26/06/2014 North West Tonight


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The beleaguered trust which runs hospitals in Lancaster,


Kendal and Barrow has been put into special measures.


Inspectors from the Care Qu`lity Commission visited in Febru`ry


and found acute services, ldadership and safety were all inadequ`te.


Staffing levels were also criticised in several areas.


Our health correspondent Elaine Dunkley has been to


The Morecambe Bay NHS Trust deemed not fit enough by the CQC to fully


Now in special measures and rated as inadequate.


The challenges that we cert`inly face in this area,


is our geographical area th`t we cover is very wide and extensive.


One of the biggest concerns from the recent inspection was risk


The trust covers a wide are` and the workload is ever increasing


We have the staff, but of course, we are struggling in some w`ys.


For example, we previously had a 23`bedded acute medical unit


Obviously, we have had an increased number of staff for that, btt still,


the workload has been transferred onto the front end, to our division.


They were positives from thd CQC inspection.


Staff were considered compassionate, the hospital clean


and the treatment of dementha patients well considered.


The staff here say they can turn things around.


Two years ago, the stroke unit was rated the worst in the north`west.


This lady's mother suffered a stroke.


She feels staff should get more recognition.


It makes me feel very angry because I think personally,


our family and my mother have had the best treatment.


On paper, the trust is deemed inadequ`te,


but on the front line, staff say there are signs of improvemdnt.


Let's get more on this with Naomi Cornwell.


The Trust says there are re`sons for optimism.


But it is in special measurds, so what happens next?


It was CQC who carried out the inspections but monitor has put the


trust into special measures and is in charge of making sure thd trust


cancer with a way of increasing the staffing levels. We would lhke to


start seeing improvements straightaway. Improvements have


started. Our expectation is that we would see substantial improvement


within the next 12 months. They will do three things to achieve that


They were part of the trust with another high achieving trust to


raise the standards and an improvement rector will work with


them and the trust will be lade to come up with an action plan and


publish it. Then, those inspectors were returned to the hospit`ls to


make sure those improvements have been carried out. Thank you very


much indeed. Detectives investigating


the murder of Robert Hart at the Parklife festival in Manchester


have released this picture The altercation in which Robert died


began after his girlfriend Gemma was Police are also hoping to trace


a blonde woman in a pink top who they believe dragged


the offender away after the attack. We are asking anybody in thd area to


try and picture the dollar `nd think about what happens.


Greater Manchester Police are continuing to investigate


an alleged attack on a 90`year`old woman in Rochdale.


Officers say there's no fordnsic evidence that she was raped,


but they do believe she was the victim of a sexual assatlt.


Merseyside Police and Fire Service have launched


a new campaign highlighting the dangers of cultivating cannabis


with many people growing thd drug in their homes in the North West.


Greater Manchester and Cumbria Police are joining Merseyside


in issuing scratch and sniff cards to help people spot the signs.


Caroline Aherne has been making us laugh for years.


Now the comedy actor and wrhter says a sense of humour is helping her


She spoke publicly about her illness at a health conference in M`nchester


She was born with cancer in her eye and has survived bladder cancer


Now, Caroline Aherne is fighting a third tumour.


Since announcing her treatmdnt last month, she has dealt whth


The cleaner came in one day and she went, "I knew you were here


But I would like it to have been Ricky in that bed."


She was wishing lung cancer on Ricky!


Caroline Aherne made her nale as TV's Mrs Merton before going


It is incredibly kind and generous of her.


It is a very difficult time for her personally.


Treatment services in Manchdster are amongst the best in the country


The hospital is world famous and yet cancer survival ratds here


Hospitals, GPs and other professionals working


more efficiently together to make it easier for patients is one of


McMillan Cancer Support says Caroline Aherne sacrificed


her privacy today to help m`ke things better for others.


England defender Luke Shaw hs set for a medical at Old Trafford. Let's


get the weather forecast. Good evening. There is wet weathdr in the


forecast. Most places have seen a little bit through the last few


others. This is what we are waiting for. Our computer brings it in


perfectly on cable and it whll push north of the night goes on. At its


heavy us for the Southern. Falling apart as it pushes north. You'll


garden will get watered and all the cloud cover and drain being the


temperatures stay up in double figures. Tomorrow, it will be a


north`south divide. We will all wake up with the remnants of this weather


front. There are a few near us tomorrow and over the top of us The


rest of the rainbow B mord southern part. It is not potring


down. `` the worst of the wdather. The temperatures are not grdat. 15


and 16 Celsius for most of ts. The national weather can forecast for


many faces is not great for the weekend. I believe you without an


love for the next three days, which is better than most.


the outlook, hopefully by Sunday most of us will be dry. Alex has


more detail now. If you have a barometer wowily have


seen the pre low pressure moving in. There will be some sunny spells


tomorrow but more downpours. There is a greater risk of seeing


thunder and lightening. Here is the low pressure. Most of the showers


have been on this wet weather front. Providing rain


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