24/01/2017 East Midlands Today


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And now the news for the East Midlands.


The ruling by the Supreme Court that Parliament should have a say


on triggering our exit from the European Union has been


welcomed by Conservative MPs Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke.


Mr Clarke, the Rushcliffe MP, said he didn't know why


the Government had bothered to pursue the case


And a wise judgment, which protects Parliamentary sovereignty -


that's the MP for Broxtowe's verdict.


Here's our political editor Tony Roe.


When the decision came from the Supreme Court,


Quick to react in the TV studios was Ken Clarke,


his Rushcliffe constituency was one of only two areas in the


East Midlands to vote remain in the EU referendum.


Well, it does restore parliamentary democracy.


I don't know why the Government has been


bothering to resist it, because they are going to win


What they're trying to do is minimise discussion.


Mr Clarke voting against Article 50 when the vote now comes.


Perhaps the only Tory to take that route.


The next row on the horizon is over MPs getting a chance


to debate the issues which will be negotiated over -


leaving the single market, leaving the customs union


and ending free movement of EU workers.


We've moved and abandoned that without even a debate in Parliament.


I think we should debate these things.


Parliament should be debating these things on


That's what we need to do now and have that vote on Article 50,


which we now will have by way of legislation.


Whatever politicians decide or even have a say on will


Businesses are desperately trying to plan for a number of


I was working with businesses only this morning in Derby,


talking about the different potential scenarios that they might


The good news is that they are in a strong position,


However, delay after delay, when it comes to really setting


out the kind of deal that we are going to


Brexit, isn't something that helpful.


John Mann, the Bassetlaw Labour MP, who was in favour of


leaving the EU, says the Supreme Court has been very


clear, so the Government must get on with it and put


The daughter of a couple from Leicester, who were shot


in a terrorist attack in Tunisia, has told an inquest they were


preparing to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.


Ray and Angela Fisher were among 38 people killed at a resort in 2015


Today, their daughter Donna Bradley told an inquest


in London that her parents wanted to relax in Tunisia


She said after the attack they will never be forgotten,


A Malaysian airline has denied any connection with the corruption


allegations surrounding Derby-based aero-engine maker Rolls Royce.


Last week, the company paid out a record ?670 million,


to settle a court case brought against them by the


It follows allegations they paid millions of dollars


The Malaysian based airline AirAsia has now denied any


Next, there's mounting anger over a decision to move stroke


rehabilitation services out of Nottingham City Hospital


Nottingham MP's have written to the Health Secretary demanding


answers, the Stroke Association says it has concerns and leading stroke


campaigner fears lives could be put at risk by the changes.


Our health Ccrrespondent is in the newsroom.


Rob Sissons, what is the thinking behind this change?


The commissioners, who control the local purse


strings, say they can deliver more high quality


rehabilitation in people's homes as they recover from a stroke.


At the moment, much of the physiotherapy


for Nottinghamshire patients is delivered in


I understand staff there are upset and confused


And are stroke Campaigners are unhappy too?


Yes, they say the devil is in the detail, which they insist


The Stroke Association is worried the care won't be as good.


Now Ossie Newall at the Park in Nottingahm is a stroke survivor.


He does daily exercises in the kitchen where he had his


This is a cost-driven exercise and it's got nothing


And I also feel it is a possibility that peoples' lives would


be put at risk because of where we're going in this.


I think this has been handled very, very badly.


Now Nottingham MP Graham Allen has been collecting comments from NHS


One says, "This is purely about saving money and not quality


Another, "It all sounds highly unsatisfactory."


Nottinghamshire Health Care Trust, which has been awarded


the ?1.5 million contract to provide the rehabilitation


stresses from April, insists it will be high quality it


will maximise independence and points out patients often


engage with therapy better in their own home.


No-one from the NHS organisations involved have been


A man has been charged with criminal damage,


after an East Midlands ambulance was vandalised in Leicester.


The vehicle's windscreen was smashed last week in the Highfields area.


24-year-old Josh Thacker, who lives on Conduit Street,


The Government has ruled that HS2 can't buy land which isn't needed


for the construction of the high speed rail line.


The move could make it more difficult for homeowners


on one side of New Tythe Street in Long Eaton to receive


That's despite some of them living just 40 metres from a proposed


new viaduct which will carry the high speed trains.


Their neighbours opposite whose homes are to be demolished


The parents of a young boy from Leicestershire with a severe


and progressive muscle-wasting disease have pledged to raise


Emma and Alex Hallam set up the charity Alex's Wish,


after their son was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.


I'm Alex and I'm in my year six class and


we're doing maths, which is my favourite lesson.


Alex is a happy and popular ten-year-old.


He was diagnosed with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy


when he was four, a genetic disorder which mainly affects boys.


Gradually, it will rob his muscles of their strength.


It's, like, kind of annoying, because I can't run very fast.


And then I can't really carry as much stuff,


because I'm not as strong and it's just more difficult than it is with


There is no easy and certain living with Duchenne's.


It's life limiting, there is no cure.


As the condition takes hold, the more things


Alex won't be able to do


Little deaths that you won't be able to have the ability to used to


Then you will be able to have the ability to use your arms.


So, it's just a nonstop, constant decline.


So, Alex's parents have set up the charity Alex's Wish.


They've pledged to raise ?1 million by 2020


What were looking at doing at the moment is making


Duchenne a much more manageable condition.


To enable our boys to walk longer, to live more healthily


for as long as possible, to ultimately buy time for that cure.


A quick correction to our roles Royce story, that big fine is being


There are still a couple of areas where there is a bit of fork


There are still a couple of areas where there is a bit of fork around.


Temperatures are OK. Up at around five or 6 degrees are serious. Going


through to tonight, will expect to see some of the fog building back


into the picture again. Particularly over the southern parts. The further


north and west you are, not quite as many. Temperatures round at


freezing. Cold enough for the Met office to issue a couple of


warnings. The yellow one for a fog. The second one for ice. Both of


those lead to tricky driving conditions. That could affect your


rush hour drive tomorrow morning. Keep across your local BBC radio


stations for the latest on that. It largely dull and cloudy day. A


little bit of greatness. Dull and overcast, temperatures at five


Celsius. Mickey most of that, because look at Thursday and then


you are factoring in the wind chill and will feel like minus four


That's all from us on the lunchtime team.


Catch us at 6:30pm this evening for our next update.


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