08/01/2017 South Today


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Families have been gathering today to protest at plans


for an incinerator to be built in a West Sussex town.


Locals in Horsham say the plant would bring traffic congestion


and pollution to the area and have a chimney


Residents coming together in protest at a plan they believe


At an existing waste facility site north of Horsham,


Brittania Crest Recycling Limited propose to build a new recycling,


recovery and renewable energy plant for commercial and industrial waste.


The company said it would create jobs, provide enough electricity


to power a small town and reduce both landfill and use


It is the visual impact we are concerned about.


A massive, ugly incinerator in amongst the countryside,


it will be as big as Big Ben, so way above the tree


canopy and the noise, because it is day and night


operations, and obviously the HGV movement, which again contributes


But I think the major concern is it will blight this area


A local councillor says he is most concerned about emissions.


I think there has not been enough research into the long-term


implications of such systems yet to be clear.


And Public Health England are producing report,


hopefully in the spring, and I am wanting this to be deferred


South Today has contacted the company but there


People have until January 19th to submit their views


An outbreak of bird flu has been confirmed


Nine dead swans have tested positive for the H5N8 strain of the disease -


a virus that's considered a very low risk to public health.


The Swannery has said the welfare of its birds


The site is currently closed for the winter and is not due


The Government recently extended an avian flu order,


requiring domestic birds to be kept indoors and away from wild species,


An armed-forces charity in the south says it has a solution


to the growing number of military veterans living rough


Help 4 Homeless Veterans wants to convert spare shipping


containers into homes - similar to these in London.


It estimates it would cost ?10,000 to convert a container.


The charity says a lack of affordable housing


has seen an increase in veterans seeking help,


and it has approached the Veterans Minister to ask


for military sites where it could place the container homes.


And I'm hoping that he will actually come back to us and give us a piece


of land where we can pay a peppercorn rent on this so we can


Bovington Camp would be ideal because I know of an area


where there used to be temporary accommodation which would perfectly


A 17-year-old boy has been arrested for attempted murder and grievous


bodily harm after a stabbing in Bournemouth last night.


Police were called to Ashley Road in Boscombe, where a man,


His injuries though are not thought to be life threatening.


The Hampshire sailor Alex Thomson is closing the gap on the leader


in the Vendee Globe round-the-world race.


Thomson is currently in second place but has set a new race record


for the time taken to travel from Cape Horn to the Equator -


beating the previous record by 14 hours.


That's put him back in contention and he's now just


Tomorrow the BBC is broadcasting a special Question Time-style debate


on the on-going crisis on our railways.


That's tomorrow evening at 7.30 here on BBC One -


And now the weather with Holly Green.


It is fairly murky through tonight with low cloud sinking down giving


Some rain in the mix as well but the breeze


A murky start tomorrow but as that breeze continues


Come the afternoon outbreaks of rain, a few live bursts


possible and some strong winds accompanying that.


These are top temperatures but it turns chilly


Windy at times for this week, especially from Wednesday,


and turning colder from Thursday and by that stage we have the risk


of something a little bit or wintry across the hills.


Our next updates are in BBC Breakfast.


Good evening. Rain around for all of us over the next 24-hour. Then it


will turn colder later on this week. There will be frost and some snow


around. I must stress this cold spell will be nothing out of the


ordinary and nothing in comparison to the severe cold that other parts


of Europe have experienced over the last few days. A wet start today for


Northern Ireland and Scotland. Wet and windy. The rain will head its


way southwards and eastwards across the UK during the course of the day.


Turning up across the southern and eastern areas. Not a nice end to the


day. Heavy bursts of rain in the south-east and east Anglia in the


afternoon that this is three


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