28/06/2014 The Papers


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Westminster politics. Tributes are paid to singer


songwriter Bobby Womack, who's died at the age of 70.


Hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be bringing


us tomorrow. With me the journalist and author Matthew Green and the


political journalist Sean Dilley . But other quick look through the


front pages. Let's have a look. There's a dire warning about the NHS


on the Observer, which says senior Tories have forecast it could


collapse within two years. The Sunday Express says nurses could


take on some of the routine jobs currently done by GPS, like


check`ups for asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure.


The Sunday Times says Labour leader Ed Miliband is under attack from one


of his top advisers, for not attempting bold policies. ``GPs.


And, the main picture on the Telegraph is of the Duchess of


Cornwall, who's revealed she was moved to tears when she heard she


had three great uncles who died in the Battle of the Somme. They're


also pictured. So, let's begin. The front page of


the Sunday Telegraph, the argument over David Cameron 's handling of


the vote for the new president of the EU. He continues. Tories tell EU


leaders they are cowards. He has support from his Cabinet. You have


top Tory is rallying behind him as they would. `` Tories. Are we


looking at... Will we look back and say this was the moment when Britain


drifted out of the EU? This isn't about David Cameron, but about


Britain and its relationship with the EU and how much people reading


this article no and care. They don't care about the specific issue. This


is important. The public don't care about Mr Juncker or what is a


humiliation for David Cameron. They don't care about it, they are more


interested in things that affect us day`to`day. It is alienating. A bit


of a sweeping generalisation. They are probably people who know what


the EU is doing for Britain. The message is not getting across.


Politicians have this problem. Politicians will have to push what


the EU does do for Britain. That task is more difficult, because Mr


Juncker is the consummate EU insider and is not the person who can put in


front of voters in Britain and say he is leading bold reforms and that


the EU is moving in the direction most people want to see. It has made


David Cameron's job much harder. This article doesn't explain why. It


just talks about David Cameron and how it is isolating. That is true of


a lot of coverage. It does not contextualise the shift within the


EU. This is a political earthquake within the corridors of Brussels.


Normally, it would be heads of state who nominate who is the head of the


EU. That hasn't happened. It is the parliament who has taken that power.


It is run largely by people we have not heard of. In parties we don't


know much about. It is a nightmare in a way that parties like UKIP and


others are warning about. UKIP are well out of it. David Cameron is


more or less guaranteeing that by the recent words about Mr Juncker.


More on that at election time. Moving onto the times. A story about


Ed Miliband. Dead hand Miliband, blasted by top adviser. This is an


adviser Ed Miliband speaks of highly as a radical and deep thinker in the


party. He was at a meeting about policies, a public meeting, and the


Sunday Times say they have a tape about what he said about Ed


Miliband. It is well known that he is wing of the party and believed


within the party that is why he was brought in to do policy, to sort


some of the alienating left`wingers and bring them into the fold. In


this instance, he says the party, not necessarily Ed Miliband, the


article does not say, people got coded messages, those around him,


general policy makers... He is talking about the inner circle. He


once called me Gary O'Donoghue on the BBC. I can get his name wrong.


He doesn't think policies are bold enough. If he is a radical thinker,


isn't his job to push the party to be as bold possible. His critique


will ring true for many people. He says Ed Miliband's inner circle is


getting cynical nuggets of politics to time with pollsters. They want


people to tell them what they should think, rather than set a bold vision


and bring people behind it. It is politics as shelling shampoo or


chocolate bars. What will people go for? We have 12 months until the


general election and the manifesto is being thought about and policies


are written up. But we look at welfare and this is what he is


getting out. `` getting out. Speaking with the new statesman for


instance, on welfare, the Labour Party policies and the Conservative


Party policies meet on the centre ground and there is talk of whether


it is compassionate enough. The concern many on the left of the


party, including Jon Cruddas, is that they are going down the


populist line, rather than the traditional Labour line. Will the


loss of the core vote damage them at the election? Also, court test for


Michael Gove's ban on holidays, this is his... It is a ban, but it is a


fine, because if you take your child out of school term, to go on


holiday, you get a fine. It is down to the discretion of the head


teacher as to whether you can go. Not any more. Indeed. James Hayter


more is apparently took his kids out of school to go to a memorial for


their great`grandfather. Anyone would sympathise with that. He got a


?120 fine. He has taken exception to this. He is bringing a court case to


say that this denies him the right to a family life. It seems drastic


to be ?120 fine. I disagree. What you are talking about, I was


speaking with a parent I know the other day on this issue, you are


talking about issues like funerals that people are being refused leave


to take their children on. What will happen is they will take their


children out and in some instances it is a fine and could lead to


prosecution and a criminal record. We are criminalising parents and


using the law where it should not be used. People lose respect for the


law as a whole. On the other hand, there has to be something done to


stop parents who don't bother to take their children to school.


Giving the head master discretion. The head teacher said to the parent,


you can possibly phone in and say they are sick. What do you mean? I


can't give you permission to go to the wedding. Put it this way, if you


say they are sick, I won't investigate. There are parents who


argue that they have children they can't take during busy holiday


periods, which is basically the school holidays, because they have


conditions and special needs and they cannot go too crowded areas.


There are parents who have special cases as well and that has been part


of the argument. The other side of the argument, the sheer cost of


taking your family on holiday because prices shoot up them. We are


talking about funerals and memorials in this case and I say, go to this


banker from a big company, JP Morgan, I say it is the principal,


not the ?120 fine. I doubt it has about that. There are huge lobby


groups about this involving thousands of parents. Moving onto


the Observer. Another NHS story. This time, the pressure is on David


Cameron, who has been warned the NHS is in danger of collapse within five


years, this is from the ex` Health Secretary, calling for more funding


and raising fears over few doctors as well. The NHS is on every party


leader's agenda. What do you make of this? There seems to be a major


problem coming. We know that though. At some point there has to


be a debate about what will be done. Where will this money come from's no


one has come up with that proposal. `` come from? You have something


about this. You will go for Health Secretary, will you? Never become a


politician, I am afraid. The biggest problem is that if you asked people,


and I have experimented with Twitter, and I hope people will join


in the # tonight, if you had to define the NHS, in one sentence,


less than 140 characters, how would you do that's `` hashtag. No one is


certain. The best we have had is that it is free at the point of


delivery. `` how would you do that? It is about who we help. It is there


to provide healthcare. It is supposed to universal healthcare.


That is what the NHS is. It needs a royal commission. You think it


should be a review? Let's not use that word. We have had a few. And


policy reviews. What do we expect from the NHS? Everyone expects it to


provide healthcare for everyone who needs it. Giving nurses more jobs to


do. See what I did their? Radical plan to save overstretched doctors


surgeries according to the Sunday express `` there? The idea that


nurses will take up some of the jobs done by GPs, blood pressure,


diabetes, so on. It is said to be a radical plan. Is it a radical? It


might be a good idea. We agree on that. I went to the GP with my Mrs


and Sheedy that. She had her blood is taken, it was done by the nurse.


I have just realised that they are doing that. Many thanks for taking


us through the papers. Thank you for watching. Stay with us on BBC News


at midnight. All of the drummer from the World Cup, including the host


Brazil making it to the quarter`finals. `` all of the


drummer. Next, it is World Cup Sportsday. `` all of the drama.


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