16/02/2016 Newsnight


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Answer: when it's a vital British renegotiation with the rest of


the EU, and the European Parliament reminds us all late in the day,


We'll ask whether the renegotiation is for life,


To be clear, no government can go to the parliament and say this is our


proposal, can you give us a guarantee about the result. In a


democracy that isn't possible. We'll ask whether


the renegotiation is for life, Also tonight, Zac on the attack:


the Tory candidate for London mayor, Zac Goldsmith on his


suitability for the job. And John Sweeney on the economic


crisis in Venezuela. But now he's dead and the poor


living there in the Barrios, have turned against


the movement he created. My goodness, we've been talking


about the EU renegotiation for months now and that particular


drama grinds slowly But a huge potential problem has


loomed into It's that frustrating thing about the EU, that


no-one is quite in charge, so can we know what the rules are,


even if we agree them? There are two issues:


the European Court of Justice may say it's incompatible


with our treaty obligations, and the European Parliament may say


they don't want to enact the bits Is this an important "oops",


or a silly distraction? David Cameron has shaken a lot of


hands and eaten a lot of dinners all in the name of renegotiating


Britain's relationship with the EU. And in the next few days he will


hope he can get written's new terms of membership signed off by the


other member states. -- Coryton's. David Cameron, should all go to


plan, should end up with a meeting here. This is Downing Street and on


Friday if he gets a deal he will be holding a cabinet and that will mark


the official start of the referendum campaign. After that ministers will


be able to campaign for Brexit if they wish. First, the Prime Minister


needs to get a deal from Europe. Some are sympathetic to David


Cameron think he will overcome the hurdles to the deal. It is about


ensuring that non-Eurozone countries cannot be disseminated against by


the Eurozone countries. A mechanism for that hasn't yet been decided. I


think certain Eurozone countries are afraid the UK might be given to Matt


and have effectively what counts as a veto on Eurozone issues. -- too


much. Another European meeting will be happening at the same time. A


pro-exit campaign group, Grassroots Out, will be campaigning. They and


others will argue that the deal David Cameron will bring back will


be incomplete because a huge chunk of it will need the approval of the


European Parliament. Something it will not get until after any


referendum. Good morning. The president of the European


Parliament, meeting the Prime Minister here, wasn't very helpful


today. I encourage British people to vote on the basis of the outcome of


Thursday to vote yes. Then we start procedure, legislative procedure,


between clarify and help to solve the problems addressed by the frame


which will be accepted on Thursday. I hope accepted on Thursday. Certain


things still need to pass through the European Parliament. Most


notably is the emergency brake on migrant' accessed in work welfare.


But certain things are in place immediately. Red cards for national


parliament to block EU legislation where it is unwanted. And also the


understanding that the UK is not bound to an ever closer union. It is


the first time it has an opt out of this. Lots of potential leave voters


migration is a big issue. They would obviously be unnerved if the


European Parliament words and pick the migration part of this package.


Do we think it is likely the MEPs do that? I think the president of the


European Parliament has said that first of all it will be a speedy


process. One that will be studied carefully. I think the other


countries have agreed, through their heads of government, to the package,


I think it is highly likely the European Parliament will consider


that as a good signal. -- I think if the other. But the European


Parliament could fiddle with the deal and water it down. That is what


is the fear of the Eurosceptics. The Prime Minister could make a deal. A


tiny one. But after that deal, and say he wins the referendum, the


European Parliament can scupper the deal. The European Court of Justice


can rule it out of order. It is rather like selling a motorcar and


saying isn't it lovely and shiny, and you can buy it, but you cannot


test the engine first. It simply doesn't work. Could the European


Court strike down the deal? We have spoken to experts who believe


legislation could be drafted which would be safe from that. Tensions


are high, and so are the stakes, and perhaps that is why Prince William


today intervened in a speech. Or did he? You judge. In an increasingly


turbulent world our ability to unite in common action with other nations


is essential. It is the bedrock of our security and prosperity. And is


central to your work. Right now the big question is will be wrestled --


questions. As he hence, it may not change many votes. But nor the


details of what David Cameron has shaken on. We will find out at the


end of June what he hopes Britain will be.


The tension is building. I'm joined now from the European


Parliament by the German MEP Ska Keller and Conservative Dan


Hannan who led the campaign for the Tory party to leave


the European People's Party. Good evening to you both. Do you


have concerns about what you have heard about you know, the deal


Britain is getting, particularly on migrant benefits? There is a deal


Cameron has achieved. It is clear the parliament will have to play a


role in that. That shouldn't come as a surprise. After all it isn't a


bureaucratic construct where only bureaucrats decide. It is the


Parliament that does legislation and if Cameron wants to change


legislation the Parliament will have a look at it. Many details are still


missing. For us it is important, as the Greens, that we are not applying


certain rules to some citizens and others not. But we will look at the


proposal. After all, this referendum is about much more than what Cameron


has been proposing in his deals with other heads of state and government.


It is really about the future of the UK. It is about the future of the


year and whether we face the challenges of today's world together


or not. Are you really saying that it isn't possible for the government


of the EU to make a deal? That is effectively what you are saying. You


are saying they can sign whatever deal they want but it doesn't pass


through the EU because the MEPs have their say. Let me put the question


again... Or this one... Go on. The European Union has a Parliament like


Britain has a Parliament. And Parliament have some rights as they


should do in any democracy. Part of that is amending legislation. A lot


of bits Cameron has been negotiating actually go past the European


Parliament. We don't have a role in that. There are few pieces of that


that actually have to go through Parliament. But how would you do a


law if not by Parliament? In Britain laws passed through the Parliament,


it is the same for the EU. Suppose you have reservations, which I think


you do about the benefits package, isn't it the case that when you come


to vote on the British deal that you will vote taking into account the


political necessity for the EU to stick by its deal with the British,


or will you just say, I am against changing benefit rules, so I will


vote against? Will you effectively do the right thing, if you like,


taking into account the bigger political question than just the


benefits, or not? As I said, we don't have the proposals. But


everybody will keep in mind the bigger political effects of that


very clearly. But it is also very clear that we cannot just do changes


to laws without asking the Parliament. Everybody is aware of


what is happening at the council. We think that discrimination shouldn't


happen to EU citizens. We are in an area of the rule of law which needs


to apply to all. That is clear. But we are ready to look at proposals


when they come. We hear this word, something of a formality, in


English. You have to get your vote, and distrust a formality. Because


everybody knows how you will vote and it is just noting its three. --


and it is just a formality, because everybody knows how you will vote


and it is just about nodding it through. If Parliaments were just


there like that we would just get rid of them. We don't want to do


that. We want to strengthen it. There has been a lot of talk about


the EU not being democratic enough. Those people should not criticise us


for exercising our democratic power. Citizens of the EE will expect from


us that we have a close look at this. -- EU. Just as we would have a


close look at any other kind of legislative document. Thanks very


much. What probability do you put on the deal actually holding in the


Parliament and in the European court? First, let's get the deal


done. Lots of the elements are still being negotiated. We will see what


happens on Thursday and Friday this week. The principle here is what 28


EU leaders have agreed to, I would say, and indeed it is a legally


binding decision, it is an international law decision... But


the European courts can save your binding position, as you call it,


conflicts with non-discrimination provisions, free movement


provisions, that we already have written into a treaty? You cannot


just signed something like that -- sign something like that. It may not


be EU treaty but it is a binding document. What happens if it


conflicts with the EU treaty and the European Court says that conflicts


with the treaty you have signed? That is what they are negotiating


about now. The menu of options they have been looking at has been


looking at how do you do it within EU law. As Nina said earlier, loads


of these elements will be enforceable straightaway. Making


sure, for example, that the UK Parliament has more of a save. That


we are not dragged into an ever closer union. That the euro zone


countries are not outvoted. Important stuff. What probability do


you put on the benefit package getting through the European


Parliament, 90%, 98%? It cannot be 100%. I would not put a figure on it


because things don't work like that. I think that a really important


principle is there, can Britain, can any EU member state be part of it


and make it better... But the EU was unable to give that because they


cannot, and we have heard the argument, they cannot just put the


Parliament into a position and just agree something Cameron is


negotiating. If 28 EU leaders agree to something then it would almost be


remiss in the Parliament to overturn all of that stuff. By the way, those


leaders have been democratically elected in each of their countries.


Angela Merkel has agreed to this deal on the half of the German


people and actually Martin Schulz early on in that press conference


today said the European Parliament doesn't have a veto and him himself


has been clear that it is the European Parliament's duty to pass


legislation quickly on this. Thank you both.


On May 5th, London will vote for a new mayor.


The most powerful elected role in England, outside Parliament.


It will be important for London of course,


and more than interesting for the rest of the country.


The health of the capital is economically significant


for the country and politically, London is a swing state.


In a minute, we'll talk to one of the leading candidates,


No scene better encapsulates the weird blend that makes


Local people, ordinary homes, and skyscraper services for big


business, all within earshot of each other.


It's like two strange neighbours living next door to each other,


perhaps not knowing each other well, perhaps not even liking


Without ordinary Londoners, well, London grinds to a halt.


Without the big business, London runs out of money.


And the city only really works when both neighbours are happy.


But when you do the maths, it's not been a great few years


Family incomes as a whole in London have done reasonably well,


But once we account for housing costs the picture looks


Since the start of the crash typical household incomes have fallen


by almost 4% in London which is worse than any other part


Yes, housing is the issue that divides young, old,


In an aspirational city, the aspiration to own a place


I think there's a real risk that within about ten years no


households, aged under 35, on low to middle incomes,


But let's turn to the business side of the equation.


HSBC, under whose tower we are virtually sitting,


made this very important decision to keep its base in the UK,


Does that mean London is sorted for business?


Is that a sign that business is happy here and has nothing


There will always be global competition, people trying


The three things on businesses' mind at the moment in that global


competitive space are, firstly, immigration,


Secondly airports, can you get to and from global market places?


and third, our position in relation to Europe,


A city that works for work, but also for life generally


is the promise of all candidates in May's Mayoral election.


Londoners will argue about specific policies


But elections are often much more visceral.


For a Labour candidate, do you get business?


For a Conservative, do you really understand the ordinary voter?


With me now is Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative London Mayoral.


Good evening. We will speak about some London issues in a moment but


we start with Europe, the story of the week. You said that on the


current terms, you would prefer to come out than staying in. On


reformed Europe is to mark I have always been a Eurosceptic, I believe


the institutions are profoundly undemocratic and in need of reform.


I dealing I would like to see a more democratic, more accountable, more


decentralised Europe. The Prime Minister has a tough job, not one


that anyone would envy. We're not there yet. There is time to go and I


always said since the process began that I would wait for the Prime


Minister to make his final offer to the British people and as everyone


else would take a few on whatever is in the national interest. You are


basically a Eurosceptic and London is the second most pro-EU country


next to Scotland. I will take a few months the prime Minster returns


with a final offer. Give us a clue, we are just two days away. Whatever


we decide to do must have a democratic mandate. I wish the


promised well, I've always campaigned for a referendum and I


will wait to see what he comes back with. Do you think that the benefits


changes proposed for migrants will be significant in London? Genuinely,


I am committed to not getting involved in discussions until we


hear back. I'm very happy to come back and talk about the deal when it


is there. The job of the Mayor is not to take us out of Europe or keep


a thin, but to make whatever decision works for London. I'm


confident that whatever decision, we will have a huge, bright future. We


are a global city and it will work whatever we decide. To ask the


broader question on whose side you're on, it is slightly simplistic


people worried that the balance between corporate London, the


bankers, and the Bohemians and others, that it is tilted too far


away. I think this is an issue for London, no one can doubt London has


boomed over the last eight years under Boris Johnson, rather most


important the world not just in financial services but across the


board, culture, media and tech. At the same time there is a real


concern amongst Londoners that they are priced out of their own city and


that is a problem. That is why I'm standing for mayor, to protect that


success that Boris Johnson can take much credit for what make sure it


works for people across the board. The biggest problem London faces is


housing. Jo Valentine said in terms of business concerns but every


single business I spoke to has the housing crisis at the top of the


list. If people cannot afford to live in London it has ramifications


for business as well. A lot of people have been critical about


property developers and their deals with local authorities, sometimes


they pay local authorities to get out of the obligation to build


social housing. You clearly think they should all build social housing


commitments, the target commitments and not be able to bribe their way


out. Every single application should be interrogated with a robust


approach to make sure we get the Massingham possible from it. --


maximum. All new homes built on publicly owned land, which will be


the bulk of the new homes over the next eight years, should be for


Londoners first. There's no point building vast numbers of homes if


they are purchased by overseas investors. Affordable housing on


private land, where you have planning permission for development


and there is an obligation to build social housing, will you enforce


that restaurant absolutely. You will be tougher on developers estimate I


will interrogate every application. I will drive a hard bargain because


the housing crisis is the number one issue for the next mayor. Wealth is


not an issue in London, many wealthy people, many poor people. But


background, being able to understand the needs of everyday Londoners,


that is an issue and I wonder what your answer will be to the voters


about the background of Eden. The same is true about being an MP. I


was elected five years ago in a comfortable Lib Dem seat and I got


that seat against the odds and have worked every single minute since


then on behalf of my constituents, I have delivered a day after day for


my constituents. At the last election I was rewarded with the


biggest increased majority of any incumbent MP in the country. So I


will do my best to speak to every single Londoner, I will not succeed,


there are 8.5 million, but for those I do meet, the people who know me


best know I have campaigned relentlessly on their behalf and


been rewarded with a massive thumbs up from those same people. Let's


talk about tax. It has been a big issue and it gets the issue, between


a corporate London and one for ordinary people. What was your


reaction to the Google tax deal? Much the same as everyone else.


Everyone was angry. We have a situation in London where the high


streets, the heart of the communities, are suffering. They


face high rent, high rates, parking issues in some boroughs, they're up


against a rapid trend towards online shopping. The last thing we want is


for high street to go under and yet they are in unfair competition with


companies who are able to use mechanism not available to the high


street shops. Of course it causes resentment and I want a fair


Saintfield. It has to be fair competition. In your own tax


affairs, to the compromise your ability to speak out on that issue.


Because you wear a non-dom. I have always lived in the UK. If your


assets are offshore and your non-dom, you do not pay tax... I


have always lived in the UK. I have always paid full tax on my income in


the UK. Since I have been paying tax. I have always lived in the UK.


The thing about non-dom... You pay tax on your British income. Let me


explain, my father died 20 years ago, I became non-dom aged 20. Being


non-dom allows you to change, to make lifestyle choices to avoid


paying tax but I have always lived in the UK. I have an income which


comes to the UK on which I always paid full tax. So you explicitly


deny people who calculate you have saved millions through being a


non-dom. I have never been accused of not paying tax. No one is


accusing you of illegality. But being non-dom, why is your family


office which looks after hundreds of millions of dollars worth, why would


that be in Geneva when you are standing to run as mayor in the city


that has the greatest potential services in the world. I have a huge


family, it covers every continent in the world more or less. I am one of


many siblings and members of the family. My father was an


international businessman and established an overseas trust before


he died. I am a beneficiary of that trust, I have no control over it, I


do have control over the income I get and that income I get is


subjected to the full tax regime in the UK and has always been. Your tax


return was published, it was published by Boris Johnson at the


last election. Of course I will and all candidates should in this


election. If this is something candidates agree to do I will do


that. Thank you very much. When Hugo Chavez came


to power in Venezuela, great hopes were vested in him -


not least by some people There was a democrat,


proffering an alternative model to neo-liberal economics,


and one who had oil revenues Well, the Chavez revolution


is in trouble. Food shortages are hurting


the poor, inflation at 141%, and an economy in meltdown


because of collapsing oil prices. Chavez's successor,


President Nicolas Maduro, lacks the charisma of El Comandante,


and in the midst of material shortages, the government is now


being accused of drastically under-estimating the scale


of the Zika outbreak. But now he's dead and the poor


living there in the Barrios, have turned against the movement


he created, Chavismo. In the country with the world's


biggest oil reserves, they're queueing for


the essentials of everyday life. Filming in Venezuela is tricky,


and that includes the supermarkets. The government has


fixed the price of So a way round the fixed pricing


system is you don't get toilet roll, You can get toilet paper,


but at a price, on the black market. This is illegal, but no


one dares stop it. Without the black market,


the country would crunch to a halt. How about this for some


Venezuelan sorcery? One, two, three, four,


five, six, seven, Now if you change the $100


at the official rate, So, not surprisingly,


people change at the And that means the government has


lost control of the economy. But that is not how


the ruling party sees it. Chavismo worked when


it had its folksy Under Chavez's successor,


Nicolas Maduro, But in the Barrios,


the traditionally solid bases And then there's Zika,


the mosquito borne virus linked to cases of paralysis


and deformed babies. Doctors have complained they lack


the critical medicines to fight We went to the main hospital


in Caracas to investigate These people in the neurology ward


have been paralysed. A group of Venezuelan doctors fear


that the government is deliberately playing down the number


of Zika cases. So the government here says


there are 4000 cases I think we have 400,000 cases


of Zika in Venezuela. We have the register


of fever cases in Venezuela. And we have a big growth


in the number of fever cases, For now, petrol is the


cheapest in the world. The government has


to find $10 billion But seems afraid to


lift petrol prices. For fear of triggering


something like this. NEWSREEL: Venezuela's


worst riots in 30 years. These riots in 1989


saw hundreds dead. It might not come to it,


but some people fear this And, the worst-case


scenario, a military coup. Caracas is tense already


because of violent By some estimates, there were nearly


4000 murders here last year. Making it one of the world's


most dangerous cities. Within minutes, we counted


two hearses carrying After dark, middle-class


neighbourhoods are For now, life goes on and for some,


it is full of fun. But soon Venezuela's


revolutionary ride In his masterpiece The Inferno,


the Italian poet Dante reserved the fifth circle of Hell


for dodgy politicians - we'll warn them about that,


in the unlikely event that we get Dante was very fortunate


in his illustrators - one of the first and the best


was the Renaissance artist An entire series of his drawings


for the Inferno was once in British hands - until the feckless Duke


of Hamilton sold them all to the Germans in 1882 to pay


off his gambling debts. But now the Courtauld Gallery


in London is putting them on show. The set includes false prophets,


who have their heads on backwards in Hell, so they can see


what they used to talk out of. That reminds me,


here's Stephen Smith. The lowest circle of hell, just


before the paper 's slot on this show, but never mind, look at these


thrillingly gruesome drawings by the Renaissance master, Sandro


Botticelli. It is the great figure of Lucifer embedded at the bottom of


the pit of hell. He has six wings. That wings. They are flapping


wildly. They are generating icy drafts. He has three heads. The


mouse are open and he is chewing on the bodies of the three arch


traitors. -- mouths. In the middle we see Judas Iscariot who betrayed


Christ, of course. On the left, the unfortunate Brutus. And on the


right, Cassius. The two men who betrayed Julius Caesar.


They are among the most important works of Renaissance that we have,


because in these works Botticelli, one of the greatest artists of Italy


and Renaissance, meets Dante, one of the greatest poets of all time.


500 years after his death, Botticelli is having a bit of a


moment. Another showed this spring at the Victoria and Albert Museum


will look at his last impact on art and design. The interesting thing


about this exhibition of drawings came to light at a time that


Botticelli's status was re-emerging, and contributed very substantially


to defining the artist that we know today, who is clearly not just a


painter of, you know, beautiful, seductive he needs his -- seductive


Venuses floating around seductively. But it shows an artist who had


ideas. Trying to grasp a powerful poem which he is trying to


illustrate. The Botticellis once belonged to the 12th Duke of


Hamilton, who embarked on a journey of his own which was Dante-esque. He


was involved in yachts, gaming, horse racing, and managed to rack up


a debt of some ?1 million. Another contemporary on his death said he


was beset by all the deadly sins to a greater degree than any other man


of his standing, which gives you a little bit of the flavour of how


much he enjoyed life, I think. To clear his debts the Duke parted with


all of his art treasures over 17 days. The sale of the century it was


dubbed. Including wonderful illustrations of Alexander the great


in a makeshift escape. It all went to a museum in Berlin, including the


so-called Hamilton Bible, which had once been consulted by the Pope


according to Rafael's painting. For people like me... The Courtauld


Gallery is laying on magnifying glasses to help us appreciate


drawings like Botticelli's Paradise. They are in a stream of light,


flowing towards God. And a stream of light which is surrounded by


fantastical flowers. It is a wonderful way of depicting just pure


joy. That is what is depicted there in paradise. This is the other side


of the Elgin marbles, isn't it? These are our treasures which are




Is there anything we can do, can we twist Angela Merkel's arm? I fear


not. I think the opportunity has gone. I think we have to just


celebrate the fact that these wonderful drawings are in a


fantastic public collection in Germany. They are freely available


to a very wide public. The fact they are here, back in the UK, is really,


I think, testimony to how cultural property is shared internationally


these days. Before we go let's remember the


Bataclan. On the 13th November gummen stormed


into the Bataclan concert hall - less than three hours later,


they and 89 fans were dead. The Eagles of Death Metal were


playing that evening. Tonight they came back to "Resume their get". Not


at the Bataclan, but in Paris. Many of the survivors returned this


evening as an act of remembrance Lydia was in the Bataclan and


attended the concert this evening. Good evening. How important was it


to you to go back to this very poignant gig? I needed it. That was


the final chapter. It was more than important. How have you been since


the 13th of November? Sad. I was really sad. Have you been able to go


to concerts, to go to theatre, or anything... Yeah, I have been to


Paris, I have been to Giggs, I have been to the theatres, I have been to


the cinema. I have been shopping, taking transport like everyone. --


gigs. It hasn't been the same since. What happened at the concert


tonight? It could not have been ordinary... It was the most


extraordinary league of my life. -- gig. It was emotional. Not in the


way I thought it would be. But I think everybody needed it. Tonight


the show proved it. Did they finish the gig they had started on the 13th


of November? It must have been more special than that, a little


different somehow. They played longer. They asked us to have a few


moments of silence to remember those we lost that night. They told asked


that they love it asks. Even more than last time. -- they told us that


they love us. The lead singer, Jesse Hughes, has talked about guns and


the need... He thinks had there been guns and there more people would


have survived. It isn't a very European view. I just want it you


have reflected on that kind of response to that awful night -- I


just want to know how you have reflected. As we have seen in


America, there is a lot of accidents, and crazy people use guns


to kill people all the time. Had I a gun on that night, I would have


killed them, just for protection. You have been to this event. I don't


like this word, but the word closure, has it closed the chapter?


Is that how it feels to you now, I know you said it is a final chapter.


Not closure. I managed to finish what I started. That was really


necessary. They court us while we were having fun and all of a sudden


we had to run for our lives. Tonight was away or us finishing what we


started. -- a way of us. Thanks very much.


A weather front moving south and east bringing rain and mountain snow


continues across the country. Behind it, cold air and a scattering of


snow showers even at low levels from Northern Ireland and Scotland first


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