23/01/2017 North West Today


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The headlines this Monday lunchtime: The Government's big day out.


The Cabinet comes to Cheshire promising investment for industry,


The Isle of Man decides whether to bring its strict laws


And the centuries old village shop - which could be about to


The Prime Minister is in the North West this lunchtime


holding a cabinet meeting outside London for the first time.


The Government's launching a new industrial strategy -


offering support to businesses - including more than ?300 million


here as part of the northern powerhouse project.


But critics are questioning whether that's enough.


Our political editor Nina Warhurst is in Daresbury


whole and this is a science and innovation campus which supports


companies across the north-west. It works out how we can use space


technology here on the ground. This sort of place is exactly what the


Prime Minister wants to see more of as part of her industrial strategy.


She has invited the Cabinet here to talk about it. It is the Government


offering guidance and support and going out to companies and saying,


what would you like to see us doing's what do you need? Some


Labour MPs have met this with scepticism. Some business owners


have told me what they would like to see is hard cash invested, not just


offers of guidance. There is potential for this to be beneficial


for the north-west and the long-term. It could overtime have an


impact on the north-west. We will wait and see. They have formulated a


strategy. We have not seen great detail of it but it has a great deal


of potential to grow the north-west industries, energy and digital,


these are things at the north is really good at and it needs support


from central undergo Government. Nina, we have had more detail from


funding for the Northern Powerhouse today. -- for the Northern


Powerhouse. Back in the Autumn Statement, we heard 556 million


pounds that will be invested in the Northern Powerhouse. We have heard


today that have the pie is going to be sliced up. We do quite well at


out of it. This is money that will go to local enterprise partnerships.


These are governments that pitch. Greater Manchester will receive ?130


million. Liverpool region will receive 72 million. Lancashire 72


million and Cheshire and Warrington 43 million. We have not had detail


about the projects but the two we have been told about is a


reorganisation of the Blackpool Winter Gardens which will hopefully


become a national conference centre. Another one is a new science Park


for gesture. It is important to remember that unemployment in the


north-west still a percent higher than the national average. It will


take time to see whether this visit the Prime Minister is simply a


hollow or whether it will translate to real jobs. Thank you, Nina. We


will have more from Nina at 630 tonight.


A 32-year-old woman's been charged with the murder


The body of 71 year old Derek Taylor was found by police


The Green Party has announced Will Patterson


will be their candidate for the Greater Manchester


The Chair of the Wigan and Leigh Green Party


is standing following the death of Deyika Nzeribe


Rochdale's Olympic medallist and former world champion


Keri-anne Payne has announced her retirement from swimming.


The 29 year old says he hopes to continue inspiring others


to share her love of open water swimming.


An attempt to change the Isle of Man's controversial abortion laws


At the moment, terminations there are only allowed under


strict circumstances - meaning many women travel to the UK


Some want the law brought into line with the mainland -


but others don't agree - as Jacey Normand reports.


In Britain, abortion is legal at 24 weeks.


On the Isle of Mann, terminations are restricted


pregnancy risks posing grave or permanent injury to the woman's


The number of official abortions on the


Anyone wishing to access the procedure therefore would either


have to travel to Britain or order tablets online -


an offence that carries a two year prison sentence.


Since April last year, a group of Manx women have been


We are aware that there's 479 women in the last five years


That is around 98 women a year who are travelling.


Those are just the ones we know about.


Just before the elections in September,


They represent the life of the unborn child.


The thing is, we have to balance the right


of the women to life and health and the


right of the baby to life and health.


In my view, you cannot say that the baby is not a human being.


Both camps have been vocal and are hoping to


influence the Government during the course of this Parliament.


We are going to review it to see if it needs updating.


Obviously, it is too early to say which way that is coming to go.


And you can see more on that on Inside Out North West -


The Lancashire village of Chipping risks losing


Brabin's shop opened in 1668 and has been trading


in various forms ever since, but next month, it faces


The current owner is selling up, and if a buyer isn't found


by the end of February, the shop could close its doors.


For almost 350 years, Brabins shop has been at the heart


of the Ribble Valley village of Chipping, but possibly


Roy Pinkett bought the business in 2014, but his wife Sharon


is suffering ill health and so they've put it up for sale.


We've probably had about a dozen people showing a bit of interest.


I think the furthest one came from Kent to view it


No firm offers or anything like that.


Brabins is by some accounts the longest trading


shop in the country - havng been a butchers, bakers


and undertakers, amongst other things.


If a buyer isn't found by the end of February, that


If we don't have a buyer, we will have to close the doors.


John Brabin was a wealthy cloth merchant here


Upon his death, his will instructed the creation of a Brabin trust


They still manage almshouses and give out educational bursaries


I just wish the trust would have supported us a bit more.


The mobile post office opens up at Babins twice a week


and would have to find a new home if it closes.


It would mean the loss of another feature of


I have been here for 53 years and gone in there for sweets


My mum and dad always used to shop in there.


Chipping itself is getting bigger with houses.


It is probably disappearing at the wrong time.


The business comes with a home, outhouses, land and even


There is still time for potential buyers to save the doors


closing on this slice of Lancashire heritage.


could be a great opportunity for someone.


Quite a cloudy afternoon in store as well.


Where that cloud is thick enough, you might get


In the main, a dry afternoon and occasionally a fine one with a


little bit of brightness peeking through the clouds.


A touch milder on the Isle of Man s it will be overnight as well.


Overnight, there is some clear clear sky for a time,


We then go through to Tuesday daytime, some cloud around


through the morning and brighter weather in behind it.


Generally cloudy as we go through the afternoon.


Temperatures at around six, seven, maybe eight Celsius.


Starting to turn breezy from Wednesday onwards.


In the main, generally dry and occasionally bright as well.


Another chilly start for us tomorrow. Annabel and myself will be


here at 6:30pm. In the meantime, from the lunchtime team, thank you


for watching and have a lovely afternoon. Goodbye.


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