13/04/2017 Look East


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A boost for poultry farmers and nature reserves as the Government


The chief veterinary officer says they were right to get tough.


We've got an exclusive interview with the Olympic


We feel for those as businesses were made much more difficult but without


the restrictions we might have had a much greater problem.


We've got an exclusive interview with the Olympic


sprinter Nigel Levine just months after a motorbike accident


When I realised I couldn't move, I realised this was a real bad.


Britain's first female firefighter looks back on a trailblazing career.


And the story behind the latest internet craze -


First tonight: Bird flu restrictions eased at last.


But Government experts warn poultry farmers they still need


The strict rules were introduced in early December to try to protect


birds against the H5N8 strain of avian flu.


It's meant that all poultry have had to be kept indoors or under netting.


But now the Chief Veterinary Officer says the risk is much lower -


because migratory birds have moved on.


We'll hear from him in a moment, after this from Alex Dunlop.


They should be free range, but these chickens have never


This is what chickens would do in the wild.


The region's biggest free-range poulty producer has a million


For four months they have all had to stay undercover.


The birds may have been released today, but Defra say this


Farmers are not out of the woods yet.


As you can see from the way I am togged up, strict security


measures are in place, and will be for the


We have restrcted access to our farms.


We are certainly not loosening our belts now and saying,


thank goodness, this is all over and done it because it


At this popular wildlife park nearby, a more colourful release,


700 birds here have had to live under netting over winter.


With every chance of bird flu could return next autumn,


these businesses will have to think long term on how to deal with it.


Should it become endemic, should it come back again, we need


to be able to house our birds far quicker than we were able to,


so that means probably leaving some of temporary structures we have


in place now up, or even looking to make some of the more permanent.


By now, many will have migrated, so the biggest threat has passed.


There was only one outbreak of bird flu in the east at this time,


Restrictions were then relaxed in the white areas


It's meant free-range egg producer Daniel could put out,


I think they have taking a compass, put it in a map map,


and done circles wherever they have to like doing them.


I think, as Daniel said, there is no bird flu at the present


moment in East Anglia, so why are we being punished?


Bird flu isn't new, of course, but it is a deadly strain that


In a sector was ?120 million in east alone, they know all too well it


will almost certainly return to our shores.


Nigel Gibbens is the Chief Veterinary Officer.


He told me that set beaded juice but it is vital porta producers maintain


a high levels of security. I've been very impressed by the fact


that despite the challenge we have only had seven cases


across Great Britain And three in backyard


flocks essentially. Generally, I think


people are complying. Those that don't really


must, and I hope they will be subject to pressure


from their peers. We want to see the back of this


disease and we want to be in a situation where we have already


had our last case, but that is not There has been quite a lot of upset


in a region of these high-risk areas which are now being lasted. While


that the looked at if this situation we have cars? We consulted very


carefully with ornithology experts to establish whether highest


concentrations of aquatic world virds, which were high as risk would


be. I'm up as a buffer around those areas of about five kilometres. Of


course we feel for those whose businesses were made much more


difficult by these measures, but without them we could have seen a


much greater problem. It is important that the country as a


whole does not have a widespread disease and as quickly as possible


get back to normal domestically, but also been able to trade. A lot of


people would like to see a long-term solution. This isn't the first time


this has happened. It is like that are having a game. It could happen


next winter. There's anything that can be done to helping along term?


Farms need to think very carefully about how they operate. We have a


tradition in this country to increase feelings birds. If they are


close to large bodies of water, which is what we have experienced


this year, they are at high risk. Farmers can look after themselves by


choosing where they locate their birds and depending on best they can


decide what sort of operation makes sense. I do confident everything is


being done now to protect our farmers and poultry producers and if


it returns next winter we will be in a stronger position? I think we


should maintain those levels of security and disease management even


when the threat has gone away and stop many to think for the long-term


what systems are going to be sustainable. We will assist in


maintaining surveillance and to nationally so that we can work with


the farming sector again. Thank you very much.


Three teenagers who were killed when their car crashed in Norfolk


An inquest today was told the accident happened


just over a week ago at Pulham Market near Diss.


These teenagers lives were ended when their car crashed and burst


into flames near the village of per the market. Now all that remains is


bound to hedge is lined with others. Today, their families paid tribute.


Karl, who worked as a farm hand was described as his family as a cheeky


chappie who had a passion for banger racing and he brought home several


trophies. Dominik's mother described him as beautiful, much loved person


who will be greatly missed. Billy's family said from the day he was born


he made everyone spell. He was one in a million. Today, the inquest


into three of their death were open. Not for's senior coroner recorded


the cause of death as multiple injuries caused by the crass. No


information was given as to who was driving the vehicle and inquest was


adjourned until July. A memorial to the tulip followed the accident and


a book was set up in the local church. Last friend spontaneously


gathered at an airfield and released Chinese lanterns in memory of the


three teenagers. Teenagers that suddenly had a life cut short.


More and more people are trespassing on railway tracks in this region.


The latest figures from the British Transport Police


show that most offenders are young people.


And its during the school holidays that the number


After stumbling across the tracks, this person dragged himself up onto


the platform, struggling to get their legs out of the way, just in


time. And here is fitted of another heart stopping you must. Network


Rail and the British Transport Police say more people are


trespassing than ever before and it is young people who are a slightly


to take a risk. There are more incidents in the Easter and summer


school holidays. Last year, 487 people were caught trespassing in


the railways in a region. The year before it was the hundred and 82.


Network Rail discredit and Chris as astonishing. Boys aged 14 to 16 are


the biggest offenders. When I see these fitted I always gas. I'll


think of the train drivers that can do anything. If you have it in


travelling up to 100 mph, once the break is applied it can take up to a


mile for that train to stop. They can't swerve like a can in a car was


up I always feel for them. I hope that by releasing this fitted that


people will see, do you know what? I am not going to do this any more.


That could be me. This footage of a man hanging onto the back of it


train was taking at Colchester. It isn't just tell sequels. Passengers


who drop their phone or who cross the tracks who are on the wrong


platform. Network rail to our train as they must live in Europe


but, engineering works and to be something other bank holiday


tradition and this weekend is no different. If you are using this


line to get down to London, you will get as far as India it and then it


is a bus to Liverpool. Detectives will be accepted on the Central line


between Newbury Park and Liverpool Street. The work could affect other


parts of the region, so the advice is to check before you travel.


Alex will be looking ahead to the weather


It's three months now since the Olympic sprinter


Nigel Levine suffered a serious motorbike crash in Tenerife


Speaking for this first about the accident,


he accepts he will be out of contention for 18 months.


But the man from Bedfordshire is determined he will be back,


Nigel Levine, in crutches but among friends.


Recovering and recuperating after a horrendous bike crash.


An experience biker, he was sightseeing and Tenerife


with his team-mate when a car swerved and hit them.


When I realised I couldn't move, I was like, this


And I asked James if he could move, and he said, no.


First of all, when it happens, you don't believe it.


Then you pinch yourself and you realise this


Levine was on a team training camp when the accident happened.


He had a biker's license and claimed that British Athletics didn't stop


Levine broke his pelvis and was in hospital for a month.


His team-mate James Ellington broke his pelvis and both his legs.


I'm not angry any more because these things happen.


There are certain things you can't avoid.


I have just got to accept it and I have accepted what has


happened, and I am grateful to be well and alive.


Levine is a key member of Britain's relay team.


He has featured in two Olympics and has won eight


championship medals, the highlight being


He is now out of competitive action for 18 months and is unsure


I will be back on the international scene.


I fully believe I will be back on the scene.


It is going to be a tough one but it is not impossible.


Levine is still deciding whether to prosecute the driver.


For now, he is just grateful to be fighting back.


When do you think Britain got its first female firefighter?


Amazingly, the first firewoman working for a county fire brigade


Her name is Jo Reynolds and she was based in Norfolk.


Now, 35 years later, she's written a book


We'll talk to her in a moment, but first Kevin Burch has been back


to Thetford Fire Station, where it all began.


When Joe started training is a junior


firefighter in 1982 she was


Thetford was her first base, Nigel Monument her first boss


and today reunited again they reminisced about her first day.


I thought they are just going to think who is this


I had a good team, good group, and hopefully Joe would agree


that she was welcomed with open arms.


The image I love of Jo is her dashing here on her bicycle around


the corner onto what was then a gravelled suffers. Jean was on their


word for it. This was Joel on Mideast in 1987. As these cuttings


show, it was big news, and await this next question is bit tells you


much about attitudes at the time. What do you male colleagues make


been endeavouring to the job i.e. Women driver? Given me a lot about


it but they are not too bad really. We have got a female in charge at


London Fire Brigade and at London please. It is a fantastic job. Every


day is different and I think Jo will make the best of that. Jo remains


modest about what proved a landmark Korea. She was asked by friends to


write anger thought an eight bit. It truly as some story.


Did they decide they want to open up to women? I think right timing was


right in the 80s. It was a time of teams. And then onto me, they had


advertised for junior firefighter was up I saw the advert and applied.


My house had burnt down when I was a young thing. I just applied and...


Yeah. I got in. I was the first woman day opened the door to. How


many other women did you work with? Or lady cooks and things and


people's ways but not to work with on-the-job. The others excepted you


completely? You didn't make your life difficult in any way? Not.


Training was difficult at times. It was the 80s and not very politically


correct at times. Having said that, at the station Nidal and the guys,


it was like a massive family. To be excepted you had to do all of the


difficult things. Yes I joined as a firefighter not something in the


middle. Proper firefighting, carrying the 12 stone dummy. You


have to be able to do that anyway. Winning chemical protection suits


and going down into sewers and onto ships. You did it for four years,


but you didn't stop because he didn't enjoy it, you did love the


work's I loved it. You can see how happy I was. By the time I was in my


mid-30s I be able to is besetting this time a desk getting other


people to run around. That was my plan. Then things changed as they do


in life. As it stands today, less than 5% of firefighters and women. I


was very surprised. No one is following you read. I hope other


girls out there well. It is a wonderful place to work noted days


at the same. It is fascinating, you learn so much. And people like


firefighters. Glad to see and glad you enjoyed work back then. Thank


you for having me. 100 years ago, thousands of young


men from this region were taking part in the War


on the Western front. More than a million had already


been killed or injured The horrors of Passchendaele


were just a few weeks away. To mark the anniversary,


lots of schools have visited France and Belgium to teach children


about the misery of trench warfare. But now there's an alternative


closer to home. Practice trenches dug


by soldiers at the time For many soldiers in


the First World War, this was the reality of life


on the front line. Many hours spent deep


in the trenches. But before they were sent


to the Western Front, they practiced digging those


defences back at home. And here, in Norfolk,


100 years on, some of those First of all, they would have taken


a barbed-wire barrier Then they would dig a trench five


yards long, stop for two yards, dig another one five yards long,


stop for two yards and put soldiers in it, just to defend them


if they were discovered. And then they'd dig the zig-zags


and the supply trenches back. Those trenches were built


by the Lovat Scouts, a Scottish regiment based


in Hunstanton in 1915. By September of that year, they had


been dispatched to Gallipoli. The rocky terrain there meant


they were never able But now, the trenches that they dug


here are being used to teach When they hold the things and see


them and try them on, obviously, that gives a much better impression


of what it would have been like than just seeing things


in books or being told about it. Walking through the trenches,


past boards displaying information and poems,


gives the children a sense of what it was like to


live on the front line. I feel bad for the soldiers that had


to live in those mouldy They would be quite sad


because they would be cold. I don't like the explosives


and the scare of being round the corner and there was a whole


army of Germans just At the entrance, we call them


the Call Of Duty generation. All the little lads


that jump up and down. You know, bang, bang,


we're going into the trenches. By the time we got to board ten,


you could shake a pin drop. Trenches payday key role


on the battlefields Now the trenches left behind


in his Norfolk fields are helping a new generation learn


about the realities of war. Do you remember the


Ice Bucket Challenge? Where people had cold


water thrown over them The latest online craze involves


a musician from Cambridge, a trombone and a famous


bit of music. Jayne Murrill shares her love


of the trombone with Stephen Sykes. When she discovered Stephen


was seriously ill and needed an expensive drug to save his life,


she turned to music. It's called The Acrobat, and thanks


to Cambridge trombonist Jane, The Acrobat Challenge that struck


a massive chord on the Thinking about the Ice Bucket


Challenge, and The Acrobat is such a famous trombone solo,


so it just popped I have been absolutely


staggered by the response. I thought it might raise


a couple of hundred pounds and I was dreading that


I would be the only video up on the We have had pledges


from all over the world It is to raise ?90,000


for Stephen Sykes from Bristol, In fact, they have


all been really good. Some of them have been so exciting


that it is making my hair I met Stephen a couple of times many


years ago when he was at the Welsh College, and a trombone


quartet that I play in called Bones Apart had coached him,


so I think I felt that as a fellow trombonist,


that would be a great thing to do. Not just trombonists,


it is all types of instrument - a global ensemble that has grown


from just Jane and her trombone. We are going to have that music and


head all day now. The weather. The Easter weekend is almost upon us


and it is not looking as warm as last weekend. Perhaps not quite as


good as it could be but some lovely weather around today's. Some


beautiful blue skies around and Norfolk. Closing over a little bit.


The satellite image shows we have started to get more cars coming in


from the north-west as this weather feature is moving down across the


country. Eventually, it will bring something later on tonight but it


should stage I this evening. Generally, rather cloudy. The odd


clear spell that should means damage is not dropping as low as last


night. By the end of the night, a few spots of light drizzle coming


and, perhaps quite a Dabbs sought to Good Friday. The pressure patent


shows you that high pressure is dominating for our Easter weekend.


North-western bees is going to be a feature which will make it feel a


bit chilly. It will be a little bit chilly at times. This is our


summary. There will be sunshine around, some rain and just a rather


kill filter things, generally. Tomorrow, we have a south-westerly


wind so things could get down to the teams. It should brighten up,


perhaps even some sunshine. Depending prayer that is, we could


record highs of 14 of 15 degrees. We see rain appearing in the afternoon,


so Cecily later on in a day and into the evening, some rain moving and.


That's where the frontal and to do cooler air. Some sunshine around and


quite a fresh field designs on Saturday. It will feel a little bit


chilly with the north-westerly breeze. A fine day on Monday.


Perhaps isolated showers on Sunday but not too bad.


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