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Hello, and welcome to our balcony
here at the Pyeongchang Winter | 0:00:37 | 0:00:43 | |
Olympics for day two of the action.
Day one brought the first medals of | 0:00:43 | 0:00:48 | |
the games, excitement, drama and a
bit of GB disappointment but | 0:00:48 | 0:00:51 | |
ultimately it was a great start. Day
two will have more of the same. | 0:00:51 | 0:00:57 | |
Unfortunately the weather has proved
a bit of a problem today. The | 0:00:57 | 0:01:01 | |
temperature has fallen dramatically
and the wind has been a real | 0:01:01 | 0:01:05 | |
It meant a postponement of the men's | 0:01:05 | 0:01:09 | |
downhill and super-g skiing which
will take place later in the week | 0:01:09 | 0:01:13 | |
and the cancellation of the women's
snowboard slopestyle which was | 0:01:13 | 0:01:16 | |
including Aimee Fuller for Team GB.
That will run as a straight final | 0:01:16 | 0:01:21 | |
tomorrow but we do have plenty to
keep us warm today. I'd like you to | 0:01:21 | 0:01:26 | |
let us know what you are up to. Tell
us who you are looking out for, who | 0:01:26 | 0:01:30 | |
you are watching and what events you
are really excited to see. Use the | 0:01:30 | 0:01:35 | |
hashtag BBC Olympics. We will start
our BBC Two coverage at the Alpensia | 0:01:35 | 0:01:40 | |
Cross-Country Centre where the two
Brits are in action at the | 0:01:40 | 0:01:44 | |
skiathlon. Team GB's real medal hope
Andrew Musgrave is among them. From | 0:01:44 | 0:01:49 | |
the Huntley Nordic Centre in
north-east Scotland committee comes | 0:01:49 | 0:01:54 | |
in with a real chance of a medal.
We had a disappointing Olympic Games | 0:01:54 | 0:01:59 | |
in Scotland, he felt that he
overtrained but now he feels he is | 0:01:59 | 0:02:03 | |
at his peak. Graham Bell went to
meet him as he prepared for | 0:02:03 | 0:02:05 | |
Pyeongchang. | 0:02:05 | 0:02:12 | |
Pyeongchang, your third Winter
Olympics. What have you learned from | 0:02:17 | 0:02:22 | |
Vancouver and Sochi? When I first
went to Vancouver, I was still a | 0:02:22 | 0:02:25 | |
junior. I wasn't that experienced. I
was definitely going to find out | 0:02:25 | 0:02:31 | |
what the Olympics was like. I went
to Sochi, and I did slightly | 0:02:31 | 0:02:36 | |
underperform compared to how I
thought I should be able to do. But | 0:02:36 | 0:02:39 | |
I've learned a lot, especially after
Sochi about peak form, dealing with | 0:02:39 | 0:02:46 | |
pressure, things like that. A lot
more experience going into these | 0:02:46 | 0:02:50 | |
games compared to last time. You won
the Norwegian championship is ahead | 0:02:50 | 0:02:55 | |
of Sochi. That got you a lot of
press. Did it put extra pressure on | 0:02:55 | 0:02:59 | |
you ahead of Sochi too? I think I
was affected by it. I trained | 0:02:59 | 0:03:04 | |
digital too card, did a little too
much in the lead up, I let things go | 0:03:04 | 0:03:13 | |
to my head. It's one of the things
I've learned. And in Sochi you said | 0:03:13 | 0:03:17 | |
you skied like a tranquillised
badger. Why a badger? Is a good | 0:03:17 | 0:03:22 | |
question! It was the first thing
that came into my head, I was so | 0:03:22 | 0:03:27 | |
annoyed with the race, I was never
going to be a favourite for a medal | 0:03:27 | 0:03:31 | |
but I should have done better. The
guy that you beat, just weeks | 0:03:31 | 0:03:35 | |
before, won the gold. He was too
good on the day, what a spectacle! I | 0:03:35 | 0:03:45 | |
outperformed myself on that day, if
I did the same in the Olympics I | 0:03:45 | 0:03:48 | |
could have been there fighting for a
medal but now I feel I should be | 0:03:48 | 0:03:52 | |
able to be at that level without
having a super exceptional day. And | 0:03:52 | 0:04:00 | |
what of the British team have that
gives them an advantage over the | 0:04:00 | 0:04:05 | |
Norwegians or the Swedes, or the
Russians? What gives you an edge? I | 0:04:05 | 0:04:10 | |
think the fact that we are a small
team. Sometimes it is a disadvantage | 0:04:10 | 0:04:15 | |
but sometimes it can be an
advantage. We look at things | 0:04:15 | 0:04:19 | |
differently, we come from a
different background. Big teams, | 0:04:19 | 0:04:22 | |
they do the same things but they
have always done. They have a big | 0:04:22 | 0:04:26 | |
structure and it can be hard to
change. We can come in and think of | 0:04:26 | 0:04:30 | |
things we've done differently that
may have worked, that they'd never | 0:04:30 | 0:04:34 | |
thought of trying. It's looking good
for Pyeongchang. Which disciplines, | 0:04:34 | 0:04:38 | |
which events, are you targeting? The
15 kilometre is a skate race. That | 0:04:38 | 0:04:45 | |
will pretty much be my main event.
The 30 kilometre is a combination of | 0:04:45 | 0:04:51 | |
classic, the first 15 kilometres
classic, then the next 15 skiing. I | 0:04:51 | 0:05:01 | |
finish my best style. Those two
races are the ones that I am | 0:05:01 | 0:05:04 | |
targeting. And what are your hopes
and expectations from Pyeongchang? I | 0:05:04 | 0:05:12 | |
was forced into the World
Championships last year, I feel I'm | 0:05:12 | 0:05:15 | |
a better skier this year than last
year. This year is realistic for me | 0:05:15 | 0:05:19 | |
to be fighting for a medal in the 30
K and the 15 K. Bring home a medal, | 0:05:19 | 0:05:25 | |
that is the goal!
We are not far away from the | 0:05:25 | 0:05:33 | |
skiathlon at the moment. Andrew
Musgrave and Callum Smith of Team GB | 0:05:33 | 0:05:36 | |
going in that. Rob Walker is our
commentator for the cross-country. A | 0:05:36 | 0:05:40 | |
little earlier this week, I went
with them to the Alpensia | 0:05:40 | 0:05:44 | |
Cross-Country Centre for him to look
at the course in his own special | 0:05:44 | 0:05:47 | |
way... | 0:05:47 | 0:05:51 | |
This is the main arena for the
cross-country skiing here at | 0:05:51 | 0:05:55 | |
Pyeongchang. A total of 12 gold
medals will be won here in one of | 0:05:55 | 0:05:59 | |
the Winter Olympics most gruelling
sports. I'm just waiting for Rob | 0:05:59 | 0:06:03 | |
Walker. He will do a bit of a run
around with me... What are you | 0:06:03 | 0:06:09 | |
doing? I'm off! But... What? It is
-16 degrees out here, I'm not doing | 0:06:09 | 0:06:18 | |
that! I'm off to get some transport!
# Keep on running... # | 0:06:18 | 0:06:27 | |
I'm nice and warm, I don't know
about you, but we do have British | 0:06:27 | 0:06:31 | |
interests who could do good stuff
around the slopes. Annika Taylor is | 0:06:31 | 0:06:34 | |
competing for the first time, Callum
Smith is back for his second games, | 0:06:34 | 0:06:39 | |
and Andrew Young is back for a
third. We have the rock star Andrew | 0:06:39 | 0:06:43 | |
Musgrave and there is so much hope
and expectation. We do need to be | 0:06:43 | 0:06:47 | |
careful. We shouldn't be hanging a
medal around his neck but the fact | 0:06:47 | 0:06:51 | |
that we are even talking about him
being a potential medallist shows | 0:06:51 | 0:06:54 | |
how far he has come and what he's
done to raise the profile of | 0:06:54 | 0:07:02 | |
cross-country skiing in Britain. I
really hope he gets a medal. We are | 0:07:02 | 0:07:04 | |
looking at at least one top ten
finish and it would be fantastic. It | 0:07:04 | 0:07:07 | |
would be amazing but it is cold. You
are shivering. Will we check out | 0:07:07 | 0:07:10 | |
more of the course? And you go! Are
getting my transport, shall I? -- I | 0:07:10 | 0:07:18 | |
will get in my transport, shall I?
# Keep on running... # | 0:07:18 | 0:07:28 | |
Go on, Rob!
This is a real example of some of | 0:07:28 | 0:07:35 | |
the steep climbs, and the steep
descent switch up in this race. This | 0:07:35 | 0:07:39 | |
is brutal! You can see the gradient
now. They make it look quite easy. | 0:07:39 | 0:07:44 | |
This may not look very technical at
the moment but there is a very steep | 0:07:44 | 0:07:49 | |
downhill section. There will be some
tumbles because as they try and | 0:07:49 | 0:07:52 | |
coming towards the finish, there
will be jostling for a position. | 0:07:52 | 0:07:55 | |
That is why it is so good to watch.
You should we watch out for? The | 0:07:55 | 0:08:00 | |
Norwegians, this sport is in their
blood. As far as the men are | 0:08:00 | 0:08:08 | |
concerned, Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo
has won nine of 12 World Cup races | 0:08:08 | 0:08:11 | |
this season. He is 21 years old and
even the Norwegians are staggered by | 0:08:11 | 0:08:15 | |
what he's doing on the World Cup
circuit. Surely he will get his | 0:08:15 | 0:08:19 | |
first Winter Olympic gold, even a
second or a third? As far as the | 0:08:19 | 0:08:24 | |
women are concerned, there is a lot
of excitement surrounding Marit | 0:08:24 | 0:08:27 | |
Bjorgen, competing in her last
Winter Games. She is in decent form | 0:08:27 | 0:08:32 | |
and will be keen to go out in style.
Cool! What was that? I've just been | 0:08:32 | 0:08:45 | |
having a cup of tea! How was the
cause? Older than I am used to. I've | 0:08:45 | 0:08:50 | |
been a club runner and a fun run
since I can remember. -- older. I've | 0:08:50 | 0:08:56 | |
never run anywhere as beautiful as
this. It is absolutely stunning | 0:08:56 | 0:08:58 | |
here. Stunning. I can't wait for the
start. There's not much I had to say | 0:08:58 | 0:09:05 | |
about that! Incredible for Rob
Walker. Now he's in the commentary | 0:09:05 | 0:09:11 | |
box alongside Ollie Williams.
All I can say, Polycom is I hope for | 0:09:11 | 0:09:14 | |
your sake his trousers are on! We
are all good! You should see the | 0:09:14 | 0:09:21 | |
amount of attention he got from
Norwegian journalists for that, they | 0:09:21 | 0:09:25 | |
loved you, Rob, didn't they? They
thought I was crazy but if you | 0:09:25 | 0:09:29 | |
cannot do cross-country skiing, it's
the best way to get a taste of the | 0:09:29 | 0:09:32 | |
hills and how tough the course is
going to be. Welcome to our second | 0:09:32 | 0:09:37 | |
medal. | 0:09:37 | 0:09:41 | |
If this race is half as good as the
women's skiathlon from yesterday, we | 0:09:41 | 0:09:45 | |
are in for a treat. Double the
distance the women did yesterday, | 0:09:45 | 0:09:50 | |
this was -- they did 15 kilometres,
this is 30. Four circuits, in the | 0:09:50 | 0:09:58 | |
classic style, then four in
freestyle, that is Andrew Musgrave's | 0:09:58 | 0:10:02 | |
favourite technique. It is
understand rumours grow for we will | 0:10:02 | 0:10:05 | |
keep an eye on. There are a host of
world-class men who are all out for | 0:10:05 | 0:10:11 | |
a slice of Winter Olympic history.
We have touched on Johannes Hoesflot | 0:10:11 | 0:10:15 | |
Klaebo. The 21-year-old, without a
doubt, is the sport's new sensation | 0:10:15 | 0:10:22 | |
this season, picking up the mantle
from the greats before him. If | 0:10:22 | 0:10:31 | |
Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo wins today,
he will be breaking a record that | 0:10:31 | 0:10:34 | |
has stood for 30 years. I should
mention as well here's compatriot, | 0:10:34 | 0:10:41 | |
the 33-year-old master of
consistency in the skiathlon, hoping | 0:10:41 | 0:10:44 | |
to build on a bronze medal behind
the defending champion here in | 0:10:44 | 0:10:51 | |
fabulous form, Dario Cologna.
Winning a record-breaking fourth | 0:10:51 | 0:10:54 | |
toured a ski. Magnificent when he
won four years ago. But the new rock | 0:10:54 | 0:11:00 | |
star of cross-country skiing is
Klaebo. A lot of people are very | 0:11:00 | 0:11:06 | |
excited to see what he can do. Four
podiums this year for Maurice | 0:11:06 | 0:11:11 | |
Manificat. His third games. 84 years
ago. But Dario Cologna is bidding to | 0:11:11 | 0:11:18 | |
become the third man to successfully
defend the title. In the old days, | 0:11:18 | 0:11:24 | |
skiathlon was referred to as the
combined pursuit. It is the ultimate | 0:11:24 | 0:11:28 | |
test of all-round cross-country
skiing ability. Here is the | 0:11:28 | 0:11:33 | |
line-up... Wearing bib Number 10,
Andrew Musgrave. We are so excited | 0:11:33 | 0:11:41 | |
about his chances here. Ollie, I do
think that we need to be realistic. | 0:11:41 | 0:11:45 | |
The last two World Championships
committee has been in 12 and 11. He | 0:11:45 | 0:11:50 | |
is going to smash the best
performance ever by a British | 0:11:50 | 0:11:53 | |
cross-country skiing, 29th in Sochi
four years ago. Now we know he has | 0:11:53 | 0:12:00 | |
come to terms with being prepared
for a major event. He missed the | 0:12:00 | 0:12:04 | |
medal in the 50 K last year. A top
ten or top 15 would be superb here, | 0:12:04 | 0:12:10 | |
bearing in mind his best event is
coming up in the 15 kilometre on | 0:12:10 | 0:12:15 | |
Friday? That's the point, he isn't
focusing on this event. If he gets | 0:12:15 | 0:12:20 | |
into the top 15, even the top ten,
he will be doing very well indeed to | 0:12:20 | 0:12:26 | |
get that far. This is good
preparation for what is coming up | 0:12:26 | 0:12:31 | |
later this week... And we just saw
Callum Smith's name, he went to | 0:12:31 | 0:12:39 | |
Huntly. For an open day of training.
He was bitten by the bug, a graduate | 0:12:39 | 0:12:44 | |
in chemical engineering. Full-time
now in Lily hammer. Here come these | 0:12:44 | 0:12:50 | |
Herculean man, ready for what
promises to be about one hour ten | 0:12:50 | 0:12:56 | |
minutes, one hour 15 minutes of
enthralling drama. Alex Harvey wears | 0:12:56 | 0:13:01 | |
bib number four, hoping to become
the first male Canadian | 0:13:01 | 0:13:05 | |
cross-country skiing medallist in
the Winter Olympics. He set history | 0:13:05 | 0:13:10 | |
a few years ago, winning the team
sprint gold in the championships in | 0:13:10 | 0:13:14 | |
2011. Farcical comes first and
Harvey has stayed at number one. | 0:13:14 | 0:13:22 | |
Klaebo there. Harvey has said in a
press conference before the games | 0:13:22 | 0:13:27 | |
began, he thinks the Norwegians, not
necessarily the likes of Klaebo, but | 0:13:27 | 0:13:37 | |
number seven | 0:13:37 | 0:13:43 | |
number seven Krueger, and the number
five Holund, will be able to skew | 0:13:43 | 0:13:49 | |
them out their legs. Maurice
Manificat is back for his third | 0:13:49 | 0:13:52 | |
games. | 0:13:52 | 0:13:57 | |
games. There is the toured a ski
champion, Dario Cologna, so good at | 0:13:57 | 0:14:03 | |
picking out the right time. Alex
Harvey there, a podium in three of | 0:14:03 | 0:14:07 | |
his last four World Cup races. They
skiathlon bronze medallist back in | 0:14:07 | 0:14:13 | |
the Worlds in 2015. Hans Christer
Holund, and in the Lillehammer | 0:14:13 | 0:14:18 | |
skiathlon he was third. He had
Achilles' heel surgery ten years | 0:14:18 | 0:14:24 | |
ago, now he is in top form. And what
about Martin Johnsrud Sundby? Bronze | 0:14:24 | 0:14:29 | |
four years ago, second in the World
Championships last year. He has | 0:14:29 | 0:14:37 | |
described, by the way, his
compatriot is almost embarrassing, | 0:14:37 | 0:14:44 | |
Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo, he is that
good. Simen Hegstad Krueger is | 0:14:44 | 0:14:47 | |
rested, his first games. He has not
raced since December. Then, Iivo | 0:14:47 | 0:14:55 | |
Niskanen, his sister was 60th in the
women's skiathlon yesterday. -- | 0:14:55 | 0:15:02 | |
16th. A good representation from the
French, in his fourth games, we have | 0:15:02 | 0:15:07 | |
Jean Marc Gaillard. Then Andrew
Musgrave, proudly representing | 0:15:07 | 0:15:10 | |
Huntly and Great Britain. Can he
produced the greatest performance | 0:15:10 | 0:15:14 | |
we've seen from a British
cross-country skier? We all hope so. | 0:15:14 | 0:15:21 | |
The First Event In The Men's
Cross-country PROGRAMME. | 0:15:21 | 0:15:27 | |
They are and this is a race we have
been looking to for the last few | 0:15:34 | 0:15:39 | |
months, bearing in mind the form of
some of the best in the world. | 0:15:39 | 0:15:43 | |
There's so much history on the line
for so many competing here today. | 0:15:43 | 0:15:53 | |
Dario Cologna is hoping to become
only the third man to send the | 0:15:53 | 0:15:59 | |
title, Johannes close the club,
hoping to become the youngest ever | 0:15:59 | 0:16:04 | |
champion. | 0:16:04 | 0:16:09 | |
champion. That was Krueger who fell
there. The good news from their | 0:16:14 | 0:16:18 | |
perspective is that hopefully the
pace would be too fast, they will | 0:16:18 | 0:16:21 | |
have an opportunity to get back.
That's Krueger who was fresh and | 0:16:21 | 0:16:26 | |
arrested for these games. Let's see
if we can get another indication as | 0:16:26 | 0:16:29 | |
to what happened. -- he was fresh
and rested. It is Krueger who goes | 0:16:29 | 0:16:41 | |
down first, you have got Andrey
Larkov and Denis Spitsov. You're | 0:16:41 | 0:16:50 | |
essentially on top of each other,
number 11, Andrey Larkov, going into | 0:16:50 | 0:16:58 | |
the back. But if you have it happen,
have it happen now when you have got | 0:16:58 | 0:17:02 | |
an hour of skiing left and you can
get back onto the back of the pack | 0:17:02 | 0:17:05 | |
and make your way back on. It's too
early for that to be a race ending | 0:17:05 | 0:17:11 | |
incident but that will unsettle
someone like Krueger who needs a new | 0:17:11 | 0:17:15 | |
pole already, and your race plan is
out of the window. That's especially | 0:17:15 | 0:17:23 | |
relevant when you bear in mind what
Alex Harvey was talking about before | 0:17:23 | 0:17:27 | |
the race, saying that he thought
Krueger was going to be one of the | 0:17:27 | 0:17:29 | |
classical ski specialist who would
really force the pace. Well, he has | 0:17:29 | 0:17:34 | |
got some work to do to get back
onside with the likes of even this | 0:17:34 | 0:17:41 | |
can. For a split second I thought it
was Andrew Musgrave. -- he is | 0:17:41 | 0:17:54 | |
was Andrew Musgrave. -- he is behind
the finish rider. | 0:17:54 | 0:17:59 | |
It is not just Krueger who was
looking to go out hard early on, it | 0:18:00 | 0:18:05 | |
was people like Hans Christer Holund
as well, and he now does not have | 0:18:05 | 0:18:10 | |
that person beside him. Because if
you can make a break and get away | 0:18:10 | 0:18:13 | |
from Klaebo, amazing young all-round
athlete, you got to hope if it's a | 0:18:13 | 0:18:21 | |
sprint at the end, then Klaebo will
be the man who wins it. You need to | 0:18:21 | 0:18:26 | |
break away. The cat is 18 seconds at
the moment. Simon Alex Tait | 0:18:26 | 0:18:40 | |
-- Simon Hickey at | 0:18:41 | 0:18:45 | |
we will keep an eye on whether he
can close the gap. He is meant to be | 0:18:45 | 0:18:53 | |
sharing pacemaking duties with Hans
Christer Holund, and Klaebo has been | 0:18:53 | 0:18:58 | |
quite happy to... Another for live
there, the Lithuanian. Just coming | 0:18:58 | 0:19:08 | |
on stock on the -- coming off on the
corner. It is very cold today, it | 0:19:08 | 0:19:16 | |
was -16 when I was going around
jogging, and these men are going at | 0:19:16 | 0:19:23 | |
peak capacity. It's very, very cold,
by far the coldest day we have had | 0:19:23 | 0:19:29 | |
in the last five or six days. Yes,
-16 or 17 on the back of the course. | 0:19:29 | 0:19:38 | |
The other athletes did well there,
Callum Smith from Great Britain also | 0:19:38 | 0:19:44 | |
fell as well and did very well to
recover quickly and get back up. | 0:19:44 | 0:19:50 | |
It's cold and windy. You have got
ten miles an hour wind, that's not | 0:19:50 | 0:19:53 | |
going to help people get away in the
front. | 0:19:53 | 0:20:01 | |
front. It's good to be harder to get
off the front and try to break | 0:20:01 | 0:20:04 | |
Klaebo. A reminder, it's four
circuits, 3.75 kilometres in a | 0:20:04 | 0:20:16 | |
classical technique when they stick
to the tracks and then they come in | 0:20:16 | 0:20:19 | |
for a pit stop before they change
skis. Then they will be skiing | 0:20:19 | 0:20:28 | |
freestyle, that's the discipline
where Andrew Musgrave becomes most | 0:20:28 | 0:20:30 | |
comfortable. When he was 11th in the
world champions last year, he was | 0:20:30 | 0:20:37 | |
the 22nd fastest on the classical
half and the fourth fastest on the | 0:20:37 | 0:20:41 | |
freestyle. So if he's there or
thereabouts at halfway, then maybe, | 0:20:41 | 0:20:45 | |
we could see something very special
indeed. But Iivo Niskanen not | 0:20:45 | 0:20:52 | |
hanging around, deciding he wants to
take it on. Maybe you has realised | 0:20:52 | 0:20:58 | |
that one of the two men who would
argue "Push the pace on the | 0:20:58 | 0:21:02 | |
classical half is off the back. At
the last checkpoint he was 18 | 0:21:02 | 0:21:08 | |
seconds adrift, we will keep you
posted how much closer he is. | 0:21:08 | 0:21:12 | |
I think that's Krueger has had
replaced the Dutch trucker I think | 0:21:20 | 0:21:27 | |
that Niskanen has had to replace the
Norwegian athlete. He is only young, | 0:21:27 | 0:21:35 | |
26, he does not have a skiathlon
background. He is more 15 K, same as | 0:21:35 | 0:21:42 | |
Andrew Musgrave. He maybe feels his
only chance is to get off the front | 0:21:42 | 0:21:45 | |
and bring a few other people with
them. They need more than two | 0:21:45 | 0:21:49 | |
people, you cannot hang at the front
for 30 kilometres with two skiers. | 0:21:49 | 0:21:56 | |
They need to get a few more if they
want to make an impact. Meanwhile, | 0:21:56 | 0:22:00 | |
Niskanen taking on the pacemaking
duties at the front with Hans | 0:22:00 | 0:22:07 | |
Christer Holund behind him. Andrew
Musgrave is around seventh or | 0:22:07 | 0:22:14 | |
eighth, certainly up to the group.
And it interesting that Dario | 0:22:14 | 0:22:18 | |
Cologna, we have not spoken about
him because we have had the falling, | 0:22:18 | 0:22:25 | |
he is nice and steady, ticking along
in third place. Andrew Musgrave top | 0:22:25 | 0:22:30 | |
ten. Which excites cars, from a
British point of view, but we are | 0:22:30 | 0:22:41 | |
not in control of the images so if
we don't see him, or he drifts, we | 0:22:41 | 0:22:51 | |
will try and update you as much as
we can as well as updating you on | 0:22:51 | 0:22:54 | |
Callum Smith. But Niskanen leads at
the moment. And even though it's | 0:22:54 | 0:23:02 | |
bitterly, bitterly cold, this is a
long way for these men, respecting | 0:23:02 | 0:23:07 | |
the fact that the hydration needs
are very much there. The golden rule | 0:23:07 | 0:23:13 | |
in any sport, if you get to the
stage of being thirsty, you are | 0:23:13 | 0:23:16 | |
already dehydrated. | 0:23:16 | 0:23:19 | |
Andrew Musgrave just disappearing
underneath this great shot and there | 0:23:23 | 0:23:30 | |
he is the right of frame wearing
number ten, behind Alex Harvey, the | 0:23:30 | 0:23:33 | |
Canadian. It really is an absolutely
stunning course, this. When you walk | 0:23:33 | 0:23:42 | |
or run up the top of the first hill,
it's a breathtaking vantage point. | 0:23:42 | 0:23:52 | |
Klaebo is two seconds behind but
nothing to read in that. He's right | 0:23:52 | 0:23:57 | |
there. The more important deficit
will do that involving Krueger which | 0:23:57 | 0:24:03 | |
was up at 18 seconds after he fell.
It's now about 27 seconds. So there | 0:24:03 | 0:24:11 | |
is essentially one big pack of
athletes. You could see Krueger come | 0:24:11 | 0:24:20 | |
through now, just behind another 46.
He is desperate to try to work back | 0:24:20 | 0:24:25 | |
to the front because he knows that
he cannot have any impact unless he | 0:24:25 | 0:24:29 | |
gets onto the front and attempt to
break. | 0:24:29 | 0:24:42 | |
Maurice Manificat happy to settle
into the middle part of the leading | 0:24:43 | 0:24:45 | |
group. They are coming in towards
the completion of the first of the | 0:24:45 | 0:24:51 | |
four classical circuits. Niskanen
having a little glance over his | 0:24:51 | 0:24:59 | |
shoulder, Dario Cologna in second.
Andrew Musgrave is in around tenth | 0:24:59 | 0:25:05 | |
place at the moment. 29th is the
best performance by a British | 0:25:05 | 0:25:12 | |
cross-country skier, and it was his
own, disappointing performance in | 0:25:12 | 0:25:18 | |
Sochi, he thought he was capable to
at least get to the semifinal in the | 0:25:18 | 0:25:27 | |
individual sprint. He's just going
through there, Number ten. | 0:25:27 | 0:25:34 | |
through there, Number ten. He has
dedicated his life to cross-country | 0:25:34 | 0:25:36 | |
skiing, Andrew Musgrave. His
father's job in the oil industry got | 0:25:36 | 0:25:40 | |
an interest in him. A spell in a car
and then in Huntly, a club which has | 0:25:40 | 0:25:50 | |
inspired many cross-country skiers,
and if you go to that club, his 27 | 0:25:50 | 0:25:57 | |
bed from Sochi hangs on the wall
alongside Andrew Young's number from | 0:25:57 | 0:26:04 | |
1971 when he greeted in Vancouver.
If you are a young skier, no better | 0:26:04 | 0:26:12 | |
place to go in Britain than the
Huntley club which has given birth | 0:26:12 | 0:26:16 | |
to a more than a few winter
Olympians. | 0:26:16 | 0:26:23 | |
Olympians. So, Iivo Niskanen leads.
The Norwegians are quite happy in | 0:26:23 | 0:26:31 | |
third, fourth and fifth. The only
one missing is Krueger who fell in | 0:26:31 | 0:26:37 | |
that collision with the Russians at
the very early stages. There is | 0:26:37 | 0:26:42 | |
Klaebo. He has been ridiculously
good this season. | 0:26:42 | 0:26:51 | |
good this season. And you were
following the ski Federation Twitter | 0:26:51 | 0:26:56 | |
feed and there are some mixed views
amongst the cross-country skiing | 0:26:56 | 0:27:01 | |
fraternity as to who is the
favourite for this one? Yes, they | 0:27:01 | 0:27:04 | |
put it up to a vote on their Twitter
feed earlier on, four athletes, | 0:27:04 | 0:27:10 | |
which tells its own story, the
governing body itself thinks it's | 0:27:10 | 0:27:16 | |
between formats | 0:27:16 | 0:27:22 | |
between formats four athletes, and
the favourites came out as Klaebo | 0:27:24 | 0:27:29 | |
and Dario Cologna. The Norwegians
love Klaebo, they assume he will | 0:27:29 | 0:27:36 | |
come home with a lot of medals. The
Swedish media hate Klaebo because | 0:27:36 | 0:27:39 | |
they do not like Norwegians and they
don't think he's very good. There | 0:27:39 | 0:27:45 | |
was a fantastic expression in one of
the Swedish newspapers a little | 0:27:45 | 0:27:47 | |
while ago which basically said words
to the effect of that the Norwegian | 0:27:47 | 0:27:53 | |
press, in "Klaebo in the way they
had done, created a sea of | 0:27:53 | 0:28:02 | |
Norwegians with an ocean of
exaggerated hope. Klaebo is very | 0:28:02 | 0:28:12 | |
young, he has won gold buckles in
everything he has competed in, but | 0:28:12 | 0:28:15 | |
has he competed too much? -- gold
medals. If you temper it a bit and | 0:28:15 | 0:28:22 | |
you don't race so much in the
season, maybe you have a better | 0:28:22 | 0:28:25 | |
chance | 0:28:25 | 0:28:30 | |
chance in the Olympics and that is
where Dario Cologna comes in. | 0:28:30 | 0:28:36 | |
Yesterday, Norwegian female athletes
were looking a little tired, and | 0:28:36 | 0:28:46 | |
Heidi Weng was clearly suffering.
It's interesting because four years | 0:28:46 | 0:28:51 | |
ago, Dario Cologna's early-season
build-up to Sochi was disrupted by | 0:28:51 | 0:28:55 | |
an injury, he was on the exercise
bike for months and it was quite a | 0:28:55 | 0:29:00 | |
bad run. As a result, he came into
Sochi very fresh, won the skiathlon | 0:29:00 | 0:29:05 | |
and defended his 15 K title. This
year, he has competed in and won the | 0:29:05 | 0:29:12 | |
tour to ski for a record fourth time
but I see parallels between Cologna | 0:29:12 | 0:29:19 | |
and Charlotte Kalla, he is a proven
winner, not just on that but in the | 0:29:19 | 0:29:25 | |
Winter Olympic context and he knows
what it takes to peak for a big | 0:29:25 | 0:29:30 | |
occasion. And a lot of people feel
as though Cologna could be only the | 0:29:30 | 0:29:36 | |
third man | 0:29:36 | 0:29:43 | |
third man to successfully defend his
title. | 0:29:43 | 0:29:48 | |
title. Niskanen leading, it's a real
shame on an individual level for | 0:29:49 | 0:29:56 | |
Simen Hegstad Krueger because
classical is his best technique and | 0:29:56 | 0:29:58 | |
it must have been a real shock for
him. Just one of those things that | 0:29:58 | 0:30:02 | |
he was a man who fell with the two
Olympic athlete representing Russia | 0:30:02 | 0:30:07 | |
just behind him. | 0:30:07 | 0:30:12 | |
Nonetheless, Krueger's challenge
looks as though it has gone. We will | 0:30:24 | 0:30:27 | |
keep you posted on those times, to
see whether he can close the gap. | 0:30:27 | 0:30:38 | |
18, Clement Parisse. He comes here
with a little bit of form. But at | 0:30:38 | 0:30:42 | |
the moment, we have Johannes
Hoesflot Klaebo in third. Alex | 0:30:42 | 0:30:52 | |
Harvey of Canada is in sixth place,
wearing big number four. Similar to | 0:30:52 | 0:30:57 | |
the Norwegian outfit that it does
not have blue stripes on the base of | 0:30:57 | 0:31:02 | |
his quads. That's how you tell the
difference. An interesting story for | 0:31:02 | 0:31:09 | |
Canada, probably his last Olympics
come on the verge of retiring. Like | 0:31:09 | 0:31:13 | |
Andrew Musgrave, he has spent the
last decade spending time trying to | 0:31:13 | 0:31:20 | |
get a degree. To become a lawyer. He
is as good a male cross-country | 0:31:20 | 0:31:25 | |
skier that Canada has ever produced
but they have not won and Olympic | 0:31:25 | 0:31:30 | |
Nordic skiing medal, that's all he
wants, a medal of any colour, he | 0:31:30 | 0:31:35 | |
says. The skiathlon, for him, he was
a world bronze medallist. He | 0:31:35 | 0:31:41 | |
considers himself a medal contender
and says it is his favourite event. | 0:31:41 | 0:31:44 | |
He is going to be in the top five
mix. If nothing goes wrong for | 0:31:44 | 0:31:47 | |
him... You certainly has the
pedigree, third in 15. Then just off | 0:31:47 | 0:31:57 | |
the podium, last year, Andrew
Musgrave is in the top ten at the | 0:31:57 | 0:32:00 | |
moment. A fantastic performance,
bearing in mind his favourite style, | 0:32:00 | 0:32:06 | |
the freestyle, is still to come...
Clement | 0:32:06 | 0:32:10 | |
-- Niskanen looking over his
shoulder. It's an interesting debate | 0:32:13 | 0:32:20 | |
considering Klaebo, as we get a
dramatic shortcomings you can see | 0:32:20 | 0:32:25 | |
his own breath there, Niskanen.
Cologna. | 0:32:25 | 0:32:34 | |
Cologna. It's a really interesting
debate because when you follow the | 0:32:36 | 0:32:38 | |
races where Klaebo has been
dominant, the Sprint would be the | 0:32:38 | 0:32:41 | |
most obvious for a gold medal. But I
do think I've got this right, he has | 0:32:41 | 0:32:47 | |
only competed in one senior
skiathlon race, Lillehammer in | 0:32:47 | 0:32:52 | |
December, and he won! He is so
young, we still do not have enough | 0:32:52 | 0:32:56 | |
races to count against him in this
regard, even though, of course, the | 0:32:56 | 0:33:00 | |
Sprint would be the event in which
he would be the favourite. Krueger | 0:33:00 | 0:33:09 | |
still 38 seconds behind, Maurice
Manificat isn't as strong as he is | 0:33:09 | 0:33:12 | |
on B3. He is 15 seconds off the
pace, not life or death at the | 0:33:12 | 0:33:19 | |
moment but certainly Krueger's
deficit is pretty tough. But Klaebo | 0:33:19 | 0:33:24 | |
has only had one opportunity to show
what he can do in the skiathlon and | 0:33:24 | 0:33:27 | |
he won the World Cup race. He is
currently in third place, and is so | 0:33:27 | 0:33:32 | |
exciting to watch. Not just from a
Norwegian point of view, but we are | 0:33:32 | 0:33:36 | |
excited from the neutral standpoint!
It will be exciting to see how he | 0:33:36 | 0:33:41 | |
deals with it. His compatriot worse
dogs with injury. Andrew Musgrave is | 0:33:41 | 0:33:52 | |
wearing Number 10, you can see that
he is just behind the front pack | 0:33:52 | 0:33:56 | |
breaking away. Norway are looking at
Klaebo, a very different individual, | 0:33:56 | 0:34:02 | |
and much livelier. And much
friendlier, some people say, they | 0:34:02 | 0:34:07 | |
are expecting big things now, we can
just see Krueger making his way back | 0:34:07 | 0:34:12 | |
through. He is | 0:34:12 | 0:34:21 | |
through. He is behind Yoshida of
Japan. Imagine it is a Formula 1 | 0:34:21 | 0:34:24 | |
race. It isn't easy to weave through
20 or 25 athletes. You've got to be | 0:34:24 | 0:34:30 | |
very careful otherwise you end up in
the same situation you were in in | 0:34:30 | 0:34:33 | |
the first place. Not completely out
of it yet, Krueger, but he does have | 0:34:33 | 0:34:39 | |
a tough job. Dario Colonia, the
defending skiathlon champion, and | 0:34:39 | 0:34:46 | |
deciding to make his presence felt
and Niskanen is having none of it! | 0:34:46 | 0:34:52 | |
Coming up wide on the outside...
This will develop into a fascinating | 0:34:52 | 0:34:58 | |
race, when you get towards the
business end. Sometimes it is | 0:34:58 | 0:35:04 | |
difficult from the British point of
view, Andrew Musgrave is doing | 0:35:04 | 0:35:09 | |
fantastically at the moment.
Currently in tenth, behind the | 0:35:09 | 0:35:13 | |
breakaway group. If you are watching
cross-country for only the first or | 0:35:13 | 0:35:19 | |
second time, these are the rock
stars of their nation's sportsmen | 0:35:19 | 0:35:21 | |
and women. It is difficult to
exaggerate enough just how big the | 0:35:21 | 0:35:27 | |
stars are. The Norwegians say that
this is their Olympics. It's a great | 0:35:27 | 0:35:37 | |
showcase but their greatest hopes
come in the summer Olympic Games. | 0:35:37 | 0:35:40 | |
For Norway, this is the big one. The
summer Olympic Games is an | 0:35:40 | 0:35:45 | |
afterthought. This is absolutely
huge in the countries. Especially | 0:35:45 | 0:35:50 | |
when you have a brand-new starlike
Klaebo. We talk about the skiathlon | 0:35:50 | 0:35:56 | |
that he won, not just what he did
but how he won. He is wearing the | 0:35:56 | 0:36:00 | |
number six. | 0:36:00 | 0:36:06 | |
number six. They had Sundby in
charge of the whole race but Klaebo | 0:36:06 | 0:36:08 | |
came back three. That's the thing.
Even if you have five or six seconds | 0:36:08 | 0:36:16 | |
over Klaebo, he can come back.
Certainly could. | 0:36:16 | 0:36:25 | |
Certainly could. It is very
interesting to see how he goes. What | 0:36:25 | 0:36:29 | |
a performance by Andrew Musgrave.
Just on the left-hand side of your | 0:36:29 | 0:36:33 | |
frame now. In eighth place. Steadily
working his way through the field. | 0:36:33 | 0:36:39 | |
This really would be exciting, if he
is in the mix can be business end, | 0:36:39 | 0:36:43 | |
especially as the 15 kilometre free
is meant to be his best chance of a | 0:36:43 | 0:36:48 | |
winter Olympic medal. He was third
in the freestyle earlier this | 0:36:48 | 0:36:53 | |
season. That races coming up on
Friday. Now, we have Harvey of | 0:36:53 | 0:37:05 | |
Canada just out of shot. The only
Norwegian missing is currently | 0:37:05 | 0:37:13 | |
Krueger, 35 seconds back after a
fall. And what | 0:37:13 | 0:37:25 | |
fall. And what about Sundby? He's
aiming to become Norway's oldest | 0:37:25 | 0:37:30 | |
male cross champion. In his last
nine skiathlon races, he is very | 0:37:30 | 0:37:35 | |
consistent and arguably at the age
of 33, I know that Marit Bjorgen got | 0:37:35 | 0:37:39 | |
the silver yesterday at age 37,
arguably it would take a big effort | 0:37:39 | 0:37:43 | |
for him to still be in the mix in
such a competitive team, come | 0:37:43 | 0:37:48 | |
Beijing, 2022. This could be
Sundby's last chance to become an | 0:37:48 | 0:37:55 | |
individual Winter Olympic champion.
He cannot be discounted, even though | 0:37:55 | 0:38:00 | |
all of the headlines in Norway are
being taken by his younger and more | 0:38:00 | 0:38:05 | |
daring compatriot, Klaebo. If you
look at someone like Sundby, here's | 0:38:05 | 0:38:11 | |
another one of the old guys. They
are the Norwegians who have carried | 0:38:11 | 0:38:17 | |
the team for a decade. So much
consistency, but we have already | 0:38:17 | 0:38:21 | |
seen this season, Klaebo out of his
dumper completely. -- his number | 0:38:21 | 0:38:28 | |
completely. It would play on
Sundby's mind. Just getting an | 0:38:28 | 0:38:36 | |
update on the checkpoint, Andrew
Musgrave just around seven seconds | 0:38:36 | 0:38:41 | |
off the pace of the leaders. This is
a brilliant piece of cross-country | 0:38:41 | 0:38:46 | |
skiing by the Britain, the first of
the two men in the distance Paire. | 0:38:46 | 0:38:51 | |
He has the very tall Daniel Rickards
and just behind him. He is no | 0:38:51 | 0:38:55 | |
slouch! -- Daniel Rickardsson. A
relay gold medallist twice for | 0:38:55 | 0:39:04 | |
Norway, he got a bronze in the 15 K
four years ago. I wonder if it is an | 0:39:04 | 0:39:11 | |
indication that they are slowing
down a fraction? Good work by the | 0:39:11 | 0:39:17 | |
French, we haven't really mentioned
that Maurice Manificat closed the | 0:39:17 | 0:39:19 | |
gap. And in the number nine,
Gaillard's fourth games, missing out | 0:39:19 | 0:39:28 | |
on a medal. Andrew Musgrave is just
out of shot on the left-hand side. I | 0:39:28 | 0:39:32 | |
think they are gripping up again
here. It is settling into a place, | 0:39:32 | 0:39:37 | |
rather than it being a case of
Niskanen probing for a gap. And it | 0:39:37 | 0:39:47 | |
isn't an extraordinarily fast pace
yet. For these athletes. It is still | 0:39:47 | 0:39:51 | |
a bit bunched. Niskanen is using a
lot of fuel to stay out in front but | 0:39:51 | 0:39:57 | |
nobody really has tried to get away
to any real degree. | 0:39:57 | 0:40:05 | |
to any real degree. Did from Callum
Smith, last seen in 60 First Place. | 0:40:05 | 0:40:12 | |
He finished in that position four
years ago, he says he wants to get a | 0:40:12 | 0:40:16 | |
top 30. A graduate in chemical
engineering from Edinburgh. He now | 0:40:16 | 0:40:24 | |
lives in Norway. Training with the
best. As indeed is Andrew Musgrave, | 0:40:24 | 0:40:29 | |
and his sister Posey, in the
commentary box yesterday with us, | 0:40:29 | 0:40:35 | |
she has travelled to the course to
watch her brother. She letters into | 0:40:35 | 0:40:41 | |
a secret, she says that he is
seeking that degree out, I was | 0:40:41 | 0:40:45 | |
speaking and saying how dedicated he
must be doing a completed degree in | 0:40:45 | 0:40:50 | |
a second language, but she says
there isn't a great deal of work | 0:40:50 | 0:40:53 | |
going on there! He shuffles the bits
of paper and it may take six or | 0:40:53 | 0:40:58 | |
seven years, but he will get the
degree in the end! Webb Andrew | 0:40:58 | 0:41:01 | |
Musgrave at the back of the group,
he isn't focused on his degree now, | 0:41:01 | 0:41:06 | |
he is focused on producing a piece
of British winter Olympic history. | 0:41:06 | 0:41:10 | |
There he is, just trying to attach
himself to the group. Torres -- | 0:41:10 | 0:41:21 | |
Thomas Bingham Paire. | 0:41:21 | 0:41:24 | |
He has reattached which is useful. A
great performance so far. Alex | 0:41:28 | 0:41:33 | |
Harvey, moving across to the
right-hand track, wearing number | 0:41:33 | 0:41:36 | |
four. | 0:41:36 | 0:41:42 | |
four. It is Niskanen in the nearly
all-white outfit for Finland. A | 0:41:42 | 0:41:47 | |
little slip there. Important that
the waxing technicians get their job | 0:41:47 | 0:41:52 | |
right. It seems as though they've
done a good job for the Norwegians | 0:41:52 | 0:41:55 | |
this far. Four years ago they were
really struggling. | 0:41:55 | 0:41:59 | |
Uncharacteristically so in the early
races. Krueger, number seven in the | 0:41:59 | 0:42:03 | |
middle of your shot. This is better
from the Norwegian. If he could get | 0:42:03 | 0:42:09 | |
back into the mix for a medal, that
would be absolutely extraordinary. | 0:42:09 | 0:42:13 | |
All credit to him for deciding just
to carry on. It will be interesting | 0:42:13 | 0:42:20 | |
when we get back to the shots at the
front. I think I saw Niskanen stand | 0:42:20 | 0:42:24 | |
aside and essentially say I've done
my job for the time being. Now he is | 0:42:24 | 0:42:28 | |
back in fifth or sixth position and
saying, it is someone else's turn, | 0:42:28 | 0:42:33 | |
I've done my time. We now have Dario
Cologna and Maurice Manificat out in | 0:42:33 | 0:42:40 | |
front together. | 0:42:40 | 0:42:42 | |
Easy to underestimate how technical
and how skilful these men and women | 0:42:47 | 0:42:52 | |
are in cross-country. It isn't all
about smashing the miles out. | 0:42:52 | 0:42:56 | |
Racking up hundreds of kilometres.
There is real skiing ability there | 0:42:56 | 0:43:04 | |
as well. A couple of the descents on
the course are really brutal, | 0:43:04 | 0:43:08 | |
especially be sharp left-hand turn
as they head backing towards the | 0:43:08 | 0:43:12 | |
stadium at the end of the circuit.
And in this weather as well. You are | 0:43:12 | 0:43:17 | |
not only descending sharply but
moving into a biting wind. | 0:43:17 | 0:43:25 | |
moving into a biting wind. All of
these athletes are respecting the | 0:43:25 | 0:43:28 | |
conditions and environment, and
making sure that they get plenty of | 0:43:28 | 0:43:30 | |
liquids on board. | 0:43:30 | 0:43:36 | |
liquids on board. 12 seconds adrift,
they have Spitsov. The men who fell | 0:43:36 | 0:43:44 | |
are doing a good job. Spitsov was
knocked over, along with his | 0:43:44 | 0:43:50 | |
compatriot, Larkov, by Krueger. On
the right, wearing Number 10 for | 0:43:50 | 0:44:00 | |
Great Britain, it has slowed, you
are right, Miskin and into the pack. | 0:44:00 | 0:44:04 | |
He feels as though he has done his
job -- Niskanen. It has allowed, | 0:44:04 | 0:44:10 | |
this slowing of the pace, almost the
entire group to come back together. | 0:44:10 | 0:44:15 | |
Krueger is in the second group of
our fleets. Look at the driving wind | 0:44:15 | 0:44:19 | |
in their faces! This is definitely
slowing because soon, we suspect, | 0:44:19 | 0:44:24 | |
are going to have a very good lead
groupware at one stage it was ten or | 0:44:24 | 0:44:30 | |
11. | 0:44:30 | 0:44:35 | |
11. The cameras are focusing on
Krueger, following Spitsov, | 0:44:36 | 0:44:46 | |
rejoining a very big lead pack. A
good effort by the Norwegian. And | 0:44:46 | 0:44:50 | |
good effort from the world number 23
bronze medal is to Spitsov. He got | 0:44:50 | 0:44:55 | |
that last year in the 15 kilometre
and the skiathlon, the Olympic | 0:44:55 | 0:44:58 | |
Athlete from Russia. | 0:44:58 | 0:45:04 | |
Athlete from Russia. The pace has
slowed a fraction... That the | 0:45:04 | 0:45:07 | |
conditions are tough. They really
are. For the first time, Sundby in | 0:45:07 | 0:45:14 | |
the lead and deciding to make his
presence felt. This downhill comes | 0:45:14 | 0:45:19 | |
into the stadium. Possibly a
deciding factor. The hill at the | 0:45:19 | 0:45:23 | |
end, then the downhill sweep into
the stadium area, back out and | 0:45:23 | 0:45:27 | |
Brown. It could well be what we see.
That could be where we see the race | 0:45:27 | 0:45:35 | |
decided. | 0:45:35 | 0:45:40 | |
Sundby needing, Harvey going really
well, the Canadian contemplating | 0:45:43 | 0:45:48 | |
retirement. No Canadian has ever won
a winter Olympic skiing medal in | 0:45:48 | 0:45:55 | |
cross-country. Andrew Musgrave is in
the top ten. Krueger has managed to | 0:45:55 | 0:45:59 | |
catch up, a fine effort from the
Norwegian, so too has | 0:45:59 | 0:46:03 | |
catch up, a fine effort from the
Norwegian, so too has. Spitsov. | 0:46:03 | 0:46:06 | |
Wearing bib 16. Where heading
towards the end of the classical | 0:46:06 | 0:46:11 | |
half of this race and then there
will be a pit stop. He ends 15th in | 0:46:11 | 0:46:19 | |
the World Championship last year.
This will be the last circuits of | 0:46:19 | 0:46:30 | |
3.75 kilometres skied in the
classical technique. All the main | 0:46:30 | 0:46:35 | |
protagonists are there, including
from a British point of view, Andrew | 0:46:35 | 0:46:38 | |
Musgrave. Marcus Hellner, a
skiathlon champion in Vancouver, | 0:46:38 | 0:46:48 | |
silver four years ago. He hasn't
been in that kind of form this | 0:46:48 | 0:46:53 | |
season but he's certainly got the
experience and exposure to produce a | 0:46:53 | 0:46:57 | |
great performance. He's only five
seconds adrift. And he's not had the | 0:46:57 | 0:47:07 | |
greatest results recently, only 25th
this season, essentially written off | 0:47:07 | 0:47:12 | |
at home, Swedish fans don't expect
them to do anything, his time has | 0:47:12 | 0:47:15 | |
been and gone. But if you're only
five seconds adrift and in this | 0:47:15 | 0:47:20 | |
pack, essentially, he knows how to
win a race at this level. Sundby | 0:47:20 | 0:47:28 | |
from Harvey. This is Spitsov, going
alone. | 0:47:28 | 0:47:37 | |
alone. He's a really talented young
athlete. As I said, a medallist in | 0:47:38 | 0:47:44 | |
the under 23. A third in the | 0:47:44 | 0:47:53 | |
the under 23. A third in the final
tour of Ski. The 21-year-old doing | 0:47:54 | 0:47:59 | |
his best to capture this big-league
group. Andrew Musgrave still there, | 0:47:59 | 0:48:10 | |
wearing Number ten, just behind a
rock star of the circuit this year, | 0:48:10 | 0:48:15 | |
Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo. Thomas
Bing, the German, still attached as | 0:48:15 | 0:48:19 | |
well. | 0:48:19 | 0:48:25 | |
well. And I wonder, in Sundby's
mind, he's identifiable because he's | 0:48:25 | 0:48:31 | |
got that blond beard which is
probably freezing in these | 0:48:31 | 0:48:35 | |
conditions, I wonder how far into
the freestyle half of the race, | 0:48:35 | 0:48:42 | |
Sundby might decide to have a go.
The acceleration that his young | 0:48:42 | 0:48:47 | |
compatriot Klaebo has is phenomenal.
Some of the races we have seen this | 0:48:47 | 0:48:53 | |
season, Klaebo has come back from
deficit against Sundby from huge | 0:48:53 | 0:48:57 | |
margins. What he did in Bill Hammer
was outrageous, it's well worth | 0:48:57 | 0:49:04 | |
looking at in you have five minutes.
Sundby does what Niskanen did a flap | 0:49:04 | 0:49:14 | |
and a half ago and says, I have done
my bit. I wonder how long Sundby can | 0:49:14 | 0:49:20 | |
leave this because he knows that
Klaebo, if you've not shattered, he | 0:49:20 | 0:49:25 | |
has the speed and arrogance of youth
to come sweeping past. We saw in the | 0:49:25 | 0:49:31 | |
women's event yesterday, Charlotte
Kalla left it quite late until the | 0:49:31 | 0:49:37 | |
last couple of climate is and put
the accelerator down. I don't know | 0:49:37 | 0:49:41 | |
if you can do that with clay bow. -- | 0:49:41 | 0:49:52 | |
. It was an amazing race. This is
Spitsov trying to do his best to get | 0:49:57 | 0:50:04 | |
back to the group. | 0:50:04 | 0:50:06 | |
The Norwegian Publix will be
churning in. It's pretty early in | 0:50:18 | 0:50:29 | |
Norway for this race, but he was
estimating a minimum of a quarter of | 0:50:29 | 0:50:34 | |
the entire population would be
getting up to watch the men's | 0:50:34 | 0:50:40 | |
skiathlon and he said if the races
were | 0:50:40 | 0:50:47 | |
were closer to peak viewing, he said
it would be half the population. It | 0:50:47 | 0:50:50 | |
gives you some indication as to how
big this sport is in Norway. We | 0:50:50 | 0:50:57 | |
usually use football as a
comparison, but maybe track cycling | 0:50:57 | 0:51:02 | |
would be a better comparison, you
know that there will be medals and | 0:51:02 | 0:51:05 | |
it will be a feel-good event. You
have got Sundby, clay bow, Hans | 0:51:05 | 0:51:10 | |
Christer Holund, you know that
something is going to happen. This | 0:51:10 | 0:51:17 | |
is box office television for
Norwegians because the whole field | 0:51:17 | 0:51:20 | |
is packed with athletes that could
do something special. | 0:51:20 | 0:51:29 | |
do something special. Maurice
Manificat, the Frenchman, very | 0:51:29 | 0:51:30 | |
experienced athlete, leading from:
you're at the moment. -- from | 0:51:30 | 0:51:37 | |
Cologna at the moment. Andrew
Musgrave is at the back of this | 0:51:37 | 0:51:44 | |
group just behind Marcus Kalmar.
Cologna is looking good at second | 0:51:44 | 0:51:50 | |
place. Very composed. Hasn't really
done too much work at the front of | 0:51:50 | 0:51:57 | |
the field. Harvey just slipped a
little there. He was skiing | 0:51:57 | 0:52:02 | |
immediately behind Cologna who has
now moved over to the left-hand | 0:52:02 | 0:52:04 | |
track. Harvey is wearing number
four. We would get an indication as | 0:52:04 | 0:52:11 | |
to the deficit to Andrew Musgrave.
Eight seconds. So he's just allowed | 0:52:11 | 0:52:18 | |
a second or two to grow between
himself and the leading ten. At the | 0:52:18 | 0:52:26 | |
end of this loop, they will be
swapping over to the freestyle which | 0:52:26 | 0:52:29 | |
is his favoured technique. And how
exciting would it be if he was to | 0:52:29 | 0:52:35 | |
get in amongst the traditional
heavyweights, the Norwegians and the | 0:52:35 | 0:52:38 | |
Swedes and Finns? A fantastic story,
in this, his second-best event. I | 0:52:38 | 0:52:47 | |
wonder how excited Posy Musgrave is
getting up on the course? We will | 0:52:47 | 0:52:50 | |
find that when she us in the
commentary box later. This isn't his | 0:52:50 | 0:52:58 | |
best event at the top 15 finish
would be great, but he has been very | 0:52:58 | 0:53:03 | |
clear before the races that he
considers himself a realistic model | 0:53:03 | 0:53:06 | |
contender and he has not been afraid
to say it -- metal -- chrome medal | 0:53:06 | 0:53:14 | |
contender. He says that he has
learned his lessons from the hype | 0:53:14 | 0:53:20 | |
that he had before Sochi, he has
been on a World Cup podium this | 0:53:20 | 0:53:26 | |
season, he knows that if he stays in
touch the way he is doing, he | 0:53:26 | 0:53:30 | |
believes he has it within himself to
push through and get a medal, maybe | 0:53:30 | 0:53:36 | |
here, certainly in the 15 K. The
biggest lesson he has learned is the | 0:53:36 | 0:53:42 | |
hardest one, not overtraining. He
won the Norwegian Championships just | 0:53:42 | 0:53:45 | |
ahead of Sochi and then I think
maybe it was such an inspirational | 0:53:45 | 0:53:52 | |
moment, Spitsov just getting on the
back of the group, Andrew Musgrave | 0:53:52 | 0:53:56 | |
is wearing Number ten. There he is.
I think that was the biggest lesson | 0:53:56 | 0:54:05 | |
he learned, it wasn't that he was
overawed by the occasion, he arrived | 0:54:05 | 0:54:09 | |
completely shattered because he was
overtraining. That's something very | 0:54:09 | 0:54:14 | |
much within his control and he went
back after the Sammon, got a little | 0:54:14 | 0:54:18 | |
bit ill, he said he always got ill
after the Tour de Ski, and he has an | 0:54:18 | 0:54:29 | |
opportunity this time after he has
arrived that his batteries are fully | 0:54:29 | 0:54:36 | |
charged. One thing that helps is
coaching. In between the Olympics he | 0:54:36 | 0:54:40 | |
has brought on board Norwegian
coaches, essentially poached from | 0:54:40 | 0:54:48 | |
private skiing teams in Norway and
now he has the institutional | 0:54:48 | 0:54:52 | |
knowledge advantage of working with
top coaches from the country that | 0:54:52 | 0:54:56 | |
does this sport in the best way. And
they know how to get him to the | 0:54:56 | 0:55:02 | |
start line in perfect stage because
they have been doing it for Olympic | 0:55:02 | 0:55:06 | |
champions for years. It's not quite
a Formula 1 pit stop, but it will be | 0:55:06 | 0:55:12 | |
important. As he said yesterday in
the women's skiathlon, you cannot | 0:55:12 | 0:55:20 | |
win, a bit like a triathlon, you
don't win the race in transition but | 0:55:20 | 0:55:24 | |
you can certainly give yourself a
problem if it doesn't go smoothly. | 0:55:24 | 0:55:28 | |
This can and just making sure --
Niskanen making sure he has an | 0:55:28 | 0:55:36 | |
opportunity to get in and out as
smoothly as possible. It is usually | 0:55:36 | 0:55:40 | |
35 seconds. Switching skis, they
have completed their circuit in the | 0:55:40 | 0:55:48 | |
classical technique and different
skis required for the freestyle | 0:55:48 | 0:55:50 | |
which will be faster. Andrew Young,
who is not competing for Great | 0:55:50 | 0:55:56 | |
Britain in this race but we will see
him later on, he equates its two | 0:55:56 | 0:56:04 | |
race with breast wrote front crawl.
So the freestyle or skating half | 0:56:04 | 0:56:10 | |
will be quicker. The main thing to
notice here is not so much if one | 0:56:10 | 0:56:16 | |
man gets out half a second quicker
than the others, but if anyone has a | 0:56:16 | 0:56:20 | |
lengthy problem. Looking to make
sure they are in and out. A little | 0:56:20 | 0:56:27 | |
bit of a double-take from Maurice
Manificat. Andrew Musgrave safely | 0:56:27 | 0:56:33 | |
through. Krueger has almost caused
the gap up, but traditionally he's | 0:56:33 | 0:56:39 | |
better on classical. He has not had
an opportunity to dominate, he has | 0:56:39 | 0:56:45 | |
used his classical ability to get
back to the big league group. | 0:56:45 | 0:56:55 | |
Musgrave just five seconds or so
adrift, pretty much in the big | 0:56:55 | 0:56:58 | |
leading group. And out into the
skate skiing which is his preferred | 0:56:58 | 0:57:11 | |
discipline so this is as good as he
would hope to be at this point in | 0:57:11 | 0:57:14 | |
the race. And other than Klaebo, all
of the main protagonists are there. | 0:57:14 | 0:57:22 | |
That's one of the men who fell with
Krueger at the beginning of the | 0:57:22 | 0:57:26 | |
circuit. He has done well to keep
going. His compatriot Spitsov has | 0:57:26 | 0:57:33 | |
got back in touch with the big
leading group, as has Simen Hegstad | 0:57:33 | 0:57:38 | |
Krueger. So we're halfway. Pretty
quick from Klaebo in the pit stop, | 0:57:38 | 0:57:49 | |
so to Jean Marc Gaillard. | 0:57:49 | 0:57:55 | |
so to Jean Marc Gaillard. Sundby
took away. -- took a while. The | 0:57:55 | 0:58:02 | |
classical half is done, now we turn
our attention to the second set of | 0:58:02 | 0:58:08 | |
four microcircuits of 3.75
calamities. -- kilometres. Sundby | 0:58:08 | 0:58:18 | |
was a few seconds slower than
Klaebo, we might just get an idea | 0:58:18 | 0:58:24 | |
here, he's next to Hans Christer
Holund, so what happened? Nothing | 0:58:24 | 0:58:32 | |
dramatic, just a little sluggish.
But it has cost him a few seconds. | 0:58:32 | 0:58:38 | |
Looking out for the frozen blond
beard. He is wearing number six. I | 0:58:38 | 0:58:44 | |
would have thought he is right back
up in the mix. That's a big group | 0:58:44 | 0:58:49 | |
now. It will not stay that way for
all four circuits as most of the men | 0:58:49 | 0:58:58 | |
will not want to leave it until the
last circuit because it will play | 0:58:58 | 0:59:01 | |
into the hands of Klaebo, and Sundby
has got back on terms. | 0:59:01 | 0:59:12 | |
has got back on terms. There is
Andrew Musgrave, what a performance | 0:59:12 | 0:59:13 | |
this is so far. A long way to go.
Eighth place, and bearing in mind | 0:59:13 | 0:59:23 | |
his previous best performance in
cross-country skiing from is 29. We | 0:59:23 | 0:59:28 | |
have got a few BBC news crews
heading up to the course. We were | 0:59:28 | 0:59:36 | |
saying to them, don't leave it too
long because he's looking good this | 0:59:36 | 0:59:42 | |
season, he might do something
special. | 0:59:42 | 0:59:48 | |
special. A little look over the
shoulder from the Italian. | 0:59:49 | 1:00:00 | |
shoulder from the Italian. Niskanen
leading, Klaebo in the middle of the | 1:00:00 | 1:00:04 | |
group. The Italians getting himself
on terms with that group. 14 or 15 | 1:00:04 | 1:00:11 | |
of them, if you cant the guys who
are six or seven seconds off the | 1:00:11 | 1:00:17 | |
pace, but they're all thereabouts.
Klaebo wearing number one, because | 1:00:17 | 1:00:22 | |
he is the World Cup leader this
season. Marcus Hellner behind him. | 1:00:22 | 1:00:32 | |
This is quite a good shot, because
when we were up on the cause, we | 1:00:32 | 1:00:37 | |
couldn't really work out where the
gold poles were. This gives you a | 1:00:37 | 1:00:41 | |
slightly better feeling of what it
looks like over the summer. You | 1:00:41 | 1:00:47 | |
would hope it is a lot warmer than
it is today -- golf holes. By far | 1:00:47 | 1:00:54 | |
the coldest day we've had since we
went on because on Tuesday. It's | 1:00:54 | 1:00:58 | |
going to get colder, it is not .5
degrees colder than when the race | 1:00:58 | 1:01:02 | |
began. The wind has also picked up,
very tough racing conditions -- it | 1:01:02 | 1:01:11 | |
is .5 degrees colder. The
temperature in the air is -17 | 1:01:11 | 1:01:13 | |
degrees. Niskanen leading. Gaillard.
Alex Harvey is still there. Cologna | 1:01:13 | 1:01:23 | |
wearing bib number three. Andrew
Musgrave, the closest we have seen | 1:01:23 | 1:01:26 | |
him to the front. He is in about
sixth place, skiing behind Harvey, | 1:01:26 | 1:01:33 | |
wearing number four. This is superb
from Andrew Musgrave. It really is. | 1:01:33 | 1:01:40 | |
A trailblazer for the sport from the
British point of view. I wonder if | 1:01:40 | 1:01:45 | |
there are any little boys all little
girls watching this who got up early | 1:01:45 | 1:01:49 | |
on a Sunday morning. Perhaps it
would spark an interest from them in | 1:01:49 | 1:01:56 | |
cross-country skiing. We are talking
about British cross-country skier | 1:01:56 | 1:02:00 | |
Andrew Musgrave, wearing the Number
10. A trailblazer, without a doubt. | 1:02:00 | 1:02:07 | |
We should reflect on what a big job
cross-country skiing centre played | 1:02:07 | 1:02:13 | |
in the life of all of the British
Olympians. Bob Lacey did so much in | 1:02:13 | 1:02:22 | |
the early days of getting the club
off the ground. He was tragically | 1:02:22 | 1:02:26 | |
killed on his way to a stag do on
his motorbike. Then, Roy Young, | 1:02:26 | 1:02:33 | |
Andrew Young's father, got involved
in coaching and he still is. To get | 1:02:33 | 1:02:38 | |
his own son Andrew Young into the
Winter Olympics and also to do his | 1:02:38 | 1:02:44 | |
best for the rest of the team. It's
a massive effort and there in | 1:02:44 | 1:02:48 | |
Aberdeenshire and the fact we are
talking about Andrew Musgrave being | 1:02:48 | 1:02:51 | |
in the top eight or nine in one of
the hardest races to win? That's a | 1:02:51 | 1:02:57 | |
real tribute to everyone who has
worked so hard up at Huntly. That | 1:02:57 | 1:03:02 | |
was a marvellous move on the
left-hand side there. Bringing | 1:03:02 | 1:03:07 | |
Klaebo up to the front. He is
wearing the number one on the | 1:03:07 | 1:03:10 | |
right-hand side. He's decided maybe
now is the time? Sweeping through | 1:03:10 | 1:03:15 | |
five, six or seven athletes and now
he is at the front. Sundby is right | 1:03:15 | 1:03:20 | |
up ahead of him, another Norwegian
to push the pace now. Perhaps a | 1:03:20 | 1:03:27 | |
little early, we still have about 30
minutes to go but it's the first | 1:03:27 | 1:03:31 | |
time we see Klaebo and Sundby make a
concerted effort together at the | 1:03:31 | 1:03:33 | |
front. One of the reasons may be
that the group was too big. Sundby | 1:03:33 | 1:03:41 | |
from Klaebo, a great effort from
Krueger, now up behind them. Norway | 1:03:41 | 1:03:46 | |
Singh, two and three. Andrew
Musgrave in fifth place. I know a | 1:03:46 | 1:03:49 | |
couple of those athletes will have
taken a ski or two back -- Norway in | 1:03:49 | 1:03:57 | |
first, two and three. They do have
some of the best cross-country | 1:03:57 | 1:04:01 | |
skiers in the world behind him.
Don't forget about Cologna. That is | 1:04:01 | 1:04:06 | |
the brutal climb. It is ever so
slightly different. This freestyle | 1:04:06 | 1:04:14 | |
circuit of 3.75 kilometres. This
hill will surely be the determining | 1:04:14 | 1:04:19 | |
factor in many of the races that we
will hopefully be enjoying over the | 1:04:19 | 1:04:24 | |
next 14.5 days. Krueger there. What
a story it would be from his | 1:04:24 | 1:04:29 | |
perspective if he was to get back
into the mix? And another of the men | 1:04:29 | 1:04:38 | |
who fell behind him, the Olympic
Athlete from Russia, Spitsov. You | 1:04:38 | 1:04:44 | |
can see how careful the
cross-country skiers are having to | 1:04:44 | 1:04:49 | |
be on that tight left-hand turn.
Three circuits to go. Sundby is | 1:04:49 | 1:04:55 | |
bidding to become Norway's oldest
individual male cross-country skiing | 1:04:55 | 1:05:00 | |
champion. Krueger, he felt right at
the start of the race. Cologna, | 1:05:00 | 1:05:11 | |
aiming to become only the third man
to successfully defend the skiathlon | 1:05:11 | 1:05:15 | |
title. A winner from Sochi. Well
poised in this race. Andrew Musgrave | 1:05:15 | 1:05:20 | |
of Great Britain is in uncharted
territory, the place, just on the | 1:05:20 | 1:05:28 | |
left of the picture. Very much in
touch. Not just breaking new ground | 1:05:28 | 1:05:34 | |
but absolutely smashing it from a
British cross-country skiing point | 1:05:34 | 1:05:38 | |
of view. Just behind him, Maurice
Manificat. Let's not forget about | 1:05:38 | 1:05:45 | |
Marcus Allen, the champion in this
event eight years ago, silver | 1:05:45 | 1:05:50 | |
medallist four years ago. All of the
big men that you would hope and | 1:05:50 | 1:05:53 | |
expect to see our right up there --
Marcus Hellner. This is developing | 1:05:53 | 1:06:00 | |
into the race that we hoped would
unfold in these brutally cold but | 1:06:00 | 1:06:07 | |
stunning conditions. In Pyeongchang.
This is the big chase group. Good | 1:06:07 | 1:06:18 | |
athletes among them. This is where
the real action will happen. Look at | 1:06:18 | 1:06:25 | |
Andrew Musgrave, coming through
there. The cameras focusing down. | 1:06:25 | 1:06:31 | |
Just on the right of the picture
there, Gaillard. Great skiing by the | 1:06:31 | 1:06:38 | |
Briton. Just watching out, there he
is. In third place, he is just | 1:06:38 | 1:06:46 | |
watching out for Klaebo. Nothing
much to read into this little | 1:06:46 | 1:06:49 | |
deficit for the World Cup leader, it
was a case of everyone making sure | 1:06:49 | 1:06:53 | |
they had clear snow ahead of them to
get their drinks. Sundby, leading at | 1:06:53 | 1:06:59 | |
the moment. A bronze medallist four
years ago behind Dario Cologna. | 1:06:59 | 1:07:10 | |
Andrew Musgrave is still right up
there for Great Britain, as is | 1:07:20 | 1:07:24 | |
Spitsov. Only 21 years old. The
Olympic Athlete from Russia. | 1:07:24 | 1:07:33 | |
One of the three men who fell in the
very early stages, we are talking | 1:07:33 | 1:07:39 | |
about the man wearing number 16, on
the right of the picture. Andrew | 1:07:39 | 1:07:43 | |
Musgrave in ten. | 1:07:43 | 1:07:50 | |
Musgrave in ten. They will be
starting to feel this... If you look | 1:07:50 | 1:07:56 | |
at Claremont Parisse, but hopes for
the French. The two men who | 1:07:56 | 1:08:05 | |
dominated in the biathlon programme,
that will be an exciting race later | 1:08:05 | 1:08:09 | |
today. The French will be joining in
in massive numbers to watch this. | 1:08:09 | 1:08:12 | |
They will be getting excited about
what they're cross-country skiers | 1:08:12 | 1:08:19 | |
are doing here. Maurice Manificat
going ahead of Cologna. Very much in | 1:08:19 | 1:08:23 | |
the mix, alongside the Frenchman
Gaillard in number nine. We should | 1:08:23 | 1:08:28 | |
mention that this is such a quiet
part of the course. If we let it | 1:08:28 | 1:08:34 | |
speak for a second, you can hear
that it is so quiet out the back. | 1:08:34 | 1:08:38 | |
There is hardly anyone around, you
can almost hear a pin drop. That's | 1:08:38 | 1:08:46 | |
an Olympic cross-country skiing
final, it is just nature out there | 1:08:46 | 1:08:49 | |
and the sound of the few people
skiing. It is so far removed, tucked | 1:08:49 | 1:08:54 | |
away. A beautiful course and dead
quiet at the back like this. | 1:08:54 | 1:09:07 | |
This is a big group, the pace has
definitely eased. There are now 15 | 1:09:08 | 1:09:14 | |
or even 20 men. Spitsov, the
21-year-old, leading. Andrew | 1:09:14 | 1:09:20 | |
Musgrave tucked in fourth or fifth
place. Sundby in second. The | 1:09:20 | 1:09:27 | |
Frenchman, Maurice Manificat, coming
through. Still no move from Cologna. | 1:09:27 | 1:09:33 | |
The longer they leave it, the more
tense it becomes. Niskanen set much | 1:09:33 | 1:09:39 | |
of the early pace in the classical
have. | 1:09:39 | 1:09:46 | |
have. -- car. It is beginning to get
quite exciting now... Andrew | 1:09:46 | 1:09:52 | |
Musgrave in the centre of your
picture there, wearing the trademark | 1:09:52 | 1:09:57 | |
blue shades, bright in the mix with
the very best cross-country skiers | 1:09:57 | 1:10:02 | |
in the world. Spitsov leading...
Sundby perhaps knows that he cannot | 1:10:02 | 1:10:13 | |
afford to leave it late against his
very talented young compatriot. | 1:10:13 | 1:10:25 | |
Klaebo, with nine wins on the World
Cup circuit. | 1:10:25 | 1:10:32 | |
Cup circuit. He is alongside Holund
now. Another big climb for these | 1:10:33 | 1:10:38 | |
men. | 1:10:38 | 1:10:43 | |
men. It doesn't get any easier on
this freestyle half of the course. | 1:10:43 | 1:10:51 | |
Krueger is right back up there as
well. Good skiing from the | 1:10:55 | 1:11:02 | |
Norwegians. Now, I wonder, there is
still a long way to go but Holund | 1:11:02 | 1:11:07 | |
has decided to have a little go of
the front. Looking over his | 1:11:07 | 1:11:14 | |
shoulder, his compatriot Klaebo
responds wearing the number one as | 1:11:14 | 1:11:17 | |
is Cologna, the defending champion.
21 kilometres. Nine kilometres to | 1:11:17 | 1:11:24 | |
go. This is a very big group. Andrew
Musgrave going through the shot, | 1:11:24 | 1:11:32 | |
wearing the Number 10. Niskanen and
Alex Harvey, perhaps looking at a | 1:11:32 | 1:11:36 | |
fraction tired there for the first
time. Harvey went through in 15th or | 1:11:36 | 1:11:40 | |
16th place. I wonder if team tactics
are at play? But Holund deciding to | 1:11:40 | 1:11:50 | |
stretch things out -- with Holund
deciding to stretch things out. The | 1:11:50 | 1:12:01 | |
Frenchman there, Gaillard, wearing
the number nine. Somebody has to | 1:12:01 | 1:12:07 | |
make a move that some stage, and I
wonder what the Holund, he may not | 1:12:07 | 1:12:11 | |
be making a definitive bid for
glory, but I think the pace may have | 1:12:11 | 1:12:16 | |
been too slow and he has decided to
up the tempo. You can see that with | 1:12:16 | 1:12:24 | |
how hard these men are working
uphill. Cologna hasn't done much at | 1:12:24 | 1:12:28 | |
the front. The Swiss defending
champion. But he covered that move | 1:12:28 | 1:12:32 | |
as soon as it began. Making sure
that if he needs to break, he can | 1:12:32 | 1:12:37 | |
move quite quickly. That was, in
fact, one of the reasons that Marit | 1:12:37 | 1:12:42 | |
Bjorgen was caught out in the
women's skiathlon yesterday, when | 1:12:42 | 1:12:48 | |
Charlotte Kalla made a move, Marit
Bjorgen was behind the wrong skier. | 1:12:48 | 1:12:52 | |
She lost a couple of seconds, I
don't think she would have caught up | 1:12:52 | 1:12:56 | |
with Charlotte Kalla anyway but
suddenly the gap was bigger than it | 1:12:56 | 1:13:00 | |
needed to be. Cologna is playing a
smart game looking at the chase | 1:13:00 | 1:13:03 | |
group. Abbring these moves can he
knows what it takes to beat the | 1:13:03 | 1:13:07 | |
Norwegians. I'm not saying he would
definitely win the race but | 1:13:07 | 1:13:11 | |
tactically it is sharp from the
defending champion in second place, | 1:13:11 | 1:13:15 | |
wearing the number three at the
moment. Klaebo, number one, Maurice | 1:13:15 | 1:13:23 | |
Manificat behind him. Andrew
Musgrave of Great Britain behind | 1:13:23 | 1:13:25 | |
him. Krueger, that really is such a
steep hill. It takes your breath | 1:13:25 | 1:13:34 | |
away to run or walk up it! | 1:13:34 | 1:13:42 | |
away to run or walk up it! The
dissent will be icy. | 1:13:42 | 1:13:49 | |
Holund leading. They are coming
through now. | 1:13:51 | 1:14:06 | |
through now. Coming through to great
applause from the fans, who have | 1:14:07 | 1:14:13 | |
packed out this state-of-the-art
facility. They tested the course | 1:14:13 | 1:14:19 | |
with three Korean national
championships in the big event last | 1:14:19 | 1:14:24 | |
year. 22.5 kilometres. | 1:14:24 | 1:14:32 | |
All the big names are still very
much in contention here. Niskanen, | 1:14:38 | 1:14:45 | |
maybe allowing a few seconds to go?
Ten off the pace. Cannot afford the | 1:14:45 | 1:14:50 | |
gap to go any bigger. | 1:14:50 | 1:15:00 | |
gap to go any bigger. That is
Salvadore, he should be in a | 1:15:00 | 1:15:02 | |
gangster film with a name like that!
Trying to close the gap. It's an | 1:15:02 | 1:15:08 | |
enormous lead group. It contains
Andrew Musgrave, in third place at | 1:15:08 | 1:15:16 | |
the moment. Just towards the
right-hand side of the picture. He | 1:15:16 | 1:15:21 | |
has covered every move. When will
the big break come? | 1:15:21 | 1:15:29 | |
When will the big break,? | 1:15:29 | 1:15:31 | |
It is to microcircuits to go, for in
classical, for in freestyle. Polonia | 1:15:37 | 1:15:46 | |
is after piece of Winter Olympic
history. -- Cologna. If he was | 1:15:46 | 1:15:53 | |
pushing the pace, things have got a
little bit slower which is why so | 1:15:53 | 1:15:57 | |
many men are now right back up
alongside Hans Christer Holund, | 1:15:57 | 1:16:05 | |
including Andrew Musgrave. What a
story it would be. It's still too | 1:16:05 | 1:16:12 | |
early to get excited but do you know
what, he has worked so hard, Andrew | 1:16:12 | 1:16:18 | |
Musgrave, and has transported his
life to Norway. He's immersed | 1:16:18 | 1:16:21 | |
himself in the culture of the nation
who have the best record in | 1:16:21 | 1:16:25 | |
cross-country skiing, and that takes
some bottle to do. He's not going | 1:16:25 | 1:16:29 | |
living on the other side of the
world, he's decided to compete with | 1:16:29 | 1:16:33 | |
and against the best. You have got
to learn from the best. And Britain | 1:16:33 | 1:16:38 | |
is in fourth and fifth place at the
moment, in with a chance of the | 1:16:38 | 1:16:43 | |
Winter Olympic medal in
cross-country skiing, that's | 1:16:43 | 1:16:45 | |
incredible. We're an hour | 1:16:45 | 1:16:52 | |
incredible. We're an hour into an
Olympic cross-country skiathlon and | 1:16:52 | 1:16:54 | |
the British contender is this or
fixed. If you're just waking up, I | 1:16:54 | 1:17:00 | |
apologise if you have heard me say
this before, the best performance by | 1:17:00 | 1:17:07 | |
a British cross-country skier in
history is his 29th place finish in | 1:17:07 | 1:17:12 | |
the sprint in Sochi, that's why
we're getting so excited about the | 1:17:12 | 1:17:20 | |
Britain in fourth place in number
ten, ahead of Alex Harvey, the | 1:17:20 | 1:17:25 | |
Canadian, bidding to become the
first Canadian to win a | 1:17:25 | 1:17:27 | |
cross-country mail muddle. -- mail
medal. A lot of very knowledgeable | 1:17:27 | 1:17:40 | |
cross-country experts feel as though
Klaebo's best chance of the medal is | 1:17:40 | 1:17:45 | |
in the sprint, but he has demolished
world-class fields at skiathlon as | 1:17:45 | 1:17:51 | |
well. Most notably at Lillehammer a
few months ago, well worth looking | 1:17:51 | 1:18:01 | |
at up on YouTube, a phenomenal
importance. Daniel Rickardsson got a | 1:18:01 | 1:18:10 | |
bronze plaque in 2014 in the 15 K. | 1:18:10 | 1:18:13 | |
So he leads, Daniel Rickardsson.
Less than two microcircuits remain. | 1:18:17 | 1:18:29 | |
And Rickardsson is a man for whom
cross-country skiing is almost | 1:18:29 | 1:18:33 | |
therapy. In something like 2013, he
and a friend were changing attire on | 1:18:33 | 1:18:42 | |
his car, and a camper van ran them
both over and the friend he was with | 1:18:42 | 1:18:46 | |
was killed. I think Rickardsson
damaged his cruciate ligament and | 1:18:46 | 1:18:54 | |
it's amazing he had the motivation
to come back. He feels as though | 1:18:54 | 1:18:57 | |
cross-country skiing gives him the
race and an outlet for his grief | 1:18:57 | 1:19:03 | |
over losing his best friend and so
nearly losing his own life. We're | 1:19:03 | 1:19:10 | |
obviously incredibly excited about
Andrew Musgrave, and it's a great | 1:19:10 | 1:19:13 | |
story if he gets on the podium, it's
a great story if Alex Harvey gets on | 1:19:13 | 1:19:18 | |
the podium but there is a brilliant
story to all of these leading man. | 1:19:18 | 1:19:22 | |
Because some of them, like
Rickardsson, have gone through | 1:19:22 | 1:19:26 | |
personal tragedies. It's not simply
the case that if you're from Norway | 1:19:26 | 1:19:29 | |
or Sweden editor Tom the pair of
skis, you're guaranteed to get -- | 1:19:29 | 1:19:35 | |
and you put on a pair of skis,
you're guaranteed to get a medal. | 1:19:35 | 1:19:40 | |
They have all been on the hunt for
Winter Olympic history. It's one of | 1:19:40 | 1:19:46 | |
the toughest sports in the whole
Olympics and now Andrew Musgrave is | 1:19:46 | 1:19:52 | |
in second place! I can't believe how
well he skiing at the moment. He was | 1:19:52 | 1:20:00 | |
third and sixth in previous events
in the 15 K, which is his best | 1:20:00 | 1:20:07 | |
chance of a medal. And that comes on
Friday. This is a brilliant, | 1:20:07 | 1:20:14 | |
brilliant performance, at the
moment. Oh, my goodness me! You have | 1:20:14 | 1:20:19 | |
got to win the battle of the remote
control if you are just waking up | 1:20:19 | 1:20:24 | |
with the children's channels, forget
about Peter Rabbit! Forget about the | 1:20:24 | 1:20:33 | |
Go Jetties, because you have got
Andrew Musgrave | 1:20:33 | 1:20:42 | |
Andrew Musgrave performing so well,
he is taking it to the Norwegians | 1:20:42 | 1:20:45 | |
with whom he trains, and he studies
for a degree in Norway. Krueger is | 1:20:45 | 1:20:52 | |
leading and if you missed the early
part of the race, he was flat on his | 1:20:52 | 1:20:56 | |
face in the first 200 metres of the
race and somehow managed to crawl | 1:20:56 | 1:21:01 | |
his way into contention and into the
lead. Krueger from Musgrove, Dario | 1:21:01 | 1:21:09 | |
Cologna, the defending champion, in
third. Martin Johnsrud | 1:21:09 | 1:21:19 | |
third. Martin Johnsrud Sundby in
sixth, his beard will be frozen, the | 1:21:20 | 1:21:23 | |
air temperature here is minus 16.
Now they are beginning to work. Now | 1:21:23 | 1:21:29 | |
they realise that the business end
of this most brutal race is upon us. | 1:21:29 | 1:21:34 | |
It's the classic taste of the
allrounder. This can and it's | 1:21:34 | 1:21:40 | |
beginning to struggle, and Jean Marc
Gaillard has been blown out of the | 1:21:40 | 1:21:46 | |
back. -- Niskanen beginning to
struggle. Half the race in freestyle | 1:21:46 | 1:21:53 | |
and half in classical. Look at
Andrew Musgrave. Oh, my goodness me! | 1:21:53 | 1:21:59 | |
What an effort and what a
performance so far. He's just got to | 1:21:59 | 1:22:03 | |
keep it going. Even if he doesn't
end up on the podium, what | 1:22:03 | 1:22:06 | |
confidence this will give him for
his best event, the 15 K. That's why | 1:22:06 | 1:22:12 | |
the director is focusing in on these
shots, we don't have control of | 1:22:12 | 1:22:16 | |
which pictures we are shown by the
director, but they're very good at | 1:22:16 | 1:22:20 | |
following the story and globally,
Andrew Musgrave is the story at the | 1:22:20 | 1:22:24 | |
moment and that's why we're getting
a close-up. They Britain ever inside | 1:22:24 | 1:22:29 | |
the top 25 of any -- no Britain has
ever been inside the top 25 of any | 1:22:29 | 1:22:39 | |
Winter Olympic cross-country skiing
game and he is flying at the moment. | 1:22:39 | 1:22:47 | |
One circuit remains. We're excited
about Andrew Musgrave. And we should | 1:22:47 | 1:22:50 | |
be. But what a story it would be for
cement house that Krueger -- recruit | 1:22:50 | 1:23:02 | |
Simen Hegstad Krueger to rise from
the ground in joint last place and | 1:23:02 | 1:23:07 | |
win the title. This is a bold move
and I'm imagining that one of the | 1:23:07 | 1:23:13 | |
reasons he's decided to do this is
because he knows that the likes of | 1:23:13 | 1:23:17 | |
his compatriots Martin Johnsrud
Sundby and Klaebo, the World Cup | 1:23:17 | 1:23:23 | |
leader, too fast for him, closing
stages. This is absolutely superb | 1:23:23 | 1:23:27 | |
from Andrew Musgrave. Just under
four kilometres away from something | 1:23:27 | 1:23:33 | |
that 15 years ago, we couldn't have
even dreamt of. In British sport. | 1:23:33 | 1:23:42 | |
Krueger has set his stall out early,
it's up to Klaebo and Andrew | 1:23:42 | 1:23:47 | |
Musgrave and the rest of the
world-class field who are chasing | 1:23:47 | 1:23:50 | |
down this brave Norwegian to deny
him what would be a fantastic goal | 1:23:50 | 1:23:57 | |
but all. Andrew Musgrave leading the
charge, now 14 seconds. Spitsov is | 1:23:57 | 1:24:04 | |
right up there, in third in the
maroon outfit. He was also on the | 1:24:04 | 1:24:10 | |
ground in that tumble with Krueger.
Right at the beginning of the race. | 1:24:10 | 1:24:15 | |
Musgrave doing all the hard work.
Silver medal position, I am just | 1:24:15 | 1:24:21 | |
enjoying saying that! Come on,
Andrew! Krueger clearly feels as | 1:24:21 | 1:24:29 | |
though going hard with for climate
is to go is his best chance of | 1:24:29 | 1:24:36 | |
getting on the podium and winning.
-- four kilometres to go. When will | 1:24:36 | 1:24:42 | |
we see a move from Johannes Hoesflot
Klaebo, the World Cup leader who has | 1:24:42 | 1:24:48 | |
dominated the circuit over the last
four or five months? | 1:24:48 | 1:24:55 | |
four or five months? Andrew Musgrave
in second. Let's not forget about | 1:24:55 | 1:24:58 | |
Alex Harvey, the Canadian is chasing
their nation's first male | 1:24:58 | 1:25:02 | |
cross-country skiing medal. History
on the line all across the first | 1:25:02 | 1:25:08 | |
seven or eight men. And the gap is
growing. 20 seconds. Andrew Musgrave | 1:25:08 | 1:25:14 | |
needs to keep driving and believing.
What a break this is from Krueger. | 1:25:14 | 1:25:20 | |
If you are new cross-country skiing
and more used long-distance running, | 1:25:20 | 1:25:35 | |
that's the same kind of thing. The
Britain needs to hold on, Maurice | 1:25:35 | 1:25:42 | |
Manificat now in second. Dario
Cologna in third, Spitsov, and now a | 1:25:42 | 1:25:49 | |
few metres open up between Andrew
Musgrave and the men who are | 1:25:49 | 1:25:55 | |
currently not battling for three
medals, but two. | 1:25:55 | 1:26:03 | |
medals, but two. Because Krueger is
off the front and going for this. | 1:26:03 | 1:26:07 | |
Surely at some stage, bearing in
mind all that he has been through, | 1:26:07 | 1:26:13 | |
the wheels. Coming off
metaphorically. He has got to tire. | 1:26:13 | 1:26:17 | |
There are a couple of brutal climbs
to come between now and the finish. | 1:26:17 | 1:26:20 | |
But the longer the lead goes on, and
the more it increases, the more | 1:26:20 | 1:26:28 | |
softly few have. The Norwegians are
one of -- self belief he will have. | 1:26:28 | 1:26:33 | |
The Norwegians are one of the best
supported teams, he will know that | 1:26:33 | 1:26:40 | |
the lead has grown to 22 seconds.
Andrew Musgrave now drifting back to | 1:26:40 | 1:26:46 | |
seventh or eighth, needs to find
something in the closing stages. Now | 1:26:46 | 1:26:50 | |
it's 23 seconds. What a brave
performance from this man. Bearing | 1:26:50 | 1:26:56 | |
in mind he was flat on his face in
last place in the opening lap. 15 | 1:26:56 | 1:27:02 | |
seconds into it, on his face, gets
up and pushes through. Phenomenal | 1:27:02 | 1:27:07 | |
from him and Musgrave. He is in
eighth place at the moment, | 1:27:07 | 1:27:14 | |
Musgrave. Still a sensational
performance if he finishes in the | 1:27:14 | 1:27:17 | |
top ten. Just allowing a little bit
of a gap to open up. No one can | 1:27:17 | 1:27:21 | |
question his commitment to the
sport. And to this race in | 1:27:21 | 1:27:26 | |
particular. His best chance, to
remind you, will come in the 15 K. | 1:27:26 | 1:27:31 | |
He's not out of this yet. But
Krueger now, little over a mile away | 1:27:31 | 1:27:41 | |
from a slice of British history --
Olympic history. Mo Farah got off | 1:27:41 | 1:27:51 | |
the deck to win the 10,000 metres
last | 1:27:51 | 1:27:58 | |
last day, and Simen Hegstad Krueger
has got off the floor and somehow | 1:27:58 | 1:28:04 | |
clawed back into the lead. At one
stage, Krueger was something like 37 | 1:28:04 | 1:28:09 | |
seconds off the pace of the leaders. | 1:28:09 | 1:28:16 | |
Andrew Musgrave has gone past
Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo. He is the | 1:28:18 | 1:28:26 | |
World Cup leader. | 1:28:26 | 1:28:32 | |
World Cup leader. Simen Hegstad
Krueger, leading. We have just got | 1:28:32 | 1:28:34 | |
to watch and see whether that lead
begins to be eroded. I think they're | 1:28:34 | 1:28:41 | |
closing a little bit. At one stage,
this is Sundby with the rock-solid | 1:28:41 | 1:28:53 | |
golden beard, he has close the gap
from 22 seconds to 14. Andrew | 1:28:53 | 1:28:59 | |
Musgrave has got to hang on. He has
Dario Cologna just in front of him. | 1:28:59 | 1:29:04 | |
I think Klaebo may have run his
race, he is now 32 seconds adrift. | 1:29:04 | 1:29:14 | |
The man that deal Norwegians are
getting excited about might well | 1:29:14 | 1:29:17 | |
produce a gold medal but it's not
going to come in this skiathlon | 1:29:17 | 1:29:21 | |
unless he does something ridiculous
in the last kilometre. | 1:29:21 | 1:29:30 | |
in the last kilometre. Sundby can
see his compatriot up ahead of him | 1:29:30 | 1:29:35 | |
and he has got Hans Kristian
Holland, it could be Norwegian one, | 1:29:35 | 1:29:41 | |
two, three. Because also, Denis
Spitsov, the Olympic Athlete from | 1:29:41 | 1:29:55 | |
Russia, also fell at the beginning.
The Norwegians are closing down on | 1:29:55 | 1:30:01 | |
Krueger and they have a monstrous
climb still to content between now | 1:30:01 | 1:30:03 | |
and the finish. | 1:30:03 | 1:30:09 | |
Here it is... He is seriously
hurting now. His lead has been | 1:30:11 | 1:30:15 | |
halved from 22 seconds down to 11.
Sundby in second place... He has | 1:30:15 | 1:30:21 | |
Holund just behind him. Norway,
occupying all three medal positions | 1:30:21 | 1:30:26 | |
at the moment. Their lungs will be
absolutely bursting. The Frenchman | 1:30:26 | 1:30:33 | |
Maurice Manificat coming into the
mix with four. Spitsov in fifth. | 1:30:33 | 1:30:40 | |
Alex Harvey insects, with Andrew
Musgrave around about seventh place | 1:30:40 | 1:30:44 | |
at the moment. Ahead of the
defending champion, Cologna. | 1:30:44 | 1:30:53 | |
Sensational from Andrew Musgrave.
Phenomenal so far. What can they do | 1:30:53 | 1:30:58 | |
in the closing stages? Is it to be
glory for son and heartache for | 1:30:58 | 1:31:07 | |
Krueger? -- for Sundby? Now, he can
soak up the applause. What a | 1:31:07 | 1:31:16 | |
performance! Surely they've left it
too late here? | 1:31:16 | 1:31:23 | |
too late here? An absolutely
incredible piece of cross-country | 1:31:23 | 1:31:25 | |
skiing from all three of these men.
Krueger, having fallen right at the | 1:31:25 | 1:31:32 | |
start of the race is going to finish
the day in a blaze of glory. An | 1:31:32 | 1:31:41 | |
absolutely incredible recovery
against one of the best skiathlon | 1:31:41 | 1:31:44 | |
fields ever assembled. Krueger is
the Winter Olympic champion. He was | 1:31:44 | 1:31:50 | |
down at the start but he wasn't out.
He didn't give up. The very epitome | 1:31:50 | 1:31:55 | |
of what the Winter Olympics is all
about. It is a one, two, three for | 1:31:55 | 1:32:04 | |
the Norwegians. Holland coming home
for the bronze. We are still waiting | 1:32:04 | 1:32:09 | |
for Andrew Musgrave. A sensational
effort from the Britain. Cologna | 1:32:09 | 1:32:17 | |
just ahead. Andrew Musgrave in
seventh, in 29th was the best | 1:32:17 | 1:32:24 | |
position previously for a British
cross-country skier. He says we | 1:32:24 | 1:32:27 | |
Brits can be world class as well.
What a race and what a finish from | 1:32:27 | 1:32:31 | |
Musgrave. The World Cup leader,
Klaebo, could only finish in tenth. | 1:32:31 | 1:32:37 | |
What a race and what a day, if
that's the first time you've ever | 1:32:37 | 1:32:43 | |
watched cross-country skiing, this
is how good the sport can be! | 1:32:43 | 1:32:45 | |
Williams racing. | 1:32:45 | 1:32:51 | |
Williams racing. What a race from
Andrew Musgrave and from Krueger. | 1:32:51 | 1:32:55 | |
He's never been on the podium
before. Now an Olympic gold | 1:32:55 | 1:32:58 | |
medallist. My goodness. | 1:32:58 | 1:33:07 | |
medallist. My goodness. Niskanen,
the early leader in that race, | 1:33:07 | 1:33:11 | |
pushing the pace. That fellow,
Sundby, in second. Krueger was down, | 1:33:11 | 1:33:18 | |
flat on his face and contemplating
you suspect, for a split second not | 1:33:18 | 1:33:23 | |
getting to the finish. A reminder,
Andrew Musgrave of Great Britain has | 1:33:23 | 1:33:29 | |
finished in seventh, in this, one of
the most brutal tests of | 1:33:29 | 1:33:33 | |
cross-country skiing. He has beaten,
among others, the World Cup leader | 1:33:33 | 1:33:38 | |
Klaebo. Marcus Hellman, the 2010
skiathlon champion. Daniel | 1:33:38 | 1:33:47 | |
Rickardsson, the bronze medallist
from four years ago. Phenomenal | 1:33:47 | 1:33:51 | |
performance from the man whose
career began at Huntly. Let's take | 1:33:51 | 1:33:55 | |
nothing away from Krueger. He fell
right at the start of the race. Over | 1:33:55 | 1:34:04 | |
half a minute behind the leaders. At
one point. Then he found the | 1:34:04 | 1:34:10 | |
motivation and the drive, and the
belief, to come back into the race | 1:34:10 | 1:34:15 | |
and sweep past them all on the
freestyle, not his favourite | 1:34:15 | 1:34:19 | |
technique. His best discipline is
the classical. He lost the | 1:34:19 | 1:34:22 | |
opportunity to impose himself on the
race in the first 15 kilometres. But | 1:34:22 | 1:34:27 | |
how brave was that? With four
limiters to go. Sundby congratulates | 1:34:27 | 1:34:32 | |
his compatriot. These guys are
metaphorical rock stars in Norway. | 1:34:32 | 1:34:40 | |
Krueger may not have generated as
much publicity in the lead up to | 1:34:40 | 1:34:44 | |
this as his younger compatriot. But
he will be the toast of his nation | 1:34:44 | 1:34:48 | |
tonight. That is for sure. What a
performance. I think it may even top | 1:34:48 | 1:34:56 | |
Mo Farah climbing off the floor to
win the 10,000 metres in London. He | 1:34:56 | 1:35:01 | |
was so far adrift, for such a long
time. He could easily have given up. | 1:35:01 | 1:35:08 | |
The one, two, three, to Norway. An
incredible race for the man just | 1:35:08 | 1:35:14 | |
crowned the Winter Olympic champion.
What an amazing performance from | 1:35:14 | 1:35:18 | |
Great Britain's Andrew Musgrave,
finishing in seventh. Cross-country | 1:35:18 | 1:35:23 | |
at its finest here in South Korea.
Incredible, for Krueger to win that. | 1:35:23 | 1:35:37 | |
What a race from Andrew Musgrave,
the best place finished ever by a | 1:35:37 | 1:35:43 | |
British cross-country skier was 20
night, that was him in 2014, Sochi. | 1:35:43 | 1:35:47 | |
He will be delighted with what he
has done today. You may notice that | 1:35:47 | 1:35:51 | |
we've made a move from our balcony
on one side of the building to this | 1:35:51 | 1:35:55 | |
on the other side of the building.
We have some special guests joining | 1:35:55 | 1:36:00 | |
us later on. You see in the
backdrop, the ski jump dominating | 1:36:00 | 1:36:04 | |
the skyline here. Right behind that
was the cross-country. That's where | 1:36:04 | 1:36:11 | |
Andrew Musgrave put that phenomenal
race down. But we are going to have | 1:36:11 | 1:36:16 | |
a look at the headlines on day two,
as we head into the late afternoon | 1:36:16 | 1:36:20 | |
here in Pyeongchang. Here's what has
happened so far... American teenager | 1:36:20 | 1:36:26 | |
read Gerard upset the form book to
get the gold ahead of Max Parrot and | 1:36:26 | 1:36:34 | |
Mark McMorris. Another big winner on
day two so far has unfortunately | 1:36:34 | 1:36:41 | |
been the Pyeongchang weather. High
winds meaning the women's slopestyle | 1:36:41 | 1:36:48 | |
qualification cannot take place
today. All the men's Alpine skiing | 1:36:48 | 1:36:54 | |
race. Another event unaffected by
the weather, the figure skating team | 1:36:54 | 1:36:59 | |
event started before even the
Opening Ceremony had taken place. It | 1:36:59 | 1:37:03 | |
involves the men's and women's pairs
and an ice dance element. Today was | 1:37:03 | 1:37:08 | |
the pairs. Let's go to the
Gangneung, Ice Arena and see the | 1:37:08 | 1:37:12 | |
best of the pair 's action with
Robin Cousins and Katherine Downes. | 1:37:12 | 1:37:20 | |
COMMENTATOR: Looking to retake that
top spot. These are some big | 1:37:20 | 1:37:27 | |
Canadian chances for a gold medal.
Perhaps even in the individual. If | 1:37:27 | 1:37:35 | |
Megan DuHamel and Eric Radford
cannot capture the top spot for team | 1:37:35 | 1:37:38 | |
Canada, who can? Silver at last
year's team event, they go for the | 1:37:38 | 1:37:45 | |
gold this time... | 1:37:45 | 1:37:53 | |
Opening with a triple twist... | 1:38:17 | 1:38:22 | |
Side by side triple Lutz... | 1:38:35 | 1:38:47 | |
The biggest element of the pairs
championship... If they go for it, | 1:38:51 | 1:38:58 | |
it is a throw | 1:38:58 | 1:39:05 | |
it is a throw quadruple Salchow.
Take a breath... They made it clean, | 1:39:06 | 1:39:09 | |
they got the rotation. | 1:39:09 | 1:39:15 | |
The triple Lutz, coming down... And
they got it. | 1:40:25 | 1:40:37 | |
The tricks from Canada's big guns,
surely enough to see them back in a | 1:42:31 | 1:42:37 | |
gold medal position? Absolutely.
Probably one of the best | 1:42:37 | 1:42:40 | |
performances of the season so far,
that's what they want. Yes, yes, | 1:42:40 | 1:42:44 | |
yes, says Megan. | 1:42:44 | 1:42:54 | |
The red box for the throw quadruple,
that will be reviewed. I think she | 1:42:59 | 1:43:04 | |
made the rotation. The hands went
down. How many times do we see | 1:43:04 | 1:43:12 | |
quadruples in pairs skating? Not
that often. They've been working on | 1:43:12 | 1:43:16 | |
it for a while. There were a couple
of other teams. We famously saw the | 1:43:16 | 1:43:21 | |
Chinese team crashing into the
boards. At the Olympics. Not the | 1:43:21 | 1:43:27 | |
best landing for them out of the
triple twist. The side by side | 1:43:27 | 1:43:32 | |
Lutzs. | 1:43:32 | 1:43:40 | |
Lutzs. No question, she made it on
one foot. Clean backwards. The | 1:43:40 | 1:43:45 | |
triple Salchow, a double toe loop
and another. | 1:43:45 | 1:43:53 | |
and another. You can see her taking
those intakes of breath, preparing | 1:43:53 | 1:43:56 | |
and regrouping herself. If I've ever
had a complaint about this pairing, | 1:43:56 | 1:44:07 | |
their height size and their skating
styles are so different that every | 1:44:07 | 1:44:12 | |
now and again, it doesn't match. It
doesn't blend. Then you deliver | 1:44:12 | 1:44:16 | |
material like they deliver. And it
is forgiven. You accept that that is | 1:44:16 | 1:44:21 | |
the way it is. Rock-solid. Superb.
They are so strong, the two of them, | 1:44:21 | 1:44:30 | |
as athletes. Megan has been around a
long time, very strong. She has | 1:44:30 | 1:44:35 | |
always had this power. You can see
the muscles in her back and her | 1:44:35 | 1:44:40 | |
arms, she is not the delicate female
we see in some pairs. She is a real | 1:44:40 | 1:44:45 | |
powerhouse. | 1:44:45 | 1:44:49 | |
powerhouse. She says it was a good
fight. Yes, it is! | 1:44:52 | 1:44:59 | |
fight. Yes, it is! 148.51, a massive
lead for them in this pairs free | 1:45:01 | 1:45:04 | |
skating then. Ten points clear of
the Italians in second place. That | 1:45:04 | 1:45:09 | |
puts Canada back up to the top of
the standings. They are in a gold | 1:45:09 | 1:45:15 | |
medal position, just where they
wanted to be at the end of this | 1:45:15 | 1:45:19 | |
second day of the team competition.
Of course there is the men's ladies | 1:45:19 | 1:45:24 | |
and ice dance to come tomorrow.
Sensational dancing from the | 1:45:24 | 1:45:29 | |
Canadian pairs, let's have a look
and see what it does to the overall | 1:45:29 | 1:45:32 | |
standings in the team event of the
figure skating... | 1:45:32 | 1:45:39 | |
Canada are one of the favourite and
then out in front. It's a much | 1:45:41 | 1:45:45 | |
closer bunch in the chasing pack but
Canada certainly was quite a | 1:45:45 | 1:45:49 | |
commanding lead ahead of the rest of
the elements of that team event. | 1:45:49 | 1:45:54 | |
Snowboarding became an Olympic sport
back in 1998. It had an interesting | 1:45:58 | 1:46:02 | |
history over the last 20 years, from
a sport that wasn't necessarily one | 1:46:02 | 1:46:07 | |
that many of the athletes look
forward to the one that has become | 1:46:07 | 1:46:11 | |
one of the favourite events here at
Pyeongchang. | 1:46:11 | 1:46:19 | |
When it was announced in 1996 that
snowboarding was going to be part of | 1:46:19 | 1:46:23 | |
the elliptic staple of sports, I was
still a pro snowboarder, freeriding | 1:46:23 | 1:46:27 | |
and enjoying my winters. And like
most of the core of my sport, I was | 1:46:27 | 1:46:33 | |
outraged because skiing was to
control the qualification process | 1:46:33 | 1:46:36 | |
for snowboarding at the elliptic.
But two years later come the event, | 1:46:36 | 1:46:40 | |
I couldn't resist watching the best
snowboarders in the world on the | 1:46:40 | 1:46:49 | |
biggest stage.
The best event of the games was the | 1:46:49 | 1:46:51 | |
parallel giant slalom, not the most
inspired discipline but it somehow | 1:46:51 | 1:46:58 | |
managed to poke the establishment in
the eye. Snowboarding's first ever | 1:46:58 | 1:47:04 | |
Olympic challenge... He has failed
eight dogs test. I wonder -- drugs | 1:47:04 | 1:47:13 | |
test. I won the medal and it was the
best moment of my life, and I lost | 1:47:13 | 1:47:17 | |
the drugs test and it was the worst
moment of my life. The idea of the | 1:47:17 | 1:47:21 | |
first gold medallist testing
positive for drugs would be | 1:47:21 | 1:47:25 | |
ridiculously embarrassing. But in
snowboarding it was celebrated | 1:47:25 | 1:47:28 | |
because their identity is fiercely
antiestablishment and | 1:47:28 | 1:47:32 | |
counterculture. The half pipe went
ahead without the legend whose | 1:47:32 | 1:47:38 | |
boycott of the games was an example
of an anti-Olympic attitude in the | 1:47:38 | 1:47:44 | |
core. The Swiss athlete took the
men's optician, the German athletes | 1:47:44 | 1:47:51 | |
the women. Europe and not win
another half pipe gold for 16 years. | 1:47:51 | 1:47:58 | |
It is incredible to think where pipe
riding is today. That was absolutely | 1:47:58 | 1:48:04 | |
cutting edge but riders are just six
feet or two metres out of the pipe | 1:48:04 | 1:48:08 | |
and the tricks are so basic. You can
also see very clearly that fashions | 1:48:08 | 1:48:12 | |
have changed but that was ever the
case in snowboarding. | 1:48:12 | 1:48:19 | |
Good luck to the athletes and let
the games begin! My abiding memory | 1:48:19 | 1:48:24 | |
of Salt Lake City but two gold
medallists. They both hail from one | 1:48:24 | 1:48:30 | |
of the few places in the world with
a super pipe. Kenny Clark would | 1:48:30 | 1:48:37 | |
still be in contention for a gold
medal in this Olympics. -- Kelly | 1:48:37 | 1:48:45 | |
Clark. The crowd go absolutely wild! | 1:48:45 | 1:48:56 | |
The 2006 games represented turning
point for snowboarding at the | 1:49:01 | 1:49:03 | |
Olympics. Up until then, half pipe
had been the headline act but it was | 1:49:03 | 1:49:07 | |
difficult for people to relate to
the physical act of riding a half | 1:49:07 | 1:49:10 | |
pipe and some of the ridiculous
trick names. | 1:49:10 | 1:49:16 | |
trick names. In contrast, border
cross was beautifully simple. 46 | 1:49:18 | 1:49:23 | |
riders go through, and its
aggressive fast and physical. And it | 1:49:23 | 1:49:29 | |
provided one of the most iconic
moments. This is a lot of honour... | 1:49:29 | 1:49:38 | |
Oh, drama! She is down! | 1:49:38 | 1:49:44 | |
Oh, drama! She is down! Freedom!
Freedom! Unbelievable! The men's | 1:49:46 | 1:49:50 | |
half pipe also produced a memorable
results. But it was no supplies. | 1:49:50 | 1:49:55 | |
Sean White announced himself on the
world stage with his first Olympic | 1:49:55 | 1:49:58 | |
gold. History repeated itself in
Vancouver in 2010. Sean White had | 1:49:58 | 1:50:05 | |
sewn up the gold medal after his
first run so the only question was | 1:50:05 | 1:50:13 | |
whether he would land the Tomahawk.
Are we going to see it? All three? | 1:50:13 | 1:50:25 | |
Here we go. Has he got it? He has! | 1:50:25 | 1:50:34 | |
The women's half pipe final from
that here is one of my personal | 1:50:36 | 1:50:39 | |
favourite. This run was one of the
most complete I have seen in the men | 1:50:39 | 1:50:44 | |
or women category, stylish,
technical and lots of amplitude. | 1:50:44 | 1:50:52 | |
Russia saw the introduction of
slopestyle welcome by snowboarding, | 1:50:52 | 1:50:58 | |
because it reflects the kind of
snowboarding that people do all over | 1:50:58 | 1:51:02 | |
the world. So suddenly snowboarding
was opened up to everyone and from a | 1:51:02 | 1:51:08 | |
British point of view, this was even
more exciting because we had one of | 1:51:08 | 1:51:11 | |
the most dominating forces in
women's slopestyle. Looking very | 1:51:11 | 1:51:16 | |
solid for Jenny Jones. Check out the
grab! Put the UK out of their | 1:51:16 | 1:51:24 | |
misery! Jenny Jones, bronze
medallist. | 1:51:24 | 1:51:31 | |
Pyeongchang sees big air make it
Olympic debut, another event which | 1:51:36 | 1:51:39 | |
will have viewers on the edge of
their seats and with British | 1:51:39 | 1:51:43 | |
interest to look forward to. There's
no doubt that snowboarding has come | 1:51:43 | 1:51:48 | |
a long way from Olympic outcast to
part of the family. | 1:51:48 | 1:51:54 | |
Not many would have predicted that.
At Aussie I would have sums special | 1:51:54 | 1:51:58 | |
guests, -- I told you I would have
some special guests, wearing | 1:51:58 | 1:52:04 | |
quarter, Jamie Nicholls, Edley, or
joining me. -- Reverend Richard | 1:52:04 | 1:52:10 | |
Coles. How you would join the
balcony? It's cold! | 1:52:10 | 1:52:13 | |
We just saw the history of the
snowboarding of the Olympic Games, | 1:52:19 | 1:52:26 | |
how is it viewed in the wider
snowboarding community? Over the | 1:52:26 | 1:52:29 | |
last 20 years, there's been a huge
progression that we've seen every | 1:52:29 | 1:52:35 | |
four years, riders wanting to come
to the Olympics with new tricks of | 1:52:35 | 1:52:39 | |
the want to be faster and better.
That has accelerated with each | 1:52:39 | 1:52:44 | |
Olympic cycle. Snowboarding is as
much of an art as a sport so there | 1:52:44 | 1:52:52 | |
is a real push me and pull you as to
whether the elliptic has been | 1:52:52 | 1:52:55 | |
positive. This Olympics especially
feels like it's marking and | 1:52:55 | 1:53:04 | |
transition, it's an accepted part of
the sport and people who are | 1:53:04 | 1:53:07 | |
following the Olympic dream am happy
to do so and the sport's ascetic | 1:53:07 | 1:53:11 | |
side is the other side. How do you
view the Olympic snowboarding | 1:53:11 | 1:53:20 | |
movement? You're behind it, you have
got the Team GB kit on and you are | 1:53:20 | 1:53:23 | |
part of the games. And super excited
to be here, it's my second Olympics | 1:53:23 | 1:53:31 | |
and just to make the team again is a
dream come true to represent your | 1:53:31 | 1:53:35 | |
country. It's good to be here. How
has it lived up, your first | 1:53:35 | 1:53:43 | |
Olympics? It's been an amazing
experience my first time here, and | 1:53:43 | 1:53:48 | |
to have Jamie and Billy around as
well to help me out. You have got | 1:53:48 | 1:53:52 | |
your first runs under way, a bitter
disappointment for Jamie with the | 1:53:52 | 1:53:57 | |
scores you got the first round and
then the second run. Something like | 1:53:57 | 1:54:02 | |
that, I was gutted about my score
and I felt like for me, I was gutted | 1:54:02 | 1:54:08 | |
how low it was. But that's just how
competitive snowboarding goes. I | 1:54:08 | 1:54:12 | |
said it before and those kind of
things are totally out of your | 1:54:12 | 1:54:15 | |
control,. | 1:54:15 | 1:54:18 | |
You have got to deal with the
positives, I landed a man that I was | 1:54:18 | 1:54:23 | |
proud of and happy with and super
happy about that. You got some great | 1:54:23 | 1:54:30 | |
commentary experience as well, thank
you for joining the boys! How do you | 1:54:30 | 1:54:36 | |
reflect on your first ever Olympic
runs? Pretty good, I didn't land | 1:54:36 | 1:54:40 | |
mine unfortunately. But really
gutted about that. Still got a big | 1:54:40 | 1:54:46 | |
air next week. It has been amazing
and the course was really fun to | 1:54:46 | 1:54:52 | |
ride. How was the course, how did it
compare to Sochi? I thought the | 1:54:52 | 1:54:57 | |
course was brilliant. It's one of
the best courses I've ever ridden. | 1:54:57 | 1:55:01 | |
So many different lines, really
creative lines in there and we seem | 1:55:01 | 1:55:06 | |
they have introduced the sides
take-offs which they did not have in | 1:55:06 | 1:55:08 | |
Sochi. It's a very creative course,
more than Sochi. I'm fortunate that | 1:55:08 | 1:55:17 | |
I didn't get to the finals but I
have still got big air. Loads are | 1:55:17 | 1:55:22 | |
still to come. You were there
commentating on the boys and the boy | 1:55:22 | 1:55:29 | |
who wasn't here, Billy, what did you
think of the performances and the | 1:55:29 | 1:55:35 | |
boys who made it through to the
final, don't give away the winner! | 1:55:35 | 1:55:38 | |
Yesterday qualifying was brilliant,
we love it, we love watching | 1:55:38 | 1:55:43 | |
Yesterday qualifying was brilliant,
we love it, we love watching it and | 1:55:43 | 1:55:44 | |
die testing it. It's extra special
when your friends are there writing. | 1:55:44 | 1:55:49 | |
In the commentary, we said we were
gutted for Jamie and we thought it | 1:55:49 | 1:55:52 | |
was iffy judging, maybe it was there
or thereabouts. It's easy to get | 1:55:52 | 1:55:59 | |
caught up in the emotions. They did
themselves proud. In the contest | 1:55:59 | 1:56:06 | |
they were unlucky, but in practice,
they absolutely killed it like every | 1:56:06 | 1:56:10 | |
now. He put the trick down every
single time he practised, but he | 1:56:10 | 1:56:20 | |
fell in the contest. That's the way
it goes. These are the 40 best | 1:56:20 | 1:56:24 | |
snowboarders in the world and we
have three Brits in their and we | 1:56:24 | 1:56:31 | |
nearly had for. Really pleased to
their achievements. The final was | 1:56:31 | 1:56:35 | |
this morning but before we talk
about that, we were supposed to have | 1:56:35 | 1:56:39 | |
the women today, you were down
there, they were cancelled, how | 1:56:39 | 1:56:41 | |
windy was it? It was bad, with no
boarding, if it's constant, you can | 1:56:41 | 1:56:48 | |
deal with it. If the course is right
and the wind is constant, you just | 1:56:48 | 1:56:54 | |
upload speed. At this course, the
riders were already at full feed. | 1:56:54 | 1:56:59 | |
The problem was it was gusty. One
rider would be OK and would make it | 1:56:59 | 1:57:05 | |
over the job of the next one would
get a gust of wind and it would hold | 1:57:05 | 1:57:09 | |
them up they would go short of the
jumps. It important to remember how | 1:57:09 | 1:57:14 | |
the jumps are, but if you make a
mistake, you could get a serious | 1:57:14 | 1:57:19 | |
injury or worse. Have you had a
chance to speak to any since this | 1:57:19 | 1:57:24 | |
morning? She's now in two straight
-- to Aimee. She is now into a | 1:57:24 | 1:57:30 | |
straight final tomorrow. Less
pressure going in, because you have | 1:57:30 | 1:57:34 | |
not got to worry about
qualifications, just straight final. | 1:57:34 | 1:57:40 | |
Two runs, all nothing! She may have
just go for it. Your cousin Katie | 1:57:40 | 1:57:46 | |
Ormerod was meant to be racing in
that, but she had that really | 1:57:46 | 1:57:50 | |
unfortunate couple of injuries, have
you spoken to her, how is she? Yes, | 1:57:50 | 1:57:54 | |
I'm actually going to see her
tomorrow. I was devastated, it was | 1:57:54 | 1:58:00 | |
awful with her arm and stuff. Going
into the second day of practice, she | 1:58:00 | 1:58:06 | |
is very tense going into the first
round, she just slipped off the | 1:58:06 | 1:58:11 | |
rail. I have seen so many people
slipped off the rail and do exactly | 1:58:11 | 1:58:14 | |
the same but she came out with a
broken heel. She was in so much | 1:58:14 | 1:58:19 | |
pain. I was crying, it made me cry,
it was awful. She's family, so. Wish | 1:58:19 | 1:58:25 | |
her all the very best from all of
us, we were also gutted. The boys | 1:58:25 | 1:58:32 | |
will stay with us, we will look at
the men's final in a second. If you | 1:58:32 | 1:58:37 | |
have any questions, get in touch.
I'm not going to hand over to the | 1:58:37 | 1:58:43 | |
soap style final because you were in
the commentary booth, it -- | 1:58:43 | 1:58:48 | |
slopestyle, so you introduce it! No,
I'm not that good! Jamie Nicholls | 1:58:48 | 1:58:54 | |
was in the commentary box for the
men's slopestyle final earlier | 1:58:54 | 1:58:59 | |
today. | 1:58:59 | 1:59:05 | |
So, Mark Mcmorris, the most
successful rider in history. He | 1:59:05 | 1:59:09 | |
needs to clean up the run and he
should see a considerable hike in | 1:59:09 | 1:59:13 | |
his scores. What he's doing is good.
So difficult. The tail slide 450, | 1:59:13 | 1:59:22 | |
and then a wrong way care to normal
on the hip. He looks | 1:59:22 | 1:59:28 | |
uncharacteristically sketchy. It's
always so perfect with Mark | 1:59:28 | 1:59:33 | |
Mcmorris. Where it used to seeing
its flowing for him, but he's | 1:59:33 | 1:59:38 | |
forcing it it looks like. | 1:59:38 | 1:59:46 | |
forcing it it looks like. Alley-oop,
or against. A front triple well | 1:59:46 | 1:59:51 | |
held, and aback triple. Anything you
can do, I can do! He cannot do it | 1:59:51 | 2:00:01 | |
better but he can do it. So he has
upped his game. He has gone and | 2:00:01 | 2:00:09 | |
turned a corkscrew. He has opted the
second jump and third jumps from his | 2:00:09 | 2:00:13 | |
first run. | 2:00:13 | 2:00:19 | |
It is first place, 85.2. That is a
good run. | 2:00:19 | 2:00:27 | |
good run. So, the young rider on
whom all American hopes are | 2:00:30 | 2:00:33 | |
pinned... Redmond Gerard. He has a
lot of pressure. He is well | 2:00:33 | 2:00:42 | |
respected, well liked, loved in the
snowboard community. Six of seven | 2:00:42 | 2:00:48 | |
kids, he built a Snow Park on his
back garden in Colorado. And he does | 2:00:48 | 2:00:55 | |
this... A big nose bone over the
goalposts. That is the new desktop | 2:00:55 | 2:01:04 | |
screensaver. Through the ball... We
love that. If you cannot see it or | 2:01:04 | 2:01:09 | |
hear it, he is letting the nose of
the board clip the rail on the way | 2:01:09 | 2:01:14 | |
over. Now, he needs the Spieth
through here. -- he needs the speed. | 2:01:14 | 2:01:23 | |
Much better speed. He has landed
that one! Pumping for speed, he is | 2:01:23 | 2:01:32 | |
willing at on. He got the triple...
Yes! Red Gerard is a cat among the | 2:01:32 | 2:01:41 | |
pigeons. Wallop! I tell you what you
were talking about pressure. The | 2:01:41 | 2:01:46 | |
whole of America pressure on his
shoulders. He has gone and | 2:01:46 | 2:01:49 | |
delivered. That was clean. Look at
that. This is incredible. The man | 2:01:49 | 2:01:57 | |
who has been forcing square pegs
into round holes for the first two | 2:01:57 | 2:02:01 | |
runs, is he going to drive the
frontside triple? We have seen him | 2:02:01 | 2:02:06 | |
go twice so hard. He wants this.
It's the only wake he will take hold | 2:02:06 | 2:02:11 | |
now. If he can do a frontside
triple. The rest of the run isn't | 2:02:11 | 2:02:16 | |
strong enough without it. | 2:02:16 | 2:02:24 | |
strong enough without it. 270 on the
down bar... A backside 360. He | 2:02:25 | 2:02:31 | |
proved a lot of people wrong with
his rail section today. He needs to | 2:02:31 | 2:02:39 | |
take it easy on the backside
rodeo... And here we go... Hold your | 2:02:39 | 2:02:42 | |
breath! | 2:02:42 | 2:02:49 | |
breath! 3.5, is the speed with him?
Just a double... He plays it safe. | 2:02:49 | 2:02:54 | |
He hasn't unveiled a triple. Ooh! A
backside triple! To finish off, he | 2:02:54 | 2:03:06 | |
cleans the run, steering clear of
the triple on the second jump, what | 2:03:06 | 2:03:12 | |
did the judges do now? This is it,
the judges have a huge decision to | 2:03:12 | 2:03:17 | |
make now. | 2:03:17 | 2:03:22 | |
make now. 86! Silver medal position
for Max Parrot, the American | 2:03:24 | 2:03:28 | |
17-year-old Red Gerard storms the
men's slopestyle finals. Mark | 2:03:28 | 2:03:36 | |
McMorris will be bronze again. Max
Parrot in silver, two Canadian | 2:03:36 | 2:03:41 | |
medals, one American. The Norwegians
are left wanting. Turning up with a | 2:03:41 | 2:03:47 | |
packet of crayons, delivering a
money! That lived up to all | 2:03:47 | 2:03:51 | |
expectations. | 2:03:51 | 2:03:56 | |
expectations. -- Monet. Red Gerard,
taking the gold back to the United | 2:03:56 | 2:04:02 | |
States. Max Parrot in silver. Mark
McMorris with a bronze medal. The | 2:04:02 | 2:04:08 | |
United States of America! Red
Gerard, the American meat in a | 2:04:08 | 2:04:13 | |
Canadian sandwich. A gold medal. The
kid from Colorado in the first time | 2:04:13 | 2:04:19 | |
of asking. Congratulations, Red
. Life will be very different for | 2:04:19 | 2:04:34 | |
him when he gets home. Sensational
stuff from Red Gerard in the final. | 2:04:34 | 2:04:40 | |
Jamie and | 2:04:40 | 2:04:41 | |
stuff from Red Gerard in the final.
Jamie and Rowan are alongside me. | 2:04:41 | 2:04:42 | |
Put into context that race, how good
was it? He was clearly, I mean, he | 2:04:42 | 2:04:50 | |
is from top to bottom nailing it. A
superb clean run. The whole of the | 2:04:50 | 2:04:59 | |
course, from going over the quarter
pipe take-off, and into the down | 2:04:59 | 2:05:03 | |
flip, nobody else was doing that.
Just him. And the side take-off on | 2:05:03 | 2:05:08 | |
the second. The jump feature, nobody
else is doing that. He definitely | 2:05:08 | 2:05:13 | |
deserved to win. He was amazing. 17
years old, would you have picked him | 2:05:13 | 2:05:19 | |
to be a gold medallist at the end of
that final? He was definitely up | 2:05:19 | 2:05:23 | |
there, I think. He has been smashing
it for the last few years. He was | 2:05:23 | 2:05:28 | |
definitely up there, one of the few
who would do it. And he is a | 2:05:28 | 2:05:34 | |
likeable and will respected guy on
the circuit. Definitely. Everybody | 2:05:34 | 2:05:38 | |
loves Red | 2:05:38 | 2:05:40 | |
the circuit. Definitely. Everybody
loves Red, he is amazing and a good | 2:05:40 | 2:05:41 | |
kid. He is a good snowboarder on the
cause. Everybody respects him. Not | 2:05:41 | 2:05:49 | |
only has he won a gold, but he is
good for snowboarding as well. We do | 2:05:49 | 2:05:54 | |
have a funny Instagram picture that
they will put | 2:05:54 | 2:05:56 | |
have a funny Instagram picture that
they will put on the screen of Red | 2:05:56 | 2:05:57 | |
Gerard when he was a youngster... Is
that the one with the glasses on? I | 2:05:57 | 2:06:04 | |
love that picture! I bet you don't
have any of these embarrassing | 2:06:04 | 2:06:09 | |
pictures...! You think, was it taken
last week or something! | 2:06:09 | 2:06:15 | |
pictures...! You think, was it taken
last week or something! You will all | 2:06:15 | 2:06:17 | |
be back and he will be in the big
air. For both of you, probably | 2:06:17 | 2:06:22 | |
slopestyle, that is your favourite
events? Are you setting your sights | 2:06:22 | 2:06:26 | |
high on the big air? I think
slopestyle is my favourite, but the | 2:06:26 | 2:06:31 | |
last season I've had really good
results in the big air. I'm looking | 2:06:31 | 2:06:34 | |
forward to it. Hopefully I will get
to land it! I have seen your | 2:06:34 | 2:06:40 | |
training shots, and the big blow-up
trampoline kind of thing. How has it | 2:06:40 | 2:06:47 | |
been going? If it wasn't for UK
Sport and the funding towards the | 2:06:47 | 2:06:55 | |
airbag, it has massively helped.
It's helped both of us with our | 2:06:55 | 2:06:58 | |
training for these games. Not only
have we managed to learn new tricks | 2:06:58 | 2:07:03 | |
but also to work on the tricks we
can already do. But in a risk-free | 2:07:03 | 2:07:08 | |
environment which really helps, so
close to the games. You don't want | 2:07:08 | 2:07:12 | |
to be injured. Two months out, when
we were training back in December, | 2:07:12 | 2:07:17 | |
we were already scared. To have that
is amazing. We've both learn tricks | 2:07:17 | 2:07:24 | |
on it and hopefully we can add it
into the big air. I took a trip down | 2:07:24 | 2:07:31 | |
to the big air. It is high! It is a
big and a high jump. What goes | 2:07:31 | 2:07:36 | |
through your mind before you put
yourself down the slope, with a huge | 2:07:36 | 2:07:41 | |
kick in front of you? Your first run
is always the scariest. I don't like | 2:07:41 | 2:07:47 | |
to go first. Normally I let someone
else go first! Get over it, make | 2:07:47 | 2:07:52 | |
sure you don't land on your knuckle.
It is basically where the start of | 2:07:52 | 2:08:01 | |
the landing is. You definitely don't
want to land there. It isn't good on | 2:08:01 | 2:08:08 | |
your knees. I can imagine. Billy
Morgan is probably the big air | 2:08:08 | 2:08:15 | |
specialist between you? He got an X
Games bronze in it. There will be a | 2:08:15 | 2:08:23 | |
high expectation from him. What
would be good for you? As always, | 2:08:23 | 2:08:29 | |
coming into any contest, it's always
about trying your best. If you put | 2:08:29 | 2:08:36 | |
down your own, and do your best that
day, you can walk away proud. I hope | 2:08:36 | 2:08:41 | |
I can go and do the runs that I want
to do. Maybe it gets me in the | 2:08:41 | 2:08:46 | |
finals or maybe not but if I can
land it, I would be happy. ? The | 2:08:46 | 2:08:50 | |
same. Land the best possible trick I
can do on the jump. If it gets to | 2:08:50 | 2:08:58 | |
the finals, that's amazing but if
not, I've done what I came to do, | 2:08:58 | 2:09:00 | |
which is my best. Can you give us a
small insight into life as a GB | 2:09:00 | 2:09:09 | |
athlete? And not even sure when we
start training! I believe the 21st | 2:09:09 | 2:09:13 | |
is the big air... 18th, training I
believe. We have about a week off. | 2:09:13 | 2:09:21 | |
Spend time enjoying the games, watch
the other events and support | 2:09:21 | 2:09:25 | |
team-mates in other disciplines.
Have a good time and stuff, some of | 2:09:25 | 2:09:28 | |
my family are coming out tomorrow so
I will see them. And I will see | 2:09:28 | 2:09:33 | |
Katie tomorrow which I'm really
excited about. We will pass on our | 2:09:33 | 2:09:38 | |
best. Thank you for coming up to our
freezing balcony! We are going | 2:09:38 | 2:09:43 | |
inside. Going to an Ice Arena for
the speed skating. Sven Kramer is | 2:09:43 | 2:09:50 | |
going for his fourth gold medal in a
row in the 5000 metres speed | 2:09:50 | 2:09:55 | |
skating. | 2:09:55 | 2:09:55 | |
row in the 5000 metres speed
skating. If you are not clued up on | 2:09:55 | 2:09:57 | |
it, this is our handy guide... | 2:09:57 | 2:10:05 | |
it, this is our handy guide... In
speed skating, the aim is simple. | 2:10:06 | 2:10:09 | |
Race a defined distance as fast as
possible. It's the ultimate test of | 2:10:09 | 2:10:14 | |
speed and technique. The event
expose on a 400 meter oval track, | 2:10:14 | 2:10:18 | |
almost four times larger than the
short cause. In most individual | 2:10:18 | 2:10:22 | |
events, skaters race in pairs. On
separate tracks, known as the inner | 2:10:22 | 2:10:26 | |
and outer lanes. | 2:10:26 | 2:10:31 | |
and outer lanes. Event distances
range from 500 metres to 10,000 | 2:10:35 | 2:10:40 | |
metres for men, and 500 metres to
5000 metres for women. Two teams of | 2:10:40 | 2:10:44 | |
three can compete against each other
starting from opposite sides. The | 2:10:44 | 2:10:48 | |
mass start is a new discipline
lasting 16 laps, and is the only | 2:10:48 | 2:10:53 | |
individual event where long track
speed skaters can be directly | 2:10:53 | 2:10:56 | |
against each other. Sven Kramer of
the Netherlands has back-to-back | 2:10:56 | 2:11:01 | |
5000 metre gold medals, but he is
targeting an elusive 10,000 metre | 2:11:01 | 2:11:05 | |
title. His Dutch compatriot will be
competing in her final Olympics in | 2:11:05 | 2:11:14 | |
Pyeongchang. COMMENTATOR: Welcome to
the Gangneung overall, and in the | 2:11:14 | 2:11:22 | |
nick of time, is the sixth pairing
of 11 in the men's 5000 metres. It | 2:11:22 | 2:11:29 | |
is not a heat, it is a pairing. They
are not strictly raising one another | 2:11:29 | 2:11:34 | |
in the sense that they are actually
racing in a whole field, trying | 2:11:34 | 2:11:41 | |
racing in a whole field, trying to
set it. Andrea Giovannini, in the | 2:11:42 | 2:11:44 | |
early going here, he is the fastest
of everyone who has gone at this | 2:11:44 | 2:11:47 | |
point, in green. In red, it's
outside the quickest time, but the | 2:11:47 | 2:11:53 | |
green means it is the number-1 time
of all, not just of the pairing. | 2:11:53 | 2:11:58 | |
Wilf O'Reilly, he is alongside me
here. It will be some meeting. | 2:11:58 | 2:12:04 | |
Billed as a heavyweight clash
between Sven Kramer, a three-time | 2:12:04 | 2:12:14 | |
Olympic champion, and now of Canada,
Ted-Jan Bloeman. He didn't get into | 2:12:14 | 2:12:19 | |
the Dutch team of four years ago,
but then he could move to Canada. | 2:12:19 | 2:12:25 | |
His father was born in New Brunswick
and since then he has gone like a | 2:12:25 | 2:12:28 | |
drain! A lot to come in this event?
5000 metres, 12.5 laps of the 400 | 2:12:28 | 2:12:38 | |
metre track. Andrea Giovannini
almost one seconds slower than the | 2:12:38 | 2:12:46 | |
leaders at the moment. As the
skaters exchange lanes, one goes to | 2:12:46 | 2:12:50 | |
the outside. Norway's Haavard Boekko
on the inner lane there. Just coming | 2:12:50 | 2:12:57 | |
around the inside lane. Ten laps to
go. | 2:12:57 | 2:13:08 | |
go. Both are outside of the fastest
times so far. Haavard Boekko of | 2:13:08 | 2:13:12 | |
Norway, with nine laps to go. The
2011 world champion of the shorter | 2:13:12 | 2:13:18 | |
distance, 1500 metres, and he's an
Olympic bronze medallist, he won in | 2:13:18 | 2:13:24 | |
Vancouver. And in the 1500, fourth
in the event in 2010. Boekko vast | 2:13:24 | 2:13:35 | |
experience to come interesting to
see if he has a chance of perhaps | 2:13:35 | 2:13:37 | |
being an outsider for a medal. It's
a tall order for him. He will need | 2:13:37 | 2:13:43 | |
to get moving from where he is at
the moment, over one second down on | 2:13:43 | 2:13:46 | |
the fastest time. The leader in the
clubhouse here, Seunghoon Lee. He | 2:13:46 | 2:13:57 | |
had a very fast finish and the crowd
went absolutely wild inside of this | 2:13:57 | 2:14:02 | |
8000 capacity arena. Barely a spare
seat in the house. Far more | 2:14:02 | 2:14:06 | |
excitement to come. Largely ceded.
It should get better and better the | 2:14:06 | 2:14:15 | |
longer it goes on. This is the sixth
pairing of 11. Giovannini, in the | 2:14:15 | 2:14:23 | |
slipstream behind Boekko. In the
inner lane, skaters have one arm on | 2:14:23 | 2:14:27 | |
their back. A tight and tax
position. That blue line on the | 2:14:27 | 2:14:31 | |
screen is the winning time at this
particular time in the race. | 2:14:31 | 2:14:39 | |
particular time in the race. Four
hundredths of a second outside of | 2:14:39 | 2:14:41 | |
the leading time at this particular
moment. To give you an idea of what | 2:14:41 | 2:14:47 | |
we expect from Giovannini, the
Italian on the left-hand side of the | 2:14:47 | 2:14:51 | |
picture, he was 70th in the event
four years ago but he does have | 2:14:51 | 2:14:54 | |
fourth place and sixth place in 5000
metre races in the World Cup series | 2:14:54 | 2:14:59 | |
over this winter -- 17th. Both
skaters have an advantage, they know | 2:14:59 | 2:15:05 | |
what time has been previously
skated. As they come around the | 2:15:05 | 2:15:09 | |
turn, you should be able to see the
coaches on the left-hand side of the | 2:15:09 | 2:15:12 | |
screen. Giving them the lap times,
the other coach will be telling them | 2:15:12 | 2:15:18 | |
whether they need to increase in
speed or not. Until the end, until | 2:15:18 | 2:15:23 | |
that final lap or so, how important
is it that these athletes ensure | 2:15:23 | 2:15:28 | |
they do not race against each other
and measure where they are compared | 2:15:28 | 2:15:31 | |
to each other, and actually
concentrate on their own schedule? | 2:15:31 | 2:15:35 | |
That is the most important part,
concentrating on your schedule and | 2:15:35 | 2:15:38 | |
then perhaps the last 800 metres,
really put down to the floor and | 2:15:38 | 2:15:46 | |
enable yourself to speed up. | 2:15:46 | 2:15:51 | |
This is the second and final batch
of skaters here in the men's 5000 | 2:15:51 | 2:15:57 | |
metres, they resurfaced the ice and
we had to wait for it harder not | 2:15:57 | 2:16:02 | |
ready for what will be the big
hitters in this competition. At the | 2:16:02 | 2:16:08 | |
moment we have harboured Paco from
Norway, only sixth fastest -- | 2:16:08 | 2:16:15 | |
haven't Paco, only the 16th the
sixth fastest. The quickest has been | 2:16:15 | 2:16:25 | |
Lee Seung-hoon, who did not make the
Vancouver games, but went on to win | 2:16:25 | 2:16:37 | |
the Olympic gold medal. Not quite as
strong this winter, tenth is the | 2:16:37 | 2:16:45 | |
best place that he has managed so
far, Giovannini going slower and | 2:16:45 | 2:16:53 | |
slower. 1.5 laps to go for these
pair. You can see Bokko, the left | 2:16:53 | 2:16:59 | |
shoulder is wobbling, speed is all
about leg power. He has that tight, | 2:16:59 | 2:17:11 | |
tucked position. He's not
maintaining it, he's not staying | 2:17:11 | 2:17:16 | |
tight on the blue line signifying
the markers on the 400 metres. You | 2:17:16 | 2:17:21 | |
could see that he looks quite
upright there and stiff going around | 2:17:21 | 2:17:25 | |
that bend. This is the final bend
for harboured -- Bokko from Norway. | 2:17:25 | 2:17:35 | |
He has found the going tough here
and for the time being, the Korean | 2:17:35 | 2:17:43 | |
skater Lee Seung-hoon will be the
leader. He lost an awful lot of time | 2:17:43 | 2:17:48 | |
in the closing stages. And
Giovannini from Italy, way down in | 2:17:48 | 2:17:53 | |
the standings. Tenth fastest, and
night -- Bokko will be disappointed. | 2:17:53 | 2:18:05 | |
I think his face says it all. We can
see him in the replay, looks quite | 2:18:05 | 2:18:11 | |
comfortable, the racing suit is very
important, wind resistance, you can | 2:18:11 | 2:18:17 | |
see over the knees and the forehead,
they try to do it extensive wind | 2:18:17 | 2:18:21 | |
tunnel testing so the wind goes over
it. So is this quite similar to | 2:18:21 | 2:18:31 | |
track cycling, with constant pushing
at the boundaries and the roles of | 2:18:31 | 2:18:36 | |
regulations in terms of the type of
materials and the extent to which | 2:18:36 | 2:18:41 | |
you can cover yourself up?
Absolutely. One of the things that | 2:18:41 | 2:18:44 | |
the speed skaters have to realise,
particularly in the short tracks, he | 2:18:44 | 2:18:48 | |
saw a lot of the girls, Elise
Christie yesterday, with their hair | 2:18:48 | 2:18:53 | |
outside of their helmet. These are
areas where you can win thousands of | 2:18:53 | 2:18:57 | |
the second. So Davide Ghiotto from
Italy will be in the seventh | 2:18:57 | 2:19:08 | |
pairing, face here in the World
Championship, quite a character, as | 2:19:08 | 2:19:11 | |
you can see, the 24-year-old. And
Alexis Contin, the only French speed | 2:19:11 | 2:19:18 | |
skater hit at this competition. He
was fourth in the 10,000 metres in | 2:19:18 | 2:19:25 | |
Vancouver. So, the white armband of
Ghiotto signalling that he starts on | 2:19:25 | 2:19:33 | |
the inside lane. The red armband of
Contin sharing that he is on the | 2:19:33 | 2:19:40 | |
outside. And remember, they will
exchange later, swapped over, down | 2:19:40 | 2:19:44 | |
the back straight, each lap. To
ensure that everybody covers the | 2:19:44 | 2:19:50 | |
same distance. | 2:19:50 | 2:19:56 | |
same distance. Both skaters having
an in-line skating background, moved | 2:19:56 | 2:20:00 | |
across to long track speed skating
because in-line speed skating is | 2:20:00 | 2:20:05 | |
still not some political discipline.
You see many of skaters moving | 2:20:05 | 2:20:12 | |
across from -- still got eight
summer Olympic discipline. You see | 2:20:12 | 2:20:15 | |
many of the skaters moving across.
You saw the changeover just then, | 2:20:15 | 2:20:22 | |
people may be wondering watching at
home, what happens when they are | 2:20:22 | 2:20:24 | |
neck and neck on the ice, who assert
their authority? Who has the right | 2:20:24 | 2:20:30 | |
of way? Or do you have athletes
colliding? It happens very | 2:20:30 | 2:20:38 | |
occasionally but essentially the
rules state that the skater on the | 2:20:38 | 2:20:40 | |
outer lane, because they have
travelled the furthest distance, | 2:20:40 | 2:20:44 | |
they have the right of way. Ten laps
to go, next time over the line, | 2:20:44 | 2:20:51 | |
coming up shortly. | 2:20:51 | 2:20:57 | |
coming up shortly. Ghiotto was sixth
in the recent European chaplain | 2:20:57 | 2:20:59 | |
chips over this distance. --
Championships. | 2:20:59 | 2:21:09 | |
You can see the coaching staff with
their boards on the side of the | 2:21:09 | 2:21:13 | |
tracks, a minute and a half into a
race which will probably be between | 2:21:13 | 2:21:19 | |
six and a quarter and six and a half
minutes. The latest time check now, | 2:21:19 | 2:21:27 | |
and Contin just under half a second
outside the quickest time. Sixth | 2:21:27 | 2:21:37 | |
fastest at this point and Ghiotto
with some grants to make up, just | 2:21:37 | 2:21:40 | |
the ninth fastest skater. Nice
tucked position from both skaters, | 2:21:40 | 2:21:48 | |
evenly matched. The danger is that
you start skating against your | 2:21:48 | 2:21:52 | |
opponent as opposed to the time but
it's quite helpful if the skaters | 2:21:52 | 2:21:55 | |
are fairly evenly matched.
Aerodynamics key in sports such as | 2:21:55 | 2:22:04 | |
this, what is the ideal, a small
frontal area, bigger Crouch? Does | 2:22:04 | 2:22:10 | |
that compensate in terms of someone
who is more powerful and bigger but | 2:22:10 | 2:22:14 | |
not very aerodynamic? That's right,
you're looking for a very rounded | 2:22:14 | 2:22:21 | |
back area, tucked position, the blue
line there is actually signifying a | 2:22:21 | 2:22:25 | |
leading time. | 2:22:25 | 2:22:31 | |
leading time. He is slower than the
leader at the moment, Lee from | 2:22:31 | 2:22:36 | |
Korea. Close enough that he can keep
going, and you fastest time could be | 2:22:36 | 2:22:43 | |
in reach. Talking about dynamics?
Yes, you can see a lot of skaters, | 2:22:43 | 2:22:51 | |
Contin has taped over his skates and
that has a dual purpose, one, to | 2:22:51 | 2:22:56 | |
keep the laces fastened but also
make sure that the wind goes up | 2:22:56 | 2:22:59 | |
above the skates. | 2:22:59 | 2:23:07 | |
above the skates. He has brought it
back | 2:23:07 | 2:23:13 | |
back down and he is creeping back
slowly but surely. | 2:23:13 | 2:23:20 | |
slowly but surely. Contin has had
some success in the World | 2:23:21 | 2:23:24 | |
Championship 's. We will see some
mass start races in this Olympics | 2:23:24 | 2:23:29 | |
for the first time. He is now the
leader of the track overall. The | 2:23:29 | 2:23:38 | |
fastest we have seen so far, Contin.
He looks very comfortable. You | 2:23:38 | 2:23:44 | |
normally see a grimace on his face
but you can see he's concentrating | 2:23:44 | 2:23:48 | |
very well, looking on the inside of
the term. This is still a little bit | 2:23:48 | 2:23:51 | |
slow at the moment. The last lap has
not been as quick as we would have | 2:23:51 | 2:23:56 | |
liked. The Italian is over four
seconds slower. Way down of those | 2:23:56 | 2:24:04 | |
being out on the ice so far. I think
that is one of the powers and the | 2:24:04 | 2:24:18 | |
skills of Sven Kramer, he can skate
a split second difference lap to | 2:24:18 | 2:24:25 | |
lap. His coach doesn't even need to
identify what time he skating. | 2:24:25 | 2:24:32 | |
Kramer said the Olympic record
fastest time in Sochi. There's every | 2:24:32 | 2:24:38 | |
chance that a livid record could go.
-- that Olympic record. Contin | 2:24:38 | 2:24:44 | |
trying to find some speed in his
legs in the closing stages to become | 2:24:44 | 2:24:49 | |
the new leader in the clubhouse.
For. | 2:24:49 | 2:24:57 | |
Two laps to go and he is losing
ground. He just got inside the | 2:24:58 | 2:25:05 | |
fastest time but it's slipping away
from him. Ghiotto will not figure | 2:25:05 | 2:25:10 | |
anywhere near the top of the
leaderboard at all. | 2:25:10 | 2:25:19 | |
leaderboard at all. He's not going
to add a high position to that six | 2:25:19 | 2:25:21 | |
in the European Championships.
Contin from Brittany takes the Bell, | 2:25:21 | 2:25:30 | |
400 metres to go as he grits his
teeth down the back straight. What's | 2:25:30 | 2:25:36 | |
he got left? | 2:25:36 | 2:25:38 | |
Contin is not going to set a new
fastest time. But how close can he | 2:25:43 | 2:25:49 | |
get? Into the finishing straight.
Alexis Contin from France the | 2:25:49 | 2:25:59 | |
quickest of this pairing, four
seconds outside the fastest time. | 2:25:59 | 2:26:02 | |
It's still Lee Seung-hoon from Korea
who leads so far. And a very tired | 2:26:02 | 2:26:10 | |
Davide Ghiotto from Italy, 15
seconds back. | 2:26:10 | 2:26:21 | |
We can see Contin and Ghiotto here,
again, those racing suits, the left | 2:26:21 | 2:26:28 | |
arm at the back, trying to gain the
maximum slipstream. And he's pushing | 2:26:28 | 2:26:36 | |
his foot out because it's when the
skate crosses the line that the time | 2:26:36 | 2:26:39 | |
will stop. A disappointing race for
Contin. He has 6.18 and the two | 2:26:39 | 2:26:53 | |
Italians going in consecutive
pairings. There's our leader, Lee | 2:26:53 | 2:26:58 | |
Seung-hoon. Waiting, watching on.
But I think knowing that it's only a | 2:26:58 | 2:27:08 | |
matter of time before his position
at the top of the leaderboard | 2:27:08 | 2:27:13 | |
disappears. Jan Blokhuijsen from the
Netherlands and Peter Michael the | 2:27:13 | 2:27:20 | |
next up on the track. Blokhuijsen
the silver medallist four years ago | 2:27:20 | 2:27:27 | |
in Sochi, plenty of support inside
the stadium for him. And Peter | 2:27:27 | 2:27:32 | |
Michael from New Zealand, the first
Kiwi to win a speed skating while | 2:27:32 | 2:27:36 | |
chanting chips medal, he got bronze
-- World Championship medal, he got | 2:27:36 | 2:27:42 | |
bronze last year here and added the
team pursuit silver. A good pedigree | 2:27:42 | 2:27:46 | |
here. 12.5 laps of the track, this
is not heat, they just happen to be | 2:27:46 | 2:27:56 | |
going in pairs. It is a one and done
in the 5000 metres. One chance to | 2:27:56 | 2:28:02 | |
set the fastest time. Both skaters
away. They know already the time | 2:28:02 | 2:28:09 | |
they will be looking for but of
course with the big guns still to | 2:28:09 | 2:28:14 | |
come, it's important that they
absolutely try and get the best time | 2:28:14 | 2:28:17 | |
that they can possibly get. Jan
Black | 2:28:17 | 2:28:21 | |
-- Jan Blokhuijsen already half a
second inside Lee from Korea. So | 2:28:25 | 2:28:33 | |
Blokhuijsen from the Netherlands
already has three Olympic medals, | 2:28:33 | 2:28:36 | |
one of each colour, in his career
and he has team pursuit medal. | 2:28:36 | 2:28:48 | |
6:11.91 is his best. Both of these
skaters inside the previous fastest | 2:28:48 | 2:28:56 | |
time of Lee Seung-hoon. A very fast
start from Blokhuijsen. His skates | 2:28:56 | 2:29:06 | |
are moulded to his feet and they
have a mechanism, about ten years | 2:29:06 | 2:29:13 | |
old, it is a hinge mechanism which
allows you to get more pressure into | 2:29:13 | 2:29:16 | |
the ice and more speed. It is the
clicking sound that you can hear | 2:29:16 | 2:29:22 | |
from time to time. If you can look
closely, you can see a little | 2:29:22 | 2:29:26 | |
sister, a little gap at the back of
the skates when you lift them up of | 2:29:26 | 2:29:30 | |
the ice. The coaches are there and
they will be instructing the | 2:29:30 | 2:29:36 | |
athletes, of their lap times, are
they on their schedule but they | 2:29:36 | 2:29:42 | |
pre-decided having seen the ice
conditions. What is the advantage of | 2:29:42 | 2:29:48 | |
having clamped skates? They don't in
short track races. In short track | 2:29:48 | 2:29:56 | |
races, the Blade opens so it would
be too dangerous. So the Skating | 2:29:56 | 2:30:00 | |
union decided to ban them in short
track speed skating. So Blokhuijsen | 2:30:00 | 2:30:12 | |
in the traditional colours of the
Netherlands, this is the sport in | 2:30:12 | 2:30:16 | |
Holland, they absolutely love it.
Dutch radio and TV are here in great | 2:30:16 | 2:30:21 | |
numbers presenting their TV and
radio programmes from the Gangneung | 2:30:21 | 2:30:24 | |
Oval. | 2:30:24 | 2:30:29 | |
Oval. We're looking for clean sweep,
the ladies won the gold, silver and | 2:30:30 | 2:30:33 | |
bronze yesterday in the 3000 metres.
And earlier, the Dutch skater didn't | 2:30:33 | 2:30:39 | |
perform very well said at least we
won't have a clean sweep here today. | 2:30:39 | 2:30:42 | |
Bob De Vries not as impressive as
many as would have exacted. Seven | 2:30:42 | 2:30:47 | |
laps to go. While inside the fastest
times. Blokhuijsen performing very | 2:30:47 | 2:30:54 | |
well and beginning the board at the
side of the tracks of the schedule. | 2:30:54 | 2:31:04 | |
Is the coach there,. Jan Blokhuijsen
going out on a schedule of 6.12, | 2:31:04 | 2:31:20 | |
6.10. 6.10 is the Olympic record. He
knows he needs to do those kinds of | 2:31:20 | 2:31:27 | |
times to be competitive for a medal,
never mind trying to cause an upset | 2:31:27 | 2:31:31 | |
and get to the top of the podium.
The skaters trying to stay as tight | 2:31:31 | 2:31:36 | |
as possible. Drifting out quite a
lot there, he has two skate more | 2:31:36 | 2:31:42 | |
distance, more metres, then
necessarily. Presumably the key is | 2:31:42 | 2:31:46 | |
to stay as close to the blue line as
much as possible, all the way | 2:31:46 | 2:31:51 | |
around. Still nearly four seconds up
on the time of Seunghoon Lee. Eking | 2:31:51 | 2:31:57 | |
out every fraction of a second, to
give themselves a chance. The | 2:31:57 | 2:32:04 | |
favourites are still to come out
here on the eyes. Jan Blokhuijsen of | 2:32:04 | 2:32:11 | |
the Netherlands, four laps to go. He
may be just inside of that Olympic | 2:32:11 | 2:32:16 | |
record. He lost a bit of ground on
the last lap. Just under four laps | 2:32:16 | 2:32:24 | |
to go now. He is still looking in
control of his effort, Jan | 2:32:24 | 2:32:27 | |
Blokhuijsen. | 2:32:27 | 2:32:33 | |
Blokhuijsen. He just shouted, stay
down low! Ethan Lowe! Make | 2:32:33 | 2:32:36 | |
everything so efficient. | 2:32:36 | 2:32:47 | |
everything so efficient. Jan
Blokhuijsen, perhaps starting to | 2:32:47 | 2:32:51 | |
find the going tough. Remember, Lee
Seunghoon had a big sprint in the | 2:32:51 | 2:32:58 | |
final couple of laps, he pulled it
out of the bag. Jan Blokhuijsen will | 2:32:58 | 2:33:05 | |
have to dig in here. Yet he comes,
into the finishing straight. You can | 2:33:05 | 2:33:11 | |
see the effort on his face. Jan
Blokhuijsen getting a slowdown as he | 2:33:11 | 2:33:19 | |
can. Maintaining an aerodynamic
position. Adding the inside line of | 2:33:19 | 2:33:23 | |
the brand. He's done much better
their competitor last time. 200 | 2:33:23 | 2:33:29 | |
metres to go, but cows and moving to
the outer lane. He needs to stay | 2:33:29 | 2:33:34 | |
tight on this. Peter Michael of New
Zealand, inside the previous fastest | 2:33:34 | 2:33:40 | |
time. As you can see, he is behind
the Dutchman. The blue line marks | 2:33:40 | 2:33:46 | |
the fastest time before this
pairing. It's going to be close! The | 2:33:46 | 2:33:51 | |
crowd are being made aware of that.
Michael, of New Zealand, has perhaps | 2:33:51 | 2:33:57 | |
saved the best until last. He has a
big spread here. Jan Blokhuijsen's | 2:33:57 | 2:34:02 | |
legs will be screaming at him now.
They are really hurting. Here they | 2:34:02 | 2:34:06 | |
come, into the finishing straight...
Will we have a new fastest time? We | 2:34:06 | 2:34:12 | |
most certainly are, but by how much?
Peter Michael, taking it on the | 2:34:12 | 2:34:17 | |
line. Just inside of the previous
time set by Lee Seunghoon. Michael | 2:34:17 | 2:34:22 | |
of New Zealand 6:14.0 seven. Looking
so good for so long. Leading lap | 2:34:22 | 2:34:31 | |
after lap. His time was only good
enough for fourth place. Already he | 2:34:31 | 2:34:39 | |
is outside of the medal placings. He
clearly didn't quite judge 's effort | 2:34:39 | 2:34:43 | |
to perfection but Michael really
did. Keeping his powder dry until it | 2:34:43 | 2:34:49 | |
mattered at the end. Having ensured
that he was in the ballpark. Hanging | 2:34:49 | 2:34:54 | |
in behind the Dutchman.
Disappointment for Jan Blokhuijsen. | 2:34:54 | 2:34:59 | |
But Peter Michael with a superb last
two laps. You could really see that | 2:34:59 | 2:35:02 | |
effort. Coming in, coming from
in-line skating. Accelerating, | 2:35:02 | 2:35:08 | |
racing against the clock. Completely
different racing against other | 2:35:08 | 2:35:13 | |
competitors. And you can see the
frustration and disappointment on | 2:35:13 | 2:35:19 | |
the face of the Dutchman there. It
hasn't been a day so far. Of course, | 2:35:19 | 2:35:25 | |
that will all be forgotten if Sven
Kramer takes his fourth Olympic gold | 2:35:25 | 2:35:30 | |
medal. We don't have long to find
out. Lee Seunghoon is still in the | 2:35:30 | 2:35:36 | |
silver medal position there, Peter
Michael, the new leader, the first | 2:35:36 | 2:35:41 | |
Kiwi to win a speed skating World
Championship medal, the first from | 2:35:41 | 2:35:45 | |
New Zealand to win a gold medal at a
World Cup event, winning over 5000 | 2:35:45 | 2:35:49 | |
metres in 2016 in a stunner. He had
success in his career already. He is | 2:35:49 | 2:35:58 | |
currently the leader at the moment.
This will be really interesting. | 2:35:58 | 2:36:02 | |
This pairing. | 2:36:02 | 2:36:08 | |
This pairing. The world
record-holder from Canada, Ted-Jan | 2:36:08 | 2:36:12 | |
Bloeman. He set it on the back end
of last year. And Norway, | 2:36:12 | 2:36:20 | |
represented by Sverre Pedersen. The
25-year-old from Bergen, he has won | 2:36:20 | 2:36:24 | |
World Cup races this winter,
including at 5000 metres, this | 2:36:24 | 2:36:29 | |
distance. We will talk more about
Ted-Jan Bloeman when we are under | 2:36:29 | 2:36:32 | |
way. But the billing ahead of this
is it could be a head-to-head | 2:36:32 | 2:36:36 | |
heavyweight clash, between Ted-Jan
Bloeman and Sven Kramer, going in | 2:36:36 | 2:36:41 | |
the next pairing. The way they go,
12.5 laps of the track in the men's | 2:36:41 | 2:36:48 | |
Olympic 5000 metres. Ted-Jan
Bloeman, basically could not get | 2:36:48 | 2:36:53 | |
into the Dutch team four years ago
in Sochi. His father was born in New | 2:36:53 | 2:37:01 | |
Brunswick. He has blossomed, he has
done really well. If he comes back | 2:37:01 | 2:37:06 | |
today, it really would come back to
haunt the Dutch! Certainly, he is | 2:37:06 | 2:37:12 | |
here to score goal. His coach from
Holland as well there with the white | 2:37:12 | 2:37:18 | |
cap on the left-hand side. They are
here to pick up the gold medal. The | 2:37:18 | 2:37:25 | |
world number one this winter. But in
three head-to-head meetings with | 2:37:25 | 2:37:31 | |
Kramer he was beating each time. Yet
to take the scalp of the great | 2:37:31 | 2:37:35 | |
Kramer in a head-to-head matchup. He
has certainly shown the ability to | 2:37:35 | 2:37:39 | |
make life uncomfortable for Kramer,
certainly. A close cross over. | 2:37:39 | 2:37:52 | |
Ted-Jan Bloeman nearly went into the
back of the Norwegian. They have to | 2:37:52 | 2:37:56 | |
be careful there. That the Norwegian
doesn't receive a penalty and maybe | 2:37:56 | 2:38:00 | |
not even finish in the ranking.
Sverre Pedersen struggled in the | 2:38:00 | 2:38:08 | |
World Championships, when they were
held here a year ago. He had a bad | 2:38:08 | 2:38:11 | |
cold, which affected his efforts.
Ranked number three in the world. He | 2:38:11 | 2:38:18 | |
is certainly coming into this not
considered, or not spoken about as a | 2:38:18 | 2:38:25 | |
potential winner but certainly as a
potential bronze medallist in this. | 2:38:25 | 2:38:32 | |
Sven Kramer decided not to compete
in all of the World Cup 's see you | 2:38:32 | 2:38:36 | |
do get a skewed result in terms of
where Kramer should be represented | 2:38:36 | 2:38:41 | |
as opposed to to the Norwegian
skater. On the inside lane, there | 2:38:41 | 2:38:48 | |
are three lanes on the track. They
skate quickly on the inside. They | 2:38:48 | 2:38:51 | |
are the competitors for future
pairings, just limbering up. They | 2:38:51 | 2:38:56 | |
are allowed on the track as long as
they stay on the inside. That's what | 2:38:56 | 2:39:00 | |
it is there four. Ted-Jan Bloeman is
not .54 of a second inside of the | 2:39:00 | 2:39:07 | |
previous fastest time. -- zero .54.
The likelihood is he will have to | 2:39:07 | 2:39:13 | |
gain more ground to stand a chance
of becoming Olympic champion. All | 2:39:13 | 2:39:18 | |
things being equal. Absolutely. | 2:39:18 | 2:39:25 | |
things being equal. Absolutely. He
was almost four seconds ahead, Jan | 2:39:25 | 2:39:29 | |
Blokhuijsen. Maybe he is changing
his tactics a little bit? Ahead of | 2:39:29 | 2:39:34 | |
Lee of career. -- Korea. We have had
a Dutch win in four of the last five | 2:39:34 | 2:39:44 | |
Olympic Games. Kramer winning the
last two. Traditionally, Norway have | 2:39:44 | 2:39:49 | |
been really good. Nine previous
winners from Norway in this event | 2:39:49 | 2:39:52 | |
but not since Lillehammer in 1994.
Both under the previous fastest | 2:39:52 | 2:39:57 | |
time. This event builds to something
of a crescendo. | 2:39:57 | 2:40:04 | |
of a crescendo. Ted-Jan Bloeman
leading the way. How has he measured | 2:40:05 | 2:40:11 | |
his efforts? | 2:40:11 | 2:40:16 | |
his efforts? Ted-Jan Bloeman's
coach, also from Holland, he needs | 2:40:18 | 2:40:21 | |
to raise the game. He is two seconds
ahead at the moment. There will be | 2:40:21 | 2:40:30 | |
some people in the Dutch Federation
panel sitting a little | 2:40:30 | 2:40:32 | |
uncomfortably, with their fingers
crossed here. Yes, they had a test | 2:40:32 | 2:40:41 | |
event Ted-Jan Bloeman and Kramer a
couple of days ago. He threw the | 2:40:41 | 2:40:45 | |
gauntlet down. It will be very
interesting. When I was flying over, | 2:40:45 | 2:40:52 | |
Wolf was at the track already.
Kramer is absolutely flying. | 2:40:52 | 2:40:59 | |
Presumably trying to lay down a
psychological marker. Keeping an eye | 2:40:59 | 2:41:05 | |
on Ted-Jan Bloeman in | 2:41:05 | 2:41:08 | |
the red and black of Canada. Sverre
Pedersen, as we mentioned, is more | 2:41:12 | 2:41:19 | |
than capable as a skater, with World
Cup wins this winter in the 1500 and | 2:41:19 | 2:41:25 | |
the 5000. A World Championship
bronze medallist in this event in | 2:41:25 | 2:41:29 | |
2016. He is going really well here.
Sverre Pedersen storming in here. | 2:41:29 | 2:41:34 | |
Two laps to go, coming round to the
leaderboard. Sverre Pedersen has | 2:41:34 | 2:41:40 | |
really timed his acceleration to
perfection. We can see from the body | 2:41:40 | 2:41:46 | |
language that Sverre Pedersen is all
business as we get into the closing | 2:41:46 | 2:41:51 | |
stages. Ted-Jan Bloeman has a bit to
do, to claim the lead here. Next | 2:41:51 | 2:41:56 | |
time, over the line, they will have
one lap to go. A 29.5 laps from | 2:41:56 | 2:42:04 | |
Sverre Pedersen. He crosses from the
outer lane in front of Ted-Jan | 2:42:04 | 2:42:10 | |
Bloeman of Canada in the black and
red suit. In the outer lane. Sverre | 2:42:10 | 2:42:15 | |
Pedersen is storming away here. It
will be a tremendous final lap here | 2:42:15 | 2:42:19 | |
between two of the big names in the
men's 5000 metres. As they take the | 2:42:19 | 2:42:25 | |
bell, Sverre Pedersen leads the way.
Ahead of Ted-Jan Bloeman. But what | 2:42:25 | 2:42:31 | |
does he have left? Does Ted-Jan
Bloeman have a big sprint over the | 2:42:31 | 2:42:35 | |
final 400 metres? The Norwegian is
in his sights, can he close the gap | 2:42:35 | 2:42:40 | |
on the eyes? Clear ice between them.
As you can see. Sverre Pedersen is | 2:42:40 | 2:42:47 | |
going to set a new fastest time.
Unless there is a big sprint here | 2:42:47 | 2:42:52 | |
from Ted-Jan Bloeman. Ted-Jan
Bloeman could take it on the line? | 2:42:52 | 2:42:55 | |
It is really close between the pair.
You cannot split them! Exactly the | 2:42:55 | 2:43:02 | |
same time! Set by the parents them
after 5000 metres out on the ice. | 2:43:02 | 2:43:08 | |
What a finish! Ted-Jan Bloeman had
to dig deep. Sverre Pedersen really | 2:43:08 | 2:43:14 | |
laid down the challenge in the final
couple of laps. Great racing between | 2:43:14 | 2:43:18 | |
the pair of them. The clap on the
shoulder said it all. Both skaters | 2:43:18 | 2:43:27 | |
dug deep, particularly Ted-Jan
Bloeman. What an amazing last lap. | 2:43:27 | 2:43:33 | |
It was a stunning last lap. It
needed to be. He wasn't in a great | 2:43:33 | 2:43:37 | |
position. Sverre Pedersen had
clearly gained an advantage with a | 2:43:37 | 2:43:41 | |
lap to go. Ted-Jan Bloeman chased
him down for all he was worth. | 2:43:41 | 2:43:53 | |
Having the inner lane, you have your
skater in front of you, you can | 2:43:53 | 2:43:56 | |
really try and dig deep. Coming
across the line, it is all about the | 2:43:56 | 2:44:00 | |
blade crossing the line. Ted-Jan
Bloeman was marginally in front. I | 2:44:00 | 2:44:09 | |
think that time is going into 1000th
of a second. So, Ted-Jan Bloeman is | 2:44:09 | 2:44:14 | |
the new leader. | 2:44:14 | 2:44:24 | |
the new leader. 2000th of a second
slower. Ted-Jan Bloeman in gold | 2:44:24 | 2:44:28 | |
medal position. All of that effort,
and Sverre Pedersen has been nudged | 2:44:28 | 2:44:31 | |
into second place. Barely by the
blink of an eye! Here comes Sven | 2:44:31 | 2:44:40 | |
Kramer. The one that the Dutch
nation will be sitting at home, | 2:44:40 | 2:44:46 | |
watching and listening to now. Just
to give you an indication as to how | 2:44:46 | 2:44:50 | |
great he is in the sport, a
three-time Olympic champion. He has | 2:44:50 | 2:44:55 | |
won this race the last two times it
has been held. And a record 19 gold | 2:44:55 | 2:45:03 | |
medals from the World Championships.
But Patrick Beckert has the chance | 2:45:03 | 2:45:07 | |
of a medal as well. A two-time world
bronze medallist in the 10,000 | 2:45:07 | 2:45:12 | |
metres. Seventh four years ago in
Sochi. | 2:45:12 | 2:45:18 | |
Can Kramer make it a hat-trick of
the men's 5000 Olympic titles? We do | 2:45:21 | 2:45:26 | |
not have long to find out. 12.5 laps
of the track. Kramer up and running. | 2:45:26 | 2:45:34 | |
One pairing to come after these two.
But on paper at least, I think we're | 2:45:34 | 2:45:41 | |
going to know who is one this
pairing. I would certainly say so, | 2:45:41 | 2:45:47 | |
the expression on Kramer 's face,
starting a little bit slower. But | 2:45:47 | 2:45:54 | |
you can see the power in this guy,
so technically good and so | 2:45:54 | 2:46:01 | |
efficient. So good at this event,
not the only event he's good at | 2:46:01 | 2:46:05 | |
about eight times world champion in
the 5000 metres. Kramer has a very | 2:46:05 | 2:46:12 | |
upright position, has a lot of
difficulty and a lot of injuries | 2:46:12 | 2:46:15 | |
with his lower back so he cannot sit
very deep. | 2:46:15 | 2:46:27 | |
very deep. He will come onto his own
later on in the race. In terms of | 2:46:27 | 2:46:33 | |
the scheduling, with the others
having gone is particularly the last | 2:46:33 | 2:46:37 | |
pairing, that gives an advantage to
these two. Kramer will know whether | 2:46:37 | 2:46:43 | |
he is in range of going ahead.
Absolutely, at the end you saw both | 2:46:43 | 2:46:51 | |
skaters accelerating towards the
end. Kramer will not be giving too | 2:46:51 | 2:46:59 | |
much initially because he will be
saving himself as well. Runs in the | 2:46:59 | 2:47:05 | |
family with him, Kramer, his father
with a speed | 2:47:05 | 2:47:14 | |
with a speed skater in 1980 and
1984. Beckert looking comfortable, a | 2:47:14 | 2:47:20 | |
World Cup silver and bronze in the
5000 metres in the winter events so | 2:47:20 | 2:47:27 | |
the form is good for the German.
Kramer is pacing himself to | 2:47:27 | 2:47:36 | |
perfection. So Kramer there, it's
almost as if he can see that blue | 2:47:36 | 2:47:45 | |
line which he can't, in reality, but
it's like he has it in his sights | 2:47:45 | 2:47:49 | |
and he's making sure that he has
just a couple of moments behind him. | 2:47:49 | 2:48:00 | |
Of course, he's such a good
technician. He knows he can skate | 2:48:00 | 2:48:05 | |
these 400 metres almost to
perfection with | 2:48:05 | 2:48:11 | |
perfection with milliseconds between
the laps. He is 1.62 seconds behind | 2:48:12 | 2:48:20 | |
the leader at the moment. So on the
ice at this moment in time, Kramer | 2:48:20 | 2:48:27 | |
has got the fifth fastest, and
Beckert has the eighth fastest but | 2:48:27 | 2:48:31 | |
that may well not be truly
representative of their ability | 2:48:31 | 2:48:35 | |
because they can be pacing
themselves. Certainly Kramer at this | 2:48:35 | 2:48:38 | |
point in time. Again, he's pulled it
back down, just over | 2:48:38 | 2:48:51 | |
back down, just over a second Baha'i
Ted-Jan Bloemen. -- behind him. This | 2:48:51 | 2:48:59 | |
is where it will really get
interesting, where it really begins | 2:48:59 | 2:49:02 | |
to hurt. It's almost like he's
waiting to explode in terms of his | 2:49:02 | 2:49:10 | |
speed, he's having to pace yourself
and at the same time, again, pulling | 2:49:10 | 2:49:14 | |
it back three tenths of a second
again. He is an absolute winner, 19 | 2:49:14 | 2:49:22 | |
titles, two silver medals and one
runs, he doesn't miss out. Two | 2:49:22 | 2:49:30 | |
coaches, one will indicate the
previous lap time and the other | 2:49:30 | 2:49:34 | |
coach will be telling him what he
needs to do. Kramer closing in on | 2:49:34 | 2:49:38 | |
the fastest time at the moment. Now
he is the fastest. For the first | 2:49:38 | 2:49:46 | |
time in the race, Sven Kramer is the
quickest with four laps to go. I | 2:49:46 | 2:49:53 | |
think the expression on the face
says it all. You can really see him | 2:49:53 | 2:49:57 | |
digging deep, sitting down, starting
to really get the speed, the maximum | 2:49:57 | 2:50:01 | |
out of the legs. There you can see
the gap in real time, the blue line | 2:50:01 | 2:50:08 | |
of the previous fastest time set by
Ted-Jan Bloemen. Already he's gained | 2:50:08 | 2:50:17 | |
a second on that last lap alone. So
he's really starting to open it up | 2:50:17 | 2:50:22 | |
now. And you saw the coach pointing
one finger down, indicating his one | 2:50:22 | 2:50:30 | |
schedule inside the second. -- he is
one second inside schedule. Not a | 2:50:30 | 2:50:37 | |
great race from Patrick Beckert from
Germany. All eyes on the Dutchman | 2:50:37 | 2:50:45 | |
now, two seconds quicker than the
previous fastest time but he's | 2:50:45 | 2:50:48 | |
skating. The sign | 2:50:48 | 2:50:54 | |
skating. The sign says, two seconds.
Skating towards the Olympics title | 2:50:55 | 2:50:57 | |
here. The all-time great Sven Kramer
of the Netherlands will take the | 2:50:57 | 2:51:01 | |
bell here, just over 400 to go in
his 5000 metre final and I don't | 2:51:01 | 2:51:09 | |
think that blue line will catch him.
Ted-Jan Bloemen had a fantastic last | 2:51:09 | 2:51:17 | |
lap so he has got to dig deep now.
He's got to go for it on the last | 2:51:17 | 2:51:21 | |
lap to make sure that he can take
the Olympic title for the third time | 2:51:21 | 2:51:26 | |
in a row. It was a tremendous last
lap sprint from Ted-Jan Bloemen. | 2:51:26 | 2:51:33 | |
Here is sent Kramer, and the Olympic
record has gone. He has beaten his | 2:51:33 | 2:51:48 | |
previous Olympic record time.
Beckert's time only good enough for | 2:51:48 | 2:51:51 | |
ninth place. But Sven Kramer was
really tested here. Because Bloemen | 2:51:51 | 2:51:58 | |
had taken his world record just
before the end of last year. But he | 2:51:58 | 2:52:03 | |
went away, he focused again and he
came back better than ever here. & | 2:52:03 | 2:52:09 | |
Kramer -- and Sven Kramer, an
Olympic record time, surely that | 2:52:09 | 2:52:17 | |
fourth Olympic gold medal is his
with only two more skaters to go on | 2:52:17 | 2:52:23 | |
the track. A superb bit of skating
by Kramer. He makes it look so easy. | 2:52:23 | 2:52:32 | |
Technically good, the eye line, just
watching the line where he needs to | 2:52:32 | 2:52:36 | |
be skating, looking at the coach,
getting the information. Crossing | 2:52:36 | 2:52:40 | |
the line, sticking his skate out. As
the blade crosses the line. We saw | 2:52:40 | 2:52:45 | |
him later, giving the thumbs up. One
pair to go, so we have to wait to | 2:52:45 | 2:52:50 | |
see whether it will indeed be worst
case, bronze medal. He looked | 2:52:50 | 2:52:58 | |
totally in control as he crossed the
line. Definitely coming he is just | 2:52:58 | 2:53:05 | |
telling the crowd to be a little bit
quiet for the remaining pair. | 2:53:05 | 2:53:12 | |
quiet for the remaining pair. Well,
Ted-Jan Bloemen will have two settle | 2:53:12 | 2:53:14 | |
for silver at best. Sverre Pedersen
will be a bit nervous. Nicola | 2:53:14 | 2:53:25 | |
Tumolero from | 2:53:25 | 2:53:31 | |
Tumolero from Italy and Moritz
Geisreiter still here. | 2:53:31 | 2:53:39 | |
Geisreiter still here. His best
result this season, Tumolero, second | 2:53:39 | 2:53:43 | |
in April in the World Cup meeting.
Moritz Geisreiter was a top-10 | 2:53:43 | 2:53:49 | |
finisher in Sochi over 5000 and
10,000 metres. Sixth ranking in the | 2:53:49 | 2:53:54 | |
World Cup overall this winter. | 2:53:54 | 2:54:00 | |
It would be a massive upset if
either of these two were to threaten | 2:54:00 | 2:54:05 | |
the time of Sven Kramer. But there's
the chance of a medal, certainly. | 2:54:05 | 2:54:12 | |
And they also have the advantage,
they know exactly what time they | 2:54:12 | 2:54:16 | |
need to do when you're going in the
final pair. A quick reminder, people | 2:54:16 | 2:54:22 | |
saying, if it seceded, surely these
would be the fastest? Defra crit if | 2:54:22 | 2:54:27 | |
it is seeded? -- if they are seeded?
They are seeded in a pool of six | 2:54:27 | 2:54:35 | |
athletes, in the pool you can be
won, to our three, and then it's | 2:54:35 | 2:54:40 | |
randomly decided. So Geisreiter
sixth in the world, and he happens | 2:54:40 | 2:54:46 | |
to have come out of the hat in a
final pairing. Absolutely. None of | 2:54:46 | 2:54:51 | |
the Dutch fans are leaving the
arena, just staying indoors to make | 2:54:51 | 2:54:55 | |
sure. You know it's chilly when the
warmest place you've been all day is | 2:54:55 | 2:55:03 | |
the ice rink! Tumolero and
Geisreiter the final competitors in | 2:55:03 | 2:55:10 | |
this 5000 metre race. Geisreiter in
the outer lane in the black and | 2:55:10 | 2:55:14 | |
white suit, Tumolero from Italy in
the inner lane. There is a line that | 2:55:14 | 2:55:21 | |
Kramer skated in the previous race.
Already behind. And Kramer didn't | 2:55:21 | 2:55:27 | |
look like he was going at full pelt
in the early laps. The interesting | 2:55:27 | 2:55:33 | |
thing is now, are either of the
skaters going for the bronze medal | 2:55:33 | 2:55:36 | |
because they have got a bigger
chance of winning a bronze medal, | 2:55:36 | 2:55:40 | |
than may be following the time of
Kramer and blowing up? I would have | 2:55:40 | 2:55:45 | |
to break the Olympics record to do
it. It is whether they think they | 2:55:45 | 2:55:51 | |
can do that. Geisreiter got third in
Salt Lake City this winter, can he | 2:55:51 | 2:55:57 | |
get that here? Will Tumolero, the
European champion, challenge Sverre | 2:55:57 | 2:56:04 | |
Lunde Pedersen of Norway or Ted-Jan
Bloemen for a medal position? Sven | 2:56:04 | 2:56:12 | |
Kramer has the time to beat.
Geisreiter's coach also from the | 2:56:12 | 2:56:22 | |
Netherlands, even though the
Netherlands keep reading these | 2:56:22 | 2:56:24 | |
golds, the coaches tend to go to
other countries to help them as | 2:56:24 | 2:56:28 | |
well. A bit of a debate in the
Netherlands about whether it's good | 2:56:28 | 2:56:32 | |
for the sport when the Dutch take
clean sweeps like they did in the | 2:56:32 | 2:56:37 | |
women's 3000 metres last night, a
similar discussion to the one in the | 2:56:37 | 2:56:44 | |
UK about British track cycling
dominating in the world cycling or | 2:56:44 | 2:56:47 | |
the Olympics, is it good for the
sport when one team sweeps the | 2:56:47 | 2:56:51 | |
board? Not really, it's always about
sport being there for everybody. | 2:56:51 | 2:57:00 | |
When one country dominates, and that
tends to happen far more in winter | 2:57:00 | 2:57:03 | |
sports because you have got those
conditions, you need them. | 2:57:03 | 2:57:10 | |
conditions, you need them. Sven
Kramer pity his skate away for | 2:57:10 | 2:57:12 | |
another day, they have done the job
today. It won't be a clean sweep for | 2:57:12 | 2:57:19 | |
the Dutch, looks at the moment like
it will be Netherlands, Canada and | 2:57:19 | 2:57:22 | |
Norway. Tumolero, one point 46
seconds outside the fastest time. | 2:57:22 | 2:57:34 | |
Sixth quickest. And Geisreiter
eighth fastest. He was 14th on this | 2:57:34 | 2:57:41 | |
track in the watch amateur blaster.
-- World Championships last year. | 2:57:41 | 2:57:48 | |
Their game plan is very much towards
the bronze position. That would make | 2:57:48 | 2:57:55 | |
sense given the previous hearings of
these two. Absolutely. Tumolero now | 2:57:55 | 2:58:00 | |
in sixth place. Picking the case up
there. There is Kramer, on the | 2:58:00 | 2:58:06 | |
stairs. Absolutely exhausted. | 2:58:06 | 2:58:15 | |
He look like you getting ready for
the medal ceremony, to be honest. He | 2:58:15 | 2:58:23 | |
knows he will be in it whatever
happens. Tumolero slowly closing in | 2:58:23 | 2:58:29 | |
on the top three. Fifth fastest now.
Next time over the line, three laps | 2:58:29 | 2:58:36 | |
to go so Tumolero will be hoping
that he had timed his efforts to | 2:58:36 | 2:58:44 | |
perfection. As close to the
threshold as he can go off still | 2:58:44 | 2:58:47 | |
having a little bit left at the end
for a fast finish. | 2:58:47 | 2:58:56 | |
Geisreiter down in tents, five
seconds behind. Kramer just seemed | 2:58:57 | 2:59:03 | |
to go faster and faster. Tumolero
moving from the outside, really | 2:59:03 | 2:59:09 | |
grimacing on the inner tracks,
trying to raise his game. This | 2:59:09 | 2:59:14 | |
bronze medal is within his grasp.
So, Tumolero coming up with two laps | 2:59:14 | 2:59:20 | |
to go. Are they two laps that will
carry him to a medal? He's got an | 2:59:20 | 2:59:29 | |
awful lot to do. Not making any
inroads at the moment. It looked as | 2:59:29 | 2:59:33 | |
though he was for several laps and
now the last couple of laps, he's | 2:59:33 | 2:59:36 | |
got stuck in fifth place. At the
moment he's finding it impossible to | 2:59:36 | 2:59:40 | |
advanced. But we have seen big blast
laps today. He comes round to take | 2:59:40 | 2:59:50 | |
the bell. It's slipping away, down
to six now, five seconds back. Not a | 2:59:50 | 2:59:59 | |
great 5000 metres for Germany. And
the Dutch know that they've done it | 2:59:59 | 3:00:06 | |
and Sven Kramer knows that he's done
it and that glittering, glorious | 3:00:06 | 3:00:10 | |
career goes on and on. The Olympic
title is his and it will be | 3:00:10 | 3:00:15 | |
confirmed very, very shortly. Here
comes Nicola Tumolero from Italy | 3:00:15 | 3:00:22 | |
after the finishing line. He crosses
the line eighth fastest, Geisreiter | 3:00:22 | 3:00:27 | |
12. And for the fourth time, in his
career, Sven Kramer is analytic | 3:00:27 | 3:00:35 | |
champion. -- Olympic champion. | 3:00:35 | 3:00:39 | |
For the third time in a row, he wins
the 5000 metres in the long track | 3:00:46 | 3:00:53 | |
speed skating at the Olympic Games.
What a career that shows no sign of | 3:00:53 | 3:00:58 | |
slowing down, whatsoever! We are
watching one of the true greats | 3:00:58 | 3:01:01 | |
here. We certainly are. Nicola
Turnolero finishing his last lap, | 3:01:01 | 3:01:08 | |
perhaps even his last Olympic Games.
But the Dutch here, standing on | 3:01:08 | 3:01:12 | |
their feet. In Orange, their scarves
and flags waving all around the | 3:01:12 | 3:01:17 | |
arena. | 3:01:17 | 3:01:22 | |
arena. It was masterful stuff from
31-year-old Kramer. He would have | 3:01:24 | 3:01:28 | |
felt the pressure. Ted-Jan Bloeman
threw down the gauntlet in this | 3:01:28 | 3:01:34 | |
season. He looked forward to
challenging his authority. He took | 3:01:34 | 3:01:39 | |
the world record. Ted-Jan Bloeman is
still the world record holder. When | 3:01:39 | 3:01:42 | |
it came to the championship and the
race that mattered, there was just | 3:01:42 | 3:01:46 | |
one winner and he won with room to
spare. The celebrations can start | 3:01:46 | 3:01:55 | |
now for Sven Kramer. His girlfriend,
namely, winning two-time Olympic | 3:01:55 | 3:02:01 | |
gold at the hockey in the summer
Olympics. What will Ted-Jan Bloeman | 3:02:01 | 3:02:07 | |
make of this? A late Bloomer given a
late opportunity having moved from | 3:02:07 | 3:02:11 | |
the Netherlands to Canada? | 3:02:11 | 3:02:16 | |
the Netherlands to Canada? In the
Netherlands, you wouldn't even have | 3:02:17 | 3:02:19 | |
won because the standard is so high.
Not even able to take part here. | 3:02:19 | 3:02:24 | |
Given the performances of the top
two... No wonder Sverre Pedersen | 3:02:24 | 3:02:32 | |
looks so happy with his medal! It is
a race where Norway have excelled | 3:02:32 | 3:02:36 | |
over the years. There was one man
above all the others, who excelled | 3:02:36 | 3:02:42 | |
today. It is his eighth Olympic
medal, four golds to go with two | 3:02:42 | 3:02:50 | |
silver and two bronze. Confirmation
of the result. Sven Kramer for the | 3:02:50 | 3:02:57 | |
third time in a row is the Olympic
champion, and he got a new Olympic | 3:02:57 | 3:03:03 | |
record in doing so. Sverre Pedersen
have Norway taking | 3:03:03 | 3:03:11 | |
the bronze. Incredible, a hat-trick
of golds in the 5000 metres. As you | 3:03:11 | 3:03:16 | |
can see behind me, Knight is
beginning to fall here in | 3:03:16 | 3:03:21 | |
Pyeongchang, the temperature is
absolutely plummeting. But there is | 3:03:21 | 3:03:25 | |
still a lot of sport to come on day
two of the Winter Olympics. It is | 3:03:25 | 3:03:29 | |
time to leave the frozen balcony and
head into the warmth with the lovely | 3:03:29 | 3:03:32 | |
Clare Balding to take you through
the rest of the day. From me, | 3:03:32 | 3:03:36 | |
goodbye for now! | 3:03:36 | 3:03:41 | |
Bless, get inside and have a warm
cup of tea and enjoy the sport that | 3:03:41 | 3:03:44 | |
will take us through the evening.
For those who love the Winter | 3:03:44 | 3:03:49 | |
Olympics, it is fantastic. You can
watch it end to end. Ski jumping | 3:03:49 | 3:03:54 | |
didn't finish until quarter past
midnight last night. There is mass | 3:03:54 | 3:03:57 | |
is going on. This is throwing
everything at us. | 3:03:57 | 3:04:05 | |
everything at us. Clear the decks,
sit down and watch this... Charlotte | 3:04:07 | 3:04:12 | |
Kalla becomes the skiathlon Winter
Olympic champion! The defending | 3:04:12 | 3:04:19 | |
champion is in a wonderful position
now. Is the Olympic spirit, what | 3:04:19 | 3:04:26 | |
it's all about. A magnificent skate!
Laura Dahlmeier has taken the first | 3:04:26 | 3:04:35 | |
gold! In the biathlon. Jamie! The
disappointment there. The hosts have | 3:04:35 | 3:04:47 | |
struck gold! Thompson has gone as
well. | 3:04:47 | 3:04:51 |