw it a little bit wide. | 1:12:19 | 1:12:27 | |
Well, that should make the end
reasonably straightforward for | 1:12:27 | 1:12:29 | |
Denmark. There will be quite happy
to see this end blanked. But in the | 1:12:29 | 1:12:41 | |
ninth we would expect to see GB try
and blanked that one again to take | 1:12:41 | 1:12:44 | |
the advantage into ten. | 1:12:44 | 1:12:50 | |
the advantage into ten. That is a
pity, certainly there was an | 1:12:52 | 1:12:56 | |
opportunity to leak, with that stone
out front of. However, didn't make | 1:12:56 | 1:13:06 | |
it so, could well be heading for a
blanked end here. | 1:13:06 | 1:13:14 | |
They're actually switching up and
going for the... Yeah, they left it | 1:13:20 | 1:13:25 | |
in the end. Well, sometimes a miss
opens the door, and Denmark see this | 1:13:25 | 1:13:34 | |
as an opportunity to take it to GB.
They could just peel the guard. | 1:13:34 | 1:13:45 | |
Yeah, they might think, OK, the
chance for a steal maybe. A blanked | 1:13:45 | 1:13:57 | |
end, fair enough, it's 5-4, but you
do keep the hammer if you steal, and | 1:13:57 | 1:14:04 | |
that would make it 6-4. Don't want
that to happen. This one is just | 1:14:04 | 1:14:11 | |
struggling a little bit for line. It
is a long way outside the guard, so | 1:14:11 | 1:14:17 | |
needs to curl a lot. | 1:14:17 | 1:14:25 | |
needs to curl a lot. Yeah, you could
hear the question, do you think you | 1:14:25 | 1:14:27 | |
can get it behind that guard? There
might be a faint limb of a chance | 1:14:27 | 1:14:34 | |
still here. -- glimmer of a chance.
Cammy down the other end just | 1:14:34 | 1:14:43 | |
asking, how much of that can you
see, can he see all of it? Yeah, all | 1:14:43 | 1:14:48 | |
of it and a bit more, it seems. | 1:14:48 | 1:14:56 | |
Kyle Smith hoping that he can catch
this off the nose. Sitting behind | 1:15:14 | 1:15:22 | |
that guard. Get rid of these. | 1:15:22 | 1:15:28 | |
that guard. Get rid of these. It
looks like they are going all out. A | 1:15:29 | 1:15:32 | |
big weight from Kyle Smith. | 1:15:32 | 1:15:35 | |
A beauty. What a shot, Kyle Smith
coming up with one there, a great | 1:15:40 | 1:15:46 | |
shot. Come on, boys. He stuck it in
right behind the guard, gets the | 1:15:46 | 1:15:55 | |
double takeout.
A great shot. Funny how these things | 1:15:55 | 1:15:58 | |
work out. They missed two. Rasmus
making a dubious call, doesn't quite | 1:15:58 | 1:16:09 | |
make the shot, and the end had
turned on its head. | 1:16:09 | 1:16:14 | |
A great shot, this is what you want
the skip to do, come up with the | 1:16:14 | 1:16:20 | |
goods. Still hasn't got his two. It
depends what Stjerne does here. A | 1:16:20 | 1:16:28 | |
different situation for Great
Britain now. | 1:16:28 | 1:16:33 | |
Trying to come round behind, but
coming up short. | 1:16:33 | 1:16:36 | |
It has a good line.
They swept it while. | 1:16:36 | 1:16:46 | |
Still a chance for two. He should be
able to catch enough of that, not to | 1:16:47 | 1:16:52 | |
them, with the right weight, state
in the house and push that yellow | 1:16:52 | 1:16:56 | |
out. -- stay in the house. | 1:16:56 | 1:17:08 | |
Right, Kyle Smith, what have you
got? | 1:17:08 | 1:17:12 | |
They don't want to miss a wide end.
Their own bread still in the house | 1:17:12 | 1:17:19 | |
will be tricky to get past. -- their
own red. | 1:17:19 | 1:17:26 | |
And obviously he had to sit in the
house and stay after he catches this | 1:17:26 | 1:17:33 | |
at hopefully the right angle. A
tricky shot. | 1:17:33 | 1:17:43 | |
tricky shot. The rewards are huge if
they can get two. Kyle Smith needs | 1:17:43 | 1:17:48 | |
one of his best here. | 1:17:48 | 1:17:54 | |
Very tight, it catches the guard. It
will hold for one. | 1:18:04 | 1:18:16 | |
will hold for one. It was close, a
title shot, nearly there. | 1:18:16 | 1:18:19 | |
Kyle Smith picks up one. We are tied
again with two end to go. Denmark | 1:18:19 | 1:18:28 | |
will carry the hammer into the
night. This one still very much all | 1:18:28 | 1:18:32 | |
to play for -- ninth. | 1:18:32 | 1:18:42 | |
Canada managed a still in the eighth
end of their match, that is now | 1:18:49 | 1:18:52 | |
tied. That may have tipped in
Canada's favour with the USA having | 1:18:52 | 1:19:00 | |
the hammer in the ninth end. | 1:19:00 | 1:19:07 | |
So, Logan. Hammer for Denmark. | 1:19:12 | 1:19:25 | |
Classic play here, limit then to
one, two in the tenth, when the | 1:19:26 | 1:19:31 | |
That is the plan. I remember a start | 1:19:31 | 1:19:38 | |
from a previous game may be against
Canada. Where Kyle Smith and his | 1:19:38 | 1:19:48 | |
team were 50-50 to win.
It is too close to call. A lot of | 1:19:48 | 1:19:54 | |
work still to be done.
A lot of work to be done. Showing | 1:19:54 | 1:20:04 | |
his emotion with his penultimate
stone, trying to G the guys up, | 1:20:04 | 1:20:09 | |
saying, we can do this -- gee.
Not an easy shot. But they are very | 1:20:09 | 1:20:18 | |
much still in it.
Did well with their last stone, | 1:20:18 | 1:20:25 | |
acknowledging at the right time they
weren't going to make the shot but | 1:20:25 | 1:20:28 | |
still played it to score one.
They avoided the steel. Just took | 1:20:28 | 1:20:41 | |
enough of that glancing blow. | 1:20:41 | 1:20:53 | |
These little things look as if they
hardly matter. | 1:20:55 | 1:20:57 | |
Trying to come in behind that guard. | 1:21:02 | 1:21:11 | |
Right on the line. A perfect setup
once again from Cammy Smith. Really | 1:21:11 | 1:21:20 | |
been impressed with his performance
this week, this fortnight. | 1:21:20 | 1:21:27 | |
We have been going a fortnight with
the mixed doubles will stop they | 1:21:27 | 1:21:32 | |
have been going less than a week,
they started on Wednesday. | 1:21:32 | 1:21:38 | |
A long competition. You have to be
consistently good. | 1:21:38 | 1:21:45 | |
consistently good. Teams that con
that -- teams that can consistently | 1:21:45 | 1:21:51 | |
You won't win every match, you will | 1:21:51 | 1:21:54 | |
lose some, lose some end. It is
getting across the line when it | 1:21:54 | 1:22:01 | |
matters which is what Great Britain
have to think about. Three matches | 1:22:01 | 1:22:06 | |
to go, this against Denmark, Norway
the next one after this. Two wins in | 1:22:06 | 1:22:13 | |
those two would put them in a good
position. | 1:22:13 | 1:22:17 | |
Just hearing some banter between
them. One of the problems for GB is | 1:22:17 | 1:22:29 | |
nobody has maximised the opportunity
that comes with the mistakes from | 1:22:29 | 1:22:33 | |
Until now. A nice shot. Very good. | 1:22:33 | 1:22:39 | |
It is what you want from Kyle
Waddell, playing second. | 1:22:39 | 1:22:48 | |
This is Poulsen, going to get rid of
that guard. Whistling from Stjerne. | 1:22:48 | 1:23:02 | |
Curling, a Scottish sport very much,
all the guys here, is the home | 1:23:07 | 1:23:13 | |
programme based in sterling, but it
is Team GB at the Olympic Games and | 1:23:13 | 1:23:21 | |
representing them very well. Another
good shot from Kyle. Pulling his | 1:23:21 | 1:23:30 | |
hand up. | 1:23:30 | 1:23:32 | |
I am not sure, Kyle had his arm
raised, then he was waving. Not too | 1:23:44 | 1:23:51 | |
bad. He looked really concerned
about that. What they are doing is | 1:23:51 | 1:23:58 | |
trying to keep Denmark as far away
from the house as possible. Putting | 1:23:58 | 1:24:03 | |
that long guard to keep them out of
there. | 1:24:03 | 1:24:05 | |
Once again, just like in the
seventh, a score of one either | 1:24:16 | 1:24:20 | |
weight is a good result for GB who
don't want to lose a blank or a | 1:24:20 | 1:24:24 | |
score of Ambati. | 1:24:24 | 1:24:29 | |
score of Ambati. -- two. Would you
be happy stealing one? | 1:24:31 | 1:24:34 | |
Absolutely. | 1:24:34 | 1:24:39 | |
Absolutely. There are some generally
known stats about the scenarios down | 1:24:40 | 1:24:43 | |
the last end, one is if you are one
shot up, and you don't have the last | 1:24:43 | 1:24:50 | |
stone, then you are expected to win
55-60% of the time. If you are one | 1:24:50 | 1:24:58 | |
down with, then 45% of the time. Not
much in that. But with a blank, you | 1:24:58 | 1:25:06 | |
are looking at only chance of
winning 25% of the time. | 1:25:06 | 1:25:13 | |
Just over curling that one there.
Let us hope the stats work in | 1:25:13 | 1:25:20 | |
Britain's favour. Number two -- two
end left. It has been a real puzzle | 1:25:20 | 1:25:31 | |
from the beginning against this
Danish team, a team they would | 1:25:31 | 1:25:36 | |
certainly have voted to beat -- a
real tussle. But in the Olympic | 1:25:36 | 1:25:40 | |
Games nothing is certain at all.
Anyone capable of beating anybody | 1:25:40 | 1:25:44 | |
else almost. Korea are leading
Italy. The only other team Britain | 1:25:44 | 1:25:52 | |
Archer Korea have beaten is Great
Britain. That was a shock. No shame | 1:25:52 | 1:25:57 | |
in losing to Sweden and Canada. They
gave Sweden a really good match. | 1:25:57 | 1:26:10 | |
gave Sweden a really good match. A
line shot, that one red out in | 1:26:10 | 1:26:12 | |
front. -- eight lying shot. | 1:26:12 | 1:26:23 | |
This is a more defensive approach. | 1:26:27 | 1:26:36 | |
Stjerne once Johnny Frederiksen to
roll it in here. | 1:26:39 | 1:26:49 | |
roll it in here. Trying to use that
guard that is out there. He has | 1:26:49 | 1:26:54 | |
played while, Johnny Frederiksen his
first stars want so good but since | 1:26:54 | 1:27:00 | |
then he has been really solid. | 1:27:00 | 1:27:05 | |
then he has been really solid. That
looks wide. Very wide. That is a | 1:27:06 | 1:27:13 | |
mistake from Frederiksen. He took
that in as well. A huge error from | 1:27:13 | 1:27:19 | |
him, wait out wide.
I am shocked about that, the stones | 1:27:19 | 1:27:23 | |
are curling so much you have two
throw it a mile wide to miss that | 1:27:23 | 1:27:27 | |
He was lucky to hit any of it. You | 1:27:27 | 1:27:34 | |
heard Karl saying, we are good if we
get rid of it, thinking of getting | 1:27:34 | 1:27:38 | |
rid of this yellow that is sitting
behind the British red on the | 1:27:38 | 1:27:42 | |
pattern. -- button. No time out
available, they have used their | 1:27:42 | 1:27:50 | |
time-outs. | 1:27:50 | 1:27:55 | |
I think it has got to be guard,
Kyle. | 1:28:00 | 1:28:10 | |
Thomas, sorry, Kyle, asking himself,
I guess, if that is the right way of | 1:28:14 | 1:28:20 | |
putting it, to be really accurate
with the guard. Plenty of red in | 1:28:20 | 1:28:27 | |
there, making this difficult for
Stjerne. If we were to steal one, | 1:28:27 | 1:28:33 | |
brilliant. Second-best is limit
Denmark to one. | 1:28:33 | 1:28:42 | |
With a good guard it is difficult
for Denmark to score. There isn't | 1:28:42 | 1:28:47 | |
any double takeout on the GB reds
because they would have to lose | 1:28:47 | 1:28:51 | |
their own yellow. | 1:28:51 | 1:28:53 | |
He thought it was a little light at
first but it doesn't look that way. | 1:29:03 | 1:29:09 | |
Starting to pop up. It has overcome
a fraction but they have shown the | 1:29:14 | 1:29:20 | |
best side to Denmark. He is looking
at getting rid of the other one, | 1:29:20 | 1:29:27 | |
perhaps. This is where Stjerne, I he
has been put in this position by his | 1:29:27 | 1:29:38 | |
third. Looking at what the options
are. | 1:29:38 | 1:29:42 | |
I think this will drive right back.
Seems like the best chance of | 1:29:50 | 1:30:00 | |
They want to get their one. They | 1:30:00 | 1:30:06 | |
started out with the option taking
two. They don't want to give the | 1:30:06 | 1:30:11 | |
steal at all. At least take a shot
lead into the final end. | 1:30:11 | 1:30:25 | |
Maybe he WAS going for the wide one,
Steve! Well, he got neither! I'm not | 1:30:27 | 1:30:31 | |
sure because that was betwixt and
between. Initially he seemed to | 1:30:31 | 1:30:37 | |
indicate taking this red onto the
other red which is out on the | 1:30:37 | 1:30:41 | |
right-hand side. I'm not quite sure
why he thought that was a good | 1:30:41 | 1:30:51 | |
option, anyway, either way, the
point is, he missed, he took top red | 1:30:51 | 1:30:55 | |
and didn't catch either of the
others. So, one star left for each | 1:30:55 | 1:31:02 | |
team here. Takeouts, 97% for Kyle
Smith, that's good to see. A good | 1:31:02 | 1:31:12 | |
bounce back after having a torrid
time yesterday. | 1:31:12 | 1:31:19 | |
time yesterday. Well, that doesn't
make too much difference. Hopefully | 1:31:20 | 1:31:24 | |
anyway. | 1:31:24 | 1:31:29 | |
anyway. Well, he's got a fairly
straightforward widget here | 1:31:30 | 1:31:32 | |
available to him. And that would be
a result. We said at the beginning | 1:31:32 | 1:31:40 | |
of this end, limit them to one, take
your two in the final end with the | 1:31:40 | 1:31:44 | |
hammer. Of course, easier said than
done. But this has been a good last | 1:31:44 | 1:31:49 | |
couple of ends, played well, by
Great Britain. | 1:31:49 | 1:31:57 | |
Great Britain. And Stjerne trying to
ensure he gets his one here, fairly | 1:31:57 | 1:32:03 | |
straightforward, knock that red
back, sit in for his one. That looks | 1:32:03 | 1:32:07 | |
pretty good. | 1:32:07 | 1:32:12 | |
So, here we go into a final end
again, and Great Britain still in | 1:32:18 | 1:32:22 | |
with a good chance of winning this.
Denmark do lead, they picked up one | 1:32:22 | 1:32:29 | |
in the ninth but it was
well-constructed by Great Britain, | 1:32:29 | 1:32:32 | |
some nice shots played, so Denmark
lead this 6-5 into the last end. | 1:32:32 | 1:32:38 | |
Great Britain with the hammer,
everything to play for. | 1:32:38 | 1:32:48 | |
LOGAN GRAY: Yeah, that was a really
well worked end from Great Britain | 1:32:48 | 1:32:53 | |
to get the force and they will have
eight good chance to score two on | 1:32:53 | 1:32:59 | |
this end. Every single one of their
games seems to have gone to the wire | 1:32:59 | 1:33:02 | |
this week. Well, it is the Olympic
Games and nothing is supposed to be | 1:33:02 | 1:33:07 | |
easy at this level. We've just seen
Switzerland win 10-3 in the seventh | 1:33:07 | 1:33:12 | |
against the co-favourites Sweden. I
think coming here we knew this men's | 1:33:12 | 1:33:20 | |
team had ability and had chances.
But it was never going to be easy. | 1:33:20 | 1:33:24 | |
They would have to play some of
their best stuff to get through. To | 1:33:24 | 1:33:29 | |
make it to the semifinals. And
there's still the chance for them of | 1:33:29 | 1:33:34 | |
course, a big chance, if they were
to come out winning this one. They | 1:33:34 | 1:33:38 | |
really would love to get to six
wins. Looking up again next or, you | 1:33:38 | 1:33:43 | |
can see stones everywhere. It is
still fivefive, USA with the hammer | 1:33:43 | 1:33:47 | |
in the ninth. It looks as though
they might be lying shot, I can't | 1:33:47 | 1:33:52 | |
really see. It is at the far end
from where we are at the moment. But | 1:33:52 | 1:33:57 | |
we will keep an eye on that because
that will have a bearing on Great | 1:33:57 | 1:34:01 | |
Britain, all of the matches will, as
we come down the stretch in the | 1:34:01 | 1:34:04 | |
round robin competition. Yeah,
actually it looks like the USA might | 1:34:04 | 1:34:10 | |
have a shot to score two or three in
that end. Cammy has played well, | 1:34:10 | 1:34:17 | |
hasn't he? He has done a really good
job. He's been calm, he's delivered | 1:34:17 | 1:34:21 | |
his stones really well. Not sure
what his stats are. 56%. Yeah, not | 1:34:21 | 1:34:31 | |
bad, I would probably suggest he has
played better than that. I think | 1:34:31 | 1:34:35 | |
Cammy himself can take some credit
for a couple of the wins that have | 1:34:35 | 1:34:39 | |
gone on the board this week. There
have been three extremely tight | 1:34:39 | 1:34:43 | |
James and I think we've required six
tick shots and he has made them all. | 1:34:43 | 1:34:53 | |
Well, there are some cheers going
up, with the Stars & Stripes | 1:34:53 | 1:34:56 | |
fluttering in the stands. And then
the chant goes up, USA. We just wait | 1:34:56 | 1:35:04 | |
to see what has happened over there,
it certainly looks like a couple | 1:35:04 | 1:35:08 | |
from where we are sitting. Yes,
indeed, they took two. So, | 1:35:08 | 1:35:12 | |
sevenfive. Canada do do have the
hammer in the final end in that one. | 1:35:12 | 1:35:20 | |
We've said all along, if Canada go
to three losses, and if Great | 1:35:20 | 1:35:24 | |
Britain were to win this one, we
would be tied with Canada. I'm not | 1:35:24 | 1:35:31 | |
sure we would have been saying that,
but it is more to do with them, in | 1:35:31 | 1:35:36 | |
the sense of the expectation for
this Canadian team. I think for most | 1:35:36 | 1:35:42 | |
Canadian fans the expectation is
that you pretty much win all of your | 1:35:42 | 1:35:45 | |
round-robin matches. | 1:35:45 | 1:35:50 | |
round-robin matches. After defeats
to Sweden and Switzerland they have | 1:35:52 | 1:35:54 | |
now got a right scrap on against
their big rivals, their neighbours, | 1:35:54 | 1:36:00 | |
the USA. If you are still new to
curling, the stones which are out in | 1:36:00 | 1:36:07 | |
front of the house, you have to wait
until four stones have been played | 1:36:07 | 1:36:12 | |
before you can remove any of them,
any of the opposition stones. | 1:36:12 | 1:36:23 | |
What do we do? | 1:36:29 | 1:36:35 | |
STEVE CRAM: Don't worry, in the skip
is in control! It's just trying to | 1:36:35 | 1:36:43 | |
think about the options. Not much
kicking around there at my one, that | 1:36:43 | 1:36:49 | |
one Danish stone in there. What
everyone's you want to! Is he going | 1:36:49 | 1:36:56 | |
to into asking to draw in at this
point? | 1:36:56 | 1:37:02 | |
LOGAN GRAY: They're thinking, play a
split on this top red. They need to | 1:37:02 | 1:37:07 | |
play this extremely well or their
chance to score two here could go | 1:37:07 | 1:37:11 | |
right here, right now. The thing
about this opportunity, not that | 1:37:11 | 1:37:16 | |
this is easy to score two, but if
you score one, the extra end, the | 1:37:16 | 1:37:26 | |
hammer goes to Denmark again. So
they will somehow want to finish it | 1:37:26 | 1:37:30 | |
here if they can. If they score
nothing, they will lose. Might have | 1:37:30 | 1:37:36 | |
got it... | 1:37:36 | 1:37:41 | |
got it... I think they've played a
good shot there. It doesn't look | 1:37:43 | 1:37:48 | |
like there is a double takeout
available. No. The concern there was | 1:37:48 | 1:37:53 | |
that you throw a corner guard, and
potentially Denmark can run it into | 1:37:53 | 1:37:59 | |
the one in the house and spill
everything. If you put a centre | 1:37:59 | 1:38:04 | |
guard on | 1:38:04 | 1:38:08 | |
everything. If you put a centre
guard on, then they might not get a | 1:38:08 | 1:38:10 | |
chance to do that. So, they decided
to make a move early. Plenty of | 1:38:10 | 1:38:17 | |
whistling going on! It is like being
at some sort of sheepdog trials or | 1:38:17 | 1:38:23 | |
something like that, isn't it? I'm
sure his team knows what the various | 1:38:23 | 1:38:29 | |
whistles mean! Yeah, I've spoken to
a few people about it in the past, | 1:38:29 | 1:38:34 | |
and I don't think they've been that
excited about being whistled at when | 1:38:34 | 1:38:39 | |
they're sweeping! So, Kyle Waddell,
he'll be hoping this is the last | 1:38:39 | 1:38:45 | |
stone of this match for him. Just
want to try and hit this yellow and | 1:38:45 | 1:38:51 | |
roll across. Tomy Robb head working
it hard! Well done. | 1:38:51 | 1:38:58 | |
it hard! Well done. So, Kyle Waddell
playing a couple of good shots, | 1:39:00 | 1:39:02 | |
helping to set this last end up. If
we want to win it, we want two, it | 1:39:02 | 1:39:10 | |
is crucial that he gives at least
the chance for a two. Four stones | 1:39:10 | 1:39:14 | |
left for each team. | 1:39:14 | 1:39:21 | |
left for each team. Johnny
Frederiksen had a horrendous shot in | 1:39:21 | 1:39:24 | |
the previous end. Almost a complete
miss. He's caught the outside of the | 1:39:24 | 1:39:32 | |
British stone and edged it in, which
helped matters immensely. He's gone | 1:39:32 | 1:39:37 | |
for the double. It's a good shot of.
Sticks on the wide one. What a | 1:39:37 | 1:39:41 | |
chance now! That is a massive help
to Great Britain! Denmark only have | 1:39:41 | 1:39:46 | |
three stones left, and Britain have
got one in the house. Just catches | 1:39:46 | 1:39:53 | |
on that wide yellow. That's the
thing. Yeah, look at his face. When | 1:39:53 | 1:40:02 | |
you're watching curling, sometimes
you ignore the outer stones, that's | 1:40:02 | 1:40:06 | |
why they're left, even if they're
not in the house, they're left | 1:40:06 | 1:40:12 | |
because of stones can jam against
them. Well, now, it is a great | 1:40:12 | 1:40:17 | |
chance to score two. | 1:40:17 | 1:40:23 | |
Thomas Muirhead, the younger brother
of the skip of the women's team, who | 1:40:30 | 1:40:34 | |
will be playing a very important
match for them this evening as well. | 1:40:34 | 1:40:37 | |
Even more of a must-win. They have
got a much tougher running than the | 1:40:37 | 1:40:41 | |
men have. That's nicely played by
Thomas, though. -- tougher run-in. | 1:40:41 | 1:40:50 | |
It is not all over yet by any
stretch of the imagination. We've | 1:40:50 | 1:40:53 | |
seen mistakes from both sides, when
it looked as though they just had to | 1:40:53 | 1:40:57 | |
play normal stands. -- normal
stones. The crowd are enthralled, | 1:40:57 | 1:41:06 | |
there's a great tussle going on
between Korea and Italy. Korea have | 1:41:06 | 1:41:10 | |
been in the lead all the way through
that, but Italy have clawed a couple | 1:41:10 | 1:41:14 | |
back to make it sevensix. Korea,
though, have the hammer in the final | 1:41:14 | 1:41:19 | |
end there. And in the other match,
the USA two ahead going into the | 1:41:19 | 1:41:23 | |
final end against Canada. So, here
we go, then. If you're waiting to go | 1:41:23 | 1:41:29 | |
to work, just hang on a bit, it will
all be over in a short while. That | 1:41:29 | 1:41:40 | |
just sticks out there. He didn't
start so well, he had a really good | 1:41:41 | 1:41:44 | |
period in the middle of the
competition and in the middle of | 1:41:44 | 1:41:48 | |
this match, Johnny Frederiksen, but
since then he hasn't given his skip | 1:41:48 | 1:41:52 | |
what he needed, what he wanted.
Determination on the face of Thomas | 1:41:52 | 1:41:55 | |
Muirhead here. He's had a good
match. This, hopefully, his last | 1:41:55 | 1:42:01 | |
stone. On the nose... Well done. | 1:42:01 | 1:42:09 | |
stone. On the nose... Well done. He
wants to try and bring the Danish | 1:42:10 | 1:42:14 | |
stone closer to that other British
one, to try and make it so that he | 1:42:14 | 1:42:19 | |
is at some point going to have a
chance to get two. The other thing | 1:42:19 | 1:42:23 | |
to be aware of is that this sequence
of takeouts, everyone that is made, | 1:42:23 | 1:42:32 | |
the stone moves a little bit higher
in the house, and more and more of | 1:42:32 | 1:42:36 | |
an angle becomes available
potentially for Rasmus to have a | 1:42:36 | 1:42:40 | |
crack at a Crosshouse double with
his last one. | 1:42:40 | 1:42:47 | |
his last one. That's exactly what I
was thinking. He can also create an | 1:42:47 | 1:42:55 | |
angle through hit and roll. Oh, they
HAVE swept it for the nose. Yep. But | 1:42:55 | 1:43:06 | |
the boys know that there could
double after this one, but it is | 1:43:06 | 1:43:10 | |
extremely difficult shot. Well, Kyle
Smith has two stones left. Rasmus | 1:43:10 | 1:43:17 | |
Stjerne, just the one. He will
perhaps have a chance, because Kyle | 1:43:17 | 1:43:22 | |
Smith | 1:43:22 | 1:43:30 | |
Smith should just nose this one,
push it out. There is a aid gap | 1:43:30 | 1:43:34 | |
across to the other side of the
house between those two British | 1:43:34 | 1:43:38 | |
stones, and he will undoubtedly then
try and take both of them, takeouts, | 1:43:38 | 1:43:44 | |
97% accuracy for Kyle Smith. If
they're feeling particularly brave, | 1:43:44 | 1:43:50 | |
they could try and roll away from
the red stone, but they must keep, | 1:43:50 | 1:43:53 | |
the house... -- they must keep, the
house. Just a little roll the other | 1:43:53 | 1:44:03 | |
way. How is your luck, Rasmus?
That's incredible, surely he has | 1:44:03 | 1:44:15 | |
just got to hit and hope for a
mistake here? His other option is to | 1:44:15 | 1:44:21 | |
draw round that one. Rasmus is
having a good look at whether this | 1:44:21 | 1:44:25 | |
shot is even possible. He can give
it a fair lash, Rasmus. He's looking | 1:44:25 | 1:44:34 | |
at the draw as well. | 1:44:34 | 1:44:39 | |
at the draw as well. He's looking at
where they would lie second shot, | 1:44:44 | 1:44:47 | |
assuming he gets it in the right
place. | 1:44:47 | 1:44:54 | |
place. Or what the draw would be
like. If he hides it, then it is not | 1:44:54 | 1:44:59 | |
so easy for Kyle Smith to take it
out himself. He only needs to make | 1:44:59 | 1:45:06 | |
it and take it out, because we've
got two stones in. What is he doing | 1:45:06 | 1:45:11 | |
now? He's going for the takeout.
Scrap all that I was saying! Yep, | 1:45:11 | 1:45:21 | |
this is going to be absolutely
flying down the ice. | 1:45:21 | 1:45:30 | |
A great try, Stjerne coming within a
couple of inches of making that, an | 1:45:39 | 1:45:45 | |
incredible try. What an attempt from
the Danish skip. | 1:45:45 | 1:45:51 | |
Unbelievable effort. They over swept
it in the end, hit it a fraction, | 1:45:51 | 1:45:56 | |
maybe one more millet metre --
millimetre. | 1:45:56 | 1:46:03 | |
You will see the speed at which he
hit back, it almost rebounds. Giving | 1:46:03 | 1:46:10 | |
it enough of a turn to go past the
red stone in such a way that Great | 1:46:10 | 1:46:15 | |
Britain now just need to draw into
the house to win this match against | 1:46:15 | 1:46:19 | |
Denmark. A huge win the Kyle Smith
and his team, a straightforward | 1:46:19 | 1:46:25 | |
shot, his nerves will be jangling no
doubt but he has played really well | 1:46:25 | 1:46:28 | |
in his last end to manufacture this
opportunity. If they win this which | 1:46:28 | 1:46:33 | |
it looks as if they are going to do,
they will be sitting in a very good | 1:46:33 | 1:46:39 | |
position in terms of qualification.
Kyle Smith watching this stone into | 1:46:39 | 1:46:42 | |
the house. Fist pumps all round,
handshakes to the Danish team. A | 1:46:42 | 1:46:50 | |
great match, both teams have played
really well. Great Britain are | 1:46:50 | 1:46:54 | |
getting better as this, edition goes
on. They get this one across the | 1:46:54 | 1:47:00 | |
line, so important, beating Denmark
7-6. Four wins and three losses. In | 1:47:00 | 1:47:08 | |
a very good position in terms of
equivocation, what a match. | 1:47:08 | 1:47:16 | |
What will that do the their
confidence, a huge performance | 1:47:22 | 1:47:26 | |
particularly from Kyle.
He had a great game after a | 1:47:26 | 1:47:30 | |
difficult time yesterday, managed to
get them over the winning line. They | 1:47:30 | 1:47:35 | |
keep grinding out these wins, they
all seem to go to the wire. | 1:47:35 | 1:47:42 | |
We will keep you updated with
matters elsewhere. USA still leading | 1:47:42 | 1:47:49 | |
Canada, the Italy - career match
still going on. | 1:47:49 | 1:47:50 | |
The good news is GB have one that
important match against Don Mark, | 1:47:50 | 1:47:57 | |
putting paid to Denmark's chances of
qualifying. -- against Denmark. | 1:47:57 | 1:48:05 | |
A great win for GB, they have Norway
and the USA to play in that round | 1:48:11 | 1:48:16 | |
robin. The women are back on the ice
later. A must win for them, they | 1:48:16 | 1:48:22 | |
placed Flint, that is on that
11:05am. -- they play Switzerland. | 1:48:22 | 1:48:37 | |
If you've just joined us, good
morning on day ten of the winter | 1:48:44 | 1:48:49 | |
Olympics. Here is what has been
happening so far. | 1:48:49 | 1:48:58 | |
Anna Gasser bounced back from her
disappointment to top the pile in | 1:48:58 | 1:49:03 | |
big air qualifying with a massive
score of 98. Aimee Fuller failed to | 1:49:03 | 1:49:08 | |
Two years after shattering her | 1:49:08 | 1:49:16 | |
kneecap, British ice dancers Penny
Coomes and Nick Buckland finished an | 1:49:16 | 1:49:21 | |
impressive ten in the short dance
which also featured in one record | 1:49:21 | 1:49:24 | |
from the Canadian duo.
It has been reported a member of the | 1:49:24 | 1:49:33 | |
Olympic Athletes from Russia team
has failed a drugs test, the Court | 1:49:33 | 1:49:38 | |
of arbitration has confirmed they
have opened an investigation against | 1:49:38 | 1:49:44 | |
the athlete part of the mixed bronze
medal winning curling team. | 1:49:44 | 1:49:48 | |
Lindsey Vonn looks a good bet to
claim her title again despite easing | 1:49:48 | 1:49:56 | |
off she recorded the third fastest
time. | 1:49:56 | 1:50:02 | |
Mathieu | 1:50:07 | 1:50:12 | |
Mathieu Faivre has been expelled
from the Winter Olympics for angry | 1:50:12 | 1:50:15 | |
comments made to journalists after
the grand slalom contest on Sunday. | 1:50:15 | 1:50:24 | |
If you ever needed any proof big air
was for the bravest amongst us, | 1:50:24 | 1:50:29 | |
Aimee Fuller has delivered, she
posted this picture on her Twitter | 1:50:29 | 1:50:33 | |
page just after crashing in that
second run of her qualifying. It | 1:50:33 | 1:50:39 | |
looks painful. Fair play, she is
still smiling. | 1:50:39 | 1:50:44 | |
I am delighted to be joined by the
chair of UK Sport Katherine | 1:50:48 | 1:50:53 | |
Grainger. Welcome to our lovely
balcony and Pyeongchang. The great | 1:50:53 | 1:51:02 | |
and historic winter Olympics, how
have you assessed Team GB? | 1:51:02 | 1:51:07 | |
My first experience life of the
winter greens, I have usually been | 1:51:07 | 1:51:11 | |
watching in training camp from a
hotel room. There are sports I can't | 1:51:11 | 1:51:17 | |
believe it is physically impossible
-- physically possible to do. We had | 1:51:17 | 1:51:23 | |
huge hopes athletes would deliver,
there have been historic | 1:51:23 | 1:51:27 | |
performances. Have you had a
favourite moment? | 1:51:27 | 1:51:32 | |
Are you allowed? I don't know if I
can choose. It is very different | 1:51:32 | 1:51:40 | |
seeing it as a spectator. It is
incredible. I know what that | 1:51:40 | 1:51:45 | |
pressure feels like, that moment of
delivery to perform your best. It is | 1:51:45 | 1:51:51 | |
a privilege to see these athletes.
In the build-up, and given what has | 1:51:51 | 1:51:57 | |
happened with one of the Olympic
Athletes from Russia, the build-up | 1:51:57 | 1:52:01 | |
was dominated by this. You were
quite strong on this that the | 1:52:01 | 1:52:05 | |
Russian athlete should not be here.
Had you feel now one being | 1:52:05 | 1:52:09 | |
investigated? It is hugely
frustrating. It dominated the | 1:52:09 | 1:52:17 | |
build-up to the Olympics. You want
the build-up to be about the | 1:52:17 | 1:52:20 | |
athletes, the sport, and instead a
lot of conversation whether Russians | 1:52:20 | 1:52:27 | |
would be competing at all, how many?
When the final decision was made at | 1:52:27 | 1:52:35 | |
least we could come forward. And we
are back discussing it again. | 1:52:35 | 1:52:44 | |
are back discussing it again. Let us
focus on the Brits, we have had all | 1:52:44 | 1:52:48 | |
three skeleton bed less on the
balcony and judging what their | 1:52:48 | 1:52:51 | |
medals mean that their sports in
terms of continuing with funding. | 1:52:51 | 1:52:56 | |
How difficult is it to manage the
medals that are won in comparison to | 1:52:56 | 1:53:00 | |
participation levels and where
funding goes. | 1:53:00 | 1:53:07 | |
I am chair of UK Sport and our remit
from the Government is supporting | 1:53:07 | 1:53:12 | |
inspirational performances that
podium level, the big results. We | 1:53:12 | 1:53:18 | |
are driven to support sports that
will produce medal winning | 1:53:18 | 1:53:22 | |
performances. What has been
incredible is the amount of interest | 1:53:22 | 1:53:27 | |
from people back home who want to
get onto the slopes themselves. We | 1:53:27 | 1:53:33 | |
are very aware of those high-level
inspiring performances that we see | 1:53:33 | 1:53:41 | |
which does transfer. | 1:53:41 | 1:53:47 | |
At UK Sport though we're binding
participation levels. | 1:53:53 | 1:53:57 | |
You know what this is all about. You
know how much funding, facilities, | 1:53:57 | 1:54:03 | |
coaches can help you reach that
potential. How difficult is it to | 1:54:03 | 1:54:08 | |
separate the emotional side from the
business hat you wear? | 1:54:08 | 1:54:14 | |
In a way, it is important you keep a
balance of both. You can't make | 1:54:14 | 1:54:19 | |
emotional decisions. It is a huge
amount of money and has to be | 1:54:19 | 1:54:23 | |
investment for the right reason. But
you can still do it compassionately. | 1:54:23 | 1:54:30 | |
It is important to make a decision
with a smart business head but being | 1:54:30 | 1:54:34 | |
aware of the impact on people.
How much interaction have you had | 1:54:34 | 1:54:43 | |
with athletes here? You have that
huge experience but it is a | 1:54:43 | 1:54:46 | |
different role. Have you spoken to
any of the athletes going through | 1:54:46 | 1:54:51 | |
some tough times, Elise Christie
springs to mind? | 1:54:51 | 1:55:01 | |
I went to visit Katie when she was
in hospital before she flew home. It | 1:55:01 | 1:55:05 | |
was important to chat to her. | 1:55:05 | 1:55:11 | |
was important to chat to her. She
was in great spirits. For a young | 1:55:12 | 1:55:15 | |
top-level athlete, she will bounce
back. She's already talking about | 1:55:15 | 1:55:20 | |
getting back to the slopes. I have
offered to have a conversation with | 1:55:20 | 1:55:26 | |
Elise Christie if that is the right
thing to do. We can hardly imagine | 1:55:26 | 1:55:31 | |
what she is going through but she
has an incredible team around her. I | 1:55:31 | 1:55:34 | |
am available if it is needed. But I
wouldn't impose on anyone. The teams | 1:55:34 | 1:55:41 | |
are world-class and know what they
are doing. | 1:55:41 | 1:55:45 | |
So many of the athletes are so
young. It must give you great belief | 1:55:45 | 1:55:50 | |
going forward to looking to Beijing
of what kind of team can head there. | 1:55:50 | 1:55:56 | |
It is a first Games for a lot of the
athletes and you need that | 1:55:56 | 1:56:01 | |
experience. By the same token, other
nations have Olympic champions at | 1:56:01 | 1:56:07 | |
1719. This can be a young person's
game. Their enthusiasm, they are so | 1:56:07 | 1:56:16 | |
proud to be part of Team GB.
Four medals minimum was the target, | 1:56:16 | 1:56:25 | |
we have reached that. What are you
looking forward to? And what can we | 1:56:25 | 1:56:30 | |
achieve at the end of the Games?
Thanks to the work of the British | 1:56:30 | 1:56:36 | |
Olympic Association, we are one of
the best prepared teams. We have | 1:56:36 | 1:56:41 | |
athletes going into finals. You have
to be in the finals for a chance of | 1:56:41 | 1:56:47 | |
the medals, clearly. There are still
opportunities. The curling teams. | 1:56:47 | 1:56:54 | |
The next days will be crucial for
all of them. There is a lot of | 1:56:54 | 1:56:58 | |
It is thrilling. I hope you enjoyed | 1:56:58 | 1:57:05 | |
the rest of your first winter
Olympics experience, I am enjoying | 1:57:05 | 1:57:09 | |
mine. Loads of drama already at the
Phoenix Snow Park with the start of | 1:57:09 | 1:57:19 | |
the women's half pipe. Two Brits in
action, Katie summarise finishing | 1:57:19 | 1:57:29 | |
second -- Katie Summerhayes. Today
is the start for her sister, Molly. | 1:57:29 | 1:57:36 | |
Alongside her is Rowan Cheshire, she
was in Sochi but had a nightmare, a | 1:57:36 | 1:57:42 | |
terrible crash in training,
suffering concussion with severe | 1:57:42 | 1:57:45 | |
side effects and very nearly gave up
the sport. They were both here after | 1:57:45 | 1:57:50 | |
great stories of resilience. Let us
see how they got on. | 1:57:50 | 1:57:55 | |
Team USA notoriously strong in men's
and women's in half pipe skiing. Due | 1:58:04 | 1:58:09 | |
in part to the facilities in and
right across the nation. | 1:58:09 | 1:58:17 | |
Massive. 900, the first we have
seen. | 1:58:19 | 1:58:32 | |
Coming into her last. A big 720.
That is why she is the World Cup | 1:58:32 | 1:58:41 | |
Number one on the jersey. What a run | 1:58:41 | 1:58:44 | |
that was. | 1:58:44 | 1:58:49 | |
that was. She played it quite safe
there. She could maybe get rid of | 1:58:50 | 1:58:55 | |
one of her straight as and push the
aptitude. Going very big there. | 1:58:55 | 1:59:01 | |
If followed first run, she will be
happy with that. 90-.6, there you | 1:59:01 | 1:59:09 | |
Good work. | 1:59:09 | 1:59:13 | |
Another strong American here. Ninth
in Sochi. Her second Olympics, | 1:59:13 | 1:59:21 | |
fourth in the World Championships.
What can she do? | 1:59:21 | 1:59:31 | |
Putting that big trick bite at the
start. This is what the judges liked | 1:59:31 | 1:59:36 | |
to see, risk versus reward. | 1:59:36 | 1:59:43 | |
to see, risk versus reward. A big
540, can she keep her amplitude? | 1:59:43 | 1:59:46 | |
Building up a bit of speed.
720 finish, a good run. Very | 1:59:46 | 1:59:53 | |
technical. But I think she will be
deducted for her grabs. | 1:59:53 | 2:00:01 | |
Those back to backs were nice.
Rather than playing it safe. | 2:00:01 | 2:00:09 | |
Rather than playing it safe. She has
gone for the biggest, hardest tricks | 2:00:09 | 2:00:10 | |
Waiting for the scores to come in. | 2:00:10 | 2:00:16 | |
Second place. A big score. | 2:00:16 | 2:00:21 | |
We are expecting big things from the
Canadian. 25 years of age. From | 2:00:25 | 2:00:31 | |
Whistler. | 2:00:31 | 2:00:37 | |
First of the 900s, hopefully. Losing
amplitude slightly. Needs to speed | 2:00:49 | 2:00:56 | |
it up a bit here. Switch 360.
Straight air. Are we going to CNN | 2:00:56 | 2:01:03 | |
nine? We are indeed. Solid! | 2:01:03 | 2:01:09 | |
nine? We are indeed. Solid! She had
900s on both walls. | 2:01:11 | 2:01:19 | |
900s on both walls. Good run from
Cassie. I think this could get into | 2:01:23 | 2:01:27 | |
the top three. | 2:01:27 | 2:01:34 | |
the top three. Very clean. 93. There
is the measure! We have a new | 2:01:34 | 2:01:38 | |
leader! That is an outfit, isn't it?
Never seen anything quite like that! | 2:01:38 | 2:01:44 | |
So, silver medallist from Sochi,
from France. Straight air. 540. | 2:01:44 | 2:01:57 | |
Maybe not going as high as she would
have hoped. Marie Martinod then... | 2:01:57 | 2:02:03 | |
900 there. | 2:02:03 | 2:02:09 | |
900 there. Flare. Good run so far.
720 to finish? Strong run. I don't | 2:02:09 | 2:02:17 | |
think she will trouble the likes of
Cassie, but she could potentially | 2:02:17 | 2:02:26 | |
knock Brita Sigourney out of second.
How important is it to qualify first | 2:02:26 | 2:02:30 | |
or second? If we are only taking the
top 12? The benefit of qualifying in | 2:02:30 | 2:02:36 | |
first or second, of higher up you
qualify, it means more people will | 2:02:36 | 2:02:41 | |
run in front of you. So, if they do
a good run, something you might not | 2:02:41 | 2:02:46 | |
have seen before, you will be able
to watch and all to your run, | 2:02:46 | 2:02:51 | |
because you've got the benefit of
going last in the finals. So, it's | 2:02:51 | 2:02:53 | |
reverse order. Very happy with that.
Second! Big old score! | 2:02:53 | 2:03:10 | |
Come on, Rowan. Nasty accident in
training for Sochi, she was unable | 2:03:13 | 2:03:22 | |
to compete. Since then, a couple of
concussions and she is just back | 2:03:22 | 2:03:27 | |
from an ankle injury. Yeah, she's
back skiing well, which is great to | 2:03:27 | 2:03:32 | |
see. Big 540. Huge alley-oop. Yeah,
that is almost her signature trick, | 2:03:32 | 2:03:39 | |
the alley-oop. 900, holding on...
Straight air there. Come on, Rowan. | 2:03:39 | 2:03:50 | |
720, skiing really nicely here...
Switch 360. And a nice little | 2:03:50 | 2:03:57 | |
straight air to finish. Good run.
Very good run. Amplitude was good, | 2:03:57 | 2:04:05 | |
amplitude was consistent. Good
grabs. Solid run from Rowan, I would | 2:04:05 | 2:04:11 | |
hope that would be enough. A little
bit of a hand drag there, but | 2:04:11 | 2:04:17 | |
hopefully the judges won't notice
that! Hopefully they'll won't notice | 2:04:17 | 2:04:22 | |
it! | 2:04:22 | 2:04:31 | |
it! Cassie Sharpe from Canada, in
top spot from Marie Martinod. | 2:04:31 | 2:04:36 | |
Annalisa Drew, Maddie Bowman, USA
athletes in three, four and five. | 2:04:36 | 2:04:49 | |
Next up, Molly Summerhayes.
Hopefully she can up it a bit and | 2:04:49 | 2:04:57 | |
get into the final. Her coaches up
there, what will they have said to | 2:04:57 | 2:05:01 | |
her? Send it. Just send it! Come on,
Molly. Come on, Molly Summerhayes, | 2:05:01 | 2:05:12 | |
from Sheffield! | 2:05:12 | 2:05:17 | |
from Sheffield! Nice meat grab. Left
540, nice and high. Right 540, that | 2:05:20 | 2:05:23 | |
was good. | 2:05:23 | 2:05:29 | |
was good. Air to fake people that
was better. Coming into the seven. | 2:05:29 | 2:05:38 | |
Last hit... Switch straight air...
Switch air to normal at the bottom, | 2:05:38 | 2:05:49 | |
looked like she got sparked off a
Bojan. It's smiles all round, she | 2:05:49 | 2:05:54 | |
watched her sister compete in the
slopestyle, and coming into these | 2:05:54 | 2:05:58 | |
Games, that would have been her aim,
make the finals. Without a doubt. | 2:05:58 | 2:06:05 | |
66, she's upped it from her first
run. A nodding at knowledge went | 2:06:05 | 2:06:12 | |
there. Experience for her. Not quite
enough, but she has definitely skied | 2:06:12 | 2:06:17 | |
very well today. Brita Sigourney,
came out swinging in that first run, | 2:06:17 | 2:06:24 | |
sixth place in Sochi four years ago.
Second place at X-Games are spent a | 2:06:24 | 2:06:31 | |
couple of weeks ago. Big straight
air. -- X-Games Aspen. Huge | 2:06:31 | 2:06:44 | |
alley-oop, carrying her speed well
for the 900... Massive 900! That's | 2:06:44 | 2:06:47 | |
huge! Straight air, just missing the
grab Bojan there. Left 540 with the | 2:06:47 | 2:06:56 | |
meat grab. What has she got for us
last hit? Right 720 to finish. | 2:06:56 | 2:07:00 | |
Really good run from Brita
Sigourney. Yeah, really solid run. I | 2:07:00 | 2:07:06 | |
think that will be better than her
first run score. She got 90.6 on her | 2:07:06 | 2:07:10 | |
first. Let's see what the judges do
with this. You've got to say, I | 2:07:10 | 2:07:18 | |
can't see many people cracking into
the nineties. | 2:07:18 | 2:07:24 | |
the nineties. Exactly the same. She
sounds a little bit disappointed | 2:07:24 | 2:07:27 | |
with that. So, Cassie Sharpe at the
top. Does she cruise or does she go | 2:07:27 | 2:07:35 | |
for it? I definitely can't see her
being bumped out. No. What she could | 2:07:35 | 2:07:42 | |
do is, send the proverbial shivers
up the spine of every athlete here | 2:07:42 | 2:07:46 | |
by throwing out the best run she can
do. Yeah, I would agree. Big 900, | 2:07:46 | 2:07:50 | |
release Ms. Right side 900,
back-to-back nine. We didn't see | 2:07:50 | 2:07:56 | |
that first run. | 2:07:56 | 2:08:01 | |
that first run. -- really smooth.
Right three, higher this time. | 2:08:02 | 2:08:04 | |
Switch three, a lot cleaner. Big
straight air, what has she got to | 2:08:04 | 2:08:10 | |
finish? Left ten! Yes! Oh!
Beautiful! I'm not saying that she | 2:08:10 | 2:08:18 | |
is ahead of the game, but when Mark
Zuckerberg invented Facebook there | 2:08:18 | 2:08:23 | |
was a friend request waiting for
him, from Cathy! That is definitely | 2:08:23 | 2:08:27 | |
true! She is light years ahead of
everybody else! -- from Cassie! And | 2:08:27 | 2:08:35 | |
oh, my goodness publishes almost got
the keys to the safe that contains | 2:08:35 | 2:08:38 | |
the gold medals! So, big improvement
of 0.4. | 2:08:38 | 2:08:49 | |
of 0.4. So, the defending silver
medallist from Sochi finds herself | 2:08:50 | 2:08:57 | |
in the qualifying silver position,
second place at the moment, it means | 2:08:57 | 2:09:01 | |
nothing until the finals, of course.
But skiing very well and | 2:09:01 | 2:09:05 | |
confidently, the French girl,
Murray? Very much so. Coming in with | 2:09:05 | 2:09:11 | |
a lot of speed. Right side 540. Very
clean. Left 900. Right side flare. | 2:09:11 | 2:09:23 | |
Just sitting on her tales a bit
there. | 2:09:23 | 2:09:31 | |
there. So, Marie Martinod also
upping her run a little bit there. | 2:09:31 | 2:09:34 | |
Stretching her legs. Good run, seems
very happy with that. Similar to | 2:09:34 | 2:09:43 | |
Annalisa Drew, she doesn't really
have a switch it in there. So, might | 2:09:43 | 2:09:47 | |
be something she maybe could pull
out for the finals. Yep. 33 years of | 2:09:47 | 2:09:53 | |
age. | 2:09:53 | 2:09:58 | |
age. That is an improvement. The
defending Olympic champion, Maddie | 2:10:01 | 2:10:08 | |
Bowman, going through the motions at
the top here. Currently finds | 2:10:08 | 2:10:11 | |
herself sitting down in sixth
position. Just going through her run | 2:10:11 | 2:10:19 | |
in her head there. Coming in with a
lot of speed. Big straight air. Left | 2:10:19 | 2:10:25 | |
540 tail grab. Right 720. Better
than last run. Switch seven. Missing | 2:10:25 | 2:10:34 | |
the grab there. Right five. Solid
grab on that one. Left 900. Works | 2:10:34 | 2:10:43 | |
really hard to get it round! And air
to fakie to finish. Good run from | 2:10:43 | 2:10:55 | |
Maddy. I think she could get a few
more points out of that one. | 2:10:55 | 2:10:59 | |
Although she doesn't look too happy.
Well, we always say the indication | 2:10:59 | 2:11:03 | |
of a run, really, you look first and
foremost a straight into the eyes of | 2:11:03 | 2:11:07 | |
the skier, and that is the best
indicator. She did up it by 0.2. In | 2:11:07 | 2:11:20 | |
ninth position, it would be nice to
improve here. I think she will try. | 2:11:20 | 2:11:29 | |
Putting that right was first. Nice
540 from Rowan. Big alley-oop. So | 2:11:29 | 2:11:39 | |
smooth on that. 900. Solid. Right
five. Losing amplitude slightly, but | 2:11:39 | 2:11:48 | |
holding on. Left seven... What has
she got for us? Switch three. | 2:11:48 | 2:11:56 | |
Straight air. She will be happy with
that. Yeah. She managed to add in | 2:11:56 | 2:12:09 | |
the right five. I think we got a
clumps of Cassie Sharpe watching on | 2:12:09 | 2:12:13 | |
from the bottom. She's done really
well, she's had a really nasty ankle | 2:12:13 | 2:12:18 | |
injury and she's just about skiing
back to full speed right now. Yeah, | 2:12:18 | 2:12:22 | |
she had a tough summer, I think, a
lot of rehab and work went into | 2:12:22 | 2:12:26 | |
getting her back on skis, and she
had a great starts to the season. | 2:12:26 | 2:12:34 | |
So, 71.44 run two, it is not an
improvement. No, I just think it was | 2:12:34 | 2:12:38 | |
her amplitude slightly. And the
results look like this... Canadian | 2:12:38 | 2:12:44 | |
Cassie Sharpe, light years ahead.
From France, Marie Martinod... Down | 2:12:44 | 2:12:50 | |
in sixth, defending Olympic champion
Maddie Bowman. Rowan Cheshire | 2:12:50 | 2:12:54 | |
qualifying in a very respectable
ninth position. Can | 2:12:54 | 2:12:56 | |
qualifying in a very respectable
ninth position. Can you just sum up | 2:12:56 | 2:12:59 | |
what it meant for you to be able to
get out there and compete in front | 2:12:59 | 2:13:02 | |
of this crowd, given we know what
happened four years ago? It means | 2:13:02 | 2:13:06 | |
the absolute world to me. Four years
ago I couldn't show anyone what I | 2:13:06 | 2:13:11 | |
could do and I hurt myself quite
badly and I have had such a | 2:13:11 | 2:13:14 | |
whirlwind four years with so many
injuries, my head, my ankle and | 2:13:14 | 2:13:18 | |
everything! I have not skied as much
as I would have liked. So, to come | 2:13:18 | 2:13:22 | |
out here today and puts down the run
that I did, even though a bit | 2:13:22 | 2:13:26 | |
scrappy, I'm so proud and happy to
get into the finals as IMA that was | 2:13:26 | 2:13:29 | |
the goal. Incredible stuff from
Rowan Cheshire. She is into | 2:13:29 | 2:13:33 | |
tomorrow's final. Now joined by
Jenny Jones. Jenny you were a part | 2:13:33 | 2:13:38 | |
of the team in Sochi four years ago
when Rowan had that terrible | 2:13:38 | 2:13:42 | |
training accident - it must be great
to see her back after the difficult | 2:13:42 | 2:13:45 | |
journey she has had to get here?
Yeah, I remember that happening in | 2:13:45 | 2:13:50 | |
nearly big so we were all devastated
for her. She has had a few bumps to | 2:13:50 | 2:13:54 | |
the head since then as well, and she
has patiently waited for those to | 2:13:54 | 2:13:57 | |
heal and recover and you can see
there are, the confidence is coming | 2:13:57 | 2:14:00 | |
back and she has landed a great run.
Really happy to see her in the | 2:14:00 | 2:14:04 | |
final. You look like you have been
having great fun up up at the | 2:14:04 | 2:14:08 | |
Phoenix Snow Park steamy atmosphere
for the events seems to have been | 2:14:08 | 2:14:13 | |
absolutely brilliant, and the
standard has been sensational? Yeah, | 2:14:13 | 2:14:16 | |
it has been so good. Going from the
slopestyle to the halfpipe, watching | 2:14:16 | 2:14:20 | |
the likes of Shaun White, sending it
on those hits was amazing. | 2:14:20 | 2:14:24 | |
Slopestyle again, watching would see
the performances they have been | 2:14:24 | 2:14:30 | |
putting down have been brilliant.
The camaraderie between the athletes | 2:14:30 | 2:14:33 | |
is really nice, it is there -- of
course,. They travel and compete | 2:14:33 | 2:14:41 | |
together and they're so relaxed,
which is really nice to see. And the | 2:14:41 | 2:14:45 | |
start of a brand-new event with the
Big Air, and what a qualifying it | 2:14:45 | 2:14:49 | |
was, the standard was through the
roof? Oh, my god, this was such a | 2:14:49 | 2:14:54 | |
good event! Garoppolo it is just one
massive jump and there was hardly | 2:14:54 | 2:14:59 | |
any wind, which is amazing for these
women to be ever to perform. It is | 2:14:59 | 2:15:03 | |
what I believe to be their true
standard of riding, which really | 2:15:03 | 2:15:08 | |
shone through, redemption for a lot
of these riders as well. Aimee | 2:15:08 | 2:15:10 | |
Fuller unfortunately did not put
down a run today. It was a shame, | 2:15:10 | 2:15:15 | |
she went for the double, which is a
good standard of trick but she could | 2:15:15 | 2:15:18 | |
not put it down, and she is going to
bit annoyed but she dried her best. | 2:15:18 | 2:15:23 | |
And she got some bruises in the face
as well for her troubles but I am | 2:15:23 | 2:15:27 | |
sure they will heal. Anna Gasser, 98
points, and she was really | 2:15:27 | 2:15:32 | |
frustrated after the slopestyle,
with the windy conditions, so to go | 2:15:32 | 2:15:35 | |
out and put that down today she must
be utterly thrilled? | 2:15:35 | 2:15:42 | |
She had worked so hard to put a
performance down. But coming out | 2:15:42 | 2:15:48 | |
today and putting two brilliant
tricks down of such a high standard, | 2:15:48 | 2:15:50 | |
I have never seen that standard in a
big air qualifier let alone a final. | 2:15:50 | 2:15:56 | |
You could she she had a real sense
of relief to ride away from that, | 2:15:56 | 2:16:01 | |
see, this is what I can do. There
were so many big tricks, things you | 2:16:01 | 2:16:07 | |
would hear worth 900, switch, | 2:16:07 | 2:16:15 | |
would hear worth 900, switch, camps
-- cabs. | 2:16:15 | 2:16:19 | |
And yes, I am excited. The men go on
Wednesday, three Brits, they are in | 2:16:19 | 2:16:24 | |
What can we expect? They will have | 2:16:24 | 2:16:30 | |
two really focus on getting their
tricks around. | 2:16:30 | 2:16:32 | |
We will see things like triples. You
might even hear a quad from the | 2:16:36 | 2:16:42 | |
Canadians. For the Brits, they will
need to land the run or the jump of | 2:16:42 | 2:16:51 | |
their life and they might just make
it into the final which would be so | 2:16:51 | 2:16:55 | |
good to see, come on, boys.
The women's final will be | 2:16:55 | 2:16:58 | |
sensational tomorrow.
Now we go to a real story of never | 2:16:58 | 2:17:07 | |
giving up on your dreams, 20 months
ago, Penny Combs felt in training | 2:17:07 | 2:17:12 | |
and shattered kneecap into eight
pieces. Her eyes starting dreams in | 2:17:12 | 2:17:18 | |
Pyeongchang with partner Nick
Buckland looked to be over. It has | 2:17:18 | 2:17:22 | |
been an incredibly emotional journey
for the pair as we found out. | 2:17:22 | 2:17:27 | |
It is so hard to train for an
Olympics when you are happy. You | 2:17:38 | 2:17:41 | |
push your body to the absolute limit
every day. There is only so much | 2:17:41 | 2:17:48 | |
your body can deal with. In a second
my life changed. Figure skater Penny | 2:17:48 | 2:17:59 | |
Coomes has suffered career
threatening injuries in training | 2:17:59 | 2:18:02 | |
which could end her hopes of
competing at the winter Olympics. | 2:18:02 | 2:18:11 | |
Like that I am on the floor with
part of my kneecap puppet and the | 2:18:11 | 2:18:15 | |
other half down there. I remember
crying not from pain but from what | 2:18:15 | 2:18:20 | |
could be. Yes, I have had the
hardest year and a half of my life | 2:18:20 | 2:18:26 | |
but at the same time it is the
strongest I have had to be. It has | 2:18:26 | 2:18:29 | |
been a really rewarding time.
That is a career ending injury and | 2:18:29 | 2:18:37 | |
99.9% of people.
Yes. Definitely. You just different | 2:18:37 | 2:18:42 | |
-- didn't know what the way forward
was once it happened. We Gotch it | 2:18:42 | 2:18:48 | |
puts everything in perspective. It
is only ice-skating but it is | 2:18:48 | 2:18:50 | |
something we have grown up with and
adore. There was only one thing we | 2:18:50 | 2:18:55 | |
were going to do which was to come
back and pick up from where we left | 2:18:55 | 2:18:59 | |
So many people alike, that's it, you | 2:18:59 | 2:19:06 | |
can't come back. Oh, I remember
reading those things and being so | 2:19:06 | 2:19:12 | |
mad. I channelled that energy. At
our comeback, I remember using that | 2:19:12 | 2:19:18 | |
energy and saying this is brought
the people who thought I couldn't do | 2:19:18 | 2:19:21 | |
this because I can.
# I have been thinking about | 2:19:21 | 2:19:27 | |
Instead of drowning in the past. | 2:19:27 | 2:19:33 | |
Not every day was a good day and I
didn't do it on my own. When I was | 2:19:33 | 2:19:37 | |
down and I had my physio team, my
psychologist Simon, and of course | 2:19:37 | 2:19:44 | |
Nick. For me at 1.I said, I don't
know if I can do this, I don't know | 2:19:44 | 2:19:50 | |
if my knee will ever be strong
enough again. And he just said, | 2:19:50 | 2:19:54 | |
that's OK. I think I needed to hear
that in order to get better. | 2:19:54 | 2:19:59 | |
In Richard Leonard which is where
you have been based, why here? | 2:19:59 | 2:20:03 | |
Funnily enough, it is down ice dance
hub, there are three big ice dance | 2:20:03 | 2:20:11 | |
camps and our coach is one of the
best in the world. We have been here | 2:20:11 | 2:20:14 | |
three years and we train with a lot
of our rivals in everyday training | 2:20:14 | 2:20:21 | |
which is an interesting dynamic but
we all get on very well. | 2:20:21 | 2:20:25 | |
What does Pyeongchang represent for
you? | 2:20:25 | 2:20:33 | |
I'm sorry. It is so emotional
because this has always been my | 2:20:33 | 2:20:42 | |
goal, when we first set out it was,
let's do three Olympic Games and | 2:20:42 | 2:20:48 | |
Pyeongchang, let's be the best here.
And to have that... Taken away. I | 2:20:48 | 2:20:58 | |
feel like I have learnt it tenfold
before I have even got there. | 2:20:58 | 2:21:02 | |
Going out there after what we have
been through will be a real fitting | 2:21:02 | 2:21:06 | |
end to this period of our lives but
the best bit is yet to come. | 2:21:06 | 2:21:15 | |
An amazing story I am sure it will
be emotional for everyone involved | 2:21:15 | 2:21:20 | |
when they step out onto the ice.
Earlier on at the Ice Arena. Here | 2:21:20 | 2:21:30 | |
are our commentators. | 2:21:30 | 2:21:34 | |
Earlier on at the Ice Arena. Here
are our commentators. | 2:21:34 | 2:21:40 | |
Great Britain's comeback kids, 20
months ago Penny shattered her | 2:21:40 | 2:21:44 | |
kneecaps into eight pieces, they
missed most of last season, she was | 2:21:44 | 2:21:49 | |
rehabilitated, it has been a race
against time to qualify to represent | 2:21:49 | 2:21:54 | |
Great Britain for a third time at
the Olympic Games. | 2:21:54 | 2:22:01 | |
She was told she would never skate
again but Penny Combs and Nick | 2:24:59 | 2:25:05 | |
Buckland are back on Olympic ice.
Radio silence from Robin Cousins, | 2:25:05 | 2:25:10 | |
you were dancing every single step
with them, what did you make of it? | 2:25:10 | 2:25:15 | |
It was terrific. A little tentative
in a few spaces, just making sure | 2:25:15 | 2:25:21 | |
they got their levels. And they got
pretty much anything they would like | 2:25:21 | 2:25:28 | |
to have levels for on the twiddles.
-- twizzles. | 2:25:28 | 2:25:43 | |
It is just so special to see them
out there competing after everything | 2:25:44 | 2:25:48 | |
that they have been through, not
just over this last 20 months, they | 2:25:48 | 2:25:53 | |
are the most perennially unlucky
athletes, their career has been | 2:25:53 | 2:25:57 | |
marred with illness, injury, Nick
needed surgery to correct an | 2:25:57 | 2:26:02 | |
irregular heartbeat, they have had
pneumonia, missed championships | 2:26:02 | 2:26:07 | |
because of gastroenteritis. What
will it mean to them to be back? | 2:26:07 | 2:26:11 | |
Their first event of the season was
the qualifying event in Germany. | 2:26:11 | 2:26:16 | |
They qualified, they won that event,
got Team GB despot. | 2:26:16 | 2:26:24 | |
That was the last possible chance to
qualify for the Games, they needed | 2:26:24 | 2:26:27 | |
to win it and they did. They have
done everything asked of them. | 2:26:27 | 2:26:36 | |
You can see that strapping on
Penny's right knee. Gruelling | 2:26:36 | 2:26:42 | |
operations to peace that kneecap
back together. | 2:26:42 | 2:26:45 | |
Working with Christopher Dean on
some of the choreography, music | 2:26:45 | 2:26:49 | |
Chris and Dean had used for their
own rumba. This is tentative from | 2:26:49 | 2:26:54 | |
Penny there. Took the level down.
The second, third part were good. | 2:26:54 | 2:27:05 | |
Eight season's best, 71, I think
they will be in the '60s. What spot | 2:27:15 | 2:27:24 | |
Wool Bay qualify in? | 2:27:24 | 2:27:30 | |
Wool Bay qualify in? -- will they
qualify. | 2:27:30 | 2:27:35 | |
Such a long wait. Backwards and
forwards to chain in Seoul | 2:27:40 | 2:27:45 | |
throughout these Olympics. To train. | 2:27:45 | 2:27:47 | |
68.3 six. A season's best of over
71. We have seen the scores from the | 2:27:52 | 2:27:59 | |
judges, a couple down from what you
would expect. Penny and Nick leap to | 2:27:59 | 2:28:04 | |
the top of the leaderboard with that
performance. They have the | 2:28:04 | 2:28:09 | |
codification mark against their name
and they are through to tomorrow's | 2:28:09 | 2:28:12 | |
free skate.
Let me show you a picture, Robin | 2:28:12 | 2:28:19 | |
Cousins our commentator sent a
thumbs up from him. | 2:28:19 | 2:28:25 | |
Stamp of approval. How happy are
you? | 2:28:25 | 2:28:28 | |
Very happy. Something we have been
striving for to get back on the | 2:28:28 | 2:28:35 | |
Olympic state. To put an Olympic
performance at, we have one more to | 2:28:35 | 2:28:39 | |
go, mind you.
Good enough to qualify, we expected | 2:28:39 | 2:28:44 | |
you to do that anyway. Penny,
everyone knows the journey you have | 2:28:44 | 2:28:48 | |
been through, what was it like being
back on that Olympic stage question | 2:28:48 | 2:28:53 | |
mark is definitely a different
feeling going into condition. | 2:28:53 | 2:28:56 | |
I have, edition pressure but I feel
excited to get back out there again | 2:28:56 | 2:29:02 | |
-- competition. I was skating around
smiling to myself. After everything | 2:29:02 | 2:29:09 | |
I have been through I have made it.
For those who don't know your | 2:29:09 | 2:29:15 | |
journey, you shattered your kneecap
20 months ago, told you might never | 2:29:15 | 2:29:19 | |
even walk and here you are. Your
knee is heavily strapped. | 2:29:19 | 2:29:25 | |
My knee is in a really good place, I
am happy with it. Before the | 2:29:25 | 2:29:30 | |
Europeans I was struggling. Right
now, as long as I look after it, I | 2:29:30 | 2:29:38 | |
am thankful.
You never know. You are through to | 2:29:38 | 2:29:43 | |
the free skate tomorrow. What are
your expectations? The pressure must | 2:29:43 | 2:29:49 | |
be off but what do you hope to
achieve? | 2:29:49 | 2:29:52 | |
We said after the injury if we came
back we would need to be competitive | 2:29:52 | 2:29:57 | |
to put a good score down and
performance overall and to get in | 2:29:57 | 2:30:02 | |
the higher groups for the free dance
tomorrow. Then we are in the mix. We | 2:30:02 | 2:30:08 | |
can put a strong performance out
tomorrow. | 2:30:08 | 2:30:09 | |
What can we expect tomorrow from the
free dance, because watching you | 2:30:15 | 2:30:20 | |
using to enjoy yourselves a lot,
what are we going to see? Our free | 2:30:20 | 2:30:24 | |
dance is set to music by Muse and it
is very atmospheric and we love the | 2:30:24 | 2:30:29 | |
music so much that we decided to
come back to it, because we wanted | 2:30:29 | 2:30:32 | |
to perform it one last time, or a
couple of last times at the Olympic | 2:30:32 | 2:30:37 | |
Games and worlds. There are some
really heard lifts and elements in | 2:30:37 | 2:30:41 | |
there and I can't wait to perform
it. We can't wait to see you perform | 2:30:41 | 2:30:45 | |
it, well done today and good luck
tomorrow. Well, that would be good | 2:30:45 | 2:30:51 | |
enough for tenth place heading into
tomorrow's's free dance, which | 2:30:51 | 2:30:56 | |
starts at one o'clock in the
morning. But it would be the | 2:30:56 | 2:31:00 | |
Canadian couple of Tessa Virtue and
Scott Moir who go into that free | 2:31:00 | 2:31:03 | |
dance in the lead, which starts at
one o'clock in the morning. But it | 2:31:03 | 2:31:05 | |
would be the Canadian couple of
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir who go | 2:31:05 | 2:31:08 | |
into that free dance in the | 2:31:08 | 2:31:11 | |
it will be a battle between these
two and the French couple who will | 2:31:16 | 2:31:21 | |
skate immediately afterwards.
Training partners and rivals. The | 2:31:21 | 2:31:30 | |
race for Olympic gold starts here. | 2:31:30 | 2:31:36 | |
ROBIN COUSINS: Safely through the
twizzles. | 2:34:21 | 2:34:27 | |
twizzles. Left to finish. | 2:34:30 | 2:34:33 | |
And the world champions want that
Olympic title! It was only silver in | 2:34:41 | 2:34:46 | |
Sochi! They took a couple of years
away from competition, but they were | 2:34:46 | 2:34:50 | |
still training, still working. They
came back last year to win the World | 2:34:50 | 2:34:55 | |
Championship. And we saw them skate
that for Team Canada, who, of | 2:34:55 | 2:35:06 | |
course, won the team event gold at
the start of this Portrush. And they | 2:35:06 | 2:35:12 | |
performed both short dance and free
to dance in that team event. How did | 2:35:12 | 2:35:16 | |
that performance compared for you,
Robin? I thought this was better, I | 2:35:16 | 2:35:22 | |
thought it was a little more
relaxed, I just love the fact that | 2:35:22 | 2:35:26 | |
they are completely in control of
what they're doing on the ice, but | 2:35:26 | 2:35:30 | |
are able to engage completely with
everybody off the ice, and really | 2:35:30 | 2:35:34 | |
bring you into the performance. We
will see it is quite a struck on | 2:35:34 | 2:35:40 | |
trust between the Canadians and the
French team. But they absolutely | 2:35:40 | 2:35:45 | |
exude style. It has just | 2:35:45 | 2:35:55 | |
exude style. It has just enough,
what's the word I'm looking for... | 2:35:55 | 2:35:57 | |
You want it to not be so precise,
but completely in control but just | 2:35:57 | 2:36:01 | |
enough atmosphere, they're
delivering atmosphere on the ice. It | 2:36:01 | 2:36:07 | |
is a feeling. There is a feeling
Hull you've either got it or you | 2:36:07 | 2:36:11 | |
haven't, and if you have got it, who
you have it in abundance. It has a | 2:36:11 | 2:36:18 | |
very slight element of spontaneity
with the performance itself. It has | 2:36:18 | 2:36:21 | |
to be precise and it has to be
cleaned with the footwork. | 2:36:21 | 2:36:29 | |
cleaned with the footwork. Keeping
the timings throughout twizzles. | 2:36:32 | 2:36:40 | |
And they're fast across the ice,
too, is holding the current highest | 2:36:50 | 2:36:57 | |
score for a short dance, which they
got at the Grand Prix final 2017. | 2:36:57 | 2:37:06 | |
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir have
earned in the short dance... A | 2:37:21 | 2:37:27 | |
season's best in the short dance at
the Olympic Games! They are out for | 2:37:27 | 2:37:31 | |
that gold-medal! | 2:37:31 | 2:37:36 | |
that gold-medal! Top score for short
dance. Record-breaking. And they | 2:37:39 | 2:37:42 | |
have put themselves in the best
possible position to claim that | 2:37:42 | 2:37:45 | |
Olympic title to go with the gold
they won back in vain Coover | 2:37:45 | 2:37:49 | |
Olympic title to go with the gold
they won back in vain Coover in | 2:37:49 | 2:37:49 | |
2010. That was a fantastic
performance and I understand the | 2:37:49 | 2:37:55 | |
world record was achieved in the
short programme - what a time to put | 2:37:55 | 2:37:59 | |
that down? Yeah, good timing! Well,
we knew we needed it, to be honest. | 2:37:59 | 2:38:05 | |
It was not extremely comfortable
skating first after the warm-up, but | 2:38:05 | 2:38:08 | |
it is good that we had to be strong,
so we are ready for that. We are | 2:38:08 | 2:38:14 | |
happy the way we executed that we
know there is a tonne of work to be | 2:38:14 | 2:38:17 | |
done tomorrow. Tomorrow is the main
skate and we have to make sure we | 2:38:17 | 2:38:21 | |
come out and we are ready to go.
You've done your job, you're top of | 2:38:21 | 2:38:24 | |
the table so far - how important is
every single point given that the | 2:38:24 | 2:38:29 | |
French couple are so strong as well?
Well, the field is extremely deep | 2:38:29 | 2:38:33 | |
and we knew when we came back that
we would have a lot of work to do to | 2:38:33 | 2:38:37 | |
get back in the next. We are pleased
with our performance today and | 2:38:37 | 2:38:40 | |
looking forward to executing our
free dance tomorrow. We really | 2:38:40 | 2:38:43 | |
believe in our material and we
believe in the plan that our coach | 2:38:43 | 2:38:46 | |
has set out for us at the beginning
of the season, and so far we are on | 2:38:46 | 2:38:50 | |
track, so keep it going. Well, that
was a world record score for them | 2:38:50 | 2:38:57 | |
and the French couple they are
talking about Gabriella Papadakis | 2:38:57 | 2:38:59 | |
and Guillaume Cizeron, who are
training partners and great rivals | 2:38:59 | 2:39:04 | |
of the Canadians, they are lying in
second place. But Gabriella was | 2:39:04 | 2:39:08 | |
hampered by a wardrobe malfunction
and here they are speaking after | 2:39:08 | 2:39:10 | |
their routine. Your first taste of
the Olympic ice - just talk us | 2:39:10 | 2:39:17 | |
through your feelings on the
performance first of all? You know, | 2:39:17 | 2:39:20 | |
it was a tough one, considering the
issue with the costume that we had. | 2:39:20 | 2:39:27 | |
But it was still a great experience.
We still managed to keep our focus | 2:39:27 | 2:39:33 | |
and enjoy the moment. It could have
been better, for sure, but what is | 2:39:33 | 2:39:41 | |
done is done and we have to look
forward now. You are still in second | 2:39:41 | 2:39:47 | |
place as it stands, but Guillaume,
you mentioned the costume issue, | 2:39:47 | 2:39:52 | |
Gabriella, how much of a distraction
is it went something like that | 2:39:52 | 2:39:56 | |
happens when you're skating? It is a
big description because I did not | 2:39:56 | 2:40:00 | |
know I would keep my top until the
end of the programme, but we have no | 2:40:00 | 2:40:04 | |
choice, we can't stop so we had to
keep going and we did a good job. It | 2:40:04 | 2:40:09 | |
is always really tight between
yourselves and Tessa Virtue and | 2:40:09 | 2:40:12 | |
Scott Moir, it is quite a rivalry
that you have developed, isn't it? | 2:40:12 | 2:40:18 | |
Yeah, it is two years since they
came back here and it has been going | 2:40:18 | 2:40:21 | |
on and we have been training
together as well, so it is a | 2:40:21 | 2:40:25 | |
particular situation! But we came
here and we want to do our best and | 2:40:25 | 2:40:30 | |
that is what we are going to focus
on. I know that giving your ability, | 2:40:30 | 2:40:35 | |
gold is what you want, and I know
that regularly you now skate scores | 2:40:35 | 2:40:40 | |
of over 200 - is it going to take
that to get the gold medal, do you | 2:40:40 | 2:40:45 | |
think? Yeah, I think so. We need to
do our best and have a really good | 2:40:45 | 2:40:53 | |
performance tomorrow. I think we
have nothing to lose here. It is our | 2:40:53 | 2:40:58 | |
first Olympics, and whatever is
going to be is going to be, and we | 2:40:58 | 2:41:05 | |
just really want to enjoy the
moment. Thanks very much, all the | 2:41:05 | 2:41:11 | |
best tomorrow. Well, it promises to
be a stunning free dance programme | 2:41:11 | 2:41:16 | |
tomorrow, particularly with those
two couples fighting it out at the | 2:41:16 | 2:41:18 | |
top, and of course Penny | 2:41:18 | 2:41:24 | |
top, and of course Penny Coomes and
From Great Britain also competing. | 2:41:25 | 2:41:28 | |
You can see that on BBC One. If you
have just joined us, who welcome | 2:41:28 | 2:41:33 | |
from Pyeongchang, it is day ten of
the Winter Olympics, just three | 2:41:33 | 2:41:37 | |
medals up for grabs today, they all
come a little bit later on but don't | 2:41:37 | 2:41:41 | |
think that hasn't given us plenty of
excitement so far today. Here's what | 2:41:41 | 2:41:44 | |
has been happening if you have
missed any of the action. Austria's | 2:41:44 | 2:41:51 | |
reigning world champion Anna Gasser
bounceback from her snowboard | 2:41:51 | 2:41:54 | |
slopestyle disappointment to top the
pile in Big Air qualifying with a | 2:41:54 | 2:41:58 | |
massive score of 98 points.
Britain's Aimee Fuller failed to | 2:41:58 | 2:42:01 | |
qualify for the final. Less than two
years after shattering her kneecap | 2:42:01 | 2:42:07 | |
into eight pieces, British ice
dancers Penny Coomes and partner | 2:42:07 | 2:42:12 | |
Nick Buckland finished and
impressive tenth in the short dance | 2:42:12 | 2:42:16 | |
today, which featured a new world
record from Tessa Virtue and Scott | 2:42:16 | 2:42:20 | |
Moir. The Court of Arbitration for
Sport has opened an anti-doping case | 2:42:20 | 2:42:26 | |
against Alexander Krushelnitsky, a
member of the other big Athletes | 2:42:26 | 2:42:30 | |
from Russia team, who won bronze
earlier in the Games in the mixed | 2:42:30 | 2:42:34 | |
doubles. Lindsey Vonn looks a good
to retain her title from 2010, | 2:42:34 | 2:42:46 | |
recording the third fastest time.
Stephanie Venier led the way in the | 2:42:46 | 2:42:49 | |
timing is ahead of Wednesday's race.
Mathieu Faivre, the partner of | 2:42:49 | 2:42:54 | |
Mikaela Shiffrin, has been expelled
from the Winter Olympics for angry | 2:42:54 | 2:43:01 | |
comments made to journalists after
Sunday's giant slalom contests. The | 2:43:01 | 2:43:08 | |
women's ice hockey has reached the
all-important semifinal stage. The | 2:43:08 | 2:43:13 | |
last five Olympic gold medals have
gone to either Canada or the USA, | 2:43:13 | 2:43:17 | |
with Canada winning the last four.
So, who could stop their dominance? | 2:43:17 | 2:43:24 | |
Finland and the Olympic athletes of
Russia are the two with the task and | 2:43:24 | 2:43:27 | |
first up was the USA against
Finland, and here's the best of the | 2:43:27 | 2:43:32 | |
action from the bundle hockey
centre. | 2:43:32 | 2:43:37 | |
action from the bundle hockey
centre. Game day on semifinals in | 2:43:37 | 2:43:40 | |
the women's tournament! And this is
the opportunity for four teams to | 2:43:40 | 2:43:46 | |
stake their case for gold. The US
will march out towards that playing | 2:43:46 | 2:43:56 | |
surface, where they will receive
that ovation from the fans, as | 2:43:56 | 2:44:04 | |
Finland take to the ice. | 2:44:04 | 2:44:10 | |
Finland reaching the gold medal
match for the first time in this | 2:44:18 | 2:44:21 | |
competition's history. | 2:44:21 | 2:44:29 | |
competition's history. Here we go,
then, the first women's semifinal is | 2:44:29 | 2:44:32 | |
under way, USA in the dark jerseys
against Finland. And will Finland be | 2:44:32 | 2:44:38 | |
able to get the kind of pressure
they need on the US defence? I think | 2:44:38 | 2:44:43 | |
there are a few question mark about
the American defence. Even though | 2:44:43 | 2:44:50 | |
they don't have to do a lot of
playing on the back foot. That will | 2:44:50 | 2:44:53 | |
be one of the questions which may be
Finland can raise to make life | 2:44:53 | 2:44:58 | |
difficult. That's certainly going to
be part of the game plan. We talked | 2:44:58 | 2:45:02 | |
about slowing down the Americans, so
you do not want to give the USA | 2:45:02 | 2:45:05 | |
defenders time and space to get
their feet up ice to make those | 2:45:05 | 2:45:09 | |
passes, ultimately taking the puck
from one end all the way down to the | 2:45:09 | 2:45:17 | |
other - really important. Not quite
forced home, and the Americans will | 2:45:17 | 2:45:23 | |
bring it away. Good defensive play
by Jenni Hiirikosko. Just eight Rick | 2:45:23 | 2:45:35 | |
note, on the face of, one for one
already. | 2:45:35 | 2:45:41 | |
Now USA will build, that is a hard
pass. Speed into the offensive zone | 2:46:01 | 2:46:09 | |
but this is good from Finland,
breaking it up early on as the | 2:46:09 | 2:46:13 | |
Americans tried to attack. | 2:46:13 | 2:46:21 | |
Trying to stretch past, looking for
her sister, immediately out there is | 2:46:23 | 2:46:31 | |
Hiirikoski, a good skater, closing
down, didn't quite reach the red | 2:46:31 | 2:46:34 | |
A close one thing. The rule is you | 2:46:34 | 2:46:37 | |
have to carry the puck across the
centre red line before down to the | 2:46:37 | 2:46:42 | |
other end. Even if you are one foot
short it is a judgment call by the | 2:46:42 | 2:46:48 | |
linesman, in this case, Jenni
Hiirikoski didn't quite make it. | 2:46:48 | 2:46:57 | |
The coaches having plenty of
conversation. I think that will be | 2:46:57 | 2:47:03 | |
one of the interesting things, what
will the head coach do as this game | 2:47:03 | 2:47:11 | |
goes on, how much of an influence
will he have? He has done very | 2:47:11 | 2:47:16 | |
little to change his US team. Even
though he has had some of his big | 2:47:16 | 2:47:21 | |
horses at the races... A big chance,
the Americas have the lead. Gigi | 2:47:21 | 2:47:27 | |
Marvin. | 2:47:27 | 2:47:32 | |
A huge mistake by Finland. Marvin
will convert. The US get the start | 2:47:38 | 2:47:46 | |
to this game they want.
What a shot by Marvin. No chance for | 2:47:46 | 2:47:51 | |
Noora Raty. An errant pass behind
the net which gets intercepted. | 2:47:51 | 2:47:58 | |
Meghan Duggan, out to Gigi Marvin.
No chance for Noora Raty, a big | 2:47:58 | 2:48:08 | |
opening goal for the Americans. | 2:48:08 | 2:48:18 | |
A backhand chance, across the
crease, so close. | 2:48:26 | 2:48:37 | |
What an effort, Lamoureux Juan
Arango has | 2:48:37 | 2:48:47 | |
Arango has been -- Morando. Missing
the far point by inches. | 2:48:48 | 2:49:02 | |
The Americans should probably be two
up right here. What a chance that | 2:49:03 | 2:49:07 | |
was. | 2:49:07 | 2:49:17 | |
Marvin has had a great first period. | 2:49:19 | 2:49:25 | |
It is physical out there.
Duggan leading that physical charge | 2:49:27 | 2:49:32 | |
for the Americans. | 2:49:32 | 2:49:37 | |
for the Americans. Finland, 2.5
minutes to go, trailing by one. Sent | 2:49:42 | 2:49:46 | |
in. | 2:49:46 | 2:49:51 | |
in. Now, Hiirikoski, there
definitely seems to be a move to | 2:49:54 | 2:49:57 | |
play Lindstedt and the Ripkowski
together. | 2:49:57 | 2:50:07 | |
Should be offside. The officials
getting just about in the way. | 2:50:11 | 2:50:19 | |
Lindstedt with the big outlet pass,
a long chase, no call. Nearly a | 2:50:19 | 2:50:29 | |
giveaway to Karvinen from Keller.
Good play. | 2:50:29 | 2:50:42 | |
A big giveaway. This could be a
chance, what a finish that wards! | 2:50:53 | 2:51:00 | |
Cameranesi the US capital McCutcheon
capitalising on mistakes in the | 2:51:00 | 2:51:07 | |
first period. And two goals could be
enough to send them to the gold | 2:51:07 | 2:51:11 | |
medal game. A huge giveaway in the
zone and before the Finland is could | 2:51:11 | 2:51:17 | |
deal with it, it was in the back of
the net. | 2:51:17 | 2:51:21 | |
What anticipation from Danny Cameron
and easy. A tap and looking to the | 2:51:21 | 2:51:27 | |
middle, she reads it. What a shot,
short side, she gets her head up, | 2:51:27 | 2:51:33 | |
picks a spot. Right over the block,
posted in. This is a thing of | 2:51:33 | 2:51:38 | |
beauty. 3-0 down, you would say it
is all over but 2-0 what you say is | 2:51:38 | 2:51:47 | |
the next goal is absolutely vital as
that nearly beat Raty who has been a | 2:51:47 | 2:51:53 | |
bit scratchy in this tournament. She
is amongst the elite in this game. | 2:51:53 | 2:51:58 | |
When she is on her game. But it has
not quite been there for her for all | 2:51:58 | 2:52:04 | |
of this tournament. Goes to the
middle again. Made the first save, | 2:52:04 | 2:52:11 | |
and controlled the rebound.
USA go back to work where they | 2:52:11 | 2:52:17 | |
finished off in the first period. A
real hard shot coming from the stick | 2:52:17 | 2:52:22 | |
of Kacey Bellamy. Getting past the
webbing of Noora Raty. | 2:52:22 | 2:52:32 | |
webbing of Noora Raty. Monique
Lamoureux will release that one. | 2:52:32 | 2:52:37 | |
Good skating to get away from some
trouble. | 2:52:37 | 2:52:43 | |
They have players over here if they
can use them. Thrown in softly. | 2:52:43 | 2:52:50 | |
Tapani. They can't let the mistakes
they made in that first period play | 2:52:50 | 2:52:57 | |
on their minds, Finland, they have
too slowly but surely ease their way | 2:52:57 | 2:53:01 | |
back into the game and that is by
getting some good quality puck | 2:53:01 | 2:53:04 | |
session and some chances.
Good fore-checking from the Finns. | 2:53:04 | 2:53:17 | |
Monique Lamoureux. | 2:53:17 | 2:53:22 | |
Monique Lamoureux. The US on the
blue line. Deflection and rebound, | 2:53:23 | 2:53:26 | |
cleared away. So close. | 2:53:26 | 2:53:30 | |
Now Finland away again. | 2:53:33 | 2:53:37 | |
The pressure was on for Flanagan. | 2:53:40 | 2:53:42 | |
The US creating in the defensive
zone, gripping around the boards and | 2:53:46 | 2:53:55 | |
Kacey Bellamy had to go to collect.
You can see how effective the | 2:53:55 | 2:53:58 | |
Americans are when they have the
puck, they don't want to give it up | 2:53:58 | 2:54:02 | |
even though a pretty good for check
from the Finns, the Americans almost | 2:54:02 | 2:54:07 | |
playing a little bit of keep away,
tiring out the finish forwards, | 2:54:07 | 2:54:12 | |
maintaining puck possession.
Onto the outside, really well played | 2:54:12 | 2:54:18 | |
by Kuske, and those players going
hard into the boards. -- by | 2:54:18 | 2:54:23 | |
Hiirikoski. Despite a couple of
high-profile mistakes you have to | 2:54:23 | 2:54:30 | |
take Hiirikoski has been a class
above in terms of defenders in this | 2:54:30 | 2:54:34 | |
women's tournament. Cayla Barnes.
Decker working it well into space, | 2:54:34 | 2:54:44 | |
deflected wide a good save and
another chance. It is a shooting | 2:54:44 | 2:54:49 | |
range right now. Moving well to make
each and every stop. | 2:54:49 | 2:54:59 | |
Hilary Knight, what does she have to
do to school? A couple of | 2:54:59 | 2:55:03 | |
opportunities in front of Raty. Raty
doing her part. | 2:55:03 | 2:55:18 | |
Savolainen back there on the ice. A
big mix-up allowed Hilary Knight in, | 2:55:21 | 2:55:25 | |
that is a good heavy shots, Knight
again. Raty at the side of the net. | 2:55:25 | 2:55:33 | |
It has been all USA so far. Very few
crumbs of comfort as we see a change | 2:55:33 | 2:55:40 | |
of stick to try and help out.
Savolainen is having a nightmare | 2:55:40 | 2:55:45 | |
game, she is left-handed but playing
with a right-handed stick. Knight | 2:55:45 | 2:55:50 | |
putting it wide, all the time in the
world. USA will send this in again. | 2:55:50 | 2:56:00 | |
Savolainen who missed half that
period, using her back hand side | 2:56:00 | 2:56:04 | |
with the curve of the stick going
the other way to flip it out in the | 2:56:04 | 2:56:07 | |
That stick is probably a foot too | 2:56:07 | 2:56:13 | |
short, and the wrong hand.
Has she still got it? She has not | 2:56:13 | 2:56:17 | |
been able to get off the ice.
Tipped just wide. | 2:56:17 | 2:56:24 | |
A wide open net. Knight again,
looking to pass in the middle. | 2:56:24 | 2:56:32 | |
Brandt is not over. -- knocked over.
With the Americans again, Kessel, | 2:56:32 | 2:56:43 | |
trying to find Voigt. | 2:56:43 | 2:56:49 | |
trying to find Voigt. Jalosuo. | 2:56:49 | 2:56:56 | |
It is going to be an elbowing call.
One of the most brown calls in | 2:56:56 | 2:57:02 | |
hockey these days.
Sara Sakkinen got her elbow, a bit | 2:57:02 | 2:57:10 | |
of a height mismatch. Nonetheless
the door is open for the Americans. | 2:57:10 | 2:57:21 | |
Number 26, two minutes for elbowing.
Sakkinen will go to the box. That | 2:57:21 | 2:57:30 | |
will give the opportunity for the
next phase to come through. Another | 2:57:30 | 2:57:39 | |
power play, their third of the game.
Mentally, what are the Finns going | 2:57:39 | 2:57:45 | |
to do? They have been second best in
most areas of the game, one chance | 2:57:45 | 2:57:52 | |
of any real note. We can see this
again. | 2:57:52 | 2:57:55 | |
It comes up, Sakkinen catches
Kendall Coyne, pretty tough to argue | 2:57:55 | 2:58:02 | |
that one. I don't think they are at
the stage yet when you look at the | 2:58:02 | 2:58:07 | |
time on the clock, just over eight
minutes left in the second period, | 2:58:07 | 2:58:11 | |
they are down two, there will be a
stretch where you will tell Jenni | 2:58:11 | 2:58:16 | |
Hiirikoski every time you are on the
ice you need to jump into play. | 2:58:16 | 2:58:21 | |
Right now Dodd a huge moment. This
is a huge power play. If the USA at | 2:58:21 | 2:58:28 | |
score they will go to the gold medal
game, no doubt about that. Finland | 2:58:28 | 2:58:35 | |
will not come back from 3-0 down.
However, at 2-1, then, the nerves, | 2:58:35 | 2:58:44 | |
maybe if you scars from previous
Olympic Games, start to open up. You | 2:58:44 | 2:58:49 | |
can raise questions. It will be
another penalty. | 2:58:49 | 2:58:55 | |
Kendall Coyne drawing the penalty
again. Rosa Lindstedt, too big, too | 2:58:55 | 2:59:01 | |
physical. She got away with one
about five seconds earlier. She | 2:59:01 | 2:59:09 | |
takes one here, in the Finnish
women's league, she has played 500 | 2:59:09 | 2:59:22 | |
games, 480 penalty calls. You need
to be more disciplined than that. | 2:59:22 | 2:59:30 | |
A two player advantage here. Eight
minutes to go in the second. | 2:59:30 | 2:59:38 | |
minutes to go in the second. The US
have all of the opportunities... | 2:59:38 | 2:59:41 | |
That is a heavy shot from Jocelyne
Lamoureux. Tight to the net. She | 2:59:41 | 2:59:51 | |
will take over again, the twins with
Cameranesi out there. Trying to find | 2:59:51 | 2:59:59 | |
that one in. | 2:59:59 | 3:00:09 | |
that one in. Short side attempt.
Interesting from Brandt. Five | 3:00:09 | 3:00:12 | |
forwards out there. We'll buy this
one up. | 3:00:12 | 3:00:18 | |
It went into the skates of Monique
Lamoureux, it was a nice play. | 3:00:25 | 3:00:32 | |
Nearly onto the stick of Kelly
Pannek. Now, it goes across to | 3:00:32 | 3:00:36 | |
Joslyn | 3:00:36 | 3:00:44 | |
Joslyn Lambro, -- Jocelyne
Lamoureux, looking for Monique. Ten | 3:00:44 | 3:00:49 | |
more seconds of the two player
advantage. And again, another | 3:00:49 | 3:00:54 | |
opportunity, and they convert this
time! Jocelyne Lamoureux on the five | 3:00:54 | 3:01:01 | |
on three power play! And the USA are
steam-rollering their way towards a | 3:01:01 | 3:01:05 | |
gold-medal | 3:01:05 | 3:01:11 | |
gold-medal game chip too much, too
strong, and Finland just can't | 3:01:11 | 3:01:14 | |
handle them. Great finish from
Jocelyne Lamoureux, and the US will | 3:01:14 | 3:01:19 | |
be heading to the Olympic final
again! That is an amazing five on | 3:01:19 | 3:01:27 | |
three from the USA here. | 3:01:27 | 3:01:33 | |
three from the USA here. Everywhere
they move, they had Finland on their | 3:01:33 | 3:01:35 | |
heels. Look at this one-time shot.
There's only a handful of players in | 3:01:35 | 3:01:40 | |
the world who can shoot the puck as
hard as Jocelyne Lamoureux. No | 3:01:40 | 3:01:46 | |
chance whatsoever for Noora Raty.
That was pretty to watch! It was! | 3:01:46 | 3:01:54 | |
And there is still power play time,
it was scored with two seconds | 3:01:54 | 3:01:57 | |
remaining on the five on three. So,
one of those penalties will | 3:01:57 | 3:02:01 | |
disappear, but there's still 25
seconds here. And what about Rob | 3:02:01 | 3:02:07 | |
Stalder, throwing out the five
forwards there, including the | 3:02:07 | 3:02:19 | |
Monique, who have been the
difference makers in this | 3:02:19 | 3:02:22 | |
tournament? He basically just went
to his five most effective players. | 3:02:22 | 3:02:25 | |
-- including Ghoochannejhad and who
can blame him? | 3:02:25 | 3:02:35 | |
can blame him? And four Hillary
Knight this has been a long, long-on | 3:02:38 | 3:02:41 | |
wait for her to open her account!
And it is all over for the Finns! | 3:02:41 | 3:02:45 | |
The best they can hope for now is
bronze. A second power play goal in | 3:02:45 | 3:02:51 | |
a matter of moments, the deflection
from knight and the US well on their | 3:02:51 | 3:02:55 | |
way. Look at Hillary Knight just
being active there. The Americans | 3:02:55 | 3:03:00 | |
have just been so wonderful to watch
here. | 3:03:00 | 3:03:07 | |
That's another well crafted move
from the Americans, and in the end | 3:03:20 | 3:03:28 | |
that's another save for Noora Raty.
The Canadian team, maybe not the | 3:03:28 | 3:03:32 | |
players is a mess now getting
prepared for the game later today, | 3:03:32 | 3:03:35 | |
but the coaching staff and the
management of Canada is watching | 3:03:35 | 3:03:38 | |
this one with very, very interested
eyes. | 3:03:38 | 3:03:44 | |
eyes. And it will be really just a
message 14 Canada to say, this | 3:03:44 | 3:03:49 | |
American team came out and
absolutely dominated - we have got | 3:03:49 | 3:03:52 | |
to do exactly the same thing against
the OAR in our semifinal. Here's a | 3:03:52 | 3:03:58 | |
chance! And that's a wonderful
finish! Beautiful play from the | 3:03:58 | 3:04:02 | |
Americans! They get a fifth! | 3:04:02 | 3:04:10 | |
Americans! They get a fifth! Another
power play goal. They're sensational | 3:04:12 | 3:04:14 | |
right now. And there's very little
that Finland can do about this. Time | 3:04:14 | 3:04:22 | |
and space to work with, and
Camoranesi claims her second of the | 3:04:22 | 3:04:25 | |
game. Seth, we'd talk about the gap
closing in the women's game - | 3:04:25 | 3:04:30 | |
there's only two teams that cannot
reassure goal like this, and that's | 3:04:30 | 3:04:33 | |
the Americans and the Canadians. How
about the puck movement here?! | 3:04:33 | 3:04:38 | |
Appiah... Good skating, Camoranesi. | 3:04:38 | 3:04:53 | |
Lamoureux since it deep. Weak pass. | 3:04:54 | 3:05:05 | |
And that highlights exactly the
problem is that the Finns have faced | 3:05:07 | 3:05:11 | |
a, the simple things have been
difficult. But the reason for that | 3:05:11 | 3:05:14 | |
is because the Americans have put
them under so much pressure. But the | 3:05:14 | 3:05:18 | |
execution of the easy things has
been not of the highest order. | 3:05:18 | 3:05:25 | |
It is just great to hear the sounds
of the game, Seth, and the | 3:05:27 | 3:05:34 | |
communication out there. These
players are talking the whole way | 3:05:34 | 3:05:36 | |
through. You can see Lee Stecklein
going back and you can hear the | 3:05:36 | 3:05:42 | |
calling, bracingly letting them
know, get it up fast, letting people | 3:05:42 | 3:05:47 | |
know where they are on the ice at
all times. The teams that | 3:05:47 | 3:05:52 | |
communicate the best are often the
most effective teams. | 3:05:52 | 3:05:56 | |
Sent all the way around those
boards. Approaching the final two | 3:06:08 | 3:06:11 | |
minutes of this game. | 3:06:11 | 3:06:16 | |
minutes of this game. And deep into
the zone it goes. Great Britain will | 3:06:19 | 3:06:23 | |
be competing in the women's World
Championships. It will be in | 3:06:23 | 3:06:28 | |
Maribor, they're in the 30. -- in
the third tier for the women, | 3:06:28 | 3:06:40 | |
Division 2A. In fact really it is
the fourth tier because they do not | 3:06:40 | 3:06:47 | |
play a top level World
Championships. And GB's women will | 3:06:47 | 3:06:53 | |
certainly look forward to that. They
will be hoping that they can proceed | 3:06:53 | 3:06:59 | |
a little further, as Cayla Barns
steps in. Now, Hiirikoski will move | 3:06:59 | 3:07:05 | |
where can. | 3:07:05 | 3:07:10 | |
where can. -- will move away again.
Is there one more chance here, into | 3:07:10 | 3:07:13 | |
the final minute? | 3:07:13 | 3:07:19 | |
the final minute? GB playing the
likes of Australia, potentially | 3:07:19 | 3:07:23 | |
against a North Korean side.
Assuming that they don't send a | 3:07:23 | 3:07:31 | |
unified team to the World
Championships. We will wait and see | 3:07:31 | 3:07:35 | |
what they do there. | 3:07:35 | 3:07:41 | |
what they do there. Mexico,
Netherlands, Slovenia are the teams | 3:07:41 | 3:07:45 | |
who Great Britain face and they will
fancy their chances at that World | 3:07:45 | 3:07:50 | |
Championship. They need to start
moving in the division sooner rather | 3:07:50 | 3:07:54 | |
than later, though. The US, into the
final phase of this game. They're | 3:07:54 | 3:08:03 | |
going to celebrate this one, a
really, really strong performance. A | 3:08:03 | 3:08:08 | |
warning sign for the Canadians. It's
been 20 years since the Americans | 3:08:08 | 3:08:17 | |
last won Olympic gold, 1998 in
Nagamoto, they won the first women's | 3:08:17 | 3:08:23 | |
tournament. Now, back in Asia, 20
years on, they want to go for a | 3:08:23 | 3:08:29 | |
second. They will head to the
gold-medal match. | 3:08:29 | 3:08:35 | |
Everybody has to start somewhere.
BBC get inspired will help you to | 3:08:39 | 3:08:43 | |
get involved and get active. Go to
the BBC website to find out about | 3:08:43 | 3:08:48 | |
activities. Enter your postcode, the
sport you would like to try or just | 3:08:48 | 3:08:56 | |
click search to find out how to get
involved near you. So, where we'll | 3:08:56 | 3:09:00 | |
YOU start? Get active, get involved,
get inspired. I am delighted to have | 3:09:00 | 3:09:08 | |
a view more guests on the balcony
with me today. James Woods, who | 3:09:08 | 3:09:13 | |
finish fourth in yesterday's
slopestyle and Pat Sharples, the | 3:09:13 | 3:09:16 | |
head of park and pipe ski coaching.
First of all, Woodsy, I've been told | 3:09:16 | 3:09:29 | |
to call you, fourth-place, you have
had a few of them over recent years, | 3:09:29 | 3:09:31 | |
have you been able to reflect
overnight? It is all right, | 3:09:31 | 3:09:34 | |
honestly. Results really aren't why
I am here, why I am doing this. I've | 3:09:34 | 3:09:41 | |
said it from the beginning, all I
really want is to be able to get the | 3:09:41 | 3:09:45 | |
drop and get the opportunity to
showcase what I can do to everybody | 3:09:45 | 3:09:49 | |
who's interested. Obviously, this is
a bigger audience, so good to get | 3:09:49 | 3:09:53 | |
that opportunity. Obviously, I did
not get that opportunity in Sochi, I | 3:09:53 | 3:09:57 | |
got it yesterday. Wasn't quite
perfect, hence the fourth-place. It | 3:09:57 | 3:10:01 | |
is a game of perfection, so... The
result is and why I am here. I am | 3:10:01 | 3:10:06 | |
here to show everybody what I can do
and I think I did that! You | 3:10:06 | 3:10:10 | |
certainly digitally you must have
been delighted with the runs that | 3:10:10 | 3:10:13 | |
you put down yesterday and all the
skiers putting down good runs? It | 3:10:13 | 3:10:17 | |
has been absolutely incredible. And
Woodsy yesterday I think put down... | 3:10:17 | 3:10:22 | |
It was hands down in my eyes the
biggest slopestyle run that has ever | 3:10:22 | 3:10:27 | |
been done, a couple of little
mistakes probably cost in the top | 3:10:27 | 3:10:30 | |
spot. He just said it there, he came
to show what he can do and he did | 3:10:30 | 3:10:35 | |
that, he smashed it. And it just
shows how big the standard is now, | 3:10:35 | 3:10:40 | |
how high it is, in freestyle skiing,
that run like that didn't get a | 3:10:40 | 3:10:45 | |
medal? It is crazy, is a game of
perfection. The guys on the podium | 3:10:45 | 3:10:50 | |
yesterday all skied incredibly well,
but everybody went gold, nobody was | 3:10:50 | 3:10:55 | |
playing tactical, no-one was trying
to get second or third or fourth or | 3:10:55 | 3:10:58 | |
fifth, everybody went for that top
spot and that's why we saw one of | 3:10:58 | 3:11:02 | |
the biggest slopestyle competitions
ever. And it has been an amazing | 3:11:02 | 3:11:05 | |
journey for you, Woodsy, because you
started on dry slopes, as most of | 3:11:05 | 3:11:09 | |
the British kids when they're
learning. It must be amazing to look | 3:11:09 | 3:11:14 | |
back to what it was you started on
but also the facilities that there | 3:11:14 | 3:11:17 | |
are now four people coming through?
Yeah, it is quite amazing, the | 3:11:17 | 3:11:21 | |
facilities which are available now.
And what we had at the time, as far | 3:11:21 | 3:11:25 | |
as I see it, nothing ever really
changes. This whole industry, action | 3:11:25 | 3:11:31 | |
sports, free sports, who the world
that we live in, is amazing. It's | 3:11:31 | 3:11:37 | |
all about the people and pushing
yourself to the absolute limit. And | 3:11:37 | 3:11:41 | |
whether that's back in Sheffield on
the dry slope, at the local skate | 3:11:41 | 3:11:45 | |
park, wherever the heck it is, it
doesn't really matter. And that's | 3:11:45 | 3:11:49 | |
where I get my inspiration for the
these competitions, it is all about | 3:11:49 | 3:11:53 | |
going out there and doing your
absolute best, it's not that cheesy | 3:11:53 | 3:11:57 | |
line that you hear so much, it
really is for you, you're doing this | 3:11:57 | 3:12:01 | |
for you. We've always been show offs
down the skate park, up at the dry | 3:12:01 | 3:12:08 | |
slope, that is how we got into it!
And this is just a couple of runs up | 3:12:08 | 3:12:12 | |
the ladder! Woodsy's attitude is
brilliant but you look at someone | 3:12:12 | 3:12:17 | |
like Rowan Cheshire, who has been
through the mill over the last four | 3:12:17 | 3:12:21 | |
years - how difficult a four years
has she had from the disappointment | 3:12:21 | 3:12:25 | |
of Sochi to going out and getting
herself into a final today? It is | 3:12:25 | 3:12:29 | |
crazy what Rowan has been through.
It is such a long story but it has | 3:12:29 | 3:12:33 | |
just been one issue after another,
so it feels like she hasn't really | 3:12:33 | 3:12:36 | |
skied all got to do what she really
hoped she could do over the last few | 3:12:36 | 3:12:41 | |
years. But today, she put down a
good run, and the plan was to get | 3:12:41 | 3:12:45 | |
her in that final, and now she gets
free runs in that one and anything | 3:12:45 | 3:12:50 | |
is possible. She has skied really
well in training, and I'm just show | 3:12:50 | 3:12:54 | |
happy that she is going to be able
to showcase, especially after what | 3:12:54 | 3:12:57 | |
happened in Sochi. And we can't
forget Izzy Atkin. You spotted her, | 3:12:57 | 3:13:02 | |
you persuaded her to come to GB, and
she totally delivered, didn't she? | 3:13:02 | 3:13:05 | |
She really did. Gee absolutely put
down her best run to her best | 3:13:05 | 3:13:10 | |
ability. That was everything, she
threw everything at it. And for how | 3:13:10 | 3:13:15 | |
to take a bronze medal, that's huge
for her. We are super proud of Izzy, | 3:13:15 | 3:13:22 | |
I know you said I convinced her to
come over but it was her decision, | 3:13:22 | 3:13:26 | |
her and her parents, they wanted to
be a part of our team and now she | 3:13:26 | 3:13:30 | |
has, as much a part of it as
everybody else. We are stoked to | 3:13:30 | 3:13:34 | |
have her on board and I am so
pleased for her to get that medal. | 3:13:34 | 3:13:38 | |
Thank you very much rejoining us. We
wish you all the best going forward. | 3:13:38 | 3:13:41 | |
That is all we have time for here on
BBC Two, but Clare Will Beatty over | 3:13:41 | 3:13:46 | |
on BBC One and she will have lots of
action, including the two-man Oxley | 3:13:46 | 3:13:50 | |
going for their final runs. And the
Brits are just 0.3 seconds off a | 3:13:50 | 3:13:57 | |
medal. I will see you tomorrow
morning. | 3:13:57 | 3:14:01 |