27/01/2017 East Midlands Today


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And now the news for the East Midlands, I'm Sarah Teale.


Patients in Nottingham say they're worried about plans


to close their specialist pain clinic under plans to move more


Gilly Hagen from Blidworth, who's been using the Nottingham


clinic since being injured in a car crash 20 years ago,


She has to have an injection in her neck every three to four months.


Nottingham's hospitals say the change to home-based treatment


is about delivering value for money but Gilly believes it


They have to do it under x-ray because it


That's not just that, it needs to be in a


sterile environment, you need qualified staff.


How could you set up a mini-theatre in the home?


We have heard from patients who are not happy about these


Let us talk to a doctor from the clinical


This is what we do, we try and improve


services to make sure we are getting the best value for our patient


All these services that we have reviewed, of which pain is


just one of them, we want to look at how can we improve the quality of


care, and also for the best price for taxpayers.


But patients we have spoken to are worried.


They feel this is about money, they feel the


service will be worse in the community, not better.


I can't deny that money is part of this.


It is part of our job to make sure we get


the best value for our taxpayers but at the same time we need to be


looking to improve the quality where we can


and our intention is not to


The service in the community is aiming to be


But if you are saving money can it really be the same quality?


I can tell you now that there are pain services in


different areas in the community with exceptionally good outcomes,


We are just looking to try and replicate


the same quality of care for all of our patients


A woman's been found guilty of the manslaughter of her


seven-month-old niece in Leicestershire.


Leicester Crown Court heard Chaunfang Zheng violently shook


Phoebe Guo to stop her crying, leaving her with a


It happened while she was babysitting the infant at her flat


The 31-year-old will be sentenced next month.


A couple from Derby say they've lost everything after their house


Peter Fletcher and his partner Clair had been living in Italy


for the past two years and were trapped inside their home


during the recent heavy snow and earthquakes.


They're now back in the UK and say they've nothing


Trapped for four days as the snow slowly buried their home.


Clair and Peter had no phone signal, electricity or water.


Petrified is probably an understatement.


We literally tried to walk but when it is chest


high and falling through the snow you can't do it.


If we were stuck on the drive nobody was going to know we


If we made it to the road no-one was going to to know we


What do you do when you are in that kind of situation?


If you turn the other way that could be it.


The bad weather in the region has caused devastation.


At a nearby hotel rescuers have been pulling


bodies out after the earthquake caused an avalanche.


Clair and Peter were only rescued after they managed


They know they are lucky to be alive.


We have lost our home, our car, our dog.


The family pet got crushed, got killed.


Everything we own is in that house in Italy.


We literally came away in what we were standing


For now the family is living with relatives as they try to


But with their lives in Italy destroyed they


are not sure how they will buy another home.


A Leicester man's been jailed for more than six and a half years


for stealing a taxi at gunpoint, after threatening children


32 year-old James Blockley used the fake gun last


August to intimidate motorists on Groby Road - one of whom had


He then robbed a taxi driver and stole his vehicle -


Details of more than 2,000 people at risk


of being scammed have been handed to Trading Standards departments


It's part of a nationwide scheme working with victims.


The National Scams Team says that elderly people who've been tricked,


hand over on average ?4,000 to scammers.


They're deliberately targeted by criminals who often


If it is too good to be true it definitely is.


You should bin it, put it in the recycle, don't open


And if you are getting inundated with


scam mail please notify Trading Standards,


An 11 year-old boy's been reported missing in Nottinghamshire


Mckenzie Lennox hasn't been seen since 9.40


Officers say they're concerned for his safety -


and ask for anyone with any information to get in touch.


He was wearing dark tracksuit bottoms and a black bomber jacket.


People living close to a popular beauty spot say it'll be ruined


if a viaduct for HS2 is allowed to run through it.


They've been expressing their concerns about the plans at


Campaigners say it will destroy a viewpoint near Stanton


Gate in Derbyshire - and harm local wildlife.


This is one of two HS2 consultation events taking place in the East


Midlands this weekend. One of the concerns being raised is about the


building of a proposed new viaduct as part of the route which at the


moment is going to a local beauty spot. There has been concern about


that. We were there this morning with a campaigner who says she wants


to see the line being built instead over the existing railway line


rather than over green belt land. With me no is a spokesperson from


HS2 Ltd, could you build the viaduct over the existing railway line


rather than over green belt land? We have considered a number of routes.


We believe the route we are proposing is the late route that


strikes the right balance between impact and people and building a


high-speed line. We will continue to seek improvements to it but at the


moment this is the route that we would like to take forward. The


consultation is still open, what are you hoping people will take away


from the events today? I am hoping get more information, the


opportunity to talk to our experts. Also the opportunity for us and HS2


to their concerns. The consultation runs until the 9th of March. We will


have more on this tonight at half past six. Here is the weather. Cold


and wet weather on the way as we go towards the weekend but we had a


frosty start this morning and that gave us some beautiful Weather


Watchers pictures. But we also had a rather grey day so far. It is still


looking overcast out there. There are hints of brightness as they go


through this afternoon. If you see some of those do take advantage of


them because as we look at the charts we can see this cold front


coming in our direction. That is bringing lots of rain. Take extra


care if you are on the roads overnight tonight. Quite a cloudy


afternoon ahead. Some heads of brightness. That band of rain


starting to come in our direction. Highs of four Celsius. Tonight it is


quite a messy picture. Rain working across the region through its too


late and the early hours. Walls of around two Celsius. Watch out for


spray on the roads. There could be missed Ness on higher ground. The


chance of showers turning wintry. Behind the brighter weather but just


if you scattered showers, milder, with highs of seven Celsius. The


announcement, turning more unsettled, but milder as well.


Not a very nice picture. That is all for now. Goodbye.


The FA Cup fourth round, next weekend, across the BBC.


It's incredible, the changes that have occurred in just 50 years.


Oh, my goodness me, I don't like the look of that.


The Robshaws are going back in time again...


Feel a little bit overwhelmed at the moment.


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