25/01/2017 East Midlands Today


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And Theresa May has said she will publish her


A taxi driver from Leicester who told a man with a guide dog


it was against his religion to let the animal in his car has been


44-year-old Abandi Kassim, a Muslim, was filmed refusing to let the guide


Kassim today admitted breaking the law by refusing


He was fined ?470 at Leicester Magistrates' Court.


The whole incident was filmed on a camera phone when it happened.


Magistrates told Kassim he had a duty to carry the assistance dog


when its owner Charles Bloch asked him to and he should have


Only drivers with an approved medical exemption are allowed


After the court case, our reporter, Simon Ward,


What have you got to say? I apologise to him. I didn't get a


chance to apologise to him. I didn't get a chance to tell him I wasn't


trained because there was attacked. You said it was because of your


Muslim religion. I was confused because I was scared of the dog. I


didn't know the difference between a normal dog and a guide dog. But it's


your duty as a taxi driver to comply with the law and to be aware of


this. It was a mistake. I made a mistake but for me it was out of a


lack of training. Parents are holding a protest


outside Derby City Council house this lunchtime against the ongoing


dispute between school support staff Teaching assistants have been


striking in recent months over changes to their contracts,


which has led to some losing Our reporter, Navtej Johal,


has sent us this report. This dispute has been rumbling on


fire over a year. But over the last few months will support staff have


been showing their frustration by increasingly going on strike. The


impact the strikes have had has been felt by parents and children. Many


of them unexpected here later this afternoon to demand an end to the


dispute. I've been speaking to one of them, Jemma Walker, whose son


George has won syndrome and is has only attended four full days of


school so far this month as a result of the strikes. Then we'll hear from


the council about how it feels this issue can be resolved. Who could


take a 25% pay cut? The focus now needs to be on the children and they


need to resolve it one way or another. It is getting to a point


where it isn't fair. It's not fair any more. It's been going on so long


and the only way we're going to end this dispute it by calling of the


strikes. Continuing industrial action is not the answer. The answer


is to come back to the table and set down and talk to us to understand


the financial constraints we are under as an authority and sit with


us and work with us on a school by school basis to find a solution that


works. We will have more on this story tonight at 6:30pm.


A 90-year-old man has gone on trial accused of historical sex


crimes at an approved school in Nottinghamshire.


Dennis Young denies committing a string of offences


against a boy he was teaching at Skegby Hall near Mansfield.


Nottingham Crown Court's been told that it began


almost sixty years ago, when the pupil was ten years old.


The prosecution case is expected to unfold this afternoon.


A mother has been speaking for the first time about the loss


of her son, who was fatally stabbed by his girlfriend in


Emma Jayne-Magson was jailed for life for murdering James Knight.


Now, his mother, Trish, says she's determined that some good


In the early hours of Easter Sunday last March neighbours


on Sylvan Street in Leicester were woken by a drunken


It ended with 26-year-old James Knight being stabbed


His girlfriend, Emma Jane-Magson, claimed he'd been fighting


with bouncers, but she murdered him with a steak knife and then over


half an hour later calmly phoned the emergency services.


My boyfriend is here and he is making weird noises.


James, I've got the ambulance on the phone.


Please just turn around so I know what's up with you.


That call still haunts James' mother.


They said in court that you can hear James' last breaths on that phone


She doesn't mention that he's been stabbed.


The paramedic says there will be a delay and she just says,


It might take a while so I do apologise.


Trish is determined that James, who had two young


daughters from a previous relationship, isn't forgotten.


She is in the Leicester anti-knife project and along with family


and friends is helping put on a football tournament next


month to raise money for a cause dear to them.


We want to do something good in his name and we've gone


James himself was born prematurely and was cared for by the unit.


His mother says her son's death is like a dream she just


wants to wake up from, but one that will never end.


His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales,


Prince Charles has been making various stops through the city


and county and even found time for a spot of shopping.


He will conclude his trip at the Mountsorrel Railway shortly.


Alex Howick has a round-up of his morning so far.


The glimpse for the Royal patron into how is charity is changing


lives. His Royal Highness began his visit at the city of Leicester


College to meet young people taking part in the Princes trust programmes


helping them to get on in education. A little later accompanied by the


city mayor and MP Liz Kendall Prince Charles came to West code library on


another road. It was named the most multicultural street in the UK last


year. There he was told how people use the library as a hub for the


community and was presented with a hamper from shopkeepers along the


street which houses 23 different nationalities. Finally Prince


Charles will visit the restored Mount sorrow really in Heritage


Centre after a morning meeting the children his charity has helped


inspire. Time for the weather.


Here's Charlie. Good afternoon. A pleasant afternoon


as well and a good deal of blue sky and sunshine around. This area of


cloud is slowly making its way from the South so as we go through the


afternoon it will gradually start to cloud over. The further north and


west you are the longer you hang on to the blue sky. Temperatures


getting up to around 6 degrees. That still feels chilly but this time


tomorrow you will look back to those halcyon days of 6 degrees with


fondness. First of all tonight, it will be cold. Not so much fog around


the night but the temperatures really chilly. Add in the


countryside possibly as low as minus four. Thursday a generally dry but


cloudy day but a bitterly cold day. A chilly north-easterly wind so your


temperatures are around freezing or one Celsius. This wind coming of the


continent which is very cold at this time of year. As the daytime comes


tomorrow it will feel -4 -5 so freezing cold day on Thursday and


temperatures down at around -4 minus five.


Join Anne and Dominic for East Midlands Today at 6.30pm.


Should've seen Hillary's face. She was stood there with Bill.


Because she's going to an event to celebrate


a job that she didn't get and the person closest to her, to reassure


her, to tell her it's going to be OK,


is a person who's already had that job.


Yeah. She must be thinking, "Where can I go?"


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