19/01/2017 Newsnight


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The project to "Make America Great Again" begins in earnest.


Team Trump is fully assembled and, they say, ready for action.


My name is Donald Trump, and I am the largest developer in New York...


To think a man better known for his celebrity could become president.


So help us God, we will make America great again.


Documentary-maker Michael Cockerell has been asking,


do Ronald and Donald share more than we yet know?


The Muslim mother of a US war hero gives us her message for Trump.


I don't need his apologies because he's his type of person.


I don't believe and I don't expect anything from him.


Trump's battle cry against elites is reverberating around the West


and found its way into the Swiss citadel of the global elite


in Davos, where the Prime Minister today delivered this warning.


Talk of greater globalisation can make people fearful.


For many, it means their jobs being outsourced and wages undercut.


as they watch their communities change around them.


the Canadian academic and former Liberal Party leader,


if the revolt against globalisation can or can't be stopped.


Good evening from Washington on the eve of a seminal moment


for America - the inauguration of Donald Trump.


Tonight, we begin to witness the transition


to America's first non-politician as president.


The Trump cabinet, collective net worth some 14 billion,


is fully assembled, and they're calling the theme


of the transition "Uniquely American".


Today saw a ceremonial wreath-laying at Arlington Cemetry,


and a lunch at - you guessed it - Trump International Hotel.


Washington, DC feels packed with a nervous energy,


but here's the thing no-one can tell you.


Are the people lining its streets Trump supporters


who've travelled here from across America,


or protesters who have come to raise their voice


against the inexorable movement of history?


Tonight, we talk to those who welcome


and to those who fear the 45th Presidency.


And we start by welcoming Joel Pollack,


the senior editor at large from Breitbart News,


and Bob Woodward, the investigative journalist of Watergate fame.


Very nice to have you both here, I am going to start with you, the team


is calling this uniquely American, what to make of that, how should we


interpret that? What is really interesting about it is it has the


same feeling as the Republican convention in Cleveland, when many


of the big lobbyists stayed away, the celebrity stayed away, because


they were a little bit and easy about what Donald Trump meant. As a


result, it was more populous, and it is feeling the same in Washington,


DC today, the people coming here are people from all corners of the


country who are salt of the Americans, they are here because


they want to see him take the oath, and this is their party. I guess is


democracy at its most bold, a country that started from scratch,


and elected somebody with no experience, no legislative


experience, yes, you can have the highest office in the land, what


does it tell you? It is so interesting, because tomorrow, when


Trump becomes president, there is automatically, because he is


president, moral authority bestowed upon him, and the goodwill of most


people, actually, even people who don't trust him, don't like him. The


fascinating question is going to be, when he gives that speech, what is


the tone going to be? Does he, in a sense, say, you know, look, the


campaign is over, as he said when he declared victory in the night of the


election? Unifying moment. Will he do that again, and will this


goodwill that normally comes to a president come to him? Now, he is


lower in the polls, there is more anxiety, I think you would agree,


more uncertainty, but at least for the first few days, I think he is in


the driver's seat. And how do you approach? Many will remember that


yours was the journalism that brought down a president, Nixon, and


yours will be seen as the journalism that is propping up a president. How


do you work through that dichotomy? Well, for us, it is a bit of a


challenge, because we were seen as very much broke Trump, but our


readers are quite harsh on us. In this era of new media, you have very


little room to deviate from what your audience expects, and we are a


conservative website at the core. The fact that Donald Trump was the


nominee meant that we supported him because that is what we do, but


there was a lot of criticism, I criticised him on several occasions


when I disagreed with him, and if we stray from principle into political


support for Donald Trump, I think our readers would be unforgiving.


Can he be held to account? Of course, he will be held to account,


and that the same time, the journalists, a lot of journalists


are rattled, because this was an quite frankly lots of people in


journalism do not like him. My view is the job of the reporter is to be


so neutral you cannot stand it and to deal with facts, but also be


aggressive. And I think that is really an important cultural moment


for the media, are we going to be able to rise to that obligation? We


are going to pick up with these points in a few moments.


Donald Trump represents the archetypal showman.


The actor, the man who made his name not from politics


And although it feels unprecedented right now,


in some ways it's not - America did it once before,


36 years ago when they elected the film star Ronald Reagan,


a man whose legacy now dictates is up there


with some of the presidential greats.


Documentary film-maker Michael Cockerell


He looks at the parallels and sometimes startling differences


In the traditional motion-picture story,


the villains are usually defeated, the ending is a happy one.


I can make no such promise for the picture you're about to watch.


Well, sure, I'd love to take off my hat,


it's actually my hair, you know! I have lots of witnesses, so it is.


But hey, it's mine, it may not be pretty, but it's mine.


Both Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan had a number of things in common,


including the slogan that Reagan had used


to launch his 1980 presidential campaign.


Let us pledge to each other, with this great lady looking on,


that we can and, so help us God, we will make America great again.


And we will make America great again!


God bless you and good night, I love you!


I think he just brings an optimism back to the United States


Of all the presidents in the post-war era,


Ronald Reagan was the one about whom the establishment


in Washington, DC was the most apprehensive - before Donald Trump.


And Reagan, like Trump, was perceived as an outsider,


an American nationalist, someone that didn't appreciate the world.


So in that sense, the two of them were the two figures,


I think, who became president who were the most feared


Reagan and Trump were, at the age of 70,


the oldest ever US presidents to be elected.


The two right-wing Republicans had been Democrats in their youth,


and both had taken an unorthodox route to the White House.


I'm the one they're all talking about.


I'd started as sort of an Errol Flynn of the Bs.


Tough luck, son, I guess we can't all have charm and good looks too.


I made about eight of those in 11 months.


I was brave, but in a kind of low-budget fashion!


New York City, and in this town the sky's the limit.


Donald Trump was rather less low-budget.


and I'm the largest developer in New York.


but I also own golf courses, resorts...


He was a billionaire property tycoon


I am officially running for President of the United States...


The Donald finally announced he was running for the presidency


and the severest doubts were raised about his fitness for office.


Just as had happened with Ronald Reagan.


I made a film about Reagan when he ran for president in 1980.


He'd served for eight years as Governor of California,


But he was still widely seen as a trigger-happy cowboy.


I questioned Reagan at a rare press conference.


From the BBC in London, do you have any doubts


about your ability to play the role of America's leading man?


Do I have any doubts about my ability


to play the role of leading man in America?


I've never thought of it that way, I left that profession.


I have confidence, based on my experience as Governor,


that I can offer a better solution to the problems


than either of the men who are running against me.


Reagan's campaign meetings are expensively


stage-managed spectaculars, made for the television cameras.


in taking government off the backs of the American people


and turning you loose to do what I know you can do.


For his supporters, Reagan was the strong man America needed


to stand up to the Soviet Union and its other enemies abroad.


For his opponents, Reagan was a warmonger


who threatened to attack the Iranian ayatollahs,


had been held hostage for over a year.


Do you really think Iranian terrorists would have


taken Americans hostage if Ronald Reagan were president?


Do you really think the Russians would have invaded Afghanistan


Do you really think third-rate military dictators


would laugh at America and burn our flag in contempt


As with Trump, the prospect of Ronald Reagan in the White House


powerfully divided opinion on both sides of the Atlantic.


From the day that Reagan won the election,


the metropolitan liberal elite, the media elite,


they condescended to him, they laughed at him.


In fact, at no point during the eight years


did they ever, ever concede that


there might be a decent point that Reagan had to make.


and I think most of my friends, we were afraid.


How could a B movie actor suddenly be ruler of the world?


Fear, his finger on the button, doddery, vague,


would he have any idea what he was doing?


Well, it's great to be here on Saturday Live.


Well, it's great to be here on Saturday, anyway.


I'm going to answer your questions,


so fire away, fellas, as I said to the Sixth Fleet yesterday.


What exactly are you doing over here?


Well, sir, let me answer this way - I don't know.


Pretty smart for a guy of 103, huh? Next answer, please.


The satirists' victim, President Reagan arrived in Britain.


he had a woman Prime Minister as his opposite number.


She fiercely rejected Reagan's Spitting Image.


In a way, there was a love story, a political love story


between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.


They found they believed in the same things,


the same basic things, low taxes, strong defence, anti-Communism.


We in Britain think you are a wonderful President.


We share so many of the same goals and a determination to achieve them,


that you summed up so well and unless I can cannot imitate this


wonderful American English accent - "you ain't seen nothing yet!"


I think President Reagan was a man who knew how to handle women,


he spent a lifetime handling beautiful woman.


She liked to be treated as a woman, not just a Prime Minister.


Based on the career that I once had, before this one, you are a very


Well, they both saw communism as fundamentally evil,


that the communist system needed to be brought down and destroyed.


This poster parodying the film Gone with the Wind was for the most


She promised to follow him to the end of the earth.


REPORTER: What do you have to say this morning, Mr President?


But surprisingly, following Mrs Thatcher's example,


Reagan made a U-turn and forged a strong relationship


with Mikhail Gorbachev, the reformist Soviet leader.


The two men met in Reykjavik, the Icelandic capital,


and were to reach a deal on cutting back their countries'


Donald Trump says he wants to follow suit and have a meeting


with the current Russian leader, Vladimir Putin.


I think there will be a summit in Reykjavik, even,


Not unlike the summit between Reagan and Gorbachev some decades ago,


where people were equally pessimistic and yet what resulted?


So how does the veterinary US diplomat Raymond Sykes


answer the great question about what is the exact nature


But what is, really, President-elect Trump's view of Mr Putin?


I don't think he's going to come over all soft and furry and be out


there, allowing President Putin to stroke him and go


The admiration between Putin and Trump is horrific.


I don't think it'll last for any length of time because they are both


dangerous narcissists, very easily offended and affronted.


And one way or another, one will rub the other


It seems Putin may well have all sorts of blackmail-able


The notorious leaked dossier, with its lurid allegations


of Donald Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on a bed


in a Moscow hotel and any tapes of the so-called "golden shower",


would provide the Kremlin with classic blackmail material.


It's all fake news, it's phoney stuff.


It was a group of opponents who got together, sick people,


Does anybody really believe that story?


I am also very much a germophobe, by the way.


OK, fine, Russia hacked the election, are you happy?


Are you sure Russia was behind hacking?


I think there was a shared feeling that we were two


of the most vilified people in the Western world!


Well, thank you, and good evening, Mississippi.


If I think back through all of it, what were the big contributions


that I perhaps made, or the contributions I made


towards the campaign, one was making Brexit part


Something that he completely embraced.


I think it's going to be a Brexit plus, plus, plus,


I speak to Trump's team and Trump's close advisers and even


None of them think Trump would have won unless Brexit had happened.


So you helped make Donald Trump President?


Well, it wasn't the direct object at the time!


Of fighting for all those years for a referendum.


But as a by-product, it was part of it, yes.


That a lot of us who supported Trump also supported Brexit


and English independence, if they wanted it, and a lot


of the other countries, if they want to get out of the EU,


We wanted to get out of the British Empire.


Nigel Farage got his reward by becoming the first British


politician to have a face-to-face meeting with President-elect


While the British Prime Minister, Theresa May,


Yes, I look forward to working with President-elect Trump.


Any British Prime Minister, male or female, needs to get


Even if you don't like them, even if you think they are half


barmy, you really have to get on with them because that


relationship is so important to the United Kingdom.


I am just very interested to know your feelings


before that meeting, bearing in mind some of the things


I feel slightly awkward reading this out, but I do think it is important


to re-hear what Donald Trump was recorded saying in the past,


When you're a star, they let you do it, they let you do anything,


I mean, forgetting the fact that you are Prime Minister for a moment,


how does that make you feel as a woman?


I think that is unacceptable and, in fact, Donald Trump himself has


Whatever Trump's reputation, I am sure that when Mrs May goes


into the Oval Office, there will not need to be


I am sure this is all going to be absolutely...


I thought you had volunteered at one stage?


Donald Trump will go to Washington tomorrow as a political virgin.


Having never before held any public office.


He keeps in his own office a picture of his hero, Ronald Reagan,


who had himself been much maligned as a dangerous maverick.


So, does Reagan's record in the White House offer clues


about how the new President, Donald J Trump, will perform?


Ronnie was the outsider and he was a huge success.


Trump, in some ways, is an even bigger outsider


than Ronnie was and yet I feel pretty bullish, I feel


pretty optimistic for what he is going to do.


Donald Trump is even more frightening than Reagan, he seems


He may end up being impeached within a very short period,


within a very short time of his inauguration.


On the other hand, it may end in tears for the rest of the world.


If he is willing to pick fights with anybody, anyywhere,


and his finger is on the nuclear button, God help us all.


They say in Washington that it is the job of every


new administration to make the previous


And that won't be hard for Trump to do, I don't think!


Joel Pollack and Bob Woodward join me.


Thanks for sticking around. Cavalier was a word used about Reagan and it


is being applied to Donald Trump, is that something that people have got


wrong? He has a strategy? I have been able to do some reporting on


this and if you look at what they want to do, Trump and his advisers,


regarding Russia, it is this outreach to Vladimir Putin, which is


a love -fest on one level and on the other, this is the second part of


the strategy, to be tough with Vladimir Putin and build up the


military and I think it is highly possible that the Trump


administration will do some things that Putin is going to hate. In a


way it is a classic Ronald Reagan two track, soft and hard. Does


Breitbart step in when you hear about Russian hacking and leaks? Do


you act as journalists who want to stop the closeness between Trump and


Russia or think, where is this taking is? I criticised some of the


Trump policies on Russia during the campaign because so many seemed to


mirror what Obama tried, when he ran for office in 2007, he seemed to


believe he could sit down with anybody and get along and it would


be simple and Trump believed he would have a better success at the


same thing because he had more experience in business as an


Executive but I think Russian interests sometimes align with our


own but sometimes not added means there will be conflict between any


administration and Russia but as Bob said, the Trump team has developed a


more nuanced policy, talking tough on nuclear stockpiles and building


up the military... You signed quite optimistic about the future? People


can have strategies and sometimes they work and sometimes they failed


disastrously. We don't know. It is in the Reagan model, Ronald Reagan


had eight years, he started very tough, remember, tear down the wall?


Reagan called the Soviet Union the evil Empire and then with Gorbachev,


there was a outreach. We have this Cabinet which is more like a bunch


of CEOs, ?14 billion net worth with some estimates, does that worry you?


The country is in the hands of 18 white rich men? Not at all. He has


picked people with a track record of Executive experience, he has chosen


people at the top of their field who he trusts with large government


departments. Your former boss in the middle of that, how do you criticise


anything the administration is doing when Steve Bannon is in there? We do


that all the time, I have done this a dozen times in different articles,


disagreeing with things, and we used to go to -2 on policy issues and


that is a kind of team of rivals that Trump has assembled. Barack


Obama got credit for this but Trump even more so, men and women with


opinions. The people who rallied for Trump think they are voting and


non-elitist President, that is what he sold them, does a Cabinet that


worry you? We will see. You can have lots of money and do things for real


people and the question is, are the policies going to be against people


or pro-people? If the person on the street says, you know, Trump and


this rich Cabinet are looking out for me, which they might, under the


same time they might look out business interests in a way that is


perceived to be an Thai people? Nicky you both very much. -- against


people. At the height of the summer,


Donald Trump waded into a row from which many thought


he would not recover. He taunted the grieving parents


of an American war wero, Humayun Khan, a soldier killed


saving others in Iraq. Humayun's father had berated Trump


for his anti-Muslim policies, accusing him of being


unconstitutional and un-American. Trump turned his wrath


on Humayun's mother, who stood at her husband's side,


asking if she was gagged It was an extraordinary


fight to pick. I travelled to meet the Khans


at their home in Virginia to ask them what they thought


about Trump, now. It was and remains really


disheartening that such a rhetoric will have a place in the political


discourse of this country. But he uttered those threats,


not only to Muslim Americans He disrespected women


and their dignity. He disrespected judges


and their impartiality. All un-American, undemocratic


political rhetoric. The general population,


the majority of the population, is in support of Muslims


and other minorities. They are in support


of the constitutional Mrs Khan, Donald Trump singled


you out for criticism when you stood next to your husband


at the Democratic Convention, believing your silence


was because of your religion, First, I was really surprised


that he doesn't know They are as equal as their husbands


or their fathers and their brothers. I was quiet, I told him I was quiet


because of the situation. So I thought, if he can't feel


the pain that I was going through on the stage,


he can't feel anything, That we have lost a son,


we gave up a son to this country, So it was very much


a surprise for me. General Michael Flynn, who will be


Trump's security adviser, is a man who described Islam


as a vicious cancer. Your sense of what it will be like


to have a Cabinet with him in it? Time after time, this incoming


adviser to Trump has proven his ignorance,


unbecoming of a military officer. I am amazed that with this


ignorance, this individual was a general in the United States


Army. But I have full faith


in the patriotism of others that will surround him,


they will render him ineffective. Did Mr Trump ever apologise


to you for those comments? I don't need his apologies


because he's his type of person. I don't believe and I don't


expect anything from him. You don't ask these things


from people that don't have hearts. I don't feel that his apology


or his not apologising to me What do you expect


from his Presidency? I don't expect anything


from him or his Presidency. The office of the President


is an amazingly powerful, respectful I fully acknowledge its impact


on all but Trump was, had been and still is unqualified


to be the President He is an illegitimate President


of the United States. He did not win this election


by the majority popular vote. He won the election


because of the Electoral College. So the majority of the population


of this country is still The Khan family talking to me


earlier from their home in Virginia. a Muslim American journalist who's


written of her support for Trump. I wonder if you came in for a lot of


flak, supporting a man who many in the Muslim community have found to


be deeply offensive. I got a lot of flak that only from Muslims, but


also from fellow liberals and women. I was called names I have never


heard before from my own community and those outside of it, and


ultimately what I experienced is emblematic of this division that we


have in our society, both from the right and the left, and what I wish


people would do would be to come to the middle, where we see each


other's humanity. So gender politics was thrown at you and it shouldn't


have mattered? How do you explain what many people believed were


deeply offensive policies? What I believe we should try to do is be


the civility we want to see in the world, so if you want a gender


politics to be expressed... I said gender, I meant identity politics.


If you want to be treated respectfully, we must treat others


respectfully, and I cast my ballot for a politician who is very


indelicate in his language, he has no four play when he speaks to


people. He was trying to implement all spoke at one point about


implementing policies which would have stopped Muslim Americans from


coming into the country, how do you handle that? A lot of that was a


misrepresentation, he never said he would stop Muslim Americans from


coming into the country, there was never a conversation about a Muslim


registry, it was a very clear exit-entry registration programme


that the Bush administration put in place, that the Obama administration


had in place, but that does not sell hashtags. You didn't hear anything


different from Donald Trump two previous presidents? We had the same


kind of policy in place during the Bush administration, so this


incredulity is what led to a situation where we could not have


conversations, so even in the Muslim community, the liberal community, I


couldn't speak up, and so we had people like myself who were silent,


and we wouldn't speak, and so we cast our ballot, though, and that is


what I did. And now I am on a hit list among my fellow liberals, you


know, as somebody who has betrayed my nation... A hit list? What are


you saying, that they couldn't take your vote seriously? Right, look at


the politics that we are dealing with today, I mean, the idea that


Donald Trump is an illegitimate president basically says that those


of us who cast our vote for him are also illegitimate. So what this has


done to me, it has continued the divisiveness in our country, and I


think ultimately we have to respect the will of the people, and you can


have your politics, but as a lifelong Democrat, I am more


disappointed in the response that the Democrats have had in the months


since the election. I would love to hear how a lifelong Democrat went


for Donald Trump, but we have run out of time, thank you very much


indeed for joining us here. Before we go, it is a curious thing, but


here on Capitol Hill, it feels very silent right now, this is the heart


of government in America, of course, and there is barely a sold witching.


Why? Because all the action as by the Lincoln Memorial, the reflecting


pool, and you can probably see the pictures of thousands of Trump


supporters, thousands of people gathering to hear the bands. We


understand that Donald Trump and his wife are, if not amongst them, at


least enjoying the spectacle, looking on. This is part of the


celebrations on the before inauguration, and you can see there


have been a lot of people happy to come and take part in the


inauguration ceremonies, as they are kicking off this evening here in the


capital. That's just about it


from here in Washington tonight. Tomorrow, just before noon,


Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of


the United States on Capitol Hill. But for now,


back to Kirsty in London. What's happening in America


tomorrow is, for many, and perhaps a revolution


in global politics. Donald Trump won by winning


over many of his fellow Americans who felt left behind


by globalisation Similar concerns are being felt


in continental Europe - making the Front National's


Marine Le Pen a serious contender


for the Elysee in France. Chancellor Angela Merkel


is under pressure in Germany as are leaders in Italy,


the Netherlands and Austria. In the UK, Theresa May


set out her strategy the decision in part


a rejection of globalisation Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin -


sensing weakness in the West - extends his influence in


the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Michael Ignatieff,


the Canadian academic, writer and former politician,


is with me. Good evening. Do you see a line that


runs from Donald Trump through to Marine Le Pen, right on through to


Eastern Europe and Hungary? I think that the line I do see is fear, back


to globalisation. Globalisation is a very old story, we have been


globalising for four centuries, but as long as it was securely


controlled by our empires, we felt we could master globalisation. A lot


of the fear in the United States has spread to Britain, a sense that we


have lost control of globalisation, that it is now being powered by


China, it is being powered by Asia, and we have lost control of it, and


the minute we lose control of it, it begins to be threatening. You would


have heard Nigel Farage saying that he felt, had it not been for Brexit,


Donald Trump would not have won the election, what do you say to that? I


think he is smoking something. I mean, Nigel Farage is a very


brilliant politician, but radically overemphasising that. What I think


Brexit did is its dislodged the normal, its dislodged the usual and


created a space in which more unusual things could happen. But


let's not get into the view that this is kind of an irreversible


historical change we might be back in the autumn and Angela Merkel has


won the German election, and we will think very differently about the


shape of the history we are living. But the picture might be very


different in France, and I wonder, Theresa May talking today about


globalisation, we should worry about people being left behind, but this


feeling of powerlessness, the feeling that globalisation doesn't


work for everybody, she is talking to elites, what are they going to do


about it? In a sense, it is too late, the cat is out of the bag, you


cannot bottle it up again. No, you certainly cannot, and automation is


working right across our economies, governments can do... We saw that in


the film from America. Exactly. The contradiction is that Trump has


created a Cabinet of businessmen who are beneficiaries, they are the


elite. I think, what does a guy in Tennessee, in Kentucky, in


Pennsylvania, the working-class vote that supported Trump, what are they


going to get from this administration to protect them from


globalisation? Not then. And that, I think, lays that therefore an even


more violent disillusionment with politics. Well, let's bring that to


Europe, because your thesis would be that, actually, you can't have


democracy without sovereignty, and the best place to exercise that


sovereignty is in the nation state. People are disillusioned with the EU


because it has not given them control the way they want, not


giving them control of their borders, not given Germans control


of what is in their pocket, because it goes to Greece, who have not


taken a responsible attitude, the Germans would think. So there is


dysfunction about the whole notion of sovereignty at the heart of the


EU. Let's go back to the start, this red thread is fear of globalisation,


the responses, we have got to get democratic sovereignty back in


control - in the United States, Britain, and that is affecting the


cohesion of Europe, which had a different answer, which is we have


got to get beyond sovereignty. I think there is no question that we


are all coming back to the nation state and sovereignty, because it


gives us this sense of control. So do you think the EU is a busted


flush? It is terribly weak, but we might be back in seven months when


Merkel has won the election and Le Pen has lost the election and be


saying, the European Union has a new lease of life. But what I do think


is that everybody, everywhere, is thinking, I want to elect somebody


so that I can control my destiny. That is the red thread through all


of this, and that means... That means there are limits to what the


EU can do, they believe populist on more likely to do it, but populists


are simultaneously saying, we have got to get government off our back,


but you can't have it both ways - you can't offer the public


democratic control over conditions and then say, we are going to get


government off your back. You need given and to protect you from


globalisation. -- you need government. But someone like Marine


Le Pen might say, we are going to reinforce the idea of the nation


state by not having open borders, and that would be the logical


extension of the idea. The other thing presumably would be that we


have to reinforce the idea of a social contract, but people at the


lower end of the wage scale feel that the social contract has been


broken. Yes, and where I think the liberal elites, as it were, have


lost touch is just how little protection, real protection of and


give ordinary people down at the bottom of the pile. And you see it


in the United States. I mean, basically, millions of people have


been abandoned by their government and... Abandoned bilateral is. Yes,


abandoned by liberals, I am a proud liberal, but we need to take the rap


for that. That sense of nobody looking after me seems to be a very


deep red thread that cuts right across all the stories that we are


trying to pull together. But there is nothing that nation states can do


about global markets, global financial systems. We have seen what


happened in 2008, and nation state were powerless to do anything about


it - except retrospectively. We all want globalisation when it works for


us, when wages are rising, when we are working in competitive


industries, when it is raising our incomes. We all want protection from


globalisation when suddenly we are working in declining industries that


are no longer competitive. We want it both ways at once, and


governments struggle to respond to these contradictory impulses from


the public. Thank you very much. Before we go, as Washington,


DC gears up for the inauguration of America's 45th President,


here's a look back at some of the more memorable moments


from previous inaugurations. Unfortunately, there were


no cameras around These fireworks are going off right


now, the celebrations and the protests that we cannot see at the


moment in Washington tonight as they prepare for noon tomorrow when


Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.


This is Barack Obama's last night in the White House. And there is the


extended Donald Trump family, watching, standing there, looking


out, Mike Pence is there as well with his family. That is all we have


time for. We have a full and packed programme tomorrow, and we are going


out to see some of the more memorable moments from previous


inaugurations, so watch out, good night.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


Ask not what your country can do for you.


Ask what you can do for your country.


Government is not the solution to our problem.


I have spoken of a thousand points of light,


of all the community organisations that are spread


like stars throughout the nation, doing good.


We gather because we have chosen hope over fear.


Good evening. Another quiet weather day on Friday, with the usual of


this week, which is the hard frost in the south, patchy freezing fog,


also frost in the north too, but as you can


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