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Great Britain 's Izzy Atkin takes
the bronze. | 0:00:43 | 0:00:50 | |
the bronze. Elise Christie has
crashed yet again and she ends up in | 0:00:50 | 0:00:52 | |
a distraught heap on the floor.
Laura Deas has done all she can. | 0:00:52 | 0:01:02 | |
Lizzy Yarnold wins gold again! Laura
Deas has won bronze as well! | 0:01:02 | 0:01:12 | |
Deas has won bronze as well! Well,
we have always caught our breath | 0:01:12 | 0:01:15 | |
after that incredible day yesterday.
There is no rest at the Winter | 0:01:15 | 0:01:19 | |
Olympics. We are right back into it.
Good morning from the balcony where | 0:01:19 | 0:01:23 | |
it is another beautiful day in Peel
Chang and if the last eight days are | 0:01:23 | 0:01:27 | |
anything to go by, we are in for
another nail-biting day of sporting | 0:01:27 | 0:01:32 | |
drama. Here is what is coming up in
the next few hours. Eve Muirhead 's | 0:01:32 | 0:01:40 | |
team have a tough task ahead of them
this morning. | 0:01:40 | 0:01:42 | |
They take on an unbeaten
Swedish side. | 0:01:42 | 0:01:43 | |
Can the great Marcel Hirscher
grab his second gold of the Games? | 0:01:43 | 0:01:46 | |
He goes in the spectacular
Men's Giant Slalom. | 0:01:46 | 0:01:49 | |
We'll be back on the rink
for more Ice Hockey. | 0:01:49 | 0:01:51 | |
A win for the Czech Republic over
the Swiss will see them | 0:01:51 | 0:01:54 | |
through to the semifinals. | 0:01:54 | 0:02:00 | |
And we'll reflect on an amazing day
for Team GB, we'll have a trio | 0:02:00 | 0:02:03 | |
of medal-carrying talent with us
on the balcony this morning. | 0:02:03 | 0:02:10 | |
If you were watching on BBC One you
will have seen the great British | 0:02:10 | 0:02:14 | |
women are in curling action against
Sweden and we will head straight | 0:02:14 | 0:02:17 | |
there. We also have giant slalom for
the men with martial inertia going | 0:02:17 | 0:02:22 | |
for a second goal syrup Young Chang
Ko. Then there's the ice hockey | 0:02:22 | 0:02:26 | |
deceive the Czech Republic or
Switzerland can make it through to | 0:02:26 | 0:02:29 | |
the quarterfinals and we will
reflect on what was a incredible day | 0:02:29 | 0:02:35 | |
in British Winter Olympic history.
Our first medal on skis and our | 0:02:35 | 0:02:40 | |
first athlete to defend their
Olympic title in first in Britain | 0:02:40 | 0:02:43 | |
have won two medals in the same
event and the first time they have | 0:02:43 | 0:02:48 | |
won three Olympic medals on the same
day. It was absolutely breathless | 0:02:48 | 0:02:53 | |
stuff. We will have all three
medallists from yesterday on the | 0:02:53 | 0:02:56 | |
balcony today so if you have any
questions for Izzy Atkin, Lizzie | 0:02:56 | 0:03:01 | |
Yarnold or Laura Deas, get them in
using our hash tag. If you were | 0:03:01 | 0:03:07 | |
watching on BBC One, the GB women
are in | 0:03:07 | 0:03:13 | |
curling action. They had three wins
and two defeats on the way into this | 0:03:24 | 0:03:26 | |
one. It is against Sweden who are
unbeaten here in Pyeongchang and | 0:03:26 | 0:03:29 | |
have picked up two golds and a
silver in the last three Winter | 0:03:29 | 0:03:31 | |
Olympics. A really tough test for
Eve Muirhead and her rink and it | 0:03:31 | 0:03:34 | |
hasn't started particularly well for
the Brits. They are trailing, so let | 0:03:34 | 0:03:36 | |
us ahead to the Ice Arena and join
our commentary team for the | 0:03:36 | 0:03:39 | |
remainder of | 0:03:39 | 0:03:39 | |
our commentary team for the
remainder of that match, it is | 0:03:39 | 0:03:40 | |
Jackie Lockhart and Steve Cram. If
you joined us a few minutes ago it | 0:03:40 | 0:03:45 | |
was 3-0 to Sweden but they picked up
two in that fourth end. It was an | 0:03:45 | 0:03:52 | |
opportunity that even had to make a
double takeout. She was left the | 0:03:52 | 0:03:56 | |
option of the shot by Anna Hassall
baulk and it looked as though we | 0:03:56 | 0:04:01 | |
might only have the chance to get
one but it was a great shot from Eve | 0:04:01 | 0:04:04 | |
Muirhead which was good because she
had just missed a double takeout and | 0:04:04 | 0:04:12 | |
that was why Switzerland picked up a
point. That will have given it a lot | 0:04:12 | 0:04:21 | |
of confidence. Yes, she just missed
a double on the other end so to make | 0:04:21 | 0:04:25 | |
that and lie in two that will have
raced her confidence. A really great | 0:04:25 | 0:04:34 | |
performance there from Eve because
she played two really good stones in | 0:04:34 | 0:04:37 | |
the last end to pick up her to
because they were looking at a | 0:04:37 | 0:04:42 | |
dangerous situation, albeit the
Swedish stones were all at the back | 0:04:42 | 0:04:44 | |
of the house and they made good use
of the red stones and they did just | 0:04:44 | 0:04:50 | |
that. This was always going to be a
tough match with Sweden in such good | 0:04:50 | 0:04:55 | |
form, winning their first four
matches and they started this match | 0:04:55 | 0:05:01 | |
just like that. | 0:05:01 | 0:05:09 | |
just like that. Eve Muirhead getting
Britain back in this match. So | 0:05:09 | 0:05:14 | |
important to do. They just have to
get past the centre line and Sweden | 0:05:14 | 0:05:22 | |
have the hammer. Lauren Gray as the
lead. She needed to be a little bit | 0:05:22 | 0:05:29 | |
closer to the house. Halfway would
have been good. It is a very high | 0:05:29 | 0:05:33 | |
God. She will need to keep her head
in the game. We got two and it would | 0:05:33 | 0:05:41 | |
be nice to force the one there. | 0:05:41 | 0:05:48 | |
be nice to force the one there. They
have had three very close matches, | 0:05:48 | 0:05:51 | |
the Swedish team, they won won
comfortably and they had two that | 0:05:51 | 0:05:55 | |
went to an extra end. Their last
three matches have only had one shot | 0:05:55 | 0:06:02 | |
in it at the end. They are four and
zero but it has not been easy. None | 0:06:02 | 0:06:13 | |
of these games were ever going to be
easy but it is all about who has the | 0:06:13 | 0:06:18 | |
patience and who is holding their
nerve and who can hold it right to | 0:06:18 | 0:06:22 | |
the last end because it can often
come to that last stone of that last | 0:06:22 | 0:06:25 | |
end. | 0:06:25 | 0:06:34 | |
end. These four pretty much live and
train together up in Stirling and | 0:06:34 | 0:06:39 | |
this Olympic Games, although the
other championships they won gold in | 0:06:39 | 0:06:47 | |
December and they beat Sweden. They
beat this team so they know each | 0:06:47 | 0:06:53 | |
other's game very well and this year
alone I think they have played | 0:06:53 | 0:06:59 | |
against each other five times and
Eve is winning these three and Anna | 0:06:59 | 0:07:03 | |
Hasselborg has 12-macro. | 0:07:03 | 0:07:13 | |
Hasselborg has 12-macro. Pretty much
a full house with career playing. | 0:07:13 | 0:07:17 | |
There is a lot of support for them
said there could be some cheers at | 0:07:17 | 0:07:20 | |
odd times as we watch this match and
concentrate on this one. Korea are | 0:07:20 | 0:07:27 | |
playing China over on the far side
and Canada have a crunch match | 0:07:27 | 0:07:32 | |
against Switzerland. A crunch match
for both of those teams really. This | 0:07:32 | 0:07:38 | |
one is building nicely for Sweden. | 0:07:38 | 0:07:49 | |
Vicki said there that she prefers
the draw because she knows what the | 0:07:54 | 0:07:58 | |
weight is. She is going to try and
come on top of this Swedish stones. | 0:07:58 | 0:08:06 | |
It can come in there and just sit on
top of it. Three would be a nice | 0:08:06 | 0:08:11 | |
stone. If you are just getting up to
this on a Sunday morning, | 0:08:11 | 0:08:19 | |
approaching the halfway point in
this match. | 0:08:19 | 0:08:25 | |
this match. This one just needs to
get around that front guard. It is a | 0:08:26 | 0:08:30 | |
long way out there, they will have
to sweep this a lot of it is to get | 0:08:30 | 0:08:35 | |
close here. A lot of work to do and
malign was good. They worked really | 0:08:35 | 0:08:40 | |
hard, really hard. Good try. The
second shot is right in line so they | 0:08:40 | 0:08:48 | |
will take that guard away. The team
with the hammer likes to have a nice | 0:08:48 | 0:08:53 | |
clear look at the house if they can.
Yes, the girls did a really good job | 0:08:53 | 0:08:59 | |
getting that one in for the second
shot. | 0:08:59 | 0:09:05 | |
We are going to see Great Britain
continued to put on some sort of | 0:09:15 | 0:09:19 | |
guard here. . With that red is still
there it is tricky for Sweden so Eve | 0:09:19 | 0:09:28 | |
Muirhead once Anna Sloan to almost
replace the position in terms of on | 0:09:28 | 0:09:33 | |
the line that that previous guard
was that, much closer to the house. | 0:09:33 | 0:09:46 | |
You can hear they are shouting
three, that means it is closer to | 0:09:53 | 0:09:57 | |
the house. It just over curls but
had to. Just over that line. That | 0:09:57 | 0:10:04 | |
will mean that we can see that. | 0:10:04 | 0:10:17 | |
Anna Hasselborg just looking at the
angle here and which one she could | 0:10:21 | 0:10:25 | |
it which one she can go for. | 0:10:25 | 0:10:31 | |
it which one she can go for. She
will not want to jam anything here. | 0:10:31 | 0:10:38 | |
This is the weight... She's playing
with a bit more weight there. I | 0:10:38 | 0:10:42 | |
think she is actually going for the
shot in the house and she just wants | 0:10:42 | 0:10:46 | |
to chip it out and that is exactly
what she is done. I thought it might | 0:10:46 | 0:10:52 | |
catch the front guard there. I
thought she was going to chip it out | 0:10:52 | 0:10:55 | |
and I didn't know she would play it
with as much weight as that. | 0:10:55 | 0:11:00 | |
Confidently done and expertly done.
She has been superb so far. She has | 0:11:00 | 0:11:06 | |
had a great game so far. Still
sitting in 97% at the moment. She | 0:11:06 | 0:11:15 | |
was a good junior player. The sister
was skip to her first when her | 0:11:15 | 0:11:20 | |
sister moved out of the junior ranks
and she was a skip as a junior. She | 0:11:20 | 0:11:25 | |
played vice skipper and she is
probably yes future skip although | 0:11:25 | 0:11:29 | |
she is only two years younger than
Anna. When she is playing as well as | 0:11:29 | 0:11:34 | |
that... Can McRae needs to catch a
little bit just to take the weight | 0:11:34 | 0:11:37 | |
off it. We are going to leave that
sitting out. Yes, just that | 0:11:37 | 0:11:42 | |
difference I was speaking about
earlier, that little delicate | 0:11:42 | 0:11:45 | |
precision weights that you
definitely need to lead them a | 0:11:45 | 0:11:48 | |
little lighter and let your sweepers
stake the mean for you. The bounds | 0:11:48 | 0:11:52 | |
there has left us out in the open.
You limit them to one, fair enough | 0:11:52 | 0:12:00 | |
at the halfway point if you are two
down, you can easily pick up two at | 0:12:00 | 0:12:05 | |
the next but three down, it is a
long way to go. The Swedish team is | 0:12:05 | 0:12:14 | |
playing very well. Just catch is
that one a little flush and you | 0:12:14 | 0:12:18 | |
wanted to roll in the little. There
is a chance there. Is still a chance | 0:12:18 | 0:12:24 | |
here for evil to maybe lift a couple
and roll across. She really has no | 0:12:24 | 0:12:30 | |
other option here. She has to clear
something out of the house, damage | 0:12:30 | 0:12:35 | |
limitation at the moment. | 0:12:35 | 0:12:45 | |
She had a nice double takeout to
pick up two in the previous end. She | 0:12:46 | 0:12:53 | |
played two previous shots on
previous to that, when Sweden stole | 0:12:53 | 0:12:58 | |
one, it was still a good shot from
Eve Muirhead. She could do this by | 0:12:58 | 0:13:03 | |
anymore. Just maybe half a
centimetre. Eve is actually trying | 0:13:03 | 0:13:08 | |
to lift three of these Swedish
yellow stone is out of the house. If | 0:13:08 | 0:13:19 | |
possible she is trying to sit and it
looks narrow. She caught it a little | 0:13:19 | 0:13:26 | |
thin. It has jammed right in a
narrow position for Sweden. They | 0:13:26 | 0:13:31 | |
still have three there. | 0:13:31 | 0:13:36 | |
still have three there. Eve needs to
be really careful here. Really | 0:13:41 | 0:13:45 | |
careful. We are only in the fifth
and butter pure shot -- a poor shot | 0:13:45 | 0:13:50 | |
from Eve Muirhead and we could be in
real trouble. | 0:13:50 | 0:14:03 | |
Sweden also have to be careful where
they put this stone here because Eve | 0:14:04 | 0:14:07 | |
were at the possibility of a draw
around and behind them but that is a | 0:14:07 | 0:14:14 | |
big call for her because she will
be, when she comes to play, facing | 0:14:14 | 0:14:22 | |
four I should think yellow stones
from Sweden here. They are not | 0:14:22 | 0:14:28 | |
lifting the pressure at all. | 0:14:28 | 0:14:37 | |
So, Anna Hasselborg with a great
opportunity here. Look at that. A | 0:14:38 | 0:14:42 | |
take out is 100% and a draw is 94%.
Just to give you an indication. The | 0:14:42 | 0:14:48 | |
third and fourth for Sweden have not
missed a thing. Eve Muirhead is | 0:14:48 | 0:14:54 | |
going to be facing a situation here
with Sweden with four in there. The | 0:14:54 | 0:15:01 | |
stone is a little heavy but they are
happy to take it to the very back. | 0:15:01 | 0:15:06 | |
Keep going, it might go out. It is
going to just hang on at the back. | 0:15:06 | 0:15:12 | |
Just. They must be worried for a
second there. Yes, they were, they | 0:15:12 | 0:15:18 | |
slightly over three that but the
girls who were sweeping called on | 0:15:18 | 0:15:21 | |
very quickly and decided it was much
safer for them to have it right at | 0:15:21 | 0:15:24 | |
the back and if they had left in the
back four it was something for Eve | 0:15:24 | 0:15:28 | |
to freeze too. Even although Sweden
have made an error with that shot, | 0:15:28 | 0:15:36 | |
Eve still has only, I think, a draw
here. | 0:15:36 | 0:15:43 | |
They have four in the house. We have
one more stone left. They have got | 0:15:51 | 0:15:55 | |
another stone. If Eve gets this very
wrong, you could face five. | 0:15:55 | 0:16:12 | |
So Eve is going to come down the
same side is that stone from | 0:16:17 | 0:16:22 | |
Hasselborg, but needs to be much
more accurate. | 0:16:22 | 0:16:32 | |
more accurate. They really need to
be behind the yellow stone of | 0:16:32 | 0:16:34 | |
Sweden. | 0:16:34 | 0:16:39 | |
Sweden. This needs to be a doozy.
This is an important shot. | 0:16:39 | 0:16:57 | |
This is an important shot. Where are
not hearing anything. Eve is not | 0:17:00 | 0:17:05 | |
saying much. | 0:17:05 | 0:17:10 | |
That's a great shot. It is tucked in
behind those two stones, one in | 0:17:16 | 0:17:30 | |
front, one of the top of the four
foot. But she has just seen the line | 0:17:30 | 0:17:35 | |
and she needs to make this. That was
a well swept stone. I was worried | 0:17:35 | 0:17:41 | |
when I didn't hear the girls
shouting. | 0:17:41 | 0:17:53 | |
Now, it depends how greedy she gets
here. | 0:17:53 | 0:17:59 | |
here. It has to be moved first of
all. She can't do anything else. It | 0:18:00 | 0:18:05 | |
is not easy to move it from anything
in front. It's too risky. So she is | 0:18:05 | 0:18:14 | |
taking a little bit less ice there.
She will have to connect with it to | 0:18:14 | 0:18:26 | |
move it back. Even if it's only a
two here for Sweden, it increases | 0:18:26 | 0:18:33 | |
their lead. First and foremost, she
has to connect with the stones. She | 0:18:33 | 0:18:41 | |
still has the chance of a four. | 0:18:41 | 0:18:47 | |
If she gets rid of it completely,
that might be the match. It would be | 0:18:55 | 0:19:01 | |
7-2. She has changed her mind. Is
she going to chip that out? Oh, a | 0:19:01 | 0:19:12 | |
little look from the team watching.
This is a brave shot. They can see | 0:19:12 | 0:19:18 | |
the line better than us, but this is
a brave call. I think she is | 0:19:18 | 0:19:22 | |
thinking, if we get this out, it is
match over at 7-2. A massive core | 0:19:22 | 0:19:30 | |
here from Anna Hasselborg, the
Swedish skip, looking to catch the | 0:19:30 | 0:19:36 | |
thinnest of edge of this British
stone. She has to miss her own and | 0:19:36 | 0:19:39 | |
catch the red. And she has missed.
Well! Get out of jail, Great | 0:19:39 | 0:19:48 | |
Britain. What a shot from Eve
Muirhead. She asked the question, | 0:19:48 | 0:19:53 | |
and Anna Hasselborg walked into
that, I wouldn't say it was a trap, | 0:19:53 | 0:19:58 | |
but she missed the chance to pick up
four. It was a risky shots, but it | 0:19:58 | 0:20:03 | |
means that at the halfway point, we
are tied 3-3 after five ends. If you | 0:20:03 | 0:20:09 | |
had told me that 60 seconds ago, I
would have laughed at you. That was | 0:20:09 | 0:20:13 | |
a real get out of jail free card.
That is a great result in the end | 0:20:13 | 0:20:23 | |
for Great Britain. That is the
halfway point. It is all tied up. | 0:20:23 | 0:20:30 | |
STUDIO: A great fightback from Eve
Muirhead in her rink to take it to | 0:20:31 | 0:20:34 | |
3-3 at the end of the fifth end.
They go for a short break now, so we | 0:20:34 | 0:20:37 | |
are going to stay on the ice because
in amongst the joy of yesterday, | 0:20:37 | 0:20:41 | |
there was agony in more ways than
one for Elise Christie. Not only did | 0:20:41 | 0:20:46 | |
she get penalised as she crashed out
of the 1500m in the short track, but | 0:20:46 | 0:20:51 | |
she also injured herself. She was
stretchered off the ice and taken to | 0:20:51 | 0:20:56 | |
hospital. Luckily, the broken bones
for Elise Christie and she has | 0:20:56 | 0:21:04 | |
released pictures on social media of
her sporting some new footwear. | 0:21:04 | 0:21:07 | |
Hopefully, that will do the job and
she can be back on the ice for the | 0:21:07 | 0:21:12 | |
1000m, which is her favoured race.
That starts on Tuesday. We wish her | 0:21:12 | 0:21:17 | |
all the best in her recovery. After
the drama of the sliding centre | 0:21:17 | 0:21:24 | |
yesterday, the Brits are back on the
ice today. It is the start of the | 0:21:24 | 0:21:29 | |
two-man bob. Britain is piloted by
Brad Hall. They have had an | 0:21:29 | 0:21:35 | |
indifferent start to the training
run, which is pretty much a | 0:21:35 | 0:21:37 | |
reflection of Britain's history in
the Winter Olympics in the two-man | 0:21:37 | 0:21:41 | |
bob. The last gold medal came way
back in 1964. This is a little look | 0:21:41 | 0:21:47 | |
back through the Winter Olympics
archives. Tony Nash and Robin Dixon. | 0:21:47 | 0:21:57 | |
I was an athlete once. | 0:21:57 | 0:22:03 | |
I was an athlete once. In those
days, particularly, I had supreme | 0:22:07 | 0:22:09 | |
self-confidence. Nothing was going
to happen to Dixon bummer he was all | 0:22:09 | 0:22:16 | |
right. | 0:22:16 | 0:22:17 | |
I loved the speed, yes. This is a
really fast run by the Britons. That | 0:22:22 | 0:22:30 | |
was 54 years ago, blimey. Am I the
gold? -- am I that old? The | 0:22:30 | 0:22:40 | |
partnership of Tony Nash and Robin
Dixon was built on speed. They were | 0:22:40 | 0:22:43 | |
to become Britain's only gold
medallists in bobsleigh, but the | 0:22:43 | 0:22:47 | |
path to the top of the podium wasn't
smooth. I wasn't scared about it at | 0:22:47 | 0:22:54 | |
all. It wasn't fast enough to be
that scared. I used to check our | 0:22:54 | 0:23:00 | |
sled. I would go up with the sled to
the start. I had this thing turned | 0:23:00 | 0:23:07 | |
over and was looking at it and I
knew that one of the polls had | 0:23:07 | 0:23:13 | |
broken. That landed us in trouble.
The problem was, with the number of | 0:23:13 | 0:23:19 | |
people about, we couldn't get to
another poll. But in the course of | 0:23:19 | 0:23:26 | |
talking about it, the Italian said,
send someone down to the bottom. | 0:23:26 | 0:23:30 | |
After I had done my run, I will take
the bolt out and you can take it to | 0:23:30 | 0:23:36 | |
the start. The people who could help
us out people we were most likely to | 0:23:36 | 0:23:40 | |
beat, and knew it. But it was the
gesture of Monte and comradeship and | 0:23:40 | 0:23:51 | |
sportsmanship, of taking his bolt
out and been prepared to lend it to | 0:23:51 | 0:23:56 | |
a serious competitor. I'm ashamed to
say that I would have done something | 0:23:56 | 0:24:02 | |
different. Despite the drama, Nash
and Dixon ended day one in the lead. | 0:24:02 | 0:24:08 | |
But overnight, the weather changed
and the pair found themselves | 0:24:08 | 0:24:10 | |
slipping down the rankings. The last
run we did was the slowest of the | 0:24:10 | 0:24:18 | |
four runs we did. When we got to the
bottom, we thought, we will be in | 0:24:18 | 0:24:23 | |
third place. After the race was
apparently over, Tony and I were | 0:24:23 | 0:24:28 | |
having a coffee in the restaurant at
the bottom of the run and a number | 0:24:28 | 0:24:35 | |
of our colleagues and friends said,
what are you two BLEEP doing here? | 0:24:35 | 0:24:40 | |
You have won this race! Get out
there. They could tell at the | 0:24:40 | 0:24:47 | |
halfway mark whether we were in
first or second | 0:24:47 | 0:24:54 | |
first or second or third by the
Times of the people behind us. When | 0:24:54 | 0:24:58 | |
they came down slower, we knew we
had a medal and then Monte, 11 times | 0:24:58 | 0:25:03 | |
world champion, couldn't beat us. So
we knew from then on, and the party | 0:25:03 | 0:25:06 | |
started. What was it like for you to
look at the Union Jack? It was the | 0:25:06 | 0:25:15 | |
fulfilment of an enormous ambition
and no doubt the proudest moment of | 0:25:15 | 0:25:17 | |
my life. That didn't go up very
often in the Winter Olympics, and it | 0:25:17 | 0:25:22 | |
went up for us. It was quite a
moment. And you have worked over the | 0:25:22 | 0:25:28 | |
years to get there and you can't
take that away. It took us about 50 | 0:25:28 | 0:25:37 | |
years to get the first one, so I
don't know how long it will take to | 0:25:37 | 0:25:41 | |
get the second one. I love those old
archive pictures of the bobsleigh. | 0:25:41 | 0:25:45 | |
Team GB will get their two-man bob
under way today. The first one is at | 0:25:45 | 0:25:51 | |
11.05 today. The final runs will be
tomorrow. We are going to head back | 0:25:51 | 0:25:55 | |
to the curling, but if you fancy
watching the men's cross-country | 0:25:55 | 0:25:59 | |
relay, that will be on the red
button. Sweden are the two-time | 0:25:59 | 0:26:05 | |
defending champions. But stick with
us if you want to see what is | 0:26:05 | 0:26:09 | |
happening in the curling, because
Team GB's women have had an amazing | 0:26:09 | 0:26:13 | |
fightback over the first half of
this match against one of the big | 0:26:13 | 0:26:17 | |
favourites, Sweden, so let's head
back and see if they can see out | 0:26:17 | 0:26:21 | |
this match with Jackie Lockhart and
Steve Cram. | 0:26:21 | 0:26:25 | |
Yes, it's an exciting match. It is
on a knife edge here, Great Britain | 0:26:25 | 0:26:29 | |
with a steel. They are in the fifth,
which was handed to them by Anna | 0:26:29 | 0:26:36 | |
Hasselborg. She went to try and
catch the red stone that was the | 0:26:36 | 0:26:45 | |
scene there. They could have picked
up four, but they missed and Britain | 0:26:45 | 0:26:50 | |
got the steal. It was a nice shots
from Eve Muirhead to create that | 0:26:50 | 0:26:54 | |
situation the end before that. It
has been a good comeback. The | 0:26:54 | 0:27:00 | |
Swedish team are playing very well,
so I think the beer halfway point | 0:27:00 | 0:27:05 | |
level, Sweden with the hammer in the
sixth, but they have it all to play | 0:27:05 | 0:27:09 | |
for. They are really going to have
to step up the next five ends. We | 0:27:09 | 0:27:16 | |
have been facing a lot of yellow
Swedish stones out there, but even | 0:27:16 | 0:27:20 | |
has pulled -- Eve has pulled the
girls out of the bag a couple of | 0:27:20 | 0:27:26 | |
times. | 0:27:26 | 0:27:34 | |
times. Just a quick update
elsewhere. There could be handshakes | 0:27:34 | 0:27:38 | |
early in the match between Korea and
China. Korea are red hot at the | 0:27:38 | 0:27:43 | |
moment. They are 10-2 up after five
ends over China. You can't shake | 0:27:43 | 0:27:50 | |
after six ends, so that might not go
much further. China have the hammer | 0:27:50 | 0:27:54 | |
in the sixth end. And at the halfway
point in the match between Canada | 0:27:54 | 0:28:00 | |
and Switzerland, who are way down
the table compared to where they | 0:28:00 | 0:28:04 | |
would expect to be, that is tied. It
is 4-4. | 0:28:04 | 0:28:18 | |
So there are nine matches, ten teams
in all in the competition. The top | 0:28:22 | 0:28:27 | |
four ranked teams go into the
semifinal. That ranking is based on | 0:28:27 | 0:28:30 | |
your win loss record. If you have a
record and more than two teams are | 0:28:30 | 0:28:38 | |
tied, the results in the round robin
then come into play, as well as the | 0:28:38 | 0:28:47 | |
last stone draws, the draw they make
before they start each end to | 0:28:47 | 0:28:50 | |
determine who has the hammer. If
there are teams tied for the final | 0:28:50 | 0:28:57 | |
spot when they do the rankings,
there will be a tie-break match to | 0:28:57 | 0:29:01 | |
break the tie. | 0:29:01 | 0:29:08 | |
break the tie. Jackie, six wins will
pretty much get you into the | 0:29:12 | 0:29:17 | |
semifinals. Five wins maiden | 0:29:17 | 0:29:22 | |
pretty much get you into the
semifinals. Five wins maiden. It can | 0:29:22 | 0:29:22 | |
knock you out as well, but you would
have a chance of either qualifying | 0:29:22 | 0:29:27 | |
or at least being in the tie-break.
Great Britain have lost a couple of | 0:29:27 | 0:29:36 | |
matches they would have expected to
win in the first five, so they have | 0:29:36 | 0:29:39 | |
three wins, two losses. So this
match is crucial. More so for Great | 0:29:39 | 0:29:48 | |
Britain and Sweden. | 0:29:48 | 0:29:59 | |
Britain and Sweden. Vicki Adams and
Anna Sloan have to help Eve Muirhead | 0:29:59 | 0:30:01 | |
out here. Yeah, we have started this
end a lot stronger. Sweden, of | 0:30:01 | 0:30:14 | |
course, with the hammer now, but not
lying quite as well as they were in | 0:30:14 | 0:30:17 | |
the last end. They started the last
end really well. They always had two | 0:30:17 | 0:30:23 | |
or three in the house. Without any
British stones in there. They are | 0:30:23 | 0:30:31 | |
just getting rid of the centre
guard. | 0:30:31 | 0:30:38 | |
Agnes Knochenhauer is playing
second. Anna Sloan actually played a | 0:30:42 | 0:30:49 | |
couple of nice shots in the previous
end to try and help out. It seems | 0:30:49 | 0:30:55 | |
that even when Britain have played a
good shot it is matched or bettered | 0:30:55 | 0:31:00 | |
by Sweden. Little bit higher here.
It is coming. I thought it might jam | 0:31:00 | 0:31:05 | |
on the back one but it was well
controlled. | 0:31:05 | 0:31:12 | |
controlled. Sara McManus hasn't
missed anything really. It is just a | 0:31:12 | 0:31:21 | |
couple of errant shots from the skip
over the last couple of ends that | 0:31:21 | 0:31:25 | |
has allowed Britain to get
themselves back in it. Take outs | 0:31:25 | 0:31:32 | |
100% Sara McManus. Looking for a
double takeout here. | 0:31:32 | 0:31:43 | |
double takeout here. She is going to
keep her record at the moment. She | 0:31:43 | 0:31:46 | |
has been marvellous, really good. | 0:31:46 | 0:31:51 | |
Sweden with this great record at the
Olympic Games. | 0:31:57 | 0:32:04 | |
Olympic Games. They have had two
gold medals in silver last time with | 0:32:05 | 0:32:09 | |
a different team and then team here.
One of the medal favourites. It has | 0:32:09 | 0:32:17 | |
to be said, along with Great
Britain. Let us not forget that. It | 0:32:17 | 0:32:20 | |
is not as though these teams are
considerably better than us. Great | 0:32:20 | 0:32:23 | |
Britain are definitely one of the
favourites here, bronze last time | 0:32:23 | 0:32:28 | |
around. Anna Sloan, that was almost
right. It rolled a little further | 0:32:28 | 0:32:33 | |
than she wanted. Yes, she wanted to
get that on the nose and get the | 0:32:33 | 0:32:37 | |
separation there but she was a
little light. She got an edge and it | 0:32:37 | 0:32:41 | |
rolled across so this is an
opportunity now for Sweden to coming | 0:32:41 | 0:32:47 | |
to these stones, sit high of them,
and use them as protection. | 0:32:47 | 0:32:57 | |
I think from this point in, don't
give away two or three, or three or | 0:32:57 | 0:33:04 | |
anything silly, keep close to Sweden
here. When you get the last two or | 0:33:04 | 0:33:08 | |
three ends anything can happen. That
is another nice shot there from Sara | 0:33:08 | 0:33:16 | |
McManus. | 0:33:16 | 0:33:23 | |
. Can't see anything, I don't think.
She is just asking whether she can | 0:33:26 | 0:33:29 | |
see that stone. Just wondering
whether she might be able to pick | 0:33:29 | 0:33:32 | |
it. It is going to be a tight shot.
I don't think so. These are the | 0:33:32 | 0:33:39 | |
shots you have got to make if you
want to pick up your two. Great | 0:33:39 | 0:33:45 | |
Britain are now going to try and
drive that yellow across the face of | 0:33:45 | 0:33:54 | |
it and threw between the two read
some roll out the other yellow to | 0:33:54 | 0:33:58 | |
the other side. Eve Muirhead has
made some really good shots over the | 0:33:58 | 0:34:06 | |
last couple of ends. So unlucky back
in the third end. She is watching | 0:34:06 | 0:34:20 | |
this intently and they won't be too
far away, this one. What a shot. A | 0:34:20 | 0:34:27 | |
wonderful shot from Eve Muirhead. It
looks good all the way down and that | 0:34:27 | 0:34:31 | |
has ended up brilliantly... In a
brilliant position there. The two | 0:34:31 | 0:34:36 | |
stone still sitting there and it
squeezed the Swedish stone through | 0:34:36 | 0:34:40 | |
the gap and just caught enough of it
and the British stone sitting out | 0:34:40 | 0:34:43 | |
front as well. All of that helps.
Two stone is left for Sweden, | 0:34:43 | 0:34:49 | |
however Eve Muirhead still has one
to come as well. She has been | 0:34:49 | 0:34:54 | |
playing, the last few shots she has
played very well. She is making | 0:34:54 | 0:34:58 | |
every shot at the moment. You see on
the team stats that certainly on the | 0:34:58 | 0:35:05 | |
draw is that Sweden are doing much
better than Great Britain. I think | 0:35:05 | 0:35:09 | |
that is more when there was two or
three early on from Vicky and Anna | 0:35:09 | 0:35:14 | |
and Eve missed one early on. These
stats won't matter so much if this | 0:35:14 | 0:35:22 | |
score stays in Britain 's favour.
Well, ends up in Britain 's favour, | 0:35:22 | 0:35:32 | |
we won't worry about how the stats
look. It won't change the match. | 0:35:32 | 0:35:39 | |
Anna Hasselborg is testing her draw
weight here. Broome they where we | 0:35:39 | 0:35:48 | |
want any bounce here, just sit on
it. That just knocks the British | 0:35:48 | 0:35:54 | |
stone touch. It is a nice attempt
but he's still have the opportunity | 0:35:54 | 0:36:00 | |
here of catching the right-hand side
of it as we see it and chipping it | 0:36:00 | 0:36:03 | |
out. If they give up the one here or
you would probably look at the | 0:36:03 | 0:36:10 | |
situation you were in three ends ago
and say you have the hammer back and | 0:36:10 | 0:36:13 | |
we are one behind. It would be a
testimony to how well they have | 0:36:13 | 0:36:18 | |
played in the last few ends,
certainly for Eve Muirhead. However, | 0:36:18 | 0:36:24 | |
she has to make this. | 0:36:24 | 0:36:29 | |
she has to make this. She looks a
little worried this time. Too late | 0:36:34 | 0:36:39 | |
to sweep. She has done well. Done
very well indeed, Eve Muirhead. She | 0:36:39 | 0:36:47 | |
played some nice shots. Robredo last
five or six stones have been | 0:36:47 | 0:36:51 | |
excellent so Eve Muirhead leaving no
option there. If she can blank this, | 0:36:51 | 0:37:00 | |
of course. She certainly could take
one if she wanted but stopping them | 0:37:00 | 0:37:09 | |
scoring two was the first job. It
was, and that was a really good end | 0:37:09 | 0:37:14 | |
there from Great Britain. | 0:37:14 | 0:37:19 | |
there from Great Britain. If she
doesn't get this right she could jam | 0:37:20 | 0:37:23 | |
this. There was a red sitting there
just at the back. She is just going | 0:37:23 | 0:37:28 | |
to play a draw. I wondered if they
would be thinking about that read at | 0:37:28 | 0:37:35 | |
the back. Tier I wondered if she
might try and chip it out and go for | 0:37:35 | 0:37:39 | |
a blank end but it was really too
difficult so she has just chosen to | 0:37:39 | 0:37:42 | |
do the right thing and draw it for
our one. So, Sweden leave -- lead is | 0:37:42 | 0:37:53 | |
now, 4-3, however, that is almost a
mod or a victory for Great Britain | 0:37:53 | 0:37:57 | |
there, they have clawed their way
back into this, they will have the | 0:37:57 | 0:38:01 | |
hammer in the next end and there is
only one shot if it and Sweden are | 0:38:01 | 0:38:04 | |
leading it so it will be a really
tight affair you get the feeling | 0:38:04 | 0:38:07 | |
between now and the 10 cents. After
six Great Britain Trail by one. | 0:38:07 | 0:38:17 | |
I can tell you that over on sheet D,
this matches being played on Bay. No | 0:38:24 | 0:38:32 | |
worries on sheet a today. Always
there are some teams that are not | 0:38:32 | 0:38:38 | |
playing in the Round Robin scenario.
There are ten teams. Korea are 10-2 | 0:38:38 | 0:38:48 | |
up against China. After six ends
China can decide to walk off if they | 0:38:48 | 0:38:57 | |
want to. They do have the hammer in
the sick so we will see how that is | 0:38:57 | 0:39:00 | |
progressing. It is still 4-4 in the
sixth end between Canada and | 0:39:00 | 0:39:06 | |
Switzerland. | 0:39:06 | 0:39:14 | |
Switzerland. This is Sofia Mabergs.
She is the lead for Sweden. We | 0:39:14 | 0:39:22 | |
haven't talked about her because all
the action has been at the backend, | 0:39:22 | 0:39:27 | |
if you like, at each end but it is
important that the lead also sets it | 0:39:27 | 0:39:32 | |
up nicely. | 0:39:32 | 0:39:41 | |
You never quite know what even
thinking, do you? She has learned to | 0:39:47 | 0:39:53 | |
try and control those emotions that
were so prevalent in her early | 0:39:53 | 0:39:56 | |
career. She has been in this
situation, of course, it is her | 0:39:56 | 0:40:03 | |
third Olympics, multiple World
Championships and European | 0:40:03 | 0:40:06 | |
Championships, not to mention the
tour. She has been under the | 0:40:06 | 0:40:11 | |
spotlight for so much of her career.
Yes, and I think they have brought | 0:40:11 | 0:40:17 | |
in a sports psychologist to use in
the last couple of years and I think | 0:40:17 | 0:40:21 | |
that is probably one of the things
that she has done. She has said that | 0:40:21 | 0:40:25 | |
sometimes out on the ice you wear
your heart on your sleeve and you | 0:40:25 | 0:40:29 | |
can show your emotions and as much
as you don't want to lose the | 0:40:29 | 0:40:32 | |
aggression and the emotion that you
have got, it is how you control it | 0:40:32 | 0:40:36 | |
and manage it and I definitely see a
more professional side of her. She | 0:40:36 | 0:40:42 | |
showed a little bit of it yesterday
but today, this game could have been | 0:40:42 | 0:40:45 | |
way different to 4-3 at the moment
if Sweden had made a couple of their | 0:40:45 | 0:40:50 | |
shots, and I am sure Eve was feeling
they were not quite in it but they | 0:40:50 | 0:40:55 | |
are in it and she has changed
attitude and they are going to keep | 0:40:55 | 0:40:57 | |
digging here. With the hammer here
they obviously still need to | 0:40:57 | 0:41:02 | |
concentrate, like you said, even
though you think you have done well, | 0:41:02 | 0:41:07 | |
you can't think about that and you
are still up against and you are one | 0:41:07 | 0:41:10 | |
down and you have the hammer in the
odd ends and they have the mini even | 0:41:10 | 0:41:13 | |
ends and that is never the best
position to be in. It may well | 0:41:13 | 0:41:16 | |
change, of course. A nice hit and
roll played by Sofia Mabergs. Lauren | 0:41:16 | 0:41:26 | |
Gray is trying to follow here. She
has to get past that top guard. Even | 0:41:26 | 0:41:37 | |
saying they are past it, keep on it
and they did. Nicely done. | 0:41:37 | 0:41:50 | |
and they did. Nicely done. China
actually picked up two in that six, | 0:41:50 | 0:41:52 | |
then, so they decided that gave them
enough encouragement to keep going | 0:41:52 | 0:41:56 | |
so 10- for that match. We would have
known if it had ended because the | 0:41:56 | 0:42:02 | |
cheers would have been ringing
around the arena here. Doing a quick | 0:42:02 | 0:42:08 | |
estimate we reckon more than 50,000
people have watched curling so far | 0:42:08 | 0:42:12 | |
at the Winter Olympics here in this
arena, the Guiyang curling arena and | 0:42:12 | 0:42:21 | |
we still have a few days to go. We
have been very lucky to have great | 0:42:21 | 0:42:27 | |
crowds here in the Ice Arena, at the
curling rink. It certainly adds to | 0:42:27 | 0:42:34 | |
the atmosphere. The players also
like the full arenas and the | 0:42:34 | 0:42:38 | |
atmosphere around about them.
Yesterday there was a chance going, | 0:42:38 | 0:42:50 | |
which is good. I know it is not
normal in curling unnecessarily. You | 0:42:50 | 0:42:56 | |
played a lot in Canada where they
are a bit more boisterous but it is | 0:42:56 | 0:42:59 | |
usually quite polite and calm. I am
not sure that the crowds who | 0:42:59 | 0:43:05 | |
actually curlers themselves so there
are or to cheers at the wrong time | 0:43:05 | 0:43:08 | |
but they have actually been very
respectful of the players down on | 0:43:08 | 0:43:11 | |
the ice. | 0:43:11 | 0:43:20 | |
the ice. The girls, Vicky, deciding
to change their minds here and clear | 0:43:20 | 0:43:24 | |
the guard. I think this is a really
good call because at the end of the | 0:43:24 | 0:43:32 | |
day that God will be the one that is
a danger to them, especially when | 0:43:32 | 0:43:35 | |
they have got the hammer. | 0:43:35 | 0:43:39 | |
They just caught it. Nicely done by
Vicki Adams. | 0:43:44 | 0:43:52 | |
Vicki Adams. If you are just getting
up on a Sunday morning, it is | 0:43:53 | 0:44:00 | |
Sunday, isn't it? Just checking!
Yes. I think it is, yes. You keep | 0:44:00 | 0:44:07 | |
losing track. Everyday is a Saturday
at the moment expect what about a | 0:44:07 | 0:44:12 | |
day to start your Saturday than a
bit of -- Sunday than a bit of | 0:44:12 | 0:44:17 | |
curling. Ease yourself into the day.
Hopefully this British team will get | 0:44:17 | 0:44:22 | |
the victory here against Sweden. The
men had a great battle against | 0:44:22 | 0:44:29 | |
Sweden, didn't they, in their Round
Robin. To be fair the Swedish | 0:44:29 | 0:44:38 | |
Robin. To be fair the Swedish men's
team is doing incredibly well. Yes, | 0:44:38 | 0:44:42 | |
they are outstanding. I was reading
the Anna Hasselborg made her | 0:44:42 | 0:44:46 | |
international debut in the European
mixed event back in 2008 with | 0:44:46 | 0:44:52 | |
Nicholas Dean. . Oh. It wasn't mixed
doubles, it was the open mixed | 0:44:52 | 0:45:02 | |
Championships. I think also Anna
Hasselborg in Eve Muirhead met way | 0:45:02 | 0:45:09 | |
back in 2009 in the junior event so
they have played against each other | 0:45:09 | 0:45:17 | |
for a very long time now. They are
about the same age and I think Anna | 0:45:17 | 0:45:23 | |
Hasselborg is maybe one year older. | 0:45:23 | 0:45:29 | |
Not enough to take that out of the
house. But she has moved it out of | 0:45:33 | 0:45:40 | |
shot position. An opportunity here
for Sweden to come back, tap that | 0:45:40 | 0:45:49 | |
red read out of the house. But they
shouldn't cause us any trouble if we | 0:45:49 | 0:45:59 | |
can get our stones in front of them. | 0:45:59 | 0:46:07 | |
She's missed nothing, Sara McManus.
She's played very well. Stats still | 0:46:17 | 0:46:26 | |
sitting at 98%. I am sure she would
be wishing she had thrown the last | 0:46:26 | 0:46:30 | |
rock. | 0:46:30 | 0:46:35 | |
The girls wanted to take that yellow
stone of the centre bummer because | 0:46:57 | 0:47:00 | |
that was going to be a danger to
them. And when you have the hammer, | 0:47:00 | 0:47:05 | |
you want to keep the four foot open.
So she hasn't hit it that good and | 0:47:05 | 0:47:12 | |
now Sweden are going to come around
behind the. | 0:47:12 | 0:47:18 | |
She looked a little anxious there
for the first time. She has normally | 0:47:27 | 0:47:30 | |
been very happy with delivery. I'm
not sure she has much to worry | 0:47:30 | 0:47:36 | |
about. | 0:47:36 | 0:47:45 | |
about. A nice stone. They could have
afforded to take two stones more. A | 0:47:45 | 0:47:53 | |
bit of a story developing on the
next sheet because Switzerland are | 0:47:53 | 0:47:57 | |
leading Canada 7-4, with still four
ends to go. That is as much of a | 0:47:57 | 0:48:04 | |
crunch match as this is for Great
Britain. A defeat for either of | 0:48:04 | 0:48:07 | |
those two teams makes it very
difficult for them to have | 0:48:07 | 0:48:11 | |
qualification in their own hands.
Great Britain play Canada in their | 0:48:11 | 0:48:17 | |
final match. They are one of the
gold medal favourites. | 0:48:17 | 0:48:27 | |
gold medal favourites. That is a
nice result, getting rid of these | 0:48:27 | 0:48:32 | |
two back stones. | 0:48:32 | 0:48:42 | |
two back stones. Just catches enough
of it. | 0:48:42 | 0:48:53 | |
Just listening to those two chatting
away. They are discussing what they | 0:49:01 | 0:49:09 | |
think Hasselborg is going to do. Eve
would love to have even the chance | 0:49:09 | 0:49:17 | |
of making her two to get the
advantage back. Tied up would be the | 0:49:17 | 0:49:27 | |
minimum. | 0:49:27 | 0:49:37 | |
Anna Hasselborg is not quite
finishing off the shots as she would | 0:49:42 | 0:49:47 | |
want to. That is why we are in this
situation. She hasn't played | 0:49:47 | 0:49:51 | |
anything terrible, it has just not
been sticking when she has wanted to | 0:49:51 | 0:49:56 | |
stick. It has rolled a couple of
times. | 0:49:56 | 0:50:08 | |
Again, a glimmer of an opportunity
for Eve Muirhead. | 0:50:16 | 0:50:23 | |
for Eve Muirhead. She wants to
remove this back yellow but she | 0:50:24 | 0:50:26 | |
wants to make sure she stays in the
house. | 0:50:26 | 0:50:33 | |
house. It is going to go to a blank
end. That is a great result for us, | 0:50:35 | 0:50:39 | |
because we can carry over the hammer
into the eighth end and try and get | 0:50:39 | 0:50:43 | |
a score of two in the eighth end.
The even end that you want to get | 0:50:43 | 0:50:50 | |
your hammer on. The other option for
Hasselborg would be to make Eve take | 0:50:50 | 0:50:58 | |
two here and keep the hammer for
Sweden in the eighth and tenth. | 0:50:58 | 0:51:04 | |
Great Britain would be leading.
You're right, she's going to remove | 0:51:04 | 0:51:15 | |
this British stone. That would
result in a blank end. She's maybe | 0:51:15 | 0:51:19 | |
thinking, if I can make Eve Muirhead
make a mistake, there is a chance | 0:51:19 | 0:51:24 | |
that that happens. The mistake here
would be for Eve Muirhead to hit | 0:51:24 | 0:51:31 | |
this stone in such a way that she
stayed in the house and took her | 0:51:31 | 0:51:34 | |
one. She doesn't want to do that.
She wants to take the Swedish stones | 0:51:34 | 0:51:40 | |
out, but also leave the house with
her own stone. | 0:51:40 | 0:51:47 | |
her own stone. The black the end
means they carry the last stone | 0:51:48 | 0:51:52 | |
advantage into the eighth end, and
that could be a crucial eighth end. | 0:51:52 | 0:52:00 | |
It's fair to say that there has been
a momentum shift towards Great | 0:52:06 | 0:52:12 | |
Britain, even though we are still
one down. There is work to be done. | 0:52:12 | 0:52:19 | |
But when you are one down with three
to play and you have the hammer in | 0:52:19 | 0:52:23 | |
the eighth and tenth, you wouldn't
be too disappointed to be in that | 0:52:23 | 0:52:27 | |
position, particularly with what
they were facing when it was 3-2 and | 0:52:27 | 0:52:34 | |
there were four Swedish stones
sitting in the house. This is much | 0:52:34 | 0:52:39 | |
better, and they are playing better.
Yeah, we are in a good position. I | 0:52:39 | 0:52:45 | |
think the girls are glad they are
back in it. This is definitely there | 0:52:45 | 0:52:51 | |
is for the taking. Eve has done
well. She has pulled the team | 0:52:51 | 0:52:59 | |
together. She has used her
shotmaking to set the example. | 0:52:59 | 0:53:05 | |
Curling is never just about the
skips, but the skipper has all of | 0:53:05 | 0:53:08 | |
the big shots, the crucial shots to
make. And the difference in the last | 0:53:08 | 0:53:13 | |
few ends, the third and was the one
where we got the steal, I think that | 0:53:13 | 0:53:27 | |
was a bad decision from Hasselborg.
Yeah, because she came down the end | 0:53:27 | 0:53:37 | |
and then decided she saw a different
shot and went up and changed her | 0:53:37 | 0:53:40 | |
mind. | 0:53:40 | 0:53:48 | |
mind. But strategy would say, if you
make the shot, it's the right call, | 0:53:48 | 0:53:52 | |
if you don't make the shot, it's the
wrong call. Let's see if we can | 0:53:52 | 0:53:57 | |
build on this end. To pick up a two
would be really good for Great | 0:53:57 | 0:54:02 | |
Britain. | 0:54:02 | 0:54:09 | |
Britain. Nice corner guard from
Lauren Gray, the sister of our | 0:54:09 | 0:54:12 | |
co-commentator Logan Gray, who has
the afternoon off today. But he is | 0:54:12 | 0:54:21 | |
here, watching. He is in the
audience, supporting his sister. | 0:54:21 | 0:54:32 | |
audience, supporting his sister. She
has had a great start to this | 0:54:32 | 0:54:34 | |
competition. She has set up Eve
well. Gain the masses of experience | 0:54:34 | 0:54:41 | |
being the fifth man for Eve back in
Sochi, 2014. | 0:54:41 | 0:54:50 | |
Sochi, 2014. She didn't join the
team straight after Sochi. She went | 0:54:50 | 0:54:53 | |
away and did her own thing and then
a year later, she got the call from | 0:54:53 | 0:54:58 | |
the girls to come back and join the
team and they have been together now | 0:54:58 | 0:55:02 | |
for the last couple of years. | 0:55:02 | 0:55:10 | |
for the last couple of years. The
Swedish team are similar. | 0:55:12 | 0:55:18 | |
Sofia Mabergs only started to play
in 2015-16, but since then they have | 0:55:23 | 0:55:30 | |
done well. Silver medal in the 2016
European Championships. Eve had gone | 0:55:30 | 0:55:36 | |
all the way through the round robin
and though they were beaten by | 0:55:36 | 0:55:41 | |
Russia in the semifinal and Russia
went on to win the gold medal. Under | 0:55:41 | 0:55:48 | |
OAR, as they are here, are not
having a great competition. That is | 0:55:48 | 0:55:54 | |
a bit unfortunate. They were trying
to get the shot in the house. She | 0:55:54 | 0:56:01 | |
has kept a shooter in the house.
That Swedish stone could be in a | 0:56:01 | 0:56:12 | |
tricky position. | 0:56:12 | 0:56:17 | |
tricky position. Knochenhauer said
her nickname is | 0:56:20 | 0:56:29 | |
her nickname is Aggie, given to her
by her Scottish friends. Was it you? | 0:56:29 | 0:56:33 | |
No. They are a lucky bunch of girls.
All of these teams down here play | 0:56:33 | 0:56:39 | |
each other in the world to all of
the time, so there are great | 0:56:39 | 0:56:43 | |
friendships across the curling
world. But when they get on the ice, | 0:56:43 | 0:56:47 | |
everybody is desperate for that win.
She was the alternate, this same as | 0:56:47 | 0:57:03 | |
Lauren, in Sochi. | 0:57:03 | 0:57:08 | |
Lauren, in Sochi. We keep talking
about the alternate. It is not just | 0:57:12 | 0:57:18 | |
the kind of substitute. They rarely
get used in that way. Something has | 0:57:18 | 0:57:21 | |
to go horribly wrong if you have to
bring your alternate on to play. The | 0:57:21 | 0:57:26 | |
alternate has a huge role to play in
this team. Throughout their | 0:57:26 | 0:57:31 | |
training, they will practise to play
in every position, because they | 0:57:31 | 0:57:34 | |
could be called on to cover the
lead, the second, the third, even | 0:57:34 | 0:57:39 | |
the skipper. So they practise all
the positions throughout the season | 0:57:39 | 0:57:44 | |
they will play. But when they come
to this competition, it is the team | 0:57:44 | 0:57:49 | |
themselves that will play. The main
role of the alternate is, at night | 0:57:49 | 0:57:53 | |
time they come on and they practise
and they throw the stones on the | 0:57:53 | 0:57:57 | |
sheet you will play in. So they
match the stones for the team. They | 0:57:57 | 0:58:02 | |
are also therefore support and
guidance and making sure everybody | 0:58:02 | 0:58:05 | |
has everything they need. | 0:58:05 | 0:58:12 | |
has everything they need. They are
also spotting the other players that | 0:58:13 | 0:58:14 | |
they are going to be facing in the
next game and checking the stones | 0:58:14 | 0:58:18 | |
that they play. | 0:58:18 | 0:58:23 | |
that they play. So far, they are not
getting the stones to stay in | 0:58:28 | 0:58:31 | |
exactly the place they want them to
hear. Eve Muirhead is seeing if she | 0:58:31 | 0:58:36 | |
can get one to hit and rolling
behind the yellow. | 0:58:36 | 0:58:45 | |
That was a bit flush. It does remove
the back one. | 0:59:07 | 0:59:14 | |
the back one. China continues to
hang on. They have stolen one in the | 0:59:19 | 0:59:27 | |
seventh, so the 10-5 against Korea.
That is why it has gone quiet here. | 0:59:27 | 0:59:32 | |
I wouldn't worry too much if I were
the Korean supporters. 10-5 with | 0:59:32 | 0:59:38 | |
three to go. China are hanging on by
their fingernails at the moment. | 0:59:38 | 0:59:48 | |
So Scotland's... Apologies! You do
that once a day! I keep getting away | 0:59:54 | 0:59:58 | |
with saying that, because all of
these girls are from Scotland, but | 0:59:58 | 1:00:03 | |
they were selected for GB team. The
whole of the UK can put forward an | 1:00:03 | 1:00:13 | |
approval to try and play for the
Great Britain team. But all of these | 1:00:13 | 1:00:20 | |
girls selected for their match and
performance. Where are facing three | 1:00:20 | 1:00:26 | |
Swedish stones here, but if we get a
nice hit and roll, just like that, | 1:00:26 | 1:00:31 | |
that helps set us up. | 1:00:31 | 1:00:38 | |
It will still be visible, I think,
to Sweden but that was a great | 1:00:39 | 1:00:43 | |
attempt there. Just having a quick
look. What ever shot was available | 1:00:43 | 1:00:50 | |
for Sarah McManus, I would be
backing her to make it, she has been | 1:00:50 | 1:00:54 | |
absolutely superb year. She | 1:00:54 | 1:01:02 | |
absolutely superb year. She is 26.
She has played with Anna Hasselborg | 1:01:02 | 1:01:05 | |
Agnes Knochenhauer since the junior
days. Now, how she got this right? | 1:01:05 | 1:01:12 | |
They are working hard, really hard.
Scraped by. Again. That was very, | 1:01:12 | 1:01:21 | |
very close there. Well swept by the
girls. Yes... The point is, that is | 1:01:21 | 1:01:30 | |
what you play for. To make that shot
like that she has got to be that | 1:01:30 | 1:01:34 | |
close to the guard. It is risky and
that is why they are sweeping. She | 1:01:34 | 1:01:42 | |
yet again plays a great shot for
Sweden. Still a great opportunity | 1:01:42 | 1:01:48 | |
for us if we can pull one in round
behind the two yellow cards. We | 1:01:48 | 1:01:54 | |
really need it to be heading. Just
has to settle down here, just got to | 1:01:54 | 1:02:01 | |
settle down. It is trying hard to
pull. Once it has passed that line, | 1:02:01 | 1:02:10 | |
it just lies shot. They might try
and coming closer. | 1:02:10 | 1:02:23 | |
and coming closer. Anna Sloan 's
four draws of 44% accuracy, she | 1:02:25 | 1:02:29 | |
won't want to see that. Take outs
have been very good, but look at the | 1:02:29 | 1:02:33 | |
figures McManus there. She is
probably thinking, why are we not | 1:02:33 | 1:02:40 | |
winning this about 6-2 because,
goodness me, I set the skip up. | 1:02:40 | 1:02:49 | |
Tiny, tiny little margins of error
has made the difference. Anna | 1:02:49 | 1:02:54 | |
Hasselborg is going to have to come
in here with a draw and sit just on | 1:02:54 | 1:03:01 | |
top of the GB read that Anna Sloan
played. | 1:03:01 | 1:03:12 | |
This is where she can be very, very
good but just a couple of her shots, | 1:03:13 | 1:03:17 | |
she hasn't played any real shockers,
but it is just becoming a little bit | 1:03:17 | 1:03:23 | |
more difficult for the Swedish skip
to find the correct placement. This | 1:03:23 | 1:03:27 | |
one has got a chance. This one has
pulling up. Does she have enough | 1:03:27 | 1:03:32 | |
weight to keep it going right to the
back? Again that was a great sweep | 1:03:32 | 1:03:37 | |
there by her team. Eve Muirhead is
just going to have to follow that | 1:03:37 | 1:03:43 | |
and do a similar shot. She's just
looking for the right amount of ice | 1:03:43 | 1:03:49 | |
there. | 1:03:49 | 1:03:53 | |
there. I often wonder how these two
skips mentally match up each other | 1:03:56 | 1:04:04 | |
against each other. They have played
each other many times and what I | 1:04:04 | 1:04:07 | |
have seen is quite often evil have
the upper hand. It may not always | 1:04:07 | 1:04:12 | |
look like it in the game but
mentally I think sometimes Amer | 1:04:12 | 1:04:16 | |
thinks it is evil and she has lost a
few times to her and she kind of | 1:04:16 | 1:04:20 | |
keeps doing that. I think, Eve,
since the fast few ends has played | 1:04:20 | 1:04:30 | |
really well and, as we keep saying,
although Anna Hasselborg has played | 1:04:30 | 1:04:38 | |
decent shots, just when it comes to
the last shot she is not quite | 1:04:38 | 1:04:41 | |
getting it when she wants it and she
gives Eve the opportunity and I | 1:04:41 | 1:04:45 | |
think it was an error of judgment
which went on at four but | 1:04:45 | 1:04:49 | |
nonetheless she is forced into those
situations and it was a great shot | 1:04:49 | 1:04:53 | |
by Eve before that and here she is
going to tap that back. They are | 1:04:53 | 1:04:59 | |
lying shot. That is in a very good
position in Eve Muirhead. Not so | 1:04:59 | 1:05:03 | |
easy to move it. | 1:05:03 | 1:05:11 | |
easy to move it. Yes, Eve is playing
some really wonderful shots here. I | 1:05:11 | 1:05:15 | |
am not sure how she can move it. She
has one stone left, the Swedish | 1:05:15 | 1:05:20 | |
skip, Great Britain would love to
get the two here, and Eve Muirhead | 1:05:20 | 1:05:26 | |
finding her format just the right
time. A of work still to be done | 1:05:26 | 1:05:31 | |
here so the Swedish team are all
coming to see. It is one thing | 1:05:31 | 1:05:37 | |
knowing where you want to hit it but
it is another thing making the shot. | 1:05:37 | 1:05:43 | |
They think they can spring this. It
is fairly skinny again, very tight. | 1:05:43 | 1:05:50 | |
She doesn't see much of it. It is a
big call and if she doesn't catch | 1:05:50 | 1:05:54 | |
enough of it all she will do is jam
it. If she catches... And think she | 1:05:54 | 1:06:01 | |
is probably thinking, I am more
likely to get it thin than heavy and | 1:06:01 | 1:06:04 | |
if I do get it then it is a good
shot. If I don't catch too much of | 1:06:04 | 1:06:09 | |
it it will jam but the other issue
is that if she misses it altogether | 1:06:09 | 1:06:13 | |
she will go straight through. Anna
Hasselborg then, trying to prevent | 1:06:13 | 1:06:20 | |
Britain having the chance of two
here. It has got a chance, it has | 1:06:20 | 1:06:28 | |
got a chance. She has played a great
shot. She played a very, very good | 1:06:28 | 1:06:36 | |
shot. It worked out perfectly well.
She now forces Great Britain to take | 1:06:36 | 1:06:41 | |
the one. Yes, stones in the house in
Eve Muirhead is going to have to | 1:06:41 | 1:06:48 | |
come in and tie this up. Not quite
what we wanted but Britain will | 1:06:48 | 1:06:53 | |
still have the hammer in the final
end. That will be a little boost | 1:06:53 | 1:06:59 | |
therefore Anna Hasselborg. That will
of made up for the shot that she | 1:06:59 | 1:07:02 | |
wanted to check out a couple of
errands ago and she would just have | 1:07:02 | 1:07:06 | |
given herself a little added
confidence to say, I have done it, I | 1:07:06 | 1:07:09 | |
am back in form. She had more room
for error there but on the other | 1:07:09 | 1:07:14 | |
shot but nevertheless she made it
and did it well. It would be great | 1:07:14 | 1:07:18 | |
if that first shot from Eve had
frozen right on top of that stone, | 1:07:18 | 1:07:26 | |
there was just enough room. Eve
Muirhead is going in here thought | 1:07:26 | 1:07:30 | |
the forefoot, hopefully. Were
controlled by the girls, we just | 1:07:30 | 1:07:35 | |
need to stop short in the house and
pick up one. Lovely stone. Another | 1:07:35 | 1:07:43 | |
good end from Great Britain and it
almost worked out exactly as they | 1:07:43 | 1:07:47 | |
wanted the two but a great shot from
the Swedish skip limits Great | 1:07:47 | 1:07:51 | |
Britain to just the once over
matches all tied up again at 4-4 | 1:07:51 | 1:07:55 | |
after eight and is. Sweden with the
hammer in the ninth. | 1:07:55 | 1:08:01 | |
Well, you can see the other matches
as well. There was a bit of a chat | 1:08:06 | 1:08:10 | |
going on in this one between the
British girls in the Swedish team | 1:08:10 | 1:08:15 | |
are also getting together before
they head down. The two skips will | 1:08:15 | 1:08:20 | |
head down to the far end. Canada did
Paul two back so it is 7-6 on that | 1:08:20 | 1:08:25 | |
one is far from over. Switzerland
have the hammer in the eighth in | 1:08:25 | 1:08:29 | |
that one. China are still trying to
keep their match going to stay alive | 1:08:29 | 1:08:36 | |
in the match against Korea, the
hosts. It is 10-5 and Korea have the | 1:08:36 | 1:08:41 | |
hammer in the eighth. | 1:08:41 | 1:08:44 | |
Here we go. Lauren Gray, leading the
way. The script is that if you want | 1:08:51 | 1:09:00 | |
to win this you really have to win
it in the tent. If you don't win in | 1:09:00 | 1:09:04 | |
the tent, if you tie it in the
tenth, then you go to an extra end | 1:09:04 | 1:09:08 | |
and Sweden would have the hammer in
the extra end and you don't we want | 1:09:08 | 1:09:11 | |
that to happen so the plan would be
to limit Sweden to one here and | 1:09:11 | 1:09:16 | |
maybe even get the steel but you
limit them to one and you hopefully | 1:09:16 | 1:09:22 | |
have a chance of two in the final
end. I think essentially you play | 1:09:22 | 1:09:27 | |
the stone is the way they are and
you have to be aware of that and the | 1:09:27 | 1:09:31 | |
situation that you are in that you
are tied up here. Two steals and you | 1:09:31 | 1:09:40 | |
win it. There are all sorts of
commutations. Yes, plenty of | 1:09:40 | 1:09:45 | |
permutations. Sweden are choosing to
draw one into the house, put it in | 1:09:45 | 1:09:53 | |
the back of the house. Yes, they
will be quite happy for it to just | 1:09:53 | 1:09:59 | |
it there. Of course, we don't have
the hammer here so we will try | 1:09:59 | 1:10:06 | |
desperately hard to block up the
front. | 1:10:06 | 1:10:12 | |
Well you can hear applause because
the match has finally finished | 1:10:31 | 1:10:35 | |
between Korea and China. Korea have
picked up two and closed it out 12-5 | 1:10:35 | 1:10:40 | |
and they are now sitting in a great
position in the round robin and | 1:10:40 | 1:10:44 | |
Great Britain have three wins and
two losses they really want to close | 1:10:44 | 1:10:48 | |
this one out against Sweden. It has
been a great match, a really good | 1:10:48 | 1:10:52 | |
match with good play and Sweden in
particular have been making the | 1:10:52 | 1:10:56 | |
shots. But Great Britain it has been
Eve Muirhead who has been keeping | 1:10:56 | 1:11:00 | |
the team going and keeping them in
this match. I hope they don't all go | 1:11:00 | 1:11:09 | |
home. I think they might. They will
get in the queue at the store. Yes, | 1:11:09 | 1:11:19 | |
this Olympic Games, the park has
been very busy. Huge queues for the | 1:11:19 | 1:11:26 | |
food in the souvenir tents. Two
hours we reckon. And all the free | 1:11:26 | 1:11:32 | |
areas you can go into, it has been
very well attended. | 1:11:32 | 1:11:39 | |
very well attended. The Korean team
you can see in the background are | 1:11:40 | 1:11:42 | |
just acknowledging the cheers from
their supporters. Plenty of them in | 1:11:42 | 1:11:46 | |
here. It might just empty out a
little bits are the guys have to | 1:11:46 | 1:11:50 | |
concentrate. A lot of activity in
the stands. | 1:11:50 | 1:12:02 | |
the stands. This one looks a little
heavy but the weight comes off it | 1:12:02 | 1:12:05 | |
and we will get a bigger poll. Just
need it to sit. | 1:12:05 | 1:12:14 | |
need it to sit. Just hangs on. That
might be significant later. I am not | 1:12:18 | 1:12:25 | |
sure how long it will stay there.
Sweden are going to take this front | 1:12:25 | 1:12:28 | |
Gardos. -- guard off. Agnes
Knochenhauer. | 1:12:28 | 1:12:41 | |
If you were not with us early on, I
was remarking on the fact that the | 1:12:47 | 1:12:57 | |
two of them on a Agnes Knochenhauer
and Anna Hasselborg have exactly the | 1:12:57 | 1:13:02 | |
same birthday, to the day and year,
so they have played with each other | 1:13:02 | 1:13:09 | |
since junior days and this is a
really well drilled team and a team | 1:13:09 | 1:13:17 | |
on the form that they are showing at
the moment that anybody is going to | 1:13:17 | 1:13:20 | |
have a job to beat them so no
surprise that Britain are having a | 1:13:20 | 1:13:23 | |
fight here. | 1:13:23 | 1:13:30 | |
fight here. Yes, this is the first
of several tough games that Great | 1:13:30 | 1:13:33 | |
Britain have got to face in the
latter stages of this Olympic games. | 1:13:33 | 1:13:42 | |
Oh, we just bounced off. Only wanted
to sit on the nose about one, no | 1:13:42 | 1:13:47 | |
bounds, so she can't remove it. --
really wanted to sit on the nose of | 1:13:47 | 1:13:56 | |
that one, no bounce, so she can't
remove it. Agnes Knochenhauer is | 1:13:56 | 1:14:03 | |
doing all right with the take outs.
She has been struggling with draw | 1:14:03 | 1:14:07 | |
weight. | 1:14:07 | 1:14:13 | |
You can see where she wants it to
go. I think that is what I like | 1:14:26 | 1:14:32 | |
about the television coverage of
this game, you get almost get up | 1:14:32 | 1:14:36 | |
close and personal with the players
and you can hear them speaking to | 1:14:36 | 1:14:38 | |
one another. No idea what they are
saying though because I am not very | 1:14:38 | 1:14:44 | |
good with my Swedish! But the
strategy of the game is something | 1:14:44 | 1:14:49 | |
that we do know and these girls were
just wanting to check if they hit it | 1:14:49 | 1:14:54 | |
here, where will go? If I catch this
one, what will happen with Matt this | 1:14:54 | 1:14:58 | |
might just be a flush. Just looking
for a tiny bit of rollover, which | 1:14:58 | 1:15:07 | |
she does get. Eve Muirhead has the
chance. Why would she just want to | 1:15:07 | 1:15:11 | |
tap into the back of the four foot,
just so they can come in on top of | 1:15:11 | 1:15:16 | |
it? Gimmickry yes, Swedish stones in
the back four so at some point she | 1:15:16 | 1:15:21 | |
can come in a freeze on them and
make it very difficult for Sweden to | 1:15:21 | 1:15:24 | |
pick up their two. Potentially even
though we might have to try for a | 1:15:24 | 1:15:31 | |
steel here and I know that gives the
opposition the hammer in the next | 1:15:31 | 1:15:35 | |
end but you really have to battle
hard to try and stop them from | 1:15:35 | 1:15:38 | |
getting the two. | 1:15:38 | 1:15:43 | |
You don't want to bounce off it,
though. This is going to roll off. | 1:15:46 | 1:15:55 | |
She has done OK, though. They will
be something we can perhaps use. It | 1:15:55 | 1:16:04 | |
is creating options for yourself. | 1:16:04 | 1:16:14 | |
is creating options for yourself. It
is obvious that it is making Sweden | 1:16:14 | 1:16:16 | |
think as well. It is not
straightforward. They will | 1:16:16 | 1:16:21 | |
desperately want their two here.
Both teams have a time-out which | 1:16:21 | 1:16:24 | |
they can take. In the match on the
sheet next to this one, Switzerland | 1:16:24 | 1:16:29 | |
did pick up only one. There are two
ends to go and they lead 8-6. They | 1:16:29 | 1:16:37 | |
will not be that disappointed about
that, but Canada have the hammer in | 1:16:37 | 1:16:41 | |
the ninth end. And if Canada were to
lose four of their first five | 1:16:41 | 1:16:48 | |
matches, well... That would be a
major shock in this curling | 1:16:48 | 1:16:54 | |
competition. | 1:16:54 | 1:17:02 | |
competition. Rachel Homan is their
skip. | 1:17:03 | 1:17:07 | |
skip. She had Eve Muirhead and Anna
Hasselborg all know each other very | 1:17:09 | 1:17:11 | |
well indeed. | 1:17:11 | 1:17:16 | |
well indeed. This generation of
skips all know each other incredibly | 1:17:19 | 1:17:21 | |
well. | 1:17:21 | 1:17:26 | |
well. I saw Maria Prytz coming out
there. She is the coach for Anna | 1:17:28 | 1:17:37 | |
Hasselborg and an international
player herself. What would she be | 1:17:37 | 1:17:42 | |
wanting to do? You are trying to get
your two. You are sitting on three | 1:17:42 | 1:17:47 | |
at the moment, but that is not so
relevant to how things end up. The | 1:17:47 | 1:17:54 | |
worry is that if they hit the red,
there is a huge opportunity for | 1:17:54 | 1:17:58 | |
Great Britain to them coming behind
them. | 1:17:58 | 1:18:06 | |
them. You are leaving yourself a
difficult shot. | 1:18:06 | 1:18:15 | |
difficult shot. Do you free up the
four foot? | 1:18:15 | 1:18:22 | |
four foot? They will definitely know
that Eve is now playing a much | 1:18:22 | 1:18:26 | |
better game and she is more likely
to pull off a good shot. So that is | 1:18:26 | 1:18:31 | |
at the back of their mind as well.
If you haven't got any plans later | 1:18:31 | 1:18:39 | |
today, there is also lots going on
in the Winter Olympics. The men are | 1:18:39 | 1:18:44 | |
back in action. They are play Italy
tonight. Although it doesn't look | 1:18:44 | 1:18:50 | |
good that they have only won two and
lost three, the fact that they have | 1:18:50 | 1:18:55 | |
played Canada, Sweden and
Switzerland, the three top teams in | 1:18:55 | 1:18:57 | |
the table at the moment, in those
first four matches, most teams will | 1:18:57 | 1:19:03 | |
end up with a record that's as three
losses against those three teams. So | 1:19:03 | 1:19:09 | |
there is still everything to play
for further British men. Yeah, the | 1:19:09 | 1:19:15 | |
boys had a tough time. That is Peter
Lindholm, the national Swedish | 1:19:15 | 1:19:23 | |
coach. The boys had a tough start to
this draw. To come out of it with | 1:19:23 | 1:19:30 | |
two and two was always going to be a
bonus, so they just have to carry | 1:19:30 | 1:19:34 | |
that momentum through and win what
we would classify as some of the | 1:19:34 | 1:19:38 | |
easier games, but none of them are
here, because there are many teams | 1:19:38 | 1:19:42 | |
beating each other. But they have a
huge chance. Anna Hasselborg is | 1:19:42 | 1:19:50 | |
hoping to get her team to a little
hit. | 1:19:50 | 1:19:59 | |
hit. Eve is facing four stones here.
She doesn't have the hammer. What | 1:19:59 | 1:20:03 | |
does she do? She has been in this
situation before where she played an | 1:20:03 | 1:20:10 | |
outstanding draw. | 1:20:10 | 1:20:20 | |
outstanding draw. You said if they
nosed that, to come in behind those | 1:20:20 | 1:20:24 | |
two? | 1:20:24 | 1:20:29 | |
two? Eve will persevere with tapping
these yellows back, trying to make a | 1:20:29 | 1:20:33 | |
wall at the back that she can then
come to to get a shot in. | 1:20:33 | 1:20:45 | |
come to to get a shot in. It is
probably too early to try that come | 1:20:47 | 1:20:50 | |
around at the minute because they
have plenty of yellow | 1:20:50 | 1:20:57 | |
have plenty of yellow stones. I
thought Eve would be in next to | 1:20:57 | 1:21:02 | |
play, but Alison has a chance to try
and tap that Swedish stones back -- | 1:21:02 | 1:21:11 | |
Anna Sloan. | 1:21:11 | 1:21:19 | |
She has caught the guard. At this
stage of the match, Eve has made | 1:21:24 | 1:21:36 | |
some good shots, but with two ends
to go, those little mistakes will | 1:21:36 | 1:21:48 | |
harm you in a dramatic way if they
capitalise on it. | 1:21:48 | 1:21:57 | |
capitalise on it. As we get into the
latter half of the game, everybody | 1:21:57 | 1:22:01 | |
is getting a bit edgy. Well, they
have three stones. That is the | 1:22:01 | 1:22:08 | |
advantage for them. | 1:22:08 | 1:22:14 | |
advantage for them. No shot is going
to be easy for anybody at this | 1:22:14 | 1:22:19 | |
stage. But if you want to back
anyone to make a straightforward | 1:22:19 | 1:22:23 | |
shot, it would be Sara McManus. | 1:22:23 | 1:22:34 | |
She has just played tremendously
well today. If I was a teacher, she | 1:22:37 | 1:22:45 | |
would get my Goldstar today. She has
hardly missed a shot. 97% at the | 1:22:45 | 1:22:54 | |
moment. | 1:22:54 | 1:23:03 | |
moment. Where did she lose that 3%?!
I have no idea. | 1:23:03 | 1:23:11 | |
I have no idea. We have to be
careful here. We don't have the | 1:23:16 | 1:23:18 | |
hammer and we are facing four
Swedish stones. It is damage | 1:23:18 | 1:23:23 | |
limitation, so if we can remove two
of these, that would be good. It has | 1:23:23 | 1:23:33 | |
cleared out here in the stands. But
the British fans are staying to | 1:23:33 | 1:23:38 | |
watch, and indeed Swedish fans.
Canada and Switzerland have their | 1:23:38 | 1:23:43 | |
contingent as well and that match is
still going on. Eve Muirhead is | 1:23:43 | 1:23:48 | |
trying to move a couple of these.
Partial success. | 1:23:48 | 1:23:56 | |
Partial success. She is disappointed
with the, because as she just said, | 1:23:58 | 1:24:04 | |
they haven't done anything. She
needed to catch that thin. | 1:24:04 | 1:24:15 | |
needed to catch that thin. A little
thinner and it would have been a | 1:24:15 | 1:24:17 | |
very good shot. | 1:24:17 | 1:24:27 | |
Nowhere for her to hide behind
either. | 1:24:29 | 1:24:39 | |
either. Anna Hasselborg has to be
careful where her shooter goes here. | 1:24:39 | 1:24:47 | |
Just hanging on there. | 1:25:02 | 1:25:12 | |
You heard what she was saying.
Giving up two might be the best to | 1:25:19 | 1:25:23 | |
get here. | 1:25:23 | 1:25:29 | |
get here. Surrounded by yellow. We
have got one stone left for Eve | 1:25:29 | 1:25:38 | |
Muirhead to at least try and make
the last shot for the Swedish skip a | 1:25:38 | 1:25:41 | |
little more difficult. Very
important that she gets this in | 1:25:41 | 1:25:46 | |
here. She has chosen to go into the
left-hand side of the pack. She will | 1:25:46 | 1:25:53 | |
potentially leaves Sweden with a
yellow shot on the other side, but | 1:25:53 | 1:26:00 | |
she wants to out capped the other
three. -- out count the other three. | 1:26:00 | 1:26:10 | |
As you said, she doesn't want to
leave an easy takeout. | 1:26:10 | 1:26:22 | |
We have seen Eve play a nice shot
here before. That is a very good | 1:26:23 | 1:26:27 | |
shot. That can't be moved. | 1:26:27 | 1:26:37 | |
shot. That can't be moved. Great
Britain will have to find two in the | 1:26:38 | 1:26:40 | |
final end. And even if they manage
that, and that will be a tall order | 1:26:40 | 1:26:46 | |
given the way Sweden are playing, it
will go to an extra end. That was a | 1:26:46 | 1:26:52 | |
great shots from Eve. It was a saver
for that end, because there was a | 1:26:52 | 1:26:56 | |
potential of losing five if she
didn't make it. That would have been | 1:26:56 | 1:27:00 | |
the match. So she has done a great
job again at in reducing the deficit | 1:27:00 | 1:27:07 | |
of the score. | 1:27:07 | 1:27:12 | |
She just saw an opportunity to close
out the game and it didn't work for | 1:27:24 | 1:27:29 | |
her. On another occasion, it might
have done. She has learned her | 1:27:29 | 1:27:34 | |
lesson from that, so a nice draw
down here. | 1:27:34 | 1:27:44 | |
down here. Well, the task is clear
for Great Britain. They have the | 1:27:45 | 1:27:48 | |
hammer in the final end. They are
two down. Sweden leads 6-4. Anything | 1:27:48 | 1:27:54 | |
less than two, and it's all over.
Even if they do get two, they will | 1:27:54 | 1:27:59 | |
have to steal in the extra end
because Sweden would have the | 1:27:59 | 1:28:02 | |
hammer. But they have to get two
before we can even think about that. | 1:28:02 | 1:28:11 | |
They have to be happy with the way
they are playing. We knew this would | 1:28:15 | 1:28:18 | |
be a tough match. Britain did not
get off to the best of starts, 3-0 | 1:28:18 | 1:28:26 | |
down after the first three ends.
Since then, it has been a case of | 1:28:26 | 1:28:31 | |
Eve Muirhead trying to hang on and
get back into this. She did that, | 1:28:31 | 1:28:37 | |
but now a gap has appeared just at
the time you didn't want it to. | 1:28:37 | 1:28:41 | |
Sweden are not giving Great Britain
any chances, not making any | 1:28:41 | 1:28:45 | |
mistakes. They have no right to make
any mistakes, you have to expect | 1:28:45 | 1:28:52 | |
that your opposition will get the
best shots they can. | 1:28:52 | 1:29:07 | |
It is a ninth end time-out for
Canada. They are 8-6 down. | 1:29:08 | 1:29:18 | |
What do you reckon, Jackie? Is it
worth changing anything here? Do you | 1:29:23 | 1:29:34 | |
keep hoping they will make a
mistake? But they haven't. They | 1:29:34 | 1:29:38 | |
haven't. Anna Hasselborg will hit
everything she can. We desperately | 1:29:38 | 1:29:46 | |
need to try and create this two. | 1:29:46 | 1:29:54 | |
need to try and create this two. I
think Lauren thought she had | 1:29:54 | 1:29:56 | |
something on that stone. | 1:29:56 | 1:30:02 | |
something on that stone. A stone
should only have three and a half | 1:30:02 | 1:30:05 | |
rotations, and that one had about
15! She must have felt was something | 1:30:05 | 1:30:09 | |
under it when she was delivering. | 1:30:09 | 1:30:16 | |
under it when she was delivering. To
be honest, every shot in the house | 1:30:16 | 1:30:18 | |
is a danger at the moment, because
Great Britain could come and rest on | 1:30:18 | 1:30:21 | |
it or use it against me, so they are
happily going to throw everything | 1:30:21 | 1:30:25 | |
out of the house and hit when they
have the opportunity. | 1:30:25 | 1:30:33 | |
Stone placement is key here for the
girls if we want to try and create | 1:30:34 | 1:30:40 | |
this two. If you are getting
nervous, join the club. It is a big | 1:30:40 | 1:30:45 | |
match for Great Britain. If they
lose this they will have three wins | 1:30:45 | 1:30:48 | |
and three losses and then really if
you want to be sure of a place in | 1:30:48 | 1:30:54 | |
the semifinals they would have to
win their last three matches to make | 1:30:54 | 1:30:57 | |
sure of that. Can they somehow drag
this one out of the fire? It has | 1:30:57 | 1:31:09 | |
done enough. They have two corners
on now and Anna Hasselborg is going | 1:31:09 | 1:31:15 | |
to... Now that four stones have been
played, she can with move the | 1:31:15 | 1:31:21 | |
guards. She will now can try and
remove these guards but Great | 1:31:21 | 1:31:26 | |
Britain are looking for one small
error to try and capitalise on here. | 1:31:26 | 1:31:36 | |
Where do you think it might come
from? She has just gone underneath | 1:31:36 | 1:31:42 | |
it. That was a nice call. They were
hoping to catch the red and bring it | 1:31:42 | 1:31:47 | |
out of the house as well. | 1:31:47 | 1:31:53 | |
out of the house as well. Close. It
would have been a bonus. The main | 1:31:54 | 1:31:58 | |
job was to clear that guard. | 1:31:58 | 1:32:04 | |
job was to clear that guard. Vicki
Adams has to put one back in place. | 1:32:06 | 1:32:15 | |
It is heavy, it is heavy. They want
this one to pull up now and put the | 1:32:19 | 1:32:27 | |
brakes on. Don't want it to go in
the house. | 1:32:27 | 1:32:34 | |
the house. Yes, Vicky was worried
about that. Another chance here. For | 1:32:34 | 1:32:42 | |
Sweden. They want to get rid of this
guard now, the primary objective for | 1:32:42 | 1:32:53 | |
this stone with Agnes Knochenhauer.
She will hope this will be the last | 1:32:53 | 1:32:56 | |
original play in this match. She
doesn't want an extra end. They are | 1:32:56 | 1:33:02 | |
really having to work this one hard
if they wanted to run across the | 1:33:02 | 1:33:05 | |
house. | 1:33:05 | 1:33:12 | |
house. It is working out. Every shot
that Sweden makes they are kind of | 1:33:12 | 1:33:18 | |
looking for some kind of small
error. So far it has all been very | 1:33:18 | 1:33:24 | |
good indeed. Can Anna Hasselborg
called this together? Can Great | 1:33:24 | 1:33:30 | |
Britain? Can Great Britain keep the
pressure on here and try and get a | 1:33:30 | 1:33:37 | |
crack from the Swedish team? That
would give us the opportunity of | 1:33:37 | 1:33:42 | |
two. We are still doing well here
and setting at the end up. I have | 1:33:42 | 1:33:47 | |
said it before, it is not all about
rushing into the house to be closer | 1:33:47 | 1:33:51 | |
to the centre right away. Strategy
of the game really is to set guards | 1:33:51 | 1:33:58 | |
at the front and utilise them and
come around behind them. A little | 1:33:58 | 1:34:02 | |
change of mind there for McManus. I
will bet you that she manages to | 1:34:02 | 1:34:09 | |
just peeled this away. It is a
straightforward shot for someone who | 1:34:09 | 1:34:14 | |
has been playing as brilliant as she
has. She could do it with her I | 1:34:14 | 1:34:18 | |
shut. | 1:34:18 | 1:34:26 | |
Not many people finish a competition
with a 100% record. I have seen it | 1:34:27 | 1:34:31 | |
done. But 97% so far is very
impressive. Anna Hasselborg is | 1:34:31 | 1:34:40 | |
sitting on 89 December Eve Muirhead
is sitting at 83% and she really has | 1:34:40 | 1:34:47 | |
laid the big shots when she has to
do in this sentence, saving her team | 1:34:47 | 1:34:52 | |
and preventing Sweden from picking
up multiple scores. You might hear | 1:34:52 | 1:34:58 | |
some chisel a minute and it won't be
for this stone but Canada have a | 1:34:58 | 1:35:02 | |
chance of three. That is a nice
result there. They had to work that | 1:35:02 | 1:35:10 | |
hard to try and catch an edge of the
Swedish yellow. Could we see the | 1:35:10 | 1:35:14 | |
first mistake here? | 1:35:14 | 1:35:23 | |
There is that cheer I was on about,
there is a lot of Canadians support | 1:35:23 | 1:35:28 | |
here and they have completely turned
the match around against Switzerland | 1:35:28 | 1:35:31 | |
so they are at 9-8 now but
Switzerland have the hammer in the | 1:35:31 | 1:35:35 | |
final end and it is a cracking match
there. A good one here, of course, | 1:35:35 | 1:35:39 | |
just appealing that one off. Great
Britain want to put it back in | 1:35:39 | 1:35:44 | |
place. That is the first glimmer of
light for us. A miss there, well, | 1:35:44 | 1:35:52 | |
not a miss but she wanted to try and
read the guard on to it but she | 1:35:52 | 1:35:57 | |
didn't quite do it and she did leave
the guard and there is an | 1:35:57 | 1:36:01 | |
opportunity for us to guard this up
again. In a position at the moment | 1:36:01 | 1:36:04 | |
to try and pick up the two. This is
where you need to put your stone | 1:36:04 | 1:36:08 | |
exact way you want it, exactly where
Eve placed her brush. She quite | 1:36:08 | 1:36:14 | |
likes the line here, they are not
sweeping too hard. It could come | 1:36:14 | 1:36:18 | |
into a nice position here. A little
more? Very good. | 1:36:18 | 1:36:28 | |
more? Very good. We are down to skip
stones now. I wonder if she can just | 1:36:29 | 1:36:32 | |
see that? She is having a look.
Controlled weight she will may be | 1:36:32 | 1:36:41 | |
moving gibbet at and if she doesn't
she will have to ensure she catches | 1:36:41 | 1:36:44 | |
the guard. | 1:36:44 | 1:36:53 | |
Could freeze onto the red. They have
already had the time out so they | 1:36:56 | 1:37:04 | |
cannot have another time-out so
we're just going to clear the front | 1:37:04 | 1:37:08 | |
guard, team decision. They have
plenty of time, there is two | 1:37:08 | 1:37:13 | |
minutes. It was the clock, they have
20 minutes thinking time during the | 1:37:13 | 1:37:16 | |
match and if the clock runs out you
have lost the match so they still | 1:37:16 | 1:37:20 | |
have two stones. | 1:37:20 | 1:37:28 | |
have two stones. They will end up
with a round about 1.45 minutes left | 1:37:28 | 1:37:32 | |
by the time she delivers this. So,
an interesting option. Anna | 1:37:32 | 1:37:43 | |
Hasselborg has played well, has
played very well. Has she got this | 1:37:43 | 1:37:47 | |
one? | 1:37:47 | 1:37:49 | |
Well, the opportunity continues the
Eve Muirhead here. The idea is that | 1:38:00 | 1:38:04 | |
you have got two stones and you have
got one and you end up sitting two | 1:38:04 | 1:38:08 | |
here. Make sure she cannot take both
of your stones out. | 1:38:08 | 1:38:14 | |
You can hear the girls talking about
that they are going to go for the | 1:38:19 | 1:38:23 | |
yellow shot in the house but it is
just where they shoot. You don't | 1:38:23 | 1:38:27 | |
leave a chance for double! Why would
you just knows it? Eve wants to roll | 1:38:27 | 1:38:35 | |
across and put some distance, just a
hit and roll. Obviously you have got | 1:38:35 | 1:38:43 | |
to get that, you don't want to roll
out. I think a nose is not a bad | 1:38:43 | 1:38:48 | |
call him because of the angle.
Whatever happens I think Sweden is | 1:38:48 | 1:38:52 | |
going to try for the double. Hitting
a little roll off to the left, is | 1:38:52 | 1:38:59 | |
that OK? Eve just has to be careful
and just has to make sure that she | 1:38:59 | 1:39:03 | |
plays the right eyes in the right
way and she stays in the house | 1:39:03 | 1:39:06 | |
because that is the first task in
hand. Eve | 1:39:06 | 1:39:14 | |
hand. Eve Muirhead has been very,
very good in the last few ends and | 1:39:14 | 1:39:17 | |
she needs to continue that here. Two
good stones to finish and this one | 1:39:17 | 1:39:22 | |
first of all, don't give Sweden the
chance for a double takeout. She | 1:39:22 | 1:39:27 | |
needs to have the chance to get her
two. This is straightening up. It is | 1:39:27 | 1:39:32 | |
going to catch it right on the nose.
Wrong way. So Anna Hasselborg is | 1:39:32 | 1:39:43 | |
going to try for removing both of
these stones here. Because this is | 1:39:43 | 1:39:48 | |
the win for them. This is the win
for Sweden she the shot. She is just | 1:39:48 | 1:39:55 | |
checking exactly where she wants to
hit that stone to get the right | 1:39:55 | 1:39:58 | |
angle. Those at too close together
for comfort from a British | 1:39:58 | 1:40:05 | |
perspective. Eve Muirhead really
wanted to roll the other way. Yes. | 1:40:05 | 1:40:11 | |
So she has made this a much easier
task for the Swedish skip, Anna | 1:40:11 | 1:40:16 | |
Hasselborg. Tier if she doesn't make
it, though, we will have an | 1:40:16 | 1:40:20 | |
opportunity for a two and an extra
end and Anna Hasselborg has a big | 1:40:20 | 1:40:26 | |
chance here to remove both of these
wrens -- reds and make up some of | 1:40:26 | 1:40:32 | |
her after shots that she has played.
Not many of them but... Here we go | 1:40:32 | 1:40:37 | |
then, Hasselborg with a chance to
take out both British stones and win | 1:40:37 | 1:40:41 | |
the match for Sweden. If she takes
that just one then Eve Muirhead is | 1:40:41 | 1:40:45 | |
still alive here. It is going to be
pretty close, it is very close. She | 1:40:45 | 1:40:49 | |
misses. It misses! That was so
close. | 1:40:49 | 1:40:57 | |
close. So, Eve Muirhead just needs
to draw in here for the two. Well, I | 1:40:57 | 1:41:03 | |
don't if you are on the edge of your
seat watching that but we were here. | 1:41:03 | 1:41:08 | |
All the way Danny looked like it had
a great chance, a miss by one | 1:41:08 | 1:41:11 | |
centimetre. It look like the shot
that Eve herself missed when she | 1:41:11 | 1:41:15 | |
tried a double takeout a few pence
ago. Hasselborg knows that that | 1:41:15 | 1:41:18 | |
might have been the match there. Of
course, all of this will do is take | 1:41:18 | 1:41:22 | |
us into an extra end if she makes it
to, she will still have to stay in | 1:41:22 | 1:41:27 | |
the house somewhere and then it will
be an extra end with Sweden having | 1:41:27 | 1:41:33 | |
the hammer. So Eve Muirhead, just
stay calm and keep your nerves in | 1:41:33 | 1:41:39 | |
check and a straightforward shot. | 1:41:39 | 1:41:46 | |
Sweeping it early, aren't they? It
is fine, it is fine. Yes, right in | 1:41:47 | 1:41:53 | |
the middle this one. Happy here with
the number of the house called. | 1:41:53 | 1:42:00 | |
Anywhere is good. We didn't have a
lot to spare but nonetheless it is | 1:42:00 | 1:42:05 | |
better to send it down a little
light so they can sweep it rather | 1:42:05 | 1:42:08 | |
than the other way around so Eve
Muirhead, well played. She | 1:42:08 | 1:42:12 | |
manufactured a situation in which
they are Leesburg bit of pressure. | 1:42:12 | 1:42:15 | |
We thought it was an easy shot far
Hasselborg and it might have been | 1:42:15 | 1:42:19 | |
but she missed. Not by much but this
is a game of centimetres and | 1:42:19 | 1:42:23 | |
millimetres at times so it is 6-6
after ten ends and we now have | 1:42:23 | 1:42:30 | |
another end with Sweden with the
hammer. Goodness me! This has been a | 1:42:30 | 1:42:34 | |
great match, I have to say. A lot of
good play from both teams. Eve | 1:42:34 | 1:42:39 | |
Muirhead in particular has been,
since the third or fourth end, has | 1:42:39 | 1:42:43 | |
been in great form. She has played
so many shots and missed hardly | 1:42:43 | 1:42:50 | |
anything. Sweden, I just wonder how
they feel now. They do have the | 1:42:50 | 1:42:54 | |
hammer now obviously which is a
great position to be in but when you | 1:42:54 | 1:42:58 | |
have had an opportunity to win on
more than one occasion and you have | 1:42:58 | 1:43:01 | |
allowed Great Britain to get back in
and now they find themselves in an | 1:43:01 | 1:43:06 | |
extra end. Yes, I was trying to
quickly look and see how many close | 1:43:06 | 1:43:13 | |
games Sweden have had because quite
often these games all go down to an | 1:43:13 | 1:43:17 | |
extra end. This is their third match
with an extra end. Yes, there you | 1:43:17 | 1:43:22 | |
go. | 1:43:22 | 1:43:27 | |
go. Our girls have shown real
determination here. They have stuck | 1:43:29 | 1:43:32 | |
in. Even a couple of times saving
them but... Good dynamics so far and | 1:43:32 | 1:43:42 | |
the girls know what they have to do
here. Put everything they can in | 1:43:42 | 1:43:50 | |
that forefoot down the centre, try
and make it difficult to Anna | 1:43:50 | 1:43:55 | |
Hasselborg to have a shot with a
last stone. That one was really a | 1:43:55 | 1:44:00 | |
little shorter and slightly out of
the side. We are going to see Sofia | 1:44:00 | 1:44:08 | |
Mabergs try a source lipped here,
attack, just catch it and push it | 1:44:08 | 1:44:14 | |
out further into the wings. I am not
sure she is going to catch it. It | 1:44:14 | 1:44:20 | |
would just about slide by. Just
misses. They really want to take | 1:44:20 | 1:44:26 | |
this out of the house, they will be
happy to take it right out. Just | 1:44:26 | 1:44:32 | |
enough. | 1:44:32 | 1:44:39 | |
enough. Well, so not the best of
shots. Lauren was close but not | 1:44:39 | 1:44:45 | |
quite there and then Sofia Mabergs
sliding by, not managing to get the | 1:44:45 | 1:44:52 | |
take. You cannot take the front
garden out of these three guard zone | 1:44:52 | 1:44:59 | |
operation until there are four
Stones played but you can hit it and | 1:44:59 | 1:45:03 | |
it is OK if you own stone goes out
but you cannot remove the opposition | 1:45:03 | 1:45:07 | |
guard. Again we are going to see a
short guard somewhere on the centre | 1:45:07 | 1:45:17 | |
line. | 1:45:17 | 1:45:20 | |
Come on, | 1:45:31 | 1:45:36 | |
Vicki! Encouragement for Vicki
Adams. | 1:45:42 | 1:45:53 | |
Sweden will bring this one into the
house. | 1:45:53 | 1:46:05 | |
They have to be careful that Great
Britain don't utilise this is | 1:46:08 | 1:46:13 | |
exactly like that. That might have
been a wrong call full Sweden. As | 1:46:13 | 1:46:21 | |
good as this match is, a real scrap
going on next door. Switzerland have | 1:46:21 | 1:46:26 | |
the hammer, but they are struggling
to set up two to win that, so they | 1:46:26 | 1:46:31 | |
may have an extra end as well. They
have four stone is left to play. And | 1:46:31 | 1:46:37 | |
we are into the extra end in this
match here. If you were not with us | 1:46:37 | 1:46:42 | |
earlier, Korea had another wing
comedy Korean women, having beaten | 1:46:42 | 1:46:47 | |
Great Britain yesterday, played
really well. They have had another | 1:46:47 | 1:46:50 | |
great win today against China. | 1:46:50 | 1:46:57 | |
great win today against China. The
skip says, come on, go! | 1:46:57 | 1:47:10 | |
We are going to see Anna Hasselborg
ignore the shots in the house. She | 1:47:15 | 1:47:19 | |
wants to clear up the two red stones
sitting in the front of the house. | 1:47:19 | 1:47:27 | |
That will be left to Agnes
Knochenhauer. These are only the | 1:47:27 | 1:47:34 | |
round robin matches. I don't know
what our nerves will be like in the | 1:47:34 | 1:47:38 | |
semifinals. The reason I keep
mentioning the Canada match is | 1:47:38 | 1:47:41 | |
because Canada have got off to a
terrible start after three losses in | 1:47:41 | 1:47:46 | |
the first three matches. They had a
win against the USA. They are | 1:47:46 | 1:47:50 | |
playing Switzerland at the moment.
Great Britain play Canada in their | 1:47:50 | 1:47:54 | |
last match, and that is already
looking like it could be a crunch | 1:47:54 | 1:47:57 | |
match for both teams in terms of
qualification for the semifinals. | 1:47:57 | 1:48:02 | |
And Eve Muirhead, at the beginning
of the week, would not have wanted | 1:48:02 | 1:48:07 | |
that situation. A chance to put
Canada out if you are already in | 1:48:07 | 1:48:12 | |
qualification, fine. But if you have
to beat Canada to move into the | 1:48:12 | 1:48:16 | |
semifinals, that is a tough call.
Time-out called here. The teams both | 1:48:16 | 1:48:25 | |
get a time-out in this extra end.
You normally only get one per game | 1:48:25 | 1:48:30 | |
but when you go to an extra, there
is the option of bringing your coach | 1:48:30 | 1:48:34 | |
back out. I don't think we used our
time-out for the tenth. No, we | 1:48:34 | 1:48:49 | |
didn't. | 1:48:49 | 1:48:55 | |
I'm going to keep quiet and see what
Glenn Howard has to say. | 1:49:03 | 1:49:11 | |
The only other option is to angle
freeze to the yellow. We have got | 1:49:21 | 1:49:27 | |
lots of time left. | 1:49:27 | 1:49:38 | |
I've noticed that everything in
curling is measured in hairs. Is | 1:49:41 | 1:49:44 | |
that why he hasn't got much left? It
is a how wide, a hair less, Ayhan | 1:49:44 | 1:49:52 | |
more. You crack me up! I was talking
about Glenn, the Canadian. | 1:49:52 | 1:50:10 | |
Switzerland cannot score two because
they only have one stone left. | 1:50:10 | 1:50:18 | |
they only have one stone left. And
for cameras to win that match would | 1:50:18 | 1:50:20 | |
be a heck of an achievement for them
-- for Canada to win that much. An | 1:50:20 | 1:50:26 | |
important shot here for Vicki Adams.
You heard what the coach said. Just | 1:50:26 | 1:50:34 | |
connect with the Swedish yellow, tap
it back into the back four. | 1:50:34 | 1:50:44 | |
That is a good shot. That sits on
the edge of the four foot. Well | 1:51:00 | 1:51:07 | |
played, Vicki Adams. | 1:51:07 | 1:51:12 | |
played, Vicki Adams. She didn't want
to get her own stone. She has | 1:51:17 | 1:51:23 | |
knocked it into third placed
position. | 1:51:23 | 1:51:29 | |
You have probably heard the cheers
because Rachel Homan has managed to | 1:51:42 | 1:51:45 | |
turn that match around am
incredibly. They were 7-4 down with | 1:51:45 | 1:51:51 | |
three to play, and they have ended
up winning that 110-8 against | 1:51:51 | 1:51:55 | |
Switzerland. That will put paid to
Switzerland's chances of qualifying. | 1:51:55 | 1:52:00 | |
It keeps Canada alive. They have now
won two and lost three. Great | 1:52:00 | 1:52:08 | |
Britain and Sweden are the only
teams left out on the ice at the | 1:52:08 | 1:52:12 | |
moment. Great Britain are putting a
good end together here. They have to | 1:52:12 | 1:52:16 | |
give themselves a chance of a steal.
They have not used their time-out in | 1:52:16 | 1:52:33 | |
this extra end, Sweden. Great
Britain have. | 1:52:33 | 1:52:46 | |
Sara McManus, who has been playing
tremendously well, has been asked to | 1:52:49 | 1:52:53 | |
remove that front garden. -- front
guard. | 1:52:53 | 1:53:04 | |
guard. As long as they keep those
two Reds in place, it is just trying | 1:53:04 | 1:53:12 | |
to give Eve something to work with. | 1:53:12 | 1:53:18 | |
Sorry about that! | 1:53:38 | 1:53:50 | |
Apart from the way those stones are
now lying, the fact that it is Sara | 1:53:51 | 1:53:58 | |
McManus, wouldn't that be some sort
of irony if she were not to play a | 1:53:58 | 1:54:01 | |
good shot here? It has all gone a
bit quiet in the British camp. | 1:54:01 | 1:54:15 | |
Such a pity. That was building well.
But all our GB stones are covering | 1:54:19 | 1:54:26 | |
that four foot. But the way she has
been playing her takeouts, she will | 1:54:26 | 1:54:33 | |
play a good shot here. | 1:54:33 | 1:54:39 | |
play a good shot here. But anything
could happen. | 1:54:39 | 1:54:45 | |
could happen. There is the
possibility of a skinny if you come | 1:54:48 | 1:54:50 | |
off the other side. | 1:54:50 | 1:54:55 | |
McManus has been incredibly
accurate. Did we expect anything | 1:55:06 | 1:55:10 | |
else? There was never a doubt. She
has performed very well in her | 1:55:10 | 1:55:16 | |
hitting. After 16 hits, she is 100%.
And 98% in her | 1:55:16 | 1:55:32 | |
And 98% in her overall match.
Someone has marked down by 2%. | 1:55:32 | 1:55:33 | |
Unbelievable. | 1:55:33 | 1:55:38 | |
Unbelievable. But this is a team
event. Four stones to go. This is | 1:55:38 | 1:55:42 | |
Great Britain's first. | 1:55:42 | 1:55:45 | |
Well swept, guys. You may be
wondering what the thinking is | 1:56:13 | 1:56:19 | |
there. She has to use a stone here
to get rid of that. | 1:56:19 | 1:56:31 | |
Anna Hasselborg is going to clear
this front guard. | 1:56:41 | 1:56:48 | |
this front guard. Then team Muirhead
have to make a decision over what to | 1:56:49 | 1:56:51 | |
do with their last stone to make it
as difficult as possible for Sweden | 1:56:51 | 1:56:55 | |
to pick up a one here and win the
game. | 1:56:55 | 1:57:02 | |
game. Here you go, Eve Muirhead. You
saw where she wanted to go. She | 1:57:04 | 1:57:09 | |
wants it in the four foot, behind
the other red. She is coming down | 1:57:09 | 1:57:15 | |
the right way. | 1:57:15 | 1:57:26 | |
It may leave her with a dilemma of,
do you go for the dilemma or do you | 1:57:28 | 1:57:32 | |
try and draw the one foot? Eve
Muirhead has been in the last | 1:57:32 | 1:57:38 | |
several ends and has pulled off the
final shot she has needed to every | 1:57:38 | 1:57:42 | |
single time, so let's hope she does
it once again. Eve Muirhead has done | 1:57:42 | 1:57:47 | |
a cracking job of keeping her team
involved in this match. She doesn't | 1:57:47 | 1:57:51 | |
look too happy with this. It has the
red light on it. | 1:57:51 | 1:58:02 | |
red light on it. Hold on. You should
stop it. | 1:58:02 | 1:58:12 | |
stop it. What has happened there?
The red light has come on. | 1:58:17 | 1:58:26 | |
The red light has come on. Does she
get a replay? You know, I actually | 1:58:27 | 1:58:30 | |
don't know. She doesn't feel like
she has hog line violated this. It | 1:58:30 | 1:58:38 | |
would be good if we could see a
replay. So on the front of the | 1:58:38 | 1:58:43 | |
stone, you can see a light. It is
normally green if she lets go of it. | 1:58:43 | 1:58:48 | |
She let go of it away before the hog
line. That was why I wondered what | 1:58:48 | 1:58:53 | |
the look on her face was. The thing
is that macro that is not the right | 1:58:53 | 1:59:02 | |
angle. The stone has to be almost
across that Silver band. | 1:59:02 | 1:59:16 | |
Can they look at replays? How do
they determine this? I don't think | 1:59:18 | 1:59:22 | |
we have a rule in place to use a
replay. We don't use television. You | 1:59:22 | 1:59:31 | |
can't do it from that angle. That is
not the angle the stone. She has let | 1:59:31 | 1:59:36 | |
go. It is not on the hog line, and
then ago red. -- it goes red. Come | 1:59:36 | 1:59:48 | |
on, cameramen, give us the angles.
It cannot take that long to | 1:59:48 | 1:59:52 | |
determine that. They are going to
have the stone tested. Eve has come | 1:59:52 | 1:59:59 | |
all the way back down to this end. | 1:59:59 | 2:00:11 | |
He will run it across the strip to
see if it is working. Well, it is | 2:00:17 | 2:00:22 | |
there. | 2:00:22 | 2:00:28 | |
vodka well it is there. Well, that
is it. Well, that is terrible. That | 2:00:28 | 2:00:37 | |
is terrible, I am sorry, curling
Comey relieve it have a look at | 2:00:37 | 2:00:41 | |
that. Eve couldn't understand why
the red light had come on. Unless | 2:00:41 | 2:00:45 | |
she had let go and then touched it
again, they are saying a double | 2:00:45 | 2:00:51 | |
touch. Previously in curling you
were not allowed to let the stone go | 2:00:51 | 2:00:55 | |
and then retouch the stone and turn
and that was called a double touch | 2:00:55 | 2:00:59 | |
and you had to take the stone off
but that was again down to | 2:00:59 | 2:01:03 | |
gentlemanly behaviour and looking to
see what was happening but actually | 2:01:03 | 2:01:05 | |
in the hog line, you can actually
double touch it because everything | 2:01:05 | 2:01:10 | |
is just about that strip and making
sure you have your hand completely | 2:01:10 | 2:01:15 | |
off the stone as it goes. This is a
real strange one for us and the | 2:01:15 | 2:01:21 | |
disaster. Gut-wrenching. I would
like to see that again from the | 2:01:21 | 2:01:26 | |
front view. That view from the back
is not the one that should be | 2:01:26 | 2:01:31 | |
replayed because... I guess, why
isn't there a camera on the hog line | 2:01:31 | 2:01:35 | |
as well? Anyway, this is the win for
Sweden. | 2:01:35 | 2:01:42 | |
Sweden. Well, that leaves a little
bit of a bad taste in the mouth. | 2:01:42 | 2:01:45 | |
Those are the rules, I guess, but
the judgment of that. So much in | 2:01:45 | 2:01:49 | |
curling is left up to the judgment
of players between themselves to | 2:01:49 | 2:01:53 | |
decide whether any violation has
taken place and that is the | 2:01:53 | 2:01:57 | |
Wallabies of technology that is in
the game and why on earth they | 2:01:57 | 2:02:00 | |
couldn't have another look at the
replay to determine whether or not, | 2:02:00 | 2:02:04 | |
what it actually happened there. All
that happened was the technician | 2:02:04 | 2:02:11 | |
came down and tested the stone and
decided it was fine because of that | 2:02:11 | 2:02:14 | |
Great Britain the match. It may well
have been one they might have lost | 2:02:14 | 2:02:18 | |
anyway. They wanted a great
position, but they still had a | 2:02:18 | 2:02:23 | |
chance, Eve Muirhead had a chance to
draw in a good last shot difficult | 2:02:23 | 2:02:27 | |
for Anna Hasselborg. That has
resulted a defeat for Great Britain. | 2:02:27 | 2:02:34 | |
Yes, I have never seen that before,
especially when it falls to the last | 2:02:34 | 2:02:40 | |
stone of the extra end. And really,
to be fair, that must be really | 2:02:40 | 2:02:46 | |
terrible for Sweden as well because
that is the last thing they want. | 2:02:46 | 2:02:49 | |
They want to win the game outright
by merit. Just before we carry on | 2:02:49 | 2:02:55 | |
talking about that, let us look at
the table. Great Britain have three | 2:02:55 | 2:02:59 | |
wins and three losses they have a
lot of work to do to qualify. Look | 2:02:59 | 2:03:03 | |
at Korea and Japan and Great Britain
will have to pull win out of Canada | 2:03:03 | 2:03:07 | |
if nothing else out of the bag. They
wanted to make sure they had six | 2:03:07 | 2:03:10 | |
wins. You have to hand it to Sweden
that they played very well. Eve | 2:03:10 | 2:03:15 | |
Muirhead had kept Great Britain in
it and given themselves an | 2:03:15 | 2:03:18 | |
opportunity but without that last
stone of Eve Muirhead 's line | 2:03:18 | 2:03:24 | |
violation apparently, has meant that
she couldn't give Hasselborg | 2:03:24 | 2:03:32 | |
anything other than a
straightforward hit the women she | 2:03:32 | 2:03:35 | |
achieved it and they move on to a
record which is an enviable one, | 2:03:35 | 2:03:41 | |
five wins from five matches. Why
not, Jackie, obviously there is no | 2:03:41 | 2:03:47 | |
appeals process that you can do
anything about it and once you are | 2:03:47 | 2:03:49 | |
off the iPhone at the skip a to sign
a form to say they are. Yes, to be | 2:03:49 | 2:03:56 | |
fair, all sports are progressing and
I think we probably have to start | 2:03:56 | 2:04:00 | |
looking at using video footage as
well because all of these games are | 2:04:00 | 2:04:04 | |
generally covered by TV so it may be
something that the world curling | 2:04:04 | 2:04:10 | |
Federation and the Olympic Curling
Center ratio will look into but that | 2:04:10 | 2:04:14 | |
is a real disappointing start. What
you have to do when you have hog | 2:04:14 | 2:04:18 | |
line stones is when you are cleaning
them U-turn on that automatically | 2:04:18 | 2:04:24 | |
sets them off. You just don't expect
that to happen. Not away to finish. | 2:04:24 | 2:04:31 | |
Fabi for Great Britain it was a
disappointing end to what was a | 2:04:31 | 2:04:35 | |
tough match. They gave Sweden a
really good scrap but in the end | 2:04:35 | 2:04:38 | |
Sweden came out as victors 8-6. | 2:04:38 | 2:04:43 | |
Well the men are back on the ice
shortly today as well. They have a | 2:04:46 | 2:04:51 | |
surprise defeat South Korea
yesterday that derailed them | 2:04:51 | 2:04:53 | |
slightly but they hope to bounce
back when they take on Italy who | 2:04:53 | 2:04:57 | |
have two wins from the first five
games and they will be live from | 2:04:57 | 2:05:01 | |
11:05am. A quick look back to
yesterday. It was a historic day in | 2:05:01 | 2:05:08 | |
British Winter Olympic history. It
all started up at the slopestyle at | 2:05:08 | 2:05:12 | |
the Phoenix Snow Park where Izzy
Atkin became the first official | 2:05:12 | 2:05:15 | |
British athlete to win a medal on
skis, and she did it with quite | 2:05:15 | 2:05:20 | |
sensational final run. | 2:05:20 | 2:05:27 | |
Next to drop will be Izzy Atkin for
Great Britain. The biggest one of | 2:05:27 | 2:05:31 | |
her life starts now. Mechanical with
the 450, laid it down beautifully. | 2:05:31 | 2:05:42 | |
Locks that it is so beautifully
because she comes up from the side | 2:05:42 | 2:05:46 | |
until the skis on to it. Yes. The
gap over. This run is flowing for | 2:05:46 | 2:05:55 | |
her now. Dare I say it, the best
rails we have seen from Earth. 720 | 2:05:55 | 2:06:00 | |
is there. Now, come on, Izzy Atkin.
900 is there. A final jump. | 2:06:00 | 2:06:09 | |
Oh! It is super-clean. We saw her
reverb that. It is third place!. | 2:06:19 | 2:06:27 | |
With the first place qualify yet to
drop. She is down. Izzy Atkin takes | 2:06:27 | 2:06:37 | |
the bronze. | 2:06:37 | 2:06:43 | |
Huge congratulations, you have a
bronze medal around your neck, how | 2:06:43 | 2:06:46 | |
does it feel to be carrying that
around with you today? It still | 2:06:46 | 2:06:51 | |
feels very surreal. The past 24
hours has just been very mental but | 2:06:51 | 2:06:55 | |
it feels amazing. I am very happy.
You looked yesterday like you | 2:06:55 | 2:06:59 | |
couldn't quite believe it when
you're finished that you had won the | 2:06:59 | 2:07:02 | |
medal. As it sank in at all? Univac
I think a little bit. The medal so | 2:07:02 | 2:07:07 | |
me last night was definitely a crazy
experience. | 2:07:07 | 2:07:14 | |
experience. There were so many
people there. I left it to the last | 2:07:14 | 2:07:17 | |
run which I tend to do quite a bit,
which makes me and my coach very | 2:07:17 | 2:07:21 | |
nervous but I just felt pure release
after I put it down on that third | 2:07:21 | 2:07:25 | |
run. You had to wait a little while,
what goes through your mind as you | 2:07:25 | 2:07:28 | |
watch the last few skiers come down?
My heart was racing. I was extremely | 2:07:28 | 2:07:34 | |
nervous and busy there are three
more girls who are all capable of | 2:07:34 | 2:07:38 | |
getting on the podium so I was just
very nervous but it worked out in | 2:07:38 | 2:07:42 | |
the end, yes. It sure did. This is
your first Olympic experience and it | 2:07:42 | 2:07:47 | |
is going to be very tough to beat
this one. Yes, I have to go for gold | 2:07:47 | 2:07:55 | |
next time! The medal was just a
childhood dream and to come here and | 2:07:55 | 2:08:00 | |
to be part of this let alone come
away the bronze. Very few people at | 2:08:00 | 2:08:08 | |
home will ever experience standing
on a podium receiving an Olympic | 2:08:08 | 2:08:11 | |
medal, what does that moment feel
like, when you get up there and | 2:08:11 | 2:08:14 | |
someone put a medal around your
neck? No feels amazing. Years of | 2:08:14 | 2:08:19 | |
hard work, it feels like it paid
off. It just feels I am still in | 2:08:19 | 2:08:27 | |
shock but it is amazing. You grew up
in the States but you chose to | 2:08:27 | 2:08:33 | |
represent team GP. They showed some
faith in you, how proud are you to | 2:08:33 | 2:08:37 | |
repay that and show what you can do
on the big stages? It feels amazing. | 2:08:37 | 2:08:42 | |
I am very honoured to be part of
Team GB, one of the smaller teams, | 2:08:42 | 2:08:46 | |
and it just feels like a family and
Pat was very keen to have me on the | 2:08:46 | 2:08:51 | |
team. He knows I had dual
nationality and he was very | 2:08:51 | 2:09:04 | |
keen and knew that a person like me
would really thrive on Team GB. You | 2:09:09 | 2:09:12 | |
really have. I saw you talk about
the family atmosphere of GB and I | 2:09:12 | 2:09:14 | |
saw you and the other skiers from
other nationalities are already | 2:09:14 | 2:09:17 | |
close and cheering each other on
yesterday, how fun is it to be part | 2:09:17 | 2:09:19 | |
of this freestyle skiing setup? Our
sport is one of the few sports where | 2:09:19 | 2:09:22 | |
we are all really good friends and
we cheer each other on and won them | 2:09:22 | 2:09:25 | |
to do well which is one of the
harder things that I had to deal | 2:09:25 | 2:09:28 | |
with with waiting for those three
girls because I knew them very well | 2:09:28 | 2:09:31 | |
and I also wanted them to do well
but I also really wanted to be on | 2:09:31 | 2:09:34 | |
the Olympic podium so it was
definitely a stressful time. You had | 2:09:34 | 2:09:38 | |
big hugs as well afterwards from
family and friends watching. How | 2:09:38 | 2:09:42 | |
nice was it to do it in front of
them as well? Was amazing. My | 2:09:42 | 2:09:46 | |
parents came out to watch and
actually my aunt and uncle were | 2:09:46 | 2:09:50 | |
here, they came from Guildford all
the way back in England so that was | 2:09:50 | 2:09:54 | |
a surprise and I didn't know they
were coming so that was also just | 2:09:54 | 2:09:58 | |
amazing. Incredible stuff.
Congratulations and enjoy your medal | 2:09:58 | 2:10:01 | |
and we look forward to four years'
time when you are going to go for | 2:10:01 | 2:10:05 | |
gold. Hopefully! Thank you. Izzy
Atkin joining me on the balcony a | 2:10:05 | 2:10:11 | |
little earlier on. It was history at
the Snow Park it was even more | 2:10:11 | 2:10:15 | |
history late last night at South
Korea at the Sliding Centre. We were | 2:10:15 | 2:10:19 | |
going into the final two runs of the
women's skeleton with defending | 2:10:19 | 2:10:25 | |
champion Lizzy Yarnold sitting third
with team-mate Laura Deas just | 2:10:25 | 2:10:28 | |
behind her in fourth. Both had the
speed to get themselves onto the | 2:10:28 | 2:10:32 | |
podium so let us relive those
dramatic moments. | 2:10:32 | 2:10:38 | |
dramatic moments. Hold | 2:10:39 | 2:10:39 | |
podium so let us relive those
dramatic moments. Hold it together. | 2:10:39 | 2:10:43 | |
How are we all at home? Laura Deas
goes for Great Britain. Can she get | 2:10:43 | 2:10:49 | |
under 5.1 to give her a cracking
shot at this? Perfect line and | 2:10:49 | 2:10:54 | |
perfect sliding. | 2:10:54 | 2:11:01 | |
perfect sliding. Bend 15. Lovely and
write up the middle. Laura Deas has | 2:11:01 | 2:11:07 | |
done all she can. Will it be enough?
Lizzie Yarnold yes -- next. Can the | 2:11:07 | 2:11:22 | |
Olympic champion make history when a
gang? Della Macri started well and | 2:11:22 | 2:11:26 | |
she just needs to focus on her on
the track. This is what it is all | 2:11:26 | 2:11:31 | |
about now. Look at the gap she has
got. She has got half a second. | 2:11:31 | 2:11:36 | |
Yarnold wins gold again! Laura Deas
has won bronze as well! I honestly | 2:11:36 | 2:11:48 | |
can't believe it is happening, it is
like a dream. I have done the race | 2:11:48 | 2:11:55 | |
and the consistent and Laura and I
are on the podium together. Great | 2:11:55 | 2:11:58 | |
day at the Winter Olympics. | 2:11:58 | 2:11:59 | |
are on the podium together. Great
day at the Winter Olympics. | 2:11:59 | 2:12:03 | |
Absolutely incredible scenes at the
Sliding Centre. I am delighted that | 2:12:03 | 2:12:06 | |
Lizzie and Laura have jointly on the
balcony. Have you watch those | 2:12:06 | 2:12:10 | |
pictures back much since last night?
I have just managed to get a look at | 2:12:10 | 2:12:14 | |
them and reliving those amazing
moments is very special. Lizzie, | 2:12:14 | 2:12:18 | |
view to defend that title, that last
one was incredible. Thank you. It | 2:12:18 | 2:12:23 | |
was a lot of hard work in the past
few years to get to this point and I | 2:12:23 | 2:12:27 | |
just knew that I needed four consist
of runs | 2:12:27 | 2:12:37 | |
of runs and to do we work really
closely as friends, but as rivals. | 2:12:37 | 2:12:41 | |
The team beside me help me get
there. You were not feeling well, as | 2:12:41 | 2:12:46 | |
well. After the first run you said
that you almost didn't see the | 2:12:46 | 2:12:50 | |
competition out. You must be
delighted you did. What was going | 2:12:50 | 2:12:53 | |
through your mind as you stood up
there ahead of the fourth and final | 2:12:53 | 2:12:56 | |
run? I guess the fourth run was just
about enjoying it. I know in Sochi | 2:12:56 | 2:13:01 | |
that my fourth run was a bit messy
and I didn't want to do the same | 2:13:01 | 2:13:04 | |
again and I needed to set the turn
for Janine Flock who was going in | 2:13:04 | 2:13:08 | |
leading position so I needed to show
her that I meant business. I didn't | 2:13:08 | 2:13:12 | |
expect another track record but
bring it all together on the final | 2:13:12 | 2:13:14 | |
was great. Laura, since you started
going down that track in training | 2:13:14 | 2:13:20 | |
you have been getting great times
but you had the agonising wait at | 2:13:20 | 2:13:23 | |
the end when you were in third and
fourth and then suddenly to be back | 2:13:23 | 2:13:26 | |
up there in a medal position, it
must be nerve-racking but thrilling | 2:13:26 | 2:13:30 | |
at the same time. Was and the
emotions were all over the place. I | 2:13:30 | 2:13:35 | |
came up at the top of the run and I
knew that I was in first position | 2:13:35 | 2:13:38 | |
with three more to go. Jacqueline
put down an amazing run and Lizzie | 2:13:38 | 2:13:44 | |
put down an even more amazing
running and I knew it was down to | 2:13:44 | 2:13:46 | |
Janine and watching those bits go by
I was hoping against hope she | 2:13:46 | 2:13:50 | |
wouldn't make it back. I could
barely, barely watch the screen I | 2:13:50 | 2:13:54 | |
was so nervous but then I saw the
four pop-up for Janine and then it | 2:13:54 | 2:13:59 | |
was just amazing, I can't even
really describe what happened, I | 2:13:59 | 2:14:02 | |
think we just screamed at each other
and it was really special. You get | 2:14:02 | 2:14:06 | |
your medals tonight, how much are
you looking forward to that part? | 2:14:06 | 2:14:09 | |
Have you been able to picture
yourself on the podium in the lead | 2:14:09 | 2:14:13 | |
up to the games? I have always
believed that we could both be | 2:14:13 | 2:14:17 | |
standing on the podium so thrilled
to come together and for it to be | 2:14:17 | 2:14:19 | |
happening is very special but it
won't sink in until the middle is | 2:14:19 | 2:14:25 | |
around my neck and I hear the
national anthem and it will be | 2:14:25 | 2:14:27 | |
amazing. How does it feel to defend
a title as opposed to winning your | 2:14:27 | 2:14:32 | |
first one? It does feel
extraordinarily different. It has | 2:14:32 | 2:14:36 | |
been a much are the journey in the
past four years. It was a very | 2:14:36 | 2:14:41 | |
different story coming into the
Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium but I | 2:14:41 | 2:14:44 | |
guess Laura as my friends we kind of
keep each other going with the cups | 2:14:44 | 2:14:49 | |
of tea and the chats along the way
and the night before the race Laura | 2:14:49 | 2:14:52 | |
brought me a massive tub of ice
cream which I made my way through | 2:14:52 | 2:14:55 | |
and maybe that made the difference
with my sore throat! It is wonderful | 2:14:55 | 2:15:00 | |
to be the first British Winter
Olympian to rip his head my title | 2:15:00 | 2:15:03 | |
and I am hugely proud of it.
Everyone watching is immensely proud | 2:15:03 | 2:15:10 | |
of you as well. How much do you keep
each other going and feel as though | 2:15:10 | 2:15:16 | |
you have someone alongside you
really pushing you along? It is not | 2:15:16 | 2:15:20 | |
only in the Olympics but every
single race in the World Cup, even | 2:15:20 | 2:15:25 | |
the British selection race is one of
the hardest on the circuit and Laura | 2:15:25 | 2:15:27 | |
is a phenomenal push athletes alike
already know I am behind when I get | 2:15:27 | 2:15:32 | |
on the sled and then it is all about
not making mistakes and we push each | 2:15:32 | 2:15:38 | |
other in training and racing and
then you come home a new show | 2:15:38 | 2:15:43 | |
tactics and you understand corners
together and I know I would not be | 2:15:43 | 2:15:46 | |
on the podium it was not the Laura.
To you, Laura, having someone so | 2:15:46 | 2:15:50 | |
much experience must have been
vital. We really support each other. | 2:15:50 | 2:15:54 | |
We are competitors on the track and
good friends off the track and I got | 2:15:54 | 2:15:59 | |
pretty emotional yesterday when I
was talking about the fact that back | 2:15:59 | 2:16:02 | |
in Sochi I had been sent a text
message from Lizzie who said she | 2:16:02 | 2:16:05 | |
wished I could have been out there
with her sharing it and for years on | 2:16:05 | 2:16:10 | |
we are sharing the moment and we are
on the podium together so I couldn't | 2:16:10 | 2:16:13 | |
be happier right now. Incredible
stuff it has been an incredible | 2:16:13 | 2:16:17 | |
games fork skeleton in particular
with Dom Parsons getting a bronze | 2:16:17 | 2:16:20 | |
and Jerry Rice had a great top-10
finish. It is a difficult question | 2:16:20 | 2:16:25 | |
to answer but why are we so good at
skeleton? | 2:16:25 | 2:16:36 | |
Well, we go about things in an
orderly way. Every time we go to the | 2:16:37 | 2:16:42 | |
track, we are super focused. We know
what we need to get out of it and we | 2:16:42 | 2:16:47 | |
don't lead any stone unturned. By
competition time, everyone knew | 2:16:47 | 2:16:50 | |
exactly what their process was and
how to do it. We were all very calm | 2:16:50 | 2:16:55 | |
and a whole support team have been
amazing in us to the line in the | 2:16:55 | 2:16:59 | |
shape we are in. | 2:16:59 | 2:17:04 | |
shape we are in. Lizzy, are you
heading for the triple in Beijing? I | 2:17:04 | 2:17:08 | |
think I will have a break and then
get back to you! That will be a | 2:17:08 | 2:17:13 | |
well-deserved holiday for both of
you. Massive congratulations. I am | 2:17:13 | 2:17:18 | |
sure both of these girls and many
others at the Winter Olympics will | 2:17:18 | 2:17:21 | |
have inspired you. If you have been
inspired to take up a new sport, | 2:17:21 | 2:17:25 | |
it's time to get out and grab it
with both hands. | 2:17:25 | 2:17:32 | |
Everybody has to start somewhere.
BBC Get Inspired will help you to | 2:17:33 | 2:17:37 | |
get involved and get active. Get the
website to find our activity guides | 2:17:37 | 2:17:46 | |
and activity Fido. Enter your
postcode, the sport you would like | 2:17:46 | 2:17:50 | |
to try, or click search to find out
how to get involved near you. Where | 2:17:50 | 2:17:56 | |
will you start? Get active, get
involved, get inspired. | 2:17:56 | 2:18:04 | |
We will have more reaction from that
controversial moment in the curling | 2:18:04 | 2:18:07 | |
that we saw just before we met the
girls on the balcony, but we will | 2:18:07 | 2:18:12 | |
stay on the ice before that because
the ice hockey is under way today. | 2:18:12 | 2:18:15 | |
It is the final matches of the men's
group stages. In group A, one of the | 2:18:15 | 2:18:21 | |
dark horses for gold is the Czech
Republic. They won Olympic gold in | 2:18:21 | 2:18:26 | |
1998 and some have them as low as
8-1 to repeat that feat here in | 2:18:26 | 2:18:33 | |
Pyeongchang. Today, they take on
Switzerland. Czech Republic unbeaten | 2:18:33 | 2:18:39 | |
so far, with a thrilling win against
Canada. All to play for. Only the | 2:18:39 | 2:18:45 | |
group leaders go through to the
quarterfinals and miss out on the | 2:18:45 | 2:18:50 | |
play-off match. Let's find out what
happened in the closing stages of | 2:18:50 | 2:18:53 | |
the first period of that match
between Czech Republic and | 2:18:53 | 2:18:56 | |
Switzerland with your commentary
team. | 2:18:56 | 2:19:00 | |
The Czech Republic have a one man
advantage... And they score! Really | 2:19:04 | 2:19:09 | |
nice interplay from the cheques.
They were so patient. | 2:19:09 | 2:19:17 | |
They were so patient. -- the Czechs.
They found exactly the past they | 2:19:17 | 2:19:23 | |
wanted. | 2:19:23 | 2:19:27 | |
wanted. He just changes the angle of
where that pass comes from. | 2:19:29 | 2:19:39 | |
Beautiful one-time shot. | 2:19:39 | 2:19:45 | |
Beautiful one-time shot. Good
patience. And a goal! Power play | 2:19:45 | 2:19:53 | |
comes to a close. That is a lovely
shot on the back foot. They move | 2:19:53 | 2:20:00 | |
that around beautifully and have
three or four good chances before | 2:20:00 | 2:20:06 | |
eventually, it came back down the
line. | 2:20:06 | 2:20:12 | |
line. It took a while for the Swiss
to finally break through. There | 2:20:16 | 2:20:28 | |
to finally break through. There were
five Czech players there. | 2:20:28 | 2:20:39 | |
Nice job from Thomas Rufenacht. Back
to a level playing field and a tied | 2:20:42 | 2:20:54 | |
game. That was a big goal for the
Swiss. | 2:20:54 | 2:21:09 | |
Here is a look at the one time --
one-timer. | 2:21:10 | 2:21:29 | |
Good play from Tristan Scherwey.
Plenty of Swiss flags flying. | 2:21:47 | 2:21:55 | |
Plenty of Swiss flags flying. I am
sure there will be plenty of support | 2:21:58 | 2:22:03 | |
for the Swiss team from the | 2:22:03 | 2:22:11 | |
for the Swiss team from the women's
team, who are definitely still | 2:22:11 | 2:22:13 | |
remaining in this competition. They
played earlier in the day. There are | 2:22:13 | 2:22:18 | |
real play-off in the fifth place
game, your favourite game in the | 2:22:18 | 2:22:24 | |
tournament. I just think it is very
silly. Everyone here is playing for | 2:22:24 | 2:22:31 | |
gold, silver or bronze. Once you are
out of the tournament, just rip the | 2:22:31 | 2:22:35 | |
Band-Aid off. You don't have to let
it linger. Let these players enjoy | 2:22:35 | 2:22:41 | |
the Olympic experience. You don't
need to play in qualification games. | 2:22:41 | 2:22:45 | |
That is what the World Championships
four. | 2:22:45 | 2:22:53 | |
I am not sure that was the right
option. | 2:23:16 | 2:23:23 | |
That was a perfect example of poor
Park management from the Swiss team. | 2:23:32 | 2:23:37 | |
-- | 2:23:37 | 2:23:42 | |
-- poor puck management. | 2:23:42 | 2:23:53 | |
The Czechs are strong on the boards.
They do a great job download. -- | 2:24:09 | 2:24:20 | |
down low. Another penalty is coming.
Looks like another high stick and | 2:24:20 | 2:24:32 | |
another bit of blood on Thomas
Rufenacht. We will wait for the call | 2:24:32 | 2:24:35 | |
from the referee. | 2:24:35 | 2:24:42 | |
from the referee. Number 65. Four
minute penalty. | 2:24:42 | 2:24:48 | |
minute penalty. Vojtech Mozik is
going to sit for four minutes. It is | 2:24:50 | 2:24:54 | |
two two-minute penalties because he
has drawn blood. That was | 2:24:54 | 2:24:58 | |
accidental, but it doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter at all. You are | 2:24:58 | 2:25:04 | |
responsible for where your stick is.
If it gets in the face of your | 2:25:04 | 2:25:08 | |
opponent, regardless of how it gets
there, that is a high stick and when | 2:25:08 | 2:25:12 | |
it draws blood, that is an extra two
minutes. | 2:25:12 | 2:25:20 | |
minutes. A big opportunity for the
Swiss here to close out the first | 2:25:20 | 2:25:26 | |
period on the power play. What is at
stake for the Czech Republic in this | 2:25:26 | 2:25:33 | |
game is the fact that they could
finish as group winners here. Did | 2:25:33 | 2:25:38 | |
that deflect? The ref and linesmen
are going to have a conversation. | 2:25:38 | 2:25:48 | |
They might have to break this up
first. | 2:25:48 | 2:25:55 | |
first. Plenty of words being shared
out there. | 2:25:55 | 2:26:01 | |
The face-off will go outside the
zone. Well done to the officials. | 2:26:22 | 2:26:40 | |
Towards the end of the period, it
will ask else a very aggressive | 2:26:46 | 2:26:53 | |
penalty shots. The Czech Republic
have worked extremely hard to get | 2:26:53 | 2:26:59 | |
the puck is -- as high up the ice as
they can. | 2:26:59 | 2:27:13 | |
they can. They are scrambling
around. | 2:27:13 | 2:27:18 | |
Big deflection. Diaz will go back. | 2:27:56 | 2:28:12 | |
That last deflection might have hit
the outside of the post. It has not | 2:28:13 | 2:28:18 | |
looked like a great power play so
far from Switzerland. | 2:28:18 | 2:28:26 | |
It opened up for Ambuhl. Not the
kind of chance you would expect on a | 2:28:31 | 2:28:36 | |
power play. | 2:28:36 | 2:28:42 | |
power play. A bit of
miscommunication from the Swiss. | 2:28:45 | 2:28:51 | |
Great speed from Rufenacht. | 2:29:02 | 2:29:08 | |
That was the shot from Diaz that
created a bit of chaos. No damage | 2:29:13 | 2:29:19 | |
done, though. | 2:29:19 | 2:29:24 | |
done, though. Driving hard into the
zone. This is an opportunity to work | 2:29:27 | 2:29:35 | |
this one. | 2:29:35 | 2:29:40 | |
this one. Another rebound.
Switzerland, who started on the back | 2:29:42 | 2:29:48 | |
foot, are very much on the front
foot now. | 2:29:48 | 2:30:00 | |
foot now. Ambuhl misses the net.
That will do it. So at the end of | 2:30:00 | 2:30:09 | |
the first period, the Czechs took
the lead early on through Repik, but | 2:30:09 | 2:30:13 | |
the response was a good one from
Switzerland. At the end of 20 | 2:30:13 | 2:30:19 | |
minutes, this match remains locked
at 1-1. | 2:30:19 | 2:30:25 | |
Tied one apiece in the ice hockey.
We will be back in the second | 2:30:26 | 2:30:30 | |
period. We will go back to the
curling where it was a thrilling | 2:30:30 | 2:30:34 | |
match between Team GB and Sweden. GB
fought right back to take it to an | 2:30:34 | 2:30:39 | |
extra end and then it went down to
the final two stones. Eve Muirhead | 2:30:39 | 2:30:44 | |
have the final stone and she was
judged to have fouled as she | 2:30:44 | 2:30:49 | |
released the stone. Sweden went on
to win the match 8-6. We can hear | 2:30:49 | 2:30:53 | |
from Eve Muirhead and Anna Sloan.
Eve and Anna, before we talk about | 2:30:53 | 2:31:02 | |
the match and the result, explain
what you think happened with that | 2:31:02 | 2:31:04 | |
last stone at the end? The red
lights came on so it is a hogged | 2:31:04 | 2:31:11 | |
rock and it has to be taken off.
When you see the replays in the | 2:31:11 | 2:31:15 | |
Stadium it looks as though it was
let go before and it is hard to take | 2:31:15 | 2:31:21 | |
but it comes down to inches and
millimetres. The first stone I think | 2:31:21 | 2:31:25 | |
I have ever hogs in my life and as
it comes at a time like that it is | 2:31:25 | 2:31:30 | |
horrible and it is worse when you
see it and it doesn't look like it. | 2:31:30 | 2:31:33 | |
We had the stone tested and it is
fine so there is nothing we can do, | 2:31:33 | 2:31:37 | |
we have to move on. Even on the
replay looked as though you let go | 2:31:37 | 2:31:41 | |
of it before it reached the hog line
said you know why the red light came | 2:31:41 | 2:31:45 | |
on? Nil I don't know. If I knew I
would be out there telling them. It | 2:31:45 | 2:31:51 | |
is the story of our week so far, we
have been so close in so many times, | 2:31:51 | 2:31:55 | |
just the wrong side of the inch and
went something like that happens it | 2:31:55 | 2:31:59 | |
makes it very tough to take and it
is gutting that it has finished this | 2:31:59 | 2:32:07 | |
way. You are coming up against teams
who are playing unbelievably well, | 2:32:07 | 2:32:12 | |
career yesterday and Sweden today,
particularly McManus, who shot 99% | 2:32:12 | 2:32:17 | |
this afternoon, they were very good.
Yes, they were. They are always a | 2:32:17 | 2:32:21 | |
strong and solid game to beat and it
is the Olympic Games so every game | 2:32:21 | 2:32:25 | |
will be hard. I definitely struggled
out there but we are a tight group | 2:32:25 | 2:32:30 | |
so we are all going to go back and
debrief and then we have a | 2:32:30 | 2:32:44 | |
bit of time to get over the loss and
regroup for the next game. There is | 2:32:47 | 2:32:50 | |
no doubt that we will come out
fighting. We still have games to go | 2:32:50 | 2:32:53 | |
and if we win the more we are in the
play-off. Are you looking ahead, I | 2:32:53 | 2:32:56 | |
know the cliches to take each game
is as it comes but the next game is | 2:32:56 | 2:32:59 | |
Canada. You No we know every game
will be tough is the toughest | 2:32:59 | 2:33:02 | |
women's field in the Olympics for a
long time that I have competed in | 2:33:02 | 2:33:05 | |
and every team is a very high
calibre. Every game we have to take | 2:33:05 | 2:33:08 | |
one game at a time. Canada are on
the front foot and they are looking | 2:33:08 | 2:33:12 | |
for some wins and there will be
running pretty strong so we have to | 2:33:12 | 2:33:15 | |
take every game as it comes and take
the positives from the last few | 2:33:15 | 2:33:18 | |
games and not dwell on the lobsters.
Were you happy with the way you play | 2:33:18 | 2:33:23 | |
dead you got yourselves back
involved in the match. You were | 2:33:23 | 2:33:27 | |
playing pretty well yourselves. I
think all of us had a few half shots | 2:33:27 | 2:33:33 | |
and they are shots that we are not
firing on all cylinders. We have a | 2:33:33 | 2:33:38 | |
few gears to go and that is the
frustrating thing. There were some | 2:33:38 | 2:33:45 | |
fantastic shots at times but then
there are half misses and against | 2:33:45 | 2:33:48 | |
teams like that you cannot afford
those because they will capitalise | 2:33:48 | 2:33:52 | |
on it straightaway. We still have
some gears to go and we still have | 2:33:52 | 2:33:56 | |
time to show it because we are not
out and we are still in play-off | 2:33:56 | 2:33:59 | |
contention if we win the rest of the
games. Thank you. | 2:33:59 | 2:34:04 | |
Real controversy at the end of that
round robin match and now I am | 2:34:04 | 2:34:09 | |
joined by Jackie Lockhart and Steve
Cram who were commentating on that | 2:34:09 | 2:34:14 | |
match. Probably worth getting you
just to talk us through what the | 2:34:14 | 2:34:18 | |
penalisation was fork in the first
place, just for those who didn't see | 2:34:18 | 2:34:22 | |
the match and don't understand it.
You have got to release the stone | 2:34:22 | 2:34:27 | |
clearly before the red hog line or
VI on the hog stable flash red and | 2:34:27 | 2:34:33 | |
that means you have hog line did and
it will be taken off. It is a really | 2:34:33 | 2:34:38 | |
sad end to the last stone of Eve was
back there. You could hear she was | 2:34:38 | 2:34:45 | |
disappointed but to say it was the
first time she has ever done it, it | 2:34:45 | 2:34:48 | |
is obviously not something you see a
lot of in curling. The girls and | 2:34:48 | 2:34:54 | |
guys practice a lot to deliver the
stone well before the hog line but | 2:34:54 | 2:34:57 | |
sometimes under a bit of pressure
you can hold on to much. We have the | 2:34:57 | 2:35:02 | |
eye on the stone technology and that
is what it is therefore and years | 2:35:02 | 2:35:06 | |
ago we just had umpires but you have
to rely on technology but it is a | 2:35:06 | 2:35:10 | |
sad fact is the technology does not
work. Sad as well because they fall | 2:35:10 | 2:35:15 | |
back so well to get to the extra end
and it is such a tough match for | 2:35:15 | 2:35:20 | |
them against Sweden. Yes, Sweden
have won all five matches and Canada | 2:35:20 | 2:35:26 | |
are the team you thought might have
been in that position but they had a | 2:35:26 | 2:35:30 | |
horrendous start and the question I
put two Eve is the task that they | 2:35:30 | 2:35:33 | |
now face and they really want to win
their last three matches. They are | 2:35:33 | 2:35:37 | |
capable of doing it but it is a
tough run-in and even though some of | 2:35:37 | 2:35:42 | |
their easier theoretical matches
were in the first four or five | 2:35:42 | 2:35:45 | |
matches and they have got to play
Switzerland and Japan next and they | 2:35:45 | 2:35:49 | |
will finish up against Canada, and
to say you have to win all three of | 2:35:49 | 2:35:54 | |
those and to give yourself a good
chance in the semifinals. They are a | 2:35:54 | 2:36:00 | |
bit up against it now and how they
react to this today will be | 2:36:00 | 2:36:05 | |
interesting. There are a lot of
questions about technology and other | 2:36:05 | 2:36:11 | |
sports such as VAR coming into
football back at home and there are | 2:36:11 | 2:36:17 | |
a lot of questions about that. Was
there any question this was the | 2:36:17 | 2:36:20 | |
wrong decision was this the right
decision? Well, it is the right | 2:36:20 | 2:36:26 | |
decision in that it cannot be
overturned now and they tested the | 2:36:26 | 2:36:29 | |
stone at the end. The stone was
working. The question for me is why | 2:36:29 | 2:36:36 | |
we don't have a better angle of it,
why isn't there a camera on the hog | 2:36:36 | 2:36:40 | |
line so if nothing else for all of
us watching, that we can see the | 2:36:40 | 2:36:44 | |
violation. What we think has
happened here is although it looks | 2:36:44 | 2:36:49 | |
that she has let go of the stone
before the crossing of the line and | 2:36:49 | 2:36:53 | |
it is the front of the stone, is
that somehow she has just touched it | 2:36:53 | 2:37:00 | |
again and a double touch means that
the red light will come on. She | 2:37:00 | 2:37:04 | |
wasn't trying to do that, if she did
it was by accident. I think what | 2:37:04 | 2:37:10 | |
would help is either an overhead
camera or a camera on the line that | 2:37:10 | 2:37:13 | |
we see in so many sports these days,
just to allow all of us think it was | 2:37:13 | 2:37:18 | |
the right decision because at the
moment there is a bit of a feeling | 2:37:18 | 2:37:21 | |
about was it all was it not right
and we have had other television | 2:37:21 | 2:37:25 | |
colleagues looking at it closely and
no one can tell. That makes it | 2:37:25 | 2:37:31 | |
difficult for everyone watching.
Three wins and three losses now for | 2:37:31 | 2:37:34 | |
GB and Switzerland are next to
bottom of the group, how do the | 2:37:34 | 2:37:37 | |
girls regroup ahead of that one?
These girls are professional enough | 2:37:37 | 2:37:43 | |
to know that their backs are against
the wall at the moment but they will | 2:37:43 | 2:37:48 | |
go back to the village and regroup.
They have fantastic support staff to | 2:37:48 | 2:37:53 | |
help them boost their confidence in
the next few games and on paper | 2:37:53 | 2:37:55 | |
before we came here we thought
Switzerland would be a tough | 2:37:55 | 2:37:59 | |
opposition but at the moment they
are not playing well so let us | 2:37:59 | 2:38:02 | |
capitalise on that and you heard
he's saying the interview that they | 2:38:02 | 2:38:07 | |
are showing glimmers of excellence
and their moments of madness so if | 2:38:07 | 2:38:10 | |
they can string together a lot of
shots and play how they can play | 2:38:10 | 2:38:14 | |
them it is still very much in their
hands. Thank you for joining me and | 2:38:14 | 2:38:20 | |
we will be back at the Curling
Centre later today for the great | 2:38:20 | 2:38:24 | |
British men but at the moment we
stay on the ice as we head back to | 2:38:24 | 2:38:28 | |
the hockey where it is the Czech
Republic against Switzerland and it | 2:38:28 | 2:38:31 | |
is tied at 1-1 as we head into their
second period. We can join our | 2:38:31 | 2:38:38 | |
commentary team. | 2:38:38 | 2:38:41 | |
second period. We can join our
commentary team. | 2:38:41 | 2:38:44 | |
He needs attention to his equipment
here. It is a wonderful game of | 2:38:44 | 2:38:48 | |
hockey. A big shot its out and it
popped his strap holds off the back | 2:38:48 | 2:38:55 | |
on the way through as well. It has
been a really good game of hockey | 2:38:55 | 2:39:00 | |
played between two teams who are
pretty intense right now. Check can | 2:39:00 | 2:39:05 | |
win group a with victory here which
would give them an easier route | 2:39:05 | 2:39:10 | |
through to the medal round of this
competition. It is the final group | 2:39:10 | 2:39:13 | |
game. As for the Swiss, they are
jostling for position as well. This | 2:39:13 | 2:39:21 | |
would help their cause should they
win this game. Players on either | 2:39:21 | 2:39:30 | |
side have already put in strong
performances. Right now Switzerland | 2:39:30 | 2:39:36 | |
are skating with a one-man
advantage. They are on the power | 2:39:36 | 2:39:40 | |
play. | 2:39:40 | 2:39:46 | |
play. Watching this game very
closely is Canada, they are cheering | 2:39:46 | 2:39:48 | |
mightily for the Swiss. If the Swiss
are able to come away with a victory | 2:39:48 | 2:39:54 | |
here it will open the door for
Canada with two top position in the | 2:39:54 | 2:39:58 | |
group standings. Remember in the
men's competition the three group | 2:39:58 | 2:40:05 | |
winners will go straight through to
the quarterfinals, plus the best | 2:40:05 | 2:40:09 | |
second placed team, which is most
likely to come from the group | 2:40:09 | 2:40:18 | |
involving potentially Sweden or
Finland or potentially Canada. There | 2:40:18 | 2:40:27 | |
is a fair bit of play still in place
going into this final round of games | 2:40:27 | 2:40:32 | |
as it zips wide of the target.
Everybody else goes into a play-off | 2:40:32 | 2:40:39 | |
and five place 12 and so on and so
forth. Those winners go on to play | 2:40:39 | 2:40:45 | |
in the quarterfinals but there have
been some strange results which | 2:40:45 | 2:40:48 | |
could mean that someone will get an
easy result -- route through. | 2:40:48 | 2:40:57 | |
Slovenia finishing second has really
upset the applecart in terms of the | 2:40:57 | 2:41:02 | |
season as another shot comes in. The
power play is busy from Switzerland | 2:41:02 | 2:41:07 | |
but not yet effective. A bit of
space to work in, back door, but it | 2:41:07 | 2:41:15 | |
is taken away and the penalty leads
to the end. The Czech forward drops | 2:41:15 | 2:41:22 | |
this one off. Very nearly. Created a
wonderful chance. The Czechs are so | 2:41:22 | 2:41:30 | |
good below the goal line that they
really are very strong on the | 2:41:30 | 2:41:33 | |
boards. They are chopping away | 2:41:33 | 2:41:41 | |
boards. They are chopping away here.
Reeled in again and to the net it | 2:41:41 | 2:41:43 | |
goes. A double save there. The
second one was a bouncing bomb. It | 2:41:43 | 2:41:48 | |
hit the ice and hit him in the
shoulder. It is a terrific example | 2:41:48 | 2:41:54 | |
of the heavy forwards from the Czech
Republic causing havoc for the Swiss | 2:41:54 | 2:42:00 | |
download. This is another chance but
it goes well wide. It ricochets off | 2:42:00 | 2:42:09 | |
a cheque stick and down the ice. 1-1
it remains at the midway point, just | 2:42:09 | 2:42:14 | |
about, of the second period. The
Swiss continues to be opportunity | 2:42:14 | 2:42:23 | |
lost as the theme. Five power play
is nothing to show for it. This was | 2:42:23 | 2:42:28 | |
the best move. It was a nice toe
save. It was going wide anyway. The | 2:42:28 | 2:42:37 | |
cheque would like nothing more than
to play 515 because they haven't | 2:42:37 | 2:42:40 | |
been able to do it very often in
this game, as we reach the halfway | 2:42:40 | 2:42:44 | |
mark. They have big forwards, the
Czech Republic, and they play heavy, | 2:42:44 | 2:42:51 | |
what does that mean? What it means
as it is very difficult for the | 2:42:51 | 2:42:56 | |
Swiss defenceman to move them. So
with the cheque being able to | 2:42:56 | 2:43:00 | |
establish their position down on the
goal-line, a lot of the time they | 2:43:00 | 2:43:05 | |
are able to attract 2-1 where to
Swiss players come to one Czech | 2:43:05 | 2:43:11 | |
player and that opens up another
Czech player and creates a little | 2:43:11 | 2:43:14 | |
bit more time and space. They are
ultimately looking for an open | 2:43:14 | 2:43:18 | |
player. That shot there was
comfortable enough. | 2:43:18 | 2:43:29 | |
comfortable enough. He has had a
good tournament so far only catches | 2:43:29 | 2:43:32 | |
with its right hand. Most netminders
are right-handed capture the left | 2:43:32 | 2:43:36 | |
and hold their stick with the right
hand and it throws the shooters off | 2:43:36 | 2:43:39 | |
ever so slightly. | 2:43:39 | 2:43:45 | |
ever so slightly. Ice hockey players
are creatures of habit and where | 2:43:45 | 2:43:47 | |
they shoot the park quite often is
all to do with the feel and they | 2:43:47 | 2:43:51 | |
will do the learned response, if you
like so the Czech players will try | 2:43:51 | 2:43:55 | |
to set this guide beneath the line.
A good save. Jonas Hiller did well. | 2:43:55 | 2:44:02 | |
This is the kind of play where the
Czech players will really prosper. | 2:44:02 | 2:44:06 | |
Back towards the blue line. Now
trying to use the full width of the | 2:44:06 | 2:44:11 | |
zone. It is a good clearance. It
forces it back. Again they come back | 2:44:11 | 2:44:17 | |
quickly. One path they are in the
zone. | 2:44:17 | 2:44:26 | |
Very, very active. A lot of bump and
a lot of grind. Now there may be | 2:44:29 | 2:44:34 | |
space for the Swiss to move forward.
They don't want to send this one in. | 2:44:34 | 2:44:46 | |
Big Lukas Hlava with speed in the
middle and he will go chasing on his | 2:44:46 | 2:44:50 | |
own, he doesn't mind that. Cleared
away by the Swiss. They cannot get | 2:44:50 | 2:44:59 | |
any quality possession there. It was
on and off the tape. A break in the | 2:44:59 | 2:45:03 | |
middle and this could be a chance
for the Czechs. A good save by Jonas | 2:45:03 | 2:45:07 | |
Hiller. The releasing pass was
exquisite. Jonas Hiller has had to | 2:45:07 | 2:45:13 | |
be really, really good to | 2:45:13 | 2:45:24 | |
deny Sekac. The Swiss team are
having trouble getting it deep and | 2:45:24 | 2:45:28 | |
the quick transition from the Czech
team puts the Swiss defender on his | 2:45:28 | 2:45:31 | |
heels and a Sekac can get that up. A
dab allows them to get a step on the | 2:45:31 | 2:45:35 | |
Swiss defender and he shoots in the
stride. It goes to Jonas Hiller who | 2:45:35 | 2:45:40 | |
has to make a big, big save. | 2:45:40 | 2:45:46 | |
If you were wondering what Sekac was
doing on the bench, let's see this | 2:45:47 | 2:45:52 | |
again. Hiller is another who catches
with his right hand. He catches it | 2:45:52 | 2:46:04 | |
on what they call the cheater part
of the glove. You might not have | 2:46:04 | 2:46:09 | |
caught it in the wedding, but you
cheated, you caught it in the top | 2:46:09 | 2:46:13 | |
part. | 2:46:13 | 2:46:19 | |
part. Lots of flag waving in the
building. It really does make it | 2:46:19 | 2:46:26 | |
quite an event. And plenty of
support as well for the Czechs. | 2:46:26 | 2:46:38 | |
Quick release again. Hiller
continues to stand firm. So | 2:46:38 | 2:46:46 | |
impressed with the way the Czechs
play when they move that puck | 2:46:46 | 2:46:53 | |
quickly and get it in the zone. | 2:46:53 | 2:46:59 | |
Erat with a touch. They try and go
again. | 2:47:05 | 2:47:18 | |
again. Now that could be a chance at
the other end. | 2:47:18 | 2:47:30 | |
Goes wide. This is a thoroughly
enjoyable game to watch. | 2:47:38 | 2:47:55 | |
The Czech Republic will retreat. And
Hiller will hang on. Did Hiller | 2:48:03 | 2:48:15 | |
catch one in the back of the head
that? He shakes his head. He might | 2:48:15 | 2:48:22 | |
have taken that shot up high in the
collarbone area. Here is another | 2:48:22 | 2:48:25 | |
terrific example of the wonderful
transition from the Czech Republic. | 2:48:25 | 2:48:31 | |
Switzerland are just happy to get it
out into the neutral zone. Czech | 2:48:31 | 2:48:36 | |
wants to fire it right back. Roman
Cervenka having words with the Swiss | 2:48:36 | 2:48:43 | |
player. | 2:48:43 | 2:48:48 | |
player. Hiller has seen enough
rubber in action in the front. . | 2:48:51 | 2:48:59 | |
Those helmets are made of Kevlar,
designed so the puck can never hit | 2:48:59 | 2:49:04 | |
them smack on the square angle. But
at the back, it is not nearly as | 2:49:04 | 2:49:09 | |
protective as the front. It is a
different story with sticks coming | 2:49:09 | 2:49:15 | |
from the backside. He has been
remarkable this afternoon. | 2:49:15 | 2:49:26 | |
remarkable this afternoon. He played
in Sochi four years ago. Hiller | 2:49:26 | 2:49:33 | |
keeps the upper body nice and tall. | 2:49:33 | 2:49:44 | |
The Czech Republic will head into
the zone again. | 2:49:53 | 2:50:01 | |
the zone again. Nice pass to the
blue line. They have been dominant | 2:50:01 | 2:50:04 | |
for the last few minutes,
Switzerland barely able to relieve | 2:50:04 | 2:50:08 | |
the pressure. | 2:50:08 | 2:50:13 | |
The Czech Republic are so happy to
do this as they get another turnover | 2:50:20 | 2:50:24 | |
in the offensive zone. | 2:50:24 | 2:50:34 | |
A bit of fortune there. The Czech
Republic have it again. That was | 2:50:36 | 2:50:43 | |
close. The Swiss are rocking right
now. The Czechs are pushing and | 2:50:43 | 2:50:51 | |
pushing. Birner sends it to the net,
can't get all the way through. The | 2:50:51 | 2:51:01 | |
Swiss players are quite tired. You
see them standing still. They have | 2:51:01 | 2:51:05 | |
been out there for a long time. The
Czechs hold again at the blue line. | 2:51:05 | 2:51:15 | |
Kovar now in a bit of control. This
is an awesome bit of play from the | 2:51:30 | 2:51:38 | |
Czech Republic. They are just
keeping it to the outside. | 2:51:38 | 2:51:49 | |
keeping it to the outside. There is
a discussion point here. There is a | 2:51:49 | 2:51:51 | |
bit of confusion on the ice. It is
1-1, but the Czech Republic have | 2:51:51 | 2:51:57 | |
been very impressive. They really
are. The reason they are such a | 2:51:57 | 2:52:03 | |
handful is that they are just as
happy to put three or four towards | 2:52:03 | 2:52:06 | |
the goal line to overload down
there. So for the Swiss, do you | 2:52:06 | 2:52:16 | |
overload down low or separate and
have someone high? The separation | 2:52:16 | 2:52:24 | |
allows the Czechs to move around at
will. There was about a minute and a | 2:52:24 | 2:52:30 | |
half of a tag zone than from the
Czechs, though, and they never to | 2:52:30 | 2:52:34 | |
the net. | 2:52:34 | 2:52:39 | |
the net. Martin Erat is just looking
for a little clarification from the | 2:52:44 | 2:52:48 | |
referee. These | 2:52:48 | 2:52:56 | |
referee. These pucks only get two
minutes of game time. That is part | 2:52:56 | 2:53:00 | |
of the rules. There are freezers
between the penalty boxes and when | 2:53:00 | 2:53:03 | |
two minutes of play have elapsed,
the referees, in the next stoppage, | 2:53:03 | 2:53:09 | |
will have to change them to ensure
that the best possible condition | 2:53:09 | 2:53:12 | |
will always remain. It is important
that they are frozen because if they | 2:53:12 | 2:53:19 | |
are not, they will bounce all over
the place. That is why they need to | 2:53:19 | 2:53:22 | |
be in the freezer. | 2:53:22 | 2:53:28 | |
They use their bodies so well to
keep possession, quite often taking | 2:53:37 | 2:53:41 | |
an impact, but maintaining
possession of the puck at the same | 2:53:41 | 2:53:46 | |
time. | 2:53:46 | 2:53:51 | |
Now Switzerland will have a rare
foray into the offensive zone. | 2:54:00 | 2:54:07 | |
Switzerland will now try and create
their own bit of havoc in the | 2:54:15 | 2:54:18 | |
offensive zone. Erat with a touch,
backhand shot. Good play by Ambuhl. | 2:54:18 | 2:54:30 | |
I don't think it would surprise
anybody if the Swiss were to come | 2:54:38 | 2:54:41 | |
down and score. The Czech Republic
have been controlling the play for | 2:54:41 | 2:54:46 | |
so much of the latter half of the
period. Mertl gets it down low to | 2:54:46 | 2:54:53 | |
the goal line. You get the sense
that the Czech needs to put one in | 2:54:53 | 2:55:02 | |
the back of the net behind Jonas
Hiller. The longer this goes, there | 2:55:02 | 2:55:05 | |
is a chance that the Swiss come-down
the other way. It was a hard shot | 2:55:05 | 2:55:12 | |
off the sticker Raphael Diaz, a nice
save. | 2:55:12 | 2:55:20 | |
save. You mentioned Diaz. It is a
family affair here. His sister is | 2:55:21 | 2:55:26 | |
the head coach of the Swiss team,
who played earlier today. They beat | 2:55:26 | 2:55:33 | |
the unified Korean team 2-0. They
will play off for the fifth and | 2:55:33 | 2:55:38 | |
sixth placed game. That hit the
outside of the net. It sounded | 2:55:38 | 2:55:45 | |
metallic, but it was the outside of
the post rather than the inside. | 2:55:45 | 2:55:58 | |
Switzerland are bit fuzzy in their
own zone. They have not taken the | 2:56:20 | 2:56:25 | |
opportunities that have come their
way, that is why they have invited | 2:56:25 | 2:56:28 | |
more pressure. There was a perfect
example of that. The puck came to | 2:56:28 | 2:56:32 | |
Thomas Rufenacht and he not strong
enough to clear it. | 2:56:32 | 2:56:39 | |
It is the final day of the group
games in the men's competition. We | 2:56:44 | 2:56:51 | |
then start to move into the knockout
phase. That is when play starts to | 2:56:51 | 2:56:56 | |
get really desperate. | 2:56:56 | 2:57:03 | |
get really desperate. That took a
big deflection. Jonas didn't see | 2:57:05 | 2:57:10 | |
that at all. | 2:57:10 | 2:57:16 | |
that at all. Only one group so far
has its standings all thing -- | 2:57:18 | 2:57:28 | |
finalised. | 2:57:28 | 2:57:33 | |
finalised. Should be a great game
later in the day. Sweden and Finland | 2:57:38 | 2:57:42 | |
will meet one another. Canada
against the hosts, Korea, is the | 2:57:42 | 2:57:47 | |
other game in this group. We are
into the final minutes of the second | 2:57:47 | 2:57:50 | |
period. | 2:57:50 | 2:57:57 | |
period. All this pressure will not
count for anything unless they can | 2:57:57 | 2:58:00 | |
put the puck in the back of the net.
Having ridden out that an than they | 2:58:00 | 2:58:09 | |
had earlier, that was a good
opportunity. They need to ensure | 2:58:09 | 2:58:14 | |
they are a little more clinical in
the offensive zone. | 2:58:14 | 2:58:27 | |
That will do it for the period, and
what a period it was. Czech Republic | 2:58:46 | 2:58:51 | |
opened the scoring. Switzerland then
fought back and had some good | 2:58:51 | 2:58:59 | |
power-play opportunities, but it's
come down to the two goalies in the | 2:58:59 | 2:59:03 | |
second session, who both made very
good saves. Terrific game and they | 2:59:03 | 2:59:07 | |
are all tied up at one.
STUDIO: Tense stuff at the Gangneung | 2:59:07 | 2:59:14 | |
Hockey Centre. The Czech Republic
know that if they win, they will be | 2:59:14 | 2:59:17 | |
straight into the quarterfinals and
avoid that play-off match. If you | 2:59:17 | 2:59:20 | |
want to see the third period of that
match, you can head to the red | 2:59:20 | 2:59:25 | |
button, where it will be live. Night
is falling here in South Korea. | 2:59:25 | 2:59:28 | |
Plenty of sporting excellence still
to come, including the start of the | 2:59:28 | 2:59:33 | |
two-man bobsleigh. But to take you
through all the rest of the | 2:59:33 | 2:59:36 |