Episode 3 Film 2014

Episode 3

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Hello and welcome to Film 2014. We're live and if you want to get in


touch the details are on the screen now. Coming up on tonight's show:


Oscar favourite Matthew McConaughey stars in Dallas Buyers Club. Mr


Woodroof, you are nothing more than that common drug dealer.


Ralph Fiennes explores Dickens' secret life in The Invisible Woman.


Do you love him? He is married. That has not stopped him falling in love


with you. And the crime-fighting man machine


is back in a remake of Robocop. Dead or alive? You are coming with me.


Plus we talk to John Ridley, the BAFTA and Oscar nominated writer of


12 Years A Slave. Danny is here. And we're joined by


guest critic Peter Bradshaw. Before we begin, we must talk about


Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died this weekend. Danny and Peter, this


is just such a massive horrible loss, isn't it? It feels so raw. It


is so unexpected. We are not talking about an actor that reached a grand


old age and if we are honest, we had started thinking about in the past


tense. This is a man of 46. He had two new films and who knows what he


had lying ahead of him. So, as it stands, it's a devastating loss for


any film lover. You have been watching this glorious movie, which


was his career and mid-scene, the film was stopped and the lights have


come back on and now we feel disorientated. Peter, some of his


favourite work - if we were going to watch one of his films, what would


you suggest? So difficult to say. It's not so much a star vehicle for


himself, it is one of his greatest films, or possibly the film which I


clocked him in, which was Happiness. I was afraid of him. It wasn't a


scary movie. It wasn't supposed to be menacing. He always gave the


impression that there was some deep and incredible well of anger inside


him which he was converting into charm and passion. He was absolutely


unique. The incredible thing about Happiness, he was playing a


character wrecked by self-loathing. Within a year, he was starring in


Talented Mr Ripley. He was also - Twitter was heartbroken, if that is


not a strange thing to say - people felt the loss so deeply. Somebody


has said, "Whatever happens, I would never miss a film he was in." It is


true. He was a huge box office draw. He always gave the impression that


what he did, he wanted to do. There are so many films we see where the


actor is taking the pay cheque, maybe the director wanted to cast


him or didn't. Philip Seymour Hoffman always wanted to do the film


and it was reconfigured around him. I can't think of anybody who is like


him. Perhaps Paul Schofield was comparable. He was a one-off. It


seems like he played a lot of characters who were frail and


fragile and he tapped into this side of ourselves that we don't like to


acknowledge is there. If you look back at his career, he didn't play


weak, or strong, he wasn't good guys, or bad guys, he played


complex. OK. Thank you. First up, Dallas Buyers Club.


Matthew McConaughey stars as Ron Woodroof, who smuggled anti-viral


drugs into the US to save his own life and the lives of other AIDS


patients in the 1980s. # Come on... #


This is the story of Ron Woodroof. He is a heterosexual man and gets


HIV. I had inspirations - I knew that guy. I have passed him in my


life. Have you ever engaged in homosexual conduct? Homo? You said


homo? You have 30 days to live. He lived seven more years. How did he


do that? He smuggled ununauthorised drugs and vitamins from overseas and


he was a black-market drug dealer dealing his unapproved medicines to


other HIV patients and people in Dallas, Texas. You treating these


people? I ain't selling drugs. I'm selling memberships. Welcome to the


Dallas Buyers Club. This is a very special film about a group of people


that were fighting for their lives intent on making the impossible


possible, a group of dreamers that were betting on themselves. Do you


like this dress? I think the neckline is a bit plunging. The


whole purpose of this study is to determine if it is helping people.


There ain't no helping me. I do have a lot of respect. It is a brave


thing to do to choose to live your life to dream it not as others would


have you live it. Nice restaurant, beautiful woman. That's where I feel


like a human again. You look great. Mr Woodroof, you are nothing more


than a common drug dealer. People are dying. We had half the money we


thought we needed ten days before shooting. We had 4.9. We thought we


needed 40 days, we got 25. And the director and I said, "I'll be there


if you will." And we did. I hadn't made a film in over six years. I


never expected to get this kind of response and I feel really lucky.


The story has been around 20 years. Couldn't get it made. We got it made


for 4.9 million and we were around for six Oscars. It is an


extraordinary film. I have pages of people saying whatever you do, go


and see this film for the performances. Danny? At first, all


anyone is going to see is this pipe cleaner figure that Matthew


McConaughey has transformed himself into. When an actor piles on the


weight or starves it off himself, you don't see the character, you see


the scales. That is not true here. This is a phenomenal performance


playing a fascinating character. Ron Woodroof is this walking


contradiction, a dying man who still had the life force and the vitality.


I think the film is pretty conventional. I think there were


moments when it felt like the producer had been lining up which


cleaning product they had to clean their Oscars with. This film demands


to be seen. Its heart is in the right place. It's got this electric,


unpredictable performance. From the first scene. I don't want to give -


the first scene you go, "What am I watching?" It's a barnstormer. He's


not acting, he's got this almost relaxed turn as an actor. He reminds


of a young Jeff Bridges. Yes. He is selling it to you without hammering


it. He is terrific. It's 120 degree-proof. It meshes well with


his character. Brad Pitt was going to be playing this role at one


stage. It works so well with Matthew McConaughey. On-screen, we know that


he's this free-wheeling Texas dude. Yes. Off-screen, this man was once


in trouble with the police for playing bongos naked in his house.


We've all done that! Haven't we? I think a lot of people who have seen


The Wolf of Wall Street will clock why he is so emaciated in those


early scenes. In a funny way, although they are very different


films, there is a weird overlap. They are American stories about


businessmen... It's very conservative. He is an


entrepreneurial self-help man who is into capitalism. The clue is in the


second word of the title. I suspect some veterans of the act-up campaign


won't be that chuffed of this straight man riding to the rescues


of gays. It is in favour of abstinence. The debate that was


current in the '80s of HIV people having sex with condoms, that is


absent from this movie. He believes in abstinence, except with one woman


who has full-blown AIDS. Absolutely. It's a very conservative movie. It's


socked over with such power! Can we mention Jared Leto? He hadn't been


in a film for six years. I thought his eregrine falcon for mans was


great? -- his performance was great? The only thing about let let's


performance is - lots of us will have seen this character before. I


think particularly if people remember Kiss of the Spider Woman,


it rings quite a lot of bells. Yes. This character is familiar in a way


that Ron Woodroof isn't. Yes. And the energy that Matthew McConaughey


brings to this film. Next, the 2014 reboot of RoboCop.


When a police officer is critically injured, a sinister corporation


seizes the opportunity to create a half-man half-machine crime fighter.


Give your mom a kiss. Night, baby. Too slow, boy! We are going to put a


man inside a machine. He suffered fourth degree burns over 80% of his


body. If he survives, he will be paralysed from the waist down and


confined to a wheelchair. You say you could save him, what does that


mean? What kind of life will he have? What kind of suit is this?


It's not a suit. It's you. It is a man being joined with a machine.


That is the basis of the concept. Let's go with black. It brings out


the question - what is the melting of machines and humans going to be


like in the future? This is the future of American justice. How many


like Thomas Kane will pay for their crimes now, now that RoboCop is


here? It is close to original. We have not tried to mess with what


works. It will make him think he is in control, but he is not. It is the


illusion of free will. With regards to technology and CGI and what can


be achieved and regards to action scenes and the worlds you can


create, we are living in such a different age. We didn't shy away


from great visuals. We didn't shy away from state of art visual


effects, shots of graphic design. We focussed a lot more on Murphy as


a family man and how him post the RoboCop re-work, the pressure that


it puts on the family dynamic. You need to speak to your son. This is


really a thinking man's action movie. Somehow, he's overwriting the


system's priorities. The human element will always be present.


Compassion, fear, instit. They will always interfere with the system. --


instinct. They will always interfere with the system. Dead or alive,


you're coming with me. I can't come with you because I'm asleep! I have


fallen asleep. "I can live with toned-down violence, but if the


satire is absent, it will get nothing but disdain from me." I


haven't seen a re-boot that has so failed to get the point of the


original film. The original film was a black cometic gem. The idea of a


RoboCop clanking around with thrilling efficiency, that is not


just scary and exciting, it is funny. That was the point. If it is


not funny, it is not anything at all. This fails to get it.


Absolutely fails to get it. It turns it into Call of Duty. It's a shoot


them up first person video game with zero kind of human interest and zero


fun. I remember the original as being very funny. I don't know


whether that is my warped memory. It was incredibly funny. It was a great


movie. This is a 12A so they have taken all the lunatic cartoon


violence out. That is a great shame. The original had more than lunatic


cartoon violence. It was a trashy reputable B-movie. There is none of


that brilliance here. You get the odd glimmer. It is mostly down to


Gary Oldman playing this mad scientist. Yes. Setting up these


feeding tubes that look like they are filled with liquidised cake.


Weirdly, the film, more than anything, feels polite and earnest


and almost apologetic for itself. There is a dig at one point at the


Transformers movies as if to say, we are not that kind of film. You are


the remake of RoboCop. The rubbish at the beginning, it front-loads it


with this elaborate satire, the idea that the RoboCops are being deployed


on the streets of a subdued Tehran and they are called drones and the


film is so pleased with itself. This is it, this is satire. And it loses


interest in all of that. Absolutely loses interest and the point is to


get on with the boring action. And the action... The action is dull.


The only pretext for remaking the movie was so you had these snazzy


effects and they are OK, they are pretty fine for what they are. I


felt like they were too eager to get rid of that stuff and the satire


klaxon goes off. Absolutely. Marketing departments are full of


terrible people... The TV presenter played by Samuel L Jackson. What a


tired cliche. It is a strange RoboCop. It's a RoboCop that wants


to be the wire, it wants to convince you it has seen The Wire. You think


that is such a fantastic opportunity. All the subversion has


gone. They don't like it. I don't know whether that came across(!)


12 Years A Slave has been nominated for ten BAFTAS and nine Oscars. We


went to meet writer, John Ridley. Exterior... I don't want to survive,


I want to live. If you let yourself overcome with sorrow, you wi drown


in it. He sits and the mistress has tea poured for him. You want to


express yourself, that's what you want to do and I had this


opportunity, probably the biggest opportunity in my life that was


presented to me and, as I started going, I realised it is not about


me. You are done. Do Solomon, what did he do? What did he say? What


happened? Do that. That is all you have to worry about. I was born a


free man. I lived with my family in New York. Be good for your mother.


Till the day I was conceived. Sold into slavery. To understand the


power of what is going on, you have to care about these people. When you


care about people, you care about tharks and you feel their pain and


you don't need to dial that up. Days ago I was with my family. And my


home. Now you tell me all is lost. Tell no-one who I am, that's the way


to survive. I don't want to survive. I want to live. 12 Years A Slave,


two hours and 15 minutes, it's - things fall by the wayside. I wanted


to avoid the idea of wouldn't it be nice if the things that happened in


the film happened in the memoir... You are no free-man. You are a


Georgian runaway. There are moments of personal colour. That was


probably the first lesson I learnt. It is not about what I want. It's


not about making him into a traditional action hero. One of the


things I appreciate about the production team, they were not


interested in a conventional film. # Went down to the River... #


Servant, don't obey his Lord. Shall be beaten with many strikes. That's


scripture. The condition of your labourers, it's all wrong. It's my


property. You say that with pride? I say that with fact. I said come


here! Writers are not always treated the best and it maybe dies where you


don't feel as though you are treated very well. Even at its worst,


millions of people are going to be familiar with your work. On top of


that, I tried to be realistic. To be treated like garbage in Hollywood,


what does that mean? You get a town car instead of the limo. What does


that mean? You get flat water instead of sparkling water. Look,


all writers work hard. Everybody works hard. And within film, it is


such a team effort. The script can be phenomenal. Without other people,


it's 122-page paper weight. I have to say on this production, they


treated me like a partner. That's all you can ask for. I've seen the


film many times over and there are moments where you go, "That scene is


touching and tender and beautiful." And, "That one is really powerful."


One scene I would pick out that was not in the script when he is making


the corn husk dolls and that is something she came up with and that


was beautiful. You hope you deliver something that people can build off


of. This is nice. It's always been days since they announced the


Oscars. The one moment in your life that is supposed to be about you,


you realise it isn't about you. Even now, it's not. It is about Solomon.


I will survive. I will not fall into despair. I will keep myself hardy...


. Finally, Ralph Fiennes directs and


stars in The Invisible Woman. Every human creature is a profound secret


and mystery to every other. This is a completely true story. She was a


young actress Dickens met when he was putting on a play and he fell in


love. It affected the rest of his life and led to the disintegration


of his marriage. You are an admirer of my husband's work? Of course. It


is a fiction designed to entertain. Surely it is more than that. It


changes us. My writing is ferocious. I fight not to be distracted. Nelly


met Dickens when she was 18 and they were together for 13 years. So a lot


of the film is about this woman looking back and understanding this


incredible love affair that she had with Dickens. Do you love him? He is


married. That has not stopped him falling in love with you. He's an


honourable man, but he cannot marry me. No, he cannot. The position of


actresses at that time, the status was not so great. Unless they were


very successful, they were badly regarded. Nelly didn't really have


much of a future as an actress and that what do you do? How do you


survive? You have to find a husband. Action! As an actor, the main thing


for all of us in the cast was to play each part with integrity and


commit fully to those characters and playing real people does feel like


such a responsibility and so it was always trying to find the truth of


who they were and their interactions with each other. Do you like this


life? Life is nothing without good company. Dickens was very protective


of his reputation and of his private life. He wanted the world to believe


one thing. The thing which he did which nowadays you would not be


advised to do if you are under pressure with a private figure, but


certainly today the tabloids would have a field day with this. What is


it that we are? When your wife asked me if I was fond of you? I could not


honestly reply. I wanted to say no! An extraordinary scene. I thought a


beautiful film. I think you have to accept going in the film thinks the


most noteworthy part of Charles Dickens' long life is becoming the


married lover of Nel Turner. It has a fine touch. It's bold as well. It


sets itself this interesting problem which is how do you make a film


about a hugely successful man and a shy insular teenage girl without her


becoming overshadowed and becoming the invisible woman in her own


movie? It cracks that by letting her get harder and wiser over the course


of the film. Felicity Jones is great here. Absolutely. Peter? I liked it


very much. I thought it was a very passionate film. I thought it was


interesting because Charles Dickens is such a cliched figure and this


reinvents him as this extraordinary extrovert and assertive hero. It


brings in his career as a theatrical actor-manager and it is very clever


in the way it suggests the title does not simply refer to his secret


mistress, but to the other invisible women in his life, and Kristin Scott


Thomas as Nelly's mother. It is interesting to consider in The


English Patient, she was Ralph Fiennes's lover and now she's his


lover's mum. That is something to think about. I thought it was so


beautifully shot. There are some scenes that you want to photograph.


Some of them look like paintings. We also, I remember, I loved... It is a


different movie. Of course. It says interesting things about Victorian


"celebrity culture." Yes. Then you find from there, from the point of


Nel, how corrosive that can be when you end up as the plaything of a man


that powerful. I kept thinking the script didn't seem to like Dickens


very much. That was a bit of a problem for me. I think it is


incredibly well made. Behind the camera, Ralph Fiennes has a real


confidence. I like the fact that it didn't look like a BBC Sunday tea


time Dickens. It didn't - it looked like the real thing. It has a


documentary realism about what his personal and professional life was.


Part of that was down to the Production Design. That's right.


With this period, you worry about feeling like you are on a


sightseeing bus with a tour guide. You don't feel like that with this


film. Peter is right. There is an authenticity to it. You do feel


there is something genuinely Dickensian. Ralph Fiennes has gone


from strength to strength as a director. Yes. He really is proving


himself. Then, a very difficult question. What is your Film of the


Week? I will let Peter tell you. It is Dallas Buyers Club for sheer


engine power. You have to see Dallas Buyers Club with Matthew


McConaughey. I did like The Invisible Woman more than I was


expecting to. Possibly not RoboCop. I know. We were harsh! Thank you


very much. And The Invisible Woman will be in


selected cinemas on Friday and on general release from 21st February.


That's all from us. We'll be back next Tuesday at 11.05pm when we


review The Monuments Men and Cuban Fury.


We're going to play out tonight with Philip Seymour Hoffman in his


Oscar-winning role as Truman Capote. Good night.


I thought you had missed it. I thought I was heading to Kansas by


myself. I'm glad you agreed to come. You are the only one I know with a


qualification... Thank you. I'm nervous. Yes? Mr Truman Capote,


where would you like these, Sir? You can put that right there between the


doors. What did you bring? Just a few things. Thank you greatly, Sir.


You are welcome. It is an honour to have you with us, Sir. I hope you


won't mind me saying - I thought your last book was better than the


first. Thank you. Just when you think they have gotten as good as


they can get. Thank you very much. You're pathetic! What? You paid him


to say that. You paid him to say that. How did you know? Just when


you think they've got as good as they can get... I thought that was a


good line. Did you think that was too much? A little bit. LAUGHTER


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