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Great Britain Are Getting Better And
Better As This Competition Goes On. | 0:00:37 | 0:00:46 | |
She puts it down when it counts. We
want to see these big trick that we | 0:00:46 | 0:00:51 | |
know these guys can do. Team USA
versus team Canada. Mikaela Shiffrin | 0:00:51 | 0:00:58 | |
goes for the double. What is -- what
a performance from a riding that | 0:00:58 | 0:01:08 | |
afternoon to you and welcome to the
most olden day in winter Olympic | 0:01:08 | 0:01:14 | |
There are ten medals up for grabs | 0:01:14 | 0:01:18 | |
and it's the first time ever in all
of these years of slipping and | 0:01:18 | 0:01:23 | |
sliding that there have been ten
titles up for grabs. In the curling, | 0:01:23 | 0:01:27 | |
no gold medal but there is a silver
because a guaranteed silver is what | 0:01:27 | 0:01:31 | |
is at stake in the men's semifinals
this afternoon. We're heading over | 0:01:31 | 0:01:36 | |
to Pyeongchang live now, because in
the all-American derby that is Kevin | 0:01:36 | 0:01:44 | |
Koe's Canada up against John
Shuster, USA, John Shuster the first | 0:01:44 | 0:01:51 | |
American man ever to win a gold
medal in the winter, it is going all | 0:01:51 | 0:01:57 | |
the way, it is end eight and we are
going live. | 0:01:57 | 0:02:04 | |
It's been a very tight affair, four
ends where they have managed to | 0:02:04 | 0:02:13 | |
score to each, three blank ends and
now Canada are going there way, they | 0:02:13 | 0:02:20 | |
have the hammer and then try to
contain the hammer. Tyler George | 0:02:20 | 0:02:24 | |
making a nice little shot, he had a
good shot with his previous stone as | 0:02:24 | 0:02:29 | |
well. Kevin Koe knows that he's in a
real scrap here. This USA team beat | 0:02:29 | 0:02:36 | |
Canada in the round robin. Which was
a bit of a surprise, which was a | 0:02:36 | 0:02:42 | |
much that the USA had to win to give
them a chance to qualify for the | 0:02:42 | 0:02:45 | |
semifinal and they followed it up
with a win over Great Britain. That | 0:02:45 | 0:02:49 | |
meant we were in the tie-break match
which we lost, sadly, to Sweden | 0:02:49 | 0:02:54 | |
earlier on. The other semifinal,
Sweden are playing Switzerland just | 0:02:54 | 0:02:59 | |
two sheets over and that one will be
wrapped up very soon because Sweden | 0:02:59 | 0:03:02 | |
are winning 9-2. Sweden will go into
the final. Who will meet them? | 0:03:02 | 0:03:11 | |
Canada or USA? It has been a tight
affair, Mark Kennedy has missed one | 0:03:11 | 0:03:19 | |
or two jarring the match. The just
about managing to get a good shot | 0:03:19 | 0:03:25 | |
there. Yeah, really good shots to
stick around in a lying position. | 0:03:25 | 0:03:34 | |
They don't have a lot of what margin
to work with at all. Two is the | 0:03:34 | 0:03:42 | |
thing. You like this, Matt? You
can't play the in. Well, John... | 0:03:42 | 0:03:54 | |
He's seen something on the ice. If
you don't get this, he's going to | 0:03:54 | 0:03:59 | |
play the double.
While these guys are chatting, I | 0:03:59 | 0:04:02 | |
think we will see the last stone set
down. You might hear a bit of | 0:04:02 | 0:04:11 | |
applause from the other semifinal.
Looks like that end is going to be | 0:04:11 | 0:04:16 | |
blanked. The Purgatory is going to
be over for service. -- for the | 0:04:16 | 0:04:26 | |
Swiss. They will come back for the
bronze game. The handshakes come. To | 0:04:26 | 0:04:33 | |
remind you, the men's bronze medal
match is tomorrow, and also the | 0:04:33 | 0:04:39 | |
women's semifinals, same time as
this, Eve Muirhead will be playing | 0:04:39 | 0:04:43 | |
on this sheets, she will be playing
Sweden. The Swedish skip... The | 0:04:43 | 0:04:50 | |
handshakes are taking place just the
left as these guys, the right from | 0:04:50 | 0:04:58 | |
this view. | 0:04:58 | 0:05:00 | |
So now, Canada and USA have the
arena all to themselves. Matt | 0:05:06 | 0:05:12 | |
Hamilton, he of the moustache, so,
John Shuster, there's been lots of | 0:05:12 | 0:05:20 | |
discussion here. Canada have already
used their time out, yet Steve says. | 0:05:20 | 0:05:31 | |
-- USA have yet to use there. That
is a bold call from USA, trying to | 0:05:31 | 0:05:39 | |
get in there first. Going a bit back
in the forfeit. That's not really | 0:05:39 | 0:05:47 | |
what they were looking for. I think
they obviously decided to take it a | 0:05:47 | 0:05:52 | |
bit further back when they realise
they hadn't thrown it so well. We're | 0:05:52 | 0:05:58 | |
seeing Kevin Koe play some great
shots, he had a couple of if he | 0:05:58 | 0:06:03 | |
draws earlier on. So, Kevin Koe has
a great chance here to try and break | 0:06:03 | 0:06:12 | |
this game apart. It's been such a
tense and tight affair. This team he | 0:06:12 | 0:06:19 | |
puts together four years ago, two
former gold medallists, Ben -- Ben | 0:06:19 | 0:06:31 | |
Hebert, and Marc Kennedy. | 0:06:31 | 0:06:41 | |
Hebert, and Marc Kennedy. So Kevin
Koe, he has a chance, he hasn't had | 0:06:42 | 0:06:45 | |
too many chances to rest the
initiative away from the USA. | 0:06:45 | 0:06:54 | |
They are on this early sweeping
hard, it's curling a lot, not sure | 0:06:54 | 0:07:01 | |
it will get past the red, just
catches it. That's a mistake from | 0:07:01 | 0:07:08 | |
Kevin Koe, we haven't seen too many
since the first couple of ends. | 0:07:08 | 0:07:11 | |
Opportunity missed. | 0:07:11 | 0:07:17 | |
Opportunity missed. That really was
the first mistake we've seen from | 0:07:17 | 0:07:19 | |
Kevin Koe. He's been driving his
team-mates along so far today. The | 0:07:19 | 0:07:26 | |
wait was perfect, it's just over
curling at the end. | 0:07:26 | 0:07:42 | |
Important to make sure they hit this
on the noises or inside, you don't | 0:07:44 | 0:07:48 | |
want to hit it on the inside and
directed onto their own yellow. It | 0:07:48 | 0:07:53 | |
would have to be pretty bad shot to
do that, though. Every errand. It | 0:07:53 | 0:07:58 | |
looks like one team has something
going -- at every end it looks like | 0:07:58 | 0:08:05 | |
one team has something going and it
swings back to the other team. It's | 0:08:05 | 0:08:10 | |
been enthralling, particularly for
curling enthusiasts. That's a crack | 0:08:10 | 0:08:18 | |
cracking shots from the United
States skip. That's Matt Hamilton | 0:08:18 | 0:08:24 | |
right there. Tyler George, clench
fist, the UFC -- USA team know what | 0:08:24 | 0:08:32 | |
a great shot that was. There's the
hit and the role. Tucks in. And now | 0:08:32 | 0:08:40 | |
the big question being asked of him
here, Kevin Koe, USA lying two. This | 0:08:40 | 0:08:50 | |
is the eighth end, just two more
after this. It was a close win in | 0:08:50 | 0:08:56 | |
the round robin between the two of
them, it went all the way to the | 0:08:56 | 0:09:01 | |
wire. Here he goes, Kevin Koe. | 0:09:01 | 0:09:08 | |
I like the line!
It goes quiet in here, very quiet. | 0:09:08 | 0:09:16 | |
Canadian fans, USA fans watching
intently, will this get in? This is | 0:09:16 | 0:09:22 | |
pulling early already. It's two to
the USA. That is a massive end for | 0:09:22 | 0:09:32 | |
the USA. It's a steal in the eighth.
They go two ahead. It also means | 0:09:32 | 0:09:39 | |
Canada have hammer in the ninth but
it could mean the USA, if there's a | 0:09:39 | 0:09:45 | |
score, they will have it in the
tenth. The sweat on the brow of | 0:09:45 | 0:09:51 | |
Canada, they are sweating now. Their
Olympic campaign hanging in the | 0:09:51 | 0:09:56 | |
balance. You're looking at me as if
you cannot believe this. Canadian | 0:09:56 | 0:10:04 | |
women out, that was the shot, and if
Canada it would be a shock. There | 0:10:04 | 0:10:11 | |
are two ends to go but Kevin Koe not
able to do anything about it. What's | 0:10:11 | 0:10:14 | |
going on in my mind right now is, it
is this really happening? I cannot | 0:10:14 | 0:10:19 | |
believe that that happened. Kevin
Koe not even close with that draw. | 0:10:19 | 0:10:26 | |
Goes up to steal at the eighth end
which is horrible outcome. They're | 0:10:26 | 0:10:29 | |
now chasing the game, two down.
They've got the hammer and they are | 0:10:29 | 0:10:35 | |
on end as well. So Canada are going
to have to really pull out all the | 0:10:35 | 0:10:39 | |
stops now. There'd dancing in the
stands in the Curling Centre in the | 0:10:39 | 0:10:47 | |
USA onesies, and yes, there are
people here in USA onesies. So, for | 0:10:47 | 0:10:56 | |
them, although it will be a nervous
last two ends because Kevin Koe and | 0:10:56 | 0:11:00 | |
his team are more than cable turning
this around, -- capable of turning | 0:11:00 | 0:11:06 | |
this around. The lead for the USA
John Landsteiner. Look John Shuster, | 0:11:06 | 0:11:12 | |
still talking about that last end.
Tyler George. The two of them have | 0:11:12 | 0:11:18 | |
been together a long time. This
Canadian team has been very good, we | 0:11:18 | 0:11:27 | |
said they came together in 2014.
Almost an all-star team, Brent Laing | 0:11:27 | 0:11:34 | |
is to play for Howard, the champion.
Glenn Howard, the coach of the | 0:11:34 | 0:11:41 | |
British women's team. Kevin Koe, I
think it was because he moved, and | 0:11:41 | 0:11:48 | |
then put a new team together. The
two men he brought in, Ben Hebert | 0:11:48 | 0:11:52 | |
and Marc Kennedy, gold medallists
from 2010 Vancouver playing for | 0:11:52 | 0:11:58 | |
Kevin Martin. | 0:11:58 | 0:12:05 | |
Kevin Martin. And Canada just always
expects to win the gold medal now. | 0:12:05 | 0:12:08 | |
Anyone who gets to the final will
have a tough match | 0:12:08 | 0:12:21 | |
have a tough match against Edin of
Sweden but Canada coming up against | 0:12:22 | 0:12:24 | |
it., ghosts to them. -- regret they
have the hammer. | 0:12:24 | 0:12:33 | |
The interesting thing about Kevin
Koe changing his team, his team on | 0:12:33 | 0:12:37 | |
the Canadian men's Chevy chip and
went to the worlds, they already | 0:12:37 | 0:12:41 | |
knew Kevin Koe was leaving to set up
a new team for the next cycle. They | 0:12:41 | 0:12:46 | |
managed to come forth that time in
Beijing. | 0:12:46 | 0:12:53 | |
Beijing. He moved to Calgary, I
think it was. He's 43. He is the | 0:12:53 | 0:13:04 | |
oldest of the team, I think. How old
is Ben? His mid-30s. | 0:13:04 | 0:13:11 | |
I think Ben is ageing a little bit
here, though! | 0:13:17 | 0:13:21 | |
Well, Kevin Koe has got to get to
thinking cap on here. | 0:13:30 | 0:13:39 | |
You might be thinking, OK, certainly
the option if this end doesn't | 0:13:39 | 0:13:45 | |
build, he can certainly plant this
end and carry the hammer into the | 0:13:45 | 0:13:48 | |
tents come if he were to get two, he
has to get two in the tense, under | 0:13:48 | 0:13:53 | |
pressure to do that. Even that ties
it and it would be an extra end and | 0:13:53 | 0:13:58 | |
the hammer reverts back to the USA.
The setup is good for Canada, they | 0:13:58 | 0:14:02 | |
have got a corner guard and both of
those yellow USA stones are back at | 0:14:02 | 0:14:08 | |
the T-line close together. So
there's an odd agility for a freeze. | 0:14:08 | 0:14:16 | |
This one is still running. -- there
is an opportunity for a freeze. It's | 0:14:16 | 0:14:21 | |
on its way, little. Look at how hard
Brent Laing is working. Marc Kennedy | 0:14:21 | 0:14:30 | |
looks... He looks a little stressed
there. This is Matt Hamilton, he's | 0:14:30 | 0:14:40 | |
getting a lot of attention back
home. His moustache is as famous as | 0:14:40 | 0:14:50 | |
he is, it has its own Twitter
account, apparently. And he's a real | 0:14:50 | 0:14:54 | |
character, trying to keep the crowd
involved as well, always playing the | 0:14:54 | 0:15:00 | |
crowd, Matt Hamilton. Looking across
now, big smile on his face. A little | 0:15:00 | 0:15:04 | |
wave, just not too carried away
here. | 0:15:04 | 0:15:13 | |
Brett Lang, married to Jennifer
Jones, | 0:15:24 | 0:15:27 | |
Brett Lang, married to Jennifer
Jones, the champion from Sochi. This | 0:15:27 | 0:15:29 | |
is going from bad to worse for
Canada. | 0:15:29 | 0:15:35 | |
Canada. Have you ever seen this sort
of thing happening? | 0:15:36 | 0:15:43 | |
of thing happening? Kevin Koe coming
up short, and he doesn't get that to | 0:15:44 | 0:15:49 | |
the line. | 0:15:49 | 0:15:55 | |
the line. It has gone quiet. Matt
Kennedy has come to have a word. | 0:15:55 | 0:16:14 | |
Make the pile bigger, maybe but.
They are falling apart here. | 0:16:14 | 0:16:29 | |
I almost feel like looking across to
our Canadian counterparts | 0:16:31 | 0:16:38 | |
broadcasting, and they have had a
tricky week after what happened to | 0:16:38 | 0:16:42 | |
Rachel Hohmann, and discovering that
story back in Canada, the Canadian | 0:16:42 | 0:16:47 | |
women not even making the
semifinals. That has never happened | 0:16:47 | 0:16:50 | |
before. | 0:16:50 | 0:16:59 | |
before. A straightforward take out
for the USA here. As long as there | 0:16:59 | 0:17:04 | |
any red stones in the house, Canada
will get multiple points. Canada won | 0:17:04 | 0:17:12 | |
the gold medal in 2014, 2010, 2006.
Silver medallist against Norway in | 0:17:12 | 0:17:22 | |
the final in Salt Lake City, and
silver | 0:17:22 | 0:17:29 | |
silver medallists against
Switzerland. This would be the first | 0:17:29 | 0:17:33 | |
time they do not make the final if
they do not call list through. | 0:17:33 | 0:17:41 | |
Marc Kennedy, who himself missed a
few early on. | 0:17:48 | 0:18:00 | |
Better separation -- bit of
separation between the stones, which | 0:18:01 | 0:18:05 | |
should go easily for the USA. Enough
of a gap. | 0:18:05 | 0:18:15 | |
of a gap. They can squeeze that out.
Even if it catches a bit of the | 0:18:17 | 0:18:20 | |
back. Tyler George has been as good
as John Shuster has been. Tyler | 0:18:20 | 0:18:26 | |
George has been the star man of this
year. | 0:18:26 | 0:18:33 | |
year. Has he got another one here?
He catches the bag yellow, and they | 0:18:33 | 0:18:43 | |
are left with two. Not what he
wanted. Canada needs to decide | 0:18:43 | 0:18:50 | |
whether to blank or Squire to. -- or
scorer two. If they tie the game | 0:18:50 | 0:19:02 | |
after ten, they go to an extra end.
Blanking the end is the easiest | 0:19:02 | 0:19:11 | |
option here. | 0:19:11 | 0:19:16 | |
option here. He is trying to play
the freeze. | 0:19:17 | 0:19:25 | |
They need to have a good sequence of
shots to put two on the board. The | 0:19:32 | 0:19:37 | |
other thought is get one, then steal
in the final end. But the problem is | 0:19:37 | 0:19:45 | |
they would need to steal twice, they
would need to score one and then one | 0:19:45 | 0:19:51 | |
in ten, and then one at the extra
end as well. We have seen many times | 0:19:51 | 0:19:56 | |
that happen in the round-robin. You
told me it statistically happens a | 0:19:56 | 0:20:01 | |
lot. People steal in the final end.
I just think the way they are | 0:20:01 | 0:20:06 | |
playing, you can see the stress on
their faces, Marc Kennedy is | 0:20:06 | 0:20:11 | |
normally more boisterous and loud
and talking, Kevin Koe is a more | 0:20:11 | 0:20:20 | |
subdued character anyway. | 0:20:20 | 0:20:28 | |
subdued character anyway. You're
giving a blank. I would rather give | 0:20:28 | 0:20:30 | |
them two. | 0:20:30 | 0:20:37 | |
them two. This is what I have
enjoyed all week, toing and froing, | 0:20:37 | 0:20:44 | |
these two teams knowing what the
opposition should be doing. A great | 0:20:44 | 0:20:55 | |
shot to rattle that one through. He
said he didn't want to give the two. | 0:20:55 | 0:21:01 | |
He would rather blank this end. I
think that is a good call. If you go | 0:21:01 | 0:21:11 | |
through what has happened in the
match so far, Canada have not once | 0:21:11 | 0:21:14 | |
been able to take two. If they do,
you have another chance in the extra | 0:21:14 | 0:21:24 | |
end with the hammer. | 0:21:24 | 0:21:32 | |
end with the hammer. He will just be
looking to blank this end and then | 0:21:32 | 0:21:35 | |
move on. | 0:21:35 | 0:21:40 | |
This will be the fourth end from the
name we have played that has been | 0:21:47 | 0:21:52 | |
blanked. It has been an enthralling
match. Ebbing and flowing and | 0:21:52 | 0:22:02 | |
seesawing one way then the other.
You feel at the minute as if USA | 0:22:02 | 0:22:14 | |
have put all of them at one end of
the seesaw, and they will be hard to | 0:22:14 | 0:22:17 | |
shift. | 0:22:17 | 0:22:26 | |
shift. USA were bronze medallists in
children, John Shuster in the team. | 0:22:27 | 0:22:33 | |
They have never made the final. | 0:22:33 | 0:22:44 | |
Sit! They are just rang to make life
difficult here. That was an | 0:22:54 | 0:22:59 | |
interesting call from John Shuster,
trying to make them give up two for | 0:22:59 | 0:23:06 | |
the opportunity to force Canada to
score one. They did not quite get it | 0:23:06 | 0:23:11 | |
right, there might still be a chance
to blank here for Kevin Koe. Or he | 0:23:11 | 0:23:17 | |
could try to chip it for two. It has
given him the temptation to do that. | 0:23:17 | 0:23:24 | |
There is the bench. | 0:23:24 | 0:23:30 | |
There is the bench. Scott Pfeifer in
the middle. I am looking at John | 0:23:30 | 0:23:35 | |
Shuster's preferred scenario, and
the difference between being two up | 0:23:35 | 0:23:44 | |
in the last stone is negligible.
We're talking 90% victory to 91% | 0:23:44 | 0:23:51 | |
victory. He will have to be really
cute here. | 0:23:51 | 0:24:03 | |
cute here. This is the shot he has
not been playing well. He has | 0:24:08 | 0:24:11 | |
struggled with his weight. | 0:24:11 | 0:24:17 | |
struggled with his weight. We have a
good view of this. | 0:24:17 | 0:24:28 | |
It kept spinning out, it is only
going to be one. But by getting its | 0:24:29 | 0:24:33 | |
end, he did not have enough brakes
on it to hold it and he knows that | 0:24:33 | 0:24:40 | |
is advantage to the USA because it
is the one result they did not want, | 0:24:40 | 0:24:45 | |
the blank would have been better
than one, two would have been better | 0:24:45 | 0:24:51 | |
than one. The United States leading
4-3 after nine. Crucially they have | 0:24:51 | 0:24:57 | |
the hammer. Canada would need to
steal just to keep the match going. | 0:24:57 | 0:25:07 | |
It pulled right at the end. Because
it caught it in, it kept spinning. | 0:25:07 | 0:25:22 | |
Some Canadians mixed up in the
primarily US contingent. The amount | 0:25:31 | 0:25:37 | |
of times Canada play the United
States in their tournament is, we | 0:25:37 | 0:25:40 | |
said also in the ice hockey today,
United States women, out on top. | 0:25:40 | 0:25:47 | |
That was a bit harsh, this would be
much bigger. I watch the penalty | 0:25:47 | 0:25:54 | |
shoot out in the ice hockey. | 0:25:54 | 0:26:00 | |
Ben Hibbert, he would love to be a
golfer. | 0:26:08 | 0:26:19 | |
-- Ben Hebert. This would be the
equivalent of a birdie. Or | 0:26:26 | 0:26:33 | |
albatross. | 0:26:33 | 0:26:43 | |
John Landsteiner, he has his
statistics back up to 65%, although | 0:26:45 | 0:26:53 | |
they do not always tell the full
story. That is a nice shot. Nice | 0:26:53 | 0:27:04 | |
short, says his team-mates. He is
happy with that. Look his swagger. | 0:27:04 | 0:27:15 | |
You have got to be thinking that
John Shuster maybe has Kevin Koe's | 0:27:15 | 0:27:20 | |
number this season. They have played
each other twice this season, and | 0:27:20 | 0:27:27 | |
John Shuster has won twice both
times. You would not expect that | 0:27:27 | 0:27:32 | |
given the success Kevin Koe's team
has had over the years. One of those | 0:27:32 | 0:27:40 | |
victories was in the round-robin. If
you are just joining us, this is the | 0:27:40 | 0:27:43 | |
men's semifinal. Sweden have already
won the very comfortably, 9-3, | 0:27:43 | 0:27:52 | |
beating Switzerland who knocked
Great Britain out in the tie-break | 0:27:52 | 0:27:54 | |
match earlier today during the
night. This time tomorrow will be | 0:27:54 | 0:28:00 | |
Eve Muirhead against Sweden in the
semifinal, Korea the hosts finished | 0:28:00 | 0:28:08 | |
top of the round-robin, their team
are fast becoming superstars here. | 0:28:08 | 0:28:12 | |
They will be taking on Japan in the
other semifinal. | 0:28:12 | 0:28:20 | |
other semifinal. The final end, USA
have a massive advantage here, and | 0:28:20 | 0:28:24 | |
with the hammer. John Shuster would
like it to get out. | 0:28:24 | 0:28:33 | |
like it to get out. As the Canadians
like to say, it was nibbling. How | 0:28:33 | 0:28:39 | |
good is that! Two great shots. We
saw Cammy Smith, the British league | 0:28:39 | 0:28:46 | |
player helping -- league player,
helping his team out, and how much | 0:28:46 | 0:28:55 | |
difference it made to his team at
the end. If you have watched a lot | 0:28:55 | 0:29:08 | |
of curling, probably picked up that
if you have the hammer, at the last | 0:29:08 | 0:29:11 | |
end where you only need to score
one, you want to have the front as | 0:29:11 | 0:29:16 | |
clear as you can, to draw in and win
the match. Canada will try to get | 0:29:16 | 0:29:23 | |
behind the guards and set something
up to make it difficult for the US. | 0:29:23 | 0:29:30 | |
Once we have had the four Stones
played, the USA would not want to | 0:29:31 | 0:29:35 | |
have any out, hashtag any eight, --
would not want to take any out. He's | 0:29:35 | 0:29:46 | |
just thinking here, to try to get
the back red as well. | 0:29:46 | 0:29:59 | |
the back red as well. Of Canada have
one behind, that would be the | 0:29:59 | 0:30:01 | |
threat. Good try, he gets rid of the
guard. Canada have got two there, | 0:30:01 | 0:30:15 | |
right on the edge of the 12 foot,
and USA are trying to keep it nice | 0:30:15 | 0:30:19 | |
and clear upfront. | 0:30:19 | 0:30:23 | |
With just a few stones to come here
in the tenth, offered John Schuster | 0:30:23 | 0:30:33 | |
this situation before and he would
have bitten your hand. They do note | 0:30:33 | 0:30:39 | |
that one little mistake, we have
said how much an end can shift and | 0:30:39 | 0:30:42 | |
change. Even that there from Brent
Laing. It's just come across. Very | 0:30:42 | 0:30:49 | |
short as well. | 0:30:49 | 0:30:55 | |
short as well. The Canadians are
tried to put the stone in a | 0:30:55 | 0:30:57 | |
difficult position to peel, so
they're trying to hope and force the | 0:30:57 | 0:31:02 | |
USA into a mistake by making appeal
and trying to drive it on to a wide | 0:31:02 | 0:31:07 | |
one which spins it to the centre. A
bit of diligence required here. He | 0:31:07 | 0:31:13 | |
sends it the other way and sends his
yellow out. Doesn't want any traffic | 0:31:13 | 0:31:19 | |
out front. Every stone that goes by,
USA edge closer to the Olympic | 0:31:19 | 0:31:24 | |
final. Every time Canada fail, to
give the USA skip John Shuster | 0:31:24 | 0:31:38 | |
issues with his last stone, they
take a step closer with making the | 0:31:38 | 0:31:48 | |
sort of history they want to make.
It just gets over. | 0:31:48 | 0:32:00 | |
It just gets over. When they lost
three in the round robin, I guess | 0:32:01 | 0:32:04 | |
the signs were there that the
Canadians were not play at their | 0:32:04 | 0:32:06 | |
best. They have had a tough or here.
You can't say they didn't play well | 0:32:06 | 0:32:12 | |
early on, the USA | 0:32:12 | 0:32:18 | |
early on, the USA didn't let them
get away. It just touches that one | 0:32:18 | 0:32:21 | |
enough. They are all four in a line
on the right-hand side. There's a | 0:32:21 | 0:32:31 | |
look of resignation on the face of
Kevin Koe here. What Oscar I do, he | 0:32:31 | 0:32:37 | |
is probably thinking? | 0:32:37 | 0:32:43 | |
is probably thinking? -- what else
can I do? He's trying to work and | 0:32:43 | 0:32:47 | |
find a position for the guard so he
can work the centre line and little | 0:32:47 | 0:32:52 | |
but but it's going to be a big ask
for John Shuster to this on his last | 0:32:52 | 0:33:01 | |
stone. The real thing is that they
have got to make John Schuster play | 0:33:01 | 0:33:09 | |
against his last stone, so if he had
a catastrophic mess, then he loses | 0:33:09 | 0:33:15 | |
the game which could put extra
pressure on his last one. They only | 0:33:15 | 0:33:21 | |
have three more stones so that's
part of the issue. Trying to induce | 0:33:21 | 0:33:26 | |
the mistake. | 0:33:26 | 0:33:31 | |
That speed is perfect.
I wonder what's going through his | 0:33:36 | 0:33:41 | |
mind? Take a look and make sure you
see. Did they ever imagined, Canada, | 0:33:41 | 0:33:52 | |
that the women's team would not make
the semifinal? That's never happened | 0:33:52 | 0:33:55 | |
before. And the men's team doesn't
make the final. That's never | 0:33:55 | 0:34:03 | |
happened before. | 0:34:03 | 0:34:09 | |
happened before. The curling nation
of Canada, with such high | 0:34:09 | 0:34:12 | |
expectations with their teams, they
did win the gold medal in the | 0:34:12 | 0:34:19 | |
doubles. With the developments in
the doping case, Norway will get the | 0:34:19 | 0:34:28 | |
bronze medal, Switzerland took the
silver in that. Needs to be a little | 0:34:28 | 0:34:32 | |
bit careful here. Kevin Koe has put
that over the side to try and force | 0:34:32 | 0:34:36 | |
one of those misses that we talked
about. | 0:34:36 | 0:34:46 | |
Well, you've had a cracking game, a
little wink and a smile. That's | 0:34:50 | 0:35:03 | |
understandable, the nerves, they
know this is historic for the USA. | 0:35:03 | 0:35:08 | |
Not only the sense of getting to the
final, but they've got another | 0:35:08 | 0:35:14 | |
match, a chance to win the gold
medal, but putting Canada out, for | 0:35:14 | 0:35:18 | |
them, any other team, it would be a
great achievement. But he gets to | 0:35:18 | 0:35:23 | |
the gold medal match starting all
over your neighbours, the best -- | 0:35:23 | 0:35:27 | |
stepping all over your neighbours,
the best curling nation in the | 0:35:27 | 0:35:31 | |
world, is there anything Kevin Koe
can do about it? He's the last play, | 0:35:31 | 0:35:37 | |
two stones for the skip. | 0:35:37 | 0:35:43 | |
two stones for the skip. They're
really starting to think outside the | 0:35:45 | 0:35:48 | |
box. They're going to come down onto
the stone and try and bounce them | 0:35:48 | 0:35:53 | |
both back towards the centre line.
It's going to hit | 0:35:53 | 0:36:05 | |
It's going to hit this red stone,
and roll both stones. And hope his | 0:36:06 | 0:36:08 | |
shooter, is back in. | 0:36:08 | 0:36:14 | |
shooter, is back in. He's just
having to look at the clock, under | 0:36:14 | 0:36:18 | |
two minutes now. He can't run out of
time, he had the full look behind | 0:36:18 | 0:36:24 | |
him, I wondered what he was looking
at behind the shoulder. | 0:36:24 | 0:36:29 | |
Well, this is a strategic shot. It's
going to miss, is it? It doesn't | 0:36:33 | 0:36:39 | |
miss. He gets one out into the
middle and in the house, he does | 0:36:39 | 0:36:46 | |
have three in there. At least he's
trying. Absolutely. They need to | 0:36:46 | 0:36:51 | |
pull something out of the bag. I've
got to say, the ice has been very | 0:36:51 | 0:36:58 | |
straight down this line. It's not
been curling at all. Down the centre | 0:36:58 | 0:37:08 | |
line. First things first, he | 0:37:08 | 0:37:18 | |
I mean, even if they draw in, if you
got a clear house, and Kevin Koe | 0:37:27 | 0:37:33 | |
draws anywhere, he just needs to hit
that and he doesn't have do play a | 0:37:33 | 0:37:42 | |
dead weight draw, anything like
that. He needs to get this right. | 0:37:42 | 0:37:47 | |
And he will have a chance to send
his team into the final. Has he got | 0:37:47 | 0:37:58 | |
this one right? They just don't want
to leave this yellow stone where the | 0:37:58 | 0:38:02 | |
red is. A bit straight, he didn't
want to sit there, if you caught | 0:38:02 | 0:38:10 | |
that on the nose. | 0:38:10 | 0:38:15 | |
that on the nose. If that's in a
shot position, that's a huge shot | 0:38:15 | 0:38:19 | |
for John Shuster. It will make
things even easier for the last one. | 0:38:19 | 0:38:26 | |
With the lying stones out, I'm sure
he is still going for the shot. | 0:38:26 | 0:38:31 | |
Well, he's saying he wants to at
least play the draw if he hits and | 0:38:40 | 0:38:48 | |
sticks. And asks John Shuster to
draw. By hitting it, he wouldn't lie | 0:38:48 | 0:38:59 | |
the shot. So, Kevin Koe, this could
be the last stone of his Olympic | 0:38:59 | 0:39:04 | |
campaign. He's waited so long for
the chance to represent Canada at | 0:39:04 | 0:39:08 | |
the Olympics, to follow in the path
of the previous three Canadians get | 0:39:08 | 0:39:13 | |
who won the gold medal. But that
looks as though that opportunity | 0:39:13 | 0:39:20 | |
will not arise. -- follow in the
path of the previous three Canadian | 0:39:20 | 0:39:24 | |
skips who won the gold medal. He can
only hope that he plays a shot at | 0:39:24 | 0:39:28 | |
John Shuster makes a big mistake
with his last stone. It's gone very | 0:39:28 | 0:39:36 | |
quiet here in the arena. A distinct
action that Kevin Koe has. He looks | 0:39:36 | 0:39:42 | |
determined. This is not the way he
would have envisaged things. | 0:39:42 | 0:39:52 | |
would have envisaged things. He is
going to get the hit and the roll in | 0:39:52 | 0:39:55 | |
but it's going to go right where he
said he didn't want it to go. That's | 0:39:55 | 0:40:00 | |
sitting on the button, it's a nice
target their for John Shuster. If | 0:40:00 | 0:40:05 | |
you had said to the USA skip, I tell
you what, John, not only do you have | 0:40:05 | 0:40:10 | |
the chance to get into the gold
medal match with a fairly | 0:40:10 | 0:40:14 | |
straightforward shot where all you
have to do is to shift the | 0:40:14 | 0:40:18 | |
opponent's stone and stick in the
house, but in so doing you can also | 0:40:18 | 0:40:23 | |
put out Canada, I don't think he
would have dreamt of this situation. | 0:40:23 | 0:40:29 | |
They beat them in the round robin
and now John Shuster had the | 0:40:29 | 0:40:32 | |
opportunity to go into the gold
medal match and put Canada out. | 0:40:32 | 0:40:40 | |
Bronze medallist from 2006,
four-time Olympian, he's been played | 0:40:40 | 0:40:46 | |
brilliantly tonight, well backed up
by his team, they have been better | 0:40:46 | 0:40:50 | |
than Canada and this one is coming
straight down the middle. He's done | 0:40:50 | 0:40:54 | |
it. John Shuster has put his team
into the gold medal match. It was an | 0:40:54 | 0:41:01 | |
enthralling encounter between two
great rivals and for a long time, | 0:41:01 | 0:41:04 | |
nothing to choose between them. But
then in the eighth end, the USA | 0:41:04 | 0:41:09 | |
stole two after a mistake from the
Canadian skip. They picked up one in | 0:41:09 | 0:41:14 | |
the night, it wasn't enough. And
then a straightforward last end for | 0:41:14 | 0:41:21 | |
the USA. Brilliantly played,
well-managed, what a shock that is. | 0:41:21 | 0:41:25 | |
What will that mean, Logan, for
Canadian curling? Their women are | 0:41:25 | 0:41:31 | |
not at all into the semifinals, and
at best, their men fighting for the | 0:41:31 | 0:41:37 | |
bronze. Canada are such a proud
nation, and they really thrive in | 0:41:37 | 0:41:42 | |
the Winter Olympics. For curling,
it's just unthinkable that neither | 0:41:42 | 0:41:47 | |
of the Canadian teams would be in
the gold medal match. Well played to | 0:41:47 | 0:41:53 | |
John Shuster and his American side,
the only difference between the two | 0:41:53 | 0:41:57 | |
teams was that John Shuster made his
shots and Kevin Koe didn't at the | 0:41:57 | 0:42:01 | |
crucial times. Huge shock at the
curling, huge semifinal, where the | 0:42:01 | 0:42:08 | |
obligation. -- worthy of the
occasion. The Canadian skip has | 0:42:08 | 0:42:16 | |
walked off on his own leading his
team on his own. Canada are out, USA | 0:42:16 | 0:42:20 | |
go through to face Sweden in the
gold medal match. | 0:42:20 | 0:42:26 | |
STUDIO: that is an absolutely huge
story. Not least for John Shuster | 0:42:26 | 0:42:31 | |
himself, what a back story for this
man. He worked as a bartender and | 0:42:31 | 0:42:36 | |
managed restaurants, now works at a
sporting goods shop. He has | 0:42:36 | 0:42:40 | |
represented team USA in four
straight games, he was part of the | 0:42:40 | 0:42:45 | |
2016 that won bronze, the lead
player then. And decided he wanted | 0:42:45 | 0:42:47 | |
to be skip, he made his own team,
and won all three Olympics trials | 0:42:47 | 0:42:52 | |
thereafter. In his World
Championship as a skip, he has never | 0:42:52 | 0:42:55 | |
finished worse than fifth. In
Vancouver and subsequent limericks, | 0:42:55 | 0:42:59 | |
it's never gone right. In Vancouver
eight years ago, he had a terrible | 0:42:59 | 0:43:04 | |
time, he played so badly that the
team's coach decided to replace him, | 0:43:04 | 0:43:09 | |
he was replaced by an alternate. His
shooting starts with the worst of | 0:43:09 | 0:43:13 | |
any skip. He came back in 2014 and
his shooting stats again, the second | 0:43:13 | 0:43:19 | |
worst of all the skips. Now he's
come back and with everyone watching | 0:43:19 | 0:43:23 | |
him in America, in fact, they have
rather cruelly dubbed some of his | 0:43:23 | 0:43:28 | |
mistakes in previous mistakes | 0:43:28 | 0:43:35 | |
mistakes in previous mistakes doing
a Shuster, but he has shown what | 0:43:35 | 0:43:39 | |
he's made of today. A guaranteed
silver medal for John Shuster and | 0:43:39 | 0:43:44 | |
the US, that the story. | 0:43:44 | 0:43:45 | |
And great moments before the
Canadians. We will see the other | 0:43:47 | 0:43:54 | |
semifinal, the Swiss will be playing
the Swedes. We hope it would be Kyle | 0:43:54 | 0:43:58 | |
Smith's Great Britain but as you
know, they lost that tie-breaker, so | 0:43:58 | 0:44:02 | |
we will update you with that one
night on. | 0:44:02 | 0:44:05 | |
Now, we've got a lot to get through
on our sporting menu today. | 0:44:05 | 0:44:15 | |
Germany expected to play a major
part in the women's team biathlon | 0:44:18 | 0:44:24 | |
today. Laura Dahlmeier aiming to
become the first woman in the game | 0:44:24 | 0:44:26 | |
to become a third gold medallist.
And after that, one and two and | 0:44:26 | 0:44:32 | |
three in the individual Nordic
combined event, the team event, they | 0:44:32 | 0:44:37 | |
are unexpected to beaver top again.
For the fifth time in six games in | 0:44:37 | 0:44:45 | |
the ice hockey final for the women,
it's Canada the US. Dave Ryding in | 0:44:45 | 0:44:50 | |
elite company alongside Australia in
the men's slalom, both with big | 0:44:50 | 0:44:53 | |
dreams today. High winds,
postponement, it ill this, that | 0:44:53 | 0:45:00 | |
regret and illness have blown
Michelle -- Mikaela Shiffrin's plans | 0:45:00 | 0:45:04 | |
of course but you could win today.
And a bittersweet first Olympics for | 0:45:04 | 0:45:08 | |
Kyle Smith's men, so close to
getting a medal shot and yet so far. | 0:45:08 | 0:45:14 | |
We are clipping on the skinny skis
first and after the biathlon at the | 0:45:14 | 0:45:18 | |
Alpensia result. We are told that
that is accommodation word -- eight, | 0:45:18 | 0:45:28 | |
combination word, fantastic album of
Asia. It's been very good to Laura | 0:45:28 | 0:45:32 | |
Dahlmeier of Germany who had already
won two gold medals by the third day | 0:45:32 | 0:45:38 | |
of the games. Could she get a third
one on day 13? She was going to have | 0:45:38 | 0:45:43 | |
to do so in tandem with three
team-mates in the women's team | 0:45:43 | 0:45:48 | |
relay. They each have to ski six
kilometres then they have got to | 0:45:48 | 0:45:53 | |
macro shooting positions, lying down
and then standing up. You try doing | 0:45:53 | 0:45:56 | |
all of that when your heart is going
like the clappers! The close his | 0:45:56 | 0:46:00 | |
stages now. | 0:46:00 | 0:46:06 | |
like the clappers! The close his
stages now. Let us watch the clock, | 0:46:06 | 0:46:08 | |
Poland, Belarus, Italy. None of
those three nations have ever been | 0:46:08 | 0:46:13 | |
on the podium in this. | 0:46:13 | 0:46:24 | |
Guzik's lead is now 12 and a half. | 0:46:48 | 0:47:01 | |
Reid is going great for the
Americans. | 0:47:03 | 0:47:13 | |
Americans. We're used to some drama
here but not as much as we have | 0:47:17 | 0:47:20 | |
witnessed tonight. Incredible how
the swings and fortune have moved | 0:47:20 | 0:47:26 | |
backwards and forwards. | 0:47:26 | 0:47:37 | |
No Polish quartet have ever been on
the podium in this event. | 0:47:52 | 0:47:59 | |
France's second, Belarus third. | 0:48:04 | 0:48:09 | |
United States only 21 seconds
adrift. It would be interesting to | 0:48:13 | 0:48:16 | |
see where the Germans are. Surely
the right of this by now. | 0:48:16 | 0:48:29 | |
Norway one minute off the pace. | 0:48:45 | 0:48:51 | |
Dahlmeier already has a silver
medal. | 0:49:10 | 0:49:20 | |
medal. She's going to rely on her
unusual brilliance at the shooting | 0:49:20 | 0:49:23 | |
range but also on others making
mistakes. | 0:49:23 | 0:49:35 | |
What a result this could be for
Veronica Nowakowska. She has her | 0:49:45 | 0:49:52 | |
mother, father on the tour with her.
She took time out to have twins. | 0:49:52 | 0:50:12 | |
Domracheva in third place for
Belarus. Can she get a second medal | 0:50:15 | 0:50:22 | |
of the games after silver in the
mass start? | 0:50:22 | 0:50:29 | |
We will keep watching the clock for
Dahlmeier, but we will only know if | 0:50:38 | 0:50:47 | |
there are mistakes ahead of her. | 0:50:47 | 0:50:58 | |
She's going to be reliant on
mistakes ahead of her at the first | 0:51:14 | 0:51:20 | |
of the two visits to the shooting
range. | 0:51:20 | 0:51:31 | |
Poland, France then Belarus. Italy
are fourth, and the a lot out of | 0:51:45 | 0:51:48 | |
this. Then the distinct strip of
Slovakia followed by the United | 0:51:48 | 0:51:57 | |
States and Switzerland. | 0:51:57 | 0:52:07 | |
States and Switzerland. So many
world-class biathletes have | 0:52:07 | 0:52:10 | |
unravelled that the shooting range
tonight. | 0:52:10 | 0:52:16 | |
tonight. Can Nowakowska keep body
and mind together here? Try to | 0:52:17 | 0:52:22 | |
temporarily block out the context.
It is the Winter Olympic final. | 0:52:22 | 0:52:26 | |
She's in the driving seat here for
Poland, they have never won a medal | 0:52:26 | 0:52:29 | |
before. | 0:52:29 | 0:52:34 | |
before. In pole position in lane
one. Back as she lines up, she will | 0:52:37 | 0:52:40 | |
be aware that the | 0:52:40 | 0:52:46 | |
be aware that the Frenchwoman Bescon
is beside her, and Domracheva. | 0:52:51 | 0:53:00 | |
is beside her, and Domracheva. --
to. | 0:53:00 | 0:53:01 | |
-- Bescond. She has missed her
first, under immediate pressure. A | 0:53:04 | 0:53:13 | |
mistake from the French, and another
mistake from Poland. She will be to | 0:53:13 | 0:53:18 | |
use two of the three spare rounds.
Look at Domracheva, five out of | 0:53:18 | 0:53:23 | |
five, and the Golden girl has given
herself a huge chance here. | 0:53:23 | 0:53:30 | |
Nowakowska is having to load extra
rounds. That is Bescond. No penalty | 0:53:30 | 0:53:34 | |
look. It is Belarus from France,
from Poland. | 0:53:34 | 0:53:46 | |
The camera is focusing on Dahlmeier.
She might get away with some reloads | 0:53:58 | 0:54:08 | |
of the spare rounds. She needs a
really good shipped here. A massive | 0:54:08 | 0:54:11 | |
deficit. Five out of five. She has
half a chance, which is why the | 0:54:11 | 0:54:19 | |
Germans are celebrating. A lot of
work to do. She is a long way | 0:54:19 | 0:54:23 | |
behind. She's in a class of her own. | 0:54:23 | 0:54:32 | |
It is a huge deficit. And what
brilliant composer from Domracheva. | 0:54:43 | 0:54:48 | |
She has been injured and on
maternity leave, she started getting | 0:54:48 | 0:54:53 | |
her campaign on track with a silver
medal in the mass start. He knows | 0:54:53 | 0:55:00 | |
how significant that can be. The
Belarussians have never won a medal | 0:55:00 | 0:55:04 | |
in this event. They were upgraded to
for four years ago after the Russian | 0:55:04 | 0:55:10 | |
disqualification. They were ninth in
the World Championships last year, | 0:55:10 | 0:55:15 | |
but this would be immense. If they
had to put their money on any one of | 0:55:15 | 0:55:19 | |
the quartet to get them home and
cope with the pressure, it would be | 0:55:19 | 0:55:24 | |
their star women, Domracheva. | 0:55:24 | 0:55:33 | |
It will all come down to this eighth
and final visit to the shooting | 0:55:35 | 0:55:38 | |
range. | 0:55:38 | 0:55:43 | |
I do not think Bescond will have the
speed to close her down. Belarus, | 0:55:48 | 0:55:58 | |
France, Poland. | 0:55:58 | 0:56:03 | |
France, Poland. Driving into the
teeth of the gale appear on the | 0:56:08 | 0:56:15 | |
Alpensia -- up here on the Alpensia
course. There will be a lot of | 0:56:15 | 0:56:20 | |
excitement for the Belarussians in
the stadium. Bescond is going well | 0:56:20 | 0:56:27 | |
in second place. | 0:56:27 | 0:56:32 | |
Bescond is getting further behind
Domracheva, significantly so, she | 0:56:40 | 0:56:44 | |
has lost 12 seconds. Nowakowska is
in bronze at the moment, so it could | 0:56:44 | 0:56:49 | |
be a tussle with the Slovakians. And
the Italians are close behind. Then | 0:56:49 | 0:56:54 | |
there is a little gap, back to
Sweden and Norway. | 0:56:54 | 0:57:03 | |
Oberg for Sweden is trying to close
the gap. -- Olsbu for Sweden. When | 0:57:13 | 0:57:25 | |
they come into the shooting range
for the last time, it will not be a | 0:57:25 | 0:57:29 | |
golden finish. | 0:57:29 | 0:57:37 | |
golden finish. One minute and nine
seconds. | 0:57:37 | 0:57:43 | |
seconds. 22 seconds off the pace for
Belscond. | 0:57:43 | 0:57:55 | |
Can she go five out of five year? If
she can, judging by the speech he | 0:58:55 | 0:59:00 | |
has produced since she last came
into the range, the gold medal will | 0:59:00 | 0:59:03 | |
be hers barring disaster with her
skis coming. Three gold medals for | 0:59:03 | 0:59:09 | |
the women they call --, Domracheva.
-- the women they call Dasher, | 0:59:09 | 0:59:24 | |
Domracheva. Good start. | 0:59:24 | 0:59:32 | |
She needs all three of her spare
rounds. | 0:59:43 | 0:59:50 | |
If you see the Belarussian flag
flash red, she has missed. She needs | 0:59:58 | 1:00:04 | |
the last one. | 1:00:04 | 1:00:14 | |
And very nervy shoot. | 1:00:24 | 1:00:35 | |
Domracheva leads but she needed all
three of her spare rounds. Bescond | 1:00:38 | 1:00:48 | |
just off the pace. Oeberg goes third
for Susan. Then Switzerland, -- for | 1:00:48 | 1:01:05 | |
Sweden. Then Switzerland, Norway and
Poland. | 1:01:05 | 1:01:14 | |
Darya Domracheva held her composure
to avoid Kandinsky a penalty loops | 1:01:17 | 1:01:24 | |
which would have almost certainly I
have seen her -- to avoid having to | 1:01:24 | 1:01:29 | |
ski a penalty loop which would have
almost certainly seen her move | 1:01:29 | 1:01:36 | |
through and waist her lead. But look
at Oeberg who has moved through. | 1:01:36 | 1:01:45 | |
Sweden have never got a medal in
this event. | 1:01:45 | 1:01:51 | |
this event. And Oeberg was
magnificent taking the gold medal in | 1:01:52 | 1:01:54 | |
the individual race. | 1:01:54 | 1:02:01 | |
the individual race. These are two
of the most important kilometres she | 1:02:02 | 1:02:04 | |
will have ever skied in her life,
for Darya Domracheva, because she | 1:02:04 | 1:02:08 | |
knows how significant this is for
her and her three team-mates. They | 1:02:08 | 1:02:13 | |
will embrace her at the finish if
she can keep this going. | 1:02:13 | 1:02:21 | |
Oeberg has been in the top ten in
every race she skied on her own. The | 1:02:30 | 1:02:36 | |
anchor leg for Norway, silver in the
sprint, with Slovakia just behind | 1:02:36 | 1:02:41 | |
her. Then come Switzerland and
Poland. It's about Darya Domracheva. | 1:02:41 | 1:02:52 | |
Her husband is here, and has been
given accreditation from the Belarus | 1:02:52 | 1:02:58 | |
in team, he's the most decorated by
athlete in history with 13 medals, | 1:02:58 | 1:03:05 | |
the Norwegian. He has been overtaken
by married beer can cover the cost | 1:03:05 | 1:03:10 | |
country skier, -- married | 1:03:10 | 1:03:17 | |
country skier, -- married married
Bjorgen, who got 14 yesterday. | 1:03:17 | 1:03:25 | |
The coaches are roaring
encouragement. Look at that, Oeberg | 1:03:27 | 1:03:32 | |
has gone past | 1:03:32 | 1:03:37 | |
has gone past Anais Bescond. She's
going to rely on Anais Bescond | 1:03:37 | 1:03:43 | |
tiring. | 1:03:43 | 1:03:51 | |
tiring. Belarus and Sweden, neither
of whom have been on the podium. | 1:03:51 | 1:03:57 | |
Oeberg trying to close down Anais
Bescond. | 1:03:57 | 1:04:06 | |
This is superb. She is not going to
be caught now. Unless one of her | 1:04:07 | 1:04:14 | |
skis comes off, or she snaps up all.
Gold is going to Belarus in this | 1:04:14 | 1:04:21 | |
relay for the very first time. The
Belarussian coach is not hanging | 1:04:21 | 1:04:27 | |
around, he was to get back down to
the finish to witness the history. | 1:04:27 | 1:04:39 | |
Hanna Oeberg following up her great
individual performances with a very | 1:04:39 | 1:04:44 | |
mature piece of scheme for 22 old to
help the Swedes. -- mature piece of | 1:04:44 | 1:04:52 | |
skiing for a 22-year-old. It looks
like the French woman should be | 1:04:52 | 1:04:59 | |
secure for the bronze. Darya
Domracheva was unbeatable in Sochi, | 1:04:59 | 1:05:07 | |
three gold medals, then she took
time off to have a baby. She's | 1:05:07 | 1:05:10 | |
climbed back up to the top of the
world and she's taking her three | 1:05:10 | 1:05:14 | |
team-mates her. Darya Domracheva
brings Belarus their first gold | 1:05:14 | 1:05:21 | |
medal in this event and she done it
in style. What a story! Flag comes | 1:05:21 | 1:05:26 | |
off, doesn't matter, it will be with
her on the podium. Belarus take the | 1:05:26 | 1:05:30 | |
gold. Hanna Oeberg, the 22 your old
from Sweden brings their country the | 1:05:30 | 1:05:41 | |
first medal in this event, and Anais
Bescond from France bowing as she | 1:05:41 | 1:05:46 | |
crosses the line in third. Sweden
and Belarus have never been on the | 1:05:46 | 1:05:55 | |
podium before, and they have slept
to gold and silver. Emotional | 1:05:55 | 1:05:59 | |
embraces for all of the teams at the
end. Belarus denied a world champion | 1:05:59 | 1:06:08 | |
in Germany who are miles out of it
on this occasion. Laura Dahlmeier | 1:06:08 | 1:06:13 | |
cutting a forlorn figure as she
comes across the line. You can come | 1:06:13 | 1:06:16 | |
in as the favourites but you have to
deliver at the shooting range and | 1:06:16 | 1:06:20 | |
the Germans didn't tonight. Belarus
on top of the world. | 1:06:20 | 1:06:29 | |
A superb performance from the
Russian quartet -- Belarussian | 1:06:29 | 1:06:38 | |
quartet, and its goals, the first
ever medal for Sweden with silver | 1:06:38 | 1:06:43 | |
and a brilliant brave bronze for
France. | 1:06:43 | 1:06:51 | |
Won't that make Belarus feel a a lot
better after all of the palaver in | 1:06:51 | 1:06:59 | |
the aerials? That is a fourth gold
medal for Darya Domracheva, and she | 1:06:59 | 1:07:05 | |
and her husband who was the greatest
Olympian of all time until married | 1:07:05 | 1:07:15 | |
-- Bjorgen took earlier today, they
have a daughter and look out for her | 1:07:15 | 1:07:23 | |
in 2028! Now let's go and look at
Nordic combined, we ditch the rifles | 1:07:23 | 1:07:31 | |
and throw ourselves of the ski slope
in said. It's the only event in the | 1:07:31 | 1:07:36 | |
winter or summer games which is
meant only, for now. Germany | 1:07:36 | 1:07:41 | |
expected to go very well in this one
because they have got a fantastic | 1:07:41 | 1:07:44 | |
track record in these games. They
have won the normal hill event and | 1:07:44 | 1:07:48 | |
they took one, two, three in the
hill. It was led by Johannes Rydzek, | 1:07:48 | 1:07:57 | |
the new Superman, the German press,
calling him, of Nordic combined. He | 1:07:57 | 1:08:02 | |
is Germany's sports personality of
the year from last year. He wears a | 1:08:02 | 1:08:07 | |
little cheeky Superman T-shirt
underneath his ski suit. He's going | 1:08:07 | 1:08:12 | |
to fly, with Ollie watching. I feel
like this is the ultimate winter | 1:08:12 | 1:08:20 | |
eliminator. Ski jumping and then the
skiing which decides the medals. The | 1:08:20 | 1:08:23 | |
way the ski jump helps is that you
get points for your jump, they come | 1:08:23 | 1:08:28 | |
down the jump on the right-hand
side, a little bit of snow in the | 1:08:28 | 1:08:32 | |
air, a couple of degrees below zero.
The young Finnish team is competing | 1:08:32 | 1:08:42 | |
this year. That jump has excellent
distance. High fives from the | 1:08:42 | 1:08:50 | |
Finnish pictures. Ilkka Herola, 133.
Finland go into the lead. Now, | 1:08:50 | 1:09:04 | |
Austria do have something of a
chance to speak on to the podium | 1:09:04 | 1:09:07 | |
here. Number one for them is Mario
Seidl. | 1:09:07 | 1:09:16 | |
Again, that is another strong jump.
As I said, you only have one chance. | 1:09:16 | 1:09:20 | |
If you get it wrong and land five or
ten metres back of what you're | 1:09:20 | 1:09:26 | |
looking for, that really hurts your
team's chances. Good distance. Into | 1:09:26 | 1:09:33 | |
second place. For now, for Austria.
Starting for Japan, 34-year-old | 1:09:33 | 1:09:43 | |
Hideaki Nagai. The flag goes down,
the coach uses the flag to tell the | 1:09:43 | 1:09:49 | |
jump that they are clear to go. | 1:09:49 | 1:09:57 | |
And again, around about the k-point
of hundred and 25 metres. Hideaki | 1:09:57 | 1:10:06 | |
Nagai will score into the fourth but
they have stronger competitors | 1:10:06 | 1:10:12 | |
coming up. Watch out for Akito
Watabe jumping last for Japan, one | 1:10:12 | 1:10:18 | |
of the best in the world. So is this
man for Germany, Eric Frenzel. Gold | 1:10:18 | 1:10:26 | |
and silver already in these games,
gold in Sochi as well and if huge | 1:10:26 | 1:10:30 | |
jump to get Germany on their way.
137 metres is a big start for | 1:10:30 | 1:10:38 | |
Germany courtesy of their main man,
Eric Frenzel. | 1:10:38 | 1:10:46 | |
It puts Germany into the lead and
maybe only Norway can keep up with | 1:10:50 | 1:10:54 | |
Germany in this event, Germany the
favourites. Norway's Joergen Graabak | 1:10:54 | 1:10:58 | |
into the air. You will see it's a
long jump but it wasn't quite up | 1:10:58 | 1:11:04 | |
with that green line which
represents the line of the leaders. | 1:11:04 | 1:11:10 | |
3.5 metres back from that. The
scores from the judges, look at this | 1:11:10 | 1:11:15 | |
form. | 1:11:15 | 1:11:20 | |
form. Into third behind Finland and
that is a little bit of a surprise. | 1:11:21 | 1:11:25 | |
As he entered the FirstGroup. One
quarter of the -- as we entered the | 1:11:25 | 1:11:32 | |
first group. One quarter of the way
through the ski jumping. Finland | 1:11:32 | 1:11:38 | |
outperforming the world champions,
Norway further back. Bernhard Gruber | 1:11:38 | 1:11:41 | |
for Austria. Character on the Nordic
combined circuit. Does he have the | 1:11:41 | 1:11:49 | |
distance to go with the personality?
A bit of a wobble on his right ski, | 1:11:49 | 1:11:53 | |
but a great jump from Bernhard
Gruber. That is long, 136 metres. | 1:11:53 | 1:12:03 | |
And maybe Austria can be contenders
here. They go first place. For | 1:12:03 | 1:12:11 | |
Japan, Go Yamamoto. | 1:12:11 | 1:12:19 | |
Again, that is really strong for
Japan. And there are some teams here | 1:12:20 | 1:12:26 | |
really bringing these jumps. | 1:12:26 | 1:12:29 | |
You will see more of Vinzenz Geiger,
you has been exceptional as a | 1:12:31 | 1:12:39 | |
20-year-old at these Olympics as he
waits for the light to go green. I | 1:12:39 | 1:12:44 | |
think this man will some day replace
Eric Frenzel as the superstar on the | 1:12:44 | 1:12:51 | |
German team. So strong. And he
should be happy with that as well. | 1:12:51 | 1:12:57 | |
Maybe he wants an extra couple of
metres. It's not one of the longest | 1:12:57 | 1:13:00 | |
jumps we've seen. But when you watch
the remainder of this German team | 1:13:00 | 1:13:07 | |
go, that will be a good
contribution. | 1:13:07 | 1:13:13 | |
contribution. It slots Germany into
second behind this surprise Austrian | 1:13:14 | 1:13:19 | |
performance. And the last one for
round two is your Magnus Reber from | 1:13:19 | 1:13:26 | |
Norway. -- Jarl Magnus Riiber. It
was a strong performance in the jump | 1:13:26 | 1:13:33 | |
a few days ago. The same as that.
Good from him, not great, but good. | 1:13:33 | 1:13:43 | |
That is enough by a very narrow
margin to put Norway into the lead | 1:13:45 | 1:13:52 | |
ahead of Austria and Germany. There
is the gap, 1.8 points separating | 1:13:52 | 1:14:00 | |
the top two, that is exciting. Lukas
Klapfer for Austria, looking | 1:14:00 | 1:14:07 | |
exceptionally good here so far. He
was the bronze medallist on the | 1:14:07 | 1:14:12 | |
normal hill in week one of the
Olympics, he needs more of the same | 1:14:12 | 1:14:15 | |
right now. It's good. Good without
being great. It will keep Austria in | 1:14:15 | 1:14:22 | |
the hunt. 131 metres. It puts
Austria into the lead. Comfortable | 1:14:22 | 1:14:29 | |
and above France. Now, Yoshito
Watabe, the younger brother of the | 1:14:29 | 1:14:39 | |
world number one, Akito Watabe. | 1:14:39 | 1:14:46 | |
This is a vital jump for Japan, and
it is a little short. | 1:14:51 | 1:15:00 | |
it is a little short. May be an
extra few metres would have been | 1:15:01 | 1:15:03 | |
better. Japan will only be second,
and there is a bit of a gap between | 1:15:03 | 1:15:11 | |
them and the leaders, Austria, right
now. | 1:15:11 | 1:15:19 | |
now. The silver medallist on the
large | 1:15:19 | 1:15:29 | |
large hill a couple of days ago.
That could have a big impact on | 1:15:29 | 1:15:36 | |
Germany's chances. Germany are
beneath Austria. For Norway, | 1:15:36 | 1:15:52 | |
Andersen. Sixth in the world, he has
really improved this season. | 1:15:52 | 1:16:04 | |
It was reasonably good, 128.5
metres, and later further than | 1:16:07 | 1:16:22 | |
Riessle, from a less accomplished
athlete. | 1:16:22 | 1:16:28 | |
It will come down to one of the
oldest competitors here, can he keep | 1:16:46 | 1:16:51 | |
the momentum going? Yes, he can! | 1:16:51 | 1:17:05 | |
The judges are just taking a couple
of seconds. There into the lead, how | 1:17:13 | 1:17:22 | |
about that from Wilhelm Denifl?
Watabe, the best in the world this | 1:17:22 | 1:17:30 | |
season. Five World Cup victories.
And another big jump from him. | 1:17:30 | 1:17:39 | |
And another big jump from him. 137.5
metres, still a smile etched all | 1:17:39 | 1:17:44 | |
over this these. -- over his face.
14 points behind Austria. That means | 1:17:44 | 1:17:55 | |
19 seconds in practice. Each point
is worth about one second and a | 1:17:55 | 1:17:59 | |
third. Two to jump. Hugh won gold
two days ago. Rydzek, from Germany. | 1:17:59 | 1:18:15 | |
Germany needed that. He won
everything in the world, the World | 1:18:16 | 1:18:24 | |
Championship team gold, the large
hill individual gold, normal hill | 1:18:24 | 1:18:26 | |
individual gold, followed it up by
winning Olympic gold two days ago. | 1:18:26 | 1:18:34 | |
They are into second place, because
Austria have been so strong and | 1:18:34 | 1:18:40 | |
consistent, but they are well in
touch. The final jump is Norway's | 1:18:40 | 1:18:45 | |
Schmid, who has really struggled. | 1:18:45 | 1:18:52 | |
Schmid, who has really struggled. He
almost blew out the landing. A | 1:18:52 | 1:18:55 | |
better distance than he has had, but
you will note that it was not quite | 1:18:55 | 1:18:59 | |
as far as the last two jumps. 132
metres. | 1:18:59 | 1:19:11 | |
This means Japan had sneaked into
third place. It is Austria who lead. | 1:19:14 | 1:19:23 | |
After this, this is the order they
will start the relay race. | 1:19:23 | 1:19:38 | |
20 kilometres of skiing lies between
these nations for Olympic glory. | 1:19:42 | 1:19:46 | |
We're just under 15 seconds away
from getting started. 20 kilometres, | 1:19:46 | 1:19:55 | |
four athletes, five kilometres each.
First to the line takes gold. | 1:19:55 | 1:20:08 | |
We countdown to Japan, 19 seconds. | 1:20:15 | 1:20:21 | |
2.5 kilometre loop. Each athlete
will do it twice then hand over to | 1:20:25 | 1:20:28 | |
the next one in | 1:20:28 | 1:20:34 | |
the next one in the team, is Norway
get under way, the top of the | 1:20:34 | 1:20:37 | |
rankings at the minute, but
struggling a bit at the Olympics. | 1:20:37 | 1:20:49 | |
Germany are the 2014 silver
medallists, bronze in 2010. | 1:20:49 | 1:21:02 | |
But no gold since reunification for
Germany. You can see Watabe is | 1:21:05 | 1:21:14 | |
already catching up. A couple of
days ago, Denifl jumped to first | 1:21:14 | 1:21:27 | |
place, but his cross-country skiing
was 34 bit of the athletes. | 1:21:27 | 1:21:36 | |
was 34 bit of the athletes. That is
why Geiger has caught up with him so | 1:21:36 | 1:21:38 | |
quickly. | 1:21:38 | 1:21:46 | |
Germany will be full of confidence.
One, two, three, two days ago. | 1:21:59 | 1:22:10 | |
Eric Frenzel won that one, having
won a few days before. All of the | 1:22:17 | 1:22:25 | |
German team were in the top ten for
the normal Hill skiing. That was a | 1:22:25 | 1:22:31 | |
week ago. In the first Nordic
skiing, they were... | 1:22:31 | 1:22:35 | |
Geiger going in front of Denifl, but
the gap of seven seconds behind the | 1:22:46 | 1:22:51 | |
two at the front. | 1:22:51 | 1:23:01 | |
two at the front. Geiger has decided
this is the time to make the move, | 1:23:01 | 1:23:08 | |
leaving Denifl far behind. He will
get swallowed up by Norway and Japan | 1:23:08 | 1:23:12 | |
any moment. | 1:23:12 | 1:23:17 | |
any moment. Geiger applies his
accelerator to set up the remaining | 1:23:17 | 1:23:22 | |
three members of his team, all of
whom have Olympic medals here in | 1:23:22 | 1:23:26 | |
Pyeongchang. | 1:23:26 | 1:23:31 | |
Pyeongchang. Geiger on the right,
Denifl struggling in the middle. | 1:23:33 | 1:23:39 | |
This will mean everything to Schmid
of Norway. The ski jump on its own | 1:23:45 | 1:23:52 | |
was not enough, but the team event
has given him enough to be back in | 1:23:52 | 1:24:01 | |
contention. He's easily the best
skier for Norway. | 1:24:01 | 1:24:09 | |
skier for Norway. We now see Lukas
Klapfer getting ready for | 1:24:13 | 1:24:20 | |
Klapfer getting ready for Austria,
as the first group of athletes heads | 1:24:21 | 1:24:23 | |
up the incline. One last time before
they hand over. | 1:24:23 | 1:24:39 | |
Schmid is passing. Schmid will be
having information given to him from | 1:24:40 | 1:24:53 | |
his coaches to say that Geiger has
gone for it, you need to do | 1:24:53 | 1:24:56 | |
everything you can. Because this is
going to be so tough for anyone to | 1:24:56 | 1:25:02 | |
match. It is hard to overstate after
their impressive array of | 1:25:02 | 1:25:09 | |
performances here just how much of a
favourite this German team is. | 1:25:09 | 1:25:19 | |
Geiger, trained for the first
exchange. The exchange is simple, | 1:25:21 | 1:25:26 | |
getting to the exchange zone | 1:25:26 | 1:25:33 | |
getting to the exchange zone and
apply any physical contact the next | 1:25:33 | 1:25:35 | |
athlete, just little tap. And away
goes the silver medallist just two | 1:25:35 | 1:25:44 | |
days ago in the individual event. | 1:25:44 | 1:25:55 | |
Anderson is taking over for Norway. | 1:25:57 | 1:26:05 | |
Lukas Klapfer is left with trying to
restore the race for Austria. Good | 1:26:09 | 1:26:12 | |
luck to him, because Fabian Riessle
is going to try to make very short | 1:26:12 | 1:26:18 | |
work of this field. | 1:26:18 | 1:26:28 | |
Germany are building an advantage
that it is hard to see being taken | 1:26:33 | 1:26:37 | |
away from right now. The chase group
is starting to split a little as we | 1:26:37 | 1:26:40 | |
come down the hill. They will
probably bunch again as they round | 1:26:40 | 1:26:45 | |
the here pennant come back out for
the second loop. | 1:26:45 | 1:26:54 | |
the second loop. Lukas Klapfer in
front. | 1:26:56 | 1:27:02 | |
front. The gap is three quarters of
the minute. Germany are setting up | 1:27:07 | 1:27:13 | |
pace in this that their rivals
cannot live with. Austria in the ski | 1:27:13 | 1:27:19 | |
jump jumped collectively half a
kilometre through the air, for a six | 1:27:19 | 1:27:23 | |
second advantage, -- six second
advantage at the start of the race, | 1:27:23 | 1:27:29 | |
and they must be looking at that and
wondering, bearing in mind they are | 1:27:29 | 1:27:33 | |
almost one-minute back, was half a
kilometre of ski jumping really all | 1:27:33 | 1:27:37 | |
that helpful in the grand scheme?
Germany are ending the ski jump out | 1:27:37 | 1:27:46 | |
of the contest utterly irrelevant! | 1:27:46 | 1:27:52 | |
Lukas Klapfer is heading down the
utterly alone. Look at the fight up | 1:27:58 | 1:28:02 | |
the hill. They know that they can
afford to spend all the energy they | 1:28:02 | 1:28:09 | |
have left. It is Lukas Klapfer who
leads. Trying to give their | 1:28:09 | 1:28:18 | |
team-mates whatever advantage they
can. It looks already to be a battle | 1:28:18 | 1:28:22 | |
for the silver medal. Between
Austria, Norway and Japan. Fabian | 1:28:22 | 1:28:30 | |
Riessle brings his Olympic
contribution to an end with a tap on | 1:28:30 | 1:28:33 | |
the rib | 1:28:33 | 1:28:38 | |
the rib cage of Eric Frenzel. Lukas
Klapfer has opened up a little bit | 1:28:40 | 1:28:51 | |
of a gap over Norway. | 1:28:51 | 1:29:01 | |
of a gap over Norway. He saw these
to be turning on the speed. The gap | 1:29:01 | 1:29:04 | |
will be roundabout 42 or 43 now. A
fresh Eric Frenzel has just headed | 1:29:04 | 1:29:12 | |
out. | 1:29:12 | 1:29:17 | |
out. The three setting out in
pursuit of him are by no means | 1:29:22 | 1:29:25 | |
better skiers than he is. Meanwhile,
heading out again, way ahead of | 1:29:25 | 1:29:32 | |
these is Eric Frenzel. He has one
more lap to go. Seven kilometres | 1:29:32 | 1:29:38 | |
left in the whole event, and the gap
is almost a minute. Germany are | 1:29:38 | 1:29:43 | |
cruising to gold. These three are
fighting for silver. | 1:29:43 | 1:29:51 | |
fighting for silver. This will be
disappointing in Norway, they are | 1:29:55 | 1:29:59 | |
defending Olympic champions, but
only one of the 2014 gold winning | 1:29:59 | 1:30:02 | |
team is here for Norway today. | 1:30:02 | 1:30:12 | |
team is here for Norway today. We
can start to conclude that France | 1:30:13 | 1:30:16 | |
are out of the medal picture. | 1:30:16 | 1:30:21 | |
Norway look like they will give up
the title of Olympic champions. | 1:30:21 | 1:30:27 | |
Japan won a couple of gold medals in
the early 1990s, haven't been seen | 1:30:27 | 1:30:31 | |
on a podium since. At Olympic level.
It would be an achievement for them | 1:30:31 | 1:30:36 | |
to get onto the podium. Austria won
the gold in 2006 and 2010, Bernhard | 1:30:36 | 1:30:47 | |
Gruber was in the team into a
deterrent at | 1:30:47 | 1:30:55 | |
deterrent at him now, -- in 2010.
Looking at him now, they got no | 1:30:55 | 1:30:58 | |
answer to this team. Eric Frenzel,
bronze in 2010, silver in 20 14, | 1:30:58 | 1:31:09 | |
well on the way to adding his third
gold medal overall now. | 1:31:09 | 1:31:17 | |
Go Yamamoto, now, you can see Japan
starting to get left behind. I | 1:31:21 | 1:31:28 | |
mentioned that his skiing has been
suspect here. | 1:31:28 | 1:31:34 | |
suspect here. And as Gruber besides
that -- decides that he needs to | 1:31:36 | 1:31:47 | |
push on, Jarl Magnus Riiber, ranked
highly in Norway, have decided to | 1:31:47 | 1:31:53 | |
join him. Japan have fallen back.
France's time will be at least a | 1:31:53 | 1:31:57 | |
minute... | 1:31:57 | 1:32:00 | |
And there is the visual evidence,
followed by the mathematical | 1:32:05 | 1:32:09 | |
evidence that Go Yamamoto has lost
the legs to keep up. Keep up with | 1:32:09 | 1:32:18 | |
Norway and Austria. Behind them,
France, Finland, doing what they can | 1:32:18 | 1:32:26 | |
do. It will be nowhere near enough. | 1:32:26 | 1:32:33 | |
Eric Frenzel, one more time up this
climb. He'll drop into the stadium | 1:32:53 | 1:33:00 | |
well ahead of Bernhard Gruber. And
it's going to come down to Mario | 1:33:00 | 1:33:09 | |
Seidl for Austria, you can grab back
-- Joergen Graabak for Norway and | 1:33:09 | 1:33:20 | |
Akito Watabe will eventually take
over from Go Yamamoto and decide the | 1:33:20 | 1:33:24 | |
medals. Got to be careful on the
descent, the snow is very hard | 1:33:24 | 1:33:28 | |
packed and it's slippery right now.
You can see Eric Frenzel taking | 1:33:28 | 1:33:32 | |
care. Teams are about to be lapped
in the background. Here's this surge | 1:33:32 | 1:33:38 | |
up the hill again. These two neck
and neck. | 1:33:38 | 1:33:44 | |
and neck. That was Johannes Rydzek
waiting. The Norwegian and Austrians | 1:33:45 | 1:33:49 | |
get ready to head out as well. A
penultimate round of cheering. As | 1:33:49 | 1:33:58 | |
Eric Frenzel skis in, completes what
has been a fantastic Olympics to him | 1:33:58 | 1:34:03 | |
and says to a man who just became
Olympic champion two days ago, go | 1:34:03 | 1:34:06 | |
and get off the gold. You can see he
is already celebrating in the | 1:34:06 | 1:34:10 | |
background. It's just a matter of
time for Germany. Johannes Rydzek, | 1:34:10 | 1:34:21 | |
the large hill Olympic champion, is
off and into the distance. Before | 1:34:21 | 1:34:27 | |
his challengers have even made it
into the stadium. And you can see | 1:34:27 | 1:34:32 | |
Bernhard Gruber has put some
distance between Austria and Jarl | 1:34:32 | 1:34:36 | |
Magnus Riiber for Norway. Mario
Seidl, 25 years old, a world team | 1:34:36 | 1:34:43 | |
medallist for the Austrians last
year will wait to take over from | 1:34:43 | 1:34:45 | |
Bernhard Gruber. He is a reasonably
good cross cross country skier, | 1:34:45 | 1:34:52 | |
against four Norway, Joergen Graabak
who is possibly a little stronger. | 1:34:52 | 1:35:03 | |
Seidl will inherit a six second lead
over the Norwegians. Here's Graabak, | 1:35:03 | 1:35:09 | |
gets the touch and begins the
pursuit to at least get Norway a | 1:35:09 | 1:35:12 | |
silver medal. Two times they have
won the Olympic title, 98 and 2014, | 1:35:12 | 1:35:19 | |
twice the silver in 92 and 94. Last
three World Championship to have all | 1:35:19 | 1:35:24 | |
been silver medals for Norway, there
used to finishing second but this is | 1:35:24 | 1:35:28 | |
going to frustrate them particularly
the manner of it. Because Germany, | 1:35:28 | 1:35:35 | |
from the second loop from this two
and a half kilometre course with | 1:35:35 | 1:35:39 | |
Vinzenz Geiger, had just let up. --
have just not let up. He's taking | 1:35:39 | 1:35:48 | |
his time, waiting for a moment to
push ahead, Graabak. One of the best | 1:35:48 | 1:35:54 | |
skiers on the circuit. And Mario
Seidl, a good skier himself, but it | 1:35:54 | 1:36:00 | |
looks right now like Graabak is
matching him move for move and | 1:36:00 | 1:36:06 | |
waiting for a moment to press ahead.
They're going so slowly. Seidl wants | 1:36:06 | 1:36:11 | |
help, he's not getting it. | 1:36:11 | 1:36:19 | |
And all the while, Johannes Rydzek
get a scenic tour of the | 1:36:19 | 1:36:30 | |
cross-country course for one last
time at the Olympics before the | 1:36:30 | 1:36:32 | |
sheer inevitability in this lightly,
gently swirling snow, the gold medal | 1:36:32 | 1:36:39 | |
being dropped around his neck. | 1:36:39 | 1:36:47 | |
Still, Seidl up ahead. It's a minute
and a half to the front, forget | 1:36:52 | 1:36:55 | |
about that. Akito Watabe is the best
part of a minute behind, the only | 1:36:55 | 1:37:02 | |
question left here is, which of
these two is going to make it to the | 1:37:02 | 1:37:06 | |
line first? And by far the happier
looking of them is Joergen Graabak | 1:37:06 | 1:37:11 | |
on the left for Norway. | 1:37:11 | 1:37:20 | |
Johannes Rydzek cheering up what
remains of this course. The Germans | 1:37:28 | 1:37:33 | |
have already got a little carried
away with celebrating at these | 1:37:33 | 1:37:36 | |
Olympics. We were discussing earlier
during the ski jump the fact that | 1:37:36 | 1:37:40 | |
Eric Frenzel managed to take eight
to that with a champagne bottle went | 1:37:40 | 1:37:43 | |
they had a 1-2- three on Sunday. You
can only begin to imagine the bill | 1:37:43 | 1:37:49 | |
for dental work after this race is
done! Now, there goes the move. We | 1:37:49 | 1:37:56 | |
said Joergen Graabak was bounding
his time, now he decides, I'm going. | 1:37:56 | 1:38:02 | |
Giving it everything, Mario Seidl
trying to match him. I don't figure | 1:38:02 | 1:38:11 | |
it's going to happen, look at the
coach, chasing him up the hill like | 1:38:11 | 1:38:15 | |
a small Yorkshire terrier having a
bad day. | 1:38:15 | 1:38:22 | |
bad day. And I think that little
encouragement up that Hill will be | 1:38:22 | 1:38:24 | |
more than enough for Joergen Graabak
to bring home the silver medal. | 1:38:24 | 1:38:31 | |
Mario Seidl for Austria well and
truly defeated by Joergen Graabak. | 1:38:31 | 1:38:37 | |
Played it perfectly from a strategic
point of view. Speaking of things | 1:38:37 | 1:38:43 | |
being sadly defeated, all of them
are nowhere near the Germans. | 1:38:43 | 1:38:51 | |
are nowhere near the Germans. A few
more words from the Austrian coach. | 1:38:53 | 1:38:55 | |
I don't think there's much you can
say to Mario Seidl, he's not quite | 1:38:55 | 1:39:00 | |
what he needs in the tank. And here
it is Johannes Rydzek. Well, I'm not | 1:39:00 | 1:39:13 | |
sure if there very much that the
coaches need to say to him either. | 1:39:13 | 1:39:17 | |
They're still having a few words!
Keep going, Johannes | 1:39:17 | 1:39:25 | |
They're still having a few words!
Keep going, Johannes, best not to | 1:39:25 | 1:39:28 | |
breaststroke this last kilometre,
they might catch you. | 1:39:28 | 1:39:37 | |
Still giving it everything. The
world champion into individual | 1:39:37 | 1:39:42 | |
events and the team event lasted,
bringing home the Olympic gold for | 1:39:42 | 1:39:46 | |
Germany. And here, Norway well ahead
of Austria, a cruise down the hill | 1:39:46 | 1:39:54 | |
now. I think he realises his work is
done, Rydzek. This is it, the last | 1:39:54 | 1:40:02 | |
event for the Olympics for these
athletes. | 1:40:02 | 1:40:08 | |
athletes. All smiles, waiting for
their tea maker, - the stadium, with | 1:40:12 | 1:40:17 | |
no one else even insight. | 1:40:17 | 1:40:23 | |
no one else even insight. -- waiting
for their team make to make it into | 1:40:23 | 1:40:26 | |
the stadium, with no one else even
in sight. There's the flag. Go and | 1:40:26 | 1:40:33 | |
watch the big screen, see him bring
it home. It will take 50 metres to | 1:40:33 | 1:40:38 | |
sort the flag out and get your
gloves straight. There it is. | 1:40:38 | 1:40:41 | |
Johannes Rydzek adds another Olympic
title to the one he won just a | 1:40:41 | 1:40:49 | |
couple of days ago except this time,
it's for all of Germany. All of his | 1:40:49 | 1:40:54 | |
team-mates. Stay on your feet, Sun!
That would be a bad time to trip! | 1:40:54 | 1:41:04 | |
It's a procession for Germany, it's
their first Nordic combined team | 1:41:05 | 1:41:10 | |
Olympic gold in 30 years. A unified
German team has never done this | 1:41:10 | 1:41:15 | |
until now. They took their time
before today, but on the day, they | 1:41:15 | 1:41:23 | |
could not be matched by anyone. For
Norway, it's | 1:41:23 | 1:41:36 | |
Norway, it's Joergen Graabak. He
bided his time on the final leg, | 1:41:36 | 1:41:39 | |
chose his moment to pick of
Austria's Mario Seidl, and Norway, | 1:41:39 | 1:41:43 | |
the Olympic champions four years
ago, will settle for the silver they | 1:41:43 | 1:41:47 | |
picked up at world level these past
few times. Germany were just in a | 1:41:47 | 1:41:52 | |
different league. | 1:41:52 | 1:41:57 | |
different league. He keeps going all
the way, Graabak. A little knot of | 1:41:57 | 1:42:03 | |
celebration, he acknowledges the
crowd, Norway, your 2018 silver | 1:42:03 | 1:42:08 | |
medallists. That leaves Mario Seidl,
who will be in break by his Austrian | 1:42:08 | 1:42:13 | |
colleagues because their ski jump
set them up for an incredible bronze | 1:42:13 | 1:42:16 | |
medal. He may have been beaten to
the line like Graabak for silver, | 1:42:16 | 1:42:21 | |
but bronze is fantastic for Austria.
And your podium is complete. The | 1:42:21 | 1:42:30 | |
Germans already trading stories.
Everyone already have their breath | 1:42:30 | 1:42:35 | |
back, practically. You can see
Rydzek just recovering but he's got | 1:42:35 | 1:42:39 | |
more than enough for a hug and a
chat. You rarely see a final and win | 1:42:39 | 1:42:45 | |
executed to quite that level of
dominance. All the cheering and | 1:42:45 | 1:42:52 | |
smiles for Germany, the Olympic team
champions. | 1:42:52 | 1:42:54 | |
STUDIO: | 1:42:54 | 1:42:58 | |
STUDIO: Germany's sublime Johannes | 1:42:58 | 1:43:00 | |
Rydzek and pals have claimed that
up, but clean sweep of all the | 1:43:00 | 1:43:05 | |
Nordic combined events. Their 13th
gold medal of the games which | 1:43:05 | 1:43:08 | |
surpasses the best ever haul that
Germany has managed, 12 in Salt Lake | 1:43:08 | 1:43:16 | |
city in 2002 and 20 years ago in
Japan. The winning's -- women's ice | 1:43:16 | 1:43:24 | |
hockey final was always going to be
a North American showdown because | 1:43:24 | 1:43:27 | |
ever since this was introduced to
the limited programme in nano 20 | 1:43:27 | 1:43:31 | |
years ago, it's been about these
teams. America won it the first time | 1:43:31 | 1:43:37 | |
in 98, and in five of the six finals
since then, it's usually Canada who | 1:43:37 | 1:43:41 | |
have had the better of it. They were
going for five titles in a row here. | 1:43:41 | 1:43:45 | |
They are skippered by the woman I
like to call Captain heartbreak, | 1:43:45 | 1:43:50 | |
Marie Philip Doolin, who broke US
hearts because she could lie to | 1:43:50 | 1:43:58 | |
Marie Philip Doolin, who broke US
hearts because she could lie -- | 1:43:58 | 1:43:58 | |
equalised with a minute to go in the
last final. They have played each | 1:43:58 | 1:44:04 | |
other 22 times since that last final
in the Olympics, the American have | 1:44:04 | 1:44:09 | |
won 12, Canada ten. This latest
rematch was always going to be a | 1:44:09 | 1:44:13 | |
little bit tricky. Let's see this
one and what a final it turned out | 1:44:13 | 1:44:17 | |
to be | 1:44:17 | 1:44:20 | |
one and what a final it turned out
to be. | 1:44:20 | 1:44:21 | |
Women's hockey superpower once again
in a final, a rematch of four years | 1:44:24 | 1:44:32 | |
ago, eight years ago. Canada walked
away with victories on both of those | 1:44:32 | 1:44:37 | |
occasions and it's been four years
of hurt for the Americans. Can they | 1:44:37 | 1:44:44 | |
turn the tide of victory here in
John Chang? -- Pyeongchang? A two | 1:44:44 | 1:44:51 | |
interference call. I smile from the
coach. | 1:44:51 | 1:45:00 | |
That is fairly legitimate, tough to
argue that one. That is the third | 1:45:04 | 1:45:09 | |
penalty they have taken, and you can
only play with fire so match. | 1:45:09 | 1:45:17 | |
only play with fire so match. At a
time it would be to score a. Under | 1:45:17 | 1:45:20 | |
one-minute remains in the first
period of the women's ice hockey | 1:45:20 | 1:45:23 | |
Olympic final. | 1:45:23 | 1:45:31 | |
Olympic final. The Americans have a
chance, and they will keep looking | 1:45:31 | 1:45:36 | |
for more. Hilary Knight is the
player in front of the net. And she | 1:45:36 | 1:45:42 | |
scores! 25 seconds remain in the
first, and it is first blood to the | 1:45:42 | 1:45:51 | |
USA! So often it has been silver for
the US, but the golden touch from | 1:45:51 | 1:46:01 | |
Hilary Knight. You just got the
feeling this was going to happen. | 1:46:01 | 1:46:08 | |
Look at all the time and space
Sidney Morin has. Just onto the | 1:46:08 | 1:46:19 | |
backhand of Hilary Knight, who is on
top of the crease. Shannon Szabados | 1:46:19 | 1:46:25 | |
was wondering if Hilary Knight was
there, she was not. | 1:46:25 | 1:46:38 | |
It is there! Canada are back on this
as they level things up. | 1:46:46 | 1:46:57 | |
as they level things up. Just enough
of a stick on it. | 1:46:57 | 1:47:04 | |
of a stick on it. Haley Irwin around
the net. What a play from Blayre | 1:47:04 | 1:47:14 | |
Turnbull. And look at Haley Irwin.
She pulls it out of the air. She | 1:47:14 | 1:47:23 | |
reaches out before it gets to
Rooney. She deflected past her on | 1:47:23 | 1:47:27 | |
the short side. | 1:47:27 | 1:47:33 | |
the short side. One thing is the
Americans do so well is not to give | 1:47:33 | 1:47:36 | |
the puck away. They know where they
want to put it. They are not content | 1:47:36 | 1:47:40 | |
putting it to nobody. Sometimes
Canada are happy just to get it off | 1:47:40 | 1:47:46 | |
sticks. In point. | 1:47:46 | 1:47:55 | |
sticks. In point. Another Olympic
final goal for Marie-Philip Poulin. | 1:47:55 | 1:48:05 | |
That combination of Meghan Agosta
and Marie-Philip Poulin put Canada | 1:48:05 | 1:48:13 | |
back on track for gold. No sooner
were re-praising the Americans... | 1:48:13 | 1:48:22 | |
That is a horrible turnover. | 1:48:22 | 1:48:28 | |
That is a horrible turnover. Past
Maddie Rooney. A terrific shot, love | 1:48:29 | 1:48:35 | |
the pass. Through the legs of Amanda
Cassell. -- Amanda Kessel. | 1:48:35 | 1:48:53 | |
Cassell. -- Amanda Kessel. Come the
big moment, the Canadians seem to | 1:48:53 | 1:48:55 | |
find an extra gear. She couldn't
finish it. What a chance. Hilary | 1:48:55 | 1:49:03 | |
Knight with a backhand play. | 1:49:03 | 1:49:09 | |
Knight with a backhand play. There
is a player down injured on the ice. | 1:49:10 | 1:49:17 | |
Breanna Becker took the full force
of that. Wonderful play at one end. | 1:49:19 | 1:49:32 | |
Hilary Knight made a wonderful Pask,
and Breanna Becker was not able to | 1:49:34 | 1:49:41 | |
finish it. What a remarkable
sequence back and forth. A huge | 1:49:41 | 1:49:47 | |
save. A beautiful backhand pass,
then Marie-Philip Poulin went right | 1:49:47 | 1:49:59 | |
through Hillary Decker. -- Breanna
Becker. In the men's game that is a | 1:49:59 | 1:50:07 | |
hit to the head. That is a penalty,
no doubt about it. | 1:50:07 | 1:50:16 | |
no doubt about it. L board to head.
-- that was her elbow to the head. | 1:50:18 | 1:50:28 | |
Good save by Rooney. Is that a gold
medal saving save? Monique | 1:50:30 | 1:50:40 | |
Lamoureux-Morando! She levels.
Rooney makes the stop at one end, | 1:50:40 | 1:50:48 | |
the breakaway, and who else do you
want it on the stick of? Wanny | 1:50:48 | 1:50:56 | |
glamour, Randall. Thoughts of 1998
back in focus. -- Monique | 1:50:56 | 1:51:04 | |
Lamoureux-Morando. Look at her, head
up, so confident, and she fires the | 1:51:04 | 1:51:12 | |
puck under the glove of Shannon
Szabados. Amazing stuff, amazing | 1:51:12 | 1:51:19 | |
game. An amazing finish for her.
Canada maybe have one last chance. | 1:51:19 | 1:51:32 | |
They have run out of time. And for
the second successive Winter | 1:51:32 | 1:51:40 | |
Olympics, we going to overtime in
the women's ice hockey final. The | 1:51:40 | 1:51:48 | |
next goal will win it. | 1:51:48 | 1:52:00 | |
Canada do not have the dynamic
defender who can leap into the play. | 1:52:06 | 1:52:14 | |
What a save from Shannon Szabados.
What a save from Gigi Marvin to | 1:52:14 | 1:52:20 | |
spring the defender, Megan Keller.
The drama will continue, 80 minutes, | 1:52:20 | 1:52:33 | |
you cannot split the teams. And
Olympic gold medal match, and now it | 1:52:33 | 1:52:38 | |
is over to a shoot out. Natalie
Spooner, the first four Canada. | 1:52:38 | 1:52:46 | |
She's looking to set the tone early.
She has British links, she has | 1:52:46 | 1:53:02 | |
family from Swinton just outside
Manchester. She just lost control, | 1:53:02 | 1:53:07 | |
not sure what she was trying to
accomplish, Natalie Spooner. Gigi | 1:53:07 | 1:53:18 | |
Marvin scores! | 1:53:18 | 1:53:24 | |
Marvin scores! She was just able to
hammer it through. | 1:53:24 | 1:53:30 | |
She has scored so many goals in
Olympic play. She rifles at home. | 1:53:36 | 1:53:41 | |
Canada are level. | 1:53:41 | 1:53:46 | |
Canada are level. Now, Hannah
Brandt. Her sister played for the | 1:53:48 | 1:53:51 | |
Korean team. And here she is in the
final. Saved by Shannon Szabados. We | 1:53:51 | 1:54:01 | |
are tied at two after two. It went
between the legs. | 1:54:01 | 1:54:09 | |
between the legs. Two Olympic
game-winning goals to her name. Can | 1:54:11 | 1:54:14 | |
she add another. Rooney stayed big
and tall. A great stop. | 1:54:14 | 1:54:32 | |
and tall. A great stop. Emily
Pfalzer. A big shot on the | 1:54:32 | 1:54:38 | |
right-hand side. Still level. She
tries to go to the right side -- the | 1:54:38 | 1:54:46 | |
backside. | 1:54:46 | 1:54:56 | |
Oh, my word! That was incredible.
Shades of 1994. | 1:55:02 | 1:55:17 | |
Shades of 1994. Daoust! An amazing
goal from Daoust! One-handed, takes | 1:55:17 | 1:55:23 | |
it one way, sells it and then gets
it past. | 1:55:23 | 1:55:33 | |
it past. Here comes Amanda Cassell.
She waits until Shannon Szabados | 1:55:34 | 1:55:48 | |
makes the first move, then she's
over the glove. | 1:55:48 | 1:55:54 | |
over the glove. Saved! She know she
has given the Americans the chance | 1:55:54 | 1:56:01 | |
to win gold for the next shot. That
was a good stop. | 1:56:01 | 1:56:18 | |
That was the gold medal shot, and it
was saved explanation mark we go to | 1:56:21 | 1:56:26 | |
sudden death. I don't even know what
to say. Hilary Knight was robbed. | 1:56:26 | 1:56:38 | |
Put back in and your gold medal
champions. | 1:56:38 | 1:56:45 | |
champions. May be taking a little
more of a break. | 1:56:45 | 1:56:56 | |
It is Joslin Lambro. -- Joslin
glamour Ruth Davidson. | 1:56:58 | 1:57:10 | |
glamour Ruth Davidson. -- Joslin
Lambro Davidson. That is just | 1:57:11 | 1:57:17 | |
perfection right there. | 1:57:17 | 1:57:23 | |
Saved! The USA win gold for the
first time since 1998! Canada's run | 1:57:31 | 1:57:37 | |
of 24 straight wins in Olympic
hockey matches is over. They are | 1:57:37 | 1:57:42 | |
devastated. | 1:57:42 | 1:57:47 | |
devastated. The Americans are crying
the Olympic champions for the second | 1:57:48 | 1:57:51 | |
time. | 1:57:51 | 1:57:56 | |
time. The queens of ice hockey, they
win it in the most dramatic of | 1:57:59 | 1:58:08 | |
circumstances. The fight for gold
ends back in Asia, will it all | 1:58:08 | 1:58:18 | |
started. And they will celebrate the
tears of joy, and on the underside, | 1:58:18 | 1:58:27 | |
tears of disappointment. The Golden
girls of American hockey. We just | 1:58:27 | 1:58:34 | |
took each player one at a time, and
when it came down to one, I just | 1:58:34 | 1:58:42 | |
thought, it is one more, and it was
a gold medal! Those women means a | 1:58:42 | 1:58:47 | |
much to me and I cannot believe we
did it. Thanks to everyone for the | 1:58:47 | 1:58:51 | |
support. At shoot out over time, we
knew we were going to get it done, | 1:58:51 | 1:58:58 | |
there was no doubt in the locker
room. We have played this game a | 1:58:58 | 1:59:02 | |
thousand times in our minds over and
over for the last four years, and we | 1:59:02 | 1:59:05 | |
did not care how we got it done, as
long as we got these. | 1:59:05 | 1:59:10 | |
HAZEL IRVINE:. 20 years since they
last won the gold, and incidentally, | 1:59:10 | 1:59:17 | |
30 years -- 38 years day since the
American men won the miracle on ice, | 1:59:17 | 1:59:22 | |
do you remember that at Lake Placid
against the Soviet Union? To the | 1:59:22 | 1:59:28 | |
day. I suspect they will be
celebrating that women's gold just | 1:59:28 | 1:59:31 | |
like the miracle on ice. | 1:59:31 | 1:59:33 | |
celebrating that women's gold just
like the miracle on ice. Now, time | 1:59:33 | 1:59:37 | |
for some slalom, courtesy of Dave
Ryding. | 1:59:37 | 1:59:47 | |
Dave Ryding drives right, he is
second! Sensational! The first | 1:59:48 | 1:59:59 | |
British racer on a World Cup podium
since 1981. | 1:59:59 | 2:00:13 | |
since 1981. What are you doing
here?! Is this a little striptease! | 2:00:13 | 2:00:20 | |
This is it! This is it. It is heavy!
How often do you polish it? Not | 2:00:20 | 2:00:34 | |
Riding San Marcos linemen skiing is
so competitive. But there are races | 2:00:36 | 2:00:43 | |
who was pushing it. We have
Kristoffersen and Hirscher. Are they | 2:00:43 | 2:00:47 | |
beatable and what can you do to
narrow the gap? Like you see, there | 2:00:47 | 2:00:50 | |
are a step above the rest. I used to
set limits for myself, but now I | 2:00:50 | 2:00:56 | |
don't think there are limits any
more. So I believe I can catch them. | 2:00:56 | 2:01:02 | |
We can we look out, you are out
there racing against these nations. | 2:01:02 | 2:01:06 | |
But that is not where it started for
you, it started on a dry ski slope? | 2:01:06 | 2:01:12 | |
Slightly different to what these
guys started on. I guess I'm amazed | 2:01:12 | 2:01:15 | |
at where I came from. It's a
different story. Do they know you | 2:01:15 | 2:01:20 | |
skied on hairbrushes? They do now.
Show me where it started in Pendle. | 2:01:20 | 2:01:30 | |
So, Dave "The Rocket" Ryding, this
is where it started for you. This is | 2:01:32 | 2:01:37 | |
where the name came from. As a kid,
I would come up here. You could say | 2:01:37 | 2:01:42 | |
it's the Alps of the UK! But in your
day, there was not a fence, so you | 2:01:42 | 2:01:49 | |
would be racing around sheep. That
is why you are so agile. So there | 2:01:49 | 2:01:53 | |
was no family background of being a
ski racer? No. My dad loved it. My | 2:01:53 | 2:02:01 | |
mum learned to accept that he loved
it and was very supportive. Is it | 2:02:01 | 2:02:07 | |
true that your grandad sold skiing
stuff out of the back of his van in | 2:02:07 | 2:02:10 | |
order for you to pursue your career?
Yeah. He set up a website and | 2:02:10 | 2:02:16 | |
started selling ski racing
equipment. All part of the journey. | 2:02:16 | 2:02:27 | |
So naturally, Pendle dry ski slope
is really proud of having a | 2:02:27 | 2:02:31 | |
Kitzbuhel medallist here. How were
they wrecked when you come home with | 2:02:31 | 2:02:34 | |
an Olympic medal? -- how do you
think they will react when you come | 2:02:34 | 2:02:38 | |
home with a medal? All they ask is,
are you capable? I have proven I am. | 2:02:38 | 2:02:47 | |
It's the same people as at
Kitzbuhel. I know it's difficult and | 2:02:47 | 2:02:50 | |
there are another 20 or 30 guys
going in for the same thing. | 2:02:50 | 2:02:56 | |
Hopefully, the weather and
conditions suit me and I can be in | 2:02:56 | 2:03:00 | |
for one. What kind of conditions in
Korea would suit you? For some | 2:03:00 | 2:03:05 | |
reason, I used to be rubbish on the
ice. I have trained so much to be | 2:03:05 | 2:03:08 | |
better that now ice is my thing | 2:03:08 | 2:03:10 | |
ice. I have trained so much to be
better that now ice is my thing. So | 2:03:10 | 2:03:10 | |
a good day, firms know -- firma snow
should be my thing. How will you | 2:03:10 | 2:03:22 | |
handle the pressure on the day when
you wake up? I have been to two | 2:03:22 | 2:03:27 | |
Olympics already, so I know what is
about. I know what everything will | 2:03:27 | 2:03:31 | |
be like. The setup will be similar.
If I ski the best I have ever skied | 2:03:31 | 2:03:35 | |
and don't come away with a medal,
that is all I can do. I will give it | 2:03:35 | 2:03:40 | |
everything I have. If I can do it
for British skiing, it will be | 2:03:40 | 2:03:43 | |
awesome. We are joined by British
Olympic ski racer Ed Drake once | 2:03:43 | 2:03:49 | |
again. A colleague of yours, Dave
"The Rocket" Ryding, fantastic | 2:03:49 | 2:03:54 | |
pictures from Pendle artificial ski
slope. It shows you what is possible | 2:03:54 | 2:03:58 | |
from humble beginnings. Certainly
does. Having not trained on snow | 2:03:58 | 2:04:04 | |
before he was 12 years old, to be
down competing and one of the best | 2:04:04 | 2:04:07 | |
in the world is astonishing. And it
all changed for him with that second | 2:04:07 | 2:04:11 | |
place in Kitzbuhel. You have the
downhill on the Saturday, and than | 2:04:11 | 2:04:20 | |
40,000 hungover people come back on
the Sunday morning to watch the | 2:04:20 | 2:04:22 | |
slalom. And he performs and gets the
best result for a British racer in | 2:04:22 | 2:04:27 | |
35 years. It was amazing. I was
lucky enough to be there. The first | 2:04:27 | 2:04:35 | |
one was so unexpected. Took the lead
by a considerable margin. He was | 2:04:35 | 2:04:39 | |
leading Hirscher by nine tenths. And
then to hold his nerve in the second | 2:04:39 | 2:04:46 | |
run, having everybody talking about
it and hundreds of messages coming | 2:04:46 | 2:04:49 | |
in, to do that still brings goose
bumps watching it back. He goes on | 2:04:49 | 2:04:54 | |
to this Olympic men's slalom with
chances, but it is Marcel Hirscher | 2:04:54 | 2:04:58 | |
who is the golden boy of Austrian
skiing right now and after the two | 2:04:58 | 2:05:02 | |
gold medals, he is trying to do what
the last guy to do it, Jean-Claude | 2:05:02 | 2:05:09 | |
Killy, 50 years ago, and win a
third. That is huge pressure despite | 2:05:09 | 2:05:13 | |
the fact that he has already
achieved big time in these games. | 2:05:13 | 2:05:17 | |
Massive pressure, but he thrives on
it. He has been the pinnacle of | 2:05:17 | 2:05:22 | |
technical ski racing for a few years
now and he seems to live on the edge | 2:05:22 | 2:05:26 | |
of that pressure. I don't think he
will worry much. So we have two runs | 2:05:26 | 2:05:32 | |
through a maze of twisting and
turning gates, about 64 gates. It is | 2:05:32 | 2:05:38 | |
all described for us. What a race
this will be - by Matt Chilton. | 2:05:38 | 2:05:43 | |
First run of the men's slalom, the
last individual event of the games | 2:05:48 | 2:05:52 | |
for 2018. The Olympic men's slalom
in Pyeongchang is under way. The | 2:05:52 | 2:05:59 | |
Italian veteran, 35 years old,
starting number two. Didn't have any | 2:05:59 | 2:06:10 | |
luck in the giant slalom. His sister
was the leader after the first run | 2:06:10 | 2:06:16 | |
of the women's giant slalom, but
failed to convert that. He's had a | 2:06:16 | 2:06:19 | |
good start here, though. | 2:06:19 | 2:06:30 | |
good start here, though. Just after
the intermediate, there was a | 2:06:30 | 2:06:33 | |
mistake from Moelgg. I'm not sure if
he was still be in front. A couple | 2:06:33 | 2:06:38 | |
of skids sideways and he has lost a
bit of that advantage. Now onto the | 2:06:38 | 2:06:43 | |
flats. He will come onto this last
role and then focus on the finishing | 2:06:43 | 2:06:51 | |
line. Has he done enough to lead?
Yes. Good first leg from the | 2:06:51 | 2:06:56 | |
Italian. Plenty of aggression from
start to finish for the 35-year-old, | 2:06:56 | 2:07:06 | |
in really good shape. This is his
best chance of getting his first | 2:07:06 | 2:07:14 | |
Olympic medal Henrik Kristoffersen,
the 23-year-old Norwegian. What can | 2:07:17 | 2:07:22 | |
he produce here? He had a good giant
slalom. Got in the medals and he has | 2:07:22 | 2:07:30 | |
started positively here. | 2:07:30 | 2:07:36 | |
started positively here. That is
really direct, deflecting these | 2:07:41 | 2:07:46 | |
spring-loaded gates with the poll
handles and Sinn protectors. He is | 2:07:46 | 2:07:52 | |
really moving up through the gears.
He is flying through the final few | 2:07:52 | 2:07:57 | |
turns. | 2:07:57 | 2:08:02 | |
turns. Kristoffersen will lead the
first run. That is a healthy lead as | 2:08:02 | 2:08:08 | |
well. He shows his true colours. He
got excellent acceleration and | 2:08:08 | 2:08:16 | |
Kristoffersen has skied into first.
Marcel Hirscher next. The double | 2:08:16 | 2:08:24 | |
gold medallist from these Olympic
winter games. Now he begins his | 2:08:24 | 2:08:29 | |
quest for a third. Champion in the
combined. The gold medal winner in | 2:08:29 | 2:08:33 | |
the giant slalom, on his way in the
slalom. | 2:08:33 | 2:08:42 | |
slalom. He is just about matching
Kristoffersen and then he makes a | 2:08:43 | 2:08:46 | |
mistake, but didn't seem to lose and
much speed. | 2:08:46 | 2:08:52 | |
much speed. Wonderful ability to
recover, but not today. Hirscher | 2:08:54 | 2:08:56 | |
will not win a third gold. It's over
for Marcel Hirscher. That is a huge | 2:08:56 | 2:09:00 | |
surprise. | 2:09:00 | 2:09:05 | |
surprise. Hirscher goes out. Upper
body twisted. Fighting, but gravity | 2:09:08 | 2:09:12 | |
took control. Hirscher's slalom is
over. Austrian heads have dropped. | 2:09:12 | 2:09:26 | |
Next to ski, one of the tallest and
oldest men in the competition, Andre | 2:09:26 | 2:09:32 | |
Myra. Can he produce something a bit
tasty in the early stages -- Andre | 2:09:32 | 2:09:39 | |
Myhrer. Nice start. The soft snow
overnight means the course is | 2:09:39 | 2:09:45 | |
cutting up quite quickly. | 2:09:45 | 2:09:54 | |
cutting up quite quickly. Wonderful
shots that you are seeing in | 2:09:54 | 2:09:57 | |
glorious high-definition, with blue
sky, fresh snow on the track, barely | 2:09:57 | 2:10:00 | |
a breath of wind. It's just about
perfect and Myhrer is flying on the | 2:10:00 | 2:10:08 | |
flats. | 2:10:08 | 2:10:13 | |
flats. He has gone into second. That
was a brilliant finish. | 2:10:14 | 2:10:21 | |
was a brilliant finish. One
Norwegian leads. Another is ready to | 2:10:23 | 2:10:25 | |
go. Sebastian Foss-Solevaag, | 2:10:25 | 2:10:36 | |
go. Sebastian Foss-Solevaag, eighth
in the slalom stand. | 2:10:37 | 2:10:45 | |
in the slalom stand. There was a
head-to-head race in Stockholm. We | 2:10:49 | 2:10:56 | |
will follow him from the cable cam
above. Then he gets slightly jammed | 2:10:56 | 2:11:04 | |
sideways. | 2:11:04 | 2:11:10 | |
sideways. The way things stand, he
is doing well enough to ski into | 2:11:10 | 2:11:15 | |
third position, provisionally. If he
does so, he will have a shot at a | 2:11:15 | 2:11:18 | |
medal going into the second leg. | 2:11:18 | 2:11:24 | |
Marco Schwarz is the next to ski. He
comes from the home result of the | 2:11:38 | 2:11:49 | |
great fans clamour. | 2:11:49 | 2:11:53 | |
There's just a slight element of
caution in this first run from Marco | 2:11:53 | 2:11:59 | |
Schwarz. I don't know if that is
team orders or just Schwarz wanting | 2:11:59 | 2:12:03 | |
to make doubly sure of finding his
way to the finish. Just a bit of | 2:12:03 | 2:12:07 | |
breeze picking up. | 2:12:07 | 2:12:17 | |
47.72 is the fastest time of the
day. It is not going to be beaten by | 2:12:24 | 2:12:29 | |
Schwarz. | 2:12:29 | 2:12:39 | |
Kristoffersen leads the way for
Norway. | 2:12:39 | 2:12:50 | |
Pinturault is 26 years old, silver
medallist from the Alpine combined. | 2:12:53 | 2:13:02 | |
He also got a medal in the men's
giant slalom. | 2:13:02 | 2:13:14 | |
Now he has found his feet on the
flat. It starts to enjoy this first | 2:13:14 | 2:13:19 | |
run. It's really inviting towards
the finish. Has he clawed back any | 2:13:19 | 2:13:24 | |
of the lost time? | 2:13:24 | 2:13:31 | |
of the lost time? Down towards the
finishing line with a bit of light | 2:13:31 | 2:13:33 | |
snow getting blown around in the
breeze. It's a fast finish from | 2:13:33 | 2:13:38 | |
Pinturault, good enough for fifth.
The French team are happy with that. | 2:13:38 | 2:13:42 | |
Good skiing from Alexis Pinturault.
Those watching at the top, including | 2:13:42 | 2:13:49 | |
Dave Ryding, we'll get some
encouragement from that result. | 2:13:49 | 2:14:02 | |
encouragement from that result. The
next man to ski is Dave Ryding from | 2:14:02 | 2:14:04 | |
Great Britain, Ryding the runner-up
in the Kitzbuhel slalom last season. | 2:14:04 | 2:14:09 | |
Became the first man in more than 30
years to stand on a World Cup | 2:14:09 | 2:14:12 | |
podium. He's had really good
training in the lead up to today's | 2:14:12 | 2:14:15 | |
race here in Yongpyong. He has made
a really good start here. It is | 2:14:15 | 2:14:24 | |
smooth and accurate for the man who
learned to ski on the dry slopes at | 2:14:24 | 2:14:31 | |
Pendle in Lancashire. Really relaxed
style, beautiful slalom racing from | 2:14:31 | 2:14:35 | |
the man they call the rocket. | 2:14:35 | 2:14:41 | |
the man they call the rocket. Onto
the flat. And he starts to attack. | 2:14:41 | 2:14:44 | |
He has got to relax and go for it.
It is a fine finish for Dave Ryding. | 2:14:44 | 2:14:50 | |
The key is how close he can go to
Henrik Kristoffersen's lead. He is | 2:14:50 | 2:14:58 | |
in the top ten. | 2:14:58 | 2:15:04 | |
Dave Ryding has a chance to strike
for a medal in the second run. | 2:15:04 | 2:15:08 | |
Clean, accurate, would have hoped to
have been slightly quicker. | 2:15:08 | 2:15:17 | |
have been slightly quicker. Ramon
Zenhaeusern next to ski, the tallest | 2:15:17 | 2:15:19 | |
man in the field. Let's see what he
can produce a following his World | 2:15:19 | 2:15:25 | |
Cup win out of nowhere in stock. The
head to head city centre event which | 2:15:25 | 2:15:30 | |
took place on the 30th of January,
the final World Cup race before the | 2:15:30 | 2:15:35 | |
Olympic Games and Ramon Zenhaeusern
was the winner, defeating Andree | 2:15:35 | 2:15:42 | |
Myhrer into second position. He is
watching at the bottom as this tall | 2:15:42 | 2:15:47 | |
rangy figure from Switzerland grinds
his way through the first 30 turns. | 2:15:47 | 2:15:53 | |
A total of 66 terms set out by the
Austrian coach here today. The | 2:15:53 | 2:15:58 | |
Austrians not in great shape though.
Their best in six. Marcel Hirscher | 2:15:58 | 2:16:07 | |
failed to finish. They also have a
skier in 11th. 47.72 unlikely to be | 2:16:07 | 2:16:13 | |
bettered now. But then Howson has
gone into the top ten. A good run | 2:16:13 | 2:16:20 | |
and he has justified his Olympic
selection. These are the scenes at | 2:16:20 | 2:16:26 | |
the top of the course as the later
starters make their preparations. | 2:16:26 | 2:16:37 | |
Muffat-Jeandet has got a good number
because they prepare the course | 2:16:38 | 2:16:42 | |
again after the first 15 skiers. So
it is a fresher start for him. | 2:16:42 | 2:16:51 | |
Two tenths of the place for Victor
Muffat-Jeandet. He is making the | 2:16:54 | 2:17:02 | |
best of the fresh track underfoot.
Already a medallist taking bronze in | 2:17:02 | 2:17:08 | |
the Alpine combined last week. No
real errors so far for Victor | 2:17:08 | 2:17:14 | |
Muffat-Jeandet, one of two skiers
representing valgus there in this | 2:17:14 | 2:17:17 | |
run. Now, Victor Muffat-Jeandet
could well ski into the top ten and | 2:17:17 | 2:17:27 | |
push Dave Ryding down a place here.
A brilliant run. He has gone third. | 2:17:27 | 2:17:34 | |
Oh my word. Such is the benefit of
starting at number 16. And | 2:17:34 | 2:17:41 | |
Muffat-Jeandet starting with real
confidence here after his medal in | 2:17:41 | 2:17:45 | |
the Alpine combined. He could be
pushing for a second medal in the | 2:17:45 | 2:17:49 | |
men's individual Sarwan. So, --
individual slalom. So, Clement Noel | 2:17:49 | 2:17:59 | |
well, also comes from barbers that
which is where he learned to ski. -- | 2:17:59 | 2:18:05 | |
also comes from bowel desire.
Clement Noel well isn't having quite | 2:18:05 | 2:18:15 | |
as much luck as we saw from Victor
Muffat-Jeandet, but finds being from | 2:18:15 | 2:18:25 | |
Noel. He has had some fine skiing in
the build-up to the Winter Olympics | 2:18:25 | 2:18:32 | |
and he could comfortably go into the
top ten here. Maybe even better than | 2:18:32 | 2:18:35 | |
that if he finishes. The young man
from France has had the run of his | 2:18:35 | 2:18:41 | |
life and he went to be far away from
Kristofferson. Here seven. That is | 2:18:41 | 2:18:45 | |
brilliant for Clement Noel. Clement
Noel is in the hunt for the medals | 2:18:45 | 2:18:53 | |
in the second run. So after the
first run, Henrik Kristoffersen | 2:18:53 | 2:18:56 | |
leads the way. | 2:18:56 | 2:19:03 | |
leads the way. Look down there,
plenty of French flags on that first | 2:19:03 | 2:19:07 | |
page, with the Union flag alongside
the name of Dave Ryding he was 12 | 2:19:07 | 2:19:10 | |
after the first run in their second
leg, the top 30 will go in reverse | 2:19:10 | 2:19:17 | |
order. This is Laurie Taylor for
Great Britain, a tenth of a second | 2:19:17 | 2:19:22 | |
quicker than Carl Agar of Croatia.
He is on his way, Taylor. Breaking | 2:19:22 | 2:19:28 | |
new ground here. He got away with
that. 27th position after the first | 2:19:28 | 2:19:36 | |
run here and now he trailed by just
over half a second. Two British | 2:19:36 | 2:19:41 | |
skiers in the second run. What a
breakthrough for British Alpine | 2:19:41 | 2:19:46 | |
skiing here this afternoon in the
Olympic slalom at young peon. Laurie | 2:19:46 | 2:19:50 | |
Taylor starting to find his feet
now. He has settled in after a nervy | 2:19:50 | 2:19:55 | |
first U-turns and the damage
continues to rack up. He is nine | 2:19:55 | 2:20:00 | |
tenths of a second off the pace. But
whatever happens, he will be on | 2:20:00 | 2:20:05 | |
track for a personal best now.
Laurie Taylor from Great Britain | 2:20:05 | 2:20:11 | |
pushing hard. How close can he go?
He is third for the moment. Lots of | 2:20:11 | 2:20:18 | |
British support here for the young
man who lives in Basingstoke and | 2:20:18 | 2:20:21 | |
trains with the British ski Academy
in Italy. And there is still the | 2:20:21 | 2:20:29 | |
British number one Dave the Rocket
riding to come. | 2:20:29 | 2:20:37 | |
riding to come. From Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, Dave the | 2:20:38 | 2:20:41 | |
Rocket Ryding, his lead after the
first run is a team and its it was | 2:20:41 | 2:20:50 | |
an ever so slightly cautious first
leg from the man who learnt to ply | 2:20:50 | 2:20:55 | |
his trade on the upturned
toothbrushes of the Pendil dry track | 2:20:55 | 2:20:58 | |
in North Lancashire. His lead
remains. Here is the next split. | 2:20:58 | 2:21:11 | |
112.564 Dave Ryding. That gives them
an advantage .0 eight. Now he moves | 2:21:11 | 2:21:17 | |
into his favourite part of the
course. The Rocket starts to get | 2:21:17 | 2:21:21 | |
acceleration on the flat. This is
where he's at his very best and he | 2:21:21 | 2:21:25 | |
is opening up a significant lead
over the Norwegian. Dave Ryding is | 2:21:25 | 2:21:30 | |
guiding for Gold medal position in
the Olympic slalom. It is for the | 2:21:30 | 2:21:34 | |
moment. 15 hundredths. Ryding leads
the Olympic slalom. | 2:21:34 | 2:21:45 | |
the Olympic slalom. Michael Matt
next ago. His older brother Mario | 2:21:45 | 2:21:49 | |
was the Olympic champion four years
ago. It never happened that brothers | 2:21:49 | 2:21:54 | |
have one Olympic gold medals in
successive games. Sisters have done | 2:21:54 | 2:22:01 | |
it. 1964, a gold in the Olympic
slalom in Innsbruck for France and | 2:22:01 | 2:22:10 | |
then four years later, her sister
won in Grenoble. | 2:22:10 | 2:22:17 | |
won in Grenoble. He really step back
and started to unravel very | 2:22:17 | 2:22:21 | |
slightly, happy skis sideways. Just
prior to that, his advantage over | 2:22:21 | 2:22:26 | |
Dave Ryding what others that kid.
Now it's one quarter of a second. | 2:22:26 | 2:22:30 | |
Michael Matt racing through the
final few turns, putting pressure on | 2:22:30 | 2:22:35 | |
Dave the Rocket Ryding's lead here.
Hazmat dumb enough to go into gold | 2:22:35 | 2:22:39 | |
for Austria? -- has Matt done enough
to go into gold for Austria? He has. | 2:22:39 | 2:22:47 | |
Ryding will leave the gold-medal
enclosure. Ramon Zenhaeusern, the | 2:22:47 | 2:22:54 | |
tallest man in the race, 25 years
old. He was the winner of the s .com | 2:22:54 | 2:23:00 | |
Parallel Slalom just prior to the
Olympic Games when he took on | 2:23:00 | 2:23:03 | |
another big man, Andre Myhrer in the
final. | 2:23:03 | 2:23:14 | |
final. His lead remains almost fully
intact. Ramon Zenhaeusern isn't | 2:23:14 | 2:23:18 | |
built like a typical slalom skier
but he's got incredible skills from | 2:23:18 | 2:23:23 | |
edge to edge, so fast, and his
ability to recover is incredible. | 2:23:23 | 2:23:27 | |
He's putting in some fine turn sale.
He's in the red zone for the first | 2:23:27 | 2:23:32 | |
time. 600th of a second. Back to
green for Ramon Zenhaeusern. He's | 2:23:32 | 2:23:37 | |
giving the Austrian real scare here,
Michael Matt, and this is a lovely | 2:23:37 | 2:23:43 | |
finish able Ramon Zenhaeusern. He's
skiing into spot. A new leader here. | 2:23:43 | 2:23:51 | |
-- into top spot. Ramon Zenhaeusern
of Switzerland into first. | 2:23:51 | 2:23:56 | |
Switzerland have not won the Olympic
men's slalom since 1948. A little | 2:23:56 | 2:24:05 | |
bit of light snow being blown away
by the breeze but they have called | 2:24:05 | 2:24:10 | |
Aleksei pinta row forward and he is
on his way. | 2:24:10 | 2:24:17 | |
on his way. He has a French father,
Norwegian mother, speaks both | 2:24:20 | 2:24:23 | |
languages fluently and excellent
English. A tenth of a second off the | 2:24:23 | 2:24:29 | |
pace at the first intermediate. | 2:24:29 | 2:24:35 | |
Pintaurault will have to do is push
it to try to trouble the lead here. | 2:24:40 | 2:24:46 | |
He is in a sheltered spot here but
the time is getting away from him. | 2:24:46 | 2:24:52 | |
The top three separated by .3 seven.
Can Pinturault get in amongst the | 2:24:52 | 2:24:56 | |
medals? 1:39.33 is the target. He
has missed that. He is outside of | 2:24:56 | 2:25:03 | |
the medals and down in fourth. No
change at the top. Ramon Zenhaeusern | 2:25:03 | 2:25:09 | |
stays in gold. Michael Matt remains
in silver medal position. | 2:25:09 | 2:25:18 | |
in silver medal position. Next up,
the Norwegian Sebastien | 2:25:18 | 2:25:19 | |
Foss-Solevaag. | 2:25:19 | 2:25:24 | |
Foss-Solevaag. Foss-Solevaag on his
way. The first three or four terms | 2:25:26 | 2:25:28 | |
executed nicely, then a little skid
sideways. That wasn't the tidiest | 2:25:28 | 2:25:36 | |
slalom skiing we've seen so far and
as a result, his lead has | 2:25:36 | 2:25:40 | |
disintegrated. It is falling away
and he's dead level, or at least he | 2:25:40 | 2:25:47 | |
was, at that intermediate. Next on,
he's back in front but only just. | 2:25:47 | 2:25:51 | |
Six hundredths of a second. Now
then, can he finish and let them | 2:25:51 | 2:26:01 | |
run? It's been just slightly
conservative at the top of the | 2:26:01 | 2:26:04 | |
course but he's finding his form now
and Sebastien Gros Rolvag -- and | 2:26:04 | 2:26:11 | |
Sebastien Foss-Solevaag goes
airborne. What a recovery but I | 2:26:11 | 2:26:17 | |
think that's probably cost him the
lead. It has. Ramon Zenhaeusern | 2:26:17 | 2:26:23 | |
watch that must have breathed a huge
of relief as he saw Sebastien | 2:26:23 | 2:26:28 | |
Foss-Solevaag take-off and move out
of the medal contention. The veteran | 2:26:28 | 2:26:40 | |
Italian Moelgg is getting ready to
race. If he wins this race today, he | 2:26:49 | 2:26:54 | |
will be the oldest man ever to win
an Olympic discipline. That was | 2:26:54 | 2:27:02 | |
taken in the men's downhill last
week and Moelgg is holding it | 2:27:02 | 2:27:06 | |
together. Lay there, but he's got
incredible powers of recovery, even | 2:27:06 | 2:27:10 | |
at the age of 35. Pretty much where
he started and screaming through | 2:27:10 | 2:27:17 | |
some of these terms. A big run to
negotiate. He needs all his strength | 2:27:17 | 2:27:22 | |
to grind the skis around and keep
them calm. It's been green all the | 2:27:22 | 2:27:25 | |
way, now it's red. The mistake has
caught up with Manfred Moelgg. | 2:27:25 | 2:27:31 | |
Remember, his sister was the leader
after the first run of the giant | 2:27:31 | 2:27:34 | |
slalom and failed to convert it into
medal. I fear it may be the same | 2:27:34 | 2:27:42 | |
story for Moelgg who is down in
Tampa. It's been a disappointing | 2:27:42 | 2:27:45 | |
Olympic Games for the Moelgg
siblings and Moelgg will leave the | 2:27:45 | 2:27:50 | |
Olympic slalom empty-handed.
Muffat-Jeandet is ready. The bronze | 2:27:50 | 2:28:01 | |
medallist in the Alpine combined. It
had an outstanding Olympic Games. | 2:28:01 | 2:28:06 | |
His advantage over Ramon Zenhaeusern
is .3 two. Can he can bet that now | 2:28:06 | 2:28:11 | |
into leadership of these Olympic
slalom -- of this Olympic slalom? | 2:28:11 | 2:28:19 | |
The breeze at factor, as it has been
for everybody. Victor's lead has | 2:28:19 | 2:28:23 | |
been cut in half. He can't afford
any mistakes now and when he has | 2:28:23 | 2:28:28 | |
cleared the steep, he is going to
have to open the throttle and push | 2:28:28 | 2:28:33 | |
and drive through the final few
terms if he's to overturn Ramon | 2:28:33 | 2:28:37 | |
Zenhaeusern's lead. Zhang Hao is and
has been omnipresent in that leaders | 2:28:37 | 2:28:41 | |
enclosure. Nobody can move him.
Victor Muffat-Jeandet is their next | 2:28:41 | 2:28:46 | |
to try but he trails by six
hundredths of a second. Now he is | 2:28:46 | 2:28:50 | |
letting the run. Is this quick
enough? Can he beat bedtime? Not | 2:28:50 | 2:28:56 | |
quite. He is fifth. No medals. And
there will be a medal for Ramon | 2:28:56 | 2:29:03 | |
Zenhaeusern. He has guaranteed the
bronze at worst and the Swiss are | 2:29:03 | 2:29:07 | |
celebrating that. | 2:29:07 | 2:29:12 | |
celebrating that. No luck Bob Victor
Muffat-Jeandet. | 2:29:12 | 2:29:18 | |
Muffat-Jeandet. -- for Victor
Muffat-Jeandet. Now it is down to | 2:29:18 | 2:29:21 | |
Andre Myhrer and Henrik
Kristoffersen to sort things out. | 2:29:21 | 2:29:27 | |
Myhrer's lead over Ramon Zenhaeusern
is quite significant. Andre Myhrer | 2:29:27 | 2:29:32 | |
is the second tallest man in the
race, after Ramon Zenhaeusern, and | 2:29:32 | 2:29:36 | |
the run up after the first run.
Adding to his lead. That is | 2:29:36 | 2:29:40 | |
beautiful slalom skiing from Andrew
Myhrer. He is so experienced. Loves | 2:29:40 | 2:29:45 | |
the pressure of competition. There
is the first mistake. That might not | 2:29:45 | 2:29:48 | |
catch up with him until the next
intermediate. One or two wide terms. | 2:29:48 | 2:29:53 | |
His advantage, three quarters of a
second last time the Olympic clock | 2:29:53 | 2:29:57 | |
stopped. Next it will stop at around
a | 2:29:57 | 2:30:05 | |
a -- one or two wide terms. His
advantage, three quarters of the | 2:30:09 | 2:30:11 | |
second last time the Olympic clock
stopped. Next it will stop at around | 2:30:11 | 2:30:14 | |
125 -- 1.2 five. It is reduced to
one third of the second. The mistake | 2:30:14 | 2:30:17 | |
at the top catches up with Andre
Myhrer's turn as he starts to | 2:30:17 | 2:30:19 | |
accelerate through the final few
terms. Can he be first ahead of | 2:30:19 | 2:30:22 | |
Ramon Zenhaeusern? He can. Gold
medal position for Andre Myhrer. He | 2:30:22 | 2:30:24 | |
can finish in no worse than silver.
And the Swedes are celebrating. | 2:30:24 | 2:30:28 | |
Henrik Kristoffersen, staring out of
the start gate, visualising what | 2:30:28 | 2:30:34 | |
lies ahead, that pattern of control
gates he has memorised time and time | 2:30:34 | 2:30:39 | |
again. Bronze medallist four years
ago in Sochi. His advantage over | 2:30:39 | 2:30:45 | |
Andre Myhrer is two tenths of a
second. Fast start for Henrik | 2:30:45 | 2:30:51 | |
Kristoffersen, one of the smaller,
lighter men, oh, he is down, he has | 2:30:51 | 2:30:56 | |
struggled, it is over for
Kristoffersen! Andre Myhrer is the | 2:30:56 | 2:31:02 | |
Olympic slalom champion. Ramon
Zenhaeusern has got the silver and | 2:31:02 | 2:31:06 | |
Michael Matt, his brother won gold
four years ago, celebrates his | 2:31:06 | 2:31:10 | |
bronze. Myhrer, his the Olympic
slalom champion. The first Swedish | 2:31:10 | 2:31:17 | |
winner of this title since the great
Ingemar 's Denmark in Lake Placid in | 2:31:17 | 2:31:23 | |
1980. Marcel Hirscher finished --
failed to finish the first run, | 2:31:23 | 2:31:31 | |
Henrik Kristoffersen failed to
finish the second run. It is the | 2:31:31 | 2:31:36 | |
third ranked slalom skier of the
season who has skied to solid runs | 2:31:36 | 2:31:40 | |
to claim the Olympic gold for 2018
with Ramon Zenhaeusern there to | 2:31:40 | 2:31:45 | |
congratulate him in silver and it is
Michael Matt who takes the bronze, | 2:31:45 | 2:31:48 | |
with Dave Ryding of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland finishing in | 2:31:48 | 2:31:52 | |
ninth and Laurie Taylor in 26. | 2:31:52 | 2:31:58 | |
Dave, top ten? I'm not complaining.
Solid day. I wish I could have had | 2:31:58 | 2:32:04 | |
that little bit of extra skiing that
I know is in me, but I gave it what | 2:32:04 | 2:32:08 | |
I had an ninth was what I did today.
Was your aim to have a solid | 2:32:08 | 2:32:12 | |
performance? Did you feel like you
could let it go enough? I thought | 2:32:12 | 2:32:17 | |
the second run suited me. I just
made a couple of mistakes that cost | 2:32:17 | 2:32:21 | |
me the flow of the course. I could
have had a bit more in me, but that | 2:32:21 | 2:32:26 | |
the same time, it is the Olympics
and everyone is feeling the same | 2:32:26 | 2:32:30 | |
thing. So ninth place is
respectable. Were you surprised that | 2:32:30 | 2:32:35 | |
Kristoffersen couldn't handle that
second run? Yeah, I think that is | 2:32:35 | 2:32:39 | |
the first time he has been leading
after the first round and not won. | 2:32:39 | 2:32:42 | |
So it shows what the Olympics does
and it shows that it's not easy. | 2:32:42 | 2:32:47 | |
Ninth place for the Rocket and
congratulations, because that is the | 2:32:51 | 2:32:54 | |
best result in Alpine skiing since
Martin Bell's eighth in downhill in | 2:32:54 | 2:32:59 | |
1988. Plenty to be happy about from
his perspective. Nothing to be | 2:32:59 | 2:33:05 | |
sniffed at with a top ten. He skied
solidly. If you had given him a top | 2:33:05 | 2:33:11 | |
ten in the games before, he would
have taken it with both hands. He | 2:33:11 | 2:33:15 | |
will be a little disappointed that
he had more to give and he didn't | 2:33:15 | 2:33:19 | |
get that out of himself today. But
top ten is brilliant. How well do | 2:33:19 | 2:33:24 | |
you think he skied and how much was
left behind, from his perspective? I | 2:33:24 | 2:33:29 | |
think he skied at about 98%. There
was a tiny bit more he could have | 2:33:29 | 2:33:36 | |
given, but he had his stability
brain on, wanting to make sure he | 2:33:36 | 2:33:40 | |
stayed solid. The guys who took the
medals are 100% attack all the time. | 2:33:40 | 2:33:48 | |
It was very different in the
shakedown, but it was old man | 2:33:48 | 2:33:55 | |
Myhrer, at 35 years old, a real
surprise winner. It was. He hasn't | 2:33:55 | 2:34:01 | |
had the best season by his standards
during classic World Cup slalom. | 2:34:01 | 2:34:09 | |
during classic World Cup slalom. You
can see here that he is solid and | 2:34:12 | 2:34:15 | |
stable, but he still took some risks
and it paid off. Four years on from | 2:34:15 | 2:34:22 | |
having been second place going into
the second run in Sochi, where he | 2:34:22 | 2:34:26 | |
had an injured knee, this will be a
popular victory. He is a popular | 2:34:26 | 2:34:34 | |
guy. He is, and his experience was
something he played on a lot today. | 2:34:34 | 2:34:38 | |
He is well respected across the
World Cup field and will be a | 2:34:38 | 2:34:42 | |
popular winner. Henrik
Kristoffersen, eight second places | 2:34:42 | 2:34:49 | |
this season, but I don't think he
would have been second to Andre | 2:34:49 | 2:34:52 | |
Myhrer. He would have thought
Hirscher. But he would have taken | 2:34:52 | 2:34:57 | |
those second places after
uncharacteristic error from him. | 2:34:57 | 2:35:02 | |
Just out of the start gate, he
didn't look like he was settled in, | 2:35:02 | 2:35:05 | |
made a small mistake at the hairpin
and gets into the back seat a bit. | 2:35:05 | 2:35:13 | |
30th on the second run. Just a
little bit late, takes a risk to cut | 2:35:13 | 2:35:21 | |
the corner and that is his Olympic
Games finished. It just shows you | 2:35:21 | 2:35:26 | |
there are no certainties,
particularly in slalom racing. Both | 2:35:26 | 2:35:30 | |
Kristoffersen and Hirscher have
dominated men's slalom skiing this | 2:35:30 | 2:35:33 | |
season. When was the last time
Hirscher made a mistake in a men's | 2:35:33 | 2:35:38 | |
slalom race? The last time he didn't
finish a World Cup slalom was in | 2:35:38 | 2:35:42 | |
February of 2016. So this is a huge
upset. Those two are head and | 2:35:42 | 2:35:47 | |
shoulders above the rest in terms of
World Cup slalom racing. And to see | 2:35:47 | 2:35:51 | |
him not even in the finish area is
not something you would have put | 2:35:51 | 2:35:56 | |
money on at the bookies. We had
Taylor for great Briton who has | 2:35:56 | 2:36:02 | |
learned from Dave Ryding. Dave
Ryding's hero was Alain Baxter who | 2:36:02 | 2:36:05 | |
got third place in 2002, only to
have his medal taken away from him, | 2:36:05 | 2:36:09 | |
but he remains a hero for Dave
Ryding. He certainly does. Alain is | 2:36:09 | 2:36:16 | |
Dave's biggest hero. And to have
somebody like Alain, who was a | 2:36:16 | 2:36:21 | |
consummate professional way through
his career, Dave has learned from | 2:36:21 | 2:36:24 | |
that. It is worth reminding
everybody that the Court of | 2:36:24 | 2:36:30 | |
Arbitration for Sport overturned a
competitive ban on Alain. It said | 2:36:30 | 2:36:33 | |
the panel is not without sympathy
for Mr Baxter, who appears to be | 2:36:33 | 2:36:37 | |
sincere and did not try to obtain a
competitive advantage in that race. | 2:36:37 | 2:36:41 | |
Sadly, Alain was not allowed to keep
his medal. Now, the best laid plans | 2:36:41 | 2:36:46 | |
of ski legends in waiting, to
paraphrase Robert Burns, go to | 2:36:46 | 2:36:53 | |
waste. That has been the case for
Mikaela Shiffrin, because her | 2:36:53 | 2:36:56 | |
assault on four gold medals has been
blown to the four winds. She has a | 2:36:56 | 2:37:01 | |
weather delays, postponements,
illness and she even saw her other | 2:37:01 | 2:37:04 | |
half sent home by the French team.
She did not compete in the Super-G, | 2:37:04 | 2:37:09 | |
nor the downhill. She is saving it
all up for the Alpine combined. One | 2:37:09 | 2:37:14 | |
of downhill, one run of slalom to
sort them all out. Back. | 2:37:14 | 2:37:17 | |
The 2018 Olympic women's combined is
under way. | 2:37:22 | 2:37:30 | |
under way. Short run of downhill,
single one of slalom in the course | 2:37:31 | 2:37:33 | |
of a single day. It used to be two
runs of slalom, but this format was | 2:37:33 | 2:37:39 | |
introduced in 2010. | 2:37:39 | 2:37:44 | |
introduced in 2010. From here on in,
it is pretty much what they raced | 2:37:46 | 2:37:48 | |
yesterday. Michelle Gisin had a good
downhill in the individual downhill | 2:37:48 | 2:37:55 | |
race yesterday. She was in the top
ten. That race was won by Sofia | 2:37:55 | 2:38:01 | |
Goggia. The bronze medallist
yesterday in the downhill is here | 2:38:01 | 2:38:06 | |
today in the Alpine combined. We
thought she might have had enough | 2:38:06 | 2:38:13 | |
after her emotional day yesterday,
but she is on the start list and we | 2:38:13 | 2:38:16 | |
expect to see her taking her place
with bib number 13 today. | 2:38:16 | 2:38:24 | |
with bib number 13 today. Just
coming into the blue Dragon Valley. | 2:38:25 | 2:38:31 | |
92 kilometres per hour. | 2:38:34 | 2:38:42 | |
92 kilometres per hour. She stands
on the left ski. Her sister was the | 2:38:42 | 2:38:46 | |
Olympic downhill champion four years
ago. Michelle got the silver medal | 2:38:46 | 2:38:51 | |
in the World Championship combined
this time last year. She is a good | 2:38:51 | 2:38:59 | |
all-rounder. She needs to start
things well with a decent downhill | 2:38:59 | 2:39:03 | |
run. And that is what she will get. | 2:39:03 | 2:39:14 | |
Mowinckel was the silver medallist
last week in the giant slalom and | 2:39:23 | 2:39:26 | |
edge popped up again to take the
silver medal in yesterday's downhill | 2:39:26 | 2:39:30 | |
behind Sofia Goggia. Dog ear is
taking her chance in the combined, | 2:39:30 | 2:39:36 | |
looking for another medal -- Googia. | 2:39:36 | 2:39:46 | |
Lovely flight from Mowinckel, 30
metres. | 2:39:58 | 2:40:04 | |
metres. She is the first turn on the
green light and skied quicker than | 2:40:04 | 2:40:08 | |
Michelle Gisin. She has the
capabilities following yesterday's | 2:40:08 | 2:40:18 | |
silver medal winning run to head to
the slalom with a chance of maybe | 2:40:18 | 2:40:21 | |
skiing for medal number three. | 2:40:21 | 2:40:27 | |
All she has to do is stay on her
feet and surely she will do enough | 2:40:36 | 2:40:40 | |
to lead the way. | 2:40:40 | 2:40:46 | |
to lead the way. Dizzying drops to
second place. -- Gisin. | 2:40:48 | 2:40:59 | |
This is the experience Slovenian, 29
years old. | 2:41:08 | 2:41:18 | |
years old. A student formally at the
university of Libby Anna in | 2:41:18 | 2:41:24 | |
Slovenia, Capitol. She has been
skiing since she was four years old. | 2:41:24 | 2:41:31 | |
Good run so far from Ferk. | 2:41:47 | 2:41:52 | |
Slightly off-line, but the speed
remained intact. | 2:42:02 | 2:42:09 | |
remained intact. That will be good
enough for a provisional third | 2:42:09 | 2:42:12 | |
position if she keeps it keen on the
final stretch. | 2:42:12 | 2:42:19 | |
final stretch. Ferk is third. She is
a reasonably accomplished slalom | 2:42:24 | 2:42:34 | |
skier, so she will have a chance of
going for a medal in the final one. | 2:42:34 | 2:42:41 | |
Shiffrin is getting ready to go.
Ricarda Haaser for Austria. The | 2:42:41 | 2:42:50 | |
Austrians have not had a good day so
far. | 2:42:50 | 2:42:57 | |
far. But Ricarda Haaser was ninth in
the world combined championships | 2:42:57 | 2:43:00 | |
last year. | 2:43:00 | 2:43:10 | |
Haaser is not a bad slalom skier. It
is not something she races | 2:43:14 | 2:43:20 | |
regularly, but of course, all these
skiers grew up skiing slalom as | 2:43:20 | 2:43:24 | |
juniors. It was only later that they
progressed to downhill and Super-G. | 2:43:24 | 2:43:28 | |
The speed is immense there from
Ricarda Haaser. | 2:43:28 | 2:43:41 | |
Ricarda Haaser. An old school
freestyle twister there, adding a | 2:43:41 | 2:43:46 | |
bit of style. | 2:43:46 | 2:43:52 | |
She is still potentially on her way
to a top five finish and a chance to | 2:44:01 | 2:44:05 | |
move it up heading into stage two.
Ricarda Haaser is fourth. Good | 2:44:05 | 2:44:14 | |
skiing from the Austrian. Now
Lindsey Vonn. Bronze medallist | 2:44:14 | 2:44:21 | |
yesterday in the downhill. Decided
that she fancied one more Olympic | 2:44:21 | 2:44:27 | |
race. It could be her last other
Olympic outing. She will be 37 years | 2:44:27 | 2:44:34 | |
old, come Beijing in 2022. If she
stays fit, who knows? She might | 2:44:34 | 2:44:41 | |
fancy more Olympic progress. She was
saying at the end of her race the | 2:44:41 | 2:44:44 | |
last time she was on the mountain in
yesterday's downhill that she wanted | 2:44:44 | 2:44:49 | |
to race forever, but she knew it
wasn't possible. She will certainly | 2:44:49 | 2:44:52 | |
be back for one more World Cup
season if she stays fit and healthy, | 2:44:52 | 2:44:56 | |
because she wants to chase the
Ingemar Stenmark record of 86 World | 2:44:56 | 2:45:01 | |
Cup wins. Lindsey Vonn is currently
on 81 and flying here. | 2:45:01 | 2:45:12 | |
on 81 and flying here. Rolls the
shoulders through that jump. She has | 2:45:12 | 2:45:15 | |
been a World Cup winner one time in
slalom in her career, way back. 2009 | 2:45:15 | 2:45:22 | |
or thereabouts. She has competed in
combined this season. There was a | 2:45:22 | 2:45:29 | |
race prior to the Olympic winter
games, and she finished fourth in | 2:45:29 | 2:45:32 | |
that. She needs a good margin in her
favour post downhill to push for a | 2:45:32 | 2:45:39 | |
chance to ski for a gold medal after
slalom today. She leads the way by | 2:45:39 | 2:45:45 | |
three quarters of a second. There is
her sister. Vonn has shown the way | 2:45:45 | 2:45:52 | |
in the downhill. | 2:45:52 | 2:45:58 | |
in the downhill. She has pushed
Mowinckel into second and Myhrer | 2:45:59 | 2:46:02 | |
into third. She is heading nicely
into the slalom stage of today's | 2:46:02 | 2:46:05 | |
Alpine combined. | 2:46:05 | 2:46:10 | |
Alpine combined. Number 15 for
Ramona Siebenhofer. | 2:46:14 | 2:46:23 | |
the Labour Sofia Goggia was down to
go at 16 but she didn't make it to | 2:46:37 | 2:46:41 | |
the top either so we have moved
along to number 15, who finished | 2:46:41 | 2:46:47 | |
12th in yesterday's full downhill.
Now they have had the bar raised for | 2:46:47 | 2:46:56 | |
the following that run from Lindsay
Vonn. | 2:46:56 | 2:47:04 | |
She is skiing at the moment
potentially for a top five finish. | 2:47:28 | 2:47:32 | |
Not a great slalom skier so she
needs a good run here. Easy does it | 2:47:32 | 2:47:37 | |
off the final jump here and into
fourth. | 2:47:37 | 2:47:43 | |
Next ago, Valerie Grenier. -- next
to go, Valerie Grenier. Grenier just | 2:47:47 | 2:47:57 | |
about making that last red control
gates at the bottom of the dragon | 2:47:57 | 2:48:02 | |
Bridge. | 2:48:02 | 2:48:05 | |
21 years old, Valerie Grenier. From
the east Coast of Canada. | 2:48:22 | 2:48:35 | |
Pretty solid skiing so far and she
is just over a second off the pace | 2:48:47 | 2:48:51 | |
of Lindsey Vonn. Now it has grown to
1.87 but that is still sufficient to | 2:48:51 | 2:48:58 | |
force her way into the top ten.
There's a big spread of times. First | 2:48:58 | 2:49:03 | |
attempt at the moment divided by
more than three seconds. Grenier | 2:49:03 | 2:49:06 | |
could find herself in the top ten
and she comes home into seventh. | 2:49:06 | 2:49:12 | |
Canadians celebrate that. That's a
good run for Valerie Grenier of | 2:49:12 | 2:49:16 | |
Canada. Mikaela Shiffrin looking for
her second gold of the games. Hoping | 2:49:16 | 2:49:22 | |
to emulate Marcel Hirscher. Hirscher
claimed gold in the combined and in | 2:49:22 | 2:49:31 | |
the jar giant slalom as Shiffrin
lives dangerously on dragon Ridge. | 2:49:31 | 2:49:39 | |
She has already got gold from the
giant slalom. She needs a good | 2:49:39 | 2:49:43 | |
downhill run. Prior to this season,
Mikaela Shiffrin was not seen as a | 2:49:43 | 2:49:48 | |
downhill racer at all but she went
to Lake Louise and won the second of | 2:49:48 | 2:49:52 | |
the two downhill races there. She
was third in the first, won their | 2:49:52 | 2:49:56 | |
second and finished fifth in the
following day's super-g and became | 2:49:56 | 2:50:00 | |
immediately overnight established as
they speed racer. Of course, had | 2:50:00 | 2:50:06 | |
technical pedigree is unmatched as
the number one GS and slalom skier | 2:50:06 | 2:50:12 | |
in the world but now she is turning
into a serious all-rounder. Shiffrin | 2:50:12 | 2:50:17 | |
alongside Wendy Holdener is the best
slalom skier on the start list | 2:50:17 | 2:50:25 | |
today. Holdener currently in ninth.
If Shiffrin can get ahead of her, | 2:50:25 | 2:50:30 | |
she has a serious opportunity to go
for gold in the second half of the | 2:50:30 | 2:50:34 | |
day's Alpine combined. | 2:50:34 | 2:50:40 | |
day's Alpine combined. So far,
reasonable downhill racing from | 2:50:40 | 2:50:42 | |
Mikaela Shiffrin. How does her time
compared to that of Vonn? She is | 2:50:42 | 2:50:46 | |
sixth. 1.98, into six crucially at
head of Wendy Holdener, behind | 2:50:46 | 2:50:54 | |
Lindsay Vonn, but the way things
stand with Shiffrin's slalom | 2:50:54 | 2:50:59 | |
ability, she is favourite for the
gold. So, Lindsay Vonn has turned up | 2:50:59 | 2:51:04 | |
40 day's Alpine combined in serious
form. She leads the Alpine Lake Rob | 2:51:04 | 2:51:14 | |
Ragnhild Mowinckel -- from Ragnhild
Mowinckel. Shiffrin is in sixth | 2:51:14 | 2:51:23 | |
position with Wendy Holdener down in
tenth, Holdener the second best | 2:51:23 | 2:51:28 | |
slalom skier in the race today. Now
one of the regular combined | 2:51:28 | 2:51:35 | |
athletes, Denise | 2:51:35 | 2:51:41 | |
athletes, Denise firebrand from
Switzerland. She knows her way | 2:51:41 | 2:51:45 | |
around a slalom track. She has added
to her advantage immediately. | 2:51:45 | 2:51:56 | |
to her advantage immediately. It is
not the trickiest course that the | 2:51:56 | 2:52:00 | |
Slovenian page has laid out here. It
is designed to give people a serious | 2:52:00 | 2:52:10 | |
opportunity and Denise Feierabend
has absolutely smashed it. Nearly | 2:52:10 | 2:52:15 | |
three seconds quicker. | 2:52:15 | 2:52:21 | |
three seconds quicker. Now, this
athlete has had a disappointing | 2:52:21 | 2:52:23 | |
games in the individual disciplines,
only managing to finish 13th in her | 2:52:23 | 2:52:31 | |
specialist discipline of slalom.
13th in the giant slalom as well, | 2:52:31 | 2:52:37 | |
but she is a World Cup winner this
season. Twice she | 2:52:37 | 2:52:44 | |
season. Twice she has one she also
skied into second position, and is | 2:52:49 | 2:52:55 | |
the second ranked slalom skier of
the season behind Mikaela Shiffrin | 2:52:55 | 2:52:58 | |
and that is apparent as she ranks up
a lead here over Denise Feierabend | 2:52:58 | 2:53:05 | |
his leadership of this Alpine
combined is about to end. Nearly a | 2:53:05 | 2:53:10 | |
full second. Feierabend was
expecting that. She knows Vlhova's | 2:53:10 | 2:53:13 | |
form in slalom. Will that be enough
to give Vlhova a medal? She doesn't | 2:53:13 | 2:53:19 | |
think so. There was one big mistake
where she put the brakes on but | 2:53:19 | 2:53:25 | |
apart from that it was pretty clean.
Up next to try her luck is Frederica | 2:53:25 | 2:53:29 | |
Brignone. She occasionally skied
slalom but is by no means one of the | 2:53:29 | 2:53:33 | |
world's best. Super-g is her
specialism. Already a medallist from | 2:53:33 | 2:53:39 | |
the Olympic Games, she won the
bronze in the giant slalom and was | 2:53:39 | 2:53:43 | |
equalled six in the super-g. The
advantage she had over Petra Vlhova | 2:53:43 | 2:53:52 | |
has gone. It is heading into the red
area. Brignone's mum was a winner | 2:53:52 | 2:54:00 | |
herself, winning four World Cup
races, for slalom is of the 60s -- | 2:54:00 | 2:54:07 | |
70s and into the 80s. Brignone has
come into the silver medal position. | 2:54:07 | 2:54:13 | |
Vlhova stays in the leaders box. So,
Holdener is in good shape after the | 2:54:13 | 2:54:18 | |
downhill leg of the day's Alpine
combined. Tenth position in this | 2:54:18 | 2:54:22 | |
morning's downhill, a good run from
her. But she's much more at home on | 2:54:22 | 2:54:27 | |
the short slalom skis and she is
attacking here, full attack for | 2:54:27 | 2:54:32 | |
Wendy Holdener. Maybe a little too
much at the top. She and Petra | 2:54:32 | 2:54:36 | |
Vlhova have done battle and death
times on the World Cup slalom. | 2:54:36 | 2:54:42 | |
Holdener back by half a second here.
She now has a lead of more than a | 2:54:42 | 2:54:52 | |
second and a half, Wendy Holdener
going over this one. She is going to | 2:54:52 | 2:54:57 | |
raise the bar and parade down the
challenge for the rest of them. .65 | 2:54:57 | 2:55:02 | |
in front. Holdener leads, into gold
medal position. Will that bring her | 2:55:02 | 2:55:08 | |
a medal? Her second of the game is,
it would be. Headphones in, as | 2:55:08 | 2:55:15 | |
usual. Valerie Grenier is eighth
after the downhill this morning. A | 2:55:15 | 2:55:18 | |
good downhill run this morning. The
Canadians were celebrating that run, | 2:55:18 | 2:55:25 | |
hoping that she can back it up now
with a slalom performance and | 2:55:25 | 2:55:29 | |
wishing that she had produced
similar slalom form, similar | 2:55:29 | 2:55:33 | |
downhill form yesterday on downhill
Day. Downhill Day yesterday, | 2:55:33 | 2:55:39 | |
combined to day, a busy schedule for
the women on this second birthday of | 2:55:39 | 2:55:43 | |
the games. Holdener, 2:10.0 eight.
Grenier is miles behind. She went to | 2:55:43 | 2:55:52 | |
be troubling the current gold,
silver and bronze medal skiers. She | 2:55:52 | 2:55:58 | |
is down in... Oh, she is. She has
gone into bronze, pushing Brignone | 2:55:58 | 2:56:05 | |
out of the top three. That is a fast
finish from Grenier. Provisional | 2:56:05 | 2:56:11 | |
bronze for the Canadian, head of
Brignone by three hundredths. | 2:56:11 | 2:56:14 | |
Mikaela | 2:56:14 | 2:56:19 | |
Mikaela Shiffrin in the start. The
Olympic giant slalom champion on the | 2:56:20 | 2:56:24 | |
hunt for her second gold medal
today. Finished outside the medals | 2:56:24 | 2:56:28 | |
in the slalom. She's been up on this
hill training on this track, putting | 2:56:28 | 2:56:33 | |
in the miles. She begins with an
advantage of .76 and that is more or | 2:56:33 | 2:56:39 | |
less maintained. .71 over Wendy
Holdener. Shiffrin starts to move it | 2:56:39 | 2:56:44 | |
up three begins. .6 six. She has
lost a further 500th of a second. | 2:56:44 | 2:56:49 | |
Can't afford any mistakes now,
Mikaela Shiffrin, because Wendy | 2:56:49 | 2:56:54 | |
Holdener was mighty | 2:56:54 | 2:56:59 | |
quick on the bottom of the course.
And Shiffrin is in the red zone for | 2:57:07 | 2:57:10 | |
the first time. Holdener have a time
of 2:22.3 four. Shiffrin is faster | 2:57:10 | 2:57:13 | |
by .4 seven. A lightning finish from
Mikaela Shiffrin. She leads the way. | 2:57:13 | 2:57:15 | |
Will that be good enough for Mikaela
Shiffrin's second gold at the games? | 2:57:15 | 2:57:29 | |
Varies Michelle Gisin. Third --
there is Michelle Gisin, third after | 2:57:29 | 2:57:36 | |
the downhill. Next up, much cover,
on a course which has been set by | 2:57:36 | 2:57:47 | |
one of the Slovenian poachers. She
had a good downhill. Start with an | 2:57:47 | 2:57:57 | |
advantage of .37 over Shiffrin. Was
that straddle? I don't know. They | 2:57:57 | 2:58:01 | |
don't like she might have struggled,
in which case she will be | 2:58:01 | 2:58:06 | |
disqualified. Perhaps she isn't
sure. Sometimes these things | 2:58:06 | 2:58:10 | |
happened so quickly, so Marusa Ferk
has decided she will take our | 2:58:10 | 2:58:13 | |
chances and we get a look at the
replay in a few seconds. Either way, | 2:58:13 | 2:58:19 | |
she will be out of the medal
position, I think. Shiffrin's | 2:58:19 | 2:58:24 | |
leading time is 2:21.80 seven.
Marusa Ferk is six. Slovenian fans | 2:58:24 | 2:58:31 | |
here, Slovenian team yet to see a
medal yet. Was it a straddle? Yes, | 2:58:31 | 2:58:39 | |
it was. She is disqualified. Next
up, Ramona Siebenhofer. She has got | 2:58:39 | 2:58:47 | |
a healthy lead after the downhill
leg. That second advantage she had | 2:58:47 | 2:58:54 | |
over Shiffrin has probably gone
already though. Almost, .2 nine. It | 2:58:54 | 2:58:59 | |
will have gone by the next
intermediate. Ramona Siebenhofer is | 2:58:59 | 2:59:03 | |
a very accomplished GS, downhill
super-g ski out but slalom is not a | 2:59:03 | 2:59:10 | |
happy hunting ground for her.
Haven't skied it regularly probably | 2:59:10 | 2:59:15 | |
said she was a junior and now it is
getting deeper into the red zone. | 2:59:15 | 2:59:20 | |
Can she finished quickly enough to
get in amongst the medals? I don't | 2:59:20 | 2:59:23 | |
think so. It's not direct, it's not
fast enough. She is fifth. | 2:59:23 | 2:59:34 | |
fast enough. She is fifth. Holdener
is in silver. | 2:59:34 | 2:59:40 | |
is in silver. Michelle Gisin's lead
over Mikaela Shiffrin 121 seconds. | 2:59:43 | 2:59:47 | |
She is on her way, Michelle Gisin.
Silver medallist in the combined | 2:59:47 | 2:59:55 | |
World Championships last February in
San Moritz, behind Wendy Holdener. | 2:59:55 | 2:59:59 | |
It was a Swiss 1-2 on that day. She
is holding it together here nicely. | 2:59:59 | 3:00:03 | |
Michelle Gisin is a good
all-rounder. She is an occasional | 3:00:03 | 3:00:07 | |
slalom skier. She has had a top ten
in slalom in World Cup this season | 3:00:07 | 3:00:12 | |
in Killington in Beaumont at the
start of the campaign. She is doing | 3:00:12 | 3:00:17 | |
enough, surely, to deny Mikaela
Shiffrin with almost double second | 3:00:17 | 3:00:21 | |
still in hand as light snow begins
to fall. Michelle Gisin is in gold | 3:00:21 | 3:00:27 | |
for Switzerland. >> KEVIN: Leads the
Alpine combined, the Swiss are | 3:00:27 | 3:00:34 | |
delirious. -- Gisin leads the Alpine
combined, Shiffrin pushed down to | 3:00:34 | 3:00:40 | |
silver and Holdener down to bronze.
That may be enough to give Gisin the | 3:00:40 | 3:00:45 | |
Olympic title. Her sister was the
Olympic champion in downhill four | 3:00:45 | 3:00:49 | |
years ago, had to share the title
with Tina Maser of Slovenia. Right | 3:00:49 | 3:00:55 | |
now, it is Michelle Gisin's time to
shine. A stunning slalom run. She | 3:00:55 | 3:01:02 | |
leads the way with just two less
accomplished slalom skiers to come. | 3:01:02 | 3:01:13 | |
Mowinckel has had an outstanding
Olympic winter games. Two silver | 3:01:13 | 3:01:19 | |
medals. Silver medallist at the
giant slalom, silver medallist in | 3:01:19 | 3:01:22 | |
yesterday's downhill, behind Sofia
Goggia. Doesn't regularly race | 3:01:22 | 3:01:27 | |
slalom. She scored top tens this
season in downhill Super-G and giant | 3:01:27 | 3:01:32 | |
slalom. Nowhere to be seen in
slalom. But of course, she's had a | 3:01:32 | 3:01:37 | |
quick downhill run over Michelle
Gisin. | 3:01:37 | 3:01:49 | |
Gisin. She's probably too slow to
deny Shiffrin silver medal position. | 3:01:49 | 3:01:54 | |
Her target remains Wendy Holdener in
bronze medal place right now. Is it | 3:01:54 | 3:01:57 | |
fast enough? It is fourth place for
Mowinckel. No change amongst the | 3:01:57 | 3:02:07 | |
medals. With just one to come, it
means Shiffrin and | 3:02:07 | 3:02:18 | |
means Shiffrin and Gisin are
guaranteed medals. | 3:02:20 | 3:02:26 | |
It is getting colder. The snow is
getting thicker | 3:02:40 | 3:02:50 | |
getting thicker as Vonn prepares to
ski here for the last time. Lindsey | 3:02:50 | 3:02:53 | |
Vonn is away. | 3:02:53 | 3:03:01 | |
Vonn is away. Lindsey Vonn has so
much experience. If she can find a | 3:03:01 | 3:03:04 | |
way successfully through the steep
part of the course, she could be in | 3:03:04 | 3:03:08 | |
contention. But she grinds to a
halt, which means that Michelle | 3:03:08 | 3:03:12 | |
Gisin is the Olympic combined
champion. Four years after her older | 3:03:12 | 3:03:18 | |
sister Dominique won downhill gold,
Michelle will be going home with an | 3:03:18 | 3:03:23 | |
Olympic gold medal. Shiffrin adds
the silver to the gold she won in | 3:03:23 | 3:03:29 | |
giant slalom, and Wendy Holdener
will take the bronze medal in the | 3:03:29 | 3:03:36 | |
Alpine combined. Holdener's second
medal of the games. The combined | 3:03:36 | 3:03:43 | |
reaches a key inclusion with a
disappointing early finish for | 3:03:43 | 3:03:45 | |
Lindsey Vonn, who shrugs her
shoulders and says, I'm not a | 3:03:45 | 3:03:51 | |
regular slalom skier. I don't think
anyone seriously expected her to | 3:03:51 | 3:03:56 | |
deny Michelle Gisin the gold. Maybe
an outside chance of getting another | 3:03:56 | 3:04:00 | |
bronze to back up the bronze she got
in the downhill yesterday. Vonn is | 3:04:00 | 3:04:07 | |
there to congratulate today's
medallists. The champion is | 3:04:07 | 3:04:12 | |
Switzerland's Michelle Gisin. It is
Switzerland's first Alpine gold of | 3:04:12 | 3:04:15 | |
the games. | 3:04:15 | 3:04:21 | |
The Swiss will be delighted. The
cowbells will be going crazy. But it | 3:04:21 | 3:04:26 | |
was actually Vonn who set a crazy
pace and showed what she might have | 3:04:26 | 3:04:31 | |
done yesterday in the downhill. She
showed blistering pace in the | 3:04:31 | 3:04:34 | |
downhill like today. If she had
skied like that in the downhill, we | 3:04:34 | 3:04:38 | |
might have seen different results.
But he was much lower in her tuck | 3:04:38 | 3:04:43 | |
position, she took some risks and it
paid off. Very smooth, allowing the | 3:04:43 | 3:04:48 | |
skis to be released at the end of
the term. It really laid down a | 3:04:48 | 3:04:52 | |
marker in the downhill. And then her
American Kolega Mikaela Shiffrin was | 3:04:52 | 3:04:58 | |
not too far behind, but everyone was
thinking that with her slalom | 3:04:58 | 3:05:03 | |
specialisation, this woman has won
30 slalom races, and it looked as | 3:05:03 | 3:05:08 | |
though she would be setting the
marker in the slalom leg. To have a | 3:05:08 | 3:05:19 | |
downhill normally isn't the case for
a win. Shiffrin was an attic in her | 3:05:19 | 3:05:23 | |
slalom skiing today. She put down a
solid downhill run, but the slalom | 3:05:23 | 3:05:27 | |
run wasn't the normal skiing from
her. She is normally very dynamic. | 3:05:27 | 3:05:32 | |
It looks a little lethargic. Maybe
she is still suffering from illness. | 3:05:32 | 3:05:37 | |
But still second place. Indeed, one
gold and one silver for Mikaela | 3:05:37 | 3:05:43 | |
Shiffrin. She is the poster girl for
American skiing along with Lindsey | 3:05:43 | 3:05:46 | |
Vonn, who was trying to win at least
three to four golds. How will she | 3:05:46 | 3:05:50 | |
reflect on her second games? I think
inwardly, she will be disappointed. | 3:05:50 | 3:05:55 | |
She was head and shoulders above the
rest of the ladies in slalom skiing. | 3:05:55 | 3:05:59 | |
She has won World Cups by two
seconds this season and normally | 3:05:59 | 3:06:03 | |
over a second. And then to not come
in and dominate as she has all | 3:06:03 | 3:06:06 | |
season will be a tough pill to
swallow. But she has to won two | 3:06:06 | 3:06:14 | |
medals and she will hopefully
recognise the success she has had | 3:06:14 | 3:06:16 | |
rather than the missed
opportunities. She Hadar Goldin | 3:06:16 | 3:06:20 | |
Sochi in the slalom and now a couple
of medals here. She will be around | 3:06:20 | 3:06:24 | |
for a long time. As for Michelle
Gisin, this is a talented household. | 3:06:24 | 3:06:29 | |
Her older sister Dominique took a
joint gold in the downhill four | 3:06:29 | 3:06:33 | |
years ago in Sochi. Quite a
collection they are amassing. It | 3:06:33 | 3:06:37 | |
certainly is. She skied well in the
downhill and pull herself in with a | 3:06:37 | 3:06:42 | |
chance. She only skis slalom
occasionally. But she took a risk | 3:06:42 | 3:06:49 | |
and let the skis go, and had a
crack. Sticks another one in the | 3:06:49 | 3:06:55 | |
family locker. Do you think she is
taking some tips from Dominic? In | 3:06:55 | 3:07:01 | |
effect, it was the downhill run from
Gisin that was the making of her | 3:07:01 | 3:07:06 | |
gold medal today. She put them a
solid downhill run and then hung on | 3:07:06 | 3:07:10 | |
to it in the slalom is. But she only
lost a couple of tenths to Shiffrin, | 3:07:10 | 3:07:14 | |
who was the best slalom skier. I
don't know where she pulled that | 3:07:14 | 3:07:18 | |
slalom skiing from. If she can do
that week in, week out, we might see | 3:07:18 | 3:07:22 | |
her doing better in slalom as well
as the speed events. We will not be | 3:07:22 | 3:07:27 | |
seeing Lindsey Vonn in slalom, but
at least she had a crack. I think | 3:07:27 | 3:07:31 | |
she had a point to prove after
downhill not going her way. She has | 3:07:31 | 3:07:35 | |
not done slalom skiing for a long
time now. She gave it a shot. You | 3:07:35 | 3:07:39 | |
have to spend a lot of time on the
slalom skis if you are going to be | 3:07:39 | 3:07:44 | |
competitive, and Lindsey hasn't with
her injuries. The slalom skis have | 3:07:44 | 3:07:49 | |
not come out of her ski room often
and it showed, but good on her for | 3:07:49 | 3:07:53 | |
having a shot. That could be her
last race of the Olympic Games. We | 3:07:53 | 3:07:59 | |
have still to find out who is going
to race in the team event on | 3:07:59 | 3:08:02 | |
Saturday. Thank you very much. That
women's combined were supposed to be | 3:08:02 | 3:08:08 | |
staged tomorrow, but because of high
winds in Pyeongchang, they brought | 3:08:08 | 3:08:11 | |
it forward, which meant a bumper day
for medals, the first time in | 3:08:11 | 3:08:14 | |
Olympic history that ten gold medals
were up for grabs on a single day. | 3:08:14 | 3:08:18 | |
But there was also a chance today to
manoeuvre into medal contention. | 3:08:18 | 3:08:27 | |
Britain's men's curlers could do
that, a chance to be involved in the | 3:08:27 | 3:08:30 | |
middle that is their quest today.
But they have to beat the Swiss in a | 3:08:30 | 3:08:34 | |
tie-breaker first. Last day in the
short track. The host nations loved | 3:08:34 | 3:08:38 | |
it. Great Britain, not so much. The
women's 1000 goes ahead without | 3:08:38 | 3:08:42 | |
Elise Christie. We will drop in on
the men's ski half-pipe, where they | 3:08:42 | 3:08:48 | |
are turning tricks for a precious
metals are. And hold your breath as | 3:08:48 | 3:08:51 | |
we take you to the top of a 50m
launch pad as the women met that | 3:08:51 | 3:08:55 | |
challenge in the snowboard Big Air.
At 12.05 last night, it was just | 3:08:55 | 3:09:03 | |
beyond the witching hour and it was
twitching time in the curling for | 3:09:03 | 3:09:07 | |
Kyle Smith and his Great Britain
rink because they maybe should have | 3:09:07 | 3:09:12 | |
already been in the semifinals, but
in their last round robin match | 3:09:12 | 3:09:15 | |
against the Americans, they lost it,
which meant they went into a | 3:09:15 | 3:09:19 | |
tie-breaker against the Swiss. They
beat the Swiss rink in their first | 3:09:19 | 3:09:23 | |
match in this Olympic competition
last Wednesday 7-6. However, it got | 3:09:23 | 3:09:30 | |
very tired. We join them in the
ninth end, Great Britain with their | 3:09:30 | 3:09:35 | |
noses in front here. 5-4 ahead as we
join Jackie and Steve. | 3:09:35 | 3:09:42 | |
Two ends to go in the curling. Great
Britain lead. Switzerland have the | 3:09:43 | 3:09:48 | |
hammer. They have to really believe
that they can carry this through. | 3:09:48 | 3:10:00 | |
Nice long guard being set up by
Cammy Smith. | 3:10:13 | 3:10:20 | |
This Swiss team must be ruined their
chances to qualify. It seemed as | 3:10:33 | 3:10:37 | |
though everything was going well in
the round-robin competition despite | 3:10:37 | 3:10:40 | |
that first loss to Great Britain.
And they ended up losing their last | 3:10:40 | 3:10:46 | |
three matches, sorry, the last two
matches. They had a great run | 3:10:46 | 3:10:54 | |
against Sweden. They beat Canada.
They have two matches to go against | 3:10:54 | 3:10:58 | |
Korea, and at that point were bottom
of the table. The USA, who were | 3:10:58 | 3:11:02 | |
second bottom at that time, they got
beaten by Korea and were beaten by | 3:11:02 | 3:11:12 | |
the USA and found themselves biting
their nails to see if they were | 3:11:12 | 3:11:15 | |
given a tie-breaker opportunity. Had
Great Britain won, they wouldn't | 3:11:15 | 3:11:18 | |
have been here at all. Though they
were handed that opportunity, a | 3:11:18 | 3:11:22 | |
chance to come into the tie-break,
Great Britain losing to the USA. | 3:11:22 | 3:11:32 | |
Nicely done. | 3:11:32 | 3:11:39 | |
Nicely done. That gives Switzerland
a chance to remove it. | 3:11:39 | 3:11:52 | |
Valentin Tanner was disappointed
with his shot in the previous end, | 3:12:03 | 3:12:06 | |
but it didn't make much difference
in the end. I know we look at it | 3:12:06 | 3:12:11 | |
from a British perspective as a
positive that we got one, but from a | 3:12:11 | 3:12:15 | |
Swiss perspective, that is exactly
what they would have wanted. Gets a | 3:12:15 | 3:12:21 | |
nice hit and roll, stays in. | 3:12:21 | 3:12:27 | |
nice hit and roll, stays in. If we
can force the one here, the ideal | 3:12:29 | 3:12:35 | |
scenario is that you go tied into
the last end with the hammer. We | 3:12:35 | 3:12:38 | |
have seen so many occasions where
the team with the hammer doesn't get | 3:12:38 | 3:12:42 | |
the shot in the last end. | 3:12:42 | 3:12:49 | |
the shot in the last end. The guys
have worked that Stone well. They | 3:12:49 | 3:12:51 | |
want to make sure it stayed in the
house. | 3:12:51 | 3:13:00 | |
All of these top teams practise all
the different scenarios they would | 3:13:03 | 3:13:05 | |
like to face when they go down the
last end. | 3:13:05 | 3:13:12 | |
last end. They have every scenario
written down and how they would like | 3:13:15 | 3:13:17 | |
to play it. But of course, on paper,
it's all easy. That strategy means | 3:13:17 | 3:13:23 | |
nothing if you don't execute the
shot to make that work. | 3:13:23 | 3:13:30 | |
shot to make that work. Took that in
nicely. | 3:13:34 | 3:13:39 | |
Britain are leaving that long guard
out there. | 3:13:50 | 3:14:01 | |
Certainly very close. Just tapped it
a little. | 3:14:24 | 3:14:30 | |
a little. There is a bit of that
stone jutting out. | 3:14:35 | 3:14:42 | |
stone jutting out. Neither team has
used their time-out. We were going | 3:14:45 | 3:14:48 | |
to and then decided not to. | 3:14:48 | 3:14:54 | |
They are just looking at what side
they want to come down. They've | 3:14:58 | 3:15:01 | |
chosen to play the clockwise
rotation of the stone, down the | 3:15:01 | 3:15:06 | |
left-hand side as we are looking at
it. To just come on and corner | 3:15:06 | 3:15:13 | |
freeze the yellow that Great Britain
played. | 3:15:13 | 3:15:18 | |
I love of conversation is going on
between the skipper and vice skipper | 3:15:27 | 3:15:34 | |
-- a lot of conversation. | 3:15:34 | 3:15:42 | |
It's just how much of a curl is it
going to take? It's already moving a | 3:16:00 | 3:16:07 | |
lot. It is, I thought it was going
to catch it there. Very tight, very | 3:16:07 | 3:16:14 | |
tight. | 3:16:14 | 3:16:19 | |
He's kind of found the line. If we
came get a good shot in here, frozen | 3:16:24 | 3:16:33 | |
on top of the Swiss red stone, that
would be a great start for us to try | 3:16:33 | 3:16:39 | |
and prevent... The handsome Trajan
on the face of Muirhead -- the | 3:16:39 | 3:16:47 | |
concentration on the face. Going to
have to get it past the other rock. | 3:16:47 | 3:17:03 | |
A big pull. Just going to catch it.
They are the margins, the skip, | 3:17:03 | 3:17:08 | |
getting it passed by Thomas Muirhead
not able to do so. A round of | 3:17:08 | 3:17:12 | |
applause but not what he meant it. | 3:17:12 | 3:17:16 | |
What is happening though is that the
Swiss guys, they've got the hammer | 3:17:19 | 3:17:23 | |
but everything is getting pulled in
here. There's nothing they can do | 3:17:23 | 3:17:27 | |
about that now, they really have to
contend with this game. Britain | 3:17:27 | 3:17:33 | |
lying shot, they have another one
that's forth. It was initially | 3:17:33 | 3:17:41 | |
second but it was tapped back. Just
a couple of more yellow is to make | 3:17:41 | 3:17:47 | |
life difficult would be good but
when we start drawing in here... | 3:17:47 | 3:17:53 | |
Going to ignore that now. | 3:17:53 | 3:17:59 | |
Going to ignore that now. Claudio
Paetz has been so good. Tiny bit of | 3:17:59 | 3:18:06 | |
room inside if they can get it. Got
a chance. Oh, that's a very nice | 3:18:06 | 3:18:11 | |
shot. Very nice shot. This is
starting to look difficult for Great | 3:18:11 | 3:18:15 | |
Britain. We have to make sure when
we come in here that we corner | 3:18:15 | 3:18:23 | |
freeze. If we can sit top four make
it difficult for Switzerland. Not | 3:18:23 | 3:18:28 | |
much room to come around the red,
though. No, the margin of error is | 3:18:28 | 3:18:33 | |
very tight. He knew what a good shot
that was. Now, how can Thomas | 3:18:33 | 3:18:39 | |
Muirhead respond? A little bit wide
but it will curl on this side. | 3:18:39 | 3:18:51 | |
Missing the red this time. Get past
the Top one. Just kissed it, by a | 3:18:51 | 3:18:59 | |
whisker. Big trouble brewing. | 3:18:59 | 3:19:10 | |
This is going perfectly for
Switzerland. And for Great Britain, | 3:19:10 | 3:19:16 | |
they just cannot find the shots at
the moment. Close but that's not | 3:19:16 | 3:19:21 | |
good enough at this point. Time out,
Switzerland. They know they've got | 3:19:21 | 3:19:29 | |
maybe a match-winning opportunity
here. There's going to be so much | 3:19:29 | 3:19:32 | |
pressure on Kyle Smith and they want
to make sure that it's as difficult | 3:19:32 | 3:19:36 | |
as possible for him to prevent them
getting certainly two, maybe than | 3:19:36 | 3:19:41 | |
that here. | 3:19:41 | 3:19:46 | |
that here. Claudio Pescia, he gets
45 seconds to get to the head and | 3:19:46 | 3:19:52 | |
after that he gets one minute to
speak to his team. He's not allowed | 3:19:52 | 3:19:56 | |
to enter the ice, he's got to step
to the side. | 3:19:56 | 3:20:06 | |
Such a shame, to get this far and
you've got two ends to go but you | 3:20:06 | 3:20:12 | |
cannot find the shots. The
opposition, getting everything | 3:20:12 | 3:20:18 | |
right, just when it matters most. Is
that ability to close the game out | 3:20:18 | 3:20:24 | |
and finished it well. A couple of
miracle shots. Just find out what | 3:20:24 | 3:20:31 | |
Switzerland wants to do here. | 3:20:31 | 3:20:37 | |
Switzerland wants to do here. I
think the fact that they have the | 3:20:38 | 3:20:41 | |
stones in a line makes it difficult
but we can still come in with a | 3:20:41 | 3:20:46 | |
really cracking draw and corner
freeze one of them which would | 3:20:46 | 3:20:50 | |
really make it difficult for
Switzerland to score a big end. | 3:20:50 | 3:20:58 | |
Still in Great Britain's hands to
cut it down. Difficult at the | 3:20:58 | 3:21:01 | |
moment. It's just the distance, to
come in, a corner freeze would be | 3:21:01 | 3:21:09 | |
good but there's so little room
there. They are lined up nicely. | 3:21:09 | 3:21:17 | |
Switzerland have chosen not to hit
that yellow. I think if they did | 3:21:19 | 3:21:26 | |
that they would leave a pocket. Yes,
that was the only thing, if they did | 3:21:26 | 3:21:32 | |
that at least we'd have more of a
target. Is he just guarding it? | 3:21:32 | 3:21:38 | |
They're going to try and bring this,
kissing off the red, I think. | 3:21:38 | 3:21:46 | |
Bringing it right in. Again, he's
just got... That's actually not a | 3:21:46 | 3:21:52 | |
bad shot. | 3:21:52 | 3:21:57 | |
bad shot. It's a bigger target for
Great Britain now. Just wondering if | 3:21:58 | 3:22:04 | |
that's just touching the other red.
Gives them a chance to move... You | 3:22:04 | 3:22:10 | |
see how much of a | 3:22:10 | 3:22:20 | |
see how much of a pull there is.
Could have been in the centre. As it | 3:22:20 | 3:22:23 | |
is we have two plates almost a
similar shot, sitting on top of the | 3:22:23 | 3:22:31 | |
red. He wants to try and spring the
other one. But he has to be careful | 3:22:31 | 3:22:35 | |
not to tap his own. We know there's
a huge swing coming in here. Kyle | 3:22:35 | 3:22:45 | |
Smith and his team, their Olympic
campaign may well depend on the next | 3:22:45 | 3:22:49 | |
two shots. One more end to go but
they don't want to get away a big | 3:22:49 | 3:22:54 | |
score to Switzerland. To come in on
top of this outside red. Is this one | 3:22:54 | 3:23:02 | |
going to pull enough? It had a lot
of work to do. Not on the right side | 3:23:02 | 3:23:08 | |
of it at all. Really good weight.
Good weight is one thing but that's | 3:23:08 | 3:23:19 | |
only half the equation. It's such a
tricky... If you take one pound off | 3:23:19 | 3:23:28 | |
it, there is a huge pull. Maybe
that's what he was worried about, | 3:23:28 | 3:23:34 | |
catching the red on the way in. Just
leaving it out there. Now. How | 3:23:34 | 3:23:41 | |
aggressive do they want to be?
They've got the two there. They | 3:23:41 | 3:23:46 | |
still got two stones to go. I think
these guys, if they want to pull off | 3:23:46 | 3:23:54 | |
a big end they've got to come around
the top of the reds. It's just | 3:23:54 | 3:24:00 | |
whether they're going to catch as
much of the red as we can see and | 3:24:00 | 3:24:08 | |
pull back the yellow. And if they...
If they were to play something | 3:24:08 | 3:24:19 | |
further out and not give Kyle Smith
the chance on that side... | 3:24:19 | 3:24:31 | |
the chance on that side... If they
were higher in the house, maybe with | 3:24:32 | 3:24:34 | |
the last stone they could tap it in
for the three, depending on where | 3:24:34 | 3:24:40 | |
Kyle will end up. It looks like he'd
like more than two. To take two | 3:24:40 | 3:24:45 | |
you'd go into the last end one up
but without the hammer, then there's | 3:24:45 | 3:24:49 | |
the opportunity for Great Britain to
get two and win the game. So a lot | 3:24:49 | 3:24:54 | |
at stake in these last few shots.
Stone placement is so key. The agony | 3:24:54 | 3:25:02 | |
here. What's going to happen?
Various options here. We have to | 3:25:02 | 3:25:09 | |
wait and see. | 3:25:09 | 3:25:16 | |
wait and see. That's a lot of advice
they've taken. These guys seem to | 3:25:16 | 3:25:20 | |
play a slightly different... I'm not
sure if they put on as much | 3:25:20 | 3:25:24 | |
rotation. Going to have to wait and
see what he plays here. | 3:25:24 | 3:25:31 | |
Sounds like he's got a fair bit of
weight on it. Surely not going to | 3:25:35 | 3:25:41 | |
try and move it around, just wanting
to come around. Is that still out? | 3:25:41 | 3:25:48 | |
Just going to come round on top of
the red. He's going all the way. | 3:25:48 | 3:25:53 | |
This has actually sat down. I'm not
sure they were sure what to do, | 3:25:53 | 3:26:00 | |
that's kind of betwixt and between.
Yeah, that actually sat down a lot. | 3:26:00 | 3:26:08 | |
Can he move a couple of these? Like
you said, there is a double, it | 3:26:08 | 3:26:13 | |
would leave in one British stone.
Would be asking to draw in for the | 3:26:13 | 3:26:17 | |
two. Would have to be accurate with
it. This one is lined up with the | 3:26:17 | 3:26:23 | |
other red. He's had a time out. We
haven't, so there's an opportunity | 3:26:23 | 3:26:30 | |
for the boys to call a time-out.
Give us the overhead. He can see the | 3:26:30 | 3:26:37 | |
double, he thinks he can. Maybe it's
tucked in more than he'd like. I | 3:26:37 | 3:26:49 | |
think that's our only shot. | 3:26:49 | 3:26:54 | |
I think that the guys will have to
come down the right-hand side as we | 3:26:56 | 3:27:00 | |
look at the picture. Pop one in.
Tough. Yeah. You're going to hit the | 3:27:00 | 3:27:08 | |
top but then you're trying to say,
I'm only going to give you two and | 3:27:08 | 3:27:12 | |
I'm happy with that. Giving them two
is fine. | 3:27:12 | 3:27:19 | |
is fine. They are sitting two at the
moment. Would be great if they could | 3:27:19 | 3:27:22 | |
come in on top. Is that the idea?
Yes. Trying to come in on top of the | 3:27:22 | 3:27:29 | |
red that's on the centre line by the
four foot. Is he going to try and | 3:27:29 | 3:27:40 | |
hit the... Is he coming across to
get the other two yellows? May well | 3:27:40 | 3:27:46 | |
be. That might be the case. Sneaky.
Yeah. I thought that's what Schwartz | 3:27:46 | 3:27:56 | |
might have been trying to protect,
to come in with his last one. Yes, | 3:27:56 | 3:28:02 | |
that's exactly what he's doing. He's
going to invite him to draw in down | 3:28:02 | 3:28:10 | |
the other side, isn't he? | 3:28:10 | 3:28:17 | |
the other side, isn't he? Is there
are still a hole? The trouble is I | 3:28:17 | 3:28:20 | |
think the yellow is going to catch
on the back red, it's a question of | 3:28:20 | 3:28:23 | |
weight. I'm not sure about the
choice of shot. Plenty of options | 3:28:23 | 3:28:30 | |
now for Switzerland. That's the one
there, just to tap it in. He's got | 3:28:30 | 3:28:36 | |
loads of room to come around. | 3:28:36 | 3:28:45 | |
loads of room to come around. Not
sure about that shot. Do you think | 3:28:45 | 3:28:47 | |
there's enough room to come around
and get onto the top red? There | 3:28:47 | 3:28:51 | |
might be. Good come round and catch
it. Could do. Maybe that's the | 3:28:51 | 3:28:56 | |
temptation. He really wants his
three here. Yeah. | 3:28:56 | 3:29:09 | |
How's your French? I'd love to tell
you it's good. I think what he's | 3:29:16 | 3:29:25 | |
saying is that even if he... If he
misses the top one and doesn't tap | 3:29:25 | 3:29:34 | |
it in, he's got the chance of... I
think he's... Coming through the | 3:29:34 | 3:29:41 | |
tight line to catch the red just on
the four foot, straight into the | 3:29:41 | 3:29:49 | |
pack and the yellow will go. Let's
see how it pans out. Kyle Smith, | 3:29:49 | 3:29:54 | |
looking on. He's left an opportunity
here. Albeit maybe a difficult one | 3:29:54 | 3:30:03 | |
for Benoit Schwarz to get more than
two, to get three here, which would | 3:30:03 | 3:30:07 | |
put Switzerland in the driving seat
very much here. Looks like it's gone | 3:30:07 | 3:30:11 | |
through the gap, has it? Yes, it's
got through, this could be good. Oh, | 3:30:11 | 3:30:16 | |
my goodness. That is a stunning
shot. They spotted it, he played it | 3:30:16 | 3:30:24 | |
and that may well be curtains for
Great Britain. Not an emotion from | 3:30:24 | 3:30:31 | |
Benoit Schwarz, he's so calm during
that. That's a shame for our boys. | 3:30:31 | 3:30:36 | |
We did what we had to do to try and
close the gap but we didn't close it | 3:30:36 | 3:30:40 | |
will enough. Could not have played
it better, it was a tight gap to go | 3:30:40 | 3:30:46 | |
through but it gave him the line to
aim at the two yellows. One, two, | 3:30:46 | 3:30:51 | |
three, four, five. | 3:30:51 | 3:30:57 | |
What a shot from Benoit Schwarz.
That was the beginning of the end | 3:31:04 | 3:31:08 | |
for Kyle Smith and the British rink.
It was all over in the tenth end, | 3:31:08 | 3:31:12 | |
they really saw one, Rhona. I know
you watched it in the wee hours last | 3:31:12 | 3:31:17 | |
night, Rhona Howie is with us. We
will talk to her shortly about | 3:31:17 | 3:31:20 | |
reactions to it. Kyle Smith, his
first Olympic adventure over in the | 3:31:20 | 3:31:27 | |
most dramatic circumstances with
that ninth end. Afterwards, Kyle and | 3:31:27 | 3:31:31 | |
his team spoke to Steve Cram.
Guys, you are obviously hugely | 3:31:31 | 3:31:38 | |
disappointed. Kyle, talk us through
that ninth end and the big shot you | 3:31:38 | 3:31:42 | |
played. It's always a tricky
situation. You don't really want to | 3:31:42 | 3:31:49 | |
give them the blank in the ninth
end. So we were trying hard to force | 3:31:49 | 3:31:53 | |
them to one and things were not
looking great early on. | 3:31:53 | 3:31:57 | |
Unfortunately, we missed a few. He
put a really nice shot through the | 3:31:57 | 3:32:04 | |
hole and that was the game. You guys
came out really firing well in the | 3:32:04 | 3:32:11 | |
first three or four Aggar ends. It
was going perfectly. It was probably | 3:32:11 | 3:32:15 | |
one of the better games we have
played this week. Unfortunately, a | 3:32:15 | 3:32:20 | |
couple of half shots in the ninth
end were less good. Just massively | 3:32:20 | 3:32:31 | |
disappointed. That is a word you
will be using a lot, disappointment. | 3:32:31 | 3:32:36 | |
Kyle, is this one of the worst
experiences of your career so far? | 3:32:36 | 3:32:41 | |
Worst and best. We back and go again
in the next four years and try and | 3:32:41 | 3:32:46 | |
try and get back to whatever is
next. We have played pretty well | 3:32:46 | 3:32:50 | |
this week. We had a couple of
chances. We had to beat the USA last | 3:32:50 | 3:32:56 | |
at and we never managed it. We got
our lifeline this morning and I | 3:32:56 | 3:32:59 | |
thought we played pretty well, but a
couple of shots at this level is | 3:32:59 | 3:33:03 | |
enough to lose the game. It's hard
to find the positives, particularly | 3:33:03 | 3:33:09 | |
after you have come straight off the
ice, but what have you learned this | 3:33:09 | 3:33:13 | |
week? It's been a great week. We
have had a lot of good games. We | 3:33:13 | 3:33:18 | |
have had the odd missed shot here
and there which has cost us, so we | 3:33:18 | 3:33:21 | |
just need to look into those and see
how not to make them and do our best | 3:33:21 | 3:33:28 | |
moving forward. Kyle, you are the
skip. A lot of people were not | 3:33:28 | 3:33:35 | |
expecting you to do particularly
well. I know your expectations were | 3:33:35 | 3:33:39 | |
higher, but what is your reflection
on the week as a whole? It's tough | 3:33:39 | 3:33:42 | |
to reflect so soon after the loss.
But yes, we came to our first | 3:33:42 | 3:33:49 | |
Olympics and gave it our best shot.
And we made the play-offs. We had a | 3:33:49 | 3:33:54 | |
good game today, but it wasn't to
be, sadly. A couple of things didn't | 3:33:54 | 3:33:58 | |
go our way, a couple of half shots,
and that is all it takes against a | 3:33:58 | 3:34:04 | |
team as good as them. There is
plenty to look forward to going | 3:34:04 | 3:34:07 | |
forward but we just need to take
time and reflect on this experience | 3:34:07 | 3:34:11 | |
and what we can take from it. Well
played this week and bad luck today. | 3:34:11 | 3:34:17 | |
Great Britain officially end in
fifth position. Rhona Howie is with | 3:34:17 | 3:34:22 | |
us. We have made you relive that
again although you watched it live. | 3:34:22 | 3:34:26 | |
Is it just spent for the second time
around? It certainly was. The boys | 3:34:26 | 3:34:31 | |
came out firing. They had a 4-1 lead
early on and their stats were the | 3:34:31 | 3:34:38 | |
best they had been all week. They
played so well, and for it to turn | 3:34:38 | 3:34:42 | |
in one end will live with them for a
long time. The infamous ninth end. | 3:34:42 | 3:34:47 | |
How many times are they going to
replay the last three or four stones | 3:34:47 | 3:34:51 | |
of this one on their minds? They
will. They all had a chance to make | 3:34:51 | 3:34:58 | |
a shot to kill the end. Great
Britain are happy, well, happy to | 3:34:58 | 3:35:10 | |
lose with last stone advantage and
be just one down. So the way things | 3:35:10 | 3:35:14 | |
were sitting at this moment, the
best thing for car to do is put up a | 3:35:14 | 3:35:19 | |
guard and see you can't get in for
three, so have your two. But his | 3:35:19 | 3:35:24 | |
guard just overcurled by about two
millimetres and it just left enough | 3:35:24 | 3:35:35 | |
space here, with not much to spare
on either side. He played that to | 3:35:35 | 3:35:38 | |
perfection. It was a brilliant shot
from Benoit Schwarz, you have to | 3:35:38 | 3:35:45 | |
applaud that. One of the best shots
he will ever play. But when you | 3:35:45 | 3:35:50 | |
think about the room on either side
of those bagged guard that he had to | 3:35:50 | 3:35:54 | |
manoeuvre that stone through, what
sort of room was he playing with? | 3:35:54 | 3:35:58 | |
Not a lot. Because the guards are
staggered, you have to sweep to get | 3:35:58 | 3:36:02 | |
past the top one, but missing the
back one. It was a really difficult | 3:36:02 | 3:36:07 | |
shot. | 3:36:07 | 3:36:12 | |
shot. If Kyle's guard had stayed
nearer the centre line, they would | 3:36:12 | 3:36:15 | |
not have been able to go for that
shot. We are talking millimetres | 3:36:15 | 3:36:20 | |
here. Britain had chances to kill
the end early on, but we have too | 3:36:20 | 3:36:23 | |
many half shots in that ninth end.
How unusual is it at this level to | 3:36:23 | 3:36:27 | |
lose a five in one end? It's not,
but you can see what Kyle was trying | 3:36:27 | 3:36:34 | |
to do. And that just killed the game
there and then. In a split-second, | 3:36:34 | 3:36:41 | |
where they had controlled the first
eight ends, for it to turn as | 3:36:41 | 3:36:44 | |
quickly as that, and it was just
half shots. Is when Olympic medals | 3:36:44 | 3:36:50 | |
are at stake, millimetres count.
They do indeed. It was their first | 3:36:50 | 3:36:55 | |
taste of the Olympics and they have
acquitted themselves well. For you, | 3:36:55 | 3:36:58 | |
the chief lesson of this learning
experience would be what? They have | 3:36:58 | 3:37:05 | |
to look at all the games they have
played and learn from every single | 3:37:05 | 3:37:07 | |
game. Especially when a guest of the
business end of the game, eight, | 3:37:07 | 3:37:13 | |
nine and ten. How do you play those
ends? These guys will have learned | 3:37:13 | 3:37:20 | |
so much from playing these big
teams. They have played well | 3:37:20 | 3:37:23 | |
themselves. It could have been a
different story. There are a lot of | 3:37:23 | 3:37:29 | |
positives to take from the week, and
a lot to learn for that young team | 3:37:29 | 3:37:33 | |
going forward. It is a fifth place
for Kyle Smith demons rink. The | 3:37:33 | 3:37:38 | |
Swiss go through to the semifinal,
where they face Sweden. We will see | 3:37:38 | 3:37:45 | |
that shortly. In the other
semifinal, and all North American | 3:37:45 | 3:37:47 | |
contest between Kevin QE of Canada
and a man we have seen around the | 3:37:47 | 3:37:54 | |
circuit for a long time, John
Shuster of the United States, in his | 3:37:54 | 3:37:57 | |
fourth games. Coming into this one,
Schuster's rink had achieved the | 3:37:57 | 3:38:04 | |
first win ever in Olympic curling
against the Canadians in the round | 3:38:04 | 3:38:08 | |
robin phase. They would take that
again. This was the eighth end and a | 3:38:08 | 3:38:16 | |
terrific shot from John Shuster.
Even though Canada had a hammer | 3:38:16 | 3:38:23 | |
here, this meant that the US would
steal two at a hugely important | 3:38:23 | 3:38:29 | |
point in the game. And after an
error from Kevin Koe, they get a 4-2 | 3:38:29 | 3:38:38 | |
lead. We join it in the ninth. Could
the Canadians turn this one around? | 3:38:38 | 3:38:46 | |
It has gone quiet in the Canadian
camp. | 3:38:46 | 3:38:53 | |
camp. We have Kevin Koe at the top.
Marc Kennedy came to have a word | 3:38:53 | 3:38:57 | |
with Brent Laing. | 3:38:57 | 3:39:06 | |
with Brent Laing. What is happening
to this Canadian team? They are | 3:39:06 | 3:39:09 | |
falling apart here. | 3:39:09 | 3:39:14 | |
I almost feel like looking across.
Just ten feet from us are our | 3:39:22 | 3:39:28 | |
Canadian counterparts, broadcasting,
and I would say they have had a | 3:39:28 | 3:39:30 | |
tricky week after what happened to
Rachel Homan. The Canadian women did | 3:39:30 | 3:39:36 | |
not even make the semifinals. That
has never happened before. | 3:39:36 | 3:39:48 | |
Straightforward take out here for
the USA. As long as there are no red | 3:39:48 | 3:39:54 | |
stones in the house, they can score
multiple points. Canada won the gold | 3:39:54 | 3:40:04 | |
in 2014, gold in 2010, gold in Turin
in 2006. They were the silver | 3:40:04 | 3:40:10 | |
medallists against Norway in the
final at Salt Lake City. And they | 3:40:10 | 3:40:15 | |
were the silver medallists in Nagano
to Switzerland. At the moment, this | 3:40:15 | 3:40:22 | |
will be the first time they don't
make the final if they don't pull | 3:40:22 | 3:40:25 | |
this through. | 3:40:25 | 3:40:30 | |
this through. Marc Kennedy, who
himself missed a few early on... | 3:40:31 | 3:40:39 | |
Just taps it. A bit of separation
between the two stones, though. That | 3:40:47 | 3:40:56 | |
should go easily for the USA. There
is enough of a gap. They can squeeze | 3:40:56 | 3:41:07 | |
that out. This guy has played great.
Tyler George has been as good as | 3:41:07 | 3:41:15 | |
John Shuster. Tyler George has been
the star man of this US team. | 3:41:15 | 3:41:24 | |
the star man of this US team. He
just catches the back yellow, but it | 3:41:29 | 3:41:31 | |
still goes and they are still left
with two in. Not quite what he | 3:41:31 | 3:41:35 | |
wanted. Canada need to decide here
whether to blank or score two. | 3:41:35 | 3:41:43 | |
Blankly the end is not a bad result
for Canada, because they will just | 3:41:43 | 3:41:48 | |
go into a tenth end in the same
position as they are in the ninth, | 3:41:48 | 3:41:52 | |
knowing that if they tie the game
after ten, they going to an extra | 3:41:52 | 3:41:57 | |
end. I think blankly the end is the
easiest option here. | 3:41:57 | 3:42:06 | |
easiest option here. He is trying to
play the freeze. You have to decide | 3:42:09 | 3:42:13 | |
how confident you are that your team
is going to put yourselves in a | 3:42:13 | 3:42:16 | |
better position to score two in the
tenth end. | 3:42:16 | 3:42:23 | |
tenth end. I suppose the other
thought for them is, get one and | 3:42:25 | 3:42:29 | |
then steal in the final end? The
problem with that is that they would | 3:42:29 | 3:42:37 | |
need to steal twice then. We have
seen plenty of times that has | 3:42:37 | 3:42:45 | |
happened in the round robin. You
have told me that it statistically | 3:42:45 | 3:42:50 | |
happens a lot. People do steal in
the final end. I just think the way | 3:42:50 | 3:42:57 | |
they are playing, you can see
distress on their faces. Marc | 3:42:57 | 3:43:01 | |
Kennedy is normally a bit more
boisterous and loud. He just looks | 3:43:01 | 3:43:07 | |
subdued. Kevin Koe is a more subdued
character anyway. | 3:43:07 | 3:43:19 | |
character anyway. I would rather
give him two, personally. You heard | 3:43:21 | 3:43:26 | |
that. This is what I have enjoyed
all week, this toing and froing. | 3:43:26 | 3:43:34 | |
These two mega teams are
particularly good at letting the | 3:43:34 | 3:43:36 | |
opposition know what they think the
opposition should be doing, let | 3:43:36 | 3:43:41 | |
alone themselves. Great shot. He
said he didn't want to give the two, | 3:43:41 | 3:43:52 | |
he would rather they blanked this
end. I think that is a good core. If | 3:43:52 | 3:44:01 | |
you go through what has happened in
this match so far, Canada have not | 3:44:01 | 3:44:04 | |
once been able to take two. | 3:44:04 | 3:44:10 | |
once been able to take two. If they
do, you have another chance in the | 3:44:10 | 3:44:12 | |
extra end with the hammer. | 3:44:12 | 3:44:23 | |
Kevin Koe will be looking to blank
this end and then we move on. One | 3:44:25 | 3:44:30 | |
more stone each. | 3:44:30 | 3:44:39 | |
more stone each. This will be the
fourth end out of the nine we have | 3:44:39 | 3:44:42 | |
played that has been blanked. It's
been an enthralling match. It has | 3:44:42 | 3:44:48 | |
been ebbing and flowing and
seesawing one-way, then the other. | 3:44:48 | 3:44:58 | |
But you feel at the minute as though
the USA have blocked all four of | 3:44:59 | 3:45:04 | |
them at one end of the seesaw and
they will be hard to shift now. | 3:45:04 | 3:45:13 | |
The USA were bronze medallists, as
we said earlier, in Turin. John | 3:45:18 | 3:45:22 | |
Shuster was in the team. Never made
the final. | 3:45:22 | 3:45:34 | |
Sit! Sit! LAUGHTER | 3:45:34 | 3:45:41 | |
Just continuing to try and make life
difficult here. That was a really | 3:45:43 | 3:45:49 | |
interesting call from John Shuster.
It was, wasn't it? They were willing | 3:45:49 | 3:45:53 | |
to give up two there for the
opportunity to force Canada to score | 3:45:53 | 3:45:58 | |
one. A good call, didn't quite get
it right. Still a chance to blank | 3:45:58 | 3:46:04 | |
here for Kevin Koe or he could chip
it for two. It's given him the | 3:46:04 | 3:46:11 | |
temptation to do that. There's the
bench, Scott Pfeifer is in the | 3:46:11 | 3:46:19 | |
middle. He's going for the two. I'm
just looking for the stats around | 3:46:19 | 3:46:24 | |
John Shuster's preferred scenario
and the difference between being two | 3:46:24 | 3:46:31 | |
up without the last stone or being
in a tie with the last stone. 31% or | 3:46:31 | 3:46:39 | |
91%. What he's going to try and do
here... He's going to have to be | 3:46:39 | 3:46:49 | |
very cute here. He hopes he can try
and get the two but it will have to | 3:46:49 | 3:46:57 | |
be a cracking shot. This is a shot
he hasn't played well, he's been | 3:46:57 | 3:47:00 | |
struggling with his weight. We've
got a good view of this. Looking | 3:47:00 | 3:47:10 | |
wide at the moment. I was going to
say, that's never going to come in, | 3:47:10 | 3:47:15 | |
is it? Oh, it has. Is it going to
keep spinning? It's only going to be | 3:47:15 | 3:47:20 | |
one. But by getting it that thin
heeded did it have enough brakes on | 3:47:20 | 3:47:27 | |
it. And he knows that that is
advantage USA because that is the | 3:47:27 | 3:47:34 | |
result they didn't want. Blank would
have been better, two better than | 3:47:34 | 3:47:37 | |
one, but one is what he's got. So
the United States lead, 4-3 after | 3:47:37 | 3:47:45 | |
nine and crucially they have the
hammer. STUDIO: They did indeed and | 3:47:45 | 3:47:49 | |
the Americans used it as well. Last
stone advantage in the tenth end, | 3:47:49 | 3:47:54 | |
Schuster with a shot to make
history. He wasn't going to miss | 3:47:54 | 3:48:00 | |
this. 5-3 and the United States
sensationally knocking out Canada. | 3:48:00 | 3:48:05 | |
The defending champions won't be in
the gold-medal match. What a victory | 3:48:05 | 3:48:09 | |
for John Shuster, in his fourth
Games. Guaranteed silver at least. | 3:48:09 | 3:48:15 | |
The US are already there and they'll
be joined by Sweden, the European | 3:48:15 | 3:48:22 | |
champions, again they will be
skippered by Edin. Beating | 3:48:22 | 3:48:33 | |
Switzerland, who had just beaten
Great Britain. The Swiss will face | 3:48:33 | 3:48:37 | |
Canada in the bronze medal match.
Apart from the repercussions for | 3:48:37 | 3:48:43 | |
Kevin Koe and Canada, it's | 3:48:43 | 3:48:45 | |
Apart from the repercussions for
Kevin Koe and Canada, it's been a | 3:48:45 | 3:48:47 | |
very interesting Championship and
indeed Olympics for the Canadians | 3:48:47 | 3:48:49 | |
but you've got to talk about John
Shuster. A hack of a story, a man | 3:48:49 | 3:48:54 | |
who has a word named after him for
things going wrong, he's "Shustered" | 3:48:54 | 3:49:02 | |
it. How glad are you to see
something coming right for him? It | 3:49:02 | 3:49:07 | |
is a great story when someone is
down like that, they get attacked by | 3:49:07 | 3:49:11 | |
the media for failing, if you like,
and he's proven them wrong. He's | 3:49:11 | 3:49:16 | |
turned it around and he has fought
very hard and worked so hard to | 3:49:16 | 3:49:21 | |
prove to himself and everybody else
that he can do it. He had a bronze | 3:49:21 | 3:49:27 | |
medal and he was a lead player in
2006 when America won the bronze, | 3:49:27 | 3:49:32 | |
their first ever in curling but he
came back as a skipper in 2010 and | 3:49:32 | 3:49:35 | |
was replaced after a terrible
campaign. They have the courage to | 3:49:35 | 3:49:41 | |
put yourself back on the line says a
lot about his character. Absolutely, | 3:49:41 | 3:49:45 | |
we've seen it in other sports this
week in the Olympics, when things | 3:49:45 | 3:49:49 | |
don't go right, how do you get up
and keep going? That's the key to | 3:49:49 | 3:49:53 | |
success. Repercussions, let's talk
about Canada, not a great day for | 3:49:53 | 3:49:59 | |
them, losing the women's ice hockey
and only a chance of bronze in the | 3:49:59 | 3:50:03 | |
Olympic Carlin, two of their top
sports. Yes, Kevin Koe will be so | 3:50:03 | 3:50:09 | |
disappointed -- Olympic curling. To
give up two, that's criminal. He'll | 3:50:09 | 3:50:15 | |
be read playing that in his head for
a long time. They've still got | 3:50:15 | 3:50:19 | |
bronze that they can fight for but
that's a massive loss for Canada. | 3:50:19 | 3:50:24 | |
USA against Sweden, we didn't think
we'd be saying that for the final, | 3:50:24 | 3:50:27 | |
do you think that Edin has too much
tactical now is for John Shuster? He | 3:50:27 | 3:50:35 | |
has put everything into this for
years, for these Games and he's here | 3:50:35 | 3:50:39 | |
to win gold and nothing less will
do. We look forward to that and | 3:50:39 | 3:50:43 | |
tomorrow, Great Britain's Eve
Muirhead and her rank against the | 3:50:43 | 3:50:50 | |
Swedes in the first of the
semifinals, 11am on Friday morning. | 3:50:50 | 3:50:54 | |
How much faith do you have, how much
better issue playing than four years | 3:50:54 | 3:50:57 | |
ago when she got bronze? Playing
really well, consistently and their | 3:50:57 | 3:51:04 | |
tactical knowledge coming into the
business end of these Games, that's | 3:51:04 | 3:51:07 | |
where they're winning this week. She
has matured a lot in the tactical | 3:51:07 | 3:51:12 | |
game. My money is on Great Britain!
You heard it hurtful -- here first. | 3:51:12 | 3:51:19 | |
Over the last few days Broner and I
and of a body else at home have been | 3:51:19 | 3:51:26 | |
frustrated and wonderfully
entertained by short track speed | 3:51:26 | 3:51:28 | |
skating. We scratched our heads had
Elise Christie's agonies and we have | 3:51:28 | 3:51:35 | |
marvelled at the unpredictability of
the Netherlands from Ocean -- | 3:51:35 | 3:51:40 | |
promotion from the bronze medal. But
the most bizarre moment in Olympic | 3:51:40 | 3:51:46 | |
history came in 2002 in salt lake
city, the men's 1000 metres when | 3:51:46 | 3:51:51 | |
there was an Australian who was
quite simply the last man standing. | 3:51:51 | 3:52:01 | |
COMMENTATOR: Three laps to go now. | 3:52:01 | 3:52:07 | |
Just the Korean to take out. Oh,
going around the outside. China in | 3:52:08 | 3:52:15 | |
second and Korea third, Canada in
fourth. Here is the bell. On his way | 3:52:15 | 3:52:22 | |
to gold, is he? Oh, there is a
folder, they've all gone! Steven | 3:52:22 | 3:52:31 | |
Bradbury to cross the finishing
line. If he's won that would be the | 3:52:31 | 3:52:37 | |
most amazing gold medal of any
Olympic Games. | 3:52:37 | 3:52:43 | |
Extraordinary. Mona remembers it
because it was 2002 when she won her | 3:52:43 | 3:52:47 | |
gold medal. Stephen Crabb reet from
Brisbane, the name you'll never | 3:52:47 | 3:52:52 | |
forget. He never placed higher than
eighth place in an individual event | 3:52:52 | 3:52:57 | |
and yet the left those Games as a
gold medallist for Australia. | 3:52:57 | 3:53:02 | |
Perhaps there is a crumb of comfort
to be drawn from that for Elise | 3:53:02 | 3:53:06 | |
Christie who has left her third
Games or is still in Pyeongchang but | 3:53:06 | 3:53:11 | |
has nothing to show for them. She
has promised to return for a fourth | 3:53:11 | 3:53:16 | |
in Beijing in four years' time and
she's been rationalising it over the | 3:53:16 | 3:53:19 | |
last few days with us. A couple of
days since your Games came to an | 3:53:19 | 3:53:27 | |
end, how are you? How have the last
couple of days been? Obviously a | 3:53:27 | 3:53:31 | |
tough few days, quite a bit of pain.
I haven't felt well from the pain | 3:53:31 | 3:53:37 | |
and I've been up and down. I've had
so much support back home, which has | 3:53:37 | 3:53:44 | |
been incredible, overwhelming. So
I'm doing OK. I have my moments. I | 3:53:44 | 3:53:52 | |
got injured in the Olympic Games and
that sucks. But it's done now, I | 3:53:52 | 3:53:58 | |
can't do anything about it, just
focus on the next four years. In | 3:53:58 | 3:54:02 | |
terms of your ankle I can see you
are sitting here, we saw what | 3:54:02 | 3:54:06 | |
happened in the 1500 heat, what is
the prognosis and treatment plan? | 3:54:06 | 3:54:13 | |
The original prognosis was 4-6 weeks
completely off the ice. My brain was | 3:54:13 | 3:54:20 | |
telling me I couldn't be the Olympic
champion and my heart was telling me | 3:54:20 | 3:54:23 | |
otherwise. I didn't think I could
win but I hoped I will still capable | 3:54:23 | 3:54:27 | |
of winning a medal. I believe that.
Everyone back home, there were | 3:54:27 | 3:54:33 | |
messages from everyone that
influenced this but one specific | 3:54:33 | 3:54:37 | |
message from a young girl who had
got her mum to say, can you text | 3:54:37 | 3:54:49 | |
Elise and tell her that you're my
hero. That resonated for me and I | 3:54:49 | 3:54:53 | |
knew that she'd be watching and I
tried, and as far as I was concerned | 3:54:53 | 3:54:59 | |
I'd qualified, I thought it was
unbelievable. In the top 16 with | 3:54:59 | 3:55:05 | |
ligament damage to my ankle and I
think that shows you how physically | 3:55:05 | 3:55:08 | |
strong I am. You mentioned the
support and all of the tweets and | 3:55:08 | 3:55:14 | |
messages, overwhelmingly positive
but not all positive, right? You've | 3:55:14 | 3:55:19 | |
had to respond to some people who
haven't been so kind. I mean, I'm | 3:55:19 | 3:55:23 | |
happy for people to have an opinion,
I have a right to my opinion and so | 3:55:23 | 3:55:28 | |
do they and that's fine and they can
share it if they like but it's not | 3:55:28 | 3:55:33 | |
going to affect me so you might as
well not bother. I know what I've | 3:55:33 | 3:55:36 | |
done and I know everything I've gone
through to get here. And I know who | 3:55:36 | 3:55:41 | |
I am and what they say isn't going
to change that. So they're wasting | 3:55:41 | 3:55:45 | |
their time. We followed your story
for many years now. Keep following | 3:55:45 | 3:55:51 | |
it! That's good, looking forward to
it. But after Sochi, you went on to | 3:55:51 | 3:55:57 | |
the World Championships and admitted
that when you stopped competing then | 3:55:57 | 3:56:00 | |
it really hit you. How do you feel
it will pan out emotionally when you | 3:56:00 | 3:56:06 | |
get back after this? Obviously I
think there are times when it's | 3:56:06 | 3:56:11 | |
going to be tough but it's like I
said, I'm not in the same place I | 3:56:11 | 3:56:16 | |
was then. I suffered from depression
and everything else and that point. | 3:56:16 | 3:56:21 | |
I'm not in that position now, I have
my team around me. I still have a | 3:56:21 | 3:56:26 | |
lot of things I want to achieve. I
want to be the first to go under 42 | 3:56:26 | 3:56:31 | |
seconds, I want to win the 500 gold
I haven't got. I'm improving, my | 3:56:31 | 3:56:36 | |
stats are going faster and only one
girl was beating me off the start. | 3:56:36 | 3:56:41 | |
She's insanely fast off the start.
Many things I want to achieve. So | 3:56:41 | 3:56:46 | |
you aren't done and after the
thousand straightaway you were | 3:56:46 | 3:56:50 | |
talking about Beijing, 2022. Was
that spur of the moment or is that | 3:56:50 | 3:56:56 | |
is what you're going for next? A bit
of both but I had been thinking | 3:56:56 | 3:57:00 | |
about retiring but it just came out.
Really? But then I knew, I knew I | 3:57:00 | 3:57:05 | |
was going to keep going cars I
wouldn't have said it if I didn't | 3:57:05 | 3:57:10 | |
mean it. I'd like to do long track
and short track if we can. It's | 3:57:10 | 3:57:17 | |
difficult because we don't have a
long track in Britain but I want to | 3:57:17 | 3:57:21 | |
try and do both which probably means
sacrificing one of the short track | 3:57:21 | 3:57:26 | |
events, which would probably be the
1500! But that's OK. I can get | 3:57:26 | 3:57:31 | |
myself so strong, it's not going to
matter. That's really interesting. | 3:57:31 | 3:57:36 | |
Watching you over the last week, I
think it's been a lesson to us all | 3:57:36 | 3:57:40 | |
in resilience and grit and courage.
Unfortunately you couldn't get the | 3:57:40 | 3:57:46 | |
medal you wanted but I think you've
really inspired a lot of people back | 3:57:46 | 3:57:49 | |
home. Thank you, that's just as good
as any medal. Here, here. Thank you, | 3:57:49 | 3:57:56 | |
Elise. Interesting she was saying
that she could do the long track and | 3:57:56 | 3:58:00 | |
short track which would be quite an
undertaking. In her absence it was a | 3:58:00 | 3:58:04 | |
busy last day in the short track
speed skating events. The men's 500 | 3:58:04 | 3:58:08 | |
and the and women's 5000. They took
place without any British | 3:58:08 | 3:58:17 | |
involvement which I guess means we
can watch it without any hearts in | 3:58:17 | 3:58:20 | |
malls and I'm guessing we'd rather
not have that situation but there | 3:58:20 | 3:58:23 | |
was plenty to enjoy with Wilf
O'Reilly and Simon Brotherton. | 3:58:23 | 3:58:29 | |
From China, Wu Dajing, the Olympic
silver medallist from 2014. And the | 3:58:36 | 3:58:40 | |
silver | 3:58:40 | 3:58:47 | |
silver medallist, Daeheon from
Korea. Ranked number four in the | 3:58:47 | 3:58:49 | |
World Cup this season. And big
medallist from the 1500 metres, 21 | 3:58:49 | 3:58:57 | |
years of age, the new star of Korean
sport. Samuel Girard, the | 3:58:57 | 3:59:06 | |
21-year-old from Canada, Gold
medallist. | 3:59:06 | 3:59:20 | |
Four and a half laps of the track to
decide who is the Olympic champion. | 3:59:20 | 3:59:27 | |
False start. I'm sure that was the
Chinese skater on the inside, Wu | 3:59:27 | 3:59:35 | |
Dajing. Number six, there. Only
allowed one false start. Not | 3:59:35 | 3:59:45 | |
remaining perfectly still on the
left of the screen. Wu Dajing by a | 3:59:45 | 3:59:49 | |
fraction. In way that time and look
at the scramble for the first | 3:59:49 | 3:59:56 | |
corner, Wu Dajing getting there
first. A bit of a gap and trying to | 3:59:56 | 4:00:01 | |
close him down, Lim Hyojun. Hwang
Daeheon is in second for Korea. | 4:00:01 | 4:00:07 | |
Three laps to go. Wu Dajing is going
to try and take it from the front | 4:00:07 | 4:00:12 | |
for China with the two Koreans
chasing him. Second at the moment, | 4:00:12 | 4:00:16 | |
Hwang Daeheon. Samuel Girard can't
get involved in fourth place. Wu | 4:00:16 | 4:00:24 | |
Dajing leading the way at the bell,
the Koreans can't close the gap. | 4:00:24 | 4:00:29 | |
Samuel Girard is in fourth. Wu
Dajing takes gold and second place | 4:00:29 | 4:00:33 | |
was Hwang Daeheon. | 4:00:33 | 4:00:38 | |
was Hwang Daeheon. 39.59 is the time
and he's broken his own world | 4:00:39 | 4:00:42 | |
record. That was a superb piece of
skating, that's the strategy he | 4:00:42 | 4:00:45 | |
needed to take. | 4:00:45 | 4:00:51 | |
He made it look so easy. I think the
Chinese team are extremely excited | 4:00:53 | 4:01:00 | |
about winning the gold medal. At
last, China have a gold medal in | 4:01:00 | 4:01:05 | |
male short track speed skating
through Wu Dajing. And for the first | 4:01:05 | 4:01:09 | |
time in pretty much a week, China
rather smiling because they haven't | 4:01:09 | 4:01:13 | |
really enjoyed some of the decisions
from the judges. They have been | 4:01:13 | 4:01:17 | |
complaining about it. They have dug
hard done by, but they will have | 4:01:17 | 4:01:20 | |
forgotten about it now because China
have a gold digger with the silver | 4:01:20 | 4:01:25 | |
won earlier in competition. It's a
world record for Wu Dajing. | 4:01:25 | 4:01:34 | |
world record for Wu Dajing. He
bossed the final from start to | 4:01:34 | 4:01:35 | |
finish. | 4:01:35 | 4:01:40 | |
What a final line-up we have got
here. | 4:02:00 | 4:02:09 | |
here. Nine laps of the track and
they are away first time. Boutin, | 4:02:09 | 4:02:17 | |
not surprisingly, at the front.
Coming around is Shim Sukhee. A | 4:02:17 | 4:02:26 | |
momentary lapse of concentration
from the others. | 4:02:26 | 4:02:33 | |
from the others. Fontana is content
to watch the others for now. Now | 4:02:33 | 4:02:36 | |
it's about picking up the speed.
Negative splits every lap, making it | 4:02:36 | 4:02:41 | |
more difficult for the skaters to
power from the back. | 4:02:41 | 4:02:48 | |
power from the back. They are
fighting amongst themselves at the | 4:02:50 | 4:02:52 | |
moment. The two career Koreans are
waiting to pounce, with just five | 4:02:52 | 4:02:56 | |
laps to go. Choi Minjeong has a
blisteringly fast turn of pace. | 4:02:56 | 4:03:03 | |
Fontana starts to have a look.
Schulting now at the front. Boutin | 4:03:03 | 4:03:10 | |
in second place. They have three to
go. Schulting leads. | 4:03:10 | 4:03:18 | |
go. Schulting leads. Choi Minjeong
at the back of the moment. Schulting | 4:03:20 | 4:03:23 | |
still leading the way. It is going
to be tagged around the bend. | 4:03:23 | 4:03:31 | |
Schulting leads the way! Choi
Minjeong try to go around outside, | 4:03:31 | 4:03:35 | |
and both Koreans have crashed!
Schulting leads. Arianna Fontana | 4:03:35 | 4:03:40 | |
finishes in third and it's a
disastrous finish for Korea. Suzanne | 4:03:40 | 4:03:45 | |
Schulting can't believe it. She is
the Olympic champion. What an upset! | 4:03:45 | 4:03:50 | |
Schulting takes the gold for the
Dutch, but what a disappointment for | 4:03:50 | 4:03:55 | |
the home crowd with Shim Sukhee and
Choi Minjeong ending up in a heap on | 4:03:55 | 4:03:58 | |
the floor of the last lap. Let's
have a look once more. You can see | 4:03:58 | 4:04:07 | |
Schulting at the front, toy trying
to come around the outside. They | 4:04:07 | 4:04:10 | |
will be interested to see whether
there was contact with Arianna | 4:04:10 | 4:04:14 | |
Fontana from Italy. The two Koreans
take each other out. With an | 4:04:14 | 4:04:21 | |
almighty thump into the padding. But
Schulting, Boutin and Fontana claim | 4:04:21 | 4:04:24 | |
the medals.
HAZEL IRVINE: it's great stuff. And | 4:04:24 | 4:04:32 | |
the men's relay is the high point of
the whole programme. As you can | 4:04:32 | 4:04:36 | |
imagine, the South Korean home team
were determined to give them | 4:04:36 | 4:04:40 | |
something to smile about, because
they had already won the women's | 4:04:40 | 4:04:45 | |
gold. Mass hysteria had broken out
and smelling salts were at the ready | 4:04:45 | 4:04:48 | |
as we go into this incredible race
in the men's. But not going the host | 4:04:48 | 4:04:53 | |
nation's wait, because one of their
skaters went sprawling midway | 4:04:53 | 4:04:58 | |
through it. That cost him a place on
the podium. The Koreans couldn't | 4:04:58 | 4:05:02 | |
catch up with the other three, and
Hungary claimed their first ever | 4:05:02 | 4:05:05 | |
gold in a Winter Olympics and their
first medal of any colour for 38 | 4:05:05 | 4:05:10 | |
years. And guess who was the man
first crossed the line? It was | 4:05:10 | 4:05:15 | |
Shaolin Sandor Liu, who happens to
be the boyfriend of a certain Elise | 4:05:15 | 4:05:19 | |
Christie. The man who crossed the
line, Shaolin Sandor Liu, is her | 4:05:19 | 4:05:24 | |
other half. And just as he has been
there for her at these games, she | 4:05:24 | 4:05:28 | |
was there for him in his nation's
greatest winter moment. Lots to | 4:05:28 | 4:05:33 | |
smile about. So, all of that has
been the headline news, not just in | 4:05:33 | 4:05:42 | |
Hungary, but here in Great Britain.
These were the other stories that | 4:05:42 | 4:05:46 | |
were catching our eye.
There will be no medal for Britain's | 4:05:46 | 4:05:53 | |
male curlers, who lost the
tie-breaker with Switzerland 9-5. | 4:05:53 | 4:05:57 | |
Kyle Smith and his rink can look
back on a creditable Olympic debut. | 4:05:57 | 4:06:01 | |
They were fifth. Andre Mara begins
with a Swedish man to win the | 4:06:01 | 4:06:05 | |
Olympic slalom since the great
Ingemar Stenmark in 1980 at Lake | 4:06:05 | 4:06:10 | |
Placid. Britain's Dave Ryding came a
brilliant ninth place. And I was | 4:06:10 | 4:06:16 | |
also surprise in the women's Alpine
combined, with Switzerland's | 4:06:16 | 4:06:23 | |
Michelle Gisin winning gold. Lindsey
Vonn's last Olympic race saw her | 4:06:23 | 4:06:26 | |
failed to finish it. Russian curler
Alexander Chris on its key has been | 4:06:26 | 4:06:31 | |
stripped of his bronze after
admitting to an anti-doping | 4:06:31 | 4:06:34 | |
violation. Norway will now be
promoted to the bronze medal. And | 4:06:34 | 4:06:41 | |
Ben Kilmer has just joined us in the
last couple of minutes. | 4:06:41 | 4:06:44 | |
You are our snowboarding Olympian.
They are attacking it this time on | 4:06:48 | 4:06:52 | |
skis in the half-pipe. Tell us about
the proportions of that final of | 4:06:52 | 4:06:55 | |
snow and ice. Not so little, is it?
Not at all. Half-pipe is normally | 4:06:55 | 4:07:02 | |
tend to be 160 to 180 metres long.
They are on a 17 to 18 degrees pitch | 4:07:02 | 4:07:09 | |
and the walls are 6.7m high. To put
that into perspective, if you have | 4:07:09 | 4:07:14 | |
an average size house, it's slightly
bigger than a normal house. These | 4:07:14 | 4:07:19 | |
things are huge. If you're sat in
the bottom of them, it completely | 4:07:19 | 4:07:24 | |
engulfs you. We saw Rowan Cheshire
take a creditable seventh in the | 4:07:24 | 4:07:30 | |
women's ski pipe. We will be talking
about the men's. You watched the | 4:07:30 | 4:07:35 | |
qualification, with no British
involved, and you said there was a | 4:07:35 | 4:07:38 | |
lot of holding back. By what
percentage? Well, I mentioned a | 4:07:38 | 4:07:43 | |
couple of days ago that people were
holding back quite a bit. You can | 4:07:43 | 4:07:51 | |
tell when you have seen them over
time. Some of these guys were | 4:07:51 | 4:07:55 | |
pushing themselves hard enough to
qualify, but I knew that they have | 4:07:55 | 4:07:59 | |
more tricks in their bag. So who
would get the gold medal? Let's find | 4:07:59 | 4:08:04 | |
out with James Woods and Tim Warwood
in the final of the ski pipe. | 4:08:04 | 4:08:08 | |
Representing Canada, Noah Bowman.
The Canadian camp will be fizzing on | 4:08:13 | 4:08:21 | |
adrenaline, thanks in no part to
Cassie Sharp's gold medal a few days | 4:08:21 | 4:08:27 | |
ago. She came and bossed it here and
now Noah Bowman, who in my opinion, | 4:08:27 | 4:08:34 | |
Woodsy, has the greatest style in
the half-pipe. This man is liquid | 4:08:34 | 4:08:38 | |
skiing. Absolutely! And everyone's
favourite as well. Watch him ski. A | 4:08:38 | 4:08:48 | |
huge 360 to start things off. Noah
Bowman's technique is superpowered. | 4:08:48 | 4:08:57 | |
This is everything you could want to
do in a half-pipe. Goodness me! We | 4:09:00 | 4:09:09 | |
can see how confident Noah Bowman
is. I cannot express how difficult | 4:09:09 | 4:09:14 | |
all of these tricks are. The one
thing Noah Bowman's run does lack is | 4:09:14 | 4:09:19 | |
the lack of forward spinning. That
seems outrageous, because that is | 4:09:19 | 4:09:24 | |
infinitely easier to do in a
half-pipe, but Noah Bowman chooses | 4:09:24 | 4:09:28 | |
to only do the one click at the top. | 4:09:28 | 4:09:35 | |
There you go, Noah Bowman into the
lead. | 4:09:43 | 4:09:49 | |
lead. This is David wise, the
defending champion. | 4:09:50 | 4:10:00 | |
defending champion. Who you would
see made a meal of qualifying, but | 4:10:00 | 4:10:03 | |
he sits here now in the finals and
he has got some huge tricks in his | 4:10:03 | 4:10:06 | |
arsenal. | 4:10:06 | 4:10:11 | |
arsenal. A ginormous switch into the
left side double 12. Oh, no! David | 4:10:12 | 4:10:17 | |
Wise has gone down. | 4:10:17 | 4:10:23 | |
Wise has gone down. Wow. That is
devastating. He is finding himself | 4:10:25 | 4:10:29 | |
in unfamiliar territory here. You
would say he is finding his form | 4:10:29 | 4:10:33 | |
now, though. He has come out of the
gates swinging. Amazing competing | 4:10:33 | 4:10:40 | |
from David Wise over the last period
of time. Look how high he is, it's | 4:10:40 | 4:10:44 | |
insane. | 4:10:44 | 4:10:49 | |
insane. Now, coming out of Sherwood
Park in Canada, Mike Riddle, the | 4:10:50 | 4:10:55 | |
Sochi silver medallist, and 2017
world champion. One of the older | 4:10:55 | 4:11:04 | |
guys on the circuit, you would see.
But he has a huge bag of tricks. He | 4:11:04 | 4:11:13 | |
has some creative grabs in his click
bag when he wants to delve deep. | 4:11:13 | 4:11:21 | |
He always starts with a big pipe
run. And alley-oop through 360. Two | 4:11:24 | 4:11:36 | |
hands on the skins. | 4:11:36 | 4:11:42 | |
hands on the skins. -- the skis. And
a pipe double 900. Beautiful. Look | 4:11:42 | 4:11:49 | |
how chill he is. | 4:11:49 | 4:11:54 | |
how chill he is. It is almost a
challenge to do less. | 4:11:55 | 4:12:03 | |
challenge to do less. He landed a
little bit skew whiff on his double | 4:12:03 | 4:12:05 | |
12. | 4:12:05 | 4:12:08 | |
Next, Beau-James Wells. Come on!
Very good friends with our | 4:12:15 | 4:12:26 | |
commentator James Woods here. There
is his dad. He has just seen his | 4:12:26 | 4:12:31 | |
brother crash out in practice. How
is he going to be feeling, Woodsy? | 4:12:31 | 4:12:39 | |
Beau has New Zealand on his
shoulders and he has his brothers on | 4:12:39 | 4:12:42 | |
his shoulders. Unfortunately, they
couldn't compete. Byron was looking | 4:12:42 | 4:12:54 | |
great, but he went down. So it is
all up to Beau now for the Wells | 4:12:54 | 4:12:58 | |
family. That will be the pressure
he's feeling among more than having | 4:12:58 | 4:13:02 | |
New Zealand on his back. Breakfast
time at the Wells has in a couple of | 4:13:02 | 4:13:07 | |
weeks could be made a lot easier if
he could podium here. The flag | 4:13:07 | 4:13:12 | |
bearer for New Zealand. Huge! That
is Beau's signature opener. Now he | 4:13:12 | 4:13:23 | |
has both of those double cork
twelves. We saw that trick from | 4:13:23 | 4:13:30 | |
Murray Buchan as well. Oh, my
goodness! Comes across the line like | 4:13:30 | 4:13:37 | |
Superman. | 4:13:37 | 4:13:42 | |
Superman. He reaches all the way
back. | 4:13:42 | 4:13:50 | |
back. He is going to be incredibly
happy with that. Alex Ferreira, the | 4:13:52 | 4:13:59 | |
X Games silver medallist. Alex has
been coming out so strong since day | 4:13:59 | 4:14:07 | |
one. He has got all of the tricks,
all of the technicality to win this. | 4:14:07 | 4:14:15 | |
Not even kidding. | 4:14:15 | 4:14:21 | |
Not even kidding. Starting off with
a huge 1260. | 4:14:21 | 4:14:32 | |
a huge 1260. Switch right seven. | 4:14:32 | 4:14:37 | |
That feels good to him. We always
say if the riders are happy, which | 4:14:44 | 4:14:50 | |
he clearly is, you can see his
elation. He knows that is a massive | 4:14:50 | 4:15:00 | |
run. This half-pipe final is
America's to lose. If everyone lands | 4:15:00 | 4:15:03 | |
their run clean, the question is
which American will be on top. | 4:15:03 | 4:15:18 | |
Now, Aaron Blank, our first-place | 4:15:23 | 4:15:29 | |
qualifier. If he has got a receipt
for this, now is the time to get it | 4:15:29 | 4:15:33 | |
out and redeem it. | 4:15:33 | 4:15:40 | |
The big start, 720. Look for his
signature move, the Switch double, | 4:15:41 | 4:15:48 | |
completely blind. My goodness, going
into the switch double ten, that's a | 4:15:48 | 4:15:53 | |
huge aspect. Double flat spin, 900
and the double 12. My goodness. When | 4:15:53 | 4:16:00 | |
you thought it couldn't get any
better, | 4:16:00 | 4:16:06 | |
better, Aaron Blunck jumping in. The
judges are going to lose their mind | 4:16:08 | 4:16:14 | |
about that. Look how blind it is,
not even looking to see where he's | 4:16:14 | 4:16:19 | |
going, relying purely on his senses.
If we can't see his eyes then he | 4:16:19 | 4:16:24 | |
can't see us on the landing. No idea
where he's going but that's | 4:16:24 | 4:16:28 | |
fantastic, the switch down the pipe,
the double ten, arguably the hardest | 4:16:28 | 4:16:35 | |
thing he can do. Back-to-back. Ooh.
Goodness me. Well... That score | 4:16:35 | 4:16:45 | |
doesn't reflect his reaction. So...
Run one, looking very good indeed. | 4:16:45 | 4:16:55 | |
Alex Barrera top spot for the USA,
and then the Canadian and the kiwi, | 4:16:55 | 4:17:05 | |
keeping the American podium clean
sweep at bay, for now. Next, need a | 4:17:05 | 4:17:10 | |
Porteous. -- Nico Porteous. He had a
stellar run and in your eyes poll be | 4:17:10 | 4:17:18 | |
the best he's had in the pipe. A
blinding run and all he can do is | 4:17:18 | 4:17:24 | |
improve. He can set back and be
confident with the first run. A | 4:17:24 | 4:17:28 | |
brilliant result, the Olympic final,
he's so young and so much more to | 4:17:28 | 4:17:33 | |
give so we can see what he's got for
us. Starting with the double Cork | 4:17:33 | 4:17:40 | |
1440, reaching back for the tail.
That's going to give extra. The | 4:17:40 | 4:17:47 | |
first 1440 we've seen in the pipe in
the finals. Backing it up with the | 4:17:47 | 4:17:51 | |
right side double 12. Oh, my days!
The double Alupa Clarke spin nine. | 4:17:51 | 4:17:58 | |
Oh, it's huge! -- the double | 4:17:58 | 4:18:06 | |
alley-oop. Three and a half
rotations, mums and ads. Goodness | 4:18:12 | 4:18:15 | |
me. My goodness. My goodness! He
can't believe it. Porteous is well | 4:18:15 | 4:18:26 | |
on his way to upsetting that
potential US one, two, three with a | 4:18:26 | 4:18:32 | |
huge score, man. If you want to know
how exciting this is, James Woods is | 4:18:32 | 4:18:39 | |
standing on his seat in the
commentary booth! All eyes go back | 4:18:39 | 4:18:43 | |
to the top. The defending Olympic
champion. Getting the mark of | 4:18:43 | 4:18:51 | |
respect from the start marshal. His
time to turn it on. The man who | 4:18:51 | 4:18:55 | |
doesn't take no for an answer when
it comes to being taken down in the | 4:18:55 | 4:18:59 | |
halfpipe. He's a fighter. Dropping
in switch, would see. Huge start for | 4:18:59 | 4:19:05 | |
David Wise. He's gone! This is
incredible, I can't believe this is | 4:19:05 | 4:19:12 | |
happening to David Wise. The man who
sprinkles pressure on his breakfast | 4:19:12 | 4:19:18 | |
cereal... His fans are stunned. | 4:19:18 | 4:19:27 | |
cereal... His fans are stunned. My
goodness. Clipping the deck. That's | 4:19:27 | 4:19:33 | |
how these skis are designed. They
are designed to do that to save your | 4:19:33 | 4:19:36 | |
legs. Less they save than a crash. | 4:19:36 | 4:19:46 | |
Torin Yater-Wallace,... Putting some
fuel on his fire and you're going to | 4:19:46 | 4:19:54 | |
see him go mad. Not the first run he
wanted, nowhere near it. In 2017 he | 4:19:54 | 4:20:04 | |
had an infection and nearly died, he
was in a coma. He's come out all | 4:20:04 | 4:20:10 | |
guns blazing since then. Look how
big that is. Wow, the right double | 4:20:10 | 4:20:16 | |
12, his signature move and everyone
seems to be taking it from him. | 4:20:16 | 4:20:22 | |
Switch right, left, Right, down the
pipe. Oh, there it is! The double | 4:20:22 | 4:20:27 | |
alley-oop. Can he land it? No! He
couldn't land it. We spoke about it | 4:20:27 | 4:20:36 | |
on the run before. He could have got
in another hit but you won't see a | 4:20:36 | 4:20:40 | |
bigger fifth hit than that. He's got
no business doing that there. He can | 4:20:40 | 4:20:48 | |
see the lip and he tries to bring
his legs in. Disaster. That's very | 4:20:48 | 4:20:57 | |
sore, man. Look at that. Yes that,
exactly. That smile means, I've got | 4:20:57 | 4:21:03 | |
the final in the bag if I can figure
out how to do it! So, Alex Barrera, | 4:21:03 | 4:21:12 | |
currently sixth, in second. -- Alex
Ferreira. That's ace apprised | 4:21:12 | 4:21:18 | |
position for Alex to be in -- that's
a surprise. The Americans expected | 4:21:18 | 4:21:26 | |
to be first and second and third and
then Porteous did well. Landing flat | 4:21:26 | 4:21:34 | |
but keeps his speed into the double
1080. Switch. Down the pipe. 1080, | 4:21:34 | 4:21:42 | |
back-to-back tens. He needs to wrap
it up, which he does. Here he goes, | 4:21:42 | 4:21:47 | |
switch. Ooh even better than his
first run! Alex Ferreira is stepping | 4:21:47 | 4:21:56 | |
up, man. Holy cow. The Harry Potter
of the halfpipe world here. Just | 4:21:56 | 4:22:05 | |
wizard | 4:22:05 | 4:22:13 | |
wizard through there. What judges
going to do? An unknown entity, | 4:22:13 | 4:22:21 | |
Porteous dropping in there.
Something we haven't seen. How are | 4:22:21 | 4:22:25 | |
the judges going to compare
Ferreira's run to that? Oh, my | 4:22:25 | 4:22:32 | |
goodness. Oh, my gold! Alex Barrera,
I think he'll explode if he wins the | 4:22:32 | 4:22:39 | |
gold medal. He'll actually explode!
-- Alex Ferreira. The magnitude of | 4:22:39 | 4:22:47 | |
the competition just hit Porteous.
So, run two, the results look like | 4:22:47 | 4:22:54 | |
this. Blunck, the hot favourite, in
sixth place. Porteous with a crazy | 4:22:54 | 4:23:04 | |
run in second and Ferreira again
answering back with a 96 flat. | 4:23:04 | 4:23:15 | |
Porteous, the beginning of the
final, so grateful to be here. He | 4:23:15 | 4:23:19 | |
knows he has the big tricks but he
doesn't have the experience and the | 4:23:19 | 4:23:22 | |
name that these big guys have. He
comes down and puts down 94 | 4:23:22 | 4:23:28 | |
something and it blew the field
away. When Ferreira takes the lead | 4:23:28 | 4:23:34 | |
from him the world crashes down on
him and the competition really hits | 4:23:34 | 4:23:38 | |
him. He's chilling. He's accepting
the second run as an absolute | 4:23:38 | 4:23:45 | |
blinder and you know what, good for
him. He doesn't feel he's going to | 4:23:45 | 4:23:51 | |
improve so he is surfing it out,
enjoying himself. He says, you know | 4:23:51 | 4:23:58 | |
what, I won't bet that. Interesting
move from Nico, not taking his run | 4:23:58 | 4:24:06 | |
but that second run... Now, David
Wise, the defending Olympic | 4:24:06 | 4:24:14 | |
champion, who has won the most out
of the male halfpipe skiers. Radzi | 4:24:14 | 4:24:18 | |
asked me in the break whether nerves
are a thing when you're in this. Ask | 4:24:18 | 4:24:26 | |
David Wise now! All the press is on
him. Winning more than you can | 4:24:26 | 4:24:31 | |
imagine. Switch, right -- the
pressure. A bit of a wriggle but he | 4:24:31 | 4:24:37 | |
completed it nicely. Double Cork,
1260. Perfect. Switch, left, down | 4:24:37 | 4:24:46 | |
the pipe. Ten. Right side 12, four
doubles. Boom! That's it. The only | 4:24:46 | 4:24:57 | |
thing I can pick out of the run was
the very first hit, the switch | 4:24:57 | 4:25:03 | |
right, double 1080, did he wriggle
out of it? Was it a stress for him | 4:25:03 | 4:25:08 | |
to land it? This here wasn't. My
goodness, under the most amount of | 4:25:08 | 4:25:14 | |
pressure! 97.2, the defending
Olympic champion Paul is a | 4:25:14 | 4:25:22 | |
proverbial rabbit out of the hat.
What can this boy do? Beau-James | 4:25:22 | 4:25:34 | |
Wells, from Monaco. He's done
everything he plans to do in this | 4:25:34 | 4:25:39 | |
competition. In the lead up to this
he's been eyeing up the Olympics | 4:25:39 | 4:25:42 | |
like a hawk for a very long time.
He's got a switch double in his | 4:25:42 | 4:25:53 | |
arsenal, he's started everyone with
a big switch down the pipe and 20, | 4:25:53 | 4:25:57 | |
with a lot of style and has put down
flawless runs. He has the switch | 4:25:57 | 4:26:01 | |
double in his arsenal. Whether he's
going to use it to try and up his | 4:26:01 | 4:26:09 | |
score, we're going to find out.
Dropping in switch, very fast. | 4:26:09 | 4:26:14 | |
Beau-James Wells from New Zealand.
Switch, double, down the pipe. This | 4:26:14 | 4:26:19 | |
is the run for him. Right side
double 12, he's only got to flip | 4:26:19 | 4:26:25 | |
back into the routine he's been in
for a long time. Double left and | 4:26:25 | 4:26:30 | |
right side double flare. Left,
double 12, landing it clean. My | 4:26:30 | 4:26:37 | |
goodness. Well done, that man. Talk
about stepping up when it counts, | 4:26:37 | 4:26:42 | |
man. You said it, you knew he had
the switch double in his arsenal. | 4:26:42 | 4:26:49 | |
Nico Porteous giving him a big hug.
What a nice rotation as well from | 4:26:49 | 4:26:54 | |
Beau-James Wells. We saw that
punishing David Wise, on his first | 4:26:54 | 4:27:00 | |
of two runs. 91.6. No, he hasn't, it
is fourth place for him. So, Alex | 4:27:00 | 4:27:12 | |
Ferreira, I can't begin to describe
how he's feeling. He knows he's | 4:27:12 | 4:27:18 | |
second, maybe third if Blunck can
pick him. But he's on the podium. -- | 4:27:18 | 4:27:23 | |
can beat him. He's in a race for the
top spot. First after his first run | 4:27:23 | 4:27:31 | |
and his second run, can he be first
after his bird? He's seen | 4:27:31 | 4:27:35 | |
improvements in both runs. If ever
there was a time to rip the lid off | 4:27:35 | 4:27:40 | |
it, now is it. Come on, from era.
You could tell from the time he was | 4:27:40 | 4:27:48 | |
in the air, that was a double 12.
Doing the switch perfectly. He'll be | 4:27:48 | 4:27:56 | |
fizzing inside, running on pure
adrenaline. That's massive going so | 4:27:56 | 4:28:01 | |
big, the TV doesn't do it justice.
Oh, my goodness. Alex Ferreira | 4:28:01 | 4:28:08 | |
hasn't knocked it out of the park,
he's strapped it to a space rocket | 4:28:08 | 4:28:12 | |
and sent it to outer space! What was
that? Somehow he landed it | 4:28:12 | 4:28:16 | |
perfectly. Never seen anything like
it in my life. That was huge. I | 4:28:16 | 4:28:23 | |
think he's going to explode. Cover
your eyes, people, I'm not sure | 4:28:23 | 4:28:27 | |
what's going to happen if he goes
first. Oh, 96.4. Look at that. Well, | 4:28:27 | 4:28:36 | |
well, well. That's a men's ski
halfpipe final to remember. I hope | 4:28:36 | 4:28:44 | |
you had that recorded because it
will take some re-watching to try | 4:28:44 | 4:28:48 | |
and decide that one. Alex Ferreira
taking second. Huge shout out to | 4:28:48 | 4:28:54 | |
Nico Porteous. But David Wise, the
Olympic champion, has pulled the cat | 4:28:54 | 4:29:01 | |
out of the bag in his third and
final run. So, the official results | 4:29:01 | 4:29:08 | |
are in. | 4:29:08 | 4:29:15 | |
Shout out to Beau-James Wells, with
the best run he's ever produced, for | 4:29:15 | 4:29:19 | |
fourth. | 4:29:19 | 4:29:24 | |
Double Olympic champion, that must
feel pretty good? It feels amazing, | 4:29:25 | 4:29:28 | |
I don't believe it. I couldn't
believe I won last time and today, I | 4:29:28 | 4:29:34 | |
can't believe it. Doing it in front
of your family must be special? So | 4:29:34 | 4:29:37 | |
called to be here with my family. I
feel that I'm the front man for an | 4:29:37 | 4:29:43 | |
amazing group of people, the
doctors, strength team, coaches, but | 4:29:43 | 4:29:49 | |
my team really starts with my wife
and kids, so to have them supporting | 4:29:49 | 4:29:53 | |
me as part of the team is amazing.
Win, lose or fall, I have my people | 4:29:53 | 4:29:59 | |
and it was so cool. I just wanted to
land that run, getting them back to | 4:29:59 | 4:30:07 | |
back, that's a dream come true,
especially at the Olympics. Couldn't | 4:30:07 | 4:30:10 | |
get any better. And he's from
Hamilton too, Porteous, which is | 4:30:10 | 4:30:16 | |
about the flattest part! | 4:30:16 | 4:30:22 | |
You said David Wise had a few tricks
up his sleeve, and so it proved. Was | 4:30:22 | 4:30:27 | |
that the right result for you? It
was a battle of the Americans and it | 4:30:27 | 4:30:33 | |
was a battle between the Kiwis as
well. If I were to judge it, I would | 4:30:33 | 4:30:39 | |
have scored Ferreira first and David
Wise second and probably Beau third. | 4:30:39 | 4:30:47 | |
David Wise had it all to do because
once again, as was Ferreira, it was | 4:30:47 | 4:30:52 | |
run three, the only time he could
put this down. It was on his third | 4:30:52 | 4:30:57 | |
run. He fell on both one and two. So
the pressure was on the last one. | 4:30:57 | 4:31:05 | |
And his run was flawless. I can't
take it away from him. Amplitude is | 4:31:05 | 4:31:12 | |
right up there. The judges have
maybe... They are awarding technical | 4:31:12 | 4:31:21 | |
difficulty, so some of the harder
tricks were maybe what they were | 4:31:21 | 4:31:25 | |
looking for compared to Ferreira.
There is no doubt that Alex | 4:31:25 | 4:31:28 | |
Ferreira, again on the third run, it
took the breath away. It was a | 4:31:28 | 4:31:33 | |
stunning event. For you, what's the
difference between this one in terms | 4:31:33 | 4:31:37 | |
of the marks given come aware what
it lost four Ferreira? I think it's | 4:31:37 | 4:31:42 | |
here. | 4:31:42 | 4:31:47 | |
here. Why Wise has done bigger
tricks at the top, whereas Ferreira | 4:31:49 | 4:31:50 | |
has gone for slightly smaller, but
much bigger in amplitude. He is only | 4:31:50 | 4:31:57 | |
just managing to hold on. To
describe the impact they are going | 4:31:57 | 4:32:01 | |
throughout this height, it's like
getting squashed. It is like almost | 4:32:01 | 4:32:04 | |
having a train on your back loading
you down. So much force is going | 4:32:04 | 4:32:09 | |
through their legs to try and stay
on their feet. We thought it would | 4:32:09 | 4:32:13 | |
be an American clean sweep with Wise
in gold and Ferreira in silver, but | 4:32:13 | 4:32:18 | |
in comes a 16-year-old, the first
Kiwi man ever to win a medal at the | 4:32:18 | 4:32:21 | |
Olympic Games. It has been 26 years
since they won medals in anything. | 4:32:21 | 4:32:27 | |
But this guy is the third youngest
man ever to win a Winter Olympic | 4:32:27 | 4:32:31 | |
medal. He was born 77 days before
the opening ceremony of the Salt | 4:32:31 | 4:32:37 | |
Lake City games! They are getting
younger and younger! It is so good | 4:32:37 | 4:32:43 | |
to see the New Zealand guys up
there, competing against the world. | 4:32:43 | 4:32:48 | |
They have a great mountain range
where they are. I hope to see more | 4:32:48 | 4:32:55 | |
funding for these guys after the
performance they are putting in. | 4:32:55 | 4:32:59 | |
There were two Wells brothers in
this one from New Zealand. In the | 4:32:59 | 4:33:05 | |
end, it was Nico who gets the bronze
medal. He didn't elect to perform | 4:33:05 | 4:33:10 | |
his third run. There is a great
quote from him. He says, I hope I | 4:33:10 | 4:33:15 | |
didn't come across as cocky, because
I had nothing left. That was all I | 4:33:15 | 4:33:19 | |
had in the bag. That was the best
run I have ever done. I think at the | 4:33:19 | 4:33:25 | |
Olympics or any of the big events,
you put your life on the line. | 4:33:25 | 4:33:29 | |
Sometimes, you can only do it once a
day. I think he has accepted, I have | 4:33:29 | 4:33:34 | |
done the best run of my life. I
probably couldn't do it again. So | 4:33:34 | 4:33:39 | |
he's just saving himself, which is
probably a good thing. I suspect we | 4:33:39 | 4:33:43 | |
will see a lot more of him. It is
all about impressing the judges as | 4:33:43 | 4:33:49 | |
well in the bigger competition, the
inaugural one, the women's final we | 4:33:49 | 4:33:52 | |
are about to see. A lot is Ryding on
this for the women snowboarders, | 4:33:52 | 4:33:56 | |
because a lot of them were cheesed
off that earlier in these games, | 4:33:56 | 4:34:00 | |
their slopestyle final had been
staged in the middle of a howling | 4:34:00 | 4:34:04 | |
gale. And there will more crashes
than completed runs, so they were | 4:34:04 | 4:34:07 | |
determined to show the world what
they could do and they did exactly | 4:34:07 | 4:34:11 | |
that. It was a chance to impress in
the company of Jamie Nicholls and | 4:34:11 | 4:34:14 | |
Tim again. | 4:34:14 | 4:34:19 | |
Welcome to Alpensia Ski Jumping
Centre. Today it is the women's | 4:34:19 | 4:34:22 | |
snowboard Big Air. | 4:34:22 | 4:34:27 | |
snowboard Big Air. Silje Norendal.
Going is huge! | 4:34:27 | 4:34:44 | |
Going is huge! Beautiful! That was
huge. Phenomenal from the Norwegian. | 4:34:44 | 4:34:48 | |
A little bit of a wash, nearly 100
degrees of rotation before she takes | 4:34:48 | 4:34:54 | |
off, but that is the only fault
here. The grabs are there. She is in | 4:34:54 | 4:34:59 | |
control. There are going to be some
big tricks coming. Miyabi Onitsuka | 4:34:59 | 4:35:10 | |
dropped a couple of clips online a
few weeks ago of her getting back to | 4:35:10 | 4:35:18 | |
double cork 1080s, the clipboard of
power back in the mix today. Big | 4:35:18 | 4:35:23 | |
shout out to Colin Holden. | 4:35:23 | 4:35:34 | |
shout out to Colin Holden. Ooh! You
know what the big difference there | 4:35:34 | 4:35:36 | |
is? The grabs. Every time I have
seen her go for that night, she let | 4:35:36 | 4:35:41 | |
go of the grab early. She only just
got it with her fingertips. | 4:35:41 | 4:35:52 | |
got it with her fingertips. Now, she
took a gold medal in slopestyle. | 4:35:56 | 4:35:58 | |
Damian Zielinski most experienced
and successful woman in freestyle | 4:35:58 | 4:36:03 | |
snowboarding right now -- Jamie
Anderson is the most experienced | 4:36:03 | 4:36:08 | |
woman. She is missing none of the
big trophies, just relaxing. Lovely | 4:36:08 | 4:36:13 | |
shimmy. She put doubles in her
locker of tricks. She has gone | 4:36:13 | 4:36:19 | |
straight in. Wow, she wants that
double gold medal. The grab is held | 4:36:19 | 4:36:27 | |
for so long. That was so nice.
Beautiful style, so compact. That | 4:36:27 | 4:36:41 | |
has got to be in the 90s. | 4:36:41 | 4:36:52 | |
has got to be in the 90s. Reira
Iwabuchi, Jenny Jones was chatting | 4:36:52 | 4:36:57 | |
to her coach is also the translator
for the Japanese team, and she said, | 4:36:57 | 4:37:00 | |
how do you code her? She said, we
don't have to do anything. She is | 4:37:00 | 4:37:06 | |
one of the most self-motivated
people on the Japanese team. She | 4:37:06 | 4:37:10 | |
just says, I want to do this, and
works with the coaches in a | 4:37:10 | 4:37:13 | |
conversation. Wow. | 4:37:13 | 4:37:22 | |
conversation. Wow. That was amazing.
Everyone said wow! | 4:37:22 | 4:37:29 | |
Everyone said wow! Look at the grab.
It is short, same as we saw from | 4:37:29 | 4:37:36 | |
Onitsuka. Apart from letting go of
the grab early, that was very clean. | 4:37:36 | 4:37:44 | |
She slides in behind Jamie Anderson.
So from the 16-year-old to the | 4:37:48 | 4:37:56 | |
31-year-old veteran, Yuka Fujimori.
Unbelievably, she came to freestyle | 4:37:56 | 4:38:03 | |
snowboarding in 2015, transferring
out of snowboard cross. The opposite | 4:38:03 | 4:38:08 | |
direction to the way most people go.
Most freestylers decide to give | 4:38:08 | 4:38:13 | |
snowboard cross a go once they get
to 26 or 27. That was so good. A lot | 4:38:13 | 4:38:26 | |
of control here. This is so awesome
to watch. Women snowboarding is on | 4:38:26 | 4:38:33 | |
fire right now. | 4:38:33 | 4:38:38 | |
fire right now. Yuka Fujimori is
very pleased with that first jump. | 4:38:40 | 4:38:46 | |
Jamie Anderson has pointed at the
fence and sent her biggest gun in to | 4:38:46 | 4:38:51 | |
get a 90 point. | 4:38:51 | 4:38:57 | |
Sina Candrian desperately need this.
She fell in the first one. I don't | 4:39:23 | 4:39:27 | |
think she will back away from the
1080. No, I think she would give it | 4:39:27 | 4:39:33 | |
another go. I hope she does. | 4:39:33 | 4:39:40 | |
another go. I hope she does. Winding
up beautifully, and there it is. | 4:39:40 | 4:39:41 | |
That was better than yesterday's. | 4:39:41 | 4:39:49 | |
That was better than yesterday's. A
tiny little scuffle of the hand. She | 4:39:49 | 4:39:52 | |
just misses it. She is reaching
down. She is so close to getting it. | 4:39:52 | 4:40:02 | |
She has one score on the board. Back
up to the top. Jamie Anderson put so | 4:40:02 | 4:40:12 | |
much pressure on everyone. | 4:40:12 | 4:40:22 | |
much pressure on everyone. Very
clean. What are we going to see from | 4:40:22 | 4:40:24 | |
her? This is critical. Just doing
her little dance! And it works for | 4:40:24 | 4:40:29 | |
her. | 4:40:29 | 4:40:34 | |
her. How did she hold onto that?
That was the years of experience. I | 4:40:36 | 4:40:44 | |
like how she does that, it's very
different to a lot of the other | 4:40:44 | 4:40:50 | |
girls' double minds. It's a
different rotation. | 4:40:50 | 4:40:56 | |
different rotation. Everything very
tidy so far. She's the enviable | 4:40:57 | 4:41:05 | |
position of having two huge scores
under her belt. | 4:41:05 | 4:41:12 | |
under her belt. Zoi
Sadowsky-Synnott, we saw her switch | 4:41:13 | 4:41:16 | |
backside nine in qualifying and it
was beautiful. I think we will see | 4:41:16 | 4:41:20 | |
it again now. | 4:41:20 | 4:41:25 | |
it again now. Wow, that was amazing!
For me personally, I find this more | 4:41:27 | 4:41:32 | |
impressive than the front side and
the captains. It's massive. It's | 4:41:32 | 4:41:38 | |
beautiful and it is the hardest
rotation. She went so high. You are | 4:41:38 | 4:41:45 | |
going backwards and turning into the
abyss. The rolling at the end is my | 4:41:45 | 4:41:50 | |
favourite part of that trick. She
controls the end so perfectly. I | 4:41:50 | 4:41:55 | |
love that. She has got the double
backflip in there. I love the fact | 4:41:55 | 4:42:02 | |
that she has done this as perfectly
as she can. | 4:42:02 | 4:42:09 | |
as she can. 92, so deserved. The New
Zealander with a fantastic second | 4:42:10 | 4:42:13 | |
jump. | 4:42:13 | 4:42:19 | |
jump. What a fantastic shot. Anna
Gasser, the Austrian, stands for her | 4:42:19 | 4:42:25 | |
second jump. | 4:42:25 | 4:42:37 | |
It pushes the riders to become more
diverse. It is going to be the | 4:42:44 | 4:42:48 | |
backside double cork. Oh, she stomps
it! That was amazing. She so | 4:42:48 | 4:43:00 | |
deserves this. She has been able to
come out here and showcase the very | 4:43:00 | 4:43:08 | |
best of women's snowboarding,
stomping two from two in this | 4:43:08 | 4:43:11 | |
format. It is the best combined
score from two jumps, and she has | 4:43:11 | 4:43:18 | |
given herself the luxury to go for
her best trick on the third and | 4:43:18 | 4:43:21 | |
final run. | 4:43:21 | 4:43:26 | |
final run. Ooh, I thought she would
have got a lot higher than 89. It's | 4:43:27 | 4:43:32 | |
not the biggest jump we have seen.
She slots in behind Jamie Anderson. | 4:43:32 | 4:43:41 | |
The size of Anderson's jumps has
been breathtaking. | 4:43:41 | 4:43:54 | |
So the third run is approaching and
at the moment, it looks like a big | 4:44:07 | 4:44:12 | |
battle between Anna Gasser and
Anderson. It seems like it. | 4:44:12 | 4:44:20 | |
Anderson. It seems like it. Silje
Norendal is definitely in the | 4:44:25 | 4:44:26 | |
running for the bronze medal if she
can land something big here. She got | 4:44:26 | 4:44:34 | |
a solid 70 pointer. | 4:44:34 | 4:44:41 | |
a solid 70 pointer. Holds her nerve
really well. She is watching the | 4:44:43 | 4:44:50 | |
wind here, I think. Or maybe getting
her music going. | 4:44:50 | 4:44:59 | |
CAB ten. Wow, what was she doing?
She had already done a perfect CAB | 4:45:04 | 4:45:11 | |
nine. Really odd decision from Silje
Norendal. She saw this one as her | 4:45:11 | 4:45:22 | |
big scoring dump and thought, I can
add more to this jump than I can to | 4:45:22 | 4:45:26 | |
the other one. I thought she was
going to go cab ten. | 4:45:26 | 4:45:37 | |
That's good enough for fifth at the
moment. | 4:45:39 | 4:45:43 | |
That's good enough for fifth at the
moment. Kantian, the frontside 1080 | 4:45:43 | 4:45:44 | |
is in the bag. -- Candrian. I wonder
what's next. | 4:45:44 | 4:45:56 | |
what's next. Backside tail other
match -- or the switch back | 4:45:56 | 4:46:03 | |
backside. It's the switch backside.
Ooh. Now we have a big game on our | 4:46:03 | 4:46:10 | |
hands. Switch excited nine. And the
frontside 1080. Missing the ground | 4:46:10 | 4:46:16 | |
again. It's almost like she did
exactly the same -- missing the | 4:46:16 | 4:46:25 | |
grab. Two really big spins in there.
She's put it down. It's actually | 4:46:25 | 4:46:34 | |
lovely, if you look at the rotations
in a modular sense. But that was a | 4:46:34 | 4:46:39 | |
drag. Without the hand she might
have gone down. Definitely | 4:46:39 | 4:46:45 | |
penalising her for the hand drag.
Massively. Anderson. So, Anderson, | 4:46:45 | 4:46:53 | |
so used to qualifying in first. Only
made it through in sixth place. So, | 4:46:53 | 4:46:58 | |
she qualifies. In the middle of the
pack but that hasn't stopped her | 4:46:58 | 4:47:03 | |
adding pressure to all of the other
riders. Her first jump, 90.2, | 4:47:03 | 4:47:10 | |
backing it up with 87.25, meaning
she has the luxury of really going | 4:47:10 | 4:47:16 | |
for it here. Tell you what, the body
language isn't as relaxed. No, it | 4:47:16 | 4:47:22 | |
isn't. It means maybe she's going
for something big that she's not | 4:47:22 | 4:47:25 | |
used to. We didn't see the little
shimmy. No. | 4:47:25 | 4:47:33 | |
shimmy. No. Cab 1080, to the last
line. How did she not explode into a | 4:47:33 | 4:47:38 | |
million pieces? That was sick.
Unbelievable, cab double Cork 1080. | 4:47:38 | 4:47:48 | |
She knew she had to do that because
she knew that Anna Gasser was | 4:47:48 | 4:47:51 | |
dropping in after her. And she would
have been doing the same trick. Wow. | 4:47:51 | 4:47:57 | |
That was impressive. So, Jamie
Anderson with that drop has | 4:47:57 | 4:48:05 | |
potentially left the door open for
Anna Gasser. But this is going to be | 4:48:05 | 4:48:13 | |
one of the most interesting jumps.
Sadowski is not, having absolutely | 4:48:13 | 4:48:24 | |
stumped the switch backside 900, can
now drop in -- Sadowski Synnott. | 4:48:24 | 4:48:31 | |
Frontside. No way. Frontside 1080,
no one's seen that yet. Wow. This | 4:48:31 | 4:48:39 | |
was so good to watch. That could
have been it, the clean frontside | 4:48:39 | 4:48:44 | |
ten for her could have been gold. No
joke. She only needed an 87 with | 4:48:44 | 4:48:52 | |
that to go into the lead. Wow. I
didn't expect that from her. I don't | 4:48:52 | 4:48:58 | |
think I've seen her tried that
before. You can see her score, 92. | 4:48:58 | 4:49:08 | |
The double backflip was the weak
link. Can't believe I'm saying that | 4:49:08 | 4:49:12 | |
but it puts her in third place
behind Anna Gasser, who is yet to | 4:49:12 | 4:49:18 | |
drop and Jamie Anderson, who
currently occupies the gold medal | 4:49:18 | 4:49:20 | |
position. Iwabuchi in fourth is
still yet to drop. A little bit of | 4:49:20 | 4:49:29 | |
wind up on the top and Iwabuchi is
by far the smallest and lightest | 4:49:29 | 4:49:33 | |
rider in the final. | 4:49:33 | 4:49:39 | |
rider in the final. We're going to
see the backside 1080 again, I'm | 4:49:41 | 4:49:45 | |
sure of it. She wants it this time.
So driven and self-motivated. She's | 4:49:45 | 4:49:51 | |
pushing to land the backside double
Cork 1080. Will we see it now? Too | 4:49:51 | 4:50:00 | |
slow. Too slow. The rotation just
wasn't there. She's been following | 4:50:00 | 4:50:06 | |
them so consistently. You know what,
she saw Jamie Anderson go and she | 4:50:06 | 4:50:12 | |
thought, I'm going massive and I
think she slowed down the rotation | 4:50:12 | 4:50:15 | |
because of that. If she'd just gone
a little bit digger. Well, there's | 4:50:15 | 4:50:25 | |
only one woman left to drop food
cannot Sadowski Synnott out of | 4:50:25 | 4:50:33 | |
bronze medal position. -- who can
knock. Iwabuchi. | 4:50:33 | 4:50:46 | |
Fujimori, 31 years old. So,
Fujimori. I wonder if we're going to | 4:50:46 | 4:50:58 | |
see the cab 99. Or was it the front
99? She got a bit lost on that | 4:50:58 | 4:51:04 | |
second rotation. | 4:51:04 | 4:51:09 | |
second rotation. Getting 82.25, so
anything in the 90s is going to | 4:51:10 | 4:51:12 | |
boost her right up. Yes. | 4:51:12 | 4:51:23 | |
She stayed in the rotation better
there. Yeah, she did. She committed | 4:51:23 | 4:51:28 | |
to the second Cork. She over rotated
a little bit. Oh, disappointing for | 4:51:28 | 4:51:35 | |
Fujimori. She can't land those last
two jumps after a beautiful backside | 4:51:35 | 4:51:42 | |
900 on her first hit. | 4:51:42 | 4:51:51 | |
Wow, a phenomenal performance from
Fujimori. She can't land that third | 4:51:51 | 4:51:56 | |
run, though, so it's 122.75. The
16-year-old New Zealander knows that | 4:51:56 | 4:52:03 | |
she has a bronze medal. And Jamie
Anderson knows that she's got, at | 4:52:03 | 4:52:11 | |
the least, Silver. Only this woman
can move out of gold medal position. | 4:52:11 | 4:52:16 | |
What are we going to see, Jamie?
Come on, and. I want to see the cab | 4:52:16 | 4:52:22 | |
double ten. It needs to be big,
though. Three full rotations. | 4:52:22 | 4:52:28 | |
Rotating with your front opening up
to the landing. Anna Gasser. So | 4:52:28 | 4:52:35 | |
consistent, she's landed two
beautiful jumps already today. There | 4:52:35 | 4:52:38 | |
hasn't been a moment of doubt or
hesitation. Can she seal it now? | 4:52:38 | 4:52:47 | |
Sheila to so relaxed, doesn't she?
So relaxed -- she looks so relaxed. | 4:52:47 | 4:52:55 | |
OK. Ooh, my gosh. This one is going
down to the wire! I didn't think she | 4:52:56 | 4:53:08 | |
had bad. I thought the first
corkscrew was a bit too vertical. | 4:53:08 | 4:53:13 | |
Wow. Look how made up she is, we
talked about this being the best | 4:53:13 | 4:53:20 | |
example of women's riding and look
at this, this is what it means to | 4:53:20 | 4:53:24 | |
them, to be able to lay down in
perfect conditions on a brilliant | 4:53:24 | 4:53:28 | |
jump. It's the opposite scenario to
what we saw in the women's | 4:53:28 | 4:53:32 | |
slopestyle just over a week ago. The
pump on that. And the style. She | 4:53:32 | 4:53:38 | |
went deep as well. Look at her back
leg through the corkscrew, there. | 4:53:38 | 4:53:43 | |
Holding the grab. 96. Highest
scoring trick of the day, without a | 4:53:43 | 4:53:53 | |
doubt. I think that's the most
technical and stylish trick we've | 4:53:53 | 4:53:58 | |
ever seen in women's snowboarding.
Unbelievable. Absolutely beautiful. | 4:53:58 | 4:54:04 | |
96, yes! She's done it. It's the
gold medal for Anna Gasser. | 4:54:04 | 4:54:10 | |
Well-deserved. Very, very
well-deserved. Anna Gasser, just | 4:54:10 | 4:54:18 | |
making it into gold medal position,
head of Jamie Anderson. Look at | 4:54:18 | 4:54:23 | |
those scores. Incredibly bright
future for the New Zealander, | 4:54:23 | 4:54:27 | |
Sadowski Synnott. Iwabuchi, the
other rocky, | 4:54:27 | 4:54:32 | |
Sadowski Synnott. Iwabuchi, the
other rocky, down in fourth place. | 4:54:32 | 4:54:33 | |
STUDIO: Great contest and you got to
say that the drop in from the top of | 4:54:33 | 4:54:39 | |
the slope down has to be one of the
iconic images of these Games, Ben. | 4:54:39 | 4:54:44 | |
It is, what a spectacle, finally the
ladies showing us what they were | 4:54:44 | 4:54:48 | |
capable of after the havoc in
slopestyle. Really pleased. The | 4:54:48 | 4:54:51 | |
question remains, are you a member
of the cab under flip club? I am, | 4:54:51 | 4:54:58 | |
but the number one rule is that we
don't talk about it! We can talk | 4:54:58 | 4:55:03 | |
about it with Anna Gasser because
she put it in | 4:55:03 | 4:55:05 | |
about it with Anna Gasser because
she put it in her run, twice. This | 4:55:05 | 4:55:07 | |
winning run in the third was
deserved gold for you, Ben? I think | 4:55:07 | 4:55:13 | |
so, the frontside double Cork 1080.
In women's snowboarding, it's the | 4:55:13 | 4:55:20 | |
best trick out there. Anna Gasser,
although we had Katie Ormerod, she's | 4:55:20 | 4:55:24 | |
the first person to do the double
Cork in women's snowboarding. Anna | 4:55:24 | 4:55:29 | |
Gasser is the first person to put it
down in competition so she's leaving | 4:55:29 | 4:55:33 | |
the frontier for women's
snowboarding. Gold for Austria and a | 4:55:33 | 4:55:39 | |
second medal of these Games for
Jamie Anderson who won the | 4:55:39 | 4:55:43 | |
slopestyle gold medal. In fact the
American became the first | 4:55:43 | 4:55:47 | |
snowboarder ever to win two
snowboarding medals at the same | 4:55:47 | 4:55:50 | |
Games for women. Yet another
milestone for | 4:55:50 | 4:55:52 | |
Games for women. Yet another
milestone for her. This, deserving | 4:55:52 | 4:55:56 | |
of the Silver Medal? What made it
special? The frontside | 4:55:56 | 4:56:01 | |
of the Silver Medal? What made it
special? The frontside 1080, the | 4:56:01 | 4:56:01 | |
first run that she did was so clean.
Jamie Anderson is one of those | 4:56:01 | 4:56:06 | |
snowboarders who has that smooth
style, she holds onto her grabs one | 4:56:06 | 4:56:12 | |
start to finish, so she really
executes tricks perfectly. The | 4:56:12 | 4:56:16 | |
judges award her massively for this.
She's landing quite far down the | 4:56:16 | 4:56:20 | |
landing which they also look out
for. Little things count. Sometimes | 4:56:20 | 4:56:25 | |
spectators don't see. OK, just
before we'd seen a Kiwi bronze | 4:56:25 | 4:56:32 | |
medal. There's another one, having
waited 26 years for another Wendelin | 4:56:32 | 4:56:37 | |
picks medal, two in two hours. She's
like the male compatriot, only 16 | 4:56:37 | 4:56:43 | |
years old. Sadowski Synnott, she's
from Wye, a very part of the world. | 4:56:43 | 4:56:52 | |
-- very mountainous. When you don't
switch, you are in a very different | 4:56:52 | 4:56:58 | |
position and for the female
snowboarders to have these tricks in | 4:56:58 | 4:57:01 | |
their bag is absolutely amazing. I
think these girls have put on such a | 4:57:01 | 4:57:06 | |
good show for us at these Games.
It's really good, I hope that it is | 4:57:06 | 4:57:14 | |
now a spectacle. It sure was and I'm
sure everyone in New Zealand is | 4:57:14 | 4:57:19 | |
delighted because between her and
neat code they are on the medal | 4:57:19 | 4:57:21 | |
table. OK, it's on the second page
-- and Nico. Two bronze medals | 4:57:21 | 4:57:30 | |
today. Great Britain in 17th place.
The Silver ferns are flying high. A | 4:57:30 | 4:57:38 | |
record 13th gold for Germany too, in
the team Nordic Combined, the best | 4:57:38 | 4:57:42 | |
ever Games for the Germans. Claire
is back at seven o'clock. And in the | 4:57:42 | 4:57:48 | |
life programme overnight when you
seen extra with Radzi, you've got | 4:57:48 | 4:57:53 | |
the ladies' free programme deciding
which Russian teenager claims gold. | 4:57:53 | 4:58:02 | |
We'll be reviewing that with Jayne
Torvill in the afternoon programme | 4:58:02 | 4:58:06 | |
tomorrow. Very much looking forward
to that. But of course | 4:58:06 | 4:58:11 | |
tomorrow. Very much looking forward
to that. But of course it could well | 4:58:11 | 4:58:11 | |
be Great Britain's best ever Games
as well. We are searching for the | 4:58:11 | 4:58:16 | |
historic fifth medal in these Games.
Could Eve Muirhead guarantee us at | 4:58:16 | 4:58:21 | |
least a silver by sweeping past the
Swedes in her semifinal in the | 4:58:21 | 4:58:27 | |
Carling? It starts at 11th of 5pm UK
time. The clock is ticking. We've | 4:58:27 | 4:58:32 | |
got to dash. We'll catch you
tomorrow. Goodbye. | 4:58:32 | 4:58:37 |