29/01/2017 East Midlands Today


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With your news now for the East Midlands.


There are fears from one of Nottinghamshire's leading


politicians that changes to immigration announced


across the Atlantic, could have repercussions here.


Nottinghamshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping's warning


came this afternoon during a civic service marking


He said the EU referendum already prompted a rise


in racial tensions locally, and President Trump's new ban


on nationals from certain muslim countries could hinder murk


Senior politicians, like the President of the United States,


are in a position to destroy it, and I fear they are


What will that mean for Nottinghamshire?


People will be set against people, street against


street, neighbourhood against neighbourhood,


and we'll see more concern, more anxiety and possibly


A teenager's in hospital with stab wounds, after being attacked


Police say it happened on Thursday evening,


when five or six men wearing balaclavas got out of a silver BMW


at the junction of Wood Street and Royal East Street.


The 18-year-old victim suffered injuries to his back and legs.


Officers are appealing for witnesses.


A man saved by an organ transplant today started walking 100


miles to encourage others to register as donors.


Simon Elmore was taken seriously ill aged 33,


but after receiving a new kidney, recovered enough to win Gold


He and his supporters spoke to Jo Healey today in Derbyshire.


If he tells you his story, he'll admit he was in a very,


very dark place and possibly feeling suicidal - I think


That's because, eight years ago, his kidneys failed.


Then, two years ago, Simon had a kidney transplant.


I was on dialysis at Derby, got a phone call


at ten o'clock and it was, "Simon, we've got a kidney for you."


And the first thing that went through my


head was, "I'm going to the World Transplant Games in seven months,


And that's exactly what he did - not just one but several medals.


And today he began a seven-day 100 mile


trek through Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, which he hopes


A good thing for a good cause, basically, isn't it?


I think it's a really big challenge, and I think he's going to


Two years ago I had a car crash, so that's put me in a wheelchair.


So I really respect what Simon is doing - it's good.


We need a lot of people today because more people are on the


So certainly it is a cry out for people to donate.


He couldn't walk 50 yards to the coffee


And now, you know - well, he can go 100 miles,


It would be a great accomplishment, if nothing else.


Among his biggest supporters, the mayor of his hometown.


If we do this for seven days and we save one life, or we give


quality-of-life to one person, then you've all done something


People living near a Nottinghamshire park say they're angry vandals have


The area around Dovecote Lane park in Beeston has recently undergone


This weekend, a row of blossom trees have been snapped in two.


People are very protective of the community.


They care about the community and the outrage I have seen online


When it could have gone on something else.


It could have gone on something else in the children's


But just to do this, it's just mindless.


Two very different matches this weekend for Nottingham Panthers.


They lost five nil away to Cardiff Devils last night,


but bounced back this evening, to beat Coventry Blaze 8-3.


We had a frosty start this morning, but we shouldn't see too much in the


way across tonight. We have this low pressure system moving out of the


way, so it should be a little drier in the early as well. We'll start to


see those showers moving awake eastwards. Hillfort here and there.


Lose tonight of around four Celsius. As we run towards tomorrow morning,


we will see some brighter spells first thing, but then that cloud


will increase over the course of the day and later in the afternoon we


have this band of showery rain coming in our direction with highs


of around seven Celsius. I will of around seven Celsius. I will


leave you with the Outlook. Some milder temperatures on the way as we


We're back tomorrow morning with our first bulletin at 6:25am.


Good evening. Very soggy down south today. A wash-out of the day for


some of us. Scotland, northern parts of England, had sunshine. It's going


to be cold. Already is. This is what is heading our way for the week


ahead. We need our brollies out and it'll turn Wendy later in the week.


The rain is clearing. I wouldn't say necessarily particularly drying out


after this rain band boost towards the east, it'll stay damp but cloudy


and murky in the north. Maybe freezing fog in places. It will be


cold in the glands of Scotland. It could be down to -10 degrees, it's


already about -5 or 6 degrees right


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