30/07/2017 London News


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Good evening, welcome to BBC London News.


The first Church of England vicar to marry a same-sex partner carried


The Reverand Andrew Foreshew-Cain will leave his parish in Kilburn,


but branded the church institutionally homophobic,


after being denied the chance to move to another parish.


This is no ordinary service, more like the front line of a battle


After 19 years as the vicar in this parish in


Kilburn, today's Reverend Andrew's last day.


He feels the Church of England is forcing him to, because he


upset today, I imagine, or do you not feel upset?


One is sadness at leaving a parish which I really love.


My other emotion is perhaps one of relief, at no longer being in an


organisation which treats homosexual people quite so badly as it does.


When his husband's job took him to Manchester,


wanted to be, but a stark warning from the church's hierarchy meant


getting a new parish was never going to happen.


I've been officially disciplined for getting married.


And when that happened, it was made very


clear to me that were I ever to leave these parishes I would never


work for the Church of England again.


The Church of England is without a shadow of a doubt


It has policies and practices on its books


and in the way it behaves that directly discriminates


We did ask the Church of England for an interview,


but instead we got a statement from the Bishop of Edmonton.


Three paragraphs of unadulterated praise


But not one single mention of the issue as to


The fact is, although civil partnerships are


acceptable, for the Church of England, marriage


is solely the union between a man and a woman for life.


The Reverend's battle between heart and soul


him or his parishioners, but for the Church


of England it's a line that


A number of families in Reading are spending a second night


in temporary accommodation, after a crane collapsed


And today expert engineers from the Netherlands travelled


to the UK to assess the damage, as Joe Campbell reports.


As the emergency operation was scaled back today people might have


It could be 12 o'clock, it could be three o'clock,


it could be eight o'clock, I don't know.


Residents of around 60 flats have been forced out of their


There were some parents with children and so on, so we needed to


get them off the streets, which we did.


Luckily, the Greyfriars Church over the road had opened their doors


and helped us to receive the evacuees in the very, very short


term, and then we moved them onwards from


the Greyfriars Church to


a local evacuation centre at a hotel.


The police helicopter revealed the full scale of what has happened.


The 60 metre long crane jib resting across the top of Primark's


BW, the firm refurbishing the site, were today


referring all enquiries to Thames Valley Police.


Who are being assisted by the Health and Safety


Executive as the investigation into why things went


The crane was putting heavy items on the top.


But unfortunately the item was very heavy and it slid.


Damage to the building was today plainly visible to


The crane has now been righted, as you can see, but the


question is just what damage, if any, it suffered when it fell


After an inspection by its Dutch owners, they


found it could not be retracted under its own power.


This afternoon experts began the lengthy process of


And it was the final day of RideLondon today.


25,000 people cycled through the capital.


Roads were closed throughout the day,


but, good news for drivers, all roads have now re-opened.


And a quick looks at tomorrow's weather, well, it's sunny


spells for most of us, with the odd short


It'll be breezy, but feeling a bit warmer than today in the sun,


with maximum temperatures of 23 degrees celsius.


That's it from the late team. Assad will be here from tomorrow morning


from six with Breakfast, but from all of us here, goodbye.


There has been a lot of heavy and at times fund showers around, but over


the next couple of days we will start to see a little more in the


way of sunshine come the showers coming few as well. This picture was


taken by a Weather Watcher in Devon, not a bad day to be on the beach,


but a different story inland. Okehampton has about a month's brain


in about six hours, this rather innocuous line of peninsular showers


have been there for a while. Some thick cloud moving the Aristide to


move some downpours into Wales and Northern Ireland and Scotland as


well as Northern Ireland. They are easing in intensity later on and


towards the south-east it may well be dry and clear, temper just 12 or


13. Quite a sinister at the many areas of England and Wales, but


there will be a few showers blown in as well, but not as


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