03/04/2017 Channel Islands News


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A dramatic increase in the number of teenagers taking


Technically they are committing an offence but it is around the fact


that an image probably never really goes away.


Union workers may consider strike action over controversial pension


Jersey Reds make history, securing a place in the British


and Irish Cup final for the first time.


And this is what we have to look forward to by the middle of the


week, a big area of high pressure, some rain before that though. More


details later. It's not only illegal


but also very dangerous - that's the warning to young people


by Jersey Police who've seen a rise The number of under-16s taking


and sharing indecent images of themselves has more than tripled


since last year. The act has also been


linked to self-harm. Emma Chambers has this


exclusive report. The digital age we live


in has changed the way The increasing number of online


social apps is making it easier than ever before to chat,


flirt or send naked images It's illegal for under-16s


and a growing concern for Jersey Police, who have seen


cases rise from one But that figure has


dramatically increased to 17 It appears now that young people,


and there are many many cases of it and it's under reported as well,


there's absolutely no doubt about that, will send an indecent


image of themselves and we just really need to get the message


across that, one, technically they are committing an offence but,


two, it's around the fact that that image will probably


never really go away. And it seems the drive among


teenagers to have a huge online following increases the risk that


that private picture will not only go viral but end


up in the wrong hands. Taking Instagram for example,


it's not uncommon for us to see a young person of 12 or 13


with 50,000 followers. Young people have to be aware really


of who they are talking too and quite often they are not,


which is a real concern for us. How severe has some of the cases got


when it comes to young people It can have absolutely


devastating consequences. There are cases where there's been


some significant self-harm and even in the worse case scenarios suicide


as a result of people That's quite serious then and quite


alarming to think that young people are finding themselves


in these situations. It's absolutely frightening


and that's why the advice we are giving is in the main please


please do not do it. Although it is illegal,


Jersey Police say they have taken the view that it is not


in the public interest to criminalise under-16s


caught sexting. But they fear it will be a growing


problem, as more online social Well, earlier I spoke to Sarah Grey


from the charity Love Matters, which advises schoolchildren


on the topic of sexting, and asked It is primarily a secondary school


age people and I would say it is usually from the age of 12, 13, our


main age group that we see because we are trying to get in there before


this starts happening, to equip them to respond when it does. What advice


would you get? We would say think before you sent and remember what


you send or share can become public or permanent so if you wouldn't want


to print it and show it to everybody, perhaps it is something


you shouldn't be sharing online. Also it is about all of us playing


responsible Internet users so if you see something online think about how


you would feel if it is year and if you would not like it shared around


then think before you share it. What message for parents? I think it is


about using moments such as these, having these conversations, opening


dialogue with young people and making sure you have a culture of


open communication at home so you can communicate and have


conversations with young people about issues such as this. Ask them


what they think about it and why they think people do it and how they


think people can make positive choices.


And we'll have more from Emma Chambers' exclusive report tomorrow,


looking at the further implications and impact of sexting.


A 59-year-old woman was rescued by helicopter at the weekend


after falling 200 feet down cliffs in Jersey.


The woman escaped with relatively minor injuries, and is now


She was at Grosnez cliffs when she fell down onto the rocks.


A 48 -year-old man has been remanded in custody on charges related


to a burglary in Grouville last week.


Matthew John Higham is accused of four offences which happened


while the residents of the house slept upstairs.


He's also accused of stealing a phone from the Airtel


The case has been referred to the Royal Court.


The leader of Britain's biggest trade union says strike action may


be necessary in Guernsey, as a dispute continues over changes


Len McCluskey is visiting the Channel Islands


as he seeks re-election as General Secretary of Unite.


Legal proceedings are due to re-commence next month over


Thousands of people protesting on the streets


of Guernsey over controversial plans to cut their pension benefits.


After some negotiations the majority of unions accepted the terms


and their members were moved from a final salary to a career


average pension scheme, and that was that.


In the room behind me the leader of Britain's biggest trade union


Len Mcluskey says his union didn't accept the terms and that strike


Once the meeting was over some Unite members


told me what they hope will be achieved.


You hope that people can get round the negotiation table but at the


moment is is a legal issue. The states can alter their contracts


without agreements and you can't do that the other way round.


Unite's leader says he doesn't understand the States


It is annoying to me and it puzzles me why many of the workers' writes


that covered UK workers or the rest of Europe are not applicable here in


Guernsey. Does the Chief Minister think that Guernsey workers are


worth less? Legal proceedings are due


to re-commence next The States of Guernsey say it


would be inappropriate to comment In rugby, Jersey Reds have made


history again as they booked a place in the British and Irish Cup final


in Cork at the end of the month. The Reds won 25-17 against


Championship leaders London Irish. Our reporter Julie Flanagan


has the details of what Jersey arrived at the imposing


24,000 seater Madejski Stadium But on this huge occasion


for the club they didn't appear daunted by the ground


or the opponents as Jordan Davies' try helped the Reds


to a 10-7 lead by half time. Still much work to do though


despite Nick Haining's score, as Irish edged back ahead


going into the closing stages. With the chance to play


for silverware on the line, and desperate to avoid a semifinal


defeat for the second season in a row, Jersey


rose to the challenge. Nick Selway's late try


and Callum Sheedy's composure with the boot saw the islanders


25-17 ahead and the The confidence from last week


in just knowing we could get ourselves over the line carried


through today I think because, as you know, in semifinals


and knock-out rugby, it doesn't matter if you win by one


point or ten points, Now Harvey Biljon's side will be


away at Munster in less than three weeks' time for a final


and the chance to make I am asking for all the fans, the


first time we've ever done it, I am immensely proud of the team and the


preparation, it has been fantastic. So the Reds go marching


on as their brilliant season Menawhile in Netball,


Jersey's Team Jets have been They lost 42-24 away


to Premier Romans in their final game of the season to sink


to the bottom of the table. I made the most of the sunny


weekend, patio pressure washed David, do you have good news


for for the Easter holidays? Just one day where it is not too


great, a lot of cloud, could be a bit misty, a few spots of light rain


or drizzle, but the main theme is of brightening up and fine dry weather


and for the next few days we see high pressure coming. Early showers


tomorrow and cloud for much of the day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


are dry and bright. Several weather systems overnight tonight, the first


of which will give us a few splashes of rain, and around during the day


tomorrow. Once they move away tomorrow, high-pressure comes in. If


we were really picky, we could say it could be a little warmer.


Overnight tonight, outbreaks of light intermittent rain, 8-9 the


minimum temperature. It may brighten briefly tomorrow but a second


weather system will introduce showers and perhaps more persistent


rain stop it could be around for a good part of the day, misty


conditions first thing. There are the times of high water. Quite big


waves, winds coming from the north-west will develop quite a


swell. Coastal waters forecast has the wind from the Northwest or North


becoming north-easterly in the second part of the day. A small risk


of some fog patches. By Wednesday, high-pressure unsettled weather. We


will struggle with how much sunshine we see on Thursday and Friday. A lot


of cloud but I think it will break up.


Before we go, a reminder of our top story in


Jersey police have seen a rise in reports of under 16 is taking and


sharing indecent images of themselves, it has more than tripled


in the past year. And if you have a story to share


with us, do get in touch. E-mail us at [email protected]


or drop us a line on Until then, from me and the rest


of the Channel Islands team, for people and pets is having


to rebuild its business online, after hackers


disrupted its website. I started my working life in a bank


and I never envisaged painting This company's stock


and trade is pretty offbeat, but it is a business just


like any other. It's prone to the same risks


and victim to the same setbacks, including interference


with its website. Just on the screen was coming up


a red circle with a line on it It has been quite stressful


because obviously I have got to start at the bottom again now,


so that means recreating a new website, recreating samples


to go onto the website. This small company making


personalised coffins is not on the high street like some


retailers, so its website is its shop window, the gateway


to business further afield from beyond its small


premises in Bodmin. The original website,


we had enquiries from all over England and they were shipped up,


coffins were taken up by the courier, but now


it's been taken down, it has made quite an


impact on the business. The business is being


relaunched with a new website Sue says she plans to monitor


the page more closely. I can only do as much


as I can to safeguard. We're actually putting


it together ourselves, so we will be in control more and be


able to back up and keep our own files, so it


will be our responsibility. While it is not known how much


trade was lost thorugh the interference with the web page,


Sue is just hoping that her new site will be less of a target for hackers


wherever they are in the world. Now a roundup of other stories


making the news in the South West. Secretly found kicking hitting and


stamping on a cow. Owen Nichol told the court he was absolutely


disgusted with himself. Devon and Cornwall Police have


welcomed a change in the law which means as from today,


online grooming is Police can now arrest


anyone who sends a sexual Over the last five years,


in the South West there's been a 144% rise in incidents of abusers


meeting children Dorset Police says it's one


of the busiest forces in the country when it comes to dealing


with incidents involving drones. Last year, there were 155 cases


in Dorset, the sixth highest There were 110 incidents


in Devon and Cornwall, but just six reported


in Avon and Somerset. It's time for the sport now


and there was plenty for football fans to get their teeth


into this weekend. Yes, we're at the stage


of the season where it's Exeter City have done


themselves the world of good Plymouth Argyle were


beaten and missed out I'm rubbish at maths,


but Andy Birkett is not bad with a calculator,


so it's over to him to see where things stand with six


games left to play. I think my old maths


teacher might disagree. It's never straightforward, is it,


being a football fan? And I get the feeling


there are going to be plenty of nervous moments


still to come this season. The odds of promotion to League One


are still well and truly in Plymouth Argyle's favour,


despite this latest defeat against Accrington


and it was another goal from a set The odds of a comeback


weren't so good. This season, the Pilgrims have only


won twice after conceding the first goal, although Anthony Sarcevic went


close to a first half equaliser. Sadly it was the same


story in the second half with the Accy keeper


going above and beyond So where does that


defeat leave them? The manager Derek Adams


thinks their chances of winning the league are now over,


but they're still in Despite a fourth defeat


in their last six games at Home Park, they're still ten


points clear of the play-off places So even if the chasing pack won


all of their matches, three more wins for Argyle would be


enough to guarantee League One It was another late show,


this time against one of their near rivals Mansfield,


which saw them take Trailing with a little


over five minutes left, neat play on the edge of the box


ended with Ryan Harley And then in the seventh


minute of added time, Reuben Reid was bundled over


for a penalty. The striker has developed a handy


knack of scoring late goals recently It's incredible to think City


were bottom of the football league Now they're in sixth and automatic


promotion is still a possibility, but the play-offs looks


to be their most likely Ten points separate ten teams


all with promotion aspirations. What I do know is if they keep


doing what they're doing, In the National League,


relegation worries still haunt Torquay United after another


defeat at Plainmoor. The Gulls had Myles Anderson sent


off in the first half, but held on until the last ten


minutes to concede The defeat sees them slip


back into the drop zone. I'd like to end on a high,


but unfortunately the Cornwall under-18s came up just short


in the FA Youth Cup After going a goal behind early on,


the highlight for the Cornish boys Unfortunately Middlesex hit


back again to win 2-1. A quiet weekend for most


of our rugby teams with no games for Exeter and the Cornish Pirates,


but well done to Jersey, who, as I'm sure viewers,


in the Channel Islands have already seen, have made it to the final


of the British and Irish Cup. They beat London Irish


yesterday and will now meet Plymouth Albion had


a good weekend too - they made it ten wins on the trot


when they beat bottom Congratulations to Devon's


Heather Fell, the former Olympic Modern Pentathlon Silver


medallist who has just taken part in an Ironman


Challenge in South Africa. She completed the 2.5 mile swim,


112 mile bike ride and the marathon run in ten hours 46 minutes


which was under her target time. And she was still


standing at the end! A sailor from Devon has been named


as one of the 12 skippers taking part in the round the world Clipper


Race. Rick Powell, along with 700 others,


will embark on the challenge - thought to be the toughest ocean


race - in August. He's taken time out from his


preparations to join us Lovely to see you. Are you excited?


Very excited. Is it something you have always wanted to do? It is. It


has sowed a seed something I would like to do. Sailing the oceans, it


is just fantastic, mother nature at her best. You will be away from home


for a long time. The whole trip is 11 months. My family are with me,


they will meet me on stop overs. Are they coming to the really glamorous


ones? I bet they are, Sydney and Cape Town. The ones we know where we


are stopping our Cape Town, Sydney, we will go up to China, across to


Seattle and then on through the Panama Canal, down to these coast of


America and then on to Londonderry. You have huge responsibility as a


skipper because it can be very dangerous. There is a huge


responsibility. It is something I do know but I have been heavily


involved in the training of this year's crew and I firmly believe


that the four weeks of intensive training is more than adequate. A


lot of them are not sailors. Some of them have done no sailing, but


everyone does the four weeks intensive training. It will be scary


in places. Yes, it can be but we are trained for it. What we want to hear


it is it will start down here. At the moment they start has not been


announced but it would be nice to be down here. Thank you. You are hard


in training but thank you for coming to see us. Good luck with


everything. The story of a Second World War land


girl whose life became an enduring tale of love has been turned


into a stage play. It played to a packed house


on Exmoor and it's been created by a Somerset man who's no stranger


to writing - he scripted 600 episodes of BBC


Radio 4's The Archers. Now 92, Elizabeth Henderson


still lives on the Cotswold farm where she fell in love with farming


and her husband-to-be. That her life has become a stage


play is, she says, rather nice. Oh, yes, on the whole it's


a plus rather than a minus. No Final Life played to a packed


house in Exmoor in Somerset. It is set towards the end


of the Second World War when an 18-year-old Somerset girl


wrote to a rather famous Oxfordshire You see, George Henderson


wasn't just a farmer, he was an author and his book on how


to work the land became iconic. It was after reading that book that


Exmoor farmer and one-time producer of Radio 4's The Archers decided


to take Elizabeth's It is a brilliant story


because she left school, all she wanted to do was to be


a farmer and that is why It was that period at the end


of the war and the year or two after the war when there was a great


sense of idealism and we were going to make Britain


better and the countryside And Elizabeth's story will play


to theatres across the West It's time for the weather forecast


and, David, it was a nice weekend. Will it continue? I think so. We


just have one day to get rid of and that is first thing tomorrow.


Glorious sunshine today. Breezy along the south coast. For the week


ahead, it looks promising. A bit of rain tonight and first thing


tomorrow. But after that, dry and bright but cool over the night-time.


The Knights could be on the cold side. Two weather front is coming


tonight. They combine to form one line of cloud and that will travel


across southern England. Once it gets to the other side of us, this


area of high pressure takes charge. Slow to come in tomorrow but by


Wednesday it is across the western part of Britain and that is where it


for stay. It lasts all the way through to the end of the week,


keeping us dry. You can see where the cloud has been coming in today.


The juices a few spots of rain now. The whole lot will continue its


journey eastwards but before that has arrived, earlier today we had


some sunshine and find weather. This is Cornwall where there was some


blue sky and most conditions today. The breeze has picked up a little


bit. The famous clock tower that was badly affected by our storms and


some very quiet conditions. It is going to look different tomorrow.


More cloud around why the end of the night to night. Patchy bits of rain


here and there, some hill fog and a great start compelled to the last


couple of days. Temperatures not much lower than eight or 9 degrees.


Tomorrow we have some of that rain early in the day. Last to clear our


parts of Dorset and East Somerset, but further west we should get some


sunshine. It is slightly colder air, so don't expect the sort of


temperatures we been used to. Our top temperature of 12 or 13 for most


of us. A few places might get up to 14 or 15. The Isles of Scilly


becoming drier, some sunshine. A brisk northerly wind. That should


ease by Wednesday. And some big waves for our surfers. The north


coast will be rather messy. Reasonable ways and clean on the


south. There is the coastal waters forecast. The winds from the North,


occasionally six in the far west. The drizzle clearing them fair and


good visibility and it is good for the rest of this week. Just the


cloud will be tricky to get right. Lovely weather on Wednesday,


temperatures could do with being a bit higher. Have a good evening. Not


looking too bad for the start of the Easter holiday. Welcome to the


south-west if you have just come here for holiday. We are back at


10:30pm tonight. Good night.


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