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Last night, the opening ceremony got
the game is officially opened in | 0:00:38 | 0:00:42 | |
style with a glimpse into the local
culture and Lizzy Yarnold carried | 0:00:42 | 0:00:46 | |
the flag for Great Britain. But now
the focus carries today one of the | 0:00:46 | 0:00:51 | |
games where we start to see the
other 12 venues here at Pyeongchang | 0:00:51 | 0:00:56 | |
in all their glory. We are based
around 150 kilometres east of the | 0:00:56 | 0:01:01 | |
capital city in the beautiful
Alpensia ski results. Welcome to our | 0:01:01 | 0:01:07 | |
little balcony, right in the heart
of the mountain cluster. It's a | 0:01:07 | 0:01:14 | |
beautiful view, a beautiful day,
it's warmed up, it only -8 with wind | 0:01:14 | 0:01:18 | |
chill today which is actually a bit
of a delight. We are in the heart of | 0:01:18 | 0:01:24 | |
the mountain cluster, we have the
ski jumping just have the right hand | 0:01:24 | 0:01:28 | |
side, right next to the Sliding
Centre, we have the cross-country | 0:01:28 | 0:01:31 | |
and Biathlon Centre very nearby as
well. There's been lots of sport | 0:01:31 | 0:01:39 | |
already succumbing up today. -- so
coming up today. | 0:01:39 | 0:01:49 | |
coming up today. Marat Bjorgen races
in the skiathlon. Elise Christie | 0:01:49 | 0:01:54 | |
wants to put her Sochi heartbreak
behind her, we have been following | 0:01:54 | 0:02:00 | |
her build-up and we will look back
at the team figure skating. | 0:02:00 | 0:02:07 | |
Figure skating felt, former Olympic
champion Robin Cousins has joined | 0:02:07 | 0:02:12 | |
me. The team event yesterday, let's
talk about this event, talk me | 0:02:12 | 0:02:16 | |
through the structure and the
element of it. It used to the | 0:02:16 | 0:02:21 | |
Olympics at the Sochi games, and now
we have the men's, ladies, pears and | 0:02:21 | 0:02:24 | |
ice dance competing as a team
together. We are seeing short | 0:02:24 | 0:02:29 | |
programmes from the men and the
pairs first, ladies and ice dance in | 0:02:29 | 0:02:38 | |
a few days. It's the chance to throw
the gauntlet down and say, this is | 0:02:38 | 0:02:44 | |
how I am performing, look at me to
go. For others, it's the chance to | 0:02:44 | 0:02:48 | |
say, I will be here for once. Some
teams are bigger than others so they | 0:02:48 | 0:02:52 | |
can pick and choose, others will
have to have no choice, they will | 0:02:52 | 0:02:56 | |
have to skate in the team event and
next week. For me, it is Shoma Uno | 0:02:56 | 0:03:06 | |
and Nathan Chen and Patrick Chan,
they will be looking for the balls | 0:03:06 | 0:03:11 | |
in the men's. And | 0:03:11 | 0:03:20 | |
in the men's. And it is Tarasova and
Morozov representing athletes from | 0:03:20 | 0:03:21 | |
Russia, they've just regained the
European title, they are going to be | 0:03:21 | 0:03:25 | |
sitting there team up for gold in
the team event. Lots of mind games | 0:03:25 | 0:03:32 | |
and competition between the
individual elements of this team | 0:03:32 | 0:03:35 | |
event. Who do you feel will be the
strongest team going into this | 0:03:35 | 0:03:39 | |
event? Collectively, it's going to
be interesting because you have got | 0:03:39 | 0:03:44 | |
a couple who are really strong in
ice dance. Canada have a really | 0:03:44 | 0:03:48 | |
strong team. It depends who they put
out in the field. They have got | 0:03:48 | 0:03:53 | |
people to choose from. You will see
someone skate a short programme, if | 0:03:53 | 0:03:56 | |
the teams qualified top five, they
go to the long programme, they might | 0:03:56 | 0:04:02 | |
be able to put someone else in for
the free programme. Others have no | 0:04:02 | 0:04:05 | |
choice, they are the only competitor
for the country. Someone like the | 0:04:05 | 0:04:11 | |
Italians who have got a strong team,
they hold back knowing they have to | 0:04:11 | 0:04:15 | |
compete in a week. There will be
some mind games but no one wants to | 0:04:15 | 0:04:20 | |
go to and and a big stage and not
perform well. It all started | 0:04:20 | 0:04:25 | |
yesterday, Robin was there. | 0:04:25 | 0:04:33 | |
Possibly the last time we'll see him
skating on Olympic ice, the great | 0:04:34 | 0:04:38 | |
Patrick Chan. | 0:04:38 | 0:04:44 | |
Patrick Chan. Ten time Canadian
champion, a new record when he was | 0:04:44 | 0:04:49 | |
given that title a few weeks ago at
the age of 27. He is back looking | 0:04:49 | 0:04:56 | |
for individual gold but also team
called for Canada after silver in | 0:04:56 | 0:05:02 | |
Sochi. Skating to a beautiful piece
of music which takes me back to my | 0:05:02 | 0:05:05 | |
youth, most of his competitors will
never have heard of it! | 0:05:05 | 0:05:09 | |
He will open with a quadruple toe
loop, triple toe loop. Oh! Tight on | 0:05:24 | 0:05:35 | |
the take-off. Made the rotation. But
he fell and that will cost him. | 0:05:35 | 0:05:40 | |
Very tight on the landing with the
triple Lutz, put the toe loop on the | 0:05:52 | 0:05:58 | |
end. Just the double. | 0:05:58 | 0:06:05 | |
Absolutely needs this triple axel. | 0:06:33 | 0:06:42 | |
Not the start of the Olympics that
Patrick Chan would have wanted, I | 0:07:51 | 0:07:54 | |
don't think. You can tell by the
slump of the shoulders there. And | 0:07:54 | 0:08:01 | |
two big red boxes. 38, 30 two. He
would want to be in the 50s from the | 0:08:01 | 0:08:11 | |
technical school. | 0:08:11 | 0:08:16 | |
So tight on the take-off, that right
free leg not travelling through, it | 0:08:16 | 0:08:22 | |
needs to come through past the other
leg, barely part of the knee, | 0:08:22 | 0:08:27 | |
nothing lifting and health with him
into the air and it's just. With all | 0:08:27 | 0:08:31 | |
of the boys, they have continue the
rotation as they fall which means | 0:08:31 | 0:08:36 | |
they're not getting into the air
soon enough to get the rotation on | 0:08:36 | 0:08:39 | |
the take-off. A lot of them are
rotating on the way down and then | 0:08:39 | 0:08:42 | |
eat to rotate on the way up. -- they
need to rotate on the way up. 81.66 | 0:08:42 | 0:08:53 | |
four Patrick Chan, so he takes the
lead but not as big as he would have | 0:08:53 | 0:08:56 | |
liked to have looking down the field
and seeing who is coming up next. | 0:08:56 | 0:09:05 | |
This is Oleksii Bychenko of Israel,
the first skater to win a European | 0:09:05 | 0:09:09 | |
medal from Israel. | 0:09:09 | 0:09:17 | |
Let's see what he can produce today
because he's here or he's not. | 0:09:24 | 0:09:33 | |
Feel free to sing along at home,
people! | 0:09:33 | 0:09:36 | |
Beautiful triple axel. | 0:09:56 | 0:10:04 | |
Gorgeous quadruple toe loop. That's
what the other boys needed to do. | 0:10:14 | 0:10:23 | |
You can hear the crowd clapping
along. | 0:11:01 | 0:11:07 | |
along. Triple Lutz, triple toe loop.
The team-mates are going wild in the | 0:11:07 | 0:11:13 | |
box over there. Technically clean,
not the prettiest of jumping | 0:11:13 | 0:11:16 | |
elements. | 0:11:16 | 0:11:23 | |
Terrific. He skates with abandon and
he took the whole of this arena with | 0:12:20 | 0:12:28 | |
him. Team Israel, there they are in
the mix with that. And that's where | 0:12:28 | 0:12:34 | |
everything can come together in a
short programme. It's just two | 0:12:34 | 0:12:38 | |
minutes and 40 seconds. He delivered
great technical ability, the music, | 0:12:38 | 0:12:43 | |
the components, the style,
everything comes together. It's | 0:12:43 | 0:12:46 | |
slightly scrappy around the edges
but in this context, it's totally | 0:12:46 | 0:12:51 | |
works. | 0:12:51 | 0:12:52 | |
Watch that right leg, it will swing
through and up. That got him the | 0:12:57 | 0:13:02 | |
elevation. That's what Patrick Chan
was missing. All of them so far, the | 0:13:02 | 0:13:08 | |
same thing on the quadruple toe
loop, he got right down over the | 0:13:08 | 0:13:13 | |
knee, no question of rotation. And
look how easy that was. No tension | 0:13:13 | 0:13:16 | |
in the body at all. He looks so
loose and relaxed on the ice. | 0:13:16 | 0:13:23 | |
88.49 and a new season's Beth, what
a time to produce it the first | 0:13:37 | 0:13:43 | |
competition in the game. -- seasons
best. So we have a new leader. And | 0:13:43 | 0:13:48 | |
the cat is among the pigeons. Work,
Good cat! -- good works, cat! The | 0:13:48 | 0:14:00 | |
final skater for the men's short
programme, Shoma Uno of Japan, | 0:14:00 | 0:14:06 | |
hoping to add to sparkle to the
proceedings, because of the bigger | 0:14:06 | 0:14:09 | |
names have failed to deliver on that
front. But this man, this man is | 0:14:09 | 0:14:19 | |
capable of great things, but we said
that about Patrick Chan and Nathan | 0:14:19 | 0:14:27 | |
Chen and Mikhail Kolyada and none of
them delivered. So there is a big | 0:14:28 | 0:14:32 | |
gap at the top of the leaderboard if
he can deliver to his ability. Two | 0:14:32 | 0:14:39 | |
quadruple jumps planned. | 0:14:39 | 0:14:41 | |
First of the two quadruples,
quadruple flips. | 0:15:03 | 0:15:13 | |
A quadruple toe loop. There you go! | 0:16:37 | 0:16:43 | |
Phew! Now we need the triple axel... | 0:16:46 | 0:16:57 | |
Beautifully done, it difficult entry
with the spread Eagle on the exit, | 0:16:58 | 0:17:01 | |
and the take-off. | 0:17:01 | 0:17:07 | |
Look at that technical score
already... | 0:17:14 | 0:17:17 | |
APPLAUSE | 0:17:23 | 0:17:28 | |
Shoma Uno, the world silver
medallist, sparkling like his | 0:17:30 | 0:17:33 | |
sequence! I think there was one
mistake. But he made up for it, | 0:17:33 | 0:17:38 | |
didn't he? He just fell out of the
landing of the triple flip, not a | 0:17:38 | 0:17:43 | |
perfect performance but the
strongest we have seen today. It | 0:17:43 | 0:17:47 | |
will be the leader. It's one of
those performances where you go | 0:17:47 | 0:17:50 | |
great, I've done that, not my best
but I've got away with it. This will | 0:17:50 | 0:17:54 | |
help him, moving next week. | 0:17:54 | 0:18:02 | |
He does a hand down count as a
penalty -- does a hand down penalty | 0:18:14 | 0:18:19 | |
count as much as a fall? No. He fell
out, the hand will go down and there | 0:18:19 | 0:18:24 | |
will be a deduction. That's
deduction is the grade of execution | 0:18:24 | 0:18:31 | |
from the judges. But we were talking
about how the short programme is put | 0:18:31 | 0:18:36 | |
together and for me, the composition
of this particular programme is | 0:18:36 | 0:18:39 | |
fantastic. | 0:18:39 | 0:18:41 | |
Shoma Uno has completed the short
programme... Wow! That's a fantastic | 0:18:51 | 0:19:01 | |
score. A big leap for Shoma Uno and
team Japan. That's 14 points clear | 0:19:01 | 0:19:13 | |
of Israel, in second place. As it
works out it breaks down two points. | 0:19:13 | 0:19:17 | |
If you are in first place you get
ten points, second placed nine | 0:19:17 | 0:19:23 | |
points, third-place eight points...
That's the scores. Shoma Uno takes | 0:19:23 | 0:19:31 | |
ten points for teamed Japan. | 0:19:31 | 0:19:37 | |
ten points for teamed Japan. Patrick
Chan, despite costly mistakes, with | 0:19:38 | 0:19:41 | |
team Canada in third taking V8
points. -- taking eight points. | 0:19:41 | 0:19:51 | |
points. -- taking eight points. And
after this pair have gone, I would | 0:19:52 | 0:19:56 | |
expect Team Canada are way in the
mix. We have Megan Duhamel, and Eric | 0:19:56 | 0:20:04 | |
Radford, silver medallists in the
last Olympics, and two-time | 0:20:04 | 0:20:07 | |
champions. | 0:20:07 | 0:20:12 | |
Brilliant to watch. | 0:20:12 | 0:20:16 | |
Tight and fast on the triple
twist... The next element, side by | 0:20:43 | 0:20:51 | |
side, | 0:20:51 | 0:20:58 | |
side, the triple Lutzs. Squeaky on
both landings, but they made them | 0:20:58 | 0:21:08 | |
happen. | 0:21:08 | 0:21:11 | |
It's very well done on the throw
triple Lutz. | 0:21:24 | 0:21:32 | |
Team Canada are on their feet in the | 0:23:03 | 0:23:08 | |
team boxes. They loved that
performance. Megan Duhamel and Eric | 0:23:08 | 0:23:11 | |
Radford will be pleased with that as
well. Very strong indeed, they came | 0:23:11 | 0:23:16 | |
out and they knew they had to lay
down the gauntlet. And they have | 0:23:16 | 0:23:20 | |
done it. That was superb! | 0:23:20 | 0:23:23 | |
Not as much hyped and more lateral
in the rotations as some of the | 0:23:26 | 0:23:34 | |
other girls but it is clean into the
landing, down on the knee. The | 0:23:34 | 0:23:39 | |
extension... | 0:23:39 | 0:23:44 | |
extension... The side by side Lutzs. | 0:23:44 | 0:23:50 | |
He was on two feet! Spotted! He was
fully rotated but he landed on two | 0:24:02 | 0:24:12 | |
feet. Touchdown with the free foot
that was still crossed. Megan, | 0:24:12 | 0:24:17 | |
clean. | 0:24:17 | 0:24:26 | |
Megan Duhamel and Eric Radford have
earned in the short programme... | 0:24:28 | 0:24:40 | |
76.57 for Megan Duhamel and Eric
Radford, putting them at the top of | 0:24:41 | 0:24:45 | |
the leaderboard as the pairs are
concerned. | 0:24:45 | 0:24:51 | |
concerned. This is a lovely, lovely
pair to watch. She's won bronze at | 0:24:52 | 0:24:55 | |
the last two Olympics, two-time
world medallists together. | 0:24:55 | 0:25:04 | |
world medallists together. The
German pair, Bruno Massot just got | 0:25:04 | 0:25:06 | |
his passport in time to compete at
these Olympics. | 0:25:06 | 0:25:16 | |
Took time-out, did not compete at
the European Championships, | 0:25:28 | 0:25:36 | |
the European Championships, let's
see if this additional training time | 0:25:36 | 0:25:38 | |
paid off... Watch the height on the
twist... | 0:25:38 | 0:25:46 | |
The side by side triple Salchows...
Yes! | 0:25:59 | 0:26:11 | |
Very cautious on the take-off of the
throw, the triple flip. | 0:26:26 | 0:26:40 | |
Bags of pizzazz, I enjoyed that! | 0:28:01 | 0:28:08 | |
Pretty much with everyone who has
skated so far today, just the one | 0:28:08 | 0:28:13 | |
mistake. Yes, they were so tentative
coming into the throw... They did | 0:28:13 | 0:28:17 | |
not have any lift or height. Just
unable to be controlled at all. It | 0:28:17 | 0:28:26 | |
is a charming routine. Fantastic,
there is so much to love! | 0:28:26 | 0:28:34 | |
there is so much to love! Such
amazing height that they get on the | 0:28:34 | 0:28:38 | |
twist. On one event, she went out of
the shot! He captures her with bags | 0:28:38 | 0:28:51 | |
of room to spare. | 0:28:51 | 0:28:59 | |
Excellent timing on the Salchows.
Beautifully done! | 0:29:05 | 0:29:13 | |
Beautifully done! Just waiting and
waiting... | 0:29:13 | 0:29:19 | |
waiting... For me, they did not
throw far enough. Yes, unable to | 0:29:22 | 0:29:25 | |
control it. | 0:29:25 | 0:29:35 | |
Hmm, 75.3 six. That is not enough to
lift them above the Canadian | 0:29:38 | 0:29:45 | |
pairing, but they are in second
place at the moment. Barely a point | 0:29:45 | 0:29:52 | |
in it. Canada are still in the top.
Germany are down in seventh place. | 0:29:52 | 0:30:01 | |
And here are the Olympic Athletes
from Russia... The world bronze | 0:30:01 | 0:30:09 | |
medal lists, newly minted European
champions. | 0:30:09 | 0:30:15 | |
champions. Robin is rubbing his
hands, it isn't just the cold, is | 0:30:15 | 0:30:17 | |
it? | 0:30:17 | 0:30:24 | |
Beautiful on the triple twist. Great
speed, great flight. Easy, like | 0:30:54 | 0:30:59 | |
landing, now we need the side by
side triple toe loop to be the same, | 0:30:59 | 0:31:05 | |
yes! | 0:31:05 | 0:31:12 | |
Triple loop. Beautiful! | 0:31:24 | 0:31:29 | |
This into the reception for that,
that is superb skating. -- listen to | 0:33:16 | 0:33:21 | |
the reception. The first time all
morning, finally, some skaters have | 0:33:21 | 0:33:24 | |
come out onto the ice and put
together the performance they would | 0:33:24 | 0:33:28 | |
have wanted. Absolutely and they
will be in about an hour's time | 0:33:28 | 0:33:33 | |
reliving this and going, that's what
we need to do next week because that | 0:33:33 | 0:33:39 | |
was absolutely pristine and on the
money. Beautiful. Typical classical | 0:33:39 | 0:33:44 | |
style. Russian way of skating.
Again, a good spirit. -- split. | 0:33:44 | 0:33:57 | |
Filly, easy rotation, catch on the
waste, down, timing on the jumps is | 0:33:57 | 0:34:04 | |
perfect. Spot on, there. | 0:34:04 | 0:34:09 | |
You can hear the Russian fans up to
the left in the stands, they are all | 0:34:25 | 0:34:32 | |
holding up, straight tens! That's
not how the scoring works! It isn't. | 0:34:32 | 0:34:39 | |
A very difficult ending to this
list. -- lift. | 0:34:39 | 0:34:46 | |
Of course, coached by Aliona
Savchenko's X skating partner. He is | 0:34:48 | 0:35:04 | |
on the far right. Of the screen.
That was a superb demonstration of | 0:35:04 | 0:35:14 | |
their skating. Season's best, 78.83,
have adopted that? -- have they | 0:35:14 | 0:35:21 | |
topped it? Yes they have, 80.92,
they have busted it. So three or | 0:35:21 | 0:35:30 | |
four more on top of it. And a very
comfortable lead. | 0:35:30 | 0:35:39 | |
comfortable lead. There it is.
Fourth place for the Olympic | 0:35:43 | 0:35:47 | |
Athletes from Russia. | 0:35:47 | 0:35:53 | |
Athletes from Russia. That's
confirmation of the pairs short | 0:35:53 | 0:36:00 | |
programme, the limit athletes from
Russia leading the way, Canadians | 0:36:00 | 0:36:07 | |
second, Germans that. This is just
the pairs short programme, the team | 0:36:07 | 0:36:12 | |
event, there four elements to this.
I was heading to be able to update | 0:36:12 | 0:36:19 | |
you on where the teams lie but I
don't think we will be able to see | 0:36:19 | 0:36:22 | |
that. I can tell you that Canada out
in front, here they are. Canada out | 0:36:22 | 0:36:28 | |
in front after the first day of the
team event, 17 points. USA in second | 0:36:28 | 0:36:34 | |
and Japan in third.
Considering that event started | 0:36:34 | 0:36:38 | |
and Japan in third.
Considering that event started | 0:36:38 | 0:36:39 | |
before the opening ceremony had even
taken place, it sounded like a great | 0:36:39 | 0:36:42 | |
atmosphere in the arrhythmia today.
We will start with the men's | 0:36:42 | 0:36:45 | |
singles, Luna, Shoma Uno, | 0:36:45 | 0:36:53 | |
singles, Luna, Shoma Uno, a great
performance. We had seen Nathan | 0:36:53 | 0:36:56 | |
Chen, Patrick Chan not deliver, it
was not going to be who is going to | 0:36:56 | 0:37:04 | |
do it. But Shoma Uno has such class
and quality, he has got to be a | 0:37:04 | 0:37:10 | |
favourite for gold and he is a
favourite of mine and a contender. | 0:37:10 | 0:37:17 | |
Bychenko the only one who went clean
yesterday, a few slips and spills | 0:37:17 | 0:37:23 | |
yesterday, can you say why? Some of
the skaters are saying, it is not | 0:37:23 | 0:37:27 | |
quite the ice they are used too
skating on, we have got short track | 0:37:27 | 0:37:36 | |
events and figure skating events on
the same arena, and the ice is | 0:37:36 | 0:37:41 | |
softer for the figure skaters
usually. It is the same for every | 0:37:41 | 0:37:46 | |
body so you can say what you like
about it but you have to do your job | 0:37:46 | 0:37:50 | |
and some did it better than others.
The Russians won gold in Sochi, and | 0:37:50 | 0:37:54 | |
when they came out in the pairs
competing under the elliptic flag, a | 0:37:54 | 0:38:01 | |
beautiful team. Amazing, they did
not -- Olympic flag. They needed to | 0:38:01 | 0:38:07 | |
put the gauntlet down and they did
it in style, there were so far ahead | 0:38:07 | 0:38:11 | |
of everyone else and in a league of
their own. That is them saying, we | 0:38:11 | 0:38:14 | |
are here for the gold medal, take it
from us. Interestingly, as much as | 0:38:14 | 0:38:19 | |
their routine is sensational,
everyone is talking about the | 0:38:19 | 0:38:23 | |
Japanese pair. Because they danced
to an animated cartoon chewing at | 0:38:23 | 0:38:29 | |
its centre place mat, -- and anime
theme tune, and the place went mad, | 0:38:29 | 0:38:42 | |
it is like someone dancing to a
Frozen tune here. It is huge here, | 0:38:42 | 0:38:51 | |
anime cartoons are huge here, and
the music likewise. So the young | 0:38:51 | 0:38:55 | |
Japanese pair team skating to music
from the TV show, and everyone has | 0:38:55 | 0:39:00 | |
gone wild for it. The skating was
great, they have not been together | 0:39:00 | 0:39:04 | |
that long. Medal contenders, not
right now, but they are YouTube | 0:39:04 | 0:39:11 | |
sensations! Maybe that is all they
need. Canada leads the way in terms | 0:39:11 | 0:39:15 | |
of the official standings, two
elements to go. They have a large | 0:39:15 | 0:39:20 | |
squad, other your favourites for
this metal? -- are they your | 0:39:20 | 0:39:25 | |
favourites? Yes, I think | 0:39:25 | 0:39:34 | |
favourites? Yes, I think they are,
they compete in the short dance for | 0:39:34 | 0:39:38 | |
Canada, the pair, so they will be
looking to keep them in the event. | 0:39:38 | 0:39:48 | |
And | 0:39:48 | 0:39:54 | |
And then Evgenia Medvedeva from team
Russia is | 0:39:54 | 0:40:01 | |
Russia is going to be here, she
wants to lay down her gauntlet for | 0:40:01 | 0:40:07 | |
an Olympic gold, she was beaten by
Alina Zagitova previously, | 0:40:07 | 0:40:11 | |
15-year-old team-mate. There is no
figure skating today, that is why | 0:40:11 | 0:40:14 | |
Robin is with me. Thank you very
much for joining us. That gets back | 0:40:14 | 0:40:19 | |
and away tomorrow, the team event
with the women's individual and ice | 0:40:19 | 0:40:24 | |
dance. But we're going to stick on
the ice, and going to stay on the | 0:40:24 | 0:40:28 | |
skates. But very different gates,
because after a disappointment for | 0:40:28 | 0:40:33 | |
years ago in Sochi, Elise Christie
arrives here with high medal | 0:40:33 | 0:40:38 | |
expectations in the short track
speed skating. She is coming here as | 0:40:38 | 0:40:42 | |
one of the stars of Team GB and
David McDaid went to meet her as she | 0:40:42 | 0:40:47 | |
prepared for Pyeongchang.
This is Elise Christie. She's the | 0:40:47 | 0:40:54 | |
best short tracks beats cater the UK
has ever produced. -- speed skater. | 0:40:54 | 0:41:01 | |
A world record holder, triple world
champion and Great Britain's best | 0:41:01 | 0:41:04 | |
hope for a gold medal at the Winter
Olympics. She's a very special | 0:41:04 | 0:41:12 | |
athletes but four years ago, she
nearly walked away from the sport | 0:41:12 | 0:41:15 | |
she loves. They have all gone down!
I went for the win, and that's the | 0:41:15 | 0:41:22 | |
way it went, unfortunately. One of
the favourites for gold in Sochi, | 0:41:22 | 0:41:26 | |
the Olympics you worked so hard for
ended in this qualification is, | 0:41:26 | 0:41:30 | |
disappointment and death threats. I
had a lot of abuse on the Internet | 0:41:30 | 0:41:34 | |
that I had to deal with, it's been
tough as well. I'm finding it quite | 0:41:34 | 0:41:38 | |
hard. Hers is a remarkable story of
courage, not giving up in the most | 0:41:38 | 0:41:46 | |
difficult circumstances, and
redemption. | 0:41:46 | 0:41:49 | |
South Korea's capital and home to
almost 10 million people. A city | 0:41:58 | 0:42:03 | |
always on the move, obsessed with
speed. And just 80 miles to the east | 0:42:03 | 0:42:13 | |
lies the quiet ski resort of
Pyongyang, the venue for the 23rd | 0:42:13 | 0:42:17 | |
Winter Olympics. With the game is
fast approaching, I travelled to | 0:42:17 | 0:42:21 | |
Korea with a short track team from
Britain for an important training | 0:42:21 | 0:42:25 | |
camp. So, the goal today on the ice,
obviously, it's going to be low | 0:42:25 | 0:42:35 | |
intensity session, the first session
on the ice. So our goal is just a | 0:42:35 | 0:42:39 | |
focus on our basic skating position,
get comfortable, get coordination | 0:42:39 | 0:42:45 | |
back. Why have you decided to come
here, why is it so important? We | 0:42:45 | 0:42:52 | |
have come over here the exact amount
of days before that we're going to | 0:42:52 | 0:42:55 | |
come out for the games, were
practising our exact run-up to the | 0:42:55 | 0:42:59 | |
games. Training on the rink that we
will stay at, staying at the same | 0:42:59 | 0:43:04 | |
hotel and going through every
process we will put in place for the | 0:43:04 | 0:43:07 | |
games to iron out any bugs. For
athletes as well, you want them to | 0:43:07 | 0:43:13 | |
be used to things. They are finely
tuned machines. Creatures of habit. | 0:43:13 | 0:43:19 | |
Absolutely, and our guys aren't
great at change. If you think about | 0:43:19 | 0:43:22 | |
it, we come out at the end of
January for the whole month of | 0:43:22 | 0:43:26 | |
February and doing high-rise living
in hotel blocks. So it's important | 0:43:26 | 0:43:31 | |
for us to identify those places
outside that we can go and relax and | 0:43:31 | 0:43:36 | |
escape the bubble. | 0:43:36 | 0:43:39 | |
39. O, Stuart, you win! We are
trying to check our strength each | 0:43:44 | 0:43:58 | |
day to see if our jet lag is
improving. I went up by ten in ten | 0:43:58 | 0:44:01 | |
minutes, so in ten minutes my jet
lag storm out of the building! | 0:44:01 | 0:44:05 | |
That's how it works! Well, Elise,
we're here in Korea, how was it to | 0:44:05 | 0:44:12 | |
be here? It's exciting, it bit
warmer than it is at home so we like | 0:44:12 | 0:44:17 | |
that. It's good to get out and act
is getting adjusting to the time | 0:44:17 | 0:44:22 | |
zone for the games and we really
like that the rink we are training | 0:44:22 | 0:44:26 | |
at anything was very cold and
anything is good. This is all about | 0:44:26 | 0:44:31 | |
preparation for Pyongyang? Yes,
we're -- for Pyeongchang? Yes, we're | 0:44:31 | 0:44:40 | |
practising on the same rink we will
be training on for the games, just | 0:44:40 | 0:44:46 | |
getting as much into a routine as he
can. South Korea has one more | 0:44:46 | 0:44:53 | |
Olympic short track medals than any
other country, so it's an ideal | 0:44:53 | 0:44:59 | |
definition, and not just for
training. -- ideal destination. | 0:44:59 | 0:45:06 | |
Karim Tortilla! It's a country that
you have spent a lot of time in, | 0:45:06 | 0:45:15 | |
tell us about your religion should
put the country. I've been here -- | 0:45:15 | 0:45:20 | |
relationship with your country. I
have been it a lot, I can understand | 0:45:20 | 0:45:26 | |
a bit of the language. It's one of
my favourite cities in the world, so | 0:45:26 | 0:45:32 | |
much to do, so lively, so different
to Britain. And sometimes it's nice | 0:45:32 | 0:45:35 | |
to have a contrast like that. I
don't know if I could live here all | 0:45:35 | 0:45:40 | |
the time because they are so busy
all the time and I feel like Britain | 0:45:40 | 0:45:45 | |
has a nice laid-back element where
you can go and sleep at night and | 0:45:45 | 0:45:49 | |
there is not everyone still buzzing
outside. It's nice to come on a trip | 0:45:49 | 0:45:54 | |
and see it all. And be part of the
action for a bit. | 0:45:54 | 0:46:00 | |
Do you get recognised | 0:46:00 | 0:46:01 | |
Do you get recognised in the street
ever, because you are the world | 0:46:01 | 0:46:04 | |
champion? It has happened a couple
of times since I have been here | 0:46:04 | 0:46:08 | |
already. It is easy, because I am
blonde, it's not a normal thing to | 0:46:08 | 0:46:14 | |
see here. But people are always
sweet and friendly. I always like to | 0:46:14 | 0:46:19 | |
say hello to everyone who wants to
say hello. It is weird, it isn't | 0:46:19 | 0:46:24 | |
something I ever expected but it is
nice. We haven't always been a | 0:46:24 | 0:46:27 | |
famous speed skater. Tell us how it
all began for you? I started as a | 0:46:27 | 0:46:34 | |
figure skater, when I was really
young, like, seven. Then I | 0:46:34 | 0:46:39 | |
transferred over, because we did a
race the week after I started. Just | 0:46:39 | 0:46:45 | |
a fun race. I won the Selection box
of chocolates from winning the race. | 0:46:45 | 0:46:51 | |
After that, you are sat on the short
track! So I switched over to short | 0:46:51 | 0:46:57 | |
track. I did it full time from 15 or
16. So it was a love of chocolate | 0:46:57 | 0:47:03 | |
that got you into it? Definitely!
Once you get a Selection box, your | 0:47:03 | 0:47:10 | |
heart is set on it! She was one of
those kids where you could show her | 0:47:10 | 0:47:13 | |
something and she picked it up
immediately. She had been natural | 0:47:13 | 0:47:18 | |
ability, probably from her figure
skating background, she knew how to | 0:47:18 | 0:47:22 | |
control her blades. After a few
weeks, one of the coaches from the | 0:47:22 | 0:47:26 | |
running club asked if she wanted to
join, they saw a lot of potential as | 0:47:26 | 0:47:30 | |
a runner there. But her heart was in
speed skating. The choice between | 0:47:30 | 0:47:36 | |
the two was because she became
British champion and she was offered | 0:47:36 | 0:47:41 | |
a place, her dream was to go to the
Olympic Games. Because she was | 0:47:41 | 0:47:45 | |
offered a funded place, she took it. | 0:47:45 | 0:47:50 | |
She gets the thrills that she wants
and the competitiveness. Close | 0:47:50 | 0:47:54 | |
racing with other girls, and with
the guys as well, she is pretty | 0:47:54 | 0:47:58 | |
But to go further in the sport, | 0:47:58 | 0:48:03 | |
Elise had to leave home in
Livingston to train with the Great | 0:48:03 | 0:48:07 | |
Britain squad. For the last 12
years, she has lived in Nottingham. | 0:48:07 | 0:48:12 | |
Would you describe yourself as a
morning person? Definitely an | 0:48:12 | 0:48:17 | |
evening person! I hate mornings. Get
off, stop it! When she moved away | 0:48:17 | 0:48:24 | |
from home at 15, it was really
difficult. As a parent it is | 0:48:24 | 0:48:27 | |
difficult to let your child go at
that age, especially a girl. Some | 0:48:27 | 0:48:33 | |
days I have regretted it. Because I
miss her. And it's always a long | 0:48:33 | 0:48:37 | |
distance away but the fact that she
is very good at keeping in contact | 0:48:37 | 0:48:41 | |
has really helped. A lot of drinking
to do when you are an athlete... Not | 0:48:41 | 0:48:46 | |
the good kind! All right, let's get
out for the day. On time, that's | 0:48:46 | 0:48:57 | |
unusual! Becoming a world leading
athlete takes dedication and | 0:48:57 | 0:49:01 | |
commitment. Training is long and
hard, particularly in an Olympic | 0:49:01 | 0:49:04 | |
year. Today, we are going to the
centre, what is happening today? We | 0:49:04 | 0:49:13 | |
have the brief for the ice. They
tell us what to do and we go on the | 0:49:13 | 0:49:18 | |
ice, it's about one hour and 45
minutes to two hours on the ice. I'm | 0:49:18 | 0:49:23 | |
yawning now! When did you realise
that you were pretty good at it? | 0:49:23 | 0:49:29 | |
That it could be your future? Umm...
I think it was after Vancouver. I | 0:49:29 | 0:49:36 | |
came back from there and I thought
either stop now and go back to | 0:49:36 | 0:49:41 | |
school, and be with my family... Or
I can, like, switch my mindset a | 0:49:41 | 0:49:47 | |
bit. Make a lot of changes. And then
make myself the person to be. I | 0:49:47 | 0:49:54 | |
think the biggest thing, how it
changed, was the belief. Thank God | 0:49:54 | 0:50:01 | |
for parking assist! All right... You
get a special... Boop! Elise's coach | 0:50:01 | 0:50:18 | |
is Nick Gooch, he won a bronze medal
in 1994 at the Olympics. He is now | 0:50:18 | 0:50:24 | |
helping Elise realise her potential.
I think you are doing good today. | 0:50:24 | 0:50:31 | |
What is your relationship like how
would you describe yourself? She is | 0:50:31 | 0:50:36 | |
challenging, she likes to be
competitive. If I go to the gym and | 0:50:36 | 0:50:40 | |
I train with her, she always tries
to compete with you. The key is the | 0:50:40 | 0:50:46 | |
mental toughness. How hard she is
prepared to push herself. She is | 0:50:46 | 0:50:50 | |
emotionally invested on a daily
basis which is why she gets so much | 0:50:50 | 0:50:56 | |
from training but investing her
emotion on a daily basis has a cost. | 0:50:56 | 0:50:59 | |
On the turn, you are using your hip
to turn but bring your left leg | 0:50:59 | 0:51:03 | |
through, don't keep it static. Do
you understand what I mean? OK, | 0:51:03 | 0:51:09 | |
first group, let's go. It's been an
interesting ten years, with the | 0:51:09 | 0:51:14 | |
relationship developing gradually.
It started well we didn't get along | 0:51:14 | 0:51:17 | |
at all to start with. I was coached
by someone else. Then we were forced | 0:51:17 | 0:51:23 | |
to work together and that's when we
developed. I'm really unfit just | 0:51:23 | 0:51:27 | |
now, as I am skating. Take it one at
a time. I think I know better than | 0:51:27 | 0:51:34 | |
him all the time and he finds it
hilarious. It has been a funny | 0:51:34 | 0:51:39 | |
relationship, but it is definitely,
you know, he has put as much into | 0:51:39 | 0:51:42 | |
this as I have. Keep leaning! Keep
it! It hasn't been an easy few | 0:51:42 | 0:51:51 | |
months. Elise has struggled with a
thigh injury, limiting how much | 0:51:51 | 0:51:54 | |
training she can do. She has had to
miss some big races. Today was an | 0:51:54 | 0:52:00 | |
increase in the last couple of days,
she is feeling it. Some progress in | 0:52:00 | 0:52:05 | |
terms of the volume completed. She
had a tough session in the gym | 0:52:05 | 0:52:10 | |
yesterday, it's making sure we don't
push too hard too early, we will | 0:52:10 | 0:52:14 | |
build up her training when she's
back to where she needs. | 0:52:14 | 0:52:21 | |
Thankfully, plenty of time to
recover before the Olympics. And | 0:52:21 | 0:52:24 | |
less training at the rink means more
free time. Bella, Bella! We are | 0:52:24 | 0:52:30 | |
leaving you... You have two docs
now? Yes, does much of our s. One | 0:52:30 | 0:52:37 | |
was a gift? Yes, it was a gift from
my boyfriend for my birthday. I | 0:52:37 | 0:52:44 | |
don't get to go out much. We walk
the dogs together sometimes and it | 0:52:44 | 0:52:48 | |
gives us something to do. You have
something to distract you from | 0:52:48 | 0:52:54 | |
skating, I guess! It's a lot of fun.
It's nice to have some company at | 0:52:54 | 0:53:00 | |
home. Your boyfriend lives in
Hungary, right? Yes, there is Face | 0:53:00 | 0:53:10 | |
time, but nobody there a lot. My
neighbour is around a lot. My family | 0:53:10 | 0:53:14 | |
try and get down. But with him
living away, it's nice to have some | 0:53:14 | 0:53:19 | |
dogs around. His boyfriend -- her
boyfriend is also a short track | 0:53:19 | 0:53:26 | |
world champion. He represents
Hungary, based in Budapest. So time | 0:53:26 | 0:53:31 | |
together is rare. I calculated we
spent two days outside of skating | 0:53:31 | 0:53:36 | |
together this year. It's been
difficult, but last year I was | 0:53:36 | 0:53:41 | |
flying over for weekends there to
have a break and stuff like that. | 0:53:41 | 0:53:45 | |
Now we are only training together
this year so it has been a lot | 0:53:45 | 0:53:48 | |
tougher without any time. Everything
has turned into Santa Claus. | 0:53:48 | 0:53:55 | |
Amazing! She is trying to build this
relationship as strong as she can, | 0:53:55 | 0:54:01 | |
even if we cannot be together. I'm
in Budapest, she is in Nottingham. | 0:54:01 | 0:54:12 | |
If I said I can come to England any
more, I think she would make the | 0:54:12 | 0:54:15 | |
choice to move to Hungary for me.
That's pretty good. Is amazing for | 0:54:15 | 0:54:21 | |
her, he's really level-headed and
laid-back and chilled. Is the | 0:54:21 | 0:54:27 | |
opposite, they need that balance so
she doesn't go too far with things. | 0:54:27 | 0:54:30 | |
They are really good for one
another. That is cool! That is you. | 0:54:30 | 0:54:38 | |
That's not a bad thing to be
compared to. if something bad | 0:54:38 | 0:54:42 | |
happened to her, I would always try
and let her see the good side. I am | 0:54:42 | 0:54:49 | |
trying to be... Maybe that is part
of my job? To be there for her 24-7. | 0:54:49 | 0:54:55 | |
To always be positive. | 0:54:55 | 0:55:01 | |
To always be positive. 2014 in the
Russian resort of Sochi. Elise's | 0:55:01 | 0:55:05 | |
second Winter Olympics and a medal
was a very real possibility... At | 0:55:05 | 0:55:12 | |
Sochi, I knew that I was capable of
getting a medal but I knew that I | 0:55:12 | 0:55:17 | |
was inexperienced compared to a lot
of the people I would be racing. I | 0:55:17 | 0:55:19 | |
knew that I could be a there and by
the time I got to Sochi that year, I | 0:55:19 | 0:55:24 | |
was skating the best I had ever
done. Racing in three events, she | 0:55:24 | 0:55:29 | |
found herself with a chance at an
unfamiliar distance. Suddenly I was | 0:55:29 | 0:55:33 | |
in the 500 final. I hadn't been in
the European Championship 500 final | 0:55:33 | 0:55:39 | |
or a World Championship, or a World
Cup. I also found myself in the 500 | 0:55:39 | 0:55:46 | |
final, which was really cool. 500 is
always the most exciting, to me! The | 0:55:46 | 0:55:53 | |
ladies 500 metres is about to get
underway... | 0:55:53 | 0:55:58 | |
Going away cleanly this time. | 0:55:58 | 0:56:05 | |
Overhauled by Elise Christie! They
have all gone down! There is only | 0:56:05 | 0:56:08 | |
one ice skater left standing. We can
see it again here, the start was | 0:56:08 | 0:56:16 | |
clean, coming out of the first bend,
Elise Christie charges down the | 0:56:16 | 0:56:21 | |
inside... There wasn't a lot of
room. Crashing straight into | 0:56:21 | 0:56:28 | |
Fontana. The collision has been
assessed and looked at. The upshot | 0:56:28 | 0:56:34 | |
is that Elise Christie has been
penalised and sadly after finishing | 0:56:34 | 0:56:37 | |
second, she has had to finish with
fourth. I had the speed, I moved up | 0:56:37 | 0:56:43 | |
and unfortunately, the girl hit me
off my feet. So I hit everyone else | 0:56:43 | 0:56:48 | |
as I went down. You have the 1000
metres to go? Yes, I will use the | 0:56:48 | 0:56:53 | |
next day to get my head back
together and go for it. The whole of | 0:56:53 | 0:56:56 | |
the country is behind you, I'm sure
you have every sympathy. You made us | 0:56:56 | 0:57:01 | |
proud. Well done. Thank you. | 0:57:01 | 0:57:06 | |
Two days later she was back on the
ice, this time try to reach the | 0:57:06 | 0:57:10 | |
final of the 1500 metres. Once
again, luck wasn't on her side. Into | 0:57:10 | 0:57:15 | |
the back straight... They are
struggling behind, the two at the | 0:57:15 | 0:57:19 | |
front. Here comes Fontana. Elise
Christie takes it. The Russian is | 0:57:19 | 0:57:25 | |
there. It's a great confidence
booster for Elise Christie... I | 0:57:25 | 0:57:32 | |
cannot believe it, she has again
been penalised! What an honour -- | 0:57:32 | 0:57:38 | |
what on earth happened? I don't know
what happened, I'm gobsmacked. I | 0:57:38 | 0:57:46 | |
mean, I respected the decision the
other day but today I've got no idea | 0:57:46 | 0:57:49 | |
what is going on. What is your
reaction? I've been in the sport | 0:57:49 | 0:57:53 | |
over 30 years, and I have never seen
anything like this. Straying barely | 0:57:53 | 0:58:00 | |
one centimetre off the track led to
a second disqualification of the | 0:58:00 | 0:58:04 | |
games. As well as all of the drama
on the ice, she was dealing with | 0:58:04 | 0:58:08 | |
something quite sinister off it. I
had quite a lot of abuse over the | 0:58:08 | 0:58:13 | |
Internet but I've had to deal with.
It has been tough so I am finding it | 0:58:13 | 0:58:17 | |
quite hard. What do you mean you've
had stuff on the Internet? I've had | 0:58:17 | 0:58:22 | |
a few people threatening me. Stuff
like that. Just cyber bullying, | 0:58:22 | 0:58:28 | |
basically. It has been a tough few
days anyway. | 0:58:28 | 0:58:31 | |
What is it like to get a death
threat? I don't think most of us, | 0:58:34 | 0:58:40 | |
thankfully, we did experience that?
I'd heard of it happening to other | 0:58:40 | 0:58:43 | |
people and I thought, it's just an
online message. Surely you don't | 0:58:43 | 0:58:47 | |
think that is going to actually
happen? But you do. When it happens | 0:58:47 | 0:58:52 | |
to you, you do believe that person
and these people are genuinely | 0:58:52 | 0:58:56 | |
threatening your life. And your
family's life, and so it becomes | 0:58:56 | 0:59:01 | |
very scary. I spent about six months
afterwards feeling scared of being | 0:59:01 | 0:59:07 | |
in my house alone. Or going out
alone. So many out once made it feel | 0:59:07 | 0:59:13 | |
so real. Even though realistically,
it was coming from most of the | 0:59:13 | 0:59:20 | |
Koreans. They weren't going to be in
England but it was a very difficult | 0:59:20 | 0:59:24 | |
time. Since I've gone into
competition since, everybody has | 0:59:24 | 0:59:29 | |
been super fans and really nice.
It's a nice turn around and there is | 0:59:29 | 0:59:32 | |
definitely no fear now, but having
anything happening. Anybody who does | 0:59:32 | 0:59:37 | |
say anything, I can see that they
are sat behind a computer, thinking | 0:59:37 | 0:59:43 | |
it is funny or feeling powerful.
When actually, they aren't. So it is | 0:59:43 | 0:59:49 | |
very difficult at the time. For
anyone who has experienced it. It is | 0:59:49 | 0:59:55 | |
life changing. With death threats
preying on her mind, there was a | 0:59:55 | 0:59:58 | |
last chance for Olympic redemption
in her favourite event, the 1000 | 0:59:58 | 1:00:03 | |
metres. Flying through the heats,
she easily made the semifinals. The | 1:00:03 | 1:00:10 | |
last one was the most frustrating.
That | 1:00:10 | 1:00:12 | |
last one was the most frustrating.
That is the one where I did not do | 1:00:12 | 1:00:15 | |
anything wrong. Here comes Elise
Christie, she has ignited the | 1:00:15 | 1:00:21 | |
burners. She is in third. That was a
brilliant piece of skating. But the | 1:00:21 | 1:00:28 | |
Chinese skater has challenged her on
the inside. She falls and takes | 1:00:28 | 1:00:32 | |
Elise Christie out as well. | 1:00:32 | 1:00:38 | |
I cannot believe | 1:00:44 | 1:00:45 | |
I cannot believe it, the Chinese
skater penalised, and Elise | 1:00:45 | 1:00:48 | |
Christie, and she's not going to
advance. I can't believe it's | 1:00:48 | 1:00:51 | |
happened again. The last thing I
expected to happen today. I was | 1:00:51 | 1:00:55 | |
trying to skates so cleanly. | 1:00:55 | 1:01:01 | |
That right when you were back in
your room with Charlotte, with your | 1:01:01 | 1:01:03 | |
roommate, what was it like? I was
probably better than I was a few | 1:01:03 | 1:01:10 | |
months later. I wasn't great, I
didn't really know what to do and | 1:01:10 | 1:01:18 | |
think about, how can I cope with
such a big loss. It was the thing | 1:01:18 | 1:01:25 | |
that I dedicated everything to, and
work ridiculously hard for. And then | 1:01:25 | 1:01:30 | |
I also knew what everyone else was
saying on social media, and they | 1:01:30 | 1:01:36 | |
hadn't seen the turnaround of that
because I had -- I had not seen the | 1:01:36 | 1:01:41 | |
turnaround because I had turned my
social media or so I was still under | 1:01:41 | 1:01:45 | |
the impression that everyone was
still abusing me. There was nothing | 1:01:45 | 1:01:48 | |
anyone could do, I was so scared and
alone. It's really hard what anyone | 1:01:48 | 1:01:53 | |
go through that, especially when
they're so close, and were sharing | 1:01:53 | 1:01:56 | |
rooms together. So each night you
try to talk it through but there's | 1:01:56 | 1:01:59 | |
not much you can say to someone when
she's got the disqualification and | 1:01:59 | 1:02:04 | |
it didn't go to plan. She went into
the Olympic games, she could have | 1:02:04 | 1:02:10 | |
come away with three gold medals,
she was that good at that point, | 1:02:10 | 1:02:13 | |
which made it even more devastating.
As parents, we found that very | 1:02:13 | 1:02:17 | |
difficult to deal with this
especially because they have a | 1:02:17 | 1:02:23 | |
bubble around the team, and the
child, so it's difficult for | 1:02:23 | 1:02:26 | |
apparent because you don't have very
much access to your child at all. | 1:02:26 | 1:02:29 | |
And then we're getting all of the
media, getting reported on Facebook | 1:02:29 | 1:02:35 | |
and the papers, it was very
difficult, actually. The way Elise | 1:02:35 | 1:02:40 | |
dealt with the disappointment was by
getting straight back to | 1:02:40 | 1:02:44 | |
competition. But those distractions
only proved to be a short-term fix. | 1:02:44 | 1:02:48 | |
I went off on my off-season, and
that was when I thought, I'm not | 1:02:48 | 1:02:53 | |
going back. Because I can't deal
with that. There's no way I could go | 1:02:53 | 1:02:59 | |
to that ever again in my life. I was
fine when I skated, but my outside | 1:02:59 | 1:03:05 | |
life, I'd became totally useless. I
was in a tournament which I didn't | 1:03:05 | 1:03:09 | |
need to talk to anyone at, and that
is how I worked. Because at the | 1:03:09 | 1:03:16 | |
time, there was no impact on my
performance, I thought, I'm strong | 1:03:16 | 1:03:20 | |
enough to deal with this. But I
really wasn't. Close to walking away | 1:03:20 | 1:03:27 | |
from speed skating, she considered
her switch to track cycling but a | 1:03:27 | 1:03:33 | |
sense of loyalty to the team who
stuck by her through the tough times | 1:03:33 | 1:03:36 | |
brought her back. European titles
followed before in 2017, she | 1:03:36 | 1:03:44 | |
conquered the world. From a point
from not wanting to do the sport to | 1:03:44 | 1:03:50 | |
becoming the world champion, some
turnaround. It was my dream to be | 1:03:50 | 1:03:54 | |
all title winner, but a shrug I was
dreaming to be world champion for | 1:03:54 | 1:04:00 | |
awhile but it was not this year, it
was a different trajectory. The | 1:04:00 | 1:04:04 | |
first one was the biggest deal. It's
going to be tight, she's done it! | 1:04:04 | 1:04:11 | |
She is the world champion, Elise
Christie! I just remember screaming, | 1:04:11 | 1:04:16 | |
and I never act like that. | 1:04:16 | 1:04:25 | |
My in motion 's tentative stay in
the box in public. So for me to just | 1:04:25 | 1:04:29 | |
scream like that -- might in motion
to stay in the box. So to scream Mac | 1:04:29 | 1:04:38 | |
that was weird. I think it really
took over when I got the other | 1:04:38 | 1:04:43 | |
title, it didn't sink in, it
probably has not even sunk in now | 1:04:43 | 1:04:47 | |
because I'm so busy preparing for
the next thing. It's the biggest | 1:04:47 | 1:04:51 | |
achievement in short track to be
crowned overall world champion, | 1:04:51 | 1:04:54 | |
bigger than an Olympic gold
medallist, it's the biggest thing | 1:04:54 | 1:04:57 | |
you can do. It was an incredible
season. Yes, I think... It was a | 1:04:57 | 1:05:03 | |
great time. Obviously very emotional
thinking about it? Yes, I think... | 1:05:03 | 1:05:13 | |
You're on the journey with them on a
daily basis, you invest that emotion | 1:05:13 | 1:05:17 | |
as well. So when she achieves, that
means a lot to me as well. | 1:05:17 | 1:05:24 | |
In Seoul, there is a break in the
training schedule and a trip to | 1:05:38 | 1:05:43 | |
remind the team why they're putting
in the hard graft. What are you | 1:05:43 | 1:05:47 | |
thinking when you see that? It still
feels like a long time! 100 days, | 1:05:47 | 1:05:53 | |
still a third of the year. So I
thought it was a lot closer. So it's | 1:05:53 | 1:05:58 | |
quite nice to be in Korea when it is
100 days because that's quite cool, | 1:05:58 | 1:06:02 | |
I didn't know until quite recently
that we were going to be so it's | 1:06:02 | 1:06:07 | |
nice to be around everyone and be
here where the clock is. Just | 1:06:07 | 1:06:14 | |
describe what Pyeongchang, these
Winter Olympics, these Olympics, | 1:06:14 | 1:06:22 | |
signify to you. Everyone wants to
seek redemption, but I already | 1:06:22 | 1:06:26 | |
personally think like I've made
redemption so for me it's not about | 1:06:26 | 1:06:29 | |
redemption. For me, it's about
changing the way people view me. But | 1:06:29 | 1:06:33 | |
also, it's the dream. Every athlete
dreams of being an Olympic | 1:06:33 | 1:06:39 | |
medallist. This is where you keep
the medals, not on display? No, | 1:06:39 | 1:06:43 | |
they're going to get put on display
but I haven't figured out where yet. | 1:06:43 | 1:06:48 | |
The boxed ones are all
championships. What would it be like | 1:06:48 | 1:06:54 | |
if she won an Olympic gold? I
think... | 1:06:54 | 1:07:03 | |
think... I don't know! I would have
said in Sochi she could have won | 1:07:03 | 1:07:10 | |
three gold medals, to see it unfold
how it did was heartbreaking and at | 1:07:10 | 1:07:17 | |
that point I thought, she was one of
the fastest. Definitely the | 1:07:17 | 1:07:21 | |
strongest going into that games.
Will she ever be that far ahead of | 1:07:21 | 1:07:25 | |
the field? But I feel like she's
even stronger and faster and that's | 1:07:25 | 1:07:28 | |
what hurts last season has shown. It
wouldn't faze me, if I was allowed | 1:07:28 | 1:07:34 | |
to bet on it, I would! Seeing her as
a small insecure girl who didn't | 1:07:34 | 1:07:41 | |
have a great deal of self belief,
she has gone full circle to being, | 1:07:41 | 1:07:46 | |
I'm the best. When she was a girl,
she would come in if something had | 1:07:46 | 1:07:53 | |
not on highway and through her
skates into the cupboard, she's | 1:07:53 | 1:07:56 | |
never going to do it again. Now we
know how much it means to her and | 1:07:56 | 1:08:00 | |
how much it means to the team and
we're excited and hoping that she | 1:08:00 | 1:08:03 | |
will achieve her dream. Is there
room for an Olympic one? Three big | 1:08:03 | 1:08:10 | |
smackers here. Since the Olympics, I
have believed that even if something | 1:08:10 | 1:08:15 | |
is getting to be mentally, I will be
able to perform and not worry about | 1:08:15 | 1:08:19 | |
that. Which is why, I guess, I feel
like I'm robust enough for these | 1:08:19 | 1:08:23 | |
games coming up because it doesn't
matter what goes on, the performance | 1:08:23 | 1:08:26 | |
will be fine. The point is, why have
I trained that Hodge to settle for | 1:08:26 | 1:08:32 | |
second place? That's almost not fair
on myself. The dream is not to go | 1:08:32 | 1:08:37 | |
out and sit in second place and pick
up a medal, the dream is to go out | 1:08:37 | 1:08:41 | |
and try and win the gold. And that
might mean we replicate Sochi, but | 1:08:41 | 1:08:46 | |
I'm not scared. I'm not scared of
doing that in terms of how hard I | 1:08:46 | 1:08:52 | |
have worked, I feel like I deserve
to go out and try to win, irrelevant | 1:08:52 | 1:08:56 | |
what anyone else will try and save.
-- irrelevant to what anyone says. I | 1:08:56 | 1:09:03 | |
get the impression it's more than
just a nice piece of metal to you. | 1:09:03 | 1:09:10 | |
Definitely, you know what they say,
the medal will probably end up in a | 1:09:10 | 1:09:14 | |
cabinet someone, like my world
medals. But it's not about the piece | 1:09:14 | 1:09:19 | |
of metal, it's about what it means.
It will be disappointing to stick by | 1:09:19 | 1:09:22 | |
it for four years and for that not
to happen, obviously. That would be | 1:09:22 | 1:09:27 | |
really tough. But there are four
more years afterwards. If needs be! | 1:09:27 | 1:09:34 | |
So, it K. -- it's OK. | 1:09:34 | 1:09:45 | |
Well, what an incredible four years
it has been for Elise Christie. It's | 1:09:46 | 1:09:50 | |
amazing to see the emotion that is
invested from her coat and ever | 1:09:50 | 1:09:55 | |
around her and from her, and she
gets her Olympic challenge underway | 1:09:55 | 1:10:00 | |
today. She's in the 500 metres for
-- short track speed skating, | 1:10:00 | 1:10:09 | |
10:45am UK time. Not to be missed. A
lot of expectation and excitement | 1:10:09 | 1:10:16 | |
around that. From one woman going
for her first Olympic medal to the | 1:10:16 | 1:10:20 | |
iron lady who already has ten of
them. Marit Bjorgen is going in the | 1:10:20 | 1:10:26 | |
cross-country little bit later and
she is aiming for an incredible 11th | 1:10:26 | 1:10:30 | |
Olympic level which could make her
the most decorated female Winter | 1:10:30 | 1:10:34 | |
Olympian in history. | 1:10:34 | 1:10:41 | |
Marit Bjorgen is closing in on
another superb piece of Winter | 1:10:47 | 1:10:51 | |
Olympic history. This is a woman
totally dominant. Gold on the very | 1:10:51 | 1:11:00 | |
first day, gold in the team sprint,
and she's finishing in style. It's | 1:11:00 | 1:11:06 | |
gold again for the iron Lady of
Norway. | 1:11:06 | 1:11:15 | |
The Norwegian currently sits joint
top on ten medals, six of them have | 1:11:15 | 1:11:19 | |
been gold, three of them came in | 1:11:19 | 1:11:22 | |
top on ten medals, six of them have
been gold, three of them came in | 1:11:22 | 1:11:25 | |
Sochi four years ago. Claudia
Pechstein is also competing this | 1:11:25 | 1:11:32 | |
year but she has not won a | 1:11:32 | 1:11:37 | |
Pechstein is also competing this
year but she has not won a medal | 1:11:37 | 1:11:38 | |
since 2006. Before we see if she can
make history, let's have a look at | 1:11:38 | 1:11:45 | |
the Alpensia cross-country arena.
Cross-country skiing is one of the | 1:11:45 | 1:11:51 | |
ultimate physical challenges. One of
its disciplines races over the | 1:11:51 | 1:11:56 | |
longest distance of any winter and
export. 50 kilometres in one go. | 1:11:56 | 1:12:02 | |
There are two microwaves to ski,
classic, which involves a fast | 1:12:02 | 1:12:06 | |
walking motion along parallel
tracks, and freestyle, which | 1:12:06 | 1:12:13 | |
resembles ice-skating. There are six
events for men and women, all with | 1:12:13 | 1:12:18 | |
the goal to complete the various
distances as quickly as possible. | 1:12:18 | 1:12:24 | |
Norway is the dominant force and six
time champion Marit Bjorgen could | 1:12:24 | 1:12:27 | |
become the most decorated the bill
Olympian of all time if she adds to | 1:12:27 | 1:12:31 | |
her tally of ten medals here in Plum
Chang. | 1:12:31 | 1:12:35 | |
-- Pyeongchang.
Such any credible gruelling sport | 1:12:35 | 1:12:40 | |
and they approaching the start line.
Marit Bjorgen going for the 11th | 1:12:40 | 1:12:46 | |
medal. Rob Walker is the
commentator, you might have some | 1:12:46 | 1:12:52 | |
history, what a way to start your
Olympics. Do you think she can do | 1:12:52 | 1:12:56 | |
it? | 1:12:56 | 1:12:59 | |
Good afternoon. I'm certain she can.
A medal of any colour and she will | 1:12:59 | 1:13:07 | |
be the most decorated female
Olympian in history, as you have | 1:13:07 | 1:13:10 | |
said. As a woman used to going for
gold, only one colour will do. | 1:13:10 | 1:13:17 | |
Stunning conditions here at the
skiing centre, we are so excited | 1:13:17 | 1:13:21 | |
about this first instalment of
drama. And I know these world-class | 1:13:21 | 1:13:25 | |
women are itching to get going.
Heidi Weng is leading the World Cup | 1:13:25 | 1:13:34 | |
standings, she is still searching
for her maiden individual gold. She | 1:13:34 | 1:13:39 | |
is yet to stand on top on her own.
Oestberg, another Norwegian, team | 1:13:39 | 1:13:54 | |
sprint gold, racing since the age of
two. And what about Jessica | 1:13:54 | 1:14:02 | |
two. And what about Jessica Diggins,
she won the last... | 1:14:04 | 1:14:10 | |
It's not all about the Norwegians,
Kalla is a master at Peking at the | 1:14:16 | 1:14:24 | |
right time. She has raced sparingly
this year and she will be feeling | 1:14:24 | 1:14:27 | |
very fresh. Another one of the
Norwegians, Haga. And then Krista | 1:14:27 | 1:14:41 | |
Parmakoski, but Bjorgen has only
lost one race. She looked poised, | 1:14:41 | 1:14:49 | |
composed and ready. She said she is
as hungry and energetic as he was | 1:14:49 | 1:14:56 | |
right at the beginning of her
career. Another quality performer | 1:14:56 | 1:15:03 | |
here, she only just missed a medal
in the skiathlon last year. Two | 1:15:03 | 1:15:08 | |
different techniques, the real test
of the all-rounder. Our first race | 1:15:08 | 1:15:14 | |
for gold is underway in Pyeongchang.
Is it destined to be a moment of | 1:15:14 | 1:15:20 | |
history for Marat beer can,
defending world champion, or can one | 1:15:20 | 1:15:23 | |
of the others than I have the glory
that she desires? Basher or deny her | 1:15:23 | 1:15:33 | |
the glory? So much to look forward
to. | 1:15:33 | 1:15:35 | |
I'm delighted to be joined by you,
your first looking forward to the | 1:15:40 | 1:15:47 | |
cross country. Ollie, we have been
itching for these days to take down. | 1:15:47 | 1:15:50 | |
We forget about the statistics and
now we get on with watching world | 1:15:50 | 1:15:54 | |
class action. We have been bouncing
off the walls! A phenomenal setting | 1:15:54 | 1:15:59 | |
for these races. We have 7.5
kilometres of classic, that is what | 1:15:59 | 1:16:05 | |
we are seeing in front. Then the pit
stop, when you switch, then 7.5 | 1:16:05 | 1:16:10 | |
kilometres along the same course,
skating to the finish. Marit | 1:16:10 | 1:16:16 | |
Bjorgen, the headline. Everybody
wants to know whether she can beat | 1:16:16 | 1:16:20 | |
the number one female Winter
Olympian of all time. She isn't that | 1:16:20 | 1:16:24 | |
far off being the number one Winter
Olympian of all time, male or | 1:16:24 | 1:16:28 | |
female. She could do it with a bit
of effort at these games. She is a | 1:16:28 | 1:16:32 | |
multiple Olympic gold medallist when
she turns up. But any Norwegian | 1:16:32 | 1:16:37 | |
here, there are a couple of sweets,
we have Finland, pushing her close. | 1:16:37 | 1:16:44 | |
And even Jessie Diggins from the
USA. I think we have five or six | 1:16:44 | 1:16:50 | |
candidates which could beat her to
the finish. Alongside Ollie, a | 1:16:50 | 1:16:57 | |
fascinated observer is posing
Musgrave, the Winter Olympian in | 1:16:57 | 1:17:01 | |
Sochi four years ago. You know what
it takes to compete alongside these | 1:17:01 | 1:17:05 | |
women. Put into context in these
early stages, as we look at the back | 1:17:05 | 1:17:11 | |
there at Number 10, put into context
what Marit Bjorgen has already | 1:17:11 | 1:17:18 | |
achieved in the sport and how
incredible it would be if she gets a | 1:17:18 | 1:17:23 | |
medal of any colour here and moves
to 11 medals already? She is one of | 1:17:23 | 1:17:31 | |
the greatest performers we've ever
had, 37 now and at the top of her | 1:17:31 | 1:17:35 | |
game for 15 years. It's a tough
sport and it's incredible to compete | 1:17:35 | 1:17:40 | |
at such a level for such a long
time. She's shown after the major | 1:17:40 | 1:17:44 | |
championships how to perform at the
top level when it really matters. | 1:17:44 | 1:17:48 | |
I'm excited to see what she can do
today. It's an important point, she | 1:17:48 | 1:17:53 | |
knows what to do on the day and she
knows her body well enough, she | 1:17:53 | 1:17:58 | |
doesn't have two race as much as her
rivals. We haven't seen since the | 1:17:58 | 1:18:02 | |
end of last year. She finished
fifth, she had a cold and wasn't | 1:18:02 | 1:18:06 | |
necessarily on top form. She doesn't
need to be doing that the whole | 1:18:06 | 1:18:09 | |
time. It's a different approach and
build up taking it into the race | 1:18:09 | 1:18:13 | |
like that, compared to the younger
the regions and the Swedes nipping | 1:18:13 | 1:18:18 | |
at her heels. Posy, have us your
view on this ski Avalon. In the old | 1:18:18 | 1:18:23 | |
days it was known as the combined
pursuit, it is an all-round test. We | 1:18:23 | 1:18:29 | |
have a ski classical on the tracks,
then there is the transitional area, | 1:18:29 | 1:18:34 | |
as you mention, and then two fast
circuits of freestyle. It's a really | 1:18:34 | 1:18:38 | |
tough test. If you favour the
classical, you could look impressive | 1:18:38 | 1:18:47 | |
early on, Kowalczyk is past her best
now, but you cannot just nail one | 1:18:47 | 1:18:50 | |
can you have to be good at both?
Absolutely, some say it favours the | 1:18:50 | 1:18:56 | |
skate specialists, if you can hang
with the pack, you've got the chance | 1:18:56 | 1:18:59 | |
to push the pace and be in front
when it counts at the finish. | 1:18:59 | 1:19:04 | |
Regardless, if you can't do it in
the pace section. We need to be a | 1:19:04 | 1:19:11 | |
good all-rounder. | 1:19:11 | 1:19:16 | |
good all-rounder. If you are
Charlotte Kalla, looking someone to | 1:19:16 | 1:19:20 | |
stop Marit Bjorgen, with someone
like Charlotte Kalla's pedigree, we | 1:19:20 | 1:19:23 | |
know that she is phenomenal. If you
remember Sochi 2014, Charlotte Kalla | 1:19:23 | 1:19:28 | |
delivered an incredible relay
finish, coming over the line. It was | 1:19:28 | 1:19:32 | |
one of the moments of the games. How
do you beat that woman there? How do | 1:19:32 | 1:19:36 | |
you beat Marit Bjorgen? Do you try
and stretch out the race or go for | 1:19:36 | 1:19:41 | |
it? Nobody has the answer, which is
why she is so successful. Marit | 1:19:41 | 1:19:49 | |
Bjorgen pushes the pace, she is
further back, we are used to seeing | 1:19:49 | 1:19:53 | |
her at the front but she controls
the pace. If it comes to a sprint | 1:19:53 | 1:19:57 | |
finish, she will be able to beat
everyone at the end but she can push | 1:19:57 | 1:20:00 | |
the pace in the pack too. Charlotte
Kalla is hugely popular in Sweden, | 1:20:00 | 1:20:09 | |
she comes from a tiny town in the
Arctic Circle. It's interesting, she | 1:20:09 | 1:20:14 | |
has decided to do this year exactly
what she did ahead of Sochi. She has | 1:20:14 | 1:20:19 | |
barely raised since Christmas. She
will be arriving here fresh. In | 1:20:19 | 1:20:25 | |
contrast to someone like Heidi Weng,
although brilliantly she won a | 1:20:25 | 1:20:29 | |
second consecutive tour to ski, she
has raced literally everywhere. With | 1:20:29 | 1:20:34 | |
a set of events as brutal as this,
coming in fresh has to be helpful | 1:20:34 | 1:20:40 | |
for Charlotte Kalla. The tactic
works and she did so brilliantly in | 1:20:40 | 1:20:46 | |
Russia. Yes, she did brilliantly
there and we have seen in the World | 1:20:46 | 1:20:50 | |
Championships. She had her home
Championships in Sweden in 2015, we | 1:20:50 | 1:20:55 | |
didn't see much of her before that
she won gold in front of a home | 1:20:55 | 1:20:58 | |
crowd. It works for her. It's
important if you know you're winning | 1:20:58 | 1:21:02 | |
strategy to stick at it. There's no
point her racing too much when she | 1:21:02 | 1:21:06 | |
knows she can work without that. A
clarification, Charlotte Kalla is | 1:21:06 | 1:21:11 | |
now in the centre of your picture,
on the left-hand tracks wearing the | 1:21:11 | 1:21:16 | |
number five, number one is the World
Cup leader Heidi Weng. I noticed | 1:21:16 | 1:21:20 | |
towards the front of the group,
Kowalczyk, wearing the number 22. A | 1:21:20 | 1:21:27 | |
good performer when it comes to the
classical. An Olympic champion in | 1:21:27 | 1:21:32 | |
her own rights. Arguably a touch
past her best. Marit Bjorgen happy | 1:21:32 | 1:21:37 | |
wearing number eight. To be in that
pack, there's a long way to go here. | 1:21:37 | 1:21:43 | |
The pack is looking fairly close
together as we come to the first | 1:21:43 | 1:21:46 | |
checkpoint. They have done 2.26
kilometres now. We can see over 20 | 1:21:46 | 1:21:52 | |
people within ten seconds of one
another. Not strung out too much. | 1:21:52 | 1:21:59 | |
They are doing two loops of 3.75
kilometres in a classic style. Posy, | 1:21:59 | 1:22:08 | |
there are some very technical
elements to cross-country. It isn't | 1:22:08 | 1:22:10 | |
as simple as it looks. For those who
may be watching cross-country skiing | 1:22:10 | 1:22:16 | |
for the first time, give us the
layman 's guide to waxing? Although | 1:22:16 | 1:22:19 | |
it may sound like a boring subject,
it was vital in Sochi. In spite of | 1:22:19 | 1:22:26 | |
all of the resources the Norwegian
team have that their disposal, they | 1:22:26 | 1:22:30 | |
got their waxing very wrong in their
first few races at Sochi, it was | 1:22:30 | 1:22:36 | |
nearly a national outcry! Give us
the inside's guide as to what is | 1:22:36 | 1:22:40 | |
important with wax and wide. They
did indeed, it can win or lose your | 1:22:40 | 1:22:45 | |
race, it's frustrating when you rely
on your skis at the end of the day. | 1:22:45 | 1:22:50 | |
Firstly, you have the glide wax
which makes you going fast downhill. | 1:22:50 | 1:22:54 | |
That's about the speed and acquired
that in the classic, you have a kick | 1:22:54 | 1:23:00 | |
wax. In the centre of your ski, you
have a kick wax own. You apply the | 1:23:00 | 1:23:05 | |
wax there and as you compress it
gives you the push to get uphill. | 1:23:05 | 1:23:11 | |
It's about getting a balance between
glide and kick, you want to get | 1:23:11 | 1:23:16 | |
uphill but go downhill quickly as
well. There is a lot to think about. | 1:23:16 | 1:23:19 | |
You need a good set of skis to put
the wax on as well. There's a lot | 1:23:19 | 1:23:24 | |
that happens behind the scenes which
is decisive in terms of getting the | 1:23:24 | 1:23:28 | |
athletes to be start line and in the
shape where they can win. The | 1:23:28 | 1:23:32 | |
Swedish coaching team has had a
struggle with Nora virus this week. | 1:23:32 | 1:23:36 | |
It could have, even if it takes not
.5% of Charlotte Kalla or Nielsen, | 1:23:36 | 1:23:46 | |
the disruption is big news. Headline
news in Sweden all week long. If | 1:23:46 | 1:23:53 | |
there was ever a chance of Charlotte
Kalla winning an Olympic skiathlon, | 1:23:53 | 1:23:58 | |
today is the day. Definitely, it's
too early to count though. There are | 1:23:58 | 1:24:05 | |
still 20 or so people in the front
pack. Let's see how it goes. She | 1:24:05 | 1:24:09 | |
could do really well today. I have
good feelings for her. We mentioned | 1:24:09 | 1:24:15 | |
Jessie Diggins towards the start of
our coverage, she's on the left-hand | 1:24:15 | 1:24:21 | |
side. It's really important for the
non-European nations to show that | 1:24:21 | 1:24:25 | |
they can get among the heavyweights
of Norway and Sweden, she has | 1:24:25 | 1:24:31 | |
improved a lot in the last few
years. She's at the forefront of a | 1:24:31 | 1:24:36 | |
big development in of American
cross-country skiing? The American | 1:24:36 | 1:24:42 | |
team has been really strong in the
last few years. It's nice to see a | 1:24:42 | 1:24:45 | |
new nation competing at the top. It
isn't just her, there are three or | 1:24:45 | 1:24:51 | |
four skiers on their day who can win
in these different events. For | 1:24:51 | 1:24:55 | |
Jesse, we talked about how you have
to be good at a classic technique. | 1:24:55 | 1:25:03 | |
She is now able to be competitive in
races like the skiathlon, which she | 1:25:03 | 1:25:07 | |
may have struggled in before. It's
interesting to see her staying with | 1:25:07 | 1:25:10 | |
the pack but also leading. I think
it shows how much she has improved | 1:25:10 | 1:25:15 | |
in her confidence. The US team in
general. Jessie Diggins is really | 1:25:15 | 1:25:22 | |
looking forward to these events
later in the Olympics. The strength | 1:25:22 | 1:25:26 | |
and depth, it isn't just her, you
have Randall, Marit | 1:25:26 | 1:25:34 | |
and depth, it isn't just her, you
have Randall, Marit, they've got a | 1:25:34 | 1:25:36 | |
real group which they haven't had
before. There's the chance they can | 1:25:36 | 1:25:39 | |
kick it off and get on the podium
today. She definitely has a shot | 1:25:39 | 1:25:45 | |
today. Jessie Diggins has a lot of
self belief, every time she goes | 1:25:45 | 1:25:51 | |
out, she believes she can be on the
podium. It's important to make it at | 1:25:51 | 1:25:54 | |
the top level. The first of four
circuits completed. It is 3.75 | 1:25:54 | 1:26:06 | |
kilometres in classic. It is
important to get in and out as | 1:26:06 | 1:26:13 | |
quickly as possible, a big group
altogether. Nobody has really been | 1:26:13 | 1:26:19 | |
dropped. I noticed the cameras were
focused on the German and nights and | 1:26:19 | 1:26:24 | |
the last climb of the tour to ski,
Boehler was just off the back of the | 1:26:24 | 1:26:31 | |
big group but everyone seems in
touch. 15 going through with 62 in | 1:26:31 | 1:26:35 | |
total. | 1:26:35 | 1:26:42 | |
total. For bid 62, that's Annika
Taylor, the only British contender | 1:26:42 | 1:26:45 | |
we have. Born in the USA, in
California. Her father is British. | 1:26:45 | 1:26:50 | |
She's been in the team since 2013, I
believe. Posy, you are overlapped | 1:26:50 | 1:26:56 | |
with her a bit, give us a flavour of
what the experience would be like | 1:26:56 | 1:26:59 | |
for her? You might she will have a
similar experience to what I had in | 1:26:59 | 1:27:03 | |
Sochi. This ski races different to
the others. You may have braced in | 1:27:03 | 1:27:08 | |
World Championships or World Cups,
but there is more exposure and more | 1:27:08 | 1:27:13 | |
people watching -- you may have
raced. She can really take a | 1:27:13 | 1:27:17 | |
positive experience from this.
Hopefully we will see some good | 1:27:17 | 1:27:20 | |
things from her. The last time we
see the athletes going uphill, Marit | 1:27:20 | 1:27:27 | |
Bjorgen had moved level with the
leaders. She is on the left-hand | 1:27:27 | 1:27:31 | |
side, wearing number eight. Number
35 is Victoria Carl, she was 12th in | 1:27:31 | 1:27:38 | |
the sprint in Innsbruck six years
ago, in the youth Winter Olympic | 1:27:38 | 1:27:45 | |
Games. She has had a taste of the
big time. | 1:27:45 | 1:27:52 | |
big time. Number 22 Kowalczyk, just
on the left there. Palmer Caskey is | 1:27:53 | 1:27:59 | |
tracking, the iron Lady with a long
way to go. She was not bothered with | 1:27:59 | 1:28:05 | |
the early pace. She was in the third
or fourth row. Now, she has just | 1:28:05 | 1:28:10 | |
decided to let everybody else know
that she is there. She is focused | 1:28:10 | 1:28:14 | |
and ready to go for gold again --
Parmakoski is tracking. Parmakoski | 1:28:14 | 1:28:20 | |
tracking behind her. They've had an
interesting relationship in terms of | 1:28:20 | 1:28:24 | |
how close they've been to one
another in these races. In the World | 1:28:24 | 1:28:29 | |
Championships, Parmakoski was the
only one who could really stay in | 1:28:29 | 1:28:33 | |
touch with Marit Bjorgen in that
race. Finishing five seconds off. | 1:28:33 | 1:28:36 | |
Then there was a gap of about half a
minute, back to Charlotte Kalla in | 1:28:36 | 1:28:40 | |
third. Parmakoski had her third
individual World Cup this season, | 1:28:40 | 1:28:47 | |
she's been on the podium plenty of
times and had her first actual win. | 1:28:47 | 1:28:52 | |
A massive confidence boost going
into the games. IMac it came ten | 1:28:52 | 1:28:56 | |
days or so before she got onto the
plane to come out here. It is a | 1:28:56 | 1:29:03 | |
tough course and she knows that she
is in good shape. A super Saturday | 1:29:03 | 1:29:09 | |
for them, Parmakoski is seen as a
big hope. In the biathlon, they have | 1:29:09 | 1:29:17 | |
huge hopes with a couple of shots at
the gold today? They will be working | 1:29:17 | 1:29:23 | |
on their biathlon. It promises to be
a great race as well. It is | 1:29:23 | 1:29:32 | |
alongside Sir Alpensia cross-country
skiing centre, they use a lot of | 1:29:32 | 1:29:35 | |
their own tracks. It is stunning. We
have walked and jogged round, Ollie | 1:29:35 | 1:29:43 | |
and I, it is well laid out. In
Sochi, there were some eye watering | 1:29:43 | 1:29:49 | |
climbs, it isn't an easy course at
all, but this skiathlon isn't | 1:29:49 | 1:29:56 | |
necessarily as hilly as Sochi. Those
clients are perhaps more gradual in | 1:29:56 | 1:29:59 | |
places, but there is one absolute
monster when they get onto the | 1:29:59 | 1:30:04 | |
skating half of the race -- climbs.
But overall, in terms of the | 1:30:04 | 1:30:10 | |
gradient, it isn't as hilly as
Sochi. No, but what I would say is | 1:30:10 | 1:30:15 | |
on the classic cause they have a big
climb out of the stadium and then it | 1:30:15 | 1:30:19 | |
is flat and undulating after that.
It is in Paulson -- important to | 1:30:19 | 1:30:26 | |
work on that. Sometimes you get a
nice downhill afterwards, you can | 1:30:26 | 1:30:29 | |
get your breath back in those ten
seconds but I do think there is a | 1:30:29 | 1:30:35 | |
potential breakaway spot over the
top. If you keep pushing it can not | 1:30:35 | 1:30:39 | |
a few people off the back of the
pack. It is exposed in many places, | 1:30:39 | 1:30:43 | |
we haven't talked much about
amateur, we've said Pyeongchang is | 1:30:43 | 1:30:49 | |
very cold, minus four degrees or -5,
the snow is hard and greasy, but | 1:30:49 | 1:30:53 | |
what does it mean? We haven't even
mention that your brother will be | 1:30:53 | 1:30:58 | |
going for Great Britain here, he
sounds confident at getting a medal, | 1:30:58 | 1:31:03 | |
what are the conditions mean for
him? We will talk about a lot the | 1:31:03 | 1:31:06 | |
next few days, it means that the
moment that the snow is very fast | 1:31:06 | 1:31:11 | |
and I see, because it has been
called the snow packs down firm and | 1:31:11 | 1:31:16 | |
is fairly stable. In terms of the
waxing, it should make it fair | 1:31:16 | 1:31:21 | |
because of the conditions are stable
the smaller teams have a chance to | 1:31:21 | 1:31:24 | |
find the best conditions with wax.
But it means it will favour someone | 1:31:24 | 1:31:28 | |
who can be quite powerful if the
snow is very hard pack, you can push | 1:31:28 | 1:31:33 | |
down with a lot of force whereas if
it is a bit softer, you favour those | 1:31:33 | 1:31:39 | |
with a last and five to -- faster
tempo. Marit Bjorgen shouldn't worry | 1:31:39 | 1:31:44 | |
in every condition. She isn't
struggling. | 1:31:44 | 1:31:50 | |
Look at this. It's not a definitive
bid for gold but it looks like she | 1:31:50 | 1:31:54 | |
is very confident, she was a little
bit below form, she was only 15 her | 1:31:54 | 1:31:58 | |
last World Cup race before coming
here. This is a very confident bit | 1:31:58 | 1:32:03 | |
of French skiing from Marit Bjorgen.
Kalla right behind her, one of the | 1:32:03 | 1:32:09 | |
jewels that we were looking forward
to, Oestberg is in fourth, Heidi | 1:32:09 | 1:32:14 | |
Weng is third. I wanted to meant --
mention Anderson, the Swede. Really | 1:32:14 | 1:32:25 | |
young, she had her best ever placing
in her senior World Cup race. She is | 1:32:25 | 1:32:33 | |
wearing number 18. She has an -- she
is an exciting prospect, she's in | 1:32:33 | 1:32:39 | |
the right place to keep track the
moves. Yes, she's nicely positioned | 1:32:39 | 1:32:45 | |
at the front there. Kalla coming to
the end of her career, Andersson can | 1:32:45 | 1:32:52 | |
do it. She was meddling in the world
Juniors, she went three times, very | 1:32:52 | 1:33:03 | |
unusual because each year she gets a
lot of development but she was still | 1:33:03 | 1:33:08 | |
competing for the top slots. Posy,
you mentioned Oestberg, to the end | 1:33:08 | 1:33:14 | |
of her career, -- Kalla, how
exceptional is it for someone to | 1:33:14 | 1:33:21 | |
compete at the age that they are?
Marit Bjorgen is 38. It's about | 1:33:21 | 1:33:29 | |
endurance, like breath and running,
people do get better as they get | 1:33:29 | 1:33:32 | |
older. -- like marathon running. If
you train and compete well, you can | 1:33:32 | 1:33:40 | |
be competitive through your 30s. For
me, it is motivation. If you are | 1:33:40 | 1:33:45 | |
Bjorgen and Kalla and you have won
everything, how much do you keep it | 1:33:45 | 1:33:50 | |
up? Because you have to sacrifice a
lot to be desktop yellow and she's | 1:33:50 | 1:33:53 | |
now her mother,. -- she is now a
mother. I went to a press conference | 1:33:53 | 1:34:04 | |
that was in Norwegian, so I could
only read the body language, I asked | 1:34:04 | 1:34:11 | |
a question in English, frankly her
in the she's very good. I get the | 1:34:11 | 1:34:16 | |
feeling she is in quite a content
place, the iron lady who was leading | 1:34:16 | 1:34:19 | |
at the moment. When the next chapter
comes, she will be ready for that | 1:34:19 | 1:34:23 | |
and ready to close the door on this.
That's the luxurious position you | 1:34:23 | 1:34:27 | |
are in. She hopes that she wins a
whole host of great medals over the | 1:34:27 | 1:34:31 | |
coming 16 days but even if these
games do not panel out exactly as | 1:34:31 | 1:34:36 | |
she would have liked, she can draw
towards the end of a glittering | 1:34:36 | 1:34:41 | |
career before she focuses on the
next phase of her life. That makes a | 1:34:41 | 1:34:47 | |
quite dangerous and hard to beat
because I didn't get the feeling | 1:34:47 | 1:34:50 | |
from that press conference that she
was coming here feeling that she was | 1:34:50 | 1:34:53 | |
under a massive amount of pressure.
I got the feeling she was relishing | 1:34:53 | 1:34:57 | |
yet another challenge at SS games.
It's such a unique position to be | 1:34:57 | 1:35:03 | |
in, -- at another Olympic Games. She
knows what it is like to be here, | 1:35:03 | 1:35:07 | |
she has won everything, it would be
de-icing on the cake to get a few | 1:35:07 | 1:35:10 | |
more medals. I think she can still
do it and those years of experience | 1:35:10 | 1:35:16 | |
make a difference. Here is the
transition line. Coming up to the | 1:35:16 | 1:35:20 | |
end of the 7.5 kilometres, the
athlete pile on and you can take as | 1:35:20 | 1:35:24 | |
long as you need to get your classic
skis off and get the skate skis on, | 1:35:24 | 1:35:28 | |
just like the triathlon transition
zone. Every second counts | 1:35:28 | 1:35:34 | |
particularly when you have got
someone like Marit Bjorgen, she took | 1:35:34 | 1:35:37 | |
all the time in the world to switch
skis at the bar champion, but if it | 1:35:37 | 1:35:41 | |
goes wrong for everyone else, they
lose time. We will get your | 1:35:41 | 1:35:45 | |
impressions on the transition soon,
but the cameras were focusing their | 1:35:45 | 1:35:52 | |
on Haga, because she is struggling,
she is a fraction off the pace as | 1:35:52 | 1:35:58 | |
they headed towards the transition
area. OK, Posy, do the cross-country | 1:35:58 | 1:36:03 | |
skiers practice transition like the
triathletes do? Their mantra is, you | 1:36:03 | 1:36:12 | |
can never win a race with the
transition but you could cause | 1:36:12 | 1:36:16 | |
problems. Yes, people don't spend
weeks or hours of practice on but | 1:36:16 | 1:36:20 | |
when you have a big event like this
coming up, you make sure you | 1:36:20 | 1:36:26 | |
incorporate it into a session. You
can do and interval session, you can | 1:36:26 | 1:36:32 | |
do an interval in one technique and
change over to another so you | 1:36:32 | 1:36:35 | |
practice doing it out of breath as
well which is important. In an ideal | 1:36:35 | 1:36:39 | |
world, how long should these
transitions take? They have already | 1:36:39 | 1:36:43 | |
come past the line at the back
there, they were able to start | 1:36:43 | 1:36:46 | |
skating, also taking their poles. So
they are just ready to unclip the | 1:36:46 | 1:36:51 | |
skis, click into the other skis,
pick the poles up, get out and put | 1:36:51 | 1:36:57 | |
the poles on so they should be in
the box no more ten seconds. Jessica | 1:36:57 | 1:37:05 | |
Diggins wearing number three. Now
the second half of the race. | 1:37:05 | 1:37:10 | |
Classical finished for the first 15
or so of these cross-country skiers. | 1:37:10 | 1:37:14 | |
And I wonder how long we will wait
before the big move comes. A shame | 1:37:14 | 1:37:20 | |
for Haga, a little bit of work to do
to try and catch up. Her uncle | 1:37:20 | 1:37:26 | |
represented Norway in cross-country
in 1980. She will have to work to | 1:37:26 | 1:37:30 | |
close the app. She does tend to be
slightly stronger on the freestyle | 1:37:30 | 1:37:34 | |
skiing that we have moved onto. She
will have to work very hard to get | 1:37:34 | 1:37:39 | |
back up to the front pack. The
danger is that if you work too hard | 1:37:39 | 1:37:44 | |
to get to the front pack, you have
burned all your matches once you get | 1:37:44 | 1:37:48 | |
there and if someone makes a move
from the front group, you have | 1:37:48 | 1:37:51 | |
nothing to go with them. So it's a
dangerous position. One skier we | 1:37:51 | 1:37:56 | |
have not mentioned on the | 1:37:56 | 1:38:06 | |
have not mentioned on the farce
side, but crucially is on the far | 1:38:06 | 1:38:09 | |
side, the Olympic athletes
representing Russia, Nepryaeva. We | 1:38:09 | 1:38:17 | |
can already see a group of seven or
eight beginning to pull away. I | 1:38:17 | 1:38:23 | |
wonder at what stage we might start
to see a big move. You feel like | 1:38:23 | 1:38:28 | |
once people get into the skate and
you do not have to worry about the | 1:38:28 | 1:38:30 | |
transition any more, like those he
was saying, you stay with the pack, | 1:38:30 | 1:38:35 | |
you get to the transition. -- like
Posy was saying. If you have a | 1:38:35 | 1:38:39 | |
chance against someone like Marit
Bjorgen, you have to go early. It's | 1:38:39 | 1:38:43 | |
the same when you deal with someone
like Chris Froome in cycling, how do | 1:38:43 | 1:38:48 | |
you conquer that, someone who has
seen it all and done everything. | 1:38:48 | 1:38:54 | |
Maybe the best option is to go as
hard as you can. If you see the pit | 1:38:54 | 1:38:58 | |
stop there, roughly 30 seconds,
Marit Bjorgen takes a little bit | 1:38:58 | 1:39:03 | |
longer than most, she feels like she
does not have to worry. As we get | 1:39:03 | 1:39:07 | |
into the skiathlon, people will be
cranking this up. How much does it | 1:39:07 | 1:39:12 | |
matter that you don't have, let's
see R Stena the Swedish coaching -- | 1:39:12 | 1:39:20 | |
let's say, Stena Nilsson, how much
do you rely on the coach running | 1:39:20 | 1:39:30 | |
alongside you? Most of your work is
done now. It's more important in the | 1:39:30 | 1:39:35 | |
time trails, women do ten
kilometres, you go out in 32nd | 1:39:35 | 1:39:42 | |
intervals so you can get more
feedback on how your competitors are | 1:39:42 | 1:39:45 | |
doing, that can be important if you
are just a few seconds behind, you | 1:39:45 | 1:39:50 | |
can work harder. You have the
feedback of people being around you | 1:39:50 | 1:39:54 | |
now. It's thinking about who is in
this group, or I need to do and | 1:39:54 | 1:40:00 | |
where I'm going to work hard. The
gap is emerging, a group of nine | 1:40:00 | 1:40:07 | |
with a couple hanging on to the
coat-tails and it looks likely test | 1:40:07 | 1:40:11 | |
starting to get this main pack which
may be our winner will come from. | 1:40:11 | 1:40:17 | |
Yes, the two Swedish athletes, then
three, possibly four from Norway. | 1:40:17 | 1:40:23 | |
Kalla followed by Andersson who is
having a fantastic race. Heidi Weng | 1:40:23 | 1:40:31 | |
is still there and at the moment
Marit Bjorgen is this sixth, but | 1:40:31 | 1:40:35 | |
nothing to read into that, I don't
think. She is still there. At what | 1:40:35 | 1:40:41 | |
stage do you expect a move to come,
if they're going to give themselves | 1:40:41 | 1:40:45 | |
the best possible chance of beating
Bjorgen? Look at what's happening | 1:40:45 | 1:40:49 | |
right now, no one wants to make a
move. This place is crawling along. | 1:40:49 | 1:40:54 | |
Really interesting to see this, we
don't tend to see it very often, | 1:40:54 | 1:40:59 | |
normally we see someone like Bjorgen
Heidi Weng going as hard as fossil. | 1:40:59 | 1:41:03 | |
Here she has gone to the front, she
has had enough of this. They were | 1:41:03 | 1:41:08 | |
crawling over the hill and I think
someone will start to make a move | 1:41:08 | 1:41:12 | |
soon. Is it the case of someone
forcing themselves to be brave? | 1:41:12 | 1:41:15 | |
Think so, and some people know they
are not as strong when it comes to | 1:41:15 | 1:41:20 | |
the sprint finishes, and they will
have to push the pace. People like | 1:41:20 | 1:41:24 | |
Teresa Stadlober, she is a good
distance skier, she does not have a | 1:41:24 | 1:41:31 | |
good sprint finish. If she wants to
be near the top, she has to push it | 1:41:31 | 1:41:35 | |
soon. I think some of the Norwegians
will push it, Marit Bjorgen will get | 1:41:35 | 1:41:41 | |
fed up of this playing around and
show us who is boss soon. We are | 1:41:41 | 1:41:46 | |
excited about Marit Bjorgen from the
point of view that she could create | 1:41:46 | 1:41:51 | |
a piece of history. To reiterate, if
you are joining us, she is leading | 1:41:51 | 1:41:55 | |
the race, she is known as the iron
Lady. She is tied with two other | 1:41:55 | 1:41:59 | |
cross-country skiers as the joint
most decorated female Olympian in | 1:41:59 | 1:42:07 | |
history with ten medals, so at medal
of any colour, even though she wants | 1:42:07 | 1:42:15 | |
the gold, will see her hold the
greatest tag all on her own. | 1:42:15 | 1:42:23 | |
greatest tag all on her own. The
male athletes who has 13 medals from | 1:42:24 | 1:42:28 | |
Norway, he's not competing in this
championship, so Marit Bjorgen, if | 1:42:28 | 1:42:36 | |
she has a great 16 days, could end
up as the greatest male or female | 1:42:36 | 1:42:41 | |
athlete in winter in a big history.
We just saw the Swiss athlete, she | 1:42:41 | 1:42:47 | |
is right up there at the front, she
is an athlete who has not had that | 1:42:47 | 1:42:54 | |
podium success and has been so close
to it and has been saying for a long | 1:42:54 | 1:42:58 | |
time but she is due, Van Siebenthal.
She has now moved onto the front of | 1:42:58 | 1:43:04 | |
this. Is that the brave move that we
talk about that someone has to take? | 1:43:04 | 1:43:09 | |
Absolutely, she is not the one who
has had podium finishes so you would | 1:43:09 | 1:43:16 | |
think she was not so confident but
she knows that she has to break the | 1:43:16 | 1:43:21 | |
pack apart. I think she has made
that move, she's certainly starting | 1:43:21 | 1:43:27 | |
to ramp it up. Everyone is working
harder. She is a good athlete, Van | 1:43:27 | 1:43:32 | |
Siebenthal, she just missed a medal
last year in the World Championship | 1:43:32 | 1:43:36 | |
last year, and in the under 23
championship three years ago. | 1:43:36 | 1:43:43 | |
Although she has just missed out on
the podiums this year in the World | 1:43:43 | 1:43:48 | |
Cup, she has been pretty consistent.
Four performances in top six. So one | 1:43:48 | 1:43:53 | |
by one beginning to get whittled
down. | 1:43:53 | 1:44:01 | |
down. Von Siebenthal's injection of
pace has just asked some questions | 1:44:01 | 1:44:04 | |
and it's beginning to get
interesting here. And Von Siebenthal | 1:44:04 | 1:44:09 | |
had a bit of a dress rehearsal last
year, because when she came forth at | 1:44:09 | 1:44:13 | |
the World Championship is, she led
home in a sprint pack of four or | 1:44:13 | 1:44:17 | |
five skiers who were 30 seconds of
the front but she has that | 1:44:17 | 1:44:24 | |
experience of coming home in a
sprint when you have got five skiers | 1:44:24 | 1:44:27 | |
around you. Not for gold but still
replicating that and it gives her | 1:44:27 | 1:44:32 | |
that experience which she might need
in about ten minutes. Absolutely and | 1:44:32 | 1:44:38 | |
every cross-country skier out there
is so hungry for success that he | 1:44:38 | 1:44:42 | |
will fight for fourth place and
seventh place, it's not just the top | 1:44:42 | 1:44:44 | |
few across the line that really
work. A little bit of a gap opening | 1:44:44 | 1:44:48 | |
up potentially. Back to Jessica
Diggins and perhaps Heidi Weng as | 1:44:48 | 1:44:55 | |
well, Bjorgen now leads with Kalla
in second, Von Siebenthal in third. | 1:44:55 | 1:45:00 | |
And the other Norwegians, wearing
number one and number two, you can | 1:45:00 | 1:45:08 | |
just see Ingvild Oestberg
disappearing on the far left frame, | 1:45:08 | 1:45:14 | |
they need to pay attention. This is
a brutal hill. I have jogged up with | 1:45:14 | 1:45:20 | |
this and it is really very, very
steep indeed. Coming into the | 1:45:20 | 1:45:24 | |
stadium again. This particular hill,
could be the decisive factor in a | 1:45:24 | 1:45:31 | |
lot of the races we're going to
enjoy watching. | 1:45:31 | 1:45:37 | |
Absolutely, if we are still as
packed as this as in 3.75 | 1:45:37 | 1:45:43 | |
parameters, they will be sprinting
of that hill to make a gap before | 1:45:43 | 1:45:46 | |
they get through the last stretch.
And you had to hold back enough. All | 1:45:46 | 1:45:51 | |
of this jockeying for position we
are seeing, you have to think if you | 1:45:51 | 1:45:55 | |
kilometres ahead the whole time,
when will I turn this on? It is a | 1:45:55 | 1:46:01 | |
great mass of unknowns at the
moment. It is quite brave of Von | 1:46:01 | 1:46:06 | |
Siebenthal to go earlier. If she
uses all of her energy potentially | 1:46:06 | 1:46:09 | |
she doesn't have anything left that
if she does not do that and it comes | 1:46:09 | 1:46:13 | |
to the sprint finish, maybe she
can't manage that. What do you do? | 1:46:13 | 1:46:18 | |
Questions being asked of Heidi Weng.
The two leaders in the World Cup | 1:46:18 | 1:46:23 | |
circuit this year, I have noticed
the seven coming in, Kowalczyk, | 1:46:23 | 1:46:33 | |
behind Marit Bjorgen by less than
five seconds in the World | 1:46:33 | 1:46:36 | |
Championships last year. It's
gearing up to be a great last lap! | 1:46:36 | 1:46:41 | |
Marit Bjorgen can taste history here
but there are plenty of women still | 1:46:41 | 1:46:45 | |
in touch wanting to deny her off
this golden opportunity to become | 1:46:45 | 1:46:49 | |
the greatest of all time. We still
have Stadlober in the pack, and | 1:46:49 | 1:46:54 | |
Heidi Weng off the back as well.
There are five, six or seven people | 1:46:54 | 1:47:01 | |
who have the pedigree to take these
last few kilometres and make it | 1:47:01 | 1:47:04 | |
their own. They are all up against
it. Someone in Marit Bjorgen, who | 1:47:04 | 1:47:09 | |
has done it time and again. The last
two Olympic skiathlons, she has | 1:47:09 | 1:47:16 | |
fended off everybody! It must play
on the minds of the rest of the | 1:47:16 | 1:47:19 | |
pack. What would Marit do, what
should I do now? She will be hard to | 1:47:19 | 1:47:26 | |
beat if it comes to the final
sprint. She looks comfortable still, | 1:47:26 | 1:47:31 | |
I think she still has something in
the tank. She will be feeling very | 1:47:31 | 1:47:36 | |
confident going into the last lap of
the course. Von Siebenthal, leading | 1:47:36 | 1:47:41 | |
on the right-hand side wearing the
Number 10. Heidi Weng hanging onto | 1:47:41 | 1:47:44 | |
the leading group. Jess Diggins is
still there as well. Charlotte | 1:47:44 | 1:47:52 | |
Kalla, Ebba Andersson, candy
youngster from Sweden upstage her | 1:47:52 | 1:47:55 | |
famous compatriot, Heidi Weng? Five
seconds there, that could be a | 1:47:55 | 1:48:05 | |
significant gap, | 1:48:05 | 1:48:10 | |
significant gap, with Oestberg
leading the second group. It is | 1:48:12 | 1:48:15 | |
about to get interesting, Marit
Bjorgen hasn't had the race all to | 1:48:15 | 1:48:18 | |
herself. There are women here who
can genuinely put her under pressure | 1:48:18 | 1:48:22 | |
in the closing stages. How brave are
they willing to be and how much will | 1:48:22 | 1:48:26 | |
they have two push on that really
steep hill coming into the stadium | 1:48:26 | 1:48:30 | |
at the end of the loop? Ebba
Andersson, what a story that would | 1:48:30 | 1:48:35 | |
be for Sweden. It is impossible to
overstate the rivalry between Sweden | 1:48:35 | 1:48:40 | |
and Norway in cross-country skiing.
This is football, three o'clock | 1:48:40 | 1:48:45 | |
Saturday afternoon in Scandinavia
right now. Clear the decks and sit | 1:48:45 | 1:48:49 | |
down, watch this! There is so much.
Charlotte Kalla, moving forward, | 1:48:49 | 1:48:53 | |
Sweden would love to take the
opening medal? They would. They have | 1:48:53 | 1:48:59 | |
never won the combined pursuit, as
it used to be called. Two silver | 1:48:59 | 1:49:04 | |
medals, Charlotte Kalla came in
fresh. Von Siebenthal is still in | 1:49:04 | 1:49:10 | |
there. Marit Bjorgen in third. Also
still right alongside the legendary | 1:49:10 | 1:49:15 | |
Norwegian is Christa Palmer Kosky.
In third place, just behind | 1:49:15 | 1:49:28 | |
In third place, just behind her --
Parmakoski. A bold move from | 1:49:28 | 1:49:31 | |
Charlotte Kalla, she can be a Winter
Olympic champion, she's already won | 1:49:31 | 1:49:35 | |
in the ten kilometre race. Can she
do it today? It is a big move by | 1:49:35 | 1:49:40 | |
Charlotte Kalla. Marit Bjorgen got
stuck behind Von Siebenthal, she | 1:49:40 | 1:49:46 | |
played it badly. Costing her
valuable seconds. Can she make up | 1:49:46 | 1:49:50 | |
the gap? I don't know. She will have
to put her foot down towards the top | 1:49:50 | 1:49:54 | |
of the hill. These hills are going
to separate out the pack. As I said | 1:49:54 | 1:50:01 | |
before, Charlotte Kalla, the Swedish
fans have said is her time, if she | 1:50:01 | 1:50:05 | |
is to win the gold medal, it is to
be today. The snow is in her favour, | 1:50:05 | 1:50:11 | |
snow underfoot, in terms of what
conditions are like, it plays into | 1:50:11 | 1:50:15 | |
what she likes. There is no dominant
force this season. Charlotte Kalla | 1:50:15 | 1:50:21 | |
with a sizeable gap. There is a long
left in this at all. Marit Bjorgen | 1:50:21 | 1:50:26 | |
will have two Douzable in specialty
pick up the gap. Four seconds on the | 1:50:26 | 1:50:30 | |
group. That could mean an awful lot
here. -- do something special to | 1:50:30 | 1:50:36 | |
pick up the gap. | 1:50:36 | 1:50:47 | |
To resist our job is a classy
performer but Charlotte Kalla has | 1:50:48 | 1:50:51 | |
been brave, racing smart, she has
the race at the moment. That was a | 1:50:51 | 1:50:58 | |
dizzying short! The Swedish fans are
getting excited. The youngster is | 1:50:58 | 1:51:09 | |
still very much in the mix, with
Andersson, momentum with the Swede. | 1:51:09 | 1:51:20 | |
There is Marit Bjorgen. With the
other Swede Andersson behind her. In | 1:51:21 | 1:51:28 | |
fourth place, you have Parmakoski.
As they climb up this hill, if | 1:51:28 | 1:51:33 | |
Charlotte Kalla does this, she is
loved in Sweden. People love her | 1:51:33 | 1:51:37 | |
personality, she is emotional and
says what she thinks. People really | 1:51:37 | 1:51:41 | |
warmed to her in terms of how she
reacts. As she surges uphill, not | 1:51:41 | 1:51:46 | |
only will she potentially win the
gold medal but she could become the | 1:51:46 | 1:51:50 | |
first Swedish woman to become a
three-time Olympic medallist in the | 1:51:50 | 1:51:55 | |
cross-country skiing. She could put
herself out even further as a | 1:51:55 | 1:51:59 | |
national hero, if she takes the gold
medal now. They are really working | 1:51:59 | 1:52:03 | |
hard as they go uphill. Last time
there were tactics and play. Taking | 1:52:03 | 1:52:08 | |
it easy but now it is all out 100%.
They put everything on the line. I | 1:52:08 | 1:52:14 | |
don't think Marit Bjorgen has given
up. She won't give up until the end. | 1:52:14 | 1:52:22 | |
If she makes up the gap, and wins
the gold medal, it will surely | 1:52:22 | 1:52:26 | |
confirm her as the greatest female
cross-country skier of all time to | 1:52:26 | 1:52:30 | |
do that? It would be pretty special,
she is no slouch on the ski! It | 1:52:30 | 1:52:35 | |
would be incredible to do. She is an
incredible competitor. I know her | 1:52:35 | 1:52:39 | |
and I know she would give up. She
still believes she can do it, even | 1:52:39 | 1:52:43 | |
if no one else does. This is getting
tied for second and third. We know | 1:52:43 | 1:52:49 | |
Marit Bjorgen's class, but
Parmakoski of Finland is right | 1:52:49 | 1:52:54 | |
there. Andersson of Sweden is there.
Von Siebenthal hasn't been | 1:52:54 | 1:52:59 | |
completely detached from the Battle
of silver and bronze. Surely with | 1:52:59 | 1:53:03 | |
the gap as it is, if there's a huge
move up that brutal hill coming into | 1:53:03 | 1:53:09 | |
stadium from Marit Bjorgen, this
looks very much as though it could | 1:53:09 | 1:53:14 | |
be a winning lead. 37 years old,
Father Time marching on, she has the | 1:53:14 | 1:53:24 | |
class Berdych she is to close it,
she to do it now. Charlotte Kalla | 1:53:24 | 1:53:29 | |
was brave and bold, she will be
hurting. She will be beginning to | 1:53:29 | 1:53:32 | |
finish this. -- feel this. Marit
Bjorgen is being pushed by the | 1:53:32 | 1:53:40 | |
athlete that occur so close to the
world title last year. Parmakoski, | 1:53:40 | 1:53:46 | |
seven. Andersson, the other young
Swedish athlete in fourth place, | 1:53:46 | 1:53:49 | |
with Von Siebenthal in Number 10.
Marit Bjorgen has to find something | 1:53:49 | 1:53:56 | |
here. She can produce history. Any
medal would make her the greatest | 1:53:56 | 1:54:01 | |
alone of all time. He mentioned her
history with Charlotte Kalla, if she | 1:54:01 | 1:54:05 | |
wins a medal here, she will join
Anya Pearson, the Alpine skier, as | 1:54:05 | 1:54:11 | |
the greatest Swedish individual
medallist with six Winter Olympic | 1:54:11 | 1:54:15 | |
medals. That's the gap... Surely
this is too much? Even for Marit | 1:54:15 | 1:54:22 | |
Bjorgen? I think she might have let
it go too much. This is too little, | 1:54:22 | 1:54:28 | |
too late for her. This is phenomenal
skiing by the ladies. I think | 1:54:28 | 1:54:33 | |
Charlotte Kalla has braced the
perfect race today. Parmakoski is | 1:54:33 | 1:54:40 | |
hot on her heels. Marit Bjorgen has
had to work hard for so long to | 1:54:40 | 1:54:45 | |
close the gap to Charlotte Kalla. I
still think that she can do it. But | 1:54:45 | 1:54:50 | |
Parmakoski is definitely working
hard to stay on her tales. You could | 1:54:50 | 1:54:54 | |
see Parmakoski, I do think it shows
that Parmakoski is finding it easy | 1:54:54 | 1:54:59 | |
enough to stay in contention with
Marit Bjorgen, if she could do | 1:54:59 | 1:55:01 | |
something about it by now, surely
Parmakoski couldn't stay as close as | 1:55:01 | 1:55:05 | |
she is? Charlotte Kalla has raced
superbly here. Now, Marit Bjorgen | 1:55:05 | 1:55:13 | |
with a small gap over Parmakoski.
Ebba Andersson out of the medals at | 1:55:13 | 1:55:18 | |
the moment. But this will be a
sweet, sweet moment for position | 1:55:18 | 1:55:21 | |
like Charlotte Kalla. The grimace
will turn to a smile. She is going | 1:55:21 | 1:55:28 | |
to secure the first gold medal of
the 2018 Winter Olympics here in | 1:55:28 | 1:55:33 | |
Pyeongchang! A really big effort
from Parmakoski to try to close down | 1:55:33 | 1:55:39 | |
Marit Bjorgen. There will be history
for the Norwegian today but it isn't | 1:55:39 | 1:55:44 | |
in the position to which she has
grown accustomed... Charlotte Kalla, | 1:55:44 | 1:55:49 | |
Sweden's Golden girl, has delivered
perhaps the performance of her life. | 1:55:49 | 1:55:54 | |
So bold and so brave. It is she who
becomes the skiathlon Winter Olympic | 1:55:54 | 1:56:01 | |
champion. History secure for Marit
Bjorgen. She is right to celebrate | 1:56:01 | 1:56:05 | |
her silver medal. It makes her the
most decorated female Winter | 1:56:05 | 1:56:09 | |
Olympian in history, and she will
have other chances for gold. | 1:56:09 | 1:56:13 | |
Parmakoski did her very best to put
the Norwegian and the Swede under | 1:56:13 | 1:56:16 | |
pressure. She completes the podium
after a silver last year, bronze | 1:56:16 | 1:56:22 | |
this time. Well, Marit Bjorgen has
created headlines and history here | 1:56:22 | 1:56:26 | |
today. So too has Sweden's Charlotte
Kalla. What a race, and what a | 1:56:26 | 1:56:31 | |
performance! | 1:56:31 | 1:56:36 | |
Charlotte Kalla has been phenomenal.
We expected this to be a relatively | 1:56:36 | 1:56:43 | |
close race, if not very, very close.
We see skiathlons decided by a | 1:56:43 | 1:56:49 | |
second or less but if you watch
Charlotte Kalla, accelerating away | 1:56:49 | 1:56:52 | |
in the second half of that. It was
the perfect start to her Olympics, | 1:56:52 | 1:56:59 | |
the Sweden's Olympics. Scandinavia
will be going Postal over the event | 1:56:59 | 1:57:08 | |
they had just seen, it was a
dominant win? It was a perfect race | 1:57:08 | 1:57:13 | |
by Charlotte Kalla. She stayed nice
and comfortable on the classic, it | 1:57:13 | 1:57:17 | |
was very sensible. When it came to
the skate, that has been her | 1:57:17 | 1:57:22 | |
strongest technique. She had a burst
of speed when it counted. I think | 1:57:22 | 1:57:28 | |
she had perfect tactics, a
phenomenal race. Interesting to see | 1:57:28 | 1:57:33 | |
that Marit Bjorgen put her arms up
at the finish, perhaps she realises | 1:57:33 | 1:57:37 | |
it was a fine performance and
another great silver medal? Maybe | 1:57:37 | 1:57:42 | |
she realises that actually she
wasn't going to have it all her way | 1:57:42 | 1:57:44 | |
this year. She's done well in the
World Cup series, winning a couple | 1:57:44 | 1:57:49 | |
of races but she has finished off
the podium sometimes as well. I do | 1:57:49 | 1:57:53 | |
think she is pleased with herself a
medal. I don't think it is bitter | 1:57:53 | 1:57:57 | |
disappointment. But elation that she
has another medal. She's a great | 1:57:57 | 1:58:06 | |
competitor. A real sportswoman. She
will congratulate her competitors in | 1:58:06 | 1:58:10 | |
this race. So many medals in the
bag. Silver is still great. The | 1:58:10 | 1:58:18 | |
first gold has been secured. It has
gone to Charlotte Kalla. Her status | 1:58:18 | 1:58:24 | |
as a golden goal in Sweden was
already secured with the gold medals | 1:58:24 | 1:58:28 | |
that she has enjoyed in Vancouver
and in Sochi. But you suspect the | 1:58:28 | 1:58:34 | |
manner of that victory puts the gold
medal at the top of her collection. | 1:58:34 | 1:58:41 | |
We have so many races in cost
crunchy -- cross-country yet to | 1:58:41 | 1:58:48 | |
come. What a superb day for
Charlotte Kalla. | 1:58:48 | 1:58:55 | |
An incredible race, the first gold
of the games goes to Sweden and | 1:58:55 | 1:58:59 | |
Charlotte Kalla. History made at the
cross-country. The iron Lady Marit | 1:58:59 | 1:59:03 | |
Bjorgen is officially the most
decorated Winter female, female | 1:59:03 | 1:59:09 | |
Winter Olympian of all time. | 1:59:09 | 1:59:15 | |
Winter Olympian of all time. Quite
incredible. We are now leaving the | 1:59:16 | 1:59:18 | |
mountain cluster and we are heading
to the coastal cluster, taking a | 1:59:18 | 1:59:22 | |
visit to the grand dog ice Hockey
Centre, where all of the women's | 1:59:22 | 1:59:28 | |
hockey is taking place. The first
match is underway, Japan play | 1:59:28 | 1:59:32 | |
Sweden. In the first quarter, let's
catch up with all of the action. | 1:59:32 | 1:59:37 | |
Joining it live with our commentary
team Ken Simpson and Steph Bennett. | 1:59:37 | 1:59:46 | |
COMMENTATOR: Good points from the
youngster as another long-range | 1:59:46 | 1:59:50 | |
effort goes towards the goal...
Ripping one, top shelf! Short | 1:59:50 | 1:59:59 | |
side... | 1:59:59 | 2:00:07 | |
side... Fujimoto beaten. Sweden
winning 1-0. What do you do? Short | 2:00:07 | 2:00:19 | |
side upstairs, what a shot! Passing
Fujimoto, right under the crossbar. | 2:00:19 | 2:00:26 | |
Fujimoto thinks she has the post
covered. It goes right under. | 2:00:26 | 2:00:30 | |
Postage stamp! | 2:00:30 | 2:00:35 | |
She could be one of those energy
players throughout this tournament. | 2:00:36 | 2:00:40 | |
Massive smiles. | 2:00:40 | 2:00:42 | |
Leading rests won 1-0. Japan have
pushed back in the last couple of | 2:00:47 | 2:00:53 | |
minutes. They are creating and they
may have a chance as they break into | 2:00:53 | 2:00:57 | |
the zone. The shooting opportunity
goes wide. Japan create the turnover | 2:00:57 | 2:01:06 | |
again. They are giving Sweden a run
for their money. The shot was | 2:01:06 | 2:01:11 | |
blocked in front. It should be
cleared. The Swedish captain. She | 2:01:11 | 2:01:15 | |
will get help. | 2:01:15 | 2:01:16 | |
Japan continue to work hard. They
are creating. Sweden were resolute | 2:01:25 | 2:01:31 | |
defensively. They can break away
with speed. | 2:01:31 | 2:01:42 | |
with speed. Almost over the line.
Japan will try and clear this away. | 2:01:42 | 2:01:46 | |
Now they have space to clear. You
get the feeling that Japan needs to | 2:01:46 | 2:01:51 | |
capitalise on one of their
opportunities. Boy, they have had | 2:01:51 | 2:01:55 | |
some wonderful ones in the last few
minutes of play, point-blank | 2:01:55 | 2:01:58 | |
opportunities. | 2:01:58 | 2:02:04 | |
opportunities. Those opportunities
will not keep coming unless they | 2:02:04 | 2:02:06 | |
find the back of the net. It is
taken away. Looking for help on the | 2:02:06 | 2:02:14 | |
blue line. She will get it. That is
very close to a bodycheck on the | 2:02:14 | 2:02:21 | |
boards. It is one of the differences
in the rules between the men's and | 2:02:21 | 2:02:27 | |
the women's game. You're not allowed
to make bodychecked but you can make | 2:02:27 | 2:02:32 | |
body contact. You will see them
crashing to each other every once in | 2:02:32 | 2:02:35 | |
awhile but it is when the referee
judges are made -- they have made | 2:02:35 | 2:02:42 | |
ahead, that is where they will get
the penalty. This is the | 2:02:42 | 2:02:45 | |
opportunity. Looking for the
wraparound. This could be the | 2:02:45 | 2:02:49 | |
opportunity. A good save again by
the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper just | 2:02:49 | 2:02:57 | |
seems to be doing enough right now.
The Swedish defence are doing a | 2:02:57 | 2:03:02 | |
wonderful job taking away the second
and third opportunities. Japan are | 2:03:02 | 2:03:07 | |
getting the shots, and the rebound
is sitting there but Japan cannot | 2:03:07 | 2:03:12 | |
seem to get it. The shooting chance
from the goal-tender from Japan. | 2:03:12 | 2:03:23 | |
from the goal-tender from Japan. --
saved by the goal-tender from Japan. | 2:03:24 | 2:03:27 | |
They have it back in their own zone.
Sweden seem to be on the back foot | 2:03:27 | 2:03:36 | |
for the moment. Trying to work
something deep in the zone. | 2:03:36 | 2:03:41 | |
She has helped from the captain. It
is brought away. | 2:03:45 | 2:03:53 | |
is brought away. Two players check
one another. They are both Swedish, | 2:03:54 | 2:03:57 | |
though. It was almost the perfect
play. Another opportunity, Japan | 2:03:57 | 2:04:03 | |
moving the puck. It goes all the way
across the crease. In the end it was | 2:04:03 | 2:04:11 | |
neither a short nor a pass but it
only needed a little deflection. | 2:04:11 | 2:04:15 | |
That seems to be the theme of the
last ten minutes of play. It has | 2:04:15 | 2:04:18 | |
been all Japan. This is a problem.
Sweden, against the run of play. | 2:04:18 | 2:04:28 | |
They have it. She cannot find her
defensive partner and they will have | 2:04:28 | 2:04:33 | |
to retreat because everybody was
offside. They do just that. So | 2:04:33 | 2:04:40 | |
impressive, the way Japan have
fought hard in this game. I really | 2:04:40 | 2:04:46 | |
like their speed, the way they are
flying. They have their legs under | 2:04:46 | 2:04:50 | |
them, but they are moving the plot
quickly. We are not seeing long 50 | 2:04:50 | 2:04:55 | |
foot passes, we are seeing ten feet
passes, and did close support all | 2:04:55 | 2:05:01 | |
over the ice. They just need to be
clinical in the final third of the | 2:05:01 | 2:05:06 | |
ice. The question is, will they be
able to do that? That is strong | 2:05:06 | 2:05:12 | |
play. Sweden are the much bigger,
more physical team. Right now, they | 2:05:12 | 2:05:17 | |
cannot clear their own zone. It does
not matter, they are causing their | 2:05:17 | 2:05:22 | |
own problems. Two minutes and 21
seconds in, Sweden took the lead and | 2:05:22 | 2:05:26 | |
since then it has been all Japan. I
think the Japan team has caught the | 2:05:26 | 2:05:33 | |
eye of the Sweden team. There will
be comments in the first intimation | 2:05:33 | 2:05:39 | |
from the coach, saying, it is time,
let's go. Two great opportunities. | 2:05:39 | 2:05:46 | |
It has been unfortunate that Sweden
were not able to clear that. If it | 2:05:46 | 2:05:51 | |
comes off your skate it can go
anywhere, but two great chances. She | 2:05:51 | 2:05:58 | |
does not get enough of this. You
cannot be in a better position to | 2:05:58 | 2:06:03 | |
shoot. You are about six feet from
the keeper. It is just rolling a | 2:06:03 | 2:06:10 | |
little bit, it looks like it rolls
off her stake and away the side. -- | 2:06:10 | 2:06:19 | |
her stick. Good defensive play, but
Japan keep working so hard in the | 2:06:19 | 2:06:26 | |
offensive zone to get the turnovers
and rebounds. Maybe we would not | 2:06:26 | 2:06:33 | |
have expected the Swedish goalkeeper
to be the busier of the two, but she | 2:06:33 | 2:06:37 | |
certainly has been. Make no mistakes
about it, Sweden would have come | 2:06:37 | 2:06:43 | |
into this game expecting to win
handsomely. Now they will have a | 2:06:43 | 2:06:48 | |
chance to break into the zone. | 2:06:48 | 2:06:52 | |
Good possession. Sweden can relieve
the pressure. Careless, sloppy play. | 2:06:54 | 2:07:03 | |
They are forced back into their own
zone. | 2:07:03 | 2:07:05 | |
The shot on the angle goes well wide
of the target. It was a bad shot. It | 2:07:16 | 2:07:22 | |
did not give any opportunity for
anything other than the one shot. | 2:07:22 | 2:07:28 | |
No, when you're coming down the wing
and you're going to take a shark, | 2:07:28 | 2:07:31 | |
angled shot, you have to hit the
net. If you do not, you're helping | 2:07:31 | 2:07:37 | |
the other team break-out. Case in
point. That shot misses and was all | 2:07:37 | 2:07:41 | |
the way around the boards outside
the blue line and gives Japan a | 2:07:41 | 2:07:45 | |
little sigh of relief. | 2:07:45 | 2:07:51 | |
Sweden will take this one into the
zone. That sounded like a | 2:07:51 | 2:07:56 | |
bodychecked. The referee has decided
it was just a collision. Japan have | 2:07:56 | 2:08:03 | |
got to be careful, having fought so
hard for much of this period. They | 2:08:03 | 2:08:07 | |
cannot afford to take a penalty or
concede another goal at this point. | 2:08:07 | 2:08:13 | |
At the very least, they deserve to
go in trailing by one. Maybe they | 2:08:13 | 2:08:18 | |
have other ideas as they break into
the offensive zone. That shot was | 2:08:18 | 2:08:25 | |
never going to cause major problems.
It is never a bad idea to put the | 2:08:25 | 2:08:31 | |
puck on the net, especially late in
the period, you want to keep it in | 2:08:31 | 2:08:35 | |
the offensive zone. Perhaps there is
a rebound for the taking. Good times | 2:08:35 | 2:08:43 | |
to come away from it. Into the body
it goes. | 2:08:43 | 2:08:52 | |
it goes. You just feel, when Japan
break into the zone, they are not | 2:08:52 | 2:08:55 | |
going to score from the first
opportunity on the Swedish | 2:08:55 | 2:08:59 | |
goalkeeper. This is such a good
opportunity. The shot through the | 2:08:59 | 2:09:06 | |
screen, but no problem for the
goalkeeper. You're right. It was a | 2:09:06 | 2:09:10 | |
nice play, using the screen,
shooting, but not enough on the | 2:09:10 | 2:09:15 | |
shot, and right into the body of the
keeper for an easy start. That is | 2:09:15 | 2:09:21 | |
Japan again, another shot that does
not make its way through. It is | 2:09:21 | 2:09:24 | |
blocked in front. She clears. Japan
will look to go again. They have it. | 2:09:24 | 2:09:34 | |
The Paz goes all the way across the
zone. Sweden are allowed to | 2:09:34 | 2:09:38 | |
intercept. That should have been a
hand past. -- pass. It should have | 2:09:38 | 2:09:49 | |
been neutralised. It was not given. | 2:09:49 | 2:09:51 | |
The long outlet Paz goes all the way
down the ice. With 53 seconds | 2:09:55 | 2:10:04 | |
down the ice. With 53 seconds to go,
the teams are separated by one goal. | 2:10:04 | 2:10:09 | |
This is a superstar of women's
cocky, in her fourth Olympic Games, | 2:10:09 | 2:10:13 | |
but so far she has been very quiet,
and that is largely down to the play | 2:10:13 | 2:10:19 | |
of Japan. The Japanese head coach
has got to be happy with what he is | 2:10:19 | 2:10:23 | |
seen from his club, is specially in
the last 15 minutes of play. The | 2:10:23 | 2:10:28 | |
shot and save. We have a break at
the other end. Sweden, so close. | 2:10:28 | 2:10:35 | |
Second chance. Cleared on the line.
Now the breakaway. Two golden | 2:10:35 | 2:10:41 | |
opportunities. Japan come back the
other way. This is some game. What | 2:10:41 | 2:10:47 | |
an opening period to this
tournament. Another long-range shot | 2:10:47 | 2:10:49 | |
goes wide. There are still may be
time for one last opportunity. | 2:10:49 | 2:10:59 | |
Sweden through this one down the
ice. | 2:10:59 | 2:11:05 | |
ice. The long outlet Paz. Japan,
seven seconds. Probably not enough | 2:11:05 | 2:11:09 | |
to get another shot on goal. This
could be a chance. Good defensive | 2:11:09 | 2:11:16 | |
play in the end. What a first
period. What an opportunity late in | 2:11:16 | 2:11:23 | |
the period. You can see the
defenceman, she blocked the shot. | 2:11:23 | 2:11:31 | |
That set up the breakaway. She
missed the first shot but had | 2:11:31 | 2:11:36 | |
wonderful presence of mind to shoot
back towards the net. She got behind | 2:11:36 | 2:11:41 | |
the goalkeeper and sat in the
crease, but Tim Japan was able to | 2:11:41 | 2:11:45 | |
beat them to it. Without a doubt
they will be the happier of the | 2:11:45 | 2:11:49 | |
teams that the end of the period.
The players having to put on there | 2:11:49 | 2:11:53 | |
are skate guards as they wander
back. They do not want to blunt the | 2:11:53 | 2:11:56 | |
blades as they wander back. Back to
the locker room. You can see one | 2:11:56 | 2:12:04 | |
player hobbling, wincing with pain.
She felt the full effect of that | 2:12:04 | 2:12:10 | |
one. In Game one of the tournament,
the last thing you need is a stinger | 2:12:10 | 2:12:14 | |
like that. Over the next 24 hours
that will only hurt more and get | 2:12:14 | 2:12:19 | |
more swollen. The ice will be
resurfaced. I think Sweden will | 2:12:19 | 2:12:24 | |
reflect on a period which could have
gone better. Japan will feel great | 2:12:24 | 2:12:27 | |
despite the fact the trail in the
opening game of the tournament, 1-0. | 2:12:27 | 2:12:38 | |
Sweden with the slender lead at the
end of the first quarter. We will be | 2:12:41 | 2:12:44 | |
back for the second quarter but
before that, let's head back to the | 2:12:44 | 2:12:49 | |
cross country. Tomorrow it is the
main's skiathlon and it features | 2:12:49 | 2:12:53 | |
Great Britain's Andrew Musgrave, in
his third Olympics. He has his | 2:12:53 | 2:12:59 | |
sights set on a medal. Graham Bell
went to meet him before it all kicks | 2:12:59 | 2:13:03 | |
off. | 2:13:03 | 2:13:04 | |
Pyeongchang, your third Winter
Olympics. What have you learned from | 2:13:13 | 2:13:18 | |
Vancouver and Sochi? When I went to
Vancouver I was pretty young, still | 2:13:18 | 2:13:23 | |
a junior, not that experienced. I
was definitely going to find out | 2:13:23 | 2:13:26 | |
what the Olympics was like. Sochi, I
went there and I did slightly | 2:13:26 | 2:13:32 | |
underperformed compared to what I
thought I should be able to do, but | 2:13:32 | 2:13:35 | |
I have learned a lot, especially
after Sochi. Peak form, how to deal | 2:13:35 | 2:13:41 | |
with pressure, things like that. A
lot more experience going into this | 2:13:41 | 2:13:44 | |
Games than last time. You on the
Norwegian Championships ahead of | 2:13:44 | 2:13:50 | |
Sochi, and that got you lots of
press coverage. Did that put extra | 2:13:50 | 2:13:54 | |
pressure on you ahead of Sochi? I
was a little affected by it, I | 2:13:54 | 2:14:00 | |
trained too hard, I did too much in
the lead up. I did not do what I | 2:14:00 | 2:14:05 | |
normally do. I let things go to my
head. That is one of the things I | 2:14:05 | 2:14:10 | |
have learned. In place to make you
said you skied later tranquillised | 2:14:10 | 2:14:15 | |
badger. Why badger? It is a very
good question. I do not think I was | 2:14:15 | 2:14:29 | |
going to be one of the favourites
for a medal, but I should have done | 2:14:29 | 2:14:32 | |
better. The guy you beat a few weeks
before won the gold. Toogood on the | 2:14:32 | 2:14:35 | |
day. What a spectacle. He did. I
outperformed myself on that day. If | 2:14:35 | 2:14:41 | |
I had done the same in the Olympics
I could have been in the fight for | 2:14:41 | 2:14:47 | |
the medals, but now I feel I should
be able to be at that level without | 2:14:47 | 2:14:52 | |
having to have a super exceptional
day. What do the British team have | 2:14:52 | 2:14:57 | |
that gives them an advantage say, or
the Norwegians, the Swedes or the | 2:14:57 | 2:15:03 | |
Russians? What gives you the edge?
The fact that we are a small team. | 2:15:03 | 2:15:09 | |
Sometimes it is a disadvantage, but
it can be an advantage. We look at | 2:15:09 | 2:15:14 | |
things differently, we have come
from a different background but the | 2:15:14 | 2:15:17 | |
big teams do the same things they
have always done. They have this big | 2:15:17 | 2:15:21 | |
structure | 2:15:21 | 2:15:26 | |
structure that is hard to change. We
can think of the things that we can | 2:15:27 | 2:15:30 | |
do differently that may work that
they have never thought of trying. | 2:15:30 | 2:15:33 | |
Looking good for Pyeongchang. Which
discipline, which event are you | 2:15:33 | 2:15:34 | |
targeting? | 2:15:34 | 2:15:39 | |
The 15 kilometres is my main event
and the 30 kilometres, that is a | 2:15:41 | 2:15:47 | |
combination of classic for the first
15 and then skating which is good | 2:15:47 | 2:15:52 | |
for me as well. We finish in my best
style. So those races I am really | 2:15:52 | 2:15:57 | |
targeting. So what are your hopes
and expectations from Pyeongchang. I | 2:15:57 | 2:16:06 | |
was forth at the World Championship
last year and I feel but I am a | 2:16:06 | 2:16:11 | |
better skier at this year. So this
year I think it is realistic for me | 2:16:11 | 2:16:16 | |
to be fighting for a medal in 30 and
15 K. So that is the goal. | 2:16:16 | 2:16:27 | |
For the Skiathlon it is getting
underway tomorrow morning at a | 2:16:28 | 2:16:32 | |
quarter past six. We will bring you
that live right here on BBC Two. | 2:16:32 | 2:16:41 | |
From the Huntly Nordic Centre to
potential Olympic medallist, what a | 2:16:41 | 2:16:45 | |
journey it could be for Andrew
Musgrave. But we already had some | 2:16:45 | 2:16:49 | |
medals from the cross-country. The
headline act has been the Norwegian | 2:16:49 | 2:16:53 | |
Marat Bergsson, the most decorated
female Winter Olympian of all time, | 2:16:53 | 2:17:00 | |
taking silver and taking her tally
to an incredible 11 Olympic medals. | 2:17:00 | 2:17:06 | |
Charlotte Kalla of Sweden took the
first gold medal of the Games. Well | 2:17:06 | 2:17:12 | |
disappointment for the GB trio in
Slopestyle. They all failed to make | 2:17:12 | 2:17:16 | |
it through to the final tomorrow.
Max Parrot was the top qualifier. | 2:17:16 | 2:17:27 | |
Well you might have heard is
mentioning that it is a little bit | 2:17:28 | 2:17:33 | |
cold here at Pyeongchang! Actually
it is not so bad today, I believe | 2:17:33 | 2:17:37 | |
the current temperature only around
-9 in the wind chill. I only have | 2:17:37 | 2:17:43 | |
five layers of clothing right now,
believe me that is an improvement. | 2:17:43 | 2:17:48 | |
So we went out to check out the cold
weather is going to affect Team GB | 2:17:48 | 2:17:52 | |
and these Winter Olympics.
Jung Chang is situated in the | 2:17:52 | 2:17:59 | |
mountains 700 metres above sea level
and the locals claim it is perfect | 2:17:59 | 2:18:02 | |
for healthy living. But alongside
that is the weather. The very, very | 2:18:02 | 2:18:07 | |
cold weather.
The Pyeongchang area is the coldest | 2:18:07 | 2:18:20 | |
place in Korea. Because of the
mountainous area. The average | 2:18:20 | 2:18:27 | |
February temperature is around -11
Celsius. It really is cold. Take a | 2:18:27 | 2:18:34 | |
look at this. I know it is supposed
to be cold, it is the Winter | 2:18:34 | 2:18:41 | |
Olympics, but the coldest on record
was in Lily hammer in 1994 and that | 2:18:41 | 2:18:46 | |
year it went as low as -11 degrees.
So if temperature stayed this low | 2:18:46 | 2:18:52 | |
could that affect the 2018 Winter
Olympics? We continue to ask the | 2:18:52 | 2:19:05 | |
operators at which temperature it
would be impossible to operate the | 2:19:05 | 2:19:08 | |
Games. They say it depends on the
situation. And that situation is | 2:19:08 | 2:19:13 | |
largely determined by the amount of
time that the athlete spends outside | 2:19:13 | 2:19:17 | |
in the freezing climate. For an
Alpine racer it is less than two | 2:19:17 | 2:19:21 | |
minutes. But a cross country skier
more like two hours. Whatever the | 2:19:21 | 2:19:26 | |
amount of time, a crucial element is
the kit that they wear it to cope | 2:19:26 | 2:19:31 | |
with the frosty conditions. With
around 60 Team GB athletes | 2:19:31 | 2:19:35 | |
travelling out here that is a lot of
sports and a lot of kit. Four years | 2:19:35 | 2:19:41 | |
ago we had shorts and flip-flops in
Sochi. So quite a shift. Great to be | 2:19:41 | 2:19:47 | |
part of the Olympic Winter Games in
which it is actually cold. We all | 2:19:47 | 2:19:51 | |
have about 100 items of kit. Each
sport has their own and we have | 2:19:51 | 2:19:57 | |
village where as well. The goose
down jackets, scarf and gloves, hand | 2:19:57 | 2:20:03 | |
warmers. Do you think the cold could
help or hinder Team GB? Help, | 2:20:03 | 2:20:12 | |
cross-country is a great example,
the preparations that they have done | 2:20:12 | 2:20:16 | |
in the background is ideal. So they
have a great time out on the track. | 2:20:16 | 2:20:24 | |
So we are in great shape to cope
with this to the benefit of Team GB. | 2:20:24 | 2:20:31 | |
So for the first time ever I'm going
to hope it stays cold! | 2:20:31 | 2:20:35 | |
Will the build-up to the Games has
been more difficult than usual. The | 2:20:35 | 2:20:41 | |
North Korean, South Korean
neighbours in the north and the fate | 2:20:41 | 2:20:43 | |
of the Russian athletes have
dominated the build-up to these | 2:20:43 | 2:20:47 | |
Games. Matthew Pinsent has been out
to assess Games caught up in | 2:20:47 | 2:20:52 | |
Every edition of the Olympic Games | 2:20:52 | 2:20:58 | |
is going to have its challenges. But
it seems as if Pyeongchang is taking | 2:20:58 | 2:21:03 | |
it to a whole new level. 50 miles
across those hills is North Korea. | 2:21:03 | 2:21:11 | |
And let's be honest, relations with
them recently have been absolutely | 2:21:11 | 2:21:16 | |
appalling. But in the last few weeks
North Korea announced that they were | 2:21:16 | 2:21:19 | |
sent a delegation to the Winter
Games to compete. So are we on the | 2:21:19 | 2:21:23 | |
eve of some chorion goodwill? I have
been doing courier for 30 years and | 2:21:23 | 2:21:31 | |
I cannot recall when the situation
was as dangerous as the last year. | 2:21:31 | 2:21:35 | |
The tension between South and is
becoming more sophisticated and a | 2:21:35 | 2:21:43 | |
little bit dangerous. Especially for
our side of the Korean peninsula. | 2:21:43 | 2:21:49 | |
All this reconciliation is not going
to last for long. Because the United | 2:21:49 | 2:21:55 | |
States would be deadly opposing any
kind of economic interaction between | 2:21:55 | 2:21:59 | |
North and South. Still the Korean
citizens have the same history and | 2:21:59 | 2:22:06 | |
we are one unit, one people and one
nation. So we are rooting for both | 2:22:06 | 2:22:12 | |
teams. Korea and North. Hopes in
Korea itself may be high but in the | 2:22:12 | 2:22:18 | |
rest of the world including the UK
questions remained about attending | 2:22:18 | 2:22:21 | |
the Games at all. We feel it is
better to come rather than boycott | 2:22:21 | 2:22:25 | |
or not turn up. It is the athletes,
they do not choose, it is the | 2:22:25 | 2:22:31 | |
pinnacle of their career and they
want to be here. It is up to us to | 2:22:31 | 2:22:36 | |
do our utmost as long as we can
guarantee their safety. Another | 2:22:36 | 2:22:39 | |
problem the Olympic authorities have
to deal with is that of Russia and | 2:22:39 | 2:22:45 | |
they doping. This began back of the
last Winter Olympics. In Sochi in | 2:22:45 | 2:22:50 | |
2014. But just recently it has come
to a head. Russia has been banned | 2:22:50 | 2:22:54 | |
from competing at the Olympics in
South Korea following an | 2:22:54 | 2:22:59 | |
investigation into allegations of
state-sponsored doping. The Court of | 2:22:59 | 2:23:04 | |
Arbitration for Sport has upheld an
appeal is in the last few days from | 2:23:04 | 2:23:08 | |
28 of those banned Russian athletes.
Which leaves a lot more questions. | 2:23:08 | 2:23:13 | |
And the only person who can answer
them is the president of the IOC, | 2:23:13 | 2:23:17 | |
Thomas back. Can you go into any
more detail? Do you have any regrets | 2:23:17 | 2:23:25 | |
about the intervening four years and
the way the IOC has handled this? | 2:23:25 | 2:23:31 | |
No, we issued the toughest sanctions
which we can issue on a national | 2:23:31 | 2:23:38 | |
Olympic committee. This is the
exclusion from the Olympic Games. | 2:23:38 | 2:23:42 | |
But the IOC did clear 169 athletes,
who they judged to be drug-free. | 2:23:42 | 2:23:49 | |
They compete under Olympic flag with
neutral kit and no Russian anthem if | 2:23:49 | 2:23:53 | |
they win. We gave a new young
generation of Russian athletes the | 2:23:53 | 2:24:00 | |
opportunity to be invited to show
the Russians that it pays off to be | 2:24:00 | 2:24:06 | |
clean. In one final chapter to the
Russians trying to get to | 2:24:06 | 2:24:12 | |
Pyeongchang, a further 32 athletes
this week challenge their ban from | 2:24:12 | 2:24:16 | |
December. But just hours ahead of
the opening ceremony, their appeals | 2:24:16 | 2:24:21 | |
were dismissed. Stating that the IOC
were within their rights to block | 2:24:21 | 2:24:27 | |
them. No one is naive enough to
think the Winter Olympics will solve | 2:24:27 | 2:24:32 | |
all the sporting or political
problems of the world. But with | 2:24:32 | 2:24:36 | |
world-class event is about to begin,
hopefully we can all take a 17 day | 2:24:36 | 2:24:44 | |
break from them. Well the Korean
women's hockey team are in action | 2:24:44 | 2:24:47 | |
today, that is on the Red Button at
12:45pm. But heading back to the ice | 2:24:47 | 2:24:52 | |
now for the second period of Japan
against Sweden. | 2:24:52 | 2:24:56 | |
now for the second period of Japan
against Sweden. | 2:24:56 | 2:25:01 | |
Swedish fans, some may be smiling
but it is the Japanese fans who will | 2:25:01 | 2:25:04 | |
feel better about their performance.
I think many of the Koreans in the | 2:25:04 | 2:25:12 | |
building are supporting the
Europeans. You suspect they could | 2:25:12 | 2:25:22 | |
have been a little rocket in that
locker room going in the direction | 2:25:22 | 2:25:26 | |
of the Swedish team. They were not
great in the first period. I'm sure | 2:25:26 | 2:25:31 | |
at the head coach had a few words
for his team. What a wonderful start | 2:25:31 | 2:25:37 | |
for Sweden, just a couple of minutes
in getting on the board. Maybe that | 2:25:37 | 2:25:40 | |
was the worst thing to get that
early goal and then they think it is | 2:25:40 | 2:25:44 | |
going to be an easy game the rest of
the way. But Japan responded in a | 2:25:44 | 2:25:48 | |
big way. They went to the power
play, not able to convert but I | 2:25:48 | 2:25:52 | |
think that was the difference. Just
stemming the flow of the game was up | 2:25:52 | 2:25:59 | |
from there we have Japan using their
speed and they had a lot of | 2:25:59 | 2:26:02 | |
wonderful opportunities. But I tell
you what, scoring chances, they were | 2:26:02 | 2:26:10 | |
even more in favour of Japan. There
is Fanny Rask, the goal scorer | 2:26:10 | 2:26:16 | |
there. Great goal from Fanny Rask,
she really can cause some problems. | 2:26:16 | 2:26:31 | |
Somebody who plays in the Swedish
women's league. Could Fujimoto have | 2:26:31 | 2:26:37 | |
done anything about that? I really
do not think so. | 2:26:37 | 2:26:47 | |
do not think so. So period number
two, Japan with the white and red | 2:26:47 | 2:26:50 | |
jerseys. They will want to build on
that great work of the second half | 2:26:50 | 2:26:55 | |
of the first session. And they will
try to find their way back into this | 2:26:55 | 2:27:01 | |
game. Japan now in the offensive
zone. Going back to the blue line | 2:27:01 | 2:27:10 | |
and following a similar theme, this
first 30 seconds or so. | 2:27:10 | 2:27:19 | |
first 30 seconds or so. Osawa
opening things up and a chance | 2:27:19 | 2:27:23 | |
there. Quite a weak shot, not having
the power to cause big problems. And | 2:27:23 | 2:27:30 | |
Sweden looking to go forward now.
Japan have to go back. That is the | 2:27:30 | 2:27:38 | |
fourth opportunity Japan have had
from that high slot area. Really | 2:27:38 | 2:27:43 | |
findings open ice. But just not able
to get quality shots from that area. | 2:27:43 | 2:27:51 | |
Intercepted. | 2:27:51 | 2:27:57 | |
Intercepted. Chasing into the
corner. Japan trying to create in | 2:27:57 | 2:28:01 | |
the offensive zone. | 2:28:01 | 2:28:09 | |
the offensive zone. Japan Sea is go
back to the other end and they can | 2:28:09 | 2:28:13 | |
create again. Going back to Sochi
four | 2:28:13 | 2:28:20 | |
four years ago,. Smile Japan was the
nickname, very easy-going, the team | 2:28:20 | 2:28:24 | |
having a lot of fun. A lot of the
fans smitten by them but | 2:28:24 | 2:28:30 | |
unfortunately they did not win a
single game in the tournament. And | 2:28:30 | 2:28:33 | |
they left a little bit ashamed. And
now they're looking for redemption | 2:28:33 | 2:28:37 | |
in South Korea. Another blocked shot
from Sweden. The fifth or sixth of | 2:28:37 | 2:28:44 | |
the game so far. It just tells you
Japan have created a lot. That is a | 2:28:44 | 2:28:51 | |
bad turnover. Now the opportunity to
push this one. | 2:28:51 | 2:28:59 | |
Fujimoto out to play it. That was a
bit sloppy from Japan. | 2:29:04 | 2:29:17 | |
bit sloppy from Japan. Stripped
again. And in now, and Sweden | 2:29:17 | 2:29:22 | |
starting to build momentum. Just
causing some turnovers and they do | 2:29:22 | 2:29:25 | |
exactly the same thing again.
Pernilla Winnberg across the line. | 2:29:25 | 2:29:32 | |
Wide of the target. Away they go
again. Japan clearing all the way | 2:29:32 | 2:29:39 | |
down the ice and Sweden going back
to play this one. Well Japan cannot | 2:29:39 | 2:29:44 | |
be afraid to do just that, dump it
down. Just get it out of your own | 2:29:44 | 2:29:52 | |
zone if you feel under pressure.
Pressure coming. Sweden probably | 2:29:52 | 2:30:04 | |
have had their best shift in ten
minutes. Japan can relieve a bit of | 2:30:04 | 2:30:10 | |
pressure finally. They can break
with a little bit of speed as well. | 2:30:10 | 2:30:15 | |
And it is Fanny Rask the goal scorer
trying to clear away from her own | 2:30:15 | 2:30:21 | |
end. Needed 34 bytes of that cherry.
-- three or four. | 2:30:21 | 2:30:39 | |
-- three or four. The foot movement
has been exceptionally good through | 2:30:39 | 2:30:43 | |
this game. | 2:30:43 | 2:30:49 | |
Johannson echoes cause Sweden so
many problems. Another shot is | 2:30:49 | 2:30:53 | |
blocked again by Fanny Rask. Japan
are cranking on the pressure. The | 2:30:53 | 2:31:00 | |
shot goes wide of the target. This
is new for Sweden. In your wildest | 2:31:00 | 2:31:05 | |
dreams they did not expect to be
hemmed in by Tim Japan. They need to | 2:31:05 | 2:31:13 | |
find a little relief in racing the
puck. The story of the game so far | 2:31:13 | 2:31:16 | |
is all this wonderful work from
Japan, but not resulting in any | 2:31:16 | 2:31:21 | |
scoring opportunities. We see
another block from Fanny Rask. | 2:31:21 | 2:31:30 | |
another block from Fanny Rask. That
was Grahm made the save. | 2:31:31 | 2:31:37 | |
was Grahm made the save. It is end
over end. It is causing problems. | 2:31:38 | 2:31:43 | |
Yoneyama. More good work to keep
possession going. Japan are creating | 2:31:43 | 2:31:51 | |
everything they possibly can. Have
they got to be on collision -- the | 2:31:51 | 2:31:58 | |
one clinician who can find the
Finnish? That is a question mark. Do | 2:31:58 | 2:32:04 | |
they have enough goals. If they take
one of these chances, what does it | 2:32:04 | 2:32:12 | |
do to the mentality of Sweden? The
Japan bench now they can play with | 2:32:12 | 2:32:17 | |
Sweden. They have proved that. There
are no doubters on the Japan bench, | 2:32:17 | 2:32:25 | |
but they need a goal-scorer, someone
who can even imagine bring them back | 2:32:25 | 2:32:31 | |
into it. One player who could do
that is Kubo. She is on the ice now. | 2:32:31 | 2:32:38 | |
It will be the like of Fallman that
is concerned at this stage. She | 2:32:38 | 2:32:44 | |
plays in Sweden. Good to see Fallman
back on the ice. We saw in a great | 2:32:44 | 2:32:49 | |
deal of pain, limping. She blocked
the shot that led to the breakaway | 2:32:49 | 2:32:57 | |
by Stenberg. It is good to see her
back. They shot into the body. The | 2:32:57 | 2:33:03 | |
set play from the face-off. Almost
on cue, Kubo almost pulled the | 2:33:03 | 2:33:09 | |
trigger. What a wonderful face-off.
Kubo, a little of the circle. Ready | 2:33:09 | 2:33:16 | |
for it, and the puck went right onto
her forehand. She stopped it for | 2:33:16 | 2:33:22 | |
half a second, and then moved it on
in a hurry. Grahn with a nice save. | 2:33:22 | 2:33:27 | |
She had five goals in qualifying,
Kubo, so she is maybe the one that | 2:33:27 | 2:33:32 | |
Japan will be looking to. She
actually had a break from ice | 2:33:32 | 2:33:37 | |
hockey. She got very frustrated and
decided she wanted to do other | 2:33:37 | 2:33:41 | |
things. Eventually there was the
lure of playing in an Olympic Games. | 2:33:41 | 2:33:46 | |
We have a two on one. It was a good
save by Fujimoto. Everybody in the | 2:33:46 | 2:33:54 | |
building was playing the pass apart
from Fujimoto. She was looking for | 2:33:54 | 2:34:02 | |
the past, up until the last second,
Winberg. Pernilla Winberg, the | 2:34:02 | 2:34:09 | |
veteran, legendary hockey player in
Sweden. Perhaps a little bit of | 2:34:09 | 2:34:15 | |
indecision. She was thinking about
the pass. At the last moment, she | 2:34:15 | 2:34:20 | |
decided to shoot. She did not put
that were she wanted to. Fujimoto | 2:34:20 | 2:34:24 | |
made the same. So, penalty against
Japan and the first opportunity to | 2:34:24 | 2:34:31 | |
have a look at that power play.
Let's have a look at it. It feels | 2:34:31 | 2:34:37 | |
like a soft call. There is Winberg,
or indeed to make on one. Could she | 2:34:37 | 2:34:44 | |
have gone wider? Possibly. She tried
to end up going short side. The | 2:34:44 | 2:34:51 | |
glove of Fujimoto turned it aside.
That penalty will see Kubo in the | 2:34:51 | 2:35:00 | |
box and it will seize Sweden with
the one played advantage for two | 2:35:00 | 2:35:03 | |
minutes. -- will see Sweden. They
will try to make things happen in | 2:35:03 | 2:35:13 | |
the offensive zone. That is why
Winberg is out on the ice. Good | 2:35:13 | 2:35:17 | |
save. | 2:35:17 | 2:35:22 | |
save. Fujimoto denies Emma Nordin.
It was a great pass by Winberg. This | 2:35:25 | 2:35:31 | |
is where Japan may struggle. Kicked
aside. | 2:35:31 | 2:35:39 | |
aside. Once again, it was a good
power play. The face-off will be in | 2:35:39 | 2:35:43 | |
the zone. Winberg is pulling the
strings. When she moves the puck she | 2:35:43 | 2:35:49 | |
puts real speed on it. What vision
to hate Nordin in stride. Coming | 2:35:49 | 2:35:56 | |
across the blue line. Fujimoto with
the save. A good job by Japan to | 2:35:56 | 2:36:03 | |
clear the rebound into the corner
for no further harm. | 2:36:03 | 2:36:11 | |
for no further harm. Sweden will try
and work the outside. Japan get | 2:36:12 | 2:36:15 | |
clean again. We spoke early on about
the 17-year-old defender, Nylen | 2:36:15 | 2:36:24 | |
Persson. We wondered how much time
she would get but now look at her, | 2:36:24 | 2:36:31 | |
quarterbacking the power play. 17
years of age. Sweden are trying to | 2:36:31 | 2:36:35 | |
get something. It will be Nylen
Persson who will go all the way back | 2:36:35 | 2:36:40 | |
to our own zone. 30 seconds
remaining with the one played | 2:36:40 | 2:36:46 | |
advantage. | 2:36:46 | 2:36:51 | |
advantage. Sweden sent this in.
Japan will try and clean again. | 2:36:52 | 2:36:58 | |
Eventually it is sent towards the
net. A big deflection against the | 2:36:58 | 2:37:02 | |
defender. That did not cause too
many problems by Fujimoto. -- four | 2:37:02 | 2:37:08 | |
Fujimoto. They have done some good
penalty killing. That was good | 2:37:08 | 2:37:17 | |
defending by Yoneyama, deep in her
own zone. Now they can lead to | 2:37:17 | 2:37:21 | |
build. Sweden lead by one goal.
Japan will feel somewhat | 2:37:21 | 2:37:25 | |
unfortunate. Kubo | 2:37:25 | 2:37:33 | |
unfortunate. Kubo gets a stake on
that. Japan have had more than | 2:37:33 | 2:37:35 | |
enough chances to be level. -- a
stick on that. Japan, under | 2:37:35 | 2:37:45 | |
pressure. A good turnover in the
offensive zone. The physical | 2:37:45 | 2:37:50 | |
presence from the Swedish line could
be the difference maker. | 2:37:50 | 2:37:58 | |
be the difference maker. They
scored, the combination of Rask, | 2:37:58 | 2:38:05 | |
Kuller, Anton Karlsson. They are
able to control the pace of the play | 2:38:07 | 2:38:12 | |
down low. Japan growing in
confidence in this game. They have a | 2:38:12 | 2:38:21 | |
chance to move away, into the
offensive zone. | 2:38:21 | 2:38:27 | |
offensive zone. That was really good
work by Taka. | 2:38:29 | 2:38:34 | |
work by Taka. Working hard in that
corner. Now an opportunity to skate. | 2:38:36 | 2:38:48 | |
These are one of chances for Sweden,
they are not getting sustained | 2:38:48 | 2:38:51 | |
pressure. | 2:38:51 | 2:38:56 | |
pressure. That was nearly tipped out
in front. It should not have cause | 2:39:00 | 2:39:03 | |
the problem. They say it is never a
bad play to put the puck on the net. | 2:39:03 | 2:39:09 | |
But you're right, we are seeing lots
of shots from far out from Sweden | 2:39:09 | 2:39:14 | |
and no rebound to speak of. | 2:39:14 | 2:39:21 | |
Japan, under some pressure in their
own zone. This is probably Sweden's | 2:39:22 | 2:39:28 | |
best shift since the power play. The
shot will come from range. It is not | 2:39:28 | 2:39:36 | |
pipped on the way through. Again
they will battle their way through. | 2:39:36 | 2:39:43 | |
Stenberg was outmuscled in the end.
It needed two players. It will be | 2:39:43 | 2:39:47 | |
clear down the ice. This is a long
shift for the Japanese five. You do | 2:39:47 | 2:39:54 | |
wonder if the fatigue will start to
cause a problem. That is a mistake. | 2:39:54 | 2:39:59 | |
It could have been offside. It was
given. This is too bad. This is not | 2:39:59 | 2:40:07 | |
offside. The Swedish player put the
puck back into her own zone. Even | 2:40:07 | 2:40:14 | |
though Osawa was ahead, it Sweden
puts it back into their own zone, it | 2:40:14 | 2:40:18 | |
should not be blown by the lines
person. That is a break for Sweden. | 2:40:18 | 2:40:24 | |
Everything from Sweden has been
tight, Donal, into the net. They | 2:40:24 | 2:40:28 | |
could do with creating something
further away from the neck, to give | 2:40:28 | 2:40:33 | |
themselves space. That is a nice
drive from Olsson. But it is one and | 2:40:33 | 2:40:42 | |
done, the shot, and then cleared
away into the corner by Japan. That | 2:40:42 | 2:40:46 | |
was a nice job by Fujimoto, is
stealing the puck out of harm's way. | 2:40:46 | 2:40:53 | |
It is a little bit take and hold
from Sweden. They are not playing | 2:40:53 | 2:40:57 | |
with the confidence that they can
move the puck around and create a | 2:40:57 | 2:41:02 | |
great opportunity. Early on, a
couple of minutes into this game, | 2:41:02 | 2:41:06 | |
the line of Fanny Rask, | 2:41:06 | 2:41:15 | |
the line of Fanny Rask, Kuller Anton
Karlsson, they thought it was going | 2:41:15 | 2:41:17 | |
to be like that in every attack. Now
there is a whole team on the Japan | 2:41:17 | 2:41:23 | |
side that thought, we can play
against teams Sweden. Two in this | 2:41:23 | 2:41:31 | |
group go through to the
quarterfinals. You would suspect | 2:41:31 | 2:41:33 | |
that all three of the teams will be
the Korean team, the lowest seeded | 2:41:33 | 2:41:41 | |
team, and they are in a state of
flux with the arrivals of players | 2:41:41 | 2:41:45 | |
from North Korea as well. Nobody
knows what to expect from them other | 2:41:45 | 2:41:52 | |
than they are unlikely to win a
game. Then it comes to the | 2:41:52 | 2:41:55 | |
head-to-head results and it means
you need to get something out of one | 2:41:55 | 2:41:58 | |
of the other games. That is why the
first game is so massive. If you can | 2:41:58 | 2:42:04 | |
take your team into overtime and get
that bonus point, you never know. If | 2:42:04 | 2:42:09 | |
you can take care of South Korea,
and we do not want any team getting | 2:42:09 | 2:42:13 | |
past other teams, you can take care
of the game you are supposed to win, | 2:42:13 | 2:42:17 | |
and you can salvage a point in
another one, you could be moving on | 2:42:17 | 2:42:22 | |
to the quarterfinals. Svedin with
help from Hjalmarsson. That is where | 2:42:22 | 2:42:28 | |
the puck goes. She cannot handle it.
That was against Ono. It was a great | 2:42:28 | 2:42:40 | |
forecheck from Tim Japan to cause
the turnover. That was an | 2:42:40 | 2:42:46 | |
opportunity lost. Ono had the puck
on her stick and she could not pull | 2:42:46 | 2:42:50 | |
the trigger. Great play offensively.
Osawa gets it behind the back of the | 2:42:50 | 2:42:57 | |
net. She is getting some help from
Yoneyama. Sweden unable to clear. | 2:42:57 | 2:43:03 | |
The shot comes in. Another attempt
on goal. Emma Nordin getting in the | 2:43:03 | 2:43:11 | |
way. Sweden, anywhere will do for
them right now. That was immense | 2:43:11 | 2:43:14 | |
from Japan. Now Sweden will try and
have a go. Japan, much smaller in | 2:43:14 | 2:43:23 | |
stature. They are winning the battle
on the boards and in the middle of | 2:43:23 | 2:43:27 | |
the ice. Can they find that
finishing touch, to one of these | 2:43:27 | 2:43:31 | |
chances? | 2:43:31 | 2:43:34 | |
Ono. It is a really long shift out
there for Ono. She was on the | 2:43:39 | 2:43:50 | |
offence for 45 seconds and now she
is hemmed in her own zone for 30. | 2:43:50 | 2:43:55 | |
Explain what that is like. There are
four macro lens for the players, | 2:43:55 | 2:43:59 | |
four units of five on each team. The
expectation is you're going to play | 2:43:59 | 2:44:04 | |
35-45 seconds? Typically that is the
average length of the ship, you're | 2:44:04 | 2:44:10 | |
out there for 40 seconds. When you
come off, you're tired. When you're | 2:44:10 | 2:44:16 | |
down low, like this threesome in the
offensive zone, if the puck comes | 2:44:16 | 2:44:23 | |
back and you're in your defensive
area, you cannot go for a line | 2:44:23 | 2:44:27 | |
change because it will leave an
opportunity for Sweden to get the | 2:44:27 | 2:44:29 | |
chance. They've got to come back
into their own zone. You can see 27, | 2:44:29 | 2:44:35 | |
Ono, that was about a minute and 15
seconds. When you go back on the | 2:44:35 | 2:44:41 | |
bench it takes the a few shifts to
get your breath back. You do not | 2:44:41 | 2:44:44 | |
want the lactic acid to build up. It
is very much a sprint sport, the | 2:44:44 | 2:44:50 | |
equivalent of running 400 metres
every time you go out there. It is | 2:44:50 | 2:44:55 | |
that kind of energy you would be
expending. And Robbie, you're moving | 2:44:55 | 2:45:00 | |
quake, you're getting a break and
then you're right back at it. Sweden | 2:45:00 | 2:45:07 | |
are leading 1- nil in this opening
game. | 2:45:07 | 2:45:14 | |
Japan deserved a little more than
the scoreline weeds, they've played | 2:45:15 | 2:45:20 | |
so well. Sweden potentially our
medal contenders. They took bronze | 2:45:20 | 2:45:30 | |
medal four years ago. You feel if
anyone is going to break into the | 2:45:30 | 2:45:34 | |
big two, USA and Canada, it will
between Switzerland, Finland and | 2:45:34 | 2:45:40 | |
Sweden. | 2:45:40 | 2:45:46 | |
Sweden. Sweden will have to bring a
bit more than they are showing here | 2:45:46 | 2:45:49 | |
if they want to break into that top
two or even top three. They have | 2:45:49 | 2:45:54 | |
been forced in the last two
Olympics. Open for a better result | 2:45:54 | 2:46:00 | |
here of course. Sweden will create
this all the way down the ice. This | 2:46:00 | 2:46:08 | |
is a chance. Great block out in
front. Right in the body. That will | 2:46:08 | 2:46:15 | |
really hurt Suzuki. Japan coming all
the way back the other way, putting | 2:46:15 | 2:46:22 | |
their bodies on the line and doing
everything they need to do in this | 2:46:22 | 2:46:26 | |
game. Some great skating. | 2:46:26 | 2:46:35 | |
game. Some great skating. You just
love this play from team Japan. A | 2:46:35 | 2:46:38 | |
huge block at one end from Suzaki.
Three on one. She is getting to. | 2:46:38 | 2:46:47 | |
Coming right back and the other way.
And a sucker has a wonderful chance | 2:46:47 | 2:46:52 | |
for the long range. | 2:46:52 | 2:46:57 | |
-- Osaka. | 2:46:57 | 2:47:05 | |
You do not get a lot of protection
in the rib area. Exactly right. You | 2:47:05 | 2:47:12 | |
have shoulder pads but just come
down above the abdominal area. You | 2:47:12 | 2:47:25 | |
can see Suzuki holding on to the
side ribs. But she will tough it out | 2:47:25 | 2:47:29 | |
and do everything she can to get
back out there. | 2:47:29 | 2:47:36 | |
back out there. Smile Japan looking
a lot happier than the Swedish | 2:47:36 | 2:47:39 | |
Rally. Even with the chance to be on
the big screen not quite enough for | 2:47:39 | 2:47:44 | |
them to be jumping up and down and
partying. That tells you the way the | 2:47:44 | 2:47:48 | |
play has gone. Just a bit too tight.
Another opportunity, set play. We | 2:47:48 | 2:47:56 | |
have seen this a couple of times.
Japan again building this, quick | 2:47:56 | 2:48:03 | |
turnover. This could be a real
danger. Ian Hansen chasing after it. | 2:48:03 | 2:48:14 | |
Now some speed the other way, a bit
of anger there. You may have just | 2:48:14 | 2:48:23 | |
caught that in the corner of your
screen. | 2:48:23 | 2:48:31 | |
screen. Well how about the play from
Taka, | 2:48:31 | 2:48:39 | |
Taka, leading Ford Japan going in
the other direction. | 2:48:39 | 2:48:45 | |
the other direction. Japan gaining
possession again. They will keep | 2:48:48 | 2:48:54 | |
putting the pressure on Sweden.
Creating another turnover. All three | 2:48:54 | 2:49:01 | |
players just overload on one of the
ice. This could be a real danger. | 2:49:01 | 2:49:10 | |
Sweden have it in front but no one
able to force it home. Pernilla | 2:49:10 | 2:49:18 | |
Winberg crossing wires. | 2:49:18 | 2:49:24 | |
Winberg crossing wires. Into the
zone it comes. The shot goes high | 2:49:24 | 2:49:27 | |
and over the top. One thing Japan do
very well, running around a little | 2:49:27 | 2:49:39 | |
bit but they do not panic. And they
are precise in their passing. Japan | 2:49:39 | 2:49:46 | |
again with another opportunity on
the goal. | 2:49:46 | 2:49:53 | |
the goal. Just forcing all the way. | 2:49:53 | 2:49:58 | |
The captain Osawa. Deflecting, so
much time and space out there. And | 2:50:04 | 2:50:09 | |
now a chance again for Japan. Going
wide again. | 2:50:09 | 2:50:18 | |
wide again. Japan are all over
Sweden right now. Another shot, | 2:50:18 | 2:50:23 | |
higher this time. Sweden exhausted
out there. Another opportunity, | 2:50:23 | 2:50:29 | |
deflected through. | 2:50:29 | 2:50:34 | |
deflected through. Sara Grahn unable
to take advantage. This is | 2:50:34 | 2:50:43 | |
outstanding from Japan. The path to
the side of the net does not find | 2:50:43 | 2:50:50 | |
its destination. | 2:50:50 | 2:50:58 | |
its destination. The captain behind
her own net, backhand shot and good | 2:50:58 | 2:51:03 | |
save again from Sara Grahn. Sweden
all over the place. Japan have | 2:51:03 | 2:51:07 | |
scored! Side of the net. Sweden, the
masters of their own downfall. | 2:51:07 | 2:51:19 | |
masters of their own downfall. The
Japanese fans brought to their feet. | 2:51:21 | 2:51:23 | |
Nothing less than may have deserved
in this game. | 2:51:23 | 2:51:30 | |
in this game. You could see this
coming, what an | 2:51:33 | 2:51:39 | |
coming, what an effort and Japan
just staying with it. Able to jump | 2:51:40 | 2:51:46 | |
on that with the backend. If that
had been about two minutes of action | 2:51:46 | 2:51:56 | |
in Sweden zone. And you can see
those salutes as they bowed to each | 2:51:56 | 2:52:00 | |
other. It was too much for team
Sweden, they had nowhere to turn. | 2:52:00 | 2:52:06 | |
Every time they looked up there was
off-white jersey in their face. What | 2:52:06 | 2:52:10 | |
an effort from team Japan and they
are rewarded with that huge goal. It | 2:52:10 | 2:52:16 | |
was outstanding from Japan,
absolutely outstanding. | 2:52:16 | 2:52:22 | |
absolutely outstanding. They must
make sure now they do not concede a | 2:52:22 | 2:52:25 | |
cheap one. The shot dealt with.
Missed. | 2:52:25 | 2:52:37 | |
Missed. Japan try to clear their
zone away, they do not manage it. A | 2:52:37 | 2:52:41 | |
big response from Sweden. Good
presence of mind. | 2:52:41 | 2:52:48 | |
presence of mind. The captain Osawa
gets it across. Japan in deep again. | 2:52:48 | 2:52:56 | |
And winding back just a few moments
ago, clear possession behind the net | 2:52:56 | 2:53:05 | |
and the chance just stolen. | 2:53:05 | 2:53:11 | |
and the chance just stolen. Metallic
sound is that went past the net. | 2:53:13 | 2:53:16 | |
Another opportunity for Sweden as
they continue to push in the | 2:53:16 | 2:53:19 | |
offensive zone. The shot comes in,
no deflection. Sweden have reacted | 2:53:19 | 2:53:26 | |
well to conceding. Almost a sobering
moment giving up that goal to even | 2:53:26 | 2:53:33 | |
up the game. And a wonderful
response from Sweden. | 2:53:33 | 2:53:41 | |
response from Sweden. They have
looked a bit out of it the entire | 2:53:41 | 2:53:43 | |
second period. | 2:53:43 | 2:53:49 | |
second period. The atmosphere is
building. Everyone chanting, it | 2:53:49 | 2:53:57 | |
almost touched home. Just in front
of the net. There is nobody there. | 2:53:57 | 2:54:06 | |
The Japanese/ line change with just
over a minute remaining. It has been | 2:54:06 | 2:54:10 | |
an enthralling game. | 2:54:10 | 2:54:21 | |
Let's watch that goal again. Just
too much work. Two Swedish players | 2:54:21 | 2:54:28 | |
standing there in front of Sara
Grahn. But it comes to the side. And | 2:54:28 | 2:54:35 | |
great presence of mind to jump out
from and put it past the net minder. | 2:54:35 | 2:54:42 | |
A sharp angled shot and another good
save. Amazing what a goal can do if | 2:54:42 | 2:54:50 | |
your confidence. And this is a hard
shot but she lets go. Right back, | 2:54:50 | 2:54:57 | |
winning races to the puck. Her eyes
following at the whole way. | 2:54:57 | 2:55:06 | |
Different reaction from the Japan
bench. A great opportunity. | 2:55:06 | 2:55:23 | |
Hosoyamada seeing that taken away
from her. Team Japan has been | 2:55:25 | 2:55:31 | |
wonderful in finding those open
areas in the offensive zone and | 2:55:31 | 2:55:35 | |
jumping past defenders. That is what
Hosoyamada is doing here, and a | 2:55:35 | 2:55:42 | |
beautiful pass. Right on her stick.
And Sara Grahn continuing to be busy | 2:55:42 | 2:55:51 | |
here this afternoon. Japan are ninth
in the world rankings. But tipping | 2:55:51 | 2:56:01 | |
those rankings around right now.
Only eight teams invited to the | 2:56:01 | 2:56:06 | |
women's competition. And Japan had
to qualified to go through. Coria | 2:56:06 | 2:56:14 | |
arrived as tournament hosts. Just
under 30 seconds left. You need to | 2:56:14 | 2:56:24 | |
make sure to get into the dressing
room tied up. | 2:56:24 | 2:56:32 | |
Japan will try to tidy this one
away. An opportunity to use that | 2:56:41 | 2:56:45 | |
speed to create one last chance.
With just four seconds to go. They | 2:56:45 | 2:56:50 | |
go wide. Fujimoto has to make the
save. What a period that was. Japan | 2:56:50 | 2:57:00 | |
with the only goal. Fujimoto with
very little to do. At the other end | 2:57:00 | 2:57:05 | |
it was Sara Grahn who had to make
them more quality saves. And Sweden | 2:57:05 | 2:57:11 | |
finding themselves pegged back. It
is Fujimoto and Japan who fight | 2:57:11 | 2:57:17 | |
back. All level at the end of the
second period with 20 minutes to go. | 2:57:17 | 2:57:25 | |
Potentially there is overtime and
potentially after that there may be | 2:57:25 | 2:57:28 | |
penalty shots. But at the end of 40
minutes we are tied at one goal | 2:57:28 | 2:57:33 | |
each. | 2:57:33 | 2:57:34 | |
minutes we are tied at one goal
each. | 2:57:34 | 2:57:38 | |
Well finally poised in that match
and we will head back for the third | 2:57:38 | 2:57:42 | |
period. But while we have a bit of a
break as you can see it is night | 2:57:42 | 2:57:46 | |
falling behind me here in
Pyeongchang. Earlier this morning we | 2:57:46 | 2:57:51 | |
had the men's snowboard Slopestyle
heats. Taking a quick look back, | 2:57:51 | 2:57:57 | |
three British athletes in
contention. Including Jamie | 2:57:57 | 2:58:01 | |
Nicholls. Well we can find out how
they got on. | 2:58:01 | 2:58:06 | |
Nicholls. Well we can find out how
they got on. | 2:58:06 | 2:58:10 | |
Here we go. This will be the
benchmark right here. Smiles all | 2:58:10 | 2:58:18 | |
round, Marcus Kleveland. He burst
onto the scene aged 11 or 12. | 2:58:18 | 2:58:26 | |
Rumours of this kid who could do
doubles as 11 but he was one of the | 2:58:26 | 2:58:30 | |
first to do a triple 13. | 2:58:30 | 2:58:42 | |
first to do a triple 13. Again
another different line. That might | 2:58:42 | 2:58:47 | |
have been a little mistake. But this
kid can roll with the punches. Into | 2:58:47 | 2:58:53 | |
the first of the jumps. Huge
switchback. How did he stop that | 2:58:53 | 2:58:59 | |
rotation! Now this is the Marcus
Kleveland we know. He had so much | 2:58:59 | 2:59:13 | |
time to spare. Finished the full
spins and still three or four feet | 2:59:13 | 2:59:19 | |
in the air. 83.71, we have a new
leader. Carlos Garcia night. The | 2:59:19 | 2:59:28 | |
20-year-old Kiwi. From Christchurch
in New Zealand. Switch up on the | 2:59:28 | 2:59:37 | |
rail. Huge gap, looked like he lost
a bit of control. Very technical, | 2:59:37 | 2:59:46 | |
the judges will like to see that. | 2:59:46 | 2:59:57 | |
Front side double Cork ten. Roast
beef grab through the legs. Lovely, | 3:00:01 | 3:00:09 | |
this is looking really good. | 3:00:09 | 3:00:16 | |
this is looking really good. Three
and a half rotations. He is happy | 3:00:16 | 3:00:18 | |
with that and so he should be. What
a solid run. We saw him warming that | 3:00:18 | 3:00:25 | |
up in practice yesterday and it is a
very solid run. The rails I think | 3:00:25 | 3:00:31 | |
might be a tiny bit light. Moving
into second place just behind Marcus | 3:00:31 | 3:00:38 | |
Kleveland. | 3:00:38 | 3:00:43 | |
Jamie Nicholls, the first Briton.
There are three. Really nice. 271. | 3:00:45 | 3:00:55 | |
270. He made that look easy. Very
nice, the switch 181. Tucked in for | 3:00:55 | 3:01:06 | |
speed. The best real section we have
seen so far. Frontside ten. His | 3:01:06 | 3:01:14 | |
adrenaline will be peaking at the
moment. Backside 1260. It is looking | 3:01:14 | 3:01:20 | |
good for Jamie Nicholls. | 3:01:20 | 3:01:27 | |
good for Jamie Nicholls. Just in cab
ten. Very nice. Very smart. The | 3:01:27 | 3:01:31 | |
score on the board. He can open up
on the last jump if he wants to. | 3:01:31 | 3:01:35 | |
Let's look at the real section. The
100 naked. The 50-50 when you line | 3:01:35 | 3:01:41 | |
up the board parallel with the rail.
Then the clock. | 3:01:41 | 3:01:50 | |
Then the clock. -- the tuck. That is
lower than I thought we were going | 3:01:50 | 3:01:55 | |
to see. No surprises to see who is
first. | 3:01:55 | 3:02:04 | |
Settle yourselves. Jamie Nicholls,
currently in seventh, just outside | 3:02:08 | 3:02:12 | |
the top six qualifying spot. He
needs this run. Hamish Macdonell it | 3:02:12 | 3:02:18 | |
seen him off, the head coach of the
British team. The boy from Bradford, | 3:02:18 | 3:02:25 | |
the goofy-footed rider, coming into
the first jump. He needs the grab on | 3:02:25 | 3:02:30 | |
that. | 3:02:30 | 3:02:35 | |
that. 270, 270. Making it look so
easy. 181, 360. Into the saddle. | 3:02:36 | 3:02:45 | |
Muscle memory starting to kick in
for Jamie Nicholls. He comes into | 3:02:45 | 3:02:49 | |
the kickers. | 3:02:49 | 3:02:55 | |
the kickers. Frontside 1080. He
needs to put this town. Massive. It | 3:02:55 | 3:03:00 | |
was huge. He had seen everyone else
coming up short. He sensed it. He | 3:03:00 | 3:03:08 | |
really did. I am going to dwell on
this point. We are not going to get | 3:03:08 | 3:03:16 | |
another chance having not seen him
make it. I genuinely think he has | 3:03:16 | 3:03:20 | |
been robbed. I think he has been
robbed. | 3:03:20 | 3:03:27 | |
robbed. If you could bottle
disappointment, it would look like | 3:03:27 | 3:03:30 | |
that. What a shame. Let's get
confirmation of the result. The top | 3:03:30 | 3:03:38 | |
six will qualify directly for the
finals. | 3:03:38 | 3:03:45 | |
I was gutted to see 71, genuinely
gutted. I felt like I was clean | 3:03:48 | 3:03:53 | |
through the rails. I was doing
something different from everyone | 3:03:53 | 3:03:58 | |
else on the housing and the third
section. 71, I was not happy with. | 3:03:58 | 3:04:07 | |
The man who has the most interesting
story and snowboarding preparing for | 3:04:07 | 3:04:12 | |
this. Two career ending injuries he
has come back from in the last two | 3:04:12 | 3:04:17 | |
years, consecutively, and he is back
in an Olympic final. For him, | 3:04:17 | 3:04:22 | |
relatively safe through the rail
section, 271, 270. That is a big gap | 3:04:22 | 3:04:29 | |
to get to the Darren Barr. He landed
it beautifully, square between his | 3:04:29 | 3:04:33 | |
bindings. Switch backside. 1260. He
made it look like a 1080. It snapped | 3:04:33 | 3:04:42 | |
on the landing. Going upside down
twice through that. Into the third | 3:04:42 | 3:04:47 | |
and final jump. | 3:04:47 | 3:04:54 | |
and final jump. Backside treble
clock. He absolutely nailed it. | 3:04:54 | 3:05:03 | |
clock. He absolutely nailed it. A
little knowing smile from Mark | 3:05:03 | 3:05:05 | |
McMorris. This kid is the real deal.
Redmond Gerard, out of Colorado. He | 3:05:05 | 3:05:15 | |
was born in Cleveland, Ohio. One of
seven kids, he is the sixth. They | 3:05:15 | 3:05:20 | |
moved to Denver and he has grown up
snowboarding. Gerard going in with a | 3:05:20 | 3:05:27 | |
similar line to Jamie Nicholls.
Nice. The first person we have seen | 3:05:27 | 3:05:32 | |
up and over the goal posts. 50-50,
riding the whole thing. So are to | 3:05:32 | 3:05:38 | |
stay on the rails. Side 360 Mellon
grant. He needs to pick up the | 3:05:38 | 3:05:45 | |
speed. He is a slight little thing
and he might struggle with speed on | 3:05:45 | 3:05:49 | |
these jumps. It is purely a case of
inertia for Gerard. Switch backside. | 3:05:49 | 3:05:58 | |
A massive double. Well held. Your
trajectory coming into the landing, | 3:05:58 | 3:06:04 | |
you're dropping much faster. Treble
clock, 1440. How did he get that | 3:06:04 | 3:06:11 | |
around? I thought he was going to
land on his head. Phenomenal. He | 3:06:11 | 3:06:18 | |
landed with his head between his
legs. Phenomenal strength to stand | 3:06:18 | 3:06:22 | |
up from mad. -- from that. We are
joined in the box by Jamie Nicholls. | 3:06:22 | 3:06:33 | |
I am happy to say. Mark McMorris,
the first place qualified at the | 3:06:33 | 3:06:37 | |
moment. The most dominant rider of
the last eight years in slopestyle. | 3:06:37 | 3:06:47 | |
He is the consummate rider. Yes,
every time he lands. That is why in | 3:06:47 | 3:06:53 | |
first place right now. | 3:06:53 | 3:07:00 | |
first place right now. 270. On the
rail. Now backside 360, locking in | 3:07:00 | 3:07:04 | |
the grind. Landing boards like, you
have a foot each way. He is so | 3:07:04 | 3:07:10 | |
consistent. 50-50. | 3:07:10 | 3:07:17 | |
consistent. 50-50. Backside 1260. So
perfect. The landing was like laying | 3:07:17 | 3:07:20 | |
down an appeal. Look out easy these
landings are. The ground came up to | 3:07:20 | 3:07:29 | |
meet him. He did not have to do a
thing. He waited for the Earth to | 3:07:29 | 3:07:34 | |
rise to his McMorris. | 3:07:34 | 3:07:44 | |
rise to his McMorris. -- to his
feet. Mark McMorris. He made that | 3:07:44 | 3:07:47 | |
look deceptively easy. Max Parrot,
currently in second place. Known as | 3:07:47 | 3:07:54 | |
a big air rider who has struggled to
keep pace in the rails. Lots of | 3:07:54 | 3:07:58 | |
people thought he would struggle in
this enormous rails setup. Proving | 3:07:58 | 3:08:03 | |
them all wrong. That is so hard.
270, so high and the risk of | 3:08:03 | 3:08:09 | |
catching your snowboard on it. He
wants to qualify first. Does he? | 3:08:09 | 3:08:15 | |
Yes. He definitely wants to. He has
lots of work to do to overhaul | 3:08:15 | 3:08:21 | |
McMorris. Backside Rodionova scrap.
I really like that. He could go | 3:08:21 | 3:08:28 | |
front treble. He is going to go big.
No, front-end. Something big. | 3:08:28 | 3:08:41 | |
Backside treble. Playing it safe.
When you're talking about Parrot, | 3:08:41 | 3:08:54 | |
yes, it is playing it safe. | 3:08:54 | 3:08:57 | |
All wrong. Billy Morgan. That
picture. The fantastic moustache. | 3:09:00 | 3:09:13 | |
The second run. Come on. He had all
the ingredients in the first run. He | 3:09:13 | 3:09:20 | |
had to make it into the finals. It
is a question of putting it all | 3:09:20 | 3:09:24 | |
together. The big 271, 270. Very
clean, fast through the top section. | 3:09:24 | 3:09:36 | |
It is light years dabbling. He got
onto that double really nicely. He | 3:09:36 | 3:09:42 | |
made sure he had plenty of the rail.
Judged his speed really well. Here | 3:09:42 | 3:09:50 | |
we go, a cab treble. He knew he was
not going to get it rained. No. The | 3:09:50 | 3:10:02 | |
disappointment tells. It was his big
worry. He knew all along it would be | 3:10:02 | 3:10:11 | |
a question of getting the size out
of these jumps. Helix gutted. The | 3:10:11 | 3:10:17 | |
journey has been how hard he worked
to get back from his knee injury. | 3:10:17 | 3:10:22 | |
OK, so confirmation of the result in
the second qualification heat. | 3:10:22 | 3:10:31 | |
You can see the qualifiers for the
finals. | 3:10:33 | 3:10:41 | |
That final gets under way tomorrow
at one o'clock in the morning on BBC | 3:10:43 | 3:10:48 | |
One. No British involvement, but
those three boys will all go again | 3:10:48 | 3:10:53 | |
in the big air in a few days' time.
There will be more slopestyle action | 3:10:53 | 3:10:59 | |
tomorrow. Aimee Fuller going for
Team GB in the women's heats. For | 3:10:59 | 3:11:04 | |
now, let's get back to the ice
hockey and join Japan and Sweden. It | 3:11:04 | 3:11:09 | |
is 1-1 in the third period. | 3:11:09 | 3:11:15 | |
Victory could send one of these
teams on their way. For Japan, what | 3:11:30 | 3:11:34 | |
an amazing leap forward. | 3:11:34 | 3:11:45 | |
They have never won an Olympic
match, Japan. This could be their | 3:11:48 | 3:11:53 | |
chance. Fanny Rask opened the
scoring. The reply was pretty swift, | 3:11:53 | 3:11:59 | |
lots of pressure coming from Japan.
Eventually they levelled things. How | 3:11:59 | 3:12:03 | |
will it go? | 3:12:03 | 3:12:04 | |
Eventually they levelled things. How
will it go? Team Japan has to play | 3:12:04 | 3:12:07 | |
the exact same way. That will be the
biggest issue for them. It is 1-1. | 3:12:07 | 3:12:14 | |
You mentioned how important the
third period is. It is human nature | 3:12:14 | 3:12:18 | |
to make sure you play defence first.
Sometimes you let your guard down. | 3:12:18 | 3:12:24 | |
Japan has been so good because they
have been using their pace and | 3:12:24 | 3:12:26 | |
speed. Winning the race to pucks.
That is why they have had Sweden on | 3:12:26 | 3:12:33 | |
their heels for most of the game. A
pretty good start, 14 seconds in, | 3:12:33 | 3:12:38 | |
getting the puck deed. A penny for
his thoughts. The head coach of | 3:12:38 | 3:12:44 | |
Sweden. He would certainly feel very
disappointed if his side were to | 3:12:44 | 3:12:51 | |
come away without a victory. He will
have plenty to work on back in | 3:12:51 | 3:12:57 | |
training. Right now, Sweden are
fighting for their Olympic lives. | 3:12:57 | 3:13:04 | |
This is only the opening game of the
tournament. There we go. The top two | 3:13:04 | 3:13:13 | |
from this group go through to the
quarterfinals. The bottom two going | 3:13:13 | 3:13:19 | |
to the play-offs. Offside is called.
They will go to the classification | 3:13:19 | 3:13:23 | |
play-offs. Nobody is expecting Korea
to win any of their game and they | 3:13:23 | 3:13:29 | |
are ranked well below everybody
else. And with the transition of | 3:13:29 | 3:13:33 | |
their squad, the addition of the
North Korean players, it throws them | 3:13:33 | 3:13:37 | |
into a state of flux. It means that
two victories will guarantee you | 3:13:37 | 3:13:41 | |
going through, pretty much. Two
victories will guarantee. There is | 3:13:41 | 3:13:48 | |
the chants, depending on tie-break
rules, which comes down to goals for | 3:13:48 | 3:13:52 | |
and against, you could go on, on and
on, meaning a win, loss and an | 3:13:52 | 3:13:58 | |
overtime loss, and you still might
have an opportunity to move on to | 3:13:58 | 3:14:01 | |
the next round. Japan trying to do
what they did so well for the first | 3:14:01 | 3:14:07 | |
40 minutes of this game. Kubo leaves
it for the goal-scorer, Ukita. Good | 3:14:07 | 3:14:18 | |
strong play on the boards coming
from Toko. Now the shot will go wide | 3:14:18 | 3:14:25 | |
of the target. Not lots of
conviction in it. You just see the | 3:14:25 | 3:14:29 | |
amount of time that Japan has in the
offence. It is remarkable. Sweden | 3:14:29 | 3:14:35 | |
not being aggressive at all. More
time for Japan to make a play. | 3:14:35 | 3:14:40 | |
Another turnover and blocked shot.
The way it goes. Japan back in | 3:14:40 | 3:14:44 | |
possession again. Nearly a big
giveaway. It is capitalised on | 3:14:44 | 3:14:49 | |
immediately. | 3:14:49 | 3:14:54 | |
immediately. Sara Hjalmarsson.
Sweden retake the lead. Japan cars | 3:14:54 | 3:14:59 | |
themselves massive problems in their
own zone having dominated 20 minutes | 3:14:59 | 3:15:04 | |
of this game. They find themselves
ban, 2-1. It was Erika Grahm with | 3:15:04 | 3:15:10 | |
the great heads up play, getting up
the ice. If very active stick. She | 3:15:10 | 3:15:16 | |
forces the defence and creates the
turnover, then a backhand pass, | 3:15:16 | 3:15:21 | |
right out front to Hjalmarsson. What
a finish. That may be the difference | 3:15:21 | 3:15:26 | |
right there. We talked about Japan
and like to finish on the | 3:15:26 | 3:15:31 | |
opportunities they have had. Sweden
has not had many, but this was one, | 3:15:31 | 3:15:37 | |
point Blank. Hjalmarsson was able to
shovel it past Fujimoto. Sweden have | 3:15:37 | 3:15:42 | |
a little bit of breathing room and a
2-1 lead. Sara Hjalmarsson plays in | 3:15:42 | 3:15:50 | |
Sweden. She is the second top scorer
on her team. That was a high-quality | 3:15:50 | 3:15:55 | |
finish. Japan will try and answer
straightaway. In own goal very | 3:15:55 | 3:16:02 | |
quickly. Turned aside. | 3:16:02 | 3:16:07 | |
Good defence to get back. | 3:16:09 | 3:16:20 | |
That could be the shot in the armed
that Sweden needed to get back in | 3:16:20 | 3:16:24 | |
the game. Japan have done such a
wonderful job controlling the puck. | 3:16:24 | 3:16:32 | |
Just one turnover, really nice play
from Grahn. Nice play to try to cut | 3:16:32 | 3:16:41 | |
to the inside. But the Japanese
reading it well. That has got to be | 3:16:41 | 3:16:48 | |
a penalty. That has to be
interference. Nothing given by | 3:16:48 | 3:16:53 | |
either official. Of course we have
two referees, one in front of the | 3:16:53 | 3:16:57 | |
player and the other behind the
play. That has got to be | 3:16:57 | 3:17:01 | |
interference. I thought it was the
Japan player that might have been | 3:17:01 | 3:17:10 | |
guilty. A terrific replay. Sara
Hjalmarsson in the blink of an eye. | 3:17:10 | 3:17:20 | |
A big goal early in the third
period. Suzuki the Japanese defender | 3:17:20 | 3:17:26 | |
there. She got her pocket picked by
Grahn. Pernilla Winberg in the | 3:17:26 | 3:17:39 | |
circle. All a bit sloppy. | 3:17:39 | 3:17:51 | |
circle. All a bit sloppy. Great
skating to get away from trouble. | 3:17:51 | 3:17:59 | |
This is much better from Sweden.
Coming out in front again and chance | 3:17:59 | 3:18:08 | |
here. Good hold on the blue line by
Nylen-Persson. | 3:18:08 | 3:18:22 | |
Nylen-Persson. Sweden looking to
break away again. This could be an | 3:18:22 | 3:18:26 | |
opportunity. Japan just had enough
players to snuff things out. Coming | 3:18:26 | 3:18:36 | |
back the other way now. Wide to
sour. | 3:18:36 | 3:18:52 | |
-- Osawa. | 3:18:52 | 3:18:59 | |
A great save, wonderful stop by
Grahn. This was the | 3:18:59 | 3:19:07 | |
Grahn. This was the deflection and
what a great job after winning that | 3:19:08 | 3:19:13 | |
battle to go to the net. | 3:19:13 | 3:19:19 | |
And Grahn had to follow that puck
straight across and then did a | 3:19:24 | 3:19:28 | |
wonderful job holding on.
You can hear the referees, move your | 3:19:28 | 3:19:42 | |
feet, move the park. Giving the
instructions out there. Really | 3:19:42 | 3:19:48 | |
important that they do that. It is.
Sweden now they have been a lot of | 3:19:48 | 3:19:54 | |
times in trouble in their own zone
so they are content just to leave it | 3:19:54 | 3:19:58 | |
in the corner. You could hear the
referee from United States of | 3:19:58 | 3:20:03 | |
America tanning the players to keep
the play going. I think a penalty is | 3:20:03 | 3:20:08 | |
coming. | 3:20:08 | 3:20:13 | |
coming. The repeated message was,
move it. It could just be the shot | 3:20:17 | 3:20:22 | |
from behind. That will be the
penalty. So in discipline. You know | 3:20:22 | 3:20:29 | |
you're not playing well as a team
and then you give a soft penalty | 3:20:29 | 3:20:33 | |
like that. That is the one to make
the coach shake his head. No danger | 3:20:33 | 3:20:41 | |
anywhere, no scoring opportunity
against. | 3:20:41 | 3:20:49 | |
against. And Fallman just a bit too
aggressive. And opportunity now for | 3:20:50 | 3:20:54 | |
a team Japan to once again square
this up. One power play apiece. | 3:20:54 | 3:21:05 | |
Neither have produced as yet. Good
skating by Pernilla Winberg, | 3:21:05 | 3:21:10 | |
clearing all the way down. Fujimoto
probably should have played that. | 3:21:10 | 3:21:26 | |
Great from Sweden. Fanny Rask. She
opened the scoring it seems like a | 3:21:28 | 3:21:34 | |
lifetime ago! | 3:21:34 | 3:21:39 | |
lifetime ago! Terrific work, close
to six feet tall and towering over | 3:21:41 | 3:21:45 | |
the Japanese defenders. Able to kill
off a good 30 seconds of the power | 3:21:45 | 3:21:51 | |
play. Shot into the body. | 3:21:51 | 3:22:04 | |
I do not mind this shot whatsoever,
within about 15 feet of the net. | 3:22:06 | 3:22:12 | |
Unfortunately when you are that
close you have got to start picking | 3:22:12 | 3:22:16 | |
some holes. And not put it right
onto the net minder. Grahn coming | 3:22:16 | 3:22:26 | |
on. The shot coming back to the blue
line. No one knows where it is for a | 3:22:26 | 3:22:34 | |
second. Sweden clearing down the ice
again. Japan very good at the | 3:22:34 | 3:22:42 | |
face-off situation and they are
winning a lot of them in the | 3:22:42 | 3:22:47 | |
offensive zone. | 3:22:47 | 3:22:52 | |
offensive zone. 25 seconds remaining
with the player advantage. Could | 3:22:52 | 3:22:59 | |
there be that one chance for Japan.
They have it behind the net. Looking | 3:22:59 | 3:23:06 | |
to exchange passes again. Space at
the top. The shot deflects wide. The | 3:23:06 | 3:23:15 | |
battle goes again. There could be a
breakaway now for Sweden. Shipped to | 3:23:15 | 3:23:23 | |
the left, a breakaway. Player coming
out of the | 3:23:23 | 3:23:32 | |
out of the penalty box. Here is
Fanny Rask. Fanny Rask again. This | 3:23:32 | 3:23:41 | |
line has been so effective. Just
wide. This line has been the one | 3:23:41 | 3:23:52 | |
that physically has dominated. We
have seen many examples, a little | 3:23:52 | 3:24:01 | |
bit too far in between. The opening
shift for Fanny Rask and that unit, | 3:24:01 | 3:24:08 | |
a couple of big shifts since then
but nothing to show for it. Japan | 3:24:08 | 3:24:14 | |
trying to dig this one out and send
it away. | 3:24:14 | 3:24:21 | |
it away. Plenty of time and space.
It should clear. That is a check. | 3:24:22 | 3:24:30 | |
Checking not allowed in the women's
game. That is worth a two-minute | 3:24:30 | 3:24:36 | |
penalty. And caught in the act.
There you go. Anna Nordqvist. | 3:24:36 | 3:24:50 | |
There you go. Anna Nordqvist. They
will always let somebody contact | 3:24:50 | 3:24:52 | |
goal but that was a bit more
blatant, really a shoulder to | 3:24:52 | 3:24:57 | |
shoulder contact. | 3:24:57 | 3:25:02 | |
shoulder contact. And the discipline
from Sweden falling apart a little | 3:25:02 | 3:25:04 | |
bit. Too undisciplined penalties.
And you can see that replay, | 3:25:04 | 3:25:09 | |
shoulder to shoulder. If they just
collide it is one thing but when you | 3:25:09 | 3:25:15 | |
start to move the shoulder into the
body that is when they have to call | 3:25:15 | 3:25:18 | |
it. It is a pretty easy call for the
referee. You can see the bend of the | 3:25:18 | 3:25:27 | |
Leas, the shoulder made contact. The
arm going up. And Japan right back | 3:25:27 | 3:25:34 | |
to the power play. They did not have
much going for them, a couple of | 3:25:34 | 3:25:41 | |
chances moving the puck around. They
have the look of that goal baseboard | 3:25:41 | 3:25:49 | |
and get as many players as you can.
I think it will be a rebound that | 3:25:49 | 3:25:54 | |
will tie the game up. The shot
coming all the way through and | 3:25:54 | 3:25:58 | |
Sweden clear away again. They will
try to use Sternberg. Working really | 3:25:58 | 3:26:05 | |
hard. Really good penalty killing
from her. | 3:26:05 | 3:26:14 | |
from her. Held again at the blue
line and Japan now will settle | 3:26:15 | 3:26:19 | |
things down. For the first 30
seconds, already ticking off the | 3:26:19 | 3:26:24 | |
clock. Causing a little bit of havoc
for Japan, Rebecca Stenberg. At | 3:26:24 | 3:26:38 | |
times they pass the puck so well and
then other times they just crowd | 3:26:38 | 3:26:42 | |
their own work a little bit. Team
Japan just have that killer instinct | 3:26:42 | 3:26:48 | |
to finish. Once they get into that
offensive zone, just do not seem as | 3:26:48 | 3:26:54 | |
comfortable with the park as we have
maybe seen in their defensive play | 3:26:54 | 3:26:59 | |
and in the neutral zone. Eventually
they sneak over the line. | 3:26:59 | 3:27:08 | |
they sneak over the line. Behind the
back of the net and | 3:27:08 | 3:27:14 | |
back of the net and here is Kubo
with the shot. Sweden did a great | 3:27:15 | 3:27:19 | |
job of shutting the door. Again how
many times this afternoon have we | 3:27:19 | 3:27:27 | |
seen Japan in that prime shooting
range and not able to get the shot | 3:27:27 | 3:27:30 | |
through. | 3:27:30 | 3:27:36 | |
through. Kubo could not get it on
net. Who is going to win the race? | 3:27:36 | 3:27:43 | |
It is Sweden. Kubo back to the blue
line. Kubo again. The shot | 3:27:43 | 3:27:52 | |
deflecting | 3:27:52 | 3:27:57 | |
deflecting again off Fallman. She
has been in the wars. It took the | 3:27:58 | 3:28:04 | |
referee a minute to realise. And
that was the opportunity right there | 3:28:04 | 3:28:10 | |
Japan needed. An opportunity to walk
right to the tops of the circles. | 3:28:10 | 3:28:18 | |
And you mentioned it, again Fallman
seem to be the defender who got in | 3:28:18 | 3:28:24 | |
the way of it. Deflecting it up and
over. High stick as well. But a | 3:28:24 | 3:28:33 | |
decent shot, good traffic out in
front. | 3:28:33 | 3:28:39 | |
front. They need composure on that
ranch right now. They have a moment | 3:28:41 | 3:28:46 | |
to try to gather their thoughts.
What has been impressive about | 3:28:46 | 3:28:50 | |
Japan, despite the fact that they
have been pegged back, they just | 3:28:50 | 3:28:54 | |
kept playing the same way. Exactly
right, that is something we talked | 3:28:54 | 3:28:58 | |
about in the opening period. Winless
team are playing they played same | 3:28:58 | 3:29:04 | |
way every time. They could be down a
few, up a couple, they are efficient | 3:29:04 | 3:29:11 | |
and steady and we are seeing that
here halfway through the third | 3:29:11 | 3:29:14 | |
period. This is the first game of
the day, the second will attract | 3:29:14 | 3:29:21 | |
more attention, the combined team.
Physical play here after the whistle | 3:29:21 | 3:29:30 | |
blows. It is the combined Korean
team who will play against the | 3:29:30 | 3:29:38 | |
bronze medallist, Switzerland. Such
an exciting team, Switzerland, | 3:29:38 | 3:29:43 | |
really looking forward to seeing
them. So many eyes of course on the | 3:29:43 | 3:29:47 | |
unified Korean team. A little bit of
extra pressure on the opening game | 3:29:47 | 3:29:54 | |
tonight. Team Switzerland do not
want to get caught up in that a | 3:29:54 | 3:30:00 | |
whole lot. Just get ready to play
some hockey. | 3:30:00 | 3:30:08 | |
some hockey. That is an offside
call. Your down a shot, now is the | 3:30:08 | 3:30:18 | |
time just to start to throw
everything you can at the net. Not | 3:30:18 | 3:30:24 | |
taking too many chances because
there's still time here for Sweden | 3:30:24 | 3:30:27 | |
and it could go the other way. You
do not want to take chances, | 3:30:27 | 3:30:32 | |
breakaways. Here is the chance,
opportunity is there but they cannot | 3:30:32 | 3:30:40 | |
finish it off. | 3:30:40 | 3:30:45 | |
Kubo did so well. Fujimoto has to
hang on. What a great chance that | 3:30:49 | 3:30:52 | |
was. The teams Sweden netminder Sara
Grahn goes to stop the puck and then | 3:30:52 | 3:31:01 | |
she leaves it for Fallman. She
thinks Fallman is going to come get | 3:31:01 | 3:31:07 | |
it, but Kubo jumps on it. The puck
is right on the stick. That kick | 3:31:07 | 3:31:12 | |
save, the extension to tick it away,
that was outstanding. Another shot | 3:31:12 | 3:31:19 | |
will come in. Fujimoto has to fight
it off. It was Nylen Persson, the | 3:31:19 | 3:31:24 | |
17-year-old. Nylen Persson has been
very good tonight. Talk about | 3:31:24 | 3:31:31 | |
jumping right into the fire as a
17-year-old, getting lots of ice | 3:31:31 | 3:31:36 | |
time, the power play, out here late
in the game. It is a one goal game. | 3:31:36 | 3:31:42 | |
I tell you what, if the rest of the
games are anything like this, we are | 3:31:42 | 3:31:46 | |
in for an absolute treat over the
next fortnight. Are we ever? What | 3:31:46 | 3:31:51 | |
the start from Japan. Sweden holding
court, but they have given | 3:31:51 | 3:31:57 | |
everything that they can handle so
far. Two conceded on 21 shots for | 3:31:57 | 3:32:03 | |
Fujimoto. A great design on her
helmet as well. Celebrating Japan. | 3:32:03 | 3:32:12 | |
Fujimoto played a | 3:32:12 | 3:32:17 | |
Fujimoto played a little bit in the
American women's league. She played | 3:32:18 | 3:32:21 | |
for New York. | 3:32:21 | 3:32:29 | |
for New York. Yoneyama takes it into
the zone. Yoneyama bombs her way | 3:32:29 | 3:32:33 | |
into possession. It will be cleared
by Fallman. Fallman without many | 3:32:33 | 3:32:38 | |
other options. Smart play. Japan
will try and clear this away. Good | 3:32:38 | 3:32:49 | |
poise. That was Kubo. Kubo gets it
back again. Trying to slicer with | 3:32:49 | 3:32:57 | |
her. Kubo, nearly something special.
-- to slice her way through. Here | 3:32:57 | 3:33:10 | |
she is again but the pass was too
weak. The cancer is going to go the | 3:33:10 | 3:33:14 | |
other way. It was a great save.
Johansson decided she was the best | 3:33:14 | 3:33:24 | |
option. It is like basketball, you
have a go, we will have a go. Japan | 3:33:24 | 3:33:32 | |
went to get the equaliser. I do not
know if Sweden want to trade chances | 3:33:32 | 3:33:36 | |
like that. A great transfer Fujimoto
-- a great save by Fujimoto on the | 3:33:36 | 3:33:45 | |
break for Sweden. That is a
bodycheck, but nothing given at this | 3:33:45 | 3:33:50 | |
stage. Japan will bring this one
away. A massive turnover as Emma | 3:33:50 | 3:33:58 | |
Nordin was in the right place at the
right time. Japan causing themselves | 3:33:58 | 3:34:04 | |
problems in their own zone. Time
running out for them in this game. A | 3:34:04 | 3:34:10 | |
little over 6.5 minutes remaining.
Sweden leading, 2-1. This is a very | 3:34:10 | 3:34:16 | |
tired Japanese unit. They cannot get
the puck lied. They are taking a | 3:34:16 | 3:34:23 | |
deep with their captain. Osawa, then
it goes to the side of the net. | 3:34:23 | 3:34:34 | |
Nearly a chance. Sweden will try and
clear way. It is straight to | 3:34:34 | 3:34:41 | |
Japanese stick. Japan are battling
hard. Again, they nearly give it | 3:34:41 | 3:34:47 | |
away. Sweden will come clear, into
the offensive zone. It is Stenberg, | 3:34:47 | 3:34:52 | |
to the front of the net. It comes
Japanese skate. Japan will try and | 3:34:52 | 3:34:58 | |
break away. They're trying to get to
the bench for a change. There cannot | 3:34:58 | 3:35:04 | |
be many worse feelings than being
absolutely shattered and the puck | 3:35:04 | 3:35:08 | |
chooses you down. Get that puck away
from me I need to get off the ice. | 3:35:08 | 3:35:16 | |
There is Fanny Rask. The snapshot
rebound, and Fujimoto hangs on. | 3:35:16 | 3:35:21 | |
Every time she is in the ice, you
sense there might be something | 3:35:21 | 3:35:24 | |
there. You can see her poise than
the offensive zone. She had her head | 3:35:24 | 3:35:30 | |
up. When the puck is a stick, she
tries to make things happen. Before | 3:35:30 | 3:35:37 | |
that, it was Stenberg with a great
opportunity. Whenever Sweden need a | 3:35:37 | 3:35:42 | |
spark, Stenberg has done that. The
effort from Kubo the other way, | 3:35:42 | 3:35:47 | |
trying to create magic of her own.
We said there were chances. It is | 3:35:47 | 3:35:52 | |
coming back the other way. This is
Lisa Johansson. She looked back and | 3:35:52 | 3:35:58 | |
wanted the pass. It very nearly went
through. That went through the | 3:35:58 | 3:36:03 | |
armpit of Fujimoto and trickled out
the other side. Then Rask finishing | 3:36:03 | 3:36:08 | |
of that passage of play with another
shot. We could not have asked for | 3:36:08 | 3:36:13 | |
much more to open this women's
tournament. Tim Japan definitely | 3:36:13 | 3:36:19 | |
raising some eyebrows in this group.
Great for kids from Sara Grahn. 27 | 3:36:19 | 3:36:29 | |
shots she has had, just one has had,
just one is creative. It was a tough | 3:36:29 | 3:36:34 | |
one, it was a rebound, from escape,
off of this and that. It will have | 3:36:34 | 3:36:39 | |
to be another goal just like that
for Japan if they want to level | 3:36:39 | 3:36:42 | |
this. Shots from 20 feet out have
not been able to make their way | 3:36:42 | 3:36:48 | |
through. They have got to get
traffic in front of the goalkeeper | 3:36:48 | 3:36:51 | |
to make it harder for her, so she
cannot see. Japan, trying to use the | 3:36:51 | 3:36:57 | |
middle of the ice. Well held by
stretching Anna Borgqvist. Sweden do | 3:36:57 | 3:37:08 | |
not own to get caught deep with
offensive players to give Japan and | 3:37:08 | 3:37:15 | |
the transfer rush the other way.
There is the opportunity. Toko, the | 3:37:15 | 3:37:20 | |
snapshot. Grahn will chalk another
one up on the short list. | 3:37:20 | 3:37:30 | |
one up on the short list. -- the
shots list. There was shouting from | 3:37:30 | 3:37:34 | |
somebody on the ice. Now it is
flipped down the ice. This is a | 3:37:34 | 3:37:42 | |
chance to draw breath. At what point
do the Japanese coaching staff think | 3:37:42 | 3:37:50 | |
about removing the netminder for an
extra attacker? It is definitely in | 3:37:50 | 3:37:54 | |
their minds right now, but with four
and a half minutes left, it is too | 3:37:54 | 3:37:59 | |
early. You've got to be looking at
about one and a half minutes, one 40 | 3:37:59 | 3:38:04 | |
seconds. That was a great replay,
from Toko. | 3:38:04 | 3:38:19 | |
from Toko. -- they're trying to set
this one going in front of the net. | 3:38:21 | 3:38:25 | |
It is a long chase back. | 3:38:25 | 3:38:31 | |
It is a long chase back. Ramboldt. A
nice interception. Japan will bring | 3:38:32 | 3:38:35 | |
it back the other way. The shot will
come in. The puck is somewhere | 3:38:35 | 3:38:40 | |
underneath Grahn. Grahn closes
everything up and hangs on once | 3:38:40 | 3:38:45 | |
again. More good | 3:38:45 | 3:38:52 | |
again. More good skating from
Hosoyamada. Strange decision making | 3:38:52 | 3:38:55 | |
from the Swedish captain. She turned
the puck over that led to the | 3:38:55 | 3:38:57 | |
Japanese goal. She has time and
space with the puck when she throws | 3:38:57 | 3:39:02 | |
it up the middle of the ice,
creating a turnover. And Japan comes | 3:39:02 | 3:39:08 | |
the other way. The shot is wide of
the target. Can they create that one | 3:39:08 | 3:39:13 | |
golden opportunity? | 3:39:13 | 3:39:18 | |
golden opportunity? Yoneyama,
looking for somebody to pass too. | 3:39:19 | 3:39:23 | |
She has Toko at the top. Toko has
over 25 minutes on the ice. She will | 3:39:23 | 3:39:29 | |
be shattered having played half the
game at the end of it. A real | 3:39:29 | 3:39:33 | |
athlete, superfit. A lot of times
you will see a defender up there at | 3:39:33 | 3:39:39 | |
30 minutes, but not a foreword.
Japan are moving the puck well. Can | 3:39:39 | 3:39:47 | |
they create? Not enough to beat
Grahn. Japan keep it again. It is | 3:39:47 | 3:39:54 | |
like a power play. Around the net
they have time and space. Back to | 3:39:54 | 3:40:00 | |
Yoneyama. Toko on the blue line.
This is Kubo, fresh from the bench. | 3:40:00 | 3:40:06 | |
Kubo has that magic in her stick.
That was wasted. A little around the | 3:40:06 | 3:40:15 | |
net plated Kubo would've been
better. Sweden on to hold this one | 3:40:15 | 3:40:20 | |
in. They want a change. Japan want
to go. Oh, dear. A bad moment to | 3:40:20 | 3:40:27 | |
fall over. This is a good moment to
bring it into the zone. A transfer | 3:40:27 | 3:40:36 | |
Kubo at the side of the net. Ukita
will send it in again, third time | 3:40:36 | 3:40:44 | |
lucky. | 3:40:44 | 3:40:52 | |
lucky. Toko in the corner cannot
find a blue line. It goes down the | 3:40:52 | 3:40:55 | |
ice. Tim Japan have been dangerous.
They just about connect again to tie | 3:40:55 | 3:41:01 | |
the game up very late. There is
maybe time for one more shift. That | 3:41:01 | 3:41:08 | |
was heavy contact on the boards. | 3:41:08 | 3:41:14 | |
was heavy contact on the boards. Ono
kick the ice. Sweden must let out of | 3:41:16 | 3:41:18 | |
the zone. Borgqvist is working in
there. They are trying to work out | 3:41:18 | 3:41:25 | |
where the puck is. This is killing
of vital seconds for Sweden. If | 3:41:25 | 3:41:30 | |
you're Japan, you went to get the
puck deep. They have some defending | 3:41:30 | 3:41:35 | |
to do first. Great defending as
well. Sweden into the zone again. | 3:41:35 | 3:41:40 | |
One minute and 20 seconds to go and
Japan are at the wrong end of the | 3:41:40 | 3:41:44 | |
ice. Maybe they can finish this one.
Chances driving to the net. | 3:41:44 | 3:41:53 | |
Chances driving to the net. Winberg,
out there, really good for Sweden. | 3:41:55 | 3:41:59 | |
Nice stick work to get this moving
forward from Osawa. The offside is | 3:41:59 | 3:42:04 | |
called with 63 seconds remaining.
Stemming the tide. Is it time to | 3:42:04 | 3:42:12 | |
take a moment for the Japanese
coaching staff? If there is ever a | 3:42:12 | 3:42:16 | |
time to call a time-out, it will
happen right now. Set up your play. | 3:42:16 | 3:42:21 | |
The face-off will be outside the
blue line so we will have to see | 3:42:21 | 3:42:27 | |
what the head coach decides to do.
Will he pool Fujimoto wait till the | 3:42:27 | 3:42:33 | |
puck gets deep? What an opportunity
for Kubo. Kubo, Toko, Ukita, they | 3:42:33 | 3:42:42 | |
have been dangerous for our Japan.
If there is an equaliser it could | 3:42:42 | 3:42:46 | |
come from one of those three. We
talk about face-offs being outside | 3:42:46 | 3:42:51 | |
the offensive zone. Toko has been
running about 65%, which is very | 3:42:51 | 3:42:55 | |
good. She is winning about 6.5 out
of ten. She has to be the one that | 3:42:55 | 3:43:02 | |
takes the face-off. Then you're
looking for your big players, Osawa, | 3:43:02 | 3:43:09 | |
Kubo, and I guess they will wait and
see whether they win the face of | 3:43:09 | 3:43:14 | |
before they remove the netminder.
That is probably the right play. | 3:43:14 | 3:43:18 | |
Fujimoto will be watching the bench,
waiting for the wave from the head | 3:43:18 | 3:43:22 | |
coach. It is a big face-off that is
won by Yoneyama. Yoneyama stretching | 3:43:22 | 3:43:29 | |
again. Can they get quality
possession? Sweden will know they | 3:43:29 | 3:43:34 | |
have a chance to go to an empty net.
The whistle goes. Everybody is | 3:43:34 | 3:43:41 | |
looking at one another. Not entirely
sure of what is going on. The | 3:43:41 | 3:43:45 | |
Swedish players will know they have
been in a really tough game. A bit | 3:43:45 | 3:43:50 | |
of equipment retrieval for Svedin.
Tim Sweden are 45 seconds away from | 3:43:50 | 3:43:59 | |
coming away with three crucial
points in this group. It looks like | 3:43:59 | 3:44:05 | |
they may have called a penalty. It
could be a holding call on Svedin. | 3:44:05 | 3:44:10 | |
There you go. That is why she lost
the stick, she had to use both hands | 3:44:10 | 3:44:16 | |
to bring the player down. An
interesting call. There is no doubt | 3:44:16 | 3:44:22 | |
that the freehand of Svedin him over
the top. The puck was in no danger | 3:44:22 | 3:44:27 | |
of going to work Sweden at all.
Crucially it means the face-off goes | 3:44:27 | 3:44:31 | |
into words the offensive zone. That
gives an opportunity to pull the | 3:44:31 | 3:44:37 | |
netminder, Fujimoto. Six against
four. Great drama in the opening | 3:44:37 | 3:44:44 | |
game of the women's tournament. The
face-off was won by Japan. They are | 3:44:44 | 3:44:48 | |
looking for something. It deflects
wide from Ukita. Sweden will go | 3:44:48 | 3:44:56 | |
towards the empty net. It did not
miss by much. 30 seconds remain. | 3:44:56 | 3:45:02 | |
This has been a grandstand finish
for a grandstand opener. It has been | 3:45:02 | 3:45:08 | |
good stuff. Is there one last press?
It is offside. | 3:45:08 | 3:45:16 | |
Just having trouble corralling it
before going over the blue line. | 3:45:24 | 3:45:37 | |
before going over the blue line. The
coach for the team Japan there. 20 | 3:45:37 | 3:45:39 | |
seconds to go. Japan need quality
possession. That is behind and that | 3:45:39 | 3:45:50 | |
may well be enough. Japan may be
with one last chance. Sweden to | 3:45:50 | 3:45:56 | |
clear it and it is going to be
Sweden who take this first game but | 3:45:56 | 3:46:00 | |
they have been pushed every step of
the way. | 3:46:00 | 3:46:09 | |
the way. Grahn a big reason for that
but if Sweden are going to win a | 3:46:09 | 3:46:12 | |
medal that man will have a lot of
thinking to do. They will have to | 3:46:12 | 3:46:16 | |
play an awful lot better than that
but credit to the Japanese team, | 3:46:16 | 3:46:22 | |
they were absolutely outstanding.
Their energy, their effort levels, | 3:46:22 | 3:46:29 | |
just terrific. And you can see that
joy or maybe relief for team Sweden. | 3:46:29 | 3:46:38 | |
As you said, team Japan gave them
everything they had. What a terrific | 3:46:38 | 3:46:42 | |
opening game. Sweden did just
enough. They made the most of their | 3:46:42 | 3:46:49 | |
opportunities and this was the goal
that got them the win. It finishes | 3:46:49 | 3:46:57 | |
opportunities and this was the goal
that got them the win. It finishes | 3:46:57 | 3:46:58 | |
2-1 to Sweden.
So Sweden get their first win under | 3:46:58 | 3:47:03 | |
their belt and the ice hockey and I
am turning into iced out here, the | 3:47:03 | 3:47:09 | |
sunshine has vanished and the
temperature has just plummeted. So | 3:47:09 | 3:47:13 | |
we're back to the ice Arena where
curling is taking place. One of the | 3:47:13 | 3:47:19 | |
new offence is the team curling at
this Winter Olympics. One man and | 3:47:19 | 3:47:24 | |
one woman per team. And Switzerland
currently the world champions are | 3:47:24 | 3:47:29 | |
taking on a powerhouse in curling,
Canada. Just entering the sixth end | 3:47:29 | 3:47:34 | |
and Canada leading 6-2. Let's join
our commentators. | 3:47:34 | 3:47:40 | |
and Canada leading 6-2. Let's join
our commentators. | 3:47:40 | 3:47:43 | |
We have had Switzerland playing the
power play and one of the strategic | 3:47:43 | 3:47:51 | |
discussions would have been talking
about is how you defend against | 3:47:51 | 3:47:54 | |
that. That was perhaps one of the
most compelling approaches I've seen | 3:47:54 | 3:47:58 | |
so far. | 3:47:58 | 3:48:03 | |
I'm not convinced about the power
play. Looking at the statistics, the | 3:48:09 | 3:48:14 | |
average | 3:48:14 | 3:48:19 | |
average score is just one. So it is
not offering the teams much of an | 3:48:19 | 3:48:25 | |
advantage, the power play. | 3:48:25 | 3:48:33 | |
advantage, the power play. The only
ones who have done it particularly | 3:48:33 | 3:48:35 | |
well have been Korea. I do not know
if it is the change up in the format | 3:48:35 | 3:48:41 | |
that disrupts their rhythm, but
often when they take time out the | 3:48:41 | 3:48:47 | |
shot following the time-out is
missed. I just wonder if it is the | 3:48:47 | 3:48:51 | |
same kind of principle. That idea of
the power play, the Stones off to | 3:48:51 | 3:48:58 | |
the side, on a couple of occasions
you have seen the team is completely | 3:48:58 | 3:49:02 | |
ignoring that. And just plain to the
centre of the house. | 3:49:02 | 3:49:12 | |
Another feature is when to use that
power play. So far it has been | 3:49:20 | 3:49:24 | |
prevalent when the teams are down
and things not going particularly | 3:49:24 | 3:49:27 | |
well. Why not use it when you're
leading comic easy to say. But try | 3:49:27 | 3:49:34 | |
to build a lead or hold your lead
rather than waiting until you have | 3:49:34 | 3:49:39 | |
are down. | 3:49:39 | 3:49:48 | |
It is interesting, I think the jury
is out a bit still on the ruling. | 3:49:50 | 3:49:54 | |
But it is creating a lot of
discussion. | 3:49:54 | 3:50:00 | |
You notice that all sports call them
power play 's, answers on a | 3:50:07 | 3:50:16 | |
postcard! You have any creative
ideas? Not yet! | 3:50:16 | 3:50:24 | |
Well played. | 3:50:24 | 3:50:33 | |
You can hear Jenny just shouting, go
harder. There he goes, the man at | 3:50:36 | 3:50:44 | |
work. I'm a bit worried about the
angle and the force he is putting | 3:50:44 | 3:50:52 | |
through the brush that it could snap
at some point. Have you ever seen | 3:50:52 | 3:50:56 | |
that happen? Probably more so when
they are made of wood but nowadays | 3:50:56 | 3:51:04 | |
they are very strong, made of carbon
fibre. But no doubt he is putting a | 3:51:04 | 3:51:09 | |
lot of pressure through that rush.
Which is what you're trying to do. | 3:51:09 | 3:51:23 | |
The frustrating thing for
Switzerland, they want to be | 3:51:30 | 3:51:35 | |
aggressive and take the game on and
get a lot of stones in play. But | 3:51:35 | 3:51:41 | |
Canada just outplaying them at the
moment in every department. That is | 3:51:41 | 3:51:45 | |
forcing Switzerland into making
defensive decisions. They're | 3:51:45 | 3:51:50 | |
trailing by four. But there is no
space to get anything else in there. | 3:51:50 | 3:51:58 | |
Canada have just clocked it up. It
would be rare in the team game to | 3:51:58 | 3:52:04 | |
see this kind of situation where you
have been team trailing by four and | 3:52:04 | 3:52:10 | |
being defensive. A better chance
here. Only moves one of them. If | 3:52:10 | 3:52:18 | |
that had worked perfectly... Partial
success for Martin. A pretty good | 3:52:18 | 3:52:28 | |
shot. That yellow at the front of
the house. The one closest to Martin | 3:52:28 | 3:52:36 | |
is in a good position. That will be
a concern for Canada. | 3:52:36 | 3:52:47 | |
So that is their concern and they
will throw out guard on it to stop | 3:52:49 | 3:52:55 | |
Switzerland making a direct play on
to that yellow stone. | 3:52:55 | 3:53:02 | |
Talking about top 12 and what colour
would you turn it -- would you call | 3:53:13 | 3:53:19 | |
that. A kind | 3:53:19 | 3:53:31 | |
that. A kind of blue. I'm going to
go with teal. | 3:53:31 | 3:53:40 | |
go with teal. Just coming in, this
is pretty strong. | 3:53:44 | 3:53:50 | |
Maurice continuing, both of them
playing well, working together. | 3:53:59 | 3:54:16 | |
Switzerland still have a chance to
play onto that yellow stone for the | 3:54:23 | 3:54:30 | |
and raise it into those red stones.
This will have to be really | 3:54:30 | 3:54:36 | |
accurate. Not playing it softly
either. It is going to be very | 3:54:36 | 3:54:47 | |
tight. I think it is good. Almost.
Almost. | 3:54:47 | 3:55:01 | |
Just checking. | 3:55:04 | 3:55:10 | |
That is the juiciest. So the back
yellow is their target. I think they | 3:55:16 | 3:55:32 | |
want to get rid of it, just working
out the best way to do that. | 3:55:32 | 3:55:40 | |
out the best way to do that. The
glory shot. What they're going to | 3:55:41 | 3:55:47 | |
do, nothing too fancy. There are
four shots ahead. Just going to pick | 3:55:47 | 3:55:55 | |
that stone at the bottom. They know
they will leave Switzerland a chance | 3:55:55 | 3:56:03 | |
but that would limit the damage. The
pick is the terminology, just | 3:56:03 | 3:56:13 | |
removing the stone and running your
own stone away at the same time. | 3:56:13 | 3:56:19 | |
They throw them at Max Power. You do
not need to be that accurate but | 3:56:19 | 3:56:26 | |
just to make contact. A bit like
that. | 3:56:26 | 3:56:32 | |
that. Nicely done and Jenny has got
to be pretty accurate. | 3:56:35 | 3:56:43 | |
to be pretty accurate. To leave
Switzerland | 3:56:47 | 3:56:54 | |
Switzerland with two. The best
they're going to get. Not an easy | 3:56:56 | 3:57:01 | |
shot. The difficulty of this, they
need to steer it past their own | 3:57:01 | 3:57:10 | |
yellow. If they touch it at all it
is not going to work out for them. | 3:57:10 | 3:57:19 | |
That is | 3:57:19 | 3:57:24 | |
That is starting to curl. Trying to
hang onto it. Very close. Reaching a | 3:57:24 | 3:57:32 | |
situation pretty quickly,
Switzerland will have no chance of | 3:57:32 | 3:57:38 | |
drawing back. So then Canada. There
is the handshake happening. I wonder | 3:57:38 | 3:57:44 | |
if it was going to. | 3:57:44 | 3:57:51 | |
if it was going to. Rios decided
enough is enough. So Canada get the | 3:57:51 | 3:57:57 | |
chance for an early cup of coffee
again. And they moved to the top of | 3:57:57 | 3:58:02 | |
the rankings now with four victories
and just one loss in their match | 3:58:02 | 3:58:06 | |
against Norway. John Morris will be
absolutely delighted with that. Well | 3:58:06 | 3:58:14 | |
played, the two of them. A very good
example of mixed doubles curling. | 3:58:14 | 3:58:20 | |
And Martin Rios and Jenny Perry
still have a good chance of | 3:58:20 | 3:58:23 | |
qualifying. They now have three wins
and two losses. | 3:58:23 | 3:58:28 | |
qualifying. They now have three wins
and two losses. So Canada winning | 3:58:28 | 3:58:31 | |
this 17-2.
A big win for Canada in the team | 3:58:31 | 3:58:34 | |
trailing and we are coming to the
end of our broadcast here on BBC | 3:58:34 | 3:58:37 | |
Two. We're going to have to say
goodbye from our balcony which | 3:58:37 | 3:58:41 | |
perhaps is a good thing because
really it is getting pretty cold. | 3:58:41 | 3:58:44 | |
We're going from the cold to the
warmth of the studio with Clare | 3:58:44 | 3:58:48 | |
Balding over on BBC One. Lots to
come including Elise Christie | 3:58:48 | 3:58:53 | |
getting her Olympic campaign
underway. We had over now to BBC One | 3:58:53 | 3:58:59 | |
to join Clare Balding. | 3:58:59 | 3:59:02 |