Boris Nemtsov - Russian Opposition Leader and Strobe Talbott - Deputy US Secretary of State (1994-2001) HARDtalk

Boris Nemtsov - Russian Opposition Leader and Strobe Talbott - Deputy US Secretary of State (1994-2001)

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include 100 Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera. You are


up to date. Now on BBC News, it is HARDtalk. Welcome to HARDtalk.


Ukraine, to borrow a phrase from Vladimir Putin, is on the edge of an


abyss. The confrontation PVT of government and pro`Russian forces in


the East threatens Ukraine's very existence. Who bears responsibility


and who is now calling the shots? I'm joined by two guest from


Washington, former Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, and from Tel


Aviv, Russian opposition leader, Boris Nemstov. Has the Russian


President comprehensively outmanoeuvred his enemies?


Strobe Talbott in Washington, DC and Boris Nemstov Intel IVF, welcome


both of you to HARDtalk. `` in Tel Aviv. Strobe Talbott, I will start


with you. Right now, as the Ukraine drama unfolds, it looks like


President Putin is on the front foot, the one player who is acting


rather than reacting. Would you agree? Yes. But he is acting in a


way that is ultimately bad for his own country, not to mention bad for


world peace. Do you think he really understands the scale of what he is


doing? No. I think he is essentially a highly emotional risk taking


tactician. He is not a grand strategist. Yes, he appears to be


and in fact in `` in many ways he is, holding the cards in a very


deadly game, but that he is playing it day to day and I think he has...


People around him encouraging him in this direction and we have to hope


in due course, because of sanctions and reactions on the part of the


outside world and particularly the West, he will rethink, or at least


they will rethink and put it on him. Boris Nemstov, I turn to you. Strobe


Talbott gives us the perspective of a senior American diplomat who dealt


with Putin and his government from outside. You, of course, deal with


Putin from inside. You have been a long`time political opponent of


Vladimir Putin. Are you surprised at the decisiveness, the ruthlessness


with which Putin has acted over the last several months in Ukraine?


First of all, I want to tell that his main goal is to keep power in


Russia and to strengthen his power inside the country. Tactically, he


won. During the last seven years his popularity dropped from 75% to 40%.


But, after occupation and annexation of Crimea, and his popularity inside


the country goes up and up and now he has more than 80%. This is


tactic. I am not sure he wants to protect Russian people in Crimea and


eastern Ukraine, this is a cynical lie. Nobody touched Russian people


in Ukraine and eastern parts of Ukraine, in Crimea and in the centre


of the country. I think, strategically, he looks like a total


loser. Russian economy based mainly on export of oil and gas, mainly to


Europe and it is very easy to predict what is happening in the


future. I am sure that Europeans will do everything to reduce the


dependence from Putin gas and oil and the only way for Putin is to


sell oil and gas to China. Putin looks like a Chinese spy. The only


chance for him to survive and support Russian economy is to sell,


for cheap prices, very cheap prices, Russian gas and oil to


China. You both raised big issues, ranging from diplomatic strategy to


economic strategy and I want to pursue those through the course of


the interview. Before we get that I want to concentrate on one issue


which is much more a tactical detail, but nonetheless, very


important. Is it clear in your minds, that Vladimir Putin is


already using his intelligence and military asset inside eastern


Ukraine's that is the allegation coming from Kiev, Washington and


other capitals. Where is the evidence to back that up? Let me


start with you Strobe Talbott. I don't think it is an arguable


proposition. There is massive evidence, photographic and


otherwise, that is concrete, that I think makes it almost a delusion to


wonder if Putin is going to invade Ukraine. He has invaded Ukraine.


Just as he moved Russian troops with their insignia taken off their


uniforms into Crimea and used other assets that were already in Crimea


to soften that up for annexation, he is doing the same thing in Donetsk


and other regions. Remember, there is a fraught intimacy between these


two countries. Ostensibly, and in the eyes of the world and under


international law, Ukraine is an independent country. However, Putin


has scoffed at that idea, as have other Russians, and he is making


full use, both of what he can move across the border, without actually


having to move tanks and the whole invasion force, and also assets that


he has there in that part of eastern Ukraine. Let me ask this, why didn't


the West, let's talk about the US, let's talk about NATO, why didn't


the US understand Putin's mindset's a mindset which says, you know


what, Russia has a legitimate sphere of influence that goes far beyond


Russia's own borders. Let's talk it a Eurasian `` let's call it a


Eurasian sphere. In 2009, we saw what Putin believed to be Russia's


interest projected beyond the border. Why has the US and NATO


being taken so surprised `` by such surprise? First of all, we remember


with the wisdom of hindsight about what happened when Russia moved in


to Georgia back in 2008. There were significant differences there. The


Russians, essentially, provoked the Georgian President into provoking


them, giving them a flimsy but usable excuse. Also, when Russia


moved into Georgia, it did not annex XP two on claims that were in


question. Neither of which, by the way, were dominated by Russian


populations. They did not make those two enclaves into extensions of the


Russian state itself. That said, with the wisdom of hindsight, the


invasion of Georgia in 2008 was a trial run to see if the Westwood


react with sustained and effective sanctions `` the West would react.


The West has missed red Putin and underestimated his ambitions and


intentions for years `` miss read. Let me go to my second point. I


think Putin was surprised by what he ended up deciding to do. Boris might


have another view on this and he certainly knows Putin in his country


much better than I do, but my guess is that when he was presiding over


his moment of glory in the Sochi Winter Olympics, he wasn't saying,


I'm going from Sochi to Moscow to order the annexation of Crimea, he


was gobsmacked and utterly shocked I what happened with the overthrow of


the Yanukovych regime in Ukraine. Remember, Putin's overall means of


dealing with peripheral states, leaving aside China, and I love what


Boris said about him being a Chinese spy, that will get headlines


somewhere in the world, but all the other peripheral states, Putin wants


to keep them as vassal state of the Russian state. He thought he had


that we'd Ukraine, and then of course came the people power that


overthrew Yanukovych, and that is when he decided. Thank you for that


Strobe Talbott. Boris Nemstov, I want to quote some of your own words


that you have used in the recent past. You said, if one does not


punch Vladimir Putin in the mouth, he will continue to act like a thug.


Is it your contention that Western powers, including Strobe Talbott's


government in Washington, DC haven't understood that? Putin believes that


Europeans are very much dependent on Russian energy resources and that is


why Germany and other countries need to respond on aggression and


occupation and annexation. It happens to be true, so full that for


very good reason. I believe that the long`term perspective is negative


for Putin, because it is easy to predict what is happening in the gas


market in Europe. I'm sure the monopolisation and competition from


Qatar and, in the future, exports from America, shale gas from Norway


and so on, I am sure Europeans will do everything to avoid dependence on


Putin. It is very clear. I am sure the West will do everything...


(CROSSTALK) you are saying that Europeans, it is true, are guided by


certain values, but at the same time they are not ready to make any


sacrifices. That was you just a few days ago. The next point, Putin


believes that Americans have no real political will. Not to implement


real sanctions against Putin. `` will to implement. He believes the


American administration is very weak, has no idea how to push him


very seriously. The American economy has a lot of albums, better set of


the budget and so on. And, the Americans have no idea how to stop


aggression `` a lot of problems. That is why he feels himself quite


comfortable because Europeans depend on his energy and the American


administration is not so song to protect the West and east's


interest. I'm struggling to see where is wrong. I think that


American administration is weak now, as far as relationship with Putin is


concerned. I am not sure that such kind of policy will be continued,


because there is public opinion in America, Europe, everywhere, and if


no one. Him, he will occupy not only Ukraine, but after that maybe Baltic


states, maybe Caucasus states, and maybe Kazakhstan. I don't think such


behaviour will be accepted in the west `` West. Let's turn to Strobe


Talbott, because one thing you know pretty well is that Washington


politics when it comes to international affairs. Thomas


Freeman, commentator of some renown in the New York Times, said the


fundamental question is, is the West is serious about standing up to


Putinism and backing the Ukrainian government. What is the answer? I


know my own country but I don't know the future. I understand what Horace


has said about anxiety. By the way, it is not just among Russians, but


some of us in the West as well, about whether the US and it west


European allies are up to, first of all recognising how the world has


changed as a result of what Putin has done in Crimea and is now doing


in Ukraine. I think this is going to be a testing point for President


Obama's legacy. He made a strong speech in Brussels on all of this.


He has yet to use the pulpit here in the US. Putin, in particular, has a


Russian quality. It is true in the past of him often playing his hand.


He is so cocky and sure of himself and flagrant in what he is doing, I


think he is, and I certainly hope, the effect is going to be, that he


galvanises the attention and responses of the West, notably in


the US. You talk about Obama in Brussels, one thing I remember about


him in Brussels is that he sent the clear signal that he believed


Ukraine could not be and should not be a member of NATO. Isn't NATO and


indeed the EU in Ukraine's position in NATO at the heart of this crisis?


If there was the position where everyone acknowledged Ukraine would


not be part of the NATO military alliance and also that Ukraine would


accept a federalisation, then Moscow would have what it wanted, Ukraine


would be a unified state and everybody, frankly, could go home at


it happier, couldn't they? The President did not rule out the


prospect of NATO membership for Ukraine or for that matter, any


other state. I want to get to Boris Nemtsov in a second. But Strobe


Talbott, I have to pick up something you just that. You indicated that


you the right, at some point, to join NATO. Isn't this issue of NATO


at the very hard of the unfolding crisis? I want to go back to the


words of one of the great architect of American post World War II


foreign policy, George Kennan. Back in 1998, gave this warning. He said


that NATO was eastward expansion was the beginning of a new Cold War. The


Russians, he said, will gradually react to it adversely. We are making


a tragic mistake. And there was no reason for this. Surely, it is time


to learn the lessons of those mistakes. You are involved in those


mistakes. Well, I don't agree it was a mistake. In some ways, the current


situation, dangerous as it is, is an indication of the decision to expand


NATO. A while back, Boris was talking about the possibility that


Britain would stay on a roll, he would not only basically bring


Ukraine back under the suppression of Moscow by that he would invade,


at least part of the Baltic states. I would suppose that that that is


not going to happen in the Baltic states. Not least because all three


of them are now members of NATO. And NATO... It indicates one of the


reasons for expanding NATO which was a hedge against Russia Breaking Bad


in the future. Also the expansion of NATO narrowed what was otherwise a


security vacuum that would have included all of the former countries


of the Warsaw Pact as well as the former republics of the USSR if NATO


had not offered membership to those countries. Remember, it was for a


lot of post`Cold War purposes. Vladimir Putin has given another


reason for NATO to expand which is there will have to be an element of


containment. That doesn't mean it is a today issue, it means we should


not close the door on NATO expansion. George Kennan was against


the founding of NATO. He was against the creation and existence of NATO.


He was a great prophet but he was not infallible. Boris Nemtsov, I


want to dig deeper into what is happening in Russia today. You told


me that you acknowledge that Vladimir Putin is enjoying


unparalleled popularity. He is 80% in the polls today. Hasn't


everything that has happened, the annexation of Crimea, what is


happening right now in Eastern Ukraine, hasn't it provided more


proof of his ability to use nationalism, maybe even call it


nearly imperialism to strengthen his own position and it has revealed the


true weakness again of your Russian opposition movement. Unfortunately,


you are right. After the Crimean annexation, we had huge changes


inside the country. What we had before, we had typical corrupted


authoritarian regime. With political prisoners but it was not so strong


pressure to civil society fools at what I mean, Pigeon `` Vladimir


Putin. Now, if you look at what has happened inside the country, strong


pressure to absolutely unpolitical figures, for example Russian


singers, Russian writers, there is pressure in creased and this is


absolutely new. It looks like transformation from authoritarian


style to a real dictatorship. Everybody who is in the opposition


has huge risk to be in jail, including me. What is more sad story


is that not only politicians are real independent persons look the


same risks. Sorry to interrupted but I just thinking of a reality that


you have to live with and that is that Vladimir Putin could very well


be in power in the Kremlin until what is it, Twenty20 for. That is


the reality that is a prediction. Let Boris speak. This is my


prediction, you are right. In my biography very well. I want to tell


you that he wants to be the president for life. Especially,


after what has happened in Ukraine and the Olympics. White is a vis?


You went on to say, in my opinion the west will survive what is the


reimposition of an Iron Curtain. For now, I cannot tell you whether


Russia will survive it. Seems to me that right now, Vladimir Putin can


survey the scene and be very confident that he is going to


survive it. Can't he? Well, let look what happened with Russian economy


and what is happening inside. His discussion and his rhetoric about


federalisation of Ukraine. He was to get Eastern Ukraine and organise


annexation of Eastern Ukraine, not only Crimea. He wants to sell


Russian energy to China and he wants to rebuild his economy from trade


with the west to trade with China. This is his main strategy. I believe


that this is a huge mistake, strategic mistake. Because I am sure


that China is not so happy to buy for $400 Russian gas and Dubai oil


for international prices. I am sure the Chinese will press him very much


to reduce prices and to reduce incomes of cash to the Russian


economy. I am sure that the Russian currency will continue to depreciate


and economic problems will arise. His popularity now is really more


than 80% but I am sure that two years later, we will discuss what is


happening the Vladimir Putin economy. I see that economy will be


in very bad shape. Boris Nemtsov, thanks for that. We are almost out


of time. Boris Nemtsov believes the economy will be booted `` B


Pigeon's Achilles' heel. What is going to be Russia's fate. Given


what happens today in Ukraine, how to you seek Russia in ten years? I


see Vladimir Putin's policies being catastrophic for Russia. Because


Putinism seems to be the order of the day, it does not mean it is


forever. I think he will pass from the scene and I think people like


Boris Nemtsov are going to be the representatives of Russia in the


future. Well, as Boris Nemtsov said, we can reconvene in two or three


years and see whether those pictures will come true. For now, Strobe


Talbott in Washington, Boris Nemtsov in Tel Aviv, thank you for being on


HARDtalk. For many, the long Easter weekend


has now got under way but what are the weather prospects? For Good


Friday and also Saturday, the weather is looking fair and most of


us was the sunshine and mainly dry weather. However, it goes on a


downward spiral and by Sunday across parts of


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